

Full Time Host, Part time everything else

Appears in 142 Episodes

75. Battle Royale: Heroes of the Universe, Earth Edition

A short detour from our usual subjects. Same insanity-laden conversation.

74. Wrong Takes: "Super Mario" Edition

Ah, finally a thoroughly wholesome subject that nobody, not even *we*, could possibly find a way to turn into filth...

73. "The Gray Man" Got Really Wrong Really Fast

A movie that answers the age-old question, "what if the Hindenburg disaster were a feature-length film?".

72. You're Wrong About All of the Movies... Of 2004

You're also wrong about TV series, games and books of 2004, but let's tackle one thing at a time, shall we?

71. What If Warner Bros. Wasn't Always So Wrong About DC Movies?

Imagine, if you will, a world in which Warner Bros. didn't *completely* suck at the job of making DC movies. I know, I know — this is the most unlikely scenario we've ...

70. Battle Royale: Spies & Secret Agents

One day we will understand why all of these turn out as racy as they do. But today is not that day.

69. Wrong Takes: "Marvel Cinematic Universe" Edition

Nice. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

68. Hate-Watch the Series Finale of "Star Trek: Enterprise" With Us!

We watched it together (and in person!), so now you get to watch it, too! You're welcome.

M.U.R.I.C.A. | We Hold Your Wrongness About "National Treasure" To Be Self-Evident

Happy birthday, 'Murica! Our most sincere wishes... that you find a way to crawl out of this dumpster fire you've jumped into.

M.U.R.I.C.A. | You're Unbearably Wrong About "The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent"

I was going to go for a wittier title, but holy crap, this movie has a long-ass name. :|

M.U.R.I.C.A. | Too Many People Are Wrong About "Gone in 60 Seconds"

Including you. Also, this movie has too many people in it, period.

M.U.R.I.C.A. | You're So/Right About "Face/Off"

As usual, of course! Gosh, how *do* you do it? <3

M.U.R.I.C.A. | You Can't Live In Fear of Being Wrong About "Ghost Rider"

Because you're *definitely* wrong. So there's nothing to fear, really.

67. Wrong Takes: "Harry Potter" Edition

We have takes, and they're hot. They're also wrong. So very, very wrong. Still not as wrong as you, though.

66. You're Wrong About Stuff Coming Out This Summer

We're excited! You're wrong if you aren't. Or if you are excited about things we're not excited about.

65. Battle Royale: One-Person Armies

I say "one-person" because the *opportunity* was there for picks of any gender... :|

64. The Monthly Roundup: April 2022

Your #1 source of coked-up news!

63. Matt Reeves Wasn't Entirely Wrong About "The Batman"

And Robert Pattinson was only, like, half wrong. You, however, were *completely* wrong. Not that anyone's surprised.

62. Battle Royale: Powerful Wizards

Nope, nobody picked Gandalf. Or Dumbledore. Or Merlin. Why? Well, we can't just leave all of the wronging to you, now can we?

61. Pick a Trailer, Rant a While: The Prodigal Son Returns

And he returned *weird*. Yeah, I know, that IS saying something.

60. The Monthly Roundup: March 2022

A special "thank you" to both Chris Rock and Will Smith for so effectively embodying the name of our podcast.

G.U.I.N.N.E.S.S. | Nostalgia Can't Save You From Being Wrong About "Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace"

If anything, it's making you *wronger*. And you being you, that's saying something.

G.U.I.N.N.E.S.S. | You Have 99 Minutes To Be Wrong About "Darkman"

Whereas we only had about 95. Uh, to be *right* about it, of course.

G.U.I.N.N.E.S.S. | You're Likely Not Wrong About "Cold Pursuit"

But only because you didn't even know it existed. It's a movie, by the way.

59. The Monthly Roundup: February 2022

Words are hard, man.

58. You've Been Wrong About Marvel's "Eternals" Since the Dawn of Time

The crowning jewel of Spencer's Skidmark Trilogy!

57. Battle Royale: Badass Couples

You know, I think we might be taking the "battle" part of "battle royale" a bit *too* literally in these...

56. The Monthly Roundup: January 2022

We would like to inform you that this podcast remains an independent venture (call us, NPR!).

55. You're Wrong About What You Think Will Happen in 2022

We gave you a run for your money in terms of wrongness this time, though...

54. Whoever Thought "The Matrix" Needed A Resurrection Was Wrong

And if you thought this was a good movie, so were you.

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