14. You're Playing the Wrong Tabletop RPG

Alternative title: "You're the wrong kind of nerd, you nerd".
Join us this week, as we fervently debate which tabletop RPG is better! Matt champions the obvious winner – Dungeons & Dragons – and wonders if it even counts as a debate if the one side wins by a landslide before the conversation has even begun; Luciano gets stuck with representing the weird goth kid's go-to RPG – Vampire: the Masquerade – and instead of presenting arguments, chooses instead to brood quietly like the edgelord he (not so) secretly is (or wishes he were).

What will be the outcome of this epic clash? Will Matt come out of it enlightened in any way about how wrong he is about the whole thing? Or will he be proven to be the ignoramus Luciano already knows he is?

Basic Implosion by Kevin MacLeod 
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3420-basic-implosion 
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Creators and Guests

Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
14. You're Playing the Wrong Tabletop RPG
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