103. Operation Fortune: WRONG de Guerre
Why filmmakers feel the need to give such obtuse, presumptuous names to their silly action movies, I'll never understand.
This week's episode is a cautionary tale about the dangers of expectations. Chris, Luciano, Matt and Spencer decided to watch and discuss Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre, the 2022 Jason Statham vehicle — and for the first time in a long while, their individual reactions to the movie were quite the mixed bag. Not since their deep dive into the DCEU movies have they had such differing opinions.
Why, you ask? Well, in this lowly description writer's opinion, it was because they all had very different mindsets going into it. Did you notice how I called it "the Jason Statham vehicle", rather than "a Guy Ritchie film"? Welp, let's just say that each of our hosts had very different levels of awareness of that being the case...
I'll let you guess where each of them sat in that awareness spectrum. Don't worry, it will be overwhelmingly clear right from the get-go. 😉
This week's episode is a cautionary tale about the dangers of expectations. Chris, Luciano, Matt and Spencer decided to watch and discuss Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre, the 2022 Jason Statham vehicle — and for the first time in a long while, their individual reactions to the movie were quite the mixed bag. Not since their deep dive into the DCEU movies have they had such differing opinions.
Why, you ask? Well, in this lowly description writer's opinion, it was because they all had very different mindsets going into it. Did you notice how I called it "the Jason Statham vehicle", rather than "a Guy Ritchie film"? Welp, let's just say that each of our hosts had very different levels of awareness of that being the case...
I'll let you guess where each of them sat in that awareness spectrum. Don't worry, it will be overwhelmingly clear right from the get-go. 😉