104. Not Even You Could Be Wrong About "The Empire Strikes Back"
[Give yourself a hand]: Hello and welcome to
your wrong. Uh, welcome
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: back. We have been away
for a while because, uh, we like
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: adulting.
[Give yourself a hand]: to punish you for listening
to our podcast, so this was your fault.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Correct.
[Boba Fett sucks]: how dare you.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Shame.
[Give yourself a hand]: Right. With me as always
is Lucien.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Mmm, yes!
[Give yourself a hand]: Gross. We also have
the Pimp's new groove strikes back, AKA Chris
[Give yourself a hand]: from Parts Unknown.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: in Toronto
the motherfuckers coming back
[Give yourself a hand]: Get him!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: with a
vengeance so
[Give yourself a hand]: Get him.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: take that
[Give yourself a hand]: Find him.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: place I
was before and now
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I'm
[Boba Fett sucks]: You're
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: back
[Boba Fett sucks]: in a broom closet. That's
what I can see from here. Ha ha
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Listen,
just because this story
[Boba Fett sucks]: ha.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: mirrors
Harry Potter and Harry Potter mirrors the original
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: trilogy
is neither here nor there.
[Give yourself a hand]: Well, spoilers, I haven't
said what we're talking about yet. Spencer,
[Give yourself a hand]: you as our favorite
guest have been invited along for the show.
[Give yourself a hand]: Welcome.
[Jabba the Slut]: I'm just so happy to be here.
I was waiting for you guys to make a big triumphant
[Jabba the Slut]: return and it's just so exciting.
[Give yourself a hand]: Spencer's
[Jabba the Slut]: Thanks.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: been stuck in this
[Boba Fett sucks]: I,
[Give yourself a hand]: liminal
[Boba Fett sucks]: I just,
[Give yourself a hand]: space where we record
our podcast for the entire
[Boba Fett sucks]: yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: time. He hasn't left.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: crotch
[Jabba the Slut]: I...
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: shots galore.
[Jabba the Slut]: Is there a world outside of
this basement? I'll
[Give yourself a hand]: Well,
[Jabba the Slut]: never know.
[Give yourself a hand]: I'm—Wolfie left you
but no, other than that, there's not.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Once
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: there was
[Boba Fett sucks]: I-
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: a way to
get back
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah, well, it's good to see
humans again.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: It's
[Boba Fett sucks]: Where?
[Give yourself a hand]: good to have you.
[Jabba the Slut]: Thank you.
[Give yourself a hand]: And to celebrate the
fact you're here, this is going to be the last
[Give yourself a hand]: podcast we record as
the You're
[Jabba the Slut]: Oh.
[Give yourself a hand]: Wrong
[Boba Fett sucks]: Whaaaaat?
[Give yourself a hand]: podcast. Boom.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Are
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: But
[Boba Fett sucks]: we
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: not
[Boba Fett sucks]: gonna
[Give yourself a hand]: Ah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: in
[Boba Fett sucks]: leave
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the way
[Boba Fett sucks]: him?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: think.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Are we gonna leave Spencer
in the subliminal space after
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: we're
[Give yourself a hand]: He's
[Boba Fett sucks]: done with
[Give yourself a hand]: not
[Boba Fett sucks]: the podcast?
[Give yourself a hand]: coming with us. He's
[Boba Fett sucks]: Okay, I see.
[Give yourself a hand]: yeah. He's staying here.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Dang.
[Give yourself a hand]: we're replacing
[Boba Fett sucks]: Somebody
[Give yourself a hand]: him.
[Boba Fett sucks]: has to mind
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: the place.
[Jabba the Slut]: Mind the
[Give yourself a hand]: If
[Jabba the Slut]: shit.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: The
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Titanic's
[Give yourself a hand]: you
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the Titanic
[Give yourself a hand]: have to, yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: protocol.
[Give yourself a hand]: Um, uh, I'm going to
promote you to a host at the end of this podcast.
[Give yourself a hand]: You can go down with
this ship.
[Jabba the Slut]: but matt, if this
[Give yourself a hand]: Uh,
[Jabba the Slut]: show
[Give yourself a hand]: Spencer.
[Jabba the Slut]: ends,
[Give yourself a hand]: Yes.
[Jabba the Slut]: where
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: will i go to get my hilarious
movie funness?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: HUH
[Give yourself a hand]: That is what they call
in the biz an excellent segue. But because
[Give yourself a hand]: I didn't do it, I don't
want to acknowledge it. We
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: NERF!
[Give yourself a hand]: are going to talk about
the Empire Strikes Back. Just kidding. I will
[Give yourself a hand]: acknowledge it. We are
talking about the Empire Strikes Back, but
[Give yourself a hand]: Spencer raises a good
point. We
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: are, if you've listened
to this podcast over the last few months, you've
[Give yourself a hand]: noticed that we kind
of stuck on movies and tinkering with the format
[Give yourself a hand]: of movies.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: And what we found is
we just like talk about movies. Of course you're
[Give yourself a hand]: going to ask, do we
need another podcast about movies? And I mean,
[Give yourself a hand]: yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: Yes.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: No one
asked you.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yes. Yes,
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah...
[Boba Fett sucks]: you do. You do.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: Fuck you!
[Give yourself a hand]: You
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: we
[Give yourself a hand]: probably
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: don't...
[Give yourself a hand]: don't. But you could.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Look,
[Jabba the Slut]: Get
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: you know,
[Jabba the Slut]: off
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: and
[Jabba the Slut]: my
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: we
[Jabba the Slut]: back,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: don't...
[Jabba the Slut]: Dad!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Correct
furthermore, like no one writes us in the emails,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: therefore
no news is good news. We do whatever the app
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: we would
like to do. Hey.
[Give yourself a hand]: That's what the kids
call the class half full.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mmm.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: I don't like it, but
we're going to go with it. So we
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: are moving to a new
podcast. You can find
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm.
[Give yourself a hand]: it as a listen to this
podcast. It is going to be called Popcorn and
[Give yourself a hand]: Plot Holes. It has a
much nicer logo than the current one we have.
[Give yourself a hand]: It's got different pictures
on it. It's blue. You'll find it. You know,
[Give yourself a hand]: it won't be confusing.
But you should subscribe to that because we
[Give yourself a hand]: will be starting into
that soon.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: soon.
[Give yourself a hand]: And I think we talked
about, soon TM, we're going to do Morbius as
[Give yourself a hand]: our first episode
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: No...
[Give yourself a hand]: for that podcast.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Finally!
[Boba Fett sucks]: if
[Jabba the Slut]: Don't want to miss
[Boba Fett sucks]: we're
[Jabba the Slut]: that.
[Boba Fett sucks]: gonna start something new,
we're gonna start way down at the bottom.
[Give yourself a hand]: in
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: Work
[Give yourself a hand]: the
[Jabba the Slut]: our
[Give yourself a hand]: trenches.
[Jabba the Slut]: way up.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: finally
it's morbid time
[Give yourself a hand]: Mm-hmm.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: DUN
[Give yourself a hand]: I know everyone's really
excited for that. So without further ado, we're
[Give yourself a hand]: gonna dive into the
last movie we're doing here and we're going
[Give yourself a hand]: to go back to the thing
we all love to hate. Well, Luciano and I, it's
[Give yourself a hand]: Star Wars. And as I
mentioned before, we're talking about The Empire
[Give yourself a hand]: Strikes Back. Possibly
the best Star Wars movie. There
[Jabba the Slut]: Definitely.
[Give yourself a hand]: are some movies that
could compete and there are a lot of movies
[Give yourself a hand]: that are not competing
because they are horrible. But we're
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: talking about The Empire
Strikes Back. And what I'd love to do here
[Give yourself a hand]: is, let's get a ranking
for everybody. But our old ranking system was
[Give yourself a hand]: confusing and I hate
it. I just
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Which
[Give yourself a hand]: want you to
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: one?
[Give yourself a hand]: tier
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: We've had
[Give yourself a hand]: this.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: so many.
[Give yourself a hand]: This is the problem.
I just want you to tier this, okay? Give me
[Give yourself a hand]: this movie. Is it an
S tier? Is it A,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: B, C? I guess we'll
go to D. I mean, put whatever level you want.
[Give yourself a hand]: Just know that S is
[Jabba the Slut]: What's
[Give yourself a hand]: one.
[Jabba the Slut]: the Jurassic World tier?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Ehhhhhhhhh
[Give yourself a hand]: Z tier, I think, is
[Jabba the Slut]: There,
[Give yourself a hand]: putting that
[Jabba the Slut]: yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: one. We have lots of
nuance here. But if you could hear it that
[Give yourself a hand]: way, because I think
everyone's familiar with that system. It's
[Give yourself a hand]: all over the internet.
It's all over the Twitters. Yeah, so let's
[Give yourself a hand]: go with Luciano. He's
going to have a very normal...
[Jabba the Slut]: very
[Boba Fett sucks]: I actually
[Jabba the Slut]: normal
[Boba Fett sucks]: am
[Jabba the Slut]: humanoid
[Boba Fett sucks]: So
[Jabba the Slut]: take.
[Boba Fett sucks]: I'm the only thing that makes
me sad is that the one movie That I would genuinely
[Boba Fett sucks]: give a legendary to now we
can't because it's a different ranking system
[Boba Fett sucks]: so to me this is s plus this
is one of the best movies ever made in the
[Boba Fett sucks]: entire history of moviemaking
It obviously a lot of this is like fond memories
[Boba Fett sucks]: and nostalgia. I don't give
a shit. I love this movie. I would watch it
[Boba Fett sucks]: every time it came on. I
think I must have watched this movie, I don't
[Boba Fett sucks]: know, 50 times, something
like that.
[Jabba the Slut]: Those are rookie numbers.
You gotta pump those
[Give yourself a hand]: 50?
[Jabba the Slut]: numbers up.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Um,
[Give yourself a hand]: For how
[Boba Fett sucks]: yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: old you are? God.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Well, I stopped watching
when the new one came, the ones came in. Cause
[Boba Fett sucks]: I was like, oh, new movies.
And then I was sad for
[Jabba the Slut]: If you
[Boba Fett sucks]: Star
[Jabba the Slut]: watched
[Boba Fett sucks]: Wars.
[Jabba the Slut]: it once a year, that's 60
[Boba Fett sucks]: 61, the
[Jabba the Slut]: Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe
[Boba Fett sucks]: 61 last June.
[Give yourself a hand]: gross.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah. Anyway, it's I just
love this movie. It's it has a little bit of
[Boba Fett sucks]: everything. It's the best
screenplay of the original trilogy for me out
[Boba Fett sucks]: of the three. It ends on
such a like a downer note which I found very
[Boba Fett sucks]: it's not very common for
a movie to end even when you know there's gonna
[Boba Fett sucks]: be another one. It's not
very usual for a movie to end with like, oh
[Boba Fett sucks]: fuck, that's a bummer. And
I'm all about bummers. So,
[Jabba the Slut]: like this podcast.
[Boba Fett sucks]: yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: Wow
[Boba Fett sucks]: exactly.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: yikes
[Boba Fett sucks]: And
[Give yourself a hand]: this is
[Boba Fett sucks]: this
[Give yourself a hand]: hurtful
[Boba Fett sucks]: movie also has probably the
most one-liners that we all know from Star
[Boba Fett sucks]: Wars of all the movies. And
[Jabba the Slut]: Like
[Boba Fett sucks]: yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: it's morbid time.
[Boba Fett sucks]: yes.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mmm.
[Boba Fett sucks]: This is the first line of
the movie, I believe.
[Jabba the Slut]: every line of the whole movie.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah, I love this movie.
It's S-tier easily one of my favorite movies
[Boba Fett sucks]: of all time.
[Give yourself a hand]: All right, I'm going
to move on from you because
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: you're
[Jabba the Slut]: get
[Give yourself a hand]: old and
[Jabba the Slut]: over
[Give yourself a hand]: you're starting
[Jabba the Slut]: it!
[Give yourself a hand]: to repeat yourself
[Jabba the Slut]: Fucking...
[Boba Fett sucks]: I
[Give yourself a hand]: like
[Boba Fett sucks]: stopped,
[Give yourself a hand]: old people
[Boba Fett sucks]: I stopped,
[Give yourself a hand]: do.
[Jabba the Slut]: Just
[Boba Fett sucks]: I
[Jabba the Slut]: marry
[Boba Fett sucks]: stopped.
[Jabba the Slut]: it already!
[Give yourself a hand]: Just.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh, by the way, no, I'm kidding.
[Give yourself a hand]: Oh my God. Spencer.
[Jabba the Slut]: Yes.
[Give yourself a hand]: What? You're young.
You don't know. You don't love Star
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: things
[Give yourself a hand]: Wars like
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: about
[Give yourself a hand]: the old people
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Star
[Give yourself a hand]: do
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Wars.
[Give yourself a hand]: because you watched
it when you were a child. So tell us what you
[Give yourself a hand]: think.
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah, this movie needs more
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Jabba the Slut]: Where
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Flawstance.
[Jabba the Slut]: are the meetings? Where are
the gifts? No, I'm also old. And I also give
[Jabba the Slut]: this movie S tier, obviously,
I think it is fitting that we were fitting
[Jabba the Slut]: finishing our final episode
before moving on to our new show format with
[Jabba the Slut]: one of the greatest movies
of all time. Yeah, S tier legendary, whatever.
[Jabba the Slut]: Everybody knows this is movies.
Amazing. It is near faultless
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: till George Lucas got his
grubby little hands in there. But that aside,
[Jabba the Slut]: yeah, perfect movie for the
most part. But we'll talk about the misses
[Jabba the Slut]: as we go through the episode.
[Give yourself a hand]: The plot holes, let's
practice here. We're going
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: to a new podcast.
[Jabba the Slut]: we'll go through the popcorn
as we get
[Give yourself a hand]: What?
[Jabba the Slut]: no, we'll get through the
plot. Popcorn, the plot corn.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Plopcorn.
[Give yourself a hand]: Thanks, nice job. Moving
on, Chris, you're the resident person who picks
[Give yourself a hand]: weird ratings for movies,
as I have to find at this point right now.
[Give yourself a hand]: So, what do you got
for us?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hmm. Yeah.
Love the original trilogies. This movie, um,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: new hope
and, and like they all kind of bleed together
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: for me
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: for some
reason. And so it's like, I will rate it, rank
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it separately,
but it's difficult because I look at them as
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: one, one
story and it's, it's great as a cohesive up,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: up and
down and so on. So, um,
[Jabba the Slut]: This is the one
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I'll
[Jabba the Slut]: without
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: just give
it an
[Jabba the Slut]: Jar
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: S.
[Jabba the Slut]: Binks, just to help you.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah, I
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: know. I'm
not... let's not.
[Jabba the Slut]: And
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Jar is
[Jabba the Slut]: that's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: in the...
[Jabba the Slut]: a detriment. That is one of
my complaints.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Jar is
in the George Lucas, Joe Rogan cut.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh my god.
[Give yourself a hand]: Wow.
[Boba Fett sucks]: What the
[Jabba the Slut]: Joe
[Boba Fett sucks]: fuck?
[Jabba the Slut]: Rogan cut.
[Give yourself a hand]: This is why
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: No.
[Give yourself a hand]: you have to stop the
podcast after that reference.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Me's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: a wanna leave!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: So I'll
give it an S. It's the first of its kind in
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: this genre
that yeah, so many other movies, I mean, like
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: when you
think about Avengers, Infinity War ends on
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: that, that
low note and isn't afraid to do so. Like it's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: just gut
punch after gut punch. And so really appreciate
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it. And
you don't really see it until it's all laid
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: out. So
yeah, like powerful entry into nerddom, powerho
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: entry into
storytelling and yeah, it's unfortunate. It's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: unfortunate.
And that's good.
[Give yourself a hand]: Sorry, what's unfortunate?
[Jabba the Slut]: I was gonna say, I'm like,
what's up with
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: The
[Jabba the Slut]: this
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: beauty
[Jabba the Slut]: movie is
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: of
[Jabba the Slut]: good.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the arc
the beauty of the arc is unfortunate Like it
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: you're
sent reeling and you're like, oh no, what the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: fuck cliffhanger?
What the fuck do we do now someone and you
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: can't stop
talking about it. So s I just give it an s
[Give yourself a hand]: Okay, I didn't realize
that I would have to bring the excitement and
[Give yourself a hand]: levity to this podcast,
[Jabba the Slut]: Yo,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Don't
[Give yourself a hand]: uh...
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: tell me
what to do, Dad!
[Jabba the Slut]: let's party.
[Give yourself a hand]: That's rage. That's
[Jabba the Slut]: I'd like
[Give yourself a hand]: fucking
[Jabba the Slut]: to add,
[Give yourself a hand]: rage.
[Jabba the Slut]: I don't think,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Jet Sticks!
[Jabba the Slut]: I think Star Wars has been
living off the hype of this movie
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Spit it
out, Andrew
[Jabba the Slut]: for the entire
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Tate!
[Jabba the Slut]: franchise.
[Give yourself a hand]: Cool.
[Boba Fett sucks]: True, true.
[Give yourself a hand]: Um,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: that was great, uh,
commentary sponsor. However, I'm going to go
[Give yourself a hand]: ahead and give my ranking
[Jabba the Slut]: I'm
[Give yourself a hand]: if you
[Jabba the Slut]: against
[Give yourself a hand]: don't mind.
[Jabba the Slut]: that.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah. Who wouldn't be?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: All in
[Boba Fett sucks]: I'm gonna say aye. Nay.
[Give yourself a hand]: S. It's an STR movie.
It is one of the first movies that use the
[Give yourself a hand]: dark low of the surprise,
the twist that you never saw coming and did
[Give yourself a hand]: it well. And didn't
spend too much time on setting up the twist.
[Give yourself a hand]: I'm looking at you.
Spider-Verse movie that Spencer and I watched
[Give yourself a hand]: last
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: No swear,
[Give yourself a hand]: night.
[Jabba the Slut]: Hmm?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: but yes.
[Give yourself a hand]: No
[Boba Fett sucks]: No
[Give yourself a hand]: spoilers.
[Boba Fett sucks]: spoilers.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Thank you.
[Give yourself a hand]: And it's great. I love
the movie. It's a lot of fun. And I'm not gonna
[Give yourself a hand]: waste any more time
beating around the bush because we're gonna
[Give yourself a hand]: get through the good
parts. We're gonna ask the questions you all
[Give yourself a hand]: want us to ask. You
all know about Star Wars. We're not here to
[Give yourself a hand]: critique Star Wars.
We're here to ask the hard-hitting questions,
[Give yourself a hand]: understand the movie,
the world, where they didn't answer questions.
[Give yourself a hand]: We're gonna fill in
those gaps.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Fill
[Give yourself a hand]: We're
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it.
[Give yourself a hand]: gonna start with a really
easy question for everybody.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: sexually.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Wow.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yes, well, he's on the
right path. We're all familiar with the Emperor.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: He makes his first appearance
of many, many appearances in movies, apparently,
[Jabba the Slut]: Some say
[Give yourself a hand]: in
[Jabba the Slut]: too
[Give yourself a hand]: this movie.
[Jabba the Slut]: many.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: Everyone would say too
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hmm
[Give yourself a hand]: And we start to see
from the beginning, the Emperor seems to have
[Give yourself a hand]: a type. And you see
the type
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh
[Give yourself a hand]: because
[Boba Fett sucks]: no.
[Give yourself a hand]: he loves the young buck
jedis. He's like so off of Vader as soon as
[Give yourself a hand]: he finds out about Luke.
And if we trace his story back to the original
[Give yourself a hand]: trilogies, he is all
about that hot piece of ass Anakin Skywalker.
[Give yourself a hand]: And the question I propose
[Jabba the Slut]: Jesus
[Give yourself a hand]: to
[Jabba the Slut]: Christ.
[Give yourself a hand]: you is, is the umph-
[Boba Fett sucks]: how you were beating around
the bush and they're just like you know what
[Boba Fett sucks]: fuck it I'm gonna dive
[Jabba the Slut]: I'm gonna dive into this pooch.
[Give yourself a hand]: Is the Emperor a groomer?
[Jabba the Slut]: This is
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Jabba the Slut]: the hard hitting questions
that we're here for.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: The emperor's
hard on these questions. OK. So it's undeniable.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I mean,
what angle do you want to take it from? I mean,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: like, the
Catholic Church took notes from the emperor.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Ezra Miller
took notes from the emperor.
[Jabba the Slut]: Oh my god.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh my god.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: They be
grooming in these streets. They be grooming
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: in Tetchy
Tetchy. It's
[Jabba the Slut]: they'd be
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: not
[Jabba the Slut]: grooming.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: cool.
[Jabba the Slut]: So
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Baby
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Grooming,
Baby... Baby Herbert the Perverting. Woohoohoo!
[Jabba the Slut]: I think, I think the obviously
in this movie, cause we're talking about this
[Jabba the Slut]: movie,
[Give yourself a hand]: Mm-hmm.
[Jabba the Slut]: he definitely tries to upgrade
to the younger model, as you might
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm.
[Jabba the Slut]: say,
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Jabba the Slut]: you know, he, Vader, I feel
like, I feel like he thinks the relationship,
[Jabba the Slut]: it just, it's not the same
as it used to be, used to be so, so fiery,
[Jabba the Slut]: there's
[Give yourself a hand]: The
[Jabba the Slut]: sparks,
[Give yourself a hand]: sparks just aren't there.
[Jabba the Slut]: the electrical sparks from
his evil hands are. are faded.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mmm.
[Boba Fett sucks]: I also think that the emperor
thinks that Vader is damaged goods. And he
[Boba Fett sucks]: sees
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah,
[Boba Fett sucks]: a news...
[Give yourself a hand]: cause the Emperor grew
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Vroom.
[Give yourself a hand]: That'll fuck
[Boba Fett sucks]: Listen,
[Give yourself a hand]: you
[Jabba the Slut]: physically
[Give yourself a hand]: up!
[Boba Fett sucks]: listen.
[Jabba the Slut]: damaged goods.
[Boba Fett sucks]: What happens in Mustafar
stays in Mustafar.
[Jabba the Slut]: You never
[Boba Fett sucks]: But...
[Jabba the Slut]: take your shirt off anymore.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hehehehehehehehehehe
[Boba Fett sucks]: What do I have to do? Go
into that egg of yours! But yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: You haven't
[Boba Fett sucks]: it's...
[Jabba the Slut]: been the same since you turned
40. I mean since you fell in that fire.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Uhhhhhh
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah, because I think he
sees Luke and he goes, oh, he has all his limbs
[Boba Fett sucks]: still.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: His
[Boba Fett sucks]: That's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: skin
[Boba Fett sucks]: a plus.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: is so supple.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: You look
like you moisturized, Luke. Mmm.
[Jabba the Slut]: Ha ha ha!
[Boba Fett sucks]: I think,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: What do
[Boba Fett sucks]: I think
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: use,
[Boba Fett sucks]: Matt,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: back?
[Boba Fett sucks]: I think our answer is a resounding
[Give yourself a hand]: Okay.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Do you,
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh yeah, there's that too,
[Jabba the Slut]: You
[Boba Fett sucks]: because
[Jabba the Slut]: can
[Boba Fett sucks]: that's
[Jabba the Slut]: back
[Boba Fett sucks]: why he
[Jabba the Slut]: that
[Boba Fett sucks]: calls
[Jabba the Slut]: ass
[Boba Fett sucks]: him.
[Jabba the Slut]: up into me.
[Boba Fett sucks]: It's never,
[Give yourself a hand]: Ha ha!
[Boba Fett sucks]: it's never like...
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: You can
back to that tank ass up to me.
[Jabba the Slut]: Uh,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: That dummy
thick tank ass.
[Give yourself a hand]: All right, well, we
have our answer. We'll just move on from that.
[Give yourself a hand]: That's a perfect segue
to skip into
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh man.
[Give yourself a hand]: the next question.
[Jabba the Slut]: yes,
[Give yourself a hand]: Um,
[Jabba the Slut]: yes.
[Give yourself a hand]: so, uh, Vader starts
to really lean into his, um, managerial style.
[Give yourself a hand]: I really honed it in
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh
[Give yourself a hand]: and I'm wondering, you
know, if you're, you graduate from the Imperial
[Give yourself a hand]: Academy, you sit down
with, um, HR, Imperial HR. And
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hi.
[Give yourself a hand]: you, and you go to.
look at what your career path is, what your
[Give yourself a hand]: five year plan is.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: I just wanted to know
what do you think the Imperial Soldier, Naval
[Give yourself a hand]: Officer, what do you
think the career path, you know, Stormtrooper,
[Give yourself a hand]: what do you think the
career paths look like for them?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: engineer
foot soldier Bridge fodder
[Jabba the Slut]: That's officer.
[Give yourself a hand]: That's...
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh, sorry,
[Boba Fett sucks]: same
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: oh, sorry.
[Boba Fett sucks]: thing. Same thing.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I was reading
the prohibited file. Let me just put that back
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: into the
[Jabba the Slut]: I'm sorry,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: redacted.
[Jabba the Slut]: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, did
you say Bridge Fodder? No, no,
[Give yourself a hand]: I'm
[Jabba the Slut]: Officer,
[Give yourself a hand]: sorry.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: No, no,
[Jabba the Slut]: my mistake.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: no.
[Boba Fett sucks]: of imperial
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Officer.
[Boba Fett sucks]: officer of the imperial navy
you mean
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah, yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: Ah, yes,
[Give yourself a hand]: same.
[Jabba the Slut]: that
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Lieutenant
[Jabba the Slut]: one.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: First Order
of the Empire.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Left. Left tenant.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hmm
[Jabba the Slut]: left in it.
[Boba Fett sucks]: I think they hide what happens
in the upper echelons from most of the younger
[Boba Fett sucks]: officers. I think the HR
people, this is the empire, right? So the HR
[Boba Fett sucks]: people are like, oh, you
know, this is a family.
[Give yourself a hand]: Oh,
[Boba Fett sucks]: We care
[Give yourself a hand]: haha.
[Boba Fett sucks]: about our,
[Jabba the Slut]: I like
[Boba Fett sucks]: we
[Jabba the Slut]: to think
[Boba Fett sucks]: care
[Jabba the Slut]: of ourselves
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Welcome!
[Boba Fett sucks]: so
[Jabba the Slut]: as
[Boba Fett sucks]: much
[Jabba the Slut]: an imperial
[Boba Fett sucks]: about our
[Jabba the Slut]: family.
[Boba Fett sucks]: recruits
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: We're so
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: happy
[Boba Fett sucks]: and...
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: that you've
graduated into the ranks in
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: your new
career. Shiny, new, you know, don't worry about
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: like, I
[Boba Fett sucks]: We-
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: our competitors,
Starfleet Academy, they've got nothing
[Boba Fett sucks]: Exactly.
[Jabba the Slut]: Whaaaaaa
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: on us,
[Boba Fett sucks]: And then you go like,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: What
[Boba Fett sucks]: you
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: you
[Boba Fett sucks]: know,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: need
[Boba Fett sucks]: we really,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: is...
[Boba Fett sucks]: we really want you to feel
like you're part of something bigger than yourself,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Boba Fett sucks]: and to really like, you know,
put your skin into it and
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: See
[Boba Fett sucks]: you
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: you soon.
[Boba Fett sucks]: know, really apply yourself
and you can maybe one day get to be an admiral,
[Boba Fett sucks]: maybe even
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Limitless
[Boba Fett sucks]: a grand
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: potential.
[Boba Fett sucks]: moff,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Limitness.
[Boba Fett sucks]: limitless potential.
[Jabba the Slut]: I have a question,
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: is that a dead admiral being
dragged across the floor behind you?
[Boba Fett sucks]: No,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Listen,
[Give yourself a hand]: Um
[Boba Fett sucks]: that's Bridgefather, son.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: you know,
there was a, there was a break. There was a
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: breach
in the hall, minor
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: skirmish
with the rebellion
[Give yourself a hand]: it's...
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: and blah,
and blah,
[Jabba the Slut]: Blah, the overbellion.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: blah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hehehehe
[Give yourself a hand]: So
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: But
[Give yourself a hand]: what's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mr.
[Give yourself a hand]: your
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: HR
[Give yourself a hand]: s-
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: person,
[Give yourself a hand]: yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I just,
I just want to know, I mean, like, thanks for
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: all of
that explanation. But I mean, my dream is actually
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: to be a
chef for the
[Give yourself a hand]: Alright.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: empire.
So like it'd be great if we could get different
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: color biscuits.
instead of orange, don't you think?
[Give yourself a hand]: I mean, yeah, a hundred
percent. And we do offer a competitive package
[Give yourself a hand]: in
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: our chef fodder. Uh,
I mean, chef,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: What?
[Give yourself a hand]: uh, stream. No, just
chef. I said chef. I
[Boba Fett sucks]: The
[Give yourself a hand]: don't know
[Boba Fett sucks]: chef
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh,
[Boba Fett sucks]: the
[Give yourself a hand]: what
[Boba Fett sucks]: chef
[Give yourself a hand]: you
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: okay.
[Give yourself a hand]: heard.
[Boba Fett sucks]: the chef
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I thought
she said chef.
[Boba Fett sucks]: it's a chef airlock. I mean
[Give yourself a hand]: It's,
[Boba Fett sucks]: stream
[Give yourself a hand]: it's the thing
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: is, is that, um, it's
a working ship. These are all working ships.
[Give yourself a hand]: And
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yes.
[Give yourself a hand]: so while some of the
time you'll spend as a chef fodder, um, other
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: It
[Give yourself a hand]: times
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: was...
[Give yourself a hand]: you'll spend as stormtrooper
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Go on.
[Give yourself a hand]: fodder. Um,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh! What?
[Give yourself a hand]: it's a, it's a split
roll. Um, I, sorry, I keep saying fodder. I
[Give yourself a hand]: apologize.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Other-
So, are you trying to tell me
[Jabba the Slut]: It's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: other
[Jabba the Slut]: a
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: duties
[Jabba the Slut]: tick.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: as NEEDED?
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah, well it's like,
it's like, you know, you rotate, you know,
[Give yourself a hand]: um, somebody's gotta
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: after the mess hall
and so you're like, you have like a rotation
[Give yourself a hand]: where you're on as a
stormtrooper and then you rotate off and you
[Give yourself a hand]: know, you're janitor
of the ship, you're cooking the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh.
[Give yourself a hand]: kitchen,
[Jabba the Slut]: You get
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: That's
[Jabba the Slut]: rid of the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: not-
[Jabba the Slut]: bodies.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: that doesn't
sound clean.
[Give yourself a hand]: you get shot
[Boba Fett sucks]: But
[Give yourself a hand]: in the detention center
and they
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Bye.
[Give yourself a hand]: take
[Boba Fett sucks]: don't
[Give yourself a hand]: your
[Boba Fett sucks]: worry.
[Give yourself a hand]: armor and wear you like
a stormtrooper suit, you know, whatever happens
[Give yourself a hand]: happens.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Don't worry
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: My
[Boba Fett sucks]: about
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: man.
[Boba Fett sucks]: it though, because when you
have to be a strong trooper, it will give you
[Boba Fett sucks]: the best armor and protection
that the Empire can offer.
[Give yourself a hand]: 100%.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I've heard
[Boba Fett sucks]: It's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: good
[Boba Fett sucks]: pristine,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: things
about, yeah. Hmm. Mm-hmm.
[Boba Fett sucks]: clean white. It's very
[Jabba the Slut]: Let me
[Boba Fett sucks]: well taken care of.
[Jabba the Slut]: let me
[Boba Fett sucks]: Can
[Jabba the Slut]: ask
[Boba Fett sucks]: definitely
[Jabba the Slut]: you this.
[Boba Fett sucks]: stop blaster bolts.
[Jabba the Slut]: Have you heard of a material
called plastic? Everyone's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: No.
[Jabba the Slut]: talking about it. Everyone's
[Boba Fett sucks]: It's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: What?
[Boba Fett sucks]: the
[Jabba the Slut]: talking.
[Boba Fett sucks]: newest,
[Jabba the Slut]: It's the we're
[Boba Fett sucks]: it's the newest thing.
[Jabba the Slut]: making everything out of it.
It's just
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I'm so
[Jabba the Slut]: it's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: used to
[Jabba the Slut]: unstoppable.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: bantha
hides. No,
[Give yourself a hand]: Well good news,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: plastic.
[Give yourself a hand]: you actually wear banthahide
[Boba Fett sucks]: Underneath,
[Give yourself a hand]: and the
[Boba Fett sucks]: yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: plastic
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh.
[Give yourself a hand]: covers just a couple
of pieces really. There's lots of open spaces.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh.
[Give yourself a hand]: The most, the vital
stuff's covered.
[Jabba the Slut]: Let me ask you,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh... okay.
[Jabba the Slut]: how's your aim with the blaster?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: It's very
subpar. My skills
[Jabba the Slut]: Perfect
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: lie with
chopping carrots,
[Jabba the Slut]: perfect
[Boba Fett sucks]: All right.
[Jabba the Slut]: you're gonna
[Boba Fett sucks]: You
[Jabba the Slut]: be
[Boba Fett sucks]: fit
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: julienning
[Jabba the Slut]: great
[Boba Fett sucks]: right in.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: fries,
and carrots. Okay.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Very rarely will you have
to shoot your blaster at someone who's like
[Boba Fett sucks]: infinitely better at it than
you. Very
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Okay,
[Boba Fett sucks]: rarely.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: that's
good to know, because
[Give yourself a hand]: And
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I would
be useless in a battle,
[Give yourself a hand]: I
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: let
[Give yourself a hand]: understand
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: me tell
[Give yourself a hand]: that you want to focus
on chefing. You're probably not into killing
[Give yourself a hand]: people, right?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: No, just
I just
[Give yourself a hand]: Don't
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: want to
[Give yourself a hand]: worry.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: things
[Give yourself a hand]: Just make
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: for
[Give yourself a hand]: it
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: food.
[Give yourself a hand]: look like you're trying
real hard
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: and the blaster will
take care of the rest. It knows your intentions.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh, wow,
that sounds like great technology.
[Boba Fett sucks]: The Imperial Stormtrooper
Corps is known as the most peaceful army in
[Boba Fett sucks]: the world,
[Jabba the Slut]: Absolutely.
[Boba Fett sucks]: in the galaxy even.
[Give yourself a hand]: That's
[Jabba the Slut]: Now,
[Give yourself a hand]: why they wear white.
For peace.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: side note, do you think your
corpse would smell?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Uhhh...
this is a very uncomfortable question, but
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I mean,
[Boba Fett sucks]: Ha ha!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: is this
a mandatory question? I mean, I feel like this...
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I thought
we were in a safe space, I mean... Come on,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: HR! Um,
[Jabba the Slut]: Alright, put him in
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: no,
[Jabba the Slut]: the fodder.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it wouldn't.
[Jabba the Slut]: I mean, you're hired,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: What?
[Jabba the Slut]: chef!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh, okay.
[Jabba the Slut]: Whatever the fuck you said.
[Give yourself a hand]: Listen.
[Boba Fett sucks]: No, I think he's special.
I think he deserves a place in the bridge.
[Give yourself a hand]: CR217, if this isn't
for you, we're sticking
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: GASP
[Give yourself a hand]: with CR218 to do it,
so it's not really a problem for
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh,
[Give yourself a hand]: us.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: no, I'm-
No, I'm- I'm fully committed.
[Jabba the Slut]: Weren't you cloned for this?
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Jabba the Slut]: Get in fucking line!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Thanks
for watching!
[Give yourself a hand]: Great. Okay. So the
other question I have about this is like, if
[Give yourself a hand]: you were picking, if
you're coming out of the academy, what do you
[Give yourself a hand]: think and let's assume
your career goal is to not die, to stay alive
[Give yourself a hand]: as
[Boba Fett sucks]: I'm
[Give yourself a hand]: long
[Boba Fett sucks]: gonna
[Give yourself a hand]: as
[Boba Fett sucks]: go.
[Give yourself a hand]: possible.
[Jabba the Slut]: Then you're in the wrong
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Jabba the Slut]: job, sir.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yes!
[Give yourself a hand]: What job would you take?
Because we have stormtrooper,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Right.
[Give yourself a hand]: famously good at not
dying. We have
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: a type like a fighter
pilot, type fighter, type obber. The good thing
[Give yourself a hand]: about those ships is
they're really fast. The bad thing is they
[Give yourself a hand]: have no shields whatsoever.
So it's
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh, they're about as resistant
as Stormtrooper armor, so that's good.
[Give yourself a hand]: a... I think maybe we
should cover them with Stormtrooper armor,
[Give yourself a hand]: making them more safe.
I don't know.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[Give yourself a hand]: And then we have Deck
Officer. It's pretty good unless you're near
[Give yourself a hand]: Death Vader. Then listen,
promotion path, real quick, real easy.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah, so
[Jabba the Slut]: I
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: benefits
[Jabba the Slut]: moved up 10
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: are...
[Jabba the Slut]: positions
[Boba Fett sucks]: very,
[Jabba the Slut]: in two weeks!
[Boba Fett sucks]: very
[Give yourself a hand]: Yep.
[Boba Fett sucks]: fluid, high echelon mobility
in that job.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yep.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: That's
what you need in a competitive career path.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah, stock options,
[Boba Fett sucks]: I think.
[Give yourself a hand]: bonus structure,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: equity
[Boba Fett sucks]: I think
[Give yourself a hand]: great
[Boba Fett sucks]: the
[Give yourself a hand]: benefits, especially
around death and wellness.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah, very good in like life
insurance Yeah, no, I think I think the trick
[Boba Fett sucks]: is not to be The person in
command of a star destroyer. I think that's
[Boba Fett sucks]: the best. You just be like
three tiers below
[Jabba the Slut]: But then you're
[Give yourself a hand]: It
[Jabba the Slut]: the
[Give yourself a hand]: f-
[Jabba the Slut]: captain in three weeks.
[Give yourself a hand]: That's not enough
[Jabba the Slut]: Three
[Give yourself a hand]: tears
[Jabba the Slut]: tears,
[Give yourself a hand]: below.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Damn it!
[Jabba the Slut]: yeah, you gotta be
[Boba Fett sucks]: Further down
[Jabba the Slut]: many,
[Boba Fett sucks]: the line!
[Jabba the Slut]: many tears down.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I think
I've identified the safest, the safest empire
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: job of
all the entire movie,
[Give yourself a hand]: Okay.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: all the
movies, right? And it especially makes sense
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: in this
one. Working in the engineering and like propulsion
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: department
because you're the last to know everything.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: You just
need to keep the ship running. Like you look
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: at the
first one, the torpedoes came through and you're
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: like, what?
Boom, you're dead. So you don't have time to
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: process.
And then when you think about all the Starship
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: battles,
[Boba Fett sucks]: I mean...
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the large
[Boba Fett sucks]: You're
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: go
[Boba Fett sucks]: still
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: boom,
[Boba Fett sucks]: dead though.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: you're
dead, but you're the last to know.
[Jabba the Slut]: You got the good death. That's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Exactly.
[Jabba the Slut]: what
[Boba Fett sucks]: HAHAHAHA!
[Jabba the Slut]: he's saying.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: That's
[Jabba the Slut]: You
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: good...
[Jabba the Slut]: got that.
[Boba Fett sucks]: You mean you don't get choked
[Jabba the Slut]: You
[Boba Fett sucks]: death?
[Jabba the Slut]: get that quick death,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Right.
[Jabba the Slut]: you know?
[Give yourself a hand]: The good
[Boba Fett sucks]: I see.
[Give yourself a hand]: death?
[Jabba the Slut]: You're saying that the dream
position in the Imperial is a quick death.
[Give yourself a hand]: I think that's what
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: You
[Give yourself a hand]: getting
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: could
[Give yourself a hand]: at. All right.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: say that,
yes, and that is what I mean.
[Give yourself a hand]: I think, no, I think
we've answered this fully.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm,
I would
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: concur.
[Give yourself a hand]: No, we did a
[Boba Fett sucks]: okay.
[Give yourself a hand]: good job.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Does anybody
have any Imperial biscuits by the way?
[Give yourself a hand]: No.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: God darn
[Give yourself a hand]: Sorry. Question.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Thank you
for it.
[Give yourself a hand]: We see Darth Vader on
Hoth. No, Hoth, sorry, Bespin. And when Han
[Give yourself a hand]: Solo and the gang run
into him, Han immediately pulls out his blaster
[Give yourself a hand]: and tries to shoot Darth
Vader, of course.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: Darth Vader just sticks
his hand and blocks the blaster bolts.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: What? What is? How is
he doing this exactly?
[Jabba the Slut]: What happened there?
[Give yourself a hand]: Because wouldn't the
stormtroopers want some of this technology
[Give yourself a hand]: if they can get their
hands on it?
[Jabba the Slut]: That's a good
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Maybe
[Jabba the Slut]: question.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: they were
[Jabba the Slut]: Does
[Boba Fett sucks]: I mean,
[Jabba the Slut]: he,
[Boba Fett sucks]: I'm sure they would
[Jabba the Slut]: do
[Boba Fett sucks]: like
[Jabba the Slut]: we know?
[Boba Fett sucks]: not to be using paper as
armor, but...
[Jabba the Slut]: Do we know if his hand blocked
the bullet or if he used like a force wall
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Home?
[Jabba the Slut]: to block
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: No.
[Jabba the Slut]: the
[Boba Fett sucks]: There
[Jabba the Slut]: bullet?
[Give yourself a hand]: Couldn't
[Boba Fett sucks]: are sparks!
[Give yourself a hand]: tell ya,
[Jabba the Slut]: There were sparks
[Give yourself a hand]: but there's
[Jabba the Slut]: which
[Give yourself a hand]: sparks,
[Jabba the Slut]: inferred
[Give yourself a hand]: yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: contact with
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: contact
[Jabba the Slut]: something
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: You would
[Jabba the Slut]: metallic
[Give yourself a hand]: think so.
[Jabba the Slut]: I would assume.
[Jabba the Slut]: Was
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: So
[Jabba the Slut]: that
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: then
[Jabba the Slut]: his
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it's like,
[Jabba the Slut]: cut-off
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: yep.
[Jabba the Slut]: hand? Do we know? Were both
[Boba Fett sucks]: I think
[Jabba the Slut]: his hands
[Boba Fett sucks]: so.
[Jabba the Slut]: cut off?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I think
both of his hands are gone, so those
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: are cybernetic.
[Give yourself a hand]: I think, I think the
lava takes care of a lot of his advantages.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Jabba the Slut]: Sorry!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh, a lot,
and which explains why
[Give yourself a hand]: 75
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the emperor
[Give yourself a hand]: to a hundred
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: on.
[Give yourself a hand]: percent of them.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Jabba the Slut]: He's left
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Emperor
[Jabba the Slut]: with one
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: thought
he could
[Jabba the Slut]: with
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: turn it
[Jabba the Slut]: one
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: into
[Jabba the Slut]: lens.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: a... The
Emperor thought he could turn charred marshmallow
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Vader into
a walking vibrator, but then the thrill was
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: gone after,
you know, a fortnight.
[Jabba the Slut]: I like this new look, it's
very bandage.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah. Um,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Our
[Give yourself a hand]: but
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: safe
[Give yourself a hand]: yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: word
[Jabba the Slut]: Sorry,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: will be...
[Jabba the Slut]: sorry, what happened to your
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: The safe
word will be... Give me something, Vader. What's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: a good
safe word?
[Jabba the Slut]: The safe word is...
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I don't
like that. I know.
[Boba Fett sucks]: HAHAHA
[Give yourself a hand]: Hahaha
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hahahaha
[Jabba the Slut]: Sorry,
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah, what
[Jabba the Slut]: we're
[Boba Fett sucks]: was
[Jabba the Slut]: off
[Boba Fett sucks]: the question
[Jabba the Slut]: track here.
[Boba Fett sucks]: again?
[Give yourself a hand]: So
[Jabba the Slut]: He blocks
[Give yourself a hand]: blocking
[Jabba the Slut]: it with, we
[Give yourself a hand]: blaster
[Jabba the Slut]: know he blocks
[Give yourself a hand]: bolts
[Jabba the Slut]: it with his
[Give yourself a hand]: with his
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yes,
[Jabba the Slut]: fake
[Give yourself a hand]: hand.
[Jabba the Slut]: hand.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: yes.
[Give yourself a hand]: Let's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Well both
[Give yourself a hand]: even call
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: are
[Give yourself a hand]: it
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: fake,
[Give yourself a hand]: his fake
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: but yes.
[Give yourself a hand]: hand.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Sure fake
[Jabba the Slut]: Um.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: hands,
[Jabba the Slut]: But
[Boba Fett sucks]: Mmm.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: So then
[Jabba the Slut]: you think
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it's made
[Jabba the Slut]: it's...
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: of, it's
got to be made of something legit.
[Boba Fett sucks]: So, wait Matt, do you
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Like
[Boba Fett sucks]: think that
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: that's
where all the budget
[Boba Fett sucks]: this is
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: meant.
[Boba Fett sucks]: like a feature of his armor?
Like of his attire?
[Give yourself a hand]: Well as
[Boba Fett sucks]: Is that
[Give yourself a hand]: I
[Boba Fett sucks]: what
[Give yourself a hand]: ask
[Boba Fett sucks]: you
[Give yourself a hand]: this
[Boba Fett sucks]: think?
[Give yourself a hand]: question I start to
my brain starts to go into Does a blaster bolt
[Give yourself a hand]: ever stop? Cause if
it hits a body, it goes through or does it
[Give yourself a hand]: dissipate? And if you
don't hit a body, when does it stop? Like does
[Give yourself a hand]: it hit a wall?
[Boba Fett sucks]: It just
[Give yourself a hand]: Like
[Boba Fett sucks]: keeps going.
[Give yourself a hand]: just traveling through
every space until...
[Jabba the Slut]: Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe
[Boba Fett sucks]: Like circling the planet.
Like you
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: get hit by a by a stray boat
like five weeks later.
[Give yourself a hand]: You're sitting in Tatooine
and just hailing up to your moisture fire.
[Give yourself a hand]: I'm going to check the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Do do
[Give yourself a hand]: what's going on. And
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: just a random laser
bolt shrieking through your head and kills
[Give yourself a hand]: you instantly.
[Jabba the Slut]: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Jabba the Slut]: Uh, um, that's a good question.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: It's
[Jabba the Slut]: Do they
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: my
[Jabba the Slut]: move
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: third
[Jabba the Slut]: at the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: husband.
[Jabba the Slut]: speed of light? The blasters.
[Boba Fett sucks]: I don't think
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: They
[Boba Fett sucks]: so,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: spit.
[Boba Fett sucks]: we can see it.
[Jabba the Slut]: Do lazy, yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: they don't
[Give yourself a hand]: they're
[Jabba the Slut]: go that
[Give yourself a hand]: just
[Jabba the Slut]: fast.
[Give yourself a hand]: lasers.
[Jabba the Slut]: They're not
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: light.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: It's a
[Give yourself a hand]: Uh,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: tag, but
[Jabba the Slut]: I
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: deadly.
[Jabba the Slut]: know the
[Give yourself a hand]: well,
[Jabba the Slut]: difference.
[Give yourself a hand]: Spencer, I don't want
to get too far into the physics of it, but
[Give yourself a hand]: like the light from
the laser, it gets to your eyes, but the physical
[Give yourself a hand]: energy is, it's different.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: not, it's not
[Boba Fett sucks]: exactly.
[Give yourself a hand]: light. Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: Obviously I knew all that.
But I think that it's not the armor. I think
[Jabba the Slut]: it's a
[Give yourself a hand]: Okay.
[Jabba the Slut]: synthetic hand. It's made
out of clearly a better material than the one
[Jabba the Slut]: that hits Luke's hand in Return
of the Jedi, because that
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: one kind
[Give yourself a hand]: short
[Jabba the Slut]: of
[Give yourself a hand]: it out.
[Jabba the Slut]: goes through his hand a bit.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah, a little
[Jabba the Slut]: But
[Give yourself a hand]: bit,
[Jabba the Slut]: that's
[Give yourself a hand]: a lot,
[Jabba the Slut]: poor
[Give yourself a hand]: a lot of it.
[Jabba the Slut]: rebel scum
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: materials,
[Jabba the Slut]: engineering.
[Give yourself a hand]: So Vader's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: lesser
[Give yourself a hand]: got,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: materials.
[Give yourself a hand]: Vader's got the only
vibranium in the Star Wars universe.
[Jabba the Slut]: Basically,
[Give yourself a hand]: What you're saying.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha
[Jabba the Slut]: yes.
[Give yourself a hand]: Okay.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: AAAAAA
[Boba Fett sucks]: Don't they have Vibro Swords
that have some something like that? Do they
[Boba Fett sucks]: stop lasers or something
like that?
[Give yourself a hand]: Um...
[Jabba the Slut]: like lightsabers?
[Give yourself a hand]: No, they stopped lightsabers,
but not lasers.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Well, I mean, if they can
stop a lightsaber, we can probably stop a blaster.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Boat.
[Give yourself a hand]: I mean, I guess, but
[Jabba the Slut]: because
[Give yourself a hand]: like
[Jabba the Slut]: a
[Give yourself a hand]: hoping.
[Jabba the Slut]: lightsaber cuts
[Give yourself a hand]: That's like
[Jabba the Slut]: his
[Give yourself a hand]: catching arrows. You
just hope you get
[Boba Fett sucks]: Maybe,
[Give yourself a hand]: it done.
[Boba Fett sucks]: well, that's what Vader did,
wasn't it? Maybe he has a vibro hand, which
[Boba Fett sucks]: is probably helpful for the
Emperor in other ways.
[Jabba the Slut]: But it
[Give yourself a hand]: We
[Jabba the Slut]: doesn't
[Give yourself a hand]: could
[Jabba the Slut]: go.
[Give yourself a hand]: probably use the word
Beskar in this case, since that's the vibranium
[Give yourself a hand]: of Star Wars universe.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: Oh
[Boba Fett sucks]: that's
[Jabba the Slut]: yeah,
[Boba Fett sucks]: true.
[Jabba the Slut]: he's got, but we just, we
just that that's going to be
[Boba Fett sucks]: Just.
[Jabba the Slut]: lore in like two weeks. Like
you're going to see it on Wikipedia. It's be
[Jabba the Slut]: like Lord Vader's hands were
made of Vesgar, which made it
[Boba Fett sucks]: No, just the
[Jabba the Slut]: easy
[Boba Fett sucks]: one.
[Jabba the Slut]: to
[Boba Fett sucks]: Just
[Jabba the Slut]: block.
[Boba Fett sucks]: that one with that hand.
[Jabba the Slut]: Well,
[Boba Fett sucks]: is Basker.
[Jabba the Slut]: and it stops
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: at
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it's
[Jabba the Slut]: the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: so
[Jabba the Slut]: wrist
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: difficult.
[Jabba the Slut]: because he gets his arm cut
off by a lightsaber. So it's like
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Jabba the Slut]: a palm,
[Boba Fett sucks]: That's
[Jabba the Slut]: maybe
[Boba Fett sucks]: true.
[Jabba the Slut]: it's just a palm cover.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Just
[Jabba the Slut]: You know, that's, that's hard
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: in
[Jabba the Slut]: to get.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: special
situations, just
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: It covers
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: in the
[Jabba the Slut]: one palm and the groin. And
that is all. the best car
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Right.
[Jabba the Slut]: he could afford.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Correct.
[Give yourself a hand]: Okay. Now that I look,
we've answered it guys. Good work everybody.
[Give yourself a hand]: Great.
[Boba Fett sucks]: There you go.
[Jabba the Slut]: That's
[Give yourself a hand]: Um,
[Jabba the Slut]: a cannon now.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Huzzah.
[Give yourself a hand]: speaking of the Vader's
groin area.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Jabba the Slut]: Favorite topic.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Said no one fucking
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Boba Fett sucks]: ever!
[Jabba the Slut]: No, just the Emperor.
[Give yourself a hand]: Okay. This is,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah, yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: Speaking
[Give yourself a hand]: this is,
[Jabba the Slut]: of the Disgruntled... Wahahaha!
[Give yourself a hand]: this is, we're here
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: to ask the hard questions
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hard.
[Give yourself a hand]: or the easy questions
or the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: So
[Give yourself a hand]: gross questions.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: hard. Mmm,
[Give yourself a hand]: So
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: yes.
[Give yourself a hand]: Jedi, we hear a lot
about the Jedi code, right? The Jedi code is,
[Give yourself a hand]: you know, you gotta
never stray to the dark side. I mean, there's
[Give yourself a hand]: something about anger
and hate leading to suffering and yada, yada.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: grooming.
[Give yourself a hand]: I don't think that leads
there. I think that's just... Well, I
[Boba Fett sucks]: That's
[Give yourself a hand]: guess the dark
[Boba Fett sucks]: the destination.
[Give yourself a hand]: side does groom.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Ha ha ha.
[Give yourself a hand]: That's the destination,
yeah. Ha ha ha.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: We
[Jabba the Slut]: Hehehehehehe
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: don't.
[Give yourself a hand]: Um,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: The lawsuit
[Give yourself a hand]: but...
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: we must
avoid. Mmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: But the Jedi's have
a code and they have lots of rules they must
[Give yourself a hand]: follow. You know, they're
not really supposed to have material possessions
[Give yourself a hand]: or fall in love with
people, you know, like jazz. Um, and yet, Luke
[Give yourself a hand]: makes out with a mysterious
woman, uh, who is definitely not related to
[Give yourself a hand]: him in any way, shape,
or form in this movie. So that's good for him.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: She
[Give yourself a hand]: That's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: kissed
[Give yourself a hand]: not gonna
[Jabba the Slut]: OOPS!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: him,
[Give yourself a hand]: be
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: but
[Give yourself a hand]: awkward.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: yeah, sure.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah, nothing. No,
[Jabba the Slut]: What are you
[Give yourself a hand]: she
[Jabba the Slut]: DOING,
[Give yourself a hand]: gets a kiss.
[Jabba the Slut]: stepsister?
[Boba Fett sucks]: Ha ha!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Thank you.
[Boba Fett sucks]: That's the first instance
of that.
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah, that's where it all
[Give yourself a hand]: So,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: That way,
[Give yourself a hand]: so,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it all
[Give yourself a hand]: Star
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: It
[Give yourself a hand]: Wars
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: all tracks.
[Give yourself a hand]: invented grooming and
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: And...
[Give yourself a hand]: form?
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh my god.
[Jabba the Slut]: along
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Ahhhh.
[Jabba the Slut]: with a lot of other things.
[Give yourself a hand]: Great. Um, great, no,
I just want to know.
[Boba Fett sucks]: The
[Give yourself a hand]: So
[Boba Fett sucks]: Empire
[Give yourself a hand]: like,
[Boba Fett sucks]: Strikes Black.
[Give yourself a hand]: oh, that's not right.
[Jabba the Slut]: What?
[Give yourself a hand]: okay. Back on target.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: My husband
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: Target.
[Jabba the Slut]: That's the
[Give yourself a hand]: Um,
[Jabba the Slut]: parody film.
[Give yourself a hand]: the, I want to know
what, what are, if Jedi cannot have material
[Give yourself a hand]: possessions,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: still those.
[Give yourself a hand]: which is weird because
people are material possessions, but that's
[Give yourself a hand]: the way they frame it.
It's not my fault.
[Give yourself a hand]: What can they do? How
far can they go to calm their Jedi nerves in
[Give yourself a hand]: order to perform their
best? Where's the line for them? And can they
[Give yourself a hand]: use their hands? Their
fake hands? Their beskar hands? Maybe it's
[Give yourself a hand]: just a force? Like where…
What are
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-mm-mm.
[Give yourself a hand]: we talking
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: The force
[Give yourself a hand]: about here?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: is...
[Boba Fett sucks]: You asking about the secret
art of Force Juber?
[Give yourself a hand]: Ah, listen, if you know
about it, please tell us. I wouldn't know.
[Boba Fett sucks]: So,
[Give yourself a hand]: I'm
[Jabba the Slut]: I've been
[Give yourself a hand]: an
[Jabba the Slut]: working
[Give yourself a hand]: innocent
[Jabba the Slut]: on
[Boba Fett sucks]: I
[Jabba the Slut]: that
[Boba Fett sucks]: mean...
[Jabba the Slut]: for
[Give yourself a hand]: soul.
[Jabba the Slut]: years.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Youngling
that is.
[Boba Fett sucks]: I would have to think that
at least Vader probably engages in that. Probably
[Boba Fett sucks]: even before
[Give yourself a hand]: With what?
[Boba Fett sucks]: he became Vader.
[Give yourself a hand]: Does he have a forced
penis too? Like all that shit got charred off
[Give yourself a hand]: of Mustafar.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[Boba Fett sucks]: I don't know about that.
Like the core, the non-appendages
[Jabba the Slut]: limped.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the balls.
[Boba Fett sucks]: or limbs
[Jabba the Slut]: It's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: The
[Jabba the Slut]: an
[Boba Fett sucks]: are
[Jabba the Slut]: appendage.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: balls.
[Boba Fett sucks]: preserved, right?
[Jabba the Slut]: But but
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: He
[Give yourself a hand]: Okay.
[Boba Fett sucks]: I
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: can
[Boba Fett sucks]: mean
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: hit.
[Boba Fett sucks]: why else... listen, why else
would the Emperor keep him if he wasn't?
[Jabba the Slut]: That's
[Boba Fett sucks]: Let's
[Jabba the Slut]: a
[Boba Fett sucks]: be
[Jabba the Slut]: good
[Boba Fett sucks]: real
[Jabba the Slut]: point.
[Boba Fett sucks]: here.
[Give yourself a hand]: Okay, you got me there.
[Boba Fett sucks]: So.
[Jabba the Slut]: The uh, but also the Sith
can hook up with people. That was like his
[Jabba the Slut]: main draw to the dark side.
[Boba Fett sucks]: True.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Passion.
[Give yourself a hand]: I mean,
[Jabba the Slut]: He
[Give yourself a hand]: yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: was
[Give yourself a hand]: all
[Jabba the Slut]: like,
[Give yourself a hand]: right.
[Jabba the Slut]: I don't want to be a Jedi
who grooms children. I want to be a Sith who's
[Boba Fett sucks]: I wanna
[Jabba the Slut]: groomed
[Boba Fett sucks]: be a Sith,
[Jabba the Slut]: by,
[Boba Fett sucks]: Borgrum's Children!
[Jabba the Slut]: who grooms,
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahahaha!
[Jabba the Slut]: who gets groomed. No, he wanted
to, you know, hook up, which is why he wasn't
[Jabba the Slut]: taught the ways of the Force
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah, quite gone was
too busy learning how to talk to him as a ghost
[Give yourself a hand]: and not teaching him
the ways of the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: how to
[Give yourself a hand]: force
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: do his
[Give yourself a hand]: jibber.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: job.
[Boba Fett sucks]: I'm
[Jabba the Slut]: had a masterpiece.
[Boba Fett sucks]: going to
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: go out and try it. Qui-Gon
was too busy dying, let's be honest
[Give yourself a hand]: Wow.
[Boba Fett sucks]: here.
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: Should you die? It's
just a whole, that's not this movie.
[Jabba the Slut]: yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: So,
[Jabba the Slut]: he
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hmm.
[Jabba the Slut]: had to
[Give yourself a hand]: so.
[Jabba the Slut]: learn, he
[Boba Fett sucks]: HAHAHAHA
[Jabba the Slut]: had to learn the ways of the
Jedi from someone else. And he, from Yoda,
[Jabba the Slut]: he said,
[Give yourself a hand]: Obie?
[Jabba the Slut]: well, no, he went to Yoda
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: be.
[Jabba the Slut]: and he said,
[Give yourself a hand]: LDR.
[Jabba the Slut]: but, but Yoda, I'm not addicted
to masturbating. You will be. You will be.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hmm, Master
[Give yourself a hand]: Yoda! Y-
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yonah might
[Boba Fett sucks]: Uh-huh.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: a point,
but I
[Give yourself a hand]: Yoda!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: mean, I've
got a working hand
[Give yourself a hand]: haha
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: at this
pubescent age. I'm crossing the threshold and
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I have
sudden urges like Padme. What's
[Give yourself a hand]: I,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: up with
[Give yourself a hand]: is anybody else uncomfortable
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: this conversation
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yes.
[Jabba the Slut]: yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: is going?
[Jabba the Slut]: I don't know.
[Give yourself a hand]: I'm asking questions,
but Chris is just really, really into the lore
[Give yourself a hand]: in a way that I did
[Jabba the Slut]: Think
[Give yourself a hand]: expect.
[Jabba the Slut]: there's been a surge in my
power converter!
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
[Give yourself a hand]: Hahaha!
[Give yourself a hand]: I mean that's that is
maybe the real question here. What Star Wars
[Give yourself a hand]: reference can you make?
[Jabba the Slut]: for uh... I think the Death
Star has been fired!
[Give yourself a hand]: Hahaha
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh no. L-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-
[Jabba the Slut]: Yes.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Use the
force, no-
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Haha
[Jabba the Slut]: The world is all around us.
It's in our bands. Ha ha.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yep.
[Give yourself a hand]: What?
[Boba Fett sucks]: in my butt
[Give yourself a hand]: Sorry, why'd you sound
like John Lennon there?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yes,
[Boba Fett sucks]: No,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: yes,
[Jabba the Slut]: Is
[Boba Fett sucks]: no, that was
[Jabba the Slut]: it
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: keep
[Jabba the Slut]: a bad
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it going.
[Boba Fett sucks]: that
[Jabba the Slut]: sign?
[Boba Fett sucks]: was a very good no, that
was a good sir alaguinist
[Jabba the Slut]: Thank you,
[Boba Fett sucks]: impression
[Jabba the Slut]: thank
[Boba Fett sucks]: I like
[Jabba the Slut]: you. It's all around us, man.
Just do
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: it, man.
[Boba Fett sucks]: okay, now it's
[Give yourself a hand]: It's
[Boba Fett sucks]: John.
[Give yourself a hand]: gone.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Now it's John.
[Jabba the Slut]: It's changing.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Now it's John Lennon.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: All you've
got to do is imagine.
[Jabba the Slut]: I imagined.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Give yourself a hand]: I hate
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: imagine
[Give yourself a hand]: it here.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the four
[Jabba the Slut]: in Japan.
[Give yourself a hand]: Back to the movie we
[Jabba the Slut]: No, but the question
[Boba Fett sucks]: Ugh.
[Jabba the Slut]: we have to address the question,
does Luke masturbate with his old hand or his
[Jabba the Slut]: new hand?
[Boba Fett sucks]: You gotta think that he does
it with his new hands after he gets it, right?
[Boba Fett sucks]: At least once.
[Jabba the Slut]: At
[Give yourself a hand]: But it's
[Jabba the Slut]: least
[Give yourself a hand]: cold.
[Jabba the Slut]: once. It's cold.
[Boba Fett sucks]: It's it's caught it's coarse
and it's annoying it gets
[Jabba the Slut]: It's
[Boba Fett sucks]: everywhere
[Give yourself a hand]: He's
[Jabba the Slut]: rough
[Give yourself a hand]: like,
[Jabba the Slut]: of course, then it gets everywhere.
[Give yourself a hand]: yeah, that's right.
[Jabba the Slut]: That's
[Boba Fett sucks]: Ha ha!
[Jabba the Slut]: the best answer, we're done.
[Give yourself a hand]: Got him. We're done
[Jabba the Slut]: Well yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Actually,
[Give yourself a hand]: on.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: there's
[Jabba the Slut]: yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: one more.
Size matters not.
[Give yourself a hand]: Now,
[Jabba the Slut]: I hate
[Give yourself a hand]: all
[Jabba the Slut]: you.
[Give yourself a hand]: right.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh no, judge me by my size,
[Give yourself a hand]: Chris,
[Boba Fett sucks]: do you?
[Jabba the Slut]: Okay.
[Give yourself a hand]: I gotta
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: There you
[Give yourself a hand]: ask
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: go.
[Give yourself a hand]: you a question since
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah, fire
[Give yourself a hand]: you're Yoda.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it. Hmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yoda also hangs out
with a lot of young children. Is Yoda
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Wait a
[Give yourself a hand]: a groomer?
[Jabba the Slut]: Hey, it's YodaGroomer2.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Jabba the Slut]: Is this
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Please?
[Jabba the Slut]: a whole goddamn
[Jabba the Slut]: society? They are a lot like
the Catholic Church.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Pleading
the fifth I will.
[Jabba the Slut]: Hehehehehehe
[Boba Fett sucks]: Listen,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Uh, it's
[Boba Fett sucks]: both, both Yoda
[Give yourself a hand]: Yep. All
[Boba Fett sucks]: and the emperor only
[Give yourself a hand]: right.
[Boba Fett sucks]: ever refer to Luke as young
Skywalker. That's, I think that's a giveaway
[Boba Fett sucks]: that the young part is very
[Give yourself a hand]: Right.
[Boba Fett sucks]: The old Skywalker
[Jabba the Slut]: I mean...
[Boba Fett sucks]: is like sliced up
[Give yourself a hand]: Olden
[Boba Fett sucks]: like sausages
[Give yourself a hand]: Busted,
[Boba Fett sucks]: and fucked.
[Give yourself a hand]: Skywalker.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah, exactly.
[Jabba the Slut]: When you really...
[Boba Fett sucks]: Exactly.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: New hot
new hotness
[Jabba the Slut]: This is opening my
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: eyes to a
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: They want
[Jabba the Slut]: whole new...
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: that new
[Jabba the Slut]: When you really step back
and just look at the entire Jedi order, it's
[Jabba the Slut]: older
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh no.
[Jabba the Slut]: men getting children and then
banning those kids from having any sort of
[Jabba the Slut]: sexual intercourse with other
people, and then
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah!
[Jabba the Slut]: only having them around them
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: All that
pent up frustration?
[Jabba the Slut]: with
[Boba Fett sucks]: So
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: No.
[Boba Fett sucks]: what
[Jabba the Slut]: one-on-one
[Boba Fett sucks]: you're saying is that the
[Jabba the Slut]: with their masters, their
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: and we'll
be back in a
[Jabba the Slut]: masters.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: week.
[Give yourself a hand]: That's right. There's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Thanks
[Give yourself a hand]: one,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: watching.
[Give yourself a hand]: one each, right? They
only have one person they're training at the
[Give yourself a hand]: same time. Right? So
they can't, sorry, is that a cat?
[Jabba the Slut]: Hehehehe
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: They put
the cat in here to take a shit.
[Give yourself a hand]: Oh.
[Jabba the Slut]: Ah, lovely. Professional podcast.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Which is
[Give yourself a hand]: Ahem.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: how they
have the respect for our process.
[Give yourself a hand]: This is,
[Boba Fett sucks]: This is why this podcast
is ending.
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: yeah, they
[Jabba the Slut]: dude
[Give yourself a hand]: respect
[Jabba the Slut]: on
[Give yourself a hand]: the
[Jabba the Slut]: camera.
[Give yourself a hand]: podcast,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: You
[Give yourself a hand]: totally.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: ever wonder
how the sausage gets made in podcasting? Enter
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the open
door dropping ca- AHHHH I MUST TAKE A HIT!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: SHIT
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I MUST!
[Give yourself a hand]: Listen, let's get back
to the important topic we're talking
[Jabba the Slut]: Yes.
[Give yourself a hand]: about.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yes.
[Boba Fett sucks]: So
[Give yourself a hand]: And that is
[Boba Fett sucks]: let
[Give yourself a hand]: that.
[Boba Fett sucks]: me...
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Brooming
in Star Wars.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: No.
[Boba Fett sucks]: so Spencer, are you saying
that the Jedi Order is the Catholic Church?
[Jabba the Slut]: Yes. With...
[Boba Fett sucks]: Ha ha ha!
[Jabba the Slut]: But with more... ..than a mordrooming!
[Give yourself a hand]: grooming.
[Jabba the Slut]: Which is a bold claim. I...
[Boba Fett sucks]: I see.
[Jabba the Slut]: I would... yeah, I would...
[Give yourself a hand]: That cat's really giving
[Jabba the Slut]: ..
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: The cat,
the cat, the cat got,
[Boba Fett sucks]: AHHHHHHAH
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the cat
got notes. Ugh, I can't open
[Give yourself a hand]: Nice.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the door.
[Give yourself a hand]: Um,
[Jabba the Slut]: Yes.
[Give yourself a hand]: that's great. Chris
is currently throwing the cat out of the window.
[Give yourself a hand]: Um,
[Boba Fett sucks]: Ha
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Thanks
[Boba Fett sucks]: ha!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: for watching!
[Give yourself a hand]: no, I, okay.
[Jabba the Slut]: And
[Give yourself a hand]: So.
[Jabba the Slut]: this applies to all the stuff.
Just remember, imagine Qui-Gon Jinn going to
[Jabba the Slut]: that planet with Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan's like... Like 20s, he's getting a
[Jabba the Slut]: bit older, and he sees Anakin,
he's like, This one's the best one. He's the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hehehe
[Jabba the Slut]: future.
[Give yourself a hand]: Ha ha
[Boba Fett sucks]: It's
[Give yourself a hand]: ha!
[Jabba the Slut]: And they're like, uh, Qui-Gon,
[Boba Fett sucks]: like,
[Jabba the Slut]: you haven't even finished
training your current boy toy.
[Boba Fett sucks]: wait, it's
[Jabba the Slut]: He's
[Boba Fett sucks]: like,
[Jabba the Slut]: the
[Boba Fett sucks]: and
[Jabba the Slut]: future!
[Boba Fett sucks]: they like,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Master
[Boba Fett sucks]: and
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Quagga,
[Boba Fett sucks]: he, they're
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I
[Boba Fett sucks]: like,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: haven't
quite finished learning
[Boba Fett sucks]: oh,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: how
[Boba Fett sucks]: look,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: to flip
[Boba Fett sucks]: it's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: burgers.
[Boba Fett sucks]: like, he has his midi-chlorian
count is so
[Jabba the Slut]: Hey!
[Boba Fett sucks]: high. Can we take him? Can
we take him away from his mother forever?
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Should
we take him home with us?
[Give yourself a hand]: The worst part is that
everyone's mad because he's too old.
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah, yeah. That was the
[Boba Fett sucks]: He hasn't... he can't be
taught properly
[Jabba the Slut]: best.
[Boba Fett sucks]: because he's
[Jabba the Slut]: The whole
[Boba Fett sucks]: too
[Jabba the Slut]: Jedi
[Boba Fett sucks]: old.
[Jabba the Slut]: Council,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Eh, eh,
[Jabba the Slut]: he's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: eh.
[Jabba the Slut]: too
[Give yourself a hand]: the
[Jabba the Slut]: old
[Boba Fett sucks]: He's...
[Jabba the Slut]: for us!
[Boba Fett sucks]: He's set in his ways at 10.
[Jabba the Slut]: Hehehe
[Boba Fett sucks]: We need
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-mm.
[Boba Fett sucks]: to get them younger.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: No.
[Boba Fett sucks]: So they can learn our ways
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I don't
[Give yourself a hand]: Well,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: like this.
[Give yourself a hand]: I can't watch Star Wars
ever again.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I'm not
com- I'm not comfortable with this.
[Jabba the Slut]: He's too old said the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: This is
[Jabba the Slut]: 700
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the bad.
[Jabba the Slut]: year old man
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: This is
the, this is the verbal bad touch.
[Boba Fett sucks]: For 800 years I've been teaching
[Give yourself a hand]: Ha ha!
[Jabba the Slut]: Teaching...
[Boba Fett sucks]: younglings.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I'm sorry.
[Jabba the Slut]: teaching children!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Listen,
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh God.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it's too
[Give yourself a hand]: Let's
[Jabba the Slut]: Put
[Give yourself a hand]: segue
[Jabba the Slut]: on this
[Give yourself a hand]: off of...
[Jabba the Slut]: robe! Put on this robe and
come out!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh
[Jabba the Slut]: And grab this rod!
[Boba Fett sucks]: So wait, that really gives
another dimension to show me on the puppet
[Boba Fett sucks]: where
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yes.
[Boba Fett sucks]: he hurts you.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Show me
with the force how-
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: how they
[Give yourself a hand]: I gotta
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: you.
[Give yourself a hand]: ask one more question
before we segue off this.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Do
[Jabba the Slut]: I don't think
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it.
[Jabba the Slut]: we
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh
[Jabba the Slut]: could
[Boba Fett sucks]: no.
[Jabba the Slut]: ever segue off this.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Are you sure?
[Give yourself a hand]: We'll
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Do
[Give yourself a hand]: see.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it. Do
[Give yourself a hand]: There's
[Jabba the Slut]: Thank
[Give yourself a hand]: a lot of
[Jabba the Slut]: you.
[Give yourself a hand]: focus on lightsabers.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh no.
[Give yourself a hand]: Are those what the laser
swords are called?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah?
[Give yourself a hand]: Are you
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah?
[Give yourself a hand]: sure?
[Boba Fett sucks]: Why
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Well,
[Boba Fett sucks]: not?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the...
Why, I, would you, yes?
[Give yourself a hand]: They're not just secretly
referring to penises all the time.
[Jabba the Slut]: Oh
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: So if
[Boba Fett sucks]: I
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: you,
[Boba Fett sucks]: mean,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: so you
want us
[Boba Fett sucks]: if,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: to reflect,
okay, go ahead, go ahead.
[Boba Fett sucks]: wait,
[Give yourself a hand]: Ahem.
[Boba Fett sucks]: if space balls is anything
to go by, then absolutely yes.
[Jabba the Slut]: they are analogies for the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Let's watch.
[Jabba the Slut]: wang.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Use the Schwartz.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I'm out.
[Jabba the Slut]: If
[Give yourself a hand]: Okay.
[Jabba the Slut]: you
[Give yourself a hand]: Ha ha
[Jabba the Slut]: press
[Boba Fett sucks]: So
[Give yourself a hand]: ha.
[Jabba the Slut]: the button,
[Boba Fett sucks]: I think you're onto
[Jabba the Slut]: it'll
[Boba Fett sucks]: something
[Jabba the Slut]: grow!
[Boba Fett sucks]: there.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: All right, that was
my fault. I'm moving off of this.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Too much!
It's a
[Jabba the Slut]: Grow,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: lot.
[Jabba the Slut]: my saber will!
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Give yourself a hand]: Back to...
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Even this
[Jabba the Slut]: Hehehe
[Give yourself a hand]: Back to Star Wars. Let's
ask a serious question about Star Wars, okay?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Okay,
[Jabba the Slut]: Okay.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: you can
try it
[Give yourself a hand]: On
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: again.
[Give yourself a hand]: the Battle of Hoth,
we see Luke flying around with his buddy Dax,
[Give yourself a hand]: and they are going to
try to take down an AT-AT walker before it
[Give yourself a hand]: destroys the shield
so everybody can escape, right? At one point,
[Give yourself a hand]: Luke's ship gets hit
by a shot, and it looks like it short circuits
[Give yourself a hand]: out Dax's ability hook
and DAC passes out.
[Jabba the Slut]: Which planet?
[Give yourself a hand]: Then on Hoth.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hoth.
[Give yourself a hand]: It's the Battle of Hoth.
[Jabba the Slut]: They should have called it
Colth. Thank you.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Keep
[Boba Fett sucks]: Can you
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: going,
[Boba Fett sucks]: kick him?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: just keep
[Boba Fett sucks]: Can
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: going.
[Boba Fett sucks]: you kick him?
[Jabba the Slut]: Thank you very much.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Can you kick him?
[Jabba the Slut]: Have a good day.
[Give yourself a hand]: You're done.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mute him!
[Jabba the Slut]: That was the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: him!
[Jabba the Slut]: best joke of
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mute
[Jabba the Slut]: this entire
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the bastard!
[Give yourself a hand]: Okay
[Jabba the Slut]: show.
[Give yourself a hand]: I hate my life. Um,
back to Hoth.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Give yourself a hand]: Um, uh, Dak gets passed
out, um, or seems to pass out, or a little
[Give yourself a hand]: blood in his face, so
who knows. And then Luke also then gets hit
[Give yourself a hand]: by another shot and
he can't control a little speeder and they
[Give yourself a hand]: crash into the snow.
Um, my question for you is did Luke murder
[Give yourself a hand]: Dak by not making any
attempt to rescue him whatsoever?
[Jabba the Slut]: Oh.
[Boba Fett sucks]: I mean, it's
[Jabba the Slut]: Hehehe.
[Boba Fett sucks]: at least
[Jabba the Slut]: Oh, that's-
[Boba Fett sucks]: manslaughter.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah, he
didn't even check
[Give yourself a hand]: He
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: his pulse.
[Give yourself a hand]: no he goes back in and
he's like he gets out and he's like Dax that
[Give yourself a hand]: he's like you think
he's going Oh, he's going back for that. Now.
[Give yourself a hand]: I just need his lightsaber
Sorry, Dak
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: He's like,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Nah.
[Jabba the Slut]: help
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: You gotta
[Jabba the Slut]: me!
[Give yourself a hand]: Excuse
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: eat this.
[Give yourself a hand]: me,
[Jabba the Slut]: Help me add in
[Give yourself a hand]: Dak
[Jabba the Slut]: my lifesaver.
[Give yourself a hand]: Dak. Let go of my lightsaber
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I'm just
[Boba Fett sucks]: Wait, are we going back to
the last question?
[Give yourself a hand]: No!
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Something
tells me that this is... I thought Dax must
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: be dead
because his corpse is grooming and groping
[Jabba the Slut]: Well,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: my
[Jabba the Slut]: he
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: lightsaber.
[Boba Fett sucks]: The fuck?
[Jabba the Slut]: but then he gets but then
that Dax is a Dax.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I think
it's DAX. Or is
[Give yourself a hand]: Thanks.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it DAX?
[Boba Fett sucks]: Dex.
[Jabba the Slut]: But Dax surely dies when he
gets stepped on by the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Smushed.
[Jabba the Slut]: AT
[Boba Fett sucks]: The AT&T,
[Jabba the Slut]: walker,
[Give yourself a hand]: Yes.
[Jabba the Slut]: right?
[Boba Fett sucks]: yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah. He's dead.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: No
[Boba Fett sucks]: For
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: remorse.
[Boba Fett sucks]: sure.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: No
[Give yourself a hand]: So.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Sarah
[Boba Fett sucks]: No,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: McLaughlin
[Boba Fett sucks]: I think, I think.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: playing
in the background for Dax.
[Give yourself a hand]: Nah, we don't care.
[Boba Fett sucks]: I think Matt's question is
if it's like, you know, reckless neglect, murder
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: or something like that.
[Give yourself a hand]: It's not
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: war
[Give yourself a hand]: murder,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: time.
[Give yourself a hand]: he didn't plan on doing
it, but he took advantage of it so it's manslaughter.
[Jabba the Slut]: He's like, Dax, no! He's like,
Luke, help me. No, Dax, you're dead!
[Boba Fett sucks]: No you're dead!
[Jabba the Slut]: Oh god,
[Boba Fett sucks]: You
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Heh.
[Jabba the Slut]: it's
[Boba Fett sucks]: died
[Jabba the Slut]: so horrible.
[Boba Fett sucks]: so long ago! You died so
long ago I can't do anything
[Jabba the Slut]: It's so
[Boba Fett sucks]: about
[Jabba the Slut]: sad.
[Boba Fett sucks]: it!
[Jabba the Slut]: Oh, ADAD coming right here.
Oh no! Oh, he squished, oh no. Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Just
[Jabba the Slut]: You have to
[Give yourself a hand]: Look,
[Boba Fett sucks]: using the lightsaber
[Give yourself a hand]: look
[Boba Fett sucks]: as like a...
[Give yourself a hand]: uses the force
[Jabba the Slut]: put
[Give yourself a hand]: to move the foot.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe hehehehehe hehehehehe hehehe hehehe he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he
[Jabba the Slut]: on him. Well, this is awkward.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh no! He's just sliding
it under the AT-AT. Oh no! He's dead! No, look!
[Boba Fett sucks]: I'm alive! Shut up! You're
dead! Nooooo!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: This is...
[Jabba the Slut]: Right before that,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: done
[Jabba the Slut]: Dax
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it.
[Jabba the Slut]: was like, I'm thinking about
asking Leia out. He's like, yeah, good idea,
[Jabba the Slut]: good idea.
[Give yourself a hand]: I
[Jabba the Slut]: Oh no, Dax, you're dead. Nobody
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I want
[Jabba the Slut]: bangs
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: know what
[Jabba the Slut]: my
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: was
[Jabba the Slut]: sister
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: going through
[Jabba the Slut]: but
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the
[Jabba the Slut]: me.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: mind. Yeah,
like that's totally the mindset. You just like
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: opened
up the door into Luke's mindset, leading up
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: to Dax's
that he's like, I can't have, I've gone so
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: far. I
can't have, I mean, I'm just gonna have to
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: add another,
another body to my co-pilot tallying. So, I'm
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: just gonna
call it workplace wartime hazard. AT-AT, what
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: happened?
[Boba Fett sucks]: I'm sure.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Because
no one asks about Dax ever
[Jabba the Slut]: Nobody,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: more
[Jabba the Slut]: nobody
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: from there,
[Jabba the Slut]: at
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: right?
[Jabba the Slut]: no.
[Boba Fett sucks]: That's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: No
[Boba Fett sucks]: true,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: one.
[Boba Fett sucks]: nobody asks, they just assume
he's dead.
[Give yourself a hand]: Maybe, so maybe Luke
didn't kill him. Maybe like before he goes
[Give yourself a hand]: out there, the general's
like, hey Luke, can I talk to you for a second?
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: So Dax
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah, he
[Give yourself a hand]: sucks.
[Boba Fett sucks]: needs to go.
[Jabba the Slut]: He takes
[Give yourself a hand]: Can you
[Jabba the Slut]: all
[Give yourself a hand]: just make sure he doesn't
come back from this
[Jabba the Slut]: there's
[Give yourself a hand]: mission?
[Jabba the Slut]: donuts
[Give yourself a hand]: Know what I'm
[Jabba the Slut]: in
[Give yourself a hand]: saying?
[Jabba the Slut]: the office.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: He eats them
[Give yourself a hand]: Wink,
[Jabba the Slut]: all. He
[Give yourself a hand]: wink.
[Jabba the Slut]: doesn't share any of the donuts.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Jabba the Slut]: He takes them.
[Boba Fett sucks]: You know,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: They're
hard to
[Jabba the Slut]: It's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: replicate.
[Jabba the Slut]: a one donut
[Boba Fett sucks]: you know
[Jabba the Slut]: per
[Boba Fett sucks]: why?
[Jabba the Slut]: person system and he's going
three, four deep. That's a line.
[Boba Fett sucks]: You know why that's very
credible as a theory? Because unlike basically
[Boba Fett sucks]: every single other person,
he's not like commander Dax or general Dax.
[Boba Fett sucks]: He's just Dax.
[Jabba the Slut]: Stacks Potter.
[Boba Fett sucks]: So it's like nobody likes
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Nobody likes him. I think
your theory is right, man. Someone called some
[Boba Fett sucks]: general somewhere, because
they have like, all of them are generals. Dax
[Boba Fett sucks]: just needs to go. Just make
sure he doesn't.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: only one
he's a Jared
[Jabba the Slut]: I
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: of
[Jabba the Slut]: picture
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the
[Jabba the Slut]: Dax being like,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: of the
[Jabba the Slut]: in a meeting, he'd be like,
but guys, the Imperial has some good points.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe
[Jabba the Slut]: And I just think
[Give yourself a hand]: I
[Jabba the Slut]: we should hear
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Jabba the Slut]: them out. And they're like,
okay, yeah, for sure, Dax.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: You guys tried this
jelly donut? No, Dak, you eat them all.
[Jabba the Slut]: No, we didn't get any.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: See, the Death Star's a lot
like a jelly donut. Inside,
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Jabba the Slut]: the juicy, juicy set.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh,
[Jabba the Slut]: Dax, you're flying with Luke
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: careful
that because the
[Boba Fett sucks]: And
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: last
[Boba Fett sucks]: just
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: lesson
[Boba Fett sucks]: throw
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: you
[Boba Fett sucks]: them,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: make sure
[Boba Fett sucks]: just throw them, you know
what? Stick decks where our 2D2 would go and
[Boba Fett sucks]: just leave them
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah,
[Boba Fett sucks]: there.
[Jabba the Slut]: he always gets shot there.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Wow.
[Jabba the Slut]: So,
[Boba Fett sucks]: So
[Jabba the Slut]: short
[Boba Fett sucks]: yes,
[Jabba the Slut]: answer.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Dirk.
[Boba Fett sucks]: I think he was just following
orders, but
[Give yourself a hand]: Okay.
[Boba Fett sucks]: yes, he
[Jabba the Slut]: It
[Boba Fett sucks]: did
[Jabba the Slut]: was a political
[Boba Fett sucks]: definitely
[Jabba the Slut]: assassination.
[Boba Fett sucks]: murder Dax.
[Give yourself a hand]: Now that explains why
nothing happens to Luke. No
[Jabba the Slut]: No,
[Give yourself a hand]: one's
[Jabba the Slut]: no.
[Give yourself a hand]: like, hey,
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: why did Dax die? There's
no inquiry into Dax death. It's just like,
[Give yourself a hand]: it just moves on.
[Boba Fett sucks]: No, no.
[Jabba the Slut]: He walks back, there's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: seconds.
[Jabba the Slut]: a- if you notice there's like
a little wink at one point when he comes back.
[Jabba the Slut]: And then he offers him a-
Yeah. And they have the- And then they go,
[Jabba the Slut]: Jelly donut? Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: He just gives
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: you did.
[Give yourself a hand]: the general the finger
guns, he's like
[Boba Fett sucks]: Pew pew yeah!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: And then
[Boba Fett sucks]: There's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: fades.
[Boba Fett sucks]: enough for everybody now!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: That's
[Give yourself a hand]: All right.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the director's
[Give yourself a hand]: That's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: It's
[Give yourself a hand]: great.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the
[Give yourself a hand]: Now
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: alternate
[Give yourself a hand]: I love it.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: ending.
[Jabba the Slut]: We
[Boba Fett sucks]: This
[Jabba the Slut]: all
[Boba Fett sucks]: is
[Jabba the Slut]: missed.
[Boba Fett sucks]: great investigative journalism
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: Okay, next question.
The Rebellion appears to... or they make the
[Give yourself a hand]: Rebellion out to not
have money, not have funds, like they're going
[Give yourself a hand]: planet to planet, running
from the Empire, have not enough resources
[Give yourself a hand]: to get things done.
Yet, you know, they're dishing out X-Wings,
[Give yourself a hand]: Luke just shows up,
give him a brand new X-Wing. Don't ask for
[Give yourself a hand]: credentials, don't ask
any questions. They've got this planet Hoth,
[Give yourself a hand]: like they've got like
a complete underground bunker. They've got
[Give yourself a hand]: all these defenses set
up. I just want to know like, how is, what
[Give yourself a hand]: is the rebellion doing
to fund this? Like are they, they're selling
[Give yourself a hand]: NFTs? Um, how are they,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh no!
[Give yourself a hand]: how are they getting
this done?
[Jabba the Slut]: No
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mmhmm.
[Jabba the Slut]: one's cheering for them now.
NFTs for everyone when we take over
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha.
[Jabba the Slut]: the galaxy.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Huzzah!
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: You'll have all the JPEGs
you'll dream of. We're
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh, we're
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: FINALLY!
[Boba Fett sucks]: gonna make bank! We're gonna
make bank!
[Jabba the Slut]: going to the moon, baby.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: And this
is why
[Boba Fett sucks]: That's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Dax,
[Boba Fett sucks]: a good question.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: yeah, it's
[Boba Fett sucks]: Because
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: why
[Boba Fett sucks]: like, every, like all of
their technology is garbage, right? There's
[Boba Fett sucks]: nothing ever new. Like the
Empire, everything is like pristine and nice
[Boba Fett sucks]: and like polished and everything
the rebellion has seems like it went through
[Boba Fett sucks]: at least a couple of garbage
dumps. Somebody wiped their asses
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah, it's
[Boba Fett sucks]: with
[Jabba the Slut]: like six.
[Boba Fett sucks]: some
[Jabba the Slut]: It's
[Boba Fett sucks]: parts.
[Jabba the Slut]: like six generation ships.
You know, it's like the old
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: iPhones. Like
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hmm...
[Jabba the Slut]: they're rocking iPhone 13's
and they have like iPhone
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah...
[Jabba the Slut]: twos. They're just
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: They're
[Jabba the Slut]: making
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: not
[Jabba the Slut]: it work.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: that sleek.
And like, especially when you think about...
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hmm?
[Boba Fett sucks]: Is it just a matter of there
being a lot of half-useful garbage that they...
[Boba Fett sucks]: Because remember when the
Millennium Falcon is hiding
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Boba Fett sucks]: a bug on the star? They're
so incompetent, those fuckers. But anyway,
[Boba Fett sucks]: when it goes like, oh, if
they follow Imperial standard procedure, they're
[Boba Fett sucks]: going to dump their garbage
before jumping to light speed. Maybe... that
[Boba Fett sucks]: garbage is stuff that they
can actually use. And that's how like the rebellion
[Boba Fett sucks]: just goes around towing garbage
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah,
[Boba Fett sucks]: trying to find
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[Boba Fett sucks]: useful shit.
[Jabba the Slut]: it's a good point. It's a
very wasteful galaxy. I
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: don't see a lot of recycling.
I don't the dump that they hide in the first
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: posting.
[Jabba the Slut]: movie. It's just a bunch of
metal and shit.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Composting.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: done.
[Give yourself a hand]: They literally just
piss all like the metal shit from the starstras.
[Give yourself a hand]: There's like get out
of here to space get
[Jabba the Slut]: Yes.
[Give yourself a hand]: fucked
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah, just leave it there.
Like, can you imagine how fucking, like, it's
[Boba Fett sucks]: just a trash dump in space.
Like, you take off from a planet, you will
[Boba Fett sucks]: run into like toilets and
shit floating
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Jabba the Slut]: Just
[Boba Fett sucks]: in
[Jabba the Slut]: going
[Boba Fett sucks]: space.
[Jabba the Slut]: light
[Boba Fett sucks]: I don't
[Jabba the Slut]: speed
[Boba Fett sucks]: know.
[Jabba the Slut]: in like a little stray
[Give yourself a hand]: Hehehehe,
[Jabba the Slut]: bolt,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Turd.
[Give yourself a hand]: yeah!
[Jabba the Slut]: like a little
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: screw in space just right
through your head.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: Well, it's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: or
[Give yourself a hand]: a good
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: like
[Give yourself a hand]: point
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: turds.
[Give yourself a hand]: Spencer. They make a
big deal over like plotting hyperspace points.
[Give yourself a hand]: It's like dangerous
You can't just like fly through a moon or something
[Give yourself a hand]: But like there's some
trash ever in space that floats
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: around can't go through
a moon But can go through a space turn blow
[Give yourself a hand]: up your ship
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: But
[Jabba the Slut]: Yes! Sir,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: bricks.
[Jabba the Slut]: another one down from the
space turds!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Sif Lord
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: butt bricks.
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: my God.
[Jabba the Slut]: I think it's safe to say their
ships are made of Imperial garbage. And
[Give yourself a hand]: Face turds.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: yeah, it's just, it's just,
and also like a lot of the planets they go
[Jabba the Slut]: to, there's just trash everywhere
and the trash
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: is all metal.
[Boba Fett sucks]: everything is like, yeah,
it's like scrap metal everywhere. There's always
[Boba Fett sucks]: some junker doing something.
[Jabba the Slut]: And I feel like you take down
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: one of those Star Destroyers.
You got enough material to make like 10, not
[Jabba the Slut]: even 10. It would be like
20 X-Wings.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh, much more,
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah, those
[Boba Fett sucks]: much
[Jabba the Slut]: things are
[Boba Fett sucks]: more.
[Jabba the Slut]: gigantic, so there you go.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah. They're like a kilometer,
like in length, the small ones.
[Give yourself a hand]: actually.
[Jabba the Slut]: Oh, yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: BLEH
[Boba Fett sucks]: Well, yeah. I mean, I had
to at one point, right?
[Jabba the Slut]: They, uh, yeah. So there's
your answer, sir. You're welcome.
[Give yourself a hand]: Thank you. Let's segue
to a bit of a lighter topic. Does Luke deserve
[Give yourself a hand]: to get his hand cut
[Jabba the Slut]: I'm going to go ahead and
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: and
[Jabba the Slut]: close the video.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Is it a lighter topic because
he lost the way of his of the hands
[Give yourself a hand]: Maybe.
[Boba Fett sucks]: that way? Okay
[Jabba the Slut]: So the question is, does Luke
deserve to have his hand sliced off by the
[Jabba the Slut]: end
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: by
[Give yourself a hand]: so
[Jabba the Slut]: his
[Give yourself a hand]: spoiler
[Jabba the Slut]: father?
[Give yourself a hand]: alerts if you haven't
watched this, what is this? It came out in
[Give yourself a hand]: like early 80s, so it's
like a ffff...
[Boba Fett sucks]: No, it's literally our age,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: That's
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: not a
[Give yourself a hand]: so
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: spoiler
[Give yourself a hand]: it's
[Boba Fett sucks]: 1980.
[Give yourself a hand]: a 40-
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: alert.
[Give yourself a hand]: spoiler alert if you
haven't watched this 42 year old movie.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: Luke gets
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: fail.
[Give yourself a hand]: his hand cut off at
the end of the movie. And I'm just wondering
[Give yourself a hand]: if like he deserves
it, because he's like, he goes to Yoda to get
[Give yourself a hand]: groomed and...
[Boba Fett sucks]: Runs away
[Give yourself a hand]: He runs away,
[Boba Fett sucks]: wisely.
[Give yourself a hand]: which is smart,
[Jabba the Slut]: Also,
[Give yourself a hand]: but as-
[Jabba the Slut]: I
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: think Yoda also says he's
too old.
[Give yourself a hand]: He
[Jabba the Slut]: If
[Give yourself a hand]: does.
[Jabba the Slut]: I'm not mistaken.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh yeah, 100%.
[Give yourself a hand]: Anyways, he goes and
leaves Yoda and he doesn't finish his training,
[Give yourself a hand]: right? He's like, and
then I was like, oh, if he, if you don't finish
[Give yourself a hand]: your training, you're
going to die or save them and blah. Anyways,
[Give yourself a hand]: but he goes and gets
his hand chopped off because he's ill prepared
[Give yourself a hand]: to like face Vader.
So like, does he deserve it? Like did he get
[Give yourself a hand]: what he deserves?
[Jabba the Slut]: Did that accomplish
[Boba Fett sucks]: I think
[Jabba the Slut]: anything?
[Boba Fett sucks]: so.
[Jabba the Slut]: Does him going there accomplish
[Boba Fett sucks]: No.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: He was
impetuous and didn't have
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: any sort
of plan whatsoever but to go and see
[Boba Fett sucks]: Well,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: what happens.
[Boba Fett sucks]: I mean,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it's classic,
[Boba Fett sucks]: it.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I'll close,
but it's like this. Luke fucked around and
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: so he found
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: out.
[Give yourself a hand]: you did.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Found out, yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: You just fuck around
[Boba Fett sucks]: for
[Jabba the Slut]: and find
[Boba Fett sucks]: sure.
[Jabba the Slut]: out.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Because like the whole point,
like being half serious for a second, the whole
[Boba Fett sucks]: point is that Yoda said,
yeah, let your friends die because it's for
[Boba Fett sucks]: the best for
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: if you
[Boba Fett sucks]: like
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: in what
[Boba Fett sucks]: you
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: they're
[Boba Fett sucks]: and the galaxy.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: for.
[Jabba the Slut]: You want him to have any
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: connections to the outside
[Boba Fett sucks]: yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: world?
[Boba Fett sucks]: of course, of course. But
then Luke is like, fuck this, I'm not gonna
[Boba Fett sucks]: let my friends die even if
I suffer in the process. So that's kind of
[Boba Fett sucks]: the reason why he goes. But
to answer your question, he wasn't prepared,
[Boba Fett sucks]: so I think he got what he
deserved, you know, to Chris's point. Fucking
[Boba Fett sucks]: around happened and then
finding out happened.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah, um,
[Boba Fett sucks]: It just follows.
[Jabba the Slut]: he
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: He
[Jabba the Slut]: did,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: did.
[Jabba the Slut]: he did deserve it after what
he did to Dax.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah. Yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: see,
[Boba Fett sucks]: it's karma.
[Give yourself a hand]: Cava.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it's
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the will
[Jabba the Slut]: That was just
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: of the
[Jabba the Slut]: karma.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: force,
you might say. Balance.
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah, and then
[Give yourself a hand]: But
[Jabba the Slut]: that's when
[Give yourself a hand]: we
[Jabba the Slut]: Vader
[Give yourself a hand]: just said
[Jabba the Slut]: said,
[Give yourself a hand]: Dak
[Jabba the Slut]: is
[Give yourself a hand]: deserved to die.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Ah, ah,
[Jabba the Slut]: that
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: ah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Jabba the Slut]: true?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: People
[Jabba the Slut]: That
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: need
[Jabba the Slut]: Vader's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: jelly
[Jabba the Slut]: like,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: donuts.
[Jabba the Slut]: Vader's like, that was for
[Boba Fett sucks]: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
[Jabba the Slut]: How do you know?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: You never
leave a wingman behind,
[Boba Fett sucks]: As
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: son.
[Boba Fett sucks]: as he was as he was pelting
Luke With in slow motion
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: with like boxes. This is
for Dax and
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yes.
[Boba Fett sucks]: this is for Dax
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: And that's
for Dax. And that's
[Give yourself a hand]: Yep.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: for Dax.
[Give yourself a hand]: Okay.
[Jabba the Slut]: And you should leave because
I don't want my son near the Emperor!
[Give yourself a hand]: Ha ha.
[Boba Fett sucks]: No, he wants him. He's gotten
into the grooming thing
[Jabba the Slut]: That's
[Boba Fett sucks]: too.
[Jabba the Slut]: true.
[Give yourself a hand]: That's how DP's in.
He's just like off ramp as kids.
[Jabba the Slut]: He's... Yeah, he's
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Jabba the Slut]: deep in the
[Give yourself a hand]: is
[Jabba the Slut]: grooming
[Give yourself a hand]: fucked.
[Jabba the Slut]: cult.
[Boba Fett sucks]: And also remember when Luke
decides to actually go and then Obi-Wan says,
[Boba Fett sucks]: oh, he's our only hope. And
Yola's like, no, there is one more. It's like,
[Boba Fett sucks]: so he's like, ah, one leaves,
we have another kid. It's going
[Jabba the Slut]: There
[Boba Fett sucks]: to be fine.
[Jabba the Slut]: is another.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Plenty of kids to
[Jabba the Slut]: There's
[Boba Fett sucks]: groom
[Jabba the Slut]: another
[Boba Fett sucks]: here.
[Jabba the Slut]: child.
[Boba Fett sucks]: I mean, train here.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-mm.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Anyway.
[Give yourself a hand]: Moving on! Uh, where
are we at? Oh, hey, um, everybody knows Lobot,
[Give yourself a hand]: right? The dude with
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: like
[Jabba the Slut]: No.
[Give yourself a hand]: the, the headphones
on, on Bespin.
[Jabba the Slut]: Everybody knows Lobot.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Cloud City's
[Boba Fett sucks]: David
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: number...
[Boba Fett sucks]: Lopan? From Big Trouble Little
[Give yourself a hand]: Uh, no?
[Boba Fett sucks]: Okay.
[Give yourself a hand]: The
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Cloud
[Give yourself a hand]: cloud
[Jabba the Slut]: It's.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: City's
[Give yourself a hand]: cities.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: number
one DJ, bringing you all your favorite rebellious,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I mean
all of your cloud
[Boba Fett sucks]: HAHAHAHAHAHA
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: farming
manufacturing hits.
[Give yourself a hand]: He's a drive
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: One station.
[Give yourself a hand]: time shock rock DJ,
[Jabba the Slut]: little button sounds like
a Decepticon.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I've got
you covered.
[Give yourself a hand]: Lobot doesn't talk to
anybody ever.
[Jabba the Slut]: Does he
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: except
[Jabba the Slut]: not?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: for when
he's on
[Boba Fett sucks]: Right.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the radio.
He's on- when he's on the radio,
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: he's
[Give yourself a hand]: when
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: in
[Give yourself a hand]: he's on
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the-
[Give yourself a hand]: the radio, but when
he's not on the radio, he's just hanging out
[Give yourself a hand]: with Lando.
[Jabba the Slut]: Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[Give yourself a hand]: He doesn't
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: really talk or say much.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Give yourself a hand]: So,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: LOL
[Give yourself a hand]: Lobot,
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah
[Boba Fett sucks]: Ha!
[Give yourself a hand]: he doesn't talk to people.
He barely acknowledges Lando. He's like around,
[Give yourself a hand]: but kind of stares through
him at times and like once in a while acknowledges
[Give yourself a hand]: him. I assume he can't
hear Lando at all. Because he's a DJ, he's
[Give yourself a hand]: always looking for the
next hits to play for his fans. I just want
[Give yourself a hand]: to know what is he listening
to on his headphones, that thing that's wrapped
[Give yourself a hand]: around his head that
keeps him distracted from doing his actual
[Give yourself a hand]: job, whatever it was.
[Jabba the Slut]: What's he listening to on
his beats by Dre?
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah, K-I-I-S, easy listening
FM. That's what it's listening to. It's easy
[Boba Fett sucks]: listening all the time.
[Jabba the Slut]: I think he's just
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh, haha, the Benny Hill
theme song! That's just in loop. Ha ha ha!
[Jabba the Slut]: I think he's just listening
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: What are
you listening to, little bot? You wouldn't
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: know it.
[Boba Fett sucks]: You wouldn't
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: understand
[Jabba the Slut]: you.
[Boba Fett sucks]: it
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah, you wouldn't get it.
It's it's an on the on the down. Let's see.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah Do you think that's
why he's just always glaring
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: because he's pretending to
listen but he's like actually just listening
[Boba Fett sucks]: to his beats
[Give yourself a hand]: So is he listening to
the guys in the Mos Eisley Cantina or is he
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: listening to Max Rebo,
the blue elephant from Jabba the Hutz Palace?
[Jabba the Slut]: Oh God. The one with the guy
who's like
[Boba Fett sucks]: I think
[Jabba the Slut]: DABA
[Boba Fett sucks]: he's
[Jabba the Slut]: DOOBIE
[Boba Fett sucks]: listening
[Boba Fett sucks]: to... Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: I'm gonna get
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh
[Give yourself a hand]: it
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the
[Boba Fett sucks]: I think
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: George
[Boba Fett sucks]: he's listening.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Lucas edition?
[Boba Fett sucks]: Ha ha
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh.
[Boba Fett sucks]: ha.
[Give yourself a hand]: I'm sorry.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: And then
there was an
[Boba Fett sucks]: his
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: alien woman
as well. I think they added her
[Give yourself a hand]: That's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: in
[Give yourself a hand]: the one
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: one
[Give yourself a hand]: he's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: of the...
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: talking about.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh,
[Jabba the Slut]: yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I thought
[Jabba the Slut]: no,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: was a...
[Boba Fett sucks]: He's listening
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Okay,
[Boba Fett sucks]: to
[Jabba the Slut]: there's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: the
[Jabba the Slut]: a woman and like a
[Boba Fett sucks]: music
[Jabba the Slut]: very gay
[Boba Fett sucks]: from that band of the first
episode of Star Wars Visions. He has bad
[Jabba the Slut]: Oh
[Boba Fett sucks]: taste,
[Jabba the Slut]: god.
[Boba Fett sucks]: basically.
[Give yourself a hand]: Oh my God.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: That's a deep cut, but it's
[Give yourself a hand]: This
[Jabba the Slut]: terrible.
[Boba Fett sucks]: I know.
[Give yourself a hand]: guy, this guy, you know
what? We're done with this question. Luciano
[Give yourself a hand]: ruined
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I was
[Give yourself a hand]: it.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: gonna say
[Jabba the Slut]: You...
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: chill-
[Boba Fett sucks]: My work
[Jabba the Slut]: you... you
[Boba Fett sucks]: here
[Jabba the Slut]: ruined
[Boba Fett sucks]: is done!
[Jabba the Slut]: it so
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I was
[Jabba the Slut]: much.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: gonna say
sped up chill hop, but those answers were so
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: much better.
[Give yourself a hand]: The worst. Okay, next
[Boba Fett sucks]: Sped up jobs.
[Jabba the Slut]: I'm gonna go.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Fucking hell. Ha ha.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Think about
[Give yourself a hand]: You're all familiar
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Let
[Give yourself a hand]: with
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it
[Give yourself a hand]: the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: marinate.
[Give yourself a hand]: back to tank, correct?
The back to tank shows up at the end of this
[Give yourself a hand]: movie. They, they stuff
Luke into it. Actually beginning movie.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah!
[Give yourself a hand]: They stuff him into
it when he comes in from, from being frozen
[Give yourself a hand]: on Hoth.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Right.
[Give yourself a hand]: Um, and he's bobbing
around and twitching out and shit. Um, we also
[Give yourself a hand]: see the back to tank
used in other movies heavily in the Boba Fett
[Give yourself a hand]: series. He like lives
in there and Boba
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Obi-Wan.
[Give yourself a hand]: has a, just a ton of
like, we're calling the memories, but maybe
[Give yourself a hand]: stripping out. We don't
know, but I want to know like what. The back
[Give yourself a hand]: to is healing you but
like what is the back to doing to you on a
[Give yourself a hand]: mental level while you
float around that goo?
[Jabba the Slut]: First
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: There's
[Jabba the Slut]: of
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: gotta
[Jabba the Slut]: all, it's not
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: be.
[Jabba the Slut]: goo, it's essential oils.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh no.
[Jabba the Slut]: Mixed
[Give yourself a hand]: Okay?
[Jabba the Slut]: with
[Boba Fett sucks]: It's frankincense,
[Jabba the Slut]: psychosobin
[Boba Fett sucks]: it's frankincense.
[Jabba the Slut]: or whatever the fuck is in
mushrooms. So
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hmm.
[Jabba the Slut]: what's it called? Psychosobin?
[Boba Fett sucks]: Silo so, silo so, silo so
[Give yourself a hand]: Oh, I
[Jabba the Slut]: It's
[Boba Fett sucks]: yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: thought
[Jabba the Slut]: that.
[Give yourself a hand]: it was the Vagina candle
from Goop. My bad.
[Jabba the Slut]: That's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[Jabba the Slut]: melted
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh my
[Jabba the Slut]: and
[Boba Fett sucks]: god.
[Jabba the Slut]: poured in there too. That's
to enhance the
[Boba Fett sucks]: That's when you're really
[Jabba the Slut]: experience.
[Boba Fett sucks]: hurt. That's the only time
they use that.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Jelly
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: donut jam
and Boston cream donut cream.
[Give yourself a hand]: That's,
[Jabba the Slut]: That's what Dax
[Boba Fett sucks]: So
[Jabba the Slut]: was
[Give yourself a hand]: that's,
[Jabba the Slut]: doing with all those donuts.
[Give yourself a hand]: that's in your mind.
That's just floating in your mind.
[Boba Fett sucks]: I think
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: It's inceptioned.
[Boba Fett sucks]: the one thing we can say
that is for sure that happens to you while
[Boba Fett sucks]: you're in there is you're
having aggressive psychosexual hallucinations
[Boba Fett sucks]: for sure.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Judge Dredd
[Jabba the Slut]: like
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I
[Jabba the Slut]: it
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: mean,
[Jabba the Slut]: like
[Give yourself a hand]: Oh
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: no,
[Give yourself a hand]: god.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: like a
demolition man. Like put these on!
[Boba Fett sucks]: Demolition man.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: AHH!
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah, exactly.
[Jabba the Slut]: I just picture in Boba Fett
it's like
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: It's Andrew
[Jabba the Slut]: put on your diaper and strap
in go for a ride
[Boba Fett sucks]: That's why he needs a diaper,
because all kinds of shit happened
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[Boba Fett sucks]: there. Literally.
[Jabba the Slut]: don't go in a back to tank
without your diaper you never know what's
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: gonna happen in there
[Give yourself a hand]: haha
[Boba Fett sucks]: you think it's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: You don't
[Boba Fett sucks]: underwear,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: know what's
[Boba Fett sucks]: it's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: come
[Boba Fett sucks]: just
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: out.
[Boba Fett sucks]: like, it's all made of plastic
so it can hold the fluids.
[Jabba the Slut]: Uh, um, yeah, it's a, it's,
it's a drug tank and they're tripping balls
[Jabba the Slut]: much like
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: some
[Jabba the Slut]: a,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: sped up.
Yeah, yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: much like Luke on that planet
when he saw himself. He's like, what am I back
[Jabba the Slut]: in the back to take? This
[Give yourself a hand]: the
[Jabba the Slut]: is trippy
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Wow,
[Jabba the Slut]: shit.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I don't
know, sooner than I thought. And then there's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: like, there's
a, cause it's a somewhat of a harrowing process,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: like having
accelerated healing going on, right? So
[Boba Fett sucks]: A
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: like
[Boba Fett sucks]: heroin process?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: harrowing.
[Boba Fett sucks]: I know, I know.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: And like,
don't forget, like, what are people, what do
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: people
hear when they're, they're in all five senses,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: right?
We covered a number of them, but what do you
[Boba Fett sucks]: Spat
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: hear?
[Boba Fett sucks]: up,
[Jabba the Slut]: It was a bit...
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Sped
[Boba Fett sucks]: spat
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: up enya,
[Boba Fett sucks]: up psycho pup.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: sped up
[Jabba the Slut]: Now
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I'm so
[Jabba the Slut]: I wanna
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: happy
[Jabba the Slut]: be with
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: that
[Jabba the Slut]: you!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I'm
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: still
[Boba Fett sucks]: my
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: with you,
[Boba Fett sucks]: God.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: and I'm
so happy that I'm with you.
[Jabba the Slut]: That sounds like torture.
[Give yourself a hand]: I actually think that
just hear what all three of you did at the
[Give yourself a hand]: same time.
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah, yeah!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: truer words
were never spoken.
[Give yourself a hand]: How, so like, is there,
you think there's that, like if that's happening,
[Give yourself a hand]: do you think there's
a max amount of back to tank time you can get
[Give yourself a hand]: before you're just like,
you come out crazy?
[Jabba the Slut]: Oh yeah,
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: it's like the Joe
[Boba Fett sucks]: yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: Rogan
[Boba Fett sucks]: look up.
[Jabba the Slut]: sensory deprivation tank.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Jabba the Slut]: You go in there too long and
[Give yourself a hand]: You
[Jabba the Slut]: happened
[Give yourself a hand]: go
[Jabba the Slut]: to him
[Give yourself a hand]: full
[Jabba the Slut]: will happen
[Give yourself a hand]: Joe
[Boba Fett sucks]: What?
[Jabba the Slut]: to
[Give yourself a hand]: Rogan.
[Jabba the Slut]: you. You go full Joe Rogan.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Why
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah,
[Boba Fett sucks]: do
[Jabba the Slut]: exactly.
[Boba Fett sucks]: you? Why do you think Boba
Fett looks like he does in his series? It's
[Boba Fett sucks]: just
[Jabba the Slut]: He's like, dude,
[Boba Fett sucks]: too much back
[Jabba the Slut]: I've
[Boba Fett sucks]: to
[Jabba the Slut]: been
[Boba Fett sucks]: think.
[Jabba the Slut]: just fucking going hard on
elk meat.
[Give yourself a hand]: hahahaha
[Boba Fett sucks]: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
[Jabba the Slut]: Fucking Magic Monster's man.
And I've seen the world through another lens,
[Jabba the Slut]: bro. You know,
[Give yourself a hand]: Okay
[Jabba the Slut]: have you ever seen a bear
fight a wolf? Just never
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Jabba the Slut]: go full Joe Rogan.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I just
want to ask you
[Give yourself a hand]: the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: something.
I just want to ask you something boba like
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: based on
The amount of time you spent in this in back
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: to tanks.
Tell me have you ever craved placenta?
[Jabba the Slut]: Dude, don't even talk about
[Boba Fett sucks]: Jesus
[Jabba the Slut]: placenta
[Boba Fett sucks]: Christ.
[Jabba the Slut]: like it's like it's a weird
thing. OK, OK. Have you ever
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oi oi
[Jabba the Slut]: if you've seen that video
of like a Neanderthal,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Uh...
[Jabba the Slut]: like the one that was like
the missing link, it's out there,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: man. It's out there, man.
And I'm just I don't know for sure. I'm just
[Jabba the Slut]: asking questions. Just
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Uh-huh.
[Jabba the Slut]: ask me questions.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Why did Boba turn fully into
Joe Rogan now?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hmm
[Jabba the Slut]: because
[Give yourself a hand]: Because he
[Jabba the Slut]: he
[Give yourself a hand]: spent too much time
in the back
[Jabba the Slut]: was
[Give yourself a hand]: of the tank.
[Jabba the Slut]: in the den of
[Boba Fett sucks]: Ah,
[Jabba the Slut]: sensory
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: See?
[Jabba the Slut]: deprivation,
[Boba Fett sucks]: okay,
[Jabba the Slut]: I think.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: You come
[Boba Fett sucks]: I
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: out,
[Boba Fett sucks]: see.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: you come
out Joe Roganed.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah, that's bad.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: It's the
Rogan effect.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh no.
[Jabba the Slut]: I'm
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: experience
[Jabba the Slut]: not saying the earth
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: effect.
[Jabba the Slut]: is flat, but I'm just putting
the question out there.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: mean like
if you just rub placenta juice over your lower
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: half of
your face
[Boba Fett sucks]: What the fuck is up with
you and Placenta,
[Jabba the Slut]: Blitz-blitz.
[Boba Fett sucks]: dude?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Because
[Boba Fett sucks]: I know.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: he had
a guest. He had a guest who showed up like
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh no.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah Hey,
[Jabba the Slut]: Don't knock it till you try
it, man.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: so that's
boba, you know
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: Why
[Give yourself a hand]: that's...
[Jabba the Slut]: do you think
[Give yourself a hand]: That's...
[Jabba the Slut]: I'm sipping?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: It's not
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh!
[Give yourself a hand]: So
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahahaha!
[Give yourself a hand]: that's happened.
[Jabba the Slut]: God, that's so gross.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh my
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Three
[Boba Fett sucks]: god.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: guesses!
[Jabba the Slut]: Take, take,
[Boba Fett sucks]: It's...
[Jabba the Slut]: take us away,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Bloody
[Jabba the Slut]: man.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Cl-
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mary on
the table!
[Boba Fett sucks]: It's...
[Jabba the Slut]: Get us
[Boba Fett sucks]: Clam
[Jabba the Slut]: outta here.
[Boba Fett sucks]: placenta juice.
[Give yourself a hand]: I want to ask you a
question about the movie we watched.
[Jabba the Slut]: One
[Boba Fett sucks]: Ha
[Jabba the Slut]: movie?
[Boba Fett sucks]: ha!
[Give yourself a hand]: The Empire Strikes Back.
[Jabba the Slut]: What now?
[Give yourself a hand]: Empire,
[Jabba the Slut]: Please!
[Give yourself a hand]: the Emperor's new groomers.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Ezra Miller,
[Give yourself a hand]: Why,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: you sly
[Give yourself a hand]: why, so in the movie,
Luke goes missing and
[Jabba the Slut]: Mm-hmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: there's a big to-do
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I'm
[Give yourself a hand]: made
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: sorry.
[Give yourself a hand]: around the blast doors.
Like you gotta close the blast doors overnight.
[Give yourself a hand]: What, like, what's the
deal with the blast doors? Cause once the doors
[Give yourself a hand]: are closed, it's like
you die is the impression they give you. Like
[Give yourself a hand]: you can't open them
for anything. Like, I just don't understand
[Give yourself a hand]: why it's such a big
deal. Like what if Han Solo or what if Luke
[Give yourself a hand]: came back 1 a.m. and
he's like, hey guys, I'm here. They're gonna
[Give yourself a hand]: be like, oh, sorry,
dude. Doors are closed for the night. Hope
[Give yourself a hand]: you have a good time
[Boba Fett sucks]: Guess
[Give yourself a hand]: Ha
[Boba Fett sucks]: you're
[Give yourself a hand]: ha ha.
[Boba Fett sucks]: dexed now!
[Jabba the Slut]: I'm going to go to
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hello?
[Jabba the Slut]: sleep.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I took
a wrong turn at that one or
[Jabba the Slut]: You know
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: two
[Jabba the Slut]: the rules.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: weeks.
Damn it.
[Jabba the Slut]: You know the rules and so
do I.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Uh... That's a good question
[Jabba the Slut]: I
[Boba Fett sucks]: though.
[Jabba the Slut]: think that the, if I'm not
mistaken at night there, it's so cold. You
[Jabba the Slut]: just die. Right. That's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Jabba the Slut]: why he had to go inside the,
uh, Tom
[Give yourself a hand]: bantha
[Jabba the Slut]: Tom.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Tom
[Give yourself a hand]: or so tonton
[Boba Fett sucks]: Tom.
[Give yourself a hand]: yeah but if that's true
hansolo should've died cause hansolo just dug
[Give yourself a hand]: a snow pit and he survived
so like i don't think he'd die that badly if
[Give yourself a hand]: he can get in some snow
and bunker down
[Jabba the Slut]: Hmm, that is a good point.
I think
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hmm.
[Jabba the Slut]: they, um, they just have a
strict, uh, no policy, you know, rules are
[Jabba the Slut]: rules and policy is policy.
You don't want to deal with the fallout of
[Jabba the Slut]: a lawsuit. That's my answer.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Wait, who's gonna? Who's
gonna sue who?
[Jabba the Slut]: Fucking Daxwood.
[Boba Fett sucks]: No, he's dead, it's fine.
[Jabba the Slut]: He's
[Give yourself a hand]: I
[Jabba the Slut]: not
[Give yourself a hand]: asked
[Jabba the Slut]: dead
[Give yourself a hand]: you
[Jabba the Slut]: yet.
[Give yourself a hand]: where they got their
funds from, we came up with nothing, so I don't
[Give yourself a hand]: know what you're suing
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah, well, it's not nothing.
It's just that they're in
[Give yourself a hand]: Space
[Boba Fett sucks]: a
[Give yourself a hand]: junk.
[Boba Fett sucks]: trade
[Jabba the Slut]: Listen,
[Boba Fett sucks]: business
[Jabba the Slut]: if we're being
[Boba Fett sucks]: in
[Jabba the Slut]: serious.
[Boba Fett sucks]: a bent in a barter business
[Jabba the Slut]: They get their funds from
people who are undercover within the Empire.
[Jabba the Slut]: We learned this in the show
and or which you would know if you.
[Give yourself a hand]: Oh, the
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: woke
[Boba Fett sucks]: we did.
[Give yourself a hand]: liberal elite.
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah,
[Boba Fett sucks]: Literally,
[Jabba the Slut]: wake up
[Boba Fett sucks]: literally,
[Jabba the Slut]: people.
[Give yourself a hand]: the
[Boba Fett sucks]: that's literally
[Jabba the Slut]: Literally,
[Boba Fett sucks]: what it is.
[Jabba the Slut]: that is 100%
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I gotta
[Jabba the Slut]: accurate.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: say guys,
these Empire biscuits are not all they're cracked
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: up to be.
Have you ever tried rebellion wafers? I mean,
[Jabba the Slut]: Get him!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: they're...
[Give yourself a hand]: Shut
[Boba Fett sucks]: What the
[Give yourself a hand]: up,
[Boba Fett sucks]: fuck
[Give yourself a hand]: Dex!
[Boba Fett sucks]: are you talking about?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: No, no,
I was talking, I was someone on the Empire
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: side talking.
[Give yourself a hand]: Fuck you, Dax.
[Jabba the Slut]: It's always tags.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: So there's
the Dax on
[Boba Fett sucks]: I
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: every
[Boba Fett sucks]: don't know.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: side. Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: So Matt, I think what the
problem is, is because it's so cold, the heating
[Boba Fett sucks]: is very expensive
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mhm.
[Boba Fett sucks]: inside that
[Jabba the Slut]: and they're
[Boba Fett sucks]: base.
[Jabba the Slut]: poor.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hydrobills.
[Boba Fett sucks]: If you keep opening the blast
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Don't
[Boba Fett sucks]: when it's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: let
[Boba Fett sucks]: cold,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: my heat
[Boba Fett sucks]: then
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: out!
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah
[Give yourself a hand]: No.
[Boba Fett sucks]: your heating
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Don't
[Boba Fett sucks]: bill
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: let
[Boba Fett sucks]: goes
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: out
[Boba Fett sucks]: up.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: all
[Boba Fett sucks]: That's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: my
[Boba Fett sucks]: it.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: heat!
[Jabba the Slut]: There's a bond security guard
that's like, what are you raised in a barn?
[Jabba the Slut]: Close
[Give yourself a hand]: I'm sorry.
[Jabba the Slut]: that damn
[Boba Fett sucks]: hahahaha
[Jabba the Slut]: door!
[Give yourself a hand]: the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Jared,
god damn it for the fifth time!
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah, is
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: it?
[Give yourself a hand]: So it's basically that
Noah wants to deal with Jerry,
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: yelling
[Jabba the Slut]: yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: about
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: the heat loss. So
[Jabba the Slut]: it's
[Give yourself a hand]: they made
[Jabba the Slut]: the
[Give yourself a hand]: a strict
[Jabba the Slut]: angry dad.
[Give yourself a hand]: ball shit closing the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Listen,
it's the Jerry, it's the J protocol, okay?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: He's fucking,
he's the next Dax, I tell you. Dax ate all
[Jabba the Slut]: I'm
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the jelly
[Boba Fett sucks]: hahahaha
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Jerry won't
shut the fuck up about the heat and he keeps
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: hogging
all the blankets, okay? We're ass out. Could
[Jabba the Slut]: Hey
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: someone?
[Jabba the Slut]: Jerry, Luke needs a new wingman!
[Give yourself a hand]: the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I knew
[Jabba the Slut]: New
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I knew
[Jabba the Slut]: wingman!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: wig bed.
[Boba Fett sucks]: And your wingman.
[Jabba the Slut]: Wink!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh really?
Okay, well I'll make sure I lock it down and
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: make sure
everything is totally insulated. Look at it,
[Boba Fett sucks]: We'll
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: space is
[Boba Fett sucks]: even
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: cold!
[Boba Fett sucks]: make sure that there's a
heated blanket up there
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Space
[Boba Fett sucks]: for you.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: is cold!
[Boba Fett sucks]: So it can short out really
quickly. I mean, it can get really warm really
[Boba Fett sucks]: quickly.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Luke, have
you ever thought of using a hot water bottle
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: between
your groin when you fly?
[Boba Fett sucks]: Jesus I think I yeah, I think
look we just kill
[Jabba the Slut]: Oh,
[Boba Fett sucks]: him
[Jabba the Slut]: quit.
[Boba Fett sucks]: before taking
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: off
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I tell
[Boba Fett sucks]: Shut the shut the fuck up
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I was
[Boba Fett sucks]: Jesus
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I was
[Boba Fett sucks]: Christ
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I was on
I was on and best been one time and this nice
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: fellow
There was easy just put the hot bottles on
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: my groin
inside a canteen at first I thought this is
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: not what
I was expecting, but you know what I Warmed
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: up to it
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah
[Jabba the Slut]: movie.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah, there's
too many, you can't, hydro is no joke in these
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: streets.
[Jabba the Slut]: Okay,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: And the
[Jabba the Slut]: Jerry.
[Boba Fett sucks]: In half.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: a not,
for not, I'm not, I'm not Jerry anymore. Not
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: being
[Jabba the Slut]: You sound
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: a not-for-profit.
[Jabba the Slut]: like him. You sound like him.
That's all I'm saying. You sound like him.
[Jabba the Slut]: That's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: You know
[Jabba the Slut]: all I'm saying.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: what? You,
go sit down and, go sit over there in the corner
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: and drink
your not-climato.
[Give yourself a hand]: That's what Jerry would
say, is all I'm
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: No, no,
[Give yourself a hand]: saying.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: no.
[Boba Fett sucks]: It is. Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: Um, all right, I think
we've nailed most of this
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Jelly!
[Give yourself a hand]: question. I
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Donuts.
[Give yourself a hand]: think I have one, I
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I want
[Give yourself a hand]: one more.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: one.
[Give yourself a hand]: Uh, it's a quick one.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I'll
[Give yourself a hand]: is
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: get
[Give yourself a hand]: the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it
[Give yourself a hand]: appropriate?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: tomorrow.
[Give yourself a hand]: So like the, the empire
figures out that the rebellion is hiding out
[Give yourself a hand]: on Hoth. Uh, cause they
sent a little weird like droid that makes noises.
[Boba Fett sucks]: The probe.
[Give yourself a hand]: The probe.
[Boba Fett sucks]: The most hated enemy in any
Star Wars game ever.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: You
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah, the one that C-3PO
can't understand what he's fucking saying
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: They
[Give yourself a hand]: even
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: were
[Give yourself a hand]: though C-3PO
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: too big,
[Give yourself a hand]: knows
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: but they
[Give yourself a hand]: four
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: as big
[Give yourself a hand]: million
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: as the
[Give yourself a hand]: different
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: other.
[Give yourself a hand]: times
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: don't know.
[Give yourself a hand]: of communication. But
whatever, fuck you C-3PO. You should
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I'm
[Give yourself a hand]: get
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: out.
[Give yourself a hand]: daxed too.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yes, fuck you C3PO.
[Give yourself a hand]: But I want to know because
they show up and the Imperial Navy's, the advancement
[Give yourself a hand]: system goes into overdrive
after Vader kills Admiral or whatever and promotes
[Boba Fett sucks]: Ha ha
[Give yourself a hand]: Captain
[Boba Fett sucks]: ha!
[Give yourself a hand]: Piet, I don't know why
I remember his name, into being the Admiral.
[Give yourself a hand]: I can use math because
they popped out of hyperspace too close to
[Give yourself a hand]: the planet. What's the
right distance to show up to a planet before
[Give yourself a hand]: you assault it to destroy
a rebel base?
[Jabba the Slut]: 10.
[Give yourself a hand]: 10.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yes, 10, just 10.
[Jabba the Slut]: You know you know. So I'm
[Boba Fett sucks]: No,
[Give yourself a hand]: I
[Boba Fett sucks]: I
[Give yourself a hand]: don't
[Boba Fett sucks]: think...
[Give yourself a hand]: know that's why I asked
the question.
[Jabba the Slut]: Well, 10.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Well, quite
[Boba Fett sucks]: Uh
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: scientifically,
when you fuck around, you find out.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh my God.
[Jabba the Slut]: Here we go.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Okay, I'm gonna
[Give yourself a hand]: That's not
[Boba Fett sucks]: try
[Give yourself a hand]: a measurement.
[Boba Fett sucks]: to answer your actual question,
Matt. I'm gonna attempt
[Give yourself a hand]: All right.
[Boba Fett sucks]: it.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Let's talk
to Jerry.
[Boba Fett sucks]: 10,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh,
[Boba Fett sucks]: no, I'm
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: 10?
[Boba Fett sucks]: kidding.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: 10 parsecs?
[Boba Fett sucks]: I think the problem was that
the star destroyers are too big so they can
[Boba Fett sucks]: see them like from anywhere
in the planet. But like... I think Vader was
[Boba Fett sucks]: just hankering for someone
to kill. That's it. Like, if it wasn't, you
[Boba Fett sucks]: know, oh you got in too close,
it would say you got in too far and then they
[Boba Fett sucks]: had time to escape or the
Star Destroyer is sideways and I don't like
[Boba Fett sucks]: it or you know, it like makes
all the goo inside my egg drip. I don't
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mmhmm.
[Boba Fett sucks]: know. He was just looking
for someone to kill.
[Give yourself a hand]: So
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: True.
[Give yourself a hand]: you're saying that the
bridges of Imperial Starter Strives are like
[Give yourself a hand]: prison yards. Invaders
comes in and sets the tone real quick with
[Give yourself a hand]: whatever reason. Murders
[Boba Fett sucks]: Exactly.
[Give yourself a hand]: the guy and then everyone
[Jabba the Slut]: Find
[Give yourself a hand]: works.
[Jabba the Slut]: the biggest guy
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: and knock him out.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: exactly.
[Jabba the Slut]: Then you're gonna know who's
in charge.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: It's essentially
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: like
[Boba Fett sucks]: that's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: a
[Boba Fett sucks]: it.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Kobayashi
Maru, is that the correct enunciation?
[Jabba the Slut]: That is the worst
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh,
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah, you got
[Boba Fett sucks]: oh
[Jabba the Slut]: analogy
[Boba Fett sucks]: my
[Give yourself a hand]: it.
[Boba Fett sucks]: god.
[Jabba the Slut]: though.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: No, you
can't. There is no perfect distance because
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Vader is
still coming to kill you.
[Jabba the Slut]: that analogy is not apt
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: and I just regret
[Give yourself a hand]: Arrrr
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: You know
[Jabba the Slut]: it.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: not
[Boba Fett sucks]: Also,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: ass?
[Boba Fett sucks]: why?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Your face.
[Jabba the Slut]: It's not apt.
[Give yourself a hand]: that ass.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: The dummy
[Boba Fett sucks]: Why did
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: ass.
[Boba Fett sucks]: he not kill the next captain
at the end when the Millennium Falcon actually
[Boba Fett sucks]: runs away? He just walks
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: He's like,
I've killed enough today. I mean, takes a lot
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: of...
[Boba Fett sucks]: I've met
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah,
[Boba Fett sucks]: the quota!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I've met
[Give yourself a hand]: I mean...
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the quota
and like, you know, the force is... I do a
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: lot of
good stuff with the force, but I mean like
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: that kinder
egg is calling and I got a lot of pent-up
[Jabba the Slut]: Kinder eggs are
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Sith
[Jabba the Slut]: calling.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: frustration.
[Jabba the Slut]: I want to sit in some amniotic
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Jabba the Slut]: fluid if you know what I mean
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh no.
[Give yourself a hand]: Gross.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Stir it
[Give yourself a hand]: I do like the idea that
you always gotta keep them guessing, right,
[Give yourself a hand]: you can't just kill
everybody all the time.
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: So
[Jabba the Slut]: because
[Give yourself a hand]: you're like,
[Jabba the Slut]: then
[Give yourself a hand]: you
[Boba Fett sucks]: Ah,
[Jabba the Slut]: they're
[Give yourself a hand]: kill,
[Jabba the Slut]: gonna
[Boba Fett sucks]: yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: be like, I quit.
[Give yourself a hand]: yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: It'd
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: be comical
[Boba Fett sucks]: I see. It's like mind games.
It's mind games.
[Give yourself a hand]: yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: He's got
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: to kill
[Boba Fett sucks]: okay.
[Jabba the Slut]: enough people that people
underneath they're like I'm gonna get moved
[Jabba the Slut]: up pretty quick But not too
many where they're like, but when I get there,
[Jabba the Slut]: I'm gonna just die too
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: You know, so they got there's
gonna be an incentive But also
[Give yourself a hand]: You gotta
[Jabba the Slut]: realistically
[Give yourself a hand]: think that as long as
you don't fuck up too badly,
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: you'll survive.
[Jabba the Slut]: and maybe sometime you'll
fuck up and he won't kill you because he's
[Jabba the Slut]: just you know, and then maybe
you like to get choked a little
[Give yourself a hand]: So
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh yeah, there's that too.
[Give yourself a hand]: this is a question I've
[Jabba the Slut]: lol
[Give yourself a hand]: been curious about,
but I've been scared to ask because
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh, you've
[Give yourself a hand]: of
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: been panting
[Give yourself a hand]: how
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: out,
[Give yourself a hand]: poorly
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: you just...
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Give yourself a hand]: this...
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: ..jumping
[Give yourself a hand]: It's the last
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: at
[Give yourself a hand]: podcast,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the bit.
[Give yourself a hand]: so we can't get canceled.
We're already doing it to ourselves.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh my.
[Give yourself a hand]: Can someone, Lucy, do
you know roughly how many people are on the
[Give yourself a hand]: standard Imperial Star
[Jabba the Slut]: 10.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: 166.
[Boba Fett sucks]: It's, I think it's 30,000
or 13,000,
[Give yourself a hand]: 13,000?
[Boba Fett sucks]: something like that.
[Give yourself a hand]: Okay, let's just go
with that
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: number. We'll look it
up to be accurate here. Of the 13,000 people
[Give yourself a hand]: that is on this ship,
you hear Vader is coming to your Star Destroyer
[Give yourself a hand]: because he's doing something.
He's gonna be there for a week. What percentage
[Give yourself a hand]: of people on the Star
Destroyer are clamoring to get on that bridge
[Give yourself a hand]: because they just wanna
be for sure. A little bit by Vader Daddy. Just
[Give yourself a hand]: a touch.
[Jabba the Slut]: My baby, my daddy Vader.
[Give yourself a hand]: Daddy Vader. Think,
like, I don't think everyone wants to go so
[Give yourself a hand]: far as to get the Inexcess
death. Was it Michael Hutchinson? Is that right?
[Give yourself a hand]: Michael Hutchins? The
[Jabba the Slut]: Yes.
[Give yourself a hand]: lead singer of Inexcess
[Boba Fett sucks]: Is it?
[Give yourself a hand]: where he autoreacted,
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh,
[Give yourself a hand]: himself?
[Boba Fett sucks]: yeah, yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Or like David
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: David
[Boba Fett sucks]: Carradine.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Carradine.
[Give yourself a hand]: Let's go with that.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: I don't think anybody
wants to go so far as a David Carradine, but
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: you know Just a little
a little something like you don't know how
[Give yourself a hand]: far he's gonna go. Is
he gonna is he gonna?
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh, I
[Give yourself a hand]: Choke
[Boba Fett sucks]: see.
[Give yourself a hand]: him
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Is
[Give yourself a hand]: to
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: he gonna
[Give yourself a hand]: death.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: finish
[Give yourself a hand]: You're
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: off or
[Jabba the Slut]: Harder...
[Give yourself a hand]: gonna
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: is he
[Give yourself a hand]: finish
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: just gonna
[Give yourself a hand]: you
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: teach
[Give yourself a hand]: off
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: you?
[Jabba the Slut]: Harder
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mm-hmm.
[Jabba the Slut]: Vatty. I mean, uh, I won't
do that again, sir. Uh... uh...
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah, yeah and like
[Jabba the Slut]: don't stop.
[Give yourself a hand]: and if he really likes
you does he also help you in other places as
[Give yourself a hand]: he chokes you
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh no.
[Give yourself a hand]: It's just.
[Boba Fett sucks]: The force works in mysterious
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: You are
[Jabba the Slut]: The force works in mysterious
[Boba Fett sucks]: You gotta think
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Actually.
[Boba Fett sucks]: that there's a good chunk
of those people who are like, gluttonous for
[Boba Fett sucks]: punishment that way, I think.
[Jabba the Slut]: Stenomaticus.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Like a good 30%, I
[Give yourself a hand]: 30%,
[Boba Fett sucks]: would say.
[Give yourself a hand]: wow.
[Jabba the Slut]: 30%? What
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: the fuck?
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yes.
[Jabba the Slut]: That's so
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: It's space
[Jabba the Slut]: many people.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: will do.
[Jabba the Slut]: How many people
[Boba Fett sucks]: That's
[Jabba the Slut]: is that
[Boba Fett sucks]: a lot
[Jabba the Slut]: of 13,000?
[Boba Fett sucks]: of people.
[Jabba the Slut]: That's like... That's like
4,000 people.
[Jabba the Slut]: 4,000 people like to get choked
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: Lord Vader for sexual
[Give yourself a hand]: Hey you know
[Jabba the Slut]: pleasure.
[Give yourself a hand]: what, I just googled
this because I hate my search history. The
[Give yourself a hand]: Guardian,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: as of December 7th,
says that a survey reports that 21% of women
[Give yourself a hand]: and 20% of men reported
choking during sex. So Luciano is
[Boba Fett sucks]: There
[Give yourself a hand]: not
[Boba Fett sucks]: you go.
[Give yourself a hand]: as crazy.
[Jabba the Slut]: Wow,
[Boba Fett sucks]: I'm not that
[Jabba the Slut]: that
[Boba Fett sucks]: far.
[Jabba the Slut]: is,
[Boba Fett sucks]: No,
[Jabba the Slut]: I mean, there's a speech getting
[Boba Fett sucks]: yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: like,
[Boba Fett sucks]: because...
[Jabba the Slut]: like choking during sex and
being force choked by the Sith Lord of the
[Jabba the Slut]: Imperial.
[Boba Fett sucks]: You mean
[Jabba the Slut]: I
[Boba Fett sucks]: Daddy.
[Jabba the Slut]: mean, yeah, that's
[Boba Fett sucks]: Daddy Vader.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Very.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: There's
a reason.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Ehh!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: There's
a reason for the season. And if we've learned
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: anything
from our many storied episodes on this podcast,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: there,
they think things happen. Okay. Things happen
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: when you
indulge too much and 30% in space tells me
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: that too
many people have been, too many people have
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: been taken
pages out of Lieutenant Barclay's hollow deck.
[Jabba the Slut]: Oh God, in space no one can
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha
[Jabba the Slut]: hear you scream if you know
what I mean.
[Give yourself a hand]: Hehehe
[Jabba the Slut]: Everyone wear a sammoh
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: you know what I'm saying man?
Oh boo. Oop oop oop.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: More!
[Boba Fett sucks]: Because I think people would
sort of flock to, you know, it was like, ooh,
[Boba Fett sucks]: maybe today is the day when
Daddy Vady
[Jabba the Slut]: Oops,
[Boba Fett sucks]: is going to do
[Jabba the Slut]: uh, Vader,
[Boba Fett sucks]: something to me.
[Jabba the Slut]: I spilled a coffee, I'm so
[Give yourself a hand]: Oh, oops
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: lord Vader the millennium
falcon got away.
[Jabba the Slut]: The military fog
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yes,
[Jabba the Slut]: got away
[Boba Fett sucks]: yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: again!
[Give yourself a hand]: Oh Dear
[Jabba the Slut]: That one's on
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: me, guys. That one's on me.
And then 30% of the crew... No, no, it was
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: my bad! No, no, that was actually
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Me,
[Jabba the Slut]: my bad.
[Boba Fett sucks]: It was me,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I told
[Boba Fett sucks]: it was me.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: him it
[Boba Fett sucks]: I
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: actually,
[Boba Fett sucks]: drove too fast.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: listen.
[Boba Fett sucks]: I drove too fast.
[Jabba the Slut]: I am
[Boba Fett sucks]: That's
[Jabba the Slut]: Spartacus!
[Boba Fett sucks]: why we
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I see a
[Boba Fett sucks]: We
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I've been
[Boba Fett sucks]: jumped
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: seeing
[Boba Fett sucks]: out
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the
[Boba Fett sucks]: of hyperspace
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: same
[Boba Fett sucks]: too
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: booger
[Boba Fett sucks]: close cuz of me
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: on your
helmet, Lord Vader, and no one wanted to tell
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: you about
it, but listen, I'm glad it's there.
[Jabba the Slut]: Shut up
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: It makes
you look
[Jabba the Slut]: or I'll
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: better.
[Jabba the Slut]: choke all of you! Oh, oh,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Can I volunteer?
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh no,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I volunteer,
[Boba Fett sucks]: we wouldn't want that!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I volunteer
as tribute,
[Give yourself a hand]: the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Batty.
I mean, Lord Vader.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha, very!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Reginald
Reg Barkley effect.
[Give yourself a hand]: You know
[Jabba the Slut]: I keep
[Give yourself a hand]: what?
[Jabba the Slut]: choking
[Give yourself a hand]: Uh...
[Jabba the Slut]: them but they're not learning
their lesson!
[Give yourself a hand]: the
[Jabba the Slut]: Emperor's like, Well then
joke me, Vanny. I mean,
[Give yourself a hand]: the
[Jabba the Slut]: uh... Teach them a
[Boba Fett sucks]: HAHAHAHAHAHA!
[Jabba the Slut]: lesson!
[Give yourself a hand]: VADDI!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I haven't
seen you this worked up in years.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: Vanny have you tried
just old fashioned spanking? It works for me!
[Boba Fett sucks]: Meh.
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah, my crew listens to me
very well. Wanna give a little spanking.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Callback,
[Jabba the Slut]: Okay.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the answer
to the previous question around how many people
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: are staffed,
right? On an Imperial class Star Destroyer,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: 92... 9,235
officers, 27,850 enlisted personnel, and 275
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: gunners.
[Jabba the Slut]: That's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it's
[Jabba the Slut]: pretty
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: close
[Jabba the Slut]: close,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: to...
[Jabba the Slut]: you
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh.
[Jabba the Slut]: were really close.
[Boba Fett sucks]: So it was 30,000 then,
[Jabba the Slut]: No.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah,
[Boba Fett sucks]: not 13,
[Give yourself a hand]: but...
[Boba Fett sucks]: it was like 30,000.
[Give yourself a hand]: and realistically only
the 9,000 can get themselves choked.
[Jabba the Slut]: Realistically, yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: Because they are
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hmm.
[Give yourself a hand]: like...
[Boba Fett sucks]: True.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: They're
[Give yourself a hand]: Fetters...
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the officers.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: Fetters not going
[Boba Fett sucks]: Vader's
[Give yourself a hand]: around.
[Boba Fett sucks]: not gonna choke some janitor?
Yeah, yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: Although he might
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Nah,
[Give yourself a hand]: like
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: he
[Give yourself a hand]: him.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: wants it
to mean something.
[Give yourself a hand]: You gotta
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: To
[Give yourself a hand]: choke
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: count.
[Give yourself a hand]: a gunner every once
in a while, you know?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: put your
hands on my gun right that's what he is that's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: what the
[Give yourself a hand]: I'm
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: are
[Give yourself a hand]: just
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: going
[Give yourself a hand]: gonna
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: for
[Give yourself a hand]: cut everything from
what I said
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: to here.
[Jabba the Slut]: yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: listen
[Jabba the Slut]: that's smart.
[Give yourself a hand]: So listen, I think
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Reg Reggie
[Give yourself a hand]: we've talked too much
about Star Wars, I mean Star Trek for some
[Give yourself a hand]: reason. Trish just really
wants to get Star Trek in here.
[Jabba the Slut]: That's not the same.
[Give yourself a hand]: Is it a callback
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Callback.
[Give yourself a hand]: or was it just a different
show entirely?
[Jabba the Slut]: It's not
[Give yourself a hand]: Ha
[Jabba the Slut]: a callback
[Give yourself a hand]: ha ha.
[Jabba the Slut]: to when you reference Reggie
from fuckin'
[Boba Fett sucks]: Think
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Don't
[Boba Fett sucks]: it's
[Jabba the Slut]: In-
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: call it
[Boba Fett sucks]: the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: a comeback.
[Boba Fett sucks]: latter more than
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: We've
[Boba Fett sucks]: the former.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: been here
for years.
[Give yourself a hand]: I guess it's a callback
to the time before when he referenced Reg.
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: He's setting
[Boba Fett sucks]: Ha
[Give yourself a hand]: himself
[Boba Fett sucks]: ha!
[Give yourself a hand]: up for
[Jabba the Slut]: I'm
[Give yourself a hand]: callbacks.
[Jabba the Slut]: still making the film.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: That's
[Give yourself a hand]: He might be a genius,
but we're just not on his level. I don't know.
[Give yourself a hand]: But, you know, I think
we did
[Jabba the Slut]: A
[Give yourself a hand]: it.
[Jabba the Slut]: genius
[Give yourself a hand]: We've asked all the
[Jabba the Slut]: like...
[Give yourself a hand]: questions.
[Jabba the Slut]: Berkeley... Go back!
[Give yourself a hand]: Go
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha,
[Give yourself a hand]: ahead,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Peace.
[Give yourself a hand]: get nailed it.
[Jabba the Slut]: Yes.
[Boba Fett sucks]: yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: See you're getting it.
[Boba Fett sucks]: it's a callback just cause
I want it to be a callback.
[Give yourself a hand]: but listen, I'm trying
to end the fucking show, you monsters. We're
[Give yourself a hand]: done.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: We don't
[Jabba the Slut]: Forever.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: want to
let it you do it. We don't
[Give yourself a hand]: Well,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: want to
let it go.
[Give yourself a hand]: we're gonna keep going.
We're doing an entirely new show, focused
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: You will?
[Give yourself a hand]: just
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Good.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hehehe
[Give yourself a hand]: on movies,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I'm
[Give yourself a hand]: because
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: good.
[Give yourself a hand]: we're only gonna focus
on questions like this for the next podcast.
[Give yourself a hand]: We're gonna really dive
into these movies and understand and unpack
[Give yourself a hand]: them. Because listen,
lots of people can review a movie and tell
[Give yourself a hand]: you if it's good or
not. I mean, we do that, but you don't listen
[Give yourself a hand]: to us. We don't know
about filming, lighting, lens flare,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Nah.
[Give yourself a hand]: story,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Dolly's.
[Give yourself a hand]: CGI.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Boomworks.
Gaffer's tape. I'm gonna go ahead and put this
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: in the
video. I'm gonna put this in the video.
[Give yourself a hand]: Step sisters, step brothers,
step moms.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Fluffers,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: What the?
[Boba Fett sucks]: yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: What we do know is how
to figure out the pieces that are missing.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Wow
[Give yourself a hand]: Listen,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: wow,
[Give yourself a hand]: without
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: this
[Give yourself a hand]: us, would you have
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: is
[Give yourself a hand]: known
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: so cool!
[Give yourself a hand]: that Star Wars is just
an allegory for grooming? You're
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mmm.
[Jabba the Slut]: I
[Give yourself a hand]: welcome.
[Jabba the Slut]: think we're
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Jabba the Slut]: really on something. There's
going to be a fucking article written by like
[Jabba the Slut]: BuzzFeed in the next a couple
of weeks.
[Boba Fett sucks]: The Atlantic,
[Give yourself a hand]: Nah,
[Boba Fett sucks]: no, the Atlantic.
[Give yourself a hand]: it's gonna be on top
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: Top 10 groomers in the
Star Wars universe.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: New York
[Boba Fett sucks]: HAHA
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Times.
[Jabba the Slut]: Do we need to make that list?
[Give yourself a hand]: Maybe.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: We might,
and then make sure that 477847 Taclamato Juice
[Jabba the Slut]: I hate you.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: comes into.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Jesus Christ.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Well, listen,
[Jabba the Slut]: I
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: call
[Jabba the Slut]: hate
[Give yourself a hand]: Joe
[Jabba the Slut]: you.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: back.
[Give yourself a hand]: Rogan.
[Jabba the Slut]: Callback.
[Give yourself a hand]: Call back.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Come
[Jabba the Slut]: Number
[Boba Fett sucks]: back!
[Jabba the Slut]: one
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Callback.
[Jabba the Slut]: on the list is Reg Barkley!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: So callback,
[Boba Fett sucks]: Callback!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Christmas
cookies, what's the best cookie, and all the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: lists that
we went through and
[Give yourself a hand]: Callback.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: the different
[Give yourself a hand]: It's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: weirdos
that put
[Give yourself a hand]: just the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: up stuff.
[Give yourself a hand]: one
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: whose name escapes me.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: that was
[Give yourself a hand]: Anyways,
[Boba Fett sucks]: Fuck
[Give yourself a hand]: before
[Boba Fett sucks]: that guy.
[Give yourself a hand]: we leave,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: let's, I just want to,
I want to know what you guys thought about
[Give yourself a hand]: our, what did we get
to like a hundred and thirty
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh
[Give yourself a hand]: odd episodes?
[Boba Fett sucks]: More?
[Give yourself a hand]: More. Yeah. Cause I
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: didn't even count
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: DO
[Give yourself a hand]: like
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: IT!
[Give yourself a hand]: the seasons and stuff.
Like we did like 150
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: episodes. We've ranged
from topics such as grooming to, listen, we
[Give yourself a hand]: probably covered a couple
other times as well.
[Jabba the Slut]: Just that.
[Boba Fett sucks]: grooming
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hey, call
[Boba Fett sucks]: and
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: hand
[Boba Fett sucks]: hand
[Give yourself a hand]: He's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: gibbers.
[Boba Fett sucks]: gibbers.
[Give yourself a hand]: anti-russian. Callback,
nice, yeah. We talked a lot of nerd stuff.
[Give yourself a hand]: I just, you know, what
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Are
[Give yourself a hand]: do
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: you
[Give yourself a hand]: you,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: getting
[Give yourself a hand]: what do
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: teary-eyed,
[Give yourself a hand]: you,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Matt?
[Give yourself a hand]: no, fuck you.
[Boba Fett sucks]: No, it's allergies.
[Give yourself a hand]: It's allergies.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh,
[Give yourself a hand]: No,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: okay.
[Give yourself a hand]: it's what I know, like
you have a favorite, favorite like callback.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yes, I
do have a favorite callback. It's one of our,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it's what,
callback. Do you guys remember Battle Royales?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: When
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: we had,
we had
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: a favorite,
uh, best starship? And then I said that Dr.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Who's TARDIS
would go back. And I can't, I, oh, that's the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: callback.
I can't remember it perfectly, but there was
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: a zinger
in, um, in one of those answers. And I don't
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: really
want to say it because I think it's problematic.
[Give yourself a hand]: We just talked about
grooming in Star Wars for about an hour and
[Give yourself a hand]: a half.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah, I think we're safe
with any... well...
[Give yourself a hand]: out.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I don't
want to butcher it. I think it had something
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: to do with
either Nero or Romulus. Oh no, Caesar, Julia
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Caesar.
And like you're gonna betray me too
[Boba Fett sucks]: Whaaat? That
[Give yourself a hand]: We may
[Boba Fett sucks]: never
[Give yourself a hand]: think
[Boba Fett sucks]: happens.
[Give yourself a hand]: sexualizing sounds like
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: This is,
[Boba Fett sucks]: I remember, all I
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: remember from the episode
is that there was a tuxedo made of asphalt
[Boba Fett sucks]: and someone was wearing
[Jabba the Slut]: Hehehehe
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: That
[Boba Fett sucks]: it
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: was a separate
[Boba Fett sucks]: and...
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I think.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: But that
[Jabba the Slut]: Oh, we
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: one,
[Jabba the Slut]: did
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: that
[Boba Fett sucks]: No,
[Jabba the Slut]: many.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: was really
[Boba Fett sucks]: that's...
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: fun. Callbacks,
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: man, callbacks.
Spencer, anything come to mind?
[Jabba the Slut]: Um,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Pr-
[Jabba the Slut]: I think one of my favorites
was, uh, Gilbert Godfrey is a Gambit.
[Give yourself a hand]: I'm sorry.
[Jabba the Slut]: And the Gilbert Godfrey,
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: them to you universe.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: We're geniuses!
[Jabba the Slut]: Um,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: legends
in our own time!
[Jabba the Slut]: that was a classic.
[Give yourself a hand]: Should have happened.
[Jabba the Slut]: Um,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Hehehe
[Give yourself a hand]: If.
[Boba Fett sucks]: I- one that I remember from
Spencer is, Hello, I'm Kratos!
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah,
[Boba Fett sucks]: It
[Give yourself a hand]: Ha
[Boba Fett sucks]: was
[Give yourself a hand]: ha
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yes.
[Boba Fett sucks]: like,
[Give yourself a hand]: ha!
[Jabba the Slut]: that gets a lot.
[Boba Fett sucks]: it was so fucking random.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Our
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hehehe
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: high school
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Spencer's
dude and my chick.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Brody,
[Give yourself a hand]: Brody.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Brody
[Boba Fett sucks]: Brody
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: and
[Jabba the Slut]: Brody's
[Boba Fett sucks]: and
[Jabba the Slut]: a classic.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Branagh
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Jenna,
[Give yourself a hand]: Jenna.
[Boba Fett sucks]: and Steve AKA Jace. Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: ha ha.
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yes. And
we played
[Give yourself a hand]: Thank you.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Fiasco
Holiday Office Santa Claus edition, that
[Give yourself a hand]: Oh
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: heist
[Give yourself a hand]: my
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: one, that
one was fun
[Give yourself a hand]: god. Yup.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: too.
[Give yourself a hand]: That went terribly.
[Jabba the Slut]: I also
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: like the horror one that we
did where we were playing
[Boba Fett sucks]: That went
[Jabba the Slut]: horror
[Boba Fett sucks]: terribly.
[Jabba the Slut]: characters.
[Boba Fett sucks]: We played it so wrong.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah, we got better.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: But that,
you're wrong, you're wrong
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: sir.
[Jabba the Slut]: Not anymore.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: It was
[Give yourself a hand]: No, now
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Matt,
[Give yourself a hand]: we're just.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: any
[Boba Fett sucks]: I
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: comments?
[Boba Fett sucks]: honestly,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh, go
[Boba Fett sucks]: I, I liked it and it was
kind of like, like Matt said in the beginning,
[Boba Fett sucks]: it sort of drifted into movies
more because that's the stuff that the far
[Boba Fett sucks]: of us all like. But I remember
like the earlier episodes and how like, shitty
[Boba Fett sucks]: we were at doing the intros.
If you remember, Matt, it was so
[Give yourself a hand]: Oh,
[Boba Fett sucks]: good
[Give yourself a hand]: I forgot
[Boba Fett sucks]: and
[Give yourself a hand]: every time.
[Boba Fett sucks]: hello Matt, what is it that
everybody is wrong about today?
[Jabba the Slut]: That's
[Boba Fett sucks]: Like,
[Jabba the Slut]: that's
[Boba Fett sucks]: that
[Jabba the Slut]: what
[Boba Fett sucks]: was
[Jabba the Slut]: you should
[Give yourself a hand]: I've
[Boba Fett sucks]: very
[Jabba the Slut]: always
[Give yourself a hand]: gotten
[Boba Fett sucks]: bad.
[Jabba the Slut]: talk
[Give yourself a hand]: much better.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah, well, all
[Give yourself a hand]: I've
[Boba Fett sucks]: of
[Give yourself a hand]: improved
[Boba Fett sucks]: us did, but
[Give yourself a hand]: completely.
[Boba Fett sucks]: like.
[Give yourself a hand]: Hello. Welcome to your
[Jabba the Slut]: I'm
[Give yourself a hand]: I'm your
[Jabba the Slut]: gonna
[Give yourself a hand]: host.
[Jabba the Slut]: go.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Well,
[Give yourself a hand]: Uh,
[Boba Fett sucks]: yeah, it's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yeah,
[Boba Fett sucks]: not
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: yeah,
[Boba Fett sucks]: just
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: today
[Boba Fett sucks]: you.
[Give yourself a hand]: we're going to.
[Boba Fett sucks]: It's just the lack of energy.
It's not wooden lack of energy.
[Give yourself a hand]: Isn't it?
[Boba Fett sucks]: No,
[Jabba the Slut]: Well,
[Give yourself a hand]: You're welcome.
[Boba Fett sucks]: it's not.
[Jabba the Slut]: I would
[Boba Fett sucks]: But,
[Jabba the Slut]: like to
[Boba Fett sucks]: but
[Jabba the Slut]: take
[Boba Fett sucks]: I...
[Jabba the Slut]: the one opportunity to thank
our listeners. We couldn't be here without
[Jabba the Slut]: you.
[Boba Fett sucks]: All three
[Jabba the Slut]: Uh.
[Boba Fett sucks]: of
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I
[Boba Fett sucks]: you.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: thought
you were gonna say we wanna thank our listeners
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: who couldn't
be here for
[Jabba the Slut]: who
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: this!
[Jabba the Slut]: couldn't be here today.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: Um, that's what I should
[Give yourself a hand]: Why
[Jabba the Slut]: have
[Give yourself a hand]: don't
[Jabba the Slut]: said.
[Give yourself a hand]: you
[Jabba the Slut]: Nope. I
[Give yourself a hand]: show up?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: So we'll
just accept your... on your behalf.
[Jabba the Slut]: want to thank our listeners
who couldn't be here today. Um, but seriously,
[Jabba the Slut]: uh, if you do listen to the
show, thank you. And, uh, follow us to our
[Jabba the Slut]: next show, which will be bigger
and bolder and it is called popcorn and plot
[Jabba the Slut]: holes, which is more apt to
what we talk about.
[Give yourself a hand]: Just so we're
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Just
[Give yourself a hand]: clear,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: to give...
[Give yourself a hand]: I'm still the host and
it'll never be Spencer.
[Jabba the Slut]: that
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahahaha
[Jabba the Slut]: as
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Just
[Jabba the Slut]: it should
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: to
[Jabba the Slut]: be.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: give it...
Yeah, just to give it as us moving from one
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: house to
another house. And it's going to be a nicer
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: house.
[Jabba the Slut]: We're just thinking about
[Give yourself a hand]: It's gonna be spookier.
[Jabba the Slut]: Instead of being groomed by
Obi-Wan Kenobi, we're being groomed
[Give yourself a hand]: Oh my god.
[Jabba the Slut]: by Palpatine.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I would
like to
[Jabba the Slut]: Ha!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: be, no,
I don't wanna be groomed by Palutena. I would
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: rather
be groomed by Kenobi, thank you.
[Jabba the Slut]: I mean, got a Hugh and McGregor.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: come on
[Jabba the Slut]: yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: four days
[Jabba the Slut]: Ford.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: four days
[Jabba the Slut]: What does that
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: call
[Jabba the Slut]: mean?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: uh
[Boba Fett sucks]: What?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: call for
room for days callback star wars visions that
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: mini series
we really went in on that mini series that
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: was a lot
of fun
[Give yourself a hand]: We
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: too
[Give yourself a hand]: missed the grooming.
I go back and watch for all the grooming to
[Give yourself a hand]: make sure.
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah, we got a
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Goddamnit!
[Jabba the Slut]: different filter.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha! It's there! It's
[Jabba the Slut]: Yo,
[Boba Fett sucks]: be
[Jabba the Slut]: it's
[Boba Fett sucks]: there!
[Jabba the Slut]: there.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: We have
one job! Damnit!
[Give yourself a hand]: Look at it. I'm
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Handjivers!
[Give yourself a hand]: glad we're educating
the internet. Yeah, no, I think I enjoyed the
[Give yourself a hand]: one battle royale where
we just started stabbing everybody with the
[Give yourself a hand]: knife at the end of
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yes!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: and then
he comes back
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: and
[Jabba the Slut]: We got
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: then
[Jabba the Slut]: behind
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: he comes
[Jabba the Slut]: him
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: back
[Jabba the Slut]: and
[Boba Fett sucks]: That
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I
[Jabba the Slut]: stood
[Boba Fett sucks]: was
[Jabba the Slut]: his
[Boba Fett sucks]: the
[Jabba the Slut]: throat.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: solution for all of the problems
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: hear
[Boba Fett sucks]: stabbing
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: you
[Boba Fett sucks]: people.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: oh man
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: dang
[Boba Fett sucks]: We
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it
[Boba Fett sucks]: stabbed Batman and Robin
even in
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah,
[Boba Fett sucks]: that
[Jabba the Slut]: Batman
[Boba Fett sucks]: way.
[Give yourself a hand]: that was...
[Jabba the Slut]: was
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: oh
[Jabba the Slut]: the one
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: wait
[Jabba the Slut]: doing the stabbing. He
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: was the first
[Give yourself a hand]: Batman
[Jabba the Slut]: one to
[Give yourself a hand]: was
[Jabba the Slut]: slit
[Give yourself a hand]: stabbing
[Jabba the Slut]: someone's
[Give yourself a hand]: everybody.
[Jabba the Slut]: throat.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: We
[Boba Fett sucks]: I'm out.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: also had
a battle royale with like epic duos and I think
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I had Troy
and Abed and then Matt asked a question about
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: how would
your duo approach a ocean's 11 bank heist and
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: we had
to like walk through it. And that was a lot
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: of
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: fun. And
[Boba Fett sucks]: that's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I think,
[Boba Fett sucks]: the one.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: oh
[Boba Fett sucks]: That's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: is it?
[Boba Fett sucks]: the one.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Okay.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yep.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Great.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Wicked.
[Give yourself a hand]: That's why, bye.
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah,
[Give yourself a hand]: Yep.
[Jabba the Slut]: that's that episode.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Love it.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Also, one of my favorite
episodes that we did about movies was The Green
[Boba Fett sucks]: Night.
[Give yourself a hand]: Oh
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh
[Give yourself a hand]: yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: When we came up with a lot
of the format that
[Give yourself a hand]: Thanks
[Boba Fett sucks]: we have,
[Give yourself a hand]: Spencer,
[Boba Fett sucks]: like we evolved
[Give yourself a hand]: you
[Boba Fett sucks]: it.
[Give yourself a hand]: son of a
[Boba Fett sucks]: But
[Give yourself a hand]: bitch.
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah, yeah,
[Boba Fett sucks]: yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: you're welcome guys.
[Boba Fett sucks]: the fucking the fucking shit
trilogy that
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: we can
[Boba Fett sucks]: the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: say this
[Boba Fett sucks]: trilogy
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: now,
[Boba Fett sucks]: that Spencer.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: every time
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: selected
a movie for us, it laid the groundwork
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: for what
would sort of become, yeah, plot holes and
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah, but
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: you fucked
[Boba Fett sucks]: we
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: us
[Boba Fett sucks]: got
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: up
[Boba Fett sucks]: there
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: in the
[Boba Fett sucks]: through
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: right direction.
[Boba Fett sucks]: pain and
[Jabba the Slut]: I
[Boba Fett sucks]: suffering.
[Jabba the Slut]: think I made three movie picks,
and the movie picks were The Green
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yes.
[Jabba the Slut]: Knight, which although well
reviewed we all hated, Jurassic World Dominion,
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: and
[Give yourself a hand]: Yup.
[Jabba the Slut]: Matrix
[Give yourself a hand]: Ha!
[Jabba the Slut]: Resurrections.
[Boba Fett sucks]: And Matrix 4. Yeah, exactly.
[Jabba the Slut]: This is the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Oh
[Jabba the Slut]: worst
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: my god.
[Jabba the Slut]: three movies of all time.
[Boba Fett sucks]: No, no, no. There was one
more. There was one more, Eternals,
[Jabba the Slut]: and eternal.
[Boba Fett sucks]: which also sucked.
[Give yourself a hand]: You
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: really nailed that
[Jabba the Slut]: Got
[Give yourself a hand]: one.
[Jabba the Slut]: a good track record.
[Give yourself a hand]: That was the best one?
[Jabba the Slut]: That was the best, best one.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Best
[Boba Fett sucks]: Of these?
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: one for
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Best one
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah, exactly.
[Jabba the Slut]: of those
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: for fodder?
[Jabba the Slut]: four.
[Give yourself a hand]: I believe
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: To
[Give yourself a hand]: Spencer said it
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: dissect?
[Give yourself a hand]: best when he said, it's
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha
[Jabba the Slut]: Dead.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Jurassic
World Dominion was a doozy.
[Jabba the Slut]: Now, Matt, do
[Give yourself a hand]: Yes.
[Jabba the Slut]: we have a date for the new
[Give yourself a hand]: No. Yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: OK. Another question.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I'm just
[Give yourself a hand]: Yep.
[Boba Fett sucks]: We're
[Jabba the Slut]: We know
[Boba Fett sucks]: professional podcasters
[Jabba the Slut]: if people are
[Boba Fett sucks]: here.
[Jabba the Slut]: going to
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Just stay
[Jabba the Slut]: well, this channel become
popcorn plotholes or people
[Give yourself a hand]: No,
[Jabba the Slut]: have to re subscribe.
[Give yourself a hand]: you will need to go
subscribe to Popcorn and Potholes on all of
[Give yourself a hand]: your favorite podcatchers,
wherever you need to be. It'll be listed there.
[Give yourself a hand]: We listened to this
episode. You can go and find it and add it,
[Give yourself a hand]: but we need to put out
a new feed to change the art and push everything
[Give yourself a hand]: over in a nice clean
way. So these podcasts will disappear at some
[Give yourself a hand]: point in the future.
[Jabba the Slut]: Uhhhhhh
[Give yourself a hand]: I have them saved in
a hard drive that I'm going to...
[Jabba the Slut]: into the sun.
[Give yourself a hand]: I was going to say...
[Boba Fett sucks]: Seto, I'm gonna set on fire
and put in a trash compactor.
[Give yourself a hand]: I was going to say I'm
going to dax them, but yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: Hehehehehehe
[Give yourself a hand]: whatever you guys
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[Give yourself a hand]: want to say. Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: We're on the same page. Yeah.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah, these are
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Damn.
[Give yourself a hand]: all collectors items
for your ears. You're welcome.
[Jabba the Slut]: This is all future blackmail
[Give yourself a hand]: That's a-
[Boba Fett sucks]: Oh yeah, 100%.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: No,
[Boba Fett sucks]: This
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: no, no.
[Boba Fett sucks]: is mutually assured destruction
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah.
[Boba Fett sucks]: at its best.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yes. The only thing
I'm sad...
[Jabba the Slut]: Exhibit A. You talked about
Star Wars being about grooming children for
[Jabba the Slut]: two hours.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha
[Give yourself a hand]: The only thing I'm sad
about is we
[Jabba the Slut]: I
[Give yourself a hand]: won't,
[Jabba the Slut]: STAND BY THAT!
[Give yourself a hand]: maybe we'll have to
do a podcast where we got to review our predictions
[Give yourself a hand]: for this year, because
we're not going to know the results of our
[Give yourself a hand]: predictions. I nailed
the Dungeons and Dragons one. I'm very proud
[Give yourself a hand]: of myself and I just
want recognitions
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: We haven't
[Give yourself a hand]: for
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: reviewed
[Give yourself a hand]: that.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: that. We
can bring it over. So let's.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah, maybe we will.
[Jabba the Slut]: I did say that
[Give yourself a hand]: I
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I haven't
[Give yourself a hand]: was right.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: seen it.
[Jabba the Slut]: I
[Boba Fett sucks]: Or
[Jabba the Slut]: said
[Boba Fett sucks]: maybe
[Jabba the Slut]: Dungeon
[Boba Fett sucks]: we'll
[Jabba the Slut]: Dragons
[Boba Fett sucks]: forget
[Jabba the Slut]: would
[Boba Fett sucks]: entirely
[Jabba the Slut]: bomb.
[Boba Fett sucks]: about it and we'll never
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: except
[Jabba the Slut]: And no one
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Gilbert
[Jabba the Slut]: will care.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Godfrey
as Gambit.
[Give yourself a hand]: Yeah,
[Jabba the Slut]: That's in the history
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: There's
[Jabba the Slut]: books.
[Give yourself a hand]: that's
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: time.
[Give yourself a hand]: sad.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Unfortunately didn't pan
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: There's
[Boba Fett sucks]: but
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: still time.
[Boba Fett sucks]: the year hasn't ended.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Listen,
if they could bring Tupac back as a hologram,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: we could
get Gilbert in his gambit.
[Give yourself a hand]: DuPoC's not dead, it's
very different.
[Jabba the Slut]: Yeah, that's true.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Well, listen.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah, true.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Listen.
[Jabba the Slut]: That's why we're getting canceled.
[Boba Fett sucks]: HAHAHAHA
[Give yourself a hand]: I said it. I said the
thing that he wants to say.
[Jabba the Slut]: Uh oh.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Yo, yo.
[Jabba the Slut]: Well.
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: I bumped
the table.
[Jabba the Slut]: good
[Give yourself a hand]: Well,
[Jabba the Slut]: times,
[Give yourself a hand]: that is all the time
we have
[Jabba the Slut]: good
[Give yourself a hand]: for
[Jabba the Slut]: times
[Give yourself a hand]: today
[Jabba the Slut]: boys.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: This time.
[Give yourself a hand]: and forever on the
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Not
[Give yourself a hand]: Your Wrong
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: exactly.
[Give yourself a hand]: Podcast.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: There you
go. Unless we get funding
[Give yourself a hand]: Do you
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: and
[Give yourself a hand]: want
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: decide
[Give yourself a hand]: to let
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: to resurrect
[Give yourself a hand]: me just do
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it.
[Give yourself a hand]: my job
[Boba Fett sucks]: We can't even,
[Give yourself a hand]: or? Hey,
[Boba Fett sucks]: even on the last one, we
[Give yourself a hand]: why?
[Boba Fett sucks]: can't finish it properly.
Ha ha!
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: That's
what she said.
[Give yourself a hand]: You think when we go
to the new podcast, you guys always let me
[Give yourself a hand]: host in peace or
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Nah,
[Boba Fett sucks]: No,
[Give yourself a hand]: cool.
[Jabba the Slut]: There's
[Boba Fett sucks]: of
[Give yourself a hand]: I'm
[Boba Fett sucks]: course
[Give yourself a hand]: looking
[Jabba the Slut]: a good
[Boba Fett sucks]: not.
[Give yourself a hand]: forward
[Jabba the Slut]: chance
[Give yourself a hand]: to.
[Jabba the Slut]: that doesn't happen.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it's how
we express our love languages. Go on.
[Give yourself a hand]: That's all the time
we have for today on the Your Wrong Podcast
[Give yourself a hand]: forever. I'm not going
to share the socials because who cares? Fuck
[Boba Fett sucks]: Fuck
[Give yourself a hand]: them.
[Boba Fett sucks]: em.
[Give yourself a hand]: But sign up for the
new podcast, Popcorn and Plot Holes. If you
[Give yourself a hand]: don't know how to spell
[Boba Fett sucks]: Fuck
[Give yourself a hand]: fuck
[Boba Fett sucks]: you.
[Give yourself a hand]: you. You go dachshund
[Boba Fett sucks]: Is this why we have so many
[Jabba the Slut]: Is there
[Boba Fett sucks]: listeners?
[Jabba the Slut]: an
[Give yourself a hand]: go
[Jabba the Slut]: apostrophe
[Give yourself a hand]: dachshund yourself.
[Jabba the Slut]: in plot holes?
[Boba Fett sucks]: Go dex yourself. Go dex yourself
you fucking
[Give yourself a hand]: An apostrophe?
[Boba Fett sucks]: dex. Oh yeah.
[Jabba the Slut]: Well.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Don't be
a reg.
[Give yourself a hand]: Hey, for now,
[Boba Fett sucks]: Anyway,
[Give yourself a hand]: I'm Matt.
[Boba Fett sucks]: not for now, forever.
[Give yourself a hand]: Forever! Hey, you know
what? I'm the fuck you, for now. I'm
[Boba Fett sucks]: Hahaha!
[Give yourself a hand]: Matt.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: There you
[Boba Fett sucks]: Luciana.
[Jabba the Slut]: I'm Spencer and I will see
you guys at Popcorn and Plot holes. Love you
[Jabba the Slut]: guys.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: That just,
why did you, why did you, why did you bookend
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: it?
[Boba Fett sucks]: Yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Like I
can't, I can't.
[Boba Fett sucks]: yeah,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: You just,
[Boba Fett sucks]: that
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: just.
[Boba Fett sucks]: was that was terrible. This
is this is why we're keeping you in the subliminal
[Boba Fett sucks]: space of
[Jabba the Slut]: What's
[Boba Fett sucks]: this
[Jabba the Slut]: wrong
[Boba Fett sucks]: podcast
[Jabba the Slut]: with that?
[Give yourself a hand]: And
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: Error.
[Give yourself a hand]: also
[Jabba the Slut]: I
[Boba Fett sucks]: Spencer.
[Jabba the Slut]: was...
[Give yourself a hand]: Chris.
[Jabba the Slut]: Increase.
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: What? I
still can't, I still can't sign off. Okay,
[the pimps new groove strikes back]: thanks.
Yeah, I'm Chris. Thanks. Fuck. God.