37. Pick a Trailer, Make a Movie: The "Epileptic Trees" Edition

No, seriously. This one got WEIRD.

[host_matt]: Hellollo, and welcome back to your wrong this week. we're going to try something

[host_matt]: a little different. Um. we're going to watch some trailers. while we've already

[host_matt]: watched them. We're to talk about some trailers and

[host_matt]: we're so good at this. We're so good at telling you why things are right and why

[host_matt]: you are wrong. They're going to put our money.

[host_matt]: whatever we make off this potcast. Where,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Monoly,

[cobra]: Yes, okay, now

[host_matt]: yeah,

[cobra]: I'm in.

[cobra]: I'm in.

[host_matt]: where where our mouth is,

[host_matt]: and take a trailer and tell you exactly the entire plot of said movie. Um, and to

[host_matt]: do this, I've wt, uh, three of my closest friendemies

[host_matt]: to the party.

[cobra]: Yeah, I thought it was just enemy.

[host_matt]: As always. as always, we have Luciana,

[cobra]: Hello.

[host_matt]: we have a Chris from Whitby.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: I'm so angry. I'm taking my pants off. Now.

[host_matt]: That's not right, and

[cobra]: I' concerning,

[host_matt]: Spencer a K. A. the script doctor, who might have an leg up on us.

[spencer_ein]: Eh, boys, what' up?

[host_matt]: Well,

[host_matt]: we're about to embark on a great adventure. So we've each picked a trailer

[host_matt]: and we're going to talk about how good that movie is going to be and why it's

[host_matt]: going to be awesome and the other three will question us just to make sure we

[host_matt]: have a rock solid idea to deliver to everybody.

[host_matt]: Does anybody want to

[host_matt]: want to? You know, I'm not going to ask how many need the randomos are we made,

[host_matt]: Because I think the randomizer

[cobra]: there you

[spencer_ein]: Oh,

[cobra]: gos. a stereo. It's a

[host_matt]: will take.

[spencer_ein]: I wanted a couple. I wanted to go first.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: what happened to the red?

[host_matt]: Well, Let's see what the randomzer gives us.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Did yearsg

[host_matt]: W.

[cobra]: stereo and the wiseer now.

[cobra]: stereo and the wiseer now.

[cobra]: stereo and the wiseer now.

[cobra]: stereo and the wiseer now.

[cobra]: stereo and the wiseer now.

[cobra]: stereo and the wiseer now.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Stereophonic?

[host_matt]: I wanted this to be so random. I double randomized Ches

[spencer_ein]: smart.

[host_matt]: the V share.

[cobra]: Well then

[spencer_ein]: smart.

[host_matt]: Ironically enough, Uh, Spencer has has

[spencer_ein]: Yes,

[host_matt]: come up first at Spencer's movie that he chose to talk about. I was Red Notice is

[host_matt]: that

[host_matt]: accurate. So red notice just giveve out a really high level on it. A Before even

[spencer_ein]: Mhm. Red notice

[host_matt]: do that. If you would like to go watch the Red Notice trailer before we embark on

[host_matt]: this conversation. Feel for you to do. so. now, Don't worry. We'll wait.

[spencer_ein]: Dick.

[spencer_ein]: that's a clock. sound like talk.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: A guy's like, Did anybody like it?

[host_matt]: Okay, we've waited fine. They're going to paus. This, I hope

[spencer_ein]: What a.

[cobra]: I was going to say

[spencer_ein]: what a trailer

[host_matt]: amazing right, just top notch work by everybody involved that

[spencer_ein]: they got.

[host_matt]: Frank Guychfsk,

[spencer_ein]: Yeah, they got Dwne Johnson and the Rock.

[host_matt]: Andck,

[spencer_ein]: It' It's a big. get

[cobra]: Wow, it's a Sta test.

[host_matt]: So Spencer start off, start off Spencer with giving us a brief. Just a high level

[host_matt]: So Spencer start off, start off Spencer with giving us a brief. Just a high level

[host_matt]: explanation of what this movie is about. So in case you didn't pause to watch it,

[host_matt]: explanation of what this movie is about. So in case you didn't pause to watch it,

[host_matt]: you can still follow along.

[host_matt]: you can still follow along.

[spencer_ein]: Well.

[spencer_ein]: This is a high stakes action espionage film

[spencer_ein]: and there's so much to digest It's hard to say. In one sentence. The story uh,

[spencer_ein]: centers around three beautiful people.

[spencer_ein]: The rock, Who who play Who plays I, I've redamed the character Jack Magnum,

[spencer_ein]: his, his. Uh,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: You? the boy music someone,

[spencer_ein]: his. speaking of, friend of mees, I believe his friend of me, and the film was

[spencer_ein]: played by Ryan Reynolds. His character' name is Phoenix Phillips,

[spencer_ein]: Sexy name.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Mhm,

[host_matt]: Nope.

[spencer_ein]: And and the the beautiful Galgado places Serenith Gordana,

[host_matt]: Wow,

[spencer_ein]: That's that'. That's where we're starting off

[cobra]: You know that Go very closely means like fat women

[cobra]: in Spanish very closely

[spencer_ein]: In what? What language?

[cobra]: in Spanish

[host_matt]: not English.

[cobra]: and not even kidding.

[cobra]: It's close.

[spencer_ein]: Well, the

[cobra]: It's not exactly what it iss, closed

[spencer_ein]: that

[host_matt]: Well,

[spencer_ein]: is not apt.

[host_matt]: I hate this

[spencer_ein]: Well,

[host_matt]: movie already, Spencer.

[spencer_ein]: What do you mean? half of

[host_matt]: No, it's fine.

[spencer_ein]: a mo. Half of a good movie is good character names, and Serena Serenth rolls

[spencer_ein]: off the tongue.

[host_matt]: it really

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Hm,

[host_matt]: does. So what explained to us when this movie comes out? I think on Netflix if

[host_matt]: I'm not mistaken,

[spencer_ein]: So this movie is directed Netflix because it's that good,

[host_matt]: Yeah,

[spencer_ein]: and essentially this movie's called Red noticees Because when you are

[spencer_ein]: so wanted by

[spencer_ein]: the police and

[spencer_ein]: the F F B, I, and the C I, A and the N, R, A and the

[spencer_ein]: p b, S.

[spencer_ein]: The The, the n, r A, the National Rifle Association,

[cobra]: your end when your anti gun. Yes,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: in the B B C.

[spencer_ein]: When they, when they all want you, you get put on a list. You get marked as red

[spencer_ein]: notice, which is means you're super wanted and you're beautiful. That's just a

[spencer_ein]: coincidence. Now

[host_matt]: so the question is Jack Package also wanted.

[spencer_ein]: Jack Magnum

[host_matt]: so honestly honest mistake.

[spencer_ein]: is not wanted. He, he is, he is the top. He's the top investigator in the F B.

[spencer_ein]: I,

[spencer_ein]: and his job is to

[spencer_ein]: find the most wanted people on earth. He is no jurisdiction. He can go anywhere

[spencer_ein]: and get them and

[spencer_ein]: he is at tasked with finding the Phoenix Phillips and Serena Gordana.

[host_matt]: Hey, I've seen this movie. It's

[spencer_ein]: Yes,

[host_matt]: called Hobson Shaw, right.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[spencer_ein]: no, no, that's a totally different movie. This has nothing to do with the the F

[spencer_ein]: F. franchise. The F. f. F, as they call it in the industry,

[host_matt]: Are you sure it sounds like it is

[spencer_ein]: the The Fast and Furious franchise, Totally different.

[cobra]: it sounds

[host_matt]: okay.

[cobra]: like you could at the very least be

[spencer_ein]: Listen, only two of these three actors have been in Fast and Furious

[spencer_ein]: franchises. Okay

[spencer_ein]: now,

[host_matt]: Justcking

[spencer_ein]: The The? So his job is too uh, to catch. Obviously these most wanted

[spencer_ein]: individuals and he's going to go to

[spencer_ein]: romecause. He got a tip on where to find the Phoenix Phillips, play by Ryine

[spencer_ein]: Reynolds,

[spencer_ein]: When he arrives there, he is going to have to uh, stop him in his crop, mid

[spencer_ein]: crime if he catches him, and so on a action. ▁qe, action seem, boom boom po.

[spencer_ein]: You know, Cut to the action,

[spencer_ein]: and what's going to happen to be very interesting? Is

[spencer_ein]: they're going to make the mistake of thinking that Jack Magnum is in cohoots

[spencer_ein]: with Phoenix Phillips and the Rock himself. Jack Magnum is going to go on Red

[spencer_ein]: notice.

[spencer_ein]: Pick your jaws off the floor. Guys, come on,

[spencer_ein]: and that ladies and gentlemen is where things get interesting.

[spencer_ein]: So so

[spencer_ein]: now it's unclear, but and the only way to to clear his name is to steal what I

[spencer_ein]: am calling the Orb of Osys, and that is the giant golden egg.

[spencer_ein]: and that is, of course in Galgado's hands. Any question? So far,

[host_matt]: what's

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Mhm,

[host_matt]: Galgato's care name again?

[spencer_ein]: Serenith,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Seni.

[cobra]: Serena, Fat woman

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Have you been paying attention?

[spencer_ein]: No,

[host_matt]: Have I just wanted to make sure that for the listeners they knew that Seringa,

[host_matt]: fat woman

[host_matt]: was was the character's name.

[host_matt]: Didn't Serena Fat Woman steal the orb in the trailer?

[spencer_ein]: no, she did not. She is in possession of the Or,

[spencer_ein]: because, if there's a scen in the trailer where both Uh, the Rock and Rhine

[spencer_ein]: Reynolds are walking into a room and she has it and she says, Are you guys

[spencer_ein]: looking for something or you just browsing?

[host_matt]: Oh, so that's our house,

[spencer_ein]: That's yes. she owns that, I wouldn't sayates her house and herir. It's her uh,

[spencer_ein]: where she keeps her collections.

[cobra]: private museum.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Thought was a gallery.

[spencer_ein]: It's a go. It's her personal gallery.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: I thought he was a curator of of sorts.

[spencer_ein]: It. she curates her own stuff.

[cobra]: Um, did you watch the trailer

[spencer_ein]: Yeah, exactly.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: I did

[spencer_ein]: um,

[spencer_ein]: So that's very clear, and then, Uh. Obviously Galgado is going to beat beat

[spencer_ein]: them up handily

[cobra]: cause

[spencer_ein]: as she does,

[cobra]: that also makes a lot of sense.

[spencer_ein]: and she's going to make a make off with the Orbulo, Cyrus,

[spencer_ein]: cut to black.

[host_matt]: but she already had it.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[spencer_ein]: No, I know, but they came to steal it and now she's got

[tyrone_biiiigums]: mhm,

[spencer_ein]: it again. Nothing's more exciting than doing the same mission for a second

[cobra]: so so she just didn't lose it.

[spencer_ein]: time.

[spencer_ein]: She just didn't lose it. She prevented them from stealing it. Yeah,

[cobra]: It's very exciting when you when you don't lose something that's the most exciting.

[cobra]: decided could be.

[spencer_ein]: exactly. it's yeah. exactly

[host_matt]: This is some real low snake drama so far.

[spencer_ein]: no. Now you wait night. What do you mean The rock is on the run.

[spencer_ein]: He's gone rogue

[host_matt]: Sure. Okay, get get back to the jack package question.

[spencer_ein]: Jack Magnum.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Magn,

[spencer_ein]: You put some respect on his name

[tyrone_biiiigums]: get Swedish Ma back.

[spencer_ein]: Now? the

[tyrone_biiiigums]: He knew his stuff.

[spencer_ein]: Yeah, I know exactly

[spencer_ein]: so

[spencer_ein]: now little do you. no. little. do you know that the uh, so the rock is uh, as

[spencer_ein]: hired right, not highred run rounds. But he's gotne to cohoots with

[spencer_ein]: Rhinedyndolds to stop her, But he is planning to turn both

[spencer_ein]: Phoenix Phillips and Serena Cordono in to clear his name

[spencer_ein]: along with the Orbo Cyrus. That's his only way to clear his name

[spencer_ein]: right. So he? you know he's planning to uh, double cross

[spencer_ein]: Phoenix Phillips.

[host_matt]: you? sure, this is in the fastin Furious universe

[spencer_ein]: Listen, listen, you,

[cobra]: Yeah',

[spencer_ein]: this is nothing to do with this fasc, Fe. Now the next scene now this is

[spencer_ein]: totally not a ▁quintent. There is a car chase

[spencer_ein]: and they are and they are muscle cars. Hey, they're not family. Not yet.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Nothing says family like car chases.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Oh,

[cobra]: none of this.

[spencer_ein]: they got to earn that

[cobra]: none of this sounds like something that Hobbs would do. I'm just going to say,

[cobra]: none of this sounds like something that Hobbs would do. I'm just going to say,

[cobra]: none of this sounds like something that Hobbs would do. I'm just going to say,

[cobra]: none of this sounds like something that Hobbs would do. I'm just going to say,

[spencer_ein]: exactly

[spencer_ein]: so. Ah, they. so. Basically what? They get? A tip that the the O Orbito Cyrus

[spencer_ein]: has now been transported to her personal castle in what I assume is

[spencer_ein]: Transylvaniacause.

[cobra]: I was going

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Mhm, Mhm,

[cobra]: to say Rusia, but I liked your ideas better.

[spencer_ein]: Yeah, No, No, it's in Transsylvania.

[host_matt]: Makes sense.

[spencer_ein]: and yeah, and the only way to get there because it is off grid is to hijack a

[spencer_ein]: stealth bomber,

[cobra]: Okay,

[spencer_ein]: which is

[tyrone_biiiigums]: those are available.

[spencer_ein]: exactly

[host_matt]: They still make those

[spencer_ein]: now. The

[tyrone_biiiigums]: so

[spencer_ein]: rock has a friend

[spencer_ein]: with access to one of these stealth bombers in his name.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: come for Kenny,

[cobra]: Gipson, Wckenbacker,

[spencer_ein]: Nope,

[spencer_ein]: Dom

[spencer_ein]: Dominic from The Fast and the Furious,

[cobra]: Oh,

[spencer_ein]: What?

[cobra]: it's a cross over. It's a crossover. Okay,

[spencer_ein]: Ill?

[spencer_ein]: and it turns out,

[cobra]: I thought they hated each other though I thought they hated each other though

[spencer_ein]: Listen,

[host_matt]: that's real life. This is a movie. Don't worry about it.

[spencer_ein]: Editor. It turns out that Jack Magnum is actually an alias. his real name.

[spencer_ein]: Whatever his first name, Hobbs,

[cobra]: Luke,

[spencer_ein]: What's his first name in that movie? Lizel name Luu Cobbs,

[spencer_ein]: What

[spencer_ein]: so naturally, And then, of course, when he asked Dot, what's dominated the last

[spencer_ein]: name again? Do

[host_matt]: Totto,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: too

[spencer_ein]: torto.

[cobra]: too,

[spencer_ein]: So Doctor Gretter goes

[spencer_ein]: Ma like, I can't do A a vindesel.

[cobra]: I thought was going to go. This is

[tyrone_biiiigums]: with it.

[cobra]: Brazil and then like guns, just

[spencer_ein]: No, he's going to get. No, He'. He's going to say you need my help and then he

[spencer_ein]: says anything from family,

[spencer_ein]: and then he gets a missalth bomber from his friend Jason Statham, So they take

[spencer_ein]: the stealth bomber to Transylvania. Go ahead. Go ahead.

[host_matt]: just just a question. A Jason. stay them.

[cobra]: the

[cobra]: bviously.

[host_matt]: Yeah, whos

[cobra]: Obviously,

[host_matt]: playing Jason Sta, them? the character Ja them.

[spencer_ein]: Oh, Jackie Chan,

[host_matt]: You just want

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Mhm.

[spencer_ein]: Yeah, yeah,

[host_matt]: to C up

[cobra]: Yeah,

[spencer_ein]: sorry. I thought that was obvious.

[spencer_ein]: Um,

[host_matt]: just for the fans so they they can follow along.

[spencer_ein]: yeah, yeah, okay, if you don't know that I, I'm sorry. I can't help

[spencer_ein]: you. Um, Yeah, that Jasonth was played by Jacke Jan.

[cobra]: it was very clear in the trailer Ma

[spencer_ein]: It's kind of a big deal anyway. So they go to. Uh, they take their stealth

[spencer_ein]: bomber and they have to sky dive. Obviously from the stealth bomber

[spencer_ein]: on to the bridge

[cobra]: withal parachutes. right.

[spencer_ein]: with stealth parachutes made out of you. guessed it, leather. the stealthiest

[spencer_ein]: material there is

[spencer_ein]: And

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Hm.

[spencer_ein]: when they land,

[cobra]: what is happening

[spencer_ein]: and when they land,

[spencer_ein]: no hold on it's

[spencer_ein]: it's a trap.

[spencer_ein]: Guess what

[spencer_ein]: Phoenix. What's his name? Philip Felix, Phoenix, Phoeni

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Yep,

[spencer_ein]: Phillips,

[spencer_ein]: Phoenix Phillips, Ah,

[spencer_ein]: who is Uh, involved with Serenth From the beginning there were a couple.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Oh, the cross,

[spencer_ein]: It was a double cross.

[host_matt]: Yeah, I could see that coming a mile away.

[spencer_ein]: Hold on though,

[spencer_ein]: but guess what, Ryan Reynolds, whos who you think is playing Ryan Reynolds,

[spencer_ein]: like he always does, isn't normal Remal luck. he does all the other movies. He

[spencer_ein]: seems like that for the entire movie until

[spencer_ein]: he stabbs Serenth in the neck,

[spencer_ein]: killing her Triple

[cobra]: with? like his baroca Blz from

[spencer_ein]: tripp.

[cobra]: ▁x Manine,

[spencer_ein]: No, we don't. we don't talk about that movie

[cobra]: Okay, I'm sorry.

[spencer_ein]: Killing Uh Galgedo,

[cobra]: Oh, Thes.

[spencer_ein]: Taking the orb,

[cobra]: such as hard time, he kills the actress. That's amazing.

[spencer_ein]: He kills the actress. He, he's a method actor, kills her in Reli,

[spencer_ein]: So so he kills her, Takes the orb, which at the end of the movie actually opens

[spencer_ein]: up

[spencer_ein]: to be to have a map inside and that, And that map

[spencer_ein]: is for the sequel. We'll figure that out. We'll figure that out in in post

[host_matt]: What's the? What's the name of the

[host_matt]: sequel's?

[spencer_ein]: blue, notice,

[spencer_ein]: Mhm, and it'll call the color the Color Trilogy, The Color trilogy,

[cobra]: Okay's note.

[cobra]: Okay's note.

[cobra]: Okay's note.

[cobra]: Okay's note.

[cobra]: Okay's note.

[cobra]: Okay's note.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: that's twenty twenty two all over

[host_matt]: What's the third color in the color trilogy?

[spencer_ein]: Mane,

[spencer_ein]: notice,

[host_matt]: Notice,

[spencer_ein]: No notice, The Big pauss, and then and then notice, Maroon Day, noticed,

[cobra]: it's Ra,

[spencer_ein]: For some reason,

[spencer_ein]: Yeah,

[cobra]: the coar to the Je, the red, notice the blue balls and the maroon. What?

[spencer_ein]: day, notice,

[cobra]: Okay?

[spencer_ein]: Listen, we'll get to the T guys. I know you're very excited about

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Mhmm.

[spencer_ein]: this. The prospects here in the The The The Obvious Trilogy That's coming, But

[spencer_ein]: let's let's not get the the The horse A front of the cart quite yet. Or

[spencer_ein]: whatever that saying is

[host_matt]: shouldn't we get the horse front of the cart so it can go somewhere?

[cobra]: Yes, let's not. let's let's let. Let's not get the horse in front of the cart.

[spencer_ein]: What year is it? None of us have horses.

[spencer_ein]: Let's not sit here and pretend that we drive our carriages around town. Okay,

[cobra]: Oh, I walk everywhere.

[spencer_ein]: yeah,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: now on Monday to Friday,

[spencer_ein]: yeah, exactly exactly my point, Exactly.

[host_matt]: Someone to drive my carriage For me who drives a

[host_matt]: carriageages.

[spencer_ein]: Mattheys. rubbing in thatdies drivers

[spencer_ein]: anyways.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: what are you down in Ay?

[spencer_ein]: So as at, anyways, as Phoenix Phillips flies away, he's obviously like hanging

[spencer_ein]: from a helicopter at this point and he's like you know, Ran Reddal. Now this is

[spencer_ein]: different be cause now he's all like he's not joky anymore. He's like really

[spencer_ein]: serious, which is a cool kind of little twist. And then he opens the orb and he

[spencer_ein]: says I never cared for the Orb, Magnum.

[spencer_ein]: It was with Sa Theob, and I used you like I used at Ten Nala Bill to pay my

[spencer_ein]: way. There opens your throws. the oar. A drops him a ten dollar bill just to

[spencer_ein]: rub it in, and then the rock naturally says

[spencer_ein]: the samein over Phillips,

[spencer_ein]: dissin over. I will track you to the end at time And then then Phillips

[spencer_ein]: naturally sets back to him. Oh, with what agency

[spencer_ein]: you run, the run, Magnum, you ru. the front

[spencer_ein]: flies away.

[cobra]: So it's the joker. In the end,

[cobra]: So it's the joker. In the end,

[spencer_ein]: No, No, he's just laughing.

[host_matt]: Yeahs,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: No, that I see a pretty good reynolds

[spencer_ein]: Yeah, and then uh, and then Magnam

[cobra]: Rodynolds would be a good readddler. I got to say, just as a side note.

[spencer_ein]: Mac Magnum and the magnum smoulders for a little while as he does, and then yet

[spencer_ein]: it ends with him on the run. Galgado dead, and uh,

[spencer_ein]: you know, naturally the rock has to beat Phillips to the Uh, Asztec prize.

[spencer_ein]: Who

[cobra]: Oh, it's an at Rize.

[spencer_ein]: maybe

[spencer_ein]: see you're all intrigued. Blue

[host_matt]: Yes,

[spencer_ein]: notice coming summer. twenty twenty four

[spencer_ein]: stirring, Ja,

[cobra]: wait,

[spencer_ein]: and stayed them by Jackie Chan.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: out.

[cobra]: Jackie Chan as Jason

[cobra]: Stateer

[spencer_ein]: Well, now I'm in.

[spencer_ein]: I cut the black.

[spencer_ein]: thank you. thank you. come on, guys. give it up.

[host_matt]: we have a few minutes here for for questions

[spencer_ein]: Yes,

[host_matt]: for the writer director

[host_matt]: of this fine film.

[host_matt]: Who would like to go first?

[spencer_ein]: I, I'm the The floor is open

[cobra]: I, I

[spencer_ein]: and

[cobra]: have one question

[cobra]: is an,

[cobra]: feel free to tell me that this is a secret for the other movies. But

[cobra]: given that Gagado has a castle in Transylvania,

[spencer_ein]: yes,

[cobra]: and that she beats up

[cobra]: to

[cobra]: guys, one who is almost literally a rock.

[spencer_ein]: Mhm,

[cobra]: Is she actually Countess Batery the famous vampire, and that's why she can beat them

[cobra]: up?

[spencer_ein]: so guy, Um, obviously very hushsh. this projects. you know, we don't want

[cobra]: Okay,

[spencer_ein]: to. We don't give too much away, but there is potential that the hidden

[spencer_ein]: treasurer that laid within the egg did lead to something of supernatural

[spencer_ein]: origins.

[spencer_ein]: I'm not

[cobra]: cool, cool.

[spencer_ein]: going to say too much. I don't want to say too much. But

[cobra]: Okay, No, that's Fa. That's her

[spencer_ein]: Dracula blood, that's all. we'll say. I am. I goingnna put up ▁jim us anything.

[spencer_ein]: That's it,

[cobra]: right.

[spencer_ein]: and any other questions?

[host_matt]: Okay, Okay, good, um, yeah, I have a question. Um,

[spencer_ein]: Yes,

[spencer_ein]: all the cocaine. Yes,

[host_matt]: Well, that was, that was a second question, but I figure

[cobra]: That was not a question. That was not a question.

[host_matt]: that was implied. I think at this point,

[spencer_ein]: yes,

[host_matt]: Um, now, my question is about the Um.

[host_matt]: Jason Statham, part of the movie

[spencer_ein]: yes,

[host_matt]: played by Jackie Shan.

[spencer_ein]: yes,

[host_matt]: Is he

[host_matt]: the ludicrous of this gang? Is he the tech genius finder fix, or cgy.

[spencer_ein]: a great question. great question.

[spencer_ein]: Now every movie needs a ludicrous, Everybody knows that and screenwriting,

[spencer_ein]: and this

[spencer_ein]: isn't

[spencer_ein]: the ludicrous of this movie per se. For that role, we are trying to actively to

[spencer_ein]: get ludicrous.

[spencer_ein]: Now

[cobra]: Okay,

[spencer_ein]: his Jackie Chanance character, Sorry, Jason Statham's character, No

[spencer_ein]: Jackie Chance character, Jason Statham

[cobra]: right.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Hm.

[spencer_ein]: is

[spencer_ein]: more of a uh,

[spencer_ein]: eccentric billionaire type, He he provides. He provides Dominic, uh, toreto

[spencer_ein]: with his

[spencer_ein]: Uh, a high budget, uh weaponry, Uh, you know Mc mechanics, and and so forth

[host_matt]: Um,

[spencer_ein]: does.

[host_matt]: Yeah, No, I was great. thank you, Fa of question. though, Um, you said you were

[host_matt]: trying to get lucariist for this movie? Do you know your movie comes out in

[host_matt]: November?

[spencer_ein]: yes, yes, Yes,

[spencer_ein]: that's a great question. Another great question, Matt. Now,

[spencer_ein]: the thing about ludicrous is I don't know if anyone's ever worked with him

[spencer_ein]: before he won't come to set.

[spencer_ein]: It's in his contract. He only likes. He will only work at a movie. if he's put

[spencer_ein]: in post, be a photohop. He doesn't leave his house,

[spencer_ein]: So

[spencer_ein]: so what we do is with the magic

[spencer_ein]: of

[spencer_ein]: C. G. I, post production, We just we'll just uh, you know, we'll just put him

[spencer_ein]: in there. We'll put him in there

[cobra]: So what what you're saying

[spencer_ein]: anywhere

[cobra]: is Andy Circus? As ludicrous is what you're saying here.

[spencer_ein]: it. It's I don't want to give too much away, but

[spencer_ein]: we're

[spencer_ein]: talkative of the column.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Gg. big revial.

[host_matt]: excellent, um,

[spencer_ein]: Smegle himself.

[host_matt]: Listen, this sounds just

[host_matt]: like a trip.

[host_matt]: Want we have time for one more question and

[spencer_ein]: Yes, go ahead.

[host_matt]: be? I feel like you haven't got one in here. Do

[spencer_ein]: go ahead, Chris.

[host_matt]: you have anything to ask

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Yes, I have one question. What's with the other two orbs from the opening

[tyrone_biiiigums]: from the opening of the

[tyrone_biiiigums]: trailer, but the focus on this. This, this singular orbal, Cyrus seems to

[spencer_ein]: Great. another great question.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: be the attention, but that feels a bit like one two punch misdirction. The

[tyrone_biiiigums]: fuck happened to those two?

[spencer_ein]: Well, everyone knows that the uh, god Osyrus is the god of the Sun,

[spencer_ein]: and naturally where there is the sun.

[cobra]: Not really, but continue.

[spencer_ein]: Listen, listen, guys. what is this? The Uh, the the learning channel,

[host_matt]: Ha,

[host_matt]: percent not.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Not licensedsed.

[host_matt]: Butm I'm the god of the moon.

[host_matt]: Butm I'm the god of the moon.

[host_matt]: Butm I'm the god of the moon.

[host_matt]: Butm I'm the god of the moon.

[host_matt]: Butm I'm the god of the moon.

[spencer_ein]: Osyrus is the god of the son, E One knows that and the god of the moon

[spencer_ein]: is Matt.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: It's Mat.

[cobra]: it's Matt, Swedish, ma, Swedish, ma,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: not set

[cobra]: No

[cobra]: Swedish matters.

[spencer_ein]: You know what

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Swedish Man

[spencer_ein]: I was,

[host_matt]: I am to God of the moon.

[spencer_ein]: So that is the orb.

[spencer_ein]: You know. you guys mail it. So the second orb is the Orb of fetish Mat, and

[spencer_ein]: that comes into play in the sequel. I don't want give awayinted in this movie.

[spencer_ein]: In the trailer lot. There's

[spencer_ein]: a lot. There's a lot of Setu sequel In this in this movie, Almost the entire

[tyrone_biiiigums]: three ors, three movies.

[spencer_ein]: plot. Really,

[cobra]: I think it's very

[host_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: encouraging that you wrote this as as a trilogy because

[spencer_ein]: I mean you don't

[cobra]: you don't have to tack on the story right

[spencer_ein]: you don't get the Andy Cergus, If don't think is going to be as equal

[host_matt]: that's fair, because I think it's really important that you have some time to

[host_matt]: explain how Osys is is the god of fertility, agriculture, the afterlife, but not

[host_matt]: the sun, so that you can cover that in in blue.

[spencer_ein]: in what world is fertility, not the sun. The sun gives life.

[cobra]: in the Egyptian mythology world.

[host_matt]: Yeah, yeah, um, maybe maybe Swedish man can teach Um, Jack. Package about raw.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Wheres it? Jack package? How much Bo is given watching

[spencer_ein]: Yeah, it, Jack Magnum,

[host_matt]: I just Jack Magum. All right.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Jack package?

[cobra]: It's Jack Package, and you know Serena, fathw.

[host_matt]: Yeah,

[spencer_ein]: it's Sen,

[spencer_ein]: sen.

[host_matt]: that's

[cobra]: my bad,

[host_matt]: honestly. I think

[cobra]: serene fat woman.

[host_matt]: I. I think we've. We've both made the The Red notice the movie and we've also

[host_matt]: started casting for

[host_matt]: Red.

[host_matt]: noticed the porn.

[spencer_ein]: no, No,

[spencer_ein]: that's also already in production.

[host_matt]: All right, So the randomizer has already been randomized. We got this full' full,

[host_matt]: not awful ranomizer. I'm not pressing you. Just if someone was thinking they were

[host_matt]: a randomo next up is

[host_matt]: myself.

[host_matt]: No,

[host_matt]: that's no. that's a bad randomizer Bat,

[host_matt]: it's bad randomizer. I am going to go next, based on the previous Rands. We did.

[host_matt]: The movie I've chosen is The King's Man,

[cobra]: Oh boy,

[host_matt]: and well, there are are a number of trailers out for this one. specifically I

[host_matt]: have only watched recently

[host_matt]: is the Red Band trailer that came out at the end of August. So that's the one I'm

[host_matt]: going to primarily focus on. Uh, I recommend you go watching that now. Um, so you

[host_matt]: can get caught up on this madness. We will wait for you like we did the last

[host_matt]: time. Currently everybody's taking a drink.

[host_matt]: All right That was long enough. I like these get short every time, but you're not

[host_matt]: a pause. It's fine, Welcome back so that was pretty awesome. right. Let me let me

[host_matt]: give you a synopsis. Uh, for the people who just do not want to watch trailers.

[host_matt]: Uh, The King's Man is the third movie in the Kingsman trilogy and this one is

[host_matt]: going back to where it all began. Uh, It stars Ralph, or don't call me Ralph, Ray

[host_matt]: Fines, Raf. is it Raf or Ralph,

[cobra]: Ra finds

[host_matt]: Raif, Sure, whatevery, he is, The Duke of Oxford,

[spencer_ein]: It's not. It's not Ra.

[host_matt]: No, Raf.

[cobra]: it's the Raf with enough.

[spencer_ein]: like a ring, wreth

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Are you serious? He doesn't prefer it. He doesn't prefer Ralph.

[host_matt]: No,

[cobra]: No, No, it's Rafines.

[host_matt]: he's specifically. It's like R. A ph. H. raif.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Okay? Well,

[host_matt]: That's what he's going with. Is it spelled like Ralph? One million per cent, But

[cobra]: Yes,

[host_matt]: we'll cover that another pocast, So Raf finds

[spencer_ein]: an entire broadcast.

[host_matt]: the t. Fckgs dedicated to so

[spencer_ein]: The letter ▁l,

[host_matt]: Raf fines. Yeah, just what was it? What's it doing?

[host_matt]: So Rayfines is the Duke of Oxford and he is going to create the King's Men

[host_matt]: organization. Um, and from the trailer? Listen

[host_matt]: short, answer, this is two and a half hours of nonstop violence. That's all the

[host_matt]: trailer taught me. It's a bit of walking, Um, and there's also,

[spencer_ein]: a bit of walking.

[cobra]: a bit of walking. well, I mean,

[host_matt]: yeah, it.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: a brisk walking.

[host_matt]: Yeah, some.

[cobra]: as far as Australers go, it doesn't have a damage. one

[spencer_ein]: Yeah,

[host_matt]: No. It's just a bit of

[tyrone_biiiigums]: if you look.

[host_matt]: brisk walking. That's just to get

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Hm.

[host_matt]: between the murder.

[cobra]: them,

[host_matt]: Um.

[cobra]: walking from

[host_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: water side to murder site.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: yousssssssssssssssssss.

[host_matt]: and and there's going to be Um. lots of cool, cool gadgets and murder. That

[host_matt]: probably don't make sense for the time period The time here it is World war one.

[host_matt]: Um, we all see Um. Archdke Ferdinand and his wife, buddy sister. I don't know who

[host_matt]: knows history gets shot. Yeah, they all get shot. Um, Yeah, we've also got

[cobra]: all of them.

[spencer_ein]: it was a weird time.

[host_matt]: Resputon, who is the main uh. antagonist it appears, but there's also. there's

[host_matt]: lots going on anyway. so Um. Thezke of Oxford wants to meet Desar for

[host_matt]: let's say sorry. I prepare this. He's going to meet Thezar to prevent the war.

[host_matt]: but Ras Beton listen, he is the one who shot Fs. Ferdinand, and so

[host_matt]: spoiler alert. I know

[spencer_ein]: I thought that was by the hand

[host_matt]: that doesn't sound right. This is that's not the movie. What? Now? it's

[spencer_ein]: in history. was it the Black Hand

[host_matt]: what.

[spencer_ein]: who in real history killed friends, Fernond? It was like a group,

[cobra]: Ah, yeah,

[spencer_ein]: the Black Hand or something.

[cobra]: something like that. Something like that.

[host_matt]: Yeah, Yeah, respue and Black Hand I Iready said that, Yeah,

[spencer_ein]: Yeah, obvious. that's what he said.

[host_matt]: Anyh,

[spencer_ein]: Continue, Sir,

[host_matt]: Yeah, it's the. It's the reput and group, So they killcause. They want us set off

[host_matt]: the war right. They want this war to go down and it's not just. It's not just

[host_matt]: respute. It's like a whole evil league of evil people from the early N. Well,

[host_matt]: twentieth century Nineteen hundred. It's called Nineteen Hundred. That sounds

[host_matt]: good

[host_matt]: and so respe. Just what

[cobra]: Those are both

[host_matt]: y. I know? I was just trying to,

[cobra]: the same thing, the Nineteen Hundreds or the twentieth

[host_matt]: I think, but Nineteen Hundred sounds older and

[cobra]: old third. That's fair.

[host_matt]: cooler. Twentieth Century sounds modern.

[spencer_ein]: who. hold on. who else is in this evil group? I'm interested,

[host_matt]: But besides respute,

[spencer_ein]: baby Hiler,

[cobra]: No,

[host_matt]: I mean,

[cobra]: what Hitler was fighting. The one. he was like a soldier.

[host_matt]: yeah,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[spencer_ein]: Young Hitler

[cobra]: So is easy going to be in this

[host_matt]: n no, now, becausecause

[host_matt]: Hitlers, Hitler's a whole vibe right and it's just it's just a different fb.

[cobra]: five and a half it? Svivant isn a five and a half. Yes,

[host_matt]: Yeah,

[host_matt]: yeah, like

[host_matt]: respes here like you know. He's hi, a drink and fuck and murder and he's all out

[host_matt]: a drink and

[host_matt]: I don't know. he's going to do the other two lots of it in the movie

[host_matt]: And so what's really going to happen here is

[host_matt]: the Duke of Oxford and his son and his

[host_matt]: sister and his adopted cousin.

[host_matt]: Uh,

[spencer_ein]: is a doctor, cousin,

[host_matt]: yeah, the Duke's adopted cousin. Yeah,

[spencer_ein]: tall, family affair.

[host_matt]: yeah, yeah, well, I mean like you see them on the trailer, right like we have.

[host_matt]: Well, let me let me get my my roster up here as I can talk about it. So yeah, we

[host_matt]: have a Raf is the Duke of Oxford, and I don't know if this is true, but I love

[host_matt]: it. so I'm going with it. Orlando Oxford is his name.

[host_matt]: Uh, and then we have

[tyrone_biiiigums]: seem distinguished.

[cobra]: sounds like a character from Spencer's movie

[spencer_ein]: I was going. They

[host_matt]: Di right.

[spencer_ein]: almost as cool with Phoenix Phillips.

[host_matt]: That's better. And then we havejim uh, Art Arderton, and that's his, his sister,

[host_matt]: Um,

[host_matt]: and then we have

[spencer_ein]: What's her name in the movie

[host_matt]: Polly, Polly Oxford.

[spencer_ein]: Polly Oxford,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Four.

[host_matt]: Yeah,

[spencer_ein]: He Spe

[cobra]: Po, Polly Poxford, To keep

[spencer_ein]: pon,

[cobra]: theiteration going.

[host_matt]: yeah, Okay, and A, and then we have Harrison Oror, Harris Dickinson, that's his

[host_matt]: son Conrad, and

[spencer_ein]: His son is a different last name.

[host_matt]: you know his son

[host_matt]: Harris, Dick Dixon is the actor

[cobra]: That's the actor's name

[spencer_ein]: What's the character's name?

[host_matt]: Conrad Conrad Oxford is 's name

[spencer_ein]: Gorad Oaksbed?

[host_matt]: right.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: You can't fool

[host_matt]: Yeah,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: me. We all know that's Jason Siegel, after a ton of P. ninety ▁x

[spencer_ein]: Yeah,

[host_matt]: maybe,

[host_matt]: and then we have uh,

[host_matt]: uh, Gjimon, Hansu,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Gimon, Hanszu,

[host_matt]: That's

[tyrone_biiiigums]: my man. use everything

[cobra]: that.

[host_matt]: Gimon Hansu,

[spencer_ein]: is it Hantsu I thought his last name was Houston.

[cobra]: ▁ultimate that guy that nobody knows the name of it, but everybody knows. Yeah,

[spencer_ein]: That last name was Houston.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: I know. his name

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Hunsu.

[spencer_ein]: I thought that guy's last name was Houston, Gmon. Houston, Hansu,

[host_matt]: Yeah,

[spencer_ein]: Wow,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Yeah, look at the

[cobra]: Do you think

[tyrone_biiiigums]: spelling H, o, U N s. O.

[spencer_ein]: side,

[cobra]: he' from the very

[host_matt]: wow,

[cobra]: a traditional African family of the Houstons,

[cobra]: a traditional African family of the Houstons,

[spencer_ein]: Ah, ain't dyslexia a bitch boy,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: You

[host_matt]: No,

[spencer_ein]: am I right?

[tyrone_biiiigums]: learn something new every day, Empathy.

[spencer_ein]: am my right boys,

[host_matt]: any who he is? He is playing uh, Shola, who is Uh, the Duke of Oxford's uh,

[host_matt]: adopted cousin.

[host_matt]: Yeah, So anyway, so theyre going to chase around, Um,

[host_matt]: uh, Re,

[host_matt]: and his evil gang and I'm pretty sure like the king, England is going to get

[host_matt]: involved.

[spencer_ein]: Ma, you make it sound so exciting.

[host_matt]: Yeah, No, because the king, because it turns out the King of England is running

[host_matt]: the whole evil Kbal.

[spencer_ein]: What

[host_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Oh,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Six,

[host_matt]: right,

[spencer_ein]: kings never do any bad things, Especially Kings of England,

[host_matt]: right, but that, but

[cobra]: yeah,

[host_matt]: that's just it.

[host_matt]: this one is going to do something bad.

[spencer_ein]: What a white

[host_matt]: right.

[spencer_ein]: monarch doing bad things

[cobra]: never happened.

[host_matt]: I know. spoiler.

[cobra]: It's

[spencer_ein]: crazy.

[cobra]: stretching my suspension of thisblief here Mat.

[spencer_ein]: Yeah, I know

[host_matt]: right I. I.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: so shocked.

[host_matt]: I know.

[host_matt]: I know.

[spencer_ein]: Okay, I'm listening.

[host_matt]: here it. wait. it gets. it gets better. So

[host_matt]: the Duke of Oxford is going to. They're not going to prevent World War One.

[host_matt]: Unfortunately,

[spencer_ein]: Swe

[host_matt]: but

[host_matt]: what they are going to do

[host_matt]: if they

[host_matt]: stop it

[host_matt]: a couple months earlier than it would have stoped on its own

[spencer_ein]: Okay,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: That's fantastic

[spencer_ein]: Wow,

[cobra]: That is what heroes. they, all of them

[host_matt]: right.

[cobra]: heroes.

[cobra]: heroes.

[host_matt]: And how they're going to do this

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Mhm,

[host_matt]: is

[host_matt]: murder's correct.

[cobra]: Yes, of course,

[spencer_ein]: nice. Yes,

[host_matt]: Yeah, lots of

[tyrone_biiiigums]: pornography

[host_matt]: murder. There's going to be like people exploding people out of buildings with

[host_matt]: grenades that have way too much gunpowder for the time period they're in.

[spencer_ein]: I, too, saw that scene.

[host_matt]: And, but what's going to happen Herecause? we got to keep the King's been

[host_matt]: franchiseed going.

[host_matt]: The King of England

[host_matt]: is going to kill Rasbin to make it look like he wasn't doing any shady stuff,

[host_matt]: But secretly afterwards

[host_matt]: you see him talking a hiler.

[spencer_ein]: Oh shi.

[cobra]: O, she,

[cobra]: I see,

[spencer_ein]: oh,

[host_matt]: right.

[spencer_ein]: Mhm.

[host_matt]: Yeah, and then

[tyrone_biiiigums]: pornography.

[host_matt]: you better believe it. That whole thing's going to happen.

[spencer_ein]: but but when he's talking to Hitler, they're just talking about painting, cause

[spencer_ein]: he's at that stage'. nothing farious,

[host_matt]: Yeah, no, Yeah, like you talk about.

[cobra]: and vegetarianism

[spencer_ein]: Yeah,

[host_matt]: Yeahcause, all the kingland, the King Alien, Just get a hire Hitler to to

[host_matt]: repaint, Uh, one of the rooms in Windsorcastle,

[spencer_ein]: and hilers like, I'm not that kind of painter. I'm an artist and he like, just

[spencer_ein]: do the work and then Hitlers,

[spencer_ein]: And that's

[cobra]: and that'. What? His Hitler off?

[spencer_ein]: yeah, and that's what sets Hitler off

[host_matt]: Basically he's going to be like, Oh, Hitler, I've seen your work. It's very

[host_matt]: derivative. Just painte this wall white, and

[spencer_ein]: and

[host_matt]: that's really,

[cobra]: Ooh, that's the last drop. The the Strao broke the camels back.

[host_matt]: and that's why

[spencer_ein]: nine.

[host_matt]: right, and he stamps around like a child.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: See the violins and the eye, twitch.

[spencer_ein]: Yeah, like a child, got it.

[cobra]: He called the. He called the

[host_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: police in the nine.

[spencer_ein]: We'll let it that out.

[host_matt]: I' going to add that out.

[cobra]: Okay, that's fair.

[host_matt]: So anyways, so in an a stinger, Hitler's going to paint the wall off white.

[spencer_ein]: Oh my God, he would do that.

[cobra]: Oh, I thought you was just going to do a giant Sws toick on the wall.

[host_matt]: No, no, no, he's not. He's not there

[host_matt]: yet. he's just

[cobra]: He's not there yet. Okay

[spencer_ein]: Yeah,

[host_matt]: he's getting the seeds of like evil, so it's like

[spencer_ein]: yeah, that's just a Buddhist symbol.

[host_matt]: the king England wants, just like like egg white.

[host_matt]: and he gives him like a beige, white,

[cobra]: because soft white

[host_matt]: just just to show him he's not to be fucked with.

[cobra]: Whos? that Okay?

[spencer_ein]: Oh my God,

[cobra]: right,

[spencer_ein]: that's like a sea shell white.

[host_matt]: Maybe

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Wow, wow,

[spencer_ein]: Oh, that that is evil.

[host_matt]: does Hitler know Is Hitler dis Hitler choosing the right paint color? Or is he an

[host_matt]: idiot and not know how to paint? We don't know

[spencer_ein]: so I think we know.

[cobra]: I think we know.

[host_matt]: no

[spencer_ein]: Um, few few questions here.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: but do we?

[host_matt]: idea. and then and then and then Sorry just to finish up and

[spencer_ein]: Oh, y.

[host_matt]: then um, and then so like um, Comrade Oxford is going to come through murder.

[host_matt]: then um, and then so like um, Comrade Oxford is going to come through murder.

[host_matt]: haler,

[host_matt]: haler,

[spencer_ein]: I was wondering where that was like that was my. Goes back to my question.

[spencer_ein]: These main characters in the film don't seem to be doing much. They. it seems

[spencer_ein]: to be more like you were writing a a King of England movie.

[host_matt]: No, no, no, no, no,

[cobra]: No, But so so I think

[host_matt]: it's mostly the duke. The Duke's running around killing people.

[cobra]: I think I got. I think I got it as

[host_matt]: It's like it. it's yeah, Go ahead you, you. you. tell me if you've got this

[cobra]: no. So I think the title the King's Men is Is you think? It's because of the other

[cobra]: King's Men movies and that's where it's going to come from. But actually Hitler is

[cobra]: the King's Man. That's That's the The twist in this movie.

[cobra]: Did I get right Mat?

[host_matt]: right. Yeah, exactly.

[cobra]: there you go.

[spencer_ein]: Hes, You don't see it in the writing, but it's actually the King's paint man be

[spencer_ein]: cause he does his painting.

[cobra]: Yeah, it's like. Yeah, it's hiden's. a hidden word.

[host_matt]: yeah, we didn't. it's

[tyrone_biiiigums]: you're high.

[host_matt]: it's no. What are you talk about?

[spencer_ein]: Well, what does that have to do with anything?

[cobra]: Why why give that away?

[tyrone_biiiigums]: He ki the King's man like this is clearly another forty another. another

[tyrone_biiiigums]: forty eight hours Back in time is a. the King'sman is really the badman.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: There's a heist taking place. Where do you think all that gunpowder came

[tyrone_biiiigums]: from?

[cobra]: Batman,

[cobra]: as in the Cape

[tyrone_biiiigums]: The Ba,

[cobra]: Crusador, Oh, I got excited for a second. There.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: na, the bag, B, G, man

[host_matt]: Ludo Ludo Bagman

[host_matt]: If you will.

[spencer_ein]: Yeah,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: of the Ottomans,

[spencer_ein]: who? who's

[host_matt]: Yeah,

[spencer_ein]: ludicrous playing in this movie?

[host_matt]: Ludo Bagman, I thought it was obvious.

[spencer_ein]: That's That's what I thought too was Is that ludicrous

[cobra]: He's playing Jackie Chan as Little Bagman.

[spencer_ein]: genius?

[host_matt]: Yeah, so so basically what happens in this movie is just just to clean this up.

[host_matt]: Is there is some walking from the Duke of Oxford. He's talking to the King of

[host_matt]: England and then he walks back and there's a whole bunch of murder. They talk to

[host_matt]: a resputein. He tries to murder them. They blowve a bunch of shit. half Thesar's

[host_matt]: family is killed. You know, Franz Ferdinand killed a little more. Talking with

[host_matt]: the King, England,

[host_matt]: and then the Duke of Oxford, and Polly and Conrad

[host_matt]: and uh Chla all show up, kill respute.

[spencer_ein]: I thought

[host_matt]: save the day.

[spencer_ein]: the King of England keep way way away. I thought the King of England killed

[spencer_ein]: Rabton.

[host_matt]: Yes,

[host_matt]: he.

[spencer_ein]: Keep thinking,

[cobra]: He blames it on the other guys.

[spencer_ein]: take a time. No, no, take it. time.

[host_matt]: so he poisons him

[host_matt]: And then, but before the poison could kill him, those are like Guy, show up

[host_matt]: because the King England told him where they could find him, But that was his

[host_matt]: insurance

[cobra]: Oh,

[host_matt]: policy. Like a poison him, in case these guys can't get the job done, But he's

[host_matt]: hoping the kings, the fake King's men, if you will, would kill him, so it looks

[host_matt]: like he was innocent.

[cobra]: so

[spencer_ein]: That makes sense with history

[cobra]: he sat up like a chess master gambit so that he would always

[host_matt]: Yes,

[cobra]: get the win.

[spencer_ein]: and like in in history, Res was famously poisoned,

[spencer_ein]: shot and stabbed

[host_matt]: exactly

[cobra]: Yeah,

[spencer_ein]: till all those things have to happen to them in this film.

[host_matt]: Well, that's why we have like That's why Orlando and Conrad and Shala and Polly

[host_matt]: all show up. because H. D. one of thoses

[host_matt]: them to make sure he's dead. other than the poison. Pardon.

[cobra]: is that why they walked so much as well?

[cobra]: Is that why they walked so much as well?

[host_matt]: Yeah,

[spencer_ein]: I mean they didn't. They didn't have cars then, so

[cobra]: That's fair.

[host_matt]: Yeah, how they get there.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: and there was no power walking yet

[cobra]: it wasn't invented.

[spencer_ein]: they didn't even have seg waves.

[spencer_ein]: Like. how are they supposed to get from point eight to point B?

[cobra]: That was

[host_matt]: No, No. No,

[cobra]: a hard time. No, they didn't. It was a hard time like you had to let like the subject

[cobra]: die on its own. There was no whatsoever.

[spencer_ein]: Oh

[tyrone_biiiigums]: dod sleds,

[host_matt]: any questions about about this movie?

[spencer_ein]: so many.

[cobra]: I have. Wonder, is there going to be a sequelcause? This sounds awesome.

[spencer_ein]: there's already four sequels.

[cobra]: No, for this one, it's a sequel to the prequel.

[host_matt]: No's, a.

[host_matt]: No's, a.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: But this starts in the past.

[spencer_ein]: Is there a prequel sequel?

[host_matt]: Which way is that

[tyrone_biiiigums]: That' a good.

[host_matt]: Go? Is that before this or after this?

[tyrone_biiiigums]: A prequel sequel to the To the prequel,

[spencer_ein]: This is. this is a prequel. Is there a

[host_matt]: Yeah,

[spencer_ein]: sequel for this prequel?

[host_matt]: Oh so after

[cobra]: Yes,

[host_matt]: so there's this movie?

[tyrone_biiiigums]: And does it start Jason Siegel,

[spencer_ein]: Is

[host_matt]: Um,

[spencer_ein]: there a prequel sequel starring Jason's eagle, Jeez,

[cobra]: nice. nice.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: who was chasing a stolen Autumn. Beagle

[host_matt]: I'm I'm not

[host_matt]: allowed to divulge that. At this point we're still negotiations.

[spencer_ein]: too. far, too far

[cobra]: right.

[cobra]: Do you have the

[host_matt]: But but,

[cobra]: screenplayhuh?

[host_matt]: but we've got it written. Yeah,

[host_matt]: and and

[spencer_ein]: on paper.

[host_matt]: yeah, we

[cobra]: napkins?

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Is the script sealed?

[spencer_ein]: Oh good. that's good. that's good,

[host_matt]: W.

[cobra]: Has a. It's on neptance.

[host_matt]: it's typed. It's typed. It's typed on napkins. It's not important. and

[spencer_ein]: typed on napkins. That's

[host_matt]: yeah.

[spencer_ein]: impressive.

[cobra]: That's that's dedication.

[spencer_ein]: That takes work.

[host_matt]: So and so this is where we're going to start to connect. Uh, Michael Kan

[host_matt]: to the King's.

[spencer_ein]: D say Michael, K,

[host_matt]: Yeah,

[spencer_ein]: Somebody say mole, kind,

[cobra]: your cocaine.

[spencer_ein]: Mi, Okay, that's Mi,

[cobra]: I'm my be. that's my be.

[host_matt]: Any other questions?

[cobra]: No, No,

[spencer_ein]: Um.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Where is Lily? In all of this

[host_matt]: who?

[spencer_ein]: Where are any of the characters in any? Oh, right they walking.

[cobra]: yeahing, walking and murdering, marking and murdering.

[host_matt]: No, they're walking and murdering.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: you could find them.

[host_matt]: I thought. I thought it was very clear on that you saw. You saw literally every

[host_matt]: scene of murder in the trailer

[spencer_ein]: So is

[host_matt]: except for when Resbin Diescause, can't ruin that.

[spencer_ein]: I'm getting the vibe that this movie has. Um, No, How do put this dialoge?

[spencer_ein]: Do your character speak?

[tyrone_biiiigums]: There' a lot of knowing nods.

[host_matt]: Um,

[spencer_ein]: That's close.

[host_matt]: everybody except Uh.

[host_matt]: Raf finds a K. The Duke of Oxford speaks in one liners.

[host_matt]: His son

[spencer_ein]: perfect.

[host_matt]: will ask him a couple of questions, but generally it's refines just going off on

[host_matt]: Sil ▁quiz. at random times.

[spencer_ein]: sound beautiful.

[host_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Oh, I have a question. who who did you cast to play Young Hitler in this movie

[spencer_ein]: That's a good one,

[host_matt]: Stanley tuchci.

[spencer_ein]: Stanley, Jucy, good casing,

[spencer_ein]: Stanley, Jucy, good casing,

[spencer_ein]: Stanley, Jucy, good casing,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Oh yeah,

[cobra]: Perfect, Amazing

[tyrone_biiiigums]: so in love. I'm so in love. I'm deep in love.

[cobra]: without, without a wig or anything, Just bald as it comes, right,

[host_matt]: No, it's just straight straight to chea. I. He looks like him already. Yeah,

[cobra]: amazing, amazing amazing actor. Yes,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Man, that man's scalp is glistening. Okay, What is it like of you know,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: the product he must put like Beries and

[spencer_ein]: par and

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Natural,

[spencer_ein]: juic, all naturalldness.

[host_matt]: that's yeah. that's true. Mhm. Um,

[cobra]: Jerry Carlin varnished

[host_matt]: Wow,

[cobra]: is

[spencer_ein]: So,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: you know. So

[spencer_ein]: Ma, do you want all? Ma? Do you want all the Oscars now or just a few of them?

[host_matt]: Yeah, so I,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: yeah,

[host_matt]: I'm going to say this. It's not the typical King's men. This is. we are going for

[host_matt]: as many Oscars as possible.

[spencer_ein]: Yeah, do you want them shipped right to your house, or should we organize some

[host_matt]: We should give one to to refines for all us talking, but I mean that should just

[spencer_ein]: sort of?

[host_matt]: be like

[host_matt]: Best score like you know, the ones that suck.

[spencer_ein]: Is it is it weird? Is it weird to give the best acting word to the

[spencer_ein]: screenwriter?

[host_matt]: I don't think so.

[cobra]: wait? Wait a minute.

[spencer_ein]: Okay,

[cobra]: You say you are going to give Ra finds the Oscar for best score in

[cobra]: this movie

[spencer_ein]: yeah, yeah, he gets best score. That's all

[cobra]: Amazing Amazingmaz,

[host_matt]: Yeah, yeah,

[spencer_ein]: that's all.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: why? Because he settles the score is

[spencer_ein]: Yeah. Yeah,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: the King's man?

[host_matt]: see this guy. This guy gets it

[cobra]: because his talking is so musical that he countuns the S score.

[spencer_ein]: this guy gets it. Yeah,

[spencer_ein]: all right. Well, I, that clears that up

[host_matt]: all right. So I, that's I think we've covered the King's man, Um. we' definitely

[host_matt]: going to love it. Um, it's not what you expect, but it's going to you. Um, which

[host_matt]: I'm really really excited about. So

[spencer_ein]: like in the sense that it may give you seizures.

[host_matt]: no seis of joy. That's the thing that happens right.

[cobra]: I thought you were

[spencer_ein]: Yeah, that that happens

[cobra]: going to say you're goingnna love it in.

[cobra]: you going to

[spencer_ein]: happens.

[cobra]: say you are going to love it in the sense that is going to give you children, but

[spencer_ein]: Yeah, it's

[cobra]: I'm glad you went another way.

[spencer_ein]: no, No.

[spencer_ein]: That should be on the on the on the trailer, Seizars of joy.

[cobra]: Oh, do you mean seasons? No, no, no seizures.

[spencer_ein]: No seizures of joy.

[host_matt]: It's on the poster. Uh, in theaters only, Um

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Oh,

[host_matt]: Christmas.

[spencer_ein]: No h, b o Max

[host_matt]: No, ain't got no time for that, so let's move on to Chris from Whitppy,

[host_matt]: Christman, Whippy picked saved the last dance.

[spencer_ein]: Mhm

[spencer_ein]: classic,

[host_matt]: Sorry, Okay, sorry, my ba. It's just a the last dance. Um, let's all

[tyrone_biiiigums]: I wish

[tyrone_biiiigums]: I

[host_matt]: pause.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: feel like that. also

[spencer_ein]: But' not the last dance.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: last duel.

[cobra]: It's the last duel, but

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Last

[cobra]: did you watch the trailers?

[spencer_ein]: Hey Matt

[host_matt]: No,

[spencer_ein]: Ay, Matt, Remember, Remember what I said.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: we interrupt your pause to correct

[cobra]: Yeah,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: you

[spencer_ein]: Remember what I said about dyslexia earlier. Mat Mat gets it. Mat gets it.

[host_matt]: it sucks. Yeah, I can it

[cobra]: I don't think that's dyslexia.

[cobra]: Can blame that of dyslexia.

[host_matt]: sor. excuse me, excuse me, um,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Is perplexy or something.

[host_matt]: everybody. I just like to inform you that. apparently I don't know how this

[host_matt]: happened, but apparently I got the movie wrong.

[host_matt]: The trailer is actually the last duble.

[cobra]: Yes,

[spencer_ein]: If you watch the last dance trailer for the Michael Jordan documentary We

[spencer_ein]: apologize,

[spencer_ein]: but it

[host_matt]: I don. That's That's a great. great.

[spencer_ein]: happens. I mean it's fantastic.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Why would we?

[cobra]: it's not. Yeah. Why are you apologizing

[spencer_ein]: That's what we should be talking about.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: And if you watch the trailer for Say

[tyrone_biiiigums]: the last dance,

[cobra]: All four of us should be talking about that movie.

[host_matt]: Yeah, Yeah,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: I think we. You're wel really. Truly

[spencer_ein]: That's true. If you want to save the last dance trailer, I, too, welcome.

[host_matt]: so I suggest you pause again

[host_matt]: and watch the last duel Just so that's freshing your mind, because we will not be

[host_matt]: talking about basketball with Michael Jordan. There may be some some dance Chph,

[host_matt]: talk. I can't promise on, but it will probably

[tyrone_biiiigums]: it happen.

[host_matt]: be mostly about the last duel. Chris.

[spencer_ein]: Hey, we don't know. We don't know Michael Jordan isn't in this movie.

[host_matt]: Well, let's ask Chris if Michael Jordan is in his movie

[cobra]: Yeah, he knows. Obviously,

[spencer_ein]: Herote.

[cobra]: go for it with the boy

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Thanks for for coming back.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: So

[cobra]: Brings the brain got stuck.

[cobra]: Brings the brain got stuck.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: I don't we corrected it, Then, I didn't remember anybody. Gn. The The, The

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Dramatic pause, so essentially Rily Scotts coming through to adapt a a

[tyrone_biiiigums]: novel, not novel. Sorry, but um, a book about one of the last sanctioned,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Uh, like duels from Fourteenth century France, and uh

[host_matt]: Thequel

[tyrone_biiiigums]: B like after that they were illegal, And so the screenplay Believe it or

[tyrone_biiiigums]: not, by Matt Damon and Ben Alet, And then they shared some credit with

[tyrone_biiiigums]: some person I've never heard of called Nice, whole offencer or Hall Off

[cobra]: Is this a sequence of Good Willll, hunting?

[tyrone_biiiigums]: center.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: That's a great question. Your answers will be covered. Um, as we proceed

[tyrone_biiiigums]: to do the deed, So you get what you need.

[cobra]: Now, it's a sequel after the Travel in time,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Yeah, but it's a lot happens in the trailer. You got to follow me, Brah,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: follow me like I. I appreciate the enthusiasm, but at this ta, in this

[tyrone_biiiigums]: case carbt, um, so durm, um stars in this movie as as a knight who uh,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: fights a squire, played by Uh, Adam driver,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Um, And the this duel is taking place over the charge that the squire, a

[tyrone_biiiigums]: driver, uh, raked the knight's ru wife, So Mattymond's wife, Uh, that my

[tyrone_biiiigums]: name's character in the White, it's raveed and chea cheap blows the

[tyrone_biiiigums]: whistle. It's like someone. Please listen to me, someone who's believed

[tyrone_biiiigums]: me, but um throughout the whole trailer is just this, uh, this, this,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: uh,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: gut wrenching display of of how womens, not just women's rights, but um,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: different time,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: harsh time. The the, the, the word of of of anyone being wrong is just not

[tyrone_biiiigums]: taking place. And I know this might sound kind of heavy, but when I look

[tyrone_biiiigums]: at this trailer I can't help but lose my shit. It's it's it's It's too

[tyrone_biiiigums]: funny. I. I. I. you. You may think that this movie is go to

[spencer_ein]: what?

[tyrone_biiiigums]: either be going, go like it's Oscar territory. No, I think this is going

[tyrone_biiiigums]: to be the sleeper comedy hit of the of of twenty twenty. one. Even though

[tyrone_biiiigums]: this movie, I don't even know when this movie is coming up, But more

[tyrone_biiiigums]: importantly what you all need to know, listeners is that Matt Dam,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: then ale,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: and

[tyrone_biiiigums]: go to to tell over honor,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: pointing fingers

[tyrone_biiiigums]: and letting women stand up and voice your own opinions at the threat of

[tyrone_biiiigums]: death.

[host_matt]: I'm

[spencer_ein]: Wow,

[host_matt]: sepert her down already

[spencer_ein]: that? Yeah, that was. That's a lot of talking for not much

[spencer_ein]: of anything.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Exactly

[tyrone_biiiigums]: the whole trailer is just the is, just is like they try to drag this out.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: and and like it breaks out, it's a choreography towards the towards. Like

[tyrone_biiiigums]: the so called Glas duel. They, they dance it out like they fight and they

[tyrone_biiiigums]: get pretty bloody. Why man, and it's like Well, one of us is live. Let

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Godcide. Well, God knows there's only one real way to settle this. Let's

[tyrone_biiiigums]: not lay our lives down. Okay, dance off.

[cobra]: So it's not a sequel

[cobra]: to Good Hunting, a sequel to Rocky

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Hm,

[cobra]: Horror Show,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: indeed, please see the twist here now that they. ha. There's a third

[tyrone_biiiigums]: producer, slash screenwriter for it. For this, this this epic toward a

[tyrone_biiiigums]: force of ha, ha,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: you got mad, David. you got Ben Ale, and when you put them together in a

[tyrone_biiiigums]: movie with Emo Vader What you get? Je,

[host_matt]: little louder for the people in the backe,

[cobra]: Hu, and softer

[spencer_ein]: Yeah, he.

[spencer_ein]: this is a podcast. You have to speak.

[cobra]: he, he is ashamed

[tyrone_biiiigums]: I am,

[cobra]: of his own pun.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: I'm not.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: I spoke ins into the microphone to make sure that I'm not blowing people's

[cobra]: Say, say it loud and say clear

[tyrone_biiiigums]: ear dums up.

[cobra]: loud. Say

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Good will jousting,

[cobra]: clear. there you go.

[cobra]: Did itine?

[tyrone_biiiigums]: No, not at all. I don't want to. I'm right here when I amm right here at

[tyrone_biiiigums]: the mike. I want to blow the thing up.

[host_matt]: So Chris was good will jousting the original title before the studio changed it.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: They see it's the original name, but they wanted to alias it because like

[tyrone_biiiigums]: thatd be a dead

[host_matt]: Mhm.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: giveaway, but you're going to do a Birds of Prey approach and then

[cobra]: Oh

[tyrone_biiiigums]: change it as soon as they release.

[host_matt]: Oh, like Edg tomorrow when all need kill, Or was it repeat?

[cobra]: no, no. it's going to be. It's going to be the last duel and the fabulous

[cobra]: Emancipation of one mad Damon Good will joting. That's the whole name of the movie.

[host_matt]: I think

[spencer_ein]: You got to eat all your marks there,

[host_matt]: I think he needs a French name. You missed the French name. He

[host_matt]: like G.

[spencer_ein]: Ma them all mat them all.

[host_matt]: Gom, do Marseil,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Hm.

[cobra]: Sure,

[cobra]: that

[spencer_ein]: I thought the original title.

[cobra]: was the problem with what I said? It was

[tyrone_biiiigums]: this is true. I apologizeed.

[host_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: just that I missed the character.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: profusely.

[spencer_ein]: I thought the original title of this movie was Bele's Blondelcut,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[spencer_ein]: Because

[tyrone_biiiigums]: See that was workshoped, but

[spencer_ein]: that's the real star of the movie.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: it was work. but it was taable when

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Driver stood up and closed the door most intensely,

[cobra]: is it because

[tyrone_biiiigums]: and that was actually Connnae.

[spencer_ein]: Are you making a joke about me?

[cobra]: was it because? was it because of wanting to name

[cobra]: the the movie after it? Os, Because it' a blond bull cut.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: It's a bit of both.

[cobra]: Okay Now I can see it.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: You see, is they trying to cater to to many

[tyrone_biiiigums]: audiences? Right, and you, while it being a period of piacece, they wanted

[cobra]: That's fair,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: to find a way to distract the audience from Mat. Damon', uh grotesque

[tyrone_biiiigums]: moment,

[spencer_ein]: This is more of

[host_matt]: Mhm, Mhm, Mhm,

[spencer_ein]: a battle of the haircuts than anything.

[host_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: it it is.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: and that was also workshop.

[host_matt]: could we

[tyrone_biiiigums]: but we had to make sure that we were drawing off of the the author's

[tyrone_biiiigums]: original intent.

[host_matt]: could we go back to Driver for Bi?

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Yes,

[host_matt]: Is how long is the scene of a top Adam driver running with a horse on a beach?

[host_matt]: Five minutes, twenty minutes.

[spencer_ein]: If it's under

[tyrone_biiiigums]: yeah,

[spencer_ein]: twenty minutes, you've lost a ticket in me,

[host_matt]: Yeah,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: I'm sorry to say, but its, it's just shne.

[spencer_ein]: but it's his. Butd

[tyrone_biiiigums]: It's just shy of a slow mo.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Four minutes fifty two second

[spencer_ein]: So okay me's like real time like forty five seconds.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: and there's and we decided to bring

[host_matt]: I think so. yeah,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Ana back into the fold that they would pair nicely all a S. week.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: November. So

[tyrone_biiiigums]: does that

[spencer_ein]: I hate this movie.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: does that answer your question?

[spencer_ein]: I, I hate it

[cobra]: I don't know why I love it. I think it's going to be great. It's been a long time

[cobra]: since we've seen a comedy period piece musical with jousting. I think it's going to

[cobra]: hit that spot.

[spencer_ein]: and and rape, just just all the comedy.

[cobra]: and well, I mean ra. is. it's just imp. Passing right, Just

[spencer_ein]: More for Setu.

[host_matt]: I, I have many questions about that statement.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Such,

[host_matt]: You know now it's fine. I

[tyrone_biiiigums]: yes, it is.

[host_matt]: just like to.

[spencer_ein]: Let's not

[host_matt]: I'm not going to go down that. Let's just be clear.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Yes. Please don't go down that road. Actually,

[host_matt]: This is a movie that has a peace in the trailer about being rap. And that's all

[host_matt]: we going to say about that.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Yes,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: most importantly before we sight way, because I feel one coming on. Uh,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: just for for for those looking for a hint of romance. Uh, In this this

[tyrone_biiiigums]: comedy

[tyrone_biiiigums]: if you will, Um, some say that there's there's. If you stick around

[tyrone_biiiigums]: towards the end of the trailer, there's a uh, a stinger of sting,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Ryan Adams and Tony Bennet doing a cover of all for one.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Does anyone remember the

[cobra]: is is Tony Bennett appearing as Tony Bennett.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: He is? Does anyone remember the three

[cobra]: Yeah,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Musketeers with Chrys Odll?

[cobra]: Yes,

[spencer_ein]: somebody. Some somebody. stop him

[spencer_ein]: somebody. please.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Well,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: I, the, the movie's been shot. It's been shot. It gets

[cobra]: it's coming. It's coming out.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: canned and it's in. It's in. It's at theaters.

[host_matt]: It's already been out. People have seen it in the Venice film festival.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: I've been trying to stop people from seeing it, but it's just caught fire.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: It's catching and caught.

[host_matt]: Listen, it is October fifteenth.

[host_matt]: One month from the recording of this episode, you will be able to see

[host_matt]: all of the things that Chris described

[host_matt]: detail One hundred percent

[cobra]: Y.

[host_matt]: on a big screen, only forty five days

[host_matt]: in theatre only before

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Mhm,

[host_matt]: it heads to its ineviable death on the digital platform

[cobra]: you get to bask in the glory of its magnificence for forty five

[host_matt]: or something

[cobra]: days and then yeah, or or something. Yes,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Shad only by or that's something. Is Adam Driver, Slow more for minute

[tyrone_biiiigums]: fifty two seconds of tolessness, For

[cobra]: that

[host_matt]: to Sp. That commercial

[cobra]: scene is gonna that.

[cobra]: Scen is going to win best actor

[tyrone_biiiigums]: you all predicted it,

[cobra]: for Adam Driver, Just that seem.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Mhm.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Mhm.

[host_matt]: Seu

[host_matt]: last, but I lay. So Luciano,

[cobra]: Yes,

[host_matt]: Luciano didn't get enough Matrix Resurrection talk

[host_matt]: on the round up from August, and so would bring it back. So feel free to go and

[host_matt]: watch the Matrix Resurrection Resolution, Reolution,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: I wish it was.

[cobra]: that was our F. That was our first preferred name. But they, they shot it down

[host_matt]: Um, the Matrix Resurrection. Go check it out and we will pause.

[host_matt]: not at all for you to watch this. Then you can come back.

[host_matt]: All right. We back.

[host_matt]: Ah, Luciano. If you could be so kind, please tell us what in the fuck is

[host_matt]: happening with this fourth Matrix movie.

[cobra]: all right, So just in case you know, you didn't feel like watching the trailer. I

[cobra]: don't know why, but you know.

[cobra]: so this picks up. Uh, quite a bit of time after the end of

[cobra]: the third movie in which we were uncertain about

[cobra]: the fate of Neo, after all the the happenings of Uh. Matrix revolutions.

[spencer_ein]: were

[cobra]: Well, so

[spencer_ein]: we uncert? Didn needt die

[cobra]: so no,

[spencer_ein]: spoilers.

[cobra]: yes, but also no.

[spencer_ein]: Oh, that is.

[cobra]: Clearly, Since he's in this,

[host_matt]: It's the Matrix Sprrow.

[spencer_ein]: that's the most. That's the most Matrix answer ever.

[cobra]: that's true.

[spencer_ein]: Yes, but no,

[cobra]: So

[cobra]: we have

[spencer_ein]: really, No spoon.

[cobra]: you know. just just uh. just to summarize it, you know the cast. we have Ken Reves

[cobra]: coming back as Neo Carryen Moss, coming back to Trinity, then Yaya Abdul Mateine

[cobra]: coming back. Go come me back. Re playing morphs instead of Lawrence Fishburn, For

[cobra]: whatever reason, for those of you who don't know that is, he played Blackmana in the.

[host_matt]: Sorrycause, Morphus died in the canonical Matrix Online video game.

[cobra]: Yeah, I know I know, but he. he is credited as Ble Morpheus, so I, I'm listen. We had

[cobra]: a whole argument about this when we were talking about this movie

[cobra]: and clearly they decided to go with this. I didn't know about this, but you know,

[cobra]: let's leave it alone. Umjd Pinkt's ahead,

[spencer_ein]: It is because they didn't think it, because they didn't think Lorence Fisher

[spencer_ein]: could physically do the Kugfu,

[cobra]: Fisher. who's Lawrence Fcher,

[spencer_ein]: saidishburn, open your ears.

[cobra]: Okay, ah, um n no, it's because

[spencer_ein]: Is it because Lawrence Fishburn couldn't do thefu due to his not being in

[spencer_ein]: shape?

[cobra]: I think he was more due to Lawrence Fishbrn Notard wanting to be in the movie,

[cobra]: but

[spencer_ein]: I find that hard to believe.

[spencer_ein]: I find that hard to believe.

[host_matt]: That't all right.

[cobra]: I don't know. Um.

[spencer_ein]: does this movie pay their actors be? So I think Larence Fishbn would have been

[spencer_ein]: happy to do it,

[cobra]: that's fair.

[host_matt]: Listen,

[host_matt]: Let let Lucyiano explain the plot to John, Look for. Okay,

[cobra]: Okay, how did you know? And

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Will you put it that way?

[cobra]: anyway, Um, Jada Pinket Smith plays Naope again, Lambert Wilson,

[spencer_ein]: does she? I didn't know that.

[cobra]: Yeah, Pi plays the Mur Inj and Dre Daniel

[spencer_ein]: Oh no,

[cobra]: Bernhardt plays someone named a Agent Johnson. So if we have a bunch of other famous

[cobra]: people in this movie, Jessica Henwick from Uh, Um,

[cobra]: the Uh

[cobra]: Armfist Series and New Patrick Harris and Pi, Prianca, Chaopa, Christin, Richard, But

[spencer_ein]: Ssssssssssssss.

[cobra]: to all the people, so here's here's here's here's here's the Rub.

[cobra]: What happened was in the end of the movie, We all thought, as, as Spencer said that

[cobra]: Neil had died, they rebooted the Matrix and it seemed like the Architect and the

[cobra]: Oracle were in some sort of a truce and they would keep that truce going. That was

[cobra]: all boshit. The second that scene was done and Oracle was talking to the Saraff,

[cobra]: about how she doesn't have regular powers any more. The Architect went went to plan

[cobra]: how he was going to get back at everybody, Basically not only the humans, but the

[cobra]: machines.

[cobra]: Um, what he came up with was he decided

[cobra]: to reboot the Matrix like you know he alluded to, but he, instead of making it like

[cobra]: he said in the second movie, every time he reboo, became a little bit more precise

[cobra]: that it' bet better he decided to say You know what humans and the machines. Nobody

[cobra]: deserves my genius. What I'm going to do is this next version of the Matrix is going

[cobra]: to run on Windows ninety Five, and that's what he did. So when he reboots that's why

[cobra]: that's why everybody kind of looks like a kind of weird. and a, you know, neos crazy,

[cobra]: and Trinity doesn't remember him. All of that is the first version of this new Matrix

[cobra]: that runs on Windows Ninety five. And for those of us here who have used Windows

[cobra]: ninety five, First of all, I'm sorry, second of all, You remember

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Two?

[cobra]: how that went

[cobra]: so obviously that that version of the Matrix fails. And then what? What really

[cobra]: happens in the movie? You see the trailer. There's a bunch of cuts and he goes to

[cobra]: talk to new Petrichars. Yes,

[host_matt]: Sorry, So I went to this movie Isn't about Windows Ninety Five.

[cobra]: uh, wait. let me explain. Let me

[host_matt]: Why I just I confused.

[cobra]: explain. That was one version of I'm going to tell you, relax. relax.

[host_matt]: Okay, Do you know how to?

[cobra]: relax. All would be explained.

[host_matt]: I just want to make sure you're doing a synopsis and not reading this story page

[cobra]: I, I'm not dressed enough as I'm already. I'm already I'm already going on on the

[host_matt]: by page.

[cobra]: what the movie is? It's not

[host_matt]: Okay,

[cobra]: a synopsis anymore. Get with the times.

[cobra]: Um,

[host_matt]: it should be a synopsis.

[cobra]: no, I finished the synopsis, There's synopsis. The synopsis The other movie ended, We

[cobra]: didn't know what was going to happen. I'm telling you what's happening,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: I have a question.

[host_matt]: Yeah,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: how many suits isprick

[cobra]: Um, you, my will. Now wantnna speak so close to Mike. Every time you get close, the

[cobra]: Mi goes really low.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Well da

[cobra]: Yeah,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: as at how many suits. his Neo Patrick Harris is character going to be

[tyrone_biiiigums]: wary,

[cobra]: ah, just the one for the entire movie.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Um, but he, he, here's here's what I was explaining. So that that scen you see in the

[cobra]: trailer with Doogie Hauser, being you know, playing the The Psychiatrist to Neo, that

[cobra]: is just one of the versions of the Matrix During this movie, we're going to get

[cobra]: seventeen thousand, eight hundred and thirty four versions of the Matrix.

[host_matt]: why that number?

[cobra]: Ah, I just pull it out of my ass. and

[spencer_ein]: is there? Is there a version where this movie is interesting?

[cobra]: well, you tell me. Um,

[host_matt]: No, it sounds like

[cobra]: so

[host_matt]: Hey, I question. just one of the question. I, I know I'm interrupting, but I

[host_matt]: think this is really important. Everybody

[cobra]: okay,

[host_matt]: wants to know the answer to this question.

[cobra]: Okay,

[host_matt]: Um,

[host_matt]: Christopher Read is in this movie

[tyrone_biiiigums]: huh,

[host_matt]: And just for your reference,

[cobra]: not not Christopher Reeves, Christopher Reed,

[host_matt]: Christopher Reed, Uh kid from Kidden Play, and

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Oh, shit,

[host_matt]: I, I want to know how big his role is in this movie and which one of these

[host_matt]: seventeen thousand, three hundred and sixty nine Matrix

[host_matt]: does he effect

[spencer_ein]: Sorry, kid, From what

[spencer_ein]: Sorry, kid, From what

[tyrone_biiiigums]: kid, and

[host_matt]: and play?

[tyrone_biiiigums]: play hasing, them from the house party movies.

[cobra]: Um, so

[spencer_ein]: I got it,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: That's right,

[cobra]: um, he? he?

[spencer_ein]: I'll talk to get later.

[cobra]: um,

[cobra]: he's actually not in this movie. We just used his name as a way to attract Um the

[cobra]: audiences. but he's his

[tyrone_biiiigums]: huh,

[cobra]: contract says. I only one to be mentioned. I don't want to be in the movie. So so

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Oh, she

[cobra]: I'm sorry, Yeah, that that was.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: power move

[cobra]: Yeah, I know, right he, he and he got a butt lot of money for it too. So, um,

[spencer_ein]: A but load,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: ain't go hurt. nobody.

[cobra]: do those though, that giant number that I don't remember even any morere, uh of

[cobra]: Matrix is like we don't see all of them. Don't worry about it, right, Um, the thing

[spencer_ein]: I believeunced,

[spencer_ein]: Matrixsly.

[cobra]: at Matrices, actually, but not, yeah,

[cobra]: um.

[cobra]: the.

[cobra]: um.

[cobra]: What happens is Uh, the architect

[cobra]: has a speech like he did with Neo in each one of them,

[cobra]: So actually the run time of this movie is around five and a half hours,

[cobra]: Um, and around hour three. Like almost at three thirty, it turns into a

[cobra]: an opinion piece based on Uh, German expressionism of the seventeenth century, but

[cobra]: only for like Thr, thirty five, forty minutes. And then he goes back to being the

[cobra]: Matrix And that's when the movie actually starts. So why you see in the trailers is

[cobra]: mostly scenes from that You know, last third of the movie that that that is set in

[cobra]: the new and improved Matrix, which runs on Windows Ninety Eight this time.

[spencer_ein]: What the Fck are you talking about

[spencer_ein]: Fucking Makes no God, Dan sense.

[cobra]: Oh no

[spencer_ein]: I'm sorry,

[cobra]: what. It's perfectly clear.

[host_matt]: How many? What hour of the movie are you at? Curly?

[cobra]: Uh, we're almost at end. Lord,

[spencer_ein]: hundred. Oh, my thank God,

[cobra]: no worry. So what happens is in the in that previous part? You know, we get to see

[cobra]: cameos of the

[cobra]: The, The, A, plaining, their favorite roles from other movies. So, like I said, Um,

[cobra]: New Patrick Harris plays Barney Stnson, He plays Doogie Hauser, Um, Ken

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Mhm. Mhm,

[cobra]: Reeves play John Wick from all three John Week movies. He plays Constantine, Um.

[cobra]: Karen Moss plays the lawyer from From Yeah,

[host_matt]: What about Johnmni,

[cobra]: Ah, that's a surprise. I don't know. Uh might be Jo.

[host_matt]: Don't know You made this movie

[cobra]: He might be. I can tell you. I can't tell you. it's contractoraryly. I'm a contractor

[cobra]: obligated to say I can't

[host_matt]: sucks.

[cobra]: listen. I can't tell you that.

[spencer_ein]: seems like you're telling us everything slowly.

[cobra]: I can't tell you. I can't tell you if or if not,

[cobra]: but Ker Res might be playing John and Nemonic, He. you may also be playing his

[cobra]: character from Billntete. I don't remember which one he is. I think he's Bill, but I

[cobra]: don't remember any morere.

[spencer_ein]: this movie. This movie has all the lawsuits, just all of them.

[cobra]: and that, Yes, Yeah, and uh, Jadda Pinket Smith actually plays the wife of Willsmith

[cobra]: in this movie as well.

[cobra]: Um,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: hm,

[cobra]: so, yeah, so it's it's it's all. it's

[spencer_ein]: So do. can you just play herself? Why should it play the wife of Will Smith?

[cobra]: no, No, no, she plays the wife of Willsmith,

[cobra]: It's different. it's a. It's a different time line. Yeah, exactly.

[spencer_ein]: Oh, but not her? Oh, okay,

[host_matt]: Do they ever refer to his wife as Jant Smith? Not just

[cobra]: no. No, So her, the name of her, the the

[host_matt]: the wife?

[cobra]: name of her Ca character as the wife of Will Smith, is Karen.

[spencer_ein]: no, No, it's Pinkt Jada Smith.

[cobra]: No, No, No, it's Karen, Karen Smith.

[host_matt]: Wow, Hey, is the Patriarchy guest starring in this movie too.

[spencer_ein]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Sure,

[spencer_ein]: play by Will Smith.

[cobra]: no. it's played by Ires Allba, Actually,

[cobra]: yeah,

[host_matt]: I hate this movie.

[cobra]: um, and so at the end what happens is this?

[spencer_ein]: Thank God,

[cobra]: They find out that Th that last version of the Matrix that they are actually all of

[cobra]: those characters. At the same time

[cobra]: they are.

[cobra]: They are all suffering from a no, but thesociative personality. Or, and it

[tyrone_biiiigums]: huh,

[cobra]: ends with all of them in the Lunbian. The end, thank you. thank you very much.

[cobra]: ends with all of them in the Lunbian. The end, thank you. thank you very much.

[spencer_ein]: the oldest trick in the book.

[spencer_ein]: I think the twist at the end should be that they're all living in the head of a

[spencer_ein]: hack writer named Luciano.

[cobra]: Uh, maybe

[spencer_ein]: That's a twist.

[cobra]: may they may be. they may be.

[host_matt]: What if? what if

[cobra]: so. here's here's

[host_matt]: they had to play

[host_matt]: Leb Braon and the Loney Tounes at basketball?

[spencer_ein]: now now I'm in. Now we're talking.

[cobra]: no. And and Matt, you had a very

[spencer_ein]: I love it

[cobra]: interesting insight. Um. when you almost called it Matrix resolutions, Because we all

[cobra]: thought that me and the other eight writers on this who have uh, A added to they

[cobra]: asked to be remain anonymous. I don't know why,

[spencer_ein]: shocking.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: No one wants to watch out for the fallout.

[spencer_ein]: they' v.

[cobra]: um, Um,

[spencer_ein]: they're very busy with their commercial work.

[cobra]: we were so sure it was going to be the perfect cap to the whole story that we wanted

[cobra]: to call it the Matrix resolutions, but apparently they want to leave it open for a a

[cobra]: possible sequel or something. Yeah,

[spencer_ein]: Yeah, for space jam and I get it.

[spencer_ein]: That's where the money is. That's where you get that space jamm, money.

[cobra]: do you uh, does anyone have uh, any questions? Oh, all

[spencer_ein]: So many questions,

[cobra]: the pills all the pills are just to keep that that you see Neo taking the trailer is

[cobra]: just to keep his multiple personalities in E bay.

[spencer_ein]: So they were

[cobra]: Yeah,

[spencer_ein]: going to say all the pills were little matrixes, matrix matrices. Sorry,

[spencer_ein]: Matrices

[cobra]: sure,

[spencer_ein]: might as well makes us makes as much sense as

[cobra]: it's that, too. It's that too. in one of the versions of the Matrix. That's what they

[cobra]: are.

[cobra]: This movie has somethingy for everybody.

[spencer_ein]: except for me.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: What I want to know.

[cobra]: Yes,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: What I want to know is

[tyrone_biiiigums]: why is it taken this long for Andy Griffith to show up in the Matrix As

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Not long.

[spencer_ein]: Oh my

[cobra]: good question good.

[spencer_ein]: God, they're having a joint mental

[spencer_ein]: episodely. Yeah, um,

[spencer_ein]: episodely. Yeah, um,

[host_matt]: This is so. I believe it's a disassociative break.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: It's a valid question, sir,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: because

[cobra]: it's asociative break. Because

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Matlock was the true architect. Okay,

[spencer_ein]: hey, Matt, Matt can talk you for a second.

[cobra]: nobody wants to be associated with this movie. That's why he said Thesociative break.

[spencer_ein]: Mad, Just can take you aside for a moment. we got.

[host_matt]: Sure,

[spencer_ein]: We got to get rid of these guys to losing it.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: no, I'm going to join you in this little side bar

[spencer_ein]: quick. side bar, The fug is going on Think Lucian lost his mind and

[host_matt]: it's fine. Don't worry.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: help,

[spencer_ein]: Chris has always been gone.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: but I don't know what's going on.

[host_matt]: Let's let's let's say our back,

[spencer_ein]: Yes,

[cobra]: Any questions?

[host_matt]: so

[host_matt]: no,

[cobra]: Okay,

[spencer_ein]: Oh god, no,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: I have a question.

[spencer_ein]: no, please don't

[host_matt]: please don't stop.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: The, the question is why are are we not asking more questions? like

[tyrone_biiiigums]: clearly, this inter disining of

[tyrone_biiiigums]: multiple cameos

[tyrone_biiiigums]: playing other caros.

[cobra]: it's a mo. It's a multi genre movie. First of all,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: correct. it's a tapestry.

[host_matt]: Listen, I, I've seen

[host_matt]: the The Wchowski's work outside of the Matrix. I figure I'm familiar with what

[host_matt]: this is going to be, so I don't need to ask any more questions.

[spencer_ein]: Mhm.

[cobra]: Uhhuh, I see. Well, Lana

[spencer_ein]: Yes,

[cobra]: had very little control over this.

[cobra]: had very little control over this.

[spencer_ein]: yeah,

[host_matt]: Sure,

[spencer_ein]: now Luciano got a sweet contract when he got all creative control. somehow.

[cobra]: Yeah, yeah.

[spencer_ein]: That that was a big move.

[cobra]: also also in the contract is that, if anybody wins any kind of Oscar for anything in

[cobra]: this movie is min.

[spencer_ein]: Except for the

[spencer_ein]: score except the scor, which goes to Rey Findines,

[host_matt]: I think I think you.

[cobra]: Yes,

[host_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: exactly no, that's true. That's true. It goes to refine

[host_matt]: refines deserves creit.

[host_matt]: refines deserves creit.

[spencer_ein]: He gets all the score awards.

[host_matt]: Okay, Yeah, I don't want to ask more questions. Uh, chri.

[host_matt]: do you have more?

[spencer_ein]: No, I don't

[tyrone_biiiigums]: I have many questions. Many questions.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: For starters, let's talk about the ancient Min.

[cobra]: Jesus Christ.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: You see, when we're talking about the matrix, Kidding I, I pause. I know

[tyrone_biiiigums]: how to read the Ru.

[cobra]: You do.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: proceed.

[cobra]: Can

[spencer_ein]: news.

[cobra]: you teach me?

[tyrone_biiiigums]: See I, I just relinquished my time

[cobra]: Can you teach me Because I clearly don't.

[host_matt]: listen? it's fine. Let's you know what. Instead of us who listen, have we made

[host_matt]: our choices on which movies we like and don't like automatically a hundred

[host_matt]: percent, Um, just to help everybody out, I hate Lucianos. I will probably watch

[host_matt]: Spencers. I'll probably fall

[spencer_ein]: nice.

[host_matt]: asleep on the couch watching

[host_matt]: Chrises, but I'll get like two thirds, two thirds of the way through,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: as you should.

[host_matt]: Um, and mine. I, I've already seen it a hundred times. I. I. I fall asleep to it

[host_matt]: every night, so that's that's great for me. Um. but I think we should let our

[host_matt]: audience vote on which one they think is going to be the most accurate, uh, and

[cobra]: I think we should. I think we should let them vote on which one's the worst?

[host_matt]: most enjoyable movie they're going to see.

[cobra]: I want to win this.

[host_matt]: No, no, no, no,

[spencer_ein]: exactly. You're going to win.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: You're in the ▁zone

[host_matt]: That's

[tyrone_biiiigums]: gave face again time,

[host_matt]: the worst Is too easy. I want. I want the best. Uh, the best.

[spencer_ein]: I mean,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: the best of the worst.

[spencer_ein]: we all know whose the worst is.

[cobra]: It's still mine. It's such a huge

[host_matt]: The

[cobra]: movie that does so many things. They can be both

[host_matt]: nope.

[spencer_ein]: Your movie is everything anyone can ever imagine.

[cobra]: exactly

[cobra]: and

[host_matt]: great.

[spencer_ein]: It's all movies.

[cobra]: a couple of things nobody can.

[cobra]: a couple of things nobody can.

[host_matt]: Yeah, it feels like the Irishman plus ten more hours of Like a clown.

[cobra]: It's Irish. It's the Irishman and the English nation put together,

[host_matt]: Great, I hate it,

[cobra]: but only the bad parts.

[spencer_ein]: The Irish patient.

[host_matt]: Cape Segu, so

[host_matt]: Cape Segu, so

[host_matt]: we w workre going to let you all hooked on this

[cobra]: The British,

[host_matt]: hit up the twitters. Um, and just for help of I'm not going to close us out yet.

[host_matt]: but we'll mention the Twitter link in a moment. Um, I'm sorry to all of you who

[host_matt]: listen to this

[spencer_ein]: Yeah, I agree. I'm sorry, too.

[host_matt]: are bad.

[host_matt]: Anybd. Else

[spencer_ein]: just get a moll. get on this. Okay. Take a little wash our hands of everything

[spencer_ein]: that was said

[host_matt]: you miss. You miss a hundred percent of the shots you don't take. and uh

[cobra]: exactly, I took all of them.

[host_matt]: you

[spencer_ein]: Michel.

[host_matt]: miss. We missed on this shot we did take, so our bad's us.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Come on, we can say though that Gamon Hansu lasted a lot longer in The

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Kingsman versus any other damn movie. He in this,

[cobra]: I

[spencer_ein]: I mean

[cobra]: must start together with the English patient and the Irishman, That's my movie.

[host_matt]: No, we're done.

[spencer_ein]: your

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Wow, you, wait for it. You swung for the fences, Baby. that's a Bab Roth

[spencer_ein]: movies. All we already know. we already said that your movies, all movies. Your

[spencer_ein]: movie is all movies.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: technique

[host_matt]: Okay.

[host_matt]: You know what you ▁ought tos last words. Im skipping Spencer. You have the last

[host_matt]: statement before I closed this nonsense out.

[spencer_ein]: Oh, thank you, listen, guys.

[spencer_ein]: I, you know, I'm not going to beg for votes, but I'm not above pleaing for

[spencer_ein]: votes. Those are different things paying. too. Um, this, my

[cobra]: Pay with Exposure

[spencer_ein]: movie was a movie that actually

[spencer_ein]: mades sense, And I think that's pretty much the bar at this moment

[spencer_ein]: and

[spencer_ein]: I think I'm there. I think I'm actually Mine's actually movie. If you go back

[spencer_ein]: and think about it, Mine had

[tyrone_biiiigums]: somewhere.

[spencer_ein]: characters. mine had characters. Had. I even wrote some dialogue. Um. M. my

[spencer_ein]: main character name's Jack Magnum. That's got to be something.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Listen. try hard.

[cobra]: Is the

[spencer_ein]: Listen.

[cobra]: jack package,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: wrap it up.

[cobra]: Its check package,

[spencer_ein]: Listen, it was Jack Jack Package is in the sequel. We already went over this.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: you to pull the woll over good people's eyes and ears as us. your sham of

[tyrone_biiiigums]: a porn.

[spencer_ein]: Let every everyone knows. every good movie has a poor parody. If it doesn't

[spencer_ein]: it's not worth making.

[host_matt]: true.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Sweet

[cobra]: the redbnd, notice,

[host_matt]: I,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: November did not have a porn.

[host_matt]: I heard

[spencer_ein]: Yeah,

[host_matt]: it's true

[spencer_ein]: Yeah, that's

[host_matt]: a friend.

[spencer_ein]: fact to fact, Jack.

[spencer_ein]: Um, yeah, that. like I said, I think uh, I've hit that bar of being potentially

[spencer_ein]: a

[spencer_ein]: sixty percent of Rotten Tomatoess movie and I'm happy with that

[host_matt]: excellent segu to us leaving. I'm sorry you had to listen to this. Thank you for

[host_matt]: staying all the way through. If you did, If you want to send it hate mail. I get

[host_matt]: it. honestly, uh,

[spencer_ein]: 's give Luciano's direct line,

[spencer_ein]: Pleasecepliiananopio,

[host_matt]: it's your wrong

[tyrone_biiiigums]: Stop calling my house,

[host_matt]: cast at G. mail dot com. there's a website Yearon cast, dot C, A. The twitters

[host_matt]: where you can vote on this travesty of a broadcast and who one will call it De.

[host_matt]: And

[tyrone_biiiigums]: That's right.

[host_matt]: that's your wrong cast as well at your wrongcast. Um,

[host_matt]: yeah, Listen,

[host_matt]: you're all winners, but mostly

[host_matt]: not this

[host_matt]: timecept, Louisiana.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: No, you.

[tyrone_biiiigums]: I choose to believe in the power of love.

[host_matt]: Good luck with that shit

[cobra]: That's also in the movie

[host_matt]: for now.

[host_matt]: I'm att.

[cobra]: Lociano.

[spencer_ein]: I'm Spencer,

[tyrone_biiiigums]: an entire room big.

[spencer_ein]: Mhm.

[host_matt]: Let'll see your next time.

Creators and Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
Recurring guest host extraordinaire
37. Pick a Trailer, Make a Movie: The "Epileptic Trees" Edition
Broadcast by