41. You're Probably Not Wrong About "Free Guy"

You're *definitely* wrong if you think you know what each YW host thought of it, though.

[hosty_matt]: Hello, wel comee back to your wrong. I hope you all enjoyed that brand new

[hosty_matt]: opening music. Um. Because Spencer made it, and if he didn't enjoy it, he's go

[hosty_matt]: to have his feelings hurt really badly.

[matts_butt]: No, I know they loved it.

[buddy]: Share the love twe us about it. What did you think of the new of the new digs, the

[buddy]: new acoustic digs, the new auditory digs inside your ear canals.

[cobra]: Jesus Christ, Chris, Ted, crazy already. that's great.

[matts_butt]: Feel like you said Dig so many times the word lost its meaning. digs

[buddy]: I can do that. I can di it.

[matts_butt]: digs.

[hosty_matt]: You. He's bringing it back. Um, So I would have introduce you all, but you've

[hosty_matt]: all spoken. so

[cobra]: Yeah, but

[hosty_matt]: we're moving on.

[cobra]: nobody knows who we are.

[hosty_matt]: I don't know. Maybe this is the first time listening. you know the hot new

[hosty_matt]: music. It's a brand new middle of the month. It's hard to say what's happening.

[matts_butt]: Ma, got rid of everyone and started afresh.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, all new people. Im

[buddy]: I'm Kt

[hosty_matt]: like the guy from Days of the New, I keep firing my band and hiring new ones.

[buddy]: who are

[hosty_matt]: So this week we thought we'd go back and watch another movie and talk about it

[hosty_matt]: and we opted to pick Uh, the Disney phenomenon known as Free Guy, mostly because

[hosty_matt]: it was well free to watch on Disney Plus

[cobra]: A,

[hosty_matt]: W.

[cobra]: not prepaid but close enough

[hosty_matt]: Well, it's like it's not a Yeah. I guess it's prepaidest.

[cobra]: extra is not extra cost. That that's good enough.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, We're not spending thirty nine, ninety nine to

[hosty_matt]: to watch it or

[cobra]: Oh, Jesus. yeah.

[buddy]: not my money

[hosty_matt]: whatever, The The prices.

[buddy]: rich. my digital blood,

[hosty_matt]: Not that that's uh, not. the. Chris is seeing what he thinks about it. ▁ quitet,

[hosty_matt]: we'll get to that in a minute. Um, but yeah, we watched it. Um, If you haven't

[hosty_matt]: watched it and you're listening to this episode, I mean, come on, man you, you,

[hosty_matt]: You

[cobra]: strange.

[hosty_matt]: saw the title. You make your choice. You're stuck first. as always, we like to

[hosty_matt]: just give a really high level rating of what we thought of the movie. Uh, Using

[hosty_matt]: our patented system of what is it At? Vendor trash all the way to Legendary,

[hosty_matt]: It's

[cobra]: yp.

[hosty_matt]: on the website.

[buddy]: Mhm,

[hosty_matt]: Still right. I'm going

[hosty_matt]: explain it again. So look on the webite You figure as we talk, Um, who would

[cobra]: it. Yeah, it's still there.

[hosty_matt]: like to give us their rating first?

[cobra]: I think we should just randomize it.

[hosty_matt]: Oh great idea. Uh, let me hit that randizer button real quick.

[hosty_matt]: Looks like it iss going to be the Luciano

[cobra]: those. Okay. Which one?

[cobra]: Oh, the let me go get him. Um,

[cobra]: so, uh, My reading for this movie is rare

[cobra]: on the cusp of epic, Because it it it. It would have to have an. an. an extra. Um, to

[cobra]: be epic, but I really enjoy it. It was a lot of fun. Um,

[cobra]: all of the online gaming Trooppes uses and abuses them, and it's awesome like I. I. I

[cobra]: found myself going back and re watching scenes whenever they're paantning back to to

[cobra]: Ryan Reynolds. There's always some Shanagans happening on the background that I, I

[cobra]: find myself myself going back and watching them again, lefting my ass off. So yeah,

[cobra]: it's uh. it's a fun movie. I would watch it again. I, I think just to catch more

[cobra]: references and uh, yeah, I recommend it if uh again, like Matt says, If you were

[cobra]: listening to this and you haven't watched it, Um, I mean go watch it. I guess

[hosty_matt]: Strong recommendation.

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Go watch it. I guess

[matts_butt]: what you?

[buddy]: Wow,

[buddy]: vilyicism,

[hosty_matt]: I know right.

[buddy]: the ▁lyricism

[matts_butt]: Theyll go back I on the back of the V Hs right there.

[cobra]: listen.

[hosty_matt]: I think so.

[cobra]: this is me. Why what Mar? do you express? Do you expect

[buddy]: Luc With with the photo with a a tight shot of of the Luciano, just like

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: cock to a three quarter,

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: With this T with his turtle neck up to up to y, you can't see mem,

[buddy]: and

[hosty_matt]: real high

[buddy]: he's just got.

[matts_butt]: know it does look. It does look good.

[buddy]: You've got all that positivity. You know he looks good. He

[buddy]: looks really good. He looks good. I will.

[matts_butt]: Hm. keep that jurtle neck up. brush the episode.

[buddy]: I

[hosty_matt]: y. He's got a slight shrug. though to to symbolize the, I guess

[buddy]: will's. like he's been working on his traps all year.

[buddy]: will's. like he's been working on his traps all year.

[buddy]: will's. like he's been working on his traps all year.

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: Yeah, go watch it. I guess,

[hosty_matt]: like a thumbs up and shrugs.

[cobra]: you know? Fuck all? all,

[buddy]: You look great.

[hosty_matt]: No, you look right.

[matts_butt]: Do you you? you all know I don't work on my traps.

[matts_butt]: Do you you? you all know I don't work on my traps.

[buddy]: Well, talking about the Luciano on the back of the Vs.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, Yeah, that one does.

[matts_butt]: He would do it for that.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, for the back of the v, Um,

[buddy]: He targeted those muscles.

[hosty_matt]: Spencer. let's let's get your take on this movie.

[matts_butt]: Well, um, I thought it was a fun movie. It was. Uh,

[matts_butt]: okay,

[buddy]: Uh,

[matts_butt]: I, I liked some parts. I thought I didn't. really. I. I found the humor didn't

[matts_butt]: land for me very much. I wasn't like. it's like it's not like Ha. How funny.

[matts_butt]: It's kind of like you know, like we were actually laughing aloud. It's more like

[matts_butt]: you know, man. No, it's funny like that, kind of uh, funny. So I gave it a uh

[matts_butt]: uncommon.

[matts_butt]: So, as it says on our uh website that means the. it's uh. It isn't great, but it

[matts_butt]: won't suck and it gets the job done of entertaining you, And I say that is

[matts_butt]: pretty apt to this movie. I was entertained, but like I think I forgot most of

[matts_butt]: the movie, So that'll be on the back of my v. h. S. review. I. I was

[matts_butt]: entertained, but I forgot about most of the movie.

[cobra]: they just Spencers picture and like the cod is, it's a movie. Spencer.

[matts_butt]: It's a mo, And and I'm just like Sh, I, I'm I. I have my elbows on a table and

[matts_butt]: my my fist underneath my chin going. Hm,

[buddy]: no,

[matts_butt]: it's a movie.

[buddy]: and he's not looking at the camera. It's off

[buddy]: in a different

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah,

[cobra]: Yeah, yeah,

[buddy]: direction because he doesn't want to make eye contactscause. he fucked up. who's

[matts_butt]: yeah,

[buddy]: next

[buddy]: Mat myself? Did the randomzer tell us who's next?

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, are you taking over for hosting this week from Spencer?

[matts_butt]: yeah. What the Fox?

[buddy]: I'm just

[cobra]: wow,

[buddy]: asking a question.

[matts_butt]: I'm the host.

[buddy]: I'm excited and

[cobra]: he. he.

[buddy]: I'm and I, I look to you,

[cobra]: He's so jealous of that position.

[buddy]: host Matt, with all the reverence,

[matts_butt]: hold on, Chris.

[buddy]: No, I'm not.

[cobra]: Wow,

[matts_butt]: Let me

[hosty_matt]: Well,

[matts_butt]: handle this. Who

[hosty_matt]: Oh

[matts_butt]: do we have next? I think Uh, up next is Chris. As that's what I determined that

[matts_butt]: host. Chris. Take it away.

[hosty_matt]: great job host.

[buddy]: I am a penitent.

[matts_butt]: I didn't ask you a god damn thing, Ma,

[buddy]: I am a penitent guest on

[buddy]: In the In the shadow of Hosty Matt. Okay, you know, such hits include Swedish mat.

[buddy]: Uh, that was. That was a great time. You know. Uh. so yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: Okay, my rating. I would actually

[buddy]: say you should all be ashamed of yourselves. Um, I'm going to. I'm

[matts_butt]: no

[buddy]: going to coursears, correct this entire conversation, you rat bastards. this was

[buddy]: vennderjitting, epic,

[cobra]: I thought

[buddy]: epic epic.

[cobra]: I'll

[matts_butt]: epic.

[cobra]: yeah. Wow. Okay.

[buddy]: For me, it was

[matts_butt]: Wow,

[buddy]: epic. Yes, for me was epic. Um.

[buddy]: I, I didn't quite know. I didn't quite know if I felt I felt going into it that I

[buddy]: would feel a lot like you did, Spencer

[matts_butt]: Mhm,

[buddy]: that I was. It'd be just like a lot of repetitive tropes, Uh, the jokes that we've

[buddy]: come to expect. But then I mean how how sport like spoiler like spoiler alerts

[buddy]: already even been stated right. We can just go ham now,

[cobra]: of course, yeah,

[buddy]: can't we great?

[hosty_matt]: I'll love it.

[buddy]: So thank you, Um, so the minute we we realiz we realized that like Free Guy is

[buddy]: trapped, and then blah blah blah, Um, and the pacing set out the way that it was

[buddy]: especially

[buddy]: how it kind of flipped for me, and I was really hoping that they wouldn't force a

[buddy]: guy's character into Uh, into a weird romantic path. A arc with Um, The The, The, the

[buddy]: lead female character. I can't remember her name.

[cobra]: Muo. girl,

[buddy]: Does anyone remember thank you,

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: Motv girl? Um, you know it,

[buddy]: that arc in and of itself, Sure it. it triggered his evolution, and so on. But but

[buddy]: what? what really made it epic for me was the friendship between Guy and buddy.

[buddy]: Like those moments really really tenderized my, my callousness, and like just the

[buddy]: love they had for each other as bestes. Oh my God, So I,

[buddy]: I. I'm ready to to draw blood.

[buddy]: Those who do not who, who do not rank epican and Hi,

[hosty_matt]: Oh,

[buddy]: seek my wrath,

[hosty_matt]: that's who you're going to murder. Cool. No, that makes sense.

[matts_butt]: I don't.

[hosty_matt]: murders Alwayvious. the waiter. Sorry, it's not murder. It's just strong blood.

[hosty_matt]: murders Alwayvious. the waiter. Sorry, it's not murder. It's just strong blood.

[buddy]: not murder. I' going to murder any of y.

[hosty_matt]: I guess technically

[hosty_matt]: I guess technically

[buddy]: Well, you know what I take that back. I shall draw blood. It could be a prick. It

[buddy]: could be a slice like it could

[hosty_matt]: that's

[buddy]: be red. red wedding level.

[matts_butt]: Oh, Oh, you're a brick. All right E,

[buddy]: Well, well,

[hosty_matt]: Ilthough. We left that on the last episode.

[matts_butt]: sorry, sorry, I take that back. I, I don't like your, your positivity and

[matts_butt]: happiness, and I see to destroy it

[hosty_matt]: Thank you. that is much better.

[matts_butt]: on that note. Mat. What did you think of the movie As host? I'm asking.

[buddy]: oh my god, shots fired.

[hosty_matt]: Well, thank you, Uh, no, this is good. I really appreciate you you hosting. Um.

[hosty_matt]: it really shows the listens. The difference between Um, somebody who's a good

[hosty_matt]: host and someone who tries to hijack a show. Anyways,

[matts_butt]: Mhm.

[hosty_matt]: moving on. Um,

[cobra]: she's the guys in a room.

[matts_butt]: The good, the good host, being myself, Obviously in this situation go ahead,

[hosty_matt]: Yep, no, we don't. We don't eat a room. We already hung out for a very long time

[matts_butt]: take it away.

[hosty_matt]: on the weekend.

[hosty_matt]: Um and Tom sayy too long. Our wives definitely said too long alone in the

[matts_butt]: some say too long.

[hosty_matt]: bedroom. But anyways, no moving on. Um, I am going to agree with the other hos

[hosty_matt]: on the show that. I also thought it was uncommon.

[buddy]: Hm.

[hosty_matt]: I enjoyed it, but I don't know if I would need to watch it again. I got what I

[hosty_matt]: needed out of it. I had a fun time. you know that they. They played well with

[hosty_matt]: the the jokes. It. it's shocking for Remo, a movie about making video games

[hosty_matt]: about video games. It was well done, but it's not something I feel the need to

[hosty_matt]: rewatch or or really dive deeply in on, so that's why I would put it as

[hosty_matt]: uncommon. I don't. I think it was good, but I watched it had a good time. and

[hosty_matt]: uh, I'm moving on with my life.

[matts_butt]: Another ▁quote. for the v h S box,

[matts_butt]: I wa

[matts_butt]: I. I watched it and I'm moving on with my life.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: So so we have four ▁quotes for this movie right, I think that's fair. We have.

[hosty_matt]: uh. I, I guess it was okay. I guess it was good.

[cobra]: it was

[matts_butt]: No,

[cobra]: great. I guess it was great. I guess

[hosty_matt]: It was great. I guess yes,

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Um, and then we also have I loved it. I will draw blood

[buddy]: Yes,

[matts_butt]: for it.

[cobra]: yp.

[buddy]: I will blood for it.

[hosty_matt]: for it.

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Um, and then we have. Uh,

[cobra]: it's a movie.

[hosty_matt]: What was what was yours? It's

[matts_butt]: it's a movie.

[hosty_matt]: a movie. It's a movie.

[matts_butt]: It's a movie.

[hosty_matt]: I watched it. I moved

[hosty_matt]: out. I'm moving out with my life.

[matts_butt]: I forg and I forgot about it. Yeah, that' also it.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Y. it's a

[buddy]: Oh,

[hosty_matt]: movie. I forgot about it.

[buddy]: I would like to submit my revision to my v. ▁quote, I

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[buddy]: shall prac, I sha. I shall practice my stabbing as I draw blood from those who who

[buddy]: disagree with my rating.

[hosty_matt]: that's that's way too wordy. We're not

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah,

[hosty_matt]: going to be able to fit down

[cobra]: yeah,

[hosty_matt]: in the back of the box.

[buddy]: but my laugh,

[matts_butt]: it's a bit wordy

[buddy]: the Reberto, the Reberto,

[hosty_matt]: sorry, sorry, Roberto.

[cobra]: no, no, it won't. It won't translate into text. I'm sorry.

[buddy]: it

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: shall,

[hosty_matt]: no,

[matts_butt]: just now. the V h.

[hosty_matt]: segu.

[matts_butt]: S special just will just write.

[matts_butt]: not at all' a little fit.

[hosty_matt]: that's better. That's better

[cobra]: Like in a different in a different font or something.

[cobra]: Like in a different in a different font or something.

[buddy]: and then drop a a bitly,

[buddy]: a bit le, ▁url. To my full review.

[matts_butt]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: Al right. moving on. We've beat the horse dead.

[hosty_matt]: Al right. moving on. We've beat the horse dead.

[hosty_matt]: I'm going to

[hosty_matt]: ask an open question. Here, the movie the movie is dead, I went. I'm going to

[matts_butt]: we're talking about the movie.

[hosty_matt]: ask there was a horse and there wasn't. uh, no, I'm going to ask you a question.

[hosty_matt]: It's It's a free fro. All question. whoever feels the need to jump in here, jump

[hosty_matt]: in. Um, who do you think the best character in the movie was?

[cobra]: Well, I think Chris gives us our answer already.

[hosty_matt]: Did he?

[buddy]: Buddy.

[cobra]: Yeah, isn't it?

[buddy]: Well, I like the two of them would say he' the best character.

[cobra]: I see what you mean. The bromance. That's what

[buddy]: the Promance,

[cobra]: you like right.

[matts_butt]: I, I can't even remember any characters in the movie.

[buddy]: shame on you.

[matts_butt]: There's the mate. there', the main guy

[matts_butt]: and there's the girl

[buddy]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: and the

[hosty_matt]: y?

[matts_butt]: computer guy.

[matts_butt]: right.

[cobra]: Did you watch it like last year?

[buddy]: there's more than that

[matts_butt]: Oh, oh no, and I told you I, It's a forgettable movie. I've forgot most

[cobra]: It's not

[matts_butt]: of the details. I wasn't I

[buddy]: dude.

[matts_butt]: wasn't ▁lying. Oh yeah,

[buddy]: Okay,

[matts_butt]: and the bad guy was Uh

[matts_butt]: taika. Wat, T.

[cobra]: taco?

[cobra]: Hes close. Like's funny ant.

[buddy]: Yeah, Did

[matts_butt]: He's

[buddy]: you see how they spelt his

[cobra]: Yeah,

[buddy]: name? Aunt One.

[cobra]: and one? Yeah,

[buddy]: Oh God,

[cobra]: terrible, Yeah,

[buddy]: I was quite.

[buddy]: I was quite caught off guard by

[buddy]: Um, the lackey,

[buddy]: so Molatov girls lause

[cobra]: mouse mouse right, no mouse

[buddy]: his name.

[cobra]: name, Mous or something like that,

[hosty_matt]: this is awkward. moving on looking up. You keep talking, our looking up so we

[cobra]: So I,

[hosty_matt]: don't sound so

[buddy]: Yeah,

[cobra]: I have.

[hosty_matt]: brutal.

[cobra]: I don't. I don't want to just say guy, just cause it's ryinyinods. but that would end

[cobra]: being my pick just because I love Ryn Rayd so much.

[cobra]: But like not picking the main character. I think I would pick. Buddy, Actually is

[cobra]: just just funny and heartwarming on the same packages.

[buddy]: well, great, he is the greatest security guard of all

[buddy]: timem.

[cobra]: Yeah, yeah,

[matts_butt]: yeah, like I, I'd like to pick Ryan Reynolds too, but like I like Ryan mards a

[matts_butt]: lot, but I feel like him playing himself has sort of hit a wall for me. It's

[matts_butt]: just like I find his like same character

[matts_butt]: getting a little derivative. It's like especially after Dead Pool where it's

[matts_butt]: like he does it with like more

[matts_butt]: like edge. Now this seems just like a like, a a tone down version for kids

[matts_butt]: almost, and it's like I don't know it. It doesn't land as much for me. I still

[matts_butt]: really like him. I think he carries the movie well, but

[matts_butt]: I don't know. It's

[hosty_matt]: Yes, he's getting into that Vin Fa territory. He displays himself in movies and

[hosty_matt]: isn't acting as say. I don't think Royan Ras can act, But he just these movies.

[hosty_matt]: He just kind, playing himself.

[cobra]: yeah, is a very specific stereotype than just please.

[matts_butt]: yeah. I guess it. it bothered me. thatcause doesn't really M match what he is in

[matts_butt]: this movie. It's like he's a

[matts_butt]: uh n p. C. Why would he be like a a comedian? You know, Like he makes so many

[matts_butt]: jokes. It just it seems like it. It would have made more sense if he was more

[matts_butt]: like a puppy dog, like how he is'.

[hosty_matt]: You really didn't watch this movie. He use an A. That's learning.

[matts_butt]: I know that

[hosty_matt]: It's like you forget everything.

[buddy]: Yeah, yeah, that's exactly my thoughts. You took the thoughts

[matts_butt]: Listen, is he is he learning?

[buddy]: out of my brain, Ma. How did you get in my brain?

[cobra]: I was going to say I was go to say the same thing.

[matts_butt]: is he learning? is he learning how to become dead Pool? Because that's what it

[matts_butt]: seems

[cobra]: Apparently, Apparently

[hosty_matt]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: To a

[matts_butt]: like. it would have been.

[buddy]: No,

[hosty_matt]: certain degree he got you learn how to gun using guns and shooting people. So

[hosty_matt]: yes,

[matts_butt]: Yeah, I just think that it. it would have been more like I liked when he was

[matts_butt]: like, really innocent and like, like naive. I like that stuff more than his.

[matts_butt]: like

[matts_butt]: standard, Ryan Reynold's joke, you know, which I found was like a lot of.

[buddy]: out of love and empathy, allow me to help you, Spencer,

[matts_butt]: Oh boy,

[buddy]: our man, our man Guy was blossoming

[buddy]: blosoming.

[hosty_matt]: yup.

[buddy]: He went from. He went from innocent n Pc. Fly on the wall, stuck stuck in that that

[buddy]: rut which he was happy with to parts unknown due to the trigger of love. Thanks

[buddy]: girl.

[matts_butt]: yeah, yeah, he blossomed into a

[buddy]: don't do it negatively.

[matts_butt]: good looking. ▁l. good looking like Aable guy who makes jokes. Alli Ryan

[matts_butt]: Reynolds every movie.

[buddy]: You can't go wrong with that. Am right.

[matts_butt]: Ij, I mean, it's just uh. yeah, it's not. I don't know. Wasn't that great of an

[matts_butt]: evolution for me anyway? that wasn't the question.

[hosty_matt]: No, it wasn't at all, but like like all pocas we do. we skipp. the question I

[hosty_matt]: ask and dil into something else, but don't worri.

[cobra]: I answer it for you.

[buddy]: I shall clearly answer now myself.

[hosty_matt]: what I was going to say. Sp. There's a question comppator, that will allow you

[hosty_matt]: to to expand on your Ron Reynolds hatred.

[matts_butt]: sorry. sorry. I. I start to jump ahead. My favorite character was Channing

[matts_butt]: Dative, because I liked this dancing. That

[cobra]: fair,

[cobra]: fair

[matts_butt]: is all.

[matts_butt]: is all.

[hosty_matt]: D, Did Channing ta him have a character name?

[matts_butt]: I believe his name was.

[cobra]: revengamin button.

[matts_butt]: Yes, No,

[buddy]: What That's the real thing? No,

[cobra]: Yup, it's the name of the player, right, a revengamin button. Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, the M, P, C or the the P. C.

[matts_butt]: Oh,

[buddy]: good lord,

[matts_butt]: really, you right. That was his name.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, that's your pretty good one. I like it.

[buddy]: di. dig it.

[cobra]: that's the best name in the whole fucking thing.

[cobra]: that's the best name in the whole fucking thing.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: Good God. yeah, buddy. it was buddy for me, Um, trying to stay away from the main

[buddy]: character, Buddy, but' got that spot. That spot hit me right here in the heart area.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, I like.

[hosty_matt]: just to be

[matts_butt]: I was just saying. I like Buddy's speech about.

[matts_butt]: Like what's real in life

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: was touching. That was

[matts_butt]: one of the best parts of the movie.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah. I, I think for me the only reason why I wouldn't pick Buddy, is he really

[hosty_matt]: is not in the movie much.

[hosty_matt]: you know. Um, but uh, it's a good choice for me. I would pick Um, milly or Moltv

[hosty_matt]: girl Jody ker, but you know I enjoyed her characters

[hosty_matt]: Ar of just being a single moned, bad ass looking for a thing, not giving a shit

[hosty_matt]: about what everybody else wants trying to get to To the point

[hosty_matt]: her character was

[hosty_matt]: nice to see in the in the movie And and it fit the story well, I don't care for

[hosty_matt]: the

[hosty_matt]: unnecessary love wrap up at the end with her in keys.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, like come on like you didn't know he was into you.

[cobra]: like that.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Was that a little bit like? Hey guys, you stupid. we' have to show you that. What

[cobra]: what that means? Like You can have ended the movie with her just leaving Right? That

[cobra]: could have been just there. Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Y. and and we, we'll get into that in another question. we asked later, but

[hosty_matt]: overallly enjoyed her character. I thought she play, played it well, especially

[hosty_matt]: having since Fl between the game character and the the real world character. Sh,

[matts_butt]: Yeah, almost I was like that. the same actress like it was almost like thought

[hosty_matt]: should a good job. Yeah, exactly.

[matts_butt]: she was a different actress in In the world. I like to the real world more than

[matts_butt]: in the game. Though

[hosty_matt]: that's fair. Yeah,

[cobra]: same. Yeah,

[buddy]: Yeah, that wig was not doing it for me,

[cobra]: exactly. yeah. it was weird.

[buddy]: like it. Just look like I don't know three printed to me.

[matts_butt]: looked as good as matw.

[cobra]: Wow, I was gratuitous

[hosty_matt]: segung. not, We're going to seg into the next question Because I have to go cry.

[hosty_matt]: Will you guys answer this question?

[hosty_matt]: Do you guys think

[buddy]: I brought cleanx.

[hosty_matt]: thank you. Do you guys think this could be like a limited series on Netflix?

[cobra]: The same story or like, what?

[buddy]: Yeah, that's a good question.

[buddy]: Yeah,

[cobra]: The same

[hosty_matt]: I? I mean, Yeah,

[cobra]: story? No, I just let know

[cobra]: the same story flat. know, for me

[hosty_matt]: why not.

[cobra]: it's thin. The story is very thin and it

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, but

[cobra]: kind of almost unravels at the end like the the story itself Like you. could. You

[cobra]: couldn't carry that through multiple. And least for me it would be boring. I think,

[hosty_matt]: I think you do it. I think

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: unless, unless you didn't

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[cobra]: focus on the story

[cobra]: focus on the story

[hosty_matt]: Well, you could still have the same

[cobra]: and you focused on the

[hosty_matt]: Ar.

[cobra]: Shananans, Da. Yes,

[hosty_matt]: Well, but like like

[cobra]: like show him leveling up longer.

[hosty_matt]: right, Well, this is the thing right. you're you're If you're doing an Netlix

[hosty_matt]: series, let's say it was six or eight episodes. You, you have six to

[cobra]: Okay,

[hosty_matt]: eight hours, So you're not just going to try it to all the same story in six

[hosty_matt]: eight hours. You' going to. There'll probably be an episode where it's just him

[hosty_matt]: and Buddy hanging out for the episode and doing stuff.

[buddy]: yeah,

[hosty_matt]: ispo where he's

[cobra]: Okay,

[hosty_matt]: loing up doing specific sidequests.

[cobra]: enough, you told me on it. I mean,

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[cobra]: when when it runs a premiere, I'll watch it.

[buddy]: Mhm.

[hosty_matt]: um, Spencer,

[buddy]: I agree with that. I yield my time.

[matts_butt]: I I like. Yeah, like, I definitely think the the premise actually lends itself

[matts_butt]: well to a series because there's a whole world which they could

[matts_butt]: develop. You know. it's like almost like. Uh, you know, like the Witcher Show

[matts_butt]: works because there's so much depth to the world. They could really

[matts_butt]: have more depth in that video game world. Like, what are the missions? What are?

[matts_butt]: who are the characters in this world? Who's like the The, The Minnniy boss, And

[matts_butt]: then who's the main boss? And who's the? You know? Like the the who? the users

[matts_butt]: like Go if it's like G, T, A who's Lance Pants fans or whatever that guy's name

[matts_butt]: is from G. Tv City,

[hosty_matt]: Y.

[matts_butt]: What it? Le faance? You know what I mean, Like it. It's like they could develop

[matts_butt]: that world. As for, like the overarching story outside the game.

[matts_butt]: You know that'd be interesting too, if they develop that a little more.

[hosty_matt]: I'd be curious to see like an episode or half an episode devoted to them with

[hosty_matt]: their other game meeting Antoine, and how that that relationship ended up

[hosty_matt]: developing into Ant One buying them and stealing the code.

[matts_butt]: it's hard for me to.

[cobra]: Oh, you mean? like like a flashback episode?

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: That could work.

[matts_butt]: everyone loves those. I always. whenever I think of a Netflix reboot I, I'm

[matts_butt]: pituring like it becoming gritty. For some reason, it's a gritty, a greedy

[matts_butt]: reboot of this movie And

[buddy]: I hear you.

[matts_butt]: I'm like that actually could be cool. if it's actually done like, Because it's

[matts_butt]: actually like. the themes of this movie are pretty heavy. And if they did it

[matts_butt]: seriously, it would be an entirely different thing you

[buddy]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: know, like him

[cobra]: Maybe

[matts_butt]: becoming sentient and re, re it be like the Matrix kind of Ibs. You know,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, you' have to take to like Altered Carbon Territory.

[cobra]: yeah,

[matts_butt]: Yeah, exactly

[cobra]: or or maybe move it to Hb O. And then you can show all of those Des very clearly and

[cobra]: and visly.

[matts_butt]: yeah, all a west, all a west world.

[cobra]: Yeah, exactly

[buddy]: I was going to say West World, but do good.

[hosty_matt]: You just want to see titties. Is that where I move?

[matts_butt]: Yeah, all right,

[hosty_matt]: Hbo? Like what's wrong with you

[cobra]: mean. I wouldn't mind teas, but you don't have to.

[matts_butt]: You

[buddy]: I don't need those.

[matts_butt]: got Y got me guiltiiest charged

[hosty_matt]: Por? Go check it out.

[matts_butt]: wait porn hub.

[hosty_matt]: I'll tell you

[matts_butt]: Oh

[hosty_matt]: later'. F

[matts_butt]: sweet.

[buddy]: I

[hosty_matt]: next question

[buddy]: will not be in the room.

[hosty_matt]: you, you'll be on the

[hosty_matt]: the next question. Um, if this movie

[hosty_matt]: is going to win an award,

[hosty_matt]: what what award do you think it would be? And I'm going to turn to Chris first,

[hosty_matt]: because he looks

[buddy]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: confused. I want to put them on the spot.

[buddy]: processing. you don't have me anywhere, sir, With all due respect, best romance

[buddy]: and second award, best use of a Megaman buster.

[matts_butt]: so we

[cobra]: That's fair.

[matts_butt]: just making up awards now.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah.

[buddy]: Oh, of course

[cobra]: Why not? Why not?

[hosty_matt]: Yes, why do you have to give a real award?

[matts_butt]: best best Ryan Reynold's film of twenty twenty one, not including the one coming

[matts_butt]: up later with the rock.

[hosty_matt]: I mean, if that's how you want to get out your war, that's fine. but it's not a

[matts_butt]: Well, you said you said I, if it got an award if i, if in infers it, it can also

[hosty_matt]: real fun conversation. Yeah,

[matts_butt]: not get an award, in which case I would say, would not get any words.

[hosty_matt]: okay, Spencer, this movie has to win an award. Which one will it be?

[matts_butt]: Um

[buddy]: he yields his time.

[matts_butt]: mo, most reggettable movie,

[matts_butt]: most forggettable film of twenty twenty, one.

[cobra]: Why? why do you hate fun? You like to ▁ze. s, neither movies and you don't like this.

[cobra]: I don't understand.

[buddy]: Yeah, I'm a bit surprised

[matts_butt]: You know,

[buddy]: at. like who hurt you.

[matts_butt]: I don't want to talk. my.

[cobra]: I'm the assle here. usually,

[matts_butt]: I don't want to talk about my history with Ryan Reynolds.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, please get off Luciana's corner. You're supposed to have like lots of

[buddy]: That's right.

[hosty_matt]: creative ideas, not just shit on everything.

[matts_butt]: Oh, yeah,

[buddy]: You know how much blood he shed for that corner. Know how many hand gibbers he had

[buddy]: to?

[cobra]: Oh god,

[buddy]: Did he had to dole out?

[matts_butt]: not enough. not enough handjibbers,

[cobra]: no, none. I got the handjuvers. I got the handjver that didn't end them. mouth.

[buddy]: Oh God, okay,

[hosty_matt]: I don't know. That's much better. honestly.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah, that's worse.

[buddy]: King Pin King pen level

[buddy]: hands,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: so, uh, not enough handjibbers to it attend.

[hosty_matt]: that's not an award. That's a rating.

[matts_butt]: They.

[buddy]: Also the deckcoes on the front beles of the front of the v. H,

[matts_butt]: No, fine, if if I'm going if I'm going to give it an

[buddy]: ▁quot.

[matts_butt]: award

[matts_butt]: If I have to give it award. I would say best cameo.

[hosty_matt]: Great look

[buddy]: From who

[hosty_matt]: was that hard. And who? which person is it? Jait Is it

[cobra]: trying to take them again,

[matts_butt]: No, No, it's Chris Evans.

[matts_butt]: That was

[hosty_matt]: good choice?

[matts_butt]: that was the best the movie.

[cobra]: So so for for me for me, I was going to say it's the.

[buddy]: did you cut out? Did your audio cut out?

[matts_butt]: Yeah, Luciano cut out

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, Luc out, your audo is dead.

[cobra]: for. Yeah, I fix it. Um, I'll just go back to so

[cobra]: for for me, if I had to pick an award, it would be the best Um scene with like a

[cobra]: reference Machine gun where when he is like fighting du fight, he's getting his ass

[cobra]: kicked by dude, and then he, he puts the the glasses back on and he gets the Captain

[cobra]: America shield, and then the Hulk punch, and then the light sabre, like I, I. I watch

[cobra]: that scene like five times He just laughing my ass off. I don't know why it was so

[buddy]: So what's the award for that best

[cobra]: funny

[cobra]: Best

[buddy]: best

[cobra]: reference scene.

[buddy]: best stacked references?

[cobra]: Yeah, there there you go. that That works for me.

[matts_butt]: that. Yeah, that. it's called Easter Egg the movie and it was already done with

[cobra]: It's not really a myster racecause,

[matts_butt]: Ready, ready Player one.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, Readdy flyer One did it already.

[cobra]: like I useder And but

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: is there eggs like something hidden that wasn't hidden? That was on your face

[matts_butt]: okay, I'm sorry, I, I just got to speak up. This warship makes no sense, butly

[matts_butt]: just saying our favorite scenes

[buddy]: So

[matts_butt]: I

[cobra]: so

[matts_butt]: give to give you the award for best uh scing, where Ryan Reynolds talks to a

[matts_butt]: girl about ice cream.

[hosty_matt]: You could.

[cobra]: great.

[hosty_matt]: You could give it a real award.

[cobra]: I, actually, I actually,

[hosty_matt]: If you didn't hate trying. I mean

[matts_butt]: Well, I'm thinking like, like a real award for movie would be like. If it had to

[matts_butt]: win an Academy award, what would it win?

[hosty_matt]: it could also end a razzi. I don't know why your brain so limited right now.

[cobra]: ouch.

[matts_butt]: I said, most

[matts_butt]: forgettable

[buddy]: shoot shot, shoot you

[cobra]: ouu.

[matts_butt]: movie. That's a. That's a razzy.

[matts_butt]: movie. That's a. That's a razzy.

[hosty_matt]: Then, okay,

[matts_butt]: Uh,

[hosty_matt]: great, you did a good job, Gold star.

[matts_butt]: shut up. I'm a host of this show

[matts_butt]: and I'll

[buddy]: so angry,

[matts_butt]: take it that. I'll take it down the tubes.

[matts_butt]: Uh, yes, I would. I would say if it had to win in Oscar, it wouldn't

[hosty_matt]: Yup,

[matts_butt]: it would.

[hosty_matt]: That's

[cobra]: I'm telling you he hates fun. I don't understand

[cobra]: I'm telling you he hates fun. I don't understand

[hosty_matt]: for real here.

[matts_butt]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: Why why aren't you participating in this question?

[matts_butt]: I. My answer, I said came

[matts_butt]: if it had to win an Oscar Best special effects,

[buddy]: Hm.

[hosty_matt]: Okay, you onlyought give it one.

[matts_butt]: You squeezed Atom. Me, like

[cobra]: Uck. If fucking checked out of the convererences

[matts_butt]: like at Orange, You squeezed every juice to every drop out of me,

[cobra]: the the

[hosty_matt]: I.

[cobra]: fucking

[cobra]: personification of cannot be bothered.

[hosty_matt]: there's a handjibber.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, there's a handjber reference in there with squeezing. But'm I'm going to

[hosty_matt]: skip it.

[cobra]: going to be the the bigger man and not make it.

[hosty_matt]: Yes, um, I, I think if I had to give this an award,

[hosty_matt]: I'm going to give it the best video game

[hosty_matt]: reference movie award because

[hosty_matt]: it took this subject matter and handled it in a way that was meaningful and

[hosty_matt]: interestingentative. So many video game or video game adjacent movies

[hosty_matt]: just layer themselves in tropes or lay themselves in like bad references. And

[hosty_matt]: maybe was the last time I got a good video game movie.

[buddy]: See on the point

[matts_butt]: Sonic the Hedgehog, Anybody,

[cobra]: Actually,

[buddy]: that was really good. I really like that movie

[cobra]: it was good. I, I enjoyed it.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: even when we compare Ready Player One.

[buddy]: I feel like like on the spectrum of video games, Ready Player One, total draw out

[buddy]: like action or Sciph drama Right

[hosty_matt]: y.

[buddy]: didn't have as much humor.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[buddy]: It just felt easier. Just like this free guy felt like a spoonful of of digital sugar

[buddy]: and it just goes down easy. You' Enjoying it and then ready player One. Oh my God,

[buddy]: these people are going to die like gaing in these, these stacked up trailer homes,

[buddy]: and and trying to survive digitally

[cobra]: well, the thing. The thing we already player one is that

[cobra]: it captures. I think it captures well enough. some of the the video game stuff, but a

[cobra]: lot of is the goofing around right And you couldn't do that in that movie because

[cobra]: it's too ▁ote serious. This one like you said is just comedy So you can. it canvel on

[cobra]: like the stupid shit we do online. I remember.

[matts_butt]: the

[cobra]: one Sc. there's like a taxi passing by on fire and someone on the corner just jumping

[cobra]: up and down not doing anything like. That's exactly what happens in those Gs.

[cobra]: So,

[matts_butt]: got I got Gu got te bagged.

[matts_butt]: got I got Gu got te bagged.

[cobra]: yeah, oh yeah,

[hosty_matt]: yeah.

[cobra]: like he puts them out on fire and immediately gets killed in Teb. It's perfect's.

[cobra]: exactly what happens?

[matts_butt]: It' very very accurate.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: yeah,

[buddy]: such as life.

[cobra]: I like

[hosty_matt]: I think

[cobra]: your reward mad. I agree with

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: yeah. so

[matts_butt]: the only.

[hosty_matt]: let let's move on so

[matts_butt]: uh,

[hosty_matt]: Spencer doesn't want to kill myself any longer. I

[matts_butt]: yeah, yeah,

[hosty_matt]: got a special category for your spenencer. This, If this doesn't

[hosty_matt]: get your useus flowing, then then I don't know what's going to.

[matts_butt]: I let me have it. Let me have it.

[matts_butt]: I'm ready.

[hosty_matt]: What part of the movie

[hosty_matt]: would you want to script doctor?

[buddy]: Hm.

[matts_butt]: Oh,

[matts_butt]: okay, that's a good. Uh, that's a good question.

[matts_butt]: I mean, honestly,

[matts_butt]: I think it's this movie like I, when I first heard about this movie, I was very

[matts_butt]: excited because I thought the premise was really cool. but I thought the movie

[matts_butt]: would be a very different tone right Because of the. the. The actual synopsis is

[matts_butt]: like Oh, a guy living in a video game realizes his life is a video game and he's

[matts_butt]: just an M. P, C. And I figured I'd have more like existential

[matts_butt]: dread involved than just you know, just like Happy Go Lucky film. So it's like

[matts_butt]: if I were re do this movie I would. I would do it in a different direction. I

[matts_butt]: wouldn't do Ryd Reynolds. I would you know, probably make it a little.

[matts_butt]: it. it's it's yeah, I would. I probably make it a little more serious. But it

[matts_butt]: that doesn't really drive with the whole uh tropes of a video game, like the

[matts_butt]: funny stuff like the te bagging, and you know like that stuff wouldn't work in

[matts_butt]: that kind of film.

[matts_butt]: So if I were to change it, I would definitely change Ryynolds as much as I like

[matts_butt]: them. I just think he's just

[cobra]: overwhelms the movie

[matts_butt]: overdone. Yeah, it just becomes a Ryan Reynolds thing. you know,

[hosty_matt]: So so keeping with the theme of the movie being more of

[matts_butt]: a comedy. Mhm,

[hosty_matt]: comedy action, Who would you replace Ram Rus with?

[buddy]: that was my question.

[matts_butt]: I would. I would definitely try to get somebody with

[matts_butt]: more depth who can be funny and serious

[matts_butt]: better

[matts_butt]: and not just be one note, which is what Ryan Reynolds was must be real.

[hosty_matt]: Could you? could you tease us with the name

[matts_butt]: Im think I'm thinking I'm actually just talking to stall.

[cobra]: And so

[hosty_matt]: the rock?

[matts_butt]: So having said that words

[matts_butt]: were bade to

[cobra]: well, why? Okay? why

[matts_butt]: express,

[cobra]: don't you think about it and let me let me add something to

[matts_butt]: Oh thank God,

[cobra]: descript, Doctor? anything.

[cobra]: Ah, the one thing I would personally, script doctor are almost entirely removed out

[cobra]: of this movie somehow is all of the technical mumble jumble parts. I, I don't. I'm

[cobra]: sure this is akin to how a doctor feels when they watch like doctors in movies,

[cobra]: saying the the worst absolute horseshipt, and people going. Oh, interesting, like all

[cobra]: of the the A I, and like coding shit that they talk In this movie is so cringe

[cobra]: because it's so ridiculously wrong and stupid, Like just the fact that at the end he

[cobra]: takes an axe

[cobra]: to the servers, and then each server he destroys destroys a little bit of the thing.

[cobra]: And then he asked which server is the. The is the The bridge on like that is so

[cobra]: ridiculous. It took me so out of the movie. All of those things. I, if I had to

[cobra]: remove something I remove, I would not have any of them talk about any of the A. I.

[cobra]: any of the technical stuff, or I would bring whoever the consultant was for Mister

[cobra]: Robot to help them out Be cause. it was terrible. That was the literally, my word. My

[cobra]: least favorite part of the movie was. any time they talked about the computing stuff,

[cobra]: it just made me cringe.

[matts_butt]: All right, I got an actor.

[cobra]: I would just move it out. Go for it.

[hosty_matt]: Hey,

[hosty_matt]: thanks Luciana for a filling time with your

[matts_butt]: Thank you.

[hosty_matt]: nonsense. We back to Spencer,

[matts_butt]: I. I wholeheartedly agree I didn't hear anything he said. Um,

[cobra]: I'll take it,

[matts_butt]: I would. I would say a great role because this actor would fit well with because

[matts_butt]: I realize one of my issues with Rymdds, too. is he him being like the day to day

[matts_butt]: normal guy? It's like you already know he's like an action hero from everything

[matts_butt]: else you've seen him in? I think a good actor would be someone like Paul Rud,

[matts_butt]: who can be funny. Obviously he could be serious and he comes off at first is

[matts_butt]: just like a regular dude. He doesn't come off like

[hosty_matt]: right,

[matts_butt]: already like a superhero and then him

[hosty_matt]: y.

[matts_butt]: becoming like bad ass would actually be more entertaining Because you be. see,

[matts_butt]: Paul Rud. Like learning the rules of the game and how to become really over.

[matts_butt]: Really cool would be. it would come off cooler. I think.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, it's I'd like that choice because I, I like Ryan Rads as an actor. I just

[hosty_matt]: think Paulrd has a little bit more natural

[hosty_matt]: everyday buddy guy charm

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: than Ronald Reynolds. Ronal Reynolds secretly knows hes Ryin Reynolds,

[cobra]: not so secretly,

[matts_butt]: I don't think it's just out of the cat's secret. Yeah,

[matts_butt]: I don't think it's just out of the cat's secret. Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: and I think that Well,

[cobra]: not so secretly.

[hosty_matt]: that's fair.

[matts_butt]: I'm going to go out on a limb and say, I think Ryan Reynolds know hes Ryan

[matts_butt]: Reynolds,

[hosty_matt]: Okay, so Ryan Reynolds is very aware that these Ryan Reynds, whereas Paul Rod

[hosty_matt]: really seems like he doesn't care if he's Pa, right or

[matts_butt]: Paul Rud,

[cobra]: I think he's better at Tony It down.

[hosty_matt]: not's right. That's the key.

[hosty_matt]: not's right. That's the key.

[hosty_matt]: not's right. That's the key.

[matts_butt]: Ryan Reynolds knows he's Ryan Reynolds, but Paul Rud doesn't know that he's Ryan

[matts_butt]: Reynolds. That's the difference

[cobra]: I think he

[buddy]: Hm, Hm.

[cobra]: knows he's not rhynolds. which is slightly different.

[matts_butt]: exactly and that's what we need. but also Paul rud like working a bank and stuff

[matts_butt]: would be much more like fitting. like he's just a regular guy right

[hosty_matt]: y

[matts_butt]: like Ry

[hosty_matt]: y.

[matts_butt]: Reynds, working in a bank in real life. he'd be like. Who the fuck is that guy

[hosty_matt]: Whys this guy to bank?

[matts_butt]: that Gu? This guy should not be at a bank.

[cobra]: He. would you know, you know, he would make jokes with everybody that like he would

[cobra]: just be non stopop,

[matts_butt]: Yeah, and you'd be like. I'd like to take deposit two hundred dollars and get

[matts_butt]: your phone number please.

[hosty_matt]: Yes,

[cobra]: Like what? Yeah,

[cobra]: although

[hosty_matt]: Okay he go. sir,

[cobra]: Poul Red can be released like ▁zany, but I think he is better at like holding it

[cobra]: back. So yeah that that's a good choice.

[buddy]: I can't argue against that.

[hosty_matt]: Your deepen thought,

[hosty_matt]: What do

[buddy]: Mhm.

[hosty_matt]: you want to script? Doctor

[buddy]: I'd say I would want to script Doctor,

[buddy]: The the dynamic inside the. Uh, like the video game studio company, Um. it served his

[buddy]: purpose that it this purpose as a set piece. Um,

[buddy]: but his

[buddy]: friend, uh, keys. like the other, the other creator, his friend, Uh, or honestly,

[buddy]: there were times in this movie. I didn't know if he gave a shit about his friend

[cobra]: Yeah,

[buddy]: or or not, and like for him to just like F, like they were. They seemed semi work,

[buddy]: buddy, R or die, but as soon as like the so call as soon as the orders came from from

[buddy]: Antoine, dude was like, I'll do it

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: like I'll

[hosty_matt]: Right

[buddy]: sec your deck.

[cobra]: yeah, the movie. This movie suffers a little bit from Assassin Scre

[cobra]: syndrome, where one part of the movie was really well made and well created, and the

[cobra]: other one stacked on like the external part from the game. To me. Feel felt quite

[cobra]: tacked on Honestly

[matts_butt]: hey,

[buddy]: And why was keys able? Just just say real quick. Why was K Soce toward the end?

[buddy]: right? Why was keys after he was fired? Why was he allowed to keep that computer

[buddy]: Like? was that his personal computer?

[cobra]: and be and be inside the network. I' go back to what I said All that Shi. Why did the

[cobra]: Ar people

[cobra]: like create the dude n Pc, when they are just the art people? None of that made

[cobra]: sense. That's what I'm saying.

[buddy]: Were they are people or I thought they were interns?

[cobra]: No, he said Anerds.

[cobra]: Arnerd's download is said download dude. Like all of that shit

[buddy]: Okay,

[hosty_matt]: in in Antoine's fence, Anto is supposed

[cobra]: it

[hosty_matt]: to be an idiot, so Ourners might be cold for

[matts_butt]: anybody who does anything?

[hosty_matt]: graphic designers. Anybody who does anything

[cobra]: even even then like anyway, Like whatever I agree with Chris. like that. Him keeping

[cobra]: like he, him able to do shouldn'tside the game after he was fired was weird.

[hosty_matt]: Sure. So what would you? How would you fix that Chris?

[buddy]: uh, I feel like we'd need more time for like. it would easily stretch this this out

[buddy]: into almost a miniiseries. Um,

[hosty_matt]: Well, you don't have many Sears. you have.

[buddy]: I know, So that's that's what I'm saying, Like it. it's I'm feeling. I'm feeling the

[buddy]: screws on on this one.

[hosty_matt]: I can give you like ten minutes be cause

[buddy]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: it a hundred and fifty an hour and fifty five. You

[hosty_matt]: talk on ten minutes and it'd still be okay.

[buddy]: okay, I think I got it.

[buddy]: Yeah, I think I got it. So keys and mouser are are like. I don't really feel like

[buddy]: they had a any any opportunity to really discuss what the hell was going on once the

[buddy]: cat was out of the bag, Mouser, which just seemed to completely side with Anton. C.

[buddy]: Me from wrong in terms of like the two of them supposed to be work buddies. Like

[buddy]: actually, ▁quote unquote friends, because they end up like he ends up leaving the

[buddy]: company and joing their, their, their their side thing at the end. But anyways, if I

[buddy]: was to fix this, the two of them would have to hash that out in

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: terms of what are you doing? Um, or like Keys is like this is wrong. Stuff is

[buddy]: happening. and um

[matts_butt]: Yeah, give that guy a

[buddy]: and

[matts_butt]: little more depth.

[buddy]: yeah's, really one dimensional and flip floppy. Uh,

[matts_butt]: Although I like that, he like went with his friend once. the second he realized

[matts_butt]: that he actually stole his stuff,

[buddy]: sure,

[matts_butt]: he he did like side with his friend, which is kind of a nice change. but I agree

[matts_butt]: they could have had him like talking to his body being like,

[buddy]: but you' got to lose your job and then I give us something.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, like there's nothing we can do. There's nothing we could do about it. You

[matts_butt]: know, it's like even if he took it, it's gone. you know

[buddy]: Mhm, like what

[matts_butt]: you. can you know.

[buddy]: are you talking about? Like the Y you told you told me the deal was was clean, or

[buddy]: whatever something

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: like that like, Give us something to let us know that he's not. I don't know. feels

[buddy]: like feel. I, I don't. I don't even think mutiny. F. it felt like friendship, mutiny

[buddy]: to me, You know.

[hosty_matt]: wait, how does friendship mu work? Is he taking over the friendship

[matts_butt]: Yeah, and he's he's getting

[buddy]: Ah,

[matts_butt]: his other friends

[buddy]: no,

[matts_butt]: to team up against him.

[buddy]: I'm I'm looking for. It's it like a betrayal. I, I need to

[cobra]: Ah betray.

[buddy]: crack myself. friendship, retrayal, friendship, Betrayal,

[hosty_matt]: friendship betrayal? That's I. I can see that. Yeah,

[cobra]: Yeah, slightly

[matts_butt]: Actu.

[buddy]: correction.

[cobra]: different from a mutiny.

[matts_butt]: The last thing last thing I want to add is to the script doctoring is, I would

[matts_butt]: have liked it, if like, I thought, the guy who is like mussly, uh, musly, Ryan

[matts_butt]: Reynolds was funny. I actually liked

[buddy]: yeah,

[matts_butt]: him, but I think that at the end it should have had a boss battle against

[matts_butt]: Antoine. Like he should have been like I'm going in, And then he like uses all

[matts_butt]: his codes to make himself really bad ass. And then there's like a fight scene

[matts_butt]: with him against Antoine.

[matts_butt]: You know, that would have been kind of interesting.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[buddy]: Ooh,

[cobra]: yeah, that be that' been interesting.

[matts_butt]: He's like, and even in him having like a god complex being like I, this is my

[matts_butt]: world. You

[buddy]: true.

[matts_butt]: know, he's like you.

[cobra]: just

[hosty_matt]: So before before he gets

[cobra]: so his appetite would be Jesus or something.

[matts_butt]: No, I. I picture my in like a mix suit with like

[buddy]: Mhm,

[cobra]: Okay,

[matts_butt]: te teca witi's head.

[matts_butt]: te teca witi's head.

[hosty_matt]: sure, So

[buddy]: coming out of the water. Perhaps

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: where the bridge is supposed to be. Maybe

[matts_butt]: yeah, exactly

[hosty_matt]: he I, he, he comes, like mean mar Ne was a bit dated reference, but I feel like

[hosty_matt]: that's the energy he wants to R. of being like the being omnitent in the game

[hosty_matt]: world.

[matts_butt]: yeah. exactly yeah. at that line I said it' from the Matrix Mo Misterr Smith

[matts_butt]: goes. This is my world. That's from major revolutions, but nobody remembers that

[matts_butt]: movie so he can use it.

[hosty_matt]: Thank you.

[buddy]: what movie

[hosty_matt]: Um, even though Spencers, di, I still would like to contribute to the script

[hosty_matt]: doctor if he'll allow me.

[matts_butt]: I'll

[buddy]: please do?

[matts_butt]: I'll allow it,

[cobra]: I mean, I guess

[hosty_matt]: thank you. Um, I think the I reference it before I, and it kind of tags on to

[hosty_matt]: Chris's

[hosty_matt]: awkwardness when it comes to

[hosty_matt]: dealing with

[hosty_matt]: Um, the friendship or whatever it was. the muship between mouser and keys. But

[buddy]: Apoloze.

[hosty_matt]: there wasn't enough time to talk about the actual friendship

[hosty_matt]: that Uh, Milli and Keys had,

[cobra]: yeah, yeah,

[hosty_matt]: let alone schhohorn in

[hosty_matt]: The They like each other and they should be dating. It made no sense. It didn't

[hosty_matt]: add anything to the movie. We should have just ended when they, when they went

[hosty_matt]: back and said they have a business together That would been fine and

[matts_butt]: but the whole thing with,

[cobra]: yeah.

[matts_butt]: like, uh, like, like Brianynald's character only loved her because it was coed

[matts_butt]: in him Like you would have just taken that out

[hosty_matt]: yeah, I just I like. maybe like maybe he follows. There's so many other reasons

[hosty_matt]: you can get for. like the reasons why he would follow over her. Maybe

[matts_butt]: like.

[hosty_matt]: it's just like

[hosty_matt]: I don't know. Like like he. She. she wrote the a I. right, So so maybe there's

[hosty_matt]: something in him that's like. I feel a connection to her and we find

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: out while she wrote, wrote All

[matts_butt]: not so good. Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: the Eye and this character was based on her.

[cobra]: Well, I mean

[matts_butt]: that's a good.

[cobra]: in a movie where the power of love restores his memories of all

[matts_butt]: Yeah.

[cobra]: the shit that he learned, I guess that would make sense, too.

[matts_butt]: I like bats. Actually better, you know what man. I don't care what Chris says

[matts_butt]: that your smart guy' some good ideas,

[cobra]: Wow.

[hosty_matt]: thanks. I.

[hosty_matt]: thanks. I.

[buddy]: You can't put words in my

[cobra]: Wow.

[buddy]: mouth. I am a

[buddy]: I, Sir,

[buddy]: am a paragon of respect and love.

[matts_butt]: Butminded me you get start out at. Luciana says that can't be said on there.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: wow. I mean. what

[cobra]: I've said most of those things already.

[hosty_matt]: can't of be? We say literally anything,

[matts_butt]: Well,

[matts_butt]: ▁zegway,

[cobra]: Wow,

[buddy]: Blasphem me

[cobra]: he stol your word

[matts_butt]: uh,

[cobra]: mat. He stole your word.

[matts_butt]: catch phrase, That's the cat fra catras,

[buddy]: cat phrase adjective,

[hosty_matt]: Spencer. it was. It was all fun and game. Andu went did that. Now

[hosty_matt]: now feelings been have been hurt. Probably I

[buddy]: Oh my God,

[hosty_matt]: don't know. I don't have them. Um,

[hosty_matt]: the next question, Spencer is

[hosty_matt]: what drink do you think represents the main villain And

[matts_butt]: Oh the villain.

[hosty_matt]: although we all know who the main villain is in this one,

[matts_butt]: Disney.

[cobra]: dude. No, it's not.

[matts_butt]: Um,

[matts_butt]: so what drink would Antoine be? I think I know

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: fucking monster energy drink.

[hosty_matt]: you' not wrong. I was. I'm thinking the same, but it's like red red bowll, like

[hosty_matt]: a yager bomb.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah,

[cobra]: Yeah. I was going to say like the blue G fuel with like fodka

[cobra]: like a bad vodka.

[hosty_matt]: Oh yeah,

[matts_butt]: like a cheap, cheap, cheap budka.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: no, it'. it's

[cobra]: cheap like instant headache vodka. Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: It's not cheap vodka. It's like a fancy brand name that is also garbage

[cobra]: that tastes like shit. Yes, yeah,

[hosty_matt]: y. y.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah, and it's called like it's called like Schzzer Bodka

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah, and it's called like it's called like Schzzer Bodka

[hosty_matt]: Oh, he'd have his own. I think that's the thing. He'd have his own vodka and his

[cobra]: yeah, the

[matts_butt]: anto.

[cobra]: tsunami vodka. Is it the suunami vodka?

[hosty_matt]: own energy drink.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, yeah, Tsunami, and or it' a free guy, a free city energy drink and Tsunami

[hosty_matt]: vodka

[cobra]: What's the name of the actual drink? The deuch has to be the Deuch.

[matts_butt]: It' give me a douche on the

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: rocks.

[buddy]: I yield my time. I had something, but I think that was it. I think

[hosty_matt]: sounds delicious.

[buddy]: was the one

[cobra]: jeez

[buddy]: was the one.

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[cobra]: just made me sick

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: to my stomach just thinking about it.

[buddy]: You know, you know, there's kua in it,

[cobra]: No, shut up. don't don't you bet mouth Klua. fuck you.

[cobra]: I love it.

[matts_butt]: wow, touch the nerve there. Apparently,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: that's

[buddy]: right,

[matts_butt]: Aarent. Apparently, that's a triggering. Uh issue is for Louisiano

[matts_butt]: Aarent. Apparently, that's a triggering. Uh issue is for Louisiano

[cobra]: it's

[cobra]: I have. I have. I have a lot of those

[matts_butt]: I'm not a big. I'm not a big fan of Klua. You shut your mouth.

[cobra]: barkue shut your whole mouth.

[buddy]: you died. You Di terribly painful.

[matts_butt]: You're dead to me.

[cobra]: No, it's like the energy drink and the shity vodka in the glass with like rimmed with

[cobra]: salt.

[hosty_matt]: come on,

[cobra]: No salt,

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah, no, no, no sugar

[cobra]: salt and

[hosty_matt]: pop rocks.

[cobra]: sugar. Oh pop rocks better. Okay,

[matts_butt]: popra,

[cobra]: yeah, perfect, perfect. I mean.

[matts_butt]: Yes, now I want. no, I want this drink.

[buddy]: I see your pop rocks and I raise you, crushed the skyrockets.

[matts_butt]: Hold on. is

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[matts_butt]: anybody ever rim a glass with pop rock That sounds like a million dollar idea.

[buddy]: It kind does.

[matts_butt]: Just like drinking and getting the crackling,

[buddy]: that's and therein lies the deception

[cobra]: that's that's why that's why alcohol is missing is the crackling. That's for sure.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, that that's going to be a F. A freshman drink for the ages.

[matts_butt]: Can I get?

[matts_butt]: Can I get a back in with pop rocks?

[buddy]: you canle.

[buddy]: you canle.

[hosty_matt]: I mean, all right, let's lets up front of the stor. Let's see this. We' a bar

[hosty_matt]: reserving one thing, and it just pop rock.

[matts_butt]: I get a. I get a pop and Bob,

[matts_butt]: Yeah, we let's do it,

[matts_butt]: patent pend

[buddy]: where do I sign

[matts_butt]: patent, peny pa pennyt, Benny, listeners, patent Benning,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, I swear to gotd of any new stealers from us. We suing

[matts_butt]: we

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: will do nothing

[hosty_matt]: from Canada, which

[buddy]: Between the? For that, almost an unruly mob, almost

[matts_butt]: and we could, we could put up

[cobra]: we unruly. I don't know if it counts a mob.

[matts_butt]: in between the four of us. We could put up hundreds of dollars.

[cobra]: Oh yeah,

[hosty_matt]: I feel like we're mob more mob adjacent.

[cobra]: okay,

[matts_butt]: Yes, yes,

[cobra]: I'll take it.

[buddy]: a murder of of disgruntled,

[matts_butt]: Yes, we certainly could have the mob mentality without the actual physical mob.

[buddy]: a murder of crows.

[cobra]: I know, but disgruntled

[matts_butt]: Mhm,

[cobra]: is weird.

[buddy]: Listen, accept it

[cobra]: you. you tri

[cobra]: E for E for effort.

[matts_butt]: Matt, Mat, Takeg us away. Take us away, Matt.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, no, I think I think we've

[hosty_matt]: murdered thatction which is good on us.

[cobra]: Wow,

[matts_butt]: you mean you. You mean me group of crowde That?

[hosty_matt]: Look, you throw out your knowledge. Any more knowledge in there?

[matts_butt]: I mean, Chris. Chris just said it. so I'm not,

[hosty_matt]: So you stoleen stole a knowledge.

[matts_butt]: but I didn't know that. I know it from the Simpsons That is. all.

[hosty_matt]: Has the taught us?

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Let's let's piv it here slightly.

[hosty_matt]: What was the most

[hosty_matt]: watchable scene for you?

[matts_butt]: we all know the answer.

[cobra]: do,

[matts_butt]: It's when the when the credits had Roled,

[matts_butt]: It's when the when the credits had Roled,

[cobra]: wow

[cobra]: somebody. somebody.

[hosty_matt]: You picked uncommon, right, you know,

[cobra]: It's not even like. it's not even like

[cobra]: I

[matts_butt]: Just say

[hosty_matt]: you're talking about this like its vendnder trash.

[cobra]: was going to say. I was going to say someone

[matts_butt]: I know

[cobra]: pied in

[buddy]: he does. He does

[cobra]: his suit, but they didn't piss it if they shd on his soup. This

[cobra]: his suit, but they didn't piss it if they shd on his soup. This

[buddy]: let the record show Spencers. not in his right mind, He I side baar, gentlem,

[buddy]: I. I, I think he needs a hug,

[matts_butt]: side bar. I'll allow it.

[buddy]: be he's not that he's not all the keys, not all gone.

[cobra]: my my favorite scene to rewatch is I? If I had to pick just one, it would be him

[cobra]: running away from the guys at the very tall building when he jumps and misses

[buddy]: Yeah,

[cobra]: And then there' the little snippet Fromlys's racking ball

[cobra]: song, And then he falls and he activates the bouncy suit or whatever the fuck that

[cobra]: was,

[buddy]: Mhm,

[cobra]: I would watch That

[cobra]: left my ass off that one

[matts_butt]: Yeah, I mean, if we actually talk aboutchines we like, like the reference scene.

[matts_butt]: I liked where you like referencing. like all the stuff like Marvel and Disney

[matts_butt]: and all this, but I also just feel like it's such a cheap way to get people to

[matts_butt]: like like a scene. You know it's It's just like such a. It's

[cobra]: hanging fruit.

[matts_butt]: like the yeah, yeah, it's just like the. It's like when you like speak at a

[matts_butt]: college and you just like name the football team for Like to get the crowd to

[matts_butt]: cheer. It's just like too easy. It's like in the when I'm here with the

[matts_butt]: turn to see schoolcause. I love those titans, and it was like

[matts_butt]: the equival, the movie equivalent of that.

[hosty_matt]: How

[hosty_matt]: the question? I have you in this scenario. How do you? How do you make

[hosty_matt]: references to things that people like without doing what you said Because people

[hosty_matt]: like it, but they don't like it's heavy handed right. like

[matts_butt]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: how do you balance that?

[matts_butt]: well, I think doing it all the one scene was

[matts_butt]: made it a little heavy. And and I think if you sprinkle it's a little better.

[matts_butt]: make it a little more subtle. It's not as

[matts_butt]: you know. It's like this is my idea, Is it should be that the people that know

[matts_butt]: the reference like it, but the people who don't know the reference. It won't

[matts_butt]: deter from the scene at all. It's like I felt like if you're not a Marvel fan or

[matts_butt]: servicers fan that seem would be like meaningless to you because it's all just

[matts_butt]: references.

[matts_butt]: You know what I mean.

[cobra]: They, they had a good one with the Megaman Blaster thing.

[buddy]: Mhm, Mhm, Mhm,

[matts_butt]: Yeah, that was a subtle and

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: I like the. and I like the. The. The Chrisevent. scenecause. it was like if he

[matts_butt]: just did the the The The Shield thing, it would have been like. Oh, that's

[matts_butt]: funny. whatever, but the fact that they got acros Eav, than him saying what the

[matts_butt]: shit

[cobra]: yeah, exactly.

[matts_butt]: like that was just like.

[cobra]: that was amazing.

[matts_butt]: It was like one uping of reference. It was like self referencing that they're

[matts_butt]: referencing something you know, and that made it

[matts_butt]: more original as oposed. just being like Star Wars. Yeah,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: Avengers. Yeah,

[cobra]: the The Star Wars when they really milted like it took like. what? Ten minutes for

[cobra]: that light to kind of turn on completely.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Yeah, it was a little too long.

[matts_butt]: yeah, it'd be cool if you just like Oo. Like

[cobra]: Yeah, exactlyly.

[matts_butt]: took a couple of swings. And that's it just you know.

[hosty_matt]: it does feel like

[hosty_matt]: references don't have to be the most obvious blatantly obvious reference You can

[hosty_matt]: possibly pull like you got a reference. Star Wars with a little deeper cut than

[hosty_matt]: the most iconic weapon in

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: the history of space.

[matts_butt]: agreed

[buddy]: What would have been the alternative to a St. a lightper than

[buddy]: Hans Gun?

[hosty_matt]: Hansel', dice. Obviously,

[hosty_matt]: Hansel', dice. Obviously,

[cobra]: Oh

[matts_butt]: the the second most iconic.

[cobra]: yeahcause. That worked. That works so well for the actual Solo movie.

[matts_butt]: These

[hosty_matt]: hey, man, they're really important.

[matts_butt]: are my lucky. They're really inform. That's way he hangs them in the ship

[matts_butt]: and his name's sound solo Because he doesn't have a family. he's alone

[matts_butt]: solo.

[cobra]: Yeah, now I with Star Wars, it's hard because either things are very evident and very

[cobra]: obvious, or like three people would get it

[matts_butt]: I prefer the three people One.

[cobra]: if they. if they picked like. Oh, Dell one was hand solo's blaster, Like nobody would

[cobra]: actually know it was on So's blaster,

[cobra]: so it's hard to do. it's

[hosty_matt]: I mean, we've all seen Hansol's blosser up close.

[cobra]: yeah. but they all look the same most of the time.

[matts_butt]: It sounds like a euphemism. We've all seen an Od fell thoses blasster of

[matts_butt]: clothes.

[buddy]: Speak by yourself, right,

[matts_butt]: Ha, have we?

[hosty_matt]: You're about to. um. Yeah, it is. I mean it's tough, right and maybe maybe the

[hosty_matt]: best way to go about it is if you don't know. Is she just to just go full

[hosty_matt]: full, full obvious, full Star Wars with it, But I feel like there are. We've

[hosty_matt]: seen enough stuff. Now That's got to be something. Star Wars's

[hosty_matt]: like, maybe like I don't it' stuff likecause. I think of like a jet pack like Bo

[hosty_matt]: Jeckpck, not both fact, but uh, menoran

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: jeckpack, But like now you're just like Oh, is any jetpck rightjpck or Japax?

[cobra]: well, they could have. they could have. He could have said they done something and

[cobra]: said this is the way. For example.

[matts_butt]: I don't like that either. Like you could do something where like he pulls a gun

[matts_butt]: in in a tonchul of blaster and then tries to shoot him and the other guy shoots

[matts_butt]: him and he goes. Hey, he shot first or something like that You. That's kind.

[cobra]: Yeah, okay, okay, there it go.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, just pull out. He pulls out a whole Tubaca and six them on the guy.

[cobra]: Uh, or maybe the dude could be dressed in princes, La, as slave outfit.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: No,

[hosty_matt]: I guess that and that distracts the traracks. the main character

[cobra]: Yeah, maybe

[hosty_matt]: or the right. the final boss.

[cobra]: yeah,

[matts_butt]: y,

[cobra]: something like that

[hosty_matt]: Okay, yeah, I'm I'm here for it.

[matts_butt]: you know what it could have been. It could have been like. you know, they all

[matts_butt]: like ships, and like there's like helicopter flying. They could have used like a

[matts_butt]: cool, like the Golden Shiip from like the prequels. or you know, like a not the

[matts_butt]: La Fogon? That's too obvious.

[cobra]: like the na. boo.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, or like you know, Like or the Triangle ship. From. Uh, you know that that

[hosty_matt]: I know I like it. He. He could have chased someone down by pulling out frigant

[matts_butt]: Bubba Ft drives,

[hosty_matt]: Anns, pod from the pod race

[matts_butt]: or the, or the the ones they ride on endoor Like those

[matts_butt]: Bite the

[buddy]: the Speter bikes,

[matts_butt]: Speeder bikes. That would have been cool.

[hosty_matt]: speeder bike. Yeah,

[cobra]: Yeah, okay, okay,

[hosty_matt]: I think that's that's survival like all thats, obviously the Star Wars thing,

[hosty_matt]: but it's not like Club You on the

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: head, Star Wars.

[cobra]: yeah, well, I mean even

[matts_butt]: we did it, guy. we got there.

[cobra]: we. We got even the songs. I like the theme songs with both references right with

[cobra]: Avngers and with Star Wars, Just in

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: case we weren't sure that that was a light saver. they had to play the Star Wars

[cobra]: theme too. So

[matts_butt]: all all I got when I watched a team was like, Oh, Wow, this is a Disney

[matts_butt]: property.

[cobra]: Yeah, exactly exactly,

[matts_butt]: You know like they're not getting that unless they're like

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, that.

[matts_butt]: conglomerateized.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah. they. they're flexing their Disney Disney

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: muscle, which I honestly didn't notic the Disney movie until A I saw that, but

[hosty_matt]: be it was on Disney blus.

[matts_butt]: it was on Disney Blu. Yeah,

[cobra]: and Disney Pl. Like Hm, that must be a

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Disney property. I wonder

[matts_butt]: is this movie with Disney references on Disney Plus, made by Disney.

[hosty_matt]: hard to say,

[buddy]: Disney, Disney, Disney, Disney, Disney

[matts_butt]: I didn't know that

[cobra]: that that's a stretch. I think that's a stretch to think that that was the case.

[cobra]: that that's a stretch. I think that's a stretch to think that that was the case.

[matts_butt]: they. one. They're just one step away from having Mickey Mouse pop up

[cobra]: That

[matts_butt]: gota

[cobra]: would have been funny. Actually,

[buddy]: choke, Holding the dude

[matts_butt]: Yeah, get ' Micky.

[buddy]: You

[buddy]: thought

[cobra]: Yeah, will,

[hosty_matt]: I'm here for that.

[cobra]: yeah,

[buddy]: you thought?

[matts_butt]: Yeah, got ya.

[buddy]: Does Mickey have to chill? The bitch?

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Wow,

[matts_butt]: Embrace the

[cobra]: yeah, yeah, yeah,

[matts_butt]: sweet and embraceed Death

[cobra]: I, I like that. I like that.

[matts_butt]: sleep, sleep now,

[hosty_matt]: Disne.

[matts_butt]: sleep forever.

[buddy]: Would you lose conscious? I'm going to takele your.

[hosty_matt]: If I,

[hosty_matt]: if I know anything about Disney, they love sexualizing

[hosty_matt]: their most

[cobra]: Oh, I love the Choka Beach one on Mickey's voice. that was just

[matts_butt]: Oh, uh,

[hosty_matt]: childlike

[hosty_matt]: iconic.

[cobra]: skis.

[hosty_matt]: Where are you way with most Re watchable scene?

[buddy]: honestly, Although it. it's

[buddy]: although it's It's pretty formulaic for me. I, I think it would be the the. The

[buddy]: leveling up, skilling up montage, Um, dude was want, dude, Uh, guys, determined,

[buddy]: driven to get the girl digital girl and just going through his spaces and like really

[buddy]: going for it. I. I really enjoyed that you know.

[matts_butt]: I would have liked if this movie was like thirty percent more of that

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: and and less of like

[matts_butt]: whatever, like comedy or whatever. Like other the heist stuff. There's like

[buddy]: Mhm.

[matts_butt]: more high stuff of them

[buddy]: true.

[matts_butt]: trying to steal this stuff. I would have much

[buddy]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: preferred way more of him.

[matts_butt]: like leveling up. specifically what these missions were like. Like

[buddy]: I hear you.

[matts_butt]: you know, like him being a user and like out playing people. And like, I just

[matts_butt]: think that world would have been cool, though to like discover more of. and they

[matts_butt]: kind of just it was more just like a background that would

[buddy]: Yeah, I go. Yeah,

[matts_butt]: that would been cool. and I would have like to see Mickey jokes. someone to

[matts_butt]: death saying, Embrace the sweet comfort of death. Going who em braraced your

[matts_butt]: death?

[buddy]: just step into step into the shadows.

[cobra]: that's thats.

[buddy]: Um, I love the skill up. like stretch it out, but like, I also think it could have

[buddy]: like for a lot of, uh, a lot of our fellow gamers listening. It's It's kind of like

[buddy]: when you know you, you kind of feel like you've hit that wall and you're not at a

[buddy]: certain level, but you feel like you need to grind to

[cobra]: Yeah.

[buddy]: get enough experience to kill. Like to get the like go past a certain point

[hosty_matt]: Y,

[buddy]: or be the final boss. In which case, when Mot girls like, would you reach a hundred

[buddy]: level hundred? come find me. But what if he needed to be ▁x amount level order to

[buddy]: defeat Boss the dude or Boss Ant Oneine, but somehow with ingenuity still manages to

[buddy]: get it done under the so called level that he needed to get as opposed to the plot

[buddy]: through the power

[cobra]: Well,

[buddy]: of So

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah,

[buddy]: respect you Ga plus ten

[cobra]: youre you're going deep in the reference there

[cobra]: like he was carried by her because she was like almost level two hundred, and then he

[cobra]: got carried by. That's that's a deep reference there.

[matts_butt]: but but I agree you could be like you. You can't defe him unless you're level a

[matts_butt]: hundred and he's like

[buddy]: Mhm.

[cobra]: I'll do it at ninety nine.

[matts_butt]: he' are going to do it anyways. And but I also think that like it'd been cool if

[matts_butt]: in that world like him, doing the missions were like video game like he has to

[matts_butt]: survive a battle royal in one mission. you know. And it's like all different

[matts_butt]: game types and he's like, and he's

[hosty_matt]: sure, yeah,

[matts_butt]: like trying. He has to win all these different game types to like level up. You

[matts_butt]: know, he has to pull

[hosty_matt]: they

[matts_butt]: like a crazy, like plain high, used like a g, T, a mission type thing, or that

[matts_butt]: would be kind of like, I don't know.

[hosty_matt]: is. It is interesting that they really seem like. Well, they pulled specific

[hosty_matt]: references from things that were obvious to us. They really strive to steer

[hosty_matt]: clear of referencing any actual games in a meaningful way.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Yes, this feels like a high level g

[hosty_matt]: thing, but

[cobra]: oh yeah, one hundred percent.

[matts_butt]: yes,

[hosty_matt]: only in the generic sense that like you go around shooting people and driving

[hosty_matt]: only in the generic sense that like you go around shooting people and driving

[hosty_matt]: cars and being an assle. but outside of that reference,

[hosty_matt]: cars and being an assle. but outside of that reference,

[matts_butt]: that's a million games. Now

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, that's the thing.

[cobra]: It's enough

[hosty_matt]: Every.

[cobra]: of a mix right that you can't really point to one game like some parts of it felt

[cobra]: like crackdown, for example, superped, right,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: yeah, exactly yeah.

[buddy]: Oh, Terry Cruise would have been a nice cameo too, but anyway,

[cobra]: oh, can you oh yeah.

[matts_butt]: not have been good

[cobra]: Oh, man,

[matts_butt]: or like it. We see more like a Saints Row reference the soul, You know,

[cobra]: maybe instead of picking

[hosty_matt]: too far,

[cobra]: thatcause, it's

[matts_butt]: too crazy,

[cobra]: it was a bodybuilder guide that they picked like his body, and in Brian Reynald's

[cobra]: face on him, it could have been just Terry Cruise being that dude boss.

[matts_butt]: but Wh, but how with Ryd riddled faith on to Terry Cruise's by

[cobra]: No, No, without just just one hundred percent try Cruise.

[hosty_matt]: I don't.

[buddy]: Justm

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: Oh, and

[hosty_matt]: I don't understand why you just don't go get the mountain and call it a day.

[hosty_matt]: I don't understand why you just don't go get the mountain and call it a day.

[cobra]: lord the mountain. Sure, some, which

[cobra]: Cruz is funny on his own, too, There's that the month

[matts_butt]: yeah,

[cobra]: is just scary.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, yeah, that's fair. You want to be a bit of a

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: joke. not just not just full on scary. No, that that's fair. I, I think for me,

[hosty_matt]: just take it back to the question of most re watchful scene. Um

[cobra]: Is that what we're

[hosty_matt]: is

[cobra]: talking about?

[matts_butt]: yeah, yeah,

[hosty_matt]: felt like we're just script doctoring part

[matts_butt]: we never.

[hosty_matt]: too. But whatever,

[matts_butt]: Micky used. stay out of this.

[hosty_matt]: Micky.

[buddy]: that was my Reberto, but anyway, sorry.

[hosty_matt]: Um, it sounds a lot like Mickey with the knife.

[matts_butt]: it does.

[cobra]: Yeah, did it did

[cobra]: Yeah, did it did

[matts_butt]: You's got to taste for blood. Now

[hosty_matt]: Well, that sounded that

[buddy]: I' blood,

[matts_butt]: get out of here,

[hosty_matt]: sounded weird.

[hosty_matt]: sounded weird.

[buddy]: blood has been spilled this morning.

[hosty_matt]: Honestly, it sounds a little bit like Mickey's getting a handhaver.

[matts_butt]: Hello boy,

[cobra]: it? It did before already. anyway.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, um, not.

[matts_butt]: Guy,

[buddy]: but that's Micky anyway.

[matts_butt]: and for Disney listening, we're talking about Mickey Rooney,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: y.

[cobra]: of course,

[matts_butt]: not Mickey Mouse,

[cobra]: he had his share ofgebers.

[matts_butt]: into the into the Mickey Roony Estate. we're talking about Mickey Johnson, our

[matts_butt]: friend from up north.

[buddy]: and from to the Mickey Jotted family were talking about Mickey Rok,

[matts_butt]: Oh

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: yes, make you Ro and Mickey

[hosty_matt]: Yeah. Yeah,

[matts_butt]: Rok. Buck you. I don't like you.

[buddy]: the wrestler.

[matts_butt]: You deserve all this.

[hosty_matt]: you know you did make it rook,

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: so most rewashable Sc.

[hosty_matt]: Um.

[hosty_matt]: I really enjoyed when Ronald Reynolds got to put on the glasses and saw the game

[hosty_matt]: for what it was, because while it was a little over the top, it is kinda like

[hosty_matt]: how

[hosty_matt]: how I would think like an online. g. T. A game

[cobra]: yeah,

[hosty_matt]: is like there, ▁quest, everywhere and there, like

[hosty_matt]: missions and um, glowing shit. It's like it fits that sort of like you, Las

[matts_butt]: yeah, glowing shit everywhere.

[hosty_matt]: Vegas, do whatever the fucky wa fibe that works so well. Um, and and I thought

[hosty_matt]: it was really well done to show you how crazy and dae this world is again with

[hosty_matt]: Chris. I just want to see more of this the video game like it's so light

[hosty_matt]: on the video game and I just want to see more of whatever

[matts_butt]: Hey, that was my point.

[matts_butt]: Don't you give Chris credit?

[hosty_matt]: he's

[cobra]: wow.

[hosty_matt]: got the credit. I can't. I can't change it now. it's too

[hosty_matt]: late. Sorry, great job, Chris,

[buddy]: Thank you. so much

[buddy]: like a freshly baked cooki.

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: great, g. great idea, Chris. you're just you. just great.

[hosty_matt]: you, you're the best.

[matts_butt]: shut up, Spencer.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, I think they did. They did a really great job with that. So I, I really

[hosty_matt]: enjoyed it and I would love to see to see more of it played out, especially when

[hosty_matt]: they give glasses to to his buddy.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, true.

[hosty_matt]: Last question.

[matts_butt]: Yep,

[buddy]: O. I have other question. May I ask it

[matts_butt]: wait. Wait, are you say?

[cobra]: oh no.

[matts_butt]: Is there going to be a question? Let set up.

[cobra]: now now Chris wants to be the host.

[hosty_matt]: There's a question so I don't know why we're waiting for Chriss.

[matts_butt]: Okay, Craig, Chris,

[buddy]: Well, May I ask a question?

[hosty_matt]: Uh,

[matts_butt]: hold on. let's

[buddy]: I, asking permission. You could say no, It's fine.

[matts_butt]: all just take a. let's like a deep sot. Let' take a deep sign and then say yes,

[cobra]: Yes,

[cobra]: I guess

[hosty_matt]: wow,

[hosty_matt]: Spencer,

[matts_butt]: Okay,

[hosty_matt]: Spencer says it's okay, Chris. So since he's the Pocastos, Uh, go ahead.

[buddy]: I, I prefer to the host to the true, the true host.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, that's me.

[hosty_matt]: you said you said, Though you said the

[cobra]: Wow, a true ho,

[cobra]: the true hor.

[buddy]: I have been drinking one and I did not say horror.

[matts_butt]: ys. okay, guy's

[hosty_matt]: right. Mostly the right thing.

[hosty_matt]: right. Mostly the right thing.

[cobra]: You did

[buddy]: I.

[matts_butt]: okay. it's okay. I'm both

[matts_butt]: okay. it's okay. I'm both

[matts_butt]: okay. it's okay. I'm both

[buddy]: someone

[hosty_matt]: It's

[buddy]: roll the tape back.

[hosty_matt]: the intent. Was there, Chris from withy, So I will allow. Please ask your a

[hosty_matt]: question.

[buddy]: Okay if you had your choice. What? Instead of? instead of the hulk, hand primed and

[buddy]: ready behind the shield. What sort of last resort? Uh, optioned from the sunglasses?

[buddy]: Would you have preferred to you know? put the Kbash on the dude.

[hosty_matt]: Can I kill him or do I have to just knock him out?

[buddy]: Honestly

[buddy]: free range. Go for it.

[cobra]: murd murder.

[buddy]: Mud.

[hosty_matt]: I think again, we'd have to use something that's recognizable just because we

[hosty_matt]: laying and on as thick as possible,

[buddy]: Hm.

[hosty_matt]: And I think

[hosty_matt]: I would. I would have ended him.

[hosty_matt]: His. His character was funny. Butest everything at the end of the movie just

[hosty_matt]: need to get cut. We were done

[hosty_matt]: so I would cut him

[hosty_matt]: and I think

[buddy]: What tool would you use or it can be obscure game reference, or you know, on the

[matts_butt]: well. If you're sticking with if you're sting with Marvel, like the Infinity

[buddy]: nose.

[matts_butt]: Galllet's, an obvious choice.

[hosty_matt]: yeah, we, if we had to stay with the Disney

[hosty_matt]: realm,

[matts_butt]: That does limit you quite a bit. They don't o much properties.

[buddy]: Yeah, feel free to stretch.

[matts_butt]: they don't own many Ipes.

[buddy]: No lone limits but

[cobra]: I mean

[hosty_matt]: there that many Ips.

[buddy]: no pressure but go for it.

[cobra]: they

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: did. they did use Megaman So any gaming thing would go as well.

[buddy]: Where do? What do you guys think?

[cobra]: I would

[cobra]: go. Ahe,

[matts_butt]: I was just going to say I would to use the infiny, gallant or

[matts_butt]: Mickey, who is the taste for blood.

[cobra]: I was going to say I

[matts_butt]: And of course we're t.

[cobra]: just just swapp the the Hok Hand with a giant mickey hand and

[matts_butt]: Yeah, and

[cobra]: go and punch him like to the moon. There?

[matts_butt]: of course we're talking about Mickey. Rok.

[matts_butt]: Wink

[hosty_matt]: Not Micky Johnson,

[matts_butt]: that Nicky, ja na. he's got. He's got lawyers.

[cobra]: No, no, that guy is a dick. That guys a dick.

[matts_butt]: We're talking about Mickey Roke. Keep piec of shit.

[buddy]: And and most definitely not Mickey Free. Mickey Free Was was an androgen, his

[buddy]: lookingp.

[matts_butt]: I don't know who you free. Is all I knows. Mickey works a piece of shit.

[matts_butt]: Fuck Mckey work. Don't make me come down there.

[buddy]: Okay. what?

[cobra]: Oh,

[buddy]: Yeah, final tool, final tool,

[cobra]: I know. I, I know I know what I would do.

[hosty_matt]: Thank you. Thank you for saving us from this.

[cobra]: I would. I would pick. I would pick.

[buddy]: Dar place,

[cobra]: uh, a b f G from Doom

[matts_butt]: M

[cobra]: there, just like ▁zapp him to in like just into multiple atoms in the air There then

[matts_butt]: the ring from Lord of the Rings,

[hosty_matt]: How does I finish?

[matts_butt]: Um,

[hosty_matt]: He puts it on the ring racer all around him.

[cobra]: and he can. he can't.

[matts_butt]: yeah,

[buddy]: and John K,

[cobra]: He can't see himself. and it gets like crazycause. It's stupid.

[buddy]: and then John Tandy, Rats from

[matts_butt]: Oh God,

[buddy]: cool runnings come to swarm him.

[hosty_matt]: Why John Candy raves?

[buddy]: De

[buddy]: cut listeners go back. Go back to go back to the episode. It' all make sense.

[matts_butt]: that the deep cut. Yeah,

[matts_butt]: yeah, I believe that was the best duos episode.

[buddy]: Yes, Yes, it was

[hosty_matt]: I' sorry. I blanked that from my mind. My.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, The

[cobra]: Could it be?

[matts_butt]: Ghost to John Candy,

[cobra]: Could it be John Candy, as the standing for Toubacca from spaceballs, like his

[cobra]: character

[matts_butt]: M

[cobra]: Barf,

[buddy]: indeede,

[matts_butt]: that be your weapon.

[cobra]: Yeah, Oh yeah, For sure.

[matts_butt]: great, great. great stuff. Um, I'm so glad Chris took us on this detour through

[matts_butt]: hell, Matt,

[buddy]: we all got hands.

[hosty_matt]: I think I would summ at a tiny little Des Star or a tiny little Star killer

[hosty_matt]: base, Just the hammer home. How everything can destroy planets.

[matts_butt]: Mhm.

[cobra]: Okay, not not a uh, like Star Destroyer planet Killer Dick.

[matts_butt]: Mhm's true.

[matts_butt]: Mhm's true.

[hosty_matt]: You know what, Just Emperor Palpine, He never does.

[cobra]: Now there go. Actually, actually, that would been Pl. just the unlimited.

[cobra]: Yeah, exactly,

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Y

[cobra]: that'd be good. That would have been good.

[matts_butt]: do it. do

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: it.

[hosty_matt]: strike him down.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[buddy]: Oh God, I enjoyed that.

[buddy]: thank you.

[hosty_matt]: Um, my last question, which was clear, not as good is Chss. Um,

[buddy]: No, no,

[hosty_matt]: which, Uh, Which fast food restaurant do you think the main character goes to

[cobra]: Tim hatons,

[hosty_matt]: and pick them? whatever man character you think is the main character.

[cobra]: Tim

[cobra]: hatonslyly.

[matts_butt]: nobody goes to Timrton, Stop that.

[matts_butt]: Well, he just like his coffee, but Timn's coffe is terrible.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: I'm not talking about

[hosty_matt]: But but guy, but Guy is actually a nice person. You even go to a

[matts_butt]: trash

[hosty_matt]: gross place like Tim Hartons,

[cobra]: are you

[matts_butt]: a trash.

[cobra]: saying that people that aren't that go to Thehtances are not nice

[hosty_matt]: No, I'm saying Timb is a trash restaurant.

[matts_butt]: they're not. they're not they're, they're not nice to themselves.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, treat yourself better

[cobra]: That I agree with that. I agree with

[buddy]: I could be doing so much better. All these timb bits I make be I could be studying. I

[buddy]: could be studying. This is how you make timb bits And it.

[matts_butt]: What? Bo?

[cobra]: Chri. Chris just had a

[matts_butt]: No, just just pa, just just

[cobra]: small meltown. This just a tiny meltdown.

[matts_butt]: that. I'm just going to go pretend that didn't happen. Um, so if he was a fast

[matts_butt]: food, where would he eat?

[matts_butt]: Hm?

[hosty_matt]: y

[matts_butt]: I mean, what's the most bubbly fun fast food restaurant?

[buddy]: I got onebb.

[matts_butt]: Just

[buddy]: Oh, okay, well, I got one.

[hosty_matt]: noenture. You wanting me to help you figure it out

[matts_butt]: Yeah, what?

[buddy]: I've got one while you help him.

[hosty_matt]: Taco bell.

[matts_butt]: No, that's that's for monsters.

[cobra]: Also,

[matts_butt]: Um,

[cobra]: people that don't like that are not good to themselves. That's where they go.

[buddy]: I'm going to drop mine before anybody else takes it. He goes to pink berry, and by

[buddy]: main character for me, Butdy goes to pinkbrry,

[matts_butt]: that's fair.

[cobra]: Okay,

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[matts_butt]: What's that? What's that restaurant in the movie office space, where they have

[matts_butt]: to wear all the flam or fan or whatever.

[hosty_matt]: was it I know the way you talk about un musts say fundruckers. Is it

[hosty_matt]: Fd recordckers?

[buddy]: flannel or

[matts_butt]: Yeah, I think it. Uh, I think

[cobra]: is it bookers?

[buddy]: Fdruckers.

[matts_butt]: that that restaurant definitely seems like the kind of place he would he would

[matts_butt]: go to, or Um,

[matts_butt]: shannangans. the restaurant from from what you guys know that

[cobra]: The so the name from, had the same of the restaurant from office spaces. Chks, it's

[hosty_matt]: It's not food wreckers. Yeah,

[cobra]: Chkeys.

[matts_butt]: uh, ch chatsk. he'd loves chatks,

[buddy]: I also know what what fast food join Antoine goes to

[buddy]: not to make character for me, but he just poped like an equation, perfect and well

[hosty_matt]: right Taco Bell. I said it already

[buddy]: formed.

[buddy]: Okay, but on Sundays he goes to chilies,

[hosty_matt]: chilies.

[cobra]: Come on.

[matts_butt]: not mo with the little chilies.

[buddy]: Ch.

[cobra]: Come you know, Antoine goes to Hooers during lunch. Come on.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, that'.

[cobra]: We know we know that

[cobra]: We know we know that

[hosty_matt]: Yeah.

[matts_butt]: yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: he goes there for

[hosty_matt]: he thinks

[cobra]: lunch. He has. He has a a uh, loyalty card from

[matts_butt]: yeah,

[cobra]: Hoooters. We know that.

[hosty_matt]: he thinks that the wings there are good, so it gets like forty forty

[matts_butt]: yeah.

[hosty_matt]: wings.

[buddy]: See his ha, and his head is like pointed at the

[cobra]: Yeah,

[buddy]: plate. The the outside world is

[cobra]: Yeah, it's just the wings. Y.

[buddy]: dead to him and he focuses on the food is only the wings,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, No, it has nothing to do but it' nothing to do with the like, the staff,

[cobra]: No, it's just doing the spicy wings. Yeah, Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: or anything else to do with hooters.

[matts_butt]: Mhm.

[hosty_matt]: Just loves those wings.

[buddy]: Mhm,

[matts_butt]: he just walks in. Give me the usual and he says forty wings and a salad. I'm

[matts_butt]: watching my weight.

[hosty_matt]: Y, and Dkes, buoodlight.

[cobra]: and no, No, it's not what's either Bodli when he, when it's Friday, but on on

[cobra]: weekdays he drinks Kel juice,

[matts_butt]: No, No, on weekdays he drinks

[cobra]: but

[matts_butt]: vodka pop rocks.

[hosty_matt]: Ye

[cobra]: okay

[hosty_matt]: excellent.

[cobra]: makes sense.

[hosty_matt]: It's called the Antoine on the hood

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah,

[hosty_matt]: ofs many because no one else drinks but him.

[cobra]: Yeah, they stock

[matts_butt]: he he watch it.

[cobra]: it up just for him.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, and he

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: walks in and he says I'll have a bock on the rocks and they go on ice and goes.

[matts_butt]: No, No,

[cobra]: Pop rocks. Yeah,

[matts_butt]: but it this ice. What' the face?

[cobra]: yeah,

[matts_butt]: It sit on the rocks. the pop rocks.

[buddy]: Then he flips a table

[matts_butt]: He makes a scene.

[buddy]: and he proceeds to go to another table

[hosty_matt]: give me that giveiving that antoon. Forty,

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: That sounds real. Thank you.

[hosty_matt]: I think these are all excellent choices

[hosty_matt]: for Milly.

[hosty_matt]: I think that

[hosty_matt]: she barely goes outside of her house, so

[matts_butt]: Mhm.

[hosty_matt]: she wouldn't go to a restaurant. Lots of lots of uberes.

[hosty_matt]: And because she canberate it to her house and there's no shame.

[hosty_matt]: I think it is just

[hosty_matt]: never ending

[hosty_matt]: Korean fried chicken.

[matts_butt]: Well, that's oddly

[cobra]: really.

[matts_butt]: specific.

[cobra]: I. I thought you were going to go with like, supercised everything at Mcdonalds.

[hosty_matt]: No cause I feel like she, because she wants to have like an edge to her. Like

[cobra]: Oh, gotcha.

[hosty_matt]: looks like a bit of like a hipster

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: vibe if you will, not hipster, but like gamer. fiveb.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, I

[cobra]: that's fair.

[matts_butt]: was thinking like a. like a vegan bootbl type of thing. You know.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, but it wouldn't be healthy because she's just like hiding her shame.

[matts_butt]: she is a gamer. Yeah, gamers don't take care of themselves. We' know that.

[hosty_matt]: That's the thing.

[hosty_matt]: So maybes vegan boootable with like balls

[matts_butt]: What? what kind of balls

[hosty_matt]: like that. That energy sh,

[cobra]: like just like oxen balls. Is that

[hosty_matt]: now like falls, goara guan or whatever from the the nineties Whenever they had

[hosty_matt]: those that first, like energy drink For games.

[buddy]: Oh, wow,

[hosty_matt]: it's too deep.

[hosty_matt]: I'm sorry, re red bowl for for you, young youngsters

[buddy]: it was called Balls,

[matts_butt]: guys? May I may? I take a moment and point out all the fun cameos in this movie.

[matts_butt]: That is that allowed be cause there are a lot of them and they were

[hosty_matt]: As long you going to sign them food fast food restaurants, And yes,

[cobra]: Wow?

[matts_butt]: okay. No problem. Okay

[buddy]: rapid fire, lightning round,

[cobra]: what a fascest. What

[hosty_matt]: lightning ro.

[cobra]: a fascist.

[matts_butt]: one. uh, un, people didn't notice. This cameo was John Krizinsky and uh he plays

[matts_butt]: like, uh, he's like playing video games in the shadows And he's talking about

[matts_butt]: how Guy made an impact on his life and he would

[matts_butt]: go to Chki Cheiese.

[matts_butt]: He's weird. Obviously, Alex Trebecck made a uh,

[buddy]: r, I, P.

[matts_butt]: a great. yeah, r. I. P. the legends, Uh, made a an appearance, which was pretty

[matts_butt]: cool.

[matts_butt]: Um. funny. fun fact about Alextrabeck is, apparently he ate a chocolate bar for

[matts_butt]: breakfast every morning.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, so

[matts_butt]: he would obviously go to. Yeah, exactly so he would go to the comvenience store

[cobra]: I knew. I like the guy for a reason.

[matts_butt]: for his, his, uh food.

[matts_butt]: Um, the rock was in it.

[matts_butt]: Um, he was that guy, one of the guy who got shot through the chest when he's

[matts_butt]: trying to rob the bank.

[hosty_matt]: y.

[matts_butt]: Uh,

[hosty_matt]: see the problem with these cameos is like they were. They were voice cameos

[matts_butt]: voice cameos. Yeah, but it's kind of fun. It's like kind of fun like I didn't

[hosty_matt]: Right whenever she saw the characters.

[matts_butt]: notice them as much. but uh, I notice.

[hosty_matt]: What? Uh? What fast food restaurant do you think the Rock the Rocks character?

[matts_butt]: I notice some of them The Ro. Well, we all know the rock doesn't Well all. No,

[matts_butt]: the rock doesn't need fast food. He would go to g, M C and get a jar of protein

[matts_butt]: and ejected into his eyebas.

[hosty_matt]: I think. I think

[buddy]: But he also loves pancakes, so I say

[cobra]: I hope.

[buddy]: I want to say I,

[buddy]: hopny.

[hosty_matt]: maybe Denny's

[matts_butt]: What? what? what? What restaurant serves pure protein

[matts_butt]: What? what? what? What restaurant serves pure protein

[cobra]: Yeah, Dennys dens

[cobra]: Theg,

[matts_butt]: like fucking. Yeah, the Ca.

[buddy]: I was thinking the Kg

[matts_butt]: he seems like he get.

[hosty_matt]: is the Is the Cag, just Canadian, though

[matts_butt]: I, I

[cobra]: Maybe maybe

[matts_butt]: don't know I. I feel like the rockt could do some damage, Ed a keg. I'm not

[matts_butt]: going to lie. Feel like,

[hosty_matt]: whatever steakhouse you want inserted there.

[cobra]: yeah,

[matts_butt]: Um, Yes, Tina Fay was in it. She was vacuuming Mom in the background.

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[hosty_matt]: where do you think she? She eats

[matts_butt]: She's like she's like.

[matts_butt]: Ah,

[matts_butt]: Well, she loves cheese. I believe she's like a burrito. What? Where do get

[matts_butt]: burrito? That's not Taco Bell Because that's literal trash,

[cobra]: Chpo,

[buddy]: Burrito Boys chips.

[matts_butt]: Bret, a boy Chaipo Lach pot. Yeah, she's a poly gal,

[matts_butt]: Uh, Hugh Jacman was in it. He was the. He did, the voice of that guy. that the

[matts_butt]: girl, Uh Maltov is like asking for information.

[hosty_matt]: Right.

[cobra]: Oh,

[matts_butt]: Yes,

[matts_butt]: and

[buddy]: I miss that one.

[matts_butt]: his, his fast food place is Uh,

[matts_butt]: Jack's Hungry Jacks, which is the Australian version of Burger Kingcause like,

[cobra]: I was going to say out back steakhouse.

[matts_butt]: 'cause like

[matts_butt]: because they can't. Yeah,

[buddy]: Y.

[matts_butt]: but they can't have Burger King in Australia, so they called Hungry Jacks

[cobra]: Seriously,

[hosty_matt]: Why can't they have Burger King and Australia

[matts_butt]: Yup, Yup. I

[cobra]: Jesus

[matts_butt]: don't know. It's like a legal thing when you.

[hosty_matt]: they don't. They don't observe the monarchy in anyway, shape or for them.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, exactly no, we don't

[cobra]: wait, they're part of the fucking commonwealth, aren't they

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, but the' criminals they're theyre jail.

[matts_butt]: way out. wait out. wait on the No king.

[cobra]: spoken like a true? spoken like a

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: true Englishman.

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: That's why they can't have nice things. Burger King things,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, they can have King. They got Jack

[matts_butt]: yeah, well, you know, respect a crown. it's Australia. Uh,

[buddy]: Kangaroo Jack

[matts_butt]: they. somebody mentioned the you two personalities. I didn't know who any of

[matts_butt]: them were, so

[cobra]: I was going to say,

[buddy]: Ninja was one. The Beast,

[cobra]: Um, I liked that those cameos from like the streamers, and and like poky, was there a

[cobra]: jaceptic shya.

[hosty_matt]: Jacepttic,

[matts_butt]: oh, I didn't. I didn't really know anyone, but I was like. I feel like these are

[matts_butt]: U tubers based on

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, they all they' all. Well, they're all like tubers or twitch

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: stars like ninjo. Us there poke like you

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: said

[buddy]: was it, Mr. Beast.

[hosty_matt]: Mister.

[cobra]: think so. yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Well,

[cobra]: that was like five or six. I think.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, and they were just playing themselves, which made a lot of sense.

[cobra]: yeah.

[matts_butt]: Yeah. that was. that was kind of cool.

[matts_butt]: Yeah. that was. that was kind of cool.

[cobra]: even then they didn't do well. Jackticka was actually pretty good at this, but

[cobra]: everyone else was really forced. Like if you

[matts_butt]: Yes,

[cobra]: ever watched them. Actually,

[hosty_matt]: Yes,

[matts_butt]: there. uh, yeah, they were not the best actors, but I, they could have been

[matts_butt]: worse. You know,

[matts_butt]: they didn't like. they were bad enough that I knew they were actual Youtube

[cobra]: Yeah, well, yeah, it was fine.

[matts_butt]: starscause. That makes any sense.

[hosty_matt]: when they were, they were there for a short enough amount of time that

[hosty_matt]: it

[matts_butt]: Yeah, didn't

[hosty_matt]: didn't get

[cobra]: It didn't matter. Yeah.

[matts_butt]: ruin the movie.

[hosty_matt]: get awkward or bad.

[matts_butt]: So and the next two cameos we al saw The the last two is. uh, we talked about

[matts_butt]: Chris Effins, and channingable you. the chaing, taem. I wouldn't consider it

[matts_butt]: Cameo actually was a like a role. You know.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, he had a role. A cameo was like you show for one

[hosty_matt]: scene.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: say one line and leave, but he show up a couple times.

[cobra]: he

[matts_butt]: so yeah,

[cobra]: had a role and the best name. best character named the whole damn movie

[matts_butt]: yeah. so put some sp on his. Uh, his contribution

[matts_butt]: and Chris

[hosty_matt]: please.

[matts_butt]: Evans would eat at

[matts_butt]: Hm.

[matts_butt]: Feel like he's like a No.

[cobra]: the most American thing ever.

[matts_butt]: I was going to say Arby's, but I like him too much to say

[matts_butt]: that

[buddy]: don't do that to him.

[cobra]: Yeah, don't do that to him.

[matts_butt]: that's something Arby's is something Mickey Roke would eat,

[cobra]: Oh, yeah,

[matts_butt]: fucking assle.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: Oh, my goodness,

[hosty_matt]: fuck you, Micky, Rok. You know you did,

[matts_butt]: Fuck you, you.

[cobra]: Arbys on even days, and like fucking applebes on the odd days.

[buddy]: please know apple be's yes, but

[buddy]: please don't give him. Please don't give cap. Oh, are you talking about Mickey Roke?

[hosty_matt]: Micky, Micky Roke,

[cobra]: No, no, no, Micker, rok. Yeah.

[matts_butt]: Oh, oh, Mickey, Roky, Arby's.

[buddy]: Continue,

[matts_butt]: That's going to be the

[hosty_matt]: an chick and chick filet.

[matts_butt]: an an chick fillet. What a fucking assle.

[matts_butt]: an an chick fillet. What a fucking assle.

[buddy]: proceed. O.

[cobra]: Oh, he definitely goes to chick filet, Yeah,

[matts_butt]: it's going.

[buddy]: I don't know why we hate him, but I'm here for it.

[matts_butt]: It's going to be like.

[hosty_matt]: He knows what

[buddy]: Bring the gas a leave.

[hosty_matt]: he did. Don't worry about it.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, He knows it's going to.

[cobra]: he knows what he

[buddy]: Yes,

[cobra]: knows what he did

[matts_butt]: It's going to be on T. M. ▁z, tomorrow, like Mickey Rok, known to eat at Errby's

[matts_butt]: Thousands Backlash.

[cobra]: on on

[cobra]: purpose.

[hosty_matt]: We breaking. We're breaking news on purpose.

[cobra]: Yeahrecret, secret

[cobra]: Yeahrecret, secret

[cobra]: Yeahrecret, secret

[cobra]: Yeahrecret, secret

[cobra]: Yeahrecret, secret

[cobra]: Yeahrecret, secret

[cobra]: Yeahrecret, secret

[cobra]: Yeahrecret, secret

[cobra]: Yeahrecret, secret

[cobra]: Yeahrecret, secret

[matts_butt]: not Yeah, on purpose,

[matts_butt]: uh, it's like Uh, that's like in the Simpsons, he was so hungry. He hated

[hosty_matt]: Millions. baffled.

[matts_butt]: Arby's. Wow, that is hungry.

[buddy]: I could see

[buddy]: I, reading this onteny. I could see it make sense.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, it tracks. it tracks for sure.

[hosty_matt]: Exactly That makes sense.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, and that's it.

[hosty_matt]: parting parting words for for this Pocast free guy.

[hosty_matt]: Let's go with Go with the free guy, Secret free guy hater and know, Mickey Rock

[hosty_matt]: sympathizer Spencer.

[matts_butt]: Whoa way, don't you put that on me. don't you put that on me?

[buddy]: It's been. It's been placed

[cobra]: secret, free guy hater,

[matts_butt]: I'm open.

[cobra]: What's secret

[buddy]: gently

[cobra]: about? what's secret about it?

[buddy]: plently gently placed before ye.

[matts_butt]: Yes, the only thing that could have made this movie worse is if

[cobra]: Jesus,

[matts_butt]: Mickey work was in it.

[hosty_matt]: You gave it uncommon

[matts_butt]: No, I'm just kidding. This movie wasn't I will say this, though,

[matts_butt]: fuck this movie and fuck Mickey York.

[buddy]: Wow, he yielded his time abruptly,

[hosty_matt]: greatri. Do you want to heat up his time?

[hosty_matt]: greatri. Do you want to heat up his time?

[buddy]: Didn't see that coming.

[buddy]: Uh, yes,

[buddy]: yes, I shall. uh, but yeah, no, I. I. I enjoyed this movie and and the last question

[buddy]: marked for me is um. I, I suppose it, other people will feel differently, but um I,

[buddy]: I'm I'm actually curious in terms of like sequel, territory, they could explore and

[buddy]: do pretty much whatever they want in that free land or free life. Sorry, free life,

[buddy]: Um, sort of section, Uh, that they hinted at. I'm actually curious because like

[buddy]: they've got like, Oh it with the bromance through the bromance, they could spin that

[buddy]: off into into like another buddy comedy. And that might feel like something akin to

[buddy]: a funnier modern

[buddy]: lethal weapon, but not lethal. It would be a free life weapon. but the weapon is love

[buddy]: and hugs.

[cobra]: Oh, my God,

[hosty_matt]: The F. Just,

[buddy]: If it was just be a highjinks scenario,

[cobra]: I, I got like this. just this whole section of Chris talk and gave me diabetes.

[matts_butt]: Yeah. how do I?

[buddy]: You're welcome.

[matts_butt]: How do I not? How do I unwch a movie that I haven't that I haven't seen yet.

[cobra]: How

[cobra]: do i? How do? how do I erase something? someone else said that

[buddy]: We don't need you. We don't need you.

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: you cannot. you, shan't. You can enjoy your sour patch kids' candy all over there,

[buddy]: Sirs.

[matts_butt]: I love Sour patch candy.

[buddy]: enjoy good day.

[hosty_matt]: I bet you guys think Ted Lasso is the worst thing ever created by humans.

[matts_butt]: I know I love Hadla, so that shows fantastic.

[buddy]: Hypocrite.

[cobra]: I, I have to watch it. Still,

[matts_butt]: See.

[hosty_matt]: You should. Was it?

[buddy]: Me too.

[matts_butt]: the main difference between this and T lastss. was Tedlass was good

[hosty_matt]: Why do assume that Christs grad is bad?

[matts_butt]: because Chris created it. No,

[hosty_matt]: Wow, okay,

[matts_butt]: I'm just kidding.

[cobra]: holy shit. I, I will relinquish I will relinquish money. the title of like local

[cobra]: asshole today to to dispenser. He earned it.

[buddy]: If you really want to relinquish something, relinquish your rating. That really grind

[matts_butt]: Yeah,

[buddy]: Spencers gears.

[matts_butt]: and another thing

[cobra]: No

[matts_butt]: I hate girl scouts. Com into my house. Give me cookies,

[buddy]: Oh Lord, got him. roll

[matts_butt]: but those kids

[buddy]: the music. Save us hos, sa us

[hosty_matt]: uh,

[buddy]: Swedish mat

[buddy]: on him

[hosty_matt]: I, I

[matts_butt]: get a real job.

[buddy]: or something.

[cobra]: sick,

[hosty_matt]: have not yielded my time,

[hosty_matt]: have not yielded my time,

[cobra]: six Swedish.

[hosty_matt]: so I'd like to step in here.

[cobra]: What what would you do for the Meles?

[hosty_matt]: Na.

[buddy]: What would he do? He would force feed Spencer Ikea meatballs

[buddy]: What would he do? He would force feed Spencer Ikea meatballs

[hosty_matt]: S Swedish Swedish Mat isn't here because he's out doing wet work.

[matts_butt]: He' a killer. No,

[hosty_matt]: So

[matts_butt]: Swedish, Ma Swedishs go. Everybody calm down.

[matts_butt]: Let's just

[buddy]: in a podcast. Swedish Mat takes the lodge, forces it down spers through. He's not

[buddy]: wearing a T neck.

[hosty_matt]: it the law is an appeance just for everybody's reference.

[cobra]: Yeah, I was going to say,

[matts_butt]: well, then I'm out.

[hosty_matt]: I just want be. I want to be clear.

[cobra]: So wait. It's not easy because you know the turtal neck just mean he circumcised,

[hosty_matt]: Well, that's all the time we have for this week. Um,

[matts_butt]: Yeah, what? these final comments?

[hosty_matt]: we're going on at.

[hosty_matt]: Um.

[hosty_matt]: I would like to remind everyone listening to the podcast that we are

[hosty_matt]: participating in extra life. All of our information is on our website, which is

[hosty_matt]: w. w w, dot, wrong cast Dotcier. We will be playing video games on the fourth,

[hosty_matt]: the fifth, the sixth in November, to raise money for local hospitals, Uh,

[hosty_matt]: specifically design around kids, uh, kids and hospitals. I believe all of us are

[hosty_matt]: participating. Spencer, still um in deep in negotiations to be released Uh, from

[hosty_matt]: his current contract for a one day, one, twenty four hour day event, maybe

[hosty_matt]: twelve hours.

[matts_butt]: I'm going to get there twenty

[hosty_matt]: Um,

[matts_butt]: minimum twelve.

[hosty_matt]: but please, please please donate to any of us, Me, specifically that you can,

[hosty_matt]: Um, other places you can catch us. Were on the Twitter. uh, at your wrongcast

[hosty_matt]: and we have an email address Your wrongcast at g, Ml dot com, Um, that's where

[hosty_matt]: you should send all of your hatemail to all of us, I assume at this point Um,

[cobra]: but specifically Spencer Andma

[hosty_matt]: okay,

[buddy]: I think you earned that one

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah, I, it's all right.

[matts_butt]: Yeah, yeah, I, it's all right.

[cobra]: work and make you work.

[hosty_matt]: Oh yeah, If if mickey roo, if you're listening, fuck you.

[matts_butt]: We know he is. He always is

[matts_butt]: that that guy's obsessed.

[hosty_matt]: you know what you did. don't E stop emailing

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: us?

[matts_butt]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: Uh, well, yeah, for now, I'm Matt.

[cobra]: I'm Luiano.

[matts_butt]: I'm Spencer.

[buddy]: and I wish all of you a wonderful evening. Remember

[matts_butt]: Oh, that's nice.

[buddy]: you know, we all. we all love each other In the. in the end, love

[cobra]: I don't

[buddy]: yourselves too.

[buddy]: Oh well, I love you

[cobra]: thank you.

[buddy]: for it.

Creators and Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
Recurring guest host extraordinaire
41. You're Probably Not Wrong About "Free Guy"
Broadcast by