53. Pick a Trailer, Rant a While: Early 2022 Movies

Excitement levels ranging from barely-alive apathy to "OMG THIS IS GOING TO BE SIIIIIIIICK".

[hosty_matt]: Hello, welcome to you are wrong or you're wrong? I don't know. I ever said you

[cobra]: Wow, I just

[hosty_matt]: are. that's wrong. I'm wrong.

[unfarted]: That's not the name.

[cobra]: started by being wrong about the name of the podcast. That's a great start.

[sonically_idris]: But

[hosty_matt]: this is this is.

[sonically_idris]: it's potent. He's stating his position

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, you are wrong. Uh with me. as always, we have the returning hot take

[hosty_matt]: artist known as Luciano,

[cobra]: Me. I never have any heart attacks.

[hosty_matt]: That's fair. Uh, we have the returning French

[hosty_matt]: heartch artist

[hosty_matt]: Chris,

[sonically_idris]: hot once left and right.

[hosty_matt]: and we have the back from the statistical

[unfarted]: Okay,

[hosty_matt]: anomalous dead,

[hosty_matt]: Spencer.

[unfarted]: Yes, fellow. I apologize to my fans out there for missing last week.

[unfarted]: I

[unfarted]: completely forgot and that is very

[hosty_matt]: Wow,

[unfarted]: unprofessional of me.

[sonically_idris]: Are you

[unfarted]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: wow,

[sonically_idris]: saying Yes? They deserve to die. You hope they burn in hell.

[sonically_idris]: saying Yes? They deserve to die. You hope they burn in hell.

[cobra]: That's what I heard. That's what I heard.

[sonically_idris]: Is

[unfarted]: I

[sonically_idris]: that come out with it?

[sonically_idris]: Sabulin

[hosty_matt]: Mhm,

[unfarted]: all right. fine. Yes, I wish they died in Bernonll. That is true,

[unfarted]: but

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[unfarted]: that's what I get for being a fan of me.

[cobra]: That's actually fair.

[hosty_matt]: well,

[hosty_matt]: thanks thanks for listening. Dis spenencer, I guess

[unfarted]: Comes to the cost.

[hosty_matt]: this is this. This is your fault.

[unfarted]: Yeah, I would have been here.

[hosty_matt]: You did you this yourself.

[hosty_matt]: Um, I'm not.

[unfarted]: Congratulations, you played youselves

[hosty_matt]: Yeah.

[hosty_matt]: So this week we're we're going back to a very trid andtd version or episode of

[hosty_matt]: the Pocast so much that we've done it twice before um trailer.

[cobra]: Why no, you didnt move into De

[hosty_matt]: The trailer reviews, I don't think

[cobra]: it like five.

[hosty_matt]: we've done more than twice.

[unfarted]: No, at least I think three is probably the real number.

[cobra]: This is the fifth one.

[hosty_matt]: Uh, enem. not a lot. don't don't act like. five is a fucking colossal number

[cobra]: It's more than twice than two.

[hosty_matt]: here.

[hosty_matt]: Okay, it's like double. That's how math works.

[unfarted]: It's like Dovil

[hosty_matt]: not double, but it's like we' to drop right into it because we got some hot

[hosty_matt]: takes here. We've picked all movies this week, because just so many good movies

[hosty_matt]: to choose from. I'm going to head up that old old, the new, The new is, That is

[hosty_matt]: the randomizer to figure out which one we' going to start with first

[unfarted]: pooop.

[cobra]: I hate everything.

[hosty_matt]: as you should. So we' going to start with an easy one

[hosty_matt]: familiar with Uncharted.

[unfarted]: Oh shit. you' all ready for this?

[unfarted]: Yes,

[sonically_idris]: ba

[unfarted]: I'm

[hosty_matt]: This, This was Spencer's choice,

[unfarted]: yes. I was

[hosty_matt]: or as you duped themselves for this weekspe, unted,

[unfarted]: on. Yes,

[hosty_matt]: Why unfted? Did you choose this trailer?

[unfarted]: well,

[unfarted]: I just needed to know what your guys take where I am actually very curious about

[unfarted]: all your takes on this trailer. I know I have my take. I have a big fan of. I'm a

[unfarted]: diehard fan of Uncharted series. One through four. Couldn't play the P. s P

[unfarted]: version because I don't want a P. s. P. but I if I could,

[unfarted]: and

[hosty_matt]: Not real fan.

[unfarted]: yeah, not, I didn't play a golden compass,

[cobra]: Well, let me let me take that burden off of Spencer's shoulder. I only play Uncharted

[cobra]: One and I hat it, so let's go.

[unfarted]: so he's already so wrong.

[sonically_idris]: y. For that thought that

[hosty_matt]: I'm pretty sure, everybody who is a fan who listens knew that was

[hosty_matt]: coming.

[unfarted]: Yeah,

[unfarted]: oh,

[unfarted]: universally loved property. Oh, Luciano hates it for sure.

[cobra]: I am actually

[sonically_idris]: you'll the first the first time. Okay,

[hosty_matt]: Sure,

[cobra]: excited to play and charted for when it comes to the Pc. But one I hated.

[sonically_idris]: it was a good one.

[unfarted]: Play too, tos, like vote, one of the greatest games all the time.

[cobra]: have a

[cobra]: pis. Whatever it is that you needed

[sonically_idris]: One was good, too.

[unfarted]: A P. S of she

[cobra]: that'. that's a hard

[sonically_idris]: walked into that.

[cobra]: for. That's a four at

[hosty_matt]: let's

[cobra]: best.

[unfarted]: a stretch.

[hosty_matt]: let's some. Let's talk about the trailer

[hosty_matt]: instead of whatever the fuck this is going on.

[hosty_matt]: instead of whatever the fuck this is going on.

[cobra]: Oh, there's a Trey to talk about again.

[hosty_matt]: Um.

[hosty_matt]: Spencer, You want to know our

[unfarted]: Yes, yes,

[hosty_matt]: opinions? I'm I. I'll start. I have opinions. Um, and they're maybe not as bad

[hosty_matt]: as Cobras. Who knows

[hosty_matt]: high level, real high level. I love me a good treasure

[cobra]: Yes, Yes,

[hosty_matt]: hunt movie. Love it. National treasure, Amazing India Jones, Amazing, give me

[hosty_matt]: all of the treasure hunt movies imaginable.

[unfarted]: Re. notice,

[hosty_matt]: You know what

[sonically_idris]: except for ice.

[sonically_idris]: except for ice.

[hosty_matt]: I

[unfarted]: I take that back.

[unfarted]: I take that back.

[hosty_matt]: un uncommon.

[hosty_matt]: That's you know. it was. It was fine. Whatever we're past it now.

[unfarted]: Yeah, yeah, you use all right.

[sonically_idris]: Use

[unfarted]: Yeah,

[sonically_idris]: a condom is uncommon uncommon.

[hosty_matt]: Uh, that's very uncommon. The thing is,

[hosty_matt]: the problem is

[hosty_matt]: from the trailer and and I've seen a couple but one. The well, I guess you

[hosty_matt]: should say, the one the one watched for reference point is the one where they

[hosty_matt]: actually finally show Sely with a musttache and it looks terrible for the

[hosty_matt]: record. Um,

[unfarted]: why didn't they get a good buach? Why did

[hosty_matt]: why didn't they get a good sully?

[unfarted]: they give a good fake mustache yet?

[cobra]: Why why did they get Mark Walbert to play him?

[unfarted]: that's a good point.

[hosty_matt]: So this is this is the gist of my problem.

[hosty_matt]: I really don't think this movie gives a fuck about the uncharited games any more

[hosty_matt]: than it absolutely has to. So Nathan Drake is in it sly, isn't it? Uh, Nathan's

[hosty_matt]: long lost brothers in it, which I only played the fourth game. But

[unfarted]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: it really feels like they're stealing liberally from the fourth games plot for

[hosty_matt]: this movie.

[sonically_idris]: Yep,

[unfarted]: yes,

[hosty_matt]: Um,

[unfarted]: it's only in the fourth game.

[hosty_matt]: And but Nathan Drake is brand new. It's I don't. I don't care for how Willi

[hosty_matt]: nearly it is with the lore, and it's not

[unfarted]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: that I need to be hard core, but it just makes me feel like this is Nathan

[hosty_matt]: Drake's story. not just you just stealing the name to sell tickets.

[unfarted]: yeah, they are taking elements of all the games. The set piece of the hell, the

[unfarted]: plane in the sky and him going out the back hanging off the cargo stuff is from

[unfarted]: the third game. The pirate

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[unfarted]: ship is from the fourth game. Same with his brother.

[unfarted]: I haven't really seen any elements from the first game. Other than the meeting. I

[unfarted]: guess

[hosty_matt]: the helicopter is not an Eny game That that's new.

[unfarted]: that's new. Yes,

[hosty_matt]: That's the wrong twist.

[unfarted]: so yeah, they just seem to be like you said, Cherry picking, Uh

[unfarted]: pieces of each movie. Each game

[sonically_idris]: Mhm,

[unfarted]: for some reason,

[cobra]: So

[sonically_idris]: He's pissing the off

[cobra]: I, I am not familiar at all with the Lor. Like I said, I only played the first game.

[cobra]: I like the story of the first game. I really hated the gameplay. That's why I don't

[cobra]: like it, but,

[unfarted]: Yeah, cause it's

[hosty_matt]: Mhm,

[unfarted]: old game.

[cobra]: but to me, Um, I actually thought it was

[cobra]: okay. Okay, so here's the thing. The idea,

[hosty_matt]: Fuk you.

[cobra]: the idea for

[unfarted]: Thank you.

[cobra]: the for the movie

[sonically_idris]: seven,

[cobra]: is solid. The casting is absolute garbage, like one hundred

[unfarted]: Yeah, we all agree there.

[cobra]: percent unfiltered garbage like I don't believe in Tom Holland, as Nathan Drake,

[cobra]: percent unfiltered garbage like I don't believe in Tom Holland, as Nathan Drake,

[cobra]: Like, even as little as I know about night, Nathan Drake, I don't believe him as

[cobra]: Like, even as little as I know about night, Nathan Drake, I don't believe him as

[cobra]: Nathan Breakke, and Mark Wolbert is sllly even less so like it feels like they were

[cobra]: Nathan Breakke, and Mark Wolbert is sllly even less so like it feels like they were

[cobra]: like. we have this property that has a lot of you know a lot of people love, and we

[cobra]: like. we have this property that has a lot of you know a lot of people love, and we

[cobra]: have these actors that people kind of know. Let's put them together and print money

[cobra]: have these actors that people kind of know. Let's put them together and print money

[cobra]: that. I think that's what they wanted to do.

[cobra]: that. I think that's what they wanted to do.

[sonically_idris]: Mhm, Mhm,

[cobra]: so I don't know.

[cobra]: the the thing with the helicopters carrying in the ships was nice. I guess that's the

[cobra]: best I can say about that in terms of like

[cobra]: the.

[unfarted]: Yeah, it seems like a fun set piece.

[cobra]: but, like

[sonically_idris]: Yeah,

[cobra]: hearing you guys talk about how they're like, kind of

[cobra]: peeking. Like putting putting the plot together. Piecemeal from all of the the games

[cobra]: actually took a lot of the enjoyment I had from the from Watching the trader. I wish

[cobra]: I hadn't known that I thought it was a new story.

[sonically_idris]: I'm sorry, but at the same time they fucked us.

[sonically_idris]: The the The God Dam trailer is like, Let's lose so much so like.

[sonically_idris]: Even even if we, whether you're familiar with the The Lord or not, it's

[sonically_idris]: It's unfair. I feel like

[hosty_matt]: Is this

[sonically_idris]: that's the trailer. Something happen.

[hosty_matt]: not your?

[sonically_idris]: I feel like it's the type of tra. The this uncharted trailer is the one

[sonically_idris]: that should have come after it released.

[cobra]: Oh,

[hosty_matt]: I was going to say, this is the The Terminator Genesis problem

[cobra]: they.

[hosty_matt]: where they just happen to drop the biggest twist ever. The John Hoer as

[hosty_matt]: discerminator, And it's just like, Why would I see this movie at this point? I'

[hosty_matt]: it. I good

[unfarted]: Yeah, yeah, they. they

[hosty_matt]: spoilers By the way,

[unfarted]: reveal a lot what

[unfarted]: that movie is ruined more than

[hosty_matt]: I'm sor,

[unfarted]: it already was.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[unfarted]: Um, yeah, so as a diehard uh, uncharted fan, I have so many

[unfarted]: feelings

[unfarted]: on this

[sonically_idris]: Sp.

[unfarted]: Well,

[unfarted]: for one, I hate Luciano because he says his take is. I like. I don't like unchart

[unfarted]: of the game, but I like the the The Uncharted movie, which I'm pretty sure is the

[unfarted]: only person on earth who will say those words. Um,

[cobra]: well, I don't have any expectations. That's all.

[unfarted]: yeah,

[sonically_idris]: They've got you by the balls, Sir,

[unfarted]: uh, I agree with the. I agree with the casting like it's pretty shitty like. No

[unfarted]: matter how hard I try, I can't see Uh, Tom Holland as Drake that like there is a

[unfarted]: scene in the game where there's young Drake. There's perty. You play him as a kid

[unfarted]: and that

[hosty_matt]: y.

[unfarted]: it seems to fit, But I don't see Tom Holland ever growing up into

[unfarted]: Drake like a, like a Like Drake is like, kind of like a. You know, a tough bulky

[cobra]: what your what you're saying is you can never

[unfarted]: man

[cobra]: see Tom Holland growing into Nathanphilian,

[unfarted]: I can. Yeah, exactly, I can never see Nath, I can never see Tomn growing at all.

[cobra]: That's

[hosty_matt]: that's it

[cobra]: fair. Yeah,

[unfarted]: I, I feel like he's like perpetual. I, you know,

[unfarted]: Lateen syndrome, much like Andrew Garfield, the Other Spider Man, Right, like you

[sonically_idris]: or Toby Macguire.

[hosty_matt]: He'. He's Michael, Sarah.

[unfarted]: just look.

[cobra]: yeah, he is Michael, Sarah.

[unfarted]: say they, if

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, so

[unfarted]: they're never going to look like a like a mature older man,

[hosty_matt]: yeah, let me let me ask this question then because I think we all hate the cast

[hosty_matt]: thing, so let's let's recast it right. That is what we do. Um, and we threw

[hosty_matt]: Nathan Philll, and let's dance around that one because he did that awesome short

[hosty_matt]: of

[unfarted]: Yup.

[hosty_matt]: him basically being Nathan Drake.

[hosty_matt]: loved it. Everyone say yeah, put Nathan Phil in there, so that's like an obvious

[unfarted]: Yeah. it was awesome.

[hosty_matt]: one. Let's but I want to see what else we can do cause Da and Phll at this point

[hosty_matt]: is probably actually little old to pull it off.

[unfarted]: Yes,

[cobra]: Yeah, yeah,

[hosty_matt]: So so what are we thinking As other options? I'll tell you, I'll tell you

[hosty_matt]: someone. I like his Selally, and I'm sure he's too old, but I just wanted to

[hosty_matt]: happen and miss is Tom Sck.

[sonically_idris]: Ah,

[cobra]: I was going

[sonically_idris]: yes, yes,

[cobra]: to say the guy that

[sonically_idris]: a true stash

[cobra]: plays plays Vssimir on the second season of The Witcher, He would be a good sull, but

[cobra]: also to old.

[unfarted]: Yeah, like I. I, I would like a bigger actor like somebody who I know will be a

[unfarted]: good

[unfarted]: you know presence on screen.

[unfarted]: Um,

[sonically_idris]: like

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[sonically_idris]: Sally, or or Nathan

[unfarted]: Well for both.

[cobra]: Okay,

[unfarted]: for, uh, Soally. I just had somebody in my head and I just forgot it. Somebody

[cobra]: I have an idea. I have an idea. You guys are not going to like it

[unfarted]: else. Go,

[sonically_idris]: got aen, too,

[hosty_matt]: no,

[cobra]: Ne.

[sonically_idris]: He could. he could, but he did. Re notice.

[unfarted]: he could, but it's too much the same

[hosty_matt]: I disagree. I disagree. He can't play Nathan Drake, but he can play Royn

[hosty_matt]: Reynolds,

[cobra]: that's what I was going to say

[unfarted]: that he can do that. he can do that really well. We've seen it.

[cobra]: she meets to tone down the the Rhine rain outside of his personality, but it can

[unfarted]: Oh, here that I got a good Sally. ready.

[cobra]: bleed a little bit.

[hosty_matt]: Yup,

[unfarted]: Pierce Brasnman.

[sonically_idris]: He's I like him, but he had ease.

[sonically_idris]: He's He's got too much.

[unfarted]: Maybe's too serious.

[sonically_idris]: I. I. I think that's good, but I, I can't remember. I feel like he's got

[sonically_idris]: one. He's had one role where he's been able to pull off some of like some

[sonically_idris]: of that macerial five percent slime ball. But like

[sonically_idris]: I,

[cobra]: Oh, is that

[sonically_idris]: I agree with you, but I don't know if he could go. The if he could get if

[sonically_idris]: he could get there.

[unfarted]: Fally's not a slime ball.

[sonically_idris]: No, he's not. But do you know what I mean Like, sometimes he. he seems like

[sonically_idris]: he might betray you, but he's not unless you're like. Nathan

[cobra]: No? No, he's not

[unfarted]: Yeah, yeah,

[cobra]: what the kind of is.

[sonically_idris]: Material is the word I want to use,

[sonically_idris]: Material is the word I want to use,

[hosty_matt]: yes, but he isn't

[sonically_idris]: but he's good.

[unfarted]: for Drake, for Drake. I would have liked someone like Jake Gilllenhall. You know

[unfarted]: who

[hosty_matt]: y.

[unfarted]: seems like he like could be bad ass. Ja. Joan holds comedy chops like. I think

[unfarted]: they have to be quite snarky. I don't know. Has he played a snarky guy

[cobra]: Yeah,

[sonically_idris]: Hm.

[cobra]: that's why. that's why I said r. ras.

[unfarted]: I know, but Ryan Reynold. Even if Ryan Reynds nailed Nathan Drake, he'd still see

[unfarted]: Mi. Ryan

[unfarted]: Reynoldscause. It's pretty close to his stick's like same with Chris Pratt, Like

[cobra]: Yeah, that's fair. that's fair. Yeah,

[unfarted]: Chris Prack could do it. but it would be Chris Pratt.

[cobra]: No,

[cobra]: don don't say

[sonically_idris]: I don't want him to do that, but I I appreciate that.

[cobra]: her bread, because Ma Mat's going to be mad if a sacre spread.

[hosty_matt]: Oh God, Chris Prat could not do it.

[hosty_matt]: Fuck himself.

[unfarted]: I, you think Chris probably be better than Tom Hollland, but

[cobra]: Oh, yeah,

[sonically_idris]: I. I've got two ideas for

[hosty_matt]: Course, what you got

[sonically_idris]: Nathan. Um,

[sonically_idris]: I didn't watch the series long enough to know, but I from the bits and

[sonically_idris]: pieces I've seen and from other material. Do you guys remember the show

[sonically_idris]: Supernatural

[cobra]: Yeah,

[unfarted]: yes,

[sonically_idris]: right? So

[unfarted]: genenckles gentenackles.

[sonically_idris]: not the tall winch, Yes, not the tall bro Gensen. Appckles. I feel like he

[sonically_idris]: might have the maturity and some of the swagger.

[unfarted]: he would be good,

[cobra]: for Nathan or for silly.

[sonically_idris]: and then N nath.

[unfarted]: Nathan.

[cobra]: Okay,

[sonically_idris]: Well, he might. I don't know how I haven't seen him in a while since the

[sonically_idris]: show ended, so I don't know if he's aged.

[cobra]: that's the thing.

[sonically_idris]: See, that's the thing it. it's the. it's the duality. If if it, depending

[sonically_idris]: on what age range you cast the Nathan, then you've got to figure

[unfarted]: Yeah, true,

[sonically_idris]: out the proportion for the. So I would want him for a Nathan, and then I

[sonically_idris]: think he might fit that, Tom Sellk, for example, might fit for the. And

[sonically_idris]: then I don't know

[unfarted]: Tom Fas, way too old.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[sonically_idris]: true, but if he like oh shi,

[sonically_idris]: ja k, Symons,

[cobra]: too old as well.

[unfarted]: Jacki Simps would be fantastic, but

[sonically_idris]: he's old, but he's fit.

[unfarted]: I think the ideal. The ideal age range would be like a thirty year old, late

[unfarted]: twenties to thirty year old

[hosty_matt]: Y

[unfarted]: Drake, with a fifty to fifty five year old Sully.

[sonically_idris]: Sure

[hosty_matt]: you, Sally.

[hosty_matt]: it's Brad

[hosty_matt]: Pitcause, Brad Pitt Comp, the motache. He has the right level of swagger. He's a

[unfarted]: I mean that would be fucked cool as Fox.

[cobra]: Okay, okay,

[sonically_idris]: so that we can. A. So we could age down we could. we have some room to age

[sonically_idris]: down. Nathan Of it,

[hosty_matt]: good enough actor that he isn't necessarily going to pull too much attention

[hosty_matt]: from from whoever your Drake

[hosty_matt]: is.

[unfarted]: Mhm.

[sonically_idris]: he can share the scream.

[hosty_matt]: Like Way you saw him work with.

[cobra]: Leo decaprio, There.

[hosty_matt]: In what point of time Hollywood is le right? They were playing off each other

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: really well They. it

[unfarted]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: wasn't like one was dominating.

[hosty_matt]: wasn't like one was dominating.

[hosty_matt]: wasn't like one was dominating.

[unfarted]: actually feel like a better fit would actually be George Cloney,

[sonically_idris]: He's a

[sonically_idris]: bit wooden. physicality, wise,

[unfarted]: although he's a bit old to

[unfarted]: physicality wise. Yes,

[sonically_idris]: Bradp could pull off.

[unfarted]: they have to be in shape

[unfarted]: cause they do

[sonically_idris]: So then

[unfarted]: some action stuff.

[sonically_idris]: who do you gu think?

[unfarted]: Would anyone but Mar Walber really?

[sonically_idris]: come on

[sonically_idris]: it,

[sonically_idris]: Feel the re.

[unfarted]: Hey Drake, has's your mother? See how do you modif me?

[sonically_idris]: I struck like with a Bradp choice.

[cobra]: you have to get a very.

[sonically_idris]: Jensen would be a bit too old.

[cobra]: not just that,

[unfarted]: Oh,

[cobra]: but you have to get a really good actor to play alongside them. Otherwise it's going

[cobra]: to steal the show.

[unfarted]: or or even Matt Damon as sllly.

[hosty_matt]: I could see that

[unfarted]: But but like Jason Bourne fit wise, not like

[sonically_idris]: He's enough

[unfarted]: you know. Off

[hosty_matt]: could get.

[unfarted]: outside of acting Ma dam in shape,

[hosty_matt]: Could he get a mustustache going as the

[cobra]: Probably,

[hosty_matt]: only question,

[unfarted]: I understand this is the problem with the movie that I saw they could put a fake

[unfarted]: mustache on Like it's not hard. they could easily do that, But for some reason

[hosty_matt]: Did you not watch Superman when they put that

[hosty_matt]: moache in, or took that much a S stash off?

[hosty_matt]: moache in, or took that much a S stash off?

[unfarted]: that was,

[sonically_idris]: exactly.

[sonically_idris]: Hollywood has

[unfarted]: I'm not saying of C. G.

[hosty_matt]: Awful?

[sonically_idris]: learned its lesson. We've all been scarred. thanks to Justice League's

[sonically_idris]: learned its lesson. We've all been scarred. thanks to Justice League's

[sonically_idris]: Mustusache and mouth.

[sonically_idris]: Mustusache and mouth.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[unfarted]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: um, so

[unfarted]: digitally at a musttach,

[hosty_matt]: I'm going to throw in into the ring for the Nathan Drake fortune, depending on

[hosty_matt]: whether he can get rid of his Englishing accent, But uh, tarn, Egerton, I think

[hosty_matt]: could

[sonically_idris]: Ah,

[hosty_matt]: do a Nathan Dra,

[cobra]: Oh, good pick, good pe.

[unfarted]: That's really good. Very good.

[sonically_idris]: he has. He has the air of of of aged up

[cobra]: good,

[sonically_idris]: Toms, as

[hosty_matt]: y,

[sonically_idris]: you said, Luc.

[sonically_idris]: someone said that he's stuck in that preberty Heever, Peter Parker's

[sonically_idris]: Spiderman for now,

[unfarted]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: Y,

[sonically_idris]: So

[cobra]: Spencer decided yet.

[sonically_idris]: Tarin's a really good pick.

[unfarted]: Karen Egton is a. Really good

[cobra]: Yeah,

[unfarted]: pick, and then and then Joel Edgerton could playally

[unfarted]: which I actually think of a good casting too.

[hosty_matt]: Surprisingly it works.

[cobra]: I was

[sonically_idris]: You know who

[cobra]: going to say Colin fith like you might as well repeat the kingpe.

[sonically_idris]: you could do that

[unfarted]: No call Farrell,

[sonically_idris]: or

[unfarted]: Colin Farrell would be a good sullly. too.

[unfarted]: Colin Farrell would be a good sullly. too.

[sonically_idris]: sure,

[cobra]: No, no, repeat. the casting from Kingsman, They had

[sonically_idris]: or

[cobra]: a good chemistry there,

[cobra]: a good chemistry there,

[unfarted]: Just just copy it,

[sonically_idris]: or

[sonically_idris]: Tarin. Who else says? Tarn, Edertainant also worked alongside on on the

[sonically_idris]: Silver screen. Give it to me who you know who. Who is it? who could be a

[sonically_idris]: sully,

[hosty_matt]: huge,

[unfarted]: Alton John

[hosty_matt]: huge jackman,

[sonically_idris]: huge jackman.

[cobra]: huge Jackman,

[sonically_idris]: He, yeah, yeah, they.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[sonically_idris]: they were opposite each other in

[unfarted]: huge. Aing would be good too.

[hosty_matt]: not

[sonically_idris]: asy

[hosty_matt]: huge Y. man. Yeah,

[cobra]: huge Jackman, It's not Hu Jackman, his huge Yman,

[hosty_matt]: I, I think he would actually do a great job, and he's right in that age range to

[hosty_matt]: pull it off. Okay, so we fixed this movie on that front, Um, moving off of the

[hosty_matt]: casting choices, Um, and into the the story and the plot of the movie.

[hosty_matt]: I guess Im. it's It's fine. It feels

[cobra]: It feels conluoted to me

[hosty_matt]: it feels red noticey, It feels red noticy. If a mot

[unfarted]: Yeah, it does.

[hosty_matt]: like they, they're trying to make Hollywood set pieces, and I amm really

[hosty_matt]: concerned that the interesting pieces of these movies where they pieed together

[hosty_matt]: how they learn about stuff is going to be existent. Like see what you want about

[hosty_matt]: National Treasure.

[hosty_matt]: You know, they do a really good job of kind of piecing the puzzle together as

[hosty_matt]: they go and mix in some action, and this one seems really obsessed with like

[hosty_matt]: these high wire action sequences

[unfarted]: Yeah, it's going

[unfarted]: to be like. like classical like look. Oh, on the side here it says here. Okay, we

[hosty_matt]: And I wonder what the other side? yeah,

[unfarted]: go there and then they go there action scene. Oh, now you found this piece. This

[unfarted]: piece tells us to go here action piece on the way there, Just like excuses to get

[unfarted]: to set piece locations right,

[unfarted]: as

[sonically_idris]: Mhm, Mhm,

[hosty_matt]: y.

[unfarted]: opposed to like, Actually, like a s. smart lado puzzle that they have to follow.

[cobra]: From from the trailer. It feels like it, Su were going to be super convlued for me

[cobra]: like it's They are going to try and weve as if it's like this big

[cobra]: mystery slash treasure hunt And I think it's just going to have holes like a Swiss

[cobra]: cheese. That's That's really what I,

[unfarted]: Well, here's the problem.

[cobra]: I'm concerned about.

[unfarted]: The, here's the problem with this whole idea as a movie. And I said this before

[unfarted]: this movie was made.

[unfarted]: Uncharted as a game works, because it takes the formula of Indiana Jones, a pre

[unfarted]: existing movie and makes it into a video game. But what makes it different is the

[unfarted]: fact you can play it and it you can experience it in a different way. You can be

[unfarted]: part of the action you can actually like. Feel it. But when you look at the actual

[unfarted]: story and what it is, it's like a formulaic action.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[unfarted]: Uh, like, like Indiana Jones, It. what makes you unique? Obviously the story is

[unfarted]: good, but like, it's more of the fact that you can experience it in this new

[unfarted]: medium when you take it back to the movies.

[unfarted]: It. There's so many movies like that that it's like that formula in the in the

[unfarted]: video

[sonically_idris]: derivative,

[unfarted]: game world. It was new and different in in the movie world.

[unfarted]: It's like Influ. It's going back to what influence it to be created right. So

[unfarted]: it's It's very

[sonically_idris]: highly derivative.

[unfarted]: derivative.

[hosty_matt]: yeah.

[cobra]: Yeah, that's true.

[unfarted]: exactly it. It's like, feels like a million other T treasure movies So it never

[unfarted]: really worked. Whereas a movie like like, If they made a Metal Gear movie, The Med

[unfarted]: Solid story is completely original. It's like if you came to the the movie screen,

[unfarted]: people will be like this is crazy. It's like

[cobra]: it's also half like insane. So

[unfarted]: exactly,

[hosty_matt]: sure.

[unfarted]: but at least it would be different

[cobra]: Oh, for sure, Yeah,

[unfarted]: right. Whereas this is like

[hosty_matt]: well,

[unfarted]: it's own.

[hosty_matt]: I agree tosor but I'm sure that the executives would fuck up the Met Gear

[unfarted]: They're making it.

[hosty_matt]: story to make it. Well, I don't have any faith in them whatsoever,

[cobra]: with krima

[unfarted]: they.

[cobra]: or without Kjma.

[unfarted]: I think Regim is blessing, and they've already cast Oscar Isaac, A snake,

[sonically_idris]: Oh yes. true.

[hosty_matt]: right

[hosty_matt]: so

[cobra]: Oh, okay,

[sonically_idris]: true.

[hosty_matt]: that that that mention of

[hosty_matt]: Otrozic reminds me about about this movie is, I think outside of of the two main

[unfarted]: Good casting.

[hosty_matt]: characters they do have some interesting actors in it,

[hosty_matt]: and Turno Bannderz as the main villain could be fun.

[unfarted]: He's

[sonically_idris]: y.

[unfarted]: great. That's perfect.

[cobra]: yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[sonically_idris]: you know who's not who? this whole Mhm,

[cobra]: he's going to chew that entire scenery

[unfarted]: Yeah,

[cobra]: all the way to Helen back. that's going to be great.

[sonically_idris]: you guys were saying that this thing is is set up to be some sort of

[sonically_idris]: mystery and action set pieces. This story is not at all a mystery to Onta

[sonically_idris]: Ontario, Bendnderes. Based on, he looks like he's flipping omnisent in from

[hosty_matt]: yep.

[sonically_idris]: beginning to end. It's like. Oh no, my family has been wrong to ti. The

[sonically_idris]: winner goes the spoils bees. I'm going to watch this whole thing play out

[sonically_idris]: and that's fun. but like the trailer is confusing and and like

[unfarted]: he's going to be like he's going to be like the Bishop in In

[cobra]: Yeah. yeah.

[unfarted]: Red Notice, just like Yeah,

[sonically_idris]: sure, I was there the whole time pulling the strings. Ye

[hosty_matt]: all right, so the Nazis still the treasure right, We clear on that

[unfarted]: let's do it.

[sonically_idris]: in a in a way,

[hosty_matt]: right

[sonically_idris]: but the other. The other thing I wanted to say was that

[sonically_idris]: the The Uncharted Games

[sonically_idris]: fullline feels like a love letter to like Treasure hunt movies, And in

[sonically_idris]: Indiana Jones, this movie doesn't feel like it has that energy. It's

[sonically_idris]: exactly like what some of us have been saying already. It just looks like

[sonically_idris]: an opportunity to print money.

[cobra]: yeah.

[unfarted]: It almost looks like a marvel movie like it's just so

[unfarted]: bland.

[hosty_matt]: at now a Dc movie. Most Marvel movies are actually entertaining.

[unfarted]: No,

[sonically_idris]: exactly.

[unfarted]: D do marbrow movies. I'm not saying it's like like Marl movies are good. It's just

[unfarted]: that it has that feel of just like

[unfarted]: production movie where it doesn't have any of the charm of Indian and Jones. You

[unfarted]: know, Anya Jones had this like dis like charm to it That made you

[cobra]: yeah. yeah.

[unfarted]: you know.

[cobra]: This is sterile in comparison.

[unfarted]: want to cheer for them? E. Yeah,

[unfarted]: exactly, I wish they. actually, I wish they actually tone back

[cobra]: Yeah, yeah, what you're saying.

[unfarted]: that that like the big action scenes, But, but have the the a little slower, a

[unfarted]: little ▁quieter, in the other parts,

[cobra]: Could it could be like one or two really big action scenes and the rest be more like

[cobra]: contained. It would be better than trying to make every single action to be this huge

[cobra]: piece,

[unfarted]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: We don't know right

[hosty_matt]: like

[cobra]: What it looks like from the the trailer?

[hosty_matt]: that's a trailer and the trailers got

[unfarted]: oh, M, W. we know we know.

[hosty_matt]: to sell us on the big things, not the

[cobra]: Who you know who? you know?

[sonically_idris]: We do know.

[hosty_matt]: small things. Know all right, let's move ont to the next movie. Anybody has any

[hosty_matt]: last words. They absolutely must get out about this movie.

[sonically_idris]: Yes,

[sonically_idris]: this what to piy? Back off of Spencer's point.

[sonically_idris]: I agree with that. It's missing the the Sleth thing, like the

[unfarted]: Yes,

[sonically_idris]: detective and problem solving and breaking down of like the puzzles or

[sonically_idris]: the frigging historical clues. Right. That's to me that feels like it's

[sonically_idris]: missing right now. It's like Mar Mar got the thing. Let's go get the next

[sonically_idris]: thing.

[hosty_matt]: They got cross. That's fromaalt.

[unfarted]: that's it. Got the cross

[cobra]: That's actually a good point.

[sonically_idris]: That's the point's They're not making us work for it or making them work

[hosty_matt]: They. They turn the keys the wrong way and it almost died. Like What the hell do

[sonically_idris]: for it.

[hosty_matt]: you want for this movie?

[sonically_idris]: What intelligence?

[cobra]: I want. I wanted him to die that'. what I want,

[unfarted]: that should have. That'd been great if he died in that scene and then he's like I

[unfarted]: have a brother. His name's also silly. He's a better actor.

[sonically_idris]: and and in what one of our pixs

[unfarted]: Yeah, exactly.

[cobra]: Victor and Vincent,

[unfarted]: he's got a great mustusache.

[cobra]: my brother, Vincent Sullivan, go after him.

[unfarted]: exactly.

[hosty_matt]: Right, let's go. Let's go completely off the the, off the range with this one.

[hosty_matt]: We're going to my pick, which was everything everywhere all at once. Um,

[cobra]: I'm so excited

[sonically_idris]: one?

[cobra]: for this movie

[hosty_matt]: this movie is being, I guess developed by the same people that developed Uh, the

[hosty_matt]: Green K night, So

[sonically_idris]: Oh no,

[unfarted]: Oh,

[hosty_matt]: don't don't we?

[unfarted]: so so it's brought you by ▁l. D Is what you're saying?

[cobra]: The Fock.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Why is what is this episode? Let's ruin movies for the Seato.

[hosty_matt]: no, no, no, I'm just saying well, No, but like eight twenty four is the studio

[hosty_matt]: behind it. Wh, Whether that means the movies can be bad? It,

[hosty_matt]: like a director from Green night. Yeah, they do the Green night just suck. It's

[unfarted]: No, they make good movies.

[hosty_matt]: not their fault. this trailer.

[unfarted]: Lot of people love that movie. I cannot believe it.

[cobra]: They wrong this fine.

[hosty_matt]: Listen first, first of all, Hey, first of all, this is my podcast and we're

[hosty_matt]: talking about everything everywhere all at once.

[unfarted]: sorry, sor.

[sonically_idris]: so now it's suddenly your partd has

[sonically_idris]: hu.

[unfarted]: Oh shit,

[hosty_matt]: It's

[sonically_idris]: Suddenly

[sonically_idris]: we. we agreed as the fantastic for Okay, Okay,

[hosty_matt]: we segu and we all agree to obey the Segway

[unfarted]: the segu is the true boss of the spadcast.

[cobra]: it

[cobra]: trueus.

[sonically_idris]: agreed.

[hosty_matt]: Right?

[hosty_matt]: And when I thought with the Green Night, we're done with that movie. If you

[hosty_matt]: wantnna hear with the Green Night movie. There's a whole podcast where we tear

[hosty_matt]: it limb from or yeah, li from limb. It is a tree thing. Nailed it.

[unfarted]: Such a stretch.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Yep, did it?

[cobra]: that was bad.

[hosty_matt]: Uh

[cobra]: Please Sa away away from that.

[hosty_matt]: ha, you welcome. I'm a I. I'm a professional.

[hosty_matt]: Everything everywhere all at once is

[hosty_matt]: well, it's it's great. It is what

[hosty_matt]: Mark ▁zuckerberg wishes. The Multi Verse could be

[cobra]: You mean the

[unfarted]: Yes,

[cobra]: matter verse,

[hosty_matt]: the premise behind this trail. If you have not watched it, I would say, watch it

[hosty_matt]: because it'll make this

[hosty_matt]: conversation you're about to hear. Make way more sense.

[unfarted]: definitely watch it.

[unfarted]: You will not regret it.

[hosty_matt]: But the premise behind this is that the main character is

[hosty_matt]: connected to all the other versions of her throughout the Multi Verse, and there

[hosty_matt]: is a great evil that is trying to assume destroy the Multi Vse And She,

[hosty_matt]: connecting all these other characters can summon the power to

[hosty_matt]: defeat that evil. That is the most bland.

[unfarted]: Let's just say it. It's it. Jet

[hosty_matt]: It's the one.

[unfarted]: leaves the one. It's the one. Let's you say it.

[hosty_matt]: It's a more trippy one.

[sonically_idris]: It's the better one

[cobra]: nice

[hosty_matt]: Okay, Okay,

[cobra]: noise.

[hosty_matt]: show, you work. Ch, show work.

[sonically_idris]: Y, Michelle yo in in in a role that's not just her throwing fists, but like

[sonically_idris]: s completely completely, allowing us to step into a character. That's

[sonically_idris]: that's unlike anything she's ever done times multi verse roles and

[sonically_idris]: characters like

[sonically_idris]: I'm it's it's it's it's refreshing. I'm I'm I'm here for it. I'm excited.

[sonically_idris]: Um, she plays a mother and you know, not that that's supposed to be the

[sonically_idris]: selling point, but like again, it's just a one eighty from everything else

[sonically_idris]: she's done and they're throwing her into scenarios. that or her characters,

[sonically_idris]: uh, s into scenarios that are just I. I. I. I really can't wrap my head

[sonically_idris]: around it. I just want to see how it all plays out and yes, she's the hero

[sonically_idris]: in the end, Um, or is revealed to us in the trailer, but her set set, you

[sonically_idris]: know, opposite the different members of her family. Um. it just looks to be

[sonically_idris]: very, very sweet, but like explosive at the same time. Come on, I don't

[sonically_idris]: know who plays her. I've never seen the guy who plays her her husband, but

[unfarted]: He's in other things.

[sonically_idris]: he looks like he's got chops. Sorry,

[unfarted]: Oh yeah, I think I've seen it other things, but I don't

[sonically_idris]: Yeah,

[unfarted]: know. I can't say exactly off hand.

[sonically_idris]: and then like her dad, I, who assume the guy who plays her dad, fucking

[sonically_idris]: James Han

[sonically_idris]: from

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[sonically_idris]: everything

[cobra]: Yeah, yeah,

[sonically_idris]: under the sun. That's

[sonically_idris]: wonderful. Oh, and then Um, and then the daughter. She's been in a bunch of

[hosty_matt]: he's the best

[sonically_idris]: stuff. I. I forgot. she was in Shan Che. She was also in Nos from ▁queens.

[sonically_idris]: she was uh.

[sonically_idris]: There's something else she's in. Uh, She was also uh, the computer from

[sonically_idris]: Sponge Boob Square pants, Like girls on the come up and she's funny.

[hosty_matt]: Chris Course. it needs to stop you here.

[hosty_matt]: So her husband,

[sonically_idris]: You said, show my work.

[hosty_matt]: so, uh, her husband is played by K.

[hosty_matt]: K. Who? who? kan? I put you that, I'm sure.

[hosty_matt]: So you know him from such movies as Indam Jones and The Temple of Doom, because

[hosty_matt]: he was short round.

[sonically_idris]: What?

[cobra]: no,

[cobra]: are

[hosty_matt]: Yes,

[cobra]: you. you're

[sonically_idris]: what?

[cobra]: joking?

[hosty_matt]: I look enough at. I. d.

[sonically_idris]: Yes?

[hosty_matt]: B. Check it out.

[cobra]: Oh, my lord,

[unfarted]: Wow, this movie just went up up up in my mind,

[sonically_idris]: did you

[hosty_matt]: right.

[sonically_idris]: see his for?

[sonically_idris]: Look like crane form on those stairs.

[hosty_matt]: The man is a professional. What can I say?

[unfarted]: Y Michelle. Yo. that's

[cobra]: dude.

[hosty_matt]: I ha. I hate you that, but

[cobra]: I knew I knew him from somewhere.

[unfarted]: yeah. I recognized them too That I did

[cobra]: The goodies,

[unfarted]: not think that

[hosty_matt]: yup

[sonically_idris]: Data.

[hosty_matt]: yeah.

[unfarted]: classic.

[hosty_matt]: yep.

[sonically_idris]: The circle in cycle is complete.

[hosty_matt]: Oh, and he was in the one, but he was just additional crew. but it's just all

[unfarted]: Oh my god. Oh, now we know where the story came from,

[hosty_matt]: coming together.

[sonically_idris]: It's the better

[unfarted]: Like

[hosty_matt]: This is go.

[unfarted]: I have an idea.

[hosty_matt]: This is going to connect.

[unfarted]: Okay,

[hosty_matt]: Every everything ever all wants is going to connect to the one universe.

[sonically_idris]: and the genty will show up at the end. Try to fuck it up. but

[sonically_idris]: then

[unfarted]: the. uh,

[hosty_matt]: Oh, I hope so.

[sonically_idris]: Michelle Y will take him down.

[cobra]: you think,

[cobra]: at some

[unfarted]: the one cinematic universe,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: point you think at some point he is going to go very funny, Doctor Jones, very funny.

[hosty_matt]: I hope so.

[cobra]: I hope he does.

[unfarted]: maybe

[sonically_idris]: Didn't the evil jet?

[unfarted]: in one, maybe in one universe.

[sonically_idris]: didn't the evil jet Le in the one win in the end and he ended up getting

[unfarted]: No, they banished him. Yeah, they banished him to like the top of a pyramid where

[sonically_idris]: swarmed by all the other ones.

[unfarted]: he fought infinite amounts of Gus.

[sonically_idris]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Y.

[unfarted]: I really hope she's not also the bad guy, because I didn't show the bad guy and

[cobra]: Yeah, Yeah,

[sonically_idris]: me,

[cobra]: me too. me

[cobra]: too'. Going to be kind of sad.

[cobra]: too'. Going to be kind of sad.

[unfarted]: that's obviously an easy way to go, especially with the one out there.

[sonically_idris]: the bad guy was kind of hinted at In the trailer

[unfarted]: it was hinted at, but it wasn't shown. If it turns out to be a different version

[unfarted]: of her. It kind

[sonically_idris]: would be tricky.

[unfarted]: bummed about that.

[cobra]: Does

[sonically_idris]: I want to see her win.

[cobra]: anybody know if this is based on off of anything, or if it's actually a new story?

[unfarted]: Wait, what

[hosty_matt]: I believe'. new story.

[unfarted]: a a new

[unfarted]: story. I don't. I don't know what that is.

[hosty_matt]: It is an original screenplay looks like based on the writers.

[unfarted]: A original

[unfarted]: like

[unfarted]: copied from a book,

[hosty_matt]: not Marvel.

[cobra]: Oh

[unfarted]: not a comic.

[unfarted]: not a comic.

[sonically_idris]: Hey,

[unfarted]: True, definitely a short story. though

[cobra]: so so this is. This is to me one of the biggest like appeals of this movie? Two

[cobra]: things is one. The story isn't soper obvious be cause we don't know where it's go.

[cobra]: even with the trailer showing so much. we don't know where it's going

[cobra]: and it's not copying from anything else.

[cobra]: It might be a good new ip,

[cobra]: which is

[cobra]: rare nowadays.

[sonically_idris]: you could be stand alone enough, but will see

[unfarted]: I will say this, Wh When I watched that trailer, I do nothing about it and I hope

[unfarted]: people watched it without knowing anything about it Because it was. It was quite a

[unfarted]: trailer like you start off. and I was like Oh, eight twenty four. Like their art

[unfarted]: house kind of shows her

[hosty_matt]: Yep,

[unfarted]: like talking to like someone about her receipts, and I'm like, Oh, this is going

[unfarted]: to be like a family

[hosty_matt]: that's Jamiely Curtis,

[unfarted]: drama.

[cobra]: Jaime curtis, yeah,

[unfarted]: Yeah, I know it's I know. it's Jamiely cordous. I'm just saying she's talking to

[unfarted]: Jamiey Curtis about the receipts. I'm like, Oh, it' goingnna be like, kind of like

[unfarted]: a parasite. Vib. You know it's going to be like about like this family in a lower

[unfarted]: class with receipts. And and then it's just like No, That is not what this movie

[unfarted]: is. And it just got like so crazy. I'm like Oh, it's like a multi verse movie and

[unfarted]: I'm like Okay, I get it. it's going to be like the one, but then it's like, Oh no.

[unfarted]: It's like taking the Multi verse to like ball trip in territory where like her

[unfarted]: fingers are like sausages and some scenes.

[cobra]: yeah, yeah,

[unfarted]: And then she's like a

[hosty_matt]: And so

[unfarted]: cartoon or something.

[hosty_matt]: someone's head explose. And it's just like Confei,

[unfarted]: Yeah and it's

[unfarted]: like confedy, like I was just like. What the fuck? I was like. This movie is like

[cobra]: yeah. That's my favorite scene of the whole trailer.

[unfarted]: just not holding back and I was like Okay, I'm I was in already when it was like

[hosty_matt]: y.

[unfarted]: right away like the the multi Verse concept, But then it got like, I almost wish I

[unfarted]: didn't see how crazy it got. So when I saw it, I would have been even more

[cobra]: Yeah,

[unfarted]: like this is fu, really crazy.

[cobra]: I like the scene the

[cobra]: for for like inners, and I also like the scene where he is making this whole speech

[cobra]: with your powers, And you have to help me and we can solve this because I'm very busy

[cobra]: today. I don't have time to help you. If she just leaves. I love that sea.

[unfarted]: Yeah, yeah, she thinks he's just like her husband

[cobra]: Yeah,

[unfarted]: like I'm not your husband and she's like I, fine for this. Come by. Yeah, it. it

[unfarted]: looks out out of all the trailers that one was probably the one that I first saw

[unfarted]: that I, I've heard nothing about and I was like, What the fuck is this mat showing

[unfarted]: me some hard house shit, trying to get

[hosty_matt]: Mhm,

[unfarted]: me into the arts, trying to enlighten my brain. Who do you think you are and then

[sonically_idris]: trying to learn you something.

[hosty_matt]: cultured bitch.

[unfarted]: trying to culture my ass, and then I was like, Ohs, nice. This is like a fun

[unfarted]: movie. I don't have to learn anything.

[unfarted]: I mean

[cobra]: Jesus christ,

[hosty_matt]: You welcome.

[cobra]: I, I am very very excited for this movie,

[cobra]: which is more than I, I say for Well, not all most of the movies in this.

[unfarted]: yeah,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: You want to finish that thought show Year Universe

[cobra]: yes,

[hosty_matt]: pandemic

[cobra]: yes,

[hosty_matt]: talk, Chris.

[hosty_matt]: How how excited are you?

[sonically_idris]: Oh my God, ten out at ten. excited.

[sonically_idris]: I forget when exactly this twenty twenty two, but I can't remember when

[hosty_matt]: March twenty fifth, come real soon.

[sonically_idris]: March was going to be a fun

[cobra]: yeah,

[unfarted]: yeah,

[sonically_idris]: set.

[cobra]: yeah,

[unfarted]: go, honestly guy. I haven't been this excited about a a new I P trailer since the

[unfarted]: go, honestly guy. I haven't been this excited about a a new I P trailer since the

[unfarted]: green night.

[unfarted]: green night.

[hosty_matt]: Wow,

[cobra]: yeah. why you got to do that?

[sonically_idris]: But but for transparent for

[sonically_idris]: transparency, Though I remember when when you suggested that we watch

[hosty_matt]: I told you.

[sonically_idris]: Itpensr, you were excited we were. It's not our fault.

[unfarted]: I was. I know I'm not ▁lying. I was like that

[sonically_idris]: Yeah,

[unfarted]: trailer looked really cool and I'm scared'm. sorry. I'm sorry.

[hosty_matt]: I told you when not talking with that movie. Go listen to the episode

[sonically_idris]: it's true. I'm just saying how historically so people get context.

[hosty_matt]: all right, So all you need to know is Spencer like this movie, so it's going to

[hosty_matt]: disappoint you.

[unfarted]: Yes,

[sonically_idris]: No, no, no, no, no, my man James Hong is in, Is in

[sonically_idris]: here. Okay,

[hosty_matt]: That's fair. That's fair. Yeah,

[cobra]: That's see what the gogly eyes too is funny.

[sonically_idris]: he doesn't sign up for shit. Oh my God,

[sonically_idris]: it's got to be fine. It's got to be.

[hosty_matt]: it's it's fine. It'll be good. Um,

[unfarted]: who is sorry. Last question on this

[hosty_matt]: Yep. Yeah,

[unfarted]: movie Who is Daniels, Like, Like brought

[sonically_idris]: Oh.

[unfarted]: you by Daniels. Have

[sonically_idris]: yeah.

[unfarted]: they made any? Is that up? one person?

[unfarted]: Is that is that a pair of people?

[cobra]: Have no idea.

[hosty_matt]: well, I, m. d. B says the director is Daniel Uhchinert

[hosty_matt]: So well, Actually you know.

[cobra]: so maybe it's not Daniels' Daniel. S.

[hosty_matt]: not, uh. Here's what it is. So the directors are Dan Kan and Danielchinert and

[hosty_matt]: the writers are Danuan and Daniel Shiner,

[unfarted]: Oh, the Daniels.

[hosty_matt]: So I think it's the two Daniels,

[cobra]: Oh, that is brought by all the daniels.

[sonically_idris]: Oh my god.

[hosty_matt]: all two of them.

[unfarted]: That's an interesting way to say

[cobra]: Yeah,

[unfarted]: the your name?

[hosty_matt]: Y,

[unfarted]: Would they done anything else before?

[hosty_matt]: uh. they both did the Swiss army man with Um,

[sonically_idris]: Oh

[unfarted]: I never saw that.

[sonically_idris]: Danielncliffe

[cobra]: me, neither.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[unfarted]: Apparently it's good though, Did you like it

[sonically_idris]: I did see that it was F. Yes. Yeah. yeah, it was

[sonically_idris]: I did see that it was F. Yes. Yeah. yeah, it was

[unfarted]: right? That's promising.

[hosty_matt]: Spencerow, Tovana,

[unfarted]: S.

[hosty_matt]: Thank you for your blessing.

[unfarted]: Mhm.

[hosty_matt]: It looks like we have

[hosty_matt]: Sonics to

[hosty_matt]: the Hedgehog.

[unfarted]: Sonic. To who

[sonically_idris]: y

[unfarted]: saw Sonic One

[cobra]: I did.

[unfarted]: Really

[cobra]: Yeah,

[unfarted]: mad? Did you

[hosty_matt]: I got like way through and I stopped watching

[sonically_idris]: right.

[hosty_matt]: and not not for any. like I didn't hate it. I just wasn't wasn't capturing me

[hosty_matt]: and I just got distracted by other things.

[unfarted]: sounds like you hated it?

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, I. yeah, yep, you got me.

[cobra]: if you don't love it, you hate it. You know how it is.

[unfarted]: I never

[hosty_matt]: It's fair

[unfarted]: watched it because I was just like.

[unfarted]: I just was completely uninterested because I

[sonically_idris]: Mhm,

[unfarted]: thought it was kind of like a kids movie. Not

[sonically_idris]: Mm, it's a feel good. Yeah.

[unfarted]: that I'm against movies I love like like Pixar movies and stuff, but it

[sonically_idris]: Mhm.

[unfarted]: just seemed kind of like like a generic ki movie. I will say

[sonically_idris]: I tell you it. it. it punches. Uh, it punches just above that That class

[cobra]: Yeah, I would agree. I would agree.

[sonically_idris]: that way class

[unfarted]: that's

[sonically_idris]: you know like. Yeah,

[unfarted]: what I heard like It got good reviews. Minusf of

[cobra]: it's fun. It's a fun movie.

[unfarted]: the first uh. sonic design and it was all uphill after that.

[sonically_idris]: Oh my God,

[hosty_matt]: y. wow. I was bad,

[sonically_idris]: but they fixed it. they fixed it.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: so so let's talk was on to

[sonically_idris]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: the Hedgehog, as I'm calling Chri. This is your

[sonically_idris]: ye.

[hosty_matt]: pick. What would attract you to? S to the Hedgehog?

[unfarted]: Is it his blue

[sonically_idris]: everything.

[unfarted]: balls?

[sonically_idris]: it's what. Sorry,

[unfarted]: Is it his blue balls?

[cobra]: Jesus.

[sonically_idris]: we don't talk about Mr. Hedgehog's anatomy in a sexual manner,

[unfarted]: Not not in anatomy? He, like you know, he rolls into a blue ball and he jumps

[unfarted]: around.

[sonically_idris]: Singular. Not too, sir. okay,

[unfarted]: He, he was in a ball multiple times in the movie Balls

[sonically_idris]: Wh you didn't see the movie?

[unfarted]: in the trailer, In the trailer in the jailer, He was in a multiple times,

[sonically_idris]: You don't know what happened or what he's capable of you. No, no, no, no,

[sonically_idris]: you fail. you fail. You clearly don't understand how how speed fighting

[sonically_idris]: techniques and tactics works, sir. Therefore

[unfarted]: not up to date Onphonic Loer. I apologize.

[sonically_idris]: you fail.

[unfarted]: So

[sonically_idris]: but it's welcome.

[unfarted]: you like the Sonic? You like this blue ball?

[hosty_matt]: I'm sorry. I'm sorry to our public story public. I'm sorry that Spencer knows

[hosty_matt]: nothing about Son. Its disappointment for all of us Honestly,

[unfarted]: I, I truly don't. I know. There's a

[sonically_idris]: Did you not play any of the video games? That's that's just a general

[sonically_idris]: question.

[unfarted]: I played them for like like a little bit, But it wasn't like. Was there was never

[unfarted]: a story in them? You just rolled around,

[sonically_idris]: I cut you off. you fail. you failed, you fail. So the first movie was a lot

[sonically_idris]: of fun as Luciano and Iib said. Um, the cast was pretty well rounded. I

[sonically_idris]: really like the actor who plays Uh, play sonnifnchwars. He's been in a

[sonically_idris]: bunch of stuff, Um,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[sonically_idris]: Parksson, wreck, Um,

[cobra]: here's a funny dude.

[sonically_idris]: he was in. Oh yeah,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[sonically_idris]: oh yeah, um. I, I love his. I love his vibe, and so good. Really good

[sonically_idris]: casting. James Marsin is like his human best buddy, kind of thing who plays

[sonically_idris]: a sheriff and James Cary, as we know, plays Doctor Robotniick, So

[cobra]: who James Carey? Who the fuck is James Cary?

[sonically_idris]: everything that they

[sonically_idris]: did, I actually say

[sonically_idris]: James,

[cobra]: Yeah, you did

[unfarted]: you said

[sonically_idris]: I went with

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, you did

[sonically_idris]: his government. I

[unfarted]: James Cary.

[sonically_idris]: went with his government.

[cobra]: James Tiberius,

[hosty_matt]: James.

[cobra]: Carery,

[sonically_idris]: ▁jim,

[sonically_idris]: not everybody gets. Uh, gets the guess to call him. ▁jim. Okay,

[unfarted]: Yeah,

[sonically_idris]: it

[hosty_matt]: So,

[sonically_idris]: is what it is.

[hosty_matt]: James Eugene, Ky,

[unfarted]: yes,

[sonically_idris]: See.

[hosty_matt]: ▁jim,

[sonically_idris]: See,

[unfarted]: James Cary,

[sonically_idris]: I'm not making it up.

[cobra]: talk about it,

[unfarted]: James Cary is like Steven Spillbergo, It's like the The Cheaep version of

[cobra]: Estab, Spibero,

[unfarted]: Yeah,

[unfarted]: it's the chief version of a.

[cobra]: but talk about completely chewing the scenery and everything else. the cameras. The

[sonically_idris]: Yup,

[cobra]: other actors.

[sonically_idris]: Yup.

[cobra]: He has a ball in that movie.

[sonically_idris]: I

[unfarted]: Yeah.

[sonically_idris]: love it. I love it.

[unfarted]: Is it good because sometimes I find it like

[cobra]: Yeah, it's

[cobra]: just shy of being too much like Right on the line of being too much.

[sonically_idris]: It's very

[unfarted]: that sounds about right

[sonically_idris]: very controlled. but it makes sense like it's filtered through that that

[sonically_idris]: lens of like evil genius. Um, unhinged, but has a plan.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[sonically_idris]: trying to

[sonically_idris]: do what he wants. figure out something. Use his arsenal and try to do the

[sonically_idris]: things.

[hosty_matt]: So Sonic to the Hedgehog

[sonically_idris]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: Why we talk about that trailer?

[sonically_idris]: you asked me what

[unfarted]: right.

[sonically_idris]: attracted me to it. And so the cast

[hosty_matt]: Yes, and then we started talking about the cast from the first movie

[hosty_matt]: and we got

[cobra]: it's the same cast.

[hosty_matt]: trapped up the first movie again. But we're not talking about the trailer.

[sonically_idris]: they' In this is the same cast. Same.

[sonically_idris]: Okay, then

[unfarted]: Oh

[sonically_idris]: I will. I will ease, allow me to course correct.

[cobra]: Fuckon, the fucking Warden over here. Jesus.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[sonically_idris]: We're answering the question.

[unfarted]: yeah'. I know I know about Sony's a blue ferret.

[unfarted]: yeah'. I know I know about Sony's a blue ferret.

[unfarted]: yeah'. I know I know about Sony's a blue ferret.

[unfarted]: yeah'. I know I know about Sony's a blue ferret.

[unfarted]: yeah'. I know I know about Sony's a blue ferret.

[unfarted]: yeah'. I know I know about Sony's a blue ferret.

[hosty_matt]: we already established that Spencer knows nothing about Sonic Lawre, So we

[sonically_idris]: where' Past that

[hosty_matt]: really got to stick to just this trailer.

[sonically_idris]: now I am the host now I. I. I. I can't believe I'm saying this. I am the

[sonically_idris]: host now for Sonic, too

[hosty_matt]: This is after else

[cobra]: Oh, my god,

[hosty_matt]: you.

[cobra]: how, how do I? How do I delete what someone else said from a podcast?

[sonically_idris]: Is a blue Ferre with the fuck and itway. y. so Okay. So what? what's

[sonically_idris]: interesting about the the second trailer is that it's it's. It's taking

[sonically_idris]: place here on earth like they've already set us up in the first one to let

[sonically_idris]: us know that sons from a different world. Fine, but

[unfarted]: Is he an alien

[unfarted]: in this movie

[cobra]: Yeah, kind of

[cobra]: Yeah, kind of

[sonically_idris]: uh, I, short answered. Kind of. yes,

[cobra]: a mult dimensional character or something. Yeah,

[sonically_idris]: Yes, and so

[unfarted]: On Multi vers So hot right now,

[sonically_idris]: true, True first movie like leaves, ▁jim. Cary's Uh, Doctor Robonic in

[sonically_idris]: another dimension, like another world, another dimenion. Somehow he gets

[sonically_idris]: back to Earth and he brings a side kick with him to go head to head with

[sonically_idris]: Sonic right knuckles. Inress Elba. In this bitch interests Elba. What the

[cobra]: right, I was so surprised when he opened his mouth and his legs like Holy shit. Is

[sonically_idris]: fuck?

[cobra]: that Yeah? it is it.

[sonically_idris]: Yes,

[unfarted]: Knucklesu.

[cobra]: I thought it was a great cast.

[sonically_idris]: I'm so glad it was a Chris Buucking prat.

[sonically_idris]: It's like it could have been guys. it could have been. We don't need that

[sonically_idris]: It's like it could have been guys. it could have been. We don't need that

[hosty_matt]: That is fair, hundred percent

[cobra]: You could have been. Yeah,

[unfarted]: We all assumed it was

[cobra]: Who plays who plays tales?

[sonically_idris]: energy.

[sonically_idris]: energy.

[sonically_idris]: Oh, calling Uhhaughnessy, She's done a bunch of stuff like. Um, like the

[sonically_idris]: like Diamon. She's been in some of the animated Avenger stuff. Um,

[cobra]: Is it?

[sonically_idris]: I just know that from like I and D. B, but I haven't

[cobra]: I like the I like. Like. what? What she? the voice she chose to do for tales, is

[sonically_idris]: Mhm.

[cobra]: exactly what I imagin. him sounding like.

[unfarted]: is

[sonically_idris]: Yeah,

[unfarted]: tales in the character female,

[sonically_idris]: I don't know. I feel like he's a boy, but I could

[cobra]: Yeah.

[sonically_idris]: be I. I honestly don't. i. Oh week. his name, his ten, like his government

[sonically_idris]: name is Miles Tales Prow, so

[cobra]: Yeah, that's true.

[sonically_idris]: Myles indicates I'm a Sonic fan, So yeah,

[cobra]: Yeah, you're right. you

[hosty_matt]: two.

[cobra]: are right,

[unfarted]: like James Cary Javees,

[sonically_idris]: okay, so that's exactly like James Carry.

[cobra]: James Eugene Carey.

[unfarted]: Yeah, you go by

[sonically_idris]: indeed,

[unfarted]: their proper names.

[hosty_matt]: I can't

[sonically_idris]: so

[hosty_matt]: believe you just throwing government names around. So will Nellly, Chris.

[sonically_idris]: listen, I'm taking the power back now. I'm the fucking host now, so Yo

[sonically_idris]: sonic, too is going to be a head to head knocked down drag, oe brawl,

[hosty_matt]: Great,

[sonically_idris]: Sonic knuckles, tails in the fuckying clutch. They're going to be blowing

[sonically_idris]: things up and trying to like Save the fucking world. But guess what, Foks,

[sonically_idris]: James Carey, Doctor Robotic has gone into the bag with what he's found. A

[sonically_idris]: new untapped resource. Mother fucks a green by the fucking aerald, Do you

[sonically_idris]: know what's going to happen? I'll tell you

[sonically_idris]: what's going to fuck and happen. Don't apologize. I got this stick with me.

[hosty_matt]: I'm sorry, Everybody.

[sonically_idris]: Walk with me, microphone. I got this mother fucking Sonic Lord nerds, Chaos

[sonically_idris]: Emeralds is going to be crazy. It's going to be crazy

[unfarted]: Yeah, Jesus,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[sonically_idris]: and like, I feel like I know what's going to happen Like Knuckles is go to

[sonically_idris]: like. Lay the beat down so Colick's wounds, and either thwart the you know,

[sonically_idris]: thwart the the other side and maybe be friends, Knuckles,

[unfarted]: yeah, knuckles me team. By the end,

[sonically_idris]: or maybe get into his head for the next movie and then cause a shift.

[cobra]: well, Knuckles is kind of like he is, always look kind of like an anti hero always

[cobra]: has been right. So

[unfarted]: he's the Rapel of the Dainger turtles.

[cobra]: yes, very

[sonically_idris]: Indeed,

[cobra]: good. very good comparison. Yes,

[unfarted]: Yes,

[sonically_idris]: you're on the good side now. continued.

[cobra]: my interest in

[hosty_matt]: What? what if Sonic? I have a really important question. What if Sonic flirted

[hosty_matt]: with Knuckles

[sonically_idris]: I'm fine with that

[cobra]: that'd be funny actually,

[hosty_matt]: and they started dating And that's how he switched to the the Good side?

[sonically_idris]: look. Sometimes you need to get a little taste of that blue juice,

[unfarted]: oh God,

[cobra]: or red juice.

[sonically_idris]: and sometimes you get a got a sip of that red juice and then we all find

[sonically_idris]: out it's still high sea loaded with sugar. kids.

[hosty_matt]: K. I came back around that somehow

[unfarted]: that took a turn.

[cobra]: That was a second dead that was scared, but came back.

[unfarted]: I just find

[sonically_idris]: trust me,

[unfarted]: it funny. I find it funny that the most passionate I've ever we talked about a lot

[unfarted]: of things on the spotcas, But the thing that that

[hosty_matt]: a lot.

[unfarted]: Chris is most passionate about is Sonic the Hedgehog too, and he takes that shit

[unfarted]: very seriously.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[sonically_idris]: Look, someone. one's got to go to bat for one of these trailers. Okay, we

[sonically_idris]: set the bar at lukewarm, Although willrase,

[unfarted]: Well, we were all really happy with the last diler.

[cobra]: yeah, yeah,

[sonically_idris]: listen, not the last trailer. I' talking uncharply started with Uncharted.

[sonically_idris]: That was

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[sonically_idris]: lukewarm. We fucked.

[sonically_idris]: lukewarm. We fucked.

[unfarted]: I'm trying to. That was the trailer's

[hosty_matt]: No,

[unfarted]: fault, not our fault.

[sonically_idris]: I'm not blamingly,

[hosty_matt]: we. we did not like that trailer. That's fine. We hated it and I love.

[cobra]: now I think Chris is looking for Martin.

[cobra]: Yeah, so let me

[sonically_idris]: I'm allowed to be happy about things I like.

[cobra]: you. you are.

[hosty_matt]: probably,

[cobra]: I mean, you're wrong about being happy in general, but you go ahead.

[sonically_idris]: S

[unfarted]: Jeez,

[unfarted]: I just

[unfarted]: like Chris. Talking about that movie was like like a paper view ad for a upcoming

[unfarted]: fight, which, like

[cobra]: Yeah.

[unfarted]: two people water in this corer, you got

[unfarted]: Jesus.

[sonically_idris]: one hedgeg, one, E one, James, gy,

[unfarted]: No one

[cobra]: so

[unfarted]: ferret is a ferret.

[cobra]: W. Fuck you, So what I? what I really liked about the Straer is that they're really

[cobra]: bringing like the game into like a lot more than the first one. First of all, Doctor

[cobra]: Robotni actually looks like Doctor Robotniick. Now like the the ridiculous Motache,

[cobra]: And I just I just wish they made him like really fat, Like

[unfarted]: Yeah,

[cobra]: like he's in the like. He's a. He's a an egg. Basically

[sonically_idris]: fat, Thor, James Carery, Doctor Robanic is going to be in Sonic Three.

[unfarted]: yeah, yeah, for sure,

[sonically_idris]: He's going to have to get beat so bad, he's going to return to his layer.

[sonically_idris]: His

[sonically_idris]: feelings that he's going to come back with a massive panch.

[unfarted]: depressed.

[unfarted]: I'm in for that

[cobra]: he. Yeah, I. I like that scene where he is like uh, trying to kis, like racing down a

[cobra]: tunnel, And then he bounces off the walls and he makes the the game sounds

[unfarted]: Mhm.

[cobra]: so they're leaning hard into the game And I'm all in for that. I'm a big fan of Sonic

[cobra]: too as well.

[unfarted]: At

[sonically_idris]: Yeah,

[unfarted]: least Yeah, unlike the uncharted movie trailer, this seems like it at least has

[unfarted]: some love for the source material.

[cobra]: Yeah, that's fair.

[sonically_idris]: and that's the

[hosty_matt]: which is

[sonically_idris]: thing with.

[hosty_matt]: well, I to say, it's fascinating because are kind of sadd Wes, but there

[hosty_matt]: certainly less law to work with. Wait to a so movie. Then there is in terms of

[hosty_matt]: how much content they build for the entire

[cobra]: Oh yeah.

[hosty_matt]: movie. Yet somehow the Sonic movie knows how to take what they have and make it

[hosty_matt]: into something interesting and un. Just like I don't know, big plan and shit.

[hosty_matt]: That's probably fine right.

[cobra]: I. I actually think that that's exactly because the the lore in the games is so like

[cobra]: thin.

[cobra]: by. Like

[unfarted]: No, in you, shut your mouth bit,

[sonically_idris]: I don't know. It's notin many.

[cobra]: it, I mean, compared to

[cobra]: Uncharted, it is, come on

[sonically_idris]: many many many games. You know.

[unfarted]: but wait,

[sonically_idris]: Well, Hm,

[sonically_idris]: it's

[cobra]: like

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, but

[sonically_idris]: It's bad handling. it's mishandling.

[unfarted]: wait, which, what Sp the story? What is this? then?

[cobra]: so the St. The Sonic story is very thin.

[unfarted]: Oh you right. sorry, I could not to handle that apologe. I be, I would Cht it.

[cobra]: See you're talking about. You're talking about Chris. Be excited about Sonic, but

[unfarted]: I got a little out of myself.

[cobra]: yeah, so like.

[cobra]: I think. I think Sonic.

[hosty_matt]: but so I want to cha. I want to challenge the amount of story there is Because

[hosty_matt]: the games. No, but there' been at least one, if not more cartoons that really

[hosty_matt]: dove in

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: to Sonics and that's all open right'. Not like they only have to pick from the

[hosty_matt]: movie. The game is to make this movie.

[cobra]: but that that's

[sonically_idris]: It's true.

[cobra]: exactly the point I was making because

[sonically_idris]: What is the point?

[cobra]: I think

[cobra]: because in chart has so much like story in the games. They

[sonically_idris]: Uh,

[cobra]: felt like they had to pick the stories from the games. Just a you know fan service. I

[cobra]: guess for. Oh, look at. this is like the game. Whereas Withonic, they're like Fuck.

[cobra]: If we go just to the games the original like there's nothing. we have to create our

[cobra]: own story, so they kind of free themselves of T from trying to have to shoe horn

[cobra]: anything in just because it's in the games.

[sonically_idris]: okay, I understand what you mean

[cobra]: so that gave them more freedom. I think.

[sonically_idris]: with Uncharted. It's bad. much. The translation would I take away from that

[sonically_idris]: is terrible mishandling of the

[cobra]: yeah,

[sonically_idris]: Uncharted Ip, and then with Sonic, just

[sonically_idris]: to to Masspo comics comics animated shows. games. Of course,

[sonically_idris]: the, I guess you could say, the architects that that are drawing from that.

[sonically_idris]: These, these pillars of of like material. they know how to stitch together

[sonically_idris]: something that can adapt and translate. For you know, this target

[sonically_idris]: demographic for a movie.

[cobra]: but it's a new story right.

[sonically_idris]: And and they, they did it right. They did it.

[cobra]: They're not copying the story from anywhere else.

[sonically_idris]: I honestly can't say for sure.

[hosty_matt]: They didn copy the story for the Uncharted movie.

[cobra]: Apparently they did. They picked a lot of pieces

[cobra]: from

[hosty_matt]: No,

[unfarted]: No,

[cobra]: from the games.

[hosty_matt]: They in copy the story. They' taking elements and making a new story.

[cobra]: Oh

[unfarted]: Yeah,

[cobra]: great.

[sonically_idris]: Yup,

[cobra]: yeah, that

[unfarted]: it's like that.

[cobra]: that fucking ▁quilt of a story is going to work.

[unfarted]: Yeah, it's like when they say you know you can copy me, but just change it up a

[unfarted]: little. you know. that's essentially what they did.

[sonically_idris]: it's like going. It's like going to. I don't know. It's like expecting a

[sonically_idris]: Big Mac and then getting a Sloppy Joe

[hosty_matt]: It's just

[hosty_matt]: the Ship of Theseus

[unfarted]: I may get extra.

[cobra]: Just the visuals of this. The fucking visual

[hosty_matt]: story.

[cobra]: of this is

[unfarted]: Yeah,

[cobra]: so gross.

[sonically_idris]: listen. un uncharted. Did it to itself.

[unfarted]: what's the

[cobra]: Yeah,

[unfarted]: sloppy

[sonically_idris]: That's my point.

[unfarted]: Joe analogy? Made

[sonically_idris]: Look, it's a.

[unfarted]: an extra sloppy for y.

[sonically_idris]: It's so Fl. You want

[hosty_matt]: Here's some.

[sonically_idris]: a a tasty hamburger. And and you get this this thing instead,

[hosty_matt]: Do we get a S of Sonx, blue juice?

[cobra]: oh

[unfarted]: Oh god

[sonically_idris]: You know

[cobra]: Jesus christ.

[cobra]: Jesus christ.

[sonically_idris]: and and and and just to be clear, ladies, ladies, gentlemen, and and every

[sonically_idris]: one on this wonderful blue planet. we're talking about Gaate Aid, who is

[sonically_idris]: totally sponsoring this podcast.

[unfarted]: Ga, get your blue juice.

[cobra]: it. it's a co sponsorship between Gaerid and G. fuel.

[sonically_idris]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: Oh gods,

[unfarted]: milk. That blue juice its where it ga aid

[cobra]: Jesus Christ.

[hosty_matt]: that Sos Orgm sound

[sonically_idris]: no,

[hosty_matt]: up too far too far

[sonically_idris]: wait,

[unfarted]: that'

[sonically_idris]: I must

[hosty_matt]: by.

[sonically_idris]: follow the rules of improvisation. Yes,

[unfarted]: Yes,

[sonically_idris]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: Yes and

[sonically_idris]: show Soic deserves.

[cobra]: Yes, and he. Yes, Yes, and he cried. After

[sonically_idris]: I wasn't expecting that

[sonically_idris]: knuckles. Please be gentle, please me to take off the gloves knuckles. I'm

[unfarted]: sonic

[sonically_idris]: sorry, I can.

[cobra]: that's why he's called Knuckles

[sonically_idris]: I'm all I. You know. I like what I like you gave me consent

[unfarted]: for four duckles deep.

[sonically_idris]: and tales was recording at poor tales. he's young.

[cobra]: All the names. I am just realizing it. Knuckles. it ta nothing of this is good

[cobra]: in in this scenario.

[hosty_matt]: I didn't create this universe, but

[sonically_idris]: Know

[hosty_matt]: we're using it

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: for what

[unfarted]: Listen,

[hosty_matt]: we need,

[unfarted]: sodx, blue juice is brought you by Gaateyes.

[hosty_matt]: so cater, Raid sponsors porn. now, cool.

[sonically_idris]: what? Okay? we need the course correct. this is this is. this is

[hosty_matt]: yeah,

[sonically_idris]: supposed to be acceptessible. The answer is yes,

[cobra]: wait.

[hosty_matt]: so um,

[hosty_matt]: great, um,

[cobra]: what. What was the question?

[hosty_matt]: coming off the G, Raid sponsors, Por and the answers. Yes, so we've got that

[cobra]: Ah gota got

[hosty_matt]: answer. That's great.

[unfarted]: So, to summarize, we thought the trailer was good.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, yeah,

[sonically_idris]: indeed,

[hosty_matt]: I'm excited to see. Uh.

[cobra]: excited to watch the second movie

[sonically_idris]: yeah, yes,

[hosty_matt]: yes. S. Sonic Sonic gets knuckled

[sonically_idris]: Oh,

[cobra]: in the Tales,

[sonically_idris]: not hand gibbered, not hand

[sonically_idris]: gibbered, knuckled, knuckled knuckle up, ladies and gentlemen, buckle up

[hosty_matt]: Y, no, no knuckled Mhm,

[cobra]: No knuckled knuckled in the tails. Yeah,

[sonically_idris]: and

[hosty_matt]: Um,

[sonically_idris]: knuckle up.

[sonically_idris]: knuckle up.

[hosty_matt]: yeah, I think we're done here.

[unfarted]: I certainly

[hosty_matt]: Let's

[unfarted]: hope so.

[cobra]: let's let's please be done.

[sonically_idris]: Yo. I've got I've got. I've got one more nerd point if that's okay.

[hosty_matt]: uh.

[cobra]: Oh God,

[hosty_matt]: sorry, Chris is actually in charge of the

[hosty_matt]: section, so I can't say he's the host.

[sonically_idris]: I, if it's okay, it's okay.

[cobra]: go for it. go for it.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, you're the host. Go ahead.

[sonically_idris]: Okay. So y. the thing I also like about about the Sonic movies is that it?

[sonically_idris]: It does? It does with a lot of movies that like to break the Third Wall a

[sonically_idris]: little bit. They acknowledge other. I.

[cobra]: Third.

[sonically_idris]: Ps. So Yeah, Foot Bird

[unfarted]: Fourth fourth Wa.

[sonically_idris]: and Fourth Wall Fifth, If you like, Well,

[cobra]: the Fourth Wall break the

[hosty_matt]: What's

[cobra]: third wall all the time when they destroyed the scenery.

[hosty_matt]: yeah?

[sonically_idris]: Yes,

[sonically_idris]: I'm I apologize. Okay, so like in the first one, Sonic is a fan of the

[sonically_idris]: Flash comic book, so it feels like he's entered our world where this

[sonically_idris]: material has it exists right. So I feel

[hosty_matt]: okay,

[sonically_idris]: like in terms of like sonic abilities they're using, they' drawing from

[sonically_idris]: his, his, his like set, but at the same time it's like a a, a super sped

[sonically_idris]: character right, So that ability to have have him tap into potential moves

[sonically_idris]: that other other super spedsters have is fun. That's all. I want to say.

[unfarted]: Yeah, he also reference Badman in the new trailer

[cobra]: Yeah,

[unfarted]: Blue Justice.

[cobra]: well, the the slowmo was seen on the first movie is almost as good as the slowmo

[cobra]: scene on on the uh, um, Fox,

[cobra]: um

[cobra]: quicko movie. So

[sonically_idris]: Yes, yes,

[cobra]: yeah, it's very good.

[sonically_idris]: Yes,

[cobra]: It's very. It's very similar.

[sonically_idris]: youll should watch the first one and

[cobra]: Yeah, you should.

[sonically_idris]: the second one's going to be fun.

[unfarted]: All right, Maybe I will probably not definitely know.

[cobra]: Oh, ma. well,

[hosty_matt]: I'm rest. I'm resting control of this train wreck back into my hands.

[sonically_idris]: He did it.

[hosty_matt]: We onto our last Dller. This one is brought to you by Luciano, Luciano, because

[hosty_matt]: he

[unfarted]: And and gaerid

[hosty_matt]: get. obviously

[hosty_matt]: because he loves

[hosty_matt]: chaos,

[cobra]: yes,

[hosty_matt]: much like Doctor Robway.

[unfarted]: chaos is a ladder.

[hosty_matt]: He chose the unbearable weight of massive talent.

[hosty_matt]: I recommend also watching this before we talk about

[cobra]: yeah,

[hosty_matt]: it. A pause for one second

[hosty_matt]: wel back. So obviously, you seen this movie is Nickage being nickage, but I

[hosty_matt]: think I'll let Lucya take it from here.

[cobra]: yeah, so it this. it's more. It's Nick Cage, B. Niickeage up to eleven, which is I'm

[cobra]: all the the moment I saw the first whatever, twenty seconds of the trailer, When they

[cobra]: say Nickage is Nick Aage, I'm like y, I man. Just whatever. I don't care what happens

[cobra]: in this movie, but

[unfarted]: Mhm,

[hosty_matt]: You expect Nickkage to just casually be in the cage.

[cobra]: oh no, no, no, no, he wouldn't do that. otherwise he wouldn't be N k Jack.

[hosty_matt]: Yeahly,

[cobra]: So this movie is about

[cobra]: in a nuthell, you know, Nick H, being down on his luck as a as an actor and being

[cobra]: hired by a millionaire like a super fan. That's also a millionaire to go to. I think

[cobra]: it's his birthday party. I don't remember now, but he, he goes,

[hosty_matt]: I feel like he iss a billionaire, not a millionaire, but yeah,

[cobra]: or, or a billionaire, And and um shanneigans happen. I guess is the way to put it,

[cobra]: Um,

[hosty_matt]: interesting.

[cobra]: and Pedro. So the? the? the thing that I love about Thisus Trarailer, And this is why

[cobra]: I put it in is that First of all, everybody seems to be having the fucking time of

[cobra]: their lives in this movie. Pedroposco is uh, New, Patrick Harris is Nick Age is

[cobra]: definitely doing that. I like that he's able to laugh at himself because some

[unfarted]: Yeah,

[cobra]: act, some, some people take themselves too seriously. He clearly doesn't.

[unfarted]: Mhm,

[cobra]: and

[unfarted]: Wesley Snipes.

[cobra]: oh yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Mhm.

[cobra]: can you imagine Wesley snipes to doing something like this,

[unfarted]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Westley Snipes in the Taxvader, You would never do that.

[unfarted]: the unbearable weight of extreme tax evasion.

[cobra]: Yeah, the unbearable way of I R s chasing my ass.

[unfarted]: I like the

[cobra]: So

[unfarted]: theory of. Uh,

[unfarted]: I don't know if you've heard this conspiracy theory, but Nick Kage is actually

[unfarted]: played by a set of twin brothers

[cobra]: Oh my God,

[unfarted]: and one is a great actor and one's a bad actor.

[sonically_idris]: really.

[unfarted]: And they were, and they were both work together in the movie adaptation where he

[unfarted]: plays Twin brothers.

[sonically_idris]: So are you saying that they perfected the old in twin formula

[unfarted]: Yeah, ex

[hosty_matt]: Yes,

[unfarted]: exactly

[cobra]: They,

[cobra]: they. they originated it, They originated the the Os and twins copied him.

[unfarted]: to to perfection. Yeah, they originated it. Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: yeah, yeah, I want that to be the pludest movie. Somehow, I want them to get

[cobra]: Yeah, I, I, I'm in for that too,

[hosty_matt]: that in there.

[unfarted]: that would be so great if have through the movie He like W to. he's like Vic, like

[unfarted]: Vic Cage, he's like. What are you doing here And he's like the like, the most

[unfarted]: talented actor in the world, and the one that you've been seeing is the one that's

[unfarted]: crazy.

[cobra]: and they like fist bump and go Nick and Vi together again. Yeah,

[unfarted]: Yeah, Yeah, exactly

[cobra]: okay, I, I also want this to be the plot. though,

[sonically_idris]: Brought

[cobra]: well, like

[sonically_idris]: you by Ga to read.

[cobra]: I

[sonically_idris]: Take that.

[cobra]: like. I, two two things that like make me like just the concept. I was already in all

[cobra]: in just from nickate, playain ne cage. But like there's two scenes in this trailer

[cobra]: that really just makes me super excited for this movie. The first one is when he gets

[cobra]: to the island or whatever and he looks at that statue of him and he goes, Is that's

[cobra]: supposed to be meat. That's grotesque. I'll give you twenty thousand dollars for it

[unfarted]: yeah. Yeah,

[cobra]: like that's the, and the the scene where they're escaping from something. And then

[unfarted]: he climbs the wall,

[cobra]: like the comes the waz.

[unfarted]: and

[cobra]: it's just you could just go around. Oh, okay, then

[sonically_idris]: Oh man.

[cobra]: like uh that. it's so

[unfarted]: the. Yeah. the the best of that scene is. N. kage be like I'll never forget you,

[cobra]: yeah,

[unfarted]: but that that iss all emotional.

[cobra]: so

[unfarted]: That was good.

[cobra]: I like. so it seems to me like it's going to be kind of run of the mill, like the

[cobra]: actual plot of this, where they get to. He gets to the island. And there's like some

[cobra]: plot either to assassinate the billionaire, to assassinate him or maybe both. And

[cobra]: then they actually have to do the things that he does in the movies. I guess, but I

[cobra]: don't care. It's just a. At this point, it's just a vehicle for me seeing Nickage

[cobra]: play Nicke Cage, as

[unfarted]: Yeah,

[cobra]: God intended

[unfarted]: I would like it if he actually has to summon characters from other movies. He sp

[unfarted]: in to get through certain scenes. Yeah, he's like.

[cobra]: From like, face off. Maybe suggest that to Pedro Pascal,

[unfarted]: Yeah, he's like he' like I'll be.

[cobra]: I'll be you.

[unfarted]: I'll be. Oh, what's the the bag? What's his name in? Um, face off. come on,

[cobra]: I don't. I don't remember Casster or something like that,

[unfarted]: Chatster, Troy,

[hosty_matt]: I'm cast to joy.

[unfarted]: Casster, Troit, he's like now, I' be cash or Troy,

[unfarted]: Casster, Troit, he's like now, I' be cash or Troy,

[unfarted]: Casster, Troit, he's like now, I' be cash or Troy,

[sonically_idris]: there you go.

[cobra]: Casor Troy, caster, tri, Yes,

[cobra]: Casster, try.

[cobra]: Yeah, yeah,

[unfarted]: and he's like

[unfarted]: he's like

[sonically_idris]: Mhm.

[unfarted]: extra drugggie.

[cobra]: yeah, I really want him to go like the Crazy Eyes Nick Age. What do you think I'm

[cobra]: doing here like that that? I really want to.

[unfarted]: Yeah, well, we know that's going to happen,

[cobra]: Yeah, well, I mean, I don't know what you guys thought. Trailer. I was so excited

[cobra]: when I saw it. I, I

[hosty_matt]: I think

[cobra]: must have watched it like five times. Honestly,

[hosty_matt]: his. I think I think the diler seems really funny

[hosty_matt]: and I think the movie is going to be dumb,

[cobra]: Hm.

[cobra]: one hundred percent like expendables levelled them.

[hosty_matt]: but not, but yeah, but not.

[cobra]: good.

[hosty_matt]: I. only. I'm concerned. it's going to be. It's not going to be good dumb. I

[hosty_matt]: think they're showing the funny bits,

[hosty_matt]: but, but it's actually going to be like boring by the time you finish watching

[hosty_matt]: it because it seems like Um,

[hosty_matt]: his, his brain. The the.

[unfarted]: Patri, Basc.

[cobra]: Pascal.

[hosty_matt]: That's Ptro, Pascal. He is also playing an idiot, so it's two idiots and

[cobra]: Yeah, dumb and dumber.

[hosty_matt]: I don't know if it's going to. Yeah, but Dombn, number two was shit.

[hosty_matt]: I don't know if it's going to. Yeah, but Dombn, number two was shit.

[cobra]: Oh yeah, it was. it was awful.

[hosty_matt]: So,

[unfarted]: I think it'll probably be one of those things where he like Pedro. Bascal thinks

[unfarted]: Nickage is like the best, and then through the movie he's going to learn that

[unfarted]: Nickage is not really anything

[unfarted]: like he's

[cobra]: Nickage is just the cage.

[unfarted]: going to follow his lead and then he's going

[hosty_matt]: but but vicage,

[unfarted]: to realize Nickage, but Vick Brother' going to come save the day.

[unfarted]: That

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[unfarted]: would be a movie.

[unfarted]: But yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Chris. I, I need backu.

[unfarted]: I'm a little worried about that too, but

[hosty_matt]: back me up.

[sonically_idris]: I'm excited, but I'm I'm holding my breath kind of waiting for the other Sh

[sonically_idris]: to drop.

[hosty_matt]: coward.

[sonically_idris]: What is? No, No,

[sonically_idris]: I, I don't know if it's going to be like amazing

[sonically_idris]: like

[sonically_idris]: they. They've hooked me based on the trailer, But where do they go from

[sonically_idris]: there? Is it going to?

[hosty_matt]: Can they reel you in? Can you real? Chris from Montreal, Inage,

[sonically_idris]: Can you por K,

[cobra]: Montrore is far away, So

[unfarted]: lets letm all Leto for you guys. If the movie

[sonically_idris]: do it?

[unfarted]: is

[unfarted]: By the numbers, action kind of funny comedy where it's like the premise is it's

[unfarted]: Nick Cage, But thens, like we need you to go under cover. because the guy's a big

[unfarted]: Nick Cage fan and Pri Bascal is coming to help.

[unfarted]: They have to escape Because something, and then they're just kind of on the run.

[unfarted]: If it goes down a roll of, If goes on that road, it will be kind of whatever. If

[unfarted]: it goes down a roobic shit just gets bat shit crazy.

[cobra]: which is what I'm hoping.

[unfarted]: I get like, which is like where Nick age is like, And what Like does acid in one

[unfarted]: scene, And then hes like walking around and like a fucking parrot costume. because

[unfarted]: you know just and then mowing guys down while in the costume with a gun. It's just

[unfarted]: gets like off the walls nuts. Then I think it'll be a good movie. E,

[sonically_idris]: I think I

[unfarted]: especially if Nick Cage is really eamping up his, like his, You know

[unfarted]: n cageions.

[cobra]: Nageness. Yeah,

[sonically_idris]: his mojo.

[unfarted]: Exactly. Yeah,

[unfarted]: if

[sonically_idris]: I think. Mhm.

[unfarted]: that's the case, it'll be good.

[sonically_idris]: I think To your point if they go. though, if this movie goes the way of Je,

[sonically_idris]: Claude Van Johnson,

[sonically_idris]: I think it might have something. And like, Did any of you see some of ▁j C

[sonically_idris]: v Ds. Like that that show that that

[hosty_matt]: No,

[sonically_idris]: it was really good, like it was self aware and that's where the Philip

[sonically_idris]: thing came from. Uh,

[unfarted]: Wasn't it a movie?

[sonically_idris]: for the, it was a. It was. Um. it was

[sonically_idris]: a. a. one season. Yeah, one season.

[cobra]: it's a Tv series, right.

[unfarted]: but there's also a movie called ▁j, C v D with him in it.

[sonically_idris]: No, no la. You're right. That was a separate thing. This is

[unfarted]: Okay,

[sonically_idris]: John Claude Van Johnson, So

[unfarted]: oh,

[sonically_idris]: ja, C, like Van Dam playing himself, but his real name is Been. His real

[sonically_idris]: name is Van Johnson anyway,

[unfarted]: oh,

[sonically_idris]: If if it go if it pulls from that approach, self aware, but ▁zane, which is

[unfarted]: Mhm.

[sonically_idris]: kind of what the feel I'm getting is from this. Um, I, I just feel like I

[sonically_idris]: need more foundation. so I maybe a second trailer might reveal

[sonically_idris]: more. Or maybe that's not the point. Like dude needs money. Going to this

[sonically_idris]: island gets into some shit, But will it be enough? I just don't know.

[cobra]: I

[unfarted]: I think also,

[cobra]: have a feeling that this is going to be one of those movies where it's funny to watch

[cobra]: like you're not going to re. watch it A bunch of times you're going to watch it. It's

[cobra]: going to be funny and you're going to have a some like scenes that you can probably

[cobra]: like make into a gift, or you know, a a

[unfarted]: yeah, yeah,

[cobra]: small clip. And and that that's what we're going to be Rewching Is like some scenes,

[cobra]: but not the whole. That's that's what I think this is going to be.

[sonically_idris]: Yeahcause. It's also got like it' Got some notable cameos like Tiffany hatt

[sonically_idris]: and barrenholes. I like them, but I feel like

[sonically_idris]: they going to work for us as the Ouddist, like I love you in this. I loved

[sonically_idris]: you in that fucking go here, fucking face off, and that's it, and then they

[cobra]: I, Bern ho. This has one scene in this. In this. it is so funny. Why would I have

[sonically_idris]: go away.

[cobra]: watch that? I'm a forty five year old man. I watch Conn Air like I love

[unfarted]: yeah.

[cobra]: thatty,

[sonically_idris]: Yeah, Yeah,

[unfarted]: I think if there's cameos from other big actors like playing

[cobra]: yeah,

[unfarted]: themselves and their are like cokie versions of themselves, that'd be fun too.

[sonically_idris]: hopefully

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, there's some potential there. I am just curious. I hope for the best, but

[hosty_matt]: I fear the worst. You know, as all true Nickkage fan should do when they

[cobra]: y.

[hosty_matt]: watch any movie. He then

[cobra]: yeah, but well, I guess we'll see if we were going to bring Nick or vicage into this

[cobra]: That that's going to make a difference as well.

[hosty_matt]: on the cage,

[unfarted]: Yeah, the other

[sonically_idris]: well done well, Then

[unfarted]: guys. I'm thecage in Hon, to be. Thank you very much.

[hosty_matt]: tell me ask you this question. Um, we've talked through all our trailers.

[hosty_matt]: If you can only pick one of these movies to watch,

[hosty_matt]: Which one are you going to watch and I'll see why.

[unfarted]: That's tough.

[cobra]: I, I have an answer.

[hosty_matt]: Okay, are we going to like it?

[cobra]: I, I don't know. I do you like anything? I say, Probably not.

[cobra]: I

[hosty_matt]: No,

[unfarted]: Not usually.

[cobra]: don't care. So for me, it would be everything everywhere all at once.

[cobra]: It' justcause I think it has all the like. The other movies are sort of like, kind of

[cobra]: nichey. but this one is like it has a little bit of everything. I'm sure it's going

[cobra]: to have some funny moment. The action seems like it's going to be great. It's

[cobra]: hopefully a new good. I. p. So I would pick that one if I had to pick this one.

[unfarted]: I know what I'm not

[unfarted]: and that'

[cobra]: Ed.

[unfarted]: Sonic the Hedgehog too.

[cobra]: Oh, wow,

[unfarted]: I haven't even to the first ones. Wow, that's like. I don't really feel

[unfarted]: the

[cobra]: that's fair.

[unfarted]: need to watch that.

[sonically_idris]: you should watch the It's worth it,

[hosty_matt]: Wow,

[unfarted]: Um, uncharted. It's like. I, actually, because I'm such a fan. You know. it's the

[unfarted]: same. It's the reason they make these movies is because they know that they have a

[unfarted]: built an audience with people like me who are like. I love the games. I got to see

[unfarted]: it and they're right. I do have to see the fucking fuckers Got me, but

[unfarted]: knowing that I'll probably leave angry,

[unfarted]: I'm going to not choose that one either,

[hosty_matt]: okay,

[hosty_matt]: okayward,

[unfarted]: so

[unfarted]: I'm going to go with.

[unfarted]: I don't want agree with Luciano, though I can hate that.

[cobra]: That's why I went first

[unfarted]: Yeah, I'll fuck and choose the

[unfarted]: everything,

[unfarted]: every whatever movie. Yeah, exactly.

[sonically_idris]: Soge, too,

[unfarted]: Yeah. I'll choose the the Michelle Yeo vehicle

[hosty_matt]: Chris, what were you?

[sonically_idris]: I love me some, Michelle Y. I feel like I'm going to Okay. Well,

[sonically_idris]: ha, I, the loophole you asked.

[unfarted]: Chris. Hold on if you don't fucking pick Sonic the Hedgehog too, after all that

[unfarted]: fucking shit you went through, I swear, and fucking God, we listen to you Red for

[unfarted]: twenty god damn minutes.

[cobra]: felt longer.

[unfarted]: Yeah, so I'm I. He's picking Sonic Done, You don't that you.

[cobra]: Yeah, yeah, shut up your picking, Sonach.

[sonically_idris]: You don't speak for me, Mother

[unfarted]: You lose

[sonically_idris]: Fuker, when it comes to side the hedgeho, too, I own my agency Fathermore.

[sonically_idris]: I watch it said At the headge. to too, featuring James Cherry. That's

[sonically_idris]: right. Take off that earbone because I know how to project from my

[sonically_idris]: diaphram.

[unfarted]: coming July twenty fourth,

[cobra]: I feel like they should have. Just this should pay Chris Thesent on a corner yelling

[cobra]: about this movie.

[sonically_idris]: You guys

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[sonically_idris]: remember from Toronto, The believe guy, the guy

[cobra]: Oh yeah, what do you mean? remember I every time I go out I see him.

[sonically_idris]: Hows good,

[cobra]: He's not mask. So no,

[unfarted]: Is he good?

[cobra]: he never wry a

[cobra]: mask. His name is Sarcle, By the way,

[unfarted]: Ma? What's your pick?

[sonically_idris]: Oh sarcle, I learn something.

[hosty_matt]: we're learn. I

[hosty_matt]: don't want to interrupt. I don't want to interrupt this very reional

[cobra]: I learned something.

[hosty_matt]: conversation that's affing right now.

[unfarted]: You know,

[hosty_matt]: We might have listeners.

[unfarted]: you know you know that building a blur and the devern,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[unfarted]: you know

[sonically_idris]: y

[unfarted]: Southwest Coroner,

[sonically_idris]: y

[hosty_matt]: we might

[unfarted]: you know it.

[hosty_matt]: have listeners in in Germany, but they are turned out right about then. only

[hosty_matt]: then.

[sonically_idris]: na. They going to look him up, Going to look him up.

[cobra]: No, They have an incentive to come to Toronto to find the believe guy

[hosty_matt]: cool. um, I'm going to answer. Not that anybody seems to care. At least

[sonically_idris]: Care,

[hosty_matt]: Spencer asked. so thank you,

[unfarted]: you welcome.

[hosty_matt]: Spencer. Um. here's I'm going to throw a carurb into this one. The movie I most

[hosty_matt]: want to watch is uncharted and the reason why is

[cobra]: Cause you hate yourself

[unfarted]: You hate yourself. Yeah, exactly

[hosty_matt]: I?

[cobra]: If you want to be angrying.

[hosty_matt]: well, yeah, I love a good hate watch. I love to be able to watch something and

[hosty_matt]: just come out of it and do to it what knuckles to do. Tosnic. When Tales is

[hosty_matt]: filming

[sonically_idris]: nothing, knuckling,

[unfarted]: that's that's that's our.

[cobra]: That's again. The imagery in this is great.

[hosty_matt]: you welcome. I'm professional after all,

[sonically_idris]: Hm, are you going to consume? You going to be you know, enjoying the

[sonically_idris]: liations

[sonically_idris]: uncharteds and or recreational stuff.

[sonically_idris]: uncharteds and or recreational stuff.

[hosty_matt]: mean it. Listen. it's legal on Ontario, so yes,

[cobra]: He like batience.

[hosty_matt]: they make. they make them in liquids. Now you can get Poght in

[unfarted]: You'll find a way.

[hosty_matt]: a

[cobra]: Okay,

[hosty_matt]: sparkling pop beverage.

[sonically_idris]: But like

[hosty_matt]: Put some Fk in it. I'm sure that's safe.

[cobra]: like ham cola,

[sonically_idris]: that movie might be

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, well, it's not hemp. It's like full on. Tc.

[unfarted]: Guys were legally not allowed to talk about any drinks other than Blue jue

[hosty_matt]: Oh, sorry,

[unfarted]: Gaid,

[sonically_idris]: De

[cobra]: It?

[cobra]: No,

[unfarted]: our sponsor.

[sonically_idris]: cage match

[cobra]: it's Can of It's green.

[hosty_matt]: there there is a. There is Um, juicy Blue Gate, right, not blue juice, but juicy

[hosty_matt]: blue Gay Aid is just filled with T. H. D. That's that's a new practice coming.

[hosty_matt]: This is. Uh, this is what Gaerys. A lot us to do is to um unveil one of the new

[hosty_matt]: hot products for the summer.

[sonically_idris]: money.

[hosty_matt]: So you

[unfarted]: Its who make them so much fogging money,

[unfarted]: Its who make them so much fogging money,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: mhm, Mhm,

[cobra]: said

[unfarted]: but they're not going to do it.

[cobra]: Gaid grass green. That the name of it grass green.

[unfarted]: You know it's called Judy Blue. You just said that,

[hosty_matt]: See blue. I just said it.

[cobra]: No,

[unfarted]: but

[cobra]: it's grass green.

[hosty_matt]: No.

[unfarted]: are you not getting notes? The notes from our sponsors? Yeah, what the hell

[hosty_matt]: G. Raid sent me the notes. I don't know why you don't like.

[cobra]: They send me different notes. Care. I don't want to tell you.

[hosty_matt]: Uh, Well, Okay, check it, See if they spell Gate Ray right, you might be talking

[hosty_matt]: about completely different products.

[unfarted]: spell Gaate raid with two jays.

[cobra]: I told you I, I'm sponsored by G fuel. Maybe that's what I'm talking about.

[unfarted]: Ah, yes.

[hosty_matt]: Okay, you have Gef fuel. I get it. Okay. Wow, different sponsorships. That's

[hosty_matt]: very very interesting. Um, Okay, Yeah, So so everyone picks their favorite movie

[hosty_matt]: Is is Spencer is going to skip Sock the Hetchck. You're not going to watch it at

[hosty_matt]: all,

[unfarted]: I'm not going to watch untilll. I watch the first one and I'm not watching the

[unfarted]: first one.

[hosty_matt]: right, So the answer is yes. You're not watching it at all.

[unfarted]: Yeah, yes, yes,

[cobra]: So Yes, you're escaping it.

[hosty_matt]: Thank you.

[cobra]: That was a very.

[unfarted]: uh,

[cobra]: the longest yes in history.

[unfarted]: a.

[sonically_idris]: Thanks for nothing.

[unfarted]: a long way to get to that.

[sonically_idris]: Yeah, damn

[hosty_matt]: Fuck me. we all died on the way to that trip.

[hosty_matt]: Um,

[sonically_idris]: question,

[hosty_matt]: Chris, yeah,

[sonically_idris]: though, when does okay? So I char, It comes out February, everything

[sonically_idris]: everywhere, March, Sonic,

[hosty_matt]: y,

[sonically_idris]: April, When

[hosty_matt]: yeah,

[sonically_idris]: does? when does

[cobra]: Unchared.

[sonically_idris]: no? No? when does Nick Kages movie come out?

[hosty_matt]: the unbearable weight of massive talent.

[sonically_idris]: Yeah, is it if we had it with a back to back month thing that would be

[sonically_idris]: pretty nice.

[cobra]: I don't know that they say in they,

[unfarted]: How about this?

[hosty_matt]: it's a. It's a teaser trailer. Oh,

[cobra]: April twenty second, April twenty

[sonically_idris]: Okay,

[cobra]: second,

[hosty_matt]: there we go.

[unfarted]: How about this guy? Twir fans?

[hosty_matt]: Yup, Oh,

[unfarted]: We're going to put out a twitter pole on which of these movies you like us to do a

[unfarted]: review of

[unfarted]: And for all six of you out there, you guys can choose

[cobra]: oh six, we got more.

[unfarted]: what movie we want. We got. We got four more followers. I think one

[hosty_matt]: well,

[unfarted]: of them' Mad.

[sonically_idris]: I thought I was one of

[sonically_idris]: themdeed

[hosty_matt]: yes, you don't count. Well, we have everyone's married, so I got to say at least

[hosty_matt]: fifty percent of our wives follow.

[unfarted]: that's true. So

[hosty_matt]: so that's two.

[unfarted]: my wife definitely doesn't out of spite,

[hosty_matt]: Mhm.

[unfarted]: so

[hosty_matt]: Make makes sense.

[unfarted]: right, right,

[hosty_matt]: She knows you

[unfarted]: Yep, no, but I think we should do that And then they can vote on which of four of

[unfarted]: these movies we, uh, we do a a review episode

[hosty_matt]: all right. Yep.

[unfarted]: on. well, not a re. few episode. Uh, a four idiots talking about it episode.

[cobra]: That's

[hosty_matt]: yeah,

[cobra]: whatview is,

[unfarted]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: I mean in in a way.

[cobra]: at least when we do it.

[sonically_idris]: than for banplaining Twenty twenty two.

[hosty_matt]: wow,

[unfarted]: well, are you assuming I'm a man? twenty twenty two,

[hosty_matt]: um,

[hosty_matt]: listen, so Luciana was dubbed twenty twenty to the year of Uh, the patriarchy.

[hosty_matt]: Um, We suggested he didn't do that, but

[cobra]: Me. what did I do? I'm ▁quiet, for once

[cobra]: for

[sonically_idris]: Oh,

[cobra]: you,

[unfarted]: Luciano was always talk.

[hosty_matt]: lu. see, I was hot on the patriarcht this year. Loves it. big fan.

[unfarted]: listen, listen, you, should you

[cobra]: this is. this is why I never shut up. Because when I do people blame you for shit.

[unfarted]: listen,

[unfarted]: you should have. You should have heard, but Luciana told me before this broadcast

[sonically_idris]: I thought you were progressive, Lo

[unfarted]: started

[unfarted]: He was non stop about the patriarchy.

[sonically_idris]: Luciano once kicked a dog.

[unfarted]: He kicked a

[cobra]: Two, You,

[unfarted]: dog because he wasn't part of the patriarch.

[sonically_idris]: I saw Luciano shoplift. Once

[hosty_matt]: Well,

[cobra]: all three are all three of you.

[sonically_idris]: it was stationary,

[cobra]: All

[hosty_matt]: well he's

[cobra]: you

[sonically_idris]: he stole envelopes.

[cobra]: have. you can F yourselfves there.

[sonically_idris]: I

[unfarted]: Wow, he.

[sonically_idris]: also saw him steal napkins from an A. W.

[unfarted]: he just man yelled at me.

[hosty_matt]: hes, Chris. he said he's Brazilian. I don't know what you're telling us now.

[unfarted]: Those those napkins went into a good home.

[hosty_matt]: I got no. we'.

[cobra]: What

[hosty_matt]: we're done. I'm not now. It's still. it's too easy. Um, I'm going to Saylas into

[unfarted]: Sorry, I meant to say he needed those napkins for his blue juice.

[hosty_matt]: ending this.

[unfarted]: Sorry, his blue

[hosty_matt]: better better.

[unfarted]: juic brought you by Gator aid there. now I'm done,

[hosty_matt]: thank you done now. the excellent work. You professional as always. So um, Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: that was a broadcast episode. Thank you were listening. I hope you are.

[hosty_matt]: I hope you're excited about one of these God forsaken movies and Juicy Blue Gary

[hosty_matt]: coming in summer twenty twenty two,

[sonically_idris]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: the year of the jari, s, uh, Lus, I was calling

[sonically_idris]: thanks, Luuciano.

[hosty_matt]: as we know. Um,

[cobra]: for you?

[hosty_matt]: if if you think Luciia should maybe make twenty twenty twenty two, the year of

[hosty_matt]: something else, tweet atdam, Uh, you can send him an email. Uh, our Twitter

[hosty_matt]: account is your wrong cast at Jaail. That's not the Twitter account. I'm

[hosty_matt]: confusing these things. Twitter is just at your wrongcast. and

[cobra]: Jesus,

[hosty_matt]: we're a purple pole. As Spencer suggested, you vote on which one of these movies

[hosty_matt]: we're going to watch and then talk about. Um. There's also the email address.

[hosty_matt]: That's we're going to send emails to Luciano about the his twenty year of twenty

[hosty_matt]: twenty two. Um, and that is your wrong, cas, Atil dot Com. We also have the

[hosty_matt]: website which is Dupleve, dublev duu Blveis Dot you wrongcast dot C. A.

[cobra]: You know, you know you know who says Www. When they spell out a website, The The

[cobra]: tools of the Patriarch,

[unfarted]: boomers.

[cobra]: That who?

[hosty_matt]: I didn't say w. w.

[cobra]: Boomers yet?

[hosty_matt]: w. I didn't say it w. w.

[hosty_matt]: W.

[sonically_idris]: Why you advocate for your

[cobra]: Yeah, you did only another

[hosty_matt]: I clearly said Dub leve,

[cobra]: You. You're a To of the Paaki.

[sonically_idris]: Luc? Are you advocating for your ilk?

[cobra]: Then there you go'm.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: not.

[cobra]: I merely sting. In fact,

[hosty_matt]: yeah, you, you, you know

[sonically_idris]: Try to be subversive in this bitch

[cobra]: I know I know you're a too of the patriarch. Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: about the patriarchy, Yeah,

[unfarted]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: yeah, Mm, no, um,

[unfarted]: I don't know why Luciana just can't stop talking with the patriar,

[hosty_matt]: I, he. just that's why he. Ca.

[unfarted]: Just keep stop pushing your agenda. I know

[sonically_idris]: pushing his agenda again

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, it's fine. Let it

[sonically_idris]: again.

[hosty_matt]: go, dude to twenty twenty two,

[unfarted]: men should run the world Muund. I know I know. get it,

[cobra]: hey, hey guy Gu. for you,

[hosty_matt]: Mhm, M. I. I didn't hear that. Um,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, Any any last words? Not Lucian,

[sonically_idris]: I'm excited for James Cary's next role. To be honest,

[cobra]: James.

[cobra]: I think you should call him Eugene Carey. Just so

[cobra]: nobody knows what you're talking about.

[unfarted]: James Eugene Carey.

[cobra]: not just Eugene.

[sonically_idris]: only fan couldk could go in that deep

[hosty_matt]: Okay, Spencer.

[unfarted]: I'm excited to get myself a bottle of blue juice

[sonically_idris]: with a

[unfarted]: on.

[cobra]: I

[sonically_idris]: of cage match

[cobra]: have a feeling Gettingready is paying him more than his pa.

[unfarted]: Get your

[hosty_matt]: Well, you're on g fel. What

[hosty_matt]: do you care? Geeve fuel the drink of the patriarchy, That's

[unfarted]: Yeah, not g fuel.

[cobra]: Im. I'm on both.

[cobra]: I'm on both.

[sonically_idris]: Like do they pay you one lump sum or is it like a hundred dollars broken up

[sonically_idris]: across? You know, several quarters.

[unfarted]: I get.

[cobra]: Yes,

[unfarted]: I got paid in blue juice, Sonics, blue juice all over me

[hosty_matt]: okay. Uh, that's all time we have. We will definitely definitely

[unfarted]: not be back.

[hosty_matt]: definitely

[hosty_matt]: be cancelled after this episode.

[cobra]: yeah, yeah,

[unfarted]: Mhm,

[cobra]: sideing with me through no phone of my own Min. I addd, But you know

[hosty_matt]: No,

[sonically_idris]: Listen, you can't play the scapegoat.

[unfarted]: Oh, on, let me just let me just I throw this out there. Uh,

[hosty_matt]: Mhm.

[unfarted]: Cm, pockts, notal dequal representation of Gaor raid or G fuel. We, we, we don't

[unfarted]: have the sponsor any of this nonsense. Goodbye

[hosty_matt]: Well,

[cobra]: who would sponsor this

[hosty_matt]: also, or or the patriarchy, just to get that in there.

[unfarted]: or the patriarch. I like Seatta. We did not believe the paro.

[cobra]: or the yeah, yeahf, you.

[hosty_matt]: Ah, for now, I' mat,

[cobra]: I'm a to of the patriarchy. I guess

[sonically_idris]: You am

[unfarted]: I'm Spencer.

[sonically_idris]: Sa

[sonically_idris]: victory.

[unfarted]: What?

[cobra]: this is another

[hosty_matt]: fuck us.

[cobra]: stroke.

Creators and Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
Recurring guest host extraordinaire
53. Pick a Trailer, Rant a While: Early 2022 Movies
Broadcast by