54. Whoever Thought "The Matrix" Needed A Resurrection Was Wrong

And if you thought this was a good movie, so were you.

[hosty_matt]: Hello, and we back to your wrong

[hosty_matt]: this week.

[hosty_matt]: we are going to talk about the most glorious movie ever released in twenty

[hosty_matt]: twenty two,

[cobra]: Alone in the dark, Wait, what?

[hosty_matt]: twenty twenty two. The Matrix

[hosty_matt]: resurrections Actually think it was released in twenty twenty one. right.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Well, listen,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Well,

[cobra]: just fuck. starting strong.

[hosty_matt]: that's not the only thing we're going to be wrong

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: listen,

[hosty_matt]: about

[hosty_matt]: about

[the_fart_rix___4]: No, not even

[the_fart_rix___4]: might

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the name of the pockca. for a reason

[the_fart_rix___4]: as well even when you as well been twenty two.

[hosty_matt]: somebody is wrong. Um, as you've heard me Asious, we have luciano,

[cobra]: No, that's not true.

[hosty_matt]: Uh, we have

[hosty_matt]: the fart Ricks for

[the_fart_rix___4]: That's right. that's right. that right.

[hosty_matt]: and we have the Matrix bogitated

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: that that's a good play on the title.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I am excited to talk about this movie for all the wrong

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: reasons.

[hosty_matt]: cool, um,

[hosty_matt]: I think the. I think we should dive into it. I think there' going to be a lot of

[hosty_matt]: ground

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Y

[hosty_matt]: to cover

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: and we shouldn't waste any time, so let's jump into it. Uh, randomize or

[hosty_matt]: randomize Me. Who is going to give us their rating first?

[cobra]: the redom mizer was hesitating for a second.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: glitch.

[hosty_matt]: It's okay.

[hosty_matt]: It's okay.

[cobra]: Do I want to do this

[the_fart_rix___4]: Ha,

[hosty_matt]: It was a. It was a glitch in the matrix.

[hosty_matt]: It was a. It was a glitch in the matrix.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Oh,

[hosty_matt]: I see myself out.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: see later, guys. we got it.

[cobra]: fu ga, me, sir, with this shit

[the_fart_rix___4]: tuck your

[the_fart_rix___4]: chair

[hosty_matt]: Um,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Shut it down.

[the_fart_rix___4]: back into the desk.

[hosty_matt]: as it turns out, it is me who wins this round of the

[hosty_matt]: randomzer, So

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: But that's not all.

[cobra]: that very convenient.

[hosty_matt]: what? why can't I

[hosty_matt]: go first? The randomiz are picked. I don't pick. There's no way the randomizer

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: you're not allowed you introduce. So you got to go last.

[hosty_matt]: is just as sound. The Spencer makes this sometimesime. Chris makes this his

[hosty_matt]: voice, and then I pick who. A whoever I want to talk. That is that's insanity. I

[cobra]: Yeah, No,

[hosty_matt]: would never do that to our audience.

[the_fart_rix___4]: S.

[cobra]: that would never happen. but that's

[the_fart_rix___4]: I love luee.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Well now you are right.

[cobra]: I mean. you're talking crazy now.

[hosty_matt]: We respect.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: All heil the Brandomiz,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Oh,

[hosty_matt]: we respect the randomizer, just like a respect to Segu.

[the_fart_rix___4]: mhm, Mhm, mhm,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: So

[cobra]: but it's about the same

[hosty_matt]: it's about the same level.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: I'm going to go first, Um in our grand scale that we use, which is the uh luot

[hosty_matt]: system in many video games. Uh, I must choose from the low end of vendor trash

[hosty_matt]: to the high end of the legendary I listen. I'm go. I'm I'm going to start off in

[hosty_matt]: a real rair position. I'm a little comment on this one.

[cobra]: Okay.

[hosty_matt]: Here's the thing. There are pieces of this movie I think are really interesting.

[hosty_matt]: Um, there are some, some themes and some

[hosty_matt]: ideas that I think

[hosty_matt]: could have worked.

[hosty_matt]: and for whatever reason,

[hosty_matt]: Laa Wchowski could not

[hosty_matt]: stop putting more ideas and more themes and more ideas and more themes into this

[hosty_matt]: story, Such that the two. I think it's about two and a quarters. well, two and a

[hosty_matt]: half hours, if you, you know, include everything. Uh, run time still seem like

[hosty_matt]: there wasn't enough time to talk with everything and everything just kind of

[hosty_matt]: happened in a breaking enough pace, and then wrapped up, and I still didn't know

[hosty_matt]: what happened. Um, and there's there's individual pieces that will dig into as

[hosty_matt]: we go through the rest of the show. Um, that specifically were good, and, or,

[hosty_matt]: um, just literally the worst. Um,

[hosty_matt]: but I, I ill believe I will leave that to the episode, so I'm go to go. common.

[hosty_matt]: Um, it had potential. It was okay to watch.

[hosty_matt]: but you know, probably not going to watch it again.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: well, then,

[the_fart_rix___4]: mhm, Mhm,

[hosty_matt]: Let's go to the other end of the spectrum Luciano

[the_fart_rix___4]: three,

[cobra]: I knew it was going to be me.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Mhm.

[cobra]: Ah,

[cobra]: okay, so

[cobra]: I ill. I'll start with the rating and then I'll explain. It's vennder trash, plain

[cobra]: and simple,

[the_fart_rix___4]: oo,

[cobra]: and the reason why is it's M mainly

[cobra]: twofold.

[cobra]: So to start with, I have to say, Matrix, The Matrix is probably

[cobra]: one of my favorite movies of all time. Top three easily,

[cobra]: and I'm I'm o'vly, talking about the first one.

[hosty_matt]: is is. Hey, As how long is this over be? Go to take here. We're going to have to

[hosty_matt]: shut it down after. like

[cobra]: No, no, no Earthquak, And so

[hosty_matt]: okay,

[cobra]: I, When I watched the first movie, I came out of it like you know, I very impressed

[cobra]: and questioning whether reality was actually reality.

[cobra]: And then you know, the other movies proceeded to shit on that legacy. And then this

[cobra]: movie did two things. It not only continued the shitery on the On the legacy, but it

[cobra]: also felt like you know, given all the little hints in the middle of the movie felt

[cobra]: like they didn't want to do it. That whole madd thing about. Oh, we have to release

[cobra]: Matrixa, blah, blah blah. That felt like they like Leno. Echlska's hand, I guess, was

[cobra]: forced, and she was like, Oh, listen, this is what I'm gonna do right. And

[cobra]: that is like

[cobra]: so disrespectful to her own legacy and to her own original movie, but also to the

[cobra]: defense, And if e, either if this was Ma done shitily by malice or if it was done by

[cobra]: just not knowing what to do it, it is it, Managds. To be worse than than the third

[cobra]: movie.

[cobra]: It has some. It has the the aggravation like Mat out of having some interesting ideas

[cobra]: there and then taking those ideas and cheating on them too on the same,

[cobra]: plus the pandering of the nostalgia thing. So like I just Fcon. detested this movie.

[cobra]: To me. It's in a shit level, as much a shit level as Rise Skywalker

[cobra]: and I I am a lesser person now for having watched it. Thank you for my talk.

[hosty_matt]: Okay, Well, thank you for

[hosty_matt]: you know, taking it easy and not really getting

[cobra]: Yeah know, yeah, I thought I'd pa myself.

[hosty_matt]: into it too much. Stes. A good. It's a good round, rounded take on the movie.

[hosty_matt]: Let's go with the fire tricks.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yeah, um,

[the_fart_rix___4]: my mute was like messing with me.

[cobra]: How do mute buttons work?

[the_fart_rix___4]: Well, I'm trying to use the space bar a lot faster so that I can be. you

[the_fart_rix___4]: know, light me

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, it's working.

[the_fart_rix___4]: quick with my response time.

[cobra]: Yeah, it works very well,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Well, I'm on

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: you know it.

[the_fart_rix___4]: now. I'm on the air now you know I did. Um,

[cobra]: please. please leave all of this on.

[the_fart_rix___4]: yeah, okay, no, no, no, not even so

[the_fart_rix___4]: thanks toiano's Re. View and feedback,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Um,

[the_fart_rix___4]: I'm downgrading from

[the_fart_rix___4]: uncommon

[cobra]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: Are

[cobra]: yes,

[hosty_matt]: you that impressionable?

[the_fart_rix___4]: to common. No, it was always common. I just wanted to. I. I appreciate

[the_fart_rix___4]: that like

[the_fart_rix___4]: I.

[the_fart_rix___4]: I felt like I. I agree with a lot of the points that've been made, but at

[the_fart_rix___4]: the same time yes, and

[the_fart_rix___4]: I couldn't shake the feeling that this was a weird remake of the first

[the_fart_rix___4]: movie

[cobra]: Mhm.

[the_fart_rix___4]: with less of a payoff

[the_fart_rix___4]: for me And

[the_fart_rix___4]: okay,

[the_fart_rix___4]: like if for those listening, If you haven't watched the movie already too

[the_fart_rix___4]: bad, Like the whole duality

[cobra]: Why do you? what are you listening for? If you haven't listened to watch the movie

[cobra]: yet,

[the_fart_rix___4]: exactly? I'm too nice sometimes, so I'm just I'm trying. Um, the whole

[the_fart_rix___4]: duality of like, there's no longer a one there or two. Okay, that's cute.

[the_fart_rix___4]: That's a cute button. a cute little bowtie on the end. Great, but

[cobra]: I hated it.

[the_fart_rix___4]: I.

[the_fart_rix___4]: I. I. I was expecting more

[cobra]: Mhm.

[the_fart_rix___4]: personally, and to be honest, I enjoyed. I enjoyed

[the_fart_rix___4]: the analyst and Neil Patrick Harris. I enjoyed his arc more than neos and

[the_fart_rix___4]: trinities.

[cobra]: Ah, okay,

[the_fart_rix___4]: I enjoyed that arc. I like it was.

[cobra]: I was about to have words with you,

[the_fart_rix___4]: I'm just saying like it was. It was fresh and enough. It was fresh enough

[the_fart_rix___4]: content for me to be like Okay and then like the uh and then the trap of

[the_fart_rix___4]: Uh, or you know, the aspect of retrapping and rebuilding Neo, throwing him

[the_fart_rix___4]: back in. That was more interesting to me than the matricey stuff that's

[the_fart_rix___4]: supposed was eat, supposed to be action packed. and so on,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: seven

[the_fart_rix___4]: you know, I. I. I left. I left the whole thing feeling really mad and I

[the_fart_rix___4]: wasn't expecting that, and like for the listeners we were trying to figure

[the_fart_rix___4]: out like Spencer, before we. We, we, um, like three four episodes before

[the_fart_rix___4]: we even recorded this. He's like, Have you Gus seen the Matrix? Have you

[the_fart_rix___4]: gu seen the Matrix? What did you think? And every time he asked and I, I

[the_fart_rix___4]: asked myself and reflected within. I couldn't answer because I didn't know

[the_fart_rix___4]: whether I was excited, Which is a definite. No, and I didn't know if I

[the_fart_rix___4]: felt like, Like, got something that been stolen for me from me, which

[cobra]: which isite Yes,

[the_fart_rix___4]: it's kind of. It's kind of leading more towards that,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: firefo.

[the_fart_rix___4]: and that was my time. So common

[the_fart_rix___4]: hard, common

[hosty_matt]: Wow, great. thanks for the positivity.

[the_fart_rix___4]: listen, I look. I tried.

[cobra]: were you

[the_fart_rix___4]: but like

[cobra]: expecting positivly? Did you watch

[hosty_matt]: No,

[cobra]: the same movie with it? Okay,

[hosty_matt]: I can answer how I want that

[the_fart_rix___4]: true,

[hosty_matt]: to be. You know

[the_fart_rix___4]: I, I want. like the love at the love, like the, The The torn lover, Uh,

[hosty_matt]: we're going to get into it. Don't worry. There's plenty of time to tear this

[the_fart_rix___4]: aspect and angle.

[hosty_matt]: thing apart, living from them.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Let's do that.

[hosty_matt]: But first we need to hear

[hosty_matt]: the the driver behind making us watch this movie.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: The person who will all punish it a future date. Spencer.

[the_fart_rix___4]: wait. Isn't there a theme? You made us watch the Great night and now we

[the_fart_rix___4]: watchs this.

[hosty_matt]: Listen,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: All you need to know is Spencer doesn't get to pick ever again.

[cobra]: the next movie

[cobra]: at least the next one.

[the_fart_rix___4]: I just put it together anyway. Please go ahead

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: So

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: my review of this movie is

[hosty_matt]: I don't think there's a scale for that. Um, where does that

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I

[hosty_matt]: fit on our scale?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: to call this movie Trash is disrespectful To trash

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: this movie.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: To say they made it as a cash grarab is false because that

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: would insinuate that they were intentionally trying to make a

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: good enough movie where people would pay to see it, which I

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: don't believe is the case.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: as an audience member who loved the Matrix. I feel like this

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: movie was pointing at me

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: laughing,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: saying what an idiot and the worst part is their right.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I agreed that I am an idiot for seeing this movie.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: This movie

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: is

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: so beyond bad.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: It not only is an unjoyable film, it detracts from the film

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: industry. As a whole,

[cobra]: Wow, What? this is weird? Why? why am I agreeing with Spencer so much? This is

[cobra]: strange.

[the_fart_rix___4]: it happens.

[hosty_matt]: where the darkest Matrix timeline.

[cobra]: We in the twilight ▁zone, right now,

[the_fart_rix___4]: talk about day. Javoo,

[hosty_matt]: I, I do feel like, Um,

[hosty_matt]: like I don't have a better term than a spern as spirned loverpens. It feels like

[hosty_matt]: someone punch you in the dick as they ran by. Like

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I would have preferred that this.

[hosty_matt]: Okay, Okay, Well, maybe we'll we'll get it there. I don't know. Let's let's the

[hosty_matt]: tive in to our topics. If you're if you're finished, Um, having your heart bleed

[hosty_matt]: out all over the counter on this

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I' done't

[hosty_matt]: one. Okay, thank you. Um. So in case you listening to this, didn't watch this

[hosty_matt]: movie. The Matrix Resurrections is the first movie in the Matrix franchise. None

[cobra]: Yeahcause, you didn't don't.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: just don't fav yourself

[hosty_matt]: is, don't none of them. None of these movies are numbered just to be clear. So

[hosty_matt]: this is not the Matrix For they're all just called the Matrix and then R or

[hosty_matt]: something. Um,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Are something

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, fair enough, r e something, Um,

[cobra]: Yeah, yeah, yeahcause, we all went when we watch it. I'll see myself out.

[hosty_matt]: Mhm,

[the_fart_rix___4]: M,

[hosty_matt]: Thank you for that. that's that's

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like like Popine,

[hosty_matt]: That's great audio. That is some great ideaudio. Um, and basically it centers

[hosty_matt]: around the relationship between Uh, neo and eternity, and uh adds some new

[hosty_matt]: characters in. Um, let's jump into our questions and let's I know you hate it.

[hosty_matt]: Everybody else hates this, but we have to do our best to answer the questions

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm,

[hosty_matt]: in in the vacuum they existence, so let'll

[cobra]: We will

[hosty_matt]: start with the first question. Uh, who in your estimation was the best

[hosty_matt]: character?

[cobra]: bugs,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Who' you say that?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Were their characters in this movie?

[the_fart_rix___4]: Did you say

[hosty_matt]: Yes,

[the_fart_rix___4]: bugs?

[cobra]: bugs. Bugs. Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: That's a stretch.

[the_fart_rix___4]: I

[hosty_matt]: yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: agree. I, Yes,

[cobra]: Yeah, I like the idea of the character. I like Jessica Henwicks acting in it. I like

[cobra]: Jessica Henrick in general and I thought it was an interesting

[cobra]: driver for the like. the The story of the movie Too, Be they fucked that up, and then

[cobra]: she disappears at the end. But if I have to pick

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, Soly forgot to write, but ending for her,

[cobra]: for most characters that weren't you know, Ne, or, but,

[hosty_matt]: you're You're forgetting that this movie isn't about her, so she gets

[cobra]: yeah, but but she

[hosty_matt]: dropped.

[cobra]: just

[cobra]: disappears at one point. She' like super important

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: She was in the movie.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: in the movie In like a Fcket.

[the_fart_rix___4]: she carried it up to a certain point of the.

[cobra]: Whatever, Okay were, answer. Read that question. For me. the best character in

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: this movie is, but

[cobra]: I like to idea the character Il, like how a shoo was acted.

[hosty_matt]: course, you are backing up that statement.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yeah, but Anna have my own answer, too, so I agree with that. My favorite

[the_fart_rix___4]: character would have to be Nicholas Cage.

[hosty_matt]: Okay, um,

[the_fart_rix___4]: No, I'm just kidding. Um, Neil, Pat Kerris is the analyst again. Just

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I hate you.

[the_fart_rix___4]: refreshing for me.

[the_fart_rix___4]: refreshing for me.

[hosty_matt]: so Chri,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm.

[hosty_matt]: you don't see a problem with Uh, evil Barney Stinson showing up in the second

[hosty_matt]: half of the movie.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Fucking sucked

[cobra]: Yeah, you did.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: so bad.

[hosty_matt]: So okay, so I didn't hear packtic here Because this is. apparently this is not a

[hosty_matt]: therapy session for Spencer,

[hosty_matt]: and as his friends.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I guys like. I'm not even joking. I know this is a podcast

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: for fun. I'm genuine in all of my feeling. I can't put it. I

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: can't fake this

[the_fart_rix___4]: I hear you.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: buck this movie

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and fuck Barney Stinson, as the

[the_fart_rix___4]: No.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: villain. Sorry. continue. mat.

[the_fart_rix___4]: no,

[hosty_matt]: Okay, so I'm going to need you to participate in the episode structure so

[hosty_matt]: people have something fun to listen to. Thank you.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yes, yes, I will. I will,

[hosty_matt]: You hate Bare Stinson's character.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: um be cause. it didn't make any fucking sense at all. I liked

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: him as his therapist.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I wouldn't have minded if he kept that same composure and

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: seriousness that he came. That That was the character before

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: he became. Before you find out he's a program. Apparently

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: because he's a program. He now is. Ab.

[cobra]: y.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: What's up? hey man, you' you

[hosty_matt]: so

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: going to let your chick do that? The

[hosty_matt]: so

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: fuck? what are we doing?

[hosty_matt]: okay? So are you mad at the character or the characters arc?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I.

[cobra]: Yeah. I'm mad of both.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I. I like the character as his therapist.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I thought that was good the way he was like basically saying

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: what therapists would say when somebody is talking

[hosty_matt]: Yep,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the way Neo is and I thought it was fine that he was the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: program. I didn't mind the reveal. That is pretty obvious,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: but that he was going to be bad. But if he's going to be bad,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: make him intimidating. Like the whole point of the all these

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: movies is that the computers are intimidating.

[cobra]: Yp.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: They' not for jokes, The the fucking Billings who are trying

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: to exterminate the human race. don't

[cobra]: Let me

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: make it like a a guy that you kill

[hosty_matt]: mean to be fair, they're actually not trying to exterminate the human race. They

[cobra]: well,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: whatever they. They're trying to control the human oppressed

[cobra]: no

[hosty_matt]: try to abuse it.

[the_fart_rix___4]: batteries

[cobra]: oppress oppress,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: controlling batteries.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: them. Yeah,

[cobra]: Let me let me add to that as shetty as the architect was in the second movie. At

[cobra]: least he will still intimidate

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: yeah,

[cobra]: right.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: yeah, you just talk too much.

[cobra]: And and I, I loved. This is one of the the things that to me is like a good idea that

[cobra]: ended up being shd on because the idea that they counteracted the pure like logic of

[cobra]: the architect building the matrix with someone who understands human minds and

[cobra]: emotions and feelings makes a hundred percent sense. It's a great kind of little

[cobra]: twist on on how they are trying to keep the humans in slave, And they pick that great

[cobra]: idea and they took a shaty like a, like a runny shaty dump on it. The entire rest for

[cobra]: the moment he tosses those glasses off and it goes dud bro on everything that he

[cobra]: does. They like. It's it destroyed. whatever possibilities of that character

[cobra]: being good had

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: so stupid.

[cobra]: entirely.

[hosty_matt]: okay,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: fair enough. Um, let's let's V back.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and at the end they're like killing him multiple times for

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like comedic effect.

[cobra]: Yeah. Oh, my go.

[cobra]: don't get me strryed with the end in this movie. Fucking. yeah.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: That was like so so dumb.

[hosty_matt]: So let's be back to

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, sorry.

[hosty_matt]: to the question Because not everybody's answered. who, who? their favorite or

[hosty_matt]: the best character was Spencer. Who did you like at this movie?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the the well, I didn't like anybody. The one at least dis,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the the least dislike characters probably bugs again. I

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: didn't mind. I thought that the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the guy Groff, who played the new Mr. Smith

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: started off okay,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: but his character, like

[hosty_matt]: K, King George,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: everything else in this movie, E ended up exactly ended up

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: making no fucking sense, and he, by the end he was like

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: helping me. for some reason,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm, Mhm, Mhm, Mhm,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I guess, and being like a good guy, which is again,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: so against that character.

[cobra]: yes.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Well, was he a good guy? Was it a means to an end, though, like they

[the_fart_rix___4]: struck a deal so he could try to get a step closer to what he wanted.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Like I'm not defending the movie, but it made a deal.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, I. I. I think that's what they were trying to get

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: across, but it.

[cobra]: yeah, that's how it started right.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I don't think Mister Smith as a character is wanting to

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: compromise, and

[cobra]: Yup

[the_fart_rix___4]: It felt odd

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: you know he, it seemed out of character for him to make deal

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: with anybody. would. Just if he would, if he would make a

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: deal, he would betray that deal. that character.

[hosty_matt]: So so

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: My opinion,

[hosty_matt]: as far as I understood Mssmith character, he was trapped in the story in in an

[hosty_matt]: air of the same way, um,

[hosty_matt]: uh

[cobra]: new entry. Any were? Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Ne

[hosty_matt]: m. Mister Anderson was. And once they uh bugs in the her crew showed up, then it

[hosty_matt]: broke him out as well, um, I likeck chlarity on. Once he shot the analyst if he

[hosty_matt]: was in control with the ▁zombe bots, or if the architect or the Uh, the art, the

[hosty_matt]: architect, the

[hosty_matt]: analyst was still in control. Um, he did that I'm everybody thing, but then it

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: analyst

[hosty_matt]: got really confusing as to why he needed to destroy neo. Um, and I was a bit

[hosty_matt]: lost on that, so I. I. I agree that,

[hosty_matt]: Um, if we're talking about that character I, it didn't need to be in the movie

[hosty_matt]: at all. Um, It's one of those things where you're trying to bring too much

[hosty_matt]: nostalgia back and you

[cobra]: Y,

[hosty_matt]: don't have to bring

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Mhm,

[hosty_matt]: back all the characters just because Um they're alive,

[hosty_matt]: but um e,

[hosty_matt]: back to

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: agree.

[hosty_matt]: back to best character. Um,

[cobra]: you didn't tell us yours yet.

[hosty_matt]: yeah, yeah, I.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, so

[hosty_matt]: You know. I liked this movie is compared to you guys. I might be the movies

[hosty_matt]: champion compared to to how much you guy to takete this. Youve you guys hate

[hosty_matt]: this movie so much. This potcast is just turned into a depressing sad affair.

[hosty_matt]: Spencer's joy and fun has been sapped out of his body. Um,

[cobra]: Yes, welcome to my world.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: yep,

[hosty_matt]: I, actually,

[cobra]: Yeah, I, I' never since sponsored this distragt. I'll be honest.

[cobra]: Yeah, I, I' never since sponsored this distragt. I'll be honest.

[hosty_matt]: No, he's someone

[hosty_matt]: murdered

[the_fart_rix___4]: we got to help him.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: his cat. We got. Yeah, we got to bring him back out of the shell,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: No, they murdered my childhood by ruining this movie.

[hosty_matt]: Chas said. cool. uh, well, I'm glad you're not holding on to that at all. And

[hosty_matt]: and on,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Not at all

[hosty_matt]: not biter, um, my favorite character. I actually really enjoyed the job, Um done

[hosty_matt]: by the actor that played Morpheus, and I need to look up

[the_fart_rix___4]: I got it.

[hosty_matt]: his name. Um.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Abdula Jahe.

[the_fart_rix___4]: y, abd mey In the second.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: it's a request that makes sense right the way the day pled.

[cobra]: it's a request that makes sense right the way the day pled.

[hosty_matt]: I, I thought he played.

[hosty_matt]: He played a a good character. I appreciate that he was a character from the

[hosty_matt]: video game and we might get to the whole video game thing. I think it kind of

[hosty_matt]: half works, and then they kind of beat it like a dead horse later on the movie,

[hosty_matt]: But I thought his character was strong. I think he played a good job. I enjoyed

[hosty_matt]: his. I joed him. he. I think he did. He did. He did a good job, and you know,

[hosty_matt]: and it was nice that they clarified that he wasn't actually theorphus, because

[hosty_matt]: the trailer made it seem like he was. So that was good, uh, spoilerer for

[hosty_matt]: anybody who has never played the Um. Matrix Online video game. Morpheus

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: yeah,

[hosty_matt]: was killed in that, Um, and that apparently is cannon, based on everything I've

[hosty_matt]: seen, so um,

[hosty_matt]: yeah, um,

[the_fart_rix___4]: How did he die?

[hosty_matt]: cool. He got shot.

[hosty_matt]: He got shot trying to do something and I forget who cares. It was stupid.

[cobra]: Yeah, who

[the_fart_rix___4]: Okay,

[cobra]: cares? Honestly?

[hosty_matt]: But he got shot And and so he he is dead. Uh, Lawrence Fishburn. Apparently, who

[hosty_matt]: knows how to take it, but Uh wasn't answering questions about why he was in the

[hosty_matt]: movie. He sent people directly to Uh, lot of Achelsky.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: So who knows if there's bad blood there? Um, Yeah, so that I, I think, for me, I

[hosty_matt]: think he did a good job. Um, I don't. I think Josky Henwick did a okay job. I

[hosty_matt]: don't know why she was mumbling in the beginning of the movie. I had to turn on

[hosty_matt]: the close, capturing, because I can't hear properly right now be cause of a

[hosty_matt]: cold. but she was mumbling so bad I couldn't understand what the Fck she was

[hosty_matt]: saying is why to turn on the captions to to follow it. I don't think that makes

[hosty_matt]: your character better. It is weird why she had to mumble everything when she was

[hosty_matt]: talking to Neil. Um,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the new thing.

[hosty_matt]: I guess

[the_fart_rix___4]: mumb up mumble, acting.

[the_fart_rix___4]: mumb up mumble, acting.

[hosty_matt]: mu mumble core.

[cobra]: mumble.

[hosty_matt]: Pretty

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, yeah,

[hosty_matt]: sure that's the thing somewhere. Let' me ru on to our next question

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm,

[hosty_matt]: because I feel like. Well, it'll be interesting to see how uh sad Spencer

[hosty_matt]: approaches this. Um. which actor would you replace

[cobra]: oh man, so many

[hosty_matt]: and Sa you in a moment to think about it to collect your thoughts.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: um, no,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I think like, ideally, I would have replaced Uh, the guy who

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: played Morpheus with Morpheus, Because if you're going to

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: with Lawrence Fisherd, because it would be good to have him

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: back it such an integral part of the Uh,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, yeah, but he's dead

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the Well, Nobody cares about the fucking Matrix Online video

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: game.

[hosty_matt]: right. fair, um,

[hosty_matt]: yeah, okay, I, You know I'm not. I'm going to go ahead. I, I don't want to say

[hosty_matt]: no to that. I think the story says that it's a different morpheus, but that

[hosty_matt]: doesn't

[hosty_matt]: specifically mean you need a different character.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, I know, I know that.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like, Let's not pretend that this movie respects the lowre of

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the Matrixcause. The fucking just dis ruin. Uh, no, I don't

[hosty_matt]: I think it does. I actually think it was it.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: think it does at all.

[cobra]: it doesn't so respect. Respect has many meanings.

[cobra]: It it

[hosty_matt]: Thank you

[cobra]: follows. It follows the lore.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: It follows the canon. Yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: it respects the canon, I guess, but it also disrespects

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and and undo a lot of the meaning of the previous films.

[cobra]: I agree with that, but

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: You know.

[cobra]: for for different reasons,

[cobra]: a lot of the things that happened in the third movie were kind of undone in this

[cobra]: movie. Yet

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah.

[cobra]: another thing that that compares it to Aky Walker, But

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: yeah. exactly yeah.

[cobra]: if I were to replace someone, it would be the guy that plays

[cobra]: Uh, Adent Smith.

[the_fart_rix___4]: hm.

[cobra]: I did not like he was not menacing or scary or anything. He was just a deche baag who

[cobra]: thought he had pretty ice. I'm sorry. That could just just know gravititaz

[cobra]: whatsoever. For me, he needed to be someone.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: sounds like you thought he had pretty eyes.

[cobra]: Well, he says it, in the movie

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: does

[hosty_matt]: Is not wrong.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: he? I forgot.

[cobra]: he said Yeah, he said he's like. Oh, they made me even more perfect, although I think

[cobra]: they went a little too far with the piercing blue eye. Fuck you, you fucking dude.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: So yeah,

[hosty_matt]: you

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Dude,

[hosty_matt]: told themrn.

[cobra]: Yeah, I

[the_fart_rix___4]: d. o. o. d.

[cobra]: was going to say Douch and then dude came out. whatever. Yeah, I don't. I don't like

[cobra]: him at all. I don't think he did a good job, but I would replace him with someone

[cobra]: whos can could bring more gravitas to the to the character. I honestly don't know who

[cobra]: that would be. Maybe in the cage. No, I'm kidding. Uh, maybe like Oscar Isaac, for

[cobra]: example.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: we want O Cris and everything, we

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: recast him in everything we do.

[cobra]: Yeah, yeah, basically

[the_fart_rix___4]: they couldn't get Hugo leaving back for. I don't know why, but

[cobra]: well, I, I don't.

[the_fart_rix___4]: he didn't come back either,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, I know why he

[hosty_matt]: conflict who was going to do it and then he had

[cobra]: Oh, really.

[hosty_matt]: another conflict with. I think he had a theatre gig or something and so he

[cobra]: it'd be weird because like why did Agent Smith age?

[hosty_matt]: wasn't able

[hosty_matt]: to to free himself

[hosty_matt]: up'. But didn't you follow the Mi thing as an M. Sricir? Whatever the stupid

[hosty_matt]: up'. But didn't you follow the Mi thing as an M. Sricir? Whatever the stupid

[cobra]: That would be weird right.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Well, it would be cool if he was playing his boss, like in

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: that setting like you know.

[cobra]: Oh, the. uh, D, S. D, S. I, right,

[hosty_matt]: thing they talked about where Neo did look like Neil.

[hosty_matt]: thing they talked about where Neo did look like Neil.

[the_fart_rix___4]: right, Mhm,

[cobra]: digital self image.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: so

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: they could have just made up some Dc bullhit for Hego leaving as well, I'm sure

[cobra]: I guess yeah. I'd have loved it for him to be heav back.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm, Mhm,

[cobra]: 'cause

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, he' fantastic and everything.

[cobra]: ain't nobody gonna play. Yeah,

[cobra]: So that that's why I would replace

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, they could not replace him.

[cobra]: whatever the dude, bro's name is, I would replace him.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Jonathan Groff.

[cobra]: Okay.

[the_fart_rix___4]: I think, Um, the character that I would have swapped around.

[the_fart_rix___4]: It's tough because

[the_fart_rix___4]: we need. we need. This movie needs a lot of the original original cast to

[the_fart_rix___4]: bridge us over to this new story. Um, so I wouldn't change the like the

[the_fart_rix___4]: new, The new players like with with bugs, Um, great choice with Jessa

[the_fart_rix___4]: Henwick, And and I liked the the new Morpheus, Um.

[the_fart_rix___4]: I think I' going to switch it up. I think I would to recast the Merow

[the_fart_rix___4]: Viinggeian cameo.

[cobra]: Oh God, we cast it into oblivion, so it doesn't happen. I agree with that.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I agreed

[the_fart_rix___4]: It was so weird, but fun at

[cobra]: I.

[the_fart_rix___4]: the same time, dishevelled, and just

[cobra]: It took me. It took me a while until he started speaking French. I didn't know who he

[cobra]: was.

[the_fart_rix___4]: exactly

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: was so stupid,

[hosty_matt]: it. Um, I noticed it in the capture because someone called them the Mar. I think

[hosty_matt]: the Asian Smith called him the nerve

[cobra]: Yeah, but

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yeah,

[cobra]: it after he started talking,

[hosty_matt]: and like, Oh, it's that clown.

[hosty_matt]: So of course, are you just er, erasing that character from the movie.

[the_fart_rix___4]: that's what you guys want to do. I'm so I, I. I feel I feel bad for for

[the_fart_rix___4]: rating on your parade, but I feel like if they were to, Since they

[the_fart_rix___4]: recasted Morpheus, they recasted Um. they requsted Asian Smith. They

[the_fart_rix___4]: could. re. I guess the actor who played the Me of Engine wasn't up to very

[the_fart_rix___4]: much, but they could have sweetened that up a little bit. and

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: but

[the_fart_rix___4]: reach asked them.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Het he wasn't a problem with that scene. It was

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: just

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: I let' say

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the fuck. seem him ranting off the side of the stage

[the_fart_rix___4]: correct,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and then disappearing. It was at no point.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: correct.

[cobra]: you, he played. he played an unfunny version of the French nights and

[cobra]: mutiped the Holy Grill.

[the_fart_rix___4]: I hear

[hosty_matt]: so

[the_fart_rix___4]: you, let me finish my recasting

[cobra]: I part in your general direction

[the_fart_rix___4]: Uhhuh,

[cobra]: that that's

[hosty_matt]: I'm I'm going to segway this off, but I'm going to yield my time because I

[hosty_matt]: actually can't find a specifical actor to to replace on us.

[the_fart_rix___4]: I have him

[the_fart_rix___4]: half half eighth,

[hosty_matt]: What you mean?

[the_fart_rix___4]: Gilbert Godfried,

[cobra]: Oh my

[hosty_matt]: Yes,

[cobra]: god.

[the_fart_rix___4]: think about

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Oh my god,

[hosty_matt]: as the Me Vinciian,

[hosty_matt]: as the Me Vinciian,

[cobra]: Okay,

[the_fart_rix___4]: it. He's the maze.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: nay,

[cobra]: I mean,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: you lookck so old. everything's changed.

[cobra]: I, I'm in.

[the_fart_rix___4]: I

[the_fart_rix___4]: hate you for everything. You did you cause

[hosty_matt]: I hate this movie

[cobra]: Yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: me everything in G. Gilbert Godfreed, instead of the original

[cobra]: y.

[hosty_matt]: Is Gilbert, is Gilbert godfreed alive?

[hosty_matt]: Is Gilbert, is Gilbert godfreed alive?

[the_fart_rix___4]: Marrowvigian,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yes, and even if

[cobra]: yes, he is his,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yes, of course,

[the_fart_rix___4]: he wasn't they would digitally bring him back.

[the_fart_rix___4]: he wasn't they would digitally bring him back.

[hosty_matt]: Okay, I'm going to y.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Ne. I hate you so much.

[hosty_matt]: I'm going to say

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: You'll ruined me,

[the_fart_rix___4]: I

[hosty_matt]: off of this,

[the_fart_rix___4]: respect the Segu.

[hosty_matt]: because

[hosty_matt]: because of how much sad Spencer hates this movie,

[the_fart_rix___4]: It's okay. I just bet it better

[hosty_matt]: I don't think that fixed enough for said

[the_fart_rix___4]: we get there.

[hosty_matt]: Spencer. The question I want to ask Iscause. We don't have a question. Norm me

[hosty_matt]: go through and when we get down to the script doctor, I don't know if we'll be

[hosty_matt]: able to cover this in a meaningful way, so

[the_fart_rix___4]: We might we might.

[cobra]: or in just an hour and a half.

[hosty_matt]: you have no idea what the question is, so let me ask the question first. I want

[hosty_matt]: to know

[hosty_matt]: which character

[hosty_matt]: and or storyline you remove from the movie.

[cobra]: Oh God,

[hosty_matt]: I think there's a lot going on that makes this movie convuted and Im wondering

[hosty_matt]: if we can't remove one or two character storylines to clean up a bit of the

[hosty_matt]: story.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Oh, I have. I know what. There might be a little bit of a lag, but I have

[the_fart_rix___4]: suggestion for who we could remove.

[hosty_matt]: Go ahead.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Can't remember the name of the character, but she's the new General Jaa

[the_fart_rix___4]: Pinkket Smith's naope. I don'

[cobra]: Naope. I was going to say I was going to say the same thing.

[the_fart_rix___4]: felt like. So what

[cobra]: Completely useless.

[the_fart_rix___4]: you know?

[cobra]: Y.

[the_fart_rix___4]: nice, but don't need it. Not a lot of scenes.

[cobra]: No dumb. It wasn't nice. it was. it was again. a nostalgia. appal, like appealing to

[cobra]: nostalgia. Oh, look at Jade, Pinket Smith made older. K. Great,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: then acting terribly.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, her

[cobra]: yeah,

[hosty_matt]: makeup was so thick she couldn't talk period.

[cobra]: yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, I, I agree.

[hosty_matt]: her old accent was awful, but the the plastic on her face would made it worse.

[the_fart_rix___4]: It's the physical method to method.

[cobra]: it was. It was like we have to have cameos from all of the G. all of the games. those

[cobra]: all of the movies. so let's just stick naope there. and by the way, let's change her

[cobra]: character when hundred gce.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Hm,

[cobra]: That's what. That's

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[cobra]: what they did.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: they did

[hosty_matt]: Oh, they

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: of fucking was

[hosty_matt]: plot

[hosty_matt]: plota. what they call this?

[hosty_matt]: Trying to think

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: rerot her for the plot.

[hosty_matt]: of how like they. Yeah, she like. She's a plot device,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: right, The characters of plot device

[cobra]: Oh well, a hundred percent she's She is a person of personification of of a plot

[the_fart_rix___4]: I also

[cobra]: device. Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Well, and

[the_fart_rix___4]: like how they had to remind. remind the audience like every now and then,

[the_fart_rix___4]: the The, with the sampling of of original footage from the previous

[cobra]: Oh God, I hated that so much.

[the_fart_rix___4]: movies. Do you remember just you? Here you go. It happened here.

[cobra]: a friend of ours described this movie as a bunch of. Do you remember this part Stitch

[cobra]: together with other things?

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yeah,

[cobra]: And that's true. it's true.

[hosty_matt]: it's got out a touch of the force awakens in it. If I'm honest,

[the_fart_rix___4]: H,

[cobra]: Yp.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: The problem

[hosty_matt]: I,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: is that those those cuts made you realize how bad this this

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: movie is, in comparison, like was showing you scenes that you

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like fuck. Oh, that was so good.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: This is so

[hosty_matt]: Yes,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: bad.

[hosty_matt]: I. I think I think one of the challenges you see with Naope as a character is

[hosty_matt]: that not only does she want one, I guess she three sixties from the original

[hosty_matt]: movies

[cobra]: wait. what.

[hosty_matt]: because she won eddies originally in terms of I'm a general and we

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: got all be secret and safe and hide. And then because um, uh, priro pro joas,

[hosty_matt]: uh, contacts her through whatever creature, Then all of a sudden it's like a

[hosty_matt]: back. We got to go. We got to hit them because it's going to do God knows what,

[hosty_matt]: So she want eight back to the original character

[cobra]: yeah, yeah, I guess yeah.

[hosty_matt]: she is. But, but there's no motivation for it actually happen in the story.

[hosty_matt]: Either way,

[cobra]: I mean, her character has basically no reason to be there, so she she turns on a dime

[cobra]: every time because she' just reacting to what the plot ▁quote unquote

[the_fart_rix___4]: mhm, Mhm,

[cobra]: needs. so

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, to perfect plot device.

[the_fart_rix___4]: If they replaced her with some, Yeah, if they replaced her with someone

[the_fart_rix___4]: with no ties to the original, we would have gained back some time for them

[the_fart_rix___4]: to

[the_fart_rix___4]: explore. And and you know, surface some more meaning into other areas. I

[cobra]: yeah, yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: needed more support.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like the rest of the movie.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yeah, you could take your pick.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I honestly can't think of.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Who would Sce you? Who would you mind us?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I can't think of any part of this movie that I would keep not

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: joking. One thing that I know about a hundred percent minus

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: is those fucking stupid as focking. ▁zombies, what? in the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: fuck?

[the_fart_rix___4]: Towards

[cobra]: yeah, yeah, yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: the end

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: The the agents are the coolest villain, one of the coolest

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: villains in cinema history. And instead of having

[cobra]: no. let's let's replace them with dumb. ▁zombies

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: let's let's replace them with the most forgettable blandd

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: horde that you seen in a billion movies.

[hosty_matt]: Excuse me, sir, that's them and the bomb. What he call them

[cobra]: buttbmbs.

[hosty_matt]: yet? Using the swarm as tight. Is that what he said?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Oh no, yeah. oh, I forgot about that. Uh,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: this the storm is the as dope fam.

[cobra]: it. It's toy

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: a fuck you like,

[the_fart_rix___4]: when they where they were, Uh, jumping out of the buildings and trying to

[cobra]: Also like,

[the_fart_rix___4]: bonmb them.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: It's fireman,

[cobra]: Yeah, Also like if you remember, especially in the first movie they were the. The

[cobra]: machines were always very careful to not cause like mega incidents, and like that,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm,

[cobra]: everybody could start

[cobra]: doubting the

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, made fucking sense.

[cobra]: matrix in this one. Let's just walk and toss people out the windows. And like

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Okay, so, so I'm going to say to that, I believe technically Asian Smith was in

[hosty_matt]: Okay, so, so I'm going to say to that, I believe technically Asian Smith was in

[hosty_matt]: charge so he wouldn't care.

[hosty_matt]: charge so he wouldn't care.

[cobra]: I don't think it was

[cobra]: Smithcause right before right before. Uh,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: he wasn't in charge of those stupid. ▁zombies.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, he killed his face. He blew up.

[cobra]: the analyst, but analyst activated the swarm before

[cobra]: activate swarm, and then he got killed.

[hosty_matt]: I still think it's fine for this swarm to blow up, Be

[hosty_matt]: he needs to trap new trinity based on theut Aine story. Pl.

[cobra]: Well,

[hosty_matt]: ha is the very close in Co depair, So

[hosty_matt]: hope, hope, hope is very close and to despair, which we all know is true cause

[hosty_matt]: we're all uh into programming at that level right.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, totally

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, so that's that's a true statement if I've ever heard one.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: tell me, ▁ ▁zero ▁zero, one am my right, boys,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, so it's ▁zero. ▁zero, One is uh, um, hope and ▁zero one. ▁zero is despair,

[hosty_matt]: I believe is how the coding goes.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[cobra]: as

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: a developer I can, I can attest, Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: thank you. Yeah.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like like two pee and a pod,

[the_fart_rix___4]: the more you know.

[hosty_matt]: Yp. You're welcome for this programming lesson brought you by

[hosty_matt]: Pocast. Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Pocast. Yeah,

[cobra]: the Ma, the matrix bore,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: so just uh, just to quickly recap so just the things we want

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: to take out of this movie.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: The Na Naoe Sc. for sure, but that's like like a small part

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: of the problem, The swarm,

[hosty_matt]: I mean most of Io. if I'm honest,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: most of Io, the swarm, the ending with the Trinity being the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: two or the. I think

[cobra]: can I add? Yeah, All garbage. I'm going to add one those fucking idiots talking to

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: all of that. Yep,

[cobra]: each other about the new game and like just

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[cobra]: switching. Oh my God, that was so

[cobra]: switching. Oh my God, that was so

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: but they're talking about the Matrix and they being

[cobra]: boring. Oh, my. it was supposed to be funny.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yeah, the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: we're so

[the_fart_rix___4]: writer's room almost when he was caught in the loop.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: we're so cool. We're like shooting on the fans of the Matrix.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the people who made this franchise possible. Well,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: they like Bullet on. We just want to put good good cool

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: brainms. Fuck you. your pomp is fucking ass.

[cobra]: it's politics. It a fuck you like I hated those in. and then I was like, Oh, I heard

[cobra]: that. there's a postcded scene. I'm going to watch that I wish a fucking had.

[the_fart_rix___4]: I

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: didn't even know and I'm not going back for it. What happened?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: you

[cobra]: Don't don't

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: want you don't want to know it. So

[hosty_matt]: I'm going to bring this train back on track be cause you

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: thank you

[hosty_matt]: guys are just like off on ranting tangent. Um,

[cobra]: us? never,

[hosty_matt]: Th. this question is really easy. It's could this have been a Netflix series and

[hosty_matt]: based on the story they told us, your answer is

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yeah,

[cobra]: No,

[the_fart_rix___4]: they could have, but, but no one needs that

[hosty_matt]: what. How? okay, Chris? No, Chris show you work. How could that have been a ten?

[hosty_matt]: what. How? okay, Chris? No, Chris show you work. How could that have been a ten?

[cobra]: I mean, Yeah, that's

[hosty_matt]: like an Eeflix series of like, At least like five, six episodes.

[hosty_matt]: like an Eeflix series of like, At least like five, six episodes.

[the_fart_rix___4]: man there. What wouldn't they have pulled in order to make that happen?

[the_fart_rix___4]: And I agree with Spencer like

[the_fart_rix___4]: it. It's not so much a cash grarab, but they could have done that to make

[the_fart_rix___4]: them seem. Let make it seem like they're trying to bleed into new media.

[the_fart_rix___4]: So H B ho or Netflix, What have you? So? Here's what they could have done.

[the_fart_rix___4]: They could have they. They would have done what they did to us in the

[the_fart_rix___4]: movie. They would have given us new character and have this new, this new

[the_fart_rix___4]: territory told through their perspective, and then the so called payoff

[the_fart_rix___4]: would have been Uh, would have finally bringing Neo into into like. they

[the_fart_rix___4]: would have revealed that Neil was around the whole time due to that su,

[the_fart_rix___4]: the stupid s, i, r, s or d srs, and then ease the other characters in as

[the_fart_rix___4]: well. they would have just

[the_fart_rix___4]: extrapolated out.

[hosty_matt]: Dsl.

[cobra]: the.

[cobra]: S. S. D.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Listen,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: through that damn camera.

[the_fart_rix___4]: d d r

[the_fart_rix___4]: a ▁x B o, ▁x,

[cobra]: No. listen. I'm going to ask an. What? what? What Chris said? They? if they made this

[cobra]: into an Netlix series, they had three movies worth of Sces. they could play back in

[cobra]: between

[the_fart_rix___4]: Oh no,

[cobra]: the scenes of the new

[the_fart_rix___4]: oh no,

[cobra]: movie To make you remember that this is

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Moreut.

[cobra]: part of. of. Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: they could have extended That

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: To be to be realistic to the question, could it be anfflic

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: yet this movie had enough ideas to make Fuck in a four three

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: hour series. Yes, because

[hosty_matt]: yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: it was so fucking bloated. Whether those ideas were good, we

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: know the answer is no, but there's enough technical content

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: there to

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: make a show. but it would be a bad show.

[cobra]: that's true. That's true.

[hosty_matt]: I would argue that some of the ideas might have been good if they could have

[hosty_matt]: been seen out to the end.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm.

[cobra]: I

[hosty_matt]: But because

[cobra]: agree. I agree.

[hosty_matt]: they chopped their legs off immediately to serve other ideas, I don't know,

[hosty_matt]: right cause I mean, if you look at the overall pa of the movie that the Goldals,

[hosty_matt]: the movie that I can see from Laachowski's standpoint is that you want to say

[hosty_matt]: that love conquers all more or less. I'm getting out of this

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Is that what you got?

[hosty_matt]: And so, Yeah, because because it's about the, The,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I think that was one of the themes

[hosty_matt]: It's about the diad between

[cobra]: Oh God,

[hosty_matt]: Trinity and Nea.

[the_fart_rix___4]: yes, yes, The talk about the diet. It was so confusing.

[cobra]: see,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Why why did they have a Di dynamic?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: perfect soap. Sop

[cobra]: see, I'm telling you this. This is the Rise of Skywker from the

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yes,

[cobra]: Matrix.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Why

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: that the most perfect

[the_fart_rix___4]: after they were rebuilt their bodies, how do they have a forced diead when

[the_fart_rix___4]: every time they they, they touched outside of the pods in the real world.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: outside of the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Matrixm.

[hosty_matt]: Course I, I'm going to need you to reference the documentary Handcock for the

[hosty_matt]: answer to that question.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Thank you. Thank you so much.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, welcome. Yep.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I have so much so much script doctoring I'd like to do, but

[hosty_matt]: Well, got there. We got to pick up our pace on the questions to get there.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I'm not going. Yeah, okay,

[cobra]: I, I don't think you can doctor like a

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: no,

[cobra]: corpse, but okay, well, try.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: They did

[hosty_matt]: I, I mean, uh, this is this. is. this is really going to test the bounds of

[hosty_matt]: theshipp of Theseis, When Spencer rips everything live from limb in this story,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: yeah,

[cobra]: Is it the same movie?

[hosty_matt]: but we don't out. We'll try. Um, So okay,

[hosty_matt]: Spencer loves this question.

[hosty_matt]: Especial, I'm really excited to see Sad Spencer. I' wait

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: till the end for Sa. Spencer On

[cobra]: okay,

[hosty_matt]: this one,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Mhm.

[hosty_matt]: This movie has to win an award. Which one should it be? Chris? Do you want to?

[hosty_matt]: Do you want to leave off for us?

[the_fart_rix___4]: do this

[the_fart_rix___4]: most flat sequel entry to a series that didn't need it.

[cobra]: I have a better one. Sorry,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Uhhuh, Mhm, Mhm,

[cobra]: worst slow motion fight scenes ever.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Oh my god',

[the_fart_rix___4]: Matrix, ti, chee,

[cobra]: All all of the fucking fight scenes in this were like At half speed. I, I swear to

[cobra]: God, it's so ridiculous

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: let's honestly like that is just another level of hate for I

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: have for this movie. This is not about the award. I'm sorry,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: but like yeah, is like watches like. even if this movie is

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: complete garbage, at least it'll be cool fight

[cobra]: fightings. Mhm,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: scenes. and and even that even the digital effects looked

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: terrible.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: That

[cobra]: even,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, they sucked.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the analyst, the analyst, moving in slow motion

[cobra]: oh God was so bad.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: looked like an ex. A camera exposure left on like for too

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: long.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: And it's like moving like it all looks like it exposure on

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: too long. I was like this looks like something made by a

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: college student. I was like

[cobra]: yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: this is the fucking matrix. Sorry. What? What a word? What's

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the question?

[hosty_matt]: I still have to answer. We're going. We're going to

[the_fart_rix___4]: hey, hey, hay, heyy,

[cobra]: let me just add one thing to the what Spencer said. They picked an actor with Jessica

[cobra]: Henwick, who is an actual martial artist and even the scenes with her are bad in the

[cobra]: fightings. The choreography is utter trash.

[hosty_matt]: okay. So worse cor choreography In in movies, What you're going with?

[cobra]: The wors fights worth slow motion fightingenes, that'. A razziward.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Oh,

[hosty_matt]: Okay?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I. I have an award. I got it.

[hosty_matt]: Oh, hey, I, you're going to go last.

[the_fart_rix___4]: you

[the_fart_rix___4]: sapenceer were milking, Sa. Spencer,

[the_fart_rix___4]: sapenceer were milking, Sa. Spencer,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Oh, sorry, ra, sorry, sorry, sorry

[cobra]: Yeah, you're going to go last.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, I. I. I. I still exist. Let's let's say

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: right,

[hosty_matt]: the Spencer

[the_fart_rix___4]: do you? do you exist?

[hosty_matt]: Steward is sadness in his tears.

[cobra]: Do you know

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: do you though?

[cobra]: is your d. S. I up to speed,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, do you take the blue pill?

[hosty_matt]: Listen, that's for um, psychological problems, and it's actually important to

[hosty_matt]: for you to take your blue pill every day, so you don't jump off buildings.

[cobra]: not psychological problems that the blue pills help.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and to keep a strong steady boner

[hosty_matt]: Honestly, I didn't hate that that portion of it. I thought that was interesting

[hosty_matt]: if you' if you're if you're talking with the idea that he is trapped in this

[hosty_matt]: world that he doesn't know if it's

[cobra]: Oh yeah. yeah.

[hosty_matt]: really or not, I don'. I't ha to Blll. And that's not what I'm giving here. I'm

[hosty_matt]: giving an award And

[cobra]: okay,

[hosty_matt]: and I think for me, um,

[hosty_matt]: I'm going to give it. I'm going to give the award to Uh. the one. the fuck. Are

[hosty_matt]: you in this movie award to Christina Rechie, who

[cobra]: yes,

[hosty_matt]: shows up as that marketing exec for like

[cobra]: yeah, for literally two minutes.

[hosty_matt]: five? Yeah, and I's just like I. I expect you to come back at some point. You

[hosty_matt]: just never did.

[cobra]: Yeah, and she gets. she gets like

[cobra]: ing too. At the end is like what

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Y got good one? That's a good one.

[the_fart_rix___4]: I own age, Ma'am good for her anyways,

[hosty_matt]: Spencer, sad Spencer, he had us with there.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I, I'm just going straight with the worst movie ever award.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Not even

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Angar Co, the worst movie experience of my lifeward.

[hosty_matt]: I don't. I don't like sad Spencercause. He's not funny or entertaining. He just

[hosty_matt]: sad.

[the_fart_rix___4]: ladies and

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Sorry

[the_fart_rix___4]: gentlemen, When a movie

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I will.

[the_fart_rix___4]: when a movie saps the life out of our dear friend and castmid

[the_fart_rix___4]: something something must be done. You know

[cobra]: Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Sorry. I going to give it the

[cobra]: it's like it's like it's a hate crime against the movie industry. Basically

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, I'll make. I'll try make it a little funnier. I'll

[the_fart_rix___4]: it's not your faulte saidt fencer.

[hosty_matt]: thank you.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: give it the Arc of the Covenant award Because when you look

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: give it the Arc of the Covenant award Because when you look

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: at it, it literally melts you.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: at it, it literally melts you.

[hosty_matt]: Oh, nice

[cobra]: melt your face off nights.

[hosty_matt]: Spencers back. All right,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, and and takes you. So

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: he's back.

[hosty_matt]: he's back.

[the_fart_rix___4]: We've resuscitated him

[the_fart_rix___4]: We've resuscitated him

[cobra]: I like it.

[the_fart_rix___4]: clear.

[hosty_matt]: bringing them back.

[cobra]: I like it.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: guess

[the_fart_rix___4]: he's back. We had the technology

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: what were we talking about again? Were are you talking about?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Oh, the matrix.

[the_fart_rix___4]: de it. Not again,

[the_fart_rix___4]: not again

[hosty_matt]: Is De all right moving on

[the_fart_rix___4]: aging, Doctor Nick.

[hosty_matt]: What drink represents the main villain? You can pick your villain if you want.

[hosty_matt]: If especially if you want the vill, your main villing to be along with Chelsky.

[hosty_matt]: Please. by all

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: H,

[hosty_matt]: mats, Make that your choice.

[the_fart_rix___4]: I't want. go for it.

[hosty_matt]: I'm not here to tell you what do? Of course you're' eager to go. Chris. Hit it.

[the_fart_rix___4]: I call this

[the_fart_rix___4]: the real world and it

[hosty_matt]: Okay

[the_fart_rix___4]: is comprised of warm milk, Some microfone. Okay, So you go into a cafe.

[the_fart_rix___4]: You order this right. Its warm milk microphone dehydrated bet spice,

[the_fart_rix___4]: whit cream

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the fuck

[the_fart_rix___4]: and ginger shavings,

[cobra]: Somebody thought way too hard about this. I love it. I love it.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Look, this thing was messed up. It's called the real world. It's not meant

[the_fart_rix___4]: to be a good beverage.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: where? Where do you order it At the simulatte?

[cobra]: I was going to say the simulattic. That was probably that

[hosty_matt]: the worst?

[cobra]: was probably the best thing about this movie is the name of that cafe.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Let

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: the haow

[the_fart_rix___4]: the haow

[hosty_matt]: for the worst, can't tell. Um, okay, no, I like it. I like that drink I mean

[hosty_matt]: for. and that's for. Uh, the analysts correct,

[the_fart_rix___4]: the vill. Yes is what the anal.

[hosty_matt]: cool,

[hosty_matt]: Spencer.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I have a drink.

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[cobra]: Okay,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: There's not really name for this drink So it's like you know.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I guess it's like orange, and maybe some cranberry juice and

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: some like you know, sub bits of like bread in it, but it's

[hosty_matt]: Bre,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: dranking Yp, bread, but

[cobra]: sour bread.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: its. it's ingested

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and it tastes good, But it's when you throw it back up into a

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: glass.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Uh,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: it resembles the original drink, but it's awful.

[the_fart_rix___4]: give it a

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[the_fart_rix___4]: name. try and give it a name.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: It's called the simulatte,

[hosty_matt]: sorry, and that's for the analyst. Is your? Is your villain as well?

[the_fart_rix___4]: Who? who? who is your willing? Okay,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yes, Yes, the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: analyst,

[hosty_matt]: Yp,

[cobra]: For me,

[cobra]: I think I don't have a specific name either, but to me it's like. so it's

[the_fart_rix___4]: tell us Yes,

[cobra]: coffe. So imagine if someone made coffee and then took the grounds that were already

[cobra]: used and then made coffee again with them

[the_fart_rix___4]: we

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Mhm.

[the_fart_rix___4]: call that second round coffee.

[cobra]: the second round coffee, and then like a dollop of sour cream and

[hosty_matt]: okay, okay,

[cobra]: Vegimite

[hosty_matt]: Wow,

[cobra]: Land, blanded

[cobra]: together for like ten minutes on the blender and then drink with a straw.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Okay. now,

[hosty_matt]: okay,

[the_fart_rix___4]: try and give it a name.

[cobra]: I call it the anoist,

[hosty_matt]: Mhm, Mhm, Mhm.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: nice, you got me. I was like. What is Aa Oo? is?

[hosty_matt]: Oh, I see what you did there.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the

[hosty_matt]: I'm going to.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the analyst is a delicacy in Australia.

[hosty_matt]: probably, as honestly I want to go the opposite way. I't make this real simple.

[hosty_matt]: Um,

[hosty_matt]: I, I'm picking non alcoholic beer And and the answer is very simple. It's that

[hosty_matt]: much like the analyst you could.

[cobra]: but

[hosty_matt]: but why?

[cobra]: you shouldn't. Yeah,

[cobra]: you could.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I agree.

[cobra]: But why did you?

[the_fart_rix___4]: Di.

[cobra]: Yeah? Yeah, fair enough.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Okay, not alcohoer.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: it's also like the intimidation factor.

[cobra]: actually, maybe toss that not tos that non alcoholic beer on the mix of mine and then

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Okay?

[the_fart_rix___4]: So it's a something bomb,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like the

[the_fart_rix___4]: So

[cobra]: Yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: you have no alcoholic beer, and you put it with the analyst. Now you have

[the_fart_rix___4]: to call it a something bomb.

[cobra]: an Ao bomb. the ano, Bob.

[hosty_matt]: the A. the anal bomb.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Obviously,

[cobra]: Obviously,

[cobra]: I mean that that just rights itself.

[the_fart_rix___4]: you know.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Oh,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: can.

[cobra]: I think we did it

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: All right.

[hosty_matt]: well, we've done it, folks.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: let's get around animal bombs.

[hosty_matt]: line them up. Um, next question we have on our list. What was the most

[hosty_matt]: we watchable scene? I, um iough to go first just to mix it up.

[cobra]: right.

[hosty_matt]: I actually really enjoyed

[hosty_matt]: Neoen and uh, Trinity or Tiffany, as she was called, for reasons. The first time

[hosty_matt]: they talked in the cafe. I just enjoyed seeing their chemistry on scene and I

[hosty_matt]: thought they had like a really good, uh chemistry and was really fun and cute.

[hosty_matt]: Um, see, and one of the reasons why I picked this is, Um.

[hosty_matt]: All the action was terrible

[hosty_matt]: and

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: God damn

[hosty_matt]: all

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: right. it was.

[hosty_matt]: all of the rest of the scenes with Neil were terrible. Um, I love piano with all

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm. Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: my heart,

[hosty_matt]: but he is. Uh, how you say a bad actor and relying on him to carry her movie as

[hosty_matt]: an actor. Probably not the great.

[cobra]: Yeah, they should have given him way more woe lines.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[cobra]: They didn't

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: For some reason they trying to change his character.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Kitteries placed the same person in every movie, but somehow

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: he didn't seem like the same character

[hosty_matt]: No,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: from the First Matrix. I don't know how they pulled that off

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: because he

[hosty_matt]: it's it's

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: fucking is always the same, but in

[hosty_matt]: yeah.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: this movie

[cobra]: it? It takes, it takes some really good bad writing that.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, like more, a motive in this one, but in a bad way like

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: overacting a motive. We said. Whoa. like no. No. who. well,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like like. Was it? Try to be funny when he first sees

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Morpheus and he's like

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: he's like. no, no, No, No, this

[cobra]: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: is Isra. I like what's happening You now?

[cobra]: and then trying to get Kiano to do that,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, I was like

[cobra]: that's just a great idea all around

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: just having

[hosty_matt]: hey,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: be like the same way he was before he was like. What? what is

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: this like? just

[hosty_matt]: yeah.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: inquisitive and confused,

[hosty_matt]: I have a question, sort of a side bar to the count of thing that you brought up

[hosty_matt]: and I' driver us back on track on the second.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Mhm,

[hosty_matt]: Why? why did Neil loses flying power?

[the_fart_rix___4]: exactly.

[cobra]: because you got transferred to Trinity. Here's what happened. I'll tell you in. They

[hosty_matt]: Okay, let me stop you here for a second. Is

[cobra]: were in those toos.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Because I know it's

[hosty_matt]: this the real answer?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: we know. it's not.

[cobra]: No, of course, not, of course. not.

[the_fart_rix___4]: I was wondering. but then I saw the look on your face

[hosty_matt]: So I just want to see there is no real answer. right. They never

[cobra]: no. there isn't

[hosty_matt]: explained it. I didn't miss anything.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I have a real answer. The

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: No. The real

[cobra]: okay. Go ahead.

[hosty_matt]: Okay.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: answer is the same reason Naope is at this movie. Which was

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: that plot device. Reason. Because you can't

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: have your character flying around,

[cobra]: Oh, yeah. that makes sense. No, I. I was just going to say that you know, their their

[cobra]: powers has got mixed in the in the pods they put Trinity in Neilspod, andt Po, and

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: you say it wasn't really the person. It's just the pot. The

[cobra]: thes.

[cobra]: Yeah, exactly yeah, exactly.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: pod is the one

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: who's ever in that pod is the one.

[hosty_matt]: but wait, but they are out of the pods when they did the flag. So

[cobra]: there's there's. There's a number on the side of the pod that says one. That's the

[cobra]: one that gets flying.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, Yeah, that that one's it's a little buggy, and

[cobra]: Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: that that explains everything.

[the_fart_rix___4]: even though they didn't explain it. I think the that the answer lies in

[the_fart_rix___4]: in the message that that marived out

[the_fart_rix___4]: conquers all. Neil couldn't fly

[the_fart_rix___4]: because

[the_fart_rix___4]: he

[cobra]: reasons.

[the_fart_rix___4]: didn't have reasons because he didn't have Trinity, and then through

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: the power of the diy he could

[the_fart_rix___4]: along new En,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: that's fug in Diad.

[the_fart_rix___4]: you know, so that and then sprinkle some of that. But like okay, thanks,

[the_fart_rix___4]: you know story, but

[hosty_matt]: Y,

[cobra]: it's dumb. it's it's hall. them.

[the_fart_rix___4]: it's dumb and the special effect suck when they tri to fly, And the was

[the_fart_rix___4]: the worst

[cobra]: Oh my god,

[the_fart_rix___4]: crane work ever as I go. Fuck, they're actually going to die. They, they

[the_fart_rix___4]: didn't

[cobra]: that looks.

[the_fart_rix___4]: clean that up.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, there you could like see the rope.

[cobra]: there's a. there's a. there's a studio. Gibly. there's a studio Gby animation called

[cobra]: Kicky's

[cobra]: delivery service, And and her carrying him when they' flying is exactly the same with

[the_fart_rix___4]: I love that movie. Yes,

[cobra]: S. Kiki. fly on her broom.

[the_fart_rix___4]: yeah,

[cobra]: It's like Oh, my. Is that an nomage? What the fuck is happening?

[hosty_matt]: maybe

[hosty_matt]: you dont know

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: you don't know all the ideas for talking here. I'm driving us back to the most

[hosty_matt]: very watchable scene We've sht on. I think at least three quarters in the movie.

[hosty_matt]: So is there any other scenes left?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I, actually, I actually have a scene that. believe it or not,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: when I started this movie, my hype was quite high because of

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: my Matrix Fanom, and the opening scene I was like is

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: interesting. It's like the recreating the first scene,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Hm,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: but different and I was actually like, kind of intrigued and

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: actually thought there was some cool cinematography in just

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: that opening chase scene Like when they go through the door

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm. Mhm.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and gravity changes like and they' like big.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yeah, was that almost inception? Like a little bit

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, it was go like

[the_fart_rix___4]: corridor,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: they came up facing one way and when they walked through the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: door they like went from like

[cobra]: yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: facing down a facing up. I was like that's a cool shot. Like

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the way they did it really looked cool. and it was the one

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: that used in the trailer. Of course, because it was the only

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: fucking cool looking scene in the whole movie. But that scene

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Id re watchch,

[cobra]: that was that would be. That was the one I was going to go with when, but it is a

[cobra]: little farther ahead than

[the_fart_rix___4]: the train,

[cobra]: when morphias and bugs are running away

[cobra]: from the agent and then they have. Yeah, No,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, yeah, no, that's what I'm talking about.

[cobra]: but I really like when they go. like you said when they go for. Like the shift's per

[cobra]: perspective and then she does the little walk on the wall, and

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Mhm.

[cobra]: like, I like that, but

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[cobra]: that's probably the most fast paced fight scene in the whole movie and it's not that

[cobra]: fast paced. I would watch the scene again,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: yeah, and that was like. Was that the only wirework in the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: whole fucking movie

[cobra]: probably

[the_fart_rix___4]: maybe maybe

[the_fart_rix___4]: not.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Like, Are you fucking kidding me?

[cobra]: because like

[the_fart_rix___4]: Well, there's the Do Joe the dojo fight

[cobra]: when they were flying in the end,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Theo was shit.

[cobra]: When they were flying at the end, The two of them that was a hundred percent

[the_fart_rix___4]: you for.

[cobra]: g and badt, see Ga

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: that.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, was

[cobra]: yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: there. why work in the dojo scene where they just sort of

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like

[the_fart_rix___4]: I like a little bit.

[hosty_matt]: it's hard

[cobra]: Oh, my fuck. I hate that scene so much.

[hosty_matt]: to know if they do if they do W work at all anymore Because of the ability to

[hosty_matt]: see you so many

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm.

[hosty_matt]: things,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Don get me started.

[the_fart_rix___4]: It's possible. I'm not sure. then.

[hosty_matt]: it's possible I don't know

[the_fart_rix___4]: Oh, I was just going to say tag on my. my re, watchable scene was the the

[the_fart_rix___4]: train fight and transition through door, door, door, door, Wait, how am I

[the_fart_rix___4]: supposed

[cobra]: Yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: to see? Like the only thing. The only thing that was like Okay, this is

[the_fart_rix___4]: new territory for me, was the the new mechanism that they would use to uh

[the_fart_rix___4]: to enter the matrix

[hosty_matt]: the mirrors.

[the_fart_rix___4]: or to broadcast the mirrors. I appreciate that sort of level up

[cobra]: I I liked it at first. I liked it at first because it was like. It makes sense that

[cobra]: it's a new Verion of the Matrix and they have to change the way that it works. But

[cobra]: then they again

[cobra]: fucking up what they did on the other movies. It made it so easy for them to come in

[cobra]: and come out at any point.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[cobra]: And then they even bastardized it further with the whole, Oh, let's take her out of

[cobra]: the Matrix without her being aware that she's been taken out of the Matrix and

[cobra]: because Bugs's brain is similar, like, as the movie progresses, they fuck up even

[cobra]: more of the lore.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: they. they break more rules. Yeah,

[cobra]: Yeah, so I. I agree with you, Chris, that I. I like the idea of using the mirrors,

[cobra]: but as it progresses it becomes worse like the whole thing with you them being able

[cobra]: to see the operator inside the matrix while he's outside, and then that weird sort of

[cobra]: halfway thing that Pria Chooppera's character does when she's doing the operation

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm.

[cobra]: wherever, So I,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: see, I would prefer it if you still had to find the land line

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: to get out. It was

[cobra]: Me too.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: just way harder be cause there's no land lines anywhere

[cobra]: yeah, exac, exactly, ex, Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like it. Just bucking. Not exactly

[cobra]: but you, your Ft now have to find the only payphone in the entire city.

[the_fart_rix___4]: There's only

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: you have to go to like a old subway station.

[the_fart_rix___4]: four and they

[cobra]: Yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: and they're covering

[cobra]: yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: three.

[cobra]: yeah,

[hosty_matt]: It's a dollar. You can only pay

[hosty_matt]: coins.

[hosty_matt]: coins.

[the_fart_rix___4]: There

[cobra]: oh

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[cobra]: God.

[the_fart_rix___4]: No,

[hosty_matt]: You never

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: come on,

[hosty_matt]: get out.

[cobra]: if you go in, you can never get out.

[the_fart_rix___4]: you go.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeahcause, there's no Pa boons anymore.

[the_fart_rix___4]: you

[cobra]: Yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: got to use a flimsy phone card.

[cobra]: Oh god, yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, in the interest of time, I'm going to, I'm going to skim over, Um, the

[hosty_matt]: fast food question because it's if Neo is the main character.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Who the answers? Po.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, Okay, Near East is the Bo factory, I guess.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Um. I, I

[cobra]: this again.

[hosty_matt]: want to leave time for for script reconfiguration. Um, And so the next question

[hosty_matt]: we will ask. I think it would be really funny. Um, the studio is dead set on

[hosty_matt]: making a sequel to this movie.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm. Yep,

[cobra]: No, no, kill mej, me.

[hosty_matt]: What's it about?

[cobra]: just give me out. just givee me now.

[the_fart_rix___4]: I got something

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: go ahead, Chris

[hosty_matt]: Okay, You got to use the story from here. you got

[the_fart_rix___4]: I did.

[hosty_matt]: to use resurrection. Okay,

[the_fart_rix___4]: I did. so

[hosty_matt]: Yp,

[the_fart_rix___4]: this is this this trigger? I'll set it up. This lends itself this, uh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: piggybs off the pinocchial concept,

[the_fart_rix___4]: and it's uh, get to the it that get to the prize. First angle. Agent Smith

[the_fart_rix___4]: and Morpheus both want to want to be born. They want to be a real boy. So

[the_fart_rix___4]: they

[hosty_matt]: They don't want to be

[the_fart_rix___4]: sorry,

[hosty_matt]: like. Uh, one of those

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: program.

[hosty_matt]: things like the little.

[hosty_matt]: No, they were

[the_fart_rix___4]: not with the machine.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Oh,

[hosty_matt]: the little little metal balls.

[the_fart_rix___4]: No, no,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like Connectx or whatever the fuck they wear,

[the_fart_rix___4]: no, no, they want to upgrade. They want to be. they want to be born.

[cobra]: there's a name for They give it a name.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Axomorphs, Exxomorphs,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Sure, but they want to be born. So they want a real

[hosty_matt]: okay,

[the_fart_rix___4]: human body, and so it A. and then like, I suppose it'll be like a a ▁quest

[the_fart_rix___4]: to aquest across differ areas, Uh, either in the matrix or try to

[the_fart_rix___4]: infiltrate different, Uh, different human plants or farms to collect

[the_fart_rix___4]: certain things so that they can

[the_fart_rix___4]: win a body, So to speak, it sounds like board game. Show Me Game show, And

[the_fart_rix___4]: the,

[cobra]: Yeah, what

[the_fart_rix___4]: What's What's the? The real?

[cobra]: is this is this season to a screed game with the fuck.

[the_fart_rix___4]: No, The, But what's the? The Amazing sounds more amazing Race Matrix, Vt,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Hamster wheel. Oh, the maining racem genius.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Thisment

[cobra]: Amazing raised Matrix Edition.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I mean, if I were to make a sequel to this movie, it would be

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: trying to undo a lot of what we've done in this movie,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: so it'd be like Trinity isn't actually Trinity. She's like a

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: program designed to manipulate Neo.

[hosty_matt]: yeah, okay, okay,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: And then everything that happened in this movie was planned

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: to make Neo

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: fucking

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: uses powers, so they could youte. Yeah, so they could use his

[cobra]: It was all still inside the Matrix.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: powers? Like because, when he's using his powers and the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: matrix, he creates more energy or something.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: And

[hosty_matt]: yeah, but okay, I'm here for this.

[hosty_matt]: but wouldn't that just piss people off more?

[cobra]: Probably

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Oh, definitely, but what wherere we're out? We're halfway

[cobra]: it all a dream As a bad bad trope. It's a bad trope to you, all dream.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: there.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Not a dream. It was like it was like

[cobra]: Come on the same thing. It was all the Matrix

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: so much. Well, how else are you supposed to fix this

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: bullshit? There's so many fucking loose ends and

[cobra]: You, Noting how

[hosty_matt]: No,

[cobra]: do you fix? No,

[cobra]: you can't.

[the_fart_rix___4]: sequel equal,

[hosty_matt]: it's it's like

[cobra]: you can't unmount metal.

[hosty_matt]: it's like it's like what you? you skid in a car, you steer into it to try to get

[hosty_matt]: yourself out like you can't just one idiot to fix all the problems. I mean, we

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: okay here

[hosty_matt]: saw a riceous Skywalker

[hosty_matt]: do that. It was terrible. She got. you got to drift back. Okay,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yeah, let go of the wheel.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: ready. I got a new. I got a new one. Okay, this is better.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: The

[hosty_matt]: y,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: sequel is Trinity, and Neo now controlled the Matrix right,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Okay,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and then they try to make a perfect matrix for all these

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: people,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: but over time they learn it's not so easy. and then slowly it

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: becomes like the old Matrix Almost. and then there's people

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: who want to get out, but they're like a cand. It will mess up

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: their siss, and the Trinity and Neil become the villains of

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the next movie And there's a new person awaking.

[cobra]: Oh, I actually like that. I like that. I would watch that

[hosty_matt]: so so Neo is the architect or trinity,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: the architect,

[cobra]: Neo.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Neil's the analyst and he's like Yo. pro.

[cobra]: Can you imagine Kiano Tri to speak that fast?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[the_fart_rix___4]: issssssssssssss. Oh,

[hosty_matt]: Neoss, the mevigian,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: yeah,

[cobra]: So

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Gen is like erably via V concurdedly,

[cobra]: tabernck.

[cobra]: Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: don't I don't think Nele could pull up those lines, but I

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: think it would be cool if they like. If you imagine them like

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: trying to explain why it wasn't as simple as we once thought

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: to keep the mind placated.

[hosty_matt]: I like this idea because I think one of the reasons why the action sequence suck

[hosty_matt]: and I don't think is all the reason, but part of the reason is

[hosty_matt]: Neo is in his fifties, And so it's hard

[cobra]: yeah, and so is Trinity.

[hosty_matt]: and it's hard to take your main characters in their fifties to make them do

[hosty_matt]: crazy stunts. And so if you drift towards them in control, then you can bring in

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: other characters that are morege appropriate to allow

[hosty_matt]: getting back to the martial arts Because he said, Neo says, This is a ▁quote

[hosty_matt]: from the movie which is burtal. I still know kungfu and I'm like No, you don't.

[cobra]: yeah, no, you don't. Yeah, you know you know that not go. you know, Taichi, maybe,

[hosty_matt]: you haven't used any of it at all.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: but not con. For Well, the scene where when Trinity figures out who she is and she

[cobra]: fights her husband, whose name is Chad, by the way, is like. What the fuck?

[hosty_matt]: do you know who chat is

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I docause. I fucking

[cobra]: who is it?

[hosty_matt]: cause you' fucking nerd. Yeah, So Chad is

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: still looked up videos of this fucking movie

[cobra]: Who is it?

[hosty_matt]: Cha Stelesski, and he wass on Double Four Caneres in previous Matrix films, And

[cobra]: Oh? okay?

[hosty_matt]: he is the director of the John Wick movies.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Umm,

[cobra]: Oh, wow, and still well, poor guy.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: which is

[the_fart_rix___4]: is

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like, and they still look fucking shit. He is

[cobra]: Yes, so like.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: probably like. Why aren't they doing this right?

[cobra]: Yeah, Like the first scene. the first time that Trinity fights, which is with him

[cobra]: when he is holding her and she's like, get your fucking hands off of me. It's like

[cobra]: Okay. Now it's a fight. And then she like, stops in the position that she's going to

[cobra]: block his thing, and then three minutes later he punches her. Another three minutes

[cobra]: she does a needle twist. It's like. Come on. what is this? Can am I watching this

[cobra]: Spe, But the fuck is going on?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I picture like them filming and him being like. Maybe you

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: should try this and they're like Shut up, Chad. Read your

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: lines.

[cobra]: Yeah, yeah, yeah, three, your fucking lines chat, you fuck and Chad.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: No, the reason why the fight scenes in this sucked is because

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: they did not hire the man who did the choreography of the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: previous Matrix whooping yu, N. who is the greatest biight

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: choreographer of all time? He a crouching tiger, hidden

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Dragon, He did

[cobra]: Y.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: kill Bill. he did

[cobra]: who did the choreography for this one?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: fearless. I. I P. men. Oh, fucking uh, Google analytics.

[cobra]: I p.

[the_fart_rix___4]: man

[cobra]: I P. Men I

[cobra]: like Beman. Is this this this? A? No.

[the_fart_rix___4]: intellectual property, man,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Listen,

[cobra]: It's a movie about the

[the_fart_rix___4]: okay,

[cobra]: Internet. It's

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: No, you don't know. I pman.

[the_fart_rix___4]: let's copyright in Fringment.

[cobra]: it's it. My, you. even,

[the_fart_rix___4]: I

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Oh, whatever,

[the_fart_rix___4]: don't think you yet think you going to eat that patent, sir. Oh, my

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: delete that

[the_fart_rix___4]: thank you. I man. where

[cobra]: thank you. I pman. No, I know.

[the_fart_rix___4]: would we be My start uping Thrive.

[cobra]: I now know where to go on my web browser.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I subtitles.

[cobra]: I pen, thank you very much.

[the_fart_rix___4]: they're not

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Oh God,

[the_fart_rix___4]: citizens. I

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I've lost all credibility in all my points and I apologize.

[cobra]: Oh my God,

[the_fart_rix___4]: you.

[the_fart_rix___4]: you need

[cobra]: Ah, that was good. I live that laugh.

[hosty_matt]: Thank Spencer

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Uh. The best thing is I said. The best thing is I said you

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: don't know. I p. man,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: defending myself.

[cobra]: I.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Uh,

[cobra]: P.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: so yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: man.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: uh,

[cobra]: Oh, that wass good.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: whoever, I don't know who did the fight cor for this movie I

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: assume was a can of tuna.

[cobra]: I mean you you, you did. You May had a good joke when you said Google and Elyytics,

[cobra]: but just the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[cobra]: odder joke you in intentionally made it so much better.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, that's true.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, be cause. Yeah, the,

[hosty_matt]: it. it was well worth it. Thank you.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: because the fights in this, they truly were the the blandest

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: fightingenes of any action movie.

[cobra]: even even the scenes like there were some scenes where he was focused on buds. And

[cobra]: like I said, Jessa Hanwick is a martial artist and it was so slow and so predictable

[cobra]: like that. There was nothing they are like, almost like superheroes when they' inside

[cobra]: the Matrix When you know

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[cobra]: that it is a simulation and they use none of that other than walking on walls a

[cobra]: little bit.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I dare you to watch any fight scene from the original trilogy

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and like you will immediately be like whoy shit. This is so

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like. like a league beyond like. I just watch like the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: opening, fighting and reloaded on Youtube. And like every

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: comment on Youtube is like this scene alone is better than

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the whole resurrections movie.

[cobra]: Yeah. No. so one thing that I did is after I finished watching that movie. I

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yeah, Mhm, Mhm,

[cobra]: immediately went and watched the lobby scene from the first

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[cobra]: movie. I'm like Yes,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yeah,

[cobra]: Now we're talking.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: yeah, gun player, there wasn't even gun playing this movie at

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: all.

[the_fart_rix___4]: yeah,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Did even

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: a

[the_fart_rix___4]: also

[cobra]: Anyway,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: fire a gun?

[the_fart_rix___4]: let. Yeah, they did. They did

[cobra]: they did a lot of

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: No, did Neo fire guns?

[cobra]: guns. It was so cheap. Oh, I

[the_fart_rix___4]: not really

[cobra]: don't. I don't think so.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: No, What the fu

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: again?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I, I

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: can't even express my words. I

[cobra]: Oh no. Since fencers back,

[the_fart_rix___4]: stand Spencer,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: can't let's make him hear. God, I got natty. Let's make a

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Matrix movie without any gun fights without any uh, properly

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: choreograph fight

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: scenes. We're going to take out the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: agents.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm,

[hosty_matt]: Okay, love it.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: We're going to. um. we're going to make the main villain. A.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: uh, you know that character from Uh, how I met your mother

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yep,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: would just use that guy.

[cobra]: Yeah, yeah, him, him, but evil.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: No, just him. Well, he'll

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: say evil things, but he's going to

[the_fart_rix___4]: just him

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: be him.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Just him.

[cobra]: You know what you know what I

[cobra]: wish. That they really leaned into it. And when when Neil was trying to like get to

[the_fart_rix___4]: behind the scenes in the writers room.

[cobra]: him

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yes,

[cobra]: and not like not being able to conse stop time, he should have said challenge, accept

[cobra]: it.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Oh gosh.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: this is.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: that that

[hosty_matt]: too too much.

[cobra]: Just lean into it.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: that that one that wouldn't have surprised me. and oh yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: that that one that wouldn't have surprised me. and oh yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and then trying to a let's do a bullet time scene that's not

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and then trying to a let's do a bullet time scene that's not

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: bullet time.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: bullet time.

[the_fart_rix___4]: yes.

[hosty_matt]: Oh,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: but let's call it bot time now.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: And but let's call

[the_fart_rix___4]: true.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: it fullll the time. Even though that wasn't in the movie. it

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: was what the filming technique was called of filming those

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: scenes.

[cobra]: well,

[the_fart_rix___4]: yeah,

[cobra]: I mean this is on brand to it with the our parent company, Warner Brother said that

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I,

[cobra]: they were going to make a for. I was, so

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I cock, hated that stuff, too.

[cobra]: I hated all of it.

[hosty_matt]: Okay, So so

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm.

[hosty_matt]: you guys are lost again? It

[the_fart_rix___4]: yeah, let me

[hosty_matt]: is like fucking. You're lost in the Matrix right now.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: We need you. we need you.

[the_fart_rix___4]: let me let me course. Mhm,

[cobra]: If this was Star Wars, I would be fully on the dark side by now.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Weuck were stuck in a loop.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, Chris. are you goingnna, are you going to bring this back or you just

[hosty_matt]: going to drive it off of Matrix cliff?

[the_fart_rix___4]: I'm not going to drive off the cliff. and if I did, I still have a

[the_fart_rix___4]: parachute. So what's interesting about what? I? what? I' I'm uh. what I'm

[the_fart_rix___4]: observing, my fellow camates like Reflect on is with the hype of a a new

[the_fart_rix___4]: sequel like this? Right? What tends to happen with people who who enjoy

[the_fart_rix___4]: that that that series is. they'll go back and know, watch some stuff that

[the_fart_rix___4]: they really liked from the previous stuff. And what I'm trying to share is

[the_fart_rix___4]: that, Um, my, my wife like she was like. You know what? Let's dust off the

[the_fart_rix___4]: first one. I don't remember any of it. I don't even if I saw it. I'm like

[the_fart_rix___4]: cool

[the_fart_rix___4]: honey. so I watch. We watched the first one right and then we went

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Oh my God, what a gift.

[the_fart_rix___4]: straight to the next one and I think that's what, and like like. In

[the_fart_rix___4]: hindsight it's odd, but it was a. It was a blessing in disguise because we

[the_fart_rix___4]: reset with number one and it was like this is great. This is what I

[the_fart_rix___4]: remember. This is really interesting. And what created this weird

[the_fart_rix___4]: dicoonomy in this state of like hoo, where I couldn't even process what

[the_fart_rix___4]: had happened after watching it? Um, it's it it. It really creates a

[the_fart_rix___4]: conundrum that we really really unpacked here. So I. I. I notice that

[the_fart_rix___4]: pattern. Like a lot of us have revisited some some stuff from the

[the_fart_rix___4]: previous. You know, the previous trilogy and then boom, it's it's night

[the_fart_rix___4]: and day.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: But Chris,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like the movie says, If you like all the elements you liked

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: when that movie, If you expected any of that in this movie,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: you are an idiot who is chasing nostalgia. you don't want

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: anything original. You're a fucking, too.

[the_fart_rix___4]: you find that out,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: That's exactly what the fucking message of this movie is and

[cobra]: Yeah, yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: you find that out. Hm,

[cobra]: the mesage. the movie is like here.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: fucking hated.

[hosty_matt]: So

[cobra]: I'm going to show you all the sheep that you already like to. Piece of Shep. That's

[cobra]: what it did.

[hosty_matt]: okay, So here's one thing. I'm going to tell you.

[hosty_matt]: It's been my question

[the_fart_rix___4]: Hm.

[hosty_matt]: of. Honestly, I haveve never watched the third Matrix movie, Because just like

[hosty_matt]: can after the second one,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Oh, it's going

[cobra]: You didn't.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: to seem like a fucking Oscar movie after you watch that

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: movie.

[hosty_matt]: Let me ask you this. You watch you guy. Ill watch the three movies.

[cobra]: Yes,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Of course,

[hosty_matt]: The first movie was amazing and the second one was, And the is. Like What the

[hosty_matt]: fuck just

[hosty_matt]: happened Right? That's

[the_fart_rix___4]: I't remember third, but

[cobra]: Yep,

[hosty_matt]: how we all kind of took it.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Um, yeah,

[hosty_matt]: Why? why you assume the fourth movie was going to be some like great Return to

[hosty_matt]: Why? why you assume the fourth movie was going to be some like great Return to

[hosty_matt]: the Matrixcause. It feels like you had expectations that probably outweighed

[hosty_matt]: the Matrixcause. It feels like you had expectations that probably outweighed

[hosty_matt]: what you been shown in three movies.

[hosty_matt]: what you been shown in three movies.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you are way wrong here. If

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: this movie was E even close to third movie, I would have been

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: so thoroughly satisfied. the third mo. Say what you went

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: about. The second and third movies they tried.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: The stories are convoluted the act of writings a little ma.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: they put work into the choreography. they put work into the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: story building, and blah blah blah. they did. They went a

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: little cliche with the endings, but it still feels like a a

[cobra]: I mean, I mean the third movie is basically Dragon Ball inside of the Matrix.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: movie.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yeah, that was pretty cool.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, but still it. I. I, Ive watched it again. I guarantee

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: you going to be like this movie is not compared to

[cobra]: Well, in hindsight Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: this movie. You're going to be like that movie is fucking

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Citizen Ke.

[the_fart_rix___4]: So my new question, then was my new question That becomes Sps. Its, For

[the_fart_rix___4]: So my new question, then was my new question That becomes Sps. Its, For

[cobra]: Okay, that's like I carried away.

[the_fart_rix___4]: anybody, Do you remember what some of your preliminary thoughts were based

[the_fart_rix___4]: anybody, Do you remember what some of your preliminary thoughts were based

[the_fart_rix___4]: on the Tra before you side? What? Based on the trailer and leading right

[the_fart_rix___4]: on the Tra before you side? What? Based on the trailer and leading right

[the_fart_rix___4]: up to one you watched it? Do you remember what you thought or felt? Were

[the_fart_rix___4]: up to one you watched it? Do you remember what you thought or felt? Were

[the_fart_rix___4]: you excited or you just here to see what they? What? What they would

[the_fart_rix___4]: you excited or you just here to see what they? What? What they would

[the_fart_rix___4]: offer?

[the_fart_rix___4]: offer?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I. I know

[the_fart_rix___4]: Whatever?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: exactly

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the first trailer I saw was like that teaser and it was very,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: very short and it was just like Do you even know what is

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: real? And it was just like, very mysterious and I was like,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Ooh, I, I wasn't really had any expectations for this. I come

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: get a little hyped. The the first full length trailer I was

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like, uh, oh,

[cobra]: Yeah, same

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: uh, oh,

[cobra]: I was. I was very Hpped for the first one Just because it was Matrix. when I watched

[cobra]: the second trailer was like, Oh no, where is this going?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like I, even there's the look. It was all bright and white

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and like super over lit and saturated and I

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: was like this is not like a neon noar fibe at all,

[cobra]: You know not me.

[cobra]: exactly. That's what I was going to say. You know what got to me is. Just instead of

[cobra]: making like the scenes that were shown in the trailer made it seem like they were

[cobra]: just reggitated again. That word like

[cobra]: just a bunch of ideas spit to get altogether in in a non cohesive way on the screen

[cobra]: rather than serving a purpose. And from the trailer I was like, I hope this is just a

[cobra]: trailer thing where they trying to show everything that's co, and then there' stuff

[cobra]: in the middle, weaving shit in. But then

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Hugo weaving.

[cobra]: it was just more of the same

[cobra]: without, Have helped

[hosty_matt]: I don't think

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: No, no, they can't. No, Thismo needed a full rewrite

[hosty_matt]: so.

[hosty_matt]: To me. it still feels like

[the_fart_rix___4]: Five?

[hosty_matt]: people got a little overhyped for a Matrix movie. Because

[cobra]: One hundred percent.

[hosty_matt]: you, you have an nostalgia of what it could be,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I didn't. I

[hosty_matt]: And

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: honestly didn't.

[the_fart_rix___4]: H,

[hosty_matt]: I going to say it sounds like a dip because I've never seen

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: No, no, no,

[cobra]: I did

[hosty_matt]: you hit rock bottom so hard

[hosty_matt]: you hit rock bottom so hard

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: no, no, I was expecting this movie to be generic,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Ma, like, just like Bottom of the barrel kind of like reboot

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: stuff that

[hosty_matt]: Y.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: is such a high bar. When you consider what this movie became,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: it is. you know.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, I disagree with you. I think you're You're mad at it.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I am mad at it because

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: that bar the bar I set was so low and they didn't even. they.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: not only did they not scrape it, they, they couldn't see it

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: in with a telescope. That bar was so high compared to what it

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: actually is. they were like. Instead of making a movie that's

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: generic, and whatever you know, with some cool looking scenes

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and stuff, they were just like

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Fuck you, Fuck you viewer. That's what it felt like.

[cobra]: so. so I. I went in because of the comments from other people watching and from

[cobra]: having seen the trailer. I tried to go in

[cobra]: without expecting anything. I was expecting a Matrix movie

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Not what it was.

[cobra]: and what I got. But and what I got was

[cobra]: like nostalgia pandering

[hosty_matt]: okay, so

[cobra]: and and just you know,

[hosty_matt]: let

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: but it't

[hosty_matt]: me ask you this.

[hosty_matt]: What is a Matrix movie? What are the core elements you need for a Matrix movie?

[cobra]: to me it has to. So it it's There's a bunch of little. Well, there's a few little

[cobra]: things that I have to be there. The the Neonoir thing, like the just the ambience of

[cobra]: the movie has to be a a lot less bright colors, and it like Bls flashing in shit. It

[cobra]: needs to be a lot more contained. In that sense I want from the first movie At least

[cobra]: I want,

[cobra]: which, the beginning kind of almost sounds like he was going to

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yeah,

[cobra]: deliver. I want the story to be

[cobra]: Um,

[cobra]: not convoluted, but complex

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm,

[cobra]: I like. and I. I want the. The. The, The,

[cobra]: Like, the themes to weave in and out and form a nice match at the end like they do in

[cobra]: the first movie.

[cobra]: And for like, I want to be confused in the first third of the movie. That's That's

[cobra]: what

[the_fart_rix___4]: H,

[cobra]: I'm saying.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Mhm.

[cobra]: I want to say. Oh, holy shit, what is going on here? But there needs to be a very

[cobra]: good payoff at the end where all of those themes inter intertwined to form a larger

[cobra]: story

[cobra]: and I want to see good fucking action scenes. That's that. to me. those three are the

[cobra]: main elements. Honestly,

[hosty_matt]: So I want to challenge you on this, because that's just what I want to see of a

[hosty_matt]: good movie You haven't described to me. What makes the Matrix the Matrix?

[cobra]: No, you

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I can.

[cobra]: don't you okay. Go ahead ahad

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: so

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: first first foremost, the Matrix is

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: takes itself seriously. It's not like it

[cobra]: Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: doesn't Doesn't say you a joke. you know. it' not like a

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: marvel like it's

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the. The concept of it is very

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: high concept serious.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: You know fate. What is being what? it is? Slightly dealing

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: with existential serious things

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: And it's not. and they like it can't be littleerate like they

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: did in this movie? That's that's the theme.

[cobra]: Which ju?

[cobra]: just just as as a sidebar to or as a apprentice to that. It seemed like that's what

[cobra]: they were

[cobra]: going with in the beginning with the analyst stuff, and even when he starts

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, at the beginning Yeah,

[cobra]: explaining, You know the, the, Re, the way that the new matrix works right, which is

[cobra]: based more on feelings and blah

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Mhm,

[cobra]: blah blah. That's that's there that that's

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[cobra]: kind. The kind of thing I want to see.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: they abandon all that and then

[cobra]: Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: also I. I. It's very important whether you know. even though

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: they actually fuck you for wanting this, it does need to have

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: V, very well crafted fight choreography, very well crafted.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Visual effects like that is a staple if they broke the bar

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: with visual effects in that movie, though they created a

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: whole new type of special effects,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Hm,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: You know, so that has to be part of it as well, but

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: more importantly it, it has to have a sort of Alice through

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the Looking Glass type

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: viewpoint.

[hosty_matt]: They put the book

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: there. What more do you

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: want?

[cobra]: I

[the_fart_rix___4]: No

[cobra]: was going to say it

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: exact, exactly

[cobra]: has. It has to be more than a tattoo of a bunny and the song like,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, like the themes have to be heavy.

[hosty_matt]: They put literary Alice through the looking glasses, a book they pan by. I don't

[cobra]: Oh, I know, I know, Uh, pre, Prinka chop goes like And and wings at Neo. When when he

[hosty_matt]: know what you want,

[cobra]: looks at the book

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: M.

[cobra]: it' like here, idiots this. It's in your face like.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Are you happy now?

[the_fart_rix___4]: half.

[cobra]: Yeah, yeah, so mad. What I was going to say is I like not every movie. not every. a

[cobra]: good movie needs like a, a complex interwoven plot. Like some movies have very good

[cobra]: movies have a pre linear plot and

[hosty_matt]: John Wick.

[cobra]: they're still good, but I'

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Y,

[cobra]: yeah. exactly. So what I'm saying here is like I want to. I want this movie to to

[cobra]: make me think

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: yeah,

[cobra]: right to like, wonder where it's going and then take a turn and say no. That's not

[cobra]: like you thought he was going there, but 't and it still makes sense where it goes

[cobra]: now. like just let's just toss all the plat points away and have it go wherever you

[cobra]: want to go.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Mhm,

[hosty_matt]: Y, Yes,

[cobra]: You know, let's finish the movie with. like some some jokes about the analyst dying

[cobra]: and then them flying away like their fucking Superman.

[hosty_matt]: y, yeah, but listen, I fair. I think that's a fair answer. I, I think Uh, for

[hosty_matt]: me, Spencer answered with a little bit more. What is unique to the matrix? I,

[hosty_matt]: you know. Um, you know, the neo noar stuff you know is meaningfulol. uh. the

[hosty_matt]: Kungfu and Gunkta type atmosphere they provide us is meaningful. you know, even

[hosty_matt]: to the point where you know they had guns and they shot everybody, but they

[hosty_matt]: didn't really make it like everybody's loading up and taking advantage of being

[hosty_matt]: in the matrix. they all just carried guns and drove cars right, They didn't. You

[hosty_matt]: know they didn't manifest anything like they could in the original Matrix.

[cobra]: The only thing that that they did was Neo doing his like shielding, which is boring.

[hosty_matt]: They just abused that. anyways. let's

[cobra]: Yeah.

[hosty_matt]: let's put to script doctoring. We're we're. we're at about that time.

[cobra]: uh.

[hosty_matt]: Um,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Okay, I

[hosty_matt]: so

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: thought about this a lot, so

[hosty_matt]: okay, good because

[hosty_matt]: I need you. I'm more put to challenge here. I'm challenging to keep fifty

[hosty_matt]: percent of this movie.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: that's unrealistic.

[hosty_matt]: Well, you're not script doctorors, writing new script

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Let's let's all settle on thirty

[hosty_matt]: forty

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: thirty seven and you got just have a deal.

[hosty_matt]: forty three

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: God.

[cobra]: wait.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: okay,

[cobra]: that's

[cobra]: bargaining works.

[hosty_matt]: to I bargain,

[the_fart_rix___4]: I got a deal for you fifty one per cent.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: iready,

[hosty_matt]: Spencer, Chris,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: agree, forty three percent.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Damn. they shook on it.

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: So

[hosty_matt]: Spencer, this is this is your. Sa. We got to bring sadpens we got like we got to

[hosty_matt]: let

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Mhm.

[hosty_matt]: him have his um. Ctharsis, Um,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yes,

[hosty_matt]: I

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: will play. Uh, the analyst. how did this make you feel?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Oh my God

[the_fart_rix___4]: Oo,

[cobra]: Oh God

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: made me so angry. I need more pills.

[cobra]: does, does it make you feel legend? Wait for it. Dairy makes you feel ageary

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: tactor. you are hilarious.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: tactor. you are hilarious.

[the_fart_rix___4]: but that is,

[the_fart_rix___4]: must' not

[hosty_matt]: Tell me.

[the_fart_rix___4]: the scalpels.

[hosty_matt]: tell me. tell me how we going to do in the future to break yourself out of this

[hosty_matt]: recurring dream To understand what your reality is versus the matrix. Tell me

[hosty_matt]: how we were going to find that.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I'm feel feeling very triggered right now.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Give me more blue pills. I want to fly. Ha.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: No, Okay, so

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: that you just give me p. T, S.

[the_fart_rix___4]: You can do it.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: D, No, Actually, I didn't mind that stuff. Okay, so

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: there are elements of this movie that are interesting and

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like I said, I think the first act

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: is okay,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: but like a little bit up its own ass. So the way what I'd say

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: is I like the con Anderson, Misterr Anderson. You know,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Thomas Anderson was a programmer, so I like the idea of him

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: being back in the Matrix,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: but he. He's not a like a video game developer, but let's say

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: he's trying. He vaguely remembers the Matrix and he's trying

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: to recreate it in the program Because that's

[hosty_matt]: So far, you at three percent,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: that's he justssed up. So no, that's the same fucking thing.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: So he, he's constantly trying to remember by building the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: world in in his computer, building the program, blah, blah

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: blah. all that stuff. And then that sort of helps him get

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: back memories. But it's he's hiding it because it's like if

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: people actually think he believes it, he seems crazy. He

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: still sees his therapist who says stuff similar than what he

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: does in the movie and he takes blue pills. That's all fine. I

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: thought that was kind of cool. The, you know, he,

[hosty_matt]: twenty three percent.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Um,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and I will say one of his. the The programs, like the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: computer, sort of gets taken over and starts writing to him,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like in the original matrix, you know, and leads him

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: to finding out more about

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the real world.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Um, and he's like it'. My program

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: sentient. Is this real? Is it

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: code? I don't know, and then it sort of takes him on. Uh, and

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I, I think at the beginning it should be the very similar

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: tone to when Neo was first.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: You know, going to the club in the original movie where he's

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like. You don't know what he's looking for. You don't know

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: what he's doing, but it's serious and it's like paste takes

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: its time. You know. It's not like he's just slowly digging.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Finding out. there's like inconsistencies with the world in

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: certain ways. You know you can. whatever that is.

[hosty_matt]: So it's the matrix reawakening

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, basically so he starts to believe that he. Um,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: you know

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: that this might be real, and so obviously he stops taking his

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: pills

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: right

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and then he stops it, and then when he starts taking his

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: pills, that's when you know people start coming for him. You

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: know agents

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mm,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: come, and they're like reminiscent of the agents in the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: original movie, But you know, they're obviously not exactly

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the same and they seem like actual people. but they're

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: They seem more human than the originals, but he thinks

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: they're agents and they try to intimidate him and stuff like

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: in an interview and like I said, it's all very reminiscent of

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: what happened before. Kind of like the way this movie is, but

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: with more respect to the original would have saying, Fuck

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: you. And um,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Hm. this is where I don't want to to go anywhere like it does

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: in this movie like I. I,

[hosty_matt]: Well So far, you at like twenty three percent. At best, you've not used any of

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I know, so let's say so let's say Bugs is

[hosty_matt]: the scripts.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Bugs. Is

[cobra]: two.

[the_fart_rix___4]: it's

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: is

[the_fart_rix___4]: a timeme

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: watching him

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: okay or Bugs finds his program like she does in the movie And

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and it opens like the way it opened in this one where she's

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: watching stuff happen and she's like It's so. It's the same,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: but different, but it's because he created on his computer

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and she's like looking at a program within a program, and

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: that's how she makes contact with him and she offers to bring

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: him out, but he's all fucky tripped out and doesn't trust it.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: but eventually he does bring. it does get out, but when he

[the_fart_rix___4]: Sssss,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: gets out,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: everything's different then the real world's changed.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Everyone

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: is dead.

[cobra]: I was going to say

[hosty_matt]: So so is that act one done? Like Where are we in the story right now?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, this is like, probably like around the halfway point,

[hosty_matt]: Oh wow.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and I'll I'll steal from this, and there's no fucking

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: bullshit. Uh, w. B. We're making the third Matrix movie on of

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: that metta nonsense.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: So

[cobra]: fourth move, not,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: whatever none of that bullshit like, I actually thought that

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: stuff was interesting. It just doesn't work in a Matrix

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: movie. It's like a. It's like it would be. It's like its own

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: thing. and then um,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, and I think that the uh that

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: um,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Mr. Smith

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: should be awakened when he gets awakened 'cause they are like

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: a diadd. the original died,

[cobra]: Ah, my God.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: but they are like. That's like the whole point. It's like

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: he's like the response and the programming to his anomaly,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: right, Which why does make sense? The triny's not like a

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: third

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: anomaly.

[hosty_matt]: well, Smith was always there. though.

[hosty_matt]: well, Smith was always there. though.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: No Smith was there. but him being like a woken was like the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: programs trying to balance out the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like in Original. That's why Smith became what he was

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: was to

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: you know, for every one there's a ▁zero, or whatever is how

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: they described it. So they were

[hosty_matt]: Okay,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like tied to each other. So when he wakes up, Uh, Mr. Smith

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: wakes up and

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: he

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: goes after Trinity. Let's say because she's still in the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Matrix.

[hosty_matt]: where does Trinity come from?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Trinity is also th. when Neo was doing. She's like in the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: movie 'cause I got a fuck and take some things from the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: shiting movie. She's in the Matrix, but she's

[hosty_matt]: married to Chad?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: uh, She's married to Chad, Right

[cobra]: what a fucking Chad.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: And and then Chad comes and murders her whole family just to

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: fuck and give the movie some balls, which this movie doesn't

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: have.

[hosty_matt]: Oh yeah, know it does. Chad

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: murders his own family.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: No, no, Mr. Smith comes to Trinity, kills Chad and her kids

[hosty_matt]: Okay, yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and it's like whoa.

[hosty_matt]: that's okay like that.

[cobra]: Oh, I like that

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, and she's like

[cobra]: that that would give some weight to the fucking thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, exactly. And now she's like my life is ruined. But that

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: makes it her open to starting to accept her

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: other shit anyways. Yeah, and she thinks it's like a fucking.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: She is? She losing her mind because she lost her family,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Blah, blah blah. Neil has to come back fight Smith,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: also fight a bunch of agents throughout there, and in the end

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Mr. Smith gets deleted by the program.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: The by bro, Barney Stinson,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: No, there will I. I th. I don't mind that I'll keep that

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: tooth. the analys. His therapist was the analyst. Only he's

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: not a bro and he is pulling the strings, so Neo makes a deal

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: with it.

[cobra]: like you mean. letting Newop Patrick Hars actually act instead of. Yeah. yeah, okay,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, exactly, just let him

[the_fart_rix___4]: indeed,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: be like a calm. like, if anything, he should have been like

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the way he was with a therapist where he was like. Are you

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: feeling

[cobra]: yep.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: very triggered right now, But then when he becomes like, you

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: find out these analysts, he's like completely emotionless

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm.

[hosty_matt]: I. the analyst is actuallyorrphous By the end The of the movie you find out it's

[the_fart_rix___4]: How so? How so

[hosty_matt]: morphous.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: perfect.

[the_fart_rix___4]: the program Moriphus?

[hosty_matt]: The D, sl R thing.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Oh, my goodness,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and they're like we

[cobra]: okay,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: know we know you'd only listen to someone you trusted. Oh, so

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: he put Morpheus in in in your role as your therapist.

[cobra]: Oh, actually, that's good. Yeah, there you go.

[cobra]: I, so I would go in a slightly different direct. Like I like what you like. You had

[cobra]: you know warm shit to work with, So I think you did a good job with the material.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, little little. a little bit of skating at the end There

[cobra]: Had.

[hosty_matt]: You barely

[cobra]: what? what?

[hosty_matt]: got the forty three per cent. Barely,

[the_fart_rix___4]: until you

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: exactly

[the_fart_rix___4]: until you pose the shit, and then it opened up.

[cobra]: What? I? what? I wondered? Like what I think? W. they should have gone with, Um, and

[cobra]: you could have kept some of it. Probably not forty three percent, but a little a

[cobra]: little bit of it is. I would have liked if somehow they, they we they. They hid this

[cobra]: on the trailers and everything, and you only got to discover this at the end. But

[cobra]: like the whole spiel about having to have the the new matrix and you know, needing to

[cobra]: have people there, blah, blah, blah, doubts still stay there. But like it would have

[cobra]: been li fun if they had made a way like it, just like they showed in Iowa, Where like

[cobra]: some machines, I've refused to call them fuckingcinians Fuck that shit. It's machines

[cobra]: so like

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: racist.

[cobra]: if some there' are some machines in in cahoots with the humans I would have liked if

[cobra]: they. D, they did the the similar on the other side with like a a cipher, sort of

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[cobra]: human where they want to be

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: that's good. They don't want to wake up.

[cobra]: in the Matrix and so like,

[cobra]: Yeah, And so you have the two sides. It is not split by species. ▁quotequote unquote

[cobra]: anymore. It' split by interest right,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: very good.

[cobra]: and in the end in the end why would have had? What would I would like to have seen?

[cobra]: Is they still needed the one like they did to kind of like sum up the math problems,

[cobra]: like the architect explains on the second movie, But they, the Trinity and Neo. in

[cobra]: this movie, they are not actually

[cobra]: Trinity and Neil. They are like programs that

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Mhm.

[cobra]: behave like that in a way to guide the new one bugs to do what needed to be done

[cobra]: right. So like they, they are not their themselves, their dad, which you know, stops

[cobra]: in vaalidating the sacrifice

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yep,

[cobra]: that they both fuck and made at the end of that movie. But they're still like present

[cobra]: in in terms of like guiding the new the one. Um to do what they need to do, Select

[cobra]: they, they would not be the diad that fucking flies like kick his delivery service.

[cobra]: They would be teaching.

[hosty_matt]: who are you? Ma,

[cobra]: there would be like.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I like this and it's cool. You know. it's cool about that

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: too. Is the whole concept is like, Is this real and it's like

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Twist on. You're not real. Like

[cobra]: exactly.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like

[hosty_matt]: Just just over O same page. You wrote an entirely new movie and you just kept

[cobra]: it's not.

[hosty_matt]: one character's name.

[cobra]: It's not an entirely new movie.

[hosty_matt]: How is it not an entirely new movie

[cobra]: It why? it's an entirely new ending of the movie.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: let them

[hosty_matt]: at the beginning?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: be. I like this movie

[cobra]: Well,

[hosty_matt]: Listen,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Let them have something.

[cobra]: it's you know,

[hosty_matt]: I. it. it sounds fun, but you've not script. doctor. you script

[cobra]: Like all of the

[hosty_matt]: Franknstein,

[cobra]: No, Okay, So the the stuff with the analyst stays mind, Is the broche? Just remove

[cobra]: all of the the clips from the original movie. We don't need

[hosty_matt]: right.

[cobra]: to see that

[cobra]: remove the duro shit.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: half the run time.

[hosty_matt]: Okay, Yes, but I don't see how if this movie is supposed to be about them

[hosty_matt]: guiding the new one through the story. How you can spend so much time with Neo,

[cobra]: Oh, you shouldn't

[hosty_matt]: but

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, yeah,

[hosty_matt]: then how you have all the things but there in the analyst Because it's

[cobra]: okay. Fine. you keep like fifteen percent of this garbage movie and the rest we we

[cobra]: make. Fuck you

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: yeah, I agree.

[cobra]: this, my idea. Get off.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like maybe maybe like bugs is help in guiding Neo to become

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the one again, But by doing so she's teaching herself to

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: become the one

[cobra]: I like that. actually,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: so that's

[hosty_matt]: up to sixteen percent

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: her characterc.

[the_fart_rix___4]: when you teach.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, there we go.

[cobra]: so like the first. the first, like twenty percent. Thirty percent of the movie is

[cobra]: focused on Neo, and then flips

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[cobra]: to be focused on books. there. Yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: they say when you teach two people learn

[cobra]: oh God,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Chris. I

[hosty_matt]: year next

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like you. I like you, Chris.

[cobra]: get out

[hosty_matt]: what you

[hosty_matt]: gotwardward

[the_fart_rix___4]: honestly. I feel like this is. this is an opportunity for

[the_fart_rix___4]: me to yield my time, because I feel like both Sa spsor, you can do what

[the_fart_rix___4]: you want

[the_fart_rix___4]: and and I agree with it. I agreed with what was what was proposed. right?

[the_fart_rix___4]: I felt so mad about this that I. I feel like. what. Like the new arc

[the_fart_rix___4]: that was presented was pretty good.

[the_fart_rix___4]: I us. I want the movie to make us feel like it's going to be ge all the

[the_fart_rix___4]: big players that that we're going to get. But who says? the baton can't be

[the_fart_rix___4]: past. Not that we need more sequels, but that's what I

[the_fart_rix___4]: feel, is it? That's what. I, I'm not going for that, but I think that's

[cobra]: to God. I hope not.

[the_fart_rix___4]: that's the biggest missed opportunity for me. Because, um, with characters

[the_fart_rix___4]: like bugs, and uh, the new Morpheus, and like Prika, Uh, help me, pre,

[the_fart_rix___4]: um,

[hosty_matt]: Jonas.

[the_fart_rix___4]: jonas,

[the_fart_rix___4]: um,

[hosty_matt]: that's her

[hosty_matt]: namela, Lena did not want to pass the batan to anything. For the record,

[hosty_matt]: namela, Lena did not want to pass the batan to anything. For the record,

[hosty_matt]: namela, Lena did not want to pass the batan to anything. For the record,

[hosty_matt]: namela, Lena did not want to pass the batan to anything. For the record,

[hosty_matt]: namela, Lena did not want to pass the batan to anything. For the record,

[hosty_matt]: namela, Lena did not want to pass the batan to anything. For the record,

[cobra]: I know. still.

[the_fart_rix___4]: I just feel like I just feel like it. It would be.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: stop being so

[the_fart_rix___4]: I feel like it was. It would be a great opportunity for us to have like a

[the_fart_rix___4]: palleate. cleans. If you want to play in this world, make it. Make it

[the_fart_rix___4]: interesting and not just you know, nostalgia, lip service fan service,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Give us. if you want to Word World, build or play within that build, and

[the_fart_rix___4]: then throw a layer on. Give us new perspective. Well, take more chances.

[the_fart_rix___4]: It doesn't just have to be it like. If you really want to pass the baton,

[the_fart_rix___4]: it can't always be left to Tano Reeve's car. You know his shoulder.

[cobra]: Yeah. Well, I mean you can.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I just thought

[the_fart_rix___4]: It. That's the point. That's the point

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I just sort of a crazy idea, too. What if this whole matrix

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: wasn't run by the machine, but they' run by the humans and

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: a way to try and find a new one.

[cobra]: Yeah, that could have been.

[hosty_matt]: I

[cobra]: Yeah.

[hosty_matt]: could make up lots of ideas on how to make a Matrix story that have nothing to

[hosty_matt]: do with this movie'.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Listen, that's cool. So that's why they have

[cobra]: Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: fake, neo and fake, and they' trying to recreate the story of

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the original one. But but to make someone else become the one

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and

[the_fart_rix___4]: that they can control

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: then they'll plug that one into the new matrix that the

[cobra]: Matt,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: machines run

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: to fu

[cobra]: Matt

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: it up.

[the_fart_rix___4]: M to gain supremacy.

[hosty_matt]: Okay, let me fix this movie.

[cobra]: Mat, we can't. We can't work with this movie and make it a good one.

[hosty_matt]: let me fix this movie. You could you can do.

[the_fart_rix___4]: They're trying. They're trying.

[hosty_matt]: It's not trying you'.

[hosty_matt]: not trying

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I tried. I tried hard.

[cobra]: No, No, no,

[hosty_matt]: you, did, Spencer. You tried. You just hated so much.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: it hurt me.

[hosty_matt]: Luciano didn't try at all. Well that, but that's at the point of the question.

[cobra]: I don't even want to try. I don't want to try. I don't want to try.

[hosty_matt]: The question is how to script do to this movie to make it better. So a couple

[hosty_matt]: things I would do

[the_fart_rix___4]: We did though

[hosty_matt]: is. I think I would just get rid of Smith entirely, because in

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: the story we have.

[hosty_matt]: the story we have.

[hosty_matt]: Smith is just a complication that doesn't need to exist. He is

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Mhm.

[hosty_matt]: confusing he. What? his motive and being there Why he's there? Because he's not

[hosty_matt]: really watching after Neil like the other people are. So I don't know why he

[hosty_matt]: exists, so I just choops Miss story line out completely,

[cobra]: he, he is there to make Neil find out his shoe powers. That's the only reason why he

[hosty_matt]: but sure. but whatever, like I, I think

[cobra]: is there.

[cobra]: It doesn't have to be.

[hosty_matt]: we, we can bring those powers back over. we want right like I think. Once they

[hosty_matt]: he know is he's Neo. It's fine. They can just come back. It's like riding a

[hosty_matt]: bike, I assume except for flying. Obviously, um,

[cobra]: See. You can't fix this third

[hosty_matt]: no, it's fine.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: it's like

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: it's like

[hosty_matt]: secondly,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: E, t riding a bike flying.

[hosty_matt]: yeah, yeah, exactly. Secondly, I would get rid of the that scene where the

[hosty_matt]: Meravingjian and all his

[hosty_matt]: clowns show up. What what they called?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Oh god, yes,

[the_fart_rix___4]: me

[hosty_matt]: ▁, The exiles?

[cobra]: exiles. Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: No need for them

[the_fart_rix___4]: defects.

[hosty_matt]: confusing. Just go the agents, people. like the agents. The agents are a force

[hosty_matt]: that is scary. You could have had agents show up and and you could have soooped

[hosty_matt]: up the agents in some way. That was fine. You could have left them all. you

[hosty_matt]: know. That would haveve cleaned that up. Um, I think if you're keeping the story

[hosty_matt]: of Trinity and Neo

[hosty_matt]: being important and having them resurrected from the uh analists, then I think

[hosty_matt]: you need to get her out sooner

[hosty_matt]: and give a point to give an actual arc to the movie, Because the arc to the

[hosty_matt]: movie is, we have we got kil about because he's the one, but we have to get

[hosty_matt]: Trinity out and they just happen to save the world. Maybe I'm not clear, So the

[hosty_matt]: you get Trinity out like halfway through the movie. So then you have time for

[hosty_matt]: them to take on the analyst and

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: wait,

[hosty_matt]: the the agents, and they Ch.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: is he. is he the analyst or the rapist

[hosty_matt]: and now

[the_fart_rix___4]: Hm,

[hosty_matt]: ripist. Yes, uh, that is that is his full name.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Now

[hosty_matt]: Um,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: he starts off as the rapist, then he becomes an analyst,

[hosty_matt]: yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: yes,

[cobra]: so would you? would you keep that whole thing about

[cobra]: you know? Neonity replaing the creation like the painting of the creation of Adam,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm, Mhm,

[cobra]: What they touch and there is lightning in Shi,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: No cause. I made no sense.

[hosty_matt]: yeah, sure. what not.

[cobra]: Then, Because if you take Trinity out of the Matrix too soon, then it become too

[cobra]: powerful Tosone.

[hosty_matt]: No, I know with that that's whatever they can be powerful. That's not the point.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, that's stupid. Take that out. No, they're not powerful

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: outside the Matrix. Their humans will tell the Matrix.

[hosty_matt]: Yeah, the humor says

[cobra]: Okay, good, good,

[hosty_matt]: it so. But so you bring them out sooner and really,

[hosty_matt]: their job is to train the next group,

[hosty_matt]: The The Bugs and Friends

[hosty_matt]: to be the next

[cobra]: Oh,

[hosty_matt]: ones to liberate the emotion matrix.

[cobra]: even

[the_fart_rix___4]: than'm you. For that

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Not bad,

[cobra]: they can even do. What? what? What Chriss talking about? In No nostalgia? there is a

[cobra]: way of doing nostalgia right So they could have replicated the fight, the fighting

[cobra]: between morphs and Ne

[cobra]: on the first movie with Neo and bugs. Yeah, yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: but neosorphous.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: All this.

[hosty_matt]: Exactly.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: would you keep Naobie's giant robot bird?

[cobra]: no.

[hosty_matt]: Um,

[cobra]: I. ha.

[hosty_matt]: I like the theory that

[hosty_matt]: you know

[hosty_matt]: the

[hosty_matt]: there are more things going on. Some of the there's more you know, the programs

[hosty_matt]: and the robots. I'm not sure if we need

[hosty_matt]: specifically the things they used. Um, I did like the you know, the Morpheus,

[hosty_matt]: Uh, the, the fucking nanobought frozen P. frozen corn thing.

[the_fart_rix___4]: he

[hosty_matt]: I, as an I. I heard that another poadcast that talked about this, the film sack.

[hosty_matt]: And and so I thought there was a perfect example of what it is. But it's like I

[hosty_matt]: don't think they need to go that level tech. I think that was overly convoluted

[hosty_matt]: for reasons that I will never understand. but I think having a progression on

[hosty_matt]: that standpoint having a techno technological progression makes sense because

[hosty_matt]: it's ▁quote unquote six years after there'sal. matrix.

[cobra]: oh yeah. a hundred percent

[hosty_matt]: So you need to show something whether they can take control of uh atomatons.

[hosty_matt]: Maybe that makes more sense, and then it has like a Iepad face. You know

[hosty_matt]: whatever.

[cobra]: like an Iped on a stick

[cobra]: with

[the_fart_rix___4]: five

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[cobra]: just a face Nice.

[hosty_matt]: I don't know if I would have like you know, basically anamorphic uh creatures

[hosty_matt]: that play these robots. I think that was a little like lazy,

[hosty_matt]: but but you

[cobra]: Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: want that technological uh, push forward. Um, because I think that that shows

[hosty_matt]: the matrix is growing and things are changing

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, I didn't mind there, like peace, not peace. but like

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: how there is a civil war. I kind of was like I was like. Oh,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: that civil war seems cool. I'd like to see more and they'

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like shut up.

[cobra]: yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Shut the fuck up. Okay.

[hosty_matt]: and I think actually that's a. That's a great point. to my. I think they find

[hosty_matt]: Neo and Trinity because they need. they need to. The civil war is like fucking

[hosty_matt]: shit up, and they need to stop the civil war for ▁x y, e reasoncause, I, you're

[hosty_matt]: right. I'd love to dig into the civil war.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: kill new, all liances.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: sounds a lot like less. like the movie.

[cobra]: I, I think they could have explored. They could have explored a lot more like I said,

[cobra]: even like in on on my completely right. Not not script, doctory, but script right

[cobra]: like I would have like to have seen this new dynamic of It's not machines versus

[cobra]: humans anymore. It's just a difference in ideals. right. They could have explored

[cobra]: that. Even

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, I think that's cool.

[cobra]: in this movie with Io and all that stuff,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I think we,

[hosty_matt]: We can have robot concentration camps

[hosty_matt]: We can have robot concentration camps

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: ma's right, though we.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Whoa,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: kind of cool.

[hosty_matt]: too, too

[cobra]: I have not allowed this. Neither Spencer nor I have allowed this.

[hosty_matt]: far's fine. They' robots. it's It's fine.

[hosty_matt]: far's fine. They' robots. it's It's fine.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: No, I think it's good.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: it's not. it's F. That's what the Nazis said.

[hosty_matt]: They've got

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: No,

[hosty_matt]: red eyes and we only want the blue eye robot. So

[cobra]: Oh, Jesus,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the the Blue Light robot.

[hosty_matt]: yeah,

[cobra]: the the Blue Eyed Silver robots are okay.

[hosty_matt]: yeah, yeah, they're good.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, but but Ma is right. If we're going to keep our script

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: doctor business, we have to actually doctor the scripts.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Otherwise people are going to bring us their scripts.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: So

[hosty_matt]: Otherwise it's a script

[cobra]: Well,

[hosty_matt]: writing business, which,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: yes,

[cobra]: this is Uh, This is another instance where we were trying to fix Warner Brothers like

[cobra]: taking a shit on things.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: fuck, jesus, C.

[hosty_matt]: so he's the thing. This has nothing to do with Warner Brothers. This is all a

[hosty_matt]: lot of Whatchowski,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Is it

[hosty_matt]: What

[cobra]: I know. I just like to dunk on my brother.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, but it was all

[hosty_matt]: affair?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: about Lonchowski being like Fuck you like the whole movies

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: are. Fuck you to Warner Brothers and to all the people who

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: wanted a Matrix sequel, but she just happened. Also, fuck

[hosty_matt]: Yes

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: you to anyone who likes the Matrix

[hosty_matt]: that.

[hosty_matt]: I

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: in.

[cobra]: Yeah, Yeah,

[hosty_matt]: think that's fair. I think I think she had a very specific agenda and I think

[hosty_matt]: honestly, she could have told her agenda in a series if you go back to that

[hosty_matt]: question. If you let Lorn Machowsky say the thing she wants to say in a T V

[hosty_matt]: series, she has enough time to unpack all the things she wants to say, whether

[hosty_matt]: we want to hear them, whether they make sense or interesting, is another thing

[hosty_matt]: entirely. But the idea that you know the Love conquers All thing isn't a bad

[hosty_matt]: idea. I mean, Harry Potter did it very

[hosty_matt]: successfully, Um, but

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm?

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, no, that's not a bad theme. That's the theme of the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: original. Like the

[hosty_matt]: yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like, Trinity wasn't also powerful. That wasn't the point. It

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: was like she

[cobra]: no,

[hosty_matt]: no,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: was able to inspire him by believing in him.

[cobra]: exactly. she brought out the best out of Neil. That was

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, that

[hosty_matt]: yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I like the theme of that. They need to be together for him to

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: be to have his powers, because it made sense, but then it was

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like Wait. She has powers. That doesn't make sense.

[the_fart_rix___4]: But if they,

[hosty_matt]: well, I,

[cobra]: exactly Yeah.

[the_fart_rix___4]: with better writing they could have, they could have bridged that gap

[hosty_matt]: Yes,

[the_fart_rix___4]: to to share that ability. Toever many number.

[cobra]: like even

[the_fart_rix___4]: like a squadron of ones. the squad Ones squadrons,

[cobra]: even that, even that one particular thing like it could have been that he couldn't

[cobra]: fly

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm,

[cobra]: without her. It didn't have to be her flying. Now could have been just him flying.

[cobra]: Just one thing. Just make him be able to fly because she's with him now, right, it

[cobra]: doesn't have to be. Oh, now it's her.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Imagine if there's like there's multiple ones and it's like,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: but they not called the one. It's like you're the one. Nes,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: the one then Chese, the two. there's the three, the four, the

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: five, Oh no, the seven.

[the_fart_rix___4]: the magnificent,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: you know all these.

[hosty_matt]: you don't want to be the two.

[cobra]: No, you don't be it, too.

[hosty_matt]: Um, I. I. I agree with you, but I think I think and I'm I'm just guessing. And

[hosty_matt]: so this is, You know, no proof to this, but I think part of Lot Ofchowski's

[hosty_matt]: agenda was that she wanted to

[hosty_matt]: take away from from the patriot, having the man be the one to save everything

[the_fart_rix___4]: Right,

[hosty_matt]: and empowering women.

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yes,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I get that.

[hosty_matt]: And I think that's why I think I

[cobra]: but that was a bad way of doing it though.

[hosty_matt]: think it could have been done better, but I think

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: I agree.

[hosty_matt]: that's why it

[hosty_matt]: happened.

[hosty_matt]: happened.

[cobra]: Yeah, yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: it's like I. I get that, but it's like I'd rather that be

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: done in an original story than changing a story where I know

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: he's a man. but he was the hero of the original and by making

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: it that anybody can be the one

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: belittles, it belittles the last movie. Like I, I'm all for

[cobra]: it cheapens it. Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: having like the like a woman be the prot, Like if bugs turned

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: out to be the new one like we were

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: talking about, that would have been a a way to be like

[cobra]: the one that yeah would be perfect.

[hosty_matt]: Yep,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Fuck the patriarchy, But just doing it the way they did it

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: was just like na. He. He's the one, but she's also the one.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: You know. It's

[the_fart_rix___4]: Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like you know. Just got to believe it's like

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like you know. Just got to believe it's like

[the_fart_rix___4]: it's like a weird Baateon switch.

[cobra]: They' the died.

[the_fart_rix___4]: In a way, it is the die too,

[cobra]: Yeah,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: it'. The die

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: it'. The die

[hosty_matt]: I think we're

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: classic Diet.

[hosty_matt]: end on the diet. I think we've been talking with this for a long time. Go on

[hosty_matt]: forever.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I hope this movie is had fucking diadds.

[hosty_matt]: Um.

[cobra]: Oh God, yeah.

[hosty_matt]: listen, Spencer, maybe stop picking shit movies.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I, I'm sorry, No, I'll be fair. I picked this movie after I

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: saw it because I'm like I have words and I have to express it

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like this podcast is my Neil Patrick Harris in blue glasses,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: where I you know express my

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: crazy thoughts to and he calls me Triggered.

[the_fart_rix___4]: but I still love Neil

[hosty_matt]: Yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Patrick Harris.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: I don't blame him.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: like I don't blame him.

[hosty_matt]: I, I think I think what I will say is. um,

[hosty_matt]: thank you for listening to Spencer's Theray Hour and a half. Um,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Mhm. We created a safe space.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Much needed. no, n. Yeah, thank you.

[cobra]: a long session is a love fucking interpretation.

[the_fart_rix___4]: We're out of time. Now

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: That'll be seven hundred dollars

[hosty_matt]: I hope this helped you. I hope this helped you. Yeah, we are going to bill you.

[hosty_matt]: Uh, this is not

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Fair

[hosty_matt]: a free service. Um,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: fair.

[hosty_matt]: but, but well, we're going to build our our fans too, because they' benefiting

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Oh, do you Gu validate parking?

[hosty_matt]: from this, but yes,

[hosty_matt]: Spr, u. o seven hundred dollars

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: That's fair.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Do you

[hosty_matt]: each. Yeah, I would say

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: accept bits of string?

[hosty_matt]: seven hundred dollars worth. Maybe we'll talk offline. Um,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Mhm,

[hosty_matt]: if you have suggestions on Housepencher can pay us all back, or potentially

[hosty_matt]: suggestion the from We Sprs can watch so he can cleans his brain pilot of the

[hosty_matt]: nightmare that he consumed.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Mhm,

[hosty_matt]: Um, please hit us up on the Twitter at your wrongcast. You can also email us at

[hosty_matt]: your wrong cast at Com, and as always our favorite website. W. w. w. Do you

[hosty_matt]: wrongcast that C? Don't forget. the double of the duu Blve is depending on where

[hosty_matt]: you are.

[cobra]: you.

[hosty_matt]: You guys have party parting words, parting sentences. To keep it short.

[cobra]: I hate this movie and I am sad that I had to shi through it.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah, that's well put,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: I wish I could take the blue pill

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: and not

[cobra]: Forget it.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: not realizes reality with this movie.

[the_fart_rix___4]: I

[the_fart_rix___4]: think Spencers on to, I think

[hosty_matt]: cool, Spencer is good.

[cobra]: Spencers, doing a cipher. He wants to do a cypher.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Mhm,

[the_fart_rix___4]: ignorance, his bliss. I think

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[the_fart_rix___4]: Spencer needs a, needs a. a triple Hes. He needs to pick the third movie

[the_fart_rix___4]: again.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: white chicks it is.

[cobra]: Oh,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Lets hear

[the_fart_rix___4]: I'm done with that.

[cobra]: Jesus. why, white chicks, too?

[the_fart_rix___4]: Did they make a sequel? They didn't, but they should,

[cobra]: No, I hope not.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: we're making a voice Were making it.

[hosty_matt]: Now where where we're going to go now

[hosty_matt]: For now, I'm Ma.

[cobra]: I'm sad.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: No, I'm sad,

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Yeah,

[cobra]: I mad then.

[hosty_matt]: What

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: yeah'. mad. I'm sad,

[the_fart_rix___4]: and I'm not as sad but still sad.

[hosty_matt]: we will see you next time.

[the_matrix_bore_regurgitated_]: Eight.

Creators and Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
Recurring guest host extraordinaire
54. Whoever Thought "The Matrix" Needed A Resurrection Was Wrong
Broadcast by