58. You've Been Wrong About Marvel's "Eternals" Since the Dawn of Time

The crowning jewel of Spencer's Skidmark Trilogy!

[Unknown9]: no

[Unknown8]: hello welcome back to

[Unknown9]: sure

[Unknown8]: your wrong this week we are doing what everybody loves the most we are going to

[Unknown8]: talk about a movie

[Unknown8]: that i guess if i say spencer picked you it's implied it's terrible so i'm gonna

[Unknown8]: go that route

[Unknown7]: is the shit tri factor as we call it yeah

[Unknown8]: yeah yeah yeah it's like the instead of the cornett trilogy it's the shit trilogy

[Unknown7]: this this this kid marked trilogy let's call it

[Unknown8]: yeah we go

[Unknown9]: there you go

[Unknown8]: i like i like it let's go with it um as you all heard luciano is here

[Unknown7]: yes i am i think

[Unknown8]: chris is somewhere

[Unknown8]: and and spencer the aforementioned picker extraordinaire is also here

[Unknown9]: hello hello you're welcome guys for

[Unknown9]: making you watch this along with the other two gems

[Unknown8]: yeah um so let's dive right into this first off

[Unknown8]: before we get to

[Unknown8]: your personal ratings i think something i'd like to try giving here is what i'm

[Unknown8]: going to call guess the score and we're going to use rotten tomatoes for this

[Unknown9]: what's the movie matt

[Unknown8]: what's the movie i'm gonna tell you after explaining guest the

[Unknown9]: oh interesting

[Unknown8]: scores because i'm already too far in to to pause

[Unknown7]: we're we're like what like thirty five minutes into this podcast

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown7]: and you haven't said the name yet

[Unknown8]: well the upside is that the title the name of the movie is going to be in the

[Unknown8]: title of the

[Unknown9]: nine

[Unknown8]: podcast and i'm pretty sure everybody will have looked at

[Unknown7]: or will it

[Unknown8]: that so they already know well i guess future you will know or not

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: what

[Unknown8]: present us um we have no idea so before we get into the title we're going to guess

[Unknown8]: the score on everyone's favorite aggregate site rotten tomatoes so you're welcome

[Unknown8]: to guess whatever score you want you can guess to the audience cores you can guess

[Unknown8]: the credit score maybe a little bit of both but i want to hear what your guys

[Unknown8]: guess is obviously i will not be guessing just because it's easier and you'll

[Unknown8]: never know if i looked or not so where's the fun in that but

[Unknown9]: now

[Unknown8]: now for all you people

[Unknown9]: four

[Unknown8]: at home if you want to play along the movie you need to guess for is

[Unknown7]: oh

[Unknown8]: marvels

[Unknown8]: the eternals

[Unknown9]: pap

[Unknown9]: oh like marvels does not give it away at all

[Unknown7]: no

[Unknown9]: marbles it can be nine give me a hundred movies

[Unknown9]: marbles it can be nine give me a hundred movies

[Unknown7]: it was

[Unknown8]: the marvels the eternals

[Unknown9]: all right i wanna guess both

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown7]: yeah i'm gonna be guess both too but go far it's spinner

[Unknown8]: okay feel free also apparently there's no do in front of it so i'm gonna apologize

[Unknown8]: it's just eternals

[Unknown9]: ah

[Unknown9]: uh we

[Unknown8]: which whatever

[Unknown9]: gonna do that that you know jimmy carson bit where he puts an envelope to his head

[Unknown9]: from

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: like a hundred years ago

[Unknown7]: yeah very

[Unknown8]: topical

[Unknown7]: very topical and timely yeah

[Unknown9]: yeah topical rever uh

[Unknown9]: sh boo um

[Unknown9]: all right i am going to guess the rotten tomatoes score

[Unknown9]: is

[Unknown9]: sixty four

[Unknown8]: okay

[Unknown9]: and the audience score

[Unknown8]: and then audience

[Unknown9]: is sixty nine

[Unknown7]: nice

[Unknown8]: nice

[Unknown9]: looked

[Unknown8]: luciana what are you thinking

[Unknown7]: uh i think the critics scores

[Unknown7]: is going to be

[Unknown7]: i'm gonna say sixty sixty one percent

[Unknown9]: i got the over

[Unknown8]: oh

[Unknown7]: and the audience score is gonna be seventy five percentage

[Unknown7]: and the audience score is gonna be seventy five percentage

[Unknown9]: oh that's high

[Unknown8]: okay okay okay chris

[Unknown8]: i think you're cheating that way

[Unknown9]: yeah he he's got a baby

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: yoda on his head

[Unknown7]: using the force to guess

[Unknown7]: you know nobody can see you making that face right

[Unknown8]: wow

[Unknown9]: one

[Unknown8]: okay

[Unknown9]: whoa

[Unknown8]: wow okay well i can tell you

[Unknown9]: so so you went backwards audience score first

[Unknown8]: that's all right

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: yeah i i i

[Unknown9]: it's fine

[Unknown8]: follow him it's fine don't don't don't let spitzer throw you off the guesses have

[Unknown9]: alright i got the over on both you

[Unknown8]: have been made so

[Unknown8]: well unfortunately chris is the

[Unknown9]: what

[Unknown8]: closest on the critics score

[Unknown7]: really

[Unknown8]: forty seven percent

[Unknown9]: wow

[Unknown7]: oh wow

[Unknown8]: yep

[Unknown7]: i was gonna go fifty five and like there's no way it's that low

[Unknown8]: no it's lower than that that's uh three hundred eighty seven reviews from critics

[Unknown9]: wow that's surprising

[Unknown8]: and then on the audience score

[Unknown9]: come on now

[Unknown8]: you have the audience over

[Unknown9]: i think i do i think i do

[Unknown8]: sixty nine percent that's where you went

[Unknown8]: you are the winner it's actually seventy eight percent

[Unknown9]: no i think luciano said seventy five

[Unknown7]: i i'm the winner dan i have seventy five

[Unknown8]: well then spencer not only are you a liar you're also wrong

[Unknown9]: david i got blue ball

[Unknown7]: the hell still

[Unknown9]: now i i've already been crowned

[Unknown7]: st still in the election

[Unknown9]: stop the vote stop the vote stop those steal

[Unknown8]: so i i think this is it's it's interesting and telling um

[Unknown8]: that these are so split but let's dive into our personal scor and we use our

[Unknown8]: patent pending review system of

[Unknown8]: color scales from video game gear look it up on our website i don't know what to

[Unknown8]: say at this point um

[Unknown8]: let's get the that randomizer

[Unknown9]: but

[Unknown8]: randomizing to see who goes first

[Unknown9]: oh

[Unknown7]: oh god

[Unknown8]: i was shorter than i would have expected but it fine

[Unknown7]: mid life crisis it's a midlife crisis for the randomizer

[Unknown9]: it's going through a phase it's just a phase

[Unknown8]: yeah yeah it's fine it'll be fine the next time you use it um winter is

[Unknown9]: it's it's evolving it's constantly changing

[Unknown7]: it will be it would be fine the next time we use it cause we're gonna mute chris

[Unknown7]: when we ask for it

[Unknown8]: thanks

[Unknown7]: five

[Unknown8]: we hate it

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: so

[Unknown8]: so yeah so let's get into it uh spencer you are the winner or the loser depending

[Unknown8]: on how you look at this what hit me with your hit all of us with your take on

[Unknown9]: i think yeah i think you guys might be shocked by this

[Unknown8]: eternals

[Unknown9]: but i didn't hate this movie i thought this movie got a bum rap especially hearing

[Unknown9]: that rod tomato score like

[Unknown9]: i i i get it it's not like what it's not like typical marvel movie but i i thought

[Unknown9]: it was a solid movie like solid

[Unknown9]: i'm gonna give it it

[Unknown9]: uncommon

[Unknown9]: and so i think it's right in the mid

[Unknown7]: you're hyping it up so much i thought you it's epic is it okay

[Unknown9]: no no it's not like great but i was expecting it to be like pretty shitty

[Unknown8]: like vendor trash

[Unknown9]: yeah or at least like maybe just above that like like i we're not gonna i don't

[Unknown9]: want to use matrix four for scale but

[Unknown7]: no you

[Unknown9]: i

[Unknown7]: shouldn't because it tanks the scale it tanks the whole scale

[Unknown9]: that coming coming off that movie this movie seems like the fucking like like

[Unknown8]: legendary

[Unknown9]: legendary of all

[Unknown7]: this citizen came basically

[Unknown9]: legends yeah this is this is compared to matrix four this is matrix one

[Unknown8]: okay great system i love it let's get let's get rid of our old grading system

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown8]: we're just gonna go on the matrix scale

[Unknown7]: com yeah compared to matrix for this is terminator two i think yeah

[Unknown9]: uh okay that also works

[Unknown8]: great

[Unknown8]: spencer can you what what made you appreciate this film more than than the critics

[Unknown9]: i don't know i thought the story was was interesting like it was unique for

[Unknown9]: especially for a superhero movie i thought it was cool like they

[Unknown9]: i didn't know anything about this these characters or the story unlike most

[Unknown9]: superhero movies i see so i didn't know spoiler warning for the rest of the show

[Unknown9]: i didn't know

[Unknown9]: really like that they were

[Unknown9]: i knew they were mortal cause a turtle in the name but then they turned out to be

[Unknown9]: like robots and then they turned out to be like basically using the earth to

[Unknown9]: as a womb to feed an

[Unknown7]: should

[Unknown9]: celestial and it was all pretty interesting to me i thought it was cool i like i i

[Unknown9]: agree like yeah like the only reason it's not like you know great is like the

[Unknown9]: there's a lot of characters so you don't get a lot of time with all of them you

[Unknown9]: know and it's hard to develop all those but i think for the most

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: part they did a pretty good job i thought they were all pretty interesting so

[Unknown9]: colorado was all like pretty good like i was like nice action was like

[Unknown8]: pretty

[Unknown9]: pretty good like

[Unknown8]: pretty

[Unknown9]: pretty ah

[Unknown8]: pretty

[Unknown7]: eight

[Unknown8]: okay

[Unknown9]: yeah pretty good like yeah like the action to dialogue the story everything was

[Unknown9]: like

[Unknown9]: pretty good

[Unknown9]: so

[Unknown9]: yeah it was

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: wasn't that wasn't not i didn't find any aspect of it like bad like to the point

[Unknown9]: where i'm like wow that's bad except for one park which we'll get into later

[Unknown8]: we'll we'll get there that's that's script doctoring um thanks spencer i'll go

[Unknown8]: next um just because i'm going to echo spencer's listing of uncommon i expected

[Unknown8]: probably the worst if if i i didn't think i was expecting the worst but but after

[Unknown8]: watching it it was oddly engaging

[Unknown8]: and for

[Unknown8]: for a story that had so much going on like there are parts that i still think it

[Unknown8]: had too much going on that kind of detract from it and

[Unknown9]: what

[Unknown8]: i don't know anything about the eternals either and i try to look up a bit about

[Unknown8]: it to see if there's like a central through line and that didn't go anywhere

[Unknown9]: oh

[Unknown8]: for me so i stopped um just because there's a lot going on with the eternals and

[Unknown8]: who they are and what they are and these are a subsection of them based on what i

[Unknown8]: could tell and maybe chris knows more details on that but but not the

[Unknown9]: definitely

[Unknown8]: the story was fun i like dipping back between the history and the now um

[Unknown8]: i thought some of the actors were very good in their roles and other ones i'm not

[Unknown8]: sure if they know how to act ask but that's neither here nor there

[Unknown9]: hey you you'd be nice to spray

[Unknown8]: actually the worst one is icarus by far

[Unknown9]: oh you thought so

[Unknown7]: oh yeah

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown7]: oh my god

[Unknown9]: man

[Unknown7]: so bad

[Unknown7]: so bad

[Unknown9]: i saw that one

[Unknown7]: yeah it's true

[Unknown8]: yeah yeah yeah yeah

[Unknown9]: three

[Unknown9]: the

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: let me

[Unknown8]: so i mean i think we all have so it's problematic but i think overall the shocking

[Unknown8]: of the story was interesting i think for having a biggest cast as they did

[Unknown8]: somehow we knew enough about to to like some of them

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown8]: at least the ones that mattered and i i think i was presently surprised i don't

[Unknown8]: really know i'd have to go back and look at why the critics panned it so much you

[Unknown8]: know

[Unknown8]: i i will say that you know the one thing that caught me off kind of g after the

[Unknown8]: fact when i was thinking about it is like

[Unknown8]: the the story was interesting but the end results where they they save the day and

[Unknown8]: they protect the earth from front birthing tt

[Unknown8]: i just came away with the man i don't give a about what just happened at all

[Unknown7]: y

[Unknown9]: that

[Unknown8]: that's that's the one

[Unknown9]: one

[Unknown8]: bummer that's why it really

[Unknown7]: no

[Unknown8]: doesn't get to rare for me it's just like oh they saved the world from like

[Unknown8]: athan's like extinction and i just like i couldn't get a job or anything about it

[Unknown9]: i was actually feeling bad for the celestial i'm like it's just a baby

[Unknown7]: yeah like it looks it looks so sad like even though it doesn't have doesn't really

[Unknown7]: have a face

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown7]: when it gets frozen it's like oh

[Unknown9]: yeah he's just born and he killed they're killing a new baby i i

[Unknown9]: i was just like i i thought i thought for sure the ending was gonna be the girl

[Unknown9]: who could change matter was gonna change him into something that could like phase

[Unknown9]: through the planet so that he could be born and it wouldn't kill everybody and

[Unknown9]: then they just killed

[Unknown9]: already i know i know i can't turn it off can't turn it off

[Unknown8]: already sure um chris your next what what are you thinking

[Unknown8]: that's that's the general theme

[Unknown7]: no tell us if you like hot dogs of course

[Unknown8]: don't i don't care

[Unknown9]: does somebody say hot dogs

[Unknown9]: they have houses

[Unknown9]: three for three

[Unknown8]: well do we give

[Unknown7]: no really

[Unknown8]: give

[Unknown8]: give give us some of the things you liked about it

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown8]: like why why what did you like

[Unknown9]: what gave you chub

[Unknown7]: jesus

[Unknown7]: really

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown7]: think that

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown7]: that that was pretty funny

[Unknown7]: same

[Unknown7]: same

[Unknown9]: let's see

[Unknown9]: else

[Unknown9]: six

[Unknown8]: nice yeah leaves luciano has our final

[Unknown9]: we can just skip that

[Unknown8]: entrant into the

[Unknown8]: scoring system wow

[Unknown7]: fuck you

[Unknown7]: i'm gonna skip your face off

[Unknown9]: with my nick cage

[Unknown9]: skip my face

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: off

[Unknown7]: so

[Unknown8]: ca

[Unknown7]: i will start by saying that i think this is going to be the first time that we all

[Unknown7]: agree on the rating

[Unknown9]: oh my god

[Unknown8]: spencer

[Unknown7]: i

[Unknown8]: you fuck up

[Unknown9]: i fucked up

[Unknown7]: it was it was uncommon for me too

[Unknown7]: yeah yeah it's a singularity

[Unknown7]: um but like for me it's it's good that we don't rate movies based specifically on

[Unknown7]: where they sit in their own like universes because it would have been lower if i

[Unknown7]: had was comparing it just to other marvel movies

[Unknown7]: but

[Unknown7]: i thought

[Unknown7]: the movie was fun despite all of the bad stuff

[Unknown9]: you

[Unknown7]: which i think is kind of a different kind of angle than you guys came from it was

[Unknown7]: like oh i was expecting it to be kind of

[Unknown8]: you

[Unknown7]: but it was actually

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown7]: entertaining for me it was like i was expecting to be kind of

[Unknown7]: shit it kind of was but at least i had fun which is i think sets it squarely

[Unknown8]: that would be cool

[Unknown7]: uncommon i

[Unknown7]: it it hits a bunch of little tropes that i have problems with like there's a lot

[Unknown7]: of hand waving that's done on

[Unknown9]: what

[Unknown7]: things that happen and just go that's fine

[Unknown8]: let's not talk about that

[Unknown7]: nice nicely done and

[Unknown7]: and i really dislike the

[Unknown7]: wounded bird sort of thing that they did with tina where she was probably the only

[Unknown7]: one who could have

[Unknown7]: you know seriously jeopardize whatever icarus was doing but she was like broken

[Unknown7]: and she couldn't do it like she came to the battle or she came to the thing

[Unknown7]: kind of like handicapped by plot so like all those those little things bother me

[Unknown7]: but overall i like i i appreciated a lot of what the of what the same things that

[Unknown7]: chris said like i liked the world building that they did i like that they went

[Unknown7]: everywhere i actually appreciated the back and forth

[Unknown7]: of going to the present into the past because it didn't get bogged down into like

[Unknown7]: introduction kind of like what happened in the beginning of wonder woman where you

[Unknown7]: get a long sequence in the past and then go like i thought it was a good dynamic

[Unknown7]: it didn't make the movie slow but there's other things i i don't i didn't like kos

[Unknown7]: character at all like i liked that he was trying to bring the comedy value to it

[Unknown7]: and they do hit

[Unknown9]: would

[Unknown7]: the marvel comedy thing they like i i actually got

[Unknown8]: oh

[Unknown7]: quite a few laughs in there in good moments not like just trying to force it but

[Unknown7]: this movie if i'm gonna like summarize it it tried too much too many times that's

[Unknown7]: that's really the main problem i have with this movie which is probably gonna come

[Unknown7]: out with the other answers but what the other questions

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: that

[Unknown8]: yeah i think we i think we'll get on to that so let's

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: let's jump into an easy one then

[Unknown8]: there are a lot of characters going on in this

[Unknown9]: mhm

[Unknown8]: movie so do your best but i first want to start with

[Unknown8]: who was your favorite or the best character in in the movie um and

[Unknown9]: the

[Unknown8]: you have lots to choose from just you know

[Unknown8]: i don't think it's worth our time listening them all you just pick the one you

[Unknown8]: want to talk about and let's dive in chris who is your favorite eternal slash

[Unknown8]: no i stopped nope no no

[Unknown9]: much nothing

[Unknown9]: yes

[Unknown8]: okay

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown8]: yeah um i i i would second you on i really enjoyed g go mesh i thought it hit the

[Unknown8]: right balance of like he was

[Unknown8]: a positive character who had like a good vibe without having to be can go in the

[Unknown8]: sense of cracking jokes and i appreciated that sort of like chill chill aspect

[Unknown8]: about him he was just like yes what i do is my choice i i go about it so i think

[Unknown8]: that's one of the one of the better ones for me and and you know just because

[Unknown8]: there's so many and why not pick a second um i i

[Unknown8]: i enjoyed brian terry henry as fasts i liked his

[Unknown8]: his just exasperation with all the idiocy that's going on

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: was like put the proxy for me and i really appreciated him just calling shit for

[Unknown8]: when it happened

[Unknown7]: for me my favorite character was karum patel the assistant just in the middle of a

[Unknown7]: bunch of heroes he just like still stole the scene so many times so funny it was

[Unknown7]: like where the hell do you get so many cameras always bring a back up like that

[Unknown7]: cracked me up like

[Unknown7]: and yeah yeah

[Unknown9]: i thought

[Unknown7]: yeah i'd be surprised if there were more if there were more i would not be

[Unknown7]: surprised at all

[Unknown7]: but if i had to pick one of the attorneys it would be faster as well i i really

[Unknown7]: appreciate especially after like not not necessarily in the past but like after

[Unknown7]: they were in

[Unknown9]: yes

[Unknown7]: the present and you know he was like

[Unknown9]: i guess

[Unknown7]: trying to have a family and trying to still do the thing and trying to keep

[Unknown7]: the insane eternals from his kid just because the kid was gonna be super like you

[Unknown7]: know googly eyed because of them i i really enjoy that but like if i had to pick

[Unknown7]: one karun patel for sure

[Unknown9]: yeah i liked i like kdo he was good and he had that emotional scene when he was

[Unknown9]: like saying goodbye to them that i thought he did really

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: well too it was like one of the most emotional scenes in the movie you know i

[Unknown9]: thought and it wasn't it wasn't in english

[Unknown9]: and

[Unknown7]: now i know he wasn't here

[Unknown9]: but it i thought he like really nailed that like i was kind of like respect man

[Unknown8]: two

[Unknown9]: i think my favorite i don't want my favorite character i found all the characters

[Unknown9]: kind of like

[Unknown9]: nothing

[Unknown9]: super stood out for any of them they

[Unknown7]: you

[Unknown9]: were all kind of like in the same kind of level of interesting

[Unknown9]: but i believe it or not i like icarus

[Unknown9]: i thought he was ah really

[Unknown9]: i like that he was like

[Unknown8]: what

[Unknown9]: torn and i i don't know he had like i guess bored

[Unknown7]: it wasn't really torn let's be honest here

[Unknown9]: while he was at the end

[Unknown8]: sure

[Unknown9]: he you know gave it to his love of her and

[Unknown7]: yeah yeah

[Unknown9]: but

[Unknown7]: yet another trope i hate but go on

[Unknown9]: yeah but i i just like that he was like you know he seem good and then he it

[Unknown9]: showed that he was actually bad and but he wasn't really like i like it when when

[Unknown9]: the villains have

[Unknown9]: an

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: understandable like reason to be bad so i thought it was like a villain with some

[Unknown9]: depth as opposed to just being like i want to kill for the sake of killing for

[Unknown9]: world domination you know

[Unknown8]: yeah i think i think there was

[Unknown8]: the the the character arch itself was good i think the betrayal left a lot to

[Unknown8]: to be desired but that's

[Unknown9]: which betrayal like when he kills ajax

[Unknown8]: just all of all of icarus i think just as acting as like he doesn't know

[Unknown7]: that i think yeah

[Unknown8]: or yeah he doesn't know he knows how to be stoic

[Unknown9]: yes he does

[Unknown8]: but he doesn't know how to do any other emotion and so when he was trying to do

[Unknown8]: the other emotions i was just like

[Unknown9]: like when

[Unknown8]: it seems like it don't

[Unknown9]: you screamed and fired to this laser eyes

[Unknown9]: that

[Unknown8]: yeah it seems like he just

[Unknown9]: reminds me of henry cavell doing the same thing but henry cabell doing it better

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: and henry cabell is

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: not known for his good emotional acting

[Unknown9]: but he did do that better

[Unknown8]: no

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown7]: richard madden didn't convince me very much as rob stark and he convinced me even

[Unknown7]: last as

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown7]: iris i'll be honest

[Unknown9]: like i don't know icarus but i i just found his when his character was on screen i

[Unknown9]: was the most interested mainly because i was like i didn't know what he was

[Unknown9]: gonna do whereas i felt like the other ones was pretty much by the book archetypes

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: i mean he's an archy too

[Unknown8]: to

[Unknown9]: but it's just one with more layers

[Unknown8]: yeah let's pause here cause let's see what's going on with chris

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: since he dropped for a little bit

[Unknown9]: that son of a bitch

[Unknown8]: yeah let me just message

[Unknown9]: mm

[Unknown8]: him on discard

[Unknown9]: man my podcast yesterday the other one

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: and

[Unknown9]: again the audio didn't upload cause my computer crashed mid show literally my

[Unknown9]: computer fully crashed

[Unknown8]: it shouldn't matter if your computer crashes

[Unknown9]: no like they all their audio was fine cause they kept going but i came

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: back in and then i finish the show and like

[Unknown9]: everything that was recorded before i got cut out i found but everything that

[Unknown9]: recorded after

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: i came back didn't which is even more

[Unknown8]: six

[Unknown9]: weird because i stayed in like mature it uploaded so frustrating and i did the

[Unknown9]: upload

[Unknown8]: yes

[Unknown9]: link and everything like you know

[Unknown8]: yeah i'd be curious to see what rivers says about

[Unknown9]: so

[Unknown8]: that cause generally it like it's all like right now everybody's ninety nine

[Unknown8]: percentage uploaded right so

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown8]: it's basically

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: you can't finish because so it's weird that you you didn't get the second second

[Unknown9]: yeah cause i saw it say like like the second portion i was on and then it said

[Unknown8]: portion

[Unknown9]: uploading uploading and at the end it's an upload complete and at the end it

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: was like these two are missing and then i followed the link and it nothing came

[Unknown9]: and i was like i'm so i had to go through the archive one again cut out everybody

[Unknown9]: to get my

[Unknown8]: hey

[Unknown9]: audio and it still doesn't sound great i even had to do some lines again like as

[Unknown9]: if

[Unknown8]: that sucks yeah yeah

[Unknown9]: it was just so i'm like that's twice in a row where i spent like three hours

[Unknown9]: editing

[Unknown8]: that's

[Unknown7]: two

[Unknown8]: yeah that's falls it's weird that this happened to you twice too like we haven't

[Unknown8]: had them a online chris says he's um troubleshooting and prepping a second laptop

[Unknown8]: somebody something wrong with this primary laptop i don't know

[Unknown9]: alright but you guys should check it out the the podcast i am gonna do

[Unknown9]: uh an ad for us soon i

[Unknown8]: okay

[Unknown9]: kind of want to get a little bit more following but we had an artist on yesterday

[Unknown9]: that like is pretty big in the nf t space

[Unknown9]: like he has

[Unknown8]: perfect

[Unknown9]: he has like a couple thousand followers and his art sells for like

[Unknown9]: five grand a pop or something

[Unknown8]: i'll be i'll be curious to see how much they hate our thoughts on nfs

[Unknown9]: yeah exactly

[Unknown8]: when they come listen for one time and then leave

[Unknown9]: no i i we're hoping that the audience is like just anybody like or the ad i make

[Unknown9]: for our show is probably gonna be like

[Unknown9]: i like star trek no star wars is better no no matrix four is the best no

[Unknown9]: you know

[Unknown8]: do you what

[Unknown7]: i really don't want anyone who thinks

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown7]: matrix four is the best is into us

[Unknown9]: and it's like are you a

[Unknown8]: if you want some copy you can go fu yourself with matrix forc or

[Unknown9]: yeah exactly and it's like be like are you a super nerd who likes to shoot the

[Unknown9]: shit

[Unknown9]: come listen to the year wrong podcast where we talk about

[Unknown9]: everything

[Unknown8]: oh

[Unknown9]: and anything

[Unknown9]: not u nf t related

[Unknown8]: absolute

[Unknown7]: there is

[Unknown8]: nonsense hello welcome back

[Unknown10]: hey apologies switch to another computer i don't know what's going on

[Unknown7]: that's fine

[Unknown8]: okay

[Unknown10]: hm

[Unknown8]: weird um we left off with spencer finishing his thoughts on acres and

[Unknown8]: i

[Unknown7]: it is yeah

[Unknown8]: think i think we're fine to i think we got that all yeah so um is that everybody

[Unknown9]: i think you got it all yeah

[Unknown8]: who's yeah everybody had their thoughts on best character so we'll move on to the

[Unknown8]: next question i'll just give it a

[Unknown8]: beat here to to write

[Unknown7]: hm yeah

[Unknown10]: six

[Unknown8]: down the time and i okay i'll ask it

[Unknown10]: my

[Unknown8]: okay

[Unknown9]: s

[Unknown8]: let's segway into our next question which is the ever

[Unknown8]: quick could this have been a netflix series i will open this up to the floor to

[Unknown8]: fight over like a dead carcass

[Unknown9]: shut up luciano oh

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: sorry that was early

[Unknown7]: gee

[Unknown9]: luciano luciana go ahead go ahead lo

[Unknown9]: luciano luciana go ahead go ahead lo

[Unknown8]: it's preemptive

[Unknown7]: how how do i how do i kick someone from my

[Unknown9]: go ahead

[Unknown7]: pock wait it's my podcast

[Unknown8]: you can't

[Unknown9]: we you gotta go ahead

[Unknown9]: we you gotta go ahead

[Unknown7]: no

[Unknown7]: i don't think i

[Unknown7]: don't think

[Unknown8]: wow

[Unknown10]: oh

[Unknown7]: the story of this movie would lend itself

[Unknown7]: to a netflix series

[Unknown9]: shut up luciano there there we go

[Unknown7]: i think there's potential in the eternals but like chris as well like i don't

[Unknown7]: understand why they changed the one thing that i really remembered about the

[Unknown7]: eternals in the comics is that they are human they're an evolutionary offshoot of

[Unknown10]: there you go evolutionary off evolutionary offshoot

[Unknown7]: humans

[Unknown7]: it and the same thing with the

[Unknown10]: yep

[Unknown7]: deviants by the way they're two offshoots right so it was a weird change that they

[Unknown7]: did for the movie so i i don't know if they had enough story in there

[Unknown7]: to to continue apparently there's going to be another movie given the end of this

[Unknown7]: one but

[Unknown7]: i

[Unknown9]: won't get my hopes up

[Unknown10]: was it conf

[Unknown7]: don't think i could stomach watching this movie as a series i don't think there's

[Unknown9]: it's just

[Unknown7]: enough meat in that bone

[Unknown10]: was a sequel confirmed or

[Unknown10]: was a sequel confirmed or

[Unknown7]: it says eternals will return at the end so

[Unknown10]: okay

[Unknown8]: yeah i mean i don't know if mar marvel hasn't yet had to not make a sequel but

[Unknown8]: yeah i mean i don't know if mar marvel hasn't yet had to not make a sequel but

[Unknown9]: it'll be a tv show

[Unknown8]: we'll see if that that holds true

[Unknown8]: i could see that i i so like i i disagree with you i think there's plenty of meat

[Unknown8]: on the bone to to do

[Unknown10]: same

[Unknown8]: a netflix series of like eight episodes cause you could spend a whole episode

[Unknown8]: back in babylon and then contending with deviants at that point and that would

[Unknown8]: probably make the connection of crow showing up and just sucking the life force

[Unknown8]: out of them taking their powers make a little bit more sense like

[Unknown7]: that's fair

[Unknown8]: it's fine that they kind of explained it oh this is a new one but it's just like

[Unknown8]: that's like h how come how like how did this new one just show up

[Unknown7]: maybe

[Unknown8]: like

[Unknown7]: i would care more for the characters if i had send them more that's that's

[Unknown8]: well and that's the thing right you build you just like the story itself is fine

[Unknown7]: actually fair that's a good point

[Unknown8]: you just you do what all the det flix shows do you just drag out half an hour

[Unknown8]: episodes of dramatic connections between the different characters to make you

[Unknown8]: careful about them while actually giving almost no story whatsoever

[Unknown9]: hm

[Unknown8]: and you can you can get to ten episodes no problem

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown7]: i just think i would be tired of watching them battle the same enemies over and

[Unknown7]: over again

[Unknown8]: well that is why you start giving all the deviance powers like the ones that crow

[Unknown8]: ended up having or or

[Unknown7]: for

[Unknown8]: different things

[Unknown8]: right

[Unknown7]: like throughout the ages instead of just at the end right

[Unknown7]: like throughout the ages instead of just at the end right

[Unknown8]: right

[Unknown10]: me

[Unknown8]: because honestly

[Unknown7]: that's fair

[Unknown8]: crow crow is the throwaway for me that didn't that was point and and

[Unknown7]: yeah completely

[Unknown8]: we'll get into it on the script doctrine but like if i understand crow's

[Unknown10]: you

[Unknown8]: intentions correctly he should not have sided with icarus but we'll dig that out

[Unknown8]: in the

[Unknown9]: i don't think he sided with the grit

[Unknown9]: i don't think he sided with the grit

[Unknown7]: did he say ridiculous he did not

[Unknown8]: he was fighting with icarus against the rest of the eternals

[Unknown7]: he was he was attacking

[Unknown9]: no he attacked icarus

[Unknown7]: no he was going after icarus and then they stopped him from getting to bickers

[Unknown7]: because they didn't want him to steal ecs his powers which makes sense

[Unknown9]: and they were like why are you helping vicars

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: who said that

[Unknown9]: one of the eternals was like when they

[Unknown10]: yeah

[Unknown9]: stopped the attack on icarus from that cro guy and then they were like what are

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: the other ones it's like why are you helping icarus cause it was attacking him

[Unknown8]: yeah so that okay so i wasn't paying enough attention which is the movie fault

[Unknown9]: what

[Unknown8]: because all of her was why you helping icarus and i assumed that was crow anyway

[Unknown8]: don't worry about it um what do you guys think are who are you guys we we got to

[Unknown8]: break the deadlock here who's pro and against the netflix series

[Unknown10]: i'm for it i think it would have helped to solve a lot of the the problems that

[Unknown10]: were

[Unknown10]: that were difficult for me um

[Unknown10]: you know the the movie did it did a good job presenting us these characters and

[Unknown10]: trying to set up the world fine and like of course and they showed us a lot of

[Unknown10]: history nice

[Unknown10]: like a big question for me who was where the hell was icarus what the hell is he

[Unknown10]: doing across those x thousand years after he just ghost cerys what was he doing i

[Unknown10]: don't know on top of that what hu brooding

[Unknown7]: brooding come on he

[Unknown7]: was brooding he was just sitting on top of a mountain brooding that's what he did

[Unknown9]: no he started he started

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown10]: or was he low was he low to high key stalking the rest of the eternals to make it

[Unknown7]: for like fifteen hundred years

[Unknown9]: living

[Unknown10]: so easy for for in the movie for everyone to find we got to go find the family

[Unknown8]: i

[Unknown10]: and they literally just find so and so and then they have a conversation they go

[Unknown10]: find so and so there's no tracker involved until like like even when fasts comes

[Unknown10]: in he's like one of the last people why wasn't he the first to help them figure

[Unknown10]: out like you know that could have been

[Unknown9]: no

[Unknown10]: explained that could have been set up they could have helped bridge that gap i

[Unknown10]: was literally confused do they all have like some sort of or some sort of like

[Unknown10]: telepathy or connection to each other i don't know so that was that's that's an

[Unknown10]: example that could have branched out and given us more more more context

[Unknown10]: so that's just one area that i i feel would have been really interesting and then

[Unknown10]: like

[Unknown10]: what who's to say who's to say what life or their experience would have been like

[Unknown10]: on previous planets they could have done that in a quick some sort of recap

[Unknown9]: that'd be actually really cool

[Unknown10]: previously right

[Unknown9]: i love that idea

[Unknown10]: but yeah there there're and then like

[Unknown10]: but yeah there there're and then like

[Unknown10]: like ajax's connection to to arm as the prime eternal

[Unknown7]: i see

[Unknown10]: more of those sort of conversations

[Unknown10]: that would have been interesting

[Unknown7]: that's that's true cause it was like one conversation

[Unknown10]: yeah

[Unknown9]: chris you just inspired me with that idea imagine that was like the reveal of the

[Unknown7]: and that was it yeah

[Unknown9]: show so you have like you know like seven eight episodes of them on earth slowly

[Unknown8]: what

[Unknown9]: developing and then all

[Unknown10]: yeah

[Unknown9]: of a sudden one episode set in like a different planet and the characters are like

[Unknown9]: different people but the same actors and they have different relationships and

[Unknown7]: dab

[Unknown9]: you're like what the is happening and at the end you find up the

[Unknown7]: and and

[Unknown9]: twist that they d

[Unknown9]: twist that they d

[Unknown8]: hm

[Unknown7]: and they're like completely fine with the planet exploding and everything yeah

[Unknown9]: yeah and that exactly and you find out their mission by seeing it in an episode

[Unknown7]: that'd be very cool

[Unknown9]: one

[Unknown9]: episode and you're like what

[Unknown10]: right and then

[Unknown7]: okay you you've you've convinced me that would be this would be a good series yes

[Unknown10]: they wanted they would have been explain so much and then like instead of like

[Unknown8]: i think

[Unknown10]: sliding macguffin's in here and there especially towards the end when during

[Unknown10]: emergence when everyone was like oh levitated because of the unim slash

[Unknown10]: protection from the emergence so they can be redeployed for the next like you

[Unknown10]: could we'd be able to see that and understand it

[Unknown7]: yeah there was a lot of exposition that could have been shown instead of told

[Unknown9]: yeah i i didn't really get that but we'll get into that

[Unknown10]: yeah like i wasn't sure was that because of the unin or because of the protection

[Unknown10]: of the emergence and they told us it was the emergence so then

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown10]: okay

[Unknown7]: you know another thing that would have been good in the series like when you find

[Unknown7]: out that icky kills

[Unknown7]: you would care about it i was like okay she died

[Unknown9]: no we haven't seen her yet

[Unknown7]: whatever

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: yes so

[Unknown8]: yeah i

[Unknown9]: go ahead

[Unknown8]: oh i was gonna say that i think

[Unknown8]: i think this movie

[Unknown8]: does a lot of leaning on

[Unknown8]: just exposition to explain so much what's going on like honestly when the movie

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: started and they gave me that c like scrolling text of like what's going on in the

[Unknown8]: movie i'm like i hate this i cannot stand a movie that like it's when star wars

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown9]: snow

[Unknown8]: does it stars are just like hey you're jumping in here so here's like where we're

[Unknown9]: about

[Unknown8]: at right but this was like okay these are the eternals and these are the deviants

[Unknown9]: quite

[Unknown8]: and this is the plan and these are like it's just so much you have to unpack in

[Unknown8]: that story that you could just show in a t v series it'll be cool yeah

[Unknown9]: and it would be cool

[Unknown7]: well the very first star wars does do some exposition on that first crawl but it's

[Unknown7]: less about light savers are like laser sort like they don't do that

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown10]: it's not as granular

[Unknown7]: that like specific exposition yeah

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: the other night

[Unknown7]: they show it oh look it's a laser sword right they could've done that too

[Unknown9]: they're not like describing what like the sit are and what jed i r and all it's

[Unknown8]: yes

[Unknown9]: like they show that they just say like at this point

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: in time this is what's happening in the world

[Unknown7]: yeah yeah

[Unknown10]: war

[Unknown9]: so you have context

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: but

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown7]: what is he good for

[Unknown9]: to jump in uh

[Unknown10]: another

[Unknown9]: i also if you couldn't tell already i also agree it it would have been a really i

[Unknown9]: think now that i'm thinking about it more i think it would have been a really cool

[Unknown9]: series because

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: one anytime you have a show a movie or with like eight main protagonists i i think

[Unknown8]: one

[Unknown9]: it would be better as a series cause you could develop each one obviously

[Unknown9]: but i also think that like showing them throughout the years

[Unknown9]: suits really well especially if it's like really

[Unknown9]: gradual you know so it's like almost like a whole not a season but like you know

[Unknown9]: like a a season all in like babylonian times and let's just

[Unknown10]: ooh

[Unknown9]: gradually like going through time and

[Unknown10]: yeah

[Unknown9]: really like developing the relationships with these people who end up all dying

[Unknown9]: and then aging out and just to like this even if you just had a series about

[Unknown9]: immortals living it's cool but this has a lot of lower too

[Unknown7]: christmas

[Unknown9]: that's like would be really cool to flesh out

[Unknown7]: i

[Unknown7]: i think it would be hard to do like let's say

[Unknown9]: okay

[Unknown7]: more than one or two episodes in the same time period because you would run really

[Unknown7]: quickly out of things for them to do

[Unknown10]: really

[Unknown7]: like i honestly

[Unknown10]: oh

[Unknown7]: it's interesting as as exposition but like showing sarcee turning you know stone

[Unknown7]: knives into bronze it gets old really fast i think i would have liked to see each

[Unknown7]: episode like a tens like a ten episode series in each episode slightly forward in

[Unknown9]: that

[Unknown10]: yeah

[Unknown7]: time

[Unknown9]: could work too but it's like i'm thinking of like

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: actually like developing

[Unknown8]: script doctrine

[Unknown9]: a story you know with where

[Unknown9]: they're like having to deal with like the moral consequences of helping people and

[Unknown9]: like i'd like to think of like the deviants maybe have like human followers and

[Unknown9]: they're

[Unknown10]: oh

[Unknown9]: that creates like more like conflict and like the you could really just keep

[Unknown9]: sort of unpacking

[Unknown8]: just just remember you only have like ten episodes you you've you've built like a

[Unknown8]: five season arc at this point with all the stuff you want to do

[Unknown9]: i already did i i i just had first seasons in

[Unknown7]: it's

[Unknown9]: babylon

[Unknown10]: not

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown7]: six six seasons and a movie

[Unknown10]: even yes

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown10]: but so i think luciano said it each episode could be set in a time period and

[Unknown10]: either like each episode self contained next episode time skip time skip time

[Unknown10]: skip time skip it's almost got that

[Unknown7]: w

[Unknown10]: that a similar foundation to i feel like a a netflix series could take some

[Unknown10]: really good notes based on some dr who episodes some tn g episodes time travel

[Unknown10]: and

[Unknown7]: hm

[Unknown10]: layer on the humanity you know i can see matt shaking head he's like no

[Unknown10]: triggered but in their own way

[Unknown9]: he said he said doctor who

[Unknown10]: yeah but it doesn't have like i'm just saying taking notes certain notes from

[Unknown10]: because then in this movie format you wouldn't have

[Unknown10]: insane choices like icarus coming committing suicide because because reasons

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: oh my god that

[Unknown8]: so dumb

[Unknown10]: reasons

[Unknown9]: that's a earlier

[Unknown7]: elvis is so

[Unknown9]: i said there's one part that i said was really

[Unknown9]: bad

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: it was that that part

[Unknown10]: yep yeah

[Unknown8]: yeah yeah it's so stupid

[Unknown7]: yeah the the the whole and is so rushed

[Unknown9]: so so

[Unknown10]: yup

[Unknown9]: i thought he was just flying into space you know to

[Unknown10]: yeah

[Unknown9]: like go maybe

[Unknown9]: find a find a celestial maybe find you know

[Unknown7]: yeah yeah that would have been cool like i'm gonna

[Unknown10]: try to

[Unknown7]: yeah or like

[Unknown10]: at home get gain some meaning

[Unknown7]: going away and saying like just maybe a future villain in another movie or

[Unknown7]: something no it's gonna fly head first into the fucking sun because reasons

[Unknown8]: let's don't worry about it it's fine it's fine yeah flew too way too close to the

[Unknown9]: be cause because his name's icarus he flew too close to the sun

[Unknown7]: oh god

[Unknown8]: sun nailed it directly that's that's too close as it turns out

[Unknown9]: directly into the sun

[Unknown10]: that's the

[Unknown9]: that's too close

[Unknown10]: that's the amendment

[Unknown7]: yeah yeah yeah yeah

[Unknown9]: good

[Unknown10]: that's that's oh god

[Unknown10]: that's that's oh god

[Unknown8]: well i mean the upside is is they we know they're robotic colones or so we can

[Unknown8]: bring them back whenever we want if we want to

[Unknown9]: that's true

[Unknown7]: ask i you gonna say the upside is now we don't have to see richard madden anymore

[Unknown10]: i like him come on

[Unknown8]: no no i

[Unknown7]: in this movies

[Unknown9]: i thought it was okay

[Unknown8]: he sucked he was terrible at acting

[Unknown7]: he

[Unknown10]: i liked him

[Unknown7]: sucked he was awful yeah

[Unknown10]: he was

[Unknown8]: he sucked his character was one dimensional

[Unknown7]: he was

[Unknown10]: because of his belief his belief

[Unknown7]: he was a scottish superman wanna be that's what he was

[Unknown8]: yeah i think that kid nailed it he's like i saw i saw superman on tv that's you

[Unknown9]: last i thought that

[Unknown8]: right yeah

[Unknown7]: yeah that was great

[Unknown9]: he's like shed up kid that was pretty weird that they referenced batman and

[Unknown9]: he's like shed up kid that was pretty weird that they referenced batman and

[Unknown9]: superman in this movie

[Unknown9]: superman in this movie

[Unknown7]: i don't

[Unknown7]: wear a cape that's what he said it was like oh great

[Unknown9]: hey for the first time ever

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown7]: nice quip idiot

[Unknown8]: maybe yeah it's it's weird when they reference superman because

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: like i've never been one

[Unknown8]: like i'm never sure so we watch movies and superman exists versus he's someone

[Unknown8]: that it's made up in a comic book am i have believed that in the world that has

[Unknown8]: real superheroes someone so went off and made dc comics because i don't think that

[Unknown9]: yeah exactly i know it'd be like a biography

[Unknown8]: would happen

[Unknown7]: why who would buy it it's like why just watch fucking the the huk just jumping

[Unknown8]: no

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown7]: over you it's like no i'm gonna read about this guy with his underwear over his

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown10]: one

[Unknown9]: be like is this a true story that's what i assumed they'd all be asking

[Unknown7]: pants

[Unknown8]: yeah and they'd be like batman is stupid because

[Unknown8]: anybody who's real could kick his ass

[Unknown9]: yeah do would destroy him

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: yeah they and they're like why aren't these guys in the avengers

[Unknown10]: pipers

[Unknown8]: yeah yeah so anyway so okay i think we we've hit that one and there's a lot of

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: unpack there and i think it's going to we'll come back around the script doctrine

[Unknown8]: because i think they're things we need to address in this movie

[Unknown7]: yeah my my initial response was like could we turn the story of this movie into a

[Unknown7]: series then no but like does they have enough holes to make five

[Unknown9]: that

[Unknown7]: seasons yes it does

[Unknown8]: i still think you could do a two seasons with this story you just slow the pacing

[Unknown8]: down but but we we we beat this horse dead yeah

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown10]: still to be

[Unknown7]: anyway we we've been thes yeah

[Unknown8]: let's get a palate cleanser as we we want to do

[Unknown10]: no

[Unknown8]: it's spencer's favorite category this movie has to win an award

[Unknown9]: oh boy

[Unknown8]: which one should it be and just for the listeners at home in case this is your

[Unknown9]: oh

[Unknown8]: first time listening even though spencer doesn't never do this or believe in it

[Unknown8]: the award does not have to be real you can make up an award you can give it a

[Unknown8]: razzie you can give a grammy

[Unknown8]: use your creative juices

[Unknown9]: i i've given this a grammy

[Unknown10]: how

[Unknown8]: okay

[Unknown10]: oh

[Unknown9]: we're best for best richard madden performance

[Unknown9]: we're best for best richard madden performance

[Unknown10]: that's not a g that's that's not the grammy

[Unknown9]: i i can do what i want there

[Unknown7]: that yeah how did he sing he sing what the fuck

[Unknown8]: no

[Unknown10]: okay

[Unknown9]: are no there are no rules

[Unknown9]: are no there are no rules

[Unknown10]: okay

[Unknown8]: well there's a couple rules

[Unknown7]: no there are rules it has to make sense

[Unknown9]: no no we're living in a in a magic world

[Unknown8]: i said you had to be creative i didn't say you could thwart

[Unknown8]: reality

[Unknown7]: like logic lot or logic yeah

[Unknown9]: okay so now we're now we're bound to the rules of reality

[Unknown8]: you need first of all

[Unknown8]: well you can't name it the grammies because that name is already copyrighted so

[Unknown8]: you need to change your name

[Unknown7]: yeah the bray

[Unknown8]: that's fine

[Unknown9]: the

[Unknown10]: whatever

[Unknown9]: the the grannies

[Unknown8]: i love it perfect it's a bunch of old people voting on movies

[Unknown7]: this is the oldest

[Unknown9]: yeah i

[Unknown7]: movie it's the it's the oldest movie of all i got a granny

[Unknown9]: i liked this movie cause it had colors

[Unknown10]: what year is it

[Unknown10]: my heart

[Unknown9]: is

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: that you really

[Unknown10]: e

[Unknown10]: yes

[Unknown9]: yes

[Unknown7]: jesus

[Unknown8]: that that could yeah

[Unknown7]: i'm trying to think of an award

[Unknown10]: i got one do you want time

[Unknown7]: i can't really think of one

[Unknown9]: just make

[Unknown10]: okay cool

[Unknown7]: yeah sure

[Unknown9]: up an award like chris will

[Unknown9]: up an award like chris will

[Unknown10]: yeah but i i prepped i came prepared maf

[Unknown10]: so the most

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown10]: here is the word the most awful haircut that was in emo bruce wayne goes to

[Unknown10]: fucking dreg

[Unknown9]: do you mean emo when

[Unknown7]: jesus

[Unknown9]: you say emo you mean emo peter parker

[Unknown10]: no i'm no i'm im skipping universes and properties and i am usurping like i said

[Unknown10]: the patents in emo cut

[Unknown9]: oh the patents in one i was thinking of the christian bell

[Unknown10]: the patents in cut the patents in wayne cut and i am putting that on the head of

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown10]: the awards and i'm gonna call it the bruce

[Unknown9]: yes

[Unknown8]: okay i like it

[Unknown8]: i like it

[Unknown10]: nos to the bruises and the brussels but

[Unknown7]: the bruce

[Unknown8]: no no there's none none taken for the the bruce seas and the bruisers and the

[Unknown10]: hm

[Unknown8]: bruce's

[Unknown8]: i think for me um

[Unknown8]: it's gonna be uh this is maybe a weird award but i i just want to award the fact

[Unknown8]: that

[Unknown8]: somebody who made a major movie like a major superhero movie and maybe i would sci

[Unknown8]: fi and hear star wars looking at you portrayed a gay couple in a way that was just

[Unknown8]: they just existed they just

[Unknown8]: happened to be there just happened to be two

[Unknown7]: be believable and not super like

[Unknown10]: okay

[Unknown8]: men it it wasn't

[Unknown7]: yet

[Unknown8]: forced it was believable it wasn't like a

[Unknown9]: like

[Unknown8]: random kiss of the end of your movie just to appease all the people who scream at

[Unknown9]: yeah in the background

[Unknown8]: you

[Unknown8]: in the background

[Unknown7]: yeah oh my god

[Unknown8]: and and i just i just appreciate how it was it was just he was as a character no

[Unknown8]: one no one question none of his friends from college questioned if he was gay or

[Unknown8]: not gay it was nothing it was just absolutely nothing he

[Unknown9]: oh

[Unknown8]: just was married and had a son

[Unknown7]: yet sylvia said nothing isaac said nothing it was great

[Unknown9]: oh

[Unknown10]: nothing

[Unknown9]: they yeah they they live through the greek times so that that is nothing

[Unknown8]: ah

[Unknown9]: new to them

[Unknown7]: yeah that's that's why that's why

[Unknown8]: so faso showed the greeks what to do is that what you're saying

[Unknown9]: yeah yeah exactly that's where he learned everything

[Unknown9]: yeah i like i thought that was good was that the first gay kiss in the marvel in

[Unknown9]: the m c u on screen

[Unknown10]: maybe

[Unknown8]: i believe so

[Unknown10]: i don't know but i'm s i'm here for it

[Unknown9]: well

[Unknown7]: i think so it was

[Unknown9]: yeah i was tasteful

[Unknown7]: very tastefully than i agree with you it that like it wasn't portrayed as like oo

[Unknown7]: very tastefully than i agree with you it that like it wasn't portrayed as like oo

[Unknown7]: look at me it's i'm gay now it's like no it's a couple there's another couple

[Unknown7]: look at me it's i'm gay now it's like no it's a couple there's another couple

[Unknown9]: and it

[Unknown10]: listen

[Unknown9]: wasn't like the gay character that's like comedic relief who was like oh hey guy

[Unknown7]: that's like

[Unknown7]: that's like

[Unknown9]: what's have a silly time and

[Unknown10]: mhm

[Unknown9]: it's like it was like act

[Unknown7]: yeah exactly

[Unknown9]: wasn't like a caricature

[Unknown10]: mm hm

[Unknown9]: it's like oh

[Unknown8]: y

[Unknown9]: three

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: dimensional gay characters

[Unknown10]: he was an eternal

[Unknown8]: weird right

[Unknown10]: parent a

[Unknown8]: hey

[Unknown9]: oh

[Unknown7]: from

[Unknown9]: although when they

[Unknown10]: a dug it

[Unknown8]: monster

[Unknown9]: first showed up i thought that was his son and his grandson

[Unknown9]: first showed up i thought that was his son and his grandson

[Unknown10]: oh

[Unknown8]: yeah i i

[Unknown8]: kind of also that's what i thought too um and but when you saw his husband more

[Unknown7]: that could have worked actually

[Unknown9]: oh yeah exactly i i went through the same thing exact same i was like they're like

[Unknown8]: you're like okay that seems that's that's a little outlandish

[Unknown9]: the same age why did

[Unknown10]: also

[Unknown9]: i jump

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: to that

[Unknown10]: also that the the existence of the existence of fast doses like re marriage and

[Unknown10]: and and family that's one of the reasons that like

[Unknown10]: dude bros and and some folk were hating on the movie

[Unknown9]: oh really oh fuck off

[Unknown10]: yeah that was

[Unknown7]: of course it was just makes me like this movie more

[Unknown8]: yeah that's

[Unknown10]: it's the only one that i

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown10]: remember here i try to avoid like a lot of that stuff and like the spoilers

[Unknown10]: because i wanted to watch it at some point but that was definitely one of the

[Unknown10]: reasons that that some were railing against it and

[Unknown9]: that just shows how naive i am because i when you mentioned that i thought i'm

[Unknown9]: like see when you do a tastefully no one's gonna get upset and then

[Unknown7]: not

[Unknown9]: just like completely

[Unknown7]: nope

[Unknown8]: surprise

[Unknown10]: it

[Unknown9]: surprise

[Unknown10]: peaked and then it and then it pretty much lost its steam so i'm glad about that

[Unknown7]: well yeah

[Unknown10]: in in a sense

[Unknown9]: it was also good because it was like also wasn't just like you said it wasn't sh

[Unknown9]: hone it was his character's motivation for wanting to save the planet too

[Unknown10]: mm hm

[Unknown9]: so it was it was

[Unknown9]: like

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: it actually was like everything fit well that's why i thought no one would be

[Unknown9]: upset

[Unknown7]: it was a

[Unknown8]: show

[Unknown9]: cause it made complete sense to be there

[Unknown7]: it was like a mini arc of like

[Unknown8]: teach

[Unknown7]: yeah he's like it was like mic like oh he ga he's given up on humanity and you

[Unknown7]: find him with a family and he's like no my family is why i still believe in

[Unknown9]: to

[Unknown7]: humanity and it's like oh perfect

[Unknown7]: humanity and it's like oh perfect

[Unknown8]: it was actually one

[Unknown8]: yeah it was actually one of the best arcs they

[Unknown8]: pulled off in the story because

[Unknown9]: yeah in the movie

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: they it had a complete story arc um it made sense yeah

[Unknown7]: it made sense for me for me the award i would give it is the weirdest looking

[Unknown7]: spaceship

[Unknown10]: it

[Unknown7]: ever there

[Unknown10]: the domo

[Unknown7]: it's so weird it's like yeah it's like a wedge like okay

[Unknown9]: looked like it was designed by steve jobs evil twin

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown10]: randy

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown7]: the ice ship

[Unknown10]: randy dobbs

[Unknown9]: ready doves

[Unknown7]: uh

[Unknown9]: da

[Unknown10]: randy

[Unknown9]: randy

[Unknown9]: i guess my award will go

[Unknown9]: i'll say

[Unknown8]: is this another granny

[Unknown9]: this is a granny

[Unknown10]: you have

[Unknown9]: for

[Unknown10]: another award okay

[Unknown9]: um

[Unknown9]: i guess

[Unknown9]: no i'll stick with my one award what do they what did i give my

[Unknown8]: okay

[Unknown9]: granny to richard madden

[Unknown10]: you did

[Unknown9]: yeah he earned it

[Unknown8]: yeah yeah just for being

[Unknown7]: okay

[Unknown8]: richard madden

[Unknown9]: i i like you

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: richard man and take to granny w

[Unknown10]: i don't want it

[Unknown8]: oh listen i get it good good

[Unknown7]: i don't w it

[Unknown8]: g good work rannie

[Unknown10]: mr davis

[Unknown9]: you remind me of my grandson

[Unknown9]: you remind me of my grandson

[Unknown8]: um before we seg

[Unknown10]: z strapping

[Unknown8]: before we okay before i force you to segue a cross instead of letting you old

[Unknown8]: people talk

[Unknown9]: what

[Unknown8]: forever i just want to call out yeah i just want to call out that um the inclusion

[Unknown8]: of mccarry is the first deaf superhero to be introduced into the marvel franchise

[Unknown10]: love it i'm i'm

[Unknown10]: i'm i'm embarrassed

[Unknown7]: oh very nice too yeah

[Unknown10]: that we didn't

[Unknown9]: again i was like

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown10]: touch on that sorry yeah

[Unknown9]: again it it was done so like not pointing it out

[Unknown7]: seamlessly

[Unknown9]: that i didn't

[Unknown7]: yep agreed

[Unknown9]: even really i don't say i didn't notice it but it never like took me out of the

[Unknown9]: story i was

[Unknown10]: yeah

[Unknown9]: just like oh that that's this character as

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: opposed to being like she's been deaf since a child it just it made her whole life

[Unknown10]: yeah

[Unknown9]: she's never been the same you know it's like

[Unknown7]: that yeah it's like she's now she she became deaf as a child therefore she's the

[Unknown7]: fastest eternal ever

[Unknown9]: yeah like yeah yeah

[Unknown8]: nine

[Unknown7]: like what like i like yeah at least it was it was

[Unknown10]: y

[Unknown7]: very seamless both both of those

[Unknown10]: matter of fact

[Unknown7]: things were very seamless and

[Unknown9]: actually

[Unknown7]: yeah yeah

[Unknown7]: yeah yeah

[Unknown8]: i still have questions about why she just stayed in the ship for five thousand

[Unknown10]: yeah

[Unknown8]: years

[Unknown9]: that that was confusing i didn't even know she did that

[Unknown9]: that that was confusing i didn't even know she did that

[Unknown7]: no she said it she was waiting in the

[Unknown7]: ship to go back to olympia 'cause they they had eliminated all the deviant and she

[Unknown9]: well they couldn't go go to the ship

[Unknown7]: was waiting for them all to come to the ship so that they could go back

[Unknown10]: on top

[Unknown7]: to olympia that's what they said

[Unknown10]: and on top of that how my my question then becomes what is the range of her of

[Unknown10]: her powers like where did the twinkies come from she must have been able to to

[Unknown10]: leave and come back so is she able

[Unknown8]: is

[Unknown10]: to

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown10]: you know like phase through solid mag uh matter like like sort of like you know

[Unknown10]: like the flash phasing through or sha or or kitty pride it was buried

[Unknown9]: can't you just open it couldn't she just open it oh yeah i was buried that's right

[Unknown7]: i don't think so yeah can she just go out she can go

[Unknown10]: the ship was

[Unknown7]: oh that's right yeah

[Unknown10]: buried on top of babylon

[Unknown9]: so yes

[Unknown10]: unless she moves she can pilot

[Unknown7]: okay

[Unknown10]: it to an extent

[Unknown7]: i'm i'm back with you guys it doesn't make any fucking sense

[Unknown8]: anyways let's get off this we have a bit more stuff to cover we're not strong on

[Unknown8]: time at this point but we need to get into some very important questions

[Unknown10]: mhm

[Unknown9]: it is

[Unknown8]: first

[Unknown8]: i'm

[Unknown9]: so

[Unknown8]: gonna have to ask hm which one of you should i ask this question too it's a very

[Unknown8]: it's a very important question for me to have answered so that's why i want to

[Unknown8]: pick the right person i think uh luciano

[Unknown7]: no

[Unknown8]: what i need you to answer to me is

[Unknown8]: how

[Unknown8]: how do you think

[Unknown8]: oh yeah that's what

[Unknown9]: yes

[Unknown8]: i want is it

[Unknown7]: he's like

[Unknown9]: no that that no

[Unknown7]: which character

[Unknown10]: cliff hanger

[Unknown8]: i'm trying to find the character yeah yeah

[Unknown7]: am i gonna pick i don't remember

[Unknown9]: no

[Unknown7]: any of their names i have to go look at the list

[Unknown7]: any of their names i have to go look at the list

[Unknown9]: no that was the question

[Unknown8]: how

[Unknown9]: luciano how do you think

[Unknown8]: how do you think

[Unknown10]: is it

[Unknown9]: like how i don't it it didn't seem possible for you

[Unknown7]: i don't usually i don't i don't think usually so

[Unknown8]: let's see how do you think kon these stresses

[Unknown7]: oh

[Unknown7]: probably watching shadow hunter or shadow

[Unknown7]: warrior

[Unknown9]: oh yeah

[Unknown8]: shadow warrior yeah

[Unknown7]: movies in his in in in

[Unknown10]: yeah

[Unknown7]: the trailer

[Unknown8]: like back to back to back

[Unknown7]: like as they're shooting the next one he sh yeah he watches them back to back to

[Unknown7]: back and now that he's had googs like saliva beer just drinking

[Unknown10]: i

[Unknown9]: mm

[Unknown7]: one of those

[Unknown8]: yeah that's gross not gonna lie

[Unknown9]: feel like he's a big i feel like he like cricket feel like he likes cricket

[Unknown7]: could you would be i i agree yeah i agree so cricket in one screen shadow warrior

[Unknown7]: and the other one drinking saliva beer

[Unknown8]: okay yeah i i mean

[Unknown7]: there i i yield my time

[Unknown8]: um

[Unknown8]: i

[Unknown10]: it's called spitfire

[Unknown10]: beer

[Unknown8]: i

[Unknown9]: nice

[Unknown7]: a

[Unknown8]: yeah i think that's i think that's where it is like i think

[Unknown8]: i don't know if kun has a lot of downtime

[Unknown7]: i don't think so

[Unknown8]: i think he's on twenty four seven

[Unknown8]: and so i think

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: i wonder almost if he like

[Unknown8]: when he has downtime it's like

[Unknown7]: micro naps

[Unknown9]: so

[Unknown8]: no i didn't want i wonder if he has like he's making

[Unknown9]: seattle

[Unknown8]: a shadow warrior version of like with him in it like like a a fan film on the side

[Unknown7]: oh no like a

[Unknown10]: it's

[Unknown7]: fan fick oh like a slash fan fick a slash

[Unknown7]: fan fick oh like a slash fan fick a slash

[Unknown9]: he's writing a fan fiction

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown10]: dukey hower style

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown10]: is it it is

[Unknown7]: he he is like a couple with what's his face i don't remember the character name

[Unknown8]: like oh

[Unknown7]: kos

[Unknown8]: the yeah not not um

[Unknown8]: not

[Unknown10]: to

[Unknown8]: the the eternal but his like his character name from the from the shadow war

[Unknown7]: no no no no no

[Unknown8]: movies oh kingo

[Unknown10]: kingo

[Unknown7]: eternal i don't remember his name

[Unknown10]: hm

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown7]: kingo yeah ah i had kino in my head for whatever reason

[Unknown7]: kingo yeah ah i had kino in my head for whatever reason

[Unknown8]: okay

[Unknown8]: alright

[Unknown7]: yeah i think i think he would do some fan fix of himself

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown10]: he would ship someone

[Unknown7]: in those movies

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown7]: him he he him and kingo he ships them them

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: fair enough

[Unknown8]: spencer i gotta i got i'm gonna change roles on here how do you think

[Unknown8]: your boy icarus distresses because

[Unknown9]: i was hoping i was hoping you'd ask that

[Unknown8]: he needs some

[Unknown9]: i i think that

[Unknown9]: ick seems like the kind of guy that when he wants to relax he comes home

[Unknown9]: and

[Unknown9]: just stands in front of the wall

[Unknown9]: and just watches the wall

[Unknown8]: like

[Unknown10]: like king pen

[Unknown8]: with laser eyes on or off

[Unknown10]: like

[Unknown9]: no no he's just like

[Unknown10]: king pin at the p at the white painting

[Unknown9]: yeah he just stands and just like he's just like

[Unknown10]: mm

[Unknown8]: oh

[Unknown9]: you know just

[Unknown8]: chris

[Unknown9]: deep breath

[Unknown8]: i heard chris say a white painting i i think i agree with you spencer but i think

[Unknown7]: you think

[Unknown8]: he just loves magic eyes you know the ones where you had to like got to c your

[Unknown8]: eyes to see the picture

[Unknown9]: but he but he can't like

[Unknown7]: uh yeah for sure

[Unknown9]: he can never see it he's like

[Unknown8]: you could never see it

[Unknown9]: i'm superman and i can't see this god damn cat

[Unknown8]: it's been like a thousand years can't get it done

[Unknown7]: yeah he he yeah he goes back and forth back and forth and finally gets fed up with

[Unknown7]: it and just

[Unknown9]: yeah i need

[Unknown7]: blows it with his

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown7]: eyes this shit this is a lie

[Unknown9]: nobody seeing anything of these

[Unknown9]: but yeah i genuinely think that he's like like i can't imagine him watching t v i

[Unknown9]: just imagine him just looking at the wall or his magic eyes and just clenching his

[Unknown9]: jaw like you know like just working as jaw muscles constantly

[Unknown10]: probably

[Unknown7]: he does that a lot doesn't he yeah

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown10]: has one of those those jaw exercise tension balls that you that they bite on to

[Unknown10]: work their neck muscles and like their job he's got one of those they

[Unknown9]: like

[Unknown10]: they don't really gain mass because they're

[Unknown10]: synthroid but he's probably still working

[Unknown9]: yeah that's what you say

[Unknown9]: like i i

[Unknown10]: and

[Unknown9]: was gonna say he works out a lot but

[Unknown7]: okay

[Unknown9]: like i don't think he needs to at all like i don't think it

[Unknown9]: has

[Unknown10]: no

[Unknown7]: needs to no no

[Unknown9]: any effect on them so that's why i went

[Unknown8]: no

[Unknown9]: with just standing

[Unknown7]: i think you i think also he would just be standing even if he was watching t v for

[Unknown7]: whatever reason cause he it would be really hard to sit down with the stick up his

[Unknown7]: ass so i just just stands around

[Unknown8]: do you think he like furiously masturbate at all or just like he doesn't

[Unknown7]: no

[Unknown9]: no that's

[Unknown8]: no

[Unknown7]: no just the the closest he gets that is he goes to the mirror and he just turns on

[Unknown7]: the magic eyes just the the the

[Unknown10]: hm

[Unknown7]: the light ice and just yeah i could kill you right

[Unknown9]: talking to himself

[Unknown7]: now and then he turns it off

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown7]: yeah yeah

[Unknown10]: almost like that opening seed from diehard was it too when the the the general

[Unknown10]: was in the hotel room naked shadow boxing

[Unknown8]: he's naked yeah yeah

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown10]: and then you stare at the tv but as naked

[Unknown7]: yeah well i i wasn't i i was thinking more patrick bateman but that works too

[Unknown9]: yeah he's

[Unknown10]: take it what take it as

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: got a real patrick bateman vi without the like

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: without any of the emotion like behind the

[Unknown9]: insanity just the insanity no i could see that i could see that for him for sure

[Unknown7]: yeah or or the killing of prostitutes with hangers

[Unknown10]: icarus

[Unknown9]: you know what

[Unknown10]: icarus stares at the wall i like i got this ic stairs at the wall and play

[Unknown10]: magical it was fucking trying to break down

[Unknown9]: take a minute

[Unknown10]: magic eyes to sit to like to genesis and sudo on repeat

[Unknown9]: no

[Unknown7]: poor fel collins

[Unknown9]: no i i i actually wanna change my answer he

[Unknown10]: okay

[Unknown9]: kills hookers thats what he does

[Unknown10]: he what he would

[Unknown9]: he kills prostitutes

[Unknown7]: he kills her cs

[Unknown10]: oh my oh my

[Unknown8]: like but like just in grand ado

[Unknown9]: no no no no i didn't

[Unknown9]: realize

[Unknown7]: real life in real life

[Unknown8]: i like okay

[Unknown9]: yeah he's like this is my grand deaf dot

[Unknown10]: oh my oh my

[Unknown9]: but he doesn't

[Unknown10]: so he steals a lamborghini he calls a hooker up the hooker hops in pays her and

[Unknown9]: yep yep yep

[Unknown10]: then

[Unknown10]: blood

[Unknown9]: yeah no sa no sex

[Unknown8]: hey what if

[Unknown8]: what what if we what if we

[Unknown10]: burns to the crisp

[Unknown7]: no

[Unknown8]: seg now we're segue

[Unknown8]: into the next

[Unknown7]: there's no blood there's no blood he

[Unknown10]: i don't know okay then there's no blood he burns to a bacon crisp

[Unknown8]: one we're moving on i'm not no no no no no no no

[Unknown7]: yeah exactly

[Unknown8]: no no nope nope no

[Unknown9]: and he sprinkles those those ashes on his ice cream

[Unknown8]: no

[Unknown8]: no no nope dope nope no

[Unknown10]: lakes like salt bay

[Unknown9]: like salt bay

[Unknown8]: nope no nope nope

[Unknown8]: no no no chris

[Unknown9]: and and he goes

[Unknown10]: mint julep mint juli

[Unknown9]: and that

[Unknown10]: ice cream and some human bacon

[Unknown9]: and

[Unknown9]: and

[Unknown10]: ah

[Unknown7]: it makes them more heo with them

[Unknown9]: as he does it he says i'm a hero am a

[Unknown8]: chris

[Unknown9]: superhero

[Unknown10]: yes

[Unknown8]: chris

[Unknown8]: how do you think

[Unknown8]: the celestial air

[Unknown10]: hey

[Unknown8]: shim distresses

[Unknown9]: that's a good question

[Unknown10]: that's a really great question hm

[Unknown10]: that's a really great question hm

[Unknown7]: he was answering

[Unknown10]: answer

[Unknown7]: that already

[Unknown10]: got it answer um have

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown10]: any of you heard of um go of like those float spas the that you go for like

[Unknown10]: flotation therapy and so aris

[Unknown8]: like the deprivation ones

[Unknown10]: yeah yeah yeah so like so yeah yeah some

[Unknown8]: the sensory deprivation

[Unknown10]: are like well there's sensory deprivation and then there's other that that have

[Unknown10]: music and twinkly lights and all that eric

[Unknown10]: yeah

[Unknown9]: no

[Unknown8]: two

[Unknown7]: oh that one that one

[Unknown10]: yeah yeah to like n ya and that type of genre of music

[Unknown9]: aim loves ana

[Unknown10]: so

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown10]: might as well put on some don't know some cranberries and

[Unknown7]: oh my god

[Unknown8]: well yes i'll be

[Unknown9]: he's like maybe i shouldn't destroy that planet the song's a banger

[Unknown10]: i

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown10]: must i must

[Unknown10]: i must separate myself and give judgment on the next album in genesis ag

[Unknown7]: he does

[Unknown7]: he does look like he has a lot of

[Unknown10]: you know

[Unknown7]: back tension so i think i think you'd be right yeah

[Unknown10]: and when he and so it's a spa day right so he does a float session and then he go

[Unknown10]: and

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown10]: since he can go

[Unknown7]: does he

[Unknown10]: anywhere i got you i got you okay

[Unknown7]: does he does he put like cucumbers on on all eight of his eyes

[Unknown10]: he has to because you need to stay hydrated you've got so many fields

[Unknown7]: that's true

[Unknown10]: of vision right so after the flotation spa right he goes right up and he calls

[Unknown10]: his boy dr high tower with those

[Unknown9]: yes

[Unknown10]: mallets to help knock out those incredible celestial knots in the different areas

[Unknown10]: of his celestial body because it takes a lot

[Unknown10]: mentally to to to scaffold and blueprint

[Unknown9]: universes

[Unknown10]: these cosmic these cosmic machinations i mean that s

[Unknown9]: yeah you know

[Unknown10]: thousands of years in the making i mean you've got to take some you time out you

[Unknown9]: you know what's good for that yeah y yeah cup cupp is good for that

[Unknown10]: know

[Unknown10]: yes

[Unknown9]: you know he big

[Unknown7]: uh yes yes an acupuncture

[Unknown7]: uh yes yes an acupuncture

[Unknown10]: yes yes

[Unknown9]: acupuncture yeah

[Unknown10]: yes i think i think you know it's it's it's going to be arm's millennia this this

[Unknown10]: year to really focus on

[Unknown9]: on him

[Unknown10]: its needs on his needs

[Unknown9]: it

[Unknown7]: like he he takes an extra millennia

[Unknown9]: it's my time and

[Unknown7]: off after the holiday to kind of yeah

[Unknown10]: yeah you can't go all the time

[Unknown9]: and sometimes he kills celestial prostitutes they have those right

[Unknown7]: with with

[Unknown7]: celestial hangers

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown10]: celestial hangers

[Unknown7]: yeah yeah

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: what

[Unknown10]: are

[Unknown9]: there was

[Unknown10]: you talking about celestial abortions with angers

[Unknown9]: yeah what do you

[Unknown7]: sure

[Unknown9]: how do

[Unknown7]: sure

[Unknown9]: we get here

[Unknown8]: why

[Unknown9]: too far

[Unknown7]: listen listen

[Unknown8]: that's all the that we have for today

[Unknown10]: put

[Unknown8]: thanks for listening to the last episode of your wrong

[Unknown8]: sh listen uh segue no say away

[Unknown7]: matt i have a question for you i have a for you no no it's it's it's a plen it's a

[Unknown9]: wait hold on this is important no no i on this topic i have one question what's

[Unknown7]: public

[Unknown9]: this movie all about a celestial abortion

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: think about it

[Unknown7]: i mean in

[Unknown8]: oh

[Unknown7]: a way

[Unknown8]: no

[Unknown9]: it

[Unknown8]: you're right

[Unknown7]: matt matt

[Unknown8]: you're right

[Unknown7]: how does tina relax

[Unknown9]: i thought that was crazy

[Unknown7]: after a hard day of slicing heads off

[Unknown8]: oh you're asking me um

[Unknown8]: um

[Unknown8]: great question um does she

[Unknown9]: i

[Unknown8]: currently have the mad weary or not

[Unknown7]: no

[Unknown8]: she does not umbar uh the mad warrior just sounds like some disease you get on

[Unknown8]: araks

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: swear to god

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown10]: answer your

[Unknown10]: question and

[Unknown7]: it's true

[Unknown8]: that's not here now there

[Unknown10]: then i'll follow up coz there's like there's a thing about that and it's

[Unknown9]: yeah so so

[Unknown8]: yeah so so i think

[Unknown8]: you know we always want to be like uh you know people who have like high stressed

[Unknown8]: lives do something to really do stress and like so it's the opposite right like

[Unknown8]: she's a great warrior so's gonna like just you know be pampered and stuff and and

[Unknown8]: i think it's the opposite thea is so good at um

[Unknown9]: one

[Unknown8]: being a warrior that she has to have that same level in all her crafts and so i

[Unknown8]: think the thing she's been trying to perfect

[Unknown8]: is pottery

[Unknown10]: ten

[Unknown8]: um she sits there and she's trying to make

[Unknown8]: a giant

[Unknown8]: pot

[Unknown8]: to hold the ashes of our enemies or potentially the dead hookers she kills hard to

[Unknown9]: see i was gonna say you say ashes somebody say ashes

[Unknown8]: say

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown7]: star checks out

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown8]: do i think yeah she would just it's it's really focusing she was gonna get into

[Unknown8]: cooking but gil kish kind of hit that and it's just like what's the

[Unknown9]: you e it

[Unknown8]: point like so

[Unknown10]: pies

[Unknown7]: yeah yeah that's fair

[Unknown8]: yeah it's a pottery just some nice shill

[Unknown10]: mm hm

[Unknown8]: pottery chris you were gonna follow up with the mandy

[Unknown8]: pottery chris you were gonna follow up with the mandy

[Unknown10]: yeah i want to follow up so mad weary okay so in comics when mad gary like flares

[Unknown10]: up

[Unknown10]: the solution like the eternal solution to that is to

[Unknown10]: um okay well not like they decommissioned so they don't like it's sort of like a

[Unknown10]: youth in asia they they killed that deviant and they were they resurrect that

[Unknown10]: sorry sorry eternal eternal eternal they kill the eternal sort of like euthanasia

[Unknown10]: and then they resurrect that eternal using one of the previous backup safe

[Unknown10]: backups

[Unknown10]: save backups to re imprint onto onto the eternal that's how that's their solution

[Unknown10]: for that

[Unknown8]: well that's not complicated so

[Unknown10]: and

[Unknown8]: that's nice

[Unknown9]: they should have just called it like computer error instead of like madd weary

[Unknown9]: like like what

[Unknown8]: but

[Unknown9]: does your computer

[Unknown7]: well

[Unknown9]: say when it has too like out of disk space

[Unknown9]: and

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: then

[Unknown9]: you know they have to

[Unknown8]: they're not computers though in comics

[Unknown7]: the whole thing the whole thing hinges on them being human in the comics right

[Unknown9]: are they not are they not robots in the comics

[Unknown10]: they're

[Unknown7]: no

[Unknown10]: offshoots so it's an evolutionary thing

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown10]: like the so no the short answer is no that's a big thing in the in the in the m c

[Unknown10]: u

[Unknown9]: so what are they in the comics

[Unknown10]: like with the in humans and

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown10]: eternals sorry

[Unknown7]: they're human they're

[Unknown8]: mutants

[Unknown7]: they were like forcefully evolved non mutant does that your your

[Unknown10]: close but

[Unknown7]: is

[Unknown9]: don't you say that

[Unknown7]: it not really no there there are new

[Unknown7]: they're new species omo homo immortalist

[Unknown10]: yeah the celestials made them still yeah

[Unknown9]: you can't call them

[Unknown8]: oh god

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: mutants that you can't use that word that's their word

[Unknown9]: mutants that you can't use that word that's their word

[Unknown7]: did they're taking we

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown7]: should say m word

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown8]: wow

[Unknown7]: okay

[Unknown10]: don't do it don't do it

[Unknown8]: all right i'm putting this train back on the tracks

[Unknown8]: the studio is dead set on making a sequel

[Unknown9]: it would seem that way

[Unknown7]: yes they are

[Unknown8]: it would seem that way

[Unknown8]: what is the sequel about

[Unknown9]: okay before we jump into this

[Unknown9]: i i need to ask a question on this question

[Unknown8]: at y

[Unknown9]: maybe

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: chris needs to answer this i'm pretty well versed in comics i have no fucking idea

[Unknown9]: what that post credit scene was no idea

[Unknown10]: oh

[Unknown10]: with with

[Unknown9]: the

[Unknown10]: dane

[Unknown7]: which one

[Unknown10]: and march ali

[Unknown9]: first of all

[Unknown9]: that one

[Unknown8]: you don't know it's him

[Unknown9]: wait what masi was in it

[Unknown8]: yeah that's the that's the voice

[Unknown7]: yeah that's the voice

[Unknown9]: of the of the l thing

[Unknown7]: when he asks no one he asks how you sure you're you're ready for this

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown7]: mister whitman

[Unknown9]: oh was that blade

[Unknown7]: oh yeah

[Unknown9]: what y that just got mep fuck

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: okay that one was

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: cool the other one was one of the weirdest fucking c like what was that elf thing

[Unknown9]: that i was like little like this is like a cartoon character

[Unknown7]: that's pip that's

[Unknown9]: i was

[Unknown7]: pip he's a royal prince they got turned into a troll that's a troll by the way

[Unknown9]: that that was like so off putting to me i was like is this harry potter that looks

[Unknown9]: like dobby

[Unknown7]: it's also

[Unknown7]: patana oswald

[Unknown9]: anyways

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: who the fuck were any of those people

[Unknown8]: patent

[Unknown9]: now i know who blade now i know the mysterious voice was blade

[Unknown7]: paton your button paton

[Unknown7]: i don't know where that came from

[Unknown8]: so yeah so so um

[Unknown8]: i mean eros they really went into great lengths to explain who eros was or eros

[Unknown10]: yeah

[Unknown9]: was it actually

[Unknown8]: it

[Unknown9]: tas's brother

[Unknown10]: yep yep

[Unknown7]: wa eras who are you me

[Unknown9]: it arrows

[Unknown8]: yeah yeah

[Unknown8]: i i turned it you for a second paton and eros

[Unknown10]: yeah he's another type he's a nut

[Unknown8]: but yeah

[Unknown9]: expect

[Unknown8]: so they explained who they were um and then um the da and stuff of course you want

[Unknown8]: to dive into a little bit more but he is supposed to be the black

[Unknown8]: knight

[Unknown10]: yup

[Unknown7]: black night yeah

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown10]: so

[Unknown9]: i don't know who that is

[Unknown10]: do you do you want to go into that real quick i can make it

[Unknown9]: this gets

[Unknown8]: of course you got thirty seconds

[Unknown10]: so the black knight historically was a villain dark sword um it's it's it's think

[Unknown10]: of it as like a polar opposite to meal nero only it

[Unknown7]: true

[Unknown10]: it tries to it draws on your negative qualities and makes you strong so in dane's

[Unknown10]: family history the black knight has always been a villain dane he's he's gonna

[Unknown10]: try and turn it around he'll be a hero using the same abilities

[Unknown10]: and so strength different stuff different abilities so it's pretty

[Unknown10]: interesting in that sense thick dark

[Unknown9]: hm cool

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown10]: excalibur feeding on dark magic in a way

[Unknown9]: like the

[Unknown9]: berzerker

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: blade

[Unknown7]: if it

[Unknown7]: flies to his hand the same

[Unknown10]: like meer

[Unknown7]: as

[Unknown10]: mhm

[Unknown9]: oh that's cool

[Unknown7]: beyonder

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown7]: does and it also slowly makes the wielder insane which is also cool

[Unknown9]: that's also like berzerker

[Unknown8]: yeah it's got a blood curse pretty

[Unknown8]: standard

[Unknown10]: yeah

[Unknown9]: okay

[Unknown8]: so so you don't have to necessarily you know take all into account in your in in

[Unknown8]: your sequel

[Unknown9]: i

[Unknown8]: and ideally in this scenario the sequel is about the eternals to two at least half

[Unknown8]: degree but obviously marvel likes to make things around but i think other than

[Unknown8]: those those sort of parameters we're going to set for you you know eternals two

[Unknown8]: essentially is the title of the movie w what are you doing

[Unknown9]: turnal to space bugaloo

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown10]: anyways

[Unknown9]: i could jump in

[Unknown9]: like i i feel

[Unknown9]: like

[Unknown10]: i have

[Unknown9]: i'm missing a lot of the lower here so i'm just

[Unknown8]: yeah giver

[Unknown10]: do

[Unknown9]: gonna go with

[Unknown9]: what i know

[Unknown8]: who cares don't don't don't overdo it

[Unknown10]: okay

[Unknown9]: yeah i'm just gonna jump in the the it seems like they're setting up for them to

[Unknown9]: go after

[Unknown9]: the missing eternals right the three

[Unknown10]: yes yeah

[Unknown9]: of them who is ah the main girl how

[Unknown10]: curse ssi fate fast

[Unknown9]: do i ssd name weird name joys considering all the stark actors

[Unknown10]: i feel it's like it's

[Unknown10]: certs and who else was the who was the third one

[Unknown7]: yeah it's true

[Unknown9]: fasts and what is it the was it

[Unknown10]: kingo i think it was kingo

[Unknown7]: no it was in kingo it was

[Unknown10]: so who

[Unknown9]: sprite

[Unknown10]: could it have been

[Unknown8]: no was

[Unknown10]: spice human

[Unknown7]: oh eight

[Unknown8]: it was kingo

[Unknown8]: it was kingo

[Unknown9]: oh i sp

[Unknown7]: was it king okay

[Unknown9]: human at the

[Unknown8]: sp

[Unknown9]: end which

[Unknown9]: was also like fug and weird and convenient um

[Unknown10]: i'm not certain so three

[Unknown8]: drug tina and

[Unknown9]: oh dreg was the third one

[Unknown10]: they were there on the domo i think they flew away

[Unknown8]: no drug

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: tha yeah they flew away

[Unknown9]: oh yeah

[Unknown8]: that they meant arrows

[Unknown10]: and they went to yeah so

[Unknown10]: they went to another planet problem

[Unknown9]: so it must have been kingo

[Unknown9]: anyways so they're after

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: those three so

[Unknown9]: i think that the sequel is gonna be about

[Unknown9]: the ones that didn't get taken

[Unknown9]: teaming up with harry styles who

[Unknown9]: is tighten

[Unknown7]: it is

[Unknown10]: mhm

[Unknown9]: apparently

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown10]: mmm hmm

[Unknown9]: and he knows where they went

[Unknown9]: so

[Unknown10]: sara fox

[Unknown7]: star foxx

[Unknown9]: eas star fox

[Unknown8]: hey

[Unknown9]: and him and pip i guess

[Unknown7]: don't learn english

[Unknown9]: are going to have to find them and

[Unknown9]: they're gonna be reprogrammed and on a new planet

[Unknown9]: doing the same

[Unknown9]: so they're gonna be like trying to get that planet to birth another uh celestial

[Unknown9]: before the eternals can abort it

[Unknown9]: and

[Unknown9]: i think

[Unknown9]: iris is gonna come back

[Unknown9]: and wanna redeem himself and save her because he loves her

[Unknown9]: and

[Unknown9]: they're gonna be like you know one of those like classic

[Unknown10]: like

[Unknown9]: like low key situations where it's like we need your help but i don't know if i

[Unknown9]: could trust you anymore and it's gonna be like w

[Unknown9]: i don't know and

[Unknown9]: and

[Unknown8]: wow powerful stuff

[Unknown8]: wow powerful stuff

[Unknown9]: that's that's literally seen foreing know it's gonna go

[Unknown9]: and uh they're gonna find them and then have to remind them of who they are and

[Unknown9]: i don't know how they could a battle against the celestial i want to see

[Unknown10]: it's possible

[Unknown9]: more celestial 'cause i fuss i thought were really cool

[Unknown10]: yes

[Unknown9]: um

[Unknown9]: maybe they have to get another celestial to help them maybe that's maybe that's

[Unknown9]: the mission

[Unknown7]: that's what i think will happen

[Unknown7]: i think they're going to introduce galactus on the

[Unknown10]: uh you got my notes

[Unknown9]: our

[Unknown10]: you

[Unknown7]: yeah well yeah sure

[Unknown9]: galactus is a celestial

[Unknown10]: nope but he's a planet eater

[Unknown7]: no but he he can go toe to toe with one easy

[Unknown9]: cool that's cool that actually is cool

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: and you know what they're gonna need they're gonna need

[Unknown9]: hawk guys help for this one

[Unknown10]: you're so right

[Unknown7]: and

[Unknown9]: yeah like wow

[Unknown7]: the black widow both yeah yeah

[Unknown9]: yeah there it is and then star fox uh betrays him and he's the villain in the next

[Unknown9]: movie

[Unknown9]: i don't know if he's good or bad i don't know i don't know a story

[Unknown7]: a arrows is too much of a

[Unknown7]: non thing to be a

[Unknown9]: they got harry styles to play him

[Unknown7]: a villain i think

[Unknown7]: no

[Unknown8]: so

[Unknown9]: if

[Unknown7]: well

[Unknown9]: he's popular enough though make my vill into the third one

[Unknown7]: i'm sure they're gonna bring him back because why introduce him there but like i

[Unknown7]: think he's gonna be one of like the comedy

[Unknown10]: oh

[Unknown7]: side character

[Unknown10]: wow i just relearn something

[Unknown7]: in the movie

[Unknown10]: star fuck is

[Unknown7]: but

[Unknown10]: an eternal also made by ars i missed

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown10]: the end credits but i knew of him before and i just thought air sorry the arrows

[Unknown10]: um and and sans were just like

[Unknown10]: blood brothers but you know matured and nurtured differently

[Unknown10]: aros is the adopted brother of thos oops wow

[Unknown9]: okay that makes more sense cause i was

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: gonna say they don't look alike but it's rude to point that out

[Unknown10]: no they don't no no dana's different

[Unknown7]: why do you say that harry styles doesn't have a ball sack on his chin is that what

[Unknown9]: i mean not

[Unknown10]: i

[Unknown9]: in the movie at least

[Unknown7]: you're saying

[Unknown10]: uh yeah can i can i can i jump in or who else wants to jump in

[Unknown9]: yeah that's it that's my prediction

[Unknown8]: yes don't jump in go

[Unknown10]: cool cool um

[Unknown10]: i love that you guys are thinking in the same direction

[Unknown10]: yeah because we're piggybacking off what happened in the first one so you know

[Unknown10]: who the remaining team needs to go back and try to pursue them so how my question

[Unknown10]: and i wrote it down i'm like how can they get the others back they need some more

[Unknown10]: recruitment and so my prediction

[Unknown10]: is that this could be a really interesting opportunity to bring in the fantastic

[Unknown10]: four and silver surfer

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown10]: and that would be

[Unknown7]: yes

[Unknown10]: my my through line to galactic silver silver silver surfer is still is still the

[Unknown10]: herald of galactus but fantastic four we can figure out how where they've been

[Unknown10]: and what they've been up to they're space faring like explorers from time to time

[Unknown10]: cosmic multi dimensional ones

[Unknown10]: i feel like there could be an interesting crossover in that sense to get the

[Unknown10]: support they need and then really things up

[Unknown10]: like turn things for a loop when silver surfer comes into the mix perhaps he's

[Unknown10]: now scouting for a planet that that's where galactus and it turns out to be a

[Unknown10]: planet that's ripe for emergence celestial birthing and glasses like good work

[Unknown10]: nor in red i shall feast and drink deep of the celestial contents and then you're

[Unknown10]: gonna have a throw down knockout

[Unknown7]: is that is that like the equivalent of drinking that takla with a little warm on

[Unknown10]: essentially essentially for galactus that that's that's that's pretty much it

[Unknown7]: it

[Unknown10]: so i think that'll be really interesting i'm i'm so off but i'm just i'm chopping

[Unknown10]: at the bit for for you know the mcu architects to find a way

[Unknown9]: yes

[Unknown10]: to properly bring the fab for into the mix

[Unknown9]: i like that

[Unknown10]: so it's either that or it's probably gonna happen in do strange too i my my

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown10]: my side prediction is that it's um john krasny on that illuminati panel behind

[Unknown10]: professor x

[Unknown9]: oh that'd be cool

[Unknown10]: anyways

[Unknown9]: sorry to jump in but that imagery just painted of the tko worm like i picture your

[Unknown9]: galactus like with the celestial the way like like people

[Unknown10]: maybe premium name them

[Unknown9]: in like palm beach are like i'm gonna eat it i'm gonna eat it like oh my god

[Unknown9]: in like palm beach are like i'm gonna eat it i'm gonna eat it like oh my god

[Unknown9]: you're gonna do it and go act like i'm gonna do it i swear i'm gonna do it

[Unknown9]: you're gonna do it and go act like i'm gonna do it i swear i'm gonna do it

[Unknown9]: and then they're like oh my god he did he did he need to do it try a picture

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: that playing out exactly the same

[Unknown8]: no there you have it

[Unknown7]: everybody knows galactus is a party monster

[Unknown8]: true that's

[Unknown9]: absolute madman

[Unknown7]: so that's exactly how it would happen

[Unknown10]: big boy

[Unknown8]: hundred percent accurate lucy what eight what you got

[Unknown7]: uh

[Unknown7]: i think there uh i i'm with chris and in the sense that i think they're going to

[Unknown7]: try to use because like i think eternals is the first movie where they bring

[Unknown7]: the like the larger cosmology of the marvel universe into like the mcu and you

[Unknown7]: know anybody that has read anything into those things like in the comics knows

[Unknown7]: that it's absolutely batch insane the stuff like they have the queen of nes and

[Unknown7]: they have the what's the name the place that could be couldn't be shouldn't be

[Unknown7]: like it's so fucking insane so i think they're going to slowly veer into the more

[Unknown7]: cosmological aspect of

[Unknown7]: of

[Unknown10]: mm hm

[Unknown7]: of them

[Unknown10]: yeah

[Unknown7]: of the marvel universe i

[Unknown10]: yeah

[Unknown7]: bringing into the mcu

[Unknown7]: i will tell you what i want i would want to see is i would want to see more of the

[Unknown7]: cosmic beings like eternity and infinity and death

[Unknown9]: it's

[Unknown7]: and all that stuff so i'm hoping that what happens is

[Unknown7]: the three that are left that are looking for the friends end up finding galactus

[Unknown7]: on their own

[Unknown7]: before any fantastic for or anything like that

[Unknown7]: and then they somehow strike a bargain with him to go against aris so they can

[Unknown7]: rescue their three friends but that calls

[Unknown7]: galactus' attention to earth and that's why we get a fantastic fore movie in the

[Unknown9]: hey

[Unknown7]: future so i think it's gonna be a reverse of what

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown7]: chris is expecting like instead of involving the fantastic four now there would be

[Unknown7]: a prelude to the fantastic four later

[Unknown9]: like like a classic like they get galactus to defeat the celestial but then

[Unknown9]: they're like we won but at what cost

[Unknown9]: you know

[Unknown7]: you something like that yeah it's like oh cause al galactus is hungry because he

[Unknown7]: had to fight the celestial so he must eat the uh planet oh earth is right there

[Unknown9]: and has a celestial being inside even if it's dead

[Unknown7]: yam yam

[Unknown7]: nam num num

[Unknown9]: that's a that's how a movie ends no no no

[Unknown7]: and then we have this and that w

[Unknown8]: now like this

[Unknown7]: yeah yeah and then we have the other movie had the scene of being going ah the w

[Unknown9]: i'm gonna eat it i i'm gonna do it

[Unknown7]: we're gonna eat it

[Unknown10]: somebody wants

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown10]: seconds

[Unknown8]: i hope i hope in that other movie galactus and maybe silver shefferd and a couple

[Unknown8]: of other people weekend at bernie's airs corpse

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown9]: yes

[Unknown10]: it was a weekend

[Unknown7]: that i watched that

[Unknown10]: of hijacks

[Unknown10]: hilarity and unexpected learnings

[Unknown9]: see

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown10]: you could see a jet skiing being

[Unknown10]: pulled on

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown8]: three sets of

[Unknown7]: yeah they put like

[Unknown8]: sunglasses

[Unknown8]: sunglasses

[Unknown10]: yeah

[Unknown10]: and they just

[Unknown7]: i was gonna say just a set of sunglasses for each pair of eyes

[Unknown10]: and then a baggy and then a baggy neon color color way nike jumpsuit

[Unknown9]: yeah i picture him with like ah what i was gonna say a whole an open hawaiian

[Unknown7]: yeah or like a hawaiian shirt a

[Unknown9]: shirt

[Unknown10]: yeah

[Unknown7]: gigantic yeah

[Unknown10]: oh that's genius

[Unknown8]: perfect

[Unknown7]: oh man

[Unknown8]: i love it i'm i'm here for those so let's get to our favorite topic um spencer try

[Unknown8]: not to eat up all of her time

[Unknown8]: we're we're gonna script doctor this movie because well

[Unknown7]: gee i wonder what that could be

[Unknown9]: y

[Unknown8]: we all were pleasantly surprised by it it is only an uncommon and there's some

[Unknown8]: we all were pleasantly surprised by it it is only an uncommon and there's some

[Unknown8]: work to be done here i think that we can do to get us to

[Unknown8]: work to be done here i think that we can do to get us to

[Unknown8]: maybe you know epic maybe legendary i don't know how much how much time we have

[Unknown8]: but um

[Unknown9]: let's see

[Unknown8]: i'm gonna start off first just with a little piece that i i want to get off my

[Unknown8]: chest um and then and then i'll i'll leave way to the rest of the group but the

[Unknown8]: first thing i would do is

[Unknown8]: entirely cut kid harrington's character from

[Unknown9]: that yeah he was absolutely pointless

[Unknown8]: this movie because it makes no sense it's pointless it it i don't need

[Unknown7]: yeah it' there for the editing scene basically

[Unknown8]: yeah but

[Unknown9]: i don't

[Unknown8]: like i don't need you to fuck in like i don't need him there's already what how

[Unknown8]: many eternals in this movie i don't need you

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: to like throw in this guy to tease that he might show up because like

[Unknown8]: is he

[Unknown7]: well they do that because in the comics black knight and sars have a relationship

[Unknown8]: i

[Unknown10]: oh

[Unknown8]: make cool

[Unknown9]: not everyone

[Unknown8]: not not everything

[Unknown7]: i know it's totally just a

[Unknown9]: but not everything

[Unknown7]: fan service thing

[Unknown8]: but not everything in the comics made it into the movie i don't know if you

[Unknown8]: noticed that

[Unknown7]: oh yeah i i would wager them way more important things didn't make it in

[Unknown8]: yeah so like i would just be done with that entirely like i cause because like

[Unknown8]: having star fock show up at the again and that revealed that's fine it comes out

[Unknown8]: of nowhere i'm okay with that but like making oh making oh i have a a a history

[Unknown8]: too like i don't i care bro i don't have time to care about your history if you're

[Unknown8]: supposed to be tell me about the eternals i got enough attention

[Unknown8]: problems

[Unknown7]: well

[Unknown7]: you know they're setting up a movie for the midnight

[Unknown8]: i don't know

[Unknown7]: suns right that's why that's why you have black night that's why you have blade

[Unknown8]: i don't care

[Unknown10]: oh

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: like

[Unknown7]: i mean i i i'm with you i'm just

[Unknown10]: interesting

[Unknown7]: saying that's why they did it

[Unknown8]: you don't not everything has to be a thing

[Unknown10]: true

[Unknown8]: and i know

[Unknown9]: five

[Unknown8]: this flies in the face of fifty percent of this podcasts favorite director who who

[Unknown8]: is in charge of d c movies

[Unknown9]: to shaw

[Unknown8]: but sometimes

[Unknown8]: sometimes you just you can't like say everything about everything all the time

[Unknown8]: sorry you have a run time and tell your story and get the fuck out and so for me

[Unknown8]: getting rid of all that storyline i don't care about like it's fine that ser and

[Unknown9]: really

[Unknown8]: the wooden man had a relationship you could tell me that without

[Unknown8]: without giving her a new

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: boyfriend like i don't need that

[Unknown10]: and what was the point of yes and what was the point of that sex scene in the

[Unknown10]: sand being uncomfortable what's with the eternal sex

[Unknown7]: co

[Unknown10]: scene in the sand we didn't need that just say it

[Unknown7]: it's so weird it was so unnecessary like why

[Unknown10]: this

[Unknown9]: seven four

[Unknown8]: sand is course

[Unknown10]: it could have been it could have been time gun it could have even

[Unknown10]: it could have been it could have been time gun it could have even

[Unknown8]: does

[Unknown9]: it's rough it's

[Unknown8]: does get everywhere

[Unknown7]: e it goes everywhere asked cc she'll tell you

[Unknown7]: e it goes everywhere asked cc she'll tell you

[Unknown10]: you

[Unknown9]: and gets everywhere

[Unknown10]: know that's exactly what i sold my wife i'm like that is not hot like have done

[Unknown10]: so

[Unknown7]: no

[Unknown10]: much more tastefully anyways

[Unknown7]: that is

[Unknown9]: yeah i hate sand

[Unknown7]: rushy it's rashy not hot yeah

[Unknown7]: it is coarse and it does go everywhere

[Unknown8]: so so yeah so like i think for me i would chop up that entire story line i don't

[Unknown8]: care about that um i think i would shop out crow and his like powering up i don't

[Unknown9]: one

[Unknown8]: it's fine it isn't that it's it works in the story to some

[Unknown10]: seven

[Unknown8]: degree but it's just another thing you have to like using i just think you you

[Unknown8]: give away the the factions sooner and then you could have a bit more time to beat

[Unknown8]: 'em up than to like 'cause they're dangerous enough on their own right the devs

[Unknown8]: they don't need a super deviant like just think there's too many things plus now

[Unknown8]: you've wasted an actual villain for future movies by using them as a throwaway

[Unknown7]: yeah and it's a weird sort of deviation

[Unknown8]: yes

[Unknown7]: from what the d v ns are in the

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown7]: comics cause they're not like like beasts in the comics they're just other types

[Unknown7]: of like human rights

[Unknown9]: yeah i don't like like big c g i beast fillins in general they just like i don't

[Unknown9]: know i find them kind of boring and one well one

[Unknown8]: yes

[Unknown9]: he i thought he was like

[Unknown9]: there was like i again i don't know the lord i thought it was like part maybe like

[Unknown9]: he was the like

[Unknown9]: his entity was split into all the eternals so like by absorbing all them he slowly

[Unknown9]: became like what he originally was or something

[Unknown7]: that was not a good explanation for that at all in the movie

[Unknown10]: no and here's a quick flash fact

[Unknown9]: no that's not what it was that's just what i thought it was and turns out he was

[Unknown9]: just like absorbing them

[Unknown7]: no yeah i i agree with you like yeah

[Unknown10]: and a quick flash fact fas was born with a rare deviant syndrome which causes

[Unknown10]: them to look

[Unknown7]: yes

[Unknown10]: more like deviant than eternal

[Unknown7]: that's why he is purple

[Unknown10]: exactly

[Unknown9]: yes

[Unknown7]: yeah the deviants are like the more locks almost like where in their they have

[Unknown7]: very different like

[Unknown7]: physiognomy like they're still human but they're like they have appendages and

[Unknown9]: six

[Unknown7]: they have like weird like tentacles instead of hair and that kind of stuff

[Unknown9]: imagine if all the deviants were just like fass like they all all over them and

[Unknown10]: hen

[Unknown9]: they're all just like

[Unknown10]: i don't

[Unknown9]: hello i know what it's like to lose

[Unknown9]: hello i know what it's like to lose

[Unknown8]: i mean honestly i got real strong ultron vibes from crow

[Unknown9]: yes yes in all in all the worst ways

[Unknown7]: yes i was gonna say

[Unknown8]: and i was just like

[Unknown7]: that he goes from

[Unknown8]: yeah yeah

[Unknown7]: like the crow goes from like growling and and like nash and teeth through like oh

[Unknown9]: yeah yeah

[Unknown7]: this is a very important

[Unknown10]: real talk

[Unknown7]: like what the fuck

[Unknown10]: how deck did any of you learn this this ma fuck's name how

[Unknown9]: yeah i didn't know his name i just heard

[Unknown7]: credit

[Unknown10]: oh what

[Unknown7]: credits

[Unknown8]: i had clothes captioning on

[Unknown9]: did they say

[Unknown9]: his name

[Unknown10]: wow

[Unknown7]: same

[Unknown8]: yeah yeah

[Unknown7]: same same they say the towards the end they do

[Unknown9]: how

[Unknown10]: okay

[Unknown9]: did they

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: learn his name

[Unknown9]: he never

[Unknown8]: no it's not that they say

[Unknown7]: gas

[Unknown8]: it but like on the close captioning it like shows sometimes who's talking

[Unknown9]: he

[Unknown8]: at least i thought it did

[Unknown7]: no they do say the name no they do say it at the end yeah

[Unknown8]: do

[Unknown8]: they anyways i might have looked it up who the fuck knows

[Unknown10]: to me it missed they missed it yeah

[Unknown9]: he never introduced himself how the fuck would they know his name

[Unknown10]: exactly

[Unknown8]: no

[Unknown10]: here i am

[Unknown7]: yeah he he should have gone

[Unknown7]: well now that i can talk and i sound like a professor

[Unknown8]: no anyways

[Unknown10]: eight

[Unknown7]: my name is crow pleased to meet you fuck all of you

[Unknown8]: i it wasn't gloss capturing i was reading about the eternals trying to figure out

[Unknown8]: if this followed the story

[Unknown8]: line and it came up through

[Unknown7]: now there go i signed in the credits i i did the credits

[Unknown9]: got it

[Unknown8]: there anyways not important i'm cutting crow i'm cutting

[Unknown9]: not important to give your characters names

[Unknown8]: kid harrington um i think those are the two biggest cuts i'm gonna make i

[Unknown9]: i don't want

[Unknown8]: just i don't mind the deviants being there but i don't think the deviants need a

[Unknown8]: super deviant and i i agree that if you got rid of the super de the deviant

[Unknown8]: animals and made them more like humans it would have been really

[Unknown7]: you

[Unknown8]: cool to give them like a a trait that you could tell their deviance but make them

[Unknown8]: human so it's like it's an ongoing battle through the ages to find the deviance

[Unknown8]: not like

[Unknown7]: like a less overt battle and more like like insidious one yeah yeah i mean i made

[Unknown8]: yeah i couldn't have the cree and the scrawl right and like trying to figure out

[Unknown7]: for that yeah

[Unknown7]: yeah exactly yeah

[Unknown8]: that sort of thing yeah

[Unknown10]: my okay go go go

[Unknown9]: hitler was a deviant look into it

[Unknown9]: hitler was a deviant look into it

[Unknown7]: i i would add to that

[Unknown7]: sure

[Unknown7]: um i would add to that that i think i don't know exactly who but i would cut some

[Unknown7]: of the eternals off we did not need that many and it was hard to care about any of

[Unknown7]: them because none of them got a lot of screen time so we were sort of like

[Unknown7]: subjected to

[Unknown7]: getting like building some sort of care for those characters by their acting

[Unknown7]: ability which is why i don't give a about icarus

[Unknown7]: it's just like okay woodman doesn't matter but um i don't it would be hard because

[Unknown7]: you would have to have

[Unknown7]: certain things that one character did and that you know like two things that two

[Unknown7]: characters did would have to be kind of merged into one character does that so

[Unknown7]: that's why i'm not entirely sure who i would cut but i felt like it was too many

[Unknown7]: characters to introduce her once for you to care about right and i would also flip

[Unknown7]: um i would like i would show aja

[Unknown7]: in the present before getting to just cause she only shows up really acting in the

[Unknown7]: past because when we get to the present vicars has already killed her right so i

[Unknown7]: would i would flip that review to much much later let her like talk to them get in

[Unknown7]: touch with them or let her be the one that goes starts going after them and then

[Unknown7]: iker is being trying to go after her and impeding her from talking to them to not

[Unknown7]: tell them the truth and then kill her instead of just like preemptively striking

[Unknown9]: i'm

[Unknown7]: because he goes i had a feeling you were having second ch second thoughts like how

[Unknown7]: did you have a feeling she was

[Unknown9]: yes

[Unknown7]: having second thoughts she

[Unknown9]: she wasn't doing anything

[Unknown7]: she said she did this for millions of years

[Unknown7]: and and down like ah she told him like

[Unknown10]: right

[Unknown7]: after they left babylon and then seven days before it happened now you know the

[Unknown7]: like how so it was a lot of th that's what i was talking about in in the beginning

[Unknown7]: there's so much hand waving done so i like i would add that i would cut some of

[Unknown7]: the the the maybe one or two of the celestials sorry the eternals and have ajax

[Unknown7]: show up more

[Unknown10]: i like that my my tweak would be um would be a bit i like that tweak but i would

[Unknown10]: i would pivot more

[Unknown10]: towards

[Unknown9]: yes

[Unknown10]: making rs m the main villain and it'd be a slow it'd be a slow burn like

[Unknown7]: h

[Unknown10]: people like the eternals are meant to follow orders but at the same time

[Unknown10]: i feel like the major

[Unknown9]: okay

[Unknown10]: loss would be aja towards like i guess like three quarters of the way where sh

[Unknown10]: she she's been she's been changed over time she's learned about humanity and i

[Unknown10]: feel like she should be

[Unknown10]: she we should lo like the the family should lose her and that should be the

[Unknown10]: rallying point to wake up call

[Unknown7]: ah cool cool call

[Unknown10]: what are we doing wait a minute i have enjoyed my time here on earth or for

[Unknown10]: whatever reason we lost our mother figure the matriarch of our unit

[Unknown10]: fuck

[Unknown9]: see

[Unknown10]: esham and in so doing

[Unknown10]: you even if you had the um like the rift between cercyon's the rift for whatever

[Unknown10]: reason if you keep it you could use that to bring ecs back into the fold unify

[Unknown10]: the family and avoid icarus

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown10]: from committing stupid emo suicide um because that also dovetails into the

[Unknown10]: massive dep that they've done to a lot of the eternals and most significantly

[Unknown10]: icarus icarus for different reasons is they're superman they're like they're

[Unknown10]: squad superman dude

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown10]: supposed to have all kinds of other stuff but a lot of those abilities have been

[Unknown10]: spread

[Unknown9]: yes

[Unknown10]: out into their squad i kind of get it but

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown10]: i'm not one hundred percent on it so

[Unknown7]: well they they specialize

[Unknown10]: yes they do

[Unknown7]: them a lot more right compared to the comics like they all fly

[Unknown10]: yeah and they all have super

[Unknown10]: strength and blah blah blah and so fine but

[Unknown7]: basically so

[Unknown9]: they don't all fly i think only he flies oh in the comics okay

[Unknown7]: yeah exactly like

[Unknown10]: they're supposed to

[Unknown7]: yeah no no in the comics in the comics yeah

[Unknown10]: and i'm not saying like like even if you if you withhold that like

[Unknown10]: i guess as a way of watering down icarus he they've tried to they've tried to

[Unknown10]: level the squadron the squads

[Unknown10]: play the the like you know power set and

[Unknown7]: yet they didn't level him up they leveled the other ones down yeah

[Unknown10]: correct so that for me i think would be would be the a more a way your direction

[Unknown10]: bring more importance to ajax she's been there more often she thinks everything's

[Unknown10]: going fine with airs things are good the boss says we're doing good work but then

[Unknown10]: over time real personal realizations they could still keep a lot of the stuff

[Unknown10]: that they had in the story um with like non interfering in blah blah blah but

[Unknown10]: then ajc comes to her realization this is like she's always known but then

[Unknown10]: something starts to stir change airs like no and then takes her out maybe with a

[Unknown10]: deviant maybe he takes her out on his own and that sets the next domino on its

[Unknown10]: own

[Unknown7]: oh i like i like it with the divan because that's where the review that he made

[Unknown10]: yeah they that's good too i like that too yeah

[Unknown7]: the deviant can come as well

[Unknown9]: i like that

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: i

[Unknown9]: i like i like a lot of what you guys are saying i'm gonna take pieces of

[Unknown9]: everything it all began and no just joking i'm going to start right at the

[Unknown9]: beginning i agree with what matt said i think you showed the beginning instead of

[Unknown9]: the crawl

[Unknown9]: you show

[Unknown10]: yes yes

[Unknown9]: them coming to the earth and you show the

[Unknown9]: arm like sending them on their mission and basically saying like explaining why

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: they're on this mission bubble

[Unknown10]: hey

[Unknown9]: everything that the crawl says you see

[Unknown10]: mhm

[Unknown9]: so i think it'll only be like ten minutes and it'd be visually very cool

[Unknown9]: um and i think that uh you're right i think they should be all working together

[Unknown9]: and they should be together for like thousands of years like they are and she's

[Unknown9]: with the eks and they're in la blah blah blah

[Unknown10]: oh

[Unknown9]: and then just like you said

[Unknown9]: i think

[Unknown9]: what separates them is ajax's death and i think at the time

[Unknown10]: hm

[Unknown9]: you you just see her dying

[Unknown9]: the whatever like deviant

[Unknown10]: okay

[Unknown9]: and then that's when iris leaves the girl and they also split up and she's like i

[Unknown9]: never knew why he left

[Unknown10]: oh

[Unknown9]: and then it turns out he killed ajax

[Unknown9]: had a change of heart and she brought in her right hand man icarus to tell him

[Unknown9]: they're gonna he's she's gonna tell the team what their real mission is

[Unknown9]: and then icarus after hearing that what the real mission is and finding what she's

[Unknown9]: gonna betray the celestials he kills her

[Unknown9]: right

[Unknown7]: it takes the stick out of his ass and beats her with it okay

[Unknown9]: yeah and he kills her and then

[Unknown10]: shits stick e

[Unknown9]: but makes it look makes it look like a deviant and then you know then they break

[Unknown9]: up and they don't see each other for thousands of years and it makes sense why he

[Unknown9]: left at that point and then

[Unknown8]: sure

[Unknown9]: the um the girl like a week before the emergence or whatever gets

[Unknown10]: cy

[Unknown9]: sars i was

[Unknown7]: the girl

[Unknown8]: cer

[Unknown9]: forget her name

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: sars gets

[Unknown9]: sars gets

[Unknown10]: what's the name of uh what's the name of liv tyler from lord of the rings

[Unknown9]: don't we don't need to talk about that

[Unknown9]: um so so ss a week before

[Unknown9]: is like finding out the emergence is happening somehow like by the earthquakes and

[Unknown9]: she has to contact she ends up contacting the the

[Unknown9]: what what's his name the the celestial

[Unknown10]: rm

[Unknown8]: her

[Unknown9]: a

[Unknown8]: irwin

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown7]: irish him

[Unknown9]: and then and and

[Unknown7]: a ain ewin celesti

[Unknown9]: and that and that's when she finds out that like what the emergence is and then

[Unknown9]: she gets the crew together again to say they have to stop it and then that's how

[Unknown9]: she gets in contact with icarus again instead of like him randomly

[Unknown10]: showing up

[Unknown9]: showing up and killing aja out of the blue she's getting everyone together and

[Unknown9]: he's like oh shit they found out right this is a secret he's been hiding for

[Unknown9]: thousands of years and then he

[Unknown8]: five

[Unknown9]: goes along with it same kind of thing goes on and then

[Unknown9]: basically the same movie until the end except for with i agree with less

[Unknown9]: characters and

[Unknown9]: i would add one small scene when k kingo leaves

[Unknown10]: okay

[Unknown9]: i thought it would have been really good if in that scene he's like i'm staying in

[Unknown9]: the side i know you like him being on the sidelines but i think that him saying

[Unknown9]: i'm staying on the sidelines he's on his way out and he gets blocked by his valet

[Unknown9]: guy and he's like

[Unknown9]: i've been with you my whole life and i've always thought of you as a hero and

[Unknown9]: you're gonna turn your back on humanity now

[Unknown9]: right and that's like his emotional

[Unknown9]: you know reason

[Unknown10]: moment

[Unknown9]: for fighting

[Unknown10]: hm

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown7]: i like that i like that because it does away with one of the hand waves that i

[Unknown7]: don't like which is like he just walks away from the fight and then e after

[Unknown7]: everything is okay he comes back and they're like that's fine yeah

[Unknown9]: and he's like yay he's a great everything went

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown9]: good so i think that would have been good cause it it would

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: have given him an arc you know and

[Unknown9]: and then at the end like i said i i think that they

[Unknown9]: she was i thought she was gonna like make the the celestial phase through the

[Unknown9]: planet and survive but i kind of like that you just killed 'cause it's pretty

[Unknown9]: fucking intense when you think about it

[Unknown8]: well i don't

[Unknown10]: z

[Unknown8]: i don't know how she would ph the celestial through because she can only change

[Unknown8]: matter

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown8]: types so i don't know how she would have actually

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown8]: pulled that off

[Unknown10]: and in order to birth that celestial it would have ha tet would have had to have

[Unknown10]: consumed earth to fully form

[Unknown9]: okay

[Unknown10]: and

[Unknown8]: yeah

[Unknown10]: then what would

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown10]: they be standing on sort of so to speak

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown10]: so

[Unknown10]: in a way

[Unknown9]: i so yeah i would have kept her killing killing the the baby um

[Unknown9]: i so yeah i would have kept her killing killing the the baby um

[Unknown8]: guess

[Unknown10]: phrasing

[Unknown8]: term

[Unknown7]: phrasing but okay

[Unknown7]: phrasing but okay

[Unknown9]: so when she

[Unknown9]: when she killed the celestial

[Unknown9]: did

[Unknown10]: uhhuh

[Unknown9]: it want to help her what was that about

[Unknown10]: what do you mean

[Unknown9]: it was like oh the celestial gave me power

[Unknown7]: no so what what they explain is that the reason why they were able to do the unim

[Unknown7]: is because part of the the whole programming thing was when the celestial gets

[Unknown7]: birthed they get connected to each other and the celestial so they survive

[Unknown9]: oh so it wasn't like the the celestial was like wanting to die

[Unknown10]: no

[Unknown7]: no but he provided the way for them to connect and do the unim and then for her to

[Unknown10]: yeah the

[Unknown9]: okay

[Unknown10]: tech was there the birthing was the energy source and then that's what tied it

[Unknown7]: do that yeah yeah

[Unknown7]: no yeah she just used it

[Unknown10]: together yep

[Unknown9]: gotcha that's basically it i think and i would have taken out kit harrington or

[Unknown9]: had him at least come along for a lot of it to be the human

[Unknown9]: per perspective 'cause

[Unknown10]: i suppose so

[Unknown9]: you know they they

[Unknown8]: yeah fuck them

[Unknown9]: you know but i

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown9]: agree it was like

[Unknown8]: who cares

[Unknown9]: like like have too many characters already so and i would have

[Unknown10]: i still want to keep icarus i don't want him to turn but that's just me

[Unknown9]: yeah and i would have taken out the the the crow guy cause i agree with you it's

[Unknown9]: like every moment

[Unknown10]: agreed

[Unknown9]: he spends

[Unknown9]: uh on screen it like takes it's like wasted time because he doesn't mean anything

[Unknown9]: as a character he's just a red herring

[Unknown7]: every every time you guy you guys say crow i go like there's

[Unknown10]: oh oh

[Unknown7]: a crow in this oh

[Unknown9]: oh

[Unknown7]: crow

[Unknown9]: and la last

[Unknown7]: yeah exactly

[Unknown9]: last thing this is important the whole stupid storyline of angelina julie was so

[Unknown9]: pointless

[Unknown10]: hm

[Unknown9]: i i thought and and it ended up just disappearing like she's just like seems

[Unknown9]: better by the end

[Unknown8]: so

[Unknown7]: it's just to show the mad riri and it's

[Unknown8]: so he

[Unknown7]: like like i said it's just the wounded bird thing

[Unknown8]: here's here's the one thing i would do if you want to cut characters you pick one

[Unknown8]: of tho or gilgamesh and you get rid of the other one because they

[Unknown9]: o

[Unknown8]: kind of

[Unknown8]: filled the same role for for the purpose

[Unknown7]: yeah yeah

[Unknown7]: agreed

[Unknown8]: of the movie and gil go mesh is really there so you can sacrifice a big tough

[Unknown8]: person to crow so he can power up in ways that don't make any sense you cut crow

[Unknown8]: you get rid of thin or athena or gog mes take your

[Unknown7]: school

[Unknown8]: pick i don't care and then you can probably drop one of

[Unknown8]: sprite or bakri

[Unknown9]: see i i disagree i would get rid of uh mccarry and the the brain controlling guy

[Unknown9]: because

[Unknown10]: do a

[Unknown9]: that he

[Unknown9]: didn't really do anything

[Unknown8]: yeah but

[Unknown8]: well but he

[Unknown7]: yeah we we didn't even talk much about him that's how much it doesn't matter

[Unknown8]: right

[Unknown9]: what

[Unknown8]: but his he didn't use him as the original plan to to try to handle the scenario so

[Unknown8]: um

[Unknown9]: yeah i guess

[Unknown8]: you can get rid of them too

[Unknown8]: it's kind of a red herring anyways i

[Unknown9]: or give that power to someone else

[Unknown8]: well that's fair you you could probably double up on powers because if

[Unknown7]: yep

[Unknown8]: i'm honest like

[Unknown7]: they all do have that

[Unknown7]: in the

[Unknown8]: if if

[Unknown9]: school

[Unknown7]: comics like the illusion is to sars' spri in the comics

[Unknown8]: right well if if faso is like the fact that fasts is just a really smart dude is

[Unknown8]: kind of a power

[Unknown7]: his panto his panto

[Unknown10]: yes

[Unknown7]: from thunder cats that's what he is

[Unknown10]: someone

[Unknown9]: so

[Unknown10]: passed me that sammo flange

[Unknown9]: okay so here i fixed it ready script doctor

[Unknown10]: hey

[Unknown9]: boom you make tha not have that weird disease and

[Unknown10]: mad wey

[Unknown9]: she's just she's like the the one that's the most conflicted cause she sees both

[Unknown9]: sides

[Unknown10]: k

[Unknown9]: so she's like the moral of like her cause she can't decide on who to back with so

[Unknown9]: the

[Unknown10]: hm

[Unknown9]: whole time she's being with the bad guys and then she changes his mind at like the

[Unknown9]: last my second

[Unknown7]: cool

[Unknown7]: and she's like that that's a lot like athena like the goddess yeah yeah it's a

[Unknown9]: yeah exactly and and the mind control power also goes to curse she has both those

[Unknown7]: good point

[Unknown9]: powers and the whole time they're planning to put it to sleep and then she has to

[Unknown9]: make the decision to not put it to sleep but to kill it

[Unknown10]: hey

[Unknown8]: love it

[Unknown9]: fixed

[Unknown7]: yeah that's good i i like that

[Unknown8]: we effects legendary status

[Unknown9]: yeah

[Unknown8]: achieved so yeah

[Unknown10]: is

[Unknown7]: well

[Unknown8]: i think we did it don't worry about it thank you give us our reward music so yeah

[Unknown8]: that's the eternals um i think we've done the best we can with it given what we

[Unknown8]: are delivered

[Unknown9]: yes

[Unknown8]: i guess a second movie

[Unknown7]: jesus

[Unknown8]: is coming i don't know if it'll make it out honestly there's a lot to unpack there

[Unknown8]: for marvel

[Unknown9]: see we need another shitty movie because that doesn't really fit our suppose it

[Unknown9]: skid wipes trilogy

[Unknown10]: st row

[Unknown8]: trilogy

[Unknown9]: skid mark trilogy

[Unknown7]: skid mark skid mark trilogy

[Unknown8]: skid marked trilogy listen i have the perfect solution for you

[Unknown9]: what

[Unknown8]: it's it's as of the release of this this episode it will be out in theaters have

[Unknown8]: you guys heard of a character called nathan drake

[Unknown9]: oh

[Unknown10]: oh

[Unknown9]: boy that's skid mark city

[Unknown7]: oh wow

[Unknown9]: skid mark city

[Unknown7]: yeah no that's just booping your pants entirely not just skid mark

[Unknown8]: yeah yeah that's that's yeah

[Unknown10]: little biscuit

[Unknown8]: that's how you get this good mark so maybe we'll look into tackling that one next

[Unknown10]: hm

[Unknown8]: to finish this gm

[Unknown10]: hm

[Unknown8]: trilogy or maybe it'll become a

[Unknown8]: quadri g or a diad who knows

[Unknown10]: the skin mark chronicles

[Unknown10]: the diet

[Unknown9]: everyone knows skid marks never stop

[Unknown8]: it's just fi the diet somewhere in there

[Unknown9]: they always come back when you least expect it

[Unknown10]: keep and they keep going

[Unknown8]: gross

[Unknown10]: and going and going

[Unknown8]: i'm segue us out of this conversation into

[Unknown9]: when you least expect it

[Unknown9]: he come back

[Unknown8]: now we are now into listen um if you

[Unknown9]: one

[Unknown8]: if you want us to do um for some reason my brain

[Unknown9]: something

[Unknown8]: keeps saying inception and announces it i know it's that inception uncharted there

[Unknown8]: we go i now that let us know on twitter

[Unknown7]: color

[Unknown8]: at your wrong cast you can also hit us up gmail it is your rost at gmail dot com

[Unknown8]: we got the dub be dublo bed

[Unknown8]: e cast ca website if you want to check us

[Unknown8]: out there

[Unknown9]: mm hm

[Unknown7]: i hate you

[Unknown8]: well listen who

[Unknown9]: mercy

[Unknown8]: doesn't at this point

[Unknown10]: i doubt

[Unknown8]: um

[Unknown9]: yeah other one

[Unknown8]: yeah otherwise um anything else and else you guys wanna pump your tires on

[Unknown7]: what what the fuck kind of medium is that

[Unknown7]: think we need to be done with this

[Unknown9]: i

[Unknown8]: why not

[Unknown9]: well i was gonna plug something

[Unknown7]: i am disappointed

[Unknown9]: i am spencer and you can listen to my other podcast nf t buddies

[Unknown9]: on apple podcasts and spotify follow me at spin box eleven love you guys

[Unknown10]: then i like turtles

Creators and Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
Recurring guest host extraordinaire
58. You've Been Wrong About Marvel's "Eternals" Since the Dawn of Time
Broadcast by