59. The Monthly Roundup: February 2022

Words are hard, man.

[Unknown6]: hello and welcome back to your wrong

[Unknown6]: you've come back to hear about all the lovely news that happened february it was a

[Unknown6]: month they were shorter but that didn't change anything

[Unknown5]: was a month great

[Unknown6]: it was a month just for for the record i don't remember when world war three

[Unknown6]: started i think it was in february we're not going to talk about it

[Unknown5]: no we're not

[Unknown5]: it's depressing enough as it is yeah

[Unknown6]: cause it's it's a bummer

[Unknown6]: yeah we're trying we're to be fun and have some fun take your mind off of that so

[Unknown6]: i will let our guests talk about fun things for once maybe i don't know with me as

[Unknown6]: always i have luciana

[Unknown5]: ah no you don't

[Unknown6]: i don't spencer

[Unknown4]: wait we have guests today we're not

[Unknown6]: you're the guest

[Unknown4]: guests ross

[Unknown4]: alright an honor to be thanks for having me guys

[Unknown6]: you're welcome

[Unknown6]: add chris

[Unknown7]: no

[Unknown7]: saa

[Unknown6]: so let's dive right into the news of february that we care about

[Unknown6]: do you guys anybody watch moon fall

[Unknown5]: no

[Unknown5]: no

[Unknown7]: i plan to watch this movie and the reasons that i shall be watching this movie are

[Unknown7]: incendiary why because roland emerick that's why

[Unknown6]: chris is jumped the shark slightly here

[Unknown7]: so

[Unknown6]: on what's happening now it's fine mood fall came out and

[Unknown6]: bl emer's latest destroy the universe epic rolled in a colossal ten million

[Unknown6]: dollars on opening the weekend

[Unknown5]: jesus christ

[Unknown7]: hey hey hey hey hey hey

[Unknown4]: how what was the budget on it there it is

[Unknown6]: it costs a hundred and forty million to make a hundred forty million it's a great

[Unknown4]: there it is

[Unknown6]: question so they're down a couple a couple million right now uh in terms of where

[Unknown6]: they're at i mean maybe hey

[Unknown4]: two

[Unknown6]: guys do movies go up after the first weekend in terms of money they bring in

[Unknown7]: if they're good

[Unknown5]: i

[Unknown4]: yeah if there's good word of mouth

[Unknown6]: okay and if

[Unknown5]: i i gotta say a movie that opened the ten million i don't think it's going up

[Unknown7]: look i don't

[Unknown4]: don't

[Unknown7]: i don't hold responsible i don't hold the lovely miss halle berry or patrick

[Unknown7]: wilson or i can't remember his other name who's like the scientist and like i

[Unknown7]: think nolan north is in it too but anyways i blame roland erick

[Unknown4]: yeah they can

[Unknown6]: so

[Unknown4]: they'll make that back in vhs sales right

[Unknown7]: hey there's hope

[Unknown6]: yeah yeah mhm mhm mhm

[Unknown5]: yeah because they're gonna go back in into the eighties to sell vhs yeah

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown6]: so just to give people um some sort of context to how

[Unknown7]: again aesthetic

[Unknown6]: bad this might be i'm i'm looking at this on variety and and the batman has come

[Unknown6]: out um basically this weekend as we're recording it has one hundred twenty eight

[Unknown6]: million dollars that it made in the first weekend so that might be the high but it

[Unknown6]: is

[Unknown6]: a lot more than moon fal

[Unknown4]: is isn't this

[Unknown7]: mm hmm

[Unknown4]: the first weekend of the batman

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown6]: yeah i think so

[Unknown4]: so so we don't know how much i made

[Unknown7]: well that's not total like it's it's like what yeah like it's first splash

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown5]: it's already it's already made a

[Unknown4]: oh so far this weekend

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown5]: hundred and twenty eight yeah

[Unknown4]: wow that's crazy

[Unknown6]: yeah like it's an listen the point was proven it's got to one hundred twenty eight

[Unknown6]: as of sunday march sixth to two o three p m

[Unknown7]: eight

[Unknown6]: there i i time snapped it

[Unknown5]: wow dating our episode

[Unknown6]: that's right it's already it's already in the past thank you for listening to this

[Unknown6]: you foolish mortals so

[Unknown6]: it's fine because roal em has the reason why this only made ten million dollars

[Unknown5]: well

[Unknown4]: oh he does

[Unknown7]: what ptw

[Unknown6]: yeah well i mean i'm

[Unknown4]: i assume he takes full responsibility

[Unknown5]: yeah and and he vows to do better next time

[Unknown6]: if if doing that is blaming everybody else for never going to the theater then

[Unknown6]: yeah that's it

[Unknown4]: hm

[Unknown4]: so

[Unknown4]: he's

[Unknown5]: here

[Unknown7]: wow

[Unknown4]: blaming the people

[Unknown7]: millennials

[Unknown6]: i

[Unknown5]: yes

[Unknown6]: mean

[Unknown7]: who's

[Unknown6]: he

[Unknown7]: he blaming

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown6]: well i mean everybody

[Unknown4]: everybody

[Unknown7]: damn

[Unknown6]: mostly um let's see here let's see

[Unknown6]: mostly um let's see here let's see

[Unknown4]: but the mirror

[Unknown7]: ooh the man in the

[Unknown5]: it's like

[Unknown7]: mirror the shrimp in the mirror

[Unknown4]: i'm talking about the man

[Unknown5]: it's like that it's like that uh simpson's right or skinner says am i out of touch

[Unknown5]: no it is the children that are wrong

[Unknown4]: no no it's it's the children that are wrong that's so good

[Unknown6]: it's it's because the children

[Unknown6]: want to

[Unknown6]: watch

[Unknown6]: marvel movies and star wars movies and not completely realistic space dramas that

[Unknown6]: earl emerick provides so that's why

[Unknown4]: yeah they don't wanna

[Unknown7]: really

[Unknown4]: they don't want to watch art they want to watch

[Unknown6]: no

[Unknown4]: just just high cgi a action fests not like the

[Unknown6]: correct where not like where you take the you know like what was the last we

[Unknown6]: watched the eternals right where they had like a celestial coming outside of the

[Unknown4]: yes

[Unknown6]: earth that's stupid crashing the moon into the earth's completely realistic

[Unknown5]: yeah yeah

[Unknown4]: that's called art

[Unknown4]: that's called art

[Unknown6]: that's right right

[Unknown5]: he's uh he's basically saying that we don't wanna watch anything original anymore

[Unknown5]: i

[Unknown7]: oh yeah

[Unknown5]: would counter that with saying we don't wanna

[Unknown7]: hm

[Unknown5]: watch anything original that's shit anymore i think that that i agree with

[Unknown4]: i mean

[Unknown7]: mm hm

[Unknown4]: he has a point there is a lot less original films for sure

[Unknown5]: that is true

[Unknown4]: but but role and eric films are anything but original it's the same movie released

[Unknown4]: every couple years

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown7]: i'll yes and that if he says that we don't want to watch realistic space movies we

[Unknown7]: then cry me a rive mister erick because g sandra bullock's gravity movie uh opened

[Unknown7]: to no in box office total seven hundred twenty three point two million u s d bibb

[Unknown4]: that came out like what ten years ago

[Unknown5]: something

[Unknown7]: uh twenty

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown7]: thirteen twenty thirteen

[Unknown4]: jeez i'm i'm almost right jesus i was joking

[Unknown7]: alfonzo coron directed that

[Unknown4]: time

[Unknown5]: man this

[Unknown4]: she be

[Unknown6]: so just

[Unknown5]: it's

[Unknown6]: so i just i want

[Unknown5]: not about being original

[Unknown5]: right it's just about it

[Unknown6]: what is it about

[Unknown5]: the movie being shit

[Unknown7]: correct

[Unknown6]: well i mean that might have something to do with it i just wanted to scroll

[Unknown6]: through here because i was looking at what role ne been up to and checking out

[Unknown6]: what he's made just so we can give them him credit this is only what he's directed

[Unknown6]: cause he's written a lot of stuff too so he's directed midway

[Unknown4]: classic

[Unknown6]: which actually was not it was

[Unknown6]: not a

[Unknown7]: what's that

[Unknown6]: terrible movie

[Unknown5]: don't think i've watched it

[Unknown4]: to

[Unknown6]: and that is his it's actually fun it's like pearl harbor except not like stupid

[Unknown5]: okay okay

[Unknown7]: okay

[Unknown6]: in terms of the

[Unknown5]: okay

[Unknown6]: storytelling they just stick to the whole story the midway so not a bad movie the

[Unknown6]: day after tomorrow

[Unknown5]: oh all right

[Unknown6]: independence day both the original and resurgences

[Unknown4]: oh my god

[Unknown7]: a

[Unknown5]: okay

[Unknown7]: hm

[Unknown6]: uh white white house down

[Unknown4]: classic classic

[Unknown5]: why

[Unknown7]: lighthouse down

[Unknown5]: the the one with

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown5]: chain and tatum

[Unknown4]: channing tatum yeah

[Unknown5]: is that movie good

[Unknown6]: yeah yeah and jimmy foxx

[Unknown7]: oh white house down okay i think i said lighthouse

[Unknown4]: it's all right i saw it

[Unknown6]: yeah completely realistic movie

[Unknown7]: okay

[Unknown6]: um

[Unknown6]: the patriot godzilla

[Unknown6]: the day after tomorrow

[Unknown7]: bro

[Unknown6]: stark eight universal soldier

[Unknown4]: dare i say

[Unknown7]: hm

[Unknown4]: the patriot is his best movie

[Unknown5]: no you were

[Unknown6]: i mean

[Unknown5]: a soldier

[Unknown4]: universal soldiers cool

[Unknown4]: universal soldiers cool

[Unknown6]: yeah universal soldier

[Unknown7]: dare i say in which godzilla b matthew broderick godzilla then then there you go

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown4]: yes course

[Unknown6]: yes nineteen ninety eight obviously

[Unknown5]: of course that that

[Unknown4]: chick chicken arms

[Unknown5]: e raised all the good work he did with universal soldiers

[Unknown5]: that movie so cute

[Unknown5]: i think

[Unknown4]: i grew up on that movie so

[Unknown6]: he's got a

[Unknown5]: it was it was one of the first times if not the only one of the only times i

[Unknown5]: actually fell asleep in the movies like literally

[Unknown4]: was it all was it all the worm talk

[Unknown5]: i cut i cut class cause this was ninety eight right i was my first year of college

[Unknown5]: i could

[Unknown7]: he

[Unknown5]: class

[Unknown6]: w

[Unknown5]: to watch that movie and i fell asleep

[Unknown6]: rebel right here

[Unknown4]: i wasn't nine years old when that came out at all

[Unknown4]: i wasn't nine years old when that came out at all

[Unknown7]: and your education suffered

[Unknown7]: oh i watched that

[Unknown7]: movie van damn fan

[Unknown4]: i fuck loved it

[Unknown6]: cool i i hate that for you spencer um so anyways he's it's interesting because

[Unknown6]: he's not the first person that has blamed the box office return for their movies

[Unknown6]: on on marvel movies or basically marvel los we have our good friends

[Unknown6]: oh what the hell's his name

[Unknown5]: martin scsi read le scott as well yeah

[Unknown5]: martin scsi read le scott as well yeah

[Unknown7]: ridley's got him too

[Unknown6]: radley scott yeah and martin score

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown6]: yeah it's interesting to hear that generally all these people who are complaining

[Unknown6]: i i mean i'll give scores ay credit because generally his movies still sell and

[Unknown6]: really scott was mad that no one wanted to see his movie about

[Unknown7]: it

[Unknown6]: a woman being raped and then

[Unknown7]: hm

[Unknown6]: me fighting over her i don't know why no one wanted to watch that maybe it was

[Unknown5]: well i ridley scott you know has has done some invaluable contributions

[Unknown6]: boring

[Unknown4]: yeah it's

[Unknown5]: to the movie industries but his latest things were

[Unknown4]: it's funny when you see the three people complaining is ridley scott marts cs and

[Unknown4]: roland emerick one of these three is not like the other

[Unknown5]: that doesn't belong there

[Unknown7]: one of these things

[Unknown5]: just

[Unknown7]: just doesn't belong

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown4]: like i i i understand like like they're making like martin scis and ridley scott

[Unknown4]: they've made

[Unknown7]: hey

[Unknown4]: some like you said

[Unknown7]: they got the cloud

[Unknown4]: huge contributions they've got the cloud

[Unknown5]: eight

[Unknown4]: they can say like when they when they're making movies like yeah like you could

[Unknown4]: probably be more artistic and less like by the book producers you know what what

[Unknown4]: sells and all that stuff but roll never made

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown4]: has made popcorn bubble gum trash since the very first movie he's done he has no

[Unknown4]: claim

[Unknown6]: can

[Unknown4]: to this argument whatsoever

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown6]: well that's not true but he made a movie called stonewall which i'm just gonna

[Unknown6]: assume is about like new york city

[Unknown7]: stonewall jackson

[Unknown5]: or that maybe both at the same time

[Unknown6]: no

[Unknown4]: yes

[Unknown6]: well let's look let me look it up i shouldn't give him credit before

[Unknown5]: the

[Unknown6]: um

[Unknown5]: the

[Unknown7]: with soundtrack credits such as born on the ba

[Unknown5]: hey that's a good song

[Unknown5]: hey that's a good song

[Unknown4]: born on a

[Unknown6]: yeah so stonewall is about where pride began as the caption title

[Unknown7]: hey

[Unknown6]: covers it so

[Unknown4]: one

[Unknown6]: that is you know an actual movie

[Unknown4]: where pride began like what kind of pride

[Unknown6]: that might have some some emotional yeah

[Unknown5]: did you

[Unknown6]: like kate k prd

[Unknown5]: mind go her minded like the pride parade

[Unknown7]: you too prize i thought prat break

[Unknown4]: i went yeah i went to like gape ride

[Unknown6]: have you are you not f are you not familiar with stonewall

[Unknown5]: no

[Unknown7]: no

[Unknown4]: the movie the person

[Unknown7]: both

[Unknown4]: the the the event

[Unknown6]: well no the place so

[Unknown7]: the place ah

[Unknown6]: i'm gonna i'm gonna butcher this but really high level i think it was back in the

[Unknown6]: sixty seconds there was a

[Unknown6]: bar called the stone wallin and um a lot of people who were um gay uh would go

[Unknown6]: there and um eventually what happened is cops came in and

[Unknown6]: kind of caused a scene tried to arrest people and it became a situation where gay

[Unknown6]: people stood up for their rights and pushed back it was rather there's riots

[Unknown6]: around it basically and theres a

[Unknown6]: violent clash was police that started the gay liberation movement in new york city

[Unknown4]: hmm i never heard about this

[Unknown5]: that actually sounds like a like a good topic for a movie

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown5]: if if it was well done

[Unknown6]: well the film received generally negative

[Unknown5]: of course

[Unknown6]: reviews so maybe skip that movie

[Unknown4]: that sounds like a great aaron sorkin movie

[Unknown5]: yeah yeah good point yeah

[Unknown6]: wikipedia says that it made two hundred ninety two thousand dollars at the box

[Unknown6]: office

[Unknown4]: they know

[Unknown5]: a thousand

[Unknown6]: yeah i it's probably something that

[Unknown6]: didn't go to a lot of

[Unknown5]: fair

[Unknown6]: theaters ah it gets better

[Unknown6]: according to the review aggregator website wrong tomatoes it has a nine percent

[Unknown6]: rating

[Unknown5]: oh

[Unknown4]: okay so it's bad so again so

[Unknown5]: my god

[Unknown6]: one

[Unknown7]: oh

[Unknown5]: so like to me especially with martin scsi when he's like going heard our marvel

[Unknown5]: movies like that's just a old

[Unknown6]: y

[Unknown5]: man being old where he's like out of

[Unknown6]: yes

[Unknown5]: touch but he's not like

[Unknown4]: old man yelling at the clouds scenario

[Unknown5]: trying

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown5]: to b yeah but he's not trying to blame his own like failures on other people re

[Unknown5]: lis

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown5]: cod is kind of fifty fifty zero because he did you know alien is great and

[Unknown6]: he goes up and down right

[Unknown5]: all that stuff yeah

[Unknown4]: no

[Unknown5]: but rollin' g shifting blame here like i'm sorry

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown5]: like

[Unknown4]: like if you make a movie that's like you know ninety percentage fresh on rotten

[Unknown4]: tomatoes everybody says it's a really good movie but that it bombs then you

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown4]: can be like yeah like that's gotta be frustrating but when you make moon fall

[Unknown4]: looks

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown4]: like your box office is gonna fall

[Unknown4]: more b

[Unknown6]: yes

[Unknown6]: got him

[Unknown6]: i will sort of wrap this up with the idea that all these people to crying marshal

[Unknown6]: movies they they kind of have a point but generally if you want to make a good and

[Unknown6]: valid point don't do it on the heels of your movie crashing at the box office

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown7]: exactly

[Unknown4]: a hundred percent

[Unknown6]: because it's good you can't not tie it together and

[Unknown4]: what was the last sorry just to prove like i'm just curious because i do agree

[Unknown4]: with i actually agree with some of their points for sure like what was the last

[Unknown4]: big

[Unknown4]: original movie that that did really well

[Unknown7]: two

[Unknown6]: so like original original character's original story

[Unknown4]: yeah like original story

[Unknown5]: wintersteller maybe

[Unknown7]: but maybe by who

[Unknown4]: made by anyone

[Unknown7]: space

[Unknown7]: in space or

[Unknown6]: what is big what is big to you like i

[Unknown4]: just like a like a successful movie

[Unknown6]: want me rotten tomatoes score

[Unknown5]: like something that wasn't

[Unknown4]: no it's gotta be like made money

[Unknown5]: you know a franchise or based on a book or something that is that what you mean

[Unknown4]: like what are the top box office winners over the last like five years and

[Unknown7]: four

[Unknown4]: like are any of them original i know like the only person that like seems to be

[Unknown4]: able to bring in box office original movies is christopher nolan i know like he's

[Unknown4]: heavily relied upon to deliver

[Unknown6]: yeah it really depends on what you're classifying as top movies right like

[Unknown4]: well the argument is

[Unknown6]: i'm

[Unknown4]: is it that they don't make money so it wouldn't be based on like reviews it would

[Unknown4]: be based on like financial success

[Unknown7]: the money

[Unknown6]: right yeah because i'm looking here in the top movies by rating last year in ron

[Unknown6]: tomatoes are all a lot of them are either

[Unknown4]: back again

[Unknown6]: spiderman which made a ton of money

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown6]: or no mad land which i don't know anybody who actually watched it right

[Unknown4]: i did and i hated it

[Unknown4]: hated it

[Unknown6]: cool so there you go west side story got remade again so that's not a new story

[Unknown4]: mm hm

[Unknown7]: i'll watch that

[Unknown4]: that got very good reviews

[Unknown7]: it was all right

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown7]: when i watched it

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown7]: i pref i preferred um some other ones but anyways

[Unknown5]: so i'm looking

[Unknown4]: just curious i was just curious

[Unknown7]: yep

[Unknown5]: furious seven made one point

[Unknown5]: five

[Unknown7]: okay

[Unknown5]: billion dollars lifetime that's true

[Unknown5]: billion dollars lifetime that's true

[Unknown4]: again that's a franchise again though

[Unknown7]: titan if we talk all time titanic was number seven

[Unknown5]: eight

[Unknown4]: yeah but that was so long ago

[Unknown7]: six hundred and fifty

[Unknown7]: nine

[Unknown5]: yeah but titanic was ninety seven yeah yeah

[Unknown6]: now here here you go spencer

[Unknown7]: want recent you won recent okay okay

[Unknown6]: twenty twenty one the top grossing movie as of now or sorry at the end of twenty

[Unknown6]: twenty one that wasn't from a franchise

[Unknown4]: june

[Unknown6]: is free guy

[Unknown5]: oh okay

[Unknown4]: okay

[Unknown7]: oh

[Unknown4]: free gatherers and original ish

[Unknown6]: he got a hundred and twenty one million

[Unknown6]: i assume this might be it's domestic so it's just in the us

[Unknown5]: to be

[Unknown4]: so i

[Unknown5]: fair free guy is just like reference machine right so

[Unknown4]: references to all those movies so true

[Unknown6]: but like so if you if you go down this list i'll just go down the list and we'll

[Unknown6]: stop when you hear when it's new okay so we have spiderman no way home

[Unknown6]: chi in

[Unknown7]: and

[Unknown6]: the religion of the ten rings venom leer b carnage black widow f nine the fast

[Unknown6]: saga eternals no time to die a quiet place too ghostbusters afterlife free guy

[Unknown5]: okay wait wait wait a quiet place is a franchise because it's the second movie

[Unknown6]: jungle cruise

[Unknown4]: yeah it's original though

[Unknown5]: but it's a completely new story so i guess

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown5]: that counts

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown6]: yeah but

[Unknown6]: yeah but

[Unknown6]: it doesn't because it's now a sql you have the establishment of people liking the

[Unknown6]: first one

[Unknown4]: so i feel like we're proving ro role in eric's point here and

[Unknown5]: yeah but that's not a justification for his movie sucking

[Unknown4]: i take back everything i said moon

[Unknown6]: if

[Unknown4]: moon falls amazing

[Unknown7]: no no no

[Unknown6]: if you wanna get if you wanna get to a movie that has no ties to

[Unknown4]: yes

[Unknown6]: anything it's in canto and kanto was fifteen and it earned about ninety million

[Unknown4]: hm

[Unknown6]: domestically

[Unknown7]: indeed that was very good

[Unknown4]: but but it's a

[Unknown6]: that's it because after that like i skipped doom because doon is not original

[Unknown6]: property

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown6]: halloween kills i mean how many fu halloween

[Unknown4]: but then you eat

[Unknown6]: movies are there godzilla versus kong like jungle crews they're all things

[Unknown4]: even even in canto is like tied to pixar which is like a franchise

[Unknown7]: dude no we're talking

[Unknown6]: now you're just

[Unknown7]: we're talking story

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown7]: original story

[Unknown6]: yeah now you're just making your rules up

[Unknown4]: bless you

[Unknown7]: set

[Unknown6]: i'm sorry a company who has a history of making good movies made

[Unknown7]: you you

[Unknown6]: another good movie but it doesn't count you don't you don't want good movies okay

[Unknown6]: another good movie but it doesn't count you don't you don't want good movies okay

[Unknown4]: that doesn't count no no oh the movie's good that doesn't count

[Unknown6]: yeah that's that that's it that's a good anyway

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown6]: i think we've been talking about roll nes idiocy for way too long

[Unknown4]: way too long

[Unknown5]: i i i

[Unknown7]: fuck you roland

[Unknown5]: was looking just one last

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown5]: comment i was looking at the top lifetime gross gross in in box office and like

[Unknown5]: comment i was looking at the top lifetime gross gross in in box office and like

[Unknown5]: the first fifty there's maybe one original

[Unknown5]: the first fifty there's maybe one original

[Unknown4]: avatar is original even

[Unknown5]: i know

[Unknown4]: though it's pogs

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown5]: yeah it's kind of a

[Unknown6]: what

[Unknown5]: regional it's almost three

[Unknown7]: but

[Unknown5]: billion dollars but you know

[Unknown7]: they're

[Unknown6]: chris

[Unknown7]: making more avatars spencer

[Unknown4]: yeah i

[Unknown5]: kinda

[Unknown4]: know but the first

[Unknown6]: but yeah but the first one

[Unknown4]: one the first

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown4]: one's original

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown4]: are they making more avatars too i don't know if i believe that

[Unknown7]: the same could be said i don't care if they make

[Unknown6]: they're done they're in pro post production whatever that means

[Unknown4]: i think it's a gigantic money laundering scheme

[Unknown5]: yeah they've been yeah yeah

[Unknown4]: putting billions of dollars into this movie

[Unknown5]: it's like zags poos lops and manos but for james

[Unknown6]: let's

[Unknown5]: cameron

[Unknown7]: uh

[Unknown4]: yeah exactly

[Unknown6]: let's see here i have a

[Unknown7]: they are not the same okay

[Unknown4]: no i'm not paying taxes because i put five billion into the next avatar

[Unknown7]: try to get that nest egg

[Unknown6]: hey guy varto is coming up this

[Unknown6]: year

[Unknown4]: no it's not

[Unknown7]: no

[Unknown6]: just

[Unknown5]: the boy

[Unknown4]: no way

[Unknown6]: december sixteenth twenty twenty two

[Unknown4]: i will make a

[Unknown7]: uh

[Unknown4]: prediction

[Unknown5]: oh i

[Unknown7]: do it

[Unknown5]: get be

[Unknown4]: that that

[Unknown5]: another fifty thousand dollars

[Unknown4]: is false

[Unknown4]: i

[Unknown6]: i want ten thousand dollars if it's true

[Unknown6]: i want ten thousand dollars if it's true

[Unknown4]: make it twenty

[Unknown7]: six

[Unknown6]: okay

[Unknown6]: all right we we on the next story here

[Unknown6]: do you guys like the street fighter

[Unknown7]: hell yeah

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown4]: the game the movie the what

[Unknown7]: all of it

[Unknown5]: no

[Unknown6]: no not the movies

[Unknown4]: that was pretty good

[Unknown5]: not not the movie not the movie

[Unknown7]: yo

[Unknown6]: both

[Unknown7]: it's we had at the time don't don't don't don't shit on our past selves

[Unknown5]: no no no crit chris don't don't st

[Unknown6]: chris chris you're you're forgetting about the you're forgetting about the chung

[Unknown6]: chung le movie they made with the

[Unknown7]: that was with

[Unknown7]: kristen crook

[Unknown6]: what's her face

[Unknown7]: kristian

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown5]: craig yeah craig yeah

[Unknown7]: crook from smallville that was

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown7]: terrible i didn't even watch it but

[Unknown5]: i

[Unknown7]: i'm talking about back then

[Unknown6]: good

[Unknown7]: like in that time period when that movie dropped that's all we had at the time

[Unknown5]: no we had the

[Unknown6]: that

[Unknown5]: mortal combat movie that was at least a little bit more fun

[Unknown7]: but i'm talking

[Unknown6]: that

[Unknown7]: chronologically i'm just

[Unknown6]: chris

[Unknown7]: i'm thinking about it nostalgically

[Unknown6]: that movie killed raoul julia

[Unknown4]: well

[Unknown4]: wow

[Unknown5]: yeah i will leave it

[Unknown6]: for for

[Unknown4]: dear god

[Unknown6]: vira so

[Unknown7]: rip route

[Unknown7]: rip route

[Unknown6]: our friends that

[Unknown5]: wait okay

[Unknown5]: i'll say this i'll say one good thing about this movie one of the best record

[Unknown6]: are are for yeah

[Unknown5]: lines

[Unknown7]: i

[Unknown5]: ever

[Unknown4]: yes we've brought it up before i think

[Unknown5]: comes from the movie when i say yeah

[Unknown6]: and then

[Unknown5]: for for you it must be it must have been a life changing event but for bison it

[Unknown5]: was tuesday like

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown5]: there's

[Unknown7]: everyone

[Unknown5]: like that's that's the

[Unknown4]: it is good

[Unknown5]: best thing ever from the from that movie

[Unknown7]: i think

[Unknown6]: i speak

[Unknown7]: minna wn was chung lee

[Unknown5]: yes

[Unknown7]: in that

[Unknown6]: speaking of speaking of tuesdays

[Unknown7]: hmm

[Unknown6]: i'm going segway hard out of this because you we

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown6]: haven't actually talked about the news article

[Unknown7]: eight

[Unknown6]: capcom is making

[Unknown6]: street fighters six

[Unknown7]: don't tell a turn

[Unknown6]: they announced they announced uh they brought out a trailer and they announced

[Unknown6]: graphics for the new game

[Unknown4]: how's

[Unknown6]: unfortunately they uh i believe they purchas the graphics from adobe for nominal

[Unknown6]: fee um i just changed the

[Unknown6]: font slightly and the

[Unknown7]: you mean the title card yeah the title card

[Unknown6]: title card yeah the logo it looks like you could anybody could have made that in

[Unknown5]: well the logo yeah

[Unknown6]: ten minutes and this

[Unknown5]: remember that ass that everybody used to draw in the

[Unknown5]: ninety seconds it's basically that yeah

[Unknown4]: yeah yeah yeah

[Unknown6]: yeah that's the one they stole that so it's now it's now

[Unknown4]: shit

[Unknown6]: theirs and they put an f a six on it so so that's happening and listen the other

[Unknown6]: thing they did um you guys like you guys have a favorite do you like ken or r you

[Unknown6]: like does one one year guy over the other

[Unknown4]: i just

[Unknown4]: go

[Unknown5]: yeah ryo ryo for sure

[Unknown7]: ry would be my guy

[Unknown4]: with the one with the biggest penis

[Unknown6]: well good

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown6]: news spencer uh it's clearly ryu based on the trailer

[Unknown4]: oh oh really

[Unknown6]: his his dick penis says the article titles it um

[Unknown7]: deck penis

[Unknown6]: it is very prominent the queens

[Unknown5]: his dick penis outline

[Unknown6]: i think it's the white you know cause he wears the the white pants he ditched the

[Unknown6]: shirt um but he wears white pants and so the shading on it is just

[Unknown4]: fact

[Unknown4]: if i had

[Unknown6]: chef's kiss

[Unknown5]: it

[Unknown4]: a

[Unknown7]: i was

[Unknown4]: dick like that i wouldn't wear pants

[Unknown5]: it also it's also a shot quote unquote shot from literally like up from from the

[Unknown5]: ground up so you get

[Unknown4]: to yeah

[Unknown5]: a face full of dick in

[Unknown7]: i have to admit

[Unknown6]: yep

[Unknown7]: i wasn't looking for that but now i have to say i've got a i've got to bring that

[Unknown7]: speed down i don't i never i didn't catch this okay so this is real time i don't

[Unknown7]: know what i'm gonna expect

[Unknown4]: it's like it's like it's like an

[Unknown7]: so far no lower area this is back

[Unknown7]: i didn't get it

[Unknown6]: yep

[Unknown7]: it's not there and i don't see it i don't see it

[Unknown4]: oh

[Unknown6]: an uptick shot

[Unknown4]: you'll see it you'll see it once

[Unknown7]: i know

[Unknown4]: you see it yeah there it is

[Unknown6]: just keep watching there it is

[Unknown7]: oh no

[Unknown6]: real time

[Unknown7]: no i was i was a non believer

[Unknown7]: no i was i was a non believer

[Unknown6]: real time so um

[Unknown7]: oh my god

[Unknown4]: it's it's like a baby elephant holding an apple

[Unknown4]: it's it's like a baby elephant holding an apple

[Unknown6]: i'm

[Unknown7]: what

[Unknown6]: curious do you think that ken has the the biggest dick in the street fried or

[Unknown6]: universe or or to someone else's that's going to

[Unknown6]: blow our minds given the next trailers they have to like blanco i think blanca

[Unknown4]: i feel like i feel like

[Unknown6]: could have a massive one i don't know

[Unknown4]: blanca's definitely got a monster dogg i feel like bike ands rock in a bic in

[Unknown4]: between his legs

[Unknown7]: i think ehn does packing

[Unknown5]: really

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown7]: i honda's got that horse dance for a reason

[Unknown7]: okay

[Unknown5]: it's the it's for tucking it's for tucking that's why

[Unknown7]: okay it's he k it's were tucking and aeration okay

[Unknown4]: i i feel like they've been like listen you've been agglin our girls for fucking

[Unknown4]: five games time to switch it up baby

[Unknown7]: that's right twenty

[Unknown6]: it's representation

[Unknown7]: twenty to get that man meat objectification popping and throbbing

[Unknown6]: yeah i love it let's get there

[Unknown4]: it's like they have comically large boobs in every game and they're popping out

[Unknown4]: and he's like you know what let's throw a bulge in there for the ladies

[Unknown5]: you think

[Unknown7]: correct

[Unknown5]: you think they're gonna add like flapping sounds when he runs

[Unknown7]: i hope so

[Unknown4]: if not if not it's a missed opportunity

[Unknown4]: if not if not it's a missed opportunity

[Unknown7]: harry perry perry

[Unknown5]: yeah yeah basically

[Unknown5]: know when he

[Unknown7]: ter

[Unknown6]: i'm i'm

[Unknown5]: when when you when they lose it go oh o and then they fall down the ground

[Unknown5]: when when you when they lose it go oh o and then they fall down the ground

[Unknown6]: i

[Unknown4]: when he's walking there is that where you i can hear him

[Unknown5]: all right

[Unknown7]: so

[Unknown5]: is coming ryan is coming

[Unknown6]: do you think do you think

[Unknown7]: that's gotta be right

[Unknown6]: do you think that debt or alive is gonna try to do them

[Unknown5]: like

[Unknown7]: good luck

[Unknown5]: quite he just have some some mayo character just like helicopter

[Unknown4]: naked

[Unknown6]: he he's just the penis

[Unknown5]: he's just not oh

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown5]: okay okay okay

[Unknown4]: definitely the most popular character

[Unknown5]: yeah i

[Unknown5]: thought i thought

[Unknown7]: his neck and his

[Unknown6]: just

[Unknown5]: i thought you just gonna put like someone's like victory

[Unknown4]: dance

[Unknown7]: po

[Unknown5]: celebration would just just be someone like helicopter basically

[Unknown5]: celebration would just just be someone like helicopter basically

[Unknown5]: celebration would just just be someone like helicopter basically

[Unknown6]: maybe just just a penis

[Unknown4]: e

[Unknown6]: bouncing around like a set of boobs because why why change the the thing right

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown5]: yeah fair

[Unknown4]: eat your eat your heart out fortnight this is the new dance emote

[Unknown5]: yeah the yeah

[Unknown6]: so so that's happening anybody excited about tree five six

[Unknown4]: so i think

[Unknown4]: needless to say we're all very excited by

[Unknown7]: i'm curious

[Unknown4]: curious

[Unknown5]: it

[Unknown4]: because

[Unknown6]: oh wow

[Unknown7]: o

[Unknown5]: i mean after

[Unknown4]: because now i am

[Unknown5]: looking at that image

[Unknown5]: looking at that image

[Unknown6]: good for ken

[Unknown5]: i

[Unknown4]: good

[Unknown5]: haven't played five yet

[Unknown5]: i bought it i bought it but i haven't played five yet so i guess i'm kind of

[Unknown6]: or ryo i should say

[Unknown5]: excited for

[Unknown5]: when i played in ten years

[Unknown7]: i've always liked it

[Unknown6]: it seems like you're not if you didn't play the

[Unknown6]: one you bought at five that seems

[Unknown4]: is it the same game every year

[Unknown5]: they

[Unknown6]: that's no

[Unknown7]: roughly but not really

[Unknown5]: changed things around a little bit yeah

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown4]: two

[Unknown6]: listen if you buy if you buy if you're like me and buy n nhl hockey every year

[Unknown6]: then then

[Unknown4]: oh so like a soccer

[Unknown6]: it's it's it's it's a very different game

[Unknown5]: yeah yeah basically

[Unknown4]: a

[Unknown4]: sucker with expendable income

[Unknown6]: in comparison to that

[Unknown6]: yes hi hi

[Unknown4]: because that that's all ni fans

[Unknown6]: how you doing um

[Unknown7]: good

[Unknown6]: it's it they don't release a game every year last

[Unknown7]: no

[Unknown6]: time they there were street f five had a lot of problems with

[Unknown6]: dripping out content they were trying to charge for things and they did they did

[Unknown6]: it as poorly as possible

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown6]: so now they're trying to get ahead of that by just having a bad logo and showing

[Unknown6]: everybody some dick so they can talk about that instead of the game

[Unknown4]: smart move

[Unknown7]: um

[Unknown6]: i think yeah

[Unknown5]: maybe they'll send maybe will sell like a like a jock cup for for rayo as like a

[Unknown5]: micro transaction

[Unknown6]: i think i think that is the jock

[Unknown7]: getting the game strap up

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown4]: yeah if they

[Unknown7]: i could do it too

[Unknown4]: i i hope they sell they sell like different dick skins as like micro transactions

[Unknown5]: okay yeah

[Unknown4]: now we're talking

[Unknown6]: um just for the record if he was wearing a jock you wouldn't be able to see his

[Unknown6]: dick but now they're here or there

[Unknown5]: yeah ah you don't know how big his dick actually is

[Unknown4]: it just goes beyond the jack

[Unknown4]: it just goes beyond the jack

[Unknown6]: well it would be really painful

[Unknown5]: it might it might be spilling off of the jug

[Unknown4]: it cannot

[Unknown6]: well i don't

[Unknown4]: be contained by a jock

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown6]: i don't i don't need to tell people how jocks work too much but all i can tell you

[Unknown6]: is you're supposed to be inside of it not like

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown6]: flattened and

[Unknown4]: oh

[Unknown6]: squeezing out

[Unknown5]: listen listen

[Unknown5]: don't tell ryo how to wear a jock but if he

[Unknown4]: that's how it works yeah

[Unknown5]: wants to

[Unknown6]: he's clearly not wearing one

[Unknown7]: how much

[Unknown5]: wear his on his head

[Unknown4]: he's clearly not wearing one

[Unknown5]: just leave him alone leave him alone

[Unknown7]: how my my question but my question is if ry was not wearing a jock how much ch and

[Unknown7]: energy control does he have to direct into his groin to stop from feeling hurt

[Unknown7]: during know during combat like

[Unknown6]: chris what why why would he do that he's clearly a rowing combat at all times the

[Unknown5]: yeah it's an extra limb to block with it's an extra limb to block with

[Unknown6]: more the more pain he feels

[Unknown7]: i see

[Unknown6]: the hotter it gets

[Unknown7]: i see it's the it's the hulk mechanic i see

[Unknown6]: mm hmm

[Unknown7]: the hulk dick mechanic

[Unknown5]: okay

[Unknown6]: yeah yeah

[Unknown6]: yeah yeah

[Unknown7]: okay i understand so much better now

[Unknown5]: can we move on to this fucking topic ahead

[Unknown4]: hulk hulks got a big dog for sure

[Unknown5]: oh yeah

[Unknown6]: great segue thank

[Unknown4]: no problem

[Unknown6]: you spencer

[Unknown7]: and

[Unknown6]: so our good friends at the company for formerly known as

[Unknown6]: facebook have a new name for all their their employee buds

[Unknown7]: formally

[Unknown7]: really

[Unknown5]: the

[Unknown5]: drone is a drones

[Unknown6]: yeah yeah yeah so

[Unknown7]: is it attines

[Unknown6]: no no no

[Unknown5]: had t a t

[Unknown6]: no no it's

[Unknown4]: slaves

[Unknown6]: it's very it's very well it's close it's very humanizing

[Unknown5]: oh

[Unknown7]: oh yeah

[Unknown7]: oh yeah

[Unknown6]: it's meta mates

[Unknown5]: i oh like

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown5]: postmates like postmates

[Unknown7]: uh like like a dating site inside the company as in like

[Unknown5]: oh god i hadn't thought of that that's true it sounds like that

[Unknown4]: that way that way

[Unknown6]: like

[Unknown4]: when they say we had to murder

[Unknown5]: find your true love in the place of your of your employment

[Unknown4]: so

[Unknown7]: yes

[Unknown4]: that way that when they they say they have to murder one of their employees for

[Unknown4]: leaking they can they don't they just say we had to murder a met mate it sounds

[Unknown4]: you know

[Unknown5]: ah

[Unknown4]: it's easier

[Unknown7]: it's easy easy to swipe under the rug

[Unknown7]: it's easy easy to swipe under the rug

[Unknown5]: less it's less gruesome yeah okay

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown6]: two

[Unknown4]: you know not

[Unknown6]: first

[Unknown4]: not these people died these met mates died everyone's like that's fine

[Unknown5]: me met

[Unknown7]: mhm

[Unknown5]: mates were you know let go

[Unknown5]: into the kingdom of heaven

[Unknown7]: it was just some documentation we were just y

[Unknown6]: they they they left the metaverse permanently

[Unknown4]: yeah exactly the

[Unknown5]: well

[Unknown4]: the metates love the the the in real life metaphors oh that's fine

[Unknown7]: i get it wow

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown4]: yeah um

[Unknown4]: yeah um

[Unknown4]: sad

[Unknown7]: wow

[Unknown4]: facebook is just

[Unknown4]: up every time they like all they have to be is a social media platform and they

[Unknown4]: just find a way make it so weird

[Unknown7]: my favorite part though is that you still call it facebook and that's really like

[Unknown7]: no one's gonna adopt this shit like like

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown7]: the like no you're like no you're not gonna pull a wool over our eyes facebook

[Unknown4]: yes

[Unknown7]: whether what if that if even that is your real name

[Unknown5]: and yeah

[Unknown7]: metta

[Unknown4]: it's like it's like somebody told me to call clean like fucking

[Unknown4]: it's like it's like somebody told me to call clean like fucking

[Unknown4]: wip faces i'd be like they're gonna be called clinic

[Unknown5]: they're clean eggs yeah

[Unknown7]: yeah yeah yeah whatever clean x

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown7]: sit know your role shut your mouth

[Unknown5]: exact that's exactly that it's like a shut up shut

[Unknown4]: did

[Unknown5]: up facebook you're still facebook fu you

[Unknown4]: be beat you know that me where it's just like why can't you just be normal it's

[Unknown4]: like that's what facebook reminds me of

[Unknown6]: special let me put this in terms you're going to

[Unknown4]: alright let me hear it

[Unknown6]: okay so you're familiar with the dynamic between lore and data and

[Unknown4]: yes i am very aware

[Unknown6]: generations correct

[Unknown7]: ah

[Unknown6]: so like data has no emotions but he also isn't a monster and lor has emotions but

[Unknown6]: is a

[Unknown4]: yes

[Unknown6]: monster essentially so imagine that you took the emotions out of lore and let him

[Unknown6]: run a social media company

[Unknown4]: ah

[Unknown5]: i don't think you have to imagine

[Unknown4]: oh no

[Unknown5]: there's plenty of videos of mark zuckerberg

[Unknown4]: oh no oh no

[Unknown6]: that's fair yeah

[Unknown7]: the processing i

[Unknown4]: you know

[Unknown7]: watched that unfold we've got we've got s got cameras on each other and i saw that

[Unknown7]: process oh my god

[Unknown4]: you know that conspiracy theory that everyone is like there's actually like

[Unknown4]: lizards running the world

[Unknown7]: hey

[Unknown4]: i thought that was the most like the dumbest thing ever until i saw mark

[Unknown4]: zuckerberg being interviewed at

[Unknown4]: congress

[Unknown5]: yes

[Unknown6]: i don't think that's i don't think that's fair to lizards sir

[Unknown5]: yeah i i agree i agree

[Unknown4]: yeah just like i've never seen someone look less human than mark ecker were trying

[Unknown5]: yeah no i like that that video of like that snippet of the video of his uh senate

[Unknown4]: to talk

[Unknown5]: hearing

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown5]: where he's like drinking water it's like someone whispered in his ear uh you have

[Unknown5]: to drink water now sir and he goes oh ah okay drink the water

[Unknown4]: it's like

[Unknown5]: it's like what the what's happening it's so creepy

[Unknown4]: it's like when arnold schwarzenegger tries to smile and terminate too and he's

[Unknown4]: like in his face is all like contorted like you can't

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown4]: do it it's exactly what it feels like

[Unknown7]: yoo wasn't there uh i heard there was there was someone tried to capture like a

[Unknown7]: funny meme about about this metates thing luciano did you did you catch wind of

[Unknown7]: that like the takes on different company names that also tried to parody this one

[Unknown5]: i i saw it was a twe someone someone tweeted

[Unknown7]: what was that

[Unknown7]: oh my god

[Unknown5]: i like much better names than madam mates really

[Unknown7]: oh yeah

[Unknown5]: yeah my favorite one

[Unknown5]: my favorite

[Unknown7]: hm

[Unknown5]: one is well for those of us here who work with you know gira

[Unknown7]: hu

[Unknown5]: i was just gonna leave it as an inside joke and move on but it's under estimates

[Unknown5]: which is very appropriate

[Unknown4]: what the fuck are you guys talking about

[Unknown7]: your that lucio just sent me the link i see it now so facebook employees are now

[Unknown7]: meta mates can't wait for linkedin inmates

[Unknown5]: we're back

[Unknown7]: amazon primates tinder intimates

[Unknown5]: hey

[Unknown4]: that's not bad

[Unknown7]: postmates post mate mates

[Unknown5]: yeah uh someone went on with ibm stale mates

[Unknown5]: pixar pixar animate and

[Unknown5]: pixar pixar animate and

[Unknown7]: coin base good gogo

[Unknown7]: coin base coin bays

[Unknown5]: and my favorite alibaba illegitimate

[Unknown6]: i hate it

[Unknown4]: i hate all of this i hate everything that's happening right now

[Unknown4]: and

[Unknown6]: we're gonna use that as a very strong

[Unknown6]: sega into

[Unknown4]: yeah i wanna move on

[Unknown7]: k

[Unknown6]: our next topic yeah

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown6]: so

[Unknown6]: are you guys do you guys know stadia still existed

[Unknown5]: is

[Unknown7]: still yeah

[Unknown5]: that is that the pro

[Unknown6]: well

[Unknown5]: the plural of stadium

[Unknown6]: no no google stadio that

[Unknown5]: ah okay

[Unknown6]: thing where they're gonna make you play video games

[Unknown7]: okay make mi you play yeah yeah

[Unknown5]: with like five seconds leg for everything

[Unknown6]: yeah yeah yeah w with a gun pointed to your head so

[Unknown7]: that's unfortunate done undone

[Unknown6]: um they've had a a story history um and i'm going to just make up some stuff here

[Unknown6]: that's true but i don't remember all the names involved but they had a a person

[Unknown4]: wait you're gonna make up stuff that's true what

[Unknown4]: seems

[Unknown6]: yep that's how it works

[Unknown4]: counter seems you're gop you're just omnipotent you're just gonna make

[Unknown7]: how's that work okay okay

[Unknown6]: don't worry about it that's it that's how roll and eric makes his

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown6]: movies why can't i do it

[Unknown7]: i trust you

[Unknown6]: so thank you so this is it's factually true i just don't remember the particulars

[Unknown6]: but there's one of the directors of the company who was running stadia was very

[Unknown6]: outspoken and got himself with some hot water around sort of the women gaming

[Unknown4]: oh my god these fucking guys why these gaming company

[Unknown6]: topics and they fired him

[Unknown6]: right

[Unknown4]: owners just leave women alone

[Unknown6]: so and google has been a very downward trajectory with stadio then uh so much so

[Unknown6]: now they are

[Unknown6]: really just going to take the technology out of it and start partnering with

[Unknown6]: people instead of bothering to try to make it a game playing platform

[Unknown4]: what do you

[Unknown6]: they've already had

[Unknown6]: some some companies join on peloton which can't be great given how they're doing

[Unknown6]: currently

[Unknown5]: talk about

[Unknown5]: crushing and burning

[Unknown6]: signed up

[Unknown4]: are they doing bad

[Unknown6]: right

[Unknown4]: peloton i didn't hear about it

[Unknown5]: oh oh

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown6]: yeah oh yeah yeah bro they sold all the bikes

[Unknown4]: what happened

[Unknown5]: they fired like three

[Unknown7]: one

[Unknown5]: thousand people and yeah this was bad

[Unknown6]: yep

[Unknown4]: is it

[Unknown6]: all the bikes have been sold no more bikes nobody wants a bike so game over

[Unknown4]: i have a bike and only c

[Unknown7]: wow but they crashed and burned for what do we know the reason why they crashed

[Unknown6]: um pelton i'm just guessing but basically what their forecasts were for sales

[Unknown6]: going into like after the

[Unknown6]: pandemic

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown6]: crashed because of various reasons but i think it's because they predicted mass

[Unknown6]: crashed because of various reasons but i think it's because they predicted mass

[Unknown5]: makes

[Unknown4]: oh cause nobody's home

[Unknown6]: sales even though everybody who wants a bike probably has one at this point

[Unknown6]: sales even though everybody who wants a bike probably has one at this point

[Unknown5]: two

[Unknown7]: hey

[Unknown4]: yeah i regret buying one for how expensive it is

[Unknown5]: did you buy one

[Unknown6]: so

[Unknown4]: i did well

[Unknown5]: oh you might get you might get stadio on your bike now

[Unknown4]: oh swedes i can play

[Unknown6]: look at that

[Unknown4]: insert game they make here

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown6]: yep

[Unknown7]: not too bad

[Unknown6]: that's a good point spencer because no one like let stadia have games on their

[Unknown6]: system because everybody expected sadia to license them from them

[Unknown6]: and

[Unknown4]: oh

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown6]: stadiums just like no that's fine you can play world war crowd you can play

[Unknown6]: overwatch you can play destin and you can do whatever you want and they're like if

[Unknown6]: you pay us sure so that went really bad

[Unknown4]: i actually

[Unknown7]: yes

[Unknown4]: wouldn't mind if they incorporated i've said this forever i wish they incorporated

[Unknown4]: gaming into exercise like and that would be really cool if it actually was a game

[Unknown4]: where like the more you bike

[Unknown5]: but

[Unknown4]: do you like have to get away from somebody like you ch like being chased and

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown4]: the like i i actually had an idea a long time ago having like an arcade gym where

[Unknown4]: you go there and all the games are like that like we're

[Unknown7]: and

[Unknown4]: like it's physical

[Unknown5]: or you can go to like twenty two twelve by a wii and have the weft

[Unknown4]: yeah well that's why i was so successful

[Unknown7]: mm hm

[Unknown6]: so other things they're

[Unknown5]: that

[Unknown6]: gonna do when they pivot out of it um

[Unknown6]: they are looking to move into a

[Unknown6]: partnership with at amp t

[Unknown6]: they actually were working with at amp t last october to let people stream batman

[Unknown6]: arch knights on i guess their phones i don't know what at he's all into anymore

[Unknown6]: keeps changing um

[Unknown6]: but you know like i think stadia biggest problem is the thing they're going to do

[Unknown6]: microsoft did and microsoft has access to all the games right

[Unknown5]: wow the whole

[Unknown6]: so i don't know who's gonna leverage it

[Unknown5]: the whole idea behind stadio was that you didn't have to have a gaming machine to

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown5]: play the stuff right you would

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown5]: just stream it the problem is i don't know if you guys saw any of the like any

[Unknown5]: like twitch streamers trying to use it when he came out

[Unknown7]: no

[Unknown5]: and he was

[Unknown5]: like it ridiculous to the point of being funny but trying to play anything like

[Unknown5]: you press space to jump and literally like you can count one two three ten jumps

[Unknown5]: okay it's all like that

[Unknown7]: ouch

[Unknown5]: even with like top notch internet and top notch machines even it was just useless

[Unknown5]: right so i know like i don't know what they're they think that they're gonna do

[Unknown5]: with like matt said microsoft basically doing the subscription model thing

[Unknown5]: and then their only advantage which is not having to have a powerful machine not

[Unknown5]: being there at all cause streaming is sh

[Unknown6]: that isn't the only advantage because microsoft has x cloud which does that

[Unknown6]: already

[Unknown5]: oh there you go that's true i forgot about that yeah

[Unknown6]: so so if you pay

[Unknown5]: them

[Unknown6]: for your your subscription with

[Unknown5]: them

[Unknown6]: microsoft you can have a shitty console or whatever and ex thought will do that

[Unknown6]: work for you on many games so

[Unknown5]: a shitty console like xbox a

[Unknown6]: wow

[Unknown4]: oh

[Unknown6]: sony fan boy

[Unknown6]: anyhoo so i mean stadi is no longer a thing that's nice we don't have to worry

[Unknown6]: about it anymore

[Unknown4]: who

[Unknown7]: sadly but yes

[Unknown6]: unless you have a palatine

[Unknown4]: makes that who makes that new

[Unknown5]: yes yeah

[Unknown4]: of yeah i do that

[Unknown4]: what's that new thing that came out like a steam deck or something is

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown4]: that separate

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown6]: hey hey who's running the show here

[Unknown4]: oh

[Unknown4]: sorry i didn't know if that was connected to st stadium

[Unknown7]: and who played the show

[Unknown7]: you know it's connected

[Unknown6]: no

[Unknown7]: you know it's connected have a coordinated plan that's what's connected

[Unknown6]: well

[Unknown7]: as

[Unknown5]: oh

[Unknown7]: you as you were host mat

[Unknown4]: apologies apologies

[Unknown5]: jesus the chris fucking washing like dirty laundry

[Unknown6]: so anyways i have to segue now into the next story because spencer forced me to

[Unknown4]: sorry

[Unknown6]: so segue are you guys familiar with the steam deck

[Unknown4]: i am not

[Unknown7]: why yes

[Unknown4]: tell

[Unknown5]: clearly

[Unknown4]: me about itt

[Unknown6]: so steam ducks have started arriving in

[Unknown7]: and

[Unknown6]: youtubers or reviewers

[Unknown7]: h

[Unknown6]: hands and steam deck is the portable console that steam surprise right

[Unknown7]: y

[Unknown6]: has been developing and look to be selling in in this year

[Unknown7]: yep

[Unknown6]: and so far people are really enjoying it we were able to play a lot of games so

[Unknown6]: steam is going through the effort of making sure that the games you own in your

[Unknown6]: steam library already operate on the handheld

[Unknown5]: oh just like nintendo does right

[Unknown6]: and most people are enjoying it

[Unknown6]: so steam

[Unknown6]: has been really making a point to to sort of get into that same space and i think

[Unknown6]: what people are really enjoying is that you can take all these games you bought on

[Unknown6]: a steam sale and never played before portable with you the only detractor i've

[Unknown6]: really heard about is that

[Unknown6]: it is a bit of a battery hawk in terms of how long can play i think i've seen

[Unknown6]: quotes somewhere in the two to three hours range of constant play

[Unknown5]: three to eight yeah

[Unknown6]: which is not bad when you think about it yeah

[Unknown7]: good

[Unknown6]: and i think part of the challenge with three d is like it really depends on what

[Unknown6]: game you're playing you know all all the stuff that goes into it so it's hard to

[Unknown6]: predict but otherwise everyone's really really enjoyed it

[Unknown4]: do you guys do do you guys uh use steam

[Unknown4]: for

[Unknown5]: yes

[Unknown7]: i'm thinking about it

[Unknown4]: i've never used it and i don't really understand it

[Unknown6]: if you let's be oh you're a monster

[Unknown5]: it's like what what is what is this world that we're living in that that the

[Unknown5]: children never used seem like what the fuck

[Unknown4]: i i've always

[Unknown4]: like been around people who use steam and like i probably played on their

[Unknown4]: computers but i never really

[Unknown6]: you

[Unknown4]: understood what exactly steam does

[Unknown6]: it sounds like

[Unknown5]: what

[Unknown6]: you're talking about

[Unknown6]: cocaine you're just like i've seen people use cocaine i've been at at parties

[Unknown5]: yeah exactly yeah yeah

[Unknown7]: it it goes it goes into like

[Unknown5]: yeah i've been i've been at parties i've seen someone do a line once

[Unknown4]: yeah i

[Unknown7]: someone was like cooking it on a spoon

[Unknown6]: it got my mouth by accident one time but

[Unknown6]: it got my mouth by accident one time but

[Unknown7]: what's what what

[Unknown4]: i yeah

[Unknown5]: yeah i i was close and i smelled it and it was stingy but

[Unknown4]: i

[Unknown6]: y

[Unknown4]: i've i i've tried

[Unknown7]: what

[Unknown4]: steam i've tried steam but i didn't inhale

[Unknown6]: okay okay good good um spencer said you've played war zone

[Unknown4]: yes

[Unknown6]: and war zone you run off of a battlenet

[Unknown4]: k

[Unknown6]: oh actually you play on a console you have no concept to this

[Unknown5]: that that's why he's never used theme

[Unknown4]: i'm a console man

[Unknown6]: yeah so

[Unknown5]: who

[Unknown6]: let me break it down for you you know how when you buy you go to on your

[Unknown6]: playstation and you go to the playstation store and you buy

[Unknown4]: yes

[Unknown6]: games steam is the pc version of that

[Unknown5]: that

[Unknown4]: got it

[Unknown5]: came out in fuck in two thousand three

[Unknown6]: steam is a resonator in terms of stuff

[Unknown4]: yeah people

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown4]: bought i just know people bought like that's where like a counter strike was from

[Unknown4]: right

[Unknown6]: any any pc game that was anything is probably been sold on

[Unknown5]: yeah with the exception of blizzard ones probably

[Unknown6]: on steam in one it's like a couple people have launchers but even they are

[Unknown6]: collapsing them in microsoft isn't doing a launcher now like you can get stuff on

[Unknown6]: steam for microsoft i think ub soft is the

[Unknown6]: only hold out outside of of

[Unknown4]: hm that's interesting

[Unknown5]: no you be soft does like you have to have both but it still does and apparently

[Unknown4]: she

[Unknown6]: yes

[Unknown4]: actually thought steam made games they just they they make games too

[Unknown5]: they do well not steam but val valve does

[Unknown4]: yeah so

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown4]: valve is connected to steam

[Unknown5]: why

[Unknown6]: listen

[Unknown5]: i mean look at the names

[Unknown4]: well

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown6]: whoa

[Unknown4]: mind blown

[Unknown6]: real real short real short history lesson for everybody valve the game companies

[Unknown6]: to make video games primarily half life and as when they went through building

[Unknown6]: these half life games they decided they were going to build a store and a launcher

[Unknown6]: for their games and this is at a time when the only thing that was competing

[Unknown6]: against them was nothing maybe the window store if you're being

[Unknown6]: generous and so they were just they got it at the right time and it became

[Unknown5]: not even

[Unknown6]: ubiquitous for video game

[Unknown4]: hey

[Unknown6]: players to buy everything else steam on the pc epic has tried to bring a

[Unknown6]: competitor in and that's a whole host of things there that we won't cover because

[Unknown6]: people are mad about it which whatever idiots

[Unknown6]: well yeah that's that's the steam story

[Unknown4]: wow i never knew that

[Unknown6]: um but but to get back to the steam deck would any of you guys actually use it

[Unknown7]: i think i would and what's pretty interesting that's actually brought it onto my

[Unknown7]: radar was actually sort of a reverse i heard of one of their competitors called

[Unknown7]: the the ion neogi and play whatever console game and so that's why i'm thawing

[Unknown7]: on transitioning to

[Unknown7]: to to you know platforms like steam and so

[Unknown7]: that' my thought on that

[Unknown4]: so

[Unknown7]: and it

[Unknown6]: should you

[Unknown7]: also scratch the scratches the the the itch like twelve year old me had when i

[Unknown7]: wanted to get a a sega game gear but i

[Unknown7]: didn't get to have one and so i

[Unknown4]: oh yeah i had one

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown7]: was like oh i wish i could but now i can take that in x that times a a thousand

[Unknown7]: right

[Unknown5]: i i saw some people some of the people that got the the the sm to test to hook it

[Unknown5]: up to a tv or like to a monitor and they're saying that it might be like a good

[Unknown5]: budget

[Unknown4]: home home consul

[Unknown5]: pc gaming yeah it's like you

[Unknown4]: not consol

[Unknown5]: you can play it with like keyboard and mouse and everything like you just can

[Unknown7]: hey

[Unknown5]: connect everything to it

[Unknown4]: so again i'm i'm dumb on this stuff so this new steam deck if you're like playing

[Unknown4]: a game on your computer can you like continue

[Unknown4]: on your s on your steam deck like and leave

[Unknown5]: probably it

[Unknown6]: yep

[Unknown6]: yeah cause generally so steam deck is gonna use steams os which has existed for a

[Unknown6]: little bit they i believe they use it in a couple other places

[Unknown5]: the link yeah the steam link which is their console yeah yeah

[Unknown6]: yeah the link was the primary one so so the idea here that you can play your game

[Unknown6]: on your your your pc and then you can go on the road and just grab the save file

[Unknown6]: from the cloud

[Unknown6]: one of the nice things about this is that steam is is providing all the technology

[Unknown6]: that run the games on the

[Unknown4]: that's cool

[Unknown6]: steam deck but the other thing i think a lot of people are excited about is it's

[Unknown6]: possibility for emulation because

[Unknown7]: hm

[Unknown6]: it's just basically a computer it can be really easy to emulate a lot of games on

[Unknown6]: it so now you can maybe not have to pay a

[Unknown4]: no

[Unknown6]: nintendo for every fucking time you want to buy a mario old marrow game on their

[Unknown6]: new

[Unknown7]: or zelda

[Unknown6]: console you could just emulate it once

[Unknown7]: yep i'm doing that

[Unknown5]: well meanwhile you got the the news that we're not gonna discuss too much here

[Unknown5]: because it's not it didn't make it to the board i think but the nintendo is moving

[Unknown5]: fully into like

[Unknown5]: a mode where you have to re buy everything that you already own

[Unknown7]: hm

[Unknown5]: because it's just subscription now yeah

[Unknown6]: yep cause fuck you i mean

[Unknown4]: like but

[Unknown6]: so that's a thing

[Unknown4]: that's bad yeah good point but counterpoint you

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown5]: basic that's basically what they did

[Unknown6]: yes mhm

[Unknown5]: it's like oh

[Unknown4]: how

[Unknown7]: yes

[Unknown5]: i see you stim but who gives a shit

[Unknown4]: do you think they'll do that they're i'm sure they'll eventually do this with all

[Unknown4]: consoles right you think they'll have like a playstation

[Unknown4]: thing that you can play your games continue

[Unknown5]: the couple then shone portable

[Unknown6]: i so it'll be really interesting

[Unknown4]: no but portable was like you had to buy separate uh from what i recall the the

[Unknown4]: portable was like you had to buy your own games for it but this is

[Unknown5]: yeah yeah yeah

[Unknown6]: there

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown6]: were separate games built for it

[Unknown4]: yeah but like

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown7]: yeah yeah yeah

[Unknown4]: i'm saying something that you can just continue your game on like the switch

[Unknown4]: i'm saying something that you can just continue your game on like the switch

[Unknown4]: basically what this is too

[Unknown4]: basically what this is too

[Unknown6]: i don't know if you i don't know what you do with your free time but you can do

[Unknown6]: that with a lot of video

[Unknown4]: oh my god

[Unknown6]: games already the xbox suspends games for you

[Unknown4]: what the w how do you play it

[Unknown6]: and and you can

[Unknown5]: now he's talking about portable

[Unknown6]: well you have have portable yeah you have the portable devices that's the problem

[Unknown6]: the companies don't have portable

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown4]: okay

[Unknown6]: devices so steam will allow you because they operate a store that now has a

[Unknown6]: devices so steam will allow you because they operate a store that now has a

[Unknown6]: portable device

[Unknown6]: portable device

[Unknown6]: but playstation never really did it whether they were portable or going somewhere

[Unknown6]: because

[Unknown6]: they built specific games for those devices because they thought that was the way

[Unknown6]: to attract the market not not just let you take your main playstation games on the

[Unknown6]: road and so

[Unknown7]: hmm

[Unknown6]: they've not done it

[Unknown4]: they will

[Unknown6]: yet but

[Unknown7]: they have they're gonna have to consider

[Unknown6]: the thing with well the thing with xbox is i think it's within their long term

[Unknown6]: plans especially now with xc and you can buy all their games you can get access to

[Unknown6]: all their games with gamepads i think that's something xbox will get to will they

[Unknown6]: just actually let you pay for game pass and run it on the steam

[Unknown4]: i don't know

[Unknown6]: deck probably because

[Unknown7]: hey

[Unknown6]: what the do they care about what the device you're on as long you're paying the

[Unknown7]: exactly

[Unknown6]: money

[Unknown4]: okay i have one last tech question on this and then i'm done is it does the steam

[Unknown4]: okay i have one last tech question on this and then i'm done is it does the steam

[Unknown4]: deck run at like a worse quality than your home computer

[Unknown4]: deck run at like a worse quality than your home computer

[Unknown4]: or like can it run at the same

[Unknown4]: like i i'm thinking for the playstation if they did that in the future like

[Unknown4]: they're using the ps five or whatever to like

[Unknown6]: two

[Unknown4]: it's full capacity to play like a top game right like a god of war or whatever

[Unknown4]: would it be possible to play that kind of quality on the road

[Unknown4]: or is that not possible yet

[Unknown5]: i mean to one on the one hand the screen is a lot smaller so that

[Unknown7]: true

[Unknown5]: helps but probably not like it's gonna be

[Unknown4]: okay

[Unknown5]: a lower

[Unknown5]: quality probably

[Unknown5]: and i don't know i

[Unknown7]: i don't even have the specs in terms of like is it like

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown7]: between seven twenty or ten eighty but i don't know if it's capable of four

[Unknown7]: thousand and honestly if a portable system is possible to pump out four thousand

[Unknown7]: i'm going to be more concerned about getting jack stabbed and robbed then am i

[Unknown7]: getting max specs as i travel on you know commuting either on the tt c or the met

[Unknown7]: cl you know

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown6]: yeah the stupid train that has a wheels on it but we're not gonna go there um

[Unknown7]: it's a transformer

[Unknown6]: but i so spencer like yes and no is the answer because historically they've

[Unknown6]: developed it has to be under powered compared to the console just because of cost

[Unknown6]: they get parts and

[Unknown4]: side yeah

[Unknown6]: the size of the screen and the power of the the handheld what they can do but at

[Unknown6]: the same point in time realistically because you have a smaller screen i i think a

[Unknown6]: lot like unless you're buying a game where the

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown6]: visual fidelity is important a lot of games don't have that anymore right they're

[Unknown6]: built for there's so many games there are eight bit or other art styles that are

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown6]: built just for for that and you're never going to notice the difference but the

[Unknown6]: handheld because the screen is so small that the challenge is always going to be

[Unknown6]: with hand hales is battery life right like

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown6]: this

[Unknown7]: hey

[Unknown6]: one only has three to eight hours that's a lot of range

[Unknown4]: that's that seems like a that's a big range but three to eight

[Unknown5]: a

[Unknown6]: it's just

[Unknown5]: three like nobody really got any like heavier game to play for longer than six

[Unknown5]: which is also not good

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown4]: hm all right

[Unknown6]: so so that'll be interesting to see how that

[Unknown4]: i learned a lot

[Unknown6]: pans out that's the curiosity yeah you

[Unknown5]: i'm looking at the specs the specks are very distant like even like the screen

[Unknown5]: size is twelve eighty by eight hundred which

[Unknown7]: um

[Unknown5]: is sixteen ten instead of sixty nine which is weird to me but

[Unknown4]: are you guys gonna buy it

[Unknown5]: i actually might i am not a big fan of like mobile gaming i never have been but

[Unknown5]: like it's just like oh play the games you want to play on your p c just on the

[Unknown5]: road i might get one it's four hundred bucks it's not that you know big of a deal

[Unknown4]: you could you could play it home when your wife's using the tv

[Unknown7]: exactly

[Unknown6]: well

[Unknown5]: i mean we both have our own computers so we can play whenever

[Unknown4]: look at you mr big time over here

[Unknown6]: cool great relationship you got there

[Unknown5]: and also also steam has a family mode so she uses my games and i can use hers

[Unknown4]: you think you're better than us

[Unknown6]: gross

[Unknown5]: yeah yeah of course i do

[Unknown6]: i

[Unknown7]: would you

[Unknown7]: eat would you buy it would you get it mat

[Unknown6]: before we start me off

[Unknown6]: i not yet but eventually yes i think when you're in the situation where you have

[Unknown6]: kids being able to sit at a desk and play a computer game is probably no

[Unknown6]: existent

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown6]: but being able to pop out a hand held so you can keep your eye on them and sit out

[Unknown6]: with them while they're doing stuff i think that might be yeah that's where the

[Unknown6]: the advantage might be but i'm just guessing

[Unknown4]: just make sure

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown4]: make sure if you're on kids to mute any multiplayer

[Unknown4]: volume

[Unknown7]: and i'm yeah and i'm i'm pretty much in the same boat as as matt like i'm i'm

[Unknown7]: living it i've got a kid and trying to maintain my gaming habits is very difficult

[Unknown7]: which is why i mobile game so much and i did before but it's even it's just so

[Unknown7]: much more helpful for me to scratch that itch and

[Unknown4]: hey

[Unknown7]: just maintain so it'd be great if i had more access and

[Unknown4]: guess

[Unknown7]: especially like when everyone's gone to sleep and stuff and my wife is like you

[Unknown7]: need to sleep i i can game in the bed and just be like bam and then roll over

[Unknown4]: i could game while i sleep mother fucker

[Unknown5]: yeah like

[Unknown7]: exactly

[Unknown5]: my wife is like go we need to sleep and then i lie to her and play games

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown7]: i go under the covers like i used to

[Unknown4]: yeah yeah i'm i'm sleeping baby i'm sleeping

[Unknown7]: i'm asleep mom i'm a sleep wife

[Unknown6]: on the

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown6]: couch because your wife has eyes and can tell when you're playing games

[Unknown4]: just

[Unknown7]: on

[Unknown5]: yep

[Unknown7]: the couch

[Unknown6]: so okay so let's take way off

[Unknown7]: mm hm

[Unknown6]: of that one uh spencer did you learn enough in spencer's learning hour excellent

[Unknown4]: i learned a ton my my most the craziest thing i learned is that valve and steam

[Unknown4]: are related and their names are connected

[Unknown4]: that's cool

[Unknown6]: well we're gonna do a real real sharp ballot

[Unknown4]: but go

[Unknown6]: cleanser for you here

[Unknown6]: have you heard about the truth

[Unknown4]: the truth

[Unknown5]: the pell

[Unknown5]: it

[Unknown7]: what truth

[Unknown6]: the truth

[Unknown5]: cleansing with shit

[Unknown7]: who's

[Unknown4]: what truth

[Unknown7]: truth which truth

[Unknown6]: truth social

[Unknown4]: oh

[Unknown4]: boy

[Unknown5]: oh god

[Unknown7]: what the fuck is that

[Unknown4]: i i hate hate it already

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown6]: well listen it it debuted in apple's app store at number

[Unknown6]: one

[Unknown4]: oh boy

[Unknown7]: ah

[Unknown6]: and it is everybody's favorite former u s president's

[Unknown7]: no

[Unknown4]: yeah boy

[Unknown6]: social app

[Unknown4]: this is

[Unknown5]: the drum

[Unknown4]: getting worse and worse

[Unknown5]: the drum

[Unknown6]: donald trump's social media app

[Unknown4]: oh that's that's gone full down

[Unknown4]: full

[Unknown6]: truth social is is available

[Unknown5]: wait wait wait a minute we wait wait when he when matt said former president who'd

[Unknown5]: you think it was nixon

[Unknown4]: i no i didn't i was like

[Unknown7]: gerald ford

[Unknown4]: ma maybe obama did something maybe

[Unknown6]: i did say your favorite form of resident

[Unknown7]: barack

[Unknown7]: obama would would he's his would would would would hit his would slap

[Unknown4]: oh yeah trump for life

[Unknown4]: yeah baby

[Unknown6]: anybody download it

[Unknown7]: no

[Unknown5]: no

[Unknown7]: i didn't have time

[Unknown4]: so this is like a

[Unknown7]: but plus i don't want i don't want to contribute to the algorithm

[Unknown4]: this is like a propaganda app i assume

[Unknown6]: this no this is for people who want to seek the truth and don't want the liberal

[Unknown6]: media to influence them

[Unknown4]: oh my god oh my god

[Unknown5]: oh yeah and then it's it's it's not twitter but apparently

[Unknown6]: no

[Unknown5]: it's exactly twitter and it looks exactly the same

[Unknown4]: so he got banned from twitter and he lily was like i'll make

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown4]: my own twitter with blackjack and hookers

[Unknown5]: yeah and but here's the here's the difference here's the difference you don't you

[Unknown5]: don't send tweets you send truths

[Unknown4]: oh

[Unknown6]: boom

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown6]: that's a truth

[Unknown4]: truth

[Unknown6]: bomb just in case you didn't know

[Unknown4]: oh my god

[Unknown5]: yeah it's and apparently it's flopping hard like they they couldn't access shit

[Unknown6]: yeah after that that day one rise it it's it's not not great

[Unknown5]: yeah yeah

[Unknown4]: i feel like

[Unknown5]: they could like

[Unknown4]: it's all gonna be like pro russia like it's true that russia is the greatest

[Unknown4]: fucking

[Unknown5]: well i mean

[Unknown4]: piece of shit

[Unknown5]: but like what i hear is they try to roll it out and like they it was downloaded a

[Unknown5]: lot because there's idiots everywhere and then they try to access it and the

[Unknown5]: servers immediately crashed and burned yeah

[Unknown4]: love it i'm

[Unknown6]: i'll resent

[Unknown4]: i'm sure it's just as reliable as trump universities trump restaurants

[Unknown6]: drums steak

[Unknown4]: trump steak

[Unknown5]: trump trump

[Unknown4]: all all well made trump himself

[Unknown6]: trump

[Unknown4]: all never

[Unknown5]: yes

[Unknown4]: you know didn't go bankrupt at all

[Unknown6]: listen if trump won't stand up to the tyranny of big tech by becoming big tech

[Unknown4]: who who will whom will

[Unknown6]: then who will

[Unknown5]: oh you should have seen the the release statement which was like they wanted to

[Unknown5]: take on you know social media now the truth he has a name of like it's trump

[Unknown5]: technology and

[Unknown5]: jerking off

[Unknown6]: the trump media and technology group

[Unknown5]: to yeah i was close

[Unknown4]: be pretty it'd be pretty funny

[Unknown5]: and

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown5]: and they were like or taking on twitter and facebook now but we're gonna be taking

[Unknown5]: on netflix and spotify and blah blah blah is like what can't even take on yourself

[Unknown6]: good can we give them joe rogan

[Unknown5]: and

[Unknown4]: take him

[Unknown5]: please oh

[Unknown7]: oh

[Unknown4]: take him

[Unknown5]: man that would be the one good thing that would come out of this

[Unknown4]: when you said that i thought they finally made the website that i always dreamed

[Unknown4]: of making which is imagine a website where people vote on like what's

[Unknown7]: don't get us canceled spencer

[Unknown4]: true what's true or not no so

[Unknown4]: it's just like it's li like you know like what people opinions of things and you

[Unknown7]: okay okay

[Unknown4]: vote on if it's like socially acceptable or not and then we can you know we can

[Unknown4]: find out what the people believe is good or not

[Unknown4]: i don't know

[Unknown6]: listen you want to find what why people believe are good or not i got this for you

[Unknown6]: listen you want to find what why people believe are good or not i got this for you

[Unknown4]: truth dot com

[Unknown6]: just no just check it out in the metaphors let's figure out what

[Unknown4]: oh

[Unknown6]: crimes are on the metaverse let's ask people what they think should be crimes in

[Unknown6]: the meds people people are smart right

[Unknown4]: i think crime should be crimes in the metv

[Unknown6]: well okay so here's the thing if you kill an n p c and video games don't care

[Unknown6]: right

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown6]: they deserve to die and i hope they burn in hell but

[Unknown6]: they deserve to die and i hope they burn in hell but

[Unknown7]: uh uh hm hm

[Unknown4]: wow

[Unknown7]: but do fcs have a soul

[Unknown4]: god i hope not

[Unknown6]: uh well based on free guy yes

[Unknown7]: and

[Unknown6]: some of them maybe

[Unknown4]: if mpc s have souls were all hitler

[Unknown7]: you know

[Unknown5]: yeah bit worse worse

[Unknown4]: what worse

[Unknown5]: 'cause we

[Unknown6]: so this comes out of a sorry

[Unknown4]: putin

[Unknown5]: we killed them multiple times

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown5]: the same one

[Unknown5]: the same one

[Unknown6]: we do well listen we're thorough so this story comes out of a wired article it's a

[Unknown6]: bit more it's not it's a bit more in depth than our normal things we talk about

[Unknown6]: but the story kind of covers you know the rise of sort of what is acceptable

[Unknown6]: online versus what is acceptable in real life and it kind of ranges from what

[Unknown6]: happened with like mud and different games and it's moving its way to the mid

[Unknown6]: verse everybody is really excited about that there's a dog in the house apparently

[Unknown5]: bru

[Unknown4]: he's excited about it

[Unknown5]: bruce doesn't like it apparently

[Unknown6]: does not care for the metaverse at all

[Unknown6]: so yeah in in the metaverse they're having real conversations about what are going

[Unknown6]: to be crimes and the article kind of talks about how it's cool to kill mpc but

[Unknown6]: people are not down with pedia as sort of a like an obvious distinction of what is

[Unknown6]: acceptable what is not acceptable in the

[Unknown6]: metaverse

[Unknown4]: okay

[Unknown5]: it's weird that they went immediately there but let's roll with it

[Unknown5]: it's weird that they went immediately there but let's roll with it

[Unknown5]: it's weird that they went immediately there but let's roll with it

[Unknown6]: thanks metaverse

[Unknown4]: uh that that took a turn

[Unknown6]: to be fair they didn't go immediately there the article went there and i'm just

[Unknown6]: picking that out for for my uses

[Unknown5]: uh okay

[Unknown4]: okay

[Unknown5]: so you immediately went there

[Unknown6]: i did not go there i read the entire article it's like i don't know what's

[Unknown4]: jeeze get your mind out of the gutter

[Unknown6]: happening right now so

[Unknown6]: my question for you guys is what like are the crimes that in the metaverse if they

[Unknown6]: happened or if they could happen would be acceptable or not acceptable to

[Unknown4]: i i

[Unknown6]: let's leave the ped flea stuff out of it please

[Unknown4]: like i i don't understand like

[Unknown4]: aren't i would just say crimes are crimes whether they happen in the

[Unknown7]: no

[Unknown4]: metaverse or not like if you

[Unknown4]: steal someone's money in the metaverse

[Unknown6]: but like if you

[Unknown6]: write yeah

[Unknown4]: that's theft cause

[Unknown6]: is it real money

[Unknown4]: you're if the money has value

[Unknown4]: you're if the money has value

[Unknown5]: yeah but what should happen to you then

[Unknown5]: like sh

[Unknown6]: what if it doesn't

[Unknown4]: and what if it doesn't

[Unknown5]: should the person

[Unknown7]: in game like

[Unknown5]: be arrested in real life if they steal money in the metaphors

[Unknown4]: i mean that i mean if you hack someone's computer to steal their money you still

[Unknown4]: go to jail in real life

[Unknown5]: yeah but then

[Unknown6]: yeah but that's

[Unknown5]: you're stealing real money you're not stealing their fake money

[Unknown4]: so you're

[Unknown7]: yes

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown4]: saying if you steal like oh worthless like in game currency

[Unknown7]: in game money

[Unknown4]: like that doesn't have a

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown4]: 'cause a lot of the

[Unknown4]: 'cause a lot of the

[Unknown6]: great

[Unknown4]: so

[Unknown6]: love it hated it ashley

[Unknown4]: like like i i

[Unknown6]: why fair

[Unknown4]: bought this this in game

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown4]: currency called n f t world coin and i bought it for fifteen cents and sold it for

[Unknown4]: eight cents because i'm a business man and it went up to

[Unknown4]: it went up to seventy cents two weeks later and i was like god

[Unknown6]: happen

[Unknown4]: damn this

[Unknown4]: um so that's an example

[Unknown6]: yeah another example is i think this is a little like different than euro spencers

[Unknown6]: like what if what if i can i kill someone's avatar and i permanently killed them

[Unknown4]: well they

[Unknown4]: wouldn't they

[Unknown7]: hey

[Unknown6]: in the metaverse

[Unknown4]: have to make it like possible in the

[Unknown5]: can you even do that

[Unknown6]: i don't know

[Unknown4]: games like someone would have to make it possible to happen in the metaverse for

[Unknown4]: you'd bei someone in the metaverse like

[Unknown7]: or maybe

[Unknown6]: sure

[Unknown7]: it was a hole maybe it wasn't maybe it's a it's it's a a

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown7]: loophole no one thought would happen until someone actually killed someone else in

[Unknown4]: well

[Unknown6]: what

[Unknown4]: then then you get banned it's just like any game if you cheat in any game you get

[Unknown7]: the metaverse

[Unknown4]: banned

[Unknown6]: but that's okay so is that a crime

[Unknown4]: i mean cheating is it's not a legal crime it's you're cheating again like if

[Unknown4]: someone's cheating

[Unknown6]: so it's a las vegas crime

[Unknown4]: yeah what

[Unknown4]: happens in the metaverse stays in the metaverse no but like if

[Unknown5]: it stays in vegas

[Unknown6]: okay

[Unknown4]: you like play war zone like i play and someone's using aim bot which like locks on

[Unknown4]: to people you're not going to get

[Unknown4]: arrested in real life but you're gonna get banned from the game

[Unknown6]: yep

[Unknown5]: i

[Unknown7]: oh

[Unknown5]: honestly think that the main the main problem and the main distinction we have to

[Unknown5]: make in my mind between like you know the meta verse and the game is that a matter

[Unknown5]: of the man verse isn't a game in the game you're there to sometimes just to kill

[Unknown5]: it p c is really like mad and i both play destiny a lot and that's you know the

[Unknown5]: fun of it is killing those npc

[Unknown4]: mhm

[Unknown5]: and i think in the metaverse it's more of like a representation of another reality

[Unknown5]: i guess

[Unknown5]: so i don't think we can look at killing npc s on a in a game

[Unknown5]: so i don't think we can look at killing npc s on a in a game

[Unknown7]: more community based

[Unknown5]: and

[Unknown7]: eight

[Unknown5]: killing um

[Unknown5]: you know killing a i don't know an avatar of something or like even a

[Unknown5]: a non person avatar on a med game on the mets is the same thing right i think

[Unknown4]: yeah i think it's

[Unknown7]: i didn't for

[Unknown4]: more like my thing my understanding is the metaverse is there's different meta

[Unknown4]: verses and they're made by someone like someone made that metaverse

[Unknown5]: yeah which is already a problem but let's not go there

[Unknown4]: but i'm just saying it's like there's a there's like the sandbox as a metaverse

[Unknown4]: but it was created by a company that made it and when they make these meta verses

[Unknown4]: they have

[Unknown5]: was it

[Unknown4]: rules that they make in the when they program it you know like they make it so you

[Unknown4]: can't attack each other there's no attack button you know so it's like you can't

[Unknown4]: attack but if somebody puts in the programming that you can't attack then that

[Unknown4]: means the attacking is allowed and it's fine

[Unknown5]: yes

[Unknown4]: part of that metaverse but like

[Unknown5]: and to your point if someone hacks into it and then you know

[Unknown4]: kills

[Unknown5]: adds to them for themselves the ability to attack when it's not supposed to be

[Unknown5]: there it's not a crime you just get banned from it yeah

[Unknown4]: no exactly it's just you're cheating now it's like obviously if you do something

[Unknown4]: in the metaverse that results in a real world crime like if you actually seal

[Unknown4]: someone's money in the game that is has a real dollar value or if you're sending

[Unknown4]: naked pictures of your penis to people to like underage kids in the game

[Unknown4]: that's a crime in real life so then you would get arrested

[Unknown5]: yeah that's already a crime it doesn't matter it doesn't matter like it you know

[Unknown5]: the first part the first one is just basically another kind of hacking right if

[Unknown5]: you use the

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown5]: metaverse to steal someone's nf t for example like

[Unknown4]: it's like i don't think things if you commit a crime in the metaverse that's

[Unknown4]: already a crime then yes you should be prosecuted it's a crime but if you do

[Unknown4]: something that's just not allowed in the game

[Unknown5]: there you

[Unknown4]: you get banned i mean it sounds pretty simple

[Unknown5]: get better i think bottom line is wired is way to up its own ass with this thing

[Unknown5]: and it doesn't make any sense if it ask the question

[Unknown4]: yeah i think they're over overthink it

[Unknown7]: but there's some there's i think there's there's another dimension that that might

[Unknown7]: need some more context and i and i think that comes with the gear that that

[Unknown6]: eight

[Unknown7]: users can can apply so like you

[Unknown5]: posting

[Unknown7]: know how there was that experiment done where like the two people in separate

[Unknown7]: places could handshake using those hyped up gloves

[Unknown5]: you know

[Unknown7]: almost like the nintendo power glove so they could sorry not only shake each

[Unknown7]: other's hands into two separate places but then feel you know digital objects like

[Unknown7]: an apple so

[Unknown4]: or penis

[Unknown7]: to that point

[Unknown7]: right

[Unknown6]: or r was dick

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown7]: or i use dick so i say to you that's one level right that's one layer and then the

[Unknown7]: other layer is that since most of at least from uh facebook not metaverse not face

[Unknown7]: sorry meta facebook's angle is to help empower like in office

[Unknown7]: engagement and you know community workplace dynamics what happens if new layer

[Unknown5]: and

[Unknown7]: now what happens if you're

[Unknown5]: and

[Unknown7]: you're you're digitally working and your coworker turns to you and says uh

[Unknown7]: jack just touched me we were we were in the in the boardroom and and like jack

[Unknown7]: like touched me and and and it was on purpose and i didn't like it

[Unknown6]: sorry chris jack

[Unknown7]: i'm talking about sexual assault

[Unknown4]: so so you're talking about people

[Unknown6]: jacked you off

[Unknown4]: so you're saying

[Unknown7]: for the purposes of this for the purposes of this podcast yes

[Unknown4]: so you're saying wearing a full body suit that like has

[Unknown7]: whatever the gear right like

[Unknown4]: like

[Unknown7]: there's they're working on that like

[Unknown6]: haptic

[Unknown7]: gloves in this case yeah haptic tech so

[Unknown4]: like if be it like if you're wearing a suit that makes you feel things in your

[Unknown4]: genitals i

[Unknown7]: well

[Unknown4]: like i feel like you could just like turn off the genital area if you don't

[Unknown4]: want to be sexually harassed

[Unknown6]: yeah but like

[Unknown5]: or maybe don't

[Unknown7]: but i think you're also

[Unknown5]: not make a suit that's like a full body suit that touches your junk

[Unknown7]: but

[Unknown6]: okay so

[Unknown7]: think about it though go and gone

[Unknown6]: well i wanna support you chris cause this is

[Unknown5]: what

[Unknown6]: we're crediting very quickly down the line of well if she didn't want to get raped

[Unknown6]: she shouldn't have worn a short dress

[Unknown4]: i know but you could literally turn off the the the genitals function

[Unknown6]: yeah but that but that that doesn't matter right

[Unknown5]: no it it's not victim blaming i think it's i think it does it it should stop

[Unknown5]: before that that's why i'm getting it it should like we shouldn't say you know

[Unknown5]: normalize oh if you wanna work in this company you have to wear a full body suit

[Unknown4]: oh

[Unknown5]: like why do i have to wear st stuff around my junk it's already a red flag

[Unknown6]: but what if i

[Unknown6]: want to that doesn't give you the right to

[Unknown4]: listen i fixed i fixed it

[Unknown5]: for work for work

[Unknown6]: jack me for whatever

[Unknown4]: i fixed it ready what what do you want in any time you want anytime somebody's

[Unknown4]: gonna touch your genitals male or female what do you want first

[Unknown4]: consent

[Unknown7]: money

[Unknown5]: it was my

[Unknown4]: money

[Unknown4]: so

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown4]: so so what you

[Unknown5]: chris is through cos now

[Unknown4]: and just have

[Unknown7]: yo you asked a question i answer it

[Unknown4]: just put it in the function that nobody could touch your genitals unless you give

[Unknown4]: consent

[Unknown6]: what if someone hacks

[Unknown6]: it do they go to jail

[Unknown4]: that's a crime yeah

[Unknown5]: then yeah yeah that's a crime

[Unknown7]: and then what

[Unknown6]: okay

[Unknown7]: happens to the victim okay what like what happens to what happens to them male

[Unknown6]: the same thing happens to every victim we just push him under a rug and never talk

[Unknown7]: female whatever

[Unknown6]: about it again

[Unknown7]: n n n

[Unknown5]: oh the the current approach

[Unknown4]: well i would

[Unknown6]: that yeah the same thing

[Unknown4]: i would think also like like i would like to think no one's gonna get like fucking

[Unknown4]: digitally raped like i would like to think they could just unplug their

[Unknown6]: okay

[Unknown4]: thing if they're getting like touched

[Unknown6]: it's a little far but the problem is like it's really hard to foresee what's gonna

[Unknown6]: happen when we like in the

[Unknown5]: eight

[Unknown6]: future because we have no idea right

[Unknown5]: there's a

[Unknown6]: like we didn't know nf ts were going to be a thing and now they are so you need to

[Unknown6]: prepare for the future possibilities what the metaverse could be so that doesn't

[Unknown5]: yeah and and i think i think the way to do that is not to wait until there's like

[Unknown6]: happen

[Unknown5]: a genital

[Unknown5]: digital

[Unknown5]: touching and

[Unknown5]: then

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown4]: you know it

[Unknown5]: say oh maybe maybe it was bad to put people in f body suits like i think we should

[Unknown5]: prevent that right if you're using if you're wearing a suit like a digital suit

[Unknown5]: for work just don't put stuff on your junk that's basically what i'm saying you

[Unknown5]: know

[Unknown4]: if you don't think they're gonna make full on genital suits you're wrong

[Unknown5]: they will and part hub it's probably working on it right now but

[Unknown4]: but i agree it's part of it's gonna be like an

[Unknown5]: what i'm saying is don't don't wear your porn hub suit to work is what i'm saying

[Unknown4]: yeah like there

[Unknown7]: well i think it late go

[Unknown4]: there is a level

[Unknown6]: you'll get it

[Unknown4]: of there there's a level of enter at your own risk especially when it comes to

[Unknown4]: like the internet right it's like shit ha

[Unknown6]: nope

[Unknown7]: to an extent but if you i think matt and i are on the same page

[Unknown4]: if you go on the internet and you see naked like and you see fine like naked

[Unknown4]: pictures of dicks pop up on your screen that's not sexual harassment right you're

[Unknown4]: just getting pop ups

[Unknown7]: but

[Unknown6]: but

[Unknown7]: go ahead

[Unknown6]: no chris you it's yours

[Unknown7]: but what happens if you're in a different environment altogether like if you're

[Unknown7]: talking about if you're talking about a metaphors for fun and a metaverse for c

[Unknown7]: working for example or a metaverse to like go to a a virtual coffee shop and

[Unknown7]: something happens to you that you wouldn't expect in that environment because

[Unknown7]: you're there for a different reason what happens when something happens to you the

[Unknown7]: the

[Unknown5]: i think it's a crime i think i think because anything

[Unknown7]: okay

[Unknown5]: that translates from the digital world into the real world there's already a crime

[Unknown4]: yeah i

[Unknown5]: right if you

[Unknown7]: and to that and

[Unknown4]: i would just like to think there'll be safeguards in place so that can't happen

[Unknown7]: i hear you but take it into consideration what happened to toxic gaming right no

[Unknown7]: one could have foreseen that once multiplayer became a thing

[Unknown4]: i i could afford seen it

[Unknown7]: well

[Unknown6]: i

[Unknown6]: but it's a bit of hindsight though yeah but that's a bit of hot

[Unknown5]: nobody prevented it

[Unknown7]: pardon

[Unknown5]: nobody prevented it

[Unknown7]: no one in that's the thing it's the

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown7]: unpredictability of it right and that's

[Unknown5]: yeah but we're predicting it already

[Unknown7]: yes but i'm

[Unknown4]: listen they're fucking

[Unknown7]: saying what ha is this tri it all dial it just dies back into what should be a

[Unknown5]: like all four of us our idiots are predicting this

[Unknown7]: crime what which shouldn't be a crime and we're answering it in a way but then

[Unknown7]: there was a moment where it seemed to kind

[Unknown4]: i think it's

[Unknown7]: of veer off and i just wanted to be clear for a bit

[Unknown4]: i think it's simple yeah if we're gonna have full body sex suits you you can't

[Unknown4]: have somebody jacking you off unless you click

[Unknown7]: i'll make a dip more difficult for you what if it's is not a full body sue and

[Unknown7]: it's hand gloves only and something still happens to you you're in the office and

[Unknown7]: buddy boy touches you touches your hand in an inappropriate way and it makes you

[Unknown7]: feel some type of way

[Unknown5]: that's sexual harassment

[Unknown7]: are you not a victim thank you

[Unknown5]: yeah but it's not so okay my point is that the wired

[Unknown7]: so

[Unknown6]: yes

[Unknown7]: now you can't have hat you can't have hand control gloves now

[Unknown5]: the wire thing no no you can't

[Unknown7]: okay

[Unknown5]: but the wied thing makes it seem like it's this super difficult philosophical

[Unknown5]: questions that we need

[Unknown5]: plato to answer no if it affects you in the real world it's a crime just as much

[Unknown5]: as if it was right there

[Unknown6]: okay i'm i i agree with you i'm gonna i'm gonna put the the marker on this one

[Unknown6]: because it's a good debate but we have other articles that go on

[Unknown5]: right

[Unknown6]: i think that we should insert a bunch of law and order to doom every time you say

[Unknown6]: it's a crime just everybody knows it's a crime

[Unknown5]: yes please please do

[Unknown4]: bu

[Unknown4]: ru

[Unknown4]: dude

[Unknown6]: perfect

[Unknown7]: comedy mode

[Unknown6]: let's let's take away across here to our next next story we're gonna we're gonna

[Unknown6]: go nice and soft and easy here

[Unknown7]: you're the boy

[Unknown5]: oh

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown7]: that's what they say that's what

[Unknown5]: nobody's gonna win her nobody's gonna want

[Unknown6]: wow

[Unknown6]: that

[Unknown5]: hand gibby you virtually there

[Unknown5]: hand gibby you virtually there

[Unknown6]: jesus

[Unknown7]: that's what they said

[Unknown6]: what the fuck i'm just fuck me

[Unknown6]: what what's some what's everybody's favorite animate delivery service was a

[Unknown6]: crunchy role was it funimation

[Unknown5]: it's

[Unknown7]: it was

[Unknown5]: the seventies

[Unknown7]: the yeah um the seven cs mix with a crunchy roll

[Unknown5]: yeah yeah

[Unknown4]: i

[Unknown7]: coz i like sushi

[Unknown6]: well there goes

[Unknown4]: i watch most i watch anime on netflix but

[Unknown6]: there

[Unknown7]: okay

[Unknown6]: goes all of our

[Unknown5]: no okay that's some good one yeah

[Unknown6]: advertisements you fu monsters

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown4]: i'm watching

[Unknown6]: um

[Unknown7]: re supported

[Unknown6]: crunchy roll have you heard of crunchy roll

[Unknown6]: not any

[Unknown7]: yes w were we

[Unknown4]: cra

[Unknown6]: more fucks

[Unknown6]: more fucks

[Unknown5]: listen we can do we can do ads for pired beds right

[Unknown7]: i'll do i'll do that listen i up to the meetings tell me who's sponsoring us

[Unknown5]: we are

[Unknown7]: just yeah

[Unknown6]: anyways crunchy roll and funimation have joined forces because

[Unknown6]: anyways crunchy roll and funimation have joined forces because

[Unknown6]: crunchy roll force them to

[Unknown7]: sup you're on the team now

[Unknown6]: essentially crunchy roll has

[Unknown6]: purchased all of funimation's content

[Unknown7]: uhhuh

[Unknown6]: and that's on the heels of crunchy roll having that sweet sweet sony money

[Unknown7]: that

[Unknown6]: to be able to go out and buy um

[Unknown7]: competition

[Unknown6]: uh

[Unknown6]: kill competition basically

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown4]: absorb

[Unknown6]: so about eighty percent of what phonation has will be in crunchy roll by the end

[Unknown6]: of march this year

[Unknown4]: is

[Unknown4]: crunch all free or you have to pay for it right

[Unknown6]: so going forward

[Unknown6]: it's like netflix you gotta pay for it

[Unknown7]: it's both yeah well

[Unknown5]: it's cheaper than it

[Unknown7]: there's a free aspect you could watch it for free and then their ads inserted pay

[Unknown7]: for it ads go away so like youtube

[Unknown4]: really cause i

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown4]: tried to do it said you had to make an account

[Unknown5]: it like

[Unknown7]: yeah make an account and then

[Unknown4]: oh but you don't have to pay

[Unknown5]: a free account yeah

[Unknown5]: a free account yeah

[Unknown7]: correct

[Unknown4]: oh interesting

[Unknown7]: so

[Unknown5]: and some some things are premium only but yeah chris is right a lot of things you

[Unknown5]: can watch with

[Unknown4]: we

[Unknown5]: ads

[Unknown7]: it's just

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown7]: like old old old days of tv like you can still watch your programming but ads are

[Unknown7]: gonna hit you

[Unknown4]: but

[Unknown7]: commercials are gonna hit you

[Unknown5]: well it's also not in hd so there's that

[Unknown4]: oh that's annoying it's also

[Unknown4]: fucking like like netflix i like has it has anime but then it fucking like attack

[Unknown7]: okay yeah

[Unknown4]: on titan it has season one and that's it and i'm like wait what what the

[Unknown5]: yep

[Unknown4]: fuck would they buy season one rights and not

[Unknown6]: because that's what they can get

[Unknown4]: but dad the show

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown4]: lake is all it's one long story like how could

[Unknown7]: that

[Unknown6]: yeah but

[Unknown7]: and season four or something now too plus

[Unknown6]: but but like if you think about it from next netflix standpoint they get at least

[Unknown6]: one season and from whoever it's i think it's country roller one of the two crn

[Unknown6]: fun basically pay for exclusivity right so you have to go to them in order to get

[Unknown4]: i hate it this is this is what why

[Unknown6]: the rest of the story it's all

[Unknown4]: you know that meme where it's like you know like when netflix

[Unknown4]: came out and they they like took off their pirate hat they're like goodbye old

[Unknown6]: it's time

[Unknown4]: friend you know and and then it's like and then you

[Unknown7]: not in this

[Unknown6]: yep

[Unknown7]: case cause if you're

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown7]: if you cause if you got if you're holding out on me holding season one

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown7]: on me netflix i'm going to the high seas

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown7]: with my good friend the black pearl

[Unknown4]: that's what that's what i'm saying it's like it's like and then now it's like

[Unknown4]: basically all the streaming services are just like channels

[Unknown7]: two

[Unknown4]: on cable and you're almost paying more it's like i used to get multiple channels

[Unknown4]: for cheap in a package but now it's like fifty dollars for netflix fifty dollars

[Unknown4]: for hulu fifty dollars for amazon

[Unknown6]: hey thanks

[Unknown5]: are you pay

[Unknown6]: thanks old man

[Unknown4]: that

[Unknown4]: back

[Unknown5]: are you well

[Unknown7]: this was

[Unknown4]: in my day they used

[Unknown7]: i

[Unknown4]: to have

[Unknown5]: are you paying

[Unknown4]: channels

[Unknown5]: are you paying fifty dollars for netflix what the fuck

[Unknown4]: i said fifteen and i'm paying nothing i'd steal

[Unknown5]: oh okay

[Unknown4]: it from my wife's mother like i'm like a real man

[Unknown6]: okay so

[Unknown5]: wow

[Unknown6]: do you guys remember the time we couldn't get any advertisers because we admitted

[Unknown6]: to thieving everything we possibly could cause i do it happened like right now

[Unknown4]: the i i didn't a everything i said was in comedy

[Unknown5]: yeah it's in it's in just everything is in jest

[Unknown4]: parody the show is satire

[Unknown7]: you can't cancel us it's just it's just satire

[Unknown6]: honestly for the price it cost crunchy roll like the article says that

[Unknown6]: i think an average account standard crunch ro account costs eight dollars a month

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown6]: if they're gonna have all of the anime as it sounds like

[Unknown5]: they already have so much and there just there's gonna be more yeah

[Unknown4]: i'm pretty

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown4]: i'm pretty tempted right now

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown4]: i'm really bulls deep and anime i'm like fully addicted

[Unknown6]: you

[Unknown7]: okay

[Unknown6]: really shouldn't use balls deep when it comes to anime

[Unknown7]: probably

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown7]: yeah that

[Unknown5]: yeah yeah

[Unknown7]: that's that's a that's a good

[Unknown4]: that's

[Unknown7]: tip right there

[Unknown6]: but if you are if you are a sony person

[Unknown4]: i am

[Unknown6]: like you are in playstation i am positive you can catch two to three months of

[Unknown6]: free access

[Unknown4]: oh really

[Unknown6]: to crunchy roll

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown6]: somewhere on the internet it's really easy to find it's all over the place

[Unknown4]: is it empire bay

[Unknown5]: i mean i mean it probably is

[Unknown7]: he met coupon sir he met coupa

[Unknown7]: and

[Unknown6]: uh i hate this place um

[Unknown4]: satire hashtag out tire

[Unknown6]: next

[Unknown7]: was it was a joke

[Unknown6]: next story segue

[Unknown5]: hashtag satire

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown6]: sec way

[Unknown4]: yes

[Unknown6]: are you guys familiar with dakota johnson's work

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown4]: she is the one from fifty shades

[Unknown5]: sure sure

[Unknown7]: av yes i guess yes

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown6]: correct

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown6]: you

[Unknown4]: yes

[Unknown6]: win the prize spencer she

[Unknown7]: best comedy

[Unknown6]: is from fifty shades

[Unknown6]: also

[Unknown5]: wait what

[Unknown5]: wait what

[Unknown6]: what no not gonna we're not entertaining that statement that is a one off

[Unknown6]: statement that we take chris will take to his grave for them

[Unknown7]: it was funniest fuck

[Unknown6]: dakota johnson is being tapped by the sony universe of

[Unknown4]: nice

[Unknown6]: marvel characters to play a character um

[Unknown6]: and

[Unknown4]: it is it black

[Unknown6]: you won't believe which character

[Unknown4]: black cat

[Unknown6]: she's gonna play

[Unknown5]: oh shit might turn into buzzfeed now

[Unknown4]: yeah they these ten the top

[Unknown7]: it

[Unknown4]: ten characters she might be playing

[Unknown4]: um

[Unknown4]: black hat

[Unknown6]: number one madam webb madam webb that's the answer

[Unknown4]: who's madam webb who's

[Unknown5]: what

[Unknown4]: madam webb

[Unknown5]: madam webb

[Unknown4]: i don't know who that is

[Unknown7]: madam

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown7]: webb is or was a clare voy and pre cog mutant who first showed up to help

[Unknown7]: spiderman to find a kidnapped victim she was not one of the mutants that lost her

[Unknown7]: power during the decimation scarlett witch storyline she was yeah so she's a

[Unknown5]: so she she was one of the one of the two hundred that kept her like what the fuck

[Unknown7]: mutant and she's an old woman

[Unknown5]: really

[Unknown4]: so is the web part have no connection to spiderman even though she's with

[Unknown4]: spiderman like in the story

[Unknown7]: she helped him but

[Unknown7]: she's not like so it's just her name yes and no but anyway

[Unknown4]: but web is just coincidence

[Unknown5]: no this is like oh we need to add the side kick for a while to spiderman

[Unknown7]: not even

[Unknown5]: let's use the word web

[Unknown7]: yes and no she she's more of like the the the the wa the wise the w sage that that

[Unknown7]: comes to offer

[Unknown5]: right right but why did they name her web because she was gonna be on spiderman

[Unknown6]: cause that's her last name no 'cause her last name is her character name is

[Unknown6]: cassandra

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown6]: webb so

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown5]: matt because you know they came up with that name completely unrelated to the fact

[Unknown4]: yeah and the and the rid

[Unknown5]: that she was gonna be on a spiderman cartoon

[Unknown6]: probably

[Unknown4]: and the riddler name is edward enigma nothing to do with the with the

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown4]: riddler

[Unknown6]: that's

[Unknown7]: completely

[Unknown5]: andson ivory is

[Unknown6]: don't ruin that movie spencer

[Unknown5]: pamela eisley and

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown7]: hm

[Unknown5]: harley queen is harley quin zell

[Unknown5]: harley queen is harley quin zell

[Unknown7]: hm see it's

[Unknown6]: hey

[Unknown7]: so simple i knew you could ca up

[Unknown6]: thanks guys

[Unknown7]: so the biggest question is

[Unknown7]: i'll go first why dakota johnson

[Unknown4]: i

[Unknown7]: why

[Unknown5]: i'll go i'll i'll say this why

[Unknown5]: madam webb

[Unknown4]: is madam

[Unknown6]: counterpoint why not

[Unknown4]: it's madam webb a thirty year old

[Unknown4]: attractive

[Unknown7]: no

[Unknown5]: no

[Unknown7]: she's older she's

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown7]: generally older but that's okay too because i i i i both question the casting and

[Unknown7]: i'm for the

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown7]: character integration for this reason and this reason alone there's a better

[Unknown7]: actress out there who could have properly ushered in this this

[Unknown7]: new character

[Unknown4]: gilbert godfrey

[Unknown6]: i'm sorry you

[Unknown7]: would you like to

[Unknown5]: but why

[Unknown7]: but why what

[Unknown4]: it's gilbert godfrey again i beg

[Unknown7]: no no no no i i i i i hear you now but that would have been great too no here's a

[Unknown7]: hot take

[Unknown4]: it's gonna be someone bad

[Unknown7]: how many of you have

[Unknown5]: you like

[Unknown7]: seen the recent noway home

[Unknown7]: spiderman movie

[Unknown4]: i have

[Unknown5]: not yet i have not

[Unknown6]: no i have not

[Unknown7]: have not okay okay i don't know what to do in this case i i don't

[Unknown7]: know what to do i don't want

[Unknown5]: no spoilers that's what you do you don't spoil it

[Unknown6]: what

[Unknown7]: to spoil

[Unknown7]: it so you're gonna have to

[Unknown4]: matt matt man

[Unknown6]: let me

[Unknown7]: you gotta have to trust me

[Unknown6]: let me interject here for a second um

[Unknown4]: oh matt lucy gotta plug your ears

[Unknown6]: no is that happening um chris could you possibly look up this person and see what

[Unknown6]: else they've been to try to make that connection while i vamp here for five

[Unknown4]: but then you'll get spoiled that she's in the movie although i don't know who

[Unknown6]: seconds to give you some space to to do

[Unknown7]: i know what she's i know what she's in and

[Unknown4]: you're talking about

[Unknown7]: and and i know what she's capable of

[Unknown6]: yeah but but

[Unknown4]: is it

[Unknown7]: and she's

[Unknown6]: but i like

[Unknown7]: more capable than dakota johnson

[Unknown4]: is it marissa tome

[Unknown6]: anyways

[Unknown7]: do i

[Unknown5]: you mean marisa to me

[Unknown7]: answer the question or not

[Unknown4]: well they know she's in spiderman she's a may

[Unknown7]: well

[Unknown6]: what's happening

[Unknown7]: then the answer is yes

[Unknown4]: oh well that's fine that's not a spoiler

[Unknown6]: what the fuck just happened

[Unknown4]: that aunt may is and spiderman

[Unknown5]: this stuff does yeah

[Unknown6]: she's been in the last two

[Unknown5]: in all of them she's been in all of them

[Unknown4]: what a twist

[Unknown5]: chris

[Unknown6]: um

[Unknown5]: what's happening to you

[Unknown6]: of course you are right bud does that sickness get into your

[Unknown6]: brain brain stems okay

[Unknown7]: just you wait just wait

[Unknown4]: just do it

[Unknown6]: um

[Unknown6]: if if we were to not give um hollywood parts to to young white women um

[Unknown7]: and

[Unknown6]: because we want to have some diversity who else do we think we could give it to

[Unknown4]: i also like the age diversity like there's like i understand them i

[Unknown7]: yes

[Unknown4]: i understand them wanting to hire young people because like obviously that's like

[Unknown4]: cool and all but they also want them because the franchises go for so long they

[Unknown4]: want someone they can lock down for like the next decade

[Unknown4]: like i get that but also

[Unknown4]: not everyone in the mcu has to be twenty two you know it's like

[Unknown7]: true

[Unknown4]: it

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown7]: i got a much better i have a much better casting in that sense a lot not just for

[Unknown7]: diversity but because thank you for waking me back up aj knew alice

[Unknown4]: what's she from

[Unknown7]: from she's recently in uh king richard as um

[Unknown4]: never saw it

[Unknown7]: serena and venus' uh mother

[Unknown7]: and i'm hearing she turn in a wonderful a wonderful performance

[Unknown4]: did they call the

[Unknown4]: serena and

[Unknown5]: okay i'll take your word for it

[Unknown6]: ah

[Unknown4]: venus williams movie king richard

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown7]: it's about their yeah yeah

[Unknown6]: yeah it's what they're dead

[Unknown4]: that's kind of annoying

[Unknown4]: i don't know

[Unknown6]: why

[Unknown6]: it's about their data

[Unknown7]: you haven't seen the movie

[Unknown6]: it's not it's not about them yeah

[Unknown4]: should be about them they're the fock stars

[Unknown6]: hey watch the fucking movie

[Unknown7]: how do you know it's not

[Unknown7]: anyways

[Unknown6]: spencer sp

[Unknown6]: your question the movie before you question the title on i think you haven't seen

[Unknown4]: all right i'll be right back

[Unknown7]: she was also in men of honor and ray and also undercover brother one of my

[Unknown7]: favorite

[Unknown4]: clastic movie

[Unknown6]: great i

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown6]: love it i'm here for it i think that's a good good option i just think we like

[Unknown4]: yeah i don't know enough about madam webb to give a take on this

[Unknown7]: all you need

[Unknown6]: well i just

[Unknown7]: to know is that a good actress should play her

[Unknown4]: hot take

[Unknown6]: dakota johnson's fine

[Unknown6]: but

[Unknown4]: now she's spinning she was

[Unknown7]: you should see your face

[Unknown4]: j

[Unknown7]: you

[Unknown7]: try

[Unknown6]: i

[Unknown5]: have

[Unknown7]: to push the

[Unknown4]: she's not bad in like

[Unknown6]: like as

[Unknown7]: oh gosh

[Unknown4]: she's like kind of funny in that movie

[Unknown7]: struggle joe and struggle

[Unknown6]: the twilight movie

[Unknown4]: no what's the movie with jason's

[Unknown7]: it's

[Unknown4]: segal and he's she's like sleeping with him and she's like really young

[Unknown7]: are you are you sure that was it chris kristen

[Unknown4]: no

[Unknown7]: bell or are you sure that's dakota

[Unknown4]: it's a movie

[Unknown4]: where she's like his

[Unknown4]: young girlfriend she's a

[Unknown6]: i i'm looking up her md b for you

[Unknown7]: you guys are struggling

[Unknown4]: she's his young girlfriend and like

[Unknown4]: he like doesn't wanna like keep up with her young ways she's like supposed to have

[Unknown4]: sex and party all the time

[Unknown7]: uhuh

[Unknown4]: and he breaks up with her

[Unknown7]: okay

[Unknown7]: and you and you feel that's a match for madam web

[Unknown4]: i

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown4]: don't know madam web but she i thought she was kind of funny in that

[Unknown7]: okay

[Unknown5]: so how how about loren tan for madam webb lorenson

[Unknown5]: so how how about loren tan for madam webb lorenson

[Unknown4]: fifty shots are grape

[Unknown7]: say that again uh suggestion that sounds familiar what was she in

[Unknown5]: she plays she plays v in orange the new black

[Unknown4]: i don't know any of these people

[Unknown7]: i trust you

[Unknown5]: no i think she would be she did

[Unknown4]: so

[Unknown5]: a very very good job

[Unknown6]: i i say go helen maron

[Unknown6]: i i say go helen maron

[Unknown7]: cool i'm here for it

[Unknown7]: oh we

[Unknown7]: totally

[Unknown5]: that that's

[Unknown4]: she's white you've piece of shit

[Unknown7]: need miss marin madam dame

[Unknown5]: if it was if this was in the m c u

[Unknown6]: she is old that's fine what's

[Unknown5]: wow

[Unknown4]: canceled

[Unknown5]: wow

[Unknown6]: what

[Unknown5]: you respect the original supergirl sir

[Unknown7]: helen mirin

[Unknown5]: wasn't it wasn't it her i think it was

[Unknown7]: was not kelly wasn't that kelly

[Unknown6]: what's happening here

[Unknown7]: something kelly

[Unknown5]: was it

[Unknown4]: segue

[Unknown5]: i don't know

[Unknown7]: the originals

[Unknown5]: she did something

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown7]: you're not the host

[Unknown5]: she did something

[Unknown6]: yeah we're we're off no he's right segue we're off the

[Unknown6]: rocker here

[Unknown7]: still

[Unknown6]: have you guys heard of weird al

[Unknown4]: love love that man

[Unknown5]: sure sure

[Unknown5]: sure

[Unknown7]: dare to be stupid

[Unknown7]: dare to be stupid

[Unknown4]: fuck

[Unknown5]: law

[Unknown4]: love that guy

[Unknown6]: classics um

[Unknown6]: so they're gonna make a bio pick of weird's life

[Unknown7]: yo is he gonna play himself

[Unknown6]: i think not

[Unknown7]: he could he could though

[Unknown6]: hm could he if he's not gonna play himself they have a leading candidate who will

[Unknown6]: play him

[Unknown7]: oh my god this is gonna be

[Unknown4]: no

[Unknown7]: so scary who is it gonna be

[Unknown6]: i don't i don't even know if this is as i'm trying to yeah

[Unknown5]: is it is it andres alba

[Unknown6]: it's in a in a way in a way

[Unknown7]: he could do it

[Unknown7]: j my man in there

[Unknown6]: i diversity diversity is key in hollywood um however it's daniel radcliffe

[Unknown6]: i diversity diversity is key in hollywood um however it's daniel radcliffe

[Unknown4]: what

[Unknown7]: y

[Unknown4]: did they announce that

[Unknown5]: oh okay

[Unknown6]: harry

[Unknown7]: let's go

[Unknown6]: potter is gonna exp us your worries and troubles about

[Unknown7]: your

[Unknown6]: who's gonna play weird coz that's him

[Unknown4]: that's

[Unknown7]: yo

[Unknown4]: i kind of love it although it

[Unknown4]: he's not

[Unknown5]: yeah i mean i'm here for it

[Unknown4]: nearly like fun he's not nearly like funky looking enough like weird else kind of

[Unknown7]: he's got skills

[Unknown5]: oh

[Unknown7]: yo you say that

[Unknown5]: man i'm just

[Unknown6]: have you looked at this picture of him

[Unknown5]: looking at the first like

[Unknown5]: at the first picture it's perfect

[Unknown7]: there's a picture here there's a picture

[Unknown4]: i'm looking it up

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown7]: trust in the force trust in the four

[Unknown5]: oh my god

[Unknown7]: spencer you got to bit

[Unknown7]: spencer you got to bit

[Unknown4]: so debt

[Unknown6]: he's got he's got he's got the stash he's got the fro

[Unknown7]: yoo

[Unknown6]: he's got the accordion

[Unknown7]: i hear well i think he could play too

[Unknown7]: oh my god and he knows how to rap he does know how to rap

[Unknown4]: oh my god

[Unknown7]: he's got verbal calisthenics

[Unknown4]: that is hilarious

[Unknown7]: oh

[Unknown6]: i think the most interesting thing about this is it's the roku channel is doing

[Unknown6]: i think the most interesting thing about this is it's the roku channel is doing

[Unknown6]: this bio pick

[Unknown6]: this bio pick

[Unknown7]: sad that's a that's that's

[Unknown4]: what

[Unknown7]: disrespect that's so much disrespect

[Unknown5]: yeah it is it is

[Unknown6]: it's

[Unknown7]: roku

[Unknown6]: why it's that's why who's it disrespecting like they're making a movie

[Unknown7]: it's disrespecting they're making a movie but we'll ever get seen it's gonna be

[Unknown6]: well according to you based on u ass yes it will definitely get seen

[Unknown7]: left up to yo

[Unknown7]: no no no no no that's my point it's gonna be left up to champions like ourselves

[Unknown7]: to help promote

[Unknown4]: i just i just

[Unknown7]: this movie movies like this need to see a spot like beam web

[Unknown4]: i just hope it's like him going to the very celebrity parodied and trying to get

[Unknown4]: permission to use parodies because he always did that he like asked them and then

[Unknown4]: being like played

[Unknown7]: hey

[Unknown4]: as like over the top caricatures of the famous people yeah

[Unknown6]: that'd be a lot of fun every ever yeah

[Unknown7]: michael jackson r

[Unknown7]: p madonna rip

[Unknown4]: like when you guys ever see

[Unknown6]: but but that's a thing you can get someone to play michael jackson being asked

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown6]: by word out right

[Unknown7]: yes

[Unknown4]: like that would be awesome like did you see the dewy

[Unknown5]: i'm i'm all for

[Unknown4]: cox movie did you guys see

[Unknown7]: the what

[Unknown4]: that do we walk hard

[Unknown6]: yeah yeah

[Unknown5]: dewy cox ah ah

[Unknown4]: walk hard

[Unknown7]: oh

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown4]: and he goes and he

[Unknown7]: jussy riley

[Unknown5]: yeah it's

[Unknown4]: when he meets the beatles and

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown5]: it's amazed that movie is amazing

[Unknown4]: when he eats the beatles and it's like it's amazing how much you can imagine and

[Unknown4]: like they're all they're like all like it's jack black and paul rudd is the

[Unknown4]: beatles like that kind of thing

[Unknown6]: yeah yeah

[Unknown4]: and the weird out movie would be so good

[Unknown5]: yeah yeah like no paul rudd is is

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown5]: paul mccartney is fucking perfect

[Unknown4]: yeah there it's like and like jack black's changing

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown4]: his accent like the entire time just constantly like

[Unknown5]: in the middle yeah yeah

[Unknown4]: changing

[Unknown4]: like

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown4]: dialects

[Unknown5]: yeah yeah

[Unknown7]: uh

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown5]: i i all i wanna see is is daniel redcliffe do amish paradise it's really all that

[Unknown7]: oh

[Unknown4]: yeah the the music would

[Unknown5]: i wanna see

[Unknown7]: whoa

[Unknown4]: be good i saw actually a picture from this movie of evan rachel wood as madonna

[Unknown4]: be good i saw actually a picture from this movie of evan rachel wood as madonna

[Unknown4]: so i so there are gonna be

[Unknown5]: yeah i was gonna say that that also works very well

[Unknown4]: yeah she looks good

[Unknown6]: yeah it's i mean the great thing about this is it's being written

[Unknown4]: oh fss gonna be fucking bananas

[Unknown6]: by weird al and eric capell so it's going

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown6]: to be it's gonna be bananas and about him and it's going to have i mean

[Unknown5]: oh

[Unknown6]: hopefully it's the same parody level that he takes his songs to into

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown6]: his bio pick so i think i'm super excited about it now based based on that

[Unknown4]: like if it was like a like a behind the music type documentary

[Unknown5]: i'm looking at i'm looking at a picture of

[Unknown4]: like it's a momentary

[Unknown5]: yeah i

[Unknown4]: about his life it'd be pretty bug and hilarious

[Unknown5]: yeah i'm looking at the picture of of uh of even rachel wood ass

[Unknown5]: madonna it's amazing

[Unknown4]: yeah it is good

[Unknown4]: and i

[Unknown5]: oh my god

[Unknown4]: liked her big fan

[Unknown7]: side related side note there's there's a casting war for uh the madonna biopic

[Unknown7]: that we could touch on that some other time but that seems to be heating up as

[Unknown7]: well

[Unknown5]: oh madon is choosing her madonna yeah i just saw it

[Unknown4]: are they gonna make her look like a crazy person

[Unknown5]: well she's she's choosing between

[Unknown6]: i don't know

[Unknown5]: florence pew julia garner and sydney's meet

[Unknown4]: and gilbert godfred

[Unknown7]: and

[Unknown7]: gilbert godfrey

[Unknown6]: abbs obviously

[Unknown4]: i'm back baby i'm my daughter

[Unknown7]: gilbert is gilbert is out here he's in these streets getting paid

[Unknown6]: he's waiting he's waiting for his big break finally

[Unknown4]: like a

[Unknown7]: mm

[Unknown4]: virgin touched for the very first time

[Unknown6]: i'm gonna have to say way real quick here

[Unknown7]: oh my god

[Unknown5]: that was pretty good though

[Unknown6]: are are you guys familiar with um

[Unknown6]: playing video games that are intent on punishing you as much as possible

[Unknown5]: no because i don't hate myself

[Unknown7]: i don't know the answer is

[Unknown6]: interesting

[Unknown7]: no unless like i've unless i've i've discovered i've stumbled onto this fact much

[Unknown7]: too late and i am far too invested

[Unknown5]: yeah i i played battle toads

[Unknown7]: yo

[Unknown5]: in the nineties

[Unknown7]: yes

[Unknown5]: and that was it that was the last time i played a game that was meant to make me

[Unknown7]: which battle toes was it battle toads versus double dragon

[Unknown5]: cry the first one

[Unknown5]: no the first one the first

[Unknown7]: oh

[Unknown5]: one on the on the

[Unknown6]: no

[Unknown5]: ns

[Unknown4]: yeah i

[Unknown7]: ball to just dope

[Unknown4]: i've never been that type of ga like even the games i really liked you know people

[Unknown4]: are like oh you got like platinum it play it on legendary mode and i'm just like e

[Unknown4]: you know

[Unknown7]: right

[Unknown5]: but what about no

[Unknown4]: i'm i'm i'm i'm good i'm good

[Unknown6]: that's an option

[Unknown6]: so none of us have but if you were into those sort of things you would have

[Unknown6]: probably played

[Unknown4]: oh

[Unknown6]: elden ring

[Unknown7]: hm i've been hearing about that

[Unknown6]: which came out uh this month it's

[Unknown4]: this game is getting so much hype it's crazy

[Unknown6]: yeah so this game is really popular because it is from software who makes all of

[Unknown4]: mm dark souls blood borne seko

[Unknown6]: the games like this basically

[Unknown6]: dark soles two dark cells three um

[Unknown6]: dark soles two dark cells three um

[Unknown5]: blood bor and yeah yeah

[Unknown4]: dark souls too

[Unknown6]: and so

[Unknown6]: they hooked up

[Unknown5]: demon souls

[Unknown6]: with everybody's favorite he's th blood sole steam es um

[Unknown6]: from software hooked up with everybody's favorite fancy novelist j george r r

[Unknown6]: martin to create

[Unknown4]: so what he's been doing instead of finishing his books fuck

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown5]: yes exactly

[Unknown4]: finished your book you monster

[Unknown4]: finished your book you monster

[Unknown7]: i wanna take a

[Unknown4]: i'm gonna

[Unknown7]: sabbatical i'm just gonna get to do some me time you know what i feel like writing

[Unknown4]: i should make a video game

[Unknown6]: yeah

[Unknown6]: i mean i think they contacted him but anyways so everyone loves this game

[Unknown6]: metacritic has given it an overall of

[Unknown6]: ninety six humans however are a little bit lower at seven

[Unknown4]: wow that's like the highest ever

[Unknown4]: really

[Unknown6]: point eight user score

[Unknown5]: yeah yeah but if you read reviews there's like a zero review that says elder ring

[Unknown5]: is exactly what we all need like man pick a lane like

[Unknown6]: so

[Unknown5]: it's in

[Unknown4]: that's confusing

[Unknown6]: so i can

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown6]: answer this i listen to another podcast called rebel fm and the two guys on it

[Unknown6]: used to be in games media and so the reason why the metal critic is so high is

[Unknown6]: that they had a very short lead time for people to review this game before it

[Unknown6]: actually came out and generally in those situations the people who want to play

[Unknown6]: those games

[Unknown4]: one

[Unknown6]: love those games because you got to knock out like sixty hours in like a week in

[Unknown6]: order to review the game so the people who are reviewing them are kind

[Unknown5]: so

[Unknown6]: of predisposed to liking this game because

[Unknown7]: do you

[Unknown6]: people either really love this game or hate it so those people who love are gonna

[Unknown6]: ask for it and the

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown6]: people who hate it could be like i don't want to play that fucking games sixty

[Unknown6]: hours i'm gonna hate my life so you kind of end up having this small group of

[Unknown6]: people who already love this game doing the

[Unknown6]: reviews so that's why there's

[Unknown7]: confirmation bias

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown6]: there's a bit of like um separation

[Unknown4]: yeah it got like creat like i g n gave it ten out of ten which it's like it's only

[Unknown4]: done like eight of those in the past they did they gave it to metal

[Unknown5]: well

[Unknown4]: gear solid five which is my least favorite meal gear there's no fucking story in

[Unknown4]: it but

[Unknown5]: apparently like on twitch everybody and their dog is playing it and a lot of like

[Unknown5]: a

[Unknown4]: i mean

[Unknown5]: lot of streamers that don't usually play this kind of game are

[Unknown5]: playing it too and

[Unknown4]: yeah it's the most

[Unknown7]: mhm

[Unknown5]: it's apparently to to matt's point it's killing their audience because nobody

[Unknown5]: wants to watch it unless you're really into those games

[Unknown4]: yeah apparently it's like the most accessible of the blood soles borne games but

[Unknown6]: sure

[Unknown5]: blood

[Unknown4]: whatever

[Unknown5]: cells born

[Unknown4]: but i

[Unknown5]: no

[Unknown6]: ned accurate

[Unknown7]: all that

[Unknown5]: it's it that's what it is now it's the blood soles born game

[Unknown4]: like i just i i wanna like this game so bad and i want to play it because it's

[Unknown4]: like i anytime there's a game with like this good reviews i'm like i'm like i

[Unknown4]: wanna try it but i don't understand the self of accomplishment that people get

[Unknown4]: when they beat something very hard like is if that's enough to make you wanna keep

[Unknown4]: playing

[Unknown5]: i

[Unknown4]: like i need like like

[Unknown5]: so to

[Unknown4]: a story

[Unknown4]: like i wanna beat a a bad

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown4]: guy because it's like emotionally i want to beat him not because i'm just like

[Unknown4]: he's so hard i feel good about myself rebating him i don't know it doesn't

[Unknown5]: i i don't mind when the game like i think it's if if the game designers come up

[Unknown5]: with a gameplay or with game design that is difficult but it's rewarding and it's

[Unknown5]: difficult because it's interesting and and you know requires like you know skill

[Unknown5]: that's fine right but when it it's hard just just to be hard and just to punish

[Unknown5]: any small mistake you make and make you retrace your steps all over again it's

[Unknown5]: like why am i paying money to shoot myself into the foot 'cause that's why it

[Unknown4]: it it's just like also like why don't they make it different difficulty modes like

[Unknown5]: feels like

[Unknown4]: it just seems like you get your

[Unknown4]: hand up your own ass so far that you're like oh

[Unknown6]: y you understand man

[Unknown4]: you don't get it man it's got it it's like oh you're like a new be like no you if

[Unknown4]: i if somebody wants to play it on an easier mode why does that make that if the

[Unknown4]: game being easier makes it so that game is not an enjoyable game that means that

[Unknown4]: game has flaws like if if it's reliant on being hard and the endorphins of beating

[Unknown4]: that hardness is all that game has to offer then in my

[Unknown6]: one

[Unknown4]: opinion it shouldn't be well reviewed

[Unknown6]: i disagree i think you're allowed to make a game that's like that that's the way

[Unknown6]: wanna want to make your game but the problem is in general as you hear with people

[Unknown6]: liking that game

[Unknown6]: don't just like that game but are generally active actively negative towards games

[Unknown6]: that aren't like that right

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown6]: so it's like the only games to play are are

[Unknown5]: the

[Unknown6]: these blood soul demon born games because

[Unknown6]: they're the only

[Unknown5]: the name's getting better

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown6]: they're the only true challenge right and if you play a game and you play any game

[Unknown6]: that has like modes and it's anything below the hardest mode you're a stupid baby

[Unknown6]: right that's where the problem comes in if you want to make a game that's fucking

[Unknown6]: bitch as hard and it'll punish you fine i'm am not gonna play it there's no skin

[Unknown6]: off my back but it's when you push out and question everybody else's life choices

[Unknown7]: that

[Unknown6]: that's where i'm just like maybe you guys could just fuck off and go play a game

[Unknown6]: that's where i'm just like maybe you guys could just fuck off and go play a game

[Unknown6]: in piece

[Unknown6]: in piece

[Unknown7]: hey

[Unknown5]: yeah i have a i have a few friends that love

[Unknown4]: it's like a it's like a cult

[Unknown5]: this kind of game like i have one of my friends yeah the he like this friend who

[Unknown5]: in particular he

[Unknown4]: bad

[Unknown5]: he's played every one of these games from the first from the demon souls game and

[Unknown5]: every time he tries to get me to play he's like oh this one is great and you

[Unknown5]: should i'm like no man i don't hate myself and it's like i'm saying like

[Unknown5]: i

[Unknown5]: i think you're an idiot for p play no it's you know do you if you like those games

[Unknown5]: if if the endorphins from pushing through the frustration and getting it done is

[Unknown5]: good for you go for it but just don't expect me to like it like i said i don't

[Unknown5]: mind games that are difficult

[Unknown5]: because they were designed in a way that takes skill like i you know some some

[Unknown5]: games i do play in a hard difficulty like doom for example i played in the second

[Unknown5]: to hardest difficult because i found it too easy but i had a choice if i wanted to

[Unknown5]: go back to easy e i could right

[Unknown4]: yeah that's the part that bugs me it's like you gotta commit to like putting in

[Unknown4]: like i wanna just play the game and see the story and see the world and stuff like

[Unknown4]: i don't want to spend like four hours on one boss i don't have that kind of time

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown4]: you know it's like to just be like grinding out

[Unknown6]: if you like story watch a fucking movie a dumb baby

[Unknown4]: yeah yeah what that's you know what i i saw like a comic about this that sums it

[Unknown4]: well it's like some like a guy's playing elden ring and he's like fuck this this

[Unknown4]: fuck game and the guy walks up and he's like yeah i can't play these games because

[Unknown4]: they're too hard and then the guy's like what a nbe thing to say

[Unknown4]: like

[Unknown7]: hm

[Unknown4]: like it's like it's like that's exactly

[Unknown5]: nice nice

[Unknown4]: like sums it up they're like they have everyone they have the difficulty

[Unknown5]: how come you don't suffer with me yet

[Unknown4]: yeah it's like i don't know it's to each his own like you said like i'm not gonna

[Unknown4]: judge anybody who likes it but like it seems like this game

[Unknown4]: has more to offer

[Unknown4]: like to the to the gamer like me that's like it like there are things that they

[Unknown4]: describe it that makes it look like the world looks interesting the lower looks

[Unknown4]: cooler than the other ones i find kind of like bland the lower this one seems like

[Unknown4]: it's more in depth and there's more so it's like maybe that will get me to want to

[Unknown4]: keep playing because i don't like again just beating guys isn't enough for me

[Unknown5]: well i

[Unknown5]: i can tell you i watched some people play and i saw some guy who was fighting with

[Unknown5]: this boss for like a good fifteen minutes

[Unknown7]: hm

[Unknown5]: and you know hitting and dodging and hitting and dodging and hitting and dodging

[Unknown5]: and hitting and dodging and then he got hit once and died i'm like

[Unknown7]: it's like that

[Unknown5]: that nope no not playing not playing this game fuck you

[Unknown7]: i've been seeing a lot of those videos uh pop up from like other other youtubers

[Unknown7]: and and content creators and and and honestly i'd rather watch them play it and be

[Unknown7]: able to to like to to be able to scrub through

[Unknown7]: you will not miss me with that blood soul demon born kill godfred gilbert um

[Unknown7]: experience no thank you

[Unknown4]: godfrey born

[Unknown7]: you know

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown6]: i

[Unknown7]: i

[Unknown6]: played that game

[Unknown7]: i'm not gonna do it

[Unknown5]: i play i played that

[Unknown4]: yeah i'm i'm torn cause like my body want

[Unknown7]: you torn

[Unknown4]: my buddies wanna play it and they there's like coop and that would make it easier

[Unknown4]: so you can play it with your friends and they can carry you essentially which

[Unknown7]: is there hm

[Unknown4]: which

[Unknown7]: but if it's one hit kill

[Unknown4]: i i'll just hide

[Unknown7]: then like what do you do when you're when you're

[Unknown4]: i'll just i'll cheer him on from this from the side

[Unknown5]: i don't know that it's always when he'd kill but that's what i saw like it it's

[Unknown5]: very

[Unknown6]: you

[Unknown5]: punishing right

[Unknown7]: hm

[Unknown5]: if you make mistakes and like if you let a boss hit you or like if you don't pay

[Unknown5]: attention to what you're doing like just any old you know small mob

[Unknown4]: is the

[Unknown5]: can just like push you off of a bridge and then now you have to backtrack the last

[Unknown4]: yeah i hate backtracking like this is what summed it up for me i tried blood born

[Unknown5]: three hours that you played cause you didn't have yeah same

[Unknown4]: cause that one again looked more like up my alley

[Unknown5]: i don't

[Unknown4]: you know i was like oh maybe i'll try blood board i was like it looks like it's

[Unknown4]: cooler art direction and stuff the world seems more interesting so i started it

[Unknown4]: and i'm like okay it's not that hard i'm like i'm playing and then i get to the

[Unknown4]: first like mini boss as a first boss and it's like i didn't talk to anybody it's

[Unknown4]: just like i'm just going through this world of like nobody talks to you there's

[Unknown4]: nothing happening you're just fighting random guys with no context and i get to

[Unknown4]: this

[Unknown7]: hey

[Unknown4]: boss and it takes me a couple tries 'cause it's hard and i beat him and it's like

[Unknown4]: he just disintegrates there's no like like ending cinematic that you beat them or

[Unknown4]: or like anything like oh this reason for why you're killing him and i'm just like

[Unknown4]: okay and like why am i what is making

[Unknown7]: what

[Unknown4]: me want to continue this there's no there's nothing it's just like hard gameplay

[Unknown4]: and window dressing and the people who are like they're

[Unknown7]: it sounds like that

[Unknown4]: like the lower is cool if you like read everything and i'm like you lost me a

[Unknown4]: reading man i'm not gonna read

[Unknown4]: like

[Unknown7]: if it's not

[Unknown5]: i think we need i think we have a news a new phrase to add to our intro

[Unknown4]: yeah you lost me in

[Unknown4]: reading

[Unknown7]: it is

[Unknown5]: you lost me a reading

[Unknown4]: man i if i want to read i'll read a book and i don't do that so i'm not gonna read

[Unknown4]: in a video game

[Unknown7]: time stamped

[Unknown5]: i me i even like met can tell you this because we've played multi player games

[Unknown5]: together where there is a lot of reading to be done and i'll stop and read and

[Unknown5]: even i don't want to i don't want to suffer through gameplay that is made to be

[Unknown5]: hard and frustrating on purpose just because there's some cool war to read

[Unknown4]: yeah

[Unknown7]: hey

[Unknown5]: like i'll read it then i'll read it on wikipedia later it's fine

[Unknown4]: yeah exact like like control there was a lot of reading and at first i was like

[Unknown4]: this is intriguing like this world so mysterious and that after like two

[Unknown7]: hmm

[Unknown4]: hours of reading i was like i'm so done with this i'm so done with reading

[Unknown7]: six

[Unknown4]: the screen and i just started skipping them skipping them and

[Unknown5]: well don't you know

[Unknown4]: i you know i mean i can't read so that makes it hard

[Unknown5]: yeah there helps with with the feeling

[Unknown4]: can't read good ma

[Unknown6]: oh well

[Unknown6]: that's sounds like a hu problem spencer so that is the end of our news for the

[Unknown6]: month of february and a couple days in march

[Unknown6]: next up we're gonna we're gonna go through a little treat uh for everybody we're

[Unknown6]: trying something new um we're gonna do three movies for the rest of the month of

[Unknown6]: march

[Unknown6]: and and we're doing this because we love march we love

[Unknown6]: saint patrick's day and and we love liam nissan

[Unknown7]: hey

[Unknown6]: we're gonna watch a number of his movies we have dubbed uh this festival as we're

[Unknown6]: calling it

[Unknown7]: doctor

[Unknown6]: guinness

[Unknown6]: and as i look up

[Unknown5]: we'll explain what it is on the next episode yeah

[Unknown6]: yeah that's probably better we'll explain what gis means for the

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown6]: next episode i would also like to shout out that uh our our illustrious non guest

[Unknown6]: host spencer will probably be

[Unknown6]: the next couple of episodes due to other commitments

[Unknown4]: yeah i just i just no no i just hate liam nissen and i won't i won't

[Unknown6]: e

[Unknown4]: be a part of it i

[Unknown4]: won't i won't be a part of it

[Unknown5]: oh that old thing

[Unknown6]: well it

[Unknown5]: okay

[Unknown6]: is necessary but uh we understand um

[Unknown4]: apparently he has a huge

[Unknown7]: how

[Unknown4]: dog like ryu

[Unknown6]: just like r so

[Unknown5]: maybe he's playing rio on

[Unknown4]: get it done

[Unknown5]: on the the next movie

[Unknown6]: yeah i think that could happen um in the meantime

[Unknown7]: that goes against all the diversity

[Unknown6]: no that's the

[Unknown7]: okay

[Unknown6]: versity here

[Unknown5]: no it's reverse diversity you take a character that's asian and make make an irish

[Unknown5]: guy play it

[Unknown6]: sometimes you guys should just let me seg away out of this

[Unknown6]: instead

[Unknown4]: never

[Unknown7]: sorry sorry

[Unknown6]: of continuing what you're saying because you're not doing yourselves any favors

[Unknown7]: sorry

[Unknown6]: does anybody have anything they wanna pump

[Unknown4]: i do

[Unknown5]: pump

[Unknown4]: yes

[Unknown6]: spencer

[Unknown4]: um i'm gonna say it every episode

[Unknown6]: pump it

[Unknown4]: i have another podcast where we talk nf ts called at n f t buddies

[Unknown4]: and you can find it out apple and spotify and you can follow me on twitter at

[Unknown4]: spinner fox eleven

[Unknown5]: can i can i just say that i hate you for putting an

[Unknown5]: apostrophe before the s on the name of that thing

[Unknown4]: d did i did i

[Unknown4]: what i say

[Unknown5]: yeah

[Unknown4]: oh in the

[Unknown5]: well no in the way that you wrote it yeah

[Unknown4]: actual thing yeah yeah

[Unknown7]: chan

[Unknown4]: because it's because it's at nf buddy s not ies co i can't read

[Unknown5]: well you see

[Unknown5]: we come from a circle

[Unknown6]: he proved himself right

[Unknown6]: um

[Unknown6]: yeah so speaking of pumping things here we'll just pump our normal stuff you can

[Unknown6]: hit us up at your wrong cast on the twitter you can email us at your on cast at

[Unknown6]: gmail dot com uh as always there is the website

[Unknown6]: www dot uran cast dot ca

[Unknown4]: wait what dub lave you mean

[Unknown7]: dube

[Unknown6]: oh or duple a depending on if you're french or english um

[Unknown7]: do they with that

[Unknown5]: fuck all of you

[Unknown6]: how

[Unknown6]: else are they going to find it i don't i don't know

[Unknown4]: i was waiting for that dub lav

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown6]: else to find web pages without typing all the

[Unknown7]: hm

[Unknown6]: ws or duple vas ahead of time

[Unknown4]: you have to let them know

[Unknown7]: yeah

[Unknown4]: it's the world wide web

[Unknown5]: eight

[Unknown4]: otherwise where are you

[Unknown6]: right

[Unknown4]: searching

[Unknown5]: i hate you i hate you

[Unknown4]: the metaverse

[Unknown6]: hm

[Unknown4]: you can get

[Unknown4]: raped in there

[Unknown5]: i hate you

[Unknown6]: nope yeah

[Unknown7]: with gan gloves that's the

[Unknown6]: but but apparently it's not a crime so don't worry about it

[Unknown7]: brings new

[Unknown5]: jesus

[Unknown7]: meaning to the to the white glove treatment

[Unknown6]: well for now i'm mad

[Unknown5]: hi luciano

[Unknown4]: i'm spinner

[Unknown7]: and dakota johnson is a terrible

[Unknown7]: casting for man and we let me tell you all the reasons why number one this is this

[Unknown4]: no don't let it go gris

[Unknown7]: is the last time that i ever support

[Unknown4]: somebody stop them

[Unknown7]: uh you're supposed to cut me off and fade i was

Creators and Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
Recurring guest host extraordinaire
59. The Monthly Roundup: February 2022
Broadcast by