60. The Monthly Roundup: March 2022
[Unknown2]: well yes
[Unknown3]: it
[Unknown2]: those are all excellent points i don't care segue
[Unknown1]: jesus christ
[Unknown3]: excellent
[Unknown2]: next hey listen we got a tight shift around this news podcasts lots of news to
[Unknown4]: yo rapid fire digit
[Unknown2]: talk lots of things to cover
[Unknown2]: have you guys heard of crypto
[Unknown3]: no what is that
[Unknown1]: you yeah it
[Unknown4]: yeah it's the it's the newest thing
[Unknown1]: wait no i thought that was a superman's dog
[Unknown3]: start
[Unknown4]: hey
[Unknown3]: is that some k is uh
[Unknown2]: yep yeah
[Unknown2]: old
[Unknown3]: okay
[Unknown1]: no that's a crypt that's a crypt not
[Unknown2]: people comic book dogs
[Unknown3]: oh
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown2]: so crypto is the buying and selling of old people's graves the
[Unknown3]: ah
[Unknown2]: hot market yeah yeah it's a real hot market
[Unknown1]: well
[Unknown1]: and now and now young people's graves to at least financial graves
[Unknown4]: digging a whole
[Unknown2]: yeah fin financial graves got them
[Unknown3]: i think
[Unknown4]: a
[Unknown3]: i i think i used to watch this show that was related it was called tales from the
[Unknown3]: crypto keeper i don't know if you guys have heard that before
[Unknown4]: i'm
[Unknown1]: yeah
[Unknown4]: so yes
[Unknown2]: get yep
[Unknown2]: get yep
[Unknown3]: that has a really good impression of that actually
[Unknown1]: yeah it was but that would
[Unknown4]: thank you
[Unknown1]: be it would be a crypto bro doing that oh man i would watch that
[Unknown2]: e everybody's frozen on my side except unch i've i've
[Unknown4]: no
[Unknown1]: what
[Unknown2]: exchanged
[Unknown3]: now
[Unknown3]: now who's good suckers
[Unknown4]: so can
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown4]: you hear me
[Unknown4]: could
[Unknown4]: you hear me could you guys hear me
[Unknown1]: matt can you hear me
[Unknown3]: no
[Unknown2]: what
[Unknown3]: matt can you hear me
[Unknown2]: yeah i can hear nick i can
[Unknown4]: can you here
[Unknown2]: hear i can hear luciano again
[Unknown3]: okay no everyone else is talking as well but do you can't hear anybody
[Unknown2]: i c
[Unknown1]: what the fuck
[Unknown2]: i i don't know hear chris i hear lucy on on her neck i don't here chris
[Unknown4]: can you
[Unknown3]: oh
[Unknown4]: guys see me
[Unknown1]: i can see you
[Unknown3]: i see you chris luciana sees you matt does not see or hear you
[Unknown2]: no
[Unknown4]: where the fuck all right
[Unknown2]: cut damn it
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown1]: what the hell
[Unknown1]: i'll
[Unknown3]: the skip
[Unknown1]: refresh as well just in case
[Unknown3]: this could be a real rough podcast i think the record
[Unknown2]: yeah let me i wanna just check my speed here to see if i'm a i'm a problem
[Unknown3]: chris you should refresh as well chris yeah okay
[Unknown2]: now i got
[Unknown5]: matt
[Unknown2]: seven seventy down yeah
[Unknown2]: seven seventy down yeah
[Unknown5]: you should get your money back from from riverside
[Unknown2]: ah
[Unknown6]: joe y
[Unknown2]: this is the first time we've ever had problems
[Unknown6]: fo like on this scale it's very strange
[Unknown6]: fo like on this scale it's very strange
[Unknown5]: i know
[Unknown3]: that'd be a bad day
[Unknown2]: yeah my op is garbage as always but my down's per fine my down seventy five
[Unknown2]: i
[Unknown5]: method
[Unknown2]: don't know
[Unknown2]: whatever i'll just edit it and post
[Unknown5]: i hope it recorded cause we had some good zingers in there
[Unknown2]: generally it records fine
[Unknown2]: two two riverside it's just a matter of um
[Unknown5]: communicating
[Unknown2]: not me not hearing it yeah so
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown2]: i'm just going to forces into yeah yeah
[Unknown5]: just segue into the the actual yeah
[Unknown2]: so crypto in this case actually refers to uh the
[Unknown2]: token coin cryptozoology who knows well it's kind of cryptozoology way i'll get
[Unknown2]: toed the point the point is there is a very pock popular
[Unknown2]: nf t battler called axis infinity and it was one of the big success stories of the
[Unknown3]: yes
[Unknown2]: gaming world at least the crypto world uh blah blah blah read the article
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown2]: real get to the heart of the matter or six hundred million dollars with the
[Unknown2]: cryptocurrency was drained from the never quack
[Unknown5]: sha i'm fried is so good
[Unknown2]: so yeah that's that's a thing apparently
[Unknown6]: that's i had no idea that this was even fucking impossible
[Unknown5]: right
[Unknown6]: like it's a
[Unknown3]: i mean neither did they
[Unknown6]: i guess so
[Unknown5]: oh yeah clearly
[Unknown6]: shit like
[Unknown6]: this like it's just gonna turn into a into a a spanish a spanish tv show
[Unknown6]: crypto money heist de
[Unknown6]: i've got all the crypto
[Unknown5]: you mean you mean not t an novella
[Unknown6]: yes i would i would love a crypto hea novella de
[Unknown6]: and this is the dop over oh did you get the crypto yes a zeus they're
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown6]: the same guy
[Unknown2]: chris one question in this
[Unknown6]: yeah man yes
[Unknown2]: play is the villa on the hacker or the villain the person who creates the game
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown6]: the villain is the guy who creates the game because
[Unknown5]: this
[Unknown6]: we always need a hero we always need a
[Unknown6]: underdog so the villain yes no no even whether it's anti here we need we need some
[Unknown5]: no we don't
[Unknown6]: we need
[Unknown5]: listen
[Unknown6]: to conflict
[Unknown5]: listen
[Unknown6]: conflict
[Unknown5]: you're talking about good television and that's not what t t novellas are okay
[Unknown6]: but the high
[Unknown5]: tell novels are
[Unknown6]: yo
[Unknown5]: just bad tv so
[Unknown6]: na bro bro no no no no no' gonna get you right now no i'm gonna fight you on this
[Unknown5]: like your your
[Unknown5]: impression your impression
[Unknown3]: nine
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown5]: first of all everybody only had one name
[Unknown6]: yo
[Unknown5]: they all need three names
[Unknown6]: yo
[Unknown5]: all of them
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown6]: silence no
[Unknown2]: i would like to volunteer myself as the villain for this tle villa
[Unknown6]: the highest is at jeopardy because ho hays l the love of hay's life he doesn't
[Unknown6]: even know she's she exists but she's looking to open up a a new account a new
[Unknown6]: crypto account and he's like yo yes
[Unknown6]: do it or do it so who is the villain
[Unknown6]: yourself or do you have a character
[Unknown3]: so matt what happened
[Unknown5]: i
[Unknown2]: what
[Unknown5]: have the tales of the crypto guy again
[Unknown2]: what you mean what happened i have no idea i lost them
[Unknown3]: oh
[Unknown5]: oh no are you kidding me
[Unknown2]: it was allu together and then it dragged out so i don't know if i talked over him
[Unknown2]: or what was happening the whole thing i got pieces of it but
[Unknown3]: you just let him go too that's the best part i think
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown3]: matt can't hear you chris
[Unknown5]: yeah can you hear us
[Unknown2]: i can hear him now no i
[Unknown2]: i i got
[Unknown6]: i could i could
[Unknown3]: oh okay he's got you now all
[Unknown5]: ah okay okay
[Unknown2]: i have a re back now but i only got
[Unknown2]: i have a re back now but i only got
[Unknown6]: i could hear all of you all this
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown6]: entire time i've had all of you
[Unknown5]: this is gonna be a nightmare to stitch together
[Unknown2]: it's it's fine i think we're just gonna roll through as much as possible we have
[Unknown2]: visual queues so
[Unknown2]: um
[Unknown2]: yeah i'll just
[Unknown2]: if i
[Unknown6]: eight
[Unknown2]: can't connect i will let you guys roll
[Unknown2]: i guess
[Unknown2]: maybe
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown6]: but then okay
[Unknown2]: the maybe the chat i don't know i'll
[Unknown2]: put it something in the chat yeah it it
[Unknown5]: yeah i was gonna say that's just the chat yeah
[Unknown6]: this chat here
[Unknown2]: it'll yeah yeah yeah yeah
[Unknown5]: yeah the chat olive riverside yeah
[Unknown6]: okay so as we so what do we use it for like when when we have drops or something
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown6]: okay
[Unknown5]: if you can't if someone if you can't hear someone let us know on the chat
[Unknown2]: yeah basically
[Unknown6]: okay
[Unknown2]: and we'll work around it i guess dance around it
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown6]: all right i got it open now
[Unknown2]: um
[Unknown2]: okay so we went full evil tell novella on that story what if we finish talking
[Unknown2]: about the actual story
[Unknown2]: anybody wanna take
[Unknown6]: sharp
[Unknown5]: sure
[Unknown2]: that one just jump in like you just let chris laugh evilly and you're moving off
[Unknown2]: from that
[Unknown6]: so i wait three three seconds and do it like
[Unknown6]: laugh and then we go in good
[Unknown2]: no no you're you're cut off
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown2]: let's assume let's just assume we got all your stuff
[Unknown2]: let's assume let's just assume we got all your stuff
[Unknown6]: so
[Unknown2]: next person coming in is like chris just had his ea laugh pick it up from there
[Unknown2]: and like
[Unknown5]: okay anyway um so yeah like i
[Unknown5]: how did that even happen
[Unknown5]: exactly like how did they get six million dollars stolen
[Unknown6]: shit
[Unknown5]: from a game that uses nf t like what the fuck
[Unknown3]: so my my superficial understanding of what happened
[Unknown6]: hm
[Unknown3]: was basically
[Unknown3]: um so there's this like network that processes i think those payments and stuff
[Unknown3]: like that and that process that network uses like a bunch of like distributed
[Unknown3]: nodes to like sign and authorize like yes
[Unknown5]: right
[Unknown3]: validate that payment is valid and then process it and whatever
[Unknown3]: and then the game the game started like using this network as like it's big like
[Unknown3]: hey it's a crypt crypto game like we integrate crypto stuff
[Unknown5]: oh overloaded the network
[Unknown3]: but i think no i think they needed more throughput on the network or something so
[Unknown3]: then the game was like hey what if you let us just run our own centralized way of
[Unknown3]: processing payments
[Unknown3]: and then
[Unknown5]: oh
[Unknown3]: and then apparently as some hackers got a hold of that and then and then just took
[Unknown3]: all the money
[Unknown3]: so
[Unknown5]: nice
[Unknown2]: whoopsies
[Unknown3]: oops
[Unknown5]: and because there's no regulation or anything like that it's just gone right
[Unknown3]: yeah it's gone it's
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown3]: i mean i
[Unknown5]: nice
[Unknown3]: i think there maybe have been situations where like
[Unknown3]: in in other scams or heists or whatever you want to call them where some of those
[Unknown3]: transactions have been rolled back
[Unknown3]: but i also know
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown3]: that's that's a little bit like against what the whole like premise of crypto is
[Unknown3]: essentially so
[Unknown5]: yeah because you have to track who did what right and and then
[Unknown2]: five
[Unknown5]: if it's
[Unknown3]: well yeah and it's supposed to be
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown3]: like that's the that
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown3]: blockchain or whatever is like the source of truth right so if you roll that back
[Unknown3]: you're rolling the truth back and you're like okay well then those are a little
[Unknown5]: philosophical
[Unknown3]: bit incompatible things i think
[Unknown3]: bit incompatible things i think
[Unknown2]: but one of the challenges is i don't know if it's specifically true for this one
[Unknown2]: but in general the blockchain only works as long as the way you're keeping the
[Unknown2]: list of things to register if you will it's the same right if you pull it out of
[Unknown2]: that register all you know is it left but but you don't know where it went or
[Unknown2]: where it lives right so in those scenarios you're kind of screwed that's probably
[Unknown2]: one of the biggest reasons
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown2]: why they can't get this money back because they know someone a hacker took it but
[Unknown2]: they have no proof of of what happened right
[Unknown3]: yeah yeah it's supposed to also be like hey like one of the whole premise of like
[Unknown3]: distributed distributed currency whatever is like there's no centralized authority
[Unknown3]: for those things
[Unknown2]: yep
[Unknown3]: right except if you roll back a transaction there is a centralized authority
[Unknown3]: saying
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown3]: hey we're rolling back these transactions
[Unknown5]: i i was gonna say there's supposed to be no centralized authority but there's
[Unknown5]: always an entity centralized it somewhere
[Unknown3]: it's
[Unknown2]: what
[Unknown3]: a trade off i mean it's a trade off of all of those things i don't know like
[Unknown2]: it's
[Unknown5]: ha did i say shad and fried is great
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown2]: apparently
[Unknown6]: mm
[Unknown3]: yeah he did
[Unknown2]: the the last thing i'll say on this one really comes down to you know um
[Unknown2]: the come back to we just circle back to the idea that everybody wants web three
[Unknown2]: and no one wants anything tracked you know i want to anything centralized but i
[Unknown2]: was
[Unknown6]: when you
[Unknown2]: web one and we centralized everything for a reason and so until until we reckon
[Unknown2]: with that this is going to this might still keep happening obviously also
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown2]: they need better security and not making dumb decisions but
[Unknown3]: i think i think web one was decentralized uh i
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown3]: mean when you talk
[Unknown2]: yes yeah it was yeah
[Unknown3]: about like b b s s and stuff
[Unknown5]: it's web two that was centralized yeah
[Unknown3]: yeah okay alright
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown3]: yeah yeah
[Unknown2]: so to go back to decentralization was like
[Unknown2]: okay i didn't i didn't think we were done with it but i'm being told we are so
[Unknown2]: that's that's
[Unknown3]: yeah we're over it we're past it mat
[Unknown2]: okay yeah oh thank you that's great um
[Unknown2]: moving onwards ever onwards to our next story
[Unknown2]: are you guys familiar with stroking your penis
[Unknown5]: no never done it
[Unknown3]: now what is that
[Unknown2]: i
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown6]: that is unfamiliar to me
[Unknown2]: of here
[Unknown2]: that men if they want to could
[Unknown2]: play a
[Unknown6]: mm
[Unknown2]: video game that can
[Unknown6]: okay
[Unknown2]: help them
[Unknown2]: ta tackle i guess we'll call it
[Unknown6]: hmm
[Unknown2]: they're sexual dysfunction
[Unknown5]: sounds painful
[Unknown2]: very
[Unknown3]: yes
[Unknown2]: so there's this game called
[Unknown2]: i'm gonna put you this i'm sure there's some pun in here my hixon play
[Unknown6]: hm okay
[Unknown2]: i don't know why it's called that
[Unknown6]: neither do i
[Unknown2]: and it's part of a system
[Unknown5]: that is the weirdest spelling of a name i've ever seen in my life
[Unknown2]: well it's spanish right it's from the spanish
[Unknown5]: it trust me
[Unknown2]: sexual startup can you
[Unknown5]: that doesn't look like anything in spanish
[Unknown2]: can you can you put a i know it's spanish but but a portuguese flour on it
[Unknown5]: i can put his up a spanish on
[Unknown2]: sure
[Unknown5]: it
[Unknown3]: yeah but if you do it
[Unknown5]: m
[Unknown3]: if you put a spanish flour on it and your portuguese it's offensive so you better
[Unknown3]: just do the portuguese one
[Unknown5]: yeah that's why that's why i do it
[Unknown3]: okay alright
[Unknown2]: okay well nice try
[Unknown5]: it's
[Unknown2]: to help them nick but yeah
[Unknown3]: i don't know
[Unknown2]: you're wrong
[Unknown5]: mi excel probably
[Unknown2]: oh yeah
[Unknown6]: okay
[Unknown2]: there it is sounds
[Unknown5]: it's it still doesn't make any fucking sense i'm gonna look about this
[Unknown2]: yeah but it sounds way better that way
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown2]: this system from the sexual startup what he said
[Unknown2]: pairs a masturbation device with a simple gm five program designed to help users
[Unknown2]: overcome premature ejaculation the picture
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown2]: you think it might look like a flesh light but it looks like like a barbell or a
[Unknown2]: speaker or something
[Unknown5]: here here
[Unknown6]: i know what it looks like it
[Unknown2]: oh
[Unknown6]: looks like a diffuser
[Unknown2]: yeah yeah yeah
[Unknown3]: like for water
[Unknown5]: oh
[Unknown5]: yes yeah it does it does
[Unknown6]: for water and like
[Unknown2]: or like for smells yeah
[Unknown6]: for spells
[Unknown6]: now you can put your dig at it
[Unknown5]: jesus
[Unknown6]: dick and the diffuser dick in the diffuser dick
[Unknown6]: ticket the diffuser
[Unknown3]: quick question would uh would
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown3]: you guys work at a sexual startup
[Unknown5]: a sexual startup
[Unknown3]: yeah that's what
[Unknown6]: a sexual st
[Unknown3]: matt described that that's what ba
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown3]: that was the words he used right that
[Unknown2]: they they are a spanish sexual health startup
[Unknown3]: okay
[Unknown6]: yo real talk i'd consider it i actually had an interview last year for for the
[Unknown6]: design team with uh let's just say a purveyor of
[Unknown6]: carnal pixelation and i was like what is that interview gonna be like and i knew
[Unknown6]: and like they try to mask what they're doing behind our corporation but like it's
[Unknown6]: in the job description you know what they're talking about and so
[Unknown3]: what was the job
[Unknown6]: translation oh
[Unknown3]: description like what was that ja description like
[Unknown6]: like
[Unknown6]: work with work with the team to to
[Unknown6]: sorry sorry sorry work with the team to develop solutions for users
[Unknown6]: with you with users who ah
[Unknown6]: i'm trying to remember but anyways it was for porn hub right
[Unknown3]: okay yeah
[Unknown6]: so i'm
[Unknown5]: ah there you go
[Unknown6]: like so they're trying to like scrub that that tone
[Unknown5]: oh i see like
[Unknown6]: but you know it's them and they
[Unknown5]: right
[Unknown6]: like we're the number one canadian something something in quebec and i'm like
[Unknown6]: googling and then you put it together so it was pouring up and then in the first
[Unknown6]: call and the first call the per the hr didn't like no bullshit like this is you
[Unknown6]: know this is what you know this is for a porn website right i like yeah
[Unknown3]: you're just sitting there you're sitting there in the video call with your shirt
[Unknown3]: off you're like yeah i'm aware
[Unknown6]: and like and like in these
[Unknown5]: i claim draft for the occasion
[Unknown6]: right well and
[Unknown3]: dre
[Unknown5]: or undressed for the occasion
[Unknown3]: he's dressed for the job he wants right
[Unknown6]: naked with like i'm just like ready to pierce a new nipple ring or some shit and
[Unknown6]: then like they had they had like a games division i'm like games tell me more and
[Unknown6]: so in the end of course not i didn't i didn't go forward with it but like i i
[Unknown6]: would i considered like what would that conversation be like so
[Unknown3]: h
[Unknown6]: we'll have to see maybe me excel is onto something
[Unknown3]: imagine tell
[Unknown2]: what
[Unknown3]: your family they're like oh where'd you get your new job at and you have to make
[Unknown3]: something up like you're not gonna tell your family work for pornhub right like
[Unknown2]: but
[Unknown6]: oh my god
[Unknown2]: they believe you even if
[Unknown2]: you did you just like i work for porn
[Unknown5]: what it
[Unknown3]: and
[Unknown3]: you watch
[Unknown6]: you're so funny
[Unknown2]: good good story
[Unknown3]: you watch everybody try to be like what is that
[Unknown2]: yeah oh i i don't know what that is
[Unknown5]: yeah yeah porn is that like youtube
[Unknown6]: yes
[Unknown6]: yes
[Unknown2]: it is actually
[Unknown5]: but
[Unknown6]: uncle jared
[Unknown5]: uh okay
[Unknown2]: um
[Unknown5]: okay jared
[Unknown2]: back to xu startups and off of
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown2]: uncle jared cause that name
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown2]: is not to have a good track record
[Unknown2]: the way this works is uh just in case you were asking and i know you did
[Unknown6]: yep
[Unknown2]: basically you travel through eight planets and the device
[Unknown2]: sits over top of your penis i guess
[Unknown6]: the diffuser the dick diffuser
[Unknown2]: diffuser um and and they watched amim videos about the key role the public floor
[Unknown2]: muscles play in ejaculation you know pretty standard stuff
[Unknown3]: uhhuh
[Unknown2]: and they're ask to macer using the device while identifying the muscles they tense
[Unknown2]: to the process
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown3]: oh
[Unknown6]: okay okay i mean it sounds like it's kind of based on some form of logic
[Unknown6]: anatomical logic
[Unknown2]: i mean i guess i mean
[Unknown2]: like i really want how much this cost i don't really see it in the article like
[Unknown2]: would you buy this or a flashlight what's less embarrassing the diffuser in your
[Unknown2]: house
[Unknown6]: i found the price there's two versions um one that's two hundred forty dollars and
[Unknown6]: one that's three hundred but it doesn't say what the difference is
[Unknown6]: hmm
[Unknown3]: early bird whether how early order it in the kick starter
[Unknown5]: or
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown5]: how long the diffuser is
[Unknown3]: if
[Unknown2]: listen
[Unknown3]: it's if it's smaller they charge you more money
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown6]: let's see we know you we we've got you we've got the solution you need just give
[Unknown6]: us your money and all your problems will be solved
[Unknown2]: what the last thing i'll say on this is that apparently according to the company
[Unknown2]: once you use this device you will last between four and seven times longer after
[Unknown2]: completing the program
[Unknown3]: oh
[Unknown5]: well that's
[Unknown5]: that's not well
[Unknown3]: that's too long
[Unknown2]: great great talk great
[Unknown6]: is it
[Unknown2]: insight
[Unknown5]: no
[Unknown3]: no thank you
[Unknown5]: i was gonna i was gonna say cause four to seven times longer it really depends on
[Unknown5]: how long you already last
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown2]: why
[Unknown6]: so like y
[Unknown3]: what if you what if you're already lasting like half an hour
[Unknown3]: what if you what if you're already lasting like half an hour
[Unknown2]: well it did say
[Unknown5]: exactly or what if you're lasting thirty seconds like
[Unknown2]: it did say this this was to combat premature ejaculation
[Unknown5]: that's
[Unknown6]: hm
[Unknown5]: that's
[Unknown2]: so if it lasts for more than half an hour uh that sounds like you might be in a
[Unknown2]: hospital territory i'm not sure
[Unknown3]: like
[Unknown3]: yeah like
[Unknown6]: maybe maybe not
[Unknown3]: what like what is that like three
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown3]: hours or or something like
[Unknown2]: sorry seven times longer than thirty minutes
[Unknown2]: sorry seven times longer than thirty minutes
[Unknown5]: yeah or more yeah
[Unknown3]: yeah someone did the math for that
[Unknown5]: yeah that's two and a half hours three and a half hours yeah
[Unknown3]: okay i was close yeah three and a half hours
[Unknown2]: i
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown2]: doesn't viagra say with it four hours if you re doesn't i guess it has to go away
[Unknown2]: right
[Unknown3]: yeah only if you take viagra though
[Unknown2]: but like so but if i yeah fair enough i don't have more to say
[Unknown5]: but like my point is the opposite it's like oh i've been lasting twelve seconds
[Unknown2]: yeah then you want to use this
[Unknown5]: and now i last forty eight
[Unknown3]: ah okay that's true
[Unknown2]: bro
[Unknown2]: that's it that's a huge
[Unknown6]: yo the
[Unknown5]: what the
[Unknown2]: improvement i don't think you should
[Unknown6]: that's games you listen
[Unknown3]: that is a huge improvement matt's
[Unknown2]: like
[Unknown3]: right about that
[Unknown6]: real talk it's it to me this out like all we have to do is apply the the rule of
[Unknown6]: dragon ball operations one diffuser dick mihiel plus a sensu viagra beam equals
[Unknown6]: supers level dick four
[Unknown2]: i don't
[Unknown6]: so i don't see how how people who were suffering from premature ejaculation like
[Unknown6]: why they have to wait like
[Unknown3]: the
[Unknown6]: just just ha fork over the money
[Unknown3]: i don't i don't think viger makes you last longer does it
[Unknown6]: i don't
[Unknown6]: know
[Unknown2]: makes you it makes you hard
[Unknown5]: yeah yeah yeah it does
[Unknown6]: isn't that what it's supposed to do
[Unknown3]: i think it just gets you hard
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown5]: oh yeah yeah
[Unknown6]: oh well then i don't know what the to do for those people
[Unknown3]: i can't think of
[Unknown2]: yeah that's the
[Unknown5]: just just you know just
[Unknown2]: that's the limitation not the dragon ball portion of this conversation
[Unknown5]: well just you know just have a dry session it's fine
[Unknown2]: what is
[Unknown6]: hm
[Unknown2]: segue we're moving on
[Unknown2]: you can't be trusted hey amazon is just pouring out the remix not the remix or the
[Unknown2]: adaptations of different properties we've had laura the rings we've had um
[Unknown2]: reacher from the reacher books they're doing all the tom clancy stuff now and next
[Unknown2]: up uh
[Unknown5]: american gods su
[Unknown2]: yeah we have time i think i
[Unknown6]: h
[Unknown2]: heard that once important next up
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown2]: on the list potentially god of war how do we feel about that
[Unknown5]: oh
[Unknown3]: i would love to watch it but only if jeff basis as bald as as credo
[Unknown6]: what
[Unknown3]: he got jacked
[Unknown5]: so
[Unknown3]: he's jacked now he's jacked
[Unknown6]: i'm not saying but like
[Unknown5]: wait wait wait so you want his ass to play curtis
[Unknown2]: he said what he said
[Unknown3]: sure i said what i said
[Unknown5]: okay i'm just cracking this yeah
[Unknown3]: have you have you seen jeff bezos recently i'm
[Unknown3]: not
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown3]: saying he's a i'm not saying he's like arnold schwarzer or anything but like he
[Unknown5]: no i try not to
[Unknown3]: got he got put some muscle on
[Unknown2]: swell
[Unknown6]: damn
[Unknown5]: heck i gonna put an old bald guy whose jack just put ah what's his face uh the guy
[Unknown5]: that plays
[Unknown5]: j john and jameson
[Unknown3]: you said you
[Unknown6]: jk simmons
[Unknown5]: yeah jackie simmons
[Unknown3]: said old bald guy who's jacked and i'd like to remind you that's exactly who
[Unknown3]: said old bald guy who's jacked and i'd like to remind you that's exactly who
[Unknown3]: kratos is so
[Unknown3]: kratos is so
[Unknown5]: he's that old
[Unknown3]: now
[Unknown6]: me
[Unknown3]: he is
[Unknown2]: who kratos
[Unknown5]: why he now he just has a beard on dude
[Unknown2]: he's got a kid bro no he's got a kid that that it ages you
[Unknown3]: age is you
[Unknown2]: i i assume
[Unknown6]: season
[Unknown5]: says the guy who has no kids
[Unknown5]: says the guy who has no kids
[Unknown2]: i got a puppy
[Unknown3]: yeah that's why matt's looking youthful
[Unknown3]: yeah that's why matt's looking youthful
[Unknown2]: i got a
[Unknown2]: puppy it's i hear it's the same yeah well it depends i mean part of this just
[Unknown6]: you know he's glowing
[Unknown2]: depends on where in the cortos
[Unknown6]: met
[Unknown2]: like ethos do they pick them up in right are they
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown2]: picking it up now when craters is a father and dealing with his stupid son all the
[Unknown2]: time or
[Unknown6]: hm
[Unknown2]: we're going back to the beginning cause
[Unknown6]: uh
[Unknown2]: i feel like
[Unknown2]: amazon
[Unknown6]: boy
[Unknown2]: wants to go back
[Unknown3]: i think
[Unknown2]: to the beginning
[Unknown5]: boy yeah
[Unknown6]: i feel like that might be that might be i know it's a guess like it's either one
[Unknown6]: way or the other and maybe they want to swoop in and like get new eyeballs right
[Unknown6]: to like build like i guess everyone's essentially trying to fill the void left by
[Unknown6]: game of thrones in some way right so thats just my opinion
[Unknown2]: i think i think amazon's just trying to fill the void period because they don't
[Unknown2]: have a lot of stuff right
[Unknown5]: i
[Unknown6]: right
[Unknown3]: good bye
[Unknown2]: they're still catching up
[Unknown5]: think they're to fill the voids in their pockets which there
[Unknown6]: voids exactly
[Unknown5]: there's no void
[Unknown2]: listen
[Unknown5]: there's no void there yeah
[Unknown2]: if all
[Unknown3]: listen
[Unknown2]: we're gonna do is claim every company is trying to fill their voids of money then
[Unknown2]: what are we talking about of course
[Unknown6]: how can you
[Unknown5]: i are we wrong though
[Unknown2]: well yeah but that's that the no one listens to us for your for your wrong
[Unknown2]: statements like that they want them
[Unknown3]: if you're having trouble filling voids try me pixel we'd like to thank mihiel for
[Unknown3]: sponsoring this podcast
[Unknown6]: any dating beating
[Unknown2]: now that is what they come for
[Unknown3]: that's
[Unknown6]: okay
[Unknown3]: the tagline for me hixon
[Unknown5]: yeah i was gonna say
[Unknown2]: i mean
[Unknown5]: mihiel that's what they come for
[Unknown3]: but for the cradles thing like sorry
[Unknown2]: bd mi exel we we segue into
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown2]: cradock
[Unknown5]: did we
[Unknown3]: no problem
[Unknown2]: so the adaptations is coming from
[Unknown2]: the sort of creators or producers of the expanse so they have a history with
[Unknown2]: amazon
[Unknown2]: and then also looks like the wheel of time executive and share owner also involved
[Unknown2]: so you know decent names who have done some stuff um it'll be curious to see if
[Unknown2]: where they take it or if they actually implement it because it this is just
[Unknown2]: potentially something they're investigating right now there's not a whole lot of
[Unknown3]: who do you cast asks credo for real
[Unknown6]: it's a
[Unknown5]: gilbert godfred
[Unknown2]: oh don't do that
[Unknown3]: bald
[Unknown3]: people only
[Unknown6]: you know
[Unknown2]: don't do that gilbert gore's the boy obviously
[Unknown6]: true
[Unknown5]: oh it matter even better
[Unknown2]: if if
[Unknown2]: we're casting if we're casting for old kratos the
[Unknown6]: father no
[Unknown6]: old
[Unknown2]: current ctos yeah the current cdos with the
[Unknown2]: kid right cause i think it matters a a lot
[Unknown6]: yeah yeah yeah yeah
[Unknown5]: he's not why are you call him an he's not old
[Unknown6]: we could go about we could we could do both we could do both cobra
[Unknown2]: just because you're forty doesn't make that not old compared to twenty year old
[Unknown2]: cradles
[Unknown5]: okay that's fine but that's still not old like you oh that's cast fucking ah the
[Unknown5]: guy that plays dumbledor his debt uh
[Unknown5]: the the
[Unknown2]: jesus
[Unknown5]: guy that plays no the other guy
[Unknown6]: richard harris
[Unknown3]: the first stumble door
[Unknown2]: no richard harris is dead michael campen's fine
[Unknown5]: k's test all right fine ok i i got
[Unknown6]: jude law is not dead
[Unknown5]: it i got it i got it patrick stewart there done
[Unknown6]: uh we need someone
[Unknown2]: you
[Unknown6]: who can still pull off the physical couldn't we
[Unknown2]: so so you got
[Unknown5]: that's what i'm saying
[Unknown2]: you
[Unknown5]: you can't be there someone that old
[Unknown2]: you go through all of this because we called someone old and you spite us by
[Unknown2]: saying patrick stewart just let it go
[Unknown5]: yeah i that
[Unknown2]: man it's just a
[Unknown6]: okay
[Unknown2]: shore form old is whatever you want it to be
[Unknown6]: gerard butler gerard butler what about that
[Unknown2]: see now this not like i was
[Unknown2]: thinking
[Unknown3]: okay all right yeah leonatus yeah
[Unknown2]: i like that is is gerard butler in shape though that'll be
[Unknown5]: okay i'm here for that
[Unknown2]: that'll be interesting let's check out i
[Unknown6]: three hundred there you go
[Unknown5]: is he going to is he going to like kick someone into a well
[Unknown6]: he
[Unknown3]: maybe
[Unknown6]: could he kicks a lotta cradles kicks a lot of people
[Unknown5]: he
[Unknown3]: he's gotta get
[Unknown5]: he's played a greek person before
[Unknown3]: he's got to get jacked again though
[Unknown5]: with his like very very scottish accent
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown6]: it might take like he's he has some kind of
[Unknown6]: s not scrubbed but he can he can he could pick up an
[Unknown5]: i
[Unknown6]: accent he could work with a coach ah hugh jackman is a bit i don't i don't know if
[Unknown6]: it's too close to wolverine i don't think he would wanna do that to be honest
[Unknown3]: his name is close to huge jacked man
[Unknown6]: i know
[Unknown5]: that's true that is true
[Unknown6]: like if like let's say if we if we if we went back ten years
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown6]: before hugh before hugh got to logan and that opportunity who knows maybe he did
[Unknown6]: behind the scenes but like what if he was to take that into consideration that
[Unknown6]: could have been a vehicle for him to to transition but maybe it's too much of the
[Unknown6]: same you know
[Unknown2]: i think
[Unknown5]: about the rock
[Unknown6]: of course
[Unknown5]: he may be
[Unknown3]: i like it
[Unknown5]: he may be too big
[Unknown3]: too big
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown2]: no
[Unknown3]: come on
[Unknown3]: come
[Unknown5]: nine
[Unknown3]: on now
[Unknown6]: for the phys for the physicality like what i think about the video when i think
[Unknown6]: about kratos like move
[Unknown5]: to
[Unknown6]: set
[Unknown6]: it it i feel like it could work with with the rock or like dave bautista maybe
[Unknown3]: what what
[Unknown5]: oh
[Unknown3]: about matt
[Unknown6]: matt mat
[Unknown3]: i mean he's got the look out gua hut
[Unknown6]: someone needs to tap into
[Unknown2]: five
[Unknown6]: the
[Unknown5]: hey matt yeah i
[Unknown3]: see there you go
[Unknown5]: was gonna say matt say boy
[Unknown6]: all you need all you need is that amazon weight trainer money and you sir shall
[Unknown6]: drink deep from the well of muscle and sinu
[Unknown2]: great casted i'm doing it thanks everybody
[Unknown6]: yep
[Unknown3]: no prom we did it
[Unknown2]: that will be the end of the podcast unfortunately
[Unknown5]: don't don't forget us when you're rich and famous
[Unknown2]: who who are you please stop talking
[Unknown5]: exactly
[Unknown2]: i'm too famous for this
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown2]: let's let's
[Unknown6]: memories
[Unknown2]: progress down down our trail this one is i think is going to be we're gonna spend
[Unknown2]: some time here
[Unknown2]: the fun people at playstation people say away from god of war
[Unknown6]: hey
[Unknown2]: have finally unveiled their game pass competitor
[Unknown6]: or
[Unknown2]: so
[Unknown2]: real high level
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown2]: there are
[Unknown3]: i
[Unknown2]: not one not two but three tiers
[Unknown5]: of course there are
[Unknown2]: of pricing yep
[Unknown2]: the middle tier is going to add a quote unquote four hundred playstation four
[Unknown2]: playstation five games
[Unknown2]: the let's get to something that she shows us a nice
[Unknown6]: wow
[Unknown2]: breakdown the original tier the i guess it's kind of the original tier playstation
[Unknown2]: plus that's what it was called
[Unknown6]: here
[Unknown2]: originally it's the same the essential tier it basically what you get today you
[Unknown2]: get two monthly downloadable games some discounts cloud storage online access
[Unknown5]: how much is that for for for one month
[Unknown2]: nine ninety
[Unknown3]: it's like ten us yeah
[Unknown6]: mm so yeah
[Unknown2]: nine monthly yep you could
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown2]: buy for a year at sixty bucks to save a couple couple months do you
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown2]: you don't you don't even save any money so don't bother
[Unknown2]: um
[Unknown2]: playstation plus extra loving the name scheme on us already nice and complicated
[Unknown5]: oh no
[Unknown2]: plus extra provides all the benefits from the essentials tier that t we just
[Unknown2]: talked about plus four hundred of the most enjoyable ps four and ps five games
[Unknown2]: including blockbuster hits from our playstation studios catalog and third party
[Unknown2]: partners games in the extra tier are downloadable for play i don't
[Unknown6]: anyone
[Unknown2]: know why it said that this is a kotaku article is it
[Unknown3]: it's it's an important distinction when you read the next one matt it is an
[Unknown3]: important distinction
[Unknown2]: okay um that is the same price as game pass that is a fourteen ninety nine monthly
[Unknown2]: joint or a a hundred dollar yearly i think you get a discount there and i may have
[Unknown2]: pation plus premium just so everybody's clear
[Unknown5]: oh i was so expected expecting it was pre playstation plus extra ultra
[Unknown2]: no
[Unknown6]: i'm glad you said also i was thinking ultra ultra is a better word than premium
[Unknown6]: but
[Unknown2]: they
[Unknown6]: premium i guess is more marketing age right
[Unknown6]: premium i guess is more marketing age right
[Unknown2]: they didn't they didn't go full into street fighter four
[Unknown2]: five six terminology
[Unknown6]: you know so easy
[Unknown5]: super street
[Unknown2]: sort of
[Unknown5]: fighter too delu stb extra
[Unknown6]: e x
[Unknown6]: cabo
[Unknown2]: so in super playstation plus premium ultra
[Unknown2]: you get
[Unknown6]: combo
[Unknown2]: the same benefits from the essentials and extras tier it adds up to three hundred
[Unknown2]: forty star whatever that means additional games including ps three games beloved
[Unknown2]: classic games both streaming and downing options from the original playstation ps
[Unknown2]: two and ps p generations offers cloud streaming access for original playstation ps
[Unknown2]: two p s p ps four
[Unknown2]: uh games offered in the extra and premium tier in markets where playstation now
[Unknown2]: exists
[Unknown2]: and customers can stream games using the ps four nps five console and pc
[Unknown6]: hm
[Unknown2]: time limited trials will also be offered in the tier so customers can try selected
[Unknown2]: gains before they buy that's going to come in at slightly more than the game pass
[Unknown2]: at seventeen ninety nine monthly or a hundred twenty yearly um
[Unknown5]: so wait
[Unknown2]: in case just the one that i'll add before in case you didn't hear this because it
[Unknown2]: was kind of missed and was brought up later playstation has no plans to do day one
[Unknown2]: new game releases in any of their past levels so there will be let's call them
[Unknown2]: time exclusives on the playstation kept out of all the playstation tiers
[Unknown5]: what the fuck
[Unknown6]: what
[Unknown2]: it's it's called money
[Unknown2]: it's it's called money
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown6]: what
[Unknown5]: it's also called not competing with game pass because they already lost
[Unknown2]: i mean
[Unknown6]: so
[Unknown6]: like break it down like like again for me
[Unknown2]: okay
[Unknown6]: day one releases are not included
[Unknown2]: yeah that's correct
[Unknown5]: no
[Unknown6]: why
[Unknown5]: because people pay money they pay they're still interested in paying eighty
[Unknown5]: dollars for the that day one thing and people still do it
[Unknown2]: this this
[Unknown6]: five
[Unknown2]: is this is the trick trip right so i bought tiny tin island when it came out cause
[Unknown2]: i wanted to play it
[Unknown2]: it cost
[Unknown2]: eighty dollars in canada so it's basically ninety dollars with tax and the state
[Unknown2]: it's
[Unknown2]: technically they're trying to stay sixty to sixty five but a lot of companies are
[Unknown2]: pushing it to that seventy level and so that's what they want to do they want to
[Unknown2]: make seventy dollars off the game sales for the people who absolutely want it and
[Unknown2]: then and then if you're a person who will wait then you'll get it whenever it
[Unknown5]: eventually
[Unknown2]: comes they haven't really said how long it's gonna take to go from new to on the
[Unknown2]: service you know i'd expect at least a year but that's that
[Unknown5]: this is like the the disney plus mode of
[Unknown5]: of of streaming services it's like now if you want to watch it now you pay an
[Unknown5]: extra thirty five dollars on top of your stupid subscription otherwise just wait
[Unknown5]: and eventually one day your money will be good enough for us to give you f pbs
[Unknown5]: this later
[Unknown2]: nick as the ultimate guest
[Unknown2]: um
[Unknown3]: wait
[Unknown2]: on the podcast
[Unknown3]: ultimate i'm the only guest
[Unknown5]: yeah therefore the ultimate one
[Unknown3]: okay i mean i
[Unknown6]: ultimate combo guest
[Unknown3]: guess that's factually correct yep
[Unknown2]: take take
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown2]: take the compliment when you get it bro
[Unknown3]: all right
[Unknown2]: what
[Unknown2]: like what
[Unknown3]: i am the ultimate guest
[Unknown6]: i hope
[Unknown2]: what yeah what are your thoughts on this
[Unknown3]: uh yeah it's it's a hard
[Unknown5]: two
[Unknown3]: one cause like i don't know if it's going to compete very well with game pass i
[Unknown3]: have game pass i use game pass played halo and it came out
[Unknown3]: i got a ps five it's mostly been sitting there to be honest uh
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: oh like my ps three that's still sitting there
[Unknown5]: oh like my ps three that's still sitting there
[Unknown3]: y yeah and i'm kind of like i don't know if i get if i get this like if i was
[Unknown3]: going to go in on i have the first here already obviously right of like
[Unknown3]: playstation online the
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown3]: two the two that game downloads a month are like pretty cool i think play s show
[Unknown3]: one's like the first one to kind of get into that aspect
[Unknown3]: playstation also has ha has slash hadad ps now which i don't know if many people
[Unknown3]: know about it because it was marketed and like arranged super weirdly which is
[Unknown6]: you
[Unknown3]: like
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown3]: hey pay this extra money and you can stream like ps three games or ps
[Unknown2]: yep
[Unknown3]: three ps four games i think
[Unknown6]: that w that's what it means
[Unknown3]: that exists that
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown6]: i have
[Unknown3]: exists already
[Unknown3]: exists already
[Unknown5]: so
[Unknown6]: wow
[Unknown5]: sony is garbage at name eatings
[Unknown6]: and they're
[Unknown3]: and
[Unknown6]: garbage at communication
[Unknown3]: and i remember looking at it i'm like oh cool that's cool and then i tried to use
[Unknown3]: it and it was like oh it costs more money than what i'm already paying for online
[Unknown3]: i'm like yeah that's okay so like they but they had p s now the crazy part is they
[Unknown3]: had p s now before game pass like even existed like they've had it
[Unknown5]: yep
[Unknown3]: for so
[Unknown2]: yep
[Unknown3]: long they've had game streaming for so long
[Unknown3]: and yeah it it feels like such a shame i
[Unknown3]: i don't know i'm hopeful because i think competition is good i hope that it comes
[Unknown3]: out and they see the problems with it and they
[Unknown6]: h
[Unknown3]: adapt to it
[Unknown3]: am i
[Unknown2]: what
[Unknown3]: going to upgrade from the first year
[Unknown2]: about
[Unknown3]: right now probably not because
[Unknown6]: you
[Unknown3]: realistically i'm not playing more than those two free games a month anyways so
[Unknown6]: mm hm i'm here for that i'm here for competition and i i want them like i'm a i i
[Unknown3]: yeah i don't know
[Unknown6]: i have a ps four it's my only console i want to see them fail so they can learn
[Unknown6]: and improve and give people what they want like unfortunately that's the only way
[Unknown6]: some companies or teams learn they need to fuck up in order to learn and just
[Unknown6]: because
[Unknown3]: well
[Unknown6]: you're a big name that doesn't mean you can't fail bro so
[Unknown2]: i i you're wrong i'm using the name of the podcast
[Unknown3]: ice
[Unknown5]: oh wow
[Unknown5]: oh wow
[Unknown6]: do tell
[Unknown2]: got them
[Unknown5]: titled title dropping
[Unknown6]: explain explain
[Unknown2]: so i i think you're wrong because i don't think sons miss the boat on competing
[Unknown2]: with game pass
[Unknown6]: okay how hm
[Unknown5]: thank you
[Unknown3]: it sailed
[Unknown2]: campas has been out for like a year plus and like they have millions and millions
[Unknown2]: and millions of subscribers because you don't need to own like the xbox is it
[Unknown5]: that's the thing that's the thing
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown5]: game pass lets you download on pc
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown5]: two which is a huge market for games as well
[Unknown2]: and microsoft also does stuff like in the states
[Unknown2]: it's cheaper for you to let microsoft finance buying you an xbox because it comes
[Unknown2]: with game pass included than buying an xbox outright so
[Unknown2]: so what it comes down to is sony it's smart in sony's
[Unknown2]: area because they are just they've given up market leadership they're offering
[Unknown2]: something that is semi comparable so now they're just like oh you have our own
[Unknown2]: service it's fine you hit the bullet points and that sales conversation
[Unknown2]: but they are still able to make the money the way the way they currently do from
[Unknown2]: their hardcore base of having them pay for those exclusives because they are top
[Unknown2]: notch exclusives right and they won't get enough users on their service to justify
[Unknown2]: putting those games and only collecting fifteen dollars a month
[Unknown3]: what
[Unknown3]: exclusives what playstation exclusives have he bought in the last year
[Unknown5]: that's the thing
[Unknown2]: i don't own a playstation five so none
[Unknown3]: okay chris i guess chris
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown6]: in the past year am not certain if if it's a yeah i
[Unknown3]: like right like right when they came out right when they came out
[Unknown6]: okay so avengers and then after that
[Unknown3]: oh you're one
[Unknown6]: eventual
[Unknown3]: of those people okay
[Unknown5]: yeah he is
[Unknown6]: yoo i i i feel like it's it's not going to improve so that's sad but when it came
[Unknown6]: out i was excited but anyways
[Unknown3]: yeah yeah
[Unknown6]: gos
[Unknown3]: okay
[Unknown6]: susa after that day won uh both spiderman games
[Unknown3]: both spiderman games right so
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown3]: that's what four games that you played probably full price four
[Unknown6]: yeah not ghosts of shisha
[Unknown3]: so there's your that's like way over what it would cost for that subscription
[Unknown3]: anyways right so that's the money that they're afraid of losing out on i think for
[Unknown6]: then to have been
[Unknown3]: sure
[Unknown5]: and and people are like none of us here are really like hardcore fen bays of of
[Unknown5]: like son or playstation but people will buy those exclusives on day
[Unknown3]: there
[Unknown5]: one even if they have the past and that's what they're banking on it that's what
[Unknown5]: they're afraid of losing like you said so they have no incentive i agree with matt
[Unknown5]: unfortunately cause i lack agreement with that but like they don't have any
[Unknown5]: incentive to make it any better because they're still getting the money that
[Unknown5]: ultimately that's what they want
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown3]: they
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: so
[Unknown3]: they want that money and i think i think right now microsoft is doing let's
[Unknown3]: dominate the market share move where we're making less money because we're not
[Unknown3]: charging full price for those exclusives but everybody and their mother's going to
[Unknown3]: own a game pass because you get that stuff right when it comes out right
[Unknown5]: and especially once the the blizzard and activation stuff get into the game
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown5]: pas that's going to didn't even be even more pronounced
[Unknown3]: yeah like look at what they're doing right like they release ha you geto you got
[Unknown3]: halo immediately on the game pass when it came out they're buying studios right
[Unknown3]: how many studios have they bought in the past few years i'm talking about
[Unknown3]: microsoft
[Unknown5]: jesus
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown3]: like a ton right
[Unknown6]: hm
[Unknown3]: so
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown3]: they're they're just saying like let's absorb as many games and people playing
[Unknown2]: two huge publishers basically
[Unknown3]: games
[Unknown5]: y
[Unknown3]: as we can
[Unknown3]: as we can
[Unknown2]: yep
[Unknown3]: and i don't think
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown5]: they have all the all the bethesda stuff now they have all the blizzard and
[Unknown5]: they have all the all the bethesda stuff now they have all the blizzard and
[Unknown5]: activation stuff it's a lot of games
[Unknown5]: activation stuff it's a lot of games
[Unknown3]: yeah and i don't think i don't think
[Unknown2]: it w
[Unknown3]: that sony can do that because i they don't have as much money as god like
[Unknown3]: microsoft does right
[Unknown5]: that's fair yeah
[Unknown2]: yeah i don't i think sony is like
[Unknown2]: worth a bit more than what microsoft paid for activision b king
[Unknown2]: because it's
[Unknown5]: they said ninety million right that's what they evaluated it yet
[Unknown2]: yeah yeah it's not it's not a
[Unknown3]: hold me
[Unknown2]: lot more so that's yeah but they would never
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown2]: be allowed to buy them
[Unknown6]: two
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown5]: yeah yeah for sure
[Unknown3]: they don't have to they don't have to buy them they just need
[Unknown2]: no
[Unknown6]: true
[Unknown3]: to keep buying they just need to keep absorbing market share they don't need to
[Unknown3]: to keep buying they just need to keep absorbing market share they don't need to
[Unknown3]: buy this sony
[Unknown3]: buy this sony
[Unknown6]: strangle them out if if that's the move
[Unknown2]: yeah and i think that i
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown2]: think i mean listen microsoft has absorbed twenty five million subscribers of
[Unknown2]: market share in game pass currently so they're doing okay they um
[Unknown2]: maybe they could build a rocket ship is in shape like a dick to go to space with
[Unknown3]: maybe
[Unknown6]: honestly i'm open to another console or pc gaming i'm open to it because the
[Unknown6]: landscape has shifted and grown and i just wanna enjoy games so whatever lets me
[Unknown6]: whatever gives me the best like i guess best for me would be the most expansive
[Unknown6]: library as long as i can get what i want i don't have to stay with a playstation
[Unknown6]: so to speak
[Unknown2]: no that's that's incorrect there must be one console to rule them all otherwise
[Unknown2]: what have
[Unknown2]: we
[Unknown6]: really
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown2]: been doing for the last forty years
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown5]: yeah haven't you heard
[Unknown3]: you know what it is it's the steam deck
[Unknown5]: what yeah i agreed
[Unknown6]: i w i i love that we've been we've chatted about the steam deck before and as far
[Unknown6]: as like my like this this new era of me being
[Unknown6]: a parent to an almost two year old now it's like how can i get the most comfort
[Unknown6]: out of the games i want to play anywhere i can in the house so i'm open to that
[Unknown6]: and like that if if it performs well cool like i'm gonna get it but i'm gonna wait
[Unknown6]: and see
[Unknown3]: mine's pre ordered i'm waiting for it
[Unknown6]: dope dope
[Unknown2]: i'm really happy that we've come full circle on the game gear conversation and
[Unknown6]: dream gear
[Unknown2]: it's going to happen for real 'cause that the game gear is the greatest piece of
[Unknown2]: technology that ever came out but it was so unsustainable because you could pay
[Unknown2]: for like a half hour before it died
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown3]: yeah i feel like
[Unknown6]: i never had one i i i i was so thirsty back then
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown6]: for it
[Unknown3]: i'm
[Unknown5]: no
[Unknown3]: scared that that's what the steve tick is gonna be like where they're like listen
[Unknown3]: you're running a graphics card at maximum power like you can play for half an hour
[Unknown3]: good luck
[Unknown5]: yeah it's good it's going to like your your battery is gonna run in half an hour
[Unknown5]: and it's gonna melt your
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown5]: hands from how hot it is gonna run
[Unknown2]: yeah that is that's the other thing can you hold it are you playing
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown2]: with like fucking like oven mis on so it's only
[Unknown6]: what
[Unknown2]: like large movements
[Unknown5]: no you're playing with the with those razor finger condom things
[Unknown2]: i
[Unknown6]: a
[Unknown2]: don't i don't think they're going to protect your fingers that well that's for
[Unknown2]: different that's a different kind of protection
[Unknown6]: but you know who the you do you do know who the silent partner in the steam deck
[Unknown6]: like revolution is right
[Unknown3]: yeah gab no
[Unknown6]: yes but you know who is the silent
[Unknown5]: mix mihiel
[Unknown6]: silent yes all that friction all the technology all the innovation all that heat
[Unknown6]: sink tech is going right into the steam deck
[Unknown3]: hm
[Unknown6]: so that players can enjoy
[Unknown5]: you guys you guys can't see this because this is an audio medium but chris was
[Unknown5]: like giving dire a hander just now
[Unknown2]: he was just using a shake quick a shad wake shake weight wow wow
[Unknown6]: exactly i gotta i gotta i gotta get toned and so
[Unknown5]: sure or that it was one of the a shake weight shake wake
[Unknown2]: it took me a while yeah shake can wake that's how we do here
[Unknown5]: yeah i mean depending on why you are shaking you go it's gonna
[Unknown5]: wake something up
[Unknown2]: yeah it is
[Unknown6]: i was checking the metaphor
[Unknown2]: segue
[Unknown6]: so
[Unknown2]: have you guys heard of
[Unknown2]: activision blizzard king
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown2]: this
[Unknown3]: no
[Unknown2]: is this podcast is propped up by activation blizzard king just doing dumb things
[Unknown5]: it's it's propped up by us dunking on it
[Unknown2]: well that's yeah they they set them up and it's like an a from them
[Unknown5]: yeah we slam it down
[Unknown2]: du it's great
[Unknown6]: they give us they give us everything we need to n b a jam on them on this podcast
[Unknown2]: he
[Unknown5]: nice
[Unknown2]: made that sound dirty chris good for you
[Unknown6]: you're welcome
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown2]: so a couple things happened this month many things happened this month and we're
[Unknown2]: gonna steer away from lawsuits because it it's depressing get your shit together
[Unknown2]: activation blizzard
[Unknown5]: yeah yeah
[Unknown6]: and
[Unknown2]: this is moronic and we're going to go to the fun things that happen to them
[Unknown2]: because they don't have their shit together
[Unknown5]: thank
[Unknown2]: um south by southwest was just like thanks but no thanks all your speakers can
[Unknown2]: come out we're not gonna just get get gone
[Unknown6]: good
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown6]: be gone
[Unknown5]: not it's not that they weren't invited it's that they were
[Unknown5]: uninvited
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown6]: hm
[Unknown5]: like ah we're good you guys stay we'll we'll get the guy from amazon
[Unknown5]: games to talk about stuff which is what they did yeah
[Unknown2]: yeah that's how low they went
[Unknown6]: we'll get bezos to come and just you know take his shirt off as the dude's jacked
[Unknown6]: now apparently
[Unknown3]: he's jacked i've telled you
[Unknown2]: basically
[Unknown2]: bass was there
[Unknown5]: get him to play master rosi on now get him to play
[Unknown3]: look it up
[Unknown2]: just flexing and the
[Unknown3]: i know
[Unknown2]: amazon games guy was talking
[Unknown5]: yeah he's just doing like the johnny bravo thing at the background
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown2]: exactly
[Unknown6]: oh
[Unknown3]: really
[Unknown6]: her little
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown2]: so i mean
[Unknown2]: i find
[Unknown5]: they like it
[Unknown2]: i thought i just found it was interesting that they
[Unknown2]: i know this is not true but it feels like they invited them to un invite them just
[Unknown2]: to like
[Unknown6]: eight
[Unknown2]: just like throw it in their face
[Unknown5]: shit on them
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown5]: yeah well they deserve it co they've not had their like we didn't know right
[Unknown6]: oh
[Unknown5]: how long has it been since this has been going on it's coming out now but how long
[Unknown5]: has it been going on right
[Unknown2]: the answer is yes
[Unknown3]: south south by southwest like quite a while i think they've had like quite a few
[Unknown5]: well i mean i mean more you know blizzard being a toxic dump of a place
[Unknown3]: years of it
[Unknown3]: what
[Unknown2]: oh spoiler stick sorry
[Unknown5]: yeah spoilers yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry to ruin for you
[Unknown3]: oh
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown3]: no where are you telling me are you telling me bobby codex had a beacon of
[Unknown3]: morality
[Unknown5]: no we all thought so
[Unknown6]: he's a paragon of altruism
[Unknown5]: we we thought so but it turns out not so much
[Unknown2]: we were stung as much as you are just now from hearing that news
[Unknown3]: do you ever
[Unknown6]: wow
[Unknown3]: see how much money he makes
[Unknown2]: yep
[Unknown5]: y
[Unknown2]: it's disgusting
[Unknown3]: did jerry talk about
[Unknown5]: jeff
[Unknown3]: it in the podcast was this
[Unknown2]: sure did
[Unknown3]: is this already happened in the podcast
[Unknown5]: i think we did we
[Unknown6]: i feel like
[Unknown5]: talked about it when microsoft bought activ
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown5]: vision that if he were to be
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown5]: fired he would make like literally like three hundred million dollars
[Unknown3]: yeah that's insane uh
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown3]: that's wild
[Unknown6]: one
[Unknown3]: that's called failing upwards
[Unknown6]: me you know
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown5]: oh yeah
[Unknown2]: it's nice if you got it um
[Unknown2]: other things that uh acts and blazer did or didn't do depending on how you really
[Unknown2]: want to look
[Unknown5]: store
[Unknown2]: at it
[Unknown2]: you guys remember overwatch
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown3]: uh
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown3]: now what is that
[Unknown6]: hm
[Unknown2]: it's a team based shooter with a bunch of characters
[Unknown3]: okay
[Unknown6]: pub
[Unknown2]: different stylized characters
[Unknown5]: oh i thought it was it was the uh the command you can give your units on x com
[Unknown2]: it is also that but
[Unknown3]: hey what's the
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown3]: what's the cowboys' name in that game
[Unknown6]: chief wigan
[Unknown2]: i
[Unknown3]: no
[Unknown5]: what oh that's bad
[Unknown2]: if if i'm a hundred percent honest i still
[Unknown2]: call him the name that shall not be named when i see him and
[Unknown2]: then
[Unknown6]: valdo
[Unknown3]: i i was
[Unknown2]: every time it's cassidy i believe every time cassidy comes up
[Unknown3]: cassy yeah okay
[Unknown5]: did it owe its cac yeah
[Unknown2]: i'm like who the
[Unknown5]: it
[Unknown2]: fuck is cassie
[Unknown5]: it's mccree fuck it like it's at this point whatever
[Unknown2]: i'm not giving that guy guy's name he's valdemar or
[Unknown6]: good
[Unknown2]: he's the anti i don't know that guy i'm not using his name
[Unknown2]: so listen we're not talking about over wash that shit's dead but
[Unknown3]: you brought it up
[Unknown2]: still how somehow alive i did we're talking about overwatch two
[Unknown5]: well you brought it up
[Unknown3]: oh okay
[Unknown6]: oh
[Unknown5]: ah totally different game
[Unknown2]: totally different game so
[Unknown6]: wow
[Unknown2]: i don't know if you know this um
[Unknown2]: instead of releasing video games
[Unknown3]: uh
[Unknown2]: they've been you know just sexually harassing their employees and
[Unknown6]: four
[Unknown2]: because of that
[Unknown2]: they're not able to release watch two on time for several years and they found the
[Unknown2]: perfect solution the perfect solution is they're going to decouple the pvp element
[Unknown2]: of the game from the pv element so they can get p pvp up faster and yes i will say
[Unknown2]: this here
[Unknown2]: overwatch one has been out the entire time and that is only a pvp game so i'm not
[Unknown2]: sure sure what they've been doing for the past five years anybody have any ideas
[Unknown5]: i mean have you ever tried dis lodging your entire head out of your ass it takes a
[Unknown5]: while
[Unknown2]: well
[Unknown6]: have you ever
[Unknown2]: you you would know
[Unknown6]: have
[Unknown5]: i would know
[Unknown6]: you ever tried
[Unknown6]: reverse engineering a me hex
[Unknown6]: to leverage the scientific marvel and applications into words overwatch two
[Unknown2]: have you ever
[Unknown3]: i i think
[Unknown2]: tried dancing with the devil and the pale moonlight
[Unknown2]: tried dancing with the devil and the pale moonlight
[Unknown5]: i think we know where chris is applying for a job again
[Unknown6]: have you ever
[Unknown6]: cry to the blue corn
[Unknown6]: poca hans res
[Unknown3]: mm
[Unknown2]: it's dead yeah yeah yeah
[Unknown2]: it's dead yeah yeah yeah
[Unknown5]: uh is this
[Unknown5]: sangria done cause it should be
[Unknown3]: i'm more of a little mermaid guy
[Unknown2]: yeah it's fair
[Unknown6]: i i i i feel that seconded
[Unknown5]: i'm not gonna go there nick
[Unknown3]: uh i had a question
[Unknown2]: yep
[Unknown3]: uh or rather a statement i you know it really sucks i feel like there are
[Unknown3]: genuinely so many people active vision blizzard who've been working so hard on
[Unknown3]: overwatch two and i bet you it's like it's just the constant
[Unknown2]: what
[Unknown3]: uh what's the word i'm looking for when a lot of people leave and a lot of people
[Unknown3]: get hired churn
[Unknown3]: the constant ch that is just screwing that game probably
[Unknown6]: exodus okay sure
[Unknown5]: well for sure for sure because you get a new like lead
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown5]: designer of whatever and they want to change directions again
[Unknown3]: not just change directions it takes them probably like three months to get up to
[Unknown3]: speed i'm like what the
[Unknown5]: up yeah
[Unknown3]: heck is even happening right
[Unknown6]: true true
[Unknown2]: and we do have have knowledge
[Unknown5]: yeah plus it must be really hard to develop a game while being sexually harassed
[Unknown5]: by your managers too
[Unknown3]: yeah i yeah i don't know a lot
[Unknown3]: of people working hard
[Unknown6]: yeah the
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown3]: it really sucks it's i feel like
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown3]: they're really being punished by their execs so
[Unknown2]: you so this this is the interesting thing right bobby kotch add them shift gears
[Unknown2]: and do other instead of working on overwatch two the man who then blamed them when
[Unknown2]: he had the seller company so you know that's a fun work environment to be in and
[Unknown2]: and it's unfortunate that they get to it as much as the next person they had chit
[Unknown2]: on because they haven't released the game in five years and and it's doubly
[Unknown2]: unfortunate for from my eyes because now you're just putting out the portion of
[Unknown2]: the game that we already basically have the thing we all want is the pv elements
[Unknown2]: to the game not not p v p
[Unknown5]: yeah cause the pvp is gonna be what it is good
[Unknown3]: really i i'm like the total opposite of that i think actually
[Unknown5]: no but like but the point matt's making is
[Unknown6]: oh
[Unknown5]: how different is overwatch two pvp going to be from overwatch one pvp
[Unknown2]: i'm glad you asked trapped you bitch there's like one tank that's the only thing i
[Unknown2]: know
[Unknown5]: oh wow
[Unknown2]: a o two things
[Unknown2]: doomfist is now a tank
[Unknown5]: my so
[Unknown5]: much difference so wow
[Unknown3]: you
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown3]: guys don't know you don't know what's gonna be different you're just say that is
[Unknown3]: one difference that you know of and
[Unknown2]: i gave you two differences
[Unknown3]: that's not the safest thing that is the only difference or the only differences
[Unknown5]: well they they've been saying ever since they announced that overwatch two was
[Unknown5]: going to be a game that the pvp portion isn't going to be much different what they
[Unknown5]: wanted to add was a whole pv experience outside of the event and
[Unknown3]: hm
[Unknown5]: stuff that was the main driver at least when jeff whatever the
[Unknown2]: caplan
[Unknown5]: fuck his last name was caplin he when he was at the helm of this he was like yeah
[Unknown5]: we want to bring you some more story in in ways that we can't now and we want to
[Unknown5]: know upgrade ship and we want more money so therefore there you go if that's still
[Unknown5]: the plan overwatch two is like a patch an overwatch one at the most
[Unknown3]: hm maybe maybe it is here
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown6]: whether or not it comes out
[Unknown6]: this is what i think is
[Unknown3]: what
[Unknown6]: going on as an employee on the inside if it was me
[Unknown3]: are you employed there
[Unknown6]: no no no
[Unknown3]: you can't say
[Unknown2]: that's
[Unknown3]: as an employee on the inside then
[Unknown6]: i'm thinking well i'm trying to h trying to create a hypothetical
[Unknown6]: like
[Unknown3]: okay
[Unknown2]: what chris
[Unknown6]: try to put put put myself in the shoes for a second
[Unknown2]: change it here um what if you're a hypothetical porn hub employee who had
[Unknown6]: uhhuh
[Unknown2]: the same problems take it from that angle yeah you have more experience in that
[Unknown6]: there you go let's go with it and then i i'll i'll bring it it's true it's so true
[Unknown2]: realm thank you
[Unknown6]: so if the company i was working for with a similar track record as activision
[Unknown6]: blizzard right i would just write it out and
[Unknown2]: hey
[Unknown6]: just a ha yeah just to have it on my c v just that just like so why did you ship
[Unknown6]: anything at that time well there were so many like you know everything is po
[Unknown6]: everything was in the public you know what happened how could i how could i and so
[Unknown6]: i think it's just going to be a springboard for a lot of a lot of employees who
[Unknown6]: are just biding their time to essentially coast and i'm not blaming them i'm
[Unknown6]: saying like you can
[Unknown6]: plant i'm not blaming i'm not blaming the top
[Unknown5]: now what else can you do
[Unknown5]: and
[Unknown6]: level i'm talking about like
[Unknown6]: i'm talking about everyone who like i'm talking about the so called innocence like
[Unknown6]: the everyday the everyday like devs design people who
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown6]: actually want to do something meaningful they're probably i feel like they're just
[Unknown6]: cooling their jets and then planning their their their next their next moves you
[Unknown6]: know out of that company so
[Unknown5]: i don't know about everybody else but whenever i dunk on like anything like this i
[Unknown5]: don't mean to dunk on like the lowly guy who's like testing
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: the same level a hundred times it's like it's the whole entity of the company
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: and you know the people that are actually on the ground floor they're doing they
[Unknown5]: have very little control over what actually happens for all we know the game might
[Unknown5]: be ready or might have been ready and then they went no no no we want something
[Unknown5]: else right
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: so i feel for them but at the same time
[Unknown5]: like like chris said like i i i bet and it's been happening a lot of people are
[Unknown5]: probably leaving if they can to go somewhere else
[Unknown3]: what
[Unknown5]: it's like what the fuck
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown2]: anyways that
[Unknown6]: yep
[Unknown2]: bl that overwatch two be is coming out in uh
[Unknown2]: in april so we'll know a lot real
[Unknown6]: money
[Unknown2]: soon
[Unknown5]: oh yeah
[Unknown5]: anyway
[Unknown2]: good good good comedy beats everybody really really
[Unknown2]: a lot of a lot of laughs a lot of laughs out of that it was great
[Unknown5]: but let listen they don't give us a lot of material to laugh with at least at yes
[Unknown5]: but not with
[Unknown2]: let's segue into something you can laugh at
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown2]: not this thing but the next thing i promise
[Unknown6]: laugh at oh yeah
[Unknown2]: are you guys familiar with samuel well l jackson
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown5]: y the fucker yeah
[Unknown6]: yes they deserve to die i hope they burn in hail you have seen my movies juice
[Unknown6]: that was a good one deep blue sea they ate me a sock ate me drake bitch jurassic
[Unknown6]: park samuel jackson it's my
[Unknown5]: so i guess what chris is saying is he's heard of him
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown2]: now chris just found that on the internet today the first time
[Unknown3]: my favorite
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown3]: is when he says hold on to your butts
[Unknown6]: good bye back choice by
[Unknown2]: so samuel jackson who no one's heard of really shock her he
[Unknown6]: eight
[Unknown2]: finally won an oscar
[Unknown6]: insult
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown6]: finally finally
[Unknown5]: yeah yeah
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown6]: a goat
[Unknown2]: it so
[Unknown2]: unfortunately
[Unknown2]: it was one that was
[Unknown6]: one
[Unknown2]: honorary so you know listen i'd say that unfortunately just because he probably
[Unknown2]: should have won an oscar at some point in his career
[Unknown6]: mm hm
[Unknown2]: so at least they are rectifying
[Unknown2]: this by by g giving it giving him one
[Unknown5]: pop fiction man
[Unknown6]: yep dude's got more movies in the nineties than everyone
[Unknown6]: everyone
[Unknown6]: everyone
[Unknown5]: honn zell or similar object
[Unknown6]: samuel jackson
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown6]: due was working
[Unknown2]: denzel you're bringing up because denzel gave him the award
[Unknown6]: hm
[Unknown2]: the other
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown2]: night at the oscars and listen you know i'm really happy for samuel i think it
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown2]: shows how much the oscars are
[Unknown2]: pointed at the wrong thing in many
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown2]: ways right like
[Unknown6]: oh man
[Unknown2]: there should be more
[Unknown5]: it really is
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown5]: it really is a slap in
[Unknown6]: you know
[Unknown5]: the face if i'm honest
[Unknown2]: hey listen we're still talking about this we have not segued stay on target
[Unknown3]: what
[Unknown5]: thou shalt not segue ahead of time
[Unknown3]: what
[Unknown2]: no
[Unknown6]: i sh nine
[Unknown3]: are you guys talking about
[Unknown3]: are you guys talking about
[Unknown2]: nothing
[Unknown2]: that's that's why i no nothing else happened at the osts it was just this
[Unknown3]: did something happen at the at the oscars
[Unknown6]: samuel jackson got an oscar
[Unknown6]: that's
[Unknown3]: oh okay
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown6]: what happened
[Unknown5]: yeah that's what we're talking
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown5]: about yeah
[Unknown5]: about yeah
[Unknown2]: and so like i think the oscar needs a bit more awards that aren't solely based on
[Unknown2]: the one skills or the couple skills they care about right the best actor or the
[Unknown5]: spencer would disagree with you giving our
[Unknown2]: best supporting actor spencer has no whimsy that's why i
[Unknown2]: i i made him go missing
[Unknown6]: oh my god
[Unknown5]: oh
[Unknown6]: confession don't don't home
[Unknown5]: the the plot thickens
[Unknown3]: this
[Unknown2]: he knows what he did
[Unknown2]: he knows what he did
[Unknown3]: this
[Unknown6]: don
[Unknown3]: just turn this just turned into a
[Unknown5]: he knows what he did
[Unknown3]: it's a turn to true crime podcast
[Unknown6]: exactly
[Unknown6]: matt conquer was
[Unknown5]: we
[Unknown6]: seen leaving the building with an undisclosed body bag what color was it camel
[Unknown6]: green
[Unknown2]: i would never used camel grain as too tacky
[Unknown5]: no yeah i was gonna say you know no matt it would be bright red you'd be bright
[Unknown6]: that's not the point
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown6]: well i thought listen listen i thought i knew you met i thought i knew you
[Unknown5]: red
[Unknown3]: the least
[Unknown2]: listen
[Unknown3]: believable thing about all that is the idea that you could see a camouflaged color
[Unknown3]: body bag
[Unknown6]: listen
[Unknown2]: bright
[Unknown5]: yeah it disappears right
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown6]: it's called spur up the moment improvisation
[Unknown2]: well
[Unknown6]: you're supposed to yes add team
[Unknown6]: you're supposed to yes add team
[Unknown2]: uh no
[Unknown3]: yes and that's a bad one
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown5]: yeah yes and please stop talking
[Unknown2]: so samuel jackson won't ask her and i would just hope in the future
[Unknown6]: yes ma'am
[Unknown2]: we can get some some oscars that like the honor oscars great but get some oscars
[Unknown2]: that are like you know audience participate favorite like if you want people to
[Unknown2]: give a shit up with the oscars you're either
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown2]: gonna have to i don't know slap somebody or give them things that's going to
[Unknown2]: excite them you know things they canoe on
[Unknown3]: best light saber color
[Unknown2]: maybe best lights to recover love it
[Unknown3]: purple
[Unknown2]: i think
[Unknown3]: samuel jackson win an oscar
[Unknown2]: oh
[Unknown6]: dig it
[Unknown2]: there you go i mean would he win the oscar with the design
[Unknown2]: team
[Unknown5]: i don yeah
[Unknown6]: he would he could
[Unknown2]: when the oscar
[Unknown3]: he picked that color
[Unknown5]: i i think you
[Unknown3]: he picked that do you guys ever hear that story
[Unknown2]: oh that's true that's true he is that's right
[Unknown5]: yeah yeah
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown5]: it's it's great the story about it is amazing
[Unknown3]: the story was like the story was like george lucas was like hey samuel jackson we
[Unknown3]: wants you to play mace window and he's like i don't know whatever i don't know if
[Unknown3]: i wanna do it ands like okay i'll do it but only if i get a purple light sla and i
[Unknown3]: i feel like this is the quote i'm not sure if it's true or not but i george
[Unknown3]: lucasfilm
[Unknown3]: that was the reason he
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown3]: got up a full light saver
[Unknown2]: it has
[Unknown6]: w
[Unknown2]: to be true
[Unknown5]: some some version of that like for sure some version of that
[Unknown6]: listen listen like the it's such a slap in the face honorary when it's probably
[Unknown6]: like maybe why not something more distinguished like lifetime achievement
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown6]: oscar academy yes they're out of touch and i hope they burn it out
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown2]: other things you could probably not give awards for at the oscars include such
[Unknown2]: things as
[Unknown2]: the most cheer worthy moment as
[Unknown5]: i think
[Unknown2]: voted by the fans because when they announced this to them that
[Unknown6]: hey
[Unknown2]: the movie jack sanders justice league uh won this
[Unknown6]: doctor
[Unknown2]: no one in the theater did anything
[Unknown3]: is this
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown3]: just an ad is that just an ad like what like who voted on most cheer worthy movie
[Unknown2]: to twitter
[Unknown6]: the same people who constructed the who constructed the honorary category category
[Unknown6]: honorary exercise of giving out oscars
[Unknown3]: like had
[Unknown2]: well i think they did but i also think other people could vote cause it was a
[Unknown2]: twitter thing so
[Unknown6]: yeah i yeah
[Unknown3]: oh you're asking like regular people people are stupid dude don't do that
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: but to be fair
[Unknown2]: thanks for listening
[Unknown5]: the people the people that vote for actual shit on the oscars are also stupid so i
[Unknown5]: don't know where we go from there
[Unknown3]: that's
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown3]: a good point we should have a single
[Unknown3]: dictator at the
[Unknown3]: oscar's handing out a word his name
[Unknown6]: a chancellor an oscar chancellor
[Unknown2]: oh no no no
[Unknown3]: his name will be oscar
[Unknown5]: oh like the few
[Unknown6]: ah
[Unknown2]: yeah like i love it
[Unknown3]: and he will end up
[Unknown3]: and he will end up
[Unknown6]: oscar isaac
[Unknown5]: the f the fewer the fewer the fewer of
[Unknown5]: hollywood is that what
[Unknown3]: yeah yeah
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown5]: you're saying okay
[Unknown5]: you're saying okay
[Unknown6]: oscar meyer
[Unknown2]: yeah the rule is the person in charge always has to be named oscar
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown2]: so you know how like you gotta be born in america to be president you gotta be
[Unknown2]: named oscar at burst i don't want you changing your name
[Unknown3]: is
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown3]: that true i can't be president
[Unknown2]: no
[Unknown5]: no
[Unknown3]: oh
[Unknown6]: damn
[Unknown6]: i wanted to change my name to
[Unknown5]: there
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown5]: goes that plan
[Unknown6]: i wanted to change my name to oscar titus and ramadan and like ma
[Unknown3]: one
[Unknown6]: and throw my hat into the ring to
[Unknown2]: no it
[Unknown6]: you know lead the uh
[Unknown2]: can't just let anybody be an oscar let's come on bro
[Unknown6]: yo yo yo try by combat
[Unknown2]: you want
[Unknown5]: oh i would watch that
[Unknown2]: okay you gotta fight oscar isaac and if you win you could be an oscar
[Unknown3]: you gotta lose dud
[Unknown6]: the
[Unknown5]: bro is moon night you're gonna lose
[Unknown2]: yeah your dead
[Unknown6]: well see you don't know what i'm capable of
[Unknown2]: you died already
[Unknown6]: i want that i
[Unknown5]: i do
[Unknown6]: want the title and
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown6]: july seventh in the ring i'm gonna break a table and then a chair over your candy
[Unknown6]: ass oscar cause i'm the oscar
[Unknown2]: you can't you can't can't say that
[Unknown6]: why why
[Unknown5]: yeah you can't say that
[Unknown2]: canny ass i'm pretty sure as a register trademark of the rock
[Unknown6]: well you know what
[Unknown3]: you're gonna get sued
[Unknown6]: set your mouth
[Unknown5]: i do you want to be a dwaine on top of an oscar is that what you're saying
[Unknown2]: yes
[Unknown6]: listen i will get permission from from dwayne johnson
[Unknown6]: listen i will get permission from from dwayne johnson
[Unknown3]: can you imagine
[Unknown5]: oh you see you
[Unknown6]: i'll just ask i'll just ask for it if he says no i'll honor it
[Unknown5]: see how the tables turned there ah like i'll i will i will break a bit when it's
[Unknown5]: against oscar isaac but i'll ask you know the rock nicely
[Unknown3]: can you imagine like he sues you and then the
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown3]: the the judge awards him the winner
[Unknown2]: oh
[Unknown3]: and like to for like for payment he gets to hit you with the people's elbow
[Unknown6]: listen i have nothing but respect for for the rock i would i would apologize and
[Unknown6]: then in turn i'm sorry could i could i please could i please use it
[Unknown3]: yeah he'd walk up to you he'd just smell you
[Unknown2]: yep
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown3]: and be like can't you smell
[Unknown6]: the fist that's gonna break your bucket head off
[Unknown3]: i would watch that
[Unknown5]: you know he would just he would fuck you up with just the eyebrow let's be honest
[Unknown6]: probably
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown6]: it's a supp have you ever received a suplex from an eyebrow
[Unknown5]: here
[Unknown2]: no not not this week
[Unknown5]: sounds painful
[Unknown6]: the people's eyebrow
[Unknown2]: i don't know i
[Unknown5]: not this week
[Unknown3]: not this week
[Unknown5]: i'm quitting cold turkey from getting suplex is from eyebrows
[Unknown2]: yeah i'm off i'm off i it's it's not been going well for me personally
[Unknown6]: you know you know i have it stretched
[Unknown2]: um
[Unknown3]: it
[Unknown2]: other listen i think i think that's it for the oscars i don't think anything else
[Unknown2]: happened oh
[Unknown3]: no i
[Unknown5]: nothing else happened no
[Unknown6]: nah
[Unknown3]: think that was it
[Unknown6]: na it was dry i never washed the arc o oh
[Unknown2]: no there's one there's one other thing i
[Unknown3]: remember
[Unknown2]: i think
[Unknown5]: wait no you keep the news out your fuck
[Unknown6]: oh
[Unknown5]: mouth okay
[Unknown2]: okay
[Unknown6]: gasp
[Unknown5]: keep the news out your fuck
[Unknown6]: gasp
[Unknown5]: mouth
[Unknown2]: luciana just
[Unknown5]: gasp
[Unknown2]: lucy angus verbally slapped ait out of me
[Unknown2]: lucy angus verbally slapped ait out of me
[Unknown6]: p tell
[Unknown2]: so if you re you haven't been hiding if you haven't been have been
[Unknown2]: hiding on a rock one of the things
[Unknown6]: if you if
[Unknown5]: if you have been alive if you've been alive
[Unknown6]: if you've been living under the rock that lives underneath the d the rock
[Unknown6]: johnson's eyebrow
[Unknown2]: yeah that's very if you were born since monday you might not know about this um
[Unknown5]: nice
[Unknown2]: chris
[Unknown3]: went i met
[Unknown2]: rock had a very poor not funny joke someone
[Unknown2]: called distasteful uh he made about will smith's wife
[Unknown6]: mm yep
[Unknown2]: jada pinkett smith
[Unknown6]: cheeto
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown2]: um wills laughed at it jada did not jade was very upset will smith then took that
[Unknown2]: upon himself to level the visual displeasure from j to face into chris rock's face
[Unknown2]: via his right hand left hand
[Unknown5]: the the world's weirdest slap
[Unknown2]: great form actually
[Unknown2]: honestly from the pictures great form
[Unknown3]: he had good form you
[Unknown6]: you saw the way he was on the ball of his feet trying to
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown6]: leverage some
[Unknown5]: two
[Unknown6]: of that old ae training
[Unknown3]: do you see
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown3]: the waist the waist rotation like that's
[Unknown6]: you know
[Unknown3]: how you know that's where the power comes from
[Unknown5]: yeah but that's the thing i
[Unknown6]: he
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown6]: pulled it too like it was it he
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown6]: made contact but he he still pulled it
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown5]: i i think he was gearing up for a punch like the al ali pinch because of
[Unknown6]: it
[Unknown5]: the movie it is like ah let's just
[Unknown5]: stick with an open hand slap and eat yeah
[Unknown3]: he thought it might kill him yeah
[Unknown6]: you you need more disrespect in it so i will open the hand
[Unknown2]: yeah that's that's way more
[Unknown5]: yeah so he
[Unknown3]: umhum
[Unknown5]: gave up mid midway and so they they turned the punch into a slap
[Unknown6]: mm hm
[Unknown5]: but there was a lot of torque in it i agree
[Unknown6]: sure got damn
[Unknown2]: yeah i mean the real victims here chris rock i mean yes technically but not the
[Unknown2]: chris rocker thinking is chris rock the developer
[Unknown6]: oh no
[Unknown2]: yes the the
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown2]: person who owns at chris underscore rock ah whose name may not be mike mica based
[Unknown2]: on what i'm saying oh that's a different guy
[Unknown5]: jesus
[Unknown2]: chris it's just chrisp ogg
[Unknown2]: some
[Unknown6]: hey
[Unknown3]: that's its legal name
[Unknown2]: great radio happening right now
[Unknown2]: he and at will smith who is most definitely not
[Unknown2]: most with the actor at wells has been in the games media for a while he ran tested
[Unknown2]: i think the website
[Unknown6]: hm
[Unknown2]: so he's he's well known in the circles they both got into it verbally as well on
[Unknown2]: the internet as a result of this mostly people tweeting at him and yelling at them
[Unknown2]: for what they did which wasn't them
[Unknown5]: not just that right but like a bunch of people that have just happened to have
[Unknown5]: will smith or chris rock somewhere there's a guy called good will smith got
[Unknown5]: blasted too
[Unknown6]: uh uh i like da apples
[Unknown2]: yeah see it's interesting to me because i understand tweeting at will smith or
[Unknown2]: like at cna square rock like steaks are made but like what goes on your life that
[Unknown2]: you're like oh i know bills miss real twitter handlers at goodwill smith
[Unknown3]: yeah that's the one where you like how you bust that one up
[Unknown5]: he's hiding he's hiding in plain sight
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown2]: like do would you want to have a celebrity based twitter handle just to see if you
[Unknown2]: can catch some flack when they do something wrong just to see what it's like
[Unknown6]: i have i i have a k a named
[Unknown3]: sleep
[Unknown6]: kinship with uh with one of with a director like from the mitchells um
[Unknown6]: from twenty one
[Unknown3]: school
[Unknown6]: jump street the new one phil lord and chris miller
[Unknown2]: oh yeah lord miller that was chris miller
[Unknown6]: this critic is christopher miller so i follow it so every now and then
[Unknown5]: are we
[Unknown5]: are we beeping that or
[Unknown6]: ah add vi with it and buy with this
[Unknown2]: it's too late it's out in the wild
[Unknown5]: the government
[Unknown6]: the government this is the only time i will relinquish my government my government
[Unknown6]: name
[Unknown6]: so like yeah i like if happened to that christopher miller and people just started
[Unknown6]: coming at me but that's not
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown6]: my handle anyway but if they just like hey there's another christopher miller and
[Unknown2]: that'd be really impressive if they found her your twitter handle and blamed
[Unknown6]: then you start
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown2]: it on chris miller co
[Unknown3]: yeah they tweeted you in all caps they're like hey
[Unknown3]: loved mitchell and the machines
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown3]: it was amazing
[Unknown6]: yeah how dare you how dare you christopher miller
[Unknown2]: hey hey star wars they should let you finish that movie w way better
[Unknown6]: you know
[Unknown2]: just all the positivity that chris miller
[Unknown3]: yeah yeah
[Unknown2]: the director deserves yeah
[Unknown6]: i would love it i would be like thank you but i can't accept it like thank you but
[Unknown6]: if it was the flat i'd be like again can't accept it you know for different with a
[Unknown6]: different the wrong guy but if it's like positive like i i i didn't earn that so
[Unknown2]: what if what if they came looking for you to write like what if someone was like
[Unknown6]: it would be fun
[Unknown2]: asking you to write like edit their script but it's like it's not it's not
[Unknown2]: something famous there's like a low level
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown2]: script would you edit it for though
[Unknown6]: yeah would you please please mr miller would you please i'd be
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown6]: like come forward step into my digital office
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown6]: tell me wax poetic what do you got time is money smoking cigar
[Unknown5]: wait you can't ask them to wax poetic and say time is money in the same that's
[Unknown6]: i'm christopher miller
[Unknown5]: just mean
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown6]: i can do whatever i want sir
[Unknown3]: who are
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown3]: you to question christopher miller
[Unknown5]: i'm
[Unknown5]: sorry i'm sorry
[Unknown2]: how do you how many movies you made luciano
[Unknown6]: be on
[Unknown5]: sir i'm sorry sir i don't i'm sorry sir i don't
[Unknown6]: that's right now go get me a coffee and a
[Unknown6]: croissant almond
[Unknown5]: i actually
[Unknown5]: so
[Unknown6]: croissant
[Unknown5]: on first name
[Unknown3]: that
[Unknown5]: basis i would have in brazil a lot of like namesake but my last name just destroys
[Unknown6]: oh
[Unknown5]: it so
[Unknown2]: yeah that's your fault
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown5]: yeah i chose my last name you assel
[Unknown2]: you can change it whenever you want
[Unknown2]: you can change it whenever you want
[Unknown3]: can't you dumbs
[Unknown5]: well here not
[Unknown2]: oh really
[Unknown5]: in brazil in brazil you need you need like
[Unknown5]: some sort of like a catastrophe to happen for you to be able to
[Unknown6]: damn
[Unknown5]: do it yeah
[Unknown2]: we can make that happen
[Unknown6]: slap somebody that'll get started
[Unknown5]: am i gonna join spencer is that the catastrophe are planning
[Unknown2]: listen you need it to happen i can find a place
[Unknown6]: oh my god
[Unknown5]: i'll let you know
[Unknown2]: moving on
[Unknown6]: true crime season two
[Unknown2]: from the oscars um slopping the rest of the news in the face as you will um
[Unknown2]: nintendo
[Unknown5]: too
[Unknown6]: uhhuh
[Unknown2]: virtually slaps us all the face by
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown2]: delaying breath of wil two to twenty twenty three
[Unknown6]: f
[Unknown2]: but but they didn't slap us with their hands or the news they slapped us with a
[Unknown2]: well it's an apology video from
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown2]: the the producer of the game to say our bat
[Unknown2]: the the producer of the game to say our bat
[Unknown2]: which is like it does not happen in north america
[Unknown6]: hm
[Unknown2]: ever right
[Unknown6]: okay
[Unknown2]: would would you would you feel better about games if if every time they delete it
[Unknown2]: someone gave you an apology even like not you specifically but like you got a
[Unknown2]: youtube topology being like yeah my bad
[Unknown3]: only
[Unknown6]: it feels
[Unknown3]: if it was from an exec
[Unknown2]: right
[Unknown6]: yeah someone has to someone someone with clout needs to needs to take the not the
[Unknown6]: l but like i guess the
[Unknown3]: yeah take the l
[Unknown6]: l and the responsibility like
[Unknown6]: i'm sorry
[Unknown2]: but like but like it's gotta
[Unknown6]: and go for it
[Unknown2]: be someone who's someone who's high enough up but not like a bobby coch level
[Unknown2]: where like like their their
[Unknown3]: no
[Unknown2]: name is mud right
[Unknown3]: i want bobby kodak to apologize to me
[Unknown6]: every time
[Unknown2]: bobby you hurt us we want an apology
[Unknown6]: barbara
[Unknown3]: like
[Unknown6]: i tell her hot
[Unknown3]: like if overwatch two got you know it's they're like hey it's delayed whatever
[Unknown3]: we're cutting it in half how would you
[Unknown2]: yep
[Unknown3]: feel if bobby codec had to make a sad apology video i think that would be
[Unknown3]: hilarious i want that
[Unknown2]: well that's this is the thing
[Unknown2]: like l if he made a video at all
[Unknown2]: he would just tell us to go fuck ourselves i'm pretty sure
[Unknown6]: who well now
[Unknown3]: quote unquote i will destroy you
[Unknown2]: yeah yeah
[Unknown3]: uh that's a real bobby cota quote that he said to like a secretary or something
[Unknown3]: with the
[Unknown2]: i guess we i guess we could make one up if we just strung all the deplorable
[Unknown2]: offensive things he said to people into
[Unknown6]: right
[Unknown2]: one video and that's his apology video
[Unknown6]: a deep someone needs to do a deep faith just to just to to
[Unknown6]: i don't know shift shift the tide you know he can't keep winning he keeps failing
[Unknown6]: up quote unquote
[Unknown3]: but
[Unknown5]: well i mean have you seen his face he already looks like a deep fake so
[Unknown6]: well
[Unknown2]: wow sick burn
[Unknown3]: honestly like an honest apology from an exec i feel like shows a level of like
[Unknown3]: kind of like class and responsibility that you don't see in north american
[Unknown2]: no
[Unknown3]: exacts i guess i don't know
[Unknown3]: exacts i guess i don't know
[Unknown2]: no you're you're generally right
[Unknown3]: so i think it's pretty cool
[Unknown5]: yeah and that's the thing it wouldn't be it wouldn't be heartfelt it would be just
[Unknown5]: like oh fuck i have to go do this
[Unknown3]: i
[Unknown6]: right
[Unknown3]: the the apology videos from the breath of the wild two one seems heartfelt seems
[Unknown3]: like guys
[Unknown6]: mm hmm
[Unknown5]: well but they're not north american
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown6]: true
[Unknown3]: yeah yeah
[Unknown5]: that's my point like bobby kick would not be
[Unknown5]: that's my point like bobby kick would not be
[Unknown3]: i guess what i'm really asking for
[Unknown3]: i guess what
[Unknown6]: i
[Unknown3]: i am really asking for is for north american video game executives to care
[Unknown6]: yep
[Unknown5]: yeah that's why and and that's what
[Unknown3]: which maybe is a bit of a taller ask
[Unknown5]: that's what i was gonna say like you're ha asking for a heartfelt apology for
[Unknown5]: someone who doesn't have a heart that's gonna be
[Unknown3]: they
[Unknown5]: hard
[Unknown6]: so you try to get blood from stone ain't gonna happen
[Unknown2]: no i i think
[Unknown5]: like so i have no no dog in this race because i have i do not care about zelda but
[Unknown5]: do you guys feel any better from getting an apology like that
[Unknown6]: i actually having seen the video i do like even with the like whether you yes it's
[Unknown6]: it's it's it's cultural for the bow but i felt like it like it seemed very human
[Unknown6]: to me and that's what i i
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown6]: that's what i would look for
[Unknown5]: that's good then yeah
[Unknown6]: that's like that's disruptive you know in a in in a positive way that's disruptive
[Unknown6]: because
[Unknown6]: like we're we're people and this is
[Unknown2]: why
[Unknown6]: the kind of experience that would be that would help the industry
[Unknown6]: like more examples of this for so to speak that intention
[Unknown3]: and they
[Unknown6]: i think it goes a long way
[Unknown5]: that's good
[Unknown2]: do do gamers deserve apologies
[Unknown5]: that is a good question too we are
[Unknown6]: no not reframe it reframe it gamers are customers
[Unknown2]: yeah but like
[Unknown5]: well but still they're still gamers
[Unknown2]: but they there okay the c what if your customer base is full of angry assal who
[Unknown2]: yell at you for any time you do anything they don't like including taking
[Unknown2]: vacations not putting out their video game on time changing how the video
[Unknown5]: now
[Unknown2]: game works
[Unknown5]: or putting like
[Unknown5]: a woman as the main character
[Unknown5]: or a black person
[Unknown2]: jesus
[Unknown5]: as the main character
[Unknown5]: i mean don't they they do
[Unknown6]: that's not everybody though but if that's it
[Unknown6]: that's not everybody though but if that's it
[Unknown2]: moham yep
[Unknown5]: no but it's a lot it's a lot of people
[Unknown6]: if it's a lot like so check it out if it was if if i was part of a team if i was
[Unknown6]: part of that nintendo team and that was and and like that happened this happened
[Unknown6]: right if i was part of that team and i was the one who had to make that apology
[Unknown6]: i'd be thinking of like the level headed
[Unknown6]: the level
[Unknown2]: the children the children
[Unknown5]: that's fair
[Unknown6]: headed the ch well children and the level headed customers and gamers that you
[Unknown6]: know have you know that are decent i'd be speaking to them
[Unknown5]: that's fair
[Unknown6]: i'd be thinking of them and i would try and target my message you know to them and
[Unknown6]: if others don't don't accept it well we're doing
[Unknown5]: no
[Unknown6]: i'm assuming that this team is are doing their best and that they've they have
[Unknown6]: reasons
[Unknown5]: you get a neck beard un reddit to saying you tweeter at here when he apologized to
[Unknown5]: me me you know that that would happen
[Unknown2]: wire
[Unknown6]: well i wouldn't like
[Unknown3]: sky like like a hundred years old
[Unknown3]: sky like like a hundred years old
[Unknown3]: sky like like a hundred years old
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown5]: yeah yeah
[Unknown2]: jesus
[Unknown6]: mister burns i didn't know you played games
[Unknown3]: it was like i i was around when solitaire was invented in real card game form
[Unknown5]: i played mine sweeper in the war
[Unknown6]: i
[Unknown2]: five
[Unknown6]: i had to disassemble them in the water and i couldn't even tread water
[Unknown3]: good good sigo moto quote a delayed game is eventually good a bad game is forever
[Unknown3]: bad so
[Unknown6]: co
[Unknown5]: that's true
[Unknown5]: that's true
[Unknown2]: listen that's
[Unknown5]: that's that's true
[Unknown2]: that
[Unknown2]: should hang on the in the office of every every developer ever
[Unknown3]: i'm cool i'm cool with them de ling
[Unknown5]: yeah yeah
[Unknown6]: now i'm okay with it like in general but now cherry on top
[Unknown5]: now if they're if they're delaying it to make it good yeah definitely just i'll
[Unknown5]: wait it's fine
[Unknown3]: i think nintendo has
[Unknown3]: a large history
[Unknown6]: mar
[Unknown3]: of saying
[Unknown2]: yep
[Unknown3]: hey we're gonna delay a game and they take the time and they make it good and
[Unknown3]: honestly a lot of nintendo games are friant bangers they're so good when they come
[Unknown3]: out so if they need us to wait for breath of the wild too to be more solid
[Unknown6]: from next year
[Unknown3]: we got a lot of open world games came out already look at elden ring i could play
[Unknown3]: elden ring another year and wait no problem
[Unknown2]: yep
[Unknown6]: talking to
[Unknown2]: yeah we had
[Unknown3]: so i'm
[Unknown2]: elder ring and
[Unknown5]: we
[Unknown2]: that other one
[Unknown5]: should have had nick here talking about alden ring when we did cause all four of
[Unknown5]: us were like who would play this
[Unknown3]: i i would
[Unknown6]: i would
[Unknown3]: play this
[Unknown5]: apparently
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown5]: nick yeah
[Unknown6]: and that's fine that's funny man i'm i'm
[Unknown3]: yeah no but like when they were like it i it's gonna be delayed i'm like okay
[Unknown3]: sounds good no problem you
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown3]: apologize i appreciate the apology seems good lot of goodwill there still
[Unknown5]: the the bad the bad thing is when they delay it a couple of times and it still
[Unknown5]: come out like full of bugs like
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown5]: cyber puck did right
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown5]: that's bad
[Unknown2]: yeah me and moa already said that stop trying to feel like i thunder
[Unknown3]: but yeah but yeah like
[Unknown3]: but i think like when you look at nintendo's like history of like delaying and
[Unknown3]: releasing games it's usually it seems like it's been at least for the better for
[Unknown3]: for me so
[Unknown5]: that's good
[Unknown6]: and breath of the wild one was dope
[Unknown3]: oh yeah
[Unknown6]: so if they like it it it as long as it's not a copy and pas job and like there's
[Unknown6]: there are areas that are lacking easily forgivable forgivable so
[Unknown3]: that's a
[Unknown6]: i i i trust them
[Unknown3]: original bre w games a mold breaking game i would
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown3]: say so
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown2]: segue
[Unknown6]: i'm here for it seg
[Unknown2]: into our last story do you guys remember vimeo
[Unknown5]: no genuinely i'll forget it exists
[Unknown6]: what
[Unknown3]: i watch the videos i can't find on youtube there
[Unknown6]: a
[Unknown2]: yeah that's
[Unknown5]: no that's that's more daily motion than video
[Unknown2]: well listen
[Unknown3]: maybe for you
[Unknown6]: daily motion
[Unknown2]: don't tell don't tell nick how to live his life if he
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown2]: wants to go on female he can vit mio
[Unknown2]: has decided that the best way to get people to go on your platform is to make the
[Unknown2]: creators pay them
[Unknown6]: me
[Unknown2]: a bold a bold move
[Unknown2]: um right now people were paying a couple hundred bucks a year give or take and
[Unknown2]: they've decided that's maybe they should up that a bit so one user got quoted a
[Unknown2]: price of three and a two thousand dollars a year just for context she has one
[Unknown2]: hundred seventeen subscriber only videos uploaded and she gets about one hundred
[Unknown2]: fifty views on average her most viewed video was eight hundred and fifteen
[Unknown3]: oh
[Unknown2]: so
[Unknown2]: um
[Unknown3]: has she
[Unknown6]: it's
[Unknown2]: i think
[Unknown3]: considered youtube
[Unknown6]: just download that honey sorry
[Unknown5]: that so that's
[Unknown6]: not honey download that creator
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown5]: that's the that's the the just that people are going fucking we went to vimeo
[Unknown5]: because we thought it was a better
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown5]: platform that would give us more control of
[Unknown5]: our content and you know be partners with us and they're like you know what you
[Unknown5]: you use way too much of our hosting and way too much of our network ability here
[Unknown5]: pay three five hundred dollars bitch that's what they said
[Unknown3]: that's that seems like more money than she probably used in hosting and stuff if
[Unknown3]: she only
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown3]: got like eight hundred views or whatever like how is she paying th how much was it
[Unknown2]: that's her max view she
[Unknown3]: how much was it
[Unknown6]: six
[Unknown2]: averages about a hundred and fifty views per video
[Unknown2]: as she
[Unknown3]: a hundred
[Unknown2]: has a hundred and seventeen videos
[Unknown3]: but how much did you have to
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown3]: pay
[Unknown2]: three and a half thousand
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown6]: a year
[Unknown3]: no i sorry not thank
[Unknown5]: you will have
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown5]: to pay there's another one who's was who was quoted at seven thousand a year
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown6]: look wow
[Unknown2]: so so just for context this stems
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown2]: from the current ceo's
[Unknown2]: belief uh that um they should be uh no be the alternative to youtube and instead
[Unknown2]: take up the just delightful position of
[Unknown2]: let's find the quote here
[Unknown2]: they want to be a software company for businesses of quote unquote all sizes a k a
[Unknown2]: big business who will spends of money on sh they'll forget they're paying for
[Unknown3]: i mean i think for our company i think we host some internal videos on vimeo
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown3]: i'm not saying it's good or not good i really have no idea but like
[Unknown2]: well you guys probably get
[Unknown3]: it's also a ceo's responsibility to have visions of grandeur i
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown3]: think like that's kind of their
[Unknown2]: sure how to present
[Unknown5]: well visions of grandeur is one thing delusions of
[Unknown5]: grandeur is a
[Unknown6]: a yeah
[Unknown5]: completely different one
[Unknown3]: yeah sure
[Unknown6]: i also use vimeo for like some of my like some
[Unknown2]: not anymore you don't
[Unknown6]: of my um no not anymore i used to i'm going to be migrating
[Unknown2]: so
[Unknown6]: so it doesn't it doesn't make sense and like yes this this story needs to be told
[Unknown6]: but if the if these
[Unknown6]: if these users don't migrate their content they're just gonna be they're just
[Unknown6]: gonna be you're gonna get back into a corner so i'm hoping that there are already
[Unknown6]: shifting gears and backing up all of their good content to make that transition
[Unknown6]: cause this is a red flag red flag times red red flag to the power of two
[Unknown3]: i think
[Unknown2]: where where
[Unknown3]: they me give me a wants them out right like they wanna get rid of these users i
[Unknown3]: think
[Unknown2]: yeah i was gonna
[Unknown2]: ask where where should where should these video where should these people go like
[Unknown5]: that's what it seems like
[Unknown6]: so if not okay go ahead qu
[Unknown2]: cause 'cause it seems like they left youtube for reasons so it's fair
[Unknown6]: that's a i feel like it's an assumption but if they if not to answer your question
[Unknown6]: if not youtube there's got to be other competitors looking to take advantage and
[Unknown2]: porn hub
[Unknown6]: you know that's that you know they've got the servers
[Unknown3]: uhhuh
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown6]: they've got the servers
[Unknown3]: mhm
[Unknown2]: infrastructure's there
[Unknown2]: infrastructure's there
[Unknown6]: you know i i feel like they're this is where this is the limit of my of my my it
[Unknown6]: infrastructure knowledge taps out i got nothing left just
[Unknown2]: cat
[Unknown6]: go take it to port ha that
[Unknown2]: cat
[Unknown6]: there's already a a view of viewership there
[Unknown2]: great love it and may also have suggestions
[Unknown3]: daily motion or whatever i don't know what that other one is
[Unknown6]: yes what happened to them the yes bring it back daily motion
[Unknown2]: le it's still there
[Unknown5]: meat
[Unknown3]: like honestly
[Unknown5]: yeah so there is
[Unknown3]: like there's very few businesses that are interested in in a hundred fifty view
[Unknown5]: i know
[Unknown3]: channels i think right like you're not they're not going to make money on those so
[Unknown3]: either if you get people interested if you have like a few people who are really
[Unknown3]: interested in your
[Unknown2]: one one
[Unknown3]: niche videos and you need to host them somewhere set up a patreon get paid for it
[Unknown3]: you know if you have an active following i think
[Unknown3]: uh
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown3]: but otherwise like i i don't think those free video platforms are like interested
[Unknown3]: in those channels
[Unknown2]: if well so
[Unknown5]: there's a there is a video streaming platform called
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown5]: nebula that also they people people set up ex ex specifically because like youtube
[Unknown5]: cuts like demonize his
[Unknown6]: yes
[Unknown5]: vehicles or like uh flags them and all that stuff and they so they they go there
[Unknown5]: they pay the the the subscribers pay per month and then i i guess they get like a
[Unknown5]: flat fee every month
[Unknown3]: okay
[Unknown5]: that like there are options
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown5]: right
[Unknown2]: well as much
[Unknown5]: but
[Unknown2]: as porn ho was a joke the initial implementation of only fans might have been an
[Unknown2]: actual option for them
[Unknown2]: um
[Unknown5]: yeah that's true
[Unknown2]: because i think one of the things i i'm reading here in this one article so i'm
[Unknown2]: obviously an expert now in vimeo is that they are
[Unknown5]: yeah of course
[Unknown2]: controlling access to their videos right so it's like subscribers patreon points a
[Unknown2]: lot of people to vimeo because then you can't see the video unless you're paying
[Unknown2]: right 'cause they give a password that's why companies use it yeah
[Unknown5]: and theres like a discount thing that happens as well yeah
[Unknown2]: and so one of the reasons you wouldn't want to put your stuff on youtube is
[Unknown2]: because there's really no great way on youtube that i've seen to limit people's
[Unknown2]: access to your videos so some like old fans has the same sort of setup where you
[Unknown2]: have to pay for access to things that might be i don't know if if os is still in
[Unknown2]: the everybody business or is just kind of focusing on their new core demographic
[Unknown2]: but but that would be be an option for these people and i think nick's right like
[Unknown2]: that's that's pricing
[Unknown3]: i
[Unknown2]: scheme of please go away don't want we want to deal with high volume customers not
[Unknown2]: not a large number of tiny customers
[Unknown3]: i i just look at nebula ciano and i think neb also looks to me like curated
[Unknown3]: content so i don't think i don't think you can go and set up a of whatever like
[Unknown5]: it's not nebula as far as i understand you have to and from their side that you
[Unknown5]: have to sign up for it and then you can host your stuff there then
[Unknown5]: instead of your customers paying for you or like for your viewers paying for your
[Unknown5]: stuff they just pay for the subscription to nebula where your stuff is yeah
[Unknown3]: that's cool it looks like five bucks a month too which is like pretty reasonable
[Unknown5]: yeah and you can get like some i there's a lot of content creators i follow on
[Unknown5]: youtube that they they are on abul and they offer like plans or like like discount
[Unknown5]: codes and stuff like that so
[Unknown3]: i like that that's cool
[Unknown6]: rattling off the sort of like the quote unquote top ten vo alternatives
[Unknown3]: yes
[Unknown6]: and competitors vid yard bright cove cloud app loom pan doo use screen hippo video
[Unknown6]: ado
[Unknown6]: there's got to be options something's got to work for for people looking to
[Unknown2]: ladies and gentlemen he just made up words on the spot to make those ten video
[Unknown6]: migrate
[Unknown3]: i know
[Unknown2]: services
[Unknown6]: i don't
[Unknown3]: loom but i don't think lom is really an alternative for for this use
[Unknown5]: no i no
[Unknown3]: case specifically
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown6]: maybe maybe not i don't know
[Unknown6]: maybe maybe not i don't know
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown5]: the the real kicker is that patreon really sort of like leans on hey go to vimeo
[Unknown5]: go to vinu right and they're like they're doing this video is and patron is not
[Unknown5]: really telling anybody right
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown5]: so it's like oh have you considered using vimeo and they're like oh that's a good
[Unknown5]: idea f like you know so
[Unknown6]: additionally what if people what if i guess i guess it just take more money but
[Unknown6]: what if you not host it yourself but if you're let's say if you have a website
[Unknown6]: could you not check out like an extended hosting package so you could have like
[Unknown6]: say go get go daddy or somebody run your videos
[Unknown3]: yeah you're never gonna drive traffic to that though so
[Unknown6]: in fact well there's
[Unknown2]: yeah the advantage of being on a site like vimeo is they handle all that for you
[Unknown2]: and you just have to worry about getting traffic to your site
[Unknown3]: it's hard like how many times have you been like i got to watch this specific
[Unknown3]: websites videos let me go there
[Unknown5]: it's
[Unknown3]: yeah
[Unknown5]: so rare
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown6]: i suppose also it depends on what industry you're in if you're targeting at all or
[Unknown6]: if you're just in an open market like a a youtube or a vimeo like
[Unknown6]: i feel like it's it also depends on what your goals are
[Unknown6]: hmm
[Unknown3]: giant bomb the video game site i used to follow we used to have all their stuff on
[Unknown3]: their own website um
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown3]: and like i would go there once in a while to check it out but it's hard when it's
[Unknown3]: not like part of your you know your people i feel like people are so used to going
[Unknown3]: on youtube hit the subscriptions button and just see what's there you know and
[Unknown3]: that's their
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown2]: it's
[Unknown3]: you know
[Unknown2]: the number one model for a reason
[Unknown6]: it makes also makes me wonder what like the f like what the funny or die approach
[Unknown6]: like the f a dying website what their approach was how was how was that hosted i
[Unknown6]: don't know but
[Unknown6]: uh
[Unknown6]: he is what it is
[Unknown3]: mhm
[Unknown5]: anyway i'm looking forward to never hearing of vimeo ever again in my life
[Unknown6]: yeah honestly fuck that that's that's that's
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown6]: not cool but hey it's their choice it'll be interesting to watch that watch that
[Unknown6]: ship's sake if they can't make this work
[Unknown2]: you won't watch it you don't even know what happens you'll have no idea you'll
[Unknown6]: i don't care actually
[Unknown2]: just you'll just be like
[Unknown5]: go out with a whimper
[Unknown6]: you maybe
[Unknown2]: some one of the kids on the street will be like oh my dad told me about vim you
[Unknown2]: like you'll be like oh i remember email and that'll be like forty years from now
[Unknown3]: yes
[Unknown6]: maybe and you know what that's probably
[Unknown5]: in my day there was another platform
[Unknown2]: yeah that guy that guy's gonna tell you what
[Unknown3]: i
[Unknown2]: vio
[Unknown6]: that's probably what they deserve
[Unknown2]: ten percent
[Unknown6]: that's what they deserve fade into nothingness
[Unknown2]: yeah yeah how dare you have a different business model
[Unknown6]: that's right
[Unknown2]: you um that's it that's the news for the month of march some of it was interesting
[Unknown2]: most of it was dumb some of it was
[Unknown3]: the
[Unknown2]: um the craziest
[Unknown5]: s about every month that we come
[Unknown2]: shit i've ever seen on television my entire life
[Unknown6]: me hex
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown2]: that's it yeah i saw that on television once
[Unknown5]: i thought you're gonna say me too and then you went to with hixon and you threw me
[Unknown2]: not no nick
[Unknown5]: i know
[Unknown2]: do you wanna plug yourself anywhere do you want to acknowledge your
[Unknown2]: existence
[Unknown3]: hello no thanks man that's disgusting
[Unknown5]: with be hixon
[Unknown2]: outside this yeah i yeah
[Unknown6]: plug yourself oh my
[Unknown3]: go plug yourself dude
[Unknown6]: wow
[Unknown2]: that's uh hiko go plug yourself
[Unknown2]: that's uh hiko go plug yourself
[Unknown3]: no no that's okay
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown3]: i can i don't really want to be associated with this podcast
[Unknown2]: understandable
[Unknown5]: yeah i don't blame you
[Unknown6]: dale
[Unknown2]: no one who comes on does great
[Unknown5]: we
[Unknown2]: un
[Unknown5]: barely do
[Unknown6]: speak for yourself
[Unknown2]: unrelated to to that cruel burn from nick we do have website do have twitter
[Unknown2]: twitter okay we'll do that first we like to line it up twitter is at your wrong
[Unknown2]: cast twitter very simple website
[Unknown2]: we got one
[Unknown2]: w w w
[Unknown6]: dublo dublo do
[Unknown5]: fuck sake
[Unknown2]: y
[Unknown5]: ah fuck boomer
[Unknown2]: ru cast dos and we also have an email address you broadcast at gmail dot com
[Unknown2]: please tell us why why you wanna hear the dule vess the ws
[Unknown6]: we should take up and just like do the the the do both at the same time a two
[Unknown6]: prong attack drive luciano insane
[Unknown2]: at
[Unknown2]: that's fine
[Unknown5]: that too late buddy
[Unknown2]: i'm gonna send him i'm gonna send him a singing telegram
[Unknown6]: this is always the next time
[Unknown5]: no i'm too late driving me insane i'm
[Unknown5]: already there
[Unknown6]: oh
[Unknown3]: do guys ever do you guys ever do listener questions
[Unknown6]: would love to
[Unknown3]: sorry wait wait let me go back do you guys
[Unknown2]: yeah
[Unknown3]: ever get listeners
[Unknown2]: uh
[Unknown5]: ah that's a better question
[Unknown2]: well you're our friend and you don't know we talked about them in previous
[Unknown2]: episodes so i don't think so
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown6]: he knew he knew the greatest weapons
[Unknown3]: yeah i was on that one
[Unknown2]: he was on that
[Unknown5]: yeah the one he was in
[Unknown6]: listen yoo yoo yo yo
[Unknown6]: yes and
[Unknown3]: yes
[Unknown3]: yes
[Unknown3]: and i was
[Unknown5]: yes and shut up
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown3]: on that one
[Unknown2]: so yeah he knows two of her episodes now where he's moving on up thanks sure
[Unknown2]: thanks for
[Unknown5]: he knows the new medal episode too that's the one he quotes all the time
[Unknown2]: thanks for liking and
[Unknown2]: subscribing nick i really appreciate that
[Unknown3]: yeah i was on that one too
[Unknown6]: nick
[Unknown5]: i know
[Unknown6]: i'm so glad you gave us feedback on the guinness nisan
[Unknown6]: wonderful genius streak of of of movie reviews we did
[Unknown3]: yeah no problem any time
[Unknown6]: nine
[Unknown6]: it happened
[Unknown5]: okay sure
[Unknown2]: so yeah thanks for listening
[Unknown2]: hit us up on those places if you want to for now i am met
[Unknown5]: i'm luciana
[Unknown6]: thanks
[Unknown3]: i'm nick
[Unknown5]: at night
[Unknown6]: tails from the crypto