72. You're Wrong About All of the Movies... Of 2004

You're also wrong about TV series, games and books of 2004, but let's tackle one thing at a time, shall we?

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hello and welcome to your wrong this
week we have an all new format

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: first off we'll get a brand new
guest first time

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: spencer welcome to the podcast

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: oh guys thank you so much i've
long time fan

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: for

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[spinner]: forever

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: first time long time

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh yeah

[mi_scui]: o

[spinner]: and

[mi_scui]: o it

[brain_fog]: ah

[spinner]: i'm just so honored to be here
i've seen you guys

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[spinner]: in person

[mi_scui]: is man

[brain_fog]: in

[spinner]: over

[brain_fog]: person

[spinner]: screen

[brain_fog]: you

[spinner]: ah

[brain_fog]: hear what the fuck

[spinner]: it is

[mi_scui]: you're

[spinner]: it's

[mi_scui]: out of

[spinner]: just

[mi_scui]: my house

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ya

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wow

[spinner]: at a loss for words

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's everywhere great to have you and

[spinner]: thank you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the usual we have

[spinner]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: brain fog

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you all know and love

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: hello that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and

[brain_fog]: how i feel

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: that's how i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we

[brain_fog]: feel

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: are

[brain_fog]: preparing for this episode

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's gonna be wild

[spinner]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and we also

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: have miscoozi

[mi_scui]: m glomsgysup

[brain_fog]: miss

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: coe that's why he

[mi_scui]: i

[brain_fog]: wrote

[mi_scui]: don't know

[brain_fog]: there

[spinner]: ye

[mi_scui]: listen

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah listen

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i got it i don't

[mi_scui]: thank

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: know why

[brain_fog]: miss

[mi_scui]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it to be

[brain_fog]: go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like this

[mi_scui]: thank

[brain_fog]: whatever

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: great

[brain_fog]: that is

[mi_scui]: thank

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: got

[mi_scui]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to chop miskel from from

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the podcast

[mi_scui]: yes

[spinner]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um

[brain_fog]: why didn't you why don't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[brain_fog]: you introduce yourself as what you're you
know what we are seeing you even

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: pronounce

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[brain_fog]: that

[spinner]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: up a wrangler

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's

[brain_fog]: that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in

[mi_scui]: i'm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: there

[brain_fog]: not

[mi_scui]: i plus

[brain_fog]: as

[mi_scui]: one

[brain_fog]: moping

[mi_scui]: for consistency

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: like you've had that for like

[brain_fog]: he

[mi_scui]: like

[brain_fog]: keeps

[mi_scui]: months

[brain_fog]: adding letters

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: to that ship

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: it now

[mi_scui]: you're

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[brain_fog]: looks

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ad

[mi_scui]: adding

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a

[brain_fog]: like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: letter

[brain_fog]: someone said moppet wrangler

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: while having a stroke

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: that's

[mi_scui]: man

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[brain_fog]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: had a

[brain_fog]: that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: letter

[brain_fog]: looks

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: every

[brain_fog]: like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: time listen

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: these are all names we use

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in riverside so this is some great

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we're goin to move along

[brain_fog]: of course

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: segueg uhrerailing

[spinner]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: whatever word we use so i

[spinner]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: really gave a quick foreshadowing to what
we're goin to do on this show in

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the sense that it's brand new so
we have this idea we want to talk

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: about older movies especially a bunch of

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: really quick on so we decide e'regonnatalk
about movies from the year two thousand and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: four i

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: assume most of you

[spinner]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: listening to this have been born but

[mi_scui]: kay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't know looking at who was

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in those years milly bobby brown from
stranger things was born in two thousand and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: four so

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[brain_fog]: my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just

[brain_fog]: god

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: tell how long ago it was

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: or wasn't um

[spinner]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what we're going to do is

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we each picked three movies

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that we wanted to talk about in
this episode and we're gonna take those

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: three movies bruce didn't pick and just
me we're gonna take those three movies

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and we're gonna ask some random questions

[brain_fog]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: about

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: those movies to really dig into those

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: our fun way so like a many
movie review but we got different questions just

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: because why the ell not

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so that makes no sense obviously to
everybody but that's just

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: dig into it luciana what were your
three movies

[brain_fog]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[brain_fog]: i picked

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: collateral

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: my

[brain_fog]: mean girls

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: and possibly the best movie to have

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: graced the silver screen alien

[spinner]: ah

[brain_fog]: versus predator

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yah

[brain_fog]: um

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: boo this man

[brain_fog]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: but

[brain_fog]: yeah so

[spinner]: that's

[brain_fog]: i collateral is

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: probably

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: one of my favorite movie not of

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: time but you know one of my
favorite movies top fifteen let's say

[spinner]: it's

[brain_fog]: and

[spinner]: not it's no a v p

[brain_fog]: it's no no no not anywhere near

[spinner]: come on now

[brain_fog]: but like it's it's it's a very
interesting story kind of takes

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: some weird turns and it's tom crew

[spinner]: yes

[brain_fog]: is playing a villain playing it very
well too right um

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: m mean girls

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: is i don't know why i picked
at i mean it's an okay it's an

[brain_fog]: okay movie but it like it doesn't
really it doesn't really age well in any

[brain_fog]: way

[spinner]: we really

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: selling these picks

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of

[brain_fog]: and

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: a v p is the clash of
two of the best sipi

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: slash horror

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: franchises of of all time really and
they clashed in kind of like a compound

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: fracture in a car crash but not
in a good way if there's ever a

[brain_fog]: good

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: way for a compound

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[brain_fog]: fracture

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i was

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: confused but thank you for

[spinner]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: saying

[spinner]: was thinking

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not in

[spinner]: of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a

[spinner]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: good

[spinner]: good

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: way

[spinner]: compound fracture

[brain_fog]: so here's here's the thing and i'll
live it to that i when i saw

[brain_fog]: the idea and

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: the picture i was like this is
going to be great

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: and then i watched it and i

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: to kill myself so let's let's

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: just leave it that because i picked
that one because it's going to

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: be fun to skewer that's basically what
it is

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right those are

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: some interesting movies just

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: as a fun interlude here i thought
i'd look at the domestic box office two

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thousand and four some movies on here

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not going to cover but the ones
that were going o talk about sorry not

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: talking about just a couple

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: were not talk bout truck too we're
not what's piderman to we're got to talk

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: about national treasure because we did a
really big talk about that one

[mi_scui]: and it was

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: great

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um that's number ten

[spinner]: should listen to it you should listen
to it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: she listened to

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: its great passion of the christ

[mi_scui]: mcafiso

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um not

[spinner]: obviously

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: going to do it

[spinner]: the greatest film of all time

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: harry

[spinner]: if

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: potter

[spinner]: you

[brain_fog]: also

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and the prisoner

[brain_fog]: really

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of aska

[spinner]: are

[brain_fog]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: band

[brain_fog]: really fun game of

[spinner]: my

[brain_fog]: really fun movies

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[brain_fog]: to talk

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: about and make a game of

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[spinner]: it's actually a fun drinking

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[spinner]: game watching that

[mi_scui]: passion

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: of the christ

[spinner]: yeah you know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: as long as you're drinking the blood

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: of christ

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: it's okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's it's we're

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: gonna

[mi_scui]: my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: when we get

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: big we're going to have like a
cool like patron fans only cast and we'll

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: take

[mi_scui]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: care of the passion of the christ

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: game at that point

[mi_scui]: oh man

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: okay

[brain_fog]: t would be

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: the last ever episode we do because

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: we're all going to die of alcohol

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: probably

[brain_fog]: poisoning

[mi_scui]: uh

[spinner]: you drink

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: every time they say jesus

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: oh my goodness

[brain_fog]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: god god is going to smite us

[spinner]: and then by the end you're

[mi_scui]: ye

[spinner]: you're dead and

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: in heaven

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's that's the goal and you get
to meet the christ

[spinner]: you get to meet gotta be buddha

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: other other movies in the top ten
harry potter than the prisoner of askaband

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we talk about harry potter enough

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: born supremacy there's lots of born's we'll
get to them

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: eventually

[mi_scui]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: shark tail

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: oh god

[spinner]: i mean that's just a crime we're
not talking about

[mi_scui]: you

[spinner]: that

[mi_scui]: know

[spinner]: jim

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's we

[brain_fog]: interesting

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: messed up

[brain_fog]: how many like number two movies

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: we have like bill volume to

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: track number

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: two

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: spider men to baba

[mi_scui]: umber two

[brain_fog]: li

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: number

[spinner]: a lot

[mi_scui]: two

[spinner]: of sequels we avoid

[brain_fog]: like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: a lot of sequels

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: but

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: not all of them

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not all though

[brain_fog]: not all

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: spencer

[brain_fog]: of them

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: tell us how

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we didn't

[spinner]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: avoid all

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: them what are the three

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movies that you picked

[spinner]: well to play on that segu one
of our one of my picks was a

[spinner]: sequel i picked the incomparable kill bill

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: volume two because it fantastic movie fantastic

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: hate it

[spinner]: um

[mi_scui]: here a

[brain_fog]: i'm

[mi_scui]: big

[spinner]: no

[brain_fog]: not

[spinner]: you

[brain_fog]: even

[spinner]: don't

[mi_scui]: do

[brain_fog]: kidding

[spinner]: that's

[brain_fog]: i'm

[spinner]: a

[brain_fog]: not

[spinner]: lie

[brain_fog]: even kidding

[spinner]: what

[mi_scui]: all

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: your big do

[spinner]: we're going to get into that and

[brain_fog]: i know

[spinner]: fucking fucking piece of

[mi_scui]: yah

[spinner]: trash

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: boo this man

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: sorry

[mi_scui]: just

[spinner]: it

[mi_scui]: to call back to the movie

[spinner]: took it too far and then my
other picks were akerman

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: because it's one of the

[brain_fog]: my

[spinner]: great

[mi_scui]: hm

[spinner]: comedies of our generation

[mi_scui]: of

[spinner]: grew

[mi_scui]: all time

[spinner]: up on that and

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: my third pick was shown of the
dead another great great comedy i'm not even

[spinner]: a big comedy guy

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: but that both those comedies

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hm

[spinner]: coming out in the same year as
the last time a good comedy like that

[spinner]: came out they don't even make comedies

[brain_fog]: it's been a while

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'd look it up but

[spinner]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: why bother

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: i mean

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: grayman was probably the last comedy i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm just

[mi_scui]: yah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: going to go ahead and

[spinner]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: take this from you and move it
over to me the three moves i picked

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i picked dodgeball

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a true underdog story

[spinner]: another

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: also

[spinner]: good comedy

[mi_scui]: yep

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: an all time

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: comedy yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um and then i also

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: max

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you know i wanted to mix and
match different styles

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and movie so i got oceans twelve

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: also

[brain_fog]: another

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: technically

[brain_fog]: sequel

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a sequel

[spinner]: also

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yep

[brain_fog]: technical

[spinner]: sequel

[brain_fog]: it's not technically

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[brain_fog]: it's it is a cycle

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: man technically

[spinner]: yeah i was not a segle

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: technically

[mi_scui]: keep it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um

[mi_scui]: moving

[spinner]: i mean he's right it is technically

[mi_scui]: keep it moving

[brain_fog]: that's

[spinner]: in the

[brain_fog]: that's

[spinner]: most

[brain_fog]: true

[spinner]: odes term

[mi_scui]: take

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: technicality technical

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and then i picked the the tours
movie van

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: helsing

[brain_fog]: m

[spinner]: the artist pick

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: the only the only movie that

[spinner]: uh

[brain_fog]: can that can match a v

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: p for the best movie of all

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: we wanted

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: basically

[brain_fog]: uh

[spinner]: we wanted an

[mi_scui]: i

[spinner]: ind picture

[brain_fog]: uh

[spinner]: in there

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: we need to take it back to

[brain_fog]: and art tows movie if you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: at

[brain_fog]: will

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[spinner]: yeah a real art film

[mi_scui]: oh yes

[brain_fog]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's the it's the

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: original

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: green

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: night if you will

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh yeah

[brain_fog]: van hell seems

[spinner]: don't

[brain_fog]: better than green

[mi_scui]: it's

[brain_fog]: night

[mi_scui]: gonna

[spinner]: don't insult van helsing with that

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's

[spinner]: kind of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: fair

[brain_fog]: exactly

[spinner]: comparison

[mi_scui]: it's

[brain_fog]: exactly

[mi_scui]: gonna take a puff

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: correct

[mi_scui]: of my cigarette here

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris let's let's finish this off so
we can

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: get into the meat of the episode

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: were your three picks

[mi_scui]: as soon as we identified two thousand
four and i saw the

[spinner]: yes

[mi_scui]: incredibles i leaped

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: i leaped at

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: at the chance to

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: to help

[brain_fog]: right

[mi_scui]: unpack

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: and help represent for that

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: holds a special place in my heart
it's essentially

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: the great it's

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: the greatest it's probably the only

[spinner]: m

[mi_scui]: the only

[spinner]: ye

[mi_scui]: execution

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: of like

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: a perfect fantastic for a movie in
the spirit of that

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: that we

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: will

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: ever get period

[brain_fog]: okay

[spinner]: you say it was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: incredible

[brain_fog]: fantastic was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[brain_fog]: fantastic

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: huh

[brain_fog]: no it was fantastic

[mi_scui]: boo this man

[spinner]: oh yeah

[mi_scui]: boo him

[spinner]: would you say would

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: you

[mi_scui]: shut

[spinner]: say it

[mi_scui]: the

[spinner]: was

[mi_scui]: fuck

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: fantastic

[mi_scui]: okay so that's the incredible

[spinner]: m

[mi_scui]: can't get enough of it thank you

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: that and then too like contrast the
day after tomorrow like disaster storm movies

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: um that one

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: really stuck out for me two thousand
four and the effects were really really i

[mi_scui]: took a look at like another look
at just like the movie review just to

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: refresh

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: himself because i remember it enough but
they did a really good job but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: still holds

[spinner]: ah

[mi_scui]: up those effects are still

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: scary and so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: that piece um

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: dennis quay jake gilling

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: hall emmy rawson m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: i want to also say he would
tell egiaforyeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right save it for the rest
of the episode

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we know you know the cast

[brain_fog]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: i'm sorry i'm just like they were
great and then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[mi_scui]: and then ero trip also

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: my

[mi_scui]: special place in my heart i go

[brain_fog]: oh yeah

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: fred ormiston

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: ah

[mi_scui]: no thank you but he did

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: a good job in that

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah that's

[mi_scui]: like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: fair

[spinner]: well

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we don't need

[brain_fog]: it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to talk

[brain_fog]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: about him

[brain_fog]: it's an eighties comedy shot and released
into two thousands

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: it's great

[mi_scui]: yes

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: yeh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ye

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: there are some

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: classic bits from that that if you

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: were born when spencer was born you
won't remember

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but the rest of us

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: know

[spinner]: i

[brain_fog]: yep

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and love

[spinner]: i was born in two thousand and
three so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: good

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: why

[mi_scui]: my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thank

[spinner]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: god

[spinner]: don't

[brain_fog]: that's why you wouldn't remember

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: i

[mi_scui]: my

[spinner]: saw it when i was one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: great i love this

[brain_fog]: in the theaters

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so

[spinner]: invaders

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he took

[mi_scui]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: his

[mi_scui]: pram

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mom right so this is how this
is going to go down we have

[brain_fog]: m

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: twelve movies

[brain_fog]: my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and i have created

[mi_scui]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a bunch of random questions as we
always do so to make this fun going

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to randomly pick a movie

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and random pick a question to ask

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: everybody and just go like that go
around for a while and see how much

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we hate it or like it

[brain_fog]: uh

[spinner]: love

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[spinner]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i will give

[brain_fog]: h

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you on your turn i'll give you
the chance

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to pick a now the movie first
the question first up to you

[mi_scui]: ye

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who the real question those who

[brain_fog]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wants to be the sacrificial lamb wants
to try this first

[spinner]: i do

[brain_fog]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wow

[brain_fog]: so both of

[spinner]: sorry

[brain_fog]: them said i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: and so

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: it's going to be me go

[spinner]: oh ship

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: this is an audio podcast i think

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: i set i do

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm pretty sure i only heard spencer
talk so

[spinner]: chris

[brain_fog]: i

[spinner]: put a hand up but that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: doesn't count

[brain_fog]: i

[spinner]: on this platform

[brain_fog]: saw i saw grace with my years

[spinner]: ah

[brain_fog]: but that's

[mi_scui]: thank

[brain_fog]: fine

[mi_scui]: you i was trying to

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: participate politely

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you know what

[spinner]: that's your fatal flosser

[mi_scui]: listen

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you sucked up

[mi_scui]: i did it okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: spencer what do you want movie

[spinner]: what's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: or question

[spinner]: up

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: first

[spinner]: give me the old question first there

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in the interest of time

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we are not going to

[mi_scui]: my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: use the patented randomizer

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: gasp

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i mean we're using some piece of
garbage i found in the internet just

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to make it faster

[brain_fog]: it's on

[spinner]: okay

[brain_fog]: vacation

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: there

[brain_fog]: anyway right we

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the

[brain_fog]: don't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: randomiser

[spinner]: ah

[brain_fog]: want to bring

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: will

[brain_fog]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: come

[brain_fog]: out of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: back

[brain_fog]: vacation

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: don't

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: worry ye all right so

[spinner]: my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wanted to question first spencer

[spinner]: yeah yeah he with the question

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: alright here we go picking a random
question for spencer

[spinner]: hey it's not randomizers dead people don't
know yet

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it is

[mi_scui]: this

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[mi_scui]: is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mean

[mi_scui]: the

[spinner]: dead

[mi_scui]: one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's

[spinner]: is buried

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not dead

[spinner]: uh

[mi_scui]: this is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's

[mi_scui]: the one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just

[mi_scui]: owned

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: on

[brain_fog]: i

[mi_scui]: by

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: vacation

[brain_fog]: shall have my

[spinner]: h

[brain_fog]: revenge

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: there

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh uh right

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: spencer

[spinner]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the question is who is the unsung

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of the movie

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: okay

[mi_scui]: but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and

[mi_scui]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the

[brain_fog]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movie

[brain_fog]: movie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is

[spinner]: yep

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: suspense is building

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's yeah drum roll please

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you know

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: shan of the dead

[spinner]: okay

[brain_fog]: got a movie that he picked

[spinner]: yeah that's

[brain_fog]: easy

[spinner]: easy

[mi_scui]: this

[spinner]: enough

[mi_scui]: is actual like an actual randomizer

[spinner]: yeah the

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: unsung hero of this movie is with
my god here bill nye's character

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: the step dad

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: show your work

[spinner]: he shows shawn love in his dying
breath which inspires shawn to go on and

[spinner]: save the day doesn't get any credit
because he's a step dad step dad's

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: fucking suck

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: you stepped at

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: i've always

[brain_fog]: he was

[spinner]: hated

[brain_fog]: awesome

[spinner]: you sorry

[brain_fog]: as also

[spinner]: some some

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wow

[spinner]: of my issues are coming out

[mi_scui]: do it

[brain_fog]: he was

[spinner]: i just

[brain_fog]: also

[spinner]: wanted you

[brain_fog]: a

[spinner]: to love

[brain_fog]: massive

[spinner]: me

[brain_fog]: dick

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: throughout

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: the whole fucking movie

[spinner]: yeah he was

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: and

[brain_fog]: a

[spinner]: he

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: had a sweet car i don't know
how that plays

[brain_fog]: true

[spinner]: in anything but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: he did

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i mean that's fair

[spinner]: not like you john you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: ave a fucking folk wagon

[mi_scui]: sure

[spinner]: piece of ship

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: okay sorry a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: lot of unresolved

[mi_scui]: just

[spinner]: issues

[mi_scui]: take a breath in here

[spinner]: hate

[mi_scui]: go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[spinner]: my step dad

[mi_scui]: let it and let

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well

[mi_scui]: it out

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: spencer contact

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: his therapist for an emergency session

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: brought

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris

[mi_scui]: to you by

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: do you want to do you want
to go next

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: sure

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you wanted to question

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: or movie

[mi_scui]: um question please

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: question

[spinner]: maybe

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: please

[mi_scui]: for one randomizer alex lick

[spinner]: it's just

[brain_fog]: who

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: randomized

[brain_fog]: are you

[spinner]: it's instantly

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who

[spinner]: randomized

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: deserved

[mi_scui]: i'm just asking

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: better

[mi_scui]: okay

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: who deserved

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: better

[brain_fog]: nice

[mi_scui]: who deserved better okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and the random

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movie

[mi_scui]: oh my gosh i'm nervous

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the random movie is wow the day
after tomorrow

[mi_scui]: who

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: deserved

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: better

[brain_fog]: come

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[brain_fog]: on just fucking

[mi_scui]: okay okay

[brain_fog]: are you're

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: randomizing only the movies that people picked

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: maybe

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you don't know

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i mean random

[mi_scui]: okay who deserved better

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: i would say the audience deserved better

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: the day

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: after tomorrow because the bucket hat emmy
rawson was wearing when they were trying to

[spinner]: m

[mi_scui]: run into uh uh

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: into grand central station just before like
the title waves and stuff were coming through

[mi_scui]: it was

[spinner]: ye

[mi_scui]: fucked she she's

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: a grown woman like in her twenties
hat ever with a full head of hair

[mi_scui]: how did you get all that hair
side of a bucket hat it's fucked it

[mi_scui]: passed me

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: off why

[brain_fog]: ah

[mi_scui]: just

[spinner]: a

[mi_scui]: be be normal

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: so audience

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: his final answer that o're locking

[mi_scui]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: into

[mi_scui]: is

[spinner]: that's your real answer okay

[brain_fog]: she was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: good

[brain_fog]: she was eighteen by the way

[mi_scui]: good

[spinner]: just

[mi_scui]: for her

[spinner]: just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: my

[spinner]: for the audience i was fourteen

[brain_fog]: good

[spinner]: years

[brain_fog]: for

[spinner]: old

[brain_fog]: her

[spinner]: in

[brain_fog]: good

[spinner]: two

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[spinner]: thousand

[brain_fog]: for

[spinner]: and four good for her she was

[mi_scui]: good

[spinner]: and

[mi_scui]: for

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: her

[spinner]: hurt

[mi_scui]: take

[spinner]: her in

[mi_scui]: off

[spinner]: that movie

[mi_scui]: the hat

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ye

[spinner]: was a opening for me

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: got spencer

[mi_scui]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: going

[spinner]: i had a big crush on her
in that movie

[mi_scui]: there

[spinner]: i

[mi_scui]: you

[spinner]: was

[mi_scui]: go

[spinner]: like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: nice

[spinner]: i want to be trapped under a
death ice with her

[mi_scui]: that was a scary

[brain_fog]: jesus

[mi_scui]: that was a scary

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hot

[mi_scui]: scene and like

[spinner]: the only thing

[brain_fog]: code

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but cold

[spinner]: the only thing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: frozen rock

[mi_scui]: it's scary

[spinner]: solid is my owner

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: moving on

[brain_fog]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: luciano

[mi_scui]: the alliteration

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: do you want

[brain_fog]: wow

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: question or movie first

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: you hit that

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: be

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: you hit that

[brain_fog]: i won

[mi_scui]: bee

[brain_fog]: the

[mi_scui]: out of

[brain_fog]: movie

[mi_scui]: the park

[brain_fog]: first

[mi_scui]: okay

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right here we go randamising the

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: going going back wild

[spinner]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: with this

[spinner]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is it a movie he's seen

[mi_scui]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and kerman

[brain_fog]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the legend

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of ran

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: burgundy

[mi_scui]: all right

[brain_fog]: all

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: right

[mi_scui]: all right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and

[mi_scui]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: here's the real

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: challenge the random question that you're

[mi_scui]: i'm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: forced

[mi_scui]: nervous

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to answer

[mi_scui]: for him yeah oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: did not randomize and try it again

[spinner]: oh my god that's not a question

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: power

[mi_scui]: where

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of the

[mi_scui]: did

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: internet

[mi_scui]: you

[brain_fog]: my

[mi_scui]: get where did you get this randomizer

[brain_fog]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't know as

[brain_fog]: counterfeit

[mi_scui]: where do you get this randomier w
b discovery

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: m

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wow

[spinner]: you mean what sideboards discovered

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: sir

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: at him so little one

[mi_scui]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: fact two thousand and four martha stewart
went to jail

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: oh yeah

[brain_fog]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for

[spinner]: nice

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: i don't think

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: it's an little known fact

[spinner]: inside

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: inside

[spinner]: or trading

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: or trading i believe yeah

[mi_scui]: half

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what was the most unexpected part of
this movie

[mi_scui]: what is happening what

[spinner]: wait

[mi_scui]: is the

[spinner]: what

[mi_scui]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it was unexpected that martha stewart would
go to jail

[mi_scui]: okay okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so

[mi_scui]: you're just to posing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so i just supposing

[spinner]: he

[mi_scui]: okay

[spinner]: set in the scene

[mi_scui]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we're gonna we're gonna mark out a
little go ahead

[mi_scui]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's

[brain_fog]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: time

[brain_fog]: i need to i need to think
about this

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm just

[spinner]: m oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: got you i'm just going to rite
down the time we're pausing at

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: this is got real game show

[spinner]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[mi_scui]: vives i feel like whose line is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: like just like the pressure is mount

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: mounting whoa

[spinner]: yeah mat you gotta get your

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: inner game shows going a little

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: more

[brain_fog]: the problem the problem with answering that

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: question is that everything in this fucking

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: movie

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: is unexpected

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's fine

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: you what movie did you roll again

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: akerman

[mi_scui]: okay

[brain_fog]: akerman

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: got cool

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: don't the way i would say that
this is like don't think too hard just

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: how chris

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: took

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the who deserves better and went with
the audience like any answer is good the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: idea is to open creativity up to

[mi_scui]: yeah i know the question was so
profound it i forgot i blanked on his

[mi_scui]: movie choice i

[spinner]: i

[mi_scui]: was

[spinner]: high

[mi_scui]: like

[spinner]: you're

[mi_scui]: who

[spinner]: gonna say the earth

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: deserves better because

[mi_scui]: just like that that michael jackson

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: music video what is earth song

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[mi_scui]: some

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: have

[mi_scui]: ship

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i have

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no idea what to alki about i'm

[mi_scui]: don't worry

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[mi_scui]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: want

[mi_scui]: should

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to but

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: i think michael jackson saying that to
you alone

[brain_fog]: yep

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: what's

[brain_fog]: give me just a second

[mi_scui]: the

[spinner]: when you were a child

[mi_scui]: no

[spinner]: yea

[mi_scui]: you suggested

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he was maybe

[mi_scui]: i was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a spencer that

[mi_scui]: used

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: got step dad issues this is michael
jackson was

[mi_scui]: damn

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a step dad

[spinner]: why don't

[mi_scui]: michael

[spinner]: you love me michael

[mi_scui]: michael couldn't afford me

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he does love you

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: god

[mi_scui]: in his

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: own way

[spinner]: in the most literal

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: way

[mi_scui]: in the most

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: literal

[brain_fog]: okay i think i got i think
i got to just let's

[spinner]: okay

[brain_fog]: just roll it it

[spinner]: no more pausing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hm

[brain_fog]: you want to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[brain_fog]: you want

[mi_scui]: what

[brain_fog]: to call me

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: down

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no i literally said any compositor a

[spinner]: no post

[brain_fog]: not

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right

[brain_fog]: well

[spinner]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah let's count you in here five
four three

[brain_fog]: yeah so i think

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: in a movie

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: where like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[brain_fog]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[brain_fog]: many things were like what the fuck

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: i think the thing that i the
most unexpected was like a brawl between

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: news people

[spinner]: of course

[brain_fog]: like

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: the most

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hm

[brain_fog]: especially the canadians showing up now i

[spinner]: yes

[brain_fog]: remember

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah oh

[brain_fog]: if that's one

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: or two but

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: the canadians showing

[spinner]: we

[brain_fog]: up there

[spinner]: i

[brain_fog]: if

[spinner]: think

[brain_fog]: it's

[spinner]: that was

[brain_fog]: too

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[spinner]: in

[brain_fog]: fucking

[spinner]: two

[brain_fog]: now now it's not

[mi_scui]: no

[brain_fog]: but

[mi_scui]: it might it might be the were

[brain_fog]: is it i

[spinner]: here's

[brain_fog]: don't

[spinner]: no

[brain_fog]: remember

[spinner]: canadian news

[brain_fog]: anyway

[spinner]: team in the first one

[brain_fog]: it's the

[mi_scui]: maybe

[brain_fog]: it's the

[mi_scui]: not

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[brain_fog]: it's the brow it's

[mi_scui]: vince

[brain_fog]: the

[spinner]: bro

[mi_scui]: vine vince vine

[brain_fog]: which i

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: believe is what span dat

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: is collated quickly mean even

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he killed a man with a trident

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: i

[spinner]: you

[brain_fog]: stabbed

[spinner]: got

[brain_fog]: the man in the heart

[spinner]: you got to find

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: a safe house

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: i remember

[brain_fog]: so i think that was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: the most like if you told me

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: this is a comedy about news people

[spinner]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: my mind would not go

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: oh of course they had

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: a battle in the field like that
that's not

[spinner]: it was in

[brain_fog]: my

[spinner]: an

[brain_fog]: go

[spinner]: alley

[brain_fog]: to isn't it nellie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's kind

[brain_fog]: i'm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of

[brain_fog]: thinking

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just in

[brain_fog]: of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a

[brain_fog]: two

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: parking

[brain_fog]: arni

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: lot

[spinner]: it's kind of like a bargain lot

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah okay

[spinner]: i remember

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: when i saw that movie in theater
that fight sing i like first of all

[spinner]: i never laughed harder in a movie
theater and the theater was going crazy but

[spinner]: so i thought like the movie was
just going to go off the rails for

[spinner]: the rest like i tought the whole

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: plot was going to be left behind
and i just couldn't follow

[brain_fog]: i thought so too

[spinner]: the

[brain_fog]: i

[spinner]: complete

[brain_fog]: thought so

[spinner]: insanity

[brain_fog]: too

[spinner]: like the fall out of the fight
people dying

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: like going to investigations like

[mi_scui]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: that that was the most unexpected it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[spinner]: the best though just goes right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[spinner]: back

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: back

[spinner]: to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in the

[spinner]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movie like nothing happen

[spinner]: so genius

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right we accept your

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: answer as a sacrifice

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm

[mi_scui]: who

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: gonna go i'm gonna go with a
movie here i like going with the movie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: first

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: all right i'll be the host for

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: all right man

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: it's your choice

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: do you want movie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[spinner]: first

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: have chosen

[spinner]: or do you want question first

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i've chosen

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: shan of the dead

[spinner]: he has chosen shot of the dead

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: late gentlemen is to hare

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: dead

[brain_fog]: okay now this is

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: sucking golm being

[spinner]: no

[brain_fog]: a

[spinner]: no

[brain_fog]: sports

[spinner]: don't

[brain_fog]: commentator

[spinner]: bring up don't

[mi_scui]: it's

[spinner]: bring

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[mi_scui]: game

[spinner]: up

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ye

[spinner]: gollumwhy

[mi_scui]: show gall of game show

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: don't

[mi_scui]: gall of

[brain_fog]: game

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: inset

[brain_fog]: show

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: galli

[brain_fog]: no it wasn't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: into his

[brain_fog]: a game

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: head

[brain_fog]: show

[spinner]: why would you

[brain_fog]: that

[spinner]: do

[brain_fog]: was

[spinner]: that

[mi_scui]: smeaglewas

[brain_fog]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: that was like a

[mi_scui]: smeagle

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: that was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: a sports commentator mege

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh my god

[spinner]: now what is

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: the question

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: how much

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: better would this movie have been with
john likuazamo

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: matt how much better would this movie
have been with john

[brain_fog]: ah

[spinner]: leglazamo

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: oh my god

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's a good question

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: well

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[spinner]: thank you

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i think it would have been sixty

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: percent better with john like zo

[brain_fog]: show your

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[brain_fog]: work

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: think he would show up he would

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: have a british accent i don't

[spinner]: of course

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's not he's capable

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but i just don't see the reason
to do it

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: would just be really fun to have
him show up in the movie just for

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like five minutes you

[brain_fog]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: know once he's just like a by
stander at a pub playing himself gets turned

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to a zone and then later on
you see him as a zombi chasing the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: gang around and maybe

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like you know one

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of the murders he kills somebody or
something as

[mi_scui]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i am

[mi_scui]: love that i would

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just

[mi_scui]: love

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sort of

[mi_scui]: that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just letting john likozamo be himself

[spinner]: just like dropping bombs

[mi_scui]: you know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah exactly

[spinner]: ah

[mi_scui]: that lovely like partial

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h

[mi_scui]: lisp

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: dig

[spinner]: ye

[mi_scui]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: his

[spinner]: see

[brain_fog]: like just like just his

[spinner]: ah

[brain_fog]: standard accent

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: in the middle

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: of all the brit

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: amazing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah he's just

[brain_fog]: i love

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: on vacation

[brain_fog]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's just on vacation

[mi_scui]: there you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: london

[mi_scui]: go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he gets caught up

[spinner]: i would like if they just say
he looks like is that john luzama and

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: they

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: ask him and he's like he's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: like no i don't know who that
is but it obviously is him

[mi_scui]: oh yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: there's a poster

[brain_fog]: and would

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: behind

[brain_fog]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: him

[mi_scui]: uh

[spinner]: yeah exactly

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: would you replace anyone

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[brain_fog]: or would just be an extra character

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just make him an extra character

[spinner]: he has like a license plate

[brain_fog]: right

[spinner]: that says like the leg man

[mi_scui]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: like the leg man

[spinner]: i'm pretty sure that

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: im

[mi_scui]: ah

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: a

[brain_fog]: i like it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a pretty sure

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: no

[mi_scui]: hm

[brain_fog]: playing

[spinner]: no

[brain_fog]: himself even

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: john

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: likes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: exactly

[brain_fog]: playing himself

[spinner]: yes

[brain_fog]: nice

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: that's

[brain_fog]: i like

[spinner]: what he

[brain_fog]: it

[spinner]: set on

[mi_scui]: but not

[spinner]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: god

[spinner]: sky

[mi_scui]: playing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: damn

[mi_scui]: himself

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no but yes and then

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i think also just to nail it
down like either maybe not what was nick

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: frost character

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is name like not sham

[brain_fog]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but the other guy

[brain_fog]: a ad

[mi_scui]: that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a

[spinner]: yes

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: d d just happens to have like

[spinner]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: star trading cards and he pulls

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: out to john like zama on and
kind of eyes like

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm pretty sure this is you

[spinner]: he's like not me not me man

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[brain_fog]: yeah okay

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: back

[brain_fog]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to spencer

[mi_scui]: hm

[spinner]: all right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what do you want movie question

[spinner]: i'll go i'll go movie first i'm
gonna mix it up

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: nice

[spinner]: mat host matt

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like like i like your gumption you're

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: possessed

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: so gummy

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: gross

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: pazzi

[spinner]: and tasse

[brain_fog]: yeah gros

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[mi_scui]: talk to dr

[brain_fog]: put

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[brain_fog]: your

[mi_scui]: shwarts

[brain_fog]: fucking dangers

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i didn't

[brain_fog]: back

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: on

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i didn't say that

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh gods happening

[mi_scui]: well no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's happening

[mi_scui]: booths man

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right

[spinner]: what's the next movie

[brain_fog]: h

[spinner]: man

[mi_scui]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: van helsing

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: oh my god

[brain_fog]: nice

[mi_scui]: yeah m

[spinner]: the

[mi_scui]: hm

[spinner]: movie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: that i feel like most people do
not remember anything about this movie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: remember

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well

[brain_fog]: i

[spinner]: but

[brain_fog]: do

[mi_scui]: a little

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: let me ask

[spinner]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you this question spencer

[spinner]: okay okay let's go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what seeing

[brain_fog]: why do you remember about this

[spinner]: uh

[brain_fog]: movie

[mi_scui]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what seeing captures

[spinner]: h oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: how great

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this movie is

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: course

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: well let's just start with what i
remember hugh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: jackman van helsing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: s

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: are you describing

[spinner]: he has a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the movie right

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: now or

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: no i'm just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: kay

[spinner]: i'm just i'm just filling in for
the audience

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: he has a long bad wig

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[spinner]: if i recall

[mi_scui]: m oh what okay

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah sure

[brain_fog]: he has a mullet

[spinner]: he has like

[mi_scui]: yah

[spinner]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yep

[spinner]: long

[brain_fog]: kind of

[spinner]: he's got long hair

[mi_scui]: yah

[brain_fog]: a medieval mullet

[mi_scui]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: weaning yourself back to recollection

[spinner]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: yes

[brain_fog]: reining

[spinner]: i'll

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: i like the scene

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: where

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: they're like in like the daytime in
like this like eastern old town like transylvania

[spinner]: kind of town

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: and there's like a flying bat woman
and he shoots it down with a harpoon

[mi_scui]: cross bow

[spinner]: gun

[mi_scui]: or something

[spinner]: crossbow

[mi_scui]: sure sure sure

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: and then he says you like van
helen get ready for some van helsing i

[spinner]: think that was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[spinner]: his catch phrase

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: think that's it

[spinner]: look

[brain_fog]: yeah it

[spinner]: you

[brain_fog]: was going so well too

[spinner]: bring

[brain_fog]: it

[spinner]: it

[brain_fog]: was

[spinner]: up

[brain_fog]: going so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: i thought like he shoots

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: he's in romania and he shoots down
the drakulusbrid and he goes

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: by the sucker

[spinner]: no

[brain_fog]: like

[spinner]: no

[brain_fog]: i

[spinner]: you

[brain_fog]: don't

[spinner]: he goes if you like eddie van

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: you're going

[brain_fog]: you're

[spinner]: to love

[brain_fog]: gonna like

[spinner]: eddie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: van helsing

[brain_fog]: gabby van helsing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes

[spinner]: my name is also eddie that's

[mi_scui]: h

[spinner]: what he

[brain_fog]: it's

[spinner]: said

[brain_fog]: also eddy i'm my

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: bad

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and and then

[mi_scui]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the bat womans can be like

[mi_scui]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i like sammy hagar

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: and he says

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: everyone

[brain_fog]: my

[spinner]: loves

[brain_fog]: tresor

[spinner]: tavia

[brain_fog]: again

[spinner]: hagar

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: shooter again

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: because he's a david lee roth fan

[mi_scui]: ah oh

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: my god

[spinner]: exactly

[mi_scui]: what

[spinner]: exactly

[mi_scui]: is happening

[spinner]: that and then he fights guitar of
van ellen frankenstein

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah that's

[spinner]: isn't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what

[spinner]: that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: e hale's kit named

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: wasn't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: probably

[spinner]: it

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: i think

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: definitely

[spinner]: it was

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: look

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: really

[spinner]: at that tying

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: look

[brain_fog]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it up

[brain_fog]: no it's it's he's

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: he's the doctor that made the monster
eddy van frankenstein

[spinner]: no i actually think that

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: van allen's guitar was nicknamed frankenstein and
that ties all this

[mi_scui]: no

[spinner]: together

[brain_fog]: probably

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: in a nice little bow

[brain_fog]: sure

[spinner]: if that's false

[mi_scui]: ye

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: fuck you

[brain_fog]: and

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: it doesn't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i mean

[spinner]: right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i think fuck you is

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the answer there

[brain_fog]: yeah yeah yeah

[spinner]: dad

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: chris bring that up for us can
you oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h

[spinner]: m

[mi_scui]: survey

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[spinner]: i don't think i don't think he
looked it up

[brain_fog]: bones man that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: what the survey

[spinner]: uh

[brain_fog]: says yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: got him oh

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right chris what do you

[mi_scui]: sir

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: want movie question

[mi_scui]: i

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: shall have i shall

[brain_fog]: just

[mi_scui]: part

[brain_fog]: the dryest fucking segued of all

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: time

[spinner]: oh my sorry guys the nickname of
the guitar was the frank and stratboom

[mi_scui]: okay

[spinner]: i was kind

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you're

[spinner]: of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wrong

[spinner]: right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you are wrong you have made the

[spinner]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of this podcast a hundred

[brain_fog]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: per cent correct thank you

[spinner]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for

[brain_fog]: yep

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that

[mi_scui]: thank you

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: so much

[spinner]: step dad was

[brain_fog]: i

[spinner]: right about me

[brain_fog]: instead of instead of funk you it's

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: just fuck off

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: carry on

[mi_scui]: i shall partake on

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: a movie title please

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh movie title

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: excellent excellent choice

[mi_scui]: ye

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yahzeurotrip

[spinner]: you have big booties for electric boogaloo

[mi_scui]: okay

[spinner]: pretty close

[brain_fog]: noise

[mi_scui]: okay the question

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: then

[spinner]: i houhtyoueon start answering even tough there's
no question

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we're just making

[brain_fog]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: up

[spinner]: well

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is

[brain_fog]: euro

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: on

[brain_fog]: trip

[mi_scui]: you know

[spinner]: i'm glad

[brain_fog]: is

[spinner]: you asked

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes

[mi_scui]: the post humus

[spinner]: webster's dictionary

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: defines

[mi_scui]: you

[spinner]: a trip

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: know the ancient

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: means called corn maize

[spinner]: uh

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um

[spinner]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: anyways

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: your question is it

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: comes with a bit of

[spinner]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: history

[spinner]: did

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: the minds call corn

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: nope it's two

[brain_fog]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thousand and four related

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: george bush

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: beat john carry in two thousand four
to get a second term in office um

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't remember if it was unexpected
but it was unwonted and so personally so

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the question here is

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: character is unwonted in the

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movie ero trip

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: what a sweet morsel of a question

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: i don't

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: have

[spinner]: i can hear you typing like of
the cast

[mi_scui]: yeah i need i need names

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: he was like all her

[mi_scui]: have that wasn't i think more than
one of us were typing but that's okay

[mi_scui]: i am typing

[spinner]: ah yeah

[mi_scui]: one second oh because the core

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i was typing to slightly yeah two
gals an four

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what

[mi_scui]: i meant the core

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: for cast members they were all

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: critical but the question

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ye

[mi_scui]: is who is

[spinner]: it

[mi_scui]: like who could we do without

[brain_fog]: unwanted

[mi_scui]: unwanted

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: okay okay okay okay okay okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i mean in many ways scotty was
unwonted for a large portion of the movie

[brain_fog]: that

[mi_scui]: yes

[brain_fog]: that's why i said it was a

[spinner]: hey

[brain_fog]: good like a good morsel

[mi_scui]: i

[brain_fog]: of

[mi_scui]: could

[brain_fog]: a question

[mi_scui]: just roll with that because i was

[brain_fog]: ah

[mi_scui]: i was thinking of it more so
in the terms of like outside of the

[mi_scui]: four

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: who was unwonted who were they rejecting

[brain_fog]: answer it however you went

[spinner]: you

[mi_scui]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: so

[spinner]: just

[mi_scui]: then i'm

[brain_fog]: but

[spinner]: you

[mi_scui]: going to

[spinner]: just

[mi_scui]: go for

[spinner]: follow

[mi_scui]: it i got

[spinner]: your

[mi_scui]: it

[spinner]: heart

[mi_scui]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: i'm good

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay and

[brain_fog]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: any time after now

[mi_scui]: yeah it was unwonted okay it's my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: my

[mi_scui]: tug on a lot of heart strings

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: but poor

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hm

[mi_scui]: scotty

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: was was on one in like the
first five fucking ten minutes of the movie

[mi_scui]: thinking that you know like after

[brain_fog]: true

[mi_scui]: graduation he was gonna like have a
great summer a smashing summer

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: with with his with his girl

[spinner]: m

[mi_scui]: friend

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: and

[spinner]: smashing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[mi_scui]: but no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i mean

[mi_scui]: news flash i'm trying not to us
but maybe i just cause the bit stepped

[mi_scui]: out on him the bit

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: the bit the bit

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i mean

[mi_scui]: decided to get with matt

[spinner]: m

[mi_scui]: damon

[brain_fog]: i mean you

[mi_scui]: but that's

[brain_fog]: don't

[mi_scui]: okay

[brain_fog]: you don't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: have to hold back that's

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: what her

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: character

[mi_scui]: listen

[brain_fog]: was

[mi_scui]: i've been trying i've been p c
all week so

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: let it out

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: let it out let the dog out

[mi_scui]: essentially marat

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: but the dog was not aggressive enough
it was like

[brain_fog]: no

[spinner]: just

[mi_scui]: it was

[spinner]: like a

[brain_fog]: it

[mi_scui]: like

[spinner]: riendly

[brain_fog]: was like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[spinner]: dog

[brain_fog]: a coldly

[spinner]: mark mark

[brain_fog]: like it was like it was like
bruce is more

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: extrggressive

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: than that

[spinner]: m

[mi_scui]: essentially

[brain_fog]: and she

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: was like gorge

[mi_scui]: yeah so he's like he's so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: like

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: something thing there's a party

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: and everyone like all the graduates are
like having a good time and stuff and

[mi_scui]: then there's like there's a band playing
and then there's there's and then the lead

[mi_scui]: singers doing his thing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thank

[mi_scui]: and then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you

[mi_scui]: like the there's there's there's there's a
woman beside them and then we find out

[mi_scui]: that it girl friend

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: and then the whole fucking song is
about how she stepped out on him and

[mi_scui]: i was like the lead center lead
singer just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm

[mi_scui]: swooped

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sorry

[mi_scui]: in it's crazy

[brain_fog]: he was he wasn't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris

[brain_fog]: wanted

[spinner]: a

[brain_fog]: and he didn't know

[mi_scui]: correct

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris were you saying this scotty didn't

[mi_scui]: the

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: whole time whole

[spinner]: scotty

[mi_scui]: time

[spinner]: doesn't know

[brain_fog]: i did the joke first

[spinner]: i don't think that's how it goes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's not

[spinner]: okay

[brain_fog]: it is scotty

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[brain_fog]: doesn't know

[mi_scui]: yep

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's like some forty

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: one essentially

[mi_scui]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: seeing sky doesn't know

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: some forty

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: one i have not thought about

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: that

[spinner]: i

[mi_scui]: a

[spinner]: was

[mi_scui]: time

[spinner]: singing that song steady as she goes
by the rack

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: on tours scotty

[brain_fog]: i mean

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: doesn't

[brain_fog]: applicable

[spinner]: know scotty

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: doesn't

[brain_fog]: applicable

[spinner]: know

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: applicable

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: applicable

[mi_scui]: and for the and for for

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: the connissurs like the acusticconosurs you might
notice a tinge of we don't give a

[mi_scui]: funk now the

[spinner]: the

[mi_scui]: worst

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hm

[spinner]: reverb

[mi_scui]: part of the river or the

[spinner]: uh

[mi_scui]: red the re bits re

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: bits um thank you matt damon for
not only

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: now giving us

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: a hell of a dozy early on
but at the same

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: time helping to birth the most

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: you know the most sustainable ring tone
that would echo through out the rest

[spinner]: m

[mi_scui]: of the movie just like

[spinner]: movie

[mi_scui]: the tune would would

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: pop up in different places without you
know and it's always

[brain_fog]: yep

[mi_scui]: there

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: like funk right

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: like yeah i would say

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: scotty

[mi_scui]: matt damon slashed scotty the influence

[spinner]: wait

[mi_scui]: on

[brain_fog]: wait

[mi_scui]: scotty wait mate

[spinner]: mat

[mi_scui]: i'm bringing

[spinner]: dave

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[mi_scui]: it

[spinner]: wasn't

[mi_scui]: back

[spinner]: scotty

[mi_scui]: i'm reeling it i'm reading it in

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[brain_fog]: damn

[spinner]: he's

[brain_fog]: mad

[spinner]: feeling

[brain_fog]: damon

[spinner]: it out

[brain_fog]: wasn't

[spinner]: guys

[brain_fog]: scotty

[spinner]: he's just he's just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: don't

[mi_scui]: you know

[spinner]: rolling through

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: don't

[mi_scui]: i'm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: make

[spinner]: this

[mi_scui]: just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: me real

[mi_scui]: i'm just put the i'm just putting

[spinner]: let

[mi_scui]: the

[spinner]: the

[mi_scui]: epsandsalts

[spinner]: dog out let

[mi_scui]: you

[spinner]: the

[mi_scui]: know

[spinner]: dogs

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: i

[mi_scui]: scotty

[brain_fog]: now it's a too

[mi_scui]: scotty was rejected

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: back book

[mi_scui]: and you know

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: scotty

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: was rejected and that's okay but at
the same time

[spinner]: m

[mi_scui]: you know went on a journey of
his own and learned

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't

[mi_scui]: of things

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: care about that i just want

[spinner]: that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to know

[spinner]: not

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who

[spinner]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is

[spinner]: question

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: unwonted

[mi_scui]: listen

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: also

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we're done

[spinner]: one of the all time grade cameos

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: yes but at the same time no

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: moving on

[mi_scui]: dick

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: all right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yep

[mi_scui]: but

[brain_fog]: all right i

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: bet that way

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bark bark

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: luciana

[mi_scui]: at's right feel the wrath of

[brain_fog]: um

[mi_scui]: my inner man

[brain_fog]: let's mix it up then let's get
the question first

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: question

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: first crazy man going wild

[spinner]: grass

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: going buck

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wild with questions

[brain_fog]: you know me

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[mi_scui]: fifty

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: tell

[mi_scui]: cent

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: me why the main character should have

[mi_scui]: who

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: okay that's going to be interesting

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: especially if he rolls like shine

[brain_fog]: what's the movie

[mi_scui]: that will be something

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the incredible

[spinner]: oh tough

[brain_fog]: okay so i get to pick

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: because there's more than

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: one

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah that's fair

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: uh

[spinner]: i would say the protagonist

[brain_fog]: let's see

[spinner]: is incredible though right

[brain_fog]: i think so

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: but yeah why why should

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: little

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: bob par have died

[spinner]: uh

[brain_fog]: you monster

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: i think

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: it would have made the movie

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: that's suitable for children

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: that's a good thing

[brain_fog]: i don't know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: she don't

[brain_fog]: like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: need to learn about consequence

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and pain

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: learn them

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: maybe maybe they could have made

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: it oh

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: maybe they could have made it into
like a mice to the death of super

[brain_fog]: man like he could die

[mi_scui]: hm

[brain_fog]: and come back evil

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: and then the family would have to
fight against him

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um

[brain_fog]: and then

[spinner]: it's

[brain_fog]: it

[spinner]: even

[brain_fog]: will

[spinner]: darker

[brain_fog]: be a completely

[spinner]: than him

[brain_fog]: different

[spinner]: dying

[brain_fog]: movie

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so i just need to check in

[mi_scui]: rolling

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you you're telling me how

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you could how you could work it
in the movie i don't care i just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: don't want to know why he should
have died

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: because it will have made it

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: a better movie there

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wow that's that's the answer you're going

[spinner]: good

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: with

[spinner]: job

[brain_fog]: uh

[spinner]: sucking

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: boo this man

[spinner]: and boots man literally chris

[brain_fog]: h

[spinner]: sick

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: him

[spinner]: get

[brain_fog]: it's

[spinner]: his ankles

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right

[brain_fog]: a dying blood

[mi_scui]: i've got

[brain_fog]: hound

[mi_scui]: your

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: ankle i've got your ankle sir

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: moving on i am going to go
with question first because that seems to be

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the funniest

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: way to do this

[mi_scui]: yah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh spencer if you plays

[spinner]: yeah yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: why

[spinner]: please

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is this the worst movie of two
thousand and four

[spinner]: are you asking me or am i
the host asking you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you're the host asking me

[spinner]: it was about

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: ye

[spinner]: why is this the worst movie of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: two thousand and four

[mi_scui]: you turn to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: get

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: to harry carry

[brain_fog]: mike

[mi_scui]: keep going

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: keep going

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah the movie is

[mi_scui]: hi hi

[brain_fog]: if

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hey

[brain_fog]: you were a hard dog would you
eat yourself

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hey

[brain_fog]: i

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: would with a

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: muscle be delicious

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: focus

[spinner]: yeah this is by so here

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's herrick are show harry cry row

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: now matt you movie is your trip

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah thank you

[spinner]: our trip

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: harry

[mi_scui]: drunk uncle

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: why it was your trip the worst
movie of

[mi_scui]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: two thousand for

[spinner]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a couple of reasons

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: firstly

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movie isn't about scotty

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who goes on this

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: life altering adventure it's about his

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sister who i might add he makes
out with and that's just not a thing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: very weird

[mi_scui]: ye

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: i

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: think you're misremembering

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: he doesn't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: makes it

[brain_fog]: make up of his sister is his

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: friend that makes out who is his

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[brain_fog]: sister

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he makes up with his sister when
they're high on

[spinner]: no

[mi_scui]: as

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: absinthe

[mi_scui]: those were the twins

[spinner]: his friend

[brain_fog]: it's

[spinner]: makes

[brain_fog]: the

[spinner]: up

[brain_fog]: twins

[mi_scui]: what

[brain_fog]: it's the twins

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: his

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: friend his friend

[spinner]: makes up

[mi_scui]: so

[spinner]: with

[mi_scui]: four

[spinner]: his

[mi_scui]: people

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: own sister

[mi_scui]: two of them are twins and they

[brain_fog]: he

[mi_scui]: up with

[brain_fog]: only

[mi_scui]: each other

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: makes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's right

[brain_fog]: out only

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah yeah

[brain_fog]: makes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: up with

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sorry

[brain_fog]: mike i mean nika

[mi_scui]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's right

[mi_scui]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sky doesn't do it

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the twins make up with each other

[spinner]: yes

[mi_scui]: it was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's

[mi_scui]: best

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[mi_scui]: that was messed up

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's messed up who

[brain_fog]: it's

[spinner]: ah

[brain_fog]: as

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who wants

[brain_fog]: messed

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to

[brain_fog]: up

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: see that

[brain_fog]: as if yeah

[spinner]: i mean now

[mi_scui]: hm

[spinner]: it's a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: whole section of corn but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's

[spinner]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in

[spinner]: was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: two thousand four

[spinner]: it was a different

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: inappropriate

[spinner]: time then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it was

[mi_scui]: two

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: was

[mi_scui]: thousand four

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i you

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: know so and like honestly i don't
know man like

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we had so many of those comedies
for like

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ten comedies with punk music

[spinner]: pop bunk

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't know

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and like incest

[brain_fog]: that's the problem

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: it's not true punk it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: pop

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's pop

[brain_fog]: punk

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: punk it's like em

[spinner]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but with yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sad clothing

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: angry instead of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: said

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and the only thing the only thing
was good about it is like you know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like

[spinner]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: obviously the cameos we were nice fred

[spinner]: hey that's positive i want to hear
your anger

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you want to hear my

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: anger

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mark bark

[spinner]: there it is let the dog go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: u

[mi_scui]: channel

[spinner]: let

[mi_scui]: at dmxrufrides

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h the movie just had

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no point like it meandered for two

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just so scott could go hook up
with this on

[spinner]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i say unbelievably i don't

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mean it isn't like wow she's really
attractive me like it is no fucking possible

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: way that his

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: pen pal was his hot german chick

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: stupid

[brain_fog]: ah you saying it it destroyed your

[spinner]: yes

[brain_fog]: of disbelief

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes

[brain_fog]: that particular scene okay

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and yeah

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's it a rest my case

[brain_fog]: i like yeah

[spinner]: i was

[brain_fog]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[spinner]: just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yield

[spinner]: pitched

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: my time

[spinner]: that scotty did know i mean after

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: you heard

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: they

[spinner]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: really

[spinner]: song

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: left out of the

[brain_fog]: maybe

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bag

[brain_fog]: that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: way too

[brain_fog]: was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: early

[brain_fog]: his king

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: too

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no i didn't see like it spencer

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: yes go with question first i'm going
to rotate baby

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: question first

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i like that

[spinner]: movie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for you

[spinner]: second and the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: spencer

[spinner]: vice

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: tell

[spinner]: versa

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: me tell me how this whole movie

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just a fever dream in

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the mind of the main character

[spinner]: okay let me

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[spinner]: oh i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: like this okay i hope

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: alien versus

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: predator

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: perfect

[spinner]: that makes

[brain_fog]: perfect

[spinner]: it a little

[brain_fog]: bearing

[spinner]: tricky i was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[spinner]: like

[mi_scui]: yes

[spinner]: i hope i got killed oh that
would work well

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: okay the main character is the woman

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's kind of up to you i
mean yeah

[spinner]: i

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: mean

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: or

[spinner]: kind

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: one

[spinner]: of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of the one of one of the

[spinner]: i'd

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: predators

[spinner]: like it better that's a fever dream
of the predator

[brain_fog]: i mean

[spinner]: or even better

[brain_fog]: you have

[spinner]: it's

[brain_fog]: to

[spinner]: a fever dream of the

[brain_fog]: you

[spinner]: alien

[brain_fog]: would have to be someone who's

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: alive at the end of the very
least i guess

[spinner]: m no not necessarily

[brain_fog]: people can die in dreams

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: i suppose

[spinner]: okay it's m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so freddy cruger

[spinner]: so

[mi_scui]: uh

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i guess he wasn't a main character
sorry my bad

[spinner]: it's all a fever dream of james
cameron's that's

[brain_fog]: beef

[spinner]: the twist

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: i will say that okay so the
whole movie happens at the end of the

[spinner]: movie big fight between the preditor and
the queen alien the alien gets killed predator

[spinner]: does that thing and to friends like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i mean

[spinner]: irland's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: technically

[spinner]: terrible

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we don't know if the alien gets

[spinner]: yeah whatever

[mi_scui]: ah

[spinner]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[spinner]: cut to at the very end m
the alien waking up

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: from the egg sack that little tentacle
thing jumping onto

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: someone's face and

[brain_fog]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so it's it's

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the it's the head

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: head crab head alien

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: face

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sucker what

[spinner]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: are

[spinner]: face

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: they called

[spinner]: sucker

[brain_fog]: head headcrapdid

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't know man

[mi_scui]: face

[spinner]: i think that's

[mi_scui]: face sucker

[brain_fog]: need

[mi_scui]: face

[brain_fog]: liesampoocraz

[spinner]: face

[mi_scui]: face

[spinner]: hunger

[mi_scui]: hunger

[spinner]: face

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hunger

[spinner]: hunger

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: there it

[brain_fog]: hunger

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is

[brain_fog]: of course

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: face sucker

[spinner]: it's the

[brain_fog]: head crap

[spinner]: so it's all there it's all the

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: fever dream of

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: a face hugger

[brain_fog]: face hunger yeah

[spinner]: wakes up and it goes bob i
just had the craziest read an the other

[spinner]: editor

[mi_scui]: really

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he throws himself at like the first

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of the group that was in the

[mi_scui]: i

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: got to tell

[spinner]: exactly

[mi_scui]: someone

[spinner]: and then he's like he jumps on
the face of a of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: the guy i don't remember any of
the cast of this movie the

[mi_scui]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: don't

[spinner]: guy

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: worry

[spinner]: with

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: they don't

[spinner]: the guy

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: with the hair

[brain_fog]: i don't blame you

[spinner]: and the

[mi_scui]: h

[spinner]: beard

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: go there

[brain_fog]: oh that guy

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: yep

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well i've watched it very recently the
woman with the spiky hair who wanted to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bring the gun

[spinner]: yeah that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hurt

[spinner]: that memorable character

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: she's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: exactly

[spinner]: a gym

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: nice i like this for you good
good answers all around

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for you

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris

[mi_scui]: yes sir

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: where we headed

[mi_scui]: mark park let's

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: for

[spinner]: gets glider glider

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: murker

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: let's go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: let's assume another

[spinner]: sadder

[mi_scui]: movie the movie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movie

[mi_scui]: police please

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right

[mi_scui]: yah

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: ah

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ocean twelve

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: okay okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hey did you

[mi_scui]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: know the facebook launched in two thousand
and four

[mi_scui]: damn

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: that was when we

[brain_fog]: really

[spinner]: started going downhill

[mi_scui]: really

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it was later changed to just facebook

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: they dropped the um for

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: reasons and

[mi_scui]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: then they dropped everything and tried to
call it meta not that we care

[spinner]: then they dropped

[mi_scui]: okay

[spinner]: the facebook part

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but this leads me into a very

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: question based on the face book being
launched what is the dumbest piece of technology

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ocean's

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: twelve

[mi_scui]: oh the dumbest piece

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: would be

[brain_fog]: m m

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m m

[mi_scui]: it would be the holographic fabre

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: egg

[brain_fog]: yes yes

[mi_scui]: like

[brain_fog]: one thousand

[spinner]: nailed

[mi_scui]: on

[brain_fog]: times

[spinner]: it

[mi_scui]: on

[brain_fog]: yes

[mi_scui]: paper

[spinner]: m

[mi_scui]: it's cool and i actually i re
watched it recently

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: on paper it's cool but when i
saw it yeah but

[brain_fog]: uh

[mi_scui]: in concept no

[brain_fog]: h

[mi_scui]: like

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: given like like

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: it only like the

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: battery power only was good for two
minutes really bro really so

[spinner]: so just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: for the audience who don't remember ocean's
twelve this vividly

[mi_scui]: s

[spinner]: did they have to put a hollogram
device into where the egg was

[mi_scui]: no what they did was they had

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: to do like like a switcher room
so they would cause a distraction and then

[mi_scui]: the holographic device

[spinner]: m

[mi_scui]: was essentially just a plate like

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: a plate matched in pain to look

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: like it would rest the top the
same pillar

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: where the original one was so it
literally is just almost

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: like a swipe the egg change the

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: and that's it and then like it's
activated immediately

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: so

[spinner]: wouldn't

[mi_scui]: just

[spinner]: wouldn't

[mi_scui]: think of

[spinner]: have

[mi_scui]: like

[spinner]: been

[mi_scui]: a

[spinner]: easier to put a fake egg in

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: place if they

[mi_scui]: there

[spinner]: have access

[mi_scui]: was

[spinner]: to the

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: egg

[mi_scui]: they didn't there is there

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: is there was a replica in play
but they couldn't they could they didn't have

[mi_scui]: access to

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: it they could have made one i
suppose but i don't know why they didn't

[mi_scui]: do that instead of

[spinner]: i feel like i ve been

[brain_fog]: so

[spinner]: easier

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: it

[spinner]: than making a hologram device

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[mi_scui]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mean

[mi_scui]: suppose

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we're goin

[mi_scui]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to question

[brain_fog]: so it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: why reason why plot points and movies
do the things they do why are

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we watching movies

[spinner]: i mean

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: there's a

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: there's a

[brain_fog]: so

[spinner]: point of diminishing

[brain_fog]: chris

[spinner]: returns i believe

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: how far you can

[brain_fog]: what you're

[spinner]: push

[brain_fog]: saying

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[spinner]: an audience

[brain_fog]: is that that that switcharou is basically
a ship version of what indiana

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: jones does in readers of the last

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: arch

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: and the worst part is that like

[spinner]: m oh

[mi_scui]: even though they

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: successfully pull

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: off the

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: switch catherine zada jones is watching from

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: c c t

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hm

[mi_scui]: like the sea like from security cameras
d she's and she's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: like she's fucking hip to all the
techniques like her father

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: was a master thieque so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: she's watching over the cameras

[brain_fog]: spoilers

[spinner]: i

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: man so she's watchin it he's like

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: it's time to go like have to
see it actually

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: happen she just saw the co ordination
and saw the approach and she's like they're

[mi_scui]: doing it arrest

[spinner]: was her

[mi_scui]: them

[spinner]: was her dad john conrin in entrapment

[mi_scui]: maybe

[spinner]: woe

[mi_scui]: i don't know

[spinner]: and her mom was herself

[mi_scui]: what

[spinner]: entrapment

[mi_scui]: the fuck

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: anyways that's not a two

[mi_scui]: boo

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thousand

[mi_scui]: this

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: four

[mi_scui]: man

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movie we're talking

[brain_fog]: why

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: about

[mi_scui]: but

[spinner]: come on

[brain_fog]: why does your

[spinner]: that

[brain_fog]: brain function

[spinner]: that

[brain_fog]: in the way

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: that it does

[spinner]: that that tracks that's new law

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: right there

[mi_scui]: is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hey

[mi_scui]: time travel

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: spencer

[spinner]: yes yes man

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bark

[mi_scui]: uh

[spinner]: sorry

[brain_fog]: yah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: apologize

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: luciano i

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: believe

[brain_fog]: h

[spinner]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you're

[spinner]: don't have

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: next

[spinner]: to scream at me

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: though

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bark

[mi_scui]: daddy

[brain_fog]: so aggressive

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bark

[brain_fog]: so aggressive

[spinner]: step

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: that door

[brain_fog]: i think

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes

[brain_fog]: i'm gonna i'm going to stick with
the question

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: first

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: question first day not

[spinner]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not changing things up at all

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[brain_fog]: not for no

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well good

[brain_fog]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what character was addicted to cocaine

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and how do you know

[brain_fog]: oh boy give it to

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: me

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what

[brain_fog]: what movie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: do you have a movie in mind
you want to see

[brain_fog]: not specifically

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[brain_fog]: i just there's a few i hope
i don't get but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all

[brain_fog]: let's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[brain_fog]: let's

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: go

[spinner]: he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well

[spinner]: said

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the winner

[spinner]: cokidly

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is van helsing

[spinner]: ye

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: why is the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: why

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: is he on cocaine

[spinner]: right i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what character anyone which character is on
cocaine and how do

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you know

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: they're

[brain_fog]: my god

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: on

[brain_fog]: which

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: cocaine

[brain_fog]: character isn't on cocaine

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we got to pick one

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: it was medicine

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and you

[spinner]: back

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: got to show

[spinner]: then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: your work

[mi_scui]: no

[brain_fog]: um i'm going to say i say
van helsing himself was on coke

[spinner]: the right answer

[brain_fog]: and the reason

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: for that is one

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: he's seeing vampires and wire wolves everywhere

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: i don't know that cocaine maybe

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: cocaine back then was that hellisonagenic i
don't think it

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: is now but

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: i'm saying it is then

[spinner]: i mean he's also

[brain_fog]: and

[spinner]: the leguatarist of a super big rock

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yahoo

[spinner]: band

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: so

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: naturally you do

[brain_fog]: he's

[spinner]: could

[brain_fog]: not the now he's not a leguatarist
he's the rhythm gitarist

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this man

[brain_fog]: because he has edivanhalen

[mi_scui]: ark

[brain_fog]: in his band

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: sorry

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: that's why he's

[brain_fog]: ah

[spinner]: doing oka

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: hm

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[brain_fog]: no i think he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[brain_fog]: needed

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: to do cocaine to cope with all
the ship that was happening to him he

[brain_fog]: was like

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: carrying his family's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[brain_fog]: like revenge against dracula

[spinner]: ere coping mechanism

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: all that ship and then he got
bitten by where wolf and all that ship

[spinner]: like you're

[mi_scui]: to

[spinner]: saying like a coping mechanism

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: or

[brain_fog]: of

[spinner]: a

[brain_fog]: course

[spinner]: coking

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: coking

[brain_fog]: he needed to be

[spinner]: mechanism

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: nice

[brain_fog]: ok yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: gotham

[brain_fog]: he said he said cokedly

[spinner]: he said

[brain_fog]: yes

[spinner]: coknlate

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right i love it great answers
all around i'm goin with

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movie this time i think that's im

[spinner]: matt

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: im

[spinner]: do

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: back

[spinner]: you wanta

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to movie

[spinner]: go with

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: first

[spinner]: movie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[brain_fog]: yah

[mi_scui]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: collateral

[mi_scui]: uh

[spinner]: matt

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: their movie is collateral

[brain_fog]: the movie you've seen so many times

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um yeah

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a lot very recently at least so
that's going to

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: help me the

[spinner]: and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: question

[spinner]: the question

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is

[spinner]: is

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what was the most

[spinner]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: unexpected

[spinner]: was the

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: part of this movie

[spinner]: unexpected part of this movie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes good question

[spinner]: m yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i think

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's when the hulk gets shot coming
out of the club

[spinner]: yeah what

[brain_fog]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah sorry

[brain_fog]: is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i should give context

[brain_fog]: he wasn't the beat then you know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah i know

[spinner]: wait is mark ruffalo

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: in this movie is that why

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's

[brain_fog]: he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like

[brain_fog]: is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mark mark ruffelois

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a cop who is like actually on
to what vinson stealing um and and so

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he gets like near the end

[brain_fog]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he gets jamie

[mi_scui]: cap

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: foxes character out of

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the place

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and like he's getting them out and
as he's bringing them out you think vincent's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like in the club still murdering the
informant and then he like pushes jamie fox

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: out and he looks behind in one

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: then vinson just

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like shoots him like four times and
it's like

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i saved your life and then that's
the end of mark ruffo we never hear

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: from him again

[spinner]: m he saved his life

[brain_fog]: yep

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well

[brain_fog]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: jamie fox

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: life not a rouffalos

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: wait

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[spinner]: who says i saved your life

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: tom crews vincent

[spinner]: how did if he was a cop

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: how did he save his life was
mark ruffelo bad

[mi_scui]: human shield

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no no no vincent was very bad

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: um

[brain_fog]: ah

[spinner]: confused

[brain_fog]: he's saying

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: to max that he saved his life

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yep

[spinner]: just start from the

[brain_fog]: and then

[spinner]: top

[brain_fog]: he

[spinner]: of the

[brain_fog]: shoots

[spinner]: movie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: what happened

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: tom crew

[mi_scui]: roll it back

[brain_fog]: he visit vinson

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: doesn't funk around

[mi_scui]: ye

[spinner]: ye

[brain_fog]: he is like four is like four
or five shots

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah go ahead like

[spinner]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: they talk would be professional right

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like two in the chest very close
to each other one on the head

[spinner]: so was mark ruffelow

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a professional killer

[spinner]: a good guy

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's he's a he's a good cop

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that gets murdered by the assassin

[spinner]: okay but then why does the assassin
say i saved your life

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: because it's called gas lighting

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: i feel gaslit

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and he's lighting

[spinner]: right now

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the gas of jamie fox

[spinner]: got it i don't got it guys
i'm lying

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[brain_fog]: he's

[spinner]: i got it

[brain_fog]: he's he tries doing that the whole
movie i think like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: pretty much

[brain_fog]: gas lighting

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah all right moving on

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: spencer

[spinner]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: spencer

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: were you at are

[brain_fog]: yah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you are you about to

[brain_fog]: hi spencer

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: question our movie

[brain_fog]: would you want the movie or so
you want to question first

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh my god

[spinner]: i'll go with

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: why did

[spinner]: matt

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: can i ask a question first why
why was harry carry italian

[brain_fog]: i don't know

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just checking all right

[mi_scui]: a

[brain_fog]: harry cary

[spinner]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: spencer

[spinner]: i go with last time i went
with questions last time i'm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[spinner]: going with movie first

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right

[spinner]: fucking flip it up every time keep
on your toes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the day after tomorrow

[spinner]: oh boy

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is the unsung hero

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of this movie

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: the earth

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay show your work

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: i was going to say the storms

[spinner]: the

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: earth

[brain_fog]: but

[spinner]: by destroying

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: humanity

[mi_scui]: hm

[spinner]: care me out

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right

[spinner]: we'll stop they're fucking around when it
comes to polution and shit and therefore

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he can do

[spinner]: save the earth the earth save the

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: unsung hero thanks urt

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: welcome to earth

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: yes

[brain_fog]: i think you're i think you're supposed
to say when

[mi_scui]: i

[brain_fog]: you

[mi_scui]: think

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[brain_fog]: say

[mi_scui]: he

[spinner]: no

[mi_scui]: did

[brain_fog]: like

[spinner]: that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[brain_fog]: that

[spinner]: races

[mi_scui]: is it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: kay

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: i don't

[mi_scui]: appropriation

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: know i think i think it might
be i don't know i'm not

[brain_fog]: h

[spinner]: going to do it

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: don't do it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's rob

[mi_scui]: you do

[spinner]: i'm

[mi_scui]: not

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for

[spinner]: not

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the

[spinner]: sure

[mi_scui]: have

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: best

[mi_scui]: you do not have clearance

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[spinner]: i know my things

[brain_fog]: buckbook

[mi_scui]: yah

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: you heard the dog because he's doing
a dog

[mi_scui]: h

[spinner]: voice

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the

[spinner]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: dog

[spinner]: snoop dog

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the dog said it's a hard no

[mi_scui]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sir

[spinner]: he said

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris

[spinner]: mother finger

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the dog definitely did not say that

[mi_scui]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: good clean wholesome fun

[mi_scui]: you know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: speaking of much chris

[mi_scui]: family fun

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: where

[mi_scui]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you had it

[mi_scui]: i like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[mi_scui]: the fear of it can i have
question first

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: please

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m question first

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hey two thousand four

[mi_scui]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in'tknowif you know this lance armstrong

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: was in the middle well he was
almost at the end of he wants his

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sixth of his seven twurtofrance

[spinner]: well juiced

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: trophies

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um that we now know he

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: may have cheated just a little

[spinner]: he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bit

[spinner]: may have we

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: still that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to

[spinner]: sure

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: win we're not sure but we're

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: pretty confident

[brain_fog]: lightly

[mi_scui]: a

[brain_fog]: lightly

[spinner]: we're

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: slightly

[brain_fog]: just got a little advantage

[spinner]: legally we got

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: did

[spinner]: to cover ourselves

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: did the two to france

[mi_scui]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: strip

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: him of all his titles yes but

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who

[spinner]: who

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: knows for

[spinner]: who's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sure

[spinner]: to say

[mi_scui]: you know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what to say so what i want
the question i want to ask off this

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is like what part

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of this movie do you think was

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: at the time but now

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: looking at it realize it's just kind
of a bucket

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a lot

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: movie

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: please

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the movie

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is mean girls

[mi_scui]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[brain_fog]: oh of

[spinner]: m a

[mi_scui]: so seeing what was i sort of

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: the peak the perceived peak of

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: the movie but then

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: just pile

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: of garbage okay i would say

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: i would say

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: towards the end after

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: regina

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: explodes after like her like her

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: her

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: book of like gossip and factoids and
stuff like gets

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: released

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: in the

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: whole school like is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: just like aware

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: of everything she said and it's

[spinner]: m

[mi_scui]: like this

[spinner]: m

[mi_scui]: grenade

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: not even it's like it's like a
a bomb of just gossip and everyone is

[mi_scui]: like you said this and every chaos
has spread without you tink

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: what the fuck where is this going
to go is this somebody got to get

[mi_scui]: killed what

[spinner]: yes

[mi_scui]: dangerous minds no it's not it's not

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: all that happens

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: is everyone turns on her and then
she gets hit by a

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: bus and then she turns over a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: new leaf garbage

[spinner]: okay i was going to say

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bark bark

[spinner]: when the movie when they said

[mi_scui]: now

[spinner]: fetch

[mi_scui]: what he asked you

[spinner]: when they

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yah

[spinner]: should

[brain_fog]: yeah is true

[spinner]: when they said

[brain_fog]: it's true nobody asked

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h

[brain_fog]: you

[spinner]: i don't care get my

[mi_scui]: it's

[spinner]: point

[mi_scui]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: fetch

[spinner]: in that when

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: they said fetch wasn't going to catch

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[spinner]: fat

[mi_scui]: hm

[spinner]: fetch did catch on

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um

[spinner]: sucks

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: cool great non answer we don't care
about spencer

[spinner]: that's a better answer i don't even

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: know what chris said

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what

[mi_scui]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: luciano

[mi_scui]: didn't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: do you what do you want

[brain_fog]: i'm gonna switch it up give me
the movie first

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movie first going wild it's me girls

[spinner]: what

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: the

[mi_scui]: shit

[spinner]: fuck

[brain_fog]: nice

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: is randomizer

[mi_scui]: shit

[spinner]: is

[brain_fog]: that's

[spinner]: truly

[brain_fog]: fine

[spinner]: random

[brain_fog]: that's fine

[mi_scui]: immediately

[spinner]: yeah oh

[brain_fog]: what's the question

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sam

[spinner]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no it's not the same question that
would be a little

[spinner]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ou a little much i think

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: give me a real answer instead of
a ship

[spinner]: no

[brain_fog]: answer

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: he's throwing fetch

[mi_scui]: wow

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: which which character was addicted to cocaine
and how do you know

[spinner]: why why did you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: get all the cool game

[brain_fog]: uh

[spinner]: questions

[brain_fog]: let's see

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he said coketedly

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: who was addicted to cocaine

[mi_scui]: m pack

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: in

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: this movie regina regina george

[mi_scui]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: that's how she kept her figure

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh okay

[brain_fog]: and then when she

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: lost access to her cocaine she started
over eating and

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: and then

[spinner]: yeah oh

[brain_fog]: she lost her figure and then she
was hit by a bus and then she

[brain_fog]: really lost her figure

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: got

[mi_scui]: saw

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: her

[mi_scui]: the bus and it smattered

[brain_fog]: so

[mi_scui]: on my bones

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[spinner]: yes

[brain_fog]: yeah so

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: jesus

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: no just a spine

[mi_scui]: m m

[brain_fog]: but yeah i think gina george was
on cocaine probably throughout the whole movie

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: i would

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: say

[mi_scui]: if you're

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: from

[spinner]: good

[mi_scui]: africa

[spinner]: good for

[mi_scui]: why

[spinner]: her

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: are you

[brain_fog]: i yield my time

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: i will pick

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: up that baton if you're if you're
from africa why are you white

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: quote

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: that happened

[brain_fog]: wow

[mi_scui]: in the movie

[brain_fog]: and that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: moving

[brain_fog]: a good thing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: on

[brain_fog]: you said quote at the

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: end only

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: ship

[spinner]: quote chris

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hey harry cary can i borrow your

[mi_scui]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: services once more

[spinner]: yeah i'm gonna help you blew

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um

[brain_fog]: eh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: question is who

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is the unsung hero

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: as moving

[spinner]: matt your

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: question is who is your song hero
of this film

[mi_scui]: yeah got a twang

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and

[mi_scui]: and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the

[mi_scui]: that one there harry

[spinner]: he's dirty

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the

[spinner]: southern

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the answer

[brain_fog]: harry carry

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is

[brain_fog]: went to florida

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the

[spinner]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: answer

[spinner]: movie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is

[spinner]: is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: anchor man

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: acrobat oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: lots of lots

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: options

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i want to go with um paul
rudd's character

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um m mostly for the sex panther

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: well

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: stuff

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: what's his name

[brain_fog]: yeah yeah

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: i'm here

[spinner]: drop

[brain_fog]: for that

[spinner]: his name got a great name

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: drop his name i don't fucking norie
but he's characters

[spinner]: come

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: named this godforsaken

[spinner]: n

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movie

[brain_fog]: brian fantana

[spinner]: brian

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh that's

[spinner]: fan

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[spinner]: tanna

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: brandfantana

[spinner]: oh oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's

[mi_scui]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just boyish charm and idiocy

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: uh

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: perfect erfectly place

[brain_fog]: ah

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: at all times

[spinner]: yeah yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and really

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's just for the sex panther because
it made real bits of panther

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: hm

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: which

[spinner]: sixty

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is really

[spinner]: percent

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: important

[spinner]: of the time works

[mi_scui]: every

[spinner]: every

[mi_scui]: time

[spinner]: time

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it works every time

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: most of his lines are

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: somewhat

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: quote ball

[brain_fog]: like

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: loud or yeah

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah same lode and quotable

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that was the key so i think
for me i'm gonna go with brian fantana

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: solid pick solid pick

[spinner]: what a great cast that movie had

[mi_scui]: man

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: yes

[mi_scui]: beg

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: spencer

[spinner]: you what's up

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: park park

[spinner]: what up me park is

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: that your

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: question

[mi_scui]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: wow the levels the levels

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: what

[spinner]: wait

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: i don't understand to have a question

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you want the question first in the

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movie

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the

[spinner]: you're

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: question

[spinner]: sorry i was like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[spinner]: what are you asking me

[brain_fog]: how

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[brain_fog]: do you play

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: this game that we've been playing for
the last forty minutes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: i had a little a little bit
of cocaine

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he said cokedly

[mi_scui]: m m

[spinner]: i

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: i'll

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[spinner]: go with the question first

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay i didn't see that coming

[spinner]: just makes it up you know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah that's fair

[spinner]: on curve ball

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i like i like that for you

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you know that two thousand four

[spinner]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: google had at p o

[spinner]: well i wish i bought some stock

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well

[spinner]: yah

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the best part about this or the
worst part is

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it was it only made one point
six seven million dollars and it's i think

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: billion know i copied it so a
million like

[spinner]: one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that

[spinner]: point

[brain_fog]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: up

[spinner]: of

[brain_fog]: it's

[spinner]: million

[brain_fog]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[brain_fog]: million

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: feel like it's billion

[spinner]: that's it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: its billion

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: come on now

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: anyways it's still fall considering some of
the tech companies have come out now want

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you to tell me what part of
the movie you think provided the best value

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[spinner]: financially

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: sexually

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's

[spinner]: sexually

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's up to you to

[brain_fog]: colkedly

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: t

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: yet

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's up to you

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to

[spinner]: perfect

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: turn

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the question how you will

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um

[mi_scui]: o

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: your

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movie

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is alien versus predator

[spinner]: again

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: why do

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: random

[spinner]: i keep getting lily bruce's

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[spinner]: predator

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: don't know loves

[brain_fog]: best

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you

[brain_fog]: best part of providing most valued was
the credit

[spinner]: no no come

[mi_scui]: ah

[spinner]: on

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's not your question sir

[spinner]: you

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: shut

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: it you keep keep your questions in
your pants

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: said

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: coketly

[spinner]: said

[brain_fog]: i will

[spinner]: um

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: i would say the movie that the
most valuable part of alien versus predator is

[spinner]: the only movie part of that movie
that really had

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: my

[spinner]: any value which was the one fight
scene where alien fights predator the reason why

[spinner]: because it answers both questions it was
probably the scene that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ye

[spinner]: sold the movie because that's in all
the trailers even thou it only happens once

[spinner]: so it financially

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: made the movie possible

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: it's also the best scene in the
movie because it's what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: sucking movie was supposed to be and
it's actually a good fight team with some

[spinner]: cool practical effects and you get to
see the predator cut the head off a

[spinner]: couple of aliens then the alien predator
dies i think one of them dies yeah

[brain_fog]: one of them dies here

[spinner]: yeah you get

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: to see the the preter get its
head zeno morfe oh and

[brain_fog]: yes

[spinner]: there

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah that's right

[spinner]: with his glowing green that was great

[brain_fog]: and he's scars he scars himself with
the acid blood

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: too

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: afterwards yet

[spinner]: that scene was like you're like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: oh i'm in and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: then the rest of the movie happens

[brain_fog]: and and then and then exactly

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: like oh i'm not in any more

[spinner]: i'm the opposite of in

[brain_fog]: i don't want this i don't want

[spinner]: yeah that they

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: we don't have to get into how
they fucked that movie up m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's not

[mi_scui]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the question

[spinner]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so

[spinner]: just

[mi_scui]: ah

[spinner]: it had

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: great

[spinner]: to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: job

[spinner]: be said

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: great job spencer chris

[mi_scui]: m yes sir

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what are you saying

[mi_scui]: i want

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: another question please

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: question who deserved

[spinner]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: better

[mi_scui]: m m i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: answer

[mi_scui]: like that

[brain_fog]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: shan the dead

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: hm

[mi_scui]: trying to remember his name what was
the fuckerwith the fucktards name who

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: always had some ship to save the
glasses who was who was

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: who was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[mi_scui]: had a heart on for shane's girl
friend the whole time

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: i can't

[spinner]: yeah yeah

[brain_fog]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: david

[mi_scui]: thank

[brain_fog]: david

[mi_scui]: you

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: so

[brain_fog]: david

[spinner]: david

[mi_scui]: so

[spinner]: fucking

[mi_scui]: the audience

[spinner]: david

[mi_scui]: deserved better and we houldhvebeen able to
give a swift upper

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: cut to david because i wanted to

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: him the whole time

[spinner]: yeah it was a real douche did
he get his intestines

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: pulled out

[mi_scui]: he went out like an

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah i think so

[mi_scui]: his exit

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: was

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: perfect

[brain_fog]: i think

[mi_scui]: like he was like

[brain_fog]: he goes on

[mi_scui]: i'm

[brain_fog]: like

[mi_scui]: out

[brain_fog]: a bitch

[mi_scui]: of this you're all idiots

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: and he gets too close

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: to the door then they suck him
up so the audience

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: both deserved bad but also

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: we got what we wanted

[spinner]: you could say we got what we

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: but burk

[spinner]: thanks guys for the time

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: mark mark

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[brain_fog]: yeah m

[mi_scui]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: luciana

[mi_scui]: don't acknowledge

[spinner]: no

[mi_scui]: just

[brain_fog]: uh

[mi_scui]: don't acknowledge it don't make

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: don't

[mi_scui]: eye

[brain_fog]: h

[mi_scui]: contact

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: don't my guy contact

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: let's go let's go question first

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: question okay one second here get those
questions going oh m

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: did you know

[spinner]: the suspense is

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: building

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: can you tell me how

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this is all just a fear dream
in the mind of

[brain_fog]: all right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: main character

[brain_fog]: m yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movie

[spinner]: i

[brain_fog]: is it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well it's collateral

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: that could work

[mi_scui]: yes yeah

[brain_fog]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hm

[brain_fog]: this is all a fever dream in
max's head hear me out because what are

[brain_fog]: the chances that he would get the
card of an of a u s attorney

[brain_fog]: the very same day or in the
very same week that he gets the insane

[brain_fog]: hit man hiring him drive him to
his hit to his hit jobs

[spinner]: is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: his name

[brain_fog]: and

[spinner]: what's the main character

[brain_fog]: who

[spinner]: s name

[mi_scui]: you mean jamie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: max

[mi_scui]: or

[brain_fog]: max

[mi_scui]: max

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: jamie fox

[brain_fog]: max

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: well

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: guys

[brain_fog]: max

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't think spencer watches

[brain_fog]: what's

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movie

[brain_fog]: this

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: guys

[spinner]: no

[brain_fog]: max

[spinner]: i did

[brain_fog]: de roker

[spinner]: max so what if

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: he used the

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: same character as he is an amazing

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: man

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: because his name is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what

[spinner]: also

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: if

[spinner]: max

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what if you

[mi_scui]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: didn't answer

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: someone else's question

[spinner]: and then it was all in his

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: dream

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: if i just

[mi_scui]: max

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: delated

[mi_scui]: carter

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this from the

[brain_fog]: shut

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: podcast

[brain_fog]: up

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: shut up shut up

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bark

[brain_fog]: shut up

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bark

[mi_scui]: oh my goodness

[brain_fog]: back

[spinner]: guys

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: i just

[mi_scui]: big

[spinner]: stumbled

[mi_scui]: dog

[spinner]: upon something huge

[mi_scui]: he

[brain_fog]: bark

[spinner]: all right

[mi_scui]: hm

[brain_fog]: um

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: the so then

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: he imagined the whole thing because in
reality he had crashed his car

[mi_scui]: uh

[brain_fog]: before the movie started

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: and he was in a coma the
whole movie and so it's on his

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: head he didn't

[spinner]: ye

[brain_fog]: pick up vincent he didn't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: get handcuffed to the wheel he didn't

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: get robbed he didn't and

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: for sure he wouldn't be able to
kill the hit man that killed like i

[brain_fog]: don't know fifty people in the fucking
movie and just walk away into the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like

[brain_fog]: sunset

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it was like tanner fifteen

[brain_fog]: okay i'm sorry

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: that makes more sensethe

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: give me

[brain_fog]: taxi driver has never

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: picked up a gun in his life

[mi_scui]: bodies are just

[brain_fog]: but

[mi_scui]: numbers

[brain_fog]: yeah it's it's just it's just his

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: coma

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[brain_fog]: caked coma

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okudlyyeah

[brain_fog]: fever

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: dream

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i like

[spinner]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it

[spinner]: was all a dream

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[brain_fog]: yeah the best

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: troop of all the

[spinner]: okay

[brain_fog]: time

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so

[brain_fog]: except not

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i have

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: selected movie first

[mi_scui]: hm

[spinner]: what movie

[brain_fog]: okay

[spinner]: i mean

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ero trip

[brain_fog]: he

[spinner]: the movie

[brain_fog]: he

[spinner]: you picked is

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: your

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: thrift

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: i got confused

[mi_scui]: to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the question

[spinner]: i'm off by

[brain_fog]: h

[spinner]: medication

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: tell me why the main character should

[spinner]: tell

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: died

[spinner]: me why the big character should have

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um scotty should have died

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: because it would have been

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a large mercy on the rest of
his life

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not having to have found out all

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of the terrible ship he found out
at the beginning of movie

[brain_fog]: so

[spinner]: i don't know with that

[brain_fog]: should they have just died like right
after the song was done

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um

[brain_fog]: matt damon finishes the song and shoots
him in the head

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hm

[mi_scui]: m yeah

[spinner]: scotty

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the

[spinner]: knows

[mi_scui]: joy

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thing that's

[spinner]: too

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: got

[spinner]: much

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he doesn't know is about to cap
his ass

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: i think

[brain_fog]: care doesn't know and now he knows

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: he knows too much bite

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: give them the gives them the

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: the turn

[brain_fog]: h

[mi_scui]: around and

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: get on your

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: knees execution you want to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: i'm about to

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: said you i'm gonna go to give
you an extended vacation

[spinner]: you're

[brain_fog]: ah

[spinner]: going

[mi_scui]: please

[spinner]: to you're going on a ero trip

[brain_fog]: then i'm gonna

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: gonta kill you now

[spinner]: what

[brain_fog]: i'm gonna

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: go pork your go friend again

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you're going to europe what do you

[spinner]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: funk

[spinner]: remember when your dog

[mi_scui]: ah

[spinner]: went to

[brain_fog]: uh

[spinner]: europe

[brain_fog]: uh

[mi_scui]: what

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: it was you all along

[brain_fog]: farming

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: erubeyeah

[spinner]: sent

[mi_scui]: in the

[spinner]: you

[mi_scui]: sky

[spinner]: to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m m

[spinner]: a farm in europe

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right spencer

[spinner]: ay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what do you want

[spinner]: i want the movie first

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: give me some

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: collateral

[spinner]: good oh boy

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movie

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you seem to know everything

[spinner]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: about

[spinner]: know so much about collateral

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yah ah

[spinner]: and the question

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this is the first time we have
to repeat what was the most unexpected part

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of this movie for

[spinner]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: h when mark ruffelo got

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: i know the movie

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: guys

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: hm

[spinner]: um

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes

[spinner]: no when i distinctly remember

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: a scene where

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: these guys try to steal his brief
case right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yep

[spinner]: and then

[brain_fog]: hm

[spinner]: tom cross just fucking goes on foot
on them

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: like

[brain_fog]: yep

[spinner]: funk

[brain_fog]: does

[spinner]: them up that was dope

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: and it was kind of caught off
guard so

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: that's my final

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so

[spinner]: final

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: did you

[spinner]: final

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: say it

[spinner]: answer

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: made your

[spinner]: phil

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: cock hard yeah

[mi_scui]: oh my

[brain_fog]: that's what

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: is

[brain_fog]: i

[mi_scui]: my

[spinner]: that what

[brain_fog]: heard

[spinner]: i said i don't evenremember what i
did say

[mi_scui]: you know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we're going

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: with it

[spinner]: um m mean

[brain_fog]: right

[spinner]: my co card apparently

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: um and then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[spinner]: yeah final answer phil why said phil

[brain_fog]: phil

[spinner]: final answer

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: regius

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah oh

[mi_scui]: survey

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all

[spinner]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[mi_scui]: sat

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: my

[spinner]: ah

[brain_fog]: god

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i love

[brain_fog]: this is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i love whatever that was for you

[brain_fog]: fucking melt

[spinner]: e

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: just

[brain_fog]: don

[spinner]: philbaniksaid phil for sure that's his nickname

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah we're all good friends with

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: philly

[brain_fog]: phil

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: r i p

[brain_fog]: ridges

[spinner]: oodofillyeh

[brain_fog]: the film

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: filing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: all right p

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris

[mi_scui]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what

[mi_scui]: sir

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: do you want what

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: give

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: do

[mi_scui]: me

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you need

[mi_scui]: give me i need that question

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that question

[mi_scui]: yeah put some hot

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: need

[mi_scui]: sauce

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that question

[mi_scui]: on it yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: need that question okay

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you know that's fair

[spinner]: give it to him

[brain_fog]: top cut

[spinner]: raw and

[mi_scui]: that's

[spinner]: rigging

[mi_scui]: not that's that's not what you turned
to no no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: no man

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we got

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all

[mi_scui]: second

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[mi_scui]: or

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: why why you got to be like

[mi_scui]: hm

[spinner]: so sorry guys

[brain_fog]: not sorry

[spinner]: not sorry

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris

[mi_scui]: yes

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the question

[mi_scui]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um m what was the thing what's
the thing that we wanted did not get

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in

[brain_fog]: interesting

[spinner]: a better podcast

[brain_fog]: interesting

[spinner]: all right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: incredible

[spinner]: boys

[brain_fog]: m

[spinner]: right boy

[brain_fog]: listen

[mi_scui]: this man

[brain_fog]: listen

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: you're a guest here

[spinner]: i'm sorry

[brain_fog]: sir

[spinner]: sorry guys that's not a lie

[mi_scui]: sit

[spinner]: uh

[mi_scui]: down

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: first first time last

[brain_fog]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: time

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: be humble

[brain_fog]: uh

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: out of

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris

[mi_scui]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what is the

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thing we want if it didn't get

[spinner]: yah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in the

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: incredibles

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: your your beloved incredible

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: looks like you're going to have to
change your tune

[mi_scui]: i wanted you to bond that you

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: you got the right the right inflection

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: looks like you're going to have to
break a few eggs

[spinner]: yeh

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: look what part of

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: it what part of the movie wasn't

[brain_fog]: it's

[spinner]: incredible

[brain_fog]: the

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: it's

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: the bond villain that's also a cook

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ye

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: la scrambaum

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: yes we did it guys oh

[mi_scui]: from blair

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: um what did we want

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: but we didn't get i would say
i would say

[spinner]: yes

[mi_scui]: fro

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: zones wife

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to

[mi_scui]: like the whole time she is going
ship is hitting the fan and ndndfrozone

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris

[mi_scui]: i can't remember his real

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris

[mi_scui]: name

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm gonna have to apology he because

[mi_scui]: yes yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i forgot that question so it's

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we can re record it's cully who
is unwanted in this movie

[mi_scui]: oh i thought you said that was
the one thing we wanted

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i know

[mi_scui]: but didn't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but

[mi_scui]: get

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i was

[mi_scui]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: trying to remember because because i didn't
write the question down

[mi_scui]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and i made it up on the
fly but it

[mi_scui]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is who is unwonted remember that

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: now so we'll just forget

[mi_scui]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what you said

[mi_scui]: got

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and

[mi_scui]: a goat

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'll

[mi_scui]: got

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just read the question right

[mi_scui]: okay

[spinner]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you question first well holding

[spinner]: damn

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: over

[spinner]: it we're

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: question first

[spinner]: going

[mi_scui]: this

[spinner]: to lose the crumble

[brain_fog]: yeah we're going

[mi_scui]: we can find

[brain_fog]: this this

[mi_scui]: it

[brain_fog]: crumb

[mi_scui]: were right now we're

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[mi_scui]: at

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: can

[mi_scui]: an hour and eight

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[mi_scui]: seconds

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: can

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i can bring it back and i
just out that's the question in an ordered

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: way

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and then put that

[brain_fog]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in the front you guys can go
rifting and then chris can answer the question

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right because what you guys were saying
had and do with the question

[mi_scui]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so

[mi_scui]: know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's fun

[mi_scui]: sorry

[brain_fog]: what

[spinner]: no

[brain_fog]: we never do that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: crazy right um sorry let me just
write down this question

[spinner]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: timing on this chris

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: good bye robes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: one oh

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[brain_fog]: actually after

[mi_scui]: got

[brain_fog]: you

[mi_scui]: it

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: get after you get a hang of
it is not that hard

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: the first

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: hour

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: that i was editing

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: that day i was editing i was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: then after you figure it out it's
actually pretty

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah it's pretty quick

[brain_fog]: easy to do yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay so chris

[mi_scui]: yep

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: here we go

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: your question is

[mi_scui]: hm

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who is unwonted in this movie and
your movie answer is incredible

[mi_scui]: sack

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: bl

[brain_fog]: oh uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: i would say

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: the individual

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: who's unwanted

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: would be

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: the sequel am i right boys

[brain_fog]: jesus

[mi_scui]: sit down beat on blow

[spinner]: you're goin to get that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: heckler out of here

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: why does it keep going on the
bad as yeah

[mi_scui]: who let

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: him in

[brain_fog]: we keep inviting we keep it inviting
the hackler in

[mi_scui]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: i'll tell you who's unwanted

[spinner]: someone shut that dog up shut

[mi_scui]: i'll tell

[spinner]: up that

[mi_scui]: you who's

[spinner]: damn

[mi_scui]: unwanted

[spinner]: dog

[mi_scui]: i'll tell you i'll tell you i'll

[spinner]: okay

[mi_scui]: tell

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h oh

[mi_scui]: you i'll

[spinner]: let

[mi_scui]: tell you i'll tell you everything

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[mi_scui]: i'll tell you

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: gilbert huff

[brain_fog]: jesus

[mi_scui]: do you remember

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: do you remember

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: the

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: ie do you remember bobs

[spinner]: yes

[mi_scui]: but pars insurance boss

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: who terras gives him a new ass
in the beginning like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: post

[spinner]: gilbert godfried

[mi_scui]: yes no no

[brain_fog]: okay

[mi_scui]: no no no no no no no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[mi_scui]: nice dry r

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: i p gilbert

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: no that's played by wallace shawn like
he was he was in he was in

[mi_scui]: princess bride the sicilian you

[spinner]: of

[mi_scui]: remember

[spinner]: course

[brain_fog]: conceivable

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: that

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: uh

[brain_fog]: guy

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: sorry the other ridiculous voice man

[mi_scui]: yes yes with a slight lisp also

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: i mean

[mi_scui]: yea also include less

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: yeah he was unwonted

[spinner]: he

[mi_scui]: like

[brain_fog]: ship that's

[mi_scui]: we didn't

[brain_fog]: right

[mi_scui]: like we felt bad for all the
supers in general just like

[spinner]: yes

[mi_scui]: switching over to mundane lives

[brain_fog]: ah

[mi_scui]: and just trying to get by and
do their thing incomes you know m huff

[mi_scui]: shipping on on bob trying to help
somebody out

[spinner]: ah

[mi_scui]: trying to find and navigate their way

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: like a title

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: wave of forms

[brain_fog]: okay

[mi_scui]: and documents so they don't have to

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: out the wazoo

[spinner]: listen

[mi_scui]: so that's

[spinner]: those

[mi_scui]: my answer

[spinner]: people were finding crazy loop holes that
they could not have known about okay this

[spinner]: is

[mi_scui]: that's

[spinner]: a business

[mi_scui]: right

[spinner]: it's

[brain_fog]: doesn't

[spinner]: not a charity

[brain_fog]: doesn't bob kind of like beat him
up or something

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: he throws

[mi_scui]: he

[spinner]: him

[brain_fog]: i don't

[spinner]: through

[brain_fog]: remember

[mi_scui]: puts

[spinner]: ten

[brain_fog]: now

[spinner]: walls

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: oh yeah

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: so it's not beat him up it's

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: nearly

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: murdered him

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: same

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: same same

[spinner]: hm

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah he

[mi_scui]: gratifying

[spinner]: attempted

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ye

[mi_scui]: at the same

[spinner]: attempted

[mi_scui]: time

[spinner]: murder tim

[mi_scui]: attempted

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: a technically a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: didn't

[mi_scui]: but it never

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: didn't

[mi_scui]: happened

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: complete

[mi_scui]: m i b flashed

[spinner]: now i don't

[mi_scui]: no

[spinner]: remember

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: anything

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bark

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: luciano

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: uh h

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: you me a

[spinner]: yes

[brain_fog]: question first

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: question

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: luciano

[brain_fog]: no oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: how much better would this

[spinner]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movie have been with john

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: legazamo

[spinner]: that's the most

[brain_fog]: okay

[spinner]: random of all the

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: questions

[brain_fog]: yes i like it

[spinner]: i would

[brain_fog]: i love it that's the movie

[spinner]: i would love if one of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: dodge

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: the movies

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ball

[spinner]: had john lucas on though

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: dodge

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hm

[brain_fog]: ball

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: you old fit in right in in
this movie

[brain_fog]: ah exactly

[mi_scui]: hm

[brain_fog]: just just make him another member of
the average

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: jos

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: jim like like just like while you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: with sun of the dad just let
him go home

[spinner]: and be him to play himself

[brain_fog]: let him play himself

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[brain_fog]: as a retired

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: john legrazemo

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h

[brain_fog]: just catching

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: some like some gym time and then
being kind of not forced but being roped

[brain_fog]: into playing

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: dodge ball

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: a

[brain_fog]: being awful at it just getting hidden
the head with it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so

[brain_fog]: like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: they cut him from the

[brain_fog]: every

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: team

[spinner]: no

[brain_fog]: no no they

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[brain_fog]: keep him out of like pity

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i think

[brain_fog]: because he's famous

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but like

[brain_fog]: he draws into the sponsors

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's he's the like not the not

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: coach because they have a coach but
like the water like the trainer the water

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: boy

[brain_fog]: okay all

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: right i'm here for that

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: or he could have been one of
the judges too

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's a bold move

[brain_fog]: in

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: cotton

[brain_fog]: the last

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so plays out

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah no i think you would have
fitted right in like with all the aldercannigans

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: nice

[brain_fog]: that were happening

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i like

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that for him

[brain_fog]: yeah i would have

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: liked that for him to no an
watch that

[spinner]: m

[mi_scui]: i'm here for it

[brain_fog]: what

[spinner]: m hm

[brain_fog]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thanks

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: my movie spencer slash

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: whoever you are at this time ocean's

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: twelve

[spinner]: matt your movie is ocean's twelve

[mi_scui]: changing

[spinner]: and your

[mi_scui]: again

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: my

[spinner]: question

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: question why is

[spinner]: why

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this

[spinner]: is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the

[spinner]: this the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: worst movie

[mi_scui]: shatter

[spinner]: worst

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of

[spinner]: movie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: two thousand

[spinner]: of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: four

[spinner]: two thousand

[brain_fog]: my

[spinner]: and four

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: an called it yep

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: good one

[spinner]: why

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um m

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: tom on the wing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's this movie is the movie that
like tries the hardest

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to make us equal

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of nothing i don't

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: know how or why they needed to
have what's his face know that they stole

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all the money from him and then

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: put them off on this crazy european

[brain_fog]: he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thing and like it's just like

[spinner]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and like escalating to the point of

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: julia roberts playing herself as julia roberts

[brain_fog]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's

[mi_scui]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just like

[brain_fog]: but not as julia roberts

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and it was like you know it's
like that

[brain_fog]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bit just went on too long like
i don't mind the bit but it just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: went on for so long and

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it was just like the whole

[brain_fog]: kay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movie is just like these bits that
someone thought up in a fever dream and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: then connected the dots on and then
at the end he just like we'll just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: do a cut scene and explain how
everything made

[spinner]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sense

[spinner]: cut scene was this a

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: video game

[brain_fog]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: flash back i don't know

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: man

[spinner]: though synematic

[brain_fog]: a cut back or a flash

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: scene

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah cut flash

[brain_fog]: i know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: back

[brain_fog]: it's

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[brain_fog]: it's almost like hiding like ocean's eleven

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[brain_fog]: the hygrints version

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: where

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: everybody

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: like

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: we

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: already knew about it like there's so
much of that

[mi_scui]: yea

[brain_fog]: happening

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: to in that movie

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: fuck you

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oceans twelve park park

[brain_fog]: yes fuck

[spinner]: let's

[brain_fog]: you

[spinner]: do a

[mi_scui]: sacuabler

[brain_fog]: yeah good answer good answer matt

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: spencer

[spinner]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we're getting to the dog days

[spinner]: i'm letting the dog out our arms
let's go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: do you want a movie or a

[spinner]: i want

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: the movie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hm kill bill

[spinner]: well

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: volume two

[spinner]: this hasn't come up once

[brain_fog]: has once no

[spinner]: i

[brain_fog]: it

[spinner]: don't

[brain_fog]: hasn't

[spinner]: think so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the question

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: it hasn't the

[spinner]: yep

[brain_fog]: rectory

[spinner]: yep yep

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: very important

[spinner]: yep yep

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: question

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: yep yep

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: much better with

[spinner]: wow

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this movie at raligwsabum

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: no god

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: i hate this so

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: much like one of the movies at
like the best movies out here um

[brain_fog]: oh oh

[spinner]: okay trying to tink of how john
lekazama would fit into this movie

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: you know that like

[brain_fog]: have to give him a like suitably
weird name for his characters

[spinner]: yeah his name would be

[mi_scui]: wang

[spinner]: for

[mi_scui]: foo

[spinner]: no his name would

[mi_scui]: thanks

[spinner]: be

[mi_scui]: for everything

[brain_fog]: no

[mi_scui]: julie nu mar

[spinner]: his name would be felaciotouras

[mi_scui]: wow

[brain_fog]: nice

[spinner]: and

[brain_fog]: nice

[mi_scui]: wow no

[spinner]: he'd be the wise cracking u

[mi_scui]: hm

[spinner]: h like right hand man of bill

[brain_fog]: of

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: bill nice

[spinner]: he's like not good

[brain_fog]: so you need to so you need
to give him a viper name

[spinner]: no

[brain_fog]: too

[spinner]: he's not good enough to be an
assassin he's just like

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: he's just like

[brain_fog]: i though you're going to say oh
he's not good enough to be a viper

[brain_fog]: he's just like a garden snake

[spinner]: yeah exactly

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: he's just like you know he's just

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: there to like does day to day
but he's always like cracking

[brain_fog]: edmond his edmond

[spinner]: yeah exactly he's like

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: he's like reports to bill about like
the fact that

[brain_fog]: ah

[spinner]: his brother died and the fact that
lady is coming what's her name the bride

[brain_fog]: wait he reports

[spinner]: ah

[brain_fog]: to be like so al doesn't call

[spinner]: no

[brain_fog]: tell

[spinner]: no we'll cut that

[brain_fog]: that i see

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: of course because

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: like

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: have the edmond

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: tell

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: him is much

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: better

[spinner]: of course it's

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: best to

[brain_fog]: okay

[spinner]: have middle

[brain_fog]: of course

[spinner]: men in movies you know fill the
running time

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: and then he coach to him and
he's yeah and then john

[brain_fog]: hello bill this is falaciotouris

[spinner]: place your tours

[brain_fog]: your

[mi_scui]: this

[brain_fog]: brother

[spinner]: here

[brain_fog]: is dead

[spinner]: your brother dad

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: i'll take you tomorrow

[mi_scui]: a

[spinner]: hey

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: bill it's felaiotoras

[brain_fog]: m

[spinner]: again

[mi_scui]: cole

[spinner]: also

[mi_scui]: back

[spinner]: dead

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[spinner]: l

[mi_scui]: sometime

[spinner]: is also dead calling back

[mi_scui]: a

[spinner]: coming back when you get a chance

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: again

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yah

[spinner]: it's felciotors

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h

[mi_scui]: they do

[spinner]: my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: they're

[spinner]: number

[mi_scui]: to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all dead

[spinner]: there

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sorry phil

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: bill felicia touris here yeah

[brain_fog]: i'm dead

[spinner]: the other girl's dead to what's her

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: the one from

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: with the samoris

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: she said

[mi_scui]: or

[brain_fog]: lucy loo

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[spinner]: oh renny she

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah she's dead

[mi_scui]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: dead

[spinner]: dead

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: very

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: dead

[spinner]: awkward i gotta phil

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hey

[spinner]: this

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hey

[spinner]: is so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bill

[spinner]: awkward

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: flash your tours

[spinner]: flacyourdoors by the way sorry

[mi_scui]: again again

[spinner]: again

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: back back

[spinner]: again

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: keep getting your voice

[spinner]: um

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: mail bill please call

[spinner]: the

[brain_fog]: me back

[spinner]: other the other girl the one who
had a daughter and

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: was good with knives

[mi_scui]: copper head

[spinner]: copperhead

[mi_scui]: vivikafox

[brain_fog]: hope

[spinner]: she did

[brain_fog]: head

[spinner]: torres out

[mi_scui]: yeah though

[spinner]: hey bill

[brain_fog]: or no he would

[mi_scui]: ye

[brain_fog]: say palacio

[spinner]: flegiatores

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: out

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: again

[brain_fog]: for sure

[spinner]: you still own me a

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: check from last week it hasn't gotten
arrived yet

[brain_fog]: m

[mi_scui]: it

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: bounced

[spinner]: and

[mi_scui]: the other one bounced

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: and also i think

[brain_fog]: i

[spinner]: you're dead

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: she's coming for you

[brain_fog]: i

[mi_scui]: she's

[brain_fog]: submit

[mi_scui]: coming

[spinner]: uh

[brain_fog]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[brain_fog]: submitted

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: saw you

[brain_fog]: i submitted i took a

[spinner]: h

[brain_fog]: taxi and i submitted

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: the chit and you haven't reversed

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: me yet

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: i really need that money

[spinner]: for tax reasons

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bill

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: bill

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bill it's t'sfilciotoras

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: again

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i saw you walking

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and i waved and then you just
fell over

[brain_fog]: and you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm not sure what that's about coming

[brain_fog]: i still need my

[spinner]: just

[brain_fog]: money

[spinner]: call me back

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: if you want

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: me to call the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: ambuons

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: just let me

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: just call me back

[brain_fog]: if you're if you're dad

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: kay

[brain_fog]: press one

[mi_scui]: five

[spinner]: hey bill

[mi_scui]: days

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: later

[spinner]: felacialtors

[brain_fog]: ah

[spinner]: i haven't heard

[brain_fog]: yah

[spinner]: back i'm

[brain_fog]: h

[spinner]: starting to worry

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: kay

[mi_scui]: worry

[brain_fog]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: call me back

[brain_fog]: see that would make them that

[spinner]: you know

[brain_fog]: would make the

[spinner]: you

[brain_fog]: movie

[spinner]: got my

[brain_fog]: better

[spinner]: number

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: the credit in and at the very
end place your tomas here

[spinner]: i why he

[mi_scui]: call

[spinner]: like a

[mi_scui]: it

[spinner]: new

[mi_scui]: again

[spinner]: york wait why

[mi_scui]: if you

[spinner]: you

[mi_scui]: can

[spinner]: like

[mi_scui]: call me back

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: sometime today

[brain_fog]: he became a jewish

[mi_scui]: ah

[brain_fog]: lady from

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: new york

[spinner]: he became

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes

[spinner]: a

[mi_scui]: today

[spinner]: fucking wife

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all

[spinner]: from

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[spinner]: emily guy

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have
to re rail this

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we've gone too far

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we changed voices

[spinner]: yeah that's you know it's

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: did

[brain_fog]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: too far chris

[brain_fog]: m

[mi_scui]: yes sir

[brain_fog]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movie or question

[mi_scui]: that question

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: give you that question

[mi_scui]: me

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all

[mi_scui]: that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[mi_scui]: question

[spinner]: yes

[mi_scui]: give me that question give me that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: p

[mi_scui]: question

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: p p p p p p p

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: please

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: p

[mi_scui]: you to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: p

[mi_scui]: rad

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: p p

[spinner]: no no you killed it

[mi_scui]: i did that was

[brain_fog]: felacio

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: thomas

[mi_scui]: taras

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: is that the brother

[mi_scui]: yes felicia

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: they

[mi_scui]: thomas

[spinner]: share

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: why

[spinner]: first

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: do they have

[spinner]: names

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: different last

[spinner]: not

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: names

[spinner]: last names

[mi_scui]: we shared

[brain_fog]: no

[mi_scui]: the

[brain_fog]: no

[mi_scui]: shame

[brain_fog]: they go they go by last name

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: first name

[mi_scui]: we're

[brain_fog]: first

[mi_scui]: bonded by more than blood

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: tis a japanese thing right like the
last name is the first name

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: our hungarian

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: and john like was famously hungarian obviously

[mi_scui]: what no

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: columbian

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: christ's question

[mi_scui]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is

[mi_scui]: sir

[brain_fog]: not really

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what seeing captures how great this movie

[mi_scui]: movie what is the movie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the movie that is the real question

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: here the movie that you are going
to be answering this question for

[mi_scui]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is ocean is twelve

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: god

[mi_scui]: no i

[spinner]: the

[mi_scui]: don't

[spinner]: suck

[mi_scui]: i know i know

[brain_fog]: oh no

[mi_scui]: i know i have the answer

[brain_fog]: i

[mi_scui]: i have the answer

[brain_fog]: i don't have one

[mi_scui]: i have the answer

[brain_fog]: okay

[spinner]: m

[mi_scui]: the movie so hit me with the
question again because i have i have the

[mi_scui]: answer but i just want to frame
it again

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what scene captures

[mi_scui]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: how great this

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movie is

[mi_scui]: it's when it's when the entire twelve

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: when their whole plan goes just

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: shut and each one of them keep
getting picked off and arrested meanwhile the night

[mi_scui]: fox is just doing everything between every

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h

[mi_scui]: time one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h

[mi_scui]: of them gets

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: sucked and pitched it comes to the
night fox back at home shirtless doing capo

[mi_scui]: era and stretches

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: like everyone's like fun i'm arrested

[spinner]: it

[mi_scui]: my whole life

[spinner]: ah

[mi_scui]: over and the guy and the other
guy is just like sara dad dad i'm

[mi_scui]: like wow this is this is contrast

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: that

[brain_fog]: a

[mi_scui]: is bad

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's like chris is acting out the

[brain_fog]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of

[spinner]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: real time folks

[mi_scui]: you know

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: that that was hilarious

[brain_fog]: that that vincent

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: cassel impression was perfect

[mi_scui]: you know

[brain_fog]: too

[spinner]: you know

[mi_scui]: my time here in montreal

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: has afforded me a deep deep

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: empathy into you know inhibiting

[brain_fog]: ah

[mi_scui]: and inhabiting the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: character palate

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: of

[brain_fog]: no inhibiting inhibiting

[mi_scui]: ihibiting

[brain_fog]: was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hm

[brain_fog]: right

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: inhibiting the character and all my impressions
that that will follow forth with sara

[spinner]: specially

[mi_scui]: yah

[spinner]: jewish women

[mi_scui]: yah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what

[spinner]: that's a specialty

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm gonna luciana we

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just get a second way past that

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: yeah sounds like a good idea

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: question

[brain_fog]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: or movie

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: hit me with the movie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the movie

[mi_scui]: hit him

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: how hard

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: hard

[mi_scui]: so hard

[spinner]: let the dog out

[brain_fog]: die

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bark

[brain_fog]: hard

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bark

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: yeah i've felt

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: that

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that hard

[brain_fog]: tone down the aggression there

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm sorry

[brain_fog]: no need to yell

[mi_scui]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right the movie is alien

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: versus predator

[spinner]: uh

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: yea

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this is gonna be a good question

[spinner]: m oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i think yo're real going appreciate this
question it's

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a new one we haven't had this
one yet

[brain_fog]: okay

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: that

[brain_fog]: okay

[spinner]: possible

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who is the stupidest character

[spinner]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: an

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: alien

[spinner]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: versus predator

[spinner]: how

[brain_fog]: oh no there's

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: so

[mi_scui]: no

[brain_fog]: many people being from

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's hard

[mi_scui]: do

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you got

[mi_scui]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to pick one

[brain_fog]: oh no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: stupid

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: est

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: can i pick one from each like

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[mi_scui]: out here flexen and fanessin

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: if

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you want to be the

[brain_fog]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: queen baby factory it could be the
queen baby factory

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: no no let me just think you
can probably chop this

[spinner]: i

[brain_fog]: let me just think for a second

[brain_fog]: i'll

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: do so many stupid things i need
to pick one it's going to be a

[brain_fog]: tart

[spinner]: ah

[brain_fog]: no no

[mi_scui]: inter

[brain_fog]: no no no okay

[spinner]: yes

[brain_fog]: so

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: limp biscuit

[brain_fog]: so there's a like i said there's
a lot of people to pick from but

[brain_fog]: i think if i had to pick
just one it would be

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: sebastian the when they

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: go

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: like when they decide to work together
with the predator to kind of kale

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh kay

[brain_fog]: all of the

[spinner]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: captain

[brain_fog]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: let me just capsulate the entire movie
as arbeady understands what the fuck is actually

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: going on

[brain_fog]: that's the guy

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: that is the guy the guy where
like there's no story and then there's like

[brain_fog]: a compressed seven minutes where he tells
the whole fucking story and that's it yeah

[brain_fog]: that guy and and they go in
they go set up in ambush or whatever

[brain_fog]: i don't remember exactly right and then
he gets

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: captured by

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: by the aliens and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: and people are like just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes

[brain_fog]: he's like

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: it's going to be okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: what's the worst that could happen from
being captured by the zenomorphs nobody ever died

[brain_fog]: from being captured

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: being captured by zinomworps

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not that i'm aware of

[brain_fog]: and and then like

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: lax and the last what's his name's

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: the last predator car started working together
to kind of get back and kill them

[brain_fog]: and we don't see sebastian for a
while and then when you see him again

[brain_fog]: he just oh i have a face
hooker and then lax just fucking shoots him

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[brain_fog]: so i think i think i have
to go with sebastian

[spinner]: this

[brain_fog]: he's

[spinner]: is

[brain_fog]: like

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: in a pool of stupid people he
managed to descend

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hm

[brain_fog]: even deeper

[mi_scui]: hm

[brain_fog]: that's him

[mi_scui]: dive bomb

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i like that for him

[brain_fog]: i don't think he did but

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what to do

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right we got time for

[brain_fog]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: one more round

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for this last round if you want
will let you pick the movie you want

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: i mean don't you have to go
as well

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: for

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i didn't go

[brain_fog]: for

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yet

[brain_fog]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[brain_fog]: previous round to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sorry

[brain_fog]: finish

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yet spencer

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: my movie is van helsing

[spinner]: matt your movie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: van helsing

[brain_fog]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what was the most unexpected part of

[spinner]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movie

[spinner]: was the most

[brain_fog]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[brain_fog]: ah

[spinner]: unexpected part the movie at

[mi_scui]: finishing

[spinner]: a

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: finishing it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[brain_fog]: how british the romanians were

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: close

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it was it's weird because

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: watching the movie

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i didn't see this coming until i
could not see it coming yeah but up

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: until i like it was unexpected

[mi_scui]: a

[brain_fog]: they hitch over the head with

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: until

[brain_fog]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah it's the fact that van

[brain_fog]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: helsing had to turn

[brain_fog]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: into a werewolf to defeat rahula

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it was i didn't see it coming
as an option and then all of a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sudden he's in the castle and it's
just like

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thud thud thud as he goes through

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: obvious signs of him having to turn
to a waresolike for me just over all

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: o into it when we like that
i never expected that outcome would be turned

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to a world of to kill dracula
is it stupid we'll see if that

[brain_fog]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: comes up later as a question for

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[brain_fog]: all right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: last question around go back to my

[brain_fog]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: offer you can pick the movie if
you want spencer

[spinner]: oh shit

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: do you want to pick your movie

[spinner]: um m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a

[spinner]: sure

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[spinner]: i'll pick anchor man

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: anchor man

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not anchor lady

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: how dare you

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: that's

[mi_scui]: ah

[spinner]: the unconfirmed sequel

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: another another prime new question um in
two thousand and four i don't know if

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you know this because i did not
the u k finally got around to outlawing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: outlawing fox hunting

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: those bastards

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah question

[spinner]: uh

[brain_fog]: the foxes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah the foxes question

[mi_scui]: right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for you spencer is what part of
this movie should have been outlawed

[mi_scui]: m m

[spinner]: what what

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: part of a movie should have been

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: outlawed

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes

[spinner]: yes this movie is pretty flawless i
don't know if there's anything i would have

[spinner]: outlawed um

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and

[spinner]: yes and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: i don't know if i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: know i would have outlawed

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[spinner]: the part where

[spinner]: m they

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: sexually

[spinner]: i just don't think it was right
when they fought those bears because you know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[spinner]: bears are

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: living animals and not like not like
foxes you can't

[brain_fog]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[spinner]: just kill them at will for fun

[brain_fog]: jesus

[mi_scui]: talk

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: to leonadocaprio

[brain_fog]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah oh

[spinner]: does he just

[brain_fog]: hey

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[spinner]: too soon

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: so yeah

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: i would i don't think they should
have killed

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: those bears

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um hey spencer do you want to
take a minute and like think about it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: more or you want to go with
this answer

[spinner]: no no

[mi_scui]: ah

[spinner]: i'm confident in my answer

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: he shouldn't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: have killed those bears

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[spinner]: thank you

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we should outlaw the bear killing scene

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the movie okay

[spinner]: you pro killing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: do they kill

[spinner]: bears

[mi_scui]: oh no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: do they kill the bears

[spinner]: no

[mi_scui]: i think it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: just wrestled

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[spinner]: because it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[spinner]: been out lawed

[mi_scui]: dot done

[spinner]: got ya

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h

[spinner]: uh

[mi_scui]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i hate

[mi_scui]: fell

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this

[mi_scui]: into

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't

[mi_scui]: my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: want to be here

[mi_scui]: elaborate

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: anymore

[mi_scui]: trap

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm

[spinner]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: moving along

[spinner]: i don't know how to answer this
fucking question

[brain_fog]: wow

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris

[mi_scui]: yes sir

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: do you want to do you want
to pick your movie

[mi_scui]: i want to pick the incredible as
i'm excited

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay the incredible it is and your
random question

[mi_scui]: hm

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for the incredible

[brain_fog]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah yeah

[brain_fog]: and no the cousin of the randomizer

[mi_scui]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: did

[brain_fog]: making

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: an appearance

[mi_scui]: work oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who is

[mi_scui]: hm

[brain_fog]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the stupidest character

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the incredible

[mi_scui]: i want to say my gutraaction is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: like snsyndroms

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: number two but actually i kind of
want to i think i think his name

[mi_scui]: is robbie violets crush like the boy
from school he's pretty

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: stupid

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeh

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: pretty stupid

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: can you can you elaborate on his

[mi_scui]: um

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: stupidness

[mi_scui]: m i want to but i think

[brain_fog]: i

[mi_scui]: i

[brain_fog]: can't

[mi_scui]: can't so i'm going to stick with

[brain_fog]: m

[mi_scui]: like let's talk about her hair for

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay yeah

[brain_fog]: wow

[mi_scui]: if you've got to go

[spinner]: to

[mi_scui]: platinum platinum

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: silver you better come correct ladder

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: i think not

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sorry s not her i think is
what you

[mi_scui]: i'll

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wanted

[mi_scui]: see

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to say

[mi_scui]: got her

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah yeah

[mi_scui]: got er

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: nice

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: yeah i didn't

[spinner]: i

[mi_scui]: i didn't

[brain_fog]: i hate

[mi_scui]: listen

[brain_fog]: all of this

[mi_scui]: listen

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[mi_scui]: not your question or answer

[brain_fog]: member

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[mi_scui]: bitch

[brain_fog]: i can still

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: hate it questions find the answer is
awful but go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: boo

[brain_fog]: on

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this man

[brain_fog]: buddhist

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: man witch

[mi_scui]: you

[brain_fog]: man

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h

[brain_fog]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: he was looking

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: at you nor

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: he's looking at the camera

[mi_scui]: yes and he's looking at you that's

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: right

[brain_fog]: you

[mi_scui]: pirkpark

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: yeah well

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right that's enough

[mi_scui]: dug

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: from

[mi_scui]: that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all of you

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: banter

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes

[brain_fog]: if that

[spinner]: is that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: whatever

[brain_fog]: if

[spinner]: what

[brain_fog]: that

[spinner]: this is

[brain_fog]: if that qualifies

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: whatever that was whatever

[mi_scui]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that was

[mi_scui]: is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's

[mi_scui]: humanity

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's enough of it seat do you
want to pick

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: your final movie

[brain_fog]: uh yeah let's go with china the

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: jean

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of the dead question for

[mi_scui]: shatter

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is going to be

[brain_fog]: s

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah he

[mi_scui]: m a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who is unwonted

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in this movie

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: who is unwanted in this movie

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[mi_scui]: m one

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: one is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: the onliest number

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes

[brain_fog]: um

[mi_scui]: hm

[brain_fog]: m i

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: don't want to go with

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: the obvious

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[brain_fog]: answer which is david because he's a
douche bag

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: um m also the other obvious answer
is pete but i like peter srevinovitch

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: much not

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: to have him in the movie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[mi_scui]: wanted

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: fucking

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: it's david because

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: get

[brain_fog]: he's

[mi_scui]: him

[brain_fog]: he's a fucking

[mi_scui]: get

[brain_fog]: douche

[mi_scui]: him

[brain_fog]: the entire like he manages to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: out duch the step the face

[mi_scui]: it

[brain_fog]: philip

[mi_scui]: sick them

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[brain_fog]: like he at least philip has like
a nice art

[mi_scui]: that's

[brain_fog]: at the

[mi_scui]: right

[brain_fog]: end

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: and like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ye

[brain_fog]: he couldn't even let shawn and lisby

[mi_scui]: that's

[brain_fog]: david

[mi_scui]: right

[brain_fog]: i mean is like a

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: he

[spinner]: i

[brain_fog]: wants to shoot

[mi_scui]: m

[brain_fog]: barbara just because he's turning

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: into a song he's a

[mi_scui]: hm

[brain_fog]: douche

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[brain_fog]: i fucking hate him

[spinner]: yeah

[brain_fog]: i wish he had died

[mi_scui]: hm

[brain_fog]: way earlier in the movie

[mi_scui]: hm

[brain_fog]: like

[spinner]: m

[brain_fog]: in a more beach way

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: so

[mi_scui]: that's right

[brain_fog]: david is the most unwonted people person
in this

[mi_scui]: go

[brain_fog]: movie

[mi_scui]: buy a

[spinner]: oh

[mi_scui]: dinner

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who

[brain_fog]: can i poison the dinner

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: david

[mi_scui]: yeah for david

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[spinner]: m hm

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: great

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: great answers everybody

[brain_fog]: oh

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all around

[spinner]: nailed it

[mi_scui]: m oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we did

[mi_scui]: the

[brain_fog]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a

[mi_scui]: landing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: great job

[mi_scui]: has been stuck and care struggis

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: very proud

[brain_fog]: ah

[spinner]: ybursolemn

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bark bark

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m spencer

[spinner]: bark bark

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm picking

[mi_scui]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: alien

[brain_fog]: that's solemn

[spinner]: matt what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: alien

[spinner]: would

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: versus

[spinner]: you like to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: predator

[spinner]: pick for your final movie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h h spencer alien versus preditor

[spinner]: ladies gentlemen he's go with alien versus
bigger bull

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: choice and

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: what is the question

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: ah

[spinner]: contestant

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: yes yea

[brain_fog]: why question would you like to answer

[spinner]: and

[brain_fog]: you

[spinner]: what

[brain_fog]: like to make

[spinner]: blood

[brain_fog]: up one

[spinner]: question

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[spinner]: am i asking you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h

[mi_scui]: m m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um

[mi_scui]: do it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: spencer

[mi_scui]: yep

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i would i would like you to
ask me

[mi_scui]: put it in

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who is the

[mi_scui]: gently

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: unsung hero of this movie

[spinner]: who's the unsung hero of this movie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: i did catch

[brain_fog]: a

[spinner]: f garbwith that one go ahead

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thank

[spinner]: thirty

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: seconds

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well okay i didn't expect this time

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: frame on the one hand

[spinner]: m yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we have the alien who shows up
and murders things

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and on the other hand

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we have the

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: frater who shows up and murders thing

[spinner]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but i think really the unsung hero
of this movie is

[spinner]: m yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: r wayland himself because

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: without

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: his generous work flying all of these
people to the north pole and going down

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to something and sticking it out and
then um die like a bitch we wouldn't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: have any of this

[brain_fog]: wow

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: movie to

[brain_fog]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he so

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thank you

[brain_fog]: i see i see what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wal

[brain_fog]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: incorporation

[spinner]: and oh

[brain_fog]: it's

[spinner]: so

[brain_fog]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: sorry

[brain_fog]: sacrifice

[spinner]: matt

[brain_fog]: he made for all of us

[spinner]: so so sorry

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: the correct answer was the ice sled

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: that

[mi_scui]: yah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[spinner]: pummeled through the snow and got them
to safety so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h

[spinner]: thanks for coming on the show of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: damned

[spinner]: question stupid movies

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh oh

[spinner]: what did we what did

[brain_fog]: oh

[spinner]: he win chris delabudy won

[mi_scui]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: he's one of slap in the face
with a wet fish

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: applied

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[mi_scui]: by do not is granddaughter koldyasandra

[spinner]: hi

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh my god i'm such a huge

[mi_scui]: you are

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: fish

[mi_scui]: terrible what try to

[spinner]: fish

[mi_scui]: answer was that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: my dad

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: grandfather spinning his grave

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mi_scui]: yeah

[brain_fog]: that first that

[spinner]: ye

[brain_fog]: first slap

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[brain_fog]: missed it was never seen

[mi_scui]: it was

[brain_fog]: that

[mi_scui]: a wet

[brain_fog]: happen

[mi_scui]: fish

[brain_fog]: before

[mi_scui]: you don't know how big the fish
was stop asking questions

[brain_fog]: but you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's very slippery

[brain_fog]: but you missed

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'll do the real fully work

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: with real sound after

[mi_scui]: m

[spinner]: thanks everybody

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: for

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[spinner]: listening to facts or fish

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[mi_scui]: h

[brain_fog]: uh

[mi_scui]: barkbark

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes

[spinner]: yes bar park this has been

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all

[spinner]: a this

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[spinner]: has been a

[brain_fog]: yeah

[spinner]: small dog production

[brain_fog]: back back

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: but m

[mi_scui]: sit for who said

[brain_fog]: uh

[mi_scui]: good

[spinner]: yeah

[mi_scui]: dog

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yahparkbark

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so that's our

[mi_scui]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: review

[mi_scui]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of twelve movies from two thousand and

[mi_scui]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that you probably didn't want

[mi_scui]: yeah ot anyway

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[brain_fog]: no you didn't know

[spinner]: we'll

[brain_fog]: you

[spinner]: never

[brain_fog]: wanted

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: welcome

[spinner]: get again

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: to speak to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yah

[mi_scui]: i

[brain_fog]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah listen if you have if you

[mi_scui]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we should

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: cover a different new year

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: something new here that you've actually seen
or care about something older that no one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: cares about

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: feel free to hit us up on
the twitters you're wrong cast you can also

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: email

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: s at your on cast at mail
dot com

[mi_scui]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and you can even go to our
website w w w your wrong cast dot

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: c a and uh

[spinner]: adams

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: drops a line okay that's the thing
we're doing

[brain_fog]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: still

[brain_fog]: no we're not doing

[mi_scui]: yes

[brain_fog]: that

[spinner]: it's a thing

[brain_fog]: we're ot doing

[spinner]: it's

[brain_fog]: that

[spinner]: fetch

[mi_scui]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's a thing

[spinner]: it's

[brain_fog]: no

[mi_scui]: oh

[brain_fog]: no

[spinner]: it's a thing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a switch

[mi_scui]: if

[brain_fog]: no

[spinner]: it's

[mi_scui]: you

[spinner]: fetch

[mi_scui]: want to rate

[brain_fog]: it's

[mi_scui]: us

[brain_fog]: streets ahead

[mi_scui]: oh you got

[brain_fog]: it's

[mi_scui]: that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: streets ahead

[mi_scui]: is alas

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: add us and with any

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hate

[spinner]: questions

[brain_fog]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it

[spinner]: about movies that you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ye

[spinner]: years

[mi_scui]: yeah

[spinner]: that have movies that with questions we
can do oh

[brain_fog]: also medication

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: for strokes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[mi_scui]: might come back to bite us one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[brain_fog]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that'll be cheap then that's

[brain_fog]: uh

[mi_scui]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all the time we have on your
wrong podcast

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: fuck yourself san diego

[spinner]: he

[mi_scui]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm at

[brain_fog]: wow

[spinner]: oh

[brain_fog]: i'm surprised

[spinner]: have your host don

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: dots son

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[spinner]: fish faxon

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[mi_scui]: oh

[spinner]: fish chris play us out

[brain_fog]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh yeah

[spinner]: this has been a small

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[spinner]: dog production our

Creators and Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
Recurring guest host extraordinaire
72. You're Wrong About All of the Movies... Of 2004
Broadcast by