74. Wrong Takes: "Super Mario" Edition
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hello and welcome back to your wrong
[professor_toad]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this week we are tackling the hardest
topic yet m super mario brothers super mare
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: world what do you refer to that
[professor_toad]: oh yeah ye
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mario's
[waluciano]: i think
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: man
[waluciano]: this super mario verse
[professor_toad]: the mushroom kingdom chronicles
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay
[waluciano]: why
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is it
[waluciano]: it goes
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh
[waluciano]: out tight of mushrom kingdom
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[nick]: my
[professor_toad]: there the
[waluciano]: boo
[professor_toad]: chronicles
[waluciano]: this man
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what's no um okay luciana was here
to make up nonsense
[professor_toad]: hm
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you want
[waluciano]: always
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to okay good chris boot that
[professor_toad]: yes
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: man
[professor_toad]: the man
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[waluciano]: uh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thank you
[waluciano]: ah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: good good good boo energy that's what
we want
[professor_toad]: that's right
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's a great segment but i have
to buy pass at first to introduce our
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: special guests nick is it mario or
[nick]: it's pronounced mario
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: nick
[nick]: i have no
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mario
[nick]: italian background but i'm pretty
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay
[nick]: sure that's how it's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: supposed to be said
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: married to an italian woman so does
that give me more credit
[nick]: probably
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: or
[waluciano]: no
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: more
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: good
[waluciano]: no
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: fair enough
[professor_toad]: so it says you're the third brother
to nick
[nick]: i'm i'm
[professor_toad]: oh
[nick]: third brother of two that's correct ye
[professor_toad]: okay
[nick]: nick mario you got mario mario you
got luigi mario and you've
[professor_toad]: hm
[nick]: got nick mario
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: do you
[professor_toad]: okay
[nick]: guys know that their last name is
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: i feel so much
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: closer to them now thank you
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's why that's why he's just greeted
mario and not luigi
[professor_toad]: hm
[waluciano]: oh
[nick]: green mario
[professor_toad]: m h
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: h
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: anyway so we've kind of let the
cat out of the bag but we are
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: going to do some hot takes for
the mario verse the mushroom kingdom plus plus
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: first
[professor_toad]: plus
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't know whatever you want whatever
as with mario we're covering it
[nick]: ah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in the hot takes i don't think
there's any more preamble i can give them
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that so let's just jump into a
ha take and see where this is going
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to take us anybody have a hot
take they really got to get off their
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chest body
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: soul
[professor_toad]: i got one but like i guess
i guess i don't know i thought i
[professor_toad]: should i should wait maybe this is
more of a a deep end question but
[professor_toad]: i guess i should just roll with
it check
[waluciano]: now
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's
[professor_toad]: itcheck
[waluciano]: you
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hot
[waluciano]: started
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: takes
[waluciano]: it
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: everything
[professor_toad]: it
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is on fire just go
[professor_toad]: check it now mario can't win because
princess peach is a thought
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh wow okay
[professor_toad]: and
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a
[professor_toad]: allow
[nick]: jess
[professor_toad]: me to allow me
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: to show my work
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: so in mario sixty four
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: game starts and we have this this
this this monologue and each is like no
[professor_toad]: no no no no no no scribbling
her little note dear mario please come to
[professor_toad]: the castle i have bake cake for
you yours truly princess told to each and
[professor_toad]: so when i read that and consider
the entire history of mario trying to go
[professor_toad]: and rescue
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: the princess from bowser time and time
again record on repeat she does not she's
[professor_toad]: not looking to
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: be saved she has needs that mario's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: plummer as cannot fulfill he's got broke
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: so when you broke and you have
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: funds
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: where you lay the pipe is different
[waluciano]: m
[professor_toad]: compared to bowser a monster of means
you might even say a beauty in the
[professor_toad]: beast dynamic is taking taking place so
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: beast like like bowser is beast moving
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: okay so princess peach is a woman
with desires and she's going after what
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: she wants okay and so that message
that note that letter is the equivalent to
[professor_toad]: yeah you up what you're doing princes
[waluciano]: are
[professor_toad]: peach
[waluciano]: you
[professor_toad]: is
[waluciano]: saying
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a
[professor_toad]: an independent
[waluciano]: you say
[professor_toad]: thought
[waluciano]: it's a it's a it's a booty
call written on like a note with nice
[waluciano]: cursive letters
[professor_toad]: correct it's
[nick]: no
[professor_toad]: bridget
[nick]: idea when
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[nick]: it's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[nick]: going to get delivered like
[professor_toad]: you're right
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: in the
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: mail
[waluciano]: it's an eventual consistency for booty coles
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: it's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: cut
[professor_toad]: it's bridgerton
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: meets what's what's one of the well
i don't want to say big brother
[nick]: mario
[professor_toad]: but yes it's bridgeton meets mario
[waluciano]: is that what we're
[professor_toad]: plus
[waluciano]: talking about here
[professor_toad]: plus um i want to say
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: what's what's what's a i don't want
to say show girls but like what's a
[professor_toad]: stripper our club dash
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: of something i can put into that
equation i can't think of it but that's
[professor_toad]: where i'm going with
[nick]: magic
[professor_toad]: it
[nick]: mike
[professor_toad]: thank you
[waluciano]: oh
[nick]: welcome
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's dudes
[waluciano]: um
[professor_toad]: still women can can strip men can
strip me women
[nick]: wow
[professor_toad]: can strip
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um chris kind of got a clarification
point here
[professor_toad]: go for it
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the booty call note as
[professor_toad]: yes
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it were
[professor_toad]: yes
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who is that directed at in the
[professor_toad]: exactly it's not just
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay
[professor_toad]: sent
[waluciano]: his
[professor_toad]: to
[waluciano]: hot
[professor_toad]: mario
[waluciano]: it's whoever
[professor_toad]: ship
[waluciano]: picks it up the
[professor_toad]: that's right
[waluciano]: nick was right on it
[professor_toad]: whichever
[waluciano]: is like
[professor_toad]: cloud
[waluciano]: we don't
[professor_toad]: which
[waluciano]: know we don't know where it's going
to be
[professor_toad]: yeah
[waluciano]: delivered we don't know
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: who's going to get it
[professor_toad]: oh
[nick]: wasn't it delivered by the guy in
the cloud with
[professor_toad]: yes
[nick]: the fishing rod or whatever
[professor_toad]: but he has but he has a
full satchel of duplicate messages to
[nick]: don't know
[professor_toad]: many
[nick]: that
[professor_toad]: other
[nick]: you don't
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[nick]: know that
[professor_toad]: and you don't you don't know mario
was the only
[waluciano]: objection
[professor_toad]: one
[waluciano]: speculation your honor
[nick]: but you're
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: the one you're
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: the one saying it
[professor_toad]: but look
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: look look who came
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: who came in collected peach or maybe
peach wasn't collected at all maybe peach
[nick]: i don't
[professor_toad]: went
[nick]: i
[professor_toad]: of
[nick]: don't
[professor_toad]: her
[nick]: like
[professor_toad]: own
[nick]: the
[professor_toad]: volition
[nick]: word collected
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: that's what but
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: i finished
[waluciano]: collected
[professor_toad]: i closed it up
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well i
[professor_toad]: she
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: accept
[professor_toad]: could have
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the
[professor_toad]: gone of her own felician
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well i accept that these are
[nick]: yes
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: our hot
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: takes and we don't
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: have to necessarily
[professor_toad]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: pass the validity
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: through
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the court of law i do think
[nick]: ah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we should not refer to
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: picking up women as collecting
[waluciano]: ye
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: them feels a little nineteen nineteen
[professor_toad]: sure
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ihtythree
[professor_toad]: sure sure sure sure i
[waluciano]: i
[professor_toad]: did say she could
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: have
[waluciano]: you
[professor_toad]: gone
[waluciano]: know
[professor_toad]: on her own accord
[waluciano]: honestly i wanted to
[professor_toad]: ah
[waluciano]: criticize this but and this was going
to be part of my one of my
[waluciano]: hottakes but whenever
[nick]: one of
[waluciano]: mario gets to the one of
[nick]: oh my
[waluciano]: whenever mario gets to the end and
[professor_toad]: hm
[waluciano]: to the castle she's
[professor_toad]: hm
[nick]: yet
[waluciano]: always in another castle
[professor_toad]: exactly
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: you
[waluciano]: so
[professor_toad]: know why
[waluciano]: she is the ultimate whole over there
[professor_toad]: m
[waluciano]: she's always over there and over here
[professor_toad]: she's
[waluciano]: i
[professor_toad]: not
[waluciano]: can't really felt this take
[professor_toad]: she's also not ready to leave yet
because bowser is like listen we both know
[professor_toad]: mario and his punkas brother luigi going
to be pulling up on us any minute
[professor_toad]: now listen let's get in the hoop
okay let's get into catala i'll take you
[professor_toad]: to my next place have you ever
been an infinity pool princess and she's like
[professor_toad]: i could put this on the gram
lay the pipe bowser daddy
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: in
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: the catalog
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm not saying whether you're wrong or
right but
[professor_toad]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what i
[waluciano]: but you're
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: am
[waluciano]: wrong
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: curious about is
[professor_toad]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: why is she writing all these notes
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: if bowser dadiqotnquote is
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: laying the pipe why does she
[waluciano]: because she likes a simp
[professor_toad]: m oh
[waluciano]: matt
[professor_toad]: she's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is
[professor_toad]: not
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this
[professor_toad]: looking to get tied
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is
[professor_toad]: down
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this what
[professor_toad]: but
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: our podcast
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: has come to
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: listen
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just
[professor_toad]: we're
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: using
[waluciano]: i
[professor_toad]: talking about
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: buzz
[waluciano]: listen
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: words
[waluciano]: blame chris
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: i'm just going to the flow
[professor_toad]: you asked the question who had
[nick]: ye
[professor_toad]: a hot take and so i offered
up what i had
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so the
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hot takes mario
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is a simp cordon quote
[professor_toad]: i would say
[nick]: i think
[professor_toad]: so
[nick]: that's
[waluciano]: uh
[nick]: a better way to put it
[waluciano]: h
[professor_toad]: don't say
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay
[professor_toad]: better
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: there are many threads in this in
this tapestry many
[nick]: uh
[professor_toad]: many
[nick]: h
[professor_toad]: many but check it out
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: like meanwhile
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: mario
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: mario simping and he's like she must
be saved or she's she's waiting for me
[professor_toad]: and louise's
[nick]: ah
[professor_toad]: like she's not that into you bro
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: she's not she's not that into you
[waluciano]: i
[professor_toad]: like
[waluciano]: know i don't think luigi is the
more understanding he's just another simple
[professor_toad]: he's
[waluciano]: let's
[professor_toad]: not
[waluciano]: be honest
[professor_toad]: sipping
[waluciano]: here
[professor_toad]: for print for for the princess he's
[waluciano]: yes
[professor_toad]: daisy
[waluciano]: he is
[professor_toad]: he's like look
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: you know
[waluciano]: yeah that's
[nick]: excuse
[waluciano]: much
[nick]: me
[waluciano]: better
[professor_toad]: he has daisy
[nick]: prince princess daisy to you
[professor_toad]: indeed
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: indeed indeed bowing
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: bowing
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: royalty your
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: what is it magnificence something ike that
[nick]: i like
[professor_toad]: but yeah
[waluciano]: majesty
[nick]: you ever play
[professor_toad]: majesty
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: you ve played super mario sunshine where
mario goes on a vacation with his friend
[professor_toad]: yes
[nick]: squirt
[professor_toad]: i remember that one sounds sexual going
[nick]: i
[professor_toad]: on
[nick]: remember
[professor_toad]: a vacation
[waluciano]: i was
[nick]: when
[waluciano]: going
[nick]: they named
[waluciano]: to say
[nick]: they named
[professor_toad]: for
[nick]: the freaking water hose thing squirt
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: was my favorite
[professor_toad]: i also learned because i was checking
some stuff to just catch up on low
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: stuff so
[waluciano]: ah
[professor_toad]: in sunshine there's this like liquid mario
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: supposed to be the villain but in
the end it turned
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: out to be bowser junior
[nick]: as their
[professor_toad]: and
[nick]: junior
[professor_toad]: bowser junior
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: kidnapped princess peach
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: because
[nick]: m
[professor_toad]: what
[nick]: m
[professor_toad]: he said he said mama peach she's
my mamma she's my mom she's my
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we're
[professor_toad]: mother
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like step mom are we in
[professor_toad]: no
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to stepmomporn
[nick]: it's
[professor_toad]: no
[nick]: unclear
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: now is that what's happening
[professor_toad]: it wasn't
[waluciano]: clear
[professor_toad]: because
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: um bowser was saying she's my mother
she's my mother and then when the when
[professor_toad]: the editing credits and stuff like it
are about to roll bowser collects rather picks
[professor_toad]: up retrieves bowser junior and he's like
[nick]: collect
[professor_toad]: i'd lie to you collect
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: ah
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: cokedlyorkwork and pulls them aside and like
listen son i'd lie to you princess peach
[professor_toad]: is not your mother
[waluciano]: oh
[nick]: like jerry
[professor_toad]: and like
[nick]: springer
[professor_toad]: exactly
[nick]: and i was like oh
[professor_toad]: no
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: but like to even allude to after
all these
[nick]: i
[professor_toad]: years peach beat laying up in in
bowser's multiple cribs um one thing has had
[professor_toad]: to have led to another i'm just
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: maybe maybe peach practise save sex ouldn't
have to have kids maybe she's a lot
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to have
[professor_toad]: don't
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: abortions maybe abortions
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: are legal in the mushroom kingdom
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: i don't see why they wouldn't be
[waluciano]: ah
[professor_toad]: legal in mushroom kingdom
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: fair a lot
[waluciano]: i
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of places where they aren't apparently so
[waluciano]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just know checking
[professor_toad]: well i'd like
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: to i'd like to live in
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: a world where they're legal and
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay
[professor_toad]: if that means the mushroom kingdom and
outside kingdoms there of sign
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: me up where's my ticket
[nick]: a ah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: fantastic so
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just to be clear here your
[professor_toad]: hm
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hat take is that m does not
need to be saved
[professor_toad]: correct
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: she is off living her best life
[professor_toad]: s
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and mario is misinterpreting her notes
[professor_toad]: indeed a commitment no she's
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: looking for moments
[waluciano]: and is like is she using
[nick]: ye
[waluciano]: her like um m
[professor_toad]: authority
[waluciano]: majesty or like the
[professor_toad]: sure
[waluciano]: fact that she is the ruler of
the mushroom kingdom to
[professor_toad]: yes
[waluciano]: force toad
[professor_toad]: oh
[waluciano]: oh just delivered the message
[professor_toad]: yeah
[waluciano]: s no she's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[waluciano]: not here i'm sorry that you fought
this guy and killed
[professor_toad]: uh
[waluciano]: him in
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: the lava go to another one
[professor_toad]: it was a lone upon a double
[waluciano]: wow
[professor_toad]: i was like damn
[waluciano]: wow
[professor_toad]: well instead of going home i guess
i'll just keep going must
[nick]: m
[professor_toad]: must must keep
[waluciano]: ah
[professor_toad]: going because it's
[nick]: right
[professor_toad]: the logical conclusion and then princess ptliminsimp
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: there
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: you go
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's a
[waluciano]: ah oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: listen great great hat take i think
[professor_toad]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: only part where
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i i
[waluciano]: h
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: stumble a bit is that if you're
[professor_toad]: ah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: claiming mario's as simp how does he
lay wanton destruction across many kingdoms
[nick]: say
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in search
[nick]: one
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of
[nick]: time
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: his p that's
[nick]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right
[professor_toad]: a
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not on on
[professor_toad]: pork anton destruction
[nick]: did you see one on this cot
[professor_toad]: get
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wanton
[professor_toad]: him get
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: him
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh
[professor_toad]: he saved
[waluciano]: what
[professor_toad]: wine hid
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh
[waluciano]: one ton
[nick]: oh
[waluciano]: destruction
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: he
[professor_toad]: said
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: invades
[professor_toad]: shrimp
[waluciano]: a
[professor_toad]: he
[waluciano]: chinese
[professor_toad]: said shrimp
[waluciano]: restaurant
[professor_toad]: wanton
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: and sucking racks
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh
[nick]: yah
[waluciano]: the place
[professor_toad]: did it i would you like some
sod sauce
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: strip in
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh
[professor_toad]: destruction
[nick]: i think ah i think i ordered
[waluciano]: i
[nick]: that the other day
[professor_toad]: yo i'm
[waluciano]: uh
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: craving it now yo
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: where does
[waluciano]: h
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't want to ask where the
destruction comes from we're just going
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to move on
[professor_toad]: the toilet
[waluciano]: it was it was bad
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no i
[waluciano]: pork
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: didn't want to ask
[waluciano]: inside
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: were
[waluciano]: the
[professor_toad]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not
[waluciano]: one tom
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's just alluding
[nick]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to it
[professor_toad]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um he just like it seems like
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: weird thing for someone who is like
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you put
[professor_toad]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sipping his life away but is still
able to erpetrate mass destruction upon many of
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the members of the mushroom kingdom so
did he have like a side of like
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: extreme aggression or rage
[professor_toad]: yes
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: issues
[professor_toad]: i think i know where you're going
with it and
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ye
[professor_toad]: as you were saying
[waluciano]: from being
[professor_toad]: it
[waluciano]: led from being misled
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: by by peach
[professor_toad]: uh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well he doesn't know that if he
[professor_toad]: ah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that he'd stop following
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right
[waluciano]: exactly
[professor_toad]: uh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he does not stop he keeps going
and going and going
[professor_toad]: h
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right well i t i mean now
you're just you're just playing buzzword mingo from
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the internet at this point
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: shall
[waluciano]: i mean
[professor_toad]: i
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: want pork wanton destruction
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh yeah
[professor_toad]: that's a lot
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: i
[professor_toad]: mushroom
[waluciano]: think
[professor_toad]: goobut
[waluciano]: so
[professor_toad]: murdered
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: at
[professor_toad]: along the way
[waluciano]: that's what i'm going
[professor_toad]: ye
[waluciano]: to say i think he he thinks
he's going to
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah
[waluciano]: like impress her in some way by
doing all that that
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: dim some destruction
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yep
[nick]: m
[professor_toad]: m
[nick]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: but then when
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i like
[professor_toad]: he shows
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that i like that take
[professor_toad]: but when
[nick]: stupid
[professor_toad]: he shows up when he shows up
like they like
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: what peach and bazar like look at
this muff come look at my telescope about
[professor_toad]: this telescope off the home shop and
network it's got six billion thousand zoom
[waluciano]: qvvicvce
[professor_toad]: my sucker v c look he's killing
all those goombas you really want to sign
[professor_toad]: up with him plus he's a plumber
like look at all that blood that gombe
[professor_toad]: blood on his shoes he's not even
stopping to wipe it off and peaches like
[professor_toad]: oh my god and i thought i
was gonna i was going to invite him
[professor_toad]: over to the castle
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: for some cake and bowser's like cake
you're goin to give him the cake
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: and she's like well i don't know
any more
[nick]: yes
[professor_toad]: but like murder i don't get down
with murder think about it
[waluciano]: i mean it's not like bowser is
like nice guy
[professor_toad]: beauty in the beast i'm calling beauty
and the beast tough exterior guy center i
[professor_toad]: think like
[waluciano]: he's
[professor_toad]: also
[nick]: i
[professor_toad]: in
[nick]: mean
[professor_toad]: mario three right in mario three look
at all the children he has
[nick]: everyone's going on the inside
[professor_toad]: yes
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah
[waluciano]: yeah she'll
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: truth
[professor_toad]: but
[waluciano]: carve deep enough
[professor_toad]: i think i think bowser's misunderstood maybe
don't t i didn't intend for this to
[professor_toad]: bleed into like another hot take but
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: i feel like it's still it's still
contained within the overall so is because we're
[professor_toad]: flashing out the different characters right
[waluciano]: so so i guess the real the
hot taken in its more like its purer
[waluciano]: form is that we've been fooled by
the mario propaganda machine
[professor_toad]: ah
[waluciano]: he is the hero and he's trying
to save beach meanwhile she's just trying to
[waluciano]: have a nice i guess taut life
[professor_toad]: with towser
[waluciano]: with bowser
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: and he's like trying to wreck it
is that what you're saying
[professor_toad]: no i want to add to that
he's not trying to reck ot bowser is
[professor_toad]: trying to complete his family and mario
three he has
[waluciano]: no
[professor_toad]: what
[waluciano]: i
[professor_toad]: seven
[waluciano]: mean mario
[professor_toad]: eight kids
[waluciano]: trying to reck
[professor_toad]: yes yes
[waluciano]: mario
[professor_toad]: yes
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: trying to reck
[professor_toad]: mark
[waluciano]: it
[professor_toad]: bowser
[waluciano]: ah
[professor_toad]: lost his first or however any previous
um um partners that helped to birth his
[professor_toad]: brood right but he wants to complete
his family wants a whole family
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: and for some reason he's either
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: fixated or he's
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: just like
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: infatuate or whatever um with peach with
princess peach she has magical powers and royalty
[professor_toad]: so
[nick]: but
[professor_toad]: at
[nick]: she's
[professor_toad]: do you
[nick]: constantly
[professor_toad]: think
[nick]: described as kidnapped
[professor_toad]: why is that
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no i have it for you
[nick]: yet
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but bowser
[nick]: hm
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bowser loves a hot wife's situation
[nick]: m
[professor_toad]: m
[waluciano]: that will track well jesus
[professor_toad]: it does track
[waluciano]: where are we going
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[waluciano]: with this
[professor_toad]: it tracks perfectly because there's that's a
lot o years of time bro there's there's
[professor_toad]: goin to be plenty of princess of
royal ba was there
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: by ratio mushroom kingdom bowser children running
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah yeah
[professor_toad]: those little scamps
[waluciano]: special even
[professor_toad]: speed show okay okay thank you
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: running rampant
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: you know in dipers and they're probably
they're probably in college now like what's what's
[professor_toad]: what's what's that like in
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: the mushroom
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: kingdom tell me
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: doesn't
[professor_toad]: i don't know
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: exist in the mushroom kingdom
[waluciano]: yep
[professor_toad]: ye
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay i think i think we understand
chris's thought
[waluciano]: what
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: as it were
[professor_toad]: he
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: let's
[waluciano]: what whatever
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: let's
[waluciano]: whatever
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: let's move
[waluciano]: we
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: on
[waluciano]: were
[nick]: ah
[waluciano]: going i thought we were going to
start with
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: that was not it but
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: you
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it
[professor_toad]: listen
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: was
[waluciano]: know here we are
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: listen there was no
[professor_toad]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bad bad hat takes um
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but that
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: was
[nick]: i don't know about
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: something
[nick]: that
[professor_toad]: this was not one of them
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we
[professor_toad]: we went here there and yonder
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hey a perfect opportunity for the audience
whoever is left after this point to vote
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: on
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and tell us about
[professor_toad]: just
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well
[professor_toad]: remember listeners oser and peach are locked
away in multiple locations waiting
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: for mark to show up what are
they doing playing parchesi no
[waluciano]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well there's no good way to take
away from that
[waluciano]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but we're gonna
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: anyways who
[professor_toad]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: else has a hot take that
[waluciano]: yea
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: maybe doesn't
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: around
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mario being
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: trapped as a
[nick]: super
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sex
[nick]: mario
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: object
[nick]: sunshine is a criminally underrated mario again
[professor_toad]: m i
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes
[professor_toad]: can follow that
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is that
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a howtake or is
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that just
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: truth
[nick]: i met numerous people who were just
like no no no no it's
[professor_toad]: they
[nick]: not
[professor_toad]: were against
[nick]: good
[professor_toad]: it
[waluciano]: i didn't even
[nick]: they
[professor_toad]: really
[nick]: were against
[waluciano]: i didn't even
[nick]: it
[waluciano]: know that game
[professor_toad]: i played that game i enjoyed
[nick]: i found
[professor_toad]: it thoroughly
[nick]: one he's right here
[waluciano]: i don't know
[nick]: oh
[waluciano]: it i have no opinion
[professor_toad]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: i really enjoyed sunshine
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah
[nick]: it's got
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: can you
[nick]: a bang
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: show your
[nick]: and
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: work
[nick]: sound
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: nick
[nick]: track
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: it's got a yeah it's got a
bang and sound track
[waluciano]: oh
[nick]: it's got
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: cool jumpy levels
[professor_toad]: yes
[nick]: um the
[professor_toad]: the water pack is dope
[nick]: squirt
[professor_toad]: squirt
[nick]: say his name
[professor_toad]: i forgot squirt
[nick]: core
[professor_toad]: squirt
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: this is feel
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: this
[nick]: square
[professor_toad]: feels
[nick]: it's
[professor_toad]: like
[nick]: cool
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: i mean the sex shop no yeah
[nick]: they change
[waluciano]: oh
[nick]: the star design not collecting stars your
collecting these cool like sunshine
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: sunshine tokens
[professor_toad]: oh yeah
[nick]: those are pretty sick
[professor_toad]: ah that was fun and you
[nick]: interesting
[professor_toad]: were go
[nick]: interesting
[professor_toad]: ahead
[nick]: villain you got bowser junior i think
showing up for
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[nick]: one of the first times
[professor_toad]: maybe i thought that but then
[nick]: maybe
[professor_toad]: like sunshine as young as i was
a newer title compared to mario
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: brothers three where they had all the
children bowser were
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: multiple juniors maybe or one junior
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: and the other whatever i don't know
[nick]: i know
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah
[nick]: there's they had the one with multiple
children but i don't remember i don't remember
[nick]: if bowser junior was one of them
[professor_toad]: that's
[nick]: i
[professor_toad]: what
[nick]: think
[professor_toad]: i'm saying
[nick]: he was
[professor_toad]: i don't
[nick]: he
[professor_toad]: know
[nick]: was like an edition you know
[professor_toad]: okay see again
[nick]: okay
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: but bowser junior is way cooler than
those other kids right
[professor_toad]: i'm not
[nick]: like
[professor_toad]: arguing that
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: and then
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: and then what kind of felt like
a little bit like a ghost buster feel
[professor_toad]: like
[nick]: it's
[professor_toad]: squirt
[nick]: because the pack
[professor_toad]: the
[nick]: right
[professor_toad]: pack is got like the thing and
then you can now you're like trying to
[professor_toad]: you know clean off the weird evil
[nick]: the grafito
[professor_toad]: umgrafito
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: to take like just like to re
surface and bring life back to i don't
[professor_toad]: remember the name of the environment it
as like a port sunshine port
[nick]: hm
[professor_toad]: or something
[nick]: yep
[professor_toad]: so saying bay anyways i felt really
it felt
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: like you were doing community like not
community service like you
[nick]: community
[professor_toad]: were
[nick]: service
[professor_toad]: sure you were serving the community you
were brilliant it back to
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: rejuvenating
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: it felt
[nick]: hm
[professor_toad]: felt really cool
[nick]: okay
[waluciano]: so i'm reading about this game and
it looks and sounds like a sucking fever
[waluciano]: dream
[professor_toad]: really
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: what in what way what are you
[nick]: ah
[professor_toad]: reading that's
[waluciano]: yes
[professor_toad]: giving
[nick]: ye
[professor_toad]: you that feeling what does
[waluciano]: i
[professor_toad]: it
[waluciano]: mean
[nick]: ah
[professor_toad]: say
[waluciano]: there's a shadow mario who
[professor_toad]: uh
[waluciano]: has a magic paint brush
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[waluciano]: that
[nick]: almost
[waluciano]: does
[nick]: said toothbrush
[waluciano]: shit
[nick]: let the record show
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: he almost said toothbrush
[waluciano]: i almost did i
[nick]: ye
[waluciano]: almost did yeah and he's using some
thing called flood
[professor_toad]: oh
[nick]: it wasn't square it was flood
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: m
[professor_toad]: m
[waluciano]: but it's like it's an acronymlike
[professor_toad]: yeah
[waluciano]: flash liquidizer ultra dozing device
[professor_toad]: that
[nick]: was
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sorry
[professor_toad]: sounds
[nick]: the first
[professor_toad]: sexual
[nick]: the first word what was the first
[professor_toad]: s a flash light
[waluciano]: flash
[professor_toad]: it's a flash light that's
[waluciano]: flesh
[professor_toad]: a flash
[nick]: wash
[professor_toad]: light
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's
[professor_toad]: ah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not right
[waluciano]: flash
[nick]: skin
[waluciano]: flash liquidizer ultra dozing
[professor_toad]: flesh
[waluciano]: device
[professor_toad]: liquidizer
[nick]: fleshliquidizer
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's
[nick]: there's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not
[nick]: no way
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right
[nick]: that's right
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: my
[waluciano]: wait when
[nick]: are you
[waluciano]: we
[nick]: saying
[waluciano]: say
[nick]: flash
[waluciano]: go
[nick]: or flesh
[waluciano]: with an a flash
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: oh
[nick]: okay that was unclear
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we heard you say
[waluciano]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: flesh with
[nick]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: an e many times
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: i was like the while
[waluciano]: i think
[professor_toad]: changes
[waluciano]: you're
[professor_toad]: things
[waluciano]: all still stuck
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[nick]: oh
[waluciano]: in chris's hat take
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: listen three out of three out of
[nick]: ah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hot take art is can't be wrong
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: you know what did you
[waluciano]: it's
[nick]: shut
[professor_toad]: hear
[waluciano]: my second
[professor_toad]: listeners
[waluciano]: language
[professor_toad]: let us know
[nick]: should have
[professor_toad]: adam
[nick]: called it
[waluciano]: my second
[nick]: should have
[waluciano]: language
[nick]: called it squirt
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: way
[waluciano]: would
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: safe
[waluciano]: that
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for a squirt
[waluciano]: well
[professor_toad]: from henceforth it shall be known as
squirt we just fixed your
[nick]: hm
[professor_toad]: problem in den do
[waluciano]: anyway
[nick]: you're
[waluciano]: it
[nick]: welcome
[waluciano]: sounds like a like a fucking fever
dream and i say it's bad it's just
[waluciano]: insane
[nick]: ah
[waluciano]: but
[professor_toad]: oh
[nick]: hm
[waluciano]: i
[nick]: it's
[waluciano]: haven't
[nick]: on the game
[waluciano]: played
[nick]: cube
[waluciano]: i can tell
[nick]: it's on
[professor_toad]: what
[nick]: the game cube so
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[nick]: i think
[professor_toad]: yes
[nick]: there was may have been a generational
gap there
[professor_toad]: have a question
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: what kinds of what
[waluciano]: or
[professor_toad]: kinds
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: of things like
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: what kind of negativity or statements would
you get nick when you heard people like
[professor_toad]: railing against it it sounds because
[nick]: i think
[professor_toad]: i've never
[nick]: it's
[professor_toad]: heard of this phenomena
[nick]: i
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: think it's like it's from like
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: like super mario sixty four purists
[professor_toad]: okay
[nick]: are like oh it doesn't even come
close you know like
[professor_toad]: wow
[nick]: it's not
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[nick]: it's doing its own thing
[professor_toad]: correct
[nick]: you know it's not it's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a
[nick]: not trying to compete yeah you got
hundreds of stars and
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah
[nick]: super sixty four i don't dispute that
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: um but i don't know i had
a good time when i played it
[professor_toad]: graphics were better
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[professor_toad]: too so like why i mean like
like that would
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[professor_toad]: be me like trying to ship on
like the following legend of zelda games in
[professor_toad]: comparison to karina karina was dope the
same time each game had its own shine
[professor_toad]: and sheen and objective so yeah
[nick]: m
[professor_toad]: i get that that's wild okay
[nick]: and
[professor_toad]: oh
[nick]: subsequent hot take kind of secondary but
in the same vein mario car double dash
[nick]: they kind of did the two person
thing in mario car double dash then they
[nick]: got rid of it i thought that
was at i want to play a few
[nick]: persons per card
[professor_toad]: oh
[nick]: that
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: was cool
[professor_toad]: that
[nick]: i wish that would come back member
[professor_toad]: i do know i do so it
just like they tried it and they let
[nick]: you
[professor_toad]: it
[nick]: have
[professor_toad]: go
[nick]: like you have like one person driving
and one person holding whipping the items at
[nick]: people
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: that was cool
[professor_toad]: almost
[nick]: i
[professor_toad]: like
[nick]: should
[professor_toad]: a little
[nick]: bring them
[professor_toad]: rascal's
[nick]: back
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: soap box derby kind of deal
[nick]: i don't now what that means but
[professor_toad]: well you know
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h
[waluciano]: oh
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: you do
[nick]: ah
[professor_toad]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[nick]: ah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right
[nick]: i yield my time
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thank you
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um well we've cleansed
[waluciano]: yes
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: everybody's ears and brains from whatever christen
[waluciano]: ye
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: into them
[professor_toad]: no
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: with
[professor_toad]: you
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a
[professor_toad]: haven't
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: nice happy conversation
[professor_toad]: you haven't no
[nick]: wholesome
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: about just some great wholesome conversation
[professor_toad]: wait for it
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm gonna i guess steer slightly back
towards chris it's not that far
[professor_toad]: do it
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: my how take i had to write
this down to make sure i get it
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right essentially every
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: video game where mario runs through and
murders i mean sorry
[professor_toad]: uh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: liberates people and does these things
[waluciano]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: essentially every video game is one native
purge in the mushroom kingdom or kingdom
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: existing in and the reason why i
think this works really
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: comes down to is
[professor_toad]: uh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mario is
[professor_toad]: h
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: stamping on guys kicking people
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: out of shells just straight murder and
violencing everywhere and
[professor_toad]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: everybody seems okay with it
[professor_toad]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: good guys the bad guys are annoyed
but it's like bowser doesn't
[professor_toad]: ah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: seem to be like super put out
by it is
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: more annoyed that mario is getting closer
to him than like all his buddies
[nick]: ah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: are being killed so i just assume
that because it's
[nick]: ye
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the perch it's like everybody
[nick]: yeah but
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: cept
[nick]: it's a it's all those things are
sub human
[professor_toad]: yeah
[waluciano]: wow
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so
[waluciano]: nick
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sorry
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: m
[waluciano]: wow
[nick]: it's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: can
[nick]: right
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you flash that up for me
[nick]: yeah absolutely mushrooms
[professor_toad]: m
[nick]: i'm assuming goombos and mushrooms
[professor_toad]: m
[nick]: right that's unclear but they're
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: they
[professor_toad]: s
[nick]: shaped
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: appear
[professor_toad]: matter
[nick]: like
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to
[professor_toad]: with
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: be
[nick]: them
[professor_toad]: you what's
[nick]: o
[professor_toad]: the matter with you
[nick]: goombas coops
[waluciano]: i the italian mushrooms
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: that's why
[nick]: there's
[waluciano]: they're called
[nick]: aliamusms
[waluciano]: gombasohheyi'm
[professor_toad]: oh
[nick]: they're like what like what i put
[waluciano]: walking
[nick]: on my pizza
[waluciano]: here
[nick]: right
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: you got turtles
[professor_toad]: yes
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ye
[nick]: right bowser's a dragon
[professor_toad]: i think
[nick]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: got
[waluciano]: lizard
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a really big shell
[waluciano]: something
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: on his back
[waluciano]: like that
[nick]: a big shell it's unclear as well
but you
[professor_toad]: a
[nick]: have
[professor_toad]: hybrid
[nick]: a like anyway
[professor_toad]: don't be speech don't be specious
[nick]: you got plants
[professor_toad]: uh h
[nick]: so is it really
[professor_toad]: h
[nick]: murder if you're killing all those things
i don't
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[nick]: know if so we've all committed murder
[professor_toad]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the only thing i can say or
i don't know you they're all sentient
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right it's not like
[professor_toad]: hm
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just a mushroom
[waluciano]: ah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: manner of the forest like these guys
are walking and moving and doing stuff
[professor_toad]: epommcmemic
[nick]: a like like the fly that you
hit with a shoe one time
[waluciano]: yeah but but on the other hand
like yeah
[professor_toad]: m
[waluciano]: mario murders all of them a lot
all the time
[professor_toad]: m yeah
[waluciano]: but like they murdered him sometimes too
and just by touch
[professor_toad]: ye
[waluciano]: which means everything in the mushroom
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: kingdom is like eciticor
[professor_toad]: lethal
[waluciano]: poisonous or both
[nick]: m
[professor_toad]: so
[waluciano]: it's not
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: it's not like you have like sometimes
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[waluciano]: you know maria gets hit with a
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: yeah
[waluciano]: a bullet or a bomb
[professor_toad]: yep
[waluciano]: that's fine sometimes it's just
[professor_toad]: ye
[waluciano]: like slightly touches mushroom any dies oh
[professor_toad]: is it self defense or is it
[waluciano]: no i think i go back to
the pure thing because it's like this is
[waluciano]: a free for all like
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: to just let all
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: yes
[waluciano]: of the all of the poisonous acidic
[nick]: no
[waluciano]: and turtles out
[nick]: ye
[waluciano]: and i think it's like
[nick]: oh
[waluciano]: bowser just going you know let them
kill each other and that's fine
[professor_toad]: m
[waluciano]: but then he doesn't like it because
mario gets close
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay yeah
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's the purge
[waluciano]: okay but like why is he kidnapping
peach then
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bowser
[professor_toad]: because
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: he wants to he doesn't want her
to get caught up in
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: don't
[professor_toad]: that mess
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: don't do it chris okay
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: doesn't want it to get caught up
in that mess that's that's what i said
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: that's what i said i
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay
[professor_toad]: could have said something
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's fair
[professor_toad]: else
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's fair
[professor_toad]: i still can say something else
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no don't work
[nick]: canonically
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: or faster
[nick]: mario is from new york right
[professor_toad]: feels
[waluciano]: from brooklyn
[professor_toad]: about right
[nick]: does that imply
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: the existence of christopher columbus
[waluciano]: i guess
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like the italian guy found who found
america or the director yah
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: don't
[nick]: the director
[professor_toad]: you
[nick]: christopher
[professor_toad]: do
[nick]: columbus
[professor_toad]: it in book
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h i mean technically would
[nick]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: apply the existence of both
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in theory
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah
[nick]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[nick]: wild it's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: oh
[nick]: wild that new york exists canonically alongside
the mushroom kingdom
[professor_toad]: i think that's how marie reaches
[waluciano]: well
[professor_toad]: like the mushroom kingdom
[waluciano]: ye
[professor_toad]: through pipe
[nick]: the pipes
[professor_toad]: systems that led
[waluciano]: because
[professor_toad]: to that led to the mushroom kingdom
[waluciano]: apparently he and luigi worked in the
sewers of new york
[nick]: luigi mario
[professor_toad]: yes yes
[waluciano]: sure the brother
[professor_toad]: yes
[waluciano]: yeah and and then
[professor_toad]: to
[waluciano]: they accidentally get to mushroom kingdom i
[nick]: this from the movie
[waluciano]: no i don't
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[waluciano]: talk about
[nick]: okay
[waluciano]: the
[professor_toad]: we
[waluciano]: movie
[professor_toad]: should re watch that because i am
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: blurry on that r p bob hoskins
and jog
[waluciano]: that
[professor_toad]: laguazamo
[waluciano]: that's your that is your brain protecting
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um
[waluciano]: from it
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i can
[professor_toad]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: tell you there's no hot take there
it is a dreadful movie
[professor_toad]: but
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: run
[professor_toad]: that's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: through
[professor_toad]: why
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: we should watch it or i'll just
watch it fit
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you watch it on your own time
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: ah
[waluciano]: yeah you watch it on your own
fucking time
[professor_toad]: i will
[waluciano]: i mean i can see it matt
like it's
[nick]: a
[waluciano]: but i think
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: it's it's
[professor_toad]: yeah
[waluciano]: it's
[nick]: yes
[waluciano]: it's the purge in the sense that
everything goes and
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[waluciano]: there's no actual consequence for crime
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: but i don't think it's just mario
doing the crimes
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no anybody can purge anybody
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: huh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: why he goobasare out for dramario that's
why i like
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: dragons lizards that shoot eggs are shooting
eggs at everybody like bullets their sent flying
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: at people
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like it's a free for all
[professor_toad]: then
[waluciano]: so
[professor_toad]: go ahead
[waluciano]: because
[professor_toad]: a
[waluciano]: i was this is not really a
full hot take but i think it plays
[waluciano]: into this because let's let's
[nick]: yes
[waluciano]: face it like mary is a dick
he has he has a friend who's a
[waluciano]: dynasour who he rides an he punches
him like donkey punches
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[waluciano]: that fucking dynasor to
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay
[waluciano]: get him to do stuff and he
has sacrificed him like many times to just
[waluciano]: not fallow himself into so sort of
[nick]: but what if you she's
[waluciano]: i can
[nick]: like what if she's like into it
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah oh
[waluciano]: to dying like the
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what
[waluciano]: donkey punch i can get but
[nick]: abuse
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well
[waluciano]: like i don't think he's into
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: dying
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: does yo die or is
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: she like a phoenix
[nick]: comes back
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and just rises
[nick]: right
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: from the ashes
[waluciano]: well they
[professor_toad]: oh
[waluciano]: all come back because like everyone is
on dat a guest in this world
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[waluciano]: oh
[nick]: now there's a now there's a tick
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h
[waluciano]: yeah yeah yeah okay let's go
[professor_toad]: yeah
[waluciano]: with it it's like your
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: take a long time ago met that
frost is a leech
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um
[waluciano]: maybe
[professor_toad]: m
[waluciano]: maybe mario is a leech and his
factor is the hat
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well he
[waluciano]: i don't
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: takes
[waluciano]: know
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that off though and puts on other
[waluciano]: that's okay it just doesn't have to
you can destroy the hat
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay
[waluciano]: long as the head
[professor_toad]: yeah
[waluciano]: is his
[professor_toad]: intact
[waluciano]: intact he comes back to life
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: then i stand by the words you
put into my mouth yes mars a ledge
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: i but then
[waluciano]: is that
[nick]: m
[waluciano]: a hot take
[professor_toad]: how do you
[waluciano]: or
[professor_toad]: describe
[waluciano]: is
[nick]: my
[waluciano]: that just canon
[professor_toad]: but how do you then describe how
do you describe like the limited amount of
[professor_toad]: lodge mario has went before game
[waluciano]: his filactory
[professor_toad]: over
[waluciano]: has to recharge
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: there's only so many italian men the
hat can take control of if
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[nick]: each reincarnation
[professor_toad]: oh
[waluciano]: oh it's tale oh my god
[nick]: each
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yep
[nick]: reincarnation of mario it's not the same
mario it's a new italian man
[waluciano]: it teleports
[nick]: the hat the
[waluciano]: a random
[nick]: hat
[waluciano]: italian man from brooklyn
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yep
[nick]: hat goes back on to
[professor_toad]: you are now mario
[nick]: m
[professor_toad]: proceed
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: to save
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: the princess
[waluciano]: so
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: that plays into what i was i
was going to say is that the goombas
[waluciano]: are just other italian people that were
telleported to
[professor_toad]: kay
[waluciano]: the mushroom kingdom without the hat
[professor_toad]: so who's the architect
[waluciano]: they get transformed
[professor_toad]: who is the architect
[waluciano]: bowser has to be
[nick]: anyone
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: tod
[nick]: if you play super mario maker
[waluciano]: true
[professor_toad]: but then but if bowser
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: was the architect
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[professor_toad]: before super mario maker
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: why
[waluciano]: m
[professor_toad]: would he why would he or i
don't know what is what his pronouns are
[professor_toad]: why would bowser
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: welcome
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: at
[professor_toad]: welcome that that kind of chaos like
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: to challenge him is he
[nick]: all
[professor_toad]: bored
[nick]: villains want
[waluciano]: m
[nick]: to be beaten you know
[professor_toad]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: well and he can have like the
whole mad scientist that want to test this
[waluciano]: with
[professor_toad]: oh
[waluciano]: a real challenge
[professor_toad]: m
[waluciano]: or something like that
[nick]: ah
[waluciano]: because
[professor_toad]: m
[waluciano]: he has like if you think about
all of the places that mario goes through
[waluciano]: to get to cuba right sorry coup
is how we call him in portuguese didn't
[waluciano]: even know about bowser until i moved
[nick]: p
[waluciano]: actually
[nick]: s a different thing
[waluciano]: it's
[professor_toad]: king cooper i thought he was
[waluciano]: i know but
[professor_toad]: a
[waluciano]: that's how we call him
[professor_toad]: he was king cooper
[waluciano]: that's
[professor_toad]: too
[waluciano]: how we call
[professor_toad]: wasn't
[waluciano]: him
[professor_toad]: he
[nick]: o king cooper
[waluciano]: his his name is king cooper bowser
whatever something
[professor_toad]: yeah
[waluciano]: like that they put
[nick]: it's
[waluciano]: all
[nick]: a
[waluciano]: the
[nick]: title
[waluciano]: names together
[nick]: that's
[waluciano]: anyway
[nick]: a title right king cooper is a
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i believe so
[waluciano]: i don't
[nick]: king
[waluciano]: know
[nick]: of the coops
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'll look
[waluciano]: maybe
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it up make your point
[waluciano]: um so uh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: if
[waluciano]: he could have he has all of
these contraptions right he has uh traps inside
[waluciano]: his castles and like even when he
has like the flying ship
[nick]: hm
[waluciano]: it has like teleporting doors and stuff
like you would want to test that against
[waluciano]: a real challenge
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: not
[nick]: he's
[waluciano]: against
[nick]: like
[waluciano]: just guba
[nick]: he's like look at all these canons
i bought that i'm putting on this ship
[professor_toad]: yeah
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: and
[waluciano]: i have a
[nick]: i
[waluciano]: sentient i have a
[professor_toad]: yeah
[waluciano]: sentient
[nick]: i
[waluciano]: bomb and a cantin
[professor_toad]: ye
[waluciano]: bullets i want to test that
[nick]: his
[professor_toad]: want
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[nick]: name is bill
[professor_toad]: he also
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: wants to
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: make sure they did spend
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: all this
[waluciano]: ah
[professor_toad]: money with a d t
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah
[professor_toad]: to not make sure the ship works
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: exactly
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just to come
[professor_toad]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: back to bowser he is his name
is bowser cope and he
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is king of the cups sometimes he's
king cup sometimes he king
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bowser coupe
[nick]: m
[waluciano]: we in portuguese people just
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: call him cope all the time
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: terrible
[waluciano]: yeah yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right
[professor_toad]: yeah
[waluciano]: so yeah
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: i'm game for this pure thing i
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[waluciano]: think it makes sense
[professor_toad]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i feel
[professor_toad]: i've
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like it answers every video game
[nick]: i
[professor_toad]: at the same time like i'm only
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a
[professor_toad]: familiar with like i
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: was able to follow because i've seen
[waluciano]: we
[professor_toad]: many of
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: the purge trailers i haven't seen it
seen any of them so is there
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: anything i should know
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: about
[nick]: no
[professor_toad]: purge and how it kind
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: of affects the mushroom kingdom and mario's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i
[professor_toad]: approach
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mean yeah so the berg is basically
one night where everything goes it doesn't matter
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: there's no rules no police
[professor_toad]: right
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: enforce anything
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: et cetera et cetera so yeah that's
that's the pert really simple
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: that was good
[nick]: oh yeah
[waluciano]: i can see it i can see
it i had a similar in a similar
[waluciano]: vein so to me
[nick]: oh
[waluciano]: do you notice how
[professor_toad]: oh
[nick]: ye
[waluciano]: you play
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: the games it's always like world one
[professor_toad]: yeah
[waluciano]: one
[nick]: hm
[waluciano]: world one dash two well i think
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: that mario is
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: living in some sort of like a
true mons reality of sorts
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just
[waluciano]: where he is like him like everything
that's happening there is actually like it's an
[waluciano]: experiment that someone is running
[professor_toad]: oh
[waluciano]: and he's like victim and we are
actually helping
[nick]: oh
[waluciano]: we the players are actually helping whoever
the cruel
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah
[waluciano]: person that is
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: conducting this
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: she
[waluciano]: experiment
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: did ah oh
[waluciano]: run them i have no idea
[professor_toad]: oh
[waluciano]: what like what
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[waluciano]: they want the experiment but that's that's
what it is i think
[professor_toad]: m
[waluciano]: it's all like
[professor_toad]: m
[waluciano]: like a social experiment the wave
[professor_toad]: m
[nick]: m
[waluciano]: they're
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[waluciano]: trying to see you know to which
extent they can drive a
[professor_toad]: m
[waluciano]: chubby italian man discuss
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: experiment
[nick]: i don't know where to
[professor_toad]: one
[nick]: start
[professor_toad]: dash
[nick]: with that
[professor_toad]: two
[nick]: one
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: uh
[professor_toad]: experiment one
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: dash three and then let
[waluciano]: h
[professor_toad]: us let us now observe the mario
mario in a water a water world
[waluciano]: exactly
[professor_toad]: what happens if we place this frog
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a
[professor_toad]: suit which will allow him to breathe
under water what if we place that in
[professor_toad]: front of him will that
[waluciano]: well he breeds under water anyway he
just needs the frock suit to travel faster
[waluciano]: in the water
[nick]: maria was
[professor_toad]: thus
[nick]: just the mouse and the maize and
[professor_toad]: ye
[nick]: pits the cheese at the end
[professor_toad]: h
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i was
[waluciano]: care at the end
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i
[waluciano]: of
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: was
[waluciano]: the
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: going
[waluciano]: stick
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to like this to how star fleet
goes to planets where they don't have technology
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and then they secretly observe people cheese
rat scenario works as well
[waluciano]: yeah and like if you if you
think about it he falls from whatever height
[waluciano]: doesn't even break his legs
[professor_toad]: yes
[nick]: hm
[waluciano]: he eats a mushroom and grows
[professor_toad]: yes
[waluciano]: he
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: eats a nut he eats a flower
and star becomes like a sucking fire mage
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: yes
[waluciano]: it's the star which
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it
[waluciano]: let's be honest is not star is
not really a star that's l s d
[nick]: right
[waluciano]: it goes on the trip
[professor_toad]: yes
[waluciano]: so like and he breeds underwater and
[nick]: hm
[waluciano]: you know all those things like
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[waluciano]: that that's not something you want to
run someone through if you're a statistic monster
[waluciano]: and we're helping
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you're the
[waluciano]: i
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: military
[waluciano]: think that's really
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you're just testing human potential
[waluciano]: i mean you just said the same
thing i said
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[professor_toad]: m
[waluciano]: it's like that me it's the same
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: that's what you did
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: how
[nick]: rios
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: many how many
[nick]: original
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: stars
[nick]: the original m k ultra is what
you're saying
[waluciano]: sure
[nick]: ye
[professor_toad]: m
[waluciano]: what are you going to ask man
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's past okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't know what to do with
[professor_toad]: that's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: take
[waluciano]: oh
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: like you may have stumped you may
have stumped us because
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: i'm processing
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: it and i'm here for
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: it but the same i'm not
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: looking to refute it i've just
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: childhood memories
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: are trying to adapt to your statement
[nick]: i it's like when you hear someone
[waluciano]: right
[nick]: yelling nonsense that young and dundas like
you're not going to stop and argue with
[nick]: them
[professor_toad]: believe
[nick]: right
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: yeah like you're not gonna
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: you're just like oh yeah okay and
then you just keep walking
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: it's not nonsense i'm making some sense
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you were making sense but i don't
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: know
[professor_toad]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: how to engage you in discourse around
[nick]: i
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the statement you're
[professor_toad]: oh
[nick]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: making it's like yes
[waluciano]: uh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that is the
[nick]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thing that could happen i don't want
to know
[nick]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: more
[waluciano]: h
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's like okay
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hey
[waluciano]: i see
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what do you in they learned from
their experiments a guest the question
[professor_toad]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we should ask as professional podcasters
[nick]: m
[waluciano]: probably new ways of torturing people
[professor_toad]: oh shoot
[waluciano]: psychologically and
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[waluciano]: physically
[professor_toad]: right
[waluciano]: the extent already said the extent to
each they can drive the mind of us
[waluciano]: take italian plummer
[professor_toad]: m
[waluciano]: the point of breaking um
[professor_toad]: how would you
[waluciano]: m
[professor_toad]: m mario mario make like to make
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: a thousand dollars oh i could
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: buy
[waluciano]: it's
[professor_toad]: a lot
[waluciano]: quit
[professor_toad]: of lazana
[waluciano]: game there i go it's screen gates
it's a
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: the original creed game
[nick]: uh
[professor_toad]: they they hooked him up to a
machine where it's all it's all
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: it's like there's no physical damage to
his person
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: its inception
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: its inception
[waluciano]: oh damn
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay we've
[professor_toad]: oh
[waluciano]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: now we've not one up
[waluciano]: so
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to
[waluciano]: it's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you
[waluciano]: but instead of a dream it's like
a mushroom
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: every level
[waluciano]: trip
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is one more down
[professor_toad]: are
[waluciano]: and
[professor_toad]: you
[waluciano]: it's a mushroom trip i mean clearly
[professor_toad]: in order to sedate him
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sure
[professor_toad]: we've laced your we've laced your
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: i don't know you're fucking gas with
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: a particular
[nick]: gas
[professor_toad]: fun guy
[waluciano]: yeah because he
[professor_toad]: your
[waluciano]: has
[professor_toad]: sedation gas
[waluciano]: he trips he trips
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: so badly on mursrums that he
[professor_toad]: yeah
[waluciano]: talks to one like that i mean
come on
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: talks
[professor_toad]: in the
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to
[professor_toad]: inception
[waluciano]: that tracks
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a lot
[professor_toad]: level he has
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but
[nick]: i
[professor_toad]: to
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: if
[nick]: think
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: there
[professor_toad]: dream
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just
[nick]: it's
[professor_toad]: bigger
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: dreams
[waluciano]: yeah yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: if they're just dreams you
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: don't have to trip you're just dreaming
[nick]: is it not more likely
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: that he that like mario mario in
the middle
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: of unclogging a toilet accidentally mixed through
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[nick]: a series of chemicals which caused him
to halucinate and experience every mario gay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that seems more likely
[waluciano]: could it could be like it's all
italy in his head
[professor_toad]: was all a dream
[nick]: like he's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[nick]: like in reality he's just passed out
on the floor of
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: a clogged bathroom
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay
[nick]: right
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so
[waluciano]: uh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is
[nick]: yes
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: luigi is any of it real luigi
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: marter exist
[nick]: so you know how like
[professor_toad]: oh
[nick]: luigi is not there for like the
first the first little while
[waluciano]: oh
[nick]: right
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: luigi noticing that his brother has been
gone for a while clogging this toilet rushes
[nick]: in immediately also passes out
[professor_toad]: yep
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah
[waluciano]: right but then how are their brains
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: a
[nick]: dreams
[professor_toad]: special
[waluciano]: is
[nick]: are
[waluciano]: that what you're
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: saying
[nick]: italians can they go in each other's
[professor_toad]: a
[nick]: that's how italians
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: true
[nick]: were
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: no
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: oh of course i forgot
[professor_toad]: how do
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: about
[professor_toad]: you think
[waluciano]: that
[professor_toad]: that
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: canoli
[waluciano]: you're right
[professor_toad]: was invented sir
[nick]: exactly
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: one person dreamed up
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the filling
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and one person
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: dreamed of
[professor_toad]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the outer
[nick]: you
[waluciano]: uh
[nick]: think you think
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: o
[nick]: it just happened
[professor_toad]: oh
[nick]: to be
[waluciano]: uh like
[nick]: that the person
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a
[nick]: who thought
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[nick]: of it could only was also a
baker who could make it that's insane obviously
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a
[professor_toad]: one
[nick]: it's
[professor_toad]: of them
[nick]: two
[professor_toad]: was
[nick]: different
[professor_toad]: an
[nick]: people
[professor_toad]: engineer
[waluciano]: it would never
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: happen
[professor_toad]: one of them was
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: possible
[professor_toad]: an
[waluciano]: one
[professor_toad]: engineer
[waluciano]: guy was like oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wow
[waluciano]: i have all of this nice feeling
but but it's it's getting all over my
[waluciano]: clothes and someone
[professor_toad]: well
[waluciano]: goes ha ha
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: have the perfect pastry
[professor_toad]: that's
[waluciano]: for
[professor_toad]: right
[waluciano]: you
[nick]: hm
[professor_toad]: you dick out of your hands
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: a
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay
[professor_toad]: oh
[waluciano]: jesus
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay so we've gone from
[nick]: ah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's an experiment
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of one one one two two one
et cetera two nola's were invented by two
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: italians who
[waluciano]: connected
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we're connected
[nick]: m
[professor_toad]: connected
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: that's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i
[nick]: a
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mean
[nick]: weird
[waluciano]: oh
[nick]: h p lovecraft
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: novel that i would love to read
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: how
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: can always exist only in dreams
[waluciano]: ah
[professor_toad]: uh huh
[waluciano]: ah
[professor_toad]: tastes
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay
[professor_toad]: so good
[nick]: ye
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm gonna low it
[nick]: how do you think
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: do you have
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: any
[nick]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: another hat take that ll allow us
to depart from this line of thought and
[professor_toad]: oh
[waluciano]: uh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: halucinate another line of thought
[waluciano]: uh yeah
[professor_toad]: i wrote i
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: wrote bowser is the true
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: hero because he lays monstrous
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: pipe on peach
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris you okay
[waluciano]: wow
[professor_toad]: yes
[waluciano]: i think
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's the same you
[waluciano]: i
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just
[waluciano]: think
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wrote the
[waluciano]: i
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: same hot
[waluciano]: think
[professor_toad]: i
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: take
[waluciano]: you
[professor_toad]: told
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like
[professor_toad]: you
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: six times
[professor_toad]: i listen i can't
[waluciano]: you need to cleanse
[nick]: m
[waluciano]: yourself
[professor_toad]: i don't need to cleanse anything i
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: it down you
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: asked
[nick]: ye
[professor_toad]: there was another i didn't want there
to be dead air
[waluciano]: ah
[professor_toad]: this is how we get o this
is professional podcasting
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you could just say no that's also
an acceptable
[nick]: ye
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: answer
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: well
[waluciano]: that's
[professor_toad]: you could
[waluciano]: also
[professor_toad]: also say
[waluciano]: no
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: it's also not that
[professor_toad]: you could
[waluciano]: air
[nick]: from
[professor_toad]: also say i've got one better and
then we could have it we
[nick]: i
[professor_toad]: could
[nick]: wish
[professor_toad]: have at
[nick]: i wish
[professor_toad]: it
[nick]: i could have seen you doing research
on that topic on
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[nick]: new grounds earlier today
[professor_toad]: no one i didn't do
[waluciano]: that's
[professor_toad]: any
[waluciano]: what
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: research
[waluciano]: i in coognitoes
[professor_toad]: on that
[waluciano]: for
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't
[waluciano]: that's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: think
[waluciano]: what
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's
[waluciano]: i in
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a
[waluciano]: conies
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: new grounds
[waluciano]: for
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i think it's on foreign hub but
[professor_toad]: no it's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all
[professor_toad]: not
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right
[professor_toad]: there's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um
[professor_toad]: a ton of fan fiction on this
stuff like
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you know it's fine
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: let let's let the fans
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: google what they want
[waluciano]: let
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to google
[waluciano]: the dead air stay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: let them
[waluciano]: dead
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: let them take care
[waluciano]: please
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it i have another one
[professor_toad]: hm
[waluciano]: for right
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's not as strong as the purge
obviously but get the impression that nintendo or
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: motor
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: or whoever cares more about the bad
[professor_toad]: ah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: than the good guys
[professor_toad]: you're
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it
[professor_toad]: just
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: feels
[professor_toad]: saying
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like they
[professor_toad]: my
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: put
[professor_toad]: thing
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: they put more
[waluciano]: how so
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: effort into into the bad guys and
the good guys
[professor_toad]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: case in point mario just has two
of the same name is his first name
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and last name
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um m and they make evil versions
of marie luigi to give them
[professor_toad]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: more antagonists but there's nothing like howcome
there's not like a good version bowser i
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: would call him wowser just because i
like the name
[waluciano]: wowzer
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um m but if you had to
flip a bee around it's the
[waluciano]: it
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bowser
[waluciano]: wouldn't work
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so it's confusing
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bowser maybe if you just have it
i don't know you can
[waluciano]: well
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: pick
[waluciano]: flip
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the name you
[waluciano]: flip
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: want
[waluciano]: the w
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: flip the w in baser and call
him bumper
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i hate
[waluciano]: there
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it
[professor_toad]: there's also
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: a
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: flip
[nick]: don't
[professor_toad]: when
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ye
[nick]: care for that one
[professor_toad]: when bowser
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: like
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: i think when bowser somehow um i
guess influences peach and turns her into bouzet
[waluciano]: i think so
[professor_toad]: and she's
[waluciano]: i don't
[professor_toad]: got
[waluciano]: think
[professor_toad]: like
[waluciano]: that's
[professor_toad]: fish
[waluciano]: cannon
[professor_toad]: next no no it's a thing look
it up
[nick]: it's
[professor_toad]: is that
[nick]: no
[waluciano]: well
[nick]: that's
[waluciano]: i know i know ballet is a
thing i just don't think it's kennon
[nick]: isn't that isn't that when isn't when
bowser or baser junior puts on
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: her crown
[professor_toad]: oh really okay okay
[nick]: i'm pretty
[waluciano]: oh
[nick]: sure that's what
[professor_toad]: okay
[nick]: that was from
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris that is as wickapidio
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: puts it a fan made anthropmorsized
[professor_toad]: yes
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: gender squat version in the
[professor_toad]: a
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: franchise
[professor_toad]: earlier today i saw i saw princess
peach in like black attire sitting perched on
[professor_toad]: on bowser's shoulder so i thought that
she looked like she was still human
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's a
[professor_toad]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: comic by
[professor_toad]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a y y k ninety two according
to wickepedeo
[professor_toad]: dig it
[waluciano]: wikapedia
[professor_toad]: wickampedia
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: never
[professor_toad]: air
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: heard
[professor_toad]: quotes
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of it
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so
[professor_toad]: hm
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: again like that's another good
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thing like how come there isn't bowser
[professor_toad]: why does he have
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: opposite a good opposite
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: and why doesn't peach have a bad
[nick]: beach
[professor_toad]: son of a peach
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: that's
[waluciano]: ah
[professor_toad]: a good question
[waluciano]: i think there is there is a
game where she goes evil though
[professor_toad]: m
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: that's not the same thing but still
[nick]: called edred mario game
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: oh
[waluciano]: oh we're back to this
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right back
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to it okay okay
[waluciano]: leading
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: enough
[waluciano]: him by
[nick]: that
[professor_toad]: ye
[waluciano]: the
[nick]: is
[waluciano]: nose i was going to say leading
him by the hand because that wouldn't make
[waluciano]: any sense but whatever
[nick]: what's
[waluciano]: ah
[nick]: what's what's toad's deal what's his what's
his angle here
[waluciano]: i
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: tod
[nick]: all about yeah
[professor_toad]: he's the watcher he can never get
[nick]: he's
[professor_toad]: all
[nick]: always
[professor_toad]: he
[waluciano]: what is wrong with you
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: what
[waluciano]: what happened to you
[professor_toad]: what
[waluciano]: chris
[professor_toad]: are you saying
[waluciano]: holy shityeah
[professor_toad]: i said he's the watcher as then
no do you know what i mean by
[professor_toad]: that
[nick]: course
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i mean
[nick]: ye
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: lucy
[waluciano]: yes
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you're the one who is taking the
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and making it go places
[professor_toad]: i applaud you for that that was
pretty funny
[nick]: yes
[professor_toad]: so it's just like yes yes no
we'll watch it refers
[waluciano]: are you telling
[professor_toad]: to
[waluciano]: me i'm projecting
[professor_toad]: the watcher is is like a reference
to marvel lore and so there's an alien
[professor_toad]: race called the
[waluciano]: i know
[professor_toad]: watchers
[waluciano]: what to
[professor_toad]: exactly so why did
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: you freak out
[waluciano]: yeah yeah
[professor_toad]: but i guess
[waluciano]: sorry
[professor_toad]: you did
[waluciano]: because
[professor_toad]: you did it for the gray um
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: dig it but yeah i think
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: tod is an observer he doesn't he
doesn't do ship apart from being i don't
[professor_toad]: know the number like the number two
the second in command for the mushroom kingdoms
[professor_toad]: princess p h h
[waluciano]: he's a page boy
[professor_toad]: h
[waluciano]: come
[professor_toad]: all
[waluciano]: on
[professor_toad]: right
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: all he does is
[nick]: ah
[waluciano]: tell mario that he's reached
[professor_toad]: oh
[waluciano]: the end of the
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: level and just go somewhere else because
what you're
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: incorrect
[waluciano]: looking
[professor_toad]: oh
[waluciano]: for is not here
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to as a captain
[professor_toad]: what game
[waluciano]: so
[professor_toad]: was he a captain
[nick]: treasure
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: captain
[nick]: tracker
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: tod
[professor_toad]: ship but
[nick]: captain to
[waluciano]: come on
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: there's
[waluciano]: fuck
[professor_toad]: many
[waluciano]: off
[professor_toad]: toads
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: where is captain toad my
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he
[professor_toad]: perception was that there were many toads
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the same spot that captain marvell is
just a page away page or page away
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not like a per you gave what
i'm saying
[professor_toad]: guess
[waluciano]: you guys
[nick]: yes
[waluciano]: know his name in japanese is kinopio
[professor_toad]: whoa
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: oh
[nick]: that's a weird way
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[nick]: to say pinocchio
[professor_toad]: ah
[waluciano]: i know
[professor_toad]: cinopio small
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: it
[professor_toad]: and
[waluciano]: that's
[professor_toad]: cute
[waluciano]: weird
[professor_toad]: wow
[nick]: you you know it's crazy though is
like he could
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: get to the end of those levels
to meet mario
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: tod
[nick]: he's doing he's doing the same hearted
stuff that mario
[professor_toad]: correct
[nick]: is
[professor_toad]: or
[nick]: right
[professor_toad]: he's using shortcuts
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: faster
[professor_toad]: he's using like magic because princess peach
has magic tod might have magic
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[professor_toad]: that they have to use because like
they're not rough and tumble like mario mario
[professor_toad]: luigi mo o
[nick]: right
[professor_toad]: using portals and ship
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: possible
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm willing to i'm willing to go
back to lucian's theory that it's an experiment
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and
[professor_toad]: huh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: apply that toad is the observer because
he can get to the end of anything
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and see him coming way better
[waluciano]: he's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: than
[waluciano]: the
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mario
[waluciano]: one that
[nick]: m
[waluciano]: interact
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: can
[waluciano]: with the experiment to kind of like
make sure that it's running
[professor_toad]: with faked
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yep
[waluciano]: smoothly
[professor_toad]: mustaches he's like oh here's your coffee
sir but meanwhile
[waluciano]: m
[professor_toad]: he's the architect
[waluciano]: hm
[professor_toad]: later on holding the
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: have a great day sir he's the
door man
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so spatially west world
[professor_toad]: yes yes
[waluciano]: or severance
[professor_toad]: i haven't seen
[waluciano]: uh
[professor_toad]: there enough
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: seven
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it
[professor_toad]: i
[nick]: i
[professor_toad]: agree
[nick]: haven't seen harry potter in the world
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[waluciano]: uh
[professor_toad]: dig dig dig it also
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: listen
[professor_toad]: check out okay go
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: if we pack in enough cultural references
people will
[professor_toad]: something will stick
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: get one and laugh
[nick]: hm
[professor_toad]: and then also take into account like
in mario three when you go into one
[professor_toad]: of the toad houses and you open
a chest usually usually it's like when it's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[professor_toad]: the contents are randomized i think that
uses some sort of portal or inter dimensional
[professor_toad]: travel right the gateway so i think
more and more
[nick]: yes
[professor_toad]: i am starting to believe that toad's
got got something up his sleeve his
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: toad canopio sleeve that allows him to
get here there and everywhere
[waluciano]: but
[professor_toad]: but i was like how the fun
[waluciano]: but
[professor_toad]: you
[waluciano]: he
[professor_toad]: get here how did you
[waluciano]: he
[professor_toad]: get
[waluciano]: wears
[professor_toad]: here mother for
[waluciano]: he is only wearing a vest has
no sleeves
[professor_toad]: correct so what and who and how
is he doing what he's doing
[nick]: i think he's wearing
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: a hat
[waluciano]: no
[professor_toad]: what is that what if
[waluciano]: that's
[professor_toad]: that's just
[waluciano]: his
[professor_toad]: his
[waluciano]: head
[professor_toad]: head
[nick]: that's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so
[nick]: what i'm asking
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: apparently i was
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: looking
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this up apparently in
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: one of the cartoons that's a hat
and he's
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just a little bald
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: man
[waluciano]: that can you imagine him taking that
that must be wild
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yah
[nick]: m
[waluciano]: to see him taking the hat off
[nick]: ye
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yah
[professor_toad]: there's stuff in that hat
[waluciano]: yah
[professor_toad]: what is in it
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: what is it it and
[waluciano]: h
[professor_toad]: further war
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah
[professor_toad]: why is mario mario the only
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: mother bunker going
[waluciano]: yes
[professor_toad]: to go and save
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i
[professor_toad]: peach or anybody
[waluciano]: so
[professor_toad]: don't
[waluciano]: i
[professor_toad]: you
[waluciano]: have
[professor_toad]: have an
[waluciano]: a question
[professor_toad]: army
[waluciano]: it's not really a hot it's kind
of a hot take question
[professor_toad]: special ups mushroom kingdom officers
[waluciano]: so like when
[professor_toad]: yeah
[waluciano]: mario eats the one like
[professor_toad]: but
[waluciano]: red mushroom
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: hm
[waluciano]: he grows right
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: hm
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: correct
[waluciano]: so do you think so like told
[professor_toad]: oh
[waluciano]: is kind of the inverse of
[professor_toad]: yah
[waluciano]: that but he's like why do you
think would happen if mario i told
[professor_toad]: um that
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: sounds oddly sexual to me
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um
[waluciano]: of course
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[waluciano]: i would
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he turns
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: into a cannibal
[professor_toad]: a
[waluciano]: he
[nick]: why
[professor_toad]: or
[waluciano]: turns into a cannibal before heat
[nick]: it's not to is not italian
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but well if it's a hat
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: if it's just a hat
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: could
[waluciano]: it's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: be
[waluciano]: italian on italian
[professor_toad]: yeah
[waluciano]: cannibalism
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: cnoliism don't there's something there i'm
[nick]: you
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not going
[nick]: hate
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to
[nick]: to
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: work
[nick]: see
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it
[nick]: it
[waluciano]: yeah there
[professor_toad]: uh
[waluciano]: is something there
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah um
[professor_toad]: let me see your cadoli tod
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no that's that's not
[waluciano]: why
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it that's definitely
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not it it's
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not right okay
[professor_toad]: uh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so it's it's not i guess technially
if if tod is mushroom
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: person is that what they are
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: that's the correct
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah
[nick]: politically
[professor_toad]: ah
[nick]: correct term
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thank you
[professor_toad]: m
[waluciano]: a mushroom head o that's something
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's
[waluciano]: else than never mind
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you guys just okay
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so if maro
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: eats some that is not canabalism right
[nick]: no
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: canabalism
[nick]: that's just that's
[waluciano]: no
[nick]: just salad
[professor_toad]: it just sounds like
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right
[professor_toad]: a good time
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's just having won tons with mushrooms
in him actually
[nick]: wanton destruction
[professor_toad]: as long
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah
[professor_toad]: as something is
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: getting tossed
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you are yeah
[professor_toad]: ye
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[nick]: ah
[professor_toad]: uh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i thought we were professionals
[waluciano]: thanks
[nick]: i
[waluciano]: i hate it
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: really
[professor_toad]: h
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: did
[professor_toad]: h h
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay i met
[waluciano]: well i mean if if he
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[waluciano]: never mind never mind let's
[professor_toad]: i defeated
[waluciano]: you know
[professor_toad]: him
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: i have defeated
[waluciano]: i'm going
[professor_toad]: that it
[waluciano]: to
[professor_toad]: was
[waluciano]: gloss over because i was going to
take this joke to the next
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: logical
[professor_toad]: the next
[waluciano]: step
[professor_toad]: logical
[waluciano]: and i'm not
[professor_toad]: step
[waluciano]: going
[professor_toad]: were the
[waluciano]: to
[professor_toad]: next level four point one four dash
[waluciano]: i know right
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: good
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: work good topical reference i don't know
what hottakewe're talking about at this point
[waluciano]: i have no idea
[professor_toad]: check
[waluciano]: the
[professor_toad]: it
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we
[professor_toad]: out
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: want to
[waluciano]: it just occurred
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: where
[waluciano]: to me
[professor_toad]: do you take
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: who what when
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: where and why did
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[professor_toad]: the tanuki suit come into the mix
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: like
[nick]: ye
[professor_toad]: all remember tunookisuit
[nick]: think me
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: me moto had
[waluciano]: supremo
[nick]: like
[waluciano]: three
[professor_toad]: so two of you said somethin i
say at the same time
[nick]: he's right super maria three
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: uh
[nick]: and
[professor_toad]: uh
[nick]: moto had to he had like a
kink for like cat people
[professor_toad]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: so he
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: i just
[nick]: made
[waluciano]: think
[nick]: the tanuki
[waluciano]: mary is
[nick]: suit
[waluciano]: a ferry
[professor_toad]: a ferry makes a lot of sense
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: something
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: was definitely awakened in him
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: cat furry
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: pretty
[professor_toad]: m like
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: pretty
[waluciano]: he
[professor_toad]: red
[waluciano]: has
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: pretty
[professor_toad]: pander
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: straight
[waluciano]: a
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: forward
[waluciano]: bunch of kings even with a frog
[nick]: so
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he gets around
[professor_toad]: but i also mean
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not
[professor_toad]: like like
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: like the abilities of the tanuki suit
too like you can fly you can tail
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: attack and you can
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: turn into a stone statue like
[nick]: why would a cat be able to
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and
[waluciano]: tank
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: turned to
[waluciano]: is
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a
[waluciano]: not
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: stone
[waluciano]: a cat
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: statue
[waluciano]: though
[professor_toad]: it's a red pander isn't it or
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i think that's
[nick]: okay
[waluciano]: it's
[nick]: i'm
[waluciano]: kind
[nick]: sorry
[waluciano]: of it
[nick]: you guys are right that answers that
[professor_toad]: oh
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so
[professor_toad]: you're
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all
[professor_toad]: welcome
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: red panthers can
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: fly and turn into statues everyone
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: knows that that's a
[nick]: that's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hard
[professor_toad]: uh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: fact
[nick]: correct
[professor_toad]: uh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: great
[waluciano]: it's tanuki is a canon so it's
a type of dog
[professor_toad]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all dogs can fly
[nick]: uh
[professor_toad]: go to the
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and
[professor_toad]: heaven
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: turn to statues everybody knows that
[waluciano]: no
[nick]: oh
[waluciano]: just the tanuki
[professor_toad]: yes
[nick]: no
[waluciano]: if you go to japan you're going
to see a lot of tenues flying with
[waluciano]: their tails like helicopters
[professor_toad]: wonderful
[nick]: yeah that's how the helicopter was
[waluciano]: uh
[nick]: invented
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yep
[nick]: they saw
[waluciano]: ah
[nick]: those things and they're like that's a
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: idea
[waluciano]: it was
[nick]: we
[waluciano]: like
[nick]: should
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[nick]: do that
[waluciano]: genius
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: it's another historical
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: moment
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is that also how statues were fed
because style
[nick]: that's correct
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay
[nick]: they're like what
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: if we
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: made
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: a building but it was in the
shape of something it stood really still oh
[waluciano]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: great we'll have solve
[waluciano]: but
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that
[waluciano]: chris so
[nick]: yea
[waluciano]: what's what's the
[nick]: yes
[waluciano]: like what's the hot take
[professor_toad]: well not only in my spitballing
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: but it's a legit question like okay
i can turn it into a hot take
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i
[waluciano]: no no i'm not sure what like
it's like oh no we have all of
[waluciano]: these talking you know mushrooms
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i
[waluciano]: and and sentient turtles but i draw
the line at mat cal suit
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[nick]: oh
[waluciano]: is that what you're saying
[professor_toad]: no actually
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: i'm thinking of all
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: of his previous abilities why bring an
off shoot essentially like a copy in paste
[professor_toad]: of the raccoon suit
[waluciano]: oh gotha
[professor_toad]: and then you're differentiating
[waluciano]: okay
[professor_toad]: with like don't get me wrong i
love that suit but then why in the
[professor_toad]: mix why is that in the mix
versus like to me like out of the
[professor_toad]: of the uessyoucansay arsenal the tanuki su
and the hammer brothers are the most
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay
[professor_toad]: out there for mario
[waluciano]: well i
[professor_toad]: to
[waluciano]: mean
[professor_toad]: me
[waluciano]: he does get a feather that turns
into a cape so that's not super like
[waluciano]: co share either
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: super mario
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm
[professor_toad]: they finally try
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: to tie into that
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm going to need you to to
ask that question in the form of a
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hot take
[professor_toad]: ask the question
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: or make a statement
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: make a
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in
[professor_toad]: statement
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the form of how take
[nick]: it's a weird
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: jeopardy game
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: really is you
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we've answered your question double to the
tanuki suit we've explained what it does and
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: where it came from for me let
your hot take sir this is
[professor_toad]: why
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the hot
[professor_toad]: is
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: take
[professor_toad]: the
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: show
[professor_toad]: why is the tanuki suit
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's
[professor_toad]: overtly sexual
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's a question not
[professor_toad]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: how to
[waluciano]: you
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: take
[waluciano]: brought you
[professor_toad]: yeah
[waluciano]: brought this on yourself matt
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so the tanuki suit
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is
[professor_toad]: why
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: overtly
[professor_toad]: is the
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sexual period
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: why and
[waluciano]: it's not supposed
[professor_toad]: why
[waluciano]: to be a question
[professor_toad]: why
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: is the tedookisuit
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: there's no questions
[professor_toad]: always getting hard
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no that's that's not how take that's
a question
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's like
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: your first day
[professor_toad]: listen
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: takes statement
[professor_toad]: listen the tanuki suit
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: is a metaphor for erections
[nick]: oh
[waluciano]: okay that's
[professor_toad]: oh
[waluciano]: how i take go explain yourself
[professor_toad]: listen all you need to do is
get down so you can get
[waluciano]: ye
[professor_toad]: up
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: think of the button combination
[waluciano]: i hate this
[professor_toad]: you hold down and then you hold
be for that bombastic experience and then the
[professor_toad]: tnokicicles bru and
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i
[professor_toad]: then no one could touch you because
the tenuki suit cocaine to be clear
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i thought it was hard on
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: no i'm
[waluciano]: no no his his sniff
[professor_toad]: congested so i thought i would turn
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hm
[professor_toad]: into something funny trying to turn into
some fun anyways statue form a metaphor marie's
[professor_toad]: erection
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right
[professor_toad]: he's always getting like marie like
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: it kind of goes back to my
first hot take marie can never win
[waluciano]: of course
[professor_toad]: yes
[waluciano]: it does
[professor_toad]: he can never win so what kind
so so what does that mean perpetual blue
[professor_toad]: balls so give him a tonukisuit
[nick]: yah
[professor_toad]: where he literally turns into a rock
hard song
[waluciano]: does
[professor_toad]: he
[waluciano]: what
[professor_toad]: mushrooms
[waluciano]: just
[professor_toad]: stamps
[waluciano]: stand there
[professor_toad]: people he mushrooms stands gomes
[nick]: okay
[waluciano]: i hate everything
[nick]: you're
[waluciano]: about
[professor_toad]: it's
[nick]: clapping
[professor_toad]: the
[waluciano]: this
[professor_toad]: only
[nick]: your
[professor_toad]: defense
[nick]: clapping
[professor_toad]: he
[nick]: for
[professor_toad]: can
[nick]: your own
[professor_toad]: know that's
[nick]: your
[professor_toad]: the
[nick]: own
[professor_toad]: mushrooms
[nick]: hot tay
[professor_toad]: stamp on the goombas
[nick]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i
[waluciano]: uh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's the hot
[nick]: ah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: take that
[waluciano]: kay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the entirety of
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: super mario
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i just tis jokes is that what
[waluciano]: it's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: going with
[professor_toad]: it might
[waluciano]: it's
[professor_toad]: be
[waluciano]: a cooked up sex
[professor_toad]: it
[waluciano]: dream
[professor_toad]: might be it might be it might
be it might be a trip down memory
[professor_toad]: red district lane
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right
[waluciano]: mario is wearing red
[professor_toad]: he's into it like he's definitely
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: tripping on a lot of star dust
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what if what if we
[waluciano]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: tried to go with hateksthat weren't sexually
urged just just to you know change it
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: up
[waluciano]: just
[professor_toad]: we
[waluciano]: just
[professor_toad]: never do
[waluciano]: just to change it
[professor_toad]: but
[waluciano]: up a bit
[professor_toad]: i'm trying
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: are you though
[professor_toad]: i'd try it
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay um in the meantime while you're
thinking of another not sexual thing
[professor_toad]: hm
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is the mushroom kingdom just replacement for
[professor_toad]: how
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: what
[nick]: i think i think i actually have
some supporting evidence for that
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: great
[nick]: so
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: please lie up my case
[nick]: okay the most immediately thing that comes
to mind for me is like you know
[nick]: that you know that aside from all
the flora and fauna trying
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: to kill you seems overtly australian to
me right from that you've got that one
[nick]: coop who throws a boomerang like okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yep
[nick]: of australian right
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yep
[nick]: and what's he wearing on his head
b helmet think about that
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: be helmet so you've got floranfana trying
to kill you you've got boomerangs
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[nick]: you've got rugby
[waluciano]: that's s not a rugby helmet though
that's football helm helmet
[nick]: i didn't
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a
[nick]: see any n f l players wearing
that so i don't know you're talking about
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: technically technically no one a
[waluciano]: re
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: rugby wears a helmet but i'm gonna
i was letting
[waluciano]: exactly
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you go with it because it proved
my point
[nick]: got
[waluciano]: now i mean the fauna and the
flora are like very compelling arguments i have
[waluciano]: to
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: say everything
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[waluciano]: being gigantic and trying to kill you
that tracks
[nick]: you've got an italian man out of
place that's how you know
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i
[nick]: it's not italy
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: actually
[nick]: right
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just to go back here allow nick
statement that that is a rugby helmet because
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: when guys do wear helmets it's to
help with concussion stuff and it's padded in
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a way that's very silmaretor rugglby hat
[waluciano]: i've seen yeah yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so
[waluciano]: it's dark
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'll
[waluciano]: shit
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: take that back nicks correct this guy
is one hundred per cent
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: as rules boomerang thrower
[waluciano]: couldn't it be like a cricket helmet
if that is such a thing
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no they wear like full full face
shields because the ball hit
[waluciano]: is
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: him in
[waluciano]: it
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the
[waluciano]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: face
[nick]: they probably played
[waluciano]: that makes
[nick]: cricket
[waluciano]: sense
[nick]: in australia to right
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh yeah yeah
[waluciano]: oh yeah
[nick]: okay
[waluciano]: percent
[nick]: that
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: definitely
[nick]: doesn't change my point then
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no your point is very valid looking
up to rugby had
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: listeners if you if you want to
look up the rugby helmet is very very
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: similar to the boomerang brothers
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: how much did they wear
[waluciano]: oh shit you're right it is
[nick]: hm
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so there you go point proven
[nick]: welcome
[waluciano]: so is that is the hot take
that like japan is prejudiced against australia
[nick]: i don't
[waluciano]: is that
[nick]: see how you got that from that
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wow
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah just we just said the mushroom
kingdom was australia we didn't say that liked
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it or hated
[waluciano]: uh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it
[waluciano]: huh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and
[nick]: they've got
[waluciano]: h
[nick]: castles all over the place just like
australia no
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so this makes this
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: makes mario
[waluciano]: like upright
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mad max
[waluciano]: talking turtles upright walking turtles just like
[nick]: they've got ocean levels just like australia
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yep
[nick]: underwater levels
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: australia as got under water
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: levels
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[nick]: got big
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: big big sharks that try to eat
[waluciano]: haunted
[nick]: you
[waluciano]: castles
[nick]: haunted castles
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah coral coral
[nick]: actly
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: reef
[nick]: sure
[waluciano]: carl
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right
[waluciano]: red
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: got those
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: things like
[nick]: got
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sharks like
[nick]: got
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we said
[nick]: ghosts
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yep
[nick]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: then and then
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: when you have like little nice patches
like you know they're just you know hanging
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: out and talking with people that's new
[professor_toad]: good night mate
[nick]: hm
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the nice part
[professor_toad]: be bye bye
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: bye bye bye bye yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's that's
[nick]: oh
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but just now time
[waluciano]: so so if the
[professor_toad]: yeah
[waluciano]: mushroom kingdom is australia what is the
cooper kingdom
[professor_toad]: oregon
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's the that's the outback
[nick]: out back
[waluciano]: new zealand
[professor_toad]: uh
[waluciano]: is
[professor_toad]: uh
[waluciano]: it new
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no
[waluciano]: zealand
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no no so the mushroom kingdom is
the good parts
[professor_toad]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of australia
[nick]: hm
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the cooper
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: kingdom is like
[waluciano]: is the desert in
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the
[waluciano]: the middle
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: other ship
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: the sun
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: australia
[professor_toad]: that
[waluciano]: okay
[professor_toad]: tries to eat you every now and
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh yeah that's definitely in the bad
parts of australia
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bad lance
[waluciano]: the giant
[professor_toad]: bad
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: if you will
[professor_toad]: lands
[waluciano]: ghost that can't follow you unless you're
not looking at it
[professor_toad]: hm
[nick]: hm shy
[waluciano]: okay yeah
[professor_toad]: m
[waluciano]: everybody knows australia is known for shy
[nick]: yep that's true
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: obviously
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: i'm
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: here for it
[nick]: shy guys
[professor_toad]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: need to go
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: two
[professor_toad]: out need to come out their show
once in a while
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right
[professor_toad]: got a hot take
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it was the easiest proof how to
take ever
[professor_toad]: indeed
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thanks nick
[nick]: brow
[professor_toad]: check it out
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hey chris
[professor_toad]: yes trust trust this is a trust
fall you need to fall into my
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: arms
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: willingly
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so many reasons i should say no
but all right
[professor_toad]: yeah
[professor_toad]: mario the mario universes
[waluciano]: oh
[nick]: oh
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: version of jurassic park island donkey kong
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: going to be yoshi's island
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: we can get there
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: but follow me
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay
[professor_toad]: this entire
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: time we've we've covered darn near every
character but we haven't talked about donkey cong
[professor_toad]: or ditty why is
[nick]: hm
[professor_toad]: that because
[waluciano]: a
[professor_toad]: exiles exiles on
[nick]: exellent
[professor_toad]: donkey kong island
[nick]: i mean donkey on tried to kill
[waluciano]: oh
[nick]: maria with a barrel that's the whole
[professor_toad]: was
[nick]: genesis
[professor_toad]: his
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah
[professor_toad]: grand
[nick]: of
[professor_toad]: that
[nick]: these
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: was
[nick]: games
[professor_toad]: his grand look at look at wickopedia
that was his grandfather
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: cranky kong
[waluciano]: still
[nick]: was
[professor_toad]: not
[nick]: was
[professor_toad]: still
[nick]: that
[waluciano]: still
[nick]: cranky go
[professor_toad]: yes
[nick]: but
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah
[nick]: it wasn't it wasn't
[professor_toad]: his grandfather
[waluciano]: that's
[nick]: the game
[waluciano]: cranky kong
[nick]: wasn't the game called donkey cong
[waluciano]: the the game was called donkey kong
[professor_toad]: titles
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: but donkey
[professor_toad]: mantles
[waluciano]: donkey is a title
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm gonna
[professor_toad]: that said
[waluciano]: i guess
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: go ahead
[professor_toad]: that
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and declare
[nick]: i don't know
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: shenanigans
[nick]: but that
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: on that
[professor_toad]: that said
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: donkey kong since those games has been
has been positioned as as the protagonist is
[professor_toad]: the hero
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah
[professor_toad]: so sins of the father
[waluciano]: i
[professor_toad]: should
[waluciano]: think
[professor_toad]: not
[waluciano]: that's just
[professor_toad]: fall into the
[waluciano]: that's
[professor_toad]: sun
[waluciano]: a pr job
[professor_toad]: listen
[waluciano]: that's just a pr
[professor_toad]: listen
[waluciano]: job i'm sorry
[professor_toad]: no you are sorry you are sorry
and you're going to continue
[nick]: okay
[professor_toad]: to be
[waluciano]: i'm
[professor_toad]: sorry
[nick]: can
[waluciano]: sorry
[nick]: i can i can i permission to
read a sentence from licopedia
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: please please go ahead nick
[nick]: okay this is for the
[professor_toad]: m
[nick]: likopedia entry called donkey kong in brackets
video game donkey kong is
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: in nineteen eighty one ark platform
[professor_toad]: oh
[nick]: game released by intend its game play
maneuvers mario across platforms to ascend a construction
[nick]: site and rescue pauline from the giant
gorilla named donkey cong
[waluciano]: pauline oh my god he has another
woman on the side
[professor_toad]: somebody's sleeping in my bed
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like
[nick]: so
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: how chris is not addressing the fact
that he
[waluciano]: of
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: blatantly
[waluciano]: course not
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: lied on this podcast
[professor_toad]: about
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: whose
[professor_toad]: what
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: cracky
[waluciano]: yes
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: calling
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris playing yourself
[nick]: ah
[professor_toad]: look i was also on wicapedia and
this sentence this version of the
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: character persist and subsequent
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: subsequent
[nick]: skipped
[professor_toad]: games
[nick]: a lot
[professor_toad]: portray
[nick]: of stuff there
[professor_toad]: no i'm i'm going out to it
and subsequent
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: game
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: got us
[professor_toad]: mes portray the former
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: as cranky kong the latter's grandfather
[nick]: you skipped a lot of words there
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: i don't know what part of the
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: you're in
[professor_toad]: it's in the first it's in the
first paragraph of donkey i looked up donkey
[professor_toad]: con character period just donkey cong in
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's like you're reacting
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like
[nick]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the military to make
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: your point true
[professor_toad]: this version of the character persist
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: is the main
[nick]: yah
[professor_toad]: one up to today that's where it
starts and then the nineteen eighty games donkey
[professor_toad]: cong and the modern
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: donkey can share the same
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: name the manual
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: for donkey cong country subsequent games portray
the former as cranky kong the latter's grandfather
[professor_toad]: grandfather
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so
[nick]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: they're just trying to reckon that ship
[professor_toad]: well cranky is depicted as his father
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: calling
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: is considered one of the most
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: popular so that doesn't say anything and
i just says it there
[waluciano]: i'm sorry
[professor_toad]: go
[waluciano]: this is on the this is on
the fandomweeke
[professor_toad]: no
[waluciano]: which we all know this podcast is
[professor_toad]: listen
[waluciano]: by
[professor_toad]: i'm sharing it in the chat
[waluciano]: he is the main antagonist of the
[professor_toad]: ye
[waluciano]: versus donkey con
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: video
[professor_toad]: look at the
[waluciano]: games
[professor_toad]: chat here
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: how do you spell cranky
[professor_toad]: c r a
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: n k why
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: why is it why s it s
[professor_toad]: that's what it says here shared the
[waluciano]: it's so dumb right should
[nick]: oh
[waluciano]: be k i agree
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: with you it should be
[nick]: m
[waluciano]: k
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right
[professor_toad]: in
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: withcpedia
[professor_toad]: the first the first paragraph craggy calling
is in bold
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: too
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this a rankly cong
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: what
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah there's a wrinkle calling this crakykong's
[professor_toad]: how
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: apparently
[professor_toad]: did
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: you get there that's that's that's
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i
[professor_toad]: that's
[waluciano]: god
[professor_toad]: that's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just
[professor_toad]: not
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: did a search for cranky and the
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: pet article
[professor_toad]: you're not you're not looking at intend
facto and i'm afraid wrinkly calm
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm looking
[waluciano]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: at wikapedia wicapedia number a lot of
[professor_toad]: i told you i just
[nick]: there's
[professor_toad]: shared
[nick]: a lot
[professor_toad]: the
[nick]: of kings
[professor_toad]: link with you
[nick]: there's a lot of kings
[professor_toad]: in this
[nick]: i
[professor_toad]: chat
[nick]: watched
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[nick]: i watched the t v show that
a bunch of cones
[professor_toad]: why aren't you looking at the thing
i shared
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i
[professor_toad]: ye
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: am looking at that
[nick]: oh yeah
[professor_toad]: why don't you see what i described
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not looking for that i'm looking for
a cranky com
[professor_toad]: it's right
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: there too
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah but i wasn't we're past that
now we're
[waluciano]: ah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: talking about rinkleykong
[professor_toad]: okay okay fine ringley cong i'm here
for it what
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: which
[professor_toad]: the
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sounds
[professor_toad]: fun is
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like a name
[waluciano]: what
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for
[waluciano]: a name
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: donkeys pinus but we're
[professor_toad]: correct
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not going to talk about that
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: leave rinkleag alone she looks like she's
an elderly gorilla grandmother of donkey kong and
[professor_toad]: the wife of cranky
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: kong she's reading a book in the
in the google well she looks she looks
[professor_toad]: nice leave her alone
[nick]: what if mario is just trying to
have the family that donkey kong has
[professor_toad]: i could see
[nick]: now
[professor_toad]: that but
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: i don't know how he's going to
[waluciano]: wait
[professor_toad]: make that
[waluciano]: what
[professor_toad]: happen
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[nick]: i don't know but
[waluciano]: but he's saving he starts by trying
to save a human woman from him
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: from
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who
[nick]: but
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: donkey
[nick]: but all he has is his brother
you know
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right so and like honestly intends recon
donkey gong out of that scenario so maybe
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: maybe
[waluciano]: all right
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay so i'm going to go with
this because the point of this is how
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: takes and i like where next set
so his first and condor with donkey cong
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: donkey can tries to murder him and
we don't know if mario provoked that incident
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: if he was
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you know doing something he shouldn't been
doing mario just showed up and assumed that
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he needed to save this one from
from the gorilla which frankly
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is very upsetting if i'm honest you
can't just assume let's get past that he
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: saves the woman
[waluciano]: wow
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: notices that
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: donkey cong after he's done
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: his work on the day he is
able to go
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and hang with his family and mario
starts to realize that there's more to life
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: than saving women who frankly don't need
[professor_toad]: a
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to be saved
[nick]: fixing
[professor_toad]: hm
[nick]: toilets
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and fixing toilets and he realized that
even though donkey
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: kong presented himself as an adversary
[nick]: yeah yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: really he is someone to be looked
up to and to aspire to because of
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this family generrational family he has and
meanwhile mario doesn't nose mom as far as
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i understand i think the video games
depict mario being whisked
[nick]: yea
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: away when he's a kid
[professor_toad]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to the bar um
[waluciano]: and
[professor_toad]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: kingdom
[waluciano]: he was being carried by by a
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: luigi yes
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so they they don't got anybody with
themselves like brothers and that's it so i
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: think that mario is just trying to
show donkey cong that he's good enough to
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: be part of donkey gongs family
[nick]: oh
[waluciano]: oh
[nick]: i hadn't thought of that
[waluciano]: m oh
[professor_toad]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: all right
[professor_toad]: yeah
[waluciano]: i mean
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: okay
[professor_toad]: but what is family i think family
is more about the people that that take
[professor_toad]: us in and embrace us and put
aside our faults because they see something deeper
[professor_toad]: and greater in us and therefore we
all grow i think we should take a
[professor_toad]: moment to take care of ourselves
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: and each other
[professor_toad]: dis family
[waluciano]: now now when now when you say
take care of ourselves
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: i don't like it when you
[professor_toad]: that's
[waluciano]: say that
[professor_toad]: on you
[waluciano]: anymore
[professor_toad]: i was fully trying to
[waluciano]: no
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: it's
[professor_toad]: i
[waluciano]: that
[professor_toad]: was
[waluciano]: is
[professor_toad]: chatting
[waluciano]: that is your
[professor_toad]: no
[waluciano]: fault
[professor_toad]: i chatted jerry springer
[waluciano]: you started
[professor_toad]: jerry
[waluciano]: this
[professor_toad]: springer i chatted jerry
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: just
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: now and you failed
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: a
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[nick]: hot take
[waluciano]: m
[nick]: kinka rule villain
[professor_toad]: he
[nick]: from donkey gong is a
[professor_toad]: uh
[nick]: way cooler villain than bowser's
[professor_toad]: h oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: is he
[waluciano]: right
[professor_toad]: is he
[nick]: he's like an
[professor_toad]: a
[nick]: alligator
[professor_toad]: alligator
[nick]: he looks like
[professor_toad]: that's
[nick]: an
[professor_toad]: what
[nick]: ah or some kind of lizard yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah
[professor_toad]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: got a cape number one he's got
a cape okay baser does a cape
[waluciano]: yeah that alone
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: that's pimp that's pimping right there
[nick]: number two he's got a crown i
don't think bowser has a crown
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[nick]: he's a king where's this cronthat's kind
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: there's
[nick]: of weird
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: various depictions with baser
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: having a crown and not having a
[professor_toad]: i
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: crown
[professor_toad]: tried
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i
[professor_toad]: to
[nick]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: believe
[professor_toad]: google king rule and all
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: i got
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: was an english singer red head that's
[nick]: m
[professor_toad]: not what i was looking for
[nick]: sounds
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: like
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: r
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: o o l
[professor_toad]: oh
[nick]: so king kate rule consistently
[professor_toad]: thank you
[nick]: consistently has a crown
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: he looks he looks
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: boss
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: got
[nick]: number
[professor_toad]: authority
[nick]: three
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: instead of sealing people he just steals
a crystal coconut it's way better than
[professor_toad]: ah
[nick]: human trafficking
[professor_toad]: oh you know
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you do phrase a good point nick
[waluciano]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: basically the entire
[nick]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mario universe is just a bunch of
human trafficking whether it's mario from earth the
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mushroom kingdom
[nick]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: or
[waluciano]: right
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: peach daisy
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: whoever it's all just very negative messaging
is what i'm getting out
[nick]: whereas you know king can't rule
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: is a bad guy but he's just
he's just taking a crystal coconut you know
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just want some money
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: can play s taking
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: from the one per centers and giving
back to the people
[nick]: exactly
[professor_toad]: the kingdom
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: his people
[waluciano]: man
[professor_toad]: the
[waluciano]: i for
[professor_toad]: kingdom
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ye
[professor_toad]: federal
[waluciano]: i forgot
[professor_toad]: budget
[waluciano]: about king rule
[professor_toad]: is not in the black
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[professor_toad]: and hasn't been for some time
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: got to balance those sheets
[nick]: i s my case
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: what is the last murder
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: the mario universe
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: doesn't take murder seriously
[nick]: because
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well
[nick]: it's not murder
[waluciano]: that's not a hard take that's like
that's the coldest of all takes it does
[waluciano]: not we know
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no
[nick]: hot
[waluciano]: this
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: one's
[nick]: take
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: been
[nick]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: prosecuted
[waluciano]: hence the purge
[nick]: here you
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for
[nick]: go
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: murder
[nick]: there
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: you go hot take here
[professor_toad]: thank
[nick]: you go
[professor_toad]: you
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right
[nick]: that's not murder why was it murder
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it
[waluciano]: right because murder is unlawful killing if
there is no laws
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[nick]: well i mean aside from that
[waluciano]: oh
[nick]: uh h
[waluciano]: ah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's got you there
[professor_toad]: i'm still
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no
[professor_toad]: processing
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: one if
[professor_toad]: go head
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no one presses charges
[professor_toad]: m
[nick]: if
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: there's
[professor_toad]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no
[nick]: you
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: police
[nick]: know if
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: force
[nick]: you
[waluciano]: it
[nick]: go
[waluciano]: doesn't
[nick]: to the butcher
[waluciano]: matter
[nick]: and the
[professor_toad]: a
[nick]: butcher kills the chicken to feed you
is that
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: murder
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: i
[waluciano]: i mean if the chicken was mentioned
[nick]: chickens
[professor_toad]: paid
[nick]: might
[professor_toad]: for
[nick]: be
[professor_toad]: that
[nick]: sentient
[professor_toad]: service so
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chickens a hunderd percent cencio
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: okay
[waluciano]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: don't
[waluciano]: consint conscience
[nick]: conscience
[professor_toad]: conscience
[waluciano]: i don't know
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[waluciano]: conscious
[professor_toad]: this is almost like the
[waluciano]: but
[professor_toad]: lord of the flies
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: please pass
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes
[professor_toad]: the conscience
[waluciano]: yah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: m yeah a
[waluciano]: h
[nick]: yeah not murder
[waluciano]: uh
[professor_toad]: m
[waluciano]: yeah i mean
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: like i said if
[professor_toad]: right
[waluciano]: it's not
[nick]: oh
[waluciano]: unlawful it's not murder it's just killing
[nick]: ah that's a better way to put
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh
[waluciano]: m yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: i want
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: to get that on like a little
poster or something and
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yea
[nick]: put
[professor_toad]: my
[nick]: it up in my office
[professor_toad]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not a lawful it's just
[waluciano]: you're
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: killing
[waluciano]: welcome
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: fine
[waluciano]: you're
[professor_toad]: we
[waluciano]: you're
[professor_toad]: put
[waluciano]: welcome
[professor_toad]: it on a shirt instead
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: wear that outside
[nick]: what is that to near
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[nick]: port
[professor_toad]: uh
[nick]: if you make it through
[professor_toad]: oh lord
[professor_toad]: what are mario's
[nick]: oh my god
[professor_toad]: oh no
[nick]: king rules nickname is crusher that's sick
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: so he
[nick]: a sick
[professor_toad]: so he's got
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: side income he spits he spits
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: bars
[nick]: no he's just really
[waluciano]: oh
[nick]: he's just really good at kitty crush
[professor_toad]: god damn
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: i don't know
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: which i like more
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: i'm here for it
[nick]: so i think he's a crocodile i
think canonically he's a crocodile
[waluciano]: fuck you
[professor_toad]: ye
[waluciano]: know he has a
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: younger brother called ka limsey
[professor_toad]: uh
[nick]: that's good
[professor_toad]: uh
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: yeah mario just has martin luigi mario
[professor_toad]: o mario's shoes are made
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: of adam antium
[nick]: is that a hot take or you
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: pretending that would be cool
[professor_toad]: i'm trying to understand what his shoes
are made of that allows him to destroy
[professor_toad]: other beings by stamping on them
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's a plumber real steel to boots
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: doesn't need to be out of antium
[professor_toad]: well
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: there also mushrooms you ever stepped
[professor_toad]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: on a mushroom
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you don't feel on anything
[professor_toad]: not
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: one that had had
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: enough structure to walk
[nick]: yeah according to these people met
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: that's murder if you step on a
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's
[professor_toad]: you
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not
[professor_toad]: know
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: murder it's just killing
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: we
[nick]: oh
[waluciano]: who's these people
[professor_toad]: yeah and who are you referring
[nick]: ye
[professor_toad]: to when you say these people
[nick]: uh luciano
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: i just
[waluciano]: what
[nick]: yeah i just
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: say this
[waluciano]: work
[nick]: why not
[professor_toad]: that is the correct
[waluciano]: ye
[professor_toad]: answer
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: funk
[nick]: oh
[waluciano]: i was defending your point now fuck
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay
[nick]: ye
[professor_toad]: i'm just starting ship
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: okay okay
[nick]: yes
[professor_toad]: we're
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah
[professor_toad]: missing something i don't i have
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah
[professor_toad]: an intendo hot
[nick]: ye
[professor_toad]: take but i think it's also known
furthermore it's not
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: wait a minute how far does now
it's a question
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: just say it honestly just sit
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this is a great podcasthing
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just
[professor_toad]: listen
[waluciano]: it
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: let's
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: have the discourse
[professor_toad]: i don't
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: know where the line stops
[nick]: ye
[professor_toad]: when we
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: passed
[professor_toad]: think about
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it already with
[professor_toad]: now
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: your original
[professor_toad]: i'm formulating i'm formulating
[nick]: he's doing
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay
[professor_toad]: it
[nick]: he's
[professor_toad]: i'm
[nick]: doing
[professor_toad]: actually
[nick]: the thing
[professor_toad]: i don't know where the line stops
in terms of what we think of like
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: the map of the not even the
mushroom but the mario universe
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: i don't know where it stops because
we have donkey cong we've
[nick]: ye
[professor_toad]: got the maros all three
[nick]: hm
[professor_toad]: of them um we've got i almost
want to
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[professor_toad]: say banjokazooi
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: and list kind of continues but where
does it stop i
[nick]: christ
[professor_toad]: can't see
[nick]: christopher columbus
[professor_toad]: okay
[nick]: yes got roosevelt you know
[professor_toad]: hm
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: the united states
[waluciano]: if we
[nick]: exist
[waluciano]: if we
[professor_toad]: yeah
[waluciano]: go to smash super smash brows then
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[waluciano]: all bets
[professor_toad]: see
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: my
[waluciano]: are off
[nick]: ah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but
[professor_toad]: even
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: super
[professor_toad]: riou
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: smash brows but super smash prose is
its own self contained thing
[professor_toad]: what
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right it doesn't
[professor_toad]: but
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: exist
[professor_toad]: is it
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in the
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: maria world
[nick]: mario
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: pretty sure
[nick]: exists in it
[professor_toad]: star fuck
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sure
[professor_toad]: is also inside
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you said fox
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: star foot ox
[nick]: right
[waluciano]: i heard funks as well
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: starfoxfalco
[waluciano]: star folks
[professor_toad]: slippy
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: kidicoris
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't
[nick]: hm
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you're just literally naming the tenda
[nick]: hey
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: characters
[nick]: check this
[professor_toad]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: at this
[nick]: out
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: point
[nick]: check this out
[professor_toad]: oh
[nick]: sonic
[professor_toad]: is also
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: in smash
[waluciano]: oh
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: shit
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not an intend character
[nick]: my
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: good work nick you really mixed
[professor_toad]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it up
[professor_toad]: but
[nick]: but he's in the intendo game though
[professor_toad]: he came
[nick]: so
[professor_toad]: he came
[nick]: yes
[professor_toad]: to an intend country so
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: where where does the border stop
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: super
[professor_toad]: i think
[nick]: smash
[professor_toad]: it's
[nick]: brows is where the border stops
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: come on
[professor_toad]: does it i think it's an invasion
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: super smash process just mortal combat they
all get sent to an island then battled
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it out for supreme
[professor_toad]: so who's so
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: one
[professor_toad]: who
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: person who
[professor_toad]: is
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: lives
[professor_toad]: shang
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wins
[professor_toad]: son in super
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: smash brothers
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh my god there's like four thousand
characters and super smash brothers
[professor_toad]: but
[nick]: the hand
[professor_toad]: we only
[nick]: the glove
[professor_toad]: we only
[nick]: hand
[professor_toad]: need one
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i was goin
[nick]: the
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to go
[nick]: glove
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: with
[nick]: the glove hand
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the me
[professor_toad]: the
[nick]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: they're like the me
[professor_toad]: m
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: character
[professor_toad]: i
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: m yeah i can
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ogan
[professor_toad]: i can
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: instructor
[nick]: yes
[professor_toad]: yoga instructor
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: yeah you don't play yoga instructor man
[professor_toad]: yeah
[nick]: i understand
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m
[professor_toad]: i don't
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hm
[professor_toad]: is that a wee
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: game
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no it's a character
[nick]: a character
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in smash brothers
[professor_toad]: in smash brothers i need to know
[nick]: hm
[professor_toad]: this is
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: when i said there
[waluciano]: i
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: was little a billion i was being
a little facetious but it's like fifty people
[waluciano]: but not really yeah yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: cup heads in it
[waluciano]: that's the point where it's ridiculous yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: r croft
[nick]: snake solid snake
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i like big
[nick]: ah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: daddy from like
[professor_toad]: adam saner
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: shock
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: move out in their mind
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no no
[nick]: yeah they of sand the ruby they
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't
[nick]: got
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: think
[nick]: him
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i satheris in there
[professor_toad]: big daddy
[nick]: m
[professor_toad]: anyway that's sad so hot takes as
brothers is where is where mfunkers go to
[professor_toad]: like it's the last stop before you
go out to aster
[nick]: as the los vegas of video games
[professor_toad]: yeah there you
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: go
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay
[waluciano]: the atlantic city
[nick]: okay sure
[waluciano]: or video games
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: isn't there another isn't there another so
there's there's lost there's
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i
[professor_toad]: los vegas there's atlantic city isn't
[nick]: pacific
[professor_toad]: there a
[nick]: city
[professor_toad]: is it
[waluciano]: reno
[professor_toad]: reno
[nick]: oh
[professor_toad]: is the reno
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: of games
[waluciano]: i'm here
[nick]: yeah
[waluciano]: for that i'm
[professor_toad]: in
[waluciano]: here for that
[professor_toad]: where is pacific city by the way
[nick]: i made it up because
[professor_toad]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh
[nick]: of
[professor_toad]: well
[nick]: inland
[professor_toad]: great
[nick]: city
[waluciano]: in nick's
[professor_toad]: oh
[waluciano]: mind yeah i was going to say
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh
[waluciano]: in nick's mind yeah that's
[nick]: but
[waluciano]: where
[nick]: it
[waluciano]: it
[nick]: worked
[waluciano]: is
[nick]: so
[professor_toad]: yo
[nick]: there you go
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h
[professor_toad]: it's sad
[waluciano]: good job nick
[professor_toad]: i just looked up the it's like
the the wee fit trainer is in is
[professor_toad]: an smash brothers bro
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm sorry yeah sorry we fit trade
night er constructor
[nick]: yoga instructor
[professor_toad]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: my bet
[professor_toad]: i don't know i typed it in
i'm not trying to correct i am like
[professor_toad]: i googled
[nick]: yes
[professor_toad]: the yoga instructor smash brothers and
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: a
[professor_toad]: there's literally the
[nick]: ah
[professor_toad]: wee fit trainer
[waluciano]: a
[nick]: ye
[professor_toad]: who looks more human who has more
human proportions than darn near anyone else in
[professor_toad]: the character roster
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: i'm like
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wow
[professor_toad]: wow this is what you're doing smash
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not credos
[professor_toad]: cranosis
[nick]: correct
[professor_toad]: in it too
[nick]: no he's not at it
[professor_toad]: whoa what i meant in the smash
brothers game series it's messed
[waluciano]: i don't think sonia would allow that
to happen
[professor_toad]: i
[nick]: well
[professor_toad]: hope
[nick]: they
[professor_toad]: they
[nick]: have
[professor_toad]: don't
[nick]: their own fighter game that is hugely
[professor_toad]: which is what
[waluciano]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh
[nick]: i don't remember what it's called but
[waluciano]: oh
[nick]: i know crates
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: wasn't it
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: son fighting game
[nick]: yeah so it's
[waluciano]: must
[nick]: like play station
[waluciano]: that
[nick]: brawlers
[waluciano]: sounds like
[nick]: or something
[waluciano]: garbage
[nick]: hold on i'll look it up
[professor_toad]: m crates was
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: idiot eh
[nick]: yes play
[waluciano]: ship
[nick]: station all star
[professor_toad]: m
[nick]: battle royal
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: is what it was called
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: it
[waluciano]: ikes
[nick]: had such characters as big daddy from
bio shock dante from devil may cry
[professor_toad]: oh boy
[nick]: jack both jack and dexter
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: obviously
[professor_toad]: oh
[nick]: credos was in it parapatherappa
[professor_toad]: no
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: not parapa twenty
[nick]: yep
[professor_toad]: twelve
[nick]: uh zoos
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah
[nick]: from god of war wasn't
[professor_toad]: uh
[nick]: it
[professor_toad]: huh
[nick]: both again both ratchet and clank and
some other people that probably we don't need
[nick]: to talk about
[professor_toad]: twisted metal clown i guess
[nick]: hm
[professor_toad]: nathan drake
[waluciano]: yeah
[professor_toad]: wow they don't when you look at
when you look at the setup and just
[professor_toad]: like that whole character sheet
[waluciano]: oh
[professor_toad]: they do not go together and sly
cooper is also there
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what if that's the only characters you
[nick]: who else you gonna put
[professor_toad]: that
[nick]: in there
[professor_toad]: was that was that was the star
[waluciano]: my
[professor_toad]: the star
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh
[professor_toad]: of white the more you know
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: that was the sound for that
[waluciano]: yeah
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: if that's the only characters you have
that's kind of i don't know something is
[professor_toad]: just not yelling here
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[professor_toad]: sack boys here too and raiding from
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: metal gear
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right
[nick]: a
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well well
[professor_toad]: i don't
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you
[professor_toad]: know
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: figure that out
[professor_toad]: no
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris i'm going to go ahead
[professor_toad]: ye
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and tell everybody they can direct their
complaints to the twitter account at
[nick]: eh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: your on cast or potentially
[nick]: eh oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: our email box that we can then
file directly into the garbage can
[professor_toad]: a
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: your wrong cast
[nick]: yeah yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: at email dot com
[professor_toad]: uh
[nick]: yeah yeh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we also have a website
[nick]: a
[professor_toad]: ah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and that is w
[professor_toad]: really
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: w
[professor_toad]: do
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: w
[professor_toad]: they do what
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: dot
[professor_toad]: they thought
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wrong cast dot c a we're not
springing for the calm it's too expensive
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: no
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and frankly we don't need it nick
thank you for for
[professor_toad]: stick
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: joining us do
[nick]: any
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you
[nick]: time you lunatics
[professor_toad]: sorry
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you have any
[professor_toad]: nick
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: parting shots
[professor_toad]: mario
[nick]: neck mario the third mario
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thoughts
[nick]: brother yet
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: complaints
[professor_toad]: is your album dropping
[nick]: yes
[professor_toad]: nick mario
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: the third mario brother
[nick]: i don't know i'll leave that to
was a dank we say do was the
[nick]: musician king rule was
[professor_toad]: yes
[nick]: i don't know i'll leave
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: can
[nick]: that
[professor_toad]: yes
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: rule
[nick]: to
[waluciano]: ah
[nick]: the
[waluciano]: sure
[professor_toad]: crusher
[nick]: i'll leave that to them the profession
[professor_toad]: okay
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: crush
[professor_toad]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: as were okay
[nick]: yeah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thank you you want to promote
[nick]: ah
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yourself or you want to be an
anonymous contributor to
[nick]: i like to
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: scenario
[nick]: contribute anonymously so
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah
[nick]: if you enjoy it and you want
me to come back to keep these rascals
[nick]: in line just send an email to
the mail box that will go in the
[nick]: big
[professor_toad]: alas
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we'll get it don't worry
[waluciano]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right
[waluciano]: no
[professor_toad]: oh
[nick]: oh
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: anyway thank you for now i'm mad
[waluciano]: i'm luciano
[professor_toad]: i'm sure that
[nick]: yeah
[professor_toad]: intus peach and cuba need to be
changing them sheets after all that activity
[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah done here