75. Battle Royale: Heroes of the Universe, Earth Edition

A short detour from our usual subjects. Same insanity-laden conversation.

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hello and welcome back to your wrong
this week we replaced our very special guest

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: with another very special guest scott

[waluciano]: i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: i mean it's not the first time
that new

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: who

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: scott replaces

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i

[waluciano]: old scott

[scott]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: true

[waluciano]: if you recall

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ye

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh no did you do battle to
the death

[scott]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the bitter

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the

[waluciano]: we

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: bitter end

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: spencer

[scott]: i mean

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is

[scott]: he's

[waluciano]: we

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: dead

[waluciano]: had

[scott]: only one of us here now ha
you ever seen us both in the same

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[scott]: room

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: yeah we did the last time we
had we were in the podcast caught

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[scott]: but we weren't in the same room

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no they were not

[waluciano]: that's true the same virtual room

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: they were virtually in the same room
i think is what you're trying to get

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: up

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: go ask microsoph

[waluciano]: sure

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: teams

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: shots fired already on this podcast as
you've heard because why introduce anybody at this

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: point who is calling himself black dynamite
panther fist

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it is i chris

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's that's a short firm for what

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i just said

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and the most creative name that we've
ever seen cobra also here

[waluciano]: who's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't know but that's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the name i'm reading uh luciano is
that that doesn't sound right anyway that might

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: be

[waluciano]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who it is this

[waluciano]: uh yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: week are battle royally royal badly okay
it's happening already we started

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we have

[waluciano]: i think we ever stopped

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: from

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: lots

[waluciano]: one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of men

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: we

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: didn't start the fire but we're gonna
keep it burning

[scott]: do you have that let's get ready
to rumble guy announcing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: can't

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: michael

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we can't afford

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: buffer

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: him that's copyrited

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: if you don't get him to do
it you get big funds

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: like if

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you personate if you if you tried
there've been knock offs right

[scott]: he's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[scott]: old enough to be public domain soon
isn't he

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: uh

[waluciano]: i can do it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i think he's

[waluciano]: it sounds like ship

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: can do it

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but i don't like he know i

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: know the rules but he's copy write
maybe copy not the phrase but registered it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: his name or his like his

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: him

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: approach

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: again

[scott]: the way that he says it is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah i think

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: let's

[scott]: trade

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: get

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's

[scott]: marked

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: i don't care

[scott]: yeah

[waluciano]: rules

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: she

[waluciano]: don't apply to me let's get ready
to rumble

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i felt that that was was palpable

[waluciano]: there

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well good thing we don't post on
you tube an we

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: get a v

[waluciano]: should

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: c

[waluciano]: see

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a

[waluciano]: my wife's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: claim

[waluciano]: face

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: against us

[waluciano]: she

[scott]: please

[waluciano]: has

[scott]: don't

[waluciano]: no idea

[scott]: sum

[waluciano]: why

[scott]: me by

[waluciano]: i just

[scott]: association

[waluciano]: did that yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well listen i think that's her normal

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: face so

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you say that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: every

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: won't

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: time you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: change

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: enter

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: much

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a room with your spouse

[waluciano]: she would physically

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: kill me

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh my gosh

[scott]: thus

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[scott]: initiating the rumble

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: o

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i propose

[waluciano]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um anyway is the better way not
the rumble that we're doing so that was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: incorrect than luciano is heroes of the
universe earth edition he

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: shout as lightning

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wasn't it

[waluciano]: a title i immediately relate because it

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: no

[waluciano]: would just have called it heroes of
earth but you know

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i suppose maybe

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i would we do that

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: could have

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: erst

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: done

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in the universe why do you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hate

[waluciano]: why why would we do anything sensical

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: we can

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: why

[waluciano]: keep

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: would

[waluciano]: it nonsensical

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we all right just just

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: get into these heroes

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the universe

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: um

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thedition

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: lest we forget

[waluciano]: all

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ginnis

[waluciano]: right

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: and merica

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we are excellent neighbors

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: uh

[waluciano]: i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: listen once you tell us whom you
are earth edition hero of the universes

[waluciano]: i picked the warrior princess zena the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: is anybody

[waluciano]: killer

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: going to do it

[waluciano]: of centaurs

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you're going

[waluciano]: and

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: to have to do it you're gonna
ave to do the battle cry

[waluciano]: i don't i don't know how to
i tried it in anticipation of just i

[waluciano]: can't do the eating

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: she does or the yeah yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: do the

[waluciano]: she

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: zena

[waluciano]: eats with

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: heat

[waluciano]: her voice yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: but with her voice

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yes

[waluciano]: i can do it but anyway yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: picked zina because she's clearly someone who
actually existed somewhere

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: true she

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: did exist

[waluciano]: she's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: opwhere

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in

[waluciano]: also

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the universe

[waluciano]: she started as a villain now she's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hercules

[waluciano]: a hero

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah there you go

[waluciano]: and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: now kevinsorbos the villain

[scott]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah sure is

[scott]: h

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: trade marked by

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: kevin carbo the torch was picked

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: up by our good friend as

[waluciano]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ramala

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hey

[waluciano]: i think they're there sherry

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hey

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: sharing the torch

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: they are working on themselves

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i hope so

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: god speed reverse

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: flash

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the d c tells us

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris chris

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yes sir

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: whom whom did you pick

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i picked everyone's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: favorite modern blackxploitation p i a dick
if you will a dynamite

[waluciano]: shaft

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well

[waluciano]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yahsheffs

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well well shaft was re booted

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: i know

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: but black dynamite is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ye

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: an image to our shafts and everyone

[waluciano]: wait what that came out wrong

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[scott]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it didn't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: come out wrong

[waluciano]: it's a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: and

[waluciano]: it's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: if it

[waluciano]: a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: came out right you'd be right about
that be right about that

[waluciano]: all right

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[waluciano]: you do

[scott]: too

[waluciano]: you

[scott]: many shafts coming and going in the
cat so

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[scott]: far

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: right

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um speaking of shafts

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yep

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: scott who did you pick

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: at

[scott]: i'm feeling

[waluciano]: what

[scott]: pretty confident in my choice now

[waluciano]: ah

[scott]: i chose the one the only clifford
the big

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[scott]: red dog

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: back book

[waluciano]: bring out the the big guns yet

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: h

[waluciano]: bark

[scott]: literally the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[scott]: big guns

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: d m x no nose

[waluciano]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: no sustain is laid when clifford rolls
up i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: p see

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: do et o die in order for
him to finally stay out of cripes cross

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hairs

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: eh i mean maybe clifford finally got
him now what i'm saying

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: care business

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh shit

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so

[waluciano]: saying clifford is gangster is that what
you're saying

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well listen to scott once you just

[scott]: got to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: give

[scott]: choose

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: us

[scott]: a side red or

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just

[scott]: blue

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: give

[scott]: right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: self a really really high level overview
of how clifford roles for people who might

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not be familiar with antiq

[scott]: oh i mean think about it right
big red dog

[waluciano]: yeah

[scott]: bigger than in a house he does
whatever he wants whatever he wants he could

[scott]: literally poop on you and you would

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well

[scott]: yeah

[waluciano]: and if you didn't die probably wish
you were dead

[scott]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you have to real

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: also

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: evaluate

[scott]: h

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: re evaluate a

[waluciano]: uh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: lot of your choices if you got
shot on and pinned by a turk the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: size of clifford the big red dog
i think clifford can

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: change sizes at will to

[waluciano]: yes

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: or does he just get bigger

[scott]: don't believe he just gets bigger based

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: wow

[scott]: on how much love he was given
but you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[scott]: know based on his color he's obviously
aligned with the bloods

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wait

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he's like a love

[waluciano]: is not a crip is a blood

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: makes sense

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: blood

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i want to

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: red

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ask if chris

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sorry scott you said that he it
was based on his love so they just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: stopped loving him like that's too big
word out

[scott]: well

[waluciano]: yeah

[scott]: that's what it's the he was a
very small

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: yeah

[scott]: dog and he grew bigger and bigger
because his owner emily elizabeth loved him a

[scott]: lot so

[waluciano]: then i think you can

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: reverse

[scott]: she could

[waluciano]: it

[scott]: she could keep loving him and loving
him until he's bigger and bigger so she's

[scott]: really

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[scott]: the master mind puppeteer here

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[scott]: of this super

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[scott]: villain

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: gives

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: gives him super villain okay we've taken
a stand

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yes

[waluciano]: and

[scott]: i mean depending

[waluciano]: i

[scott]: on her childhood

[waluciano]: a tangent

[scott]: this could go either

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[scott]: way

[waluciano]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i did say

[waluciano]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: heroes

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the universe

[waluciano]: i mean

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: just because clifford was raised by

[scott]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a malevolent you know owner doesn't mean
that clifford can't turn a new leaf

[scott]: exactly

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[waluciano]: yeah

[scott]: well clifford

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: fair

[scott]: could be the hero and elizabeth could
be the evil one controlling him just usually

[scott]: how it works

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[waluciano]: and

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: then

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: wow

[waluciano]: he ships on her and she

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: uh

[waluciano]: dies

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's like a silver

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: surfer gollectis

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: there

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: scenario

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you go and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: except

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: lo

[waluciano]: only only

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: civil

[waluciano]: only

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: surfer

[waluciano]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: can't

[waluciano]: big

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ship

[waluciano]: one is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: on collactisyeah

[waluciano]: clifford yeah this is canon now

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: let's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: bring

[waluciano]: marvell

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: this let's keep this in

[waluciano]: marvell

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: our and

[waluciano]: come

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: our

[waluciano]: on

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yep

[waluciano]: come on

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: keep it on the on the books

[waluciano]: we

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all

[waluciano]: need

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[waluciano]: a cross over

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no it makes sense okay so those
are your three heroes

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: as always with the battle royal you
are each charged with picking an option for

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: me and then i will choose the
least worst one to try to defend their

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: honor let's go in reverse order scott
what do you got for me

[scott]: for you

[waluciano]: i

[scott]: today i have chosen the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[scott]: tactical the decisive

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what

[scott]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[scott]: not knowing what's what in the world
data from star trick

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and just for reference i'm going to
allow it because he is part of the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: federation which is from earth

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's also in

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the universe

[scott]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: wow

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and i think doctor

[waluciano]: the bar the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: bar for entry here is so high

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sorry i was also going to say
is doctor soon technically earthling

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that's a good question was he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't we'll look it up

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well we

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: two bad spencers out here

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: spencer

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah spencer you suck

[waluciano]: wow

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: this is what we need you here
for star track confirmations

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah chris do you want to give

[waluciano]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: your

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah so you have

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sorry

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a range

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hero

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you have a range right but it'll
make sense so hercules right but

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you can choose from rock hercules kevin
sorb hercules

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ryan gosling

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: young hercules

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: or

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: animated eighties cartoon hercules with the power
ring that

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he would keep in his belt and
it's like almost like bad man like mid

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: mid section belt which was pretty dope
and there's also the marvel universe hercules so

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you have your pick of hercules hercule

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: her live he will okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: excellent choice size

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what you got for me

[waluciano]: well since we wanted it to be
you know a little bit of a different

[waluciano]: thing where we try not to pick
things that we always pick i got for

[waluciano]: you the all canadian hero from brandfort
r wan gretskey

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: good lord

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: a real life hero

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: good lord

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a real life

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: sir

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: here if you will

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well that's awesome good choice

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i mean i think we have a
winner here folks gretskyis

[waluciano]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: definitely

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: doctor

[waluciano]: remember i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: soon

[waluciano]: told you i had a pick for
you right right from the get go

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: uh

[waluciano]: there

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: when

[waluciano]: you go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we gressyis coming to the party

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: do it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay i like it

[waluciano]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right let's dive into these questions
then first question i guess

[waluciano]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you know whoever watches the astracan jump

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what what hoghortshouse do you think your
character is from

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ding uh

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: what is

[waluciano]: that's not that's not a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: silence

[waluciano]: house in ding is not

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: boom

[waluciano]: a house

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: this man

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[scott]: jesus

[waluciano]: yeah uh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: so

[waluciano]: uh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you you asked me what hog worts
house black dynamite would would be sorted into

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: and the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: answer the black panther the black

[waluciano]: that's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: panther house

[waluciano]: also not a house

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's not a house

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: don't worry about that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i mean

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you think what makes you think what
makes you think that

[waluciano]: i'm

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: this is my show now kid

[waluciano]: i immediately

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right spencer

[waluciano]: worrying

[scott]: he's going

[waluciano]: about

[scott]: to pump

[waluciano]: it

[scott]: a ter the sorting had to create
his own house

[waluciano]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: exactly because even if

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yea

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: even if you get sorted into into
a slithering raven cloth helpful puff or griffin

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: door black dynamite is still a panther

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: can

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: therefore

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: be two things

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well you know what i like being
on dimensional don't you give me options in

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: life

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: furthermore the answer to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the true answer to your question i
would say it would be raven

[waluciano]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: claw

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: because black diana

[waluciano]: i was going

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: might

[waluciano]: to say i agree yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: because he's he may be stoic and
strong silent type there's a lot going on

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: strategically and you're just waiting for that
moment to claw with the black dynamite claw

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: attack acentcomfu right and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that and we also know we also
know that panthers usually roll in packs not

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: just panther packs but raven

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: panther packs okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so sorry murders

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i think

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: we're

[waluciano]: well

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: trying to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: crows

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: we're trying to listen listen

[waluciano]: it's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: listen

[waluciano]: a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: listen

[waluciano]: crow

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: this

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: is this

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: is this is this is twenty twenty
two were let's let's get away from this

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: black

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: on black crime okay this these murders

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: don't know don't know if i like
that that word only if

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: they're if they're criminal

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's what the crows call themselves

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: listen

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's not me

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: crows

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ravens we all need to get together
and find a way to uplift each other

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: okay but the answer to

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: your question

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: raven claw

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is that because ravens are black and
so are panthers

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well yes

[waluciano]: uh h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: come i'm glad

[waluciano]: also

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we can boil it down

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: but i also chose because i also
narrowed that down because

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yea

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: of the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: claw

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the other things ye i got it

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: listen you don't speak for me

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: lucian you know what a raven group

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: we

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: address this

[waluciano]: it's a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: already ship

[waluciano]: it's a it's a conspiracy

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: perfect

[waluciano]: rave or an unkindness of ravens

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: yep

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: unkindness that's the one i'm going with

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: more you

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: know

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: did

[waluciano]: it's the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it

[waluciano]: most used one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right so your unkindness of ravens
excellent scott you want to jump in with

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: clifford

[scott]: yeah i'm just looking at the the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[scott]: houses here not as familiar with the
harry potter

[waluciano]: the potters

[scott]: squad

[waluciano]: of

[scott]: is

[waluciano]: the harris

[scott]: yeah would

[waluciano]: yeah

[scott]: come up in a battle royal scenario

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: come join come join the panther

[scott]: um

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: party

[waluciano]: clearly

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: you've listened to all of our episodes

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: up to

[scott]: m

[waluciano]: this one

[scott]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yep

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m the paragons

[scott]: so

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: of accuracy

[waluciano]: yeah

[scott]: i'm going to have to go with
the griffin doors mostly

[waluciano]: yeah

[scott]: because it's red and clifford is you
know giant large very on the present like

[scott]: the griffin doors are i think he'd
be a favorite in in the hay potter

[scott]: universe you know everyone getting pats from
all the teachers seems to be griffin doors

[scott]: a favorite

[waluciano]: ah

[scott]: of all the teachers there as well

[waluciano]: yeah

[scott]: i think

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and

[scott]: that fits

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and

[scott]: in well

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hagar

[scott]: with him

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who loves big game

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[scott]: better not hunt them that's all

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[waluciano]: also

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[waluciano]: also

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[waluciano]: clifford is a is a kind hearted
and strong so

[scott]: oh

[waluciano]: that that works too

[scott]: i mean that's a side part yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: whatever who cares

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he's got tank written all over him

[waluciano]: the surging hair cares hair

[scott]: yeah

[waluciano]: hat

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the hair

[waluciano]: starting hair hayeahit's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's just

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i want

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: to see

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wig

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that

[waluciano]: just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just

[waluciano]: one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sorting

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the rabbit

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wig

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: h a r e the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: sorting rabbit

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i though that's what you meant

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: by hair

[waluciano]: even better

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just

[waluciano]: even

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: poops

[waluciano]: better

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: on your head a little and then
you know

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what house she going to

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: nibbles on your ear

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[scott]: he'd probably

[waluciano]: yeah

[scott]: have to fight the surbrios dog

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[scott]: to guard some of different areas

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[scott]: of the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: or

[scott]: house

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: would they he be like what a

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he's like cliff

[scott]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: best friends

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: cliff cliff

[scott]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh hell now

[waluciano]: well if if he was in the
harry potter universe his name wouldn't be cliff

[waluciano]: his name wus be biggles redicus or

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but there's

[scott]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a wrong

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: maybe

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: class

[scott]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not good enough

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: exactly if there's

[waluciano]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a person

[waluciano]: it's not

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you got to have a cliff

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah honestly it sounds like clifford's just
part of the wesley family red hair

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: maybe

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[scott]: if it's right in

[waluciano]: i'm

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: be

[waluciano]: okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: that

[scott]: yeah

[waluciano]: makes sense

[scott]: he's like the rat he's someone's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah and

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all all of the wesleys are in
our in griffin door

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: scott

[waluciano]: i mean where else

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[waluciano]: would they be

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you beautiful genius you did it

[scott]: a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[scott]: perfect

[waluciano]: yeah you nailed it

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: conspiracy theory confirmed

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right let see ato place zena

[waluciano]: ah i'm pretty sure she'd be slithering

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wow

[waluciano]: she's she's

[scott]: oh

[waluciano]: ruthless

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: she i mean not all slither in

[scott]: ah

[waluciano]: are

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well guess

[waluciano]: like evil

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: they said it

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hudrpercent

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: but not all of them snake wasn't

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[waluciano]: yeah

[scott]: oh

[waluciano]: he wasn't

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: always

[waluciano]: he wasn't good

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: how

[scott]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: many how many people

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in snake kill

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: jumble door

[waluciano]: so

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: and maybe

[waluciano]: so

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: some

[scott]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: other people

[scott]: i

[waluciano]: the

[scott]: was

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: bolder

[scott]: an assisted

[waluciano]: asked him

[scott]: suicide

[waluciano]: to kill him

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: listen

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: good people kill two okay as zena

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: put

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that on put that on a shirt
bro put

[waluciano]: uh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that on a t shirt we need
we need the extra income people

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: killed too

[waluciano]: i don't i don't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: see like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: yeah she's she's slithering because the other
option would be griffin dor and that makes

[waluciano]: no sense

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what

[waluciano]: gabriel

[scott]: no she's not

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[scott]: welcome

[waluciano]: will be griffin dore

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: probably

[waluciano]: for sure but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what

[waluciano]: not

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: about

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: but not zena zena zena slither

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: about half a puff don't

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: thinking

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: get

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hopeful of two

[waluciano]: oh yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like any love

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: can you imagine her and nevil taking
classes together

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: all right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: why

[waluciano]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: why nevill nevil's a christian door

[waluciano]: is he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: he should be a helpful puff

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you're a heap

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: no i'm raven claw

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sucks the suck

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right wayne wangretski

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: do it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's a tough one there are many

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: really

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: many options for i think kids say
and really i'm just stalling for time because

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't know anything

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: about half bluff and i want to
read about it for five seconds it's their

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: deal

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m you know

[waluciano]: how did he play

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hard working patient fairness just yeah he's
a buff

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: if you

[waluciano]: canadian harry

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's

[waluciano]: potter

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so

[waluciano]: houses

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: may be

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's he's so canadian like griffin dor
is like for brave

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: people and he's a hawke play i
don't think he was

[waluciano]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: specifically brave or like courageous he just
played hawke

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: but

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he also didn't like fighting in hockey

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: maybe like the best his

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: like the

[scott]: true

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: whole best what's offense was his defense
you know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the

[waluciano]: that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: best

[waluciano]: a puff

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: his best offense was his offense he
said all the time

[scott]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: leading score and hack

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i'm not trying to be right here
i'm just trying to help

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: period

[waluciano]: well you're a chief not being

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i mean

[waluciano]: right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: didn't do the health thing so great
job by all

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: at

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah yeah i think that's that is
that's where i'm placing him i think that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's a strong he can hang up

[waluciano]: yep

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the ghost of cedric diggory so that
would be great

[waluciano]: yeah jesus

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: spoilers

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: if you haven't

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: got there

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it's

[waluciano]: jesus

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it's so on time

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that man was cedric dinner

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um okay let's go to the next

[waluciano]: yes yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what do you think the greatest threat
to earth is and why

[waluciano]: what

[scott]: from

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what

[scott]: our

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: do

[scott]: characters

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you think

[scott]: or

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the greatest threat to the earth is
and why yeah from your characters point of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: view

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[waluciano]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't

[scott]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: care

[scott]: mail

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what you

[scott]: man

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: think go first mail man explain

[scott]: yeah i mean it's a hazard they're
on every corner every street they're easily you

[waluciano]: ah

[scott]: know if they if they wanted to
turn evil they're everywhere can't stop

[waluciano]: oh

[scott]: them everyone trusts them the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: y

[scott]: mailman you know comes to your door
he gives you letters

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[scott]: put some

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[scott]: what's that stuff put in letters that
kills you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: anthrax

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: anthrax

[scott]: anthrax a little bit anthrax in there
you know one little you master mind at

[scott]: the at the head of the post
office we're all dead no one can even

[scott]: see it coming but the dogs they

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you

[scott]: and clifford the biggest dog he knows
for sure

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the

[scott]: so

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: biggest knows

[scott]: in my mind

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[scott]: clifford sees the mail the post office
is the biggest risk

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the entire

[scott]: to the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: postal

[scott]: universe

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: system

[scott]: oh yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what does he think about like what
do you thin you think about like ups

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: or d h l

[scott]: i mean it's just levels of evil

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay just a just a web like
the pipes sylvia web

[scott]: oh yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of like

[scott]: they pretend

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: postal

[scott]: to be

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: systems

[scott]: enemies but they're

[waluciano]: lifford has one of those like boards
with like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you the strings

[scott]: the

[waluciano]: yarn

[scott]: red the

[waluciano]: connecting

[scott]: red string

[waluciano]: ship

[scott]: yet

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[scott]: it's like the mafia you got the
leaders and then

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[scott]: you've got the side groups there are
just different different elements of that same mafia

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: postmaster general use peas on his face
every night that makes sense

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what else forgot

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i would

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: say from black dynamite point of view
biggest threat to earth would be fiendish doctor

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: woo i mean it's a tie kind
of between fiendish door

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: woo and that frog curtis a k
a almost curb the frog but fiendish door

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: uh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: woo i mean okay well check

[waluciano]: h

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it out like i have an answer

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: let's weigh it out for a second
fiendish doctor who is a master of biological

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: transmit your your knowledge of biologic trans
i missed it like miss quote but anyways

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he's essentially like a geneticist and he
works on humans and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: and and like creatures and that's pretty
scary as fun especially if if you're if

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you take into consideration clifford could be
captured by finds doctor woo for evil machinations

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: we don't want that but here's the
thing that frog curtis a k a almost

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: curment the frog he's got the children
in his cross hairs got the children in

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: his cross has you don't want that
he's affected the young minds of our future

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: right getting them to do all kinds
of dastardly deeds that they shouldn't be doing

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: like taking money from mommy and daddy's
wallet or purse we don't we don't we

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: don't need that the children should be
should be should

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: be uplifted and educe properly

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hell no

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we don't need that ship

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: for those reasons that frog

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: curtis is that mother fucking number one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wow from behind big victory

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: damn right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: or loss

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: damn

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: right

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for curtis all right

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: curtis one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it depends on what what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: side you see it from

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ye

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: dr almost won that title but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that frog

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: curtis m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we're all losers here for that

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: umwgreskis got to answer where i'm gonna
answer for resk it's the phoenix or the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: arizona cooties

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: really

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: they are n

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: abomination on

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the shell they they have

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: moved into what is the university of
arizona's rank because nobody wants them to play

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: anywhere in the city the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: damn

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: rink has five thousand people they aren't
even the primary tenant they don't even have

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: advertising for themselves it's all you know
the arizona university stuff and they just ruined

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: everybody's fun no one wants to watch
them play hawke no one wants to draft

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in fantasy pools just ruining everybody's good
time the phoenix cooties welcome

[scott]: didn't he coach that team

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[scott]: for a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he

[scott]: short

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: did

[scott]: period of time

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and so he knows first hand how
bad it is because i'm pretty sure

[waluciano]: he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he

[waluciano]: tried

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: quit

[waluciano]: to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: before

[waluciano]: he tried

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he got

[waluciano]: to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: fired

[waluciano]: solve the problem

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he tried he

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: wain

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: tried his

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: best

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: fired

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: dont think he

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: quit

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: was fired

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he quit

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i think

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: before

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: quick

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: was fired

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm looking that up just

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: to i was about

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we don't

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: to say

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: want

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: lie to our hawke fans like

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: maybe scott in

[waluciano]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in scott

[waluciano]: two people that

[scott]: i thought

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[scott]: he owned them but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[scott]: then i google it and saw that
he was i think he just he was

[scott]: the coach for a while

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: and i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: also was like what's the connection like
does he live in arizona i don't see

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: him doing that but anyways

[waluciano]: like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[waluciano]: to me

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: does

[waluciano]: i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he

[waluciano]: know

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: where does he live

[waluciano]: next to nothing about

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: about hockey but to me

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: at

[waluciano]: hawke team from arizona sounds like that
you know

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: jamaican bob

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: cool

[waluciano]: sled

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: runnings

[waluciano]: team like it doesn't doesn't make a
little lot of sense to

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ah

[waluciano]: me

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: but don't you count them out luciano
just just you wait their time is coming

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: they just need a chance they just
need the

[scott]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: proper coaching style

[waluciano]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: of one john candy playing a

[waluciano]: well

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: coach

[waluciano]: according according to matt there the worst
thing that ever happened to the world or

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well

[waluciano]: at least

[scott]: m

[waluciano]: according to winsringretski

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: from his perspective

[scott]: to

[waluciano]: oh yeah

[scott]: they just spit in nature's face saying
that no we're going to create ice here

[scott]: in the desert the root cause

[waluciano]: yeah

[scott]: of global warming is an arizona hockey

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: see scott gets it he's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: on fire tonight

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: v

[waluciano]: for

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: p

[waluciano]: zena it's also a tie between

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: joker

[waluciano]: her nemesis no joker friend it's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i

[waluciano]: calisto

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: know

[waluciano]: ere's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i was just messing

[waluciano]: it's like because like with a list
of the problem is zena feels guilty right

[waluciano]: because she like burned her fucking village
when she was the evil zena

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: whoops

[waluciano]: and now and now she has like
p t s d and also might have

[waluciano]: is gone completely ballistic and shrieking insane
um and wants to take

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: vengeance on zina and everybody she loves

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: as one does

[waluciano]: so i think i think between the
two would be callisto because you can't really

[waluciano]: you can't really like reason with her
like areas all that ares wants is to

[waluciano]: have a good time and if for
him having a good time is a few

[waluciano]: wars with like a few hundred thousand
people dead i mean can you blame a

[waluciano]: god not really but callista is like

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: rates

[waluciano]: she

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: blamed

[waluciano]: would

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: him

[waluciano]: burn the entire world just to make
zina suffer so i think zena would consider

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: it to be calisto

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well you know that's that's really interesting

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: some men just want to watch the
world bone

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thanks spencer

[waluciano]: wow

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm glad you made

[waluciano]: wow

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it out

[waluciano]: that that impression was so bad it
took like half of the sentence

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it

[waluciano]: from

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: did

[waluciano]: me to realize what

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it

[waluciano]: it was

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: did

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i tried to muster all all of

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: of the spencer and it didn't work
it did not work

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris i will give you credit didn't
evolve to

[waluciano]: to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: gall them so

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for us on that front

[waluciano]: that's true

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i'll keep trying

[waluciano]: neither galam no jarjardbing

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: or island

[waluciano]: so

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: rickman

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: no allan rickman veers into jarge

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: binks that's the problem

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: spencer

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's the path

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: is spencer is the chosen one he
could go in any direction

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i always goes to

[waluciano]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: gablemnouh that's the

[waluciano]: he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: problem

[waluciano]: can

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: always go in one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: direction and that's the problem

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this is down all right next question
and your wider family or group of friends

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: as it were who you think is
your biggest races hercules i mean problem

[waluciano]: well

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: eh

[waluciano]: i might just i might just well

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: kevin

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay really

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: kevin

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: okay

[waluciano]: so it's like it's obviously hercules

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: that particular hercules

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: s

[waluciano]: no yeah it's like

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: mullet

[waluciano]: you know you think you know a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: you think you know the son of
a god the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[waluciano]: human

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: and

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yea

[waluciano]: then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: know you help him in his adventures

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[waluciano]: he brings you from the villain side

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: the heroic

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: side but as

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: you know i'm not going to do
the action because it's going a be just

[waluciano]: as bad but you know you either
die a hero or you live long enough

[waluciano]: to see yourself become a villain

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[waluciano]: and that's what happened with hercules

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: suddenly he's like mysogenistic

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: i don't think it's suddenly though

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ah

[waluciano]: i think it was just hidden but
like you know it comes out in his

[waluciano]: old age

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: and so yeah he's he became the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: races misogynistic

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: lunatic uncle that we all didn't know
he was and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: for that we are all disappointed

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: nice got all

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the references

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in their good job

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i think i'm gonna go with wingratsky
neck just just to knock to knock this

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: one out m probably

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: gretzi's daughter

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: kay polinagrski yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i ave heard

[waluciano]: m

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: of the name i don't know anything
about it

[waluciano]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: she was for

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a while a very popular reasons qoqoteand

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: crazy person and then she finally got

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and settled down and i don't think
that getting married makes you settle down but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: she

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: drifted out of the limelight

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um secondarily

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a

[waluciano]: ah oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i would say son johnson because he
took that i v blood money to go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: golf for

[waluciano]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the satis but if we had to
go with a fun answer

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: because this is a fun happy not

[waluciano]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: serious show

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: la la

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: then

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm gonna go with peter pocklington the
owner of the benton oilers en

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: when gresky was there

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he made risky cry

[waluciano]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he traded

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: his ass to the kings

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh my god

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the ultimate monster

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: made wngresky

[waluciano]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: cry arrest my case

[waluciano]: uh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: that's fair

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[scott]: are those tears like in a canadian
museum somewhere

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah rumor has it if

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you drink

[waluciano]: probably

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: them you live forever

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: okay

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: scott what do you think you think

[scott]: for me

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[scott]: it's

[waluciano]: yeah

[scott]: it's john goodman

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[scott]: yeah so clifford

[waluciano]: wait

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[scott]: a

[waluciano]: what

[scott]: big red dog

[waluciano]: oh

[scott]: listen listen it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: your

[scott]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: remote

[scott]: little bit of a story

[waluciano]: yeah

[scott]: so

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m yeah

[scott]: cliver has been around for a while
you know he's got one main nemesis incidentally

[scott]: as been played by john goodman so
in the world of clifford you know the

[scott]: biggest threat after the post office is
is jon and himself

[scott]: that's all i know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[scott]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that was it sorry

[scott]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: true

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is john goodman a postal worker

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[scott]: in this case no he's a purple
suited brown haired man named

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: pimp

[scott]: george wolf's bottom

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: okay

[scott]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a pimps acre

[scott]: it could be cold as side businesses

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i can't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i don't

[scott]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: have a john goodman impression in me
it's just like where where's my money

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hey chris

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: s

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thank you

[waluciano]: yeah

[scott]: he does he does run the tommy

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[scott]: yemi's

[waluciano]: oh

[scott]: corporation if that helps

[waluciano]: should have should have gone

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: for that's what happens when you find
a stranger in the alps

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: luciano

[waluciano]: but you know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thank you

[waluciano]: okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: boo this to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: what so my fought

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the

[waluciano]: you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: top

[waluciano]: guys haven't watched big labowski

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i did watch it the timing was
just too good to pass up that's all

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah we who cares if it was
funny we're gonna sit on you re railing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris

[waluciano]: fair enough

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you got what you got in the
black dynamite panther first

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: and the question remains

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: most

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: who

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: problematic member of the family friends seated

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i would say it's cream

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: corn

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is that

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a person or food

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i'm so glad i gave it just
enough of a pause to make you wonder

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: is one of his his friends cream
corn gets into a lot of trouble case

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: in point there was one time cream
corn befriended young michael jackson kid michael jackson

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a v c michael jackson

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: was that a revenge plot or what
was happening there

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: no no no no cream corn cream
corns a fan of the jackson five

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: right and then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i somehow got back stage and and

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: met the jackson five and they hit
it off and right but it turned out

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it wasn't the real m j it
was an alien posing as young m j

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: and n and alien m j was
abusing and beating up cream corn and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: so cream corn keeps getting into these
centers areos that the rest of the gang

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: has to get him out of it's
not a good look for those reasons as

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: entertaining you know perplexing as that that
episode was from the black in a t

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: v show

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it doesn't end with cream corn like
he also also died in a helicopter explosion

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: so that's that's that's never fun

[waluciano]: that is collated quickly

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you know we're just gonna leave it
there i think you got

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: have

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: enough

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: any

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: green

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: died

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: corn

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: in a helicopter explosion

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not

[scott]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yet

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: no

[scott]: but we're also

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you

[scott]: not

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: have

[scott]: named

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm hoping

[scott]: after corn

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: judge

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: pray

[waluciano]: last week i did

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: don't judge you died last week in

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: alicopter

[waluciano]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: was

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: fuck

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: great

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: time stamp it we've

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: got a ghost on the podcastyall close

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: to counters of the podcasthine

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no no

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's fine

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: shit it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we'll be gone

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right follow me here this is
a a media question

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i got a knife and fork

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the supreme court recently overruled the rovivwegd
case destroying its credibility and the rights of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: women all over america ow do you
think you'd solve or your character would solve

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the systemic divide that infected the united
states as a whole

[scott]: at the rich

[waluciano]: jesus christ

[scott]: yes

[waluciano]: man what the fuck

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm just kidding you think

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you're

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: vosons

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i was processing i was getting ready

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: now that's fun do you think you're
a person is a cat or a dog

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: person

[scott]: easy

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[scott]: answer over here he's definitely a dog

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: dynamite

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: is all about pussy

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: that's

[scott]: but

[waluciano]: also an

[scott]: dog

[waluciano]: easy answer

[scott]: or

[waluciano]: true

[scott]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[scott]: now

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah buck

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: mark mark

[waluciano]: he's he's a dog

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[waluciano]: who's all about the pussy

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: here you

[scott]: uh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: u

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: dog

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h

[scott]: h

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: dog

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: dog

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h

[waluciano]: uh i think zena is a cat

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[scott]: yeah

[waluciano]: dogs are two she has joker she
doesn't need a dog

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wow

[waluciano]: it's fine

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ted re

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i can see that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so the internet has

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: told me the great site sports dot
answers dot com says that when gretski

[waluciano]: oh wow

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: had a great time this

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: was answered eight years ago

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what

[waluciano]: and this is why he is

[scott]: had

[waluciano]: a great hero

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: had orrect and i think the real
answer is cats because

[scott]: do you think he got a great
dane because he's the great one or it's

[scott]: just coincidental

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i think so yeah great great dane
great one i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: think he

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: also

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: these dogs

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: called

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: are

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: great dane great dame you have to

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that's dope

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um but i think for this i
think after that great day experience he realized

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that m

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: dogs or effort

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: cooties

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: are basically dogs and so he

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ship

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: went the cats

[waluciano]: call back nice

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: what's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a professional

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the connection

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: podcaster yo

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: what's what's the connection to the cooties

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: as a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: man

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hockey team here

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he coached them and he said

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: have you not been listening to this

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yes

[waluciano]: no he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: hasn't

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yes i have

[waluciano]: he hasn't

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: no he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: did

[waluciano]: he's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he

[waluciano]: high

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: worked he worked with the arizona

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: whatever they were called

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: cots

[scott]: yeah

[waluciano]: otis

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: listen

[waluciano]: why do you what kind of animal
do you have in the desert chris

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: cacti

[waluciano]: as the arizona cacti

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: and mirages

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hey hey

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: sir

[scott]: sounds like black

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: by

[scott]: dynamic characters

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this man

[waluciano]: m yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[waluciano]: jesus

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all righ well that was a good
question i'm really glad we solved that problem

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for the united

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hell

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: states

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah can solve

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a lot of problems for them

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well that's what we're here for ourselves
and problem

[waluciano]: as

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right next

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: help

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: question we got here

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: h yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i want you to rank these in
order okay those

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: four items best or favorite worst gonna

[waluciano]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the same four items the items are
things are

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: playing fetch cheese

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: burgers

[waluciano]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the gods

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and the c i a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: oh wow

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: fetch

[waluciano]: well

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: burgers

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the guards and the c i a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes the

[waluciano]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: central

[waluciano]: think everybody

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: intelligence

[waluciano]: knows

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: agency

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: everybody knows that zena is a huge
cheese burgher fan so that has to be

[waluciano]: number

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: okay

[waluciano]: one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: obviously

[waluciano]: has to be has to be

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: i would say

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yep a

[waluciano]: the c i a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: second because i don't think she cares

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yah

[waluciano]: given that it would take a few
centuries for them to come up

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: playing fetch sounds like a lot of

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: wait watch what you say

[waluciano]: positive interactions with things

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: but

[waluciano]: so

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you forget

[waluciano]: i do

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: what was her weapon

[waluciano]: what

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: of choice

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[scott]: oh

[waluciano]: exactly

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: she so doesn't want to play catch
that her weapon comes back to her hand

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[scott]: but he's just always playing fetch with

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: with herself

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah she's playing fetch with

[waluciano]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: herself

[waluciano]: she's not fetching it it's coming to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's

[waluciano]: fetching means going to get it

[scott]: oh

[waluciano]: don't you guys speak english

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: english brother

[scott]: well

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that's

[waluciano]: fucker

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: not

[waluciano]: do you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that's

[waluciano]: speak

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: not

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: it

[scott]: who

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: english

[scott]: plays who plays

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a

[scott]: fetch the person throwing at the person
running is a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: she's

[scott]: two party game

[waluciano]: she doesn't

[scott]: usually

[waluciano]: want either

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what

[waluciano]: she wants to

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: throw something and have it come back

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we're

[waluciano]: to her

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not

[waluciano]: hand

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we're

[waluciano]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: having

[waluciano]: she doesn't

[scott]: that

[waluciano]: really

[scott]: when

[waluciano]: care

[scott]: you play

[waluciano]: for

[scott]: fetch you throw something and then it
comes back to you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah the mechanics

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: of how

[waluciano]: something

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it comes

[waluciano]: brings

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: back

[waluciano]: it back to you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: gravity and the mechanics

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: of her what was it called chalk
rum it's called

[waluciano]: chocrumyeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: chalk rum

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this

[waluciano]: chocroum

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it come it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: captain america's

[waluciano]: so

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: shield

[waluciano]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: so if she's playing if she is

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[waluciano]: fetch

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yourself

[waluciano]: with with physics

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: then that's the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: top of the list

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah existential

[waluciano]: and

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: crisis

[waluciano]: then the gods

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: around the fetch

[waluciano]: because they're all bastards and fuck him

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah that makes that

[waluciano]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: makes

[waluciano]: gods

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sense

[waluciano]: are dead last for sure

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay i mean that's a good list
i didn't realize we'd have that existential crisis

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: around fetch but i'm glad we

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sorted it out

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who wants to go next

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: shall i i could

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: okay

[waluciano]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just go go go

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: sure

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: go

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: so in order it can be in
whatever order best to worst or whatever i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: just got to state it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so

[waluciano]: well it has to be best

[scott]: i mean that's

[waluciano]: to worst

[scott]: the order

[waluciano]: our favorite

[scott]: yeah

[waluciano]: les favorite

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: to leave okay go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: whatever order that is best to worst

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: get cool

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that one specific order

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: think the rodvikwaid things till bobbing around
in his head

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it is i really want to solve
it as in reverse it so

[waluciano]: m

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: okay best okay gods the gods come
up first because black dynamite don't mess with

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: any other gods but the gods of
love okay aridity ros anteros pico okay the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: god the god of persuasion and seduction
whatever god invented the comma sutra

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: anyway so

[waluciano]: i just throwing that

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: so that

[waluciano]: new pantheon

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the

[waluciano]: in

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: sexual

[waluciano]: there

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: gods i make be specific sexual guds
and then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: burgers

[waluciano]: ye

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: fetch and then the monkeys from the
c i a because black dynamite told them

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he was out of the game but
they kept trying to pull him back in

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: sure how to pull him back in

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: every fucking time

[waluciano]: like marche corlioni

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah played by jimmy senactra

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: or was it mickisenatra fate the fate
whatever i dug it oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh all right wengreskiis gonna take a
crack a lick at this list

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ah eck

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and luck but

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: graskibasicall plays fetch for a living

[waluciano]: m

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: true

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: whichever way you want to shape it
if if he is the fete or the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: fetch i don't think there's much of
an existential crisis there

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that sounds kind

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: of prisony but okay go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: on

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: man

[waluciano]: yah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right black black down

[waluciano]: i was going to say i think
you're too much

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: channeling

[waluciano]: into the character

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you're channeling

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: don't worry

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: too hard

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and then after that who

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: doesn't love a good cheese burger

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: delicious after a game after you scored

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ive goals and ten points cause every
else just trash

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a couple o cheeseburgers um

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and then

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ball in

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i think

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i think he's gonna go

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: with the gods and then the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: c i a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: which

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: god

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: really i don't know how religious he
is but i think

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he as more religious than worries about
c a so that's that's the answer now

[waluciano]: fair

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the c i was to recruit wengretski

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: be a spy for america when he's
in russia um to steal state secrets when

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's travelling there that that would be
a whole different conversation and we're not really

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: at liberty to discuss because it would
be obviously a secret

[waluciano]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: clandiston mission that we can't really go
into details on so um i'm gonna stay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: with my list

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: what if

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: you're saying

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: it even in that situation you wouldn't
change anything

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: so you really didn't have to bring

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[waluciano]: it up thus wasting everybody's time okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i yield my time okay

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: what if wayne

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: was recruited by the c a we
kind of already have evidence of that occurrence

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: don't you remember the loosely the loosely
formed around his missions exploits

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the nineteen

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ninety one cartoon called pro stars also
staring bow jackson and michael

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: jordan and wangretski

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh i'm aware

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is that a documentary

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who knows

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: we don't

[waluciano]: that

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: know

[waluciano]: was hat was also the worst pregnant
pause i've ever heard in my life

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[waluciano]: but

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: anyway

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: compared

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: to what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: compared to bullshit

[waluciano]: yes

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: clifford you got a ranking that doesn't
include fetch verse

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ah

[scott]: yes of course

[waluciano]: ah

[scott]: uhcheeseburger

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[scott]: is number one i mean when you're
that big you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[scott]: got to eat a lot and the
cheese burger is the perfect

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: big dog

[scott]: when you get a hundred thou and
if something that's a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[scott]: good it's got a good mix of
ingredients in their

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[scott]: second c a because they're helping us
take down the mail man you know they're

[scott]: they're involved in

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[scott]: keeping the eye on people in clifferhas
got a lot of red string attached to

[scott]: c a a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[scott]: you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: h

[scott]: know in terms of his male

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: c

[scott]: man

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a

[waluciano]: i don't

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a

[waluciano]: know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: man i think the c

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: a c a might be helping the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i think

[waluciano]: office

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the c a a is involved in
this ship too scott you're you're

[waluciano]: the c a a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: scott said it the c a and
the c a

[waluciano]: if you if your

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: car breaks down

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: in the middle of the road do
not call because you will be in system

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: exactly so why

[scott]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i bring duck tape when i drive
okay because if i

[waluciano]: i think we need to explain to

[scott]: yeah

[waluciano]: american listeners that we don't call it
the triple here for obvious reasons

[scott]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it's canadian

[waluciano]: but you know yes

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: put it together america

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[scott]: so sais number two

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: my

[scott]: fetches number three just a good pastime
activity not the most fun but it's only

[scott]: three because the only thing worse than
fetch you now having to run back fourth

[scott]: are the gods who have cursed clifford
to a life of solitude

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[scott]: and you're so big you cannot have
a lover unless you enjoy houses

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: or

[scott]: as

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: bestiality

[scott]: your well what beast is big enough

[waluciano]: he's

[scott]: for clifford

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well

[scott]: he's the size

[waluciano]: he said

[scott]: of a two story house

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: welwowwow

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh king

[waluciano]: what is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: kong

[waluciano]: what is wrong with you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: ah

[scott]: yes

[waluciano]: the bestiality of two

[scott]: yeah

[waluciano]: beasts are involved

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: to what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that's that's natural

[scott]: it's a good question

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: like think about it what's

[waluciano]: uh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: what's what's what's the second largest

[scott]: a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: land mammal that clifford might fall in
love with apart from a unicorn a horse

[scott]: he would

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[scott]: have

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: maybe

[scott]: to go no i still was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm sorry

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: elephant

[scott]: the size of

[waluciano]: what

[scott]: two houses

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: elephants

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: two

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: got

[scott]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: houses

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: stop

[scott]: two

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this

[scott]: story

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but

[scott]: house

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: elephant

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no no no no no i got
to stop i got to stop this chris

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: why

[waluciano]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is

[waluciano]: the fuck

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: unicorn one in

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: two

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: please unpack that for me a little

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: look clifford is a fantastic

[waluciano]: my

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: being charmed

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: with the

[waluciano]: a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: size of embiggining so what's going on

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's what she said

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah that's what's going on i don't
get it what am i supposed to do

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: what are we doing here so a
unicorn is probably

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the only the only charmed creature apart
from like a giant but that's more of

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a humanoid creature

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: right so a unicorn feels well if
it's a female unicorn probably has a magical

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that could you know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but j j

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: sustain clifford's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: love

[scott]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: dan

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: sustain

[waluciano]: oh

[scott]: h

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: my love

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you know listen

[waluciano]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm glad to ask the question

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: glad chris described

[waluciano]: are

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that to

[waluciano]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: us

[waluciano]: are you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: are you glad

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he's very glad we

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: very

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: happy

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: we just laid the bare bones of
our number

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: one hit single

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: to help us generate revenue

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: so we don't have

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: open the patriot too

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sustain

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: soon

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: clifford's love that's the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: sustain

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: name of the song

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: my love

[waluciano]: yeah it's sustained love sung by black

[scott]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: black dynamo doesn't sing black dynamite just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: looks

[scott]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: at

[waluciano]: it

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you

[waluciano]: does now

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i'm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: plays

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: not black dynamite

[scott]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he plays the basic

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[scott]: all i can say is i hope
they noted him before

[waluciano]: nice

[scott]: he got big

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: me too

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that's what she said

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[waluciano]: me too

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: wait wait what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what next

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i hope

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: question

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: process it process it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what retail

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: story do you think best represents the
core who your character is

[waluciano]: oh ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: i yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: take your time we want to get
this right with this very

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's going to speak a lot to
your character

[waluciano]: oh why like just like any

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: kind of retail

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: store

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: an you got to find the story
that fits your character

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i got to give you as much
much room to work is possible here

[scott]: i mean zenas a b d s

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: no

[scott]: store for sure right

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah probably

[waluciano]: i don't know

[scott]: she's

[waluciano]: that there's a

[scott]: all

[waluciano]: retaobdsmstort

[scott]: into leather

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay you just want a general sex
store then assume they ave all the video

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: on car inside

[waluciano]: sure

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it

[waluciano]: sure

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: only we watch of them

[waluciano]: there's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: we

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: your favorite out yourself

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: because my immediate my immediate law

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: media thought was like oh jim

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: the greek but you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: know that's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that's

[waluciano]: it's not really

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: like

[waluciano]: retail

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it's like the

[waluciano]: store

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: olive garden

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: for for for

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: grease

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: give me the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: great what do you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: got

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mean

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: for

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: listen

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: me today get

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm willing to accept

[waluciano]: is that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the

[waluciano]: it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: greek

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but you got to tell me

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: why it speaks to the core of
who she

[waluciano]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is as

[waluciano]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a person

[waluciano]: it makes no sense because like oh
do you mean it's jimmy the greek the

[waluciano]: greek place that serves shnitzel

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: so let's leave that alone

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h m

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a

[waluciano]: okay that's compromised no no that doesn't
make any sense i was gonna say victoria

[waluciano]: secret but it's too dainty for for

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you want some time i can

[waluciano]: m

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i can i can i can hold
the conch while you you you

[waluciano]: o for

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: big

[waluciano]: a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: in your perspective

[waluciano]: begin

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: so black dynamite store that embodies his
essence would be caswell's find men's ware because

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it is one of the few

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: places where the highest

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: concentration

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: sex

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: panther cologne is sold and can be
procured did you know this i'm looking

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mum

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: at it right now as well with
two l's

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: clothing dot com

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is that maybe the real bits of

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well it's got to it's got to

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it's been band in nine countries for

[waluciano]: okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: sexual potency right like but at the
same time black panther like black dynamite doesn't

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: need sex panther he just needs to
know that it's there he's a silent partner

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: like that's that's that extra income is
great to help you know support the orphanage

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: like like the lake denamites sweat sweat
it's like it's already like where do you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: think you think you think that the
what what allowed the f c c to

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: give this the approval was like bits
of panther no human content beads of black

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: dynamo sweat of machizmo of gusto of
fourth rightness

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hey lucian whenever

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you're ready to take over i think

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i'm trying

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you're good to go

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: listen

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just vamping at this point

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: listen look yah

[waluciano]: he snapped me out of my reverie
when he

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: said machesmoiwas like why didn't he talk
about cheese

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: no

[waluciano]: i don't want to know anything about

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yo

[waluciano]: black diamond and cheese

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: also r p to raisermonmone which is
not new news but you just reminded me

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: of that

[waluciano]: okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: o

[waluciano]: because of cheese

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well you said it machzemocheese

[waluciano]: alright

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah yeah oh hopsgotchoping

[waluciano]: yeah

[scott]: my mind is pretty

[waluciano]: yeah

[scott]: easy minds

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[scott]: clifford clifford and

[waluciano]: m

[scott]: camar

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he

[scott]: big red uh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: you're going to say target

[scott]: you don't

[waluciano]: honestly

[scott]: see it every day and if you
do you're surprised that it's still there

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that's what she said

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: why

[scott]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's not a target

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: fair that's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: camar

[waluciano]: fair

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: held in there though ship a way

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah just like zelus held in there

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: zoe

[scott]: m

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: s apparently coming

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: back

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well and so clifford

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ah like

[scott]: as an

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you

[scott]: x zeller's employee you're not it's not
going to last that long

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: man

[waluciano]: yeah you know i think for zena

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[waluciano]: weirdly enough

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: it's the hudson bay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: really

[waluciano]: yeah because if you remembered the show
she went everywhere like i was supposed to

[waluciano]: be ancient greece but she went to
like medieval times she went to china

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: indio

[waluciano]: she went to rome and then back
there was like jesus

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ye

[waluciano]: at one point there and that's kind
of like how it feels inside of a

[waluciano]: hudson bay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: you can walk out of like something
that sells ties and then buy like weird

[waluciano]: socks

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[waluciano]: to say like a cross from from

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: as

[waluciano]: the fancy

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well's

[waluciano]: ties i think

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: all kind of

[waluciano]: yeah like like if you don't if
you don't pay attention where you're going you

[waluciano]: never know

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ah

[waluciano]: where you're going to get and that's
that's why he feels like with ina i

[waluciano]: think

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: and a box of chocolates

[waluciano]: so yeah hudson bay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm i like that

[waluciano]: nordstrum if you want to be fans

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we don't

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: sloppy every day

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um

[waluciano]: that's good choice

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wangreski as easy as winners i yield

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: time

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh wow oh wow

[scott]: m

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: on point

[scott]: m

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: with the period too

[waluciano]: i was going to be teams not
going to lie

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and so that's often by a bunch
of recketeering brazilians that's nothing to do with

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: canada at this point

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: timmy s lost its

[waluciano]: now welfare

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: timmy's lost it it's

[waluciano]: recoracketerian

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: canadian

[waluciano]: brazilians is that like redundant

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i think it was yeah just me
saying the

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: same thing twice my bad

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ah he's lost it like canadian genus
qua once it got into the hands of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: evil doers and so it's not the
same for me anymore

[waluciano]: it's not like tim horton himself was
a nice guy but let's leave that alone

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this problem as everybody had from the
nineteen forties i'm driving and

[waluciano]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: beating people up i don't see what
the problem is

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: yah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: next question

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: but up

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what what do you think your character
is entrance song would be you know if

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you want to envision it as if
you want to invision it as them going

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: up to bed at a baseball game
coming to a wrestling match however

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you wanted to go but what sound
think they picked

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: sligtat

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hype themselves

[scott]: i mean

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: up

[scott]: easy easy peace who

[waluciano]: oh

[scott]: let the dogs out

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: okay

[scott]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: yeah fair fair that's fair

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: okay black dynamite would be dmxes like
x going give it to you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: don't

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: don't i would i would see like
black black dynamite if the timing worked out

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: would be would be an easy and
easy d c purchase for like death jam

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: fight for new york every time well
the memories

[waluciano]: fuck that i want to see black
dynamite as a deal see for m k

[waluciano]: twelve

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that would

[waluciano]: that's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: work

[waluciano]: what

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: too

[waluciano]: i want to see

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: but i would

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: like it more in deft jam music
would just be much i missed that

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: game but i see that

[waluciano]: baldwin gretski matt

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: would it be something queen queen

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: or no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's really easy it's still the one

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: from orleans you'd

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: have to look it up to listen
to it

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: tain

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's it's not that song christmas try

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: what the fuck

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but it's their nineteen eighty seven play
off goal scoring song so

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: damn okay

[waluciano]: so he actually had one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he had one yeah

[waluciano]: is that what we're saying

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mean if i had to pick a

[waluciano]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: song represent mgretski um that would require

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to not google and actually think

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so that's

[waluciano]: can't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's

[waluciano]: have that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ideal if i'm honest but i could

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yo

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: think about it for a minute if
someone else wants to take over

[waluciano]: yeah i'll

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: go zenas is easy pick it if
it's for right before battle if it's for

[waluciano]: during battle

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: if it's for her for whatever reason
coming on to bat whatever the case maybe

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: earth wind

[waluciano]: it's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: and

[scott]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: fire

[waluciano]: barracuda by

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: heart

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: okay how does that want to go
i don't

[scott]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: even know what's the melody

[scott]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: or whatever maybe i know

[waluciano]: a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it

[scott]: we

[waluciano]: don't

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[waluciano]: remember

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: bonanza

[waluciano]: that one yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that sounds like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what

[waluciano]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: no it's bara

[scott]: yeah you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[scott]: didn't play enough

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: what

[scott]: guitar

[waluciano]: you're

[scott]: hero

[waluciano]: fucking heathen

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: not a heated

[waluciano]: fucking heathen

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: not

[waluciano]: go listen

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: don't be

[waluciano]: to

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: so

[waluciano]: it

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: mean mark

[waluciano]: have you met me

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[scott]: it's a great song

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i might know it but i'm not
putting it together

[waluciano]: probably know yeah ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i'm not against it i was just
trying to get it cool dig it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to answer for wingretsheat to let the
body sit the floor

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you changed it

[scott]: very nice very nice

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: why did you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: if

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: change

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i wasn't googling

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: up the song actually used

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i think it's self explanatory

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: get

[waluciano]: it's yep yep

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: take it catching bodies

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: bodied a

[waluciano]: nice

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: lot of my suckers

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah okay i think we we got
everything there that's great

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: wicked

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: was a little more complicated but it's
actually not

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what i'm going to come off of
you need to assemble a crew take the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: one ring to mortar

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: which

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: four people would you choose

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to accompany you

[waluciano]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: do that task

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and ideally

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's you know people within your your
trustry um maybe

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: they should be alive like i think
cream corn probably can't can't go but i'm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not gonna tel you what to do

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: thank you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um m for four other people because
we could you could

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: go whatever

[waluciano]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: size really but that's just go for

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i think it's where you want to
be with this

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: black dynamite would take his brother jimmy

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: who also worked under cover for the
c i a

[waluciano]: ye

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: and even though if he even though
he is technically dead i'm bringing him back

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: to life

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: because i want to so jimmy because
he's got he's got that you know that

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: officer training berry white

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: because you need someone with enough enough
base to help reverberate

[waluciano]: you need a barge

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he

[waluciano]: you need a barge

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: went to retlhpretell the story in the
most grouvious and sultry of

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ways that might help you

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: know soak the sheets we also so
we need two more i nominate jimly and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sorry gimli

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: gimley

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the real gimli

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the real gimli

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: not that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just wonder

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: paul noman knock off

[waluciano]: he would

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: salad

[waluciano]: she

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: dressing

[waluciano]: would

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ship gimli

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i'm talking gimli

[waluciano]: he would get down

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[waluciano]: with black dynamite

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he won

[waluciano]: for sure yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: and then lastly but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: not least

[waluciano]: he

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: paul newman himself

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay okay i like

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: think

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: about that

[waluciano]: wait like paul newman himself or his

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: in cool head

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: cool

[waluciano]: luke

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hand luke

[waluciano]: nice

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: strike that

[waluciano]: nice

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: we want steve mc queen

[waluciano]: what

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: from the great escape we need we

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: need someone shifty and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[waluciano]: okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a master mind that will help us
through the through the different terrain and what

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: happens when we get surrounded what happens
if we have separate mother funks always got

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a plan mothefuner always finds the way

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: tokens equivalent to mc giver

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's that's an answer

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it is and i stand

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: by it

[waluciano]: go mat

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't want to go yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: some one's got to go

[waluciano]: and now

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: stark

[waluciano]: now i told you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i don't

[waluciano]: to go

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: want to go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this is this is my podcast uh

[waluciano]: it's also my

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: fie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h

[waluciano]: podcast and now i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[waluciano]: put you on the spot

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: fie fie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: its fit

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: fie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i will i will

[waluciano]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: give you a pre view i'll give
you two of my four wow

[waluciano]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: will

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you're only good

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: scott

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: enough

[waluciano]: well i think

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you

[waluciano]: of the other two

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: scott figures out hisself so one obviously

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: without fail has to be his dad
walter gretsky and as dad

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hundred percent has to go with him
he needs him there at all times

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: two

[scott]: sam b version or regular version

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh no

[waluciano]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes um second question

[waluciano]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: second person

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: shit

[waluciano]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: on cherry for obvious

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: reasons

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: fuck racism

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um he's a wizard

[waluciano]: that's why the power of raciism

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that's what it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's a wizard

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: power

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: with pracism

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: of racism in

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: my clothing attire compels you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: or more locks or ropes with your
big lips

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you don't represent anything that's that's touchy

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: riis and then they drop

[waluciano]: h

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ricism

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah yeah

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: see obvious number three we need a
muscle on this crew martin mcsorlgtthe answer he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: was always

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: running shot gun with wingretski and beating
up guys to try to mess with gretski

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: cool

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm keeping him safe on the ice
so i think he needs to keep him

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: safe on his way to sam

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: is sam

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: exactly

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and i just need i just need
one more and that's where the stumbling block

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: came in where who would be the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i got you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the fourth one okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: lisa la flam

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay yeah yeah yeah

[waluciano]: who

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: lisa leflam she's the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: she's cvwellformer c v news anchor

[waluciano]: oh right right yeah the one with
the controversy

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: lately a yeah good call the bard
in this case

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: this just in

[waluciano]: nice

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i've been arrow in the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: clavical

[waluciano]: the but

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: am removing the arrow thus like oh
it snapped off i am a tough mother

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: sucker someone passed me a salve

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right there are my four thank
you chris who's next

[waluciano]: oh when it goes can

[scott]: yeah

[waluciano]: you would think still thinking

[scott]: i can't think of four people who
clifford would know like i got i mean

[scott]: obviously you have to take one male
man with you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: let's

[scott]: you bring

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: let's group

[scott]: one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: let's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: why

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: group it together

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: let's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: let's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: group

[scott]: one you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it together

[scott]: keep your enemies close and then

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[scott]: you can throw him into

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: i

[scott]: if you

[waluciano]: have

[scott]: need

[waluciano]: to

[scott]: to

[waluciano]: have to bring

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: emily elizabeth

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: obviously

[scott]: yeah but i mean like other than
that it's just like a random guy holding

[scott]: a stick

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ye

[scott]: maybe

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well who else

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like

[scott]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: let's let's let's let's let's expanded right

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i've

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: got this

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: doesn't ave to be clifford's best friend
but like who else could help clifford

[scott]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who else

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: make clifford know the community

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the male man that clifford is going
to bring with him is our

[scott]: hm

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: favorite

[scott]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ups guy from ma t v played
by phil lamar

[scott]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that dude has so much jumpy nervous
energy that he cannot he's like their speedster

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he's like their messenger he's like he's
like there there their aran boy slash recon

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: dude

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yep welcome

[scott]: yeah i also just brought

[waluciano]: two

[scott]: him

[waluciano]: male

[scott]: along

[waluciano]: men

[scott]: so we can throw him in the
lava after the ring

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wow

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: damn

[scott]: but oh you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: help

[scott]: know

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the guy

[scott]: do you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: out

[waluciano]: put the

[scott]: take

[waluciano]: ring

[scott]: your

[waluciano]: on

[scott]: opportunities

[waluciano]: him

[scott]: where you

[waluciano]: chuck

[scott]: see

[waluciano]: him in

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[scott]: him

[waluciano]: the lava

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so we need we need two more
like don't know like clifford probably knows like

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: barney

[waluciano]: we need one more

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we have

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: any

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we have the

[scott]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mail

[scott]: know barney

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: man

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: barney

[scott]: is

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: pokarou

[scott]: it

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: pokarou

[waluciano]: m emily

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[waluciano]: elizabeth

[scott]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: emily

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who's who is the third one

[waluciano]: the other memon though

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i thought we only

[scott]: multiple

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: need one

[scott]: millman

[waluciano]: so i understood

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you

[scott]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: could

[waluciano]: replacing

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: do carl

[waluciano]: okay then we

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: malone

[waluciano]: need two more

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: from the m b a who

[scott]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: was also

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a male

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: man

[scott]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: there i like that

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's wrestled

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's got some muscle

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he's tussled when

[waluciano]: okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you play for the utah jas you've
got to you've got to come strapped

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yep

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: with the strap

[waluciano]: can i be excused

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: stop asking your answer is always no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: believe

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: we bolt

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i believe

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you into your chair every evening go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i think clifford knows jack white jack
jack jack white all

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[waluciano]: oh okay the comedian

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[scott]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he was

[waluciano]: is he proto

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's is proto yeah he was he
was in the jack whitall as in the

[scott]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the clifford the big red dog movie

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: of

[scott]: his uncle

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: comic

[scott]: case

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: relief

[scott]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[scott]: oh

[waluciano]: all right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: all right

[scott]: john clas

[waluciano]: there you

[scott]: is

[waluciano]: go

[scott]: in there too you could be gandolf

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: now we're talking

[waluciano]: oh man

[scott]: a

[waluciano]: okay just pause for two seconds and
imagine this movie now

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: with

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: h

[waluciano]: john please as gandolf

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[waluciano]: fucking someone make this because i want
to watch

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: o

[waluciano]: it

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: i part in your general direction can
you imagine

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[scott]: they

[waluciano]: gendolp

[scott]: would do

[waluciano]: saying

[scott]: silly

[waluciano]: that

[scott]: walks

[waluciano]: that would be amazing

[scott]: all the way to mortar

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: perfect

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yes

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it would be the best

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yes yeah

[waluciano]: it stumped the bow og with slewax

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[scott]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you shall not pass

[waluciano]: so

[scott]: coconut marks are

[waluciano]: for

[scott]: way over there

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: for zena obviously she has to bring
gabriel because

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: must

[waluciano]: she has

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: to must

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i

[waluciano]: then

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: do

[waluciano]: she needs a proto as well and
that would be joker sure

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: one

[waluciano]: like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: second here sorry

[waluciano]: contributes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i need to stop your chris you're
behind your microphone so we can't hear you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: properly

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh shit

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i thought my hair was brushing against

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: once

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i thought

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you're

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: leaned forward you're like way far away
and it sounds like

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you're ten miles away from a microphone

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh i thought my flowing curls

[waluciano]: should i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: were

[waluciano]: should i go back and start zina

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: start

[waluciano]: again

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: over guess please

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: my bad

[waluciano]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no worries

[waluciano]: so for zina she has to bring
gabrielle of course because where does she

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: must

[waluciano]: ever go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: never

[waluciano]: when does she ever go anywhere without

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: all the time

[waluciano]: her

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: all day

[waluciano]: and she needs she needs a proto

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[waluciano]: so that's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: joker is the person that does nothing

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: but it still has to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yep

[waluciano]: be there

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: and so we we need two

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: more um

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[waluciano]: m she would bring

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: autolycus because you never know when you're
going to need a rogue

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: ch is probably always

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: true

[waluciano]: um and it's also you know bruce
campbell so that's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: please

[waluciano]: a bonus

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: say please let your next choice be
gosling hercules no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: please

[waluciano]: wait

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: please

[waluciano]: and

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: don't

[waluciano]: then

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: do so

[waluciano]: and

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: bo

[waluciano]: then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: you need you need like a like
another fighting sword like gabriel kind of fights

[waluciano]: but not really

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: staff

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: o no it would bring what's her
face ephany the leader of the amazons

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: okay

[waluciano]: with her

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: t would be like zena

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i

[waluciano]: in this the scenario zena is erigornand
so afanewould be gimli legal if you prefer

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: like it's the other one you can

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[waluciano]: count on to kick some ass

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[waluciano]: and if we ever needed a glum

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: brings hercules there you go

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: full circle

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: shots

[scott]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: fired excellent work

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: everybody we

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: have one more question on this

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: shit

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who of your four of your four
picks is most likely to bore me your

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: group

[scott]: the mail man

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: why ah that was that was a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[waluciano]: choice autolycus

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: refresh me

[waluciano]: because he's he's he's a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: what

[waluciano]: rogue

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: happened to borrow me though

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he tries to steal a ring and
then he gets murdered by the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mostally the ring stealing thing

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: well he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: steals the ring and then his chambene
that's why he dies

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's fair

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who in your group is most likely
to get an bin

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: may just be the question

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it might be bullhornbullhorn horn is like
his black dynamite's best friend but i think

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he's tired of being second fiddle

[waluciano]: but he wasn't on the group you
put together

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well okay i'll rewind

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hey hey

[scott]: retro

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: buddy it's a yes and not a
rewind because kind of podcast

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i don't remember all of my picks
and therefore i will

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: choose

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i'm kidding

[waluciano]: it

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i'm

[waluciano]: happened

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: kidding

[waluciano]: so long

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: listen

[waluciano]: ago

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: that i don't remember who i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: time

[waluciano]: picked

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: is a funny construct but i remember
gimleyit'll be gimleyginley

[waluciano]: ye

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: once to take once a w e
was a w for

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: for the dwarf it's like well why
not i've been through this twice okay it

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: has to be a different outcome

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: like i want some power so he's
gonna he's going to try and swipe

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay great

[scott]: so you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: job

[scott]: just look a here we go again

[waluciano]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it's like this is oddly familiar dajavooi'm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's my time now

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: tired i'm sick and tired of chicken
i want some dat

[waluciano]: eh well actually

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: the dwarfs had had their three rings
and it didn't end well for them

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: we'll give them another rail

[waluciano]: imagine i'm pushing my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: non existent glasses

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ah

[waluciano]: up when i say that

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: maybe they

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: kay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: needed

[waluciano]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a ring

[waluciano]: yah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: to help control the other

[waluciano]: h

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ree

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hey chris

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yes

[waluciano]: you're behind

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you're

[waluciano]: your

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: doing

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: damn

[waluciano]: life

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it again

[waluciano]: again

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bro

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: can't

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: getting

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: lean

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: comfortable

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: forward also

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: who's going to jail

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: no i can't i can't handle it
i'm too pretty

[waluciano]: here

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[waluciano]: here

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i was leading on my

[waluciano]: mute

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: my pad

[waluciano]: wait

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: from my elbows

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's fine but like

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: don't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: go

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you because the microphone you have like
it's ours it only does the in

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: front

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: front

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i don't even know what i said
but what i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: will say is that they probably the
webs could have used a fourth ray

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah that's that'll solve those problems no
one's ever died because of the rings

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m hm

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: maybe you

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: should kiss them

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: more

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no um

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it is easy and obvious that it's
dancer the races wizard

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: oh yeah oh the raciest wizard

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: i wield

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: the power

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: of a season

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i i take power

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: of race

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: my neck is units invisible to your
perception because of my race is collar

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i mean

[scott]: i feel like don cherry

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[scott]: would have

[waluciano]: i

[scott]: like

[waluciano]: think

[scott]: ten suit cases of different suits for
the journey

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yep

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: every time you look at him he's
in something different

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: different

[waluciano]: well

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: different

[waluciano]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: top

[waluciano]: thing is

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: it's because he's a leach and they're
not just suits like they're where he puts

[waluciano]: his skeleton the only part of him

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hm

[waluciano]: isn't the skeleton is the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: face

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: the rest is just a constrict

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m facts

[waluciano]: so the suits are like armor

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: science

[waluciano]: races armor if you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: mysticism

[waluciano]: will

[scott]: they're holding his crippled body together

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: unsolved

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: mysteries

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well that's why he

[waluciano]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: can never die

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: jonathan franks

[waluciano]: and his felactoriis the his mustache

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just have a mustache

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i thought it's white

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: that you know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you

[waluciano]: of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mean the go to

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: oh yeah he does have a go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: it's just okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the whole thing

[waluciano]: let's go with the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[waluciano]: got

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: facts

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ah

[waluciano]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: unimpeachable logic being

[waluciano]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: presented here on this podcast

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: lower

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: yeah well i mean that's that's been
the theme of this night

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: definitely

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right i'm glad we've solved the
lot of the rings riddle and

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and our sham beans um next question
on the docket if i'm going to find

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: where i've hidden there we go so

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right so you need to pick
it's gonna be a two on to battle

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: between the four people represented here who
you're picking as your partner and why would

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you to defeat the other two that
you didn't pick

[scott]: zina ride that puppy dog unstoppable an
shacresof people

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[scott]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sure

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: clifford wouldn't get confused by the shockers
coming back and trying to fetch them yeah

[scott]: ah

[waluciano]: oh no they're

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: my

[waluciano]: their

[scott]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: only

[waluciano]: worst

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: weakness

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: enemies

[scott]: we've may i may have over

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he

[scott]: quickly

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[scott]: estimated this

[waluciano]: ah

[scott]: one

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i'm going with wangretski

[waluciano]: i mean she

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: will go out

[waluciano]: she can just not use the shock
room she has a sword it's fine

[scott]: the sort from up top imagine riding
a house trying to swing a sword to

[scott]: somebody below you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we ship

[waluciano]: i mean if you're writing

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: a house it could just run

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: over people

[scott]: exactly

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: when grass too fast for that ship

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: skates everywhere

[waluciano]: is he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he gits everywhere

[waluciano]: is he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he's a pro star the c

[waluciano]: i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i

[waluciano]: don't

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a

[waluciano]: think

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: funds

[waluciano]: he is

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: all of his gaza

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: allegedly

[waluciano]: then she

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: allegedly

[waluciano]: would how

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: indeed

[waluciano]: she would

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: indeed

[waluciano]: throw

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: she would throw the shock

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[waluciano]: room at him and then he would
get hit by the shock room and

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: are

[waluciano]: overrun

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: sure

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he wouldn't

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: about that

[waluciano]: by the dog

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he would

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he would just slap

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: handle

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it back

[waluciano]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in her

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: face

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: there you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like

[waluciano]: no he wouldn't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: boom

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it's just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: slap

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: shot

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: thin puck

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right back at

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: friend

[waluciano]: it's not it's not a tiny bit
of like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's a

[waluciano]: rubber

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: really

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thin

[waluciano]: or whatever

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: puck

[waluciano]: the fuck puck is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: made of

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: then he shot the

[waluciano]: it's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: shock

[waluciano]: a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: room

[waluciano]: really really thin

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: metallic

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ye

[waluciano]: puck with a giant hole

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that's

[waluciano]: in the middle

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: heat

[waluciano]: yeah it's exactly

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he

[waluciano]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: would

[waluciano]: same

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: have an eastern aluminum

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mahowkeystick weighed down with sand to hit
it back as hard as humanly

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: possible at her

[waluciano]: that's that's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: not up to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you

[waluciano]: regulation he will get two minutes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: know

[waluciano]: in the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's what bread

[waluciano]: in

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hall

[waluciano]: the box

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: used that's completely legal

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: brathllrethal

[waluciano]: wow yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: disciple of the races wizard i'm pretty
sure but that's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: neither here nor there

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: my god

[waluciano]: that's a different

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: question

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: my god that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a different

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: don't actually know

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: okay ship i was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i was about

[waluciano]: i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i

[waluciano]: don't

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: thought i was

[waluciano]: actually

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: getting put

[waluciano]: know

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: on game

[waluciano]: let's just let's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: let's throw him

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's

[waluciano]: under

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: an

[waluciano]: the bus

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: old

[waluciano]: just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: white

[waluciano]: in

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: guy

[waluciano]: case

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just kind of

[waluciano]: for the sake of argument

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just a white guy assume they're all

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: next thing you know

[waluciano]: let's assume for the sake of argument
he is also races

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: damn

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay fair enough okay so

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeh

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: scott's going with picking zena

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris you're on a res can you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: your logic

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you would be too easy two two
hoist oneself on on on to clifford the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: steed of house proportions it would be
too easy you see black dynamite waingretski have

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: so much polar opposite greatness coursing through
their veins wayne being

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: they would cancel each other and

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: no

[waluciano]: die yeah i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: no

[waluciano]: agree

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you don't speak for me so you
sit down and you be booed

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: wayne wields the power hake and

[waluciano]: h

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: black dynamite wields the power of private

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm sorry

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: in

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: chris chris

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: wait for it wait

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: did you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: for

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: say

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: are you gonna say dynamite

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: boom

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: so he threw he likes to throw

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: projectiles that you can light on fire
and that explode

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: h

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: almost like a gambit

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you know almost like a mutant kinetic
charge right but usually gammit throws objects with

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: his hands that he his hands that
he charges the objects with his hands black

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: dynamite he rubs objects on his lower
region and he thrusts them outwards

[waluciano]: an i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: silence

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the

[waluciano]: can i be excused

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for the list

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: silence

[waluciano]: may i please

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for

[waluciano]: be

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the

[waluciano]: excused

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: listeners at home he was

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: rubbing his penis

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well i don't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: metaphorically

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: have to metaphorically

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: i mean

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: meta

[waluciano]: it was out it was outside the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well

[waluciano]: thank

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: if i

[waluciano]: god

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: do this

[waluciano]: but

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it looks like if i do

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: this

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's got a charpin

[waluciano]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: listeners i don't know ere tling

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: anyways

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you this this is awful i'm goin
a skip that

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: anyways

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: continue

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah so

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: wan has got the power of hake
and black dynamite s got the power of

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: his loins and you can't you can't
top that it's it's fisticuffs explosions and death

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: all around you don't want to step
to these gentlemens don't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: they haven't don't

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: on or

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: off

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: want

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ice

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: step okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you got to get checked

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and any surface nice checked

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: used a hake reference everybody got a
good joke lucia hanno

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what do you got for us

[waluciano]: ah um i think zena pig

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: black dynamite

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: how so

[waluciano]: just just just a fellow wrecker of

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[waluciano]: that now just it knows how to
funk things up

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: indeed

[waluciano]: novel ways

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: that she doesn't know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: would

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: probably have sex at some

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: probably

[waluciano]: point because of course

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: probably

[waluciano]: maybe they would even have sex wilder
trouncing wen gretski and clifford

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: probably

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: gross this is a kid this

[waluciano]: maybe

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is a

[waluciano]: they

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: kids

[waluciano]: would do

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: show clifford's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: in it

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: silly

[waluciano]: maybe they

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: silly

[waluciano]: would

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: silly

[waluciano]: maybe they would both maybe they would
both climb

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: clifford's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: o ship

[waluciano]: back and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't

[waluciano]: have sex

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like

[waluciano]: on his

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: this

[waluciano]: back

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: is the hair baby did you get
some hair well that's that doesn't

[waluciano]: she's done

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that

[waluciano]: it

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: doesn't

[waluciano]: before

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: look like your hair

[waluciano]: listen

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it

[waluciano]: no i'm not i'm not

[scott]: i'm

[waluciano]: i'm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[scott]: not

[waluciano]: not

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: good

[waluciano]: a

[scott]: yeah

[waluciano]: red

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: god

[scott]: not

[waluciano]: hand

[scott]: that red

[waluciano]: you

[scott]: head

[waluciano]: idiot

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah i see i see i see

[waluciano]: oh no i'm sucking the dog

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: and cliffs

[waluciano]: again

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: like cliffs like just

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: keep doing what you're doing just keep
just keep doing what you're doing just keep

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: doing wat you're oing b d

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: keep

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: clifford's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: doing hat you're

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: watching

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: doing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no one's killing anybody is just

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: clifford

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: clifford

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: cliffords underneath

[waluciano]: uh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the sandwich

[waluciano]: no yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: well

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he's underneath

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: we're killing clifford

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: like psychologically

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: cliver is very familiar with doggy style
i don't think

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's not going to follow

[waluciano]: that is true i don't think he
would be too impressed

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: given that he's the size of a
house too

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mark mark you're doing that wrong bark

[waluciano]: ye

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the other whole the other whole b

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the other one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right well you're goin a yield

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: your time

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um

[waluciano]: yes

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: maybe

[waluciano]: i have

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you have to wengratski is is going
to choose clifford and it's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's not it's not

[waluciano]: makes sense

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just because of the giant dogmas it
is effective he does love a good muscle

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: on his wing but but it's you
gotta put the great one with the great

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: dog greatest dog of them all and
i think just the paring great on great

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: would defeat the two just banging it
out because they don't even know what's happening

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: while they're loose that fight so i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it's pretty easy from there

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: on out

[waluciano]: that's that's probably

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: fair

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[scott]: i see it as like a gatling

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[scott]: gun puck on top of the dog

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[scott]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: just firing them

[scott]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: off

[scott]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh there you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hate

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: have it

[waluciano]: it's not really a gatling gun

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: is just him like like when grass
could just like slapping those bucks

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hair balls

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thank

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you for describing what scott said so
taking the

[waluciano]: he said a gatling and i said
it wasn't a gatling and it

[scott]: that

[waluciano]: was

[scott]: was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[waluciano]: actually

[scott]: the idea

[waluciano]: him

[scott]: it was

[waluciano]: lappy

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well

[scott]: slap shots

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: actually we

[scott]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: can't use

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: our imaginations

[scott]: h

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: on this podcast because luciano hates it

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[waluciano]: yeah what

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: everything else is a hundred percent evidence
based and real would you choose that one

[waluciano]: thing to be imaginary

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: because the imagination is real

[waluciano]: yeah that's the problem that that's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: h

[waluciano]: the problem what i said

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: next question

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah next question

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ready

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: or

[waluciano]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: at

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: sack timmy

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what what do you think would be
after you've completed a case defeated the gods

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: whatever clifford does on a big hockey

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: do you think your victory meal would

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: roscoe's chicken and

[waluciano]: in

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: waffles

[waluciano]: clifford's case it's just in clifford's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: case it's the mailman

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: what do you mean oh ship he
would eat

[waluciano]: eat

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: him

[waluciano]: the mailman

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ship yeah

[scott]: i think that

[waluciano]: it's

[scott]: was

[waluciano]: both

[scott]: the

[waluciano]: the

[scott]: battle

[waluciano]: victory

[scott]: though

[waluciano]: and

[scott]: yeah

[waluciano]: the meal

[scott]: that was the battle

[waluciano]: it's both the victory and the meal

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: we

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: both know what happens from here cliff

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: just do finish me off and clifford's
like you don't get to tell me what

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: to do male man

[waluciano]: you would like just by it of

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i don't know

[waluciano]: okay

[scott]: like the trek

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: consume

[scott]: scene from drassick

[waluciano]: gruesome

[scott]: park

[waluciano]: but

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: maybe

[waluciano]: okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: cliff's got to eat

[waluciano]: oh wait i'm speaking for zena no
for clifford

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: never mind

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: zena would have peainglike

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i

[waluciano]: mildly

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hey

[waluciano]: races

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hey down

[waluciano]: against

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sherry

[waluciano]: greek people

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: get the fuck off our podcast

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yea

[waluciano]: yeah

[waluciano]: she would have i think like a
big mutton chop with like some

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ah

[waluciano]: ale

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: or mead

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh yeah

[waluciano]: yes yeah the button chop

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: hair

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: like beard cut

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: uh

[waluciano]: that's what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: i that's what i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: makes

[waluciano]: mean

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sense

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: uh yeah

[waluciano]: idiot

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wow

[waluciano]: yeah no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: like just just like a shank of
lamb and some meat

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[waluciano]: that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: keeping

[waluciano]: what you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it

[waluciano]: would

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: simple

[waluciano]: have

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well like that

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: wengreski even though his restaurants i believe
have all shut down

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh shit really

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: whoa

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: has stored uh let's go with

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a ten years supply of

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: food from the restaurants in a bunker

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m eh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for you know anything that bad that
could happen but he ever a while when

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he really wants to celebrate he takes
a meal from that stash and sits down

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and eats it

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: okay

[scott]: our

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: wow

[scott]: gonna say like a beer out of
the stanley cup

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: now he's

[waluciano]: or lake

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he's done that too many times

[waluciano]: potin or

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: at

[waluciano]: to keep it in the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: talk

[waluciano]: house

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: about a real victory not not like
one of those stand up things

[waluciano]: is not like just the run

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[waluciano]: of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: mean

[waluciano]: the meal one okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: once you win

[waluciano]: fair

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like four

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: three who cares

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah hm i'm gonna

[waluciano]: all right

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i also want to just like like
elaborate a little bit on the chicken and

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: waffles but like chicken and waffles is
sort of a it's too easy like like

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i want omethingthat's not really on the
menu that not always as attainable as one

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: might come to expect and therefore like

[waluciano]: turkey and pankigs

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i hear you but no

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m roscoe's chilly and doughnuts

[waluciano]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: before they pivoted business models

[waluciano]: oh it goes back in time

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well

[waluciano]: to

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: he

[waluciano]: get

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: was

[waluciano]: the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: there

[waluciano]: meal

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: like like it's not really back in
time he's just like can you he's just

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: like can you roscoe can you

[waluciano]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hit me with that one of them
old es and russ as like what the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: fuck are you talking about

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i pivoted

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: like like i'm not

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: what what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the fuck

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: is a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: could

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: tapis

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bar

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: with

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a fucking

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: we think this is like i do
anything for you b d but what an

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it's like hit me with them a
bullet good chillon ome doughnuts he's like were

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the fun i goin to get that
i don't do you even know how how

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: suppliers work and he's like yeah he
pulls out his gun also just came from

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a hell of a fight with a
big red dog an ancient warrior princess

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: and the great one and when i
tell you to bring me some chilly and

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: doughnuts rosco my man

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: and places the nozzle like the edge
the barrel of the the the gun still

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hot from all the bullets or bullets
because black dynamite is eco friendly places it

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: on roscoe's temple

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you're

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: going to hit me with that that
chilly and doughnuts

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: or do i have to go to
your competitor and tell them how much of

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: a bit you become and rosco's like
you write about that figure

[waluciano]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it out have oh

[waluciano]: he was like oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: the choice is going to your competitor
not cheating me in the face yeah go

[waluciano]: to my comparitor and go fuck you
by the way

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: actually

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this is why small business owners have
hardest out of all of us

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: fair

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m important to go local

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: shops local really really really

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: important

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: has everybody had their meal then i
guess clifford just

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ate somebody

[waluciano]: no i think

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: clifford hasn't had well i mean i
said he would eat

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: right

[waluciano]: the mailman but it might have been
facetious so

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ah

[scott]: yeah i mean the mailman

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[scott]: is the fight but maybe

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[scott]: i would say a swimming pool of
dog treats

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: nice

[scott]: yeah there's no bull

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[waluciano]: yep

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: like

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[scott]: big

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that

[scott]: enough for him so he goes for
a full swimming pool

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that's what i'm king talking about that

[scott]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: is a bowl for him

[waluciano]: yeah it's a small bowl for him

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: depending on the size of the pool

[waluciano]: that's true

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: then like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: yeah

[scott]: hot

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[scott]: tub size dessert

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: of jello

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the blood of his enemies

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh shit jello blood

[waluciano]: and another and another

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: glad

[waluciano]: mailman

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: or should we call it jarred

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: ma a male man with

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: blood

[waluciano]: maple

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you know

[waluciano]: syrup

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: what he

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: does

[waluciano]: on top

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: actually

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: angelo is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: jared

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: gets he gets a hot tub but
it's not filled a hot tub it's remember

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the freezing disks from demolition man it's
an ice puck of

[waluciano]: yea

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a male man

[scott]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: she's a cooling treat for him

[scott]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: damn

[scott]: perfect

[waluciano]: also did you say that this hot
tub is not filled with hot tubs that's

[waluciano]: what you said

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you got a problem with that

[waluciano]: is like a matriascadolov

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: more importantly i wanted to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: know what

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the blood of enemies and gela would
be is that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: gelid or is it red

[scott]: all yellow is

[waluciano]: oh

[scott]: the blood of your enemies your enemies
or animals

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: shit gelatinous

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: answer thank you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't if you're going to eat
the blood of all your horse enemies that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: might really cake up the unicorn connection
just corn back

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m we should ask the devil tim
curry what he thinks about that

[waluciano]: why a reference

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that that that's when we talk about
legendary menus you know

[waluciano]: true

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: tim

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: good old tim d should know a
thing or two about unicorn predilections references i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: should say culinary preferences

[waluciano]: s like bruce agrees so that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: good

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: someone's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: on our side finally i got i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: got one one last question

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: eallyasy

[waluciano]: okay

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: why do you think

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: people fear your hero

[waluciano]: yeah i mean

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: what is fear

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: i mean

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: is that what you're trying to squeak

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: no what's not to fear

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[waluciano]: this is a zena is like demi
goddess probably

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[waluciano]: as we don't know but she's probably

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: now eric's daughter

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ye

[waluciano]: she is also more than half insane
a maniac loves to serve things by pummeling

[waluciano]: things to death or cutting them death
um m she killed santars just because she

[waluciano]: could

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yea who wouldn't

[waluciano]: and wow okay and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: like she was crucified twice and survived

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[scott]: yeah

[waluciano]: it's not to

[scott]: i'm sorry

[waluciano]: fear

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[scott]: what

[waluciano]: this is this is a mad woman

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: crucified

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: twice

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: suck

[waluciano]: crucified

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: jesus

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: did not

[waluciano]: twice

[scott]: did they

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i did

[scott]: have

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: not

[scott]: religion

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: know

[scott]: when

[waluciano]: yeah

[scott]: she was around

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: they

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: can

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: had

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: crucify people for all sorts

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: they

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of reasons

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: had crosses that's what they

[waluciano]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: had

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: nails

[waluciano]: i'm telling you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: it was all over the place got
our legs broken with a hammer

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: recovered

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh snap

[waluciano]: from that

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: was that what what

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: are

[waluciano]: snap was the sound that it made

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: shit

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i don't believe i said that

[waluciano]: uh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: shit snap

[waluciano]: uh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: good catch

[waluciano]: i think i think people

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: fear

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thank

[waluciano]: her because she is very powerful very
crazy and basically can i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: be killed that's why

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah but like whatever man that's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: not that that's not that scary

[waluciano]: i'm sorry that that argument

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: completely killed my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: argument so you're

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: right yield my time i guess

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thank you scott give us a better
answer give us a reason to fear something

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: u

[scott]: i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: u

[scott]: mean the fact that there's a giant
dog the size of the two story house

[scott]: walking around who could accidentally shit on
you and murder you at the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: could

[scott]: same time

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ship off you to death

[scott]: eh uh you know just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: sorry

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: would that be considered

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: stoop and scoop that mother sucker

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: would that be considered

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: murder ship

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: shite murder

[waluciano]: shite

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: she i

[waluciano]: murder

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: murder okay

[waluciano]: more like

[scott]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay

[scott]: think

[waluciano]: it

[scott]: it's still just generally

[waluciano]: yeah

[scott]: a fatality

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i guess it's it's ship slaughter because
i don't think he intended

[scott]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to kill them

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: fatality

[scott]: he may have

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: poop stink

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i think we've gone too

[scott]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: far on this my

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: bet

[waluciano]: clifford wins flawless victory

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i ate it

[waluciano]: sheettality

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[scott]: talityyeah that's the one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: had it

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: so we did that that's the thing

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i just got to

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: trade

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: jump in

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: mark

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: here for wangretski

[waluciano]: h

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: adams

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i think the thing was any

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: great serial killer bad great imeninislike famous
not good to kill is not good i'm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: gonna scratch that from the podcast because
that was poorly

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: keep

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: worded

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: on my

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: keep

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: part

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it still

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: rolling

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: anyways so

[waluciano]: by the powers of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: editing it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: thing

[waluciano]: never

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: happened

[waluciano]: happened

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for forget what you heard um so
clifford hitting on people that's the

[waluciano]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: whole thing

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um m so serial killers are

[waluciano]: my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: famously known for weird weird little people
and wengratki is just too nice two mile

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: menard two happy go lucky too friendly
just like too much so you just stuff

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: set to wonder she hiding what's he
in to

[waluciano]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: at's

[waluciano]: god

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: his kink

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he does

[waluciano]: are you you're trying to paint in
gretsklike if he was dexter

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: listen if you want to put put
dexter in people's heads you did it not

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: me

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i'm going

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to yield my time because that

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: surprised

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: pretty much covered

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: mom

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: it

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: fuck

[waluciano]: uh

[waluciano]: h

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well

[waluciano]: or jokes

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well yeah that was some ship

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it was some ship that was a
chitality if i ever was one

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you need to fear if you don't
fear black dynamite with all of his exploits

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: being in one if not all of
the world wars

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: his mastery of kong foo

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: second to none that and hence the
reason why i've decided to adopt the black

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: dynamite pantherphist as my my monitor for
this episode but that said if you do

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: not fear the fierceness of his ability
to love even though his face is mostly

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: dead pa all the time well you
need to look deeper my friends because sometimes

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: when we touch honesty is too much
but if you interrupt someone's calling foo you're

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: also going to realize

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: my

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that you're going to get hung up
on the next time you try to ring

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that telephone in the most abrupt way
of all if i've ever heard

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: my

[scott]: what

[waluciano]: exactly

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah well

[waluciano]: also clearly the most care thing about

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: black dynamite is my

[waluciano]: dynamite

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ability

[waluciano]: is that

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: to

[waluciano]: he apparently he apparently rubs everything

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ah

[waluciano]: on his crutch that's very

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well

[waluciano]: scary

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah he's got crabs

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and then

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: actually

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you put that head

[waluciano]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: on and then you get crabs

[waluciano]: who

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: actually

[waluciano]: knows what's there

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: black data mite can't swim and so
the fact that he's not able to swim

[waluciano]: that's that's very

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you

[waluciano]: scary

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: need to let

[waluciano]: you're

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: mother

[waluciano]: right

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: finish mother ker

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you can't swim right

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: but if you are left in the
ocean than you need to survive there are

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: sharks swaling about your position you need
to recognize the feats mental fortitude that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: one black dynamite achieved and by visioning

[waluciano]: i think

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: let the other finished by the sucker
and by visioning the ocean as the sweet

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: sugar walls of a

[waluciano]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: lover he was able

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: thrust himself through the water and stay
above the water

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: hey

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: he black black dynamite

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that's i'm not black dat book

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: okay the fun is that i have
to do

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: with people being scared of you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh mind is the most powerful weapon
of all

[scott]: i'm scared of you now so that
you you won

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yah

[scott]: that one

[waluciano]: well it's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yield my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yah

[waluciano]: you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: time

[waluciano]: know you know what it is you
know you know what the problem

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[waluciano]: is is that

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: a mind that can conjure that really
is a scary

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ye

[waluciano]: thing like the most scary thing would
be to live in that mind

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: but he's not black panther

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i'm not

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: as he alleges

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: or black dynamite

[waluciano]: or

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: or

[waluciano]: or

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: black dottamite

[waluciano]: or dynamite or

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: or black fist

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i'm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: not

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: don't know

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i'm not any of that i'm just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: just i'm just i'm a bard of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well i sort

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: you're you're barred from talking more

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: well that's

[waluciano]: that's what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a great

[waluciano]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: segment

[waluciano]: are

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to that's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: already

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the time

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yielded

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: we have

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: my time you can't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: get

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: this

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: me

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: episode no i've already started the

[waluciano]: uh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: thank

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: ending

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you're done

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it's all good

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: that's all the time we have

[waluciano]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for this episode scott thank you very
much for going

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: thank

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: s

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: you scott

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i

[scott]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: believe

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: thank you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you

[waluciano]: god

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: have a strict do not tell us
anything about you on the internet

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: u

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: policy which we will abide by you

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a ghost

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: and a mystery that shows up on
the podcast you know a couple of times

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: a year

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: no one needs to know his

[waluciano]: it's caught

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[waluciano]: even real

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: just

[waluciano]: or is

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: because

[waluciano]: it an

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: uh

[waluciano]: i

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: his government name is scott

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it that's neither here nor there

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: and

[waluciano]: whoa bro that's

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: well

[waluciano]: not nice

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: because we happen to know that he
lives at

[waluciano]: m

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that doesn't mean that he doesn't exist
or doesn't

[waluciano]: wait

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: or does

[waluciano]: wait

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: m

[waluciano]: that sensory

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: i don't know

[waluciano]: the sensory developed an attitude in the
middle there

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the end the random visor took over

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: the random

[scott]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: has modes

[waluciano]: yeah oh

[scott]: oh yea it was definitely an experience
i tell you that much

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: oh

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that's what he's goin to

[waluciano]: isn't

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: that's what

[waluciano]: it

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: scots

[waluciano]: always

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: gonna put on his linked

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: no

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: in for being on the podcast

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yea

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: it was an experience

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: all right well yeah that's a good
way to

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: do it for those of you that
would like to tell us what you thought

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: of the episode maybe ask chris what
he does before he joins an episode just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: to prep his mind

[waluciano]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: um those are questions you should hit
us up on twitter at your wrong cast

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: you can also email us at your
wrong cast at mail dot com you can

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: even the

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: website w w

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: do a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: w

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: booby

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: dot

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: dod

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: your on cast dot c a all

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: viable options to get in touch with

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: madam

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: the conch will not work however

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yes adams yeah i think that's that's
that's a wrap on earth greatest universal heroes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: whatever that title

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: was dumb title

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: hm it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: for

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: worked

[waluciano]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: now i'm matt

[waluciano]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: oh

[waluciano]: i'm luciano

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: got

[scott]: i'm not coming back again

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah

[black_dynamite_panther_fist]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: yeah uh uh

[waluciano]: just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrr]: m

[waluciano]: that's fucking perfect

Creators and Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
75. Battle Royale: Heroes of the Universe, Earth Edition
Broadcast by