79. Battle Royale: Scariest Horror Villains

Quite frankly, no horror villain can be scariest than living in one of these nerds' minds. They have problems, is what I'm saying.

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right let's

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: get a little previewaction here worked

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i worked

[spinner]: i don't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that

[spinner]: hear

[cobra]: you're

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: worked

[spinner]: them

[cobra]: doing you're doing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: previous is you ah

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: i got you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right

[cobra]: i have the fucking song in my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: we're alive

[spinner]: anything

[price__vincent]: ah

[spinner]: hm

[price__vincent]: yes

[spinner]: perfect

[price__vincent]: sir

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: nice nice so good

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: there's the thing

[cobra]: right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: okay so

[price__vincent]: slaps

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: we

[price__vincent]: slaps

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: were drifting into the first question that's
why i posses what we did becase it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: was an easy sagua um

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: so i'll give it a second and
we'll just

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: fire of

[spinner]: wait wait should the halloween theme

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: be our

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: randomizeris

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: that

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: genius

[cobra]: i like it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i mean

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: i like it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i mean that is good

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah right okay

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: s my time right here

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: thanks mat s

[spinner]: thank

[price__vincent]: team

[spinner]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: shut the fuck up you're welcome

[cobra]: yes fuck

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right let's jump into our first

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: question we're gonna start easy real really
easy question no i think who do you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: think your character would think is the
easiest person to scare that's that's the question

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: so like michael

[cobra]: in the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jackson

[cobra]: whole world

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah whatever whole world

[cobra]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: universe history time space i'm

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: not here

[cobra]: all

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: to

[cobra]: right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: restrict you we've

[cobra]: why

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: we've

[cobra]: since when

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i don't know who knows we've

[spinner]: u

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: hired

[spinner]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a new randomizer um that

[spinner]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: our randomizer

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: needs a

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: long hiatus after all of the abuse
that's taken

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: so

[cobra]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: we got a fancy

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: new one it's state the real fast

[price__vincent]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: going to head it and

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you answer this question first

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right and the winner is chris

[price__vincent]: sam

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the were wolf of michael jackson

[price__vincent]: thank you

[cobra]: the

[price__vincent]: for

[cobra]: easiest

[price__vincent]: the clarification

[cobra]: person for miche jacksons were moved to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh it's the children

[price__vincent]: es

[spinner]: i was gonna say is she a
ten year old

[price__vincent]: but

[spinner]: boy

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i mean i guess he is

[price__vincent]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: no

[price__vincent]: yield

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: go ahead

[price__vincent]: my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: chris

[price__vincent]: time

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: go ahead

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: so

[spinner]: hm yeah

[price__vincent]: the easiest

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: easiest

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: h

[price__vincent]: the est person for

[cobra]: ah

[price__vincent]: i'll say i'll say i'll stick to
the character for thriller wolf i'll say i'll

[price__vincent]: say pre transformation m j would be

[spinner]: before he transformed into a white man

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: have you

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: heard of ialigobch

[cobra]: then it's then it's

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: then it's any child

[price__vincent]: no no no

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: you asked for this

[price__vincent]: his

[spinner]: matt

[price__vincent]: fellow movie

[spinner]: chris

[price__vincent]: his fellow his

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: fellow movie goers his date

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: because he's gotta he's gotta he's got
to contain the beast before and around all

[price__vincent]: the other movie goers and and those
who are out out and about on on

[price__vincent]: that evening

[cobra]: m

[price__vincent]: and every evening he's going to you
know he's going to strike right so he's

[price__vincent]: got to keep that low profile and
therefore you know if the timing is not

[price__vincent]: right any of his victims anyone could
be his victim

[spinner]: yeah so for those out there who
weren't around for the early nineties music videos

[spinner]: you

[price__vincent]: eighty

[spinner]: quickly

[price__vincent]: two

[spinner]: re cap what happens in the video
just for the listeners out there

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i'm sorry

[spinner]: who aren't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you think

[spinner]: up

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: this

[spinner]: to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: is

[spinner]: date

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a nineties

[cobra]: early nineties

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: music video

[price__vincent]: i thought it was a eighty two

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jesus

[cobra]: it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: child

[spinner]: sorry

[cobra]: early eighties

[spinner]: i meant

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: no it's

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: late eighties

[cobra]: no it's

[price__vincent]: uh

[cobra]: eighty two

[spinner]: really

[price__vincent]: uh

[spinner]: is that

[cobra]: music

[spinner]: old

[cobra]: video from eighty three yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the music video is

[spinner]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: older

[spinner]: meant

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: than

[spinner]: to say

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you

[spinner]: eighties

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: are you ignorant

[spinner]: i meant to say

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: slut

[spinner]: eighties but i did think it was
late eighties

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: right when

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: kirkoban was around right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: december

[spinner]: guys

[cobra]: oh my

[price__vincent]: it was

[cobra]: god

[price__vincent]: released i was two years old when
it released december

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: right

[price__vincent]: second eighty three eighty three

[spinner]: so

[price__vincent]: cool

[spinner]: for those

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: describe

[spinner]: of our listeners

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: this

[spinner]: who aren't up to date with

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: early nineteen eighties music videos

[cobra]: uh

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: thank

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you

[price__vincent]: yeah yeah so real quick it's a
it's a it's a night at the movies

[price__vincent]: m j and his date are going
to the theater everyone is grabbing popcorn stuff

[price__vincent]: they're getting into the chairs and stuff
they're watching a scary seen unfold on the

[price__vincent]: screen and then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: hey

[price__vincent]: when the movie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: chris

[price__vincent]: is over

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i'm

[spinner]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: gonna

[spinner]: said

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: go

[spinner]: quick

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ahead and just

[spinner]: re cap

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: need to ask you to condense this
to shorter than the light of the video

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right

[spinner]: sue

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: ah

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: he takes a girl out they go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: h

[price__vincent]: for

[spinner]: o

[price__vincent]: a date they leave the scene and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: m

[price__vincent]: he chars he tries to woo and
charm her but then he ends up transforming

[price__vincent]: and chasing and then killing her

[spinner]: faster

[cobra]: that last part is alleged is an

[spinner]: m j

[price__vincent]: alleged

[cobra]: killer

[spinner]: m j

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: bad wolf man

[price__vincent]: actually you're

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: uh

[price__vincent]: right thriller wolf like the

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: last shot

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: uh

[price__vincent]: is thriller

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[price__vincent]: is well ship no on the date

[cobra]: oh my god

[price__vincent]: thriller

[cobra]: i'm

[price__vincent]: wolf

[cobra]: sorry

[price__vincent]: was

[cobra]: for

[price__vincent]: just

[cobra]: having

[price__vincent]: like

[cobra]: done this

[price__vincent]: a a

[cobra]: this

[spinner]: i'm

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: sorry

[cobra]: on

[price__vincent]: and

[cobra]: me

[spinner]: for

[price__vincent]: then

[spinner]: asking this question

[price__vincent]: that's

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: this

[spinner]: no

[price__vincent]: what

[cobra]: is

[price__vincent]: you

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: on

[price__vincent]: get

[cobra]: me

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that's

[spinner]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: why

[spinner]: set

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i

[spinner]: chris up

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that's why you let the professionals ask
the questions

[cobra]: yah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: on the show all right

[spinner]: sorry you're

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: right when he's right he's right

[cobra]: h oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: thank you

[cobra]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right who would like to go
next random iser let's see

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: luciano

[cobra]: i like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you're

[cobra]: how

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: next

[cobra]: like like i'm done with this

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: like the random miser just quits i
mean as

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: top

[cobra]: you should

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: top notch

[spinner]: gets

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: real

[price__vincent]: this

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: fast

[spinner]: paid

[price__vincent]: randomizer

[spinner]: it gets paid

[price__vincent]: does

[spinner]: by

[price__vincent]: not

[spinner]: the

[price__vincent]: suck

[spinner]: second

[price__vincent]: around

[spinner]: we paid

[cobra]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: by the second we got to

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: cut down that time

[cobra]: i think i think the easiest person
for samara or sadako to to scare would

[cobra]: be anyone who's like a like a
real couch potato that is always watching t

[cobra]: v and like they have no other
they have no other like way of entertaining

[cobra]: themselves because imagine your sole source of
entertainment o

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: seeing like first of all seeing water
dripping out of it and then like a

[cobra]: like a weird girl coming out of
it and basically killing you

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: um so i don't i don't think
that there's a pacific person the specific type

[cobra]: of person would definitely be someone who's
like glue to the t v a hundred

[cobra]: percent of the time probably with like
catos dust all over themselves

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: this is me

[cobra]: some other some other stuff over themselves
likely um and yeah

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: i guess i'm saying neck beards from
the eighties

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: and nice

[spinner]: anybody

[price__vincent]: um

[spinner]: who expects to live

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: for more than seven days

[cobra]: oh nice i like it

[price__vincent]: so you're also saying the full band
from z z top would also fall prey

[cobra]: definitely well

[price__vincent]: shit

[cobra]: the two bearded guys

[price__vincent]: that's what i'm saying ye

[cobra]: the bat the drummer

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: doesn't have a beard

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah oh

[price__vincent]: okay

[spinner]: we got

[cobra]: he's

[spinner]: there

[cobra]: the first

[spinner]: guys

[cobra]: one

[price__vincent]: s

[cobra]: to die

[spinner]: we all

[cobra]: he's

[spinner]: expected

[cobra]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: okay

[cobra]: first

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: one he's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: listen

[cobra]: the

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: first one to die

[spinner]: we

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: were all expecting

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that's

[spinner]: the zz top is scared by

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: the ring girl but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: got there

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that's what everybody came from

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the podcast for the top references

[price__vincent]: hm

[spinner]: playing our hits

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: she's got legs

[cobra]: but by

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: uh

[cobra]: the way

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: h oh

[cobra]: fun fact the only the only guy
that doesn't have

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: a beard nsisitophis name is frank beard

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: is not even a joke

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: well

[spinner]: it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: vincent

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: a good

[price__vincent]: vincent

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: loved

[spinner]: one

[cobra]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that

[cobra]: may

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: joke

[cobra]: thank you matt

[spinner]: vincent

[cobra]: vinson

[spinner]: price

[cobra]: price

[spinner]: love that

[cobra]: liked it that's all that matters

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: listen

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: exactly all right i'm gonna random one
more time to see who between spencer and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it looks

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: like i have one jason

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: vores really simple any lawn teenage girl
doesn't matter

[spinner]: naked naked

[cobra]: especially

[spinner]: how

[cobra]: if she

[spinner]: naked

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: just had sex

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: like minimum half

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: minim half

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: negget

[spinner]: on a scale from virgin

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: then

[spinner]: to slut how far how far

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: are we

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: talking how scared

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: we're not gonna use the word slater

[spinner]: sorry

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: sexually adventurous and very

[spinner]: on a skill yeah very

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: very

[spinner]: sexually adventurous

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: okay

[cobra]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: okay okay okay

[spinner]: good

[price__vincent]: okay

[spinner]: answer

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah all right spencer you want to

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: take this home

[spinner]: yes i mean i think the thing
would terrify pretty much anyone who saw it

[spinner]: what

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: was that it's here

[price__vincent]: guys

[spinner]: right

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: now

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: which one of you is the

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: fig

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: i knew it was you

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: i can't trust anybody

[price__vincent]: somebody check your doors and locks

[spinner]: but yeah i think i think to
really scare someone it would be like a

[spinner]: paranoid to get to frantic

[price__vincent]: m my

[spinner]: like he's already on on edge

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: not

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: trusting

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that's

[spinner]: anybody

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that seems

[spinner]: and there he's like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: easy you know

[spinner]: it seems easy but i mean if
you're already suspicious of people and the you're

[spinner]: like now i know one of you
is an alien

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: who's going

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: to absorb

[cobra]: murder

[spinner]: me

[cobra]: me

[spinner]: and become

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: me

[price__vincent]: we

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: so you're saying the thing would be
the easiest thing for the thing to scare

[spinner]: what i

[price__vincent]: you

[spinner]: didn't

[price__vincent]: sing

[spinner]: say

[price__vincent]: a mirror

[spinner]: that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: what

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: what i think that's the thing guys

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: wasn't

[cobra]: my

[spinner]: very

[cobra]: god

[spinner]: human of you

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: give him

[spinner]: suspicions

[price__vincent]: given

[spinner]: growing

[price__vincent]: give him the fucking touring test

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: who knows

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: there

[price__vincent]: shes

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: during test for aliens

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: segu

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: if i hold

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: on if the thing absorbs me does
it absorb my crippling depression

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: sure it does

[cobra]: only holy

[spinner]: play the theme

[cobra]: shit

[price__vincent]: one must we

[cobra]: m

[price__vincent]: must we must help

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: here's the thing i think i don't
know the question for you because i think

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: this really will unlock what's happening with
these characters i think most of the characters

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: are just misunderstood

[cobra]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i think

[spinner]: very

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i think

[spinner]: true

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: really

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: like what i want to know is
how can the powers that all of these

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: characters possess and then whatever it is
that wherewith michael jackson has how

[cobra]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: can these be used for good

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: m h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right

[spinner]: that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: here

[spinner]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: we

[spinner]: good

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: go

[spinner]: question

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: luciano

[price__vincent]: my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you are first

[cobra]: okay

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: i think i'm just gonna use samara
because it's easier samara could use

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: her powers by killing the formation neck

[spinner]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: wow

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: shots fired

[cobra]: i know i don't know

[price__vincent]: wow

[cobra]: i think we can

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: give her

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: so

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: right now we would have to upgrade
her powers a little bit because they depend

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: on the v a s type that

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: not fly any

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yhyoutube

[cobra]: more

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: no one's at risk

[price__vincent]: we gotta

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: do mangy her powers

[cobra]: so we got we

[spinner]: yep

[cobra]: gotta like make it into

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: a blue ray disk at the very
least or some streaming thing

[spinner]: it now

[cobra]: net

[spinner]: she's

[price__vincent]: ah

[cobra]: lix

[spinner]: only killing she's only killing

[price__vincent]: h

[spinner]: like hipsters that are like

[price__vincent]: we got to get her

[cobra]: and

[price__vincent]: a twitch

[cobra]: boomers

[price__vincent]: channel or something

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: and boomers

[price__vincent]: a non stop twitch

[cobra]: oh i

[price__vincent]: a twitch

[cobra]: like

[price__vincent]: channel

[cobra]: a twist channel the ring seven

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: okay

[cobra]: subscribers

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: riddle me this if the ring is

[cobra]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: always on twitch

[cobra]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all the time how do you pass
it on so you don't die

[spinner]: you continue to you send the link
like and share

[price__vincent]: you send

[spinner]: bud

[price__vincent]: a link

[cobra]: or or just everybody

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: just dies i mean either

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: okay

[cobra]: or

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: powers for good

[cobra]: yeah have you

[price__vincent]: we took

[cobra]: seen the

[price__vincent]: a wrong

[cobra]: kind of

[price__vincent]: turn

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: people the kind

[spinner]: have

[cobra]: of people

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: seen

[cobra]: sometimes

[spinner]: the world

[cobra]: are n't there ah

[spinner]: sir

[cobra]: no i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yiks

[cobra]: think i think it would have to
be like a blue ray or or something

[cobra]: like that like a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: a video file and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: what

[cobra]: but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: was

[cobra]: then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that

[cobra]: you could you could

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i've got

[cobra]: just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it what was

[cobra]: send it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: was sorry to interrupt you what was
the microstoff format that failed

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: all of them

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: like

[cobra]: michrisozoon

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the nine blue red one

[spinner]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: no no

[spinner]: microsoph

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: like the

[cobra]: no

[price__vincent]: i was going

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: to say zoon

[cobra]: is

[price__vincent]: too

[cobra]: it microsof

[spinner]: six five

[cobra]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah they only backed it it was
the is it h d

[cobra]: h d

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: h d

[price__vincent]: d

[cobra]: d v

[price__vincent]: r

[cobra]: d or

[price__vincent]: no

[cobra]: whatever

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: i actually

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: this

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: idea of like the ring file

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: right oh

[spinner]: being

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: shared

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: like a

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: a virus

[cobra]: d d v d

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: like imagine

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: like a movie where it's like they
weaponized the video of the ring

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: and they sent it like a virus
to like terrors group like

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: chats

[cobra]: that's what i was thinking

[price__vincent]: huh

[cobra]: just send it to really terrible people

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: okay

[cobra]: then proceed to like cut their internet
after they watch

[spinner]: watch

[cobra]: it so they

[spinner]: this

[cobra]: can't

[spinner]: guy

[cobra]: send

[spinner]: get his

[cobra]: it along

[spinner]: head chopped off if

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: you're

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: into that and then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: click it and like wait a minute

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: what

[spinner]: way bad people would get

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: okay

[spinner]: killed

[price__vincent]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: cool

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: sorry

[cobra]: the only

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: thing

[spinner]: answered

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: his

[cobra]: because

[spinner]: question

[cobra]: these are terrible people they would definitely
pass it along to other people just to

[cobra]: save themselves so we would have

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: to do some some sort of like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i don't know that

[cobra]: i mean it does tell them because
he had to get a phone call that's

[cobra]: another thing oh there you go nobody
answers their phone anymore

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: the phone

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: would ring in to go i don't
know this number

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the

[spinner]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: phone

[cobra]: off

[spinner]: true

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: does not text

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: there's no text messages

[cobra]: done done

[spinner]: matter

[cobra]: that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: listen

[cobra]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: to the message later

[spinner]: none of

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: her methods

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: have aged well ye

[price__vincent]: she needs she

[cobra]: it goes

[price__vincent]: needs

[cobra]: to vice mail

[price__vincent]: she needs

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: an agent

[spinner]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: go to vice go to listen at
like six days later says seven days and

[cobra]: you go like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and then

[cobra]: this

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you're

[cobra]: message was sent a week ago fuckyeah

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: dead

[spinner]: shit

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right so we

[cobra]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: didn't answer

[cobra]: there

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: your

[cobra]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: question

[cobra]: go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: but you're yielding your time anyways

[spinner]: are

[cobra]: wow

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: welcome

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: spencer you are next

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: okay so the thing really doesn't want

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: hurt anybody

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: it wants to just unite the world
as one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: by

[spinner]: organism

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: killing i mean that's fair

[spinner]: because the

[price__vincent]: similation

[spinner]: thing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: but

[spinner]: looks at us humans living so separately
and it's like what are you doing

[price__vincent]: hm

[spinner]: not even like

[cobra]: wait

[spinner]: one being

[cobra]: my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: when did when did it become a

[cobra]: when

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: b executive

[cobra]: yeah they removed to new jersey when
did the thing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: uh

[cobra]: move to new jersey

[spinner]: what are we doing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: h

[price__vincent]: frank

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: hey you guys

[price__vincent]: look at look at these look at

[cobra]: oh no

[price__vincent]: mans look at these humans

[spinner]: look

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: at

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: there like

[cobra]: west end boys again

[spinner]: they're not one person to like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: billion people oh it

[price__vincent]: gamble

[spinner]: can

[cobra]: hey

[spinner]: be

[price__vincent]: goole

[spinner]: one person

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: and then

[cobra]: but gobagooyeah

[spinner]: yeah it betters the world but you
know you can't go to war with you

[spinner]: know your own

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah self

[spinner]: elf i mean you could

[cobra]: he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all

[cobra]: probably

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: right

[cobra]: could

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: well

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you have avoided the question as well
you yield your time next

[spinner]: i mean how

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: up

[spinner]: the fun is the thing going to

[price__vincent]: okay

[spinner]: help anybody

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: m ah

[spinner]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: chris you are the winner

[price__vincent]: okay

[spinner]: by default

[price__vincent]: so oh

[spinner]: no no

[price__vincent]: did it

[spinner]: it's

[price__vincent]: i

[spinner]: the

[price__vincent]: think

[spinner]: witch

[price__vincent]: the were

[spinner]: gower

[price__vincent]: wolf i've got two ideas but i'll
lead with something maybe a little i think

[price__vincent]: it might be well both are impactful
check it out one black ops mercenary

[cobra]: i was carried for a second

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: as soon as i said black you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: i

[price__vincent]: you

[cobra]: was

[price__vincent]: jumped out

[cobra]: i was

[price__vincent]: of

[spinner]: hm

[price__vincent]: your

[cobra]: very

[price__vincent]: seat

[cobra]: scared for a second

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: listen

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: remember the question framing anyway yeah you
could totally be sent on missions to and

[price__vincent]: and reck reck suspect

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: and and other you know near duels
that in the world that are

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: somewhat

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: untouchable like in a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: way like there are werewolves super heroes
that's one branch

[cobra]: you're

[price__vincent]: second

[cobra]: just

[price__vincent]: branch

[cobra]: still

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: in the plot of a black mirror
episode but carry

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: on

[price__vincent]: i haven't seen it but thank you
for telling me and then the other house

[price__vincent]: t j

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: okay

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: about that see

[spinner]: take

[cobra]: that's

[price__vincent]: so

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: than

[cobra]: is yeah

[spinner]: to

[price__vincent]: all that an all that animal energy
and then especially like that and it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: kay

[price__vincent]: how like a ware wolf howl is
essentially a rallying fucking cry

[spinner]: wait wait what

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: ah that's

[spinner]: that was key

[price__vincent]: wait

[spinner]: time for the werewolf sound

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: uh

[price__vincent]: so clearly the were wolf is just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: h

[price__vincent]: the were wolf

[spinner]: there it is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: then everyone's like

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: oh he's about

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: to drop

[spinner]: huh

[price__vincent]: the bait he's about to drop the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: and then it goes down right or
like d and b

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: to

[price__vincent]: yeah so

[spinner]: that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that's

[spinner]: got

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the

[price__vincent]: i think

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: only

[spinner]: crazy

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: beat we

[cobra]: jesus

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: have

[price__vincent]: he would

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: he would draw one fucking cry out

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: ship we just modernized teen wolf like
when when

[cobra]: a

[price__vincent]: when michael j fox

[spinner]: the modernization

[price__vincent]: when

[cobra]: yea

[price__vincent]: you when you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: embrace

[spinner]: nobody asked for

[price__vincent]: listen

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: listen if ten

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: hey

[price__vincent]: wolf

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: he michael jackson wolf

[price__vincent]: s

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: team wolf got to do with you
as your cousin

[spinner]: hm

[price__vincent]: no

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: you don't fucking

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: listen i said in the in the
in the when he when m j when

[price__vincent]: michael j fox

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: embraced the wolf

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yep

[price__vincent]: in that movie became

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: like the toast of the school

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: was

[price__vincent]: and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a

[price__vincent]: then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: music

[price__vincent]: like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: video

[price__vincent]: okay great thank you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: and like he went with

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[price__vincent]: it that's exactly what thriller wolf could
do as well he would he would d

[price__vincent]: j much like your scrillexis

[cobra]: m

[price__vincent]: your

[cobra]: chriss defense

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ye

[cobra]: mich j fox is also m j

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: m j

[cobra]: there's

[price__vincent]: f

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: okay cool

[spinner]: segu

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yield

[price__vincent]: thank

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: your

[price__vincent]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: time so anyway

[price__vincent]: i said thank you

[cobra]: you're welcome

[price__vincent]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it depends on this one is hard
because depends on what which of jason's myriad

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: powers i'm going to use to save
the world

[price__vincent]: m good question yeah

[cobra]: the power of killing horney

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: people the main

[price__vincent]: power

[cobra]: one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that's

[price__vincent]: of hockey

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a good one

[price__vincent]: puck

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: he also has the power of nano
bought or nano technology to regenerate

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: hm

[price__vincent]: shit

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: well we're going deep into like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: listen

[cobra]: like friday the thirteenth number twenty seven

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it's

[cobra]: jason in space

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it's jason x

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: thank you very much

[spinner]: but jason doesn't

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: have those abilities he only gets

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: them from future tech

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: well you know what he has them
in my answer

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: m m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: he's also probably a wikhawkegoly one of
those reflexes regenerative powers and mask on so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: maybe he'll lead

[spinner]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: maybe least to a stanley up finally

[spinner]: or

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: burn

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: the

[spinner]: write

[price__vincent]: et

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: your eight mail to at your wrong

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh come at me that's my

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: answer and i'm yielding my time

[price__vincent]: dig it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: next question

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: why would you your chosen character throw
the best halloween party

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: ship

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: that's going to be bad

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ready

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: sounds like jason's theme with a weird

[cobra]: i love

[spinner]: cent

[cobra]: how he cuts

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: in the middle every time

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: ah

[cobra]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: chris

[price__vincent]: yes sir

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: how is m j going to throw
that wicked party

[price__vincent]: well

[spinner]: this is

[price__vincent]: i'm not gonna

[spinner]: this is the easiest

[price__vincent]: it's a gime

[spinner]: answer

[price__vincent]: in a way

[spinner]: ye

[cobra]: uh

[price__vincent]: he would throw a huge fucking party

[spinner]: you just

[price__vincent]: it

[spinner]: made

[price__vincent]: would

[spinner]: him

[price__vincent]: be

[spinner]: a d

[price__vincent]: quite

[spinner]: j

[price__vincent]: easy exactly that so that's that's

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: uno plus dose

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: and then three is those sweet sweet
golden vocals of thriller wolf m

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: j only when you then only thing
is that when he transforms like it's it's

[price__vincent]: all gutteral like wolf howling gering so

[spinner]: it's like

[price__vincent]: and lots of

[spinner]: he

[price__vincent]: like saliva yeah

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: he's trying

[cobra]: m

[price__vincent]: to s trying to s trying to

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: get

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: it

[cobra]: ah

[price__vincent]: out and it's like like he's no
longer that sweet golden voice it's all like

[price__vincent]: threatening animal

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: that right

[spinner]: uh yeah

[price__vincent]: but you know what what thrower wolf
may lack in vocals he can make up

[price__vincent]: for in body language next thing you
know trigger some sort of flash mob group

[price__vincent]: and everybody is having a good fucking
time t shirt cannons are blasting left

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: and right tidies are flying

[spinner]: hm

[price__vincent]: boots are

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: flowing it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: a good fucking

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: time somebody is probably bringing some drugs
i'm not going to partake

[cobra]: at

[price__vincent]: but i will follow throuh

[cobra]: i

[price__vincent]: wolf down that congo

[cobra]: it

[price__vincent]: line

[cobra]: is our is our flying sounds painful
not going to lie

[price__vincent]: indeed because you know it's hard

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: to to cage a lot of this
the slasher

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: at

[price__vincent]: the slasher activity we don't know who
else is going to be attending this party

[price__vincent]: it also sounded like jason is is
laying in the cut back stage

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a

[spinner]: goddam it jason

[price__vincent]: c

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: hit's

[price__vincent]: c

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: so

[spinner]: you're ruining

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: kind of

[price__vincent]: throw

[spinner]: the

[price__vincent]: off

[spinner]: party

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it's kind of

[price__vincent]: other

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a scene

[price__vincent]: wolf is hosting you know

[cobra]: no jason you have guy

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: seen that mean where there's like a
party and a guy in the corner is

[cobra]: they don't even know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: at

[cobra]: as that's jason

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: in that party they don't

[price__vincent]: i

[cobra]: even

[price__vincent]: wonder

[cobra]: know

[price__vincent]: what

[spinner]: ah

[price__vincent]: jesus

[cobra]: i killed my own mother or whatever

[price__vincent]: the inner monologue of jason around that
time would be like these mudfuckers don't even

[price__vincent]: know what turning

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: up really looks like

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: i'm about

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: to show these modfuckers as

[spinner]: hm

[price__vincent]: soon as i finish this

[spinner]: ye

[price__vincent]: butter milk bit get

[spinner]: that date

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: no oh no the butter meal biscuits

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: then he breaks out the fucking the

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: m m

[price__vincent]: i yield

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right

[price__vincent]: my time

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: let's eah thank god

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: grant that some boy yes thank god

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: sano

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: so i think the only way that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: could put any sort of party together
is if heavy

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: hellisandagenics

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: are involved

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: so

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: she

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: would like you know as a trap

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: for the party you d have to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: kind of bread game on shrooms

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: and acid

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: okay

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: then when you got there that video
of hers is very like freaky and sort

[cobra]: of you know has a lot of

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: different

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: weird

[spinner]: was the worst

[cobra]: scenes

[spinner]: trip ever sounds

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: like the worst

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: experience

[cobra]: so

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: like you have to get those people

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: that get really paranoid when they did

[spinner]: well

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: men do acid

[spinner]: he said good party

[cobra]: he just turned up that paranoid to

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: eleven and maybe

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: it will circle

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: back around to fun i don't know

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: but yeah so it has to t
has to be an acid trip

[spinner]: i think you

[cobra]: kind

[spinner]: do

[cobra]: of party

[spinner]: know it would

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: not turn around and it would remain

[cobra]: i'll

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: just get

[price__vincent]: ah

[cobra]: get p s d

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: why

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: is she

[cobra]: she

[price__vincent]: stuck

[cobra]: is not

[spinner]: h

[price__vincent]: in the

[cobra]: seen

[price__vincent]: t

[cobra]: samara

[price__vincent]: v

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: she's

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: not really like a fun person i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: think

[spinner]: m am i like i or is
that girl

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: like coming out of the screen right

[price__vincent]: like i don't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: what

[price__vincent]: even understand

[cobra]: no

[price__vincent]: right now

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a

[price__vincent]: like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[spinner]: i like

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: baby

[price__vincent]: what

[spinner]: baby shut up baby that girl like
come out of the screen right now

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: babe

[price__vincent]: i don't like your

[cobra]: you

[price__vincent]: tone

[cobra]: look check

[price__vincent]: and

[cobra]: this water coming

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: out of the t v man

[spinner]: babes babes

[price__vincent]: on my

[cobra]: this

[spinner]: babes

[price__vincent]: feet are

[cobra]: water

[price__vincent]: wet my

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: babes

[price__vincent]: feet

[cobra]: suck

[spinner]: shut

[cobra]: in the

[spinner]: up

[cobra]: whole carpet it suck

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a

[cobra]: in the carpet that it's

[price__vincent]: these

[cobra]: go

[price__vincent]: are the times

[spinner]: oh god

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: why

[spinner]: anybody

[price__vincent]: is that

[cobra]: anyway

[spinner]: else here

[price__vincent]: mental laughing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: uh

[spinner]: did you hear vincent

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: price my tripping

[price__vincent]: what

[cobra]: anyway

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: h you guys

[cobra]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: did

[cobra]: think

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a great

[price__vincent]: like

[cobra]: i have

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: job

[cobra]: to yield my time

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you do have to yield your time

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: but like was he laughing i don't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i

[price__vincent]: get

[spinner]: bab

[price__vincent]: it

[spinner]: bab

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: shut

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: up

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: then and then jason shows up

[cobra]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and kills a vase

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: m m

[price__vincent]: body

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all righ

[cobra]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: let's see

[cobra]: sweet release of death

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: let's see the last who the last
two people are

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah it is jason

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: vores um

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: here's the thing

[spinner]: jason

[price__vincent]: it

[cobra]: he's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: a riot of a person

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: do

[spinner]: he's

[cobra]: he

[price__vincent]: it

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: a

[price__vincent]: do

[cobra]: riot

[price__vincent]: it

[cobra]: of a person

[price__vincent]: do it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah okay

[price__vincent]: i bet you he's a great dancer

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jason been

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: doing a lot of parties

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: that's true

[price__vincent]: he's absorbed in ship

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jason's

[price__vincent]: handing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: seen a

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: lot of things

[price__vincent]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jason

[spinner]: good

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: knows

[spinner]: ink

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: how to throw a

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: killer a ranger if you will

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: killer party

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: kill our party

[cobra]: killer

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yes

[spinner]: literally

[cobra]: party

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: someone might use that correct

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and i think what jason would do
is just steal

[price__vincent]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: liberally from all of mostly chris's ideas
because m j would throw a great party

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and just do the same thing

[price__vincent]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: unfortunately

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: he would probably kill

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: everybody at the end but you know

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: like

[cobra]: i was going to say

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: clean up at that party would be
really hard

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah i mean like i just said
throw a great party i didn't say that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: no one died out so i think
i'm in the clear on that one

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i yield my time

[spinner]: great

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: answer

[price__vincent]: bron

[cobra]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: kay

[price__vincent]: why are the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: gym doors locked and chained

[spinner]: baby it's like decoration baby relax okay

[price__vincent]: but like i want some fresh air
and like okay

[spinner]: shut

[price__vincent]: wait

[spinner]: i need some space

[price__vincent]: but if

[spinner]: is

[price__vincent]: you

[spinner]: so

[price__vincent]: just

[spinner]: annoying

[price__vincent]: look look behind you jason look

[spinner]: a bit

[price__vincent]: but jason is gonna he's

[spinner]: we

[price__vincent]: literally

[spinner]: need this is it we're done

[price__vincent]: slash right

[spinner]: baby

[cobra]: hm

[price__vincent]: rowdy

[cobra]: m oh

[spinner]: rodeo

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and scene

[price__vincent]: yuh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: uh h

[spinner]: perfect

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: spencer i believe you still have to
answer this question

[spinner]: yeah okay the thing could

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: throw a sweet party because he could
or he they could be all the guests

[price__vincent]: pronouns

[spinner]: and could

[cobra]: oh yeah everybody knows

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: that the funniest party is when you're
just by yourself

[spinner]: no no that's what i mean

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: got

[spinner]: he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: him

[spinner]: could he could

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: sorry keep saying he it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: could

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: become

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[spinner]: like forty people and then those forty
people could ask forty people and then those

[price__vincent]: and

[spinner]: forty

[price__vincent]: so

[spinner]: people

[price__vincent]: on

[spinner]: and those

[price__vincent]: and

[spinner]: eight

[price__vincent]: so on

[spinner]: and so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: on

[price__vincent]: ah

[spinner]: and so on

[price__vincent]: i got you

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: is this a pyramid

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: scheme or a party

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: this yeah this doesn't make the party
good or so mean

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a lot of people trapped

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: there's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: in

[spinner]: a lot of people there and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a

[spinner]: then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: room

[cobra]: trapped denial hole

[spinner]: but

[price__vincent]: but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: the

[price__vincent]: i

[spinner]: thing

[price__vincent]: have a question okay

[spinner]: hear me out here the

[price__vincent]: yep

[spinner]: thing could take

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: over like the sickest d j s

[price__vincent]: hm

[spinner]: then they could play the music and
then he

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: could take over the sickest fucking halloween
decorators and then

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: there'd be the sickest halloween recurations whatever
the thing

[price__vincent]: hm

[spinner]: needs

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: the thing can absorb

[cobra]: kay

[spinner]: and that

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: would

[cobra]: what you're

[spinner]: make the

[cobra]: saying

[spinner]: sickest party

[cobra]: what he would do is

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: he would play he would decorate his
house and play music all for himself

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: that's the party

[spinner]: he

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: it would

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: just take over the music the edicrators
and then invite all these people that aren't

[spinner]: the things

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: and then have a sweet

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: party

[cobra]: then take over

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: them

[spinner]: then absorb

[cobra]: and then

[spinner]: them at

[cobra]: take

[spinner]: the end

[cobra]: over

[spinner]: of the night of course

[price__vincent]: that's the cover charge

[spinner]: as is

[price__vincent]: question

[spinner]: tradition

[price__vincent]: does the thing so when when people
when people get taken over by the thing

[price__vincent]: does it similar to sort of like
the board is it like a high

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: mind experience or don't know

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: i think it's one entity

[spinner]: it's one entity but the

[price__vincent]: so

[spinner]: person it

[price__vincent]: h

[spinner]: has like the

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: memories of the people

[cobra]: ah

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: but it's

[price__vincent]: so

[spinner]: not

[price__vincent]: they get

[spinner]: actually

[price__vincent]: up okay

[spinner]: like

[price__vincent]: so the okay so the entity absorbs

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: and then the the victims just cease
to exist in a way

[spinner]: they

[price__vincent]: they

[spinner]: i think they actually kill them and

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: well it does kill them and then
it has like a copy of them that

[spinner]: is actually

[price__vincent]: ah

[spinner]: part of it

[price__vincent]: okay okay

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: thank

[spinner]: great

[price__vincent]: you

[spinner]: film

[cobra]: so as i said he ends up
having a party all by himself

[spinner]: i mean by the end but everybody's
party ends with you alone at least that's

[spinner]: up my party's ended

[cobra]: wow

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that is like

[spinner]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a great

[cobra]: think

[price__vincent]: record

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: segu

[price__vincent]: record

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: for

[cobra]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: someone

[price__vincent]: skips

[cobra]: think we need to

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: move on

[spinner]: shut up in price

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: my god

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: is so funny

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right that was great thank you
spencer we

[price__vincent]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: move

[price__vincent]: burn

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: on from that

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: old guy

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: next question

[price__vincent]: yeah yeah oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: do you think the

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: best

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: candy is to

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: lure children i mean scare children at
halloween sorry

[price__vincent]: the

[spinner]: who

[price__vincent]: best

[spinner]: are

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: michael

[spinner]: you michael

[price__vincent]: candy

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jackson's

[spinner]: jackson

[price__vincent]: to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: gotta be confused

[price__vincent]: the best

[cobra]: the

[price__vincent]: candy to scare children

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: one

[spinner]: your

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: might

[spinner]: question

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: say the scariest candy

[spinner]: mars

[price__vincent]: scariest

[spinner]: mars

[price__vincent]: candy

[cobra]: well it might attract

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: him

[spinner]: god

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: oh no he's eating one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: oh no

[cobra]: oh no

[price__vincent]: product

[cobra]: no don't

[price__vincent]: placement

[cobra]: bite it o no

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: brought

[cobra]: humanity

[price__vincent]: to you by

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[cobra]: no

[price__vincent]: brought to you brought

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: to you by

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: my inspiring

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: becomes

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: just because people say there is like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: dick cock bings in them doesn't mean
like they are but then again brodie passed

[price__vincent]: me one really hungry

[spinner]: babs

[cobra]: jesus

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: daughter bar

[cobra]: christ

[spinner]: bar babe

[cobra]: don't buy it don't buy

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: wait

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i

[price__vincent]: why is this throbbing

[cobra]: doesn't have a goy

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: caramel center

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i heard

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that brodie's penis is the size of
a many mars paris that accurate

[spinner]: did

[price__vincent]: what

[spinner]: you say

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: who have you been

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: what

[price__vincent]: talking to okay gen

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: uh h h oh

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: i can't tell

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: you anything

[spinner]: wait is that actually the question

[price__vincent]: so

[spinner]: matt or was that just a product

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeahright

[price__vincent]: we

[spinner]: because

[price__vincent]: need

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: moneys

[spinner]: you lilly asked that question and brought
it to mars

[price__vincent]: uh

[spinner]: and put it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: in his mouth centrally

[price__vincent]: uh dig it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: is there

[price__vincent]: dig

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: any

[price__vincent]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: other way to put in your

[spinner]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: mouth moving on

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: that's what she said okay soon

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: who is your ultimate adversary

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: okay

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: who's first

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: here we go

[spinner]: brandomiser

[price__vincent]: ah ye

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the thing you're up first

[spinner]: oh oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: the thing

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: the thing ultimate adversary yes i guess
kurt russell

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: but you know

[cobra]: his character or the actor

[spinner]: um m

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: exactly yes

[price__vincent]: okay

[spinner]: or no the thing

[price__vincent]: ah

[spinner]: ultimate adversary is fire it's really it's

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: my

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: only weakness don't know i'm saying my

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: i'm not the thing you're the

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: thing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: shut

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: up

[cobra]: oh no

[price__vincent]: okay

[cobra]: oh no

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: what was that

[price__vincent]: long

[spinner]: it's

[price__vincent]: john

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: in the

[price__vincent]: long chaw pork chops here and i

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: some to tell you

[spinner]: hm

[price__vincent]: when you're staring down the barrel of
a of

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: a grill master seven thousand and

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: you got an alien entity

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: on your

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: on your tail you just do old
long jung silver herring does

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: you look at de and a n

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: said listen i got barbecue seasoning and
i got

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: debt

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yes

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: we all agree

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: we all agree chris is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: the

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: thing right because he's clearly

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: lost

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yes

[spinner]: his mind

[price__vincent]: what

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: what what

[spinner]: that is exactly what a thing

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: would say m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right

[cobra]: lost his mind like a hundred episodes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: moving on

[price__vincent]: yes okay yeah yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jason vorhis is next hard to say

[cobra]: that's a different movie yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: oh yeah

[price__vincent]: the best part

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: was like that was part i think

[spinner]: about

[price__vincent]: was also used

[spinner]: bob

[price__vincent]: for a mars bar commercial too as

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: well as like

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: ferris

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: it all comes back ground

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: chicago the

[price__vincent]: jason

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: city of chicago is jason vor he's
his greatest adversary

[price__vincent]: who

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: no

[spinner]: what about when he goes to new

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: now that that

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: never happened

[spinner]: he gets melted by suage

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: who knows what happens

[cobra]: wouldn't it like wouldn't it just be

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: water his

[spinner]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: well

[cobra]: worst enemy

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yes and no

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: because he always goes into the lake

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and then he always gets reborn

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: from the like is really hard to
say what's happening

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: right

[cobra]: it's it's sort of like a

[price__vincent]: it's a business

[cobra]: toxic relationship

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: he has with water

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: he does

[spinner]: i think it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: safe to say his ultimate adversary is
sex he's

[price__vincent]: really

[spinner]: really

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: just a fucking

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: ver

[cobra]: just he

[spinner]: angry

[cobra]: hates

[spinner]: virgin

[cobra]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: he's

[cobra]: he just hates it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: just

[spinner]: the ultimate

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a

[spinner]: insale

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: allegory for

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the far right

[cobra]: a oh

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: jesus

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: christ

[spinner]: m very true he went

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: so

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: there

[cobra]: mean you're not wrong you're

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: so

[cobra]: not wrong but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: on that side it's

[spinner]: every

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the come left est is his greatest

[spinner]: listen

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: adversary

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: everyone knows jason orris

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: was a strong

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: uh

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: maga supporter

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: a fact

[cobra]: we all have that that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: h

[cobra]: famous

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: that famous movie

[price__vincent]: a

[cobra]: jason

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: for

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: his versus ceguavara

[spinner]: hm yeah

[cobra]: everybody

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: watched that one

[spinner]: that was classic

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that's that's what

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the bench of hero is making up
the daily wire right it's a

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: new jason

[price__vincent]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: movie with geno corona

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: really

[spinner]: jason

[cobra]: oh that that's right yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yep

[spinner]: jason bore

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: he's

[cobra]: and kevin

[price__vincent]: wow

[cobra]: sorbois playing the lake

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yep

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: that's

[price__vincent]: what

[cobra]: that's why

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: uh

[cobra]: that's

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: that's the extent

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: of his

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: h

[cobra]: like acting range

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that's always guy at this point all

[spinner]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: right moving on

[price__vincent]: goodness

[spinner]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i believe

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: chris you are next

[price__vincent]: greatest adversary for thriller wolf m j
m he's got a lot of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: music

[price__vincent]: his greatest

[cobra]: it's music

[spinner]: god david

[price__vincent]: at

[spinner]: vincent you stay out of this

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: i would actually say i would

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: actually say vincent

[cobra]: stop

[price__vincent]: is

[cobra]: chiming

[price__vincent]: a

[cobra]: in

[price__vincent]: is an ally for thrower wolf

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: but his greatest

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: adversary

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: two fold he's got a lot of
enemies the dog

[spinner]: legal

[price__vincent]: catcher

[spinner]: penafelio

[cobra]: he got

[price__vincent]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: two fold

[price__vincent]: the

[cobra]: he's

[price__vincent]: dog

[cobra]: got a lot of enemies

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: too

[spinner]: my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: uh h

[price__vincent]: that's right but you need to you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: h

[price__vincent]: need to know who you need to
know whom whom observe

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: dog

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: white

[price__vincent]: catcher

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: pillon vans

[price__vincent]: no and

[cobra]: dog

[price__vincent]: then

[spinner]: sexual

[cobra]: catchers

[spinner]: sexual

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: you

[spinner]: misconduct

[price__vincent]: just say jack

[spinner]: allegations

[price__vincent]: palate do you just say jack

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: he

[price__vincent]: pallas

[cobra]: has

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: him too

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: maybe

[cobra]: he has he has

[price__vincent]: no

[cobra]: his main no his main adversary is

[price__vincent]: no

[cobra]: purity

[price__vincent]: no

[cobra]: loses interest

[price__vincent]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: that's funny

[spinner]: h

[price__vincent]: but no the his greatest adversary second

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: is snoop

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: dog

[cobra]: ah what

[spinner]: ye

[price__vincent]: exactly

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah all right

[price__vincent]: exactly

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: chris yeses time

[spinner]: pepsy

[price__vincent]: ya

[spinner]: commercials

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: who

[price__vincent]: wow wow

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: who hasn't gone

[price__vincent]: thriller

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yet

[price__vincent]: wolf

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: luciano

[price__vincent]: is not

[cobra]: i haven't gone yet

[price__vincent]: thriller

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: lucy

[price__vincent]: wolf is impervious

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: last one

[price__vincent]: to pepsy commercial

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: we're past

[price__vincent]: accidents

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it now we

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: good

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: moved on thank you

[price__vincent]: well you're welcome

[cobra]: so i think it's pretty

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: well established that tomorrow's worst enemy is
modern technology i use my time

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: she's really got completely defunct

[cobra]: it's like

[price__vincent]: what would what would samara

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: sound like on behind the scenes trying

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: to figure out i don't know

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: trying to figure out vimeo

[spinner]: yeah beck

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: were you tube

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: i'd like to defer to becky when

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: when they're trying to spread the ring
you babe this

[price__vincent]: you know

[spinner]: this this fucking new killing thing you
have to watch

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: the v

[price__vincent]: like i told you once i told
you a thousand times that if you don't

[price__vincent]: use a proper pig converter that your

[spinner]: and

[price__vincent]: whatever you upload will be like

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: dog ship why can't you just listen
to me i mean out of here

[spinner]: m they're going to call

[cobra]: look like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: back

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: back

[spinner]: you're goin you gonna get

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: a focal

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: is good

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: to say you're going to die

[price__vincent]: well if they're calling me collect like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: like i would expect

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ye

[price__vincent]: that

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: from someone like who the fuck is
calling me why aren't you telling me who

[price__vincent]: is calling me furthermore you're supposed to

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: like my frand

[spinner]: so it's

[price__vincent]: years it's

[spinner]: my

[price__vincent]: to screen

[spinner]: fault

[price__vincent]: my calls listen

[spinner]: it's my fault

[price__vincent]: listen yes

[spinner]: we always come

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: back on me pap

[price__vincent]: my

[cobra]: i was gonna i was gonna

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: say that becky has hidden that but
i take it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yes

[cobra]: back

[price__vincent]: what mind your business

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: whatever your name is before

[spinner]: lifted

[price__vincent]: i call

[spinner]: voice

[price__vincent]: vincent over

[spinner]: lifted voice

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: from another time and space enough for

[price__vincent]: you

[spinner]: you

[price__vincent]: know

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: like who's on this call anyway like
i don't like

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: is this your weird idea of some
kind of like three some you cookie fuck

[cobra]: jesus

[spinner]: don't you ship on three subs yeah

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i yield your time

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you're cut off

[spinner]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: next question

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: he's on the phone

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: what fast food restaurant you think best
represents your character

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: oh go

[spinner]: the worst oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: your

[spinner]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: favorite

[spinner]: got my answers

[price__vincent]: hm

[spinner]: i got oh

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: my

[cobra]: ye

[spinner]: yet

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: um

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: so as you know if you've seen
the thing it's disgusting it's like all like

[spinner]: stretched pussy

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: and like

[price__vincent]: ah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: like just the most disgusting looking

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: what

[spinner]: thing so rebs

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i knew you're going to say i
could see

[spinner]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it

[spinner]: yield

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: coming

[price__vincent]: ship

[spinner]: ave done

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you've got the meats with the

[price__vincent]: yet

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: things

[spinner]: you've got the meats

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right let's see

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: his next yeahluciato

[cobra]: oh boy

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: i'm gonna have so it's you want
the franchise or like just

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: the dish

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the franchise

[spinner]: the restaurant or franchise

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: boy i think it has to be
like no wide castle

[spinner]: right

[cobra]: it does those

[price__vincent]: hm

[cobra]: like boiled burghers

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: they're steamed

[cobra]: yeah same thing like at this

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: point

[spinner]: they're

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: steamed

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: sure

[cobra]: i think you would have to be

[spinner]: their

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: uh

[spinner]: steamed

[cobra]: i think old have to be

[spinner]: don't

[cobra]: you know

[spinner]: you watch yourself

[cobra]: boiled boiled pango

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: h

[cobra]: fish sliders from wide castle is the

[price__vincent]: i

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: some are food so white castle

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: okay

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: ah

[spinner]: now yo're gonna say ramon or fu

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it raciest

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: i wanted to

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: not

[spinner]: not

[cobra]: be races

[spinner]: race no because

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: it's all liquid

[cobra]: yeah but like the

[spinner]: it's like

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: a soup

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: like water

[cobra]: i know

[spinner]: you're the racists

[cobra]: it's no no no we're not

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: not not from where we're sitting

[spinner]: play my thing

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: the thing theme out play my theme

[cobra]: yea

[spinner]: i'm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: out here

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a

[price__vincent]: that's what everyone that's what anyone in
the hot

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: seat should do

[cobra]: uh

[price__vincent]: just play me out

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: play like like a reversed w

[cobra]: h

[price__vincent]: w f entrance like funk

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: this this

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yah

[price__vincent]: this this pitch

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: drop

[cobra]: m

[price__vincent]: the mice and just like expect

[cobra]: m

[price__vincent]: to

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: get played out

[spinner]: think them

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yah

[spinner]: out

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yes

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: just but instead of dropping the mice

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: just place it gently on the floor

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: and leave

[price__vincent]: it feels

[spinner]: back

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: out

[price__vincent]: like

[cobra]: yeah and live backwards yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: a terrible moon walk out

[spinner]: m m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right jason is next working off
of spencer's theme that probably was races but

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: for jason it's not the nuts which
is maybe just a canadian thing but

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jason loves

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: him some good water and

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the the nuts reference

[cobra]: isn't he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: for

[cobra]: afraid

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: obvious

[cobra]: of

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: reasons

[cobra]: water

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: huh

[cobra]: isn't he afraid

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: of water

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: he keeps coming out of it and
going into it who the ell knows what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: he thinks of water

[spinner]: for a

[price__vincent]: does

[spinner]: guy

[cobra]: fair

[price__vincent]: he

[spinner]: who

[price__vincent]: like

[cobra]: enough

[spinner]: hates

[price__vincent]: the water

[spinner]: it he

[price__vincent]: that

[spinner]: seems to always be around it

[price__vincent]: does

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: exactly

[price__vincent]: he drink the water jennifer anniston you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: m

[price__vincent]: what is thank you

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: thank you

[spinner]: does that

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: answer

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: your

[cobra]: think

[spinner]: question

[cobra]: that's the answer

[price__vincent]: thank you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: moving on christ the last one dancer
i believe

[price__vincent]: yeah i feel what's really what's really
appropriate for thriller wolves like go to number

[price__vincent]: one that's right play me in bro

[spinner]: oh what

[price__vincent]: that bucket of chicken

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: yeah k f c son

[spinner]: why

[price__vincent]: because it's just meat meet in a

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: hey spencer

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you're still played out at this phone
you probably shouldn't

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ask any

[price__vincent]: it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: questions

[price__vincent]: me in a bucket

[spinner]: yeah sorry

[price__vincent]: washing it down with a cool refreshing
refreshing actually i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: keep that refreshing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: re fleshing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: nice

[price__vincent]: of of pet s

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: and then and then just like throwing
a few more dollars for some but biscuits

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i thought thought you're going to say
some popcorn

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: for dessert but okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i

[cobra]: that

[price__vincent]: no

[cobra]: works too

[price__vincent]: i mean popcorn popcorn chicken should be
something that's on the menu these days i

[price__vincent]: haven't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: uh

[cobra]: there

[price__vincent]: ad

[cobra]: you go

[price__vincent]: i haven't had k f c in
a billion years but that's totally like i

[price__vincent]: feel like from that era k

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: great

[price__vincent]: f c was popping then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i love

[spinner]: kentucky

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that for you

[spinner]: fried k f c

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: moving on

[price__vincent]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: no

[cobra]: intuckafrid

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: we're done

[cobra]: f c

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: no

[cobra]: chicken

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: don't don't even try

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: just

[cobra]: but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: not worth any boy's time

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: when has that ever stopped us

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: well

[cobra]: about anything

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: listen

[price__vincent]: o

[spinner]: what's

[price__vincent]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: there let me let me

[spinner]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: play you off

[price__vincent]: yea

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: hey

[cobra]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you're

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: still

[cobra]: it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: out

[cobra]: called back

[spinner]: sorry

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: get back

[spinner]: think

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: them

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: out

[cobra]: called back

[spinner]: out

[cobra]: in response

[price__vincent]: no one calls for you go back
behind the curtain

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: hook

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: let's let's

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: see

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: let's

[cobra]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: take this in a different angle or
a different direction at least

[price__vincent]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i want you to

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: rank the other three

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: characters in order from least scariest to
most scariest

[spinner]: so i'm already laughing at something about

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: how often michael jackson is going to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: either the least scariest

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: or the most carious and i don't
match which one it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: will be vincent price

[price__vincent]: only

[spinner]: gets

[price__vincent]: vincent

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: it

[price__vincent]: knows

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: only vincent

[cobra]: vincent

[price__vincent]: knows

[cobra]: vincent has his answer yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all

[price__vincent]: vincent

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: right

[cobra]: that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: here

[cobra]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: we

[price__vincent]: yea

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: go

[cobra]: he thinks of

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: looks like luciana as first

[cobra]: so i think so like i think
the thing is

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: the scariest just because it's like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it's least scariest to

[cobra]: and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: most scariest do the fucking thing right

[spinner]: oh my gosh

[cobra]: i know we did the top

[price__vincent]: so

[cobra]: the

[price__vincent]: angry

[cobra]: top list last time they didn't follow
it why should i okay so least scary

[cobra]: is m j

[spinner]: obviously

[cobra]: come on okay

[spinner]: no that's not

[cobra]: come on

[price__vincent]: did

[spinner]: that

[price__vincent]: jason

[spinner]: wasn't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: nominate

[spinner]: right

[price__vincent]: himself

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: so so so noble

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: so so so selfless

[spinner]: lois garis

[price__vincent]: yes

[spinner]: is sucking michael jackson

[cobra]: yeah it's like even when he turns
into a zombi later on no it's just

[cobra]: not scary he's just like a puppy
it's fine next i think like it like

[cobra]: very far away from m j is
jason this priest carry dude

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: a really kill him and really you
know do any of those things because he

[cobra]: keeps fucking coming back isn't there one
where someone eats his heart and then becomes

[price__vincent]: a

[cobra]: jason

[price__vincent]: that

[cobra]: or somethin

[price__vincent]: sounds

[cobra]: like that

[price__vincent]: about right

[cobra]: at some point yeah so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: sure why not

[spinner]: we don't talk about that

[cobra]: but the thing like the

[spinner]: oh no my

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: jason art

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: don't go

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: jason

[cobra]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah oh

[price__vincent]: my heart

[spinner]: those are

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: two

[cobra]: fuck

[spinner]: different songs

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: m

[cobra]: no

[price__vincent]: exactly

[cobra]: i agree i agree voice by chris

[price__vincent]: yeah m

[cobra]: anyway

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: i think that the thing is the
scariest just because from the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: m

[cobra]: unknown factor could be anybody

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yes

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: you wouldn't even know it could be
like the thing your whole life someone you

[cobra]: think you know

[spinner]: it could be

[cobra]: it's just this

[spinner]: here

[cobra]: powerful

[spinner]: right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: now

[cobra]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: no

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: could be

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: any

[price__vincent]: what's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: one

[price__vincent]: that

[cobra]: who

[spinner]: of us

[cobra]: is

[price__vincent]: sound

[cobra]: it fuck know it's you know what's
the scariest part

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: about that sound i brings back out
that's the scary part

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: of

[price__vincent]: like

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: becky'sier

[price__vincent]: the last time

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: i heard that sound it

[cobra]: no

[price__vincent]: was like

[cobra]: please kick

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: back off and bring the thing back

[price__vincent]: i

[cobra]: i'll

[spinner]: h

[price__vincent]: was

[cobra]: take

[price__vincent]: making

[cobra]: it i'll just take it

[price__vincent]: like a sandwich

[spinner]: hm

[price__vincent]: but then

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: i was like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: what's got less cards

[spinner]: at least brodie's not here

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: somebody

[cobra]: that's true

[spinner]: say brodie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: anyway

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: oh no funk

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: nobody

[cobra]: funk

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: did

[spinner]: what

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: up an

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: no

[spinner]: it's like i

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: know

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: i've done

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: brodie

[cobra]: michael jackson buried

[spinner]: hm

[cobra]: in the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: no

[cobra]: ground and then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: jason and then the thing for

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: me

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah okay

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: excellent work next up jason from the
point of view jason michael jackson is silly

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: scares by far

[spinner]: obviously

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: honestly great great

[spinner]: so

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: prey

[spinner]: tum

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: fun time to kill i'm sure

[cobra]: great

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: great

[cobra]: he has a girl friend

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: even like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: it's just right on hepizali

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i think given the powers of the
ring girl whose name i'm never going to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: remember to say

[price__vincent]: samara

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: so i don't

[price__vincent]: was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: want to

[price__vincent]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: butcher

[cobra]: mara

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it samara okay didn't butter

[price__vincent]: man

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it i don't i don't think she
could actually kill him based on what she

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: does because

[cobra]: i think they get along like famously

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah so

[cobra]: actually

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and so the thing is scary i
mean it's not really nothing is cary to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jason because he's a social path that

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: people for sport after after he watches
them have sex by the way doesn't kill

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: know during it lets them get pretty
far down the road

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and then then he takes care of

[cobra]: it's to let the like the in
cell energy build

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that's

[cobra]: why he needs

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: what

[cobra]: to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it is

[cobra]: wait

[price__vincent]: just keep doing what you're

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: doing yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: just

[price__vincent]: just

[spinner]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: sharpening his his

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: blade

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: just keep doing what

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: you're

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: doing a yea

[spinner]: sound of it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: master bating

[price__vincent]: yea

[cobra]: oh that's what that sound

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it's

[cobra]: that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: really

[cobra]: what that sound

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: really

[cobra]: is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: dry

[price__vincent]: actually

[cobra]: it's

[price__vincent]: actually

[cobra]: it's like

[spinner]: uh uh

[price__vincent]: actually

[spinner]: it's

[price__vincent]: the sound effect is actually

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: right it's

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: actually the sound of him sharpening his
machete and then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: cutting himself on the finger paper cut
style and being like

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: fuck like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[price__vincent]: srensresree

[cobra]: can you please can you please tell
chris how that joke felt

[spinner]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: vincent you're

[price__vincent]: yes

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: wrong

[cobra]: it's the

[spinner]: it was

[cobra]: wrong

[spinner]: terrible

[price__vincent]: yes he's a

[cobra]: vincent

[price__vincent]: friend

[spinner]: m um

[price__vincent]: from

[cobra]: like

[price__vincent]: work

[cobra]: a pun

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yea

[price__vincent]: yah

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right

[cobra]: who

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: let's

[cobra]: you visit like dead

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: let's

[cobra]: jokes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: see who's next here

[cobra]: you live and learn

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the thing you've been rated

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: to the two so far

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: who are you going to pick you
can't pick yourself

[spinner]: um

[price__vincent]: yeah oh oh

[spinner]: oh my god

[cobra]: no

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: don't do that because

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: becky comes

[spinner]: um

[cobra]: out that's the worst

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: thing

[spinner]: no i don't want to hear

[price__vincent]: here

[spinner]: from

[price__vincent]: you

[spinner]: becky and thank

[cobra]: but

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: oh my god

[spinner]: becky may do

[price__vincent]: you're so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: slow

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: i was the thing the whole time

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: okay that i believe

[spinner]: shocking

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: no one okay so the least scary
is obviously michael jackson um m moving

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: obviously

[spinner]: on

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ye

[spinner]: well

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: actually would say that the were wolf

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: michael jackson is less scary than real
life michael

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: jackson now

[price__vincent]: can you answer the question

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[price__vincent]: legitimately and stop

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: separating

[spinner]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: i said the

[price__vincent]: like

[spinner]: least scary is where wolf michael jackson

[price__vincent]: that's right

[spinner]: real life michael

[price__vincent]: stay

[spinner]: jackson

[price__vincent]: on topic

[spinner]: and then

[price__vincent]: he's

[spinner]: i

[price__vincent]: not

[spinner]: would

[price__vincent]: part of the list

[spinner]: i would say mah

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: jason

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: i mean i like the thing isn't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: of anything

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: so

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: i would say that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[spinner]: the thing would be

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: more scared like jason could stab the
thing to death that wouldn't do anything and

[spinner]: jason is not smart enough to burn
him but the ring girl has some sort

[spinner]: of mystical powers that can maybe do
something to him so

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: i'd say the thing chooses that

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: the samara is scarier than

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: the insel at skin

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: problems

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah out tough

[spinner]: it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: but fair

[cobra]: only it is this is this is
like duncan jason day

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: um

[spinner]: the insult with skin conditions

[price__vincent]: dunk

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: moving

[price__vincent]: and t bag

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: moving

[spinner]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: past it all chris

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: empty it

[price__vincent]: interesting

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and slandered throughout this list

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: and to that i will actually say
that the ring samara is least scary she

[price__vincent]: doesn't know how to use a cell

[cobra]: ah

[price__vincent]: to save her life

[spinner]: brace

[price__vincent]: so

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: loves

[price__vincent]: i don't

[spinner]: it

[price__vincent]: think thanks

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: vince you you know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: you know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a

[price__vincent]: for forties are on me after this

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: followed by m both

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: the jason and the thing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[price__vincent]: i kind of feel like they had
kind of cancel each other out and then

[price__vincent]: i don't even know like but jason
seems to have some kind of like has

[price__vincent]: some form of consciousness so the thing
could i suppose ultimately he's so he's nigh

[price__vincent]: invincible so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: i don't know how the thing would
absorb jason to me they

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: kind of cancel each other

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: out but if

[spinner]: yep

[price__vincent]: i had to choose one

[spinner]: which scarier to you

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: or

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: to

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: michael

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: jackson

[price__vincent]: i would say i would say

[cobra]: ah

[price__vincent]: well i'll stick

[cobra]: yes

[price__vincent]: to jason because i still i don't
i've learned a good amount about the thing

[price__vincent]: thanks to the rest of you but
i still feel jason might be able to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: things of poncas

[price__vincent]: outlast

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: bitch

[price__vincent]: get choke

[spinner]: whoa

[price__vincent]: slammed

[spinner]: whoa

[price__vincent]: especially

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i said what i said thing

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: come out my fool yeah

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: already am you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ywaitimslattering

[spinner]: what

[price__vincent]: shit

[cobra]: oh no

[price__vincent]: faint

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: myself

[price__vincent]: faint

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: fuck

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: faint faint

[spinner]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all

[spinner]: babes

[price__vincent]: let

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: right

[price__vincent]: them

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: good

[price__vincent]: fight

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: answers

[spinner]: shut up

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: good answers

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: everybody

[spinner]: yeah oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: moving on next question what should we
go with here this is an important one

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you tell

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: me why your selection is the goat
a greatest of all

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: time in

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the horror monsters category

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: h m

[spinner]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: simple

[cobra]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: simple right

[price__vincent]: yes

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: okay great

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: well chris you're first

[price__vincent]: dat

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: who saw that coming

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: thriller wolf is totally

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: is through their wolf and human form

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: j are totally slam dunk when

[cobra]: ye

[price__vincent]: it comes to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: i

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: forgot the

[cobra]: a

[price__vincent]: question

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: please

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the

[price__vincent]: repeat

[spinner]: exactly

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: great

[price__vincent]: the question

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: greatest horror monster

[cobra]: wow

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: of all time

[price__vincent]: thank you

[cobra]: wow

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: greatest horror

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: monster of all

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it's

[price__vincent]: time

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: going to go really well i'm really

[price__vincent]: because

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: excited for this answer

[cobra]: uh

[price__vincent]: let's go

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: it's

[price__vincent]: i

[spinner]: great

[price__vincent]: would say

[spinner]: it's

[price__vincent]: that

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: greatest

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: horror but are not

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: what

[spinner]: great as horror monster

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: becky

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: that's you

[cobra]: he's yeah

[price__vincent]: m who gave me who gave

[cobra]: now i

[price__vincent]: me

[cobra]: want

[price__vincent]: who gave me the clap though brody

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: i was

[price__vincent]: you're

[spinner]: fishin

[price__vincent]: the only

[spinner]: price

[cobra]: now

[price__vincent]: ah

[cobra]: now i

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: want jason to kill both back

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: whatever his face

[price__vincent]: vince

[spinner]: becky

[cobra]: is

[price__vincent]: i love

[spinner]: becky

[price__vincent]: you

[spinner]: and

[price__vincent]: but

[spinner]: brodie

[price__vincent]: like this is between me

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: and him

[cobra]: brody

[price__vincent]: i'll call

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: you later i funk

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: with

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: you

[spinner]: uh yeah

[price__vincent]: tiler wolf is the goat when it
comes to horomonstrs

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: because he can do what many of
his competitors here would dream of doing which

[price__vincent]: s to walk into worlds like thrower

[spinner]: think

[price__vincent]: wealth

[spinner]: you

[price__vincent]: can

[spinner]: say

[price__vincent]: transform

[spinner]: moon walk

[price__vincent]: yes and

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: no

[spinner]: yeah m m

[price__vincent]: vince is here to play vince is
just having a fucking look at if he's

[price__vincent]: got that he's got that serockinhand legs

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: crossed off in the code he's working
the engineer boards lady ladies and gentlemen thing

[price__vincent]: could like obviously possess people and just
like move amongst us and then stock people

[price__vincent]: right but i think he's he's really
the only the only challenger to thriller wolf

[price__vincent]: i would so i think that ability
of being able to to fully i don't

[price__vincent]: know how much

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: owamiliar with the rest of you are
with the series from netflix but that's beside

[price__vincent]: the point my point is it's being
able to stock your prey

[spinner]: what

[price__vincent]: in any environment

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: its top

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: great

[price__vincent]: notch and don't shake your head at

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: great no

[spinner]: it was the worst like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: this is

[spinner]: i don't know if any of you
have seen us series on netlik

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: that's beside the point

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: just continues

[cobra]: i mean

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: look at look at the job chris
had he had to defend the fucking thriller

[cobra]: wolf

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i

[cobra]: as

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: mean

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: the greatest

[cobra]: goat of all horror it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: he

[cobra]: was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: picked him

[cobra]: it was a tall order

[spinner]: it was

[cobra]: let's

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: be

[spinner]: was

[cobra]: honest

[spinner]: a dull order

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it was his choice he answered that
question very professionally how

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: any stand up person who is trying
to avoid giving any real answer does he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: just

[spinner]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: said a bunch of nonsense extract is
from the answer and then

[spinner]: he mentioned a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yielded

[spinner]: few netflix

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: his time

[spinner]: series

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: congratulations chris you've done an

[price__vincent]: i'll

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: excellent

[price__vincent]: be running

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: job

[price__vincent]: for office i'll be

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: running for

[spinner]: hm

[price__vincent]: office in state of

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: texas in

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: twenty sixty four yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: got him moving

[spinner]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: on

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: luciana

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you are next

[cobra]: so i think samarasis the goat because

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: probably smells like when no i'm kidding

[price__vincent]: oh my

[cobra]: she

[price__vincent]: god

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: probably now she

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: she's like she had tex you in
the safety of your own house

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: like you don't have to let her
in she doesn't have to break in i

[cobra]: have to do

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: is watch similarly inconspicuous

[spinner]: snuff film

[cobra]: okay you adjust

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: ape

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: listen which

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: a functioning v c

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: r

[cobra]: listen

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: is she go

[cobra]: listen

[price__vincent]: hm

[spinner]: hm

[cobra]: we will listen we will up date

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: uh

[cobra]: fol you

[price__vincent]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: huh

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: well

[price__vincent]: hm

[cobra]: it's hard

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: to be the goth when you're

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: undone by like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: technology

[spinner]: we'll

[cobra]: but

[spinner]: be

[cobra]: anyway

[spinner]: releasing a streaming service very soon

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: yeah yeah the ring flix

[price__vincent]: he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: that sounds

[cobra]: and

[price__vincent]: dirty

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: she

[price__vincent]: and i

[cobra]: she

[price__vincent]: like it

[cobra]: you don't have to invite her in
all you have to do is just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: watch the video and if you can
find someone else to pass it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ye

[cobra]: on to your dead there's no escaping
her she there's no running away you just

[cobra]: watching t v one day and then
suddenly she's there

[price__vincent]: you did

[cobra]: crawling out of it and just killing
you out

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: just she just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: scares you to death literally so

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: like if that's not you know horror
movie hall of fame i don't know what

[cobra]: is so i think that's that's why
it would

[spinner]: i think

[cobra]: be

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: her

[spinner]: the latter is the answer you don't
know what is

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: if no i do know

[spinner]: go vincent

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: in the house

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: vincent

[cobra]: well i mean

[spinner]: in the house

[cobra]: we

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: already know he likes bad jokes so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: now that's why that's why she is
she can strike you at your own home

[cobra]: provided you own the just

[price__vincent]: u

[cobra]: machine

[spinner]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: fantastic

[spinner]: everyone

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: player

[spinner]: safe

[price__vincent]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: h

[cobra]: time

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: let's see who next

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: got the

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: thing spencer

[spinner]: m yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: m

[spinner]: the thing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: is the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: greatest of all time or villain because

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: it can

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: be anyone it can

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: be anywhere can be any thing

[price__vincent]: can it be my dog

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: i rest my time it can be
a dog

[price__vincent]: yeah oh

[spinner]: it actually was

[price__vincent]: ship

[spinner]: um the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: thing no the thing

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: is the greatest orville and it's in

[cobra]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: greatest or film because it is not
like sympathetic in any way it's like truly

[spinner]: you can't reason with it you can't
bargain with it you can't get like to

[spinner]: its core

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: and find out its

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: issues and try and fix it out
allah samara or jason vorhis and you can't

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: beat it court like you would michael

[cobra]: no oh

[spinner]: you have

[price__vincent]: that

[spinner]: to

[price__vincent]: never happened

[spinner]: face it

[price__vincent]: it didn't happen

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: michael michael jackson one i believe

[price__vincent]: that's

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: right but get

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: your

[spinner]: sorry

[price__vincent]: facts

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: straight

[spinner]: you can't

[price__vincent]: get

[spinner]: take

[price__vincent]: em straight

[spinner]: it to court like you would michael

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: and and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: m

[price__vincent]: lose

[spinner]: and

[price__vincent]: uh

[spinner]: chris is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[spinner]: just pull out now defending michael jackson

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: um

[price__vincent]: mon

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: no it's

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: like it's it's just an all never
stops never rests killing machine and it's smart

[spinner]: that's the thing too it's

[cobra]: oh oh

[spinner]: it's sneaky in the way it kills
so i don't know i find

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: it terrifying and i find it visually
also terrifying is

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: it here right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: now

[price__vincent]: i'm

[spinner]: guys

[price__vincent]: getting really tired of this

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: is the

[spinner]: god becky stuff

[cobra]: fuck

[spinner]: ruining the

[price__vincent]: hm

[spinner]: fig fame

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: for me

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: every time

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i'm pretty certain that becky

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: is the thing that's honest

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: or

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: eh

[spinner]: is this

[price__vincent]: i

[spinner]: just

[price__vincent]: already

[spinner]: the becky

[price__vincent]: confessed

[spinner]: theme

[price__vincent]: so at

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: play my

[spinner]: h

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[price__vincent]: jam

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: is brodie also the thing

[price__vincent]: turn it up a

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: drop a beat

[price__vincent]: party

[spinner]: on that

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: up

[cobra]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: joe

[price__vincent]: puss

[spinner]: drop

[price__vincent]: the

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: molly

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: beat on that baby

[price__vincent]: i

[cobra]: fuck

[price__vincent]: love this bane

[cobra]: see now

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: you invited both of them and now
we wish the thing was here

[price__vincent]: who's got torino

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right i'm going

[price__vincent]: as

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: to yield

[price__vincent]: the k

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: their time

[price__vincent]: f c

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jason is

[spinner]: hold

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: going to go

[spinner]: on

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: last

[spinner]: hold

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it

[spinner]: on i wasn't done

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: all right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you

[spinner]: now i'm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: played off thank you

[price__vincent]: uh uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jason wins by default and i'll show
you why in a real quick second michael

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jackson is

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a

[spinner]: but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: person

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: he was a very cute doggy

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that's

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: about it

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: as his were well form we won't
go into all the

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: other things he did because we're just
focusing on the dog form of him not

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: right

[price__vincent]: where wolf

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the ring

[price__vincent]: scary

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: girl

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: well lucy already covered it

[spinner]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: just vhsisonothe thing not

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: scary can't

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: can't catch me

[cobra]: goddamn it

[spinner]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: then the thing like it's the idea
of the thing is scary but the actual

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: thing isn't scary because it just like
takes forms of people so like becky could

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: be the thing and we wouldn't know

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: because beck's just hanging out so there's
nothing to

[price__vincent]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: be scared

[spinner]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: of you just have no idea

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you know

[price__vincent]: until it's

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: too late

[spinner]: until it absorbs you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah well i'm not scared i'm just

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: dead that's you know

[spinner]: you'd be like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: oh no

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: becky now

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: be terrified

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: maybe her movie lies about time becky

[spinner]: i'd be like fucking

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: turn

[spinner]: becky

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: to your ship

[cobra]: crown

[spinner]: great

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: i got

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: god

[spinner]: killed by

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: becky

[cobra]: viewed it

[spinner]: this

[price__vincent]: m m

[spinner]: is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the

[spinner]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: worst

[spinner]: worst m

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: that's the scariest thing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: honestly being killed by becky

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jason can't be killed so that whole
thing will kill you like to do in

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the creepy way you know that's all
standard stuff so it's really just how bad

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the rest of the other ones are
and that's why it's number one

[spinner]: classic politician

[cobra]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: maneuver don't present facts

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: he yields this time

[spinner]: attack the enemy's

[cobra]: m

[price__vincent]: hm

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah i'm the best because you all

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i will be

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: running against chris

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: in the ofgoving texas primaries

[spinner]: yeah exactly

[price__vincent]: yes

[cobra]: oh no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: yes

[cobra]: oh no

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right next

[price__vincent]: and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: question

[price__vincent]: from work

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah let's say

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you needed to kill a bunch of
kids maybe teen

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: agers

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: let's

[cobra]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: let's

[spinner]: god

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: let's ramp it up teen

[cobra]: oh my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: agers

[cobra]: lord as one does

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: as

[spinner]: at

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: one

[spinner]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: does

[spinner]: quetwhat an opener let's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i

[spinner]: say you gotta

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: kill a bunch of kids

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: we've all been there

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: who hasn't

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: who hasn't had to dispose

[spinner]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: of

[price__vincent]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: some

[price__vincent]: hate

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: unwonted

[price__vincent]: it when you have to

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: kill a bunch of kids

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: i know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: teen

[spinner]: like an

[price__vincent]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: agers

[spinner]: informer

[price__vincent]: do

[spinner]: like an informercial

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: get tired

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: of killing kids

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: why not kill

[price__vincent]: do

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a

[price__vincent]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: teen ager

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: do

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: um

[price__vincent]: it with this new product

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: so you want to knock off a

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: of punkas kids

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: pod

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: maybe

[spinner]: cast

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: they all live in a street who

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: pud

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and

[spinner]: cast kids

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: like you want to get revenge

[price__vincent]: hoodlums

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: maybe they killed

[price__vincent]: youths

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: your mom

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: maybe they let you on fire and

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: your whole body

[price__vincent]: so

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: m maybe

[spinner]: round

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: they

[spinner]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: said yer music sucks and then want
to coe to you house and play any

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: more who knows pick your poison

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: how would

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you go about

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: knocking off these

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: kids and let's say there's like five
of them if you need to go through

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: numbers how you gonna get

[price__vincent]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: this done

[price__vincent]: what's the can you would you be
okay with defining

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: this rag

[cobra]: okay

[price__vincent]: tag group of five folks five teams

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: sure

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: or

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: there are

[price__vincent]: utes

[spinner]: jesus michael

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: three

[spinner]: jackson he said they're not kids

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: three

[price__vincent]: i don't know like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: three males two

[price__vincent]: thank you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: females

[price__vincent]: okay

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: and their teens you're saying

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: her teens brody

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: don't be so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: excited

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: becky

[spinner]: their teens

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: i'm trying to understand

[spinner]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: right

[price__vincent]: the targets

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jena

[price__vincent]: d

[spinner]: brodie

[price__vincent]: jenna

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: steve

[price__vincent]: becky you said

[spinner]: brodie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: theo

[cobra]: does brodie have a borrow

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: the

[cobra]: brow

[price__vincent]: yea

[cobra]: jas

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: steve this

[cobra]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: is bro

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: we call him jay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: brodie

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: sto

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and

[spinner]: because

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: steve

[spinner]: steve

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: our

[spinner]: lay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: best friends

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yes go say

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: i thought thought

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: it was brodytheogenna becky and steve

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah that's correct

[price__vincent]: great

[cobra]: but steve we call steve jas

[price__vincent]: okay

[spinner]: ah because

[price__vincent]: cool

[spinner]: steve's

[cobra]: that's the only

[spinner]: fucking

[cobra]: thing

[spinner]: la

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: m okay

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: thank you

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: here we go

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah uh

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jason is going to go first so
here's how jason season first things first teas

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: got to die because you know reasons
he's kind of

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: an outsider in the group you know
because brody and becky are dating and steve

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jas is brodie's best friend jenna is
becky's best friend so steve's kind of like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: steve just plays you know on the
basketball team with the well now look ross

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: team based on brodie and jason's names
um so

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: they're

[price__vincent]: ye

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: like casual acquaintances so

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jason gonna knock off theo because he'll
catch him

[price__vincent]: more you know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: just wandering the streets late at night
easy first kill then he's going to watch

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: becky and um m brodie

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: have sex

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you can

[spinner]: sand paper dick

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: while she

[price__vincent]: we

[cobra]: complains the whole

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: time

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah know brody does

[price__vincent]: and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: everything

[price__vincent]: yet

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: wrong finishes in a minute she gets

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: really mad um

[spinner]: you

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: said

[cobra]: on her

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: hair

[spinner]: liked it when

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: finishes

[spinner]: but

[cobra]: in

[spinner]: i did it in

[cobra]: in

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: minute

[cobra]: minute on her hair

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: you said you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: liked it in your hair you stood

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: by little mare bar dick was hot

[price__vincent]: like

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[price__vincent]: like it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: um

[price__vincent]: not origin

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: so then

[spinner]: that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jason is going to beak in the
house to kill um brody first brad's

[price__vincent]: do

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: gonna go

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: to wash

[price__vincent]: shut

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: room the p jason gonna kill him
in there

[spinner]: hold on

[cobra]: put him

[spinner]: baby i gotta

[cobra]: put him out of his misery

[spinner]: gotta

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: train the lizard

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: uh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: chops off his

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: long

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: actly

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: his ship if you will

[spinner]: oh no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: my mars uh

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: it

[cobra]: it was the snack size

[price__vincent]: it falls into

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: h

[price__vincent]: the toilet

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that's how it became next guy

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: um

[price__vincent]: boys

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: yes

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: then

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you know gratuitous scene of becky runnin
through the house topless

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and just as she gets outside

[spinner]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: into the

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: back yard jason is going to like

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: stab her

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: murder her i believe oh

[spinner]: oh my god you like killed me

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: yeah i was going to say

[spinner]: hm

[cobra]: does she like yell

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: and is like oh my god my

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: i died

[price__vincent]: did we

[cobra]: like

[price__vincent]: fuck

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yes

[price__vincent]: yeah i like

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: your energy

[spinner]: i've en penetrated

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: like this since

[cobra]: i like

[spinner]: brat

[cobra]: your

[spinner]: rode

[cobra]: energy

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: she would say that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: this is the way brody should have
done it right

[price__vincent]: exactly

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and then we have we have steve
jas and jenna

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: steve is going to walk jenna home

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: from a party and he's going to

[spinner]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: like

[spinner]: like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you know

[spinner]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: try to go into her house and
she's got like no

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i don't roll

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: like that

[spinner]: yes exactly right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and

[spinner]: well

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: then

[spinner]: done

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and then uh jason will kill

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: steve jas

[spinner]: hold on how like they kiss and
she goes inside and then as he's walking

[spinner]: away his head

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: just gets lopped off

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it's just like it's like you don't
even expect it to happen he's just

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: like he had a kiss and he's

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: he's moving up the ladder

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and then jason just like got some

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and then

[cobra]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jason will attempt to kill jenna

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: but general escape and all good horror
films you have one one person who survives

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jena will trick him into running into
the pool and then putting like

[cobra]: you go

[spinner]: o

[cobra]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: uh

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: what

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: uh and

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: then she'll put some like like electricity

[spinner]: thank

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: wire somehow like jason will ave chopped

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: chopped

[cobra]: she's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a wire

[cobra]: just crafty

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah so jason ill ave like

[cobra]: crafty

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: swing er and chopped

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a wire

[spinner]: and jason

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and then

[spinner]: will be like my only weakness female

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: independence oh

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: it is it really is oh no
a strong female

[spinner]: a strong female

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh no

[spinner]: character

[cobra]: my nemesis

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the patriarch has been foiled once again

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i will tell at about this

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: fucking hell

[price__vincent]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: great

[cobra]: why did

[price__vincent]: h

[cobra]: i catch splash damage

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a

[cobra]: on this

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: grand patriarchal wizard luciana

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: will find out about your

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: treachery

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: all lusiato

[cobra]: ah

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: um and that's that's how it goes
four o five not bad

[cobra]: o

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: can go fuck yourselves

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: no but then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: and then later she'll

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: wake up like the next day thank

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: it's over

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: and then it will be

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: like

[spinner]: no

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i held

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: she

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: my

[cobra]: wakes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: time

[cobra]: up just just the machete on like
on her pillow beside

[price__vincent]: uh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: her

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: steve steve

[price__vincent]: with

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: had

[spinner]: steve said

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: there it is

[cobra]: like the godfather only instead of a

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: is jas

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jason

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: i kind of love that workshop um
execution i kind of think we should all

[price__vincent]: kind of yield our times but i'm

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: of down to still go

[spinner]: no

[price__vincent]: for

[spinner]: no

[price__vincent]: it

[spinner]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: no

[spinner]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: no

[spinner]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: we all got to go through the

[spinner]: well you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: this

[spinner]: got

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: is

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: this

[cobra]: was

[spinner]: through

[cobra]: just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: is

[spinner]: this

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the

[cobra]: jason

[price__vincent]: that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: this

[price__vincent]: was good

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: is the

[spinner]: you just want to skip

[price__vincent]: that

[spinner]: your

[price__vincent]: was

[spinner]: time

[price__vincent]: good

[spinner]: because your

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: this

[spinner]: character

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: is the

[spinner]: is

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: piece

[spinner]: terrible

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that resistance let's

[price__vincent]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: see

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: let's see

[price__vincent]: good

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: what happens

[cobra]: because

[price__vincent]: it's good

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: here

[cobra]: you're

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: it's

[cobra]: because

[price__vincent]: good

[spinner]: hm

[cobra]: you're

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: ah

[spinner]: let's ride

[price__vincent]: uh

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: you know

[price__vincent]: uh

[cobra]: it's gonna no it's

[price__vincent]: uh

[cobra]: gonna be it's gonna be chris

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: oh we yeah

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: i got

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah chris

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: please go ahead

[cobra]: oh no

[price__vincent]: check

[cobra]: you

[price__vincent]: it

[cobra]: know he's just going to narrate the

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: clip like the music video

[price__vincent]: all right five

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: my suckers all need to die m
j is on the hunt and he's thirsty

[price__vincent]: for blood m j thriller wolf to
be specific suckers want

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: to try and open up your mouth
and talk that ship shut the fuck out

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: this is my

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: time now that's right i got vince

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: deck with a strap

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: ah

[price__vincent]: okay ready to

[spinner]: yep

[price__vincent]: bust the caps

[spinner]: i got my v

[price__vincent]: anyways

[spinner]: p

[price__vincent]: right d x time so check it

[cobra]: oh he's really stolid

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: isn't

[spinner]: know

[cobra]: he

[price__vincent]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: he's like

[price__vincent]: i'm just

[spinner]: check

[price__vincent]: having

[spinner]: one

[price__vincent]: a

[spinner]: to

[price__vincent]: good time

[spinner]: check check one to

[price__vincent]: can i get some more

[cobra]: is

[price__vincent]: similes

[cobra]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: son is this thing

[price__vincent]: can

[cobra]: going

[price__vincent]: need more similes

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: can i get some more

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: h

[price__vincent]: vocals

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: can i give

[price__vincent]: more

[spinner]: a more

[price__vincent]: vocals

[spinner]: sound

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: on my head phones any more

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: uh

[spinner]: any more

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: sound

[price__vincent]: twenty

[spinner]: my

[price__vincent]: four k records um

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: huh yeah

[spinner]: brebegs

[price__vincent]: brodie

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: it anyways brodie and becky they have
a fight this is this is all going

[price__vincent]: to take down this is all gonna

[spinner]: got

[price__vincent]: go down on a pep rale like
a fall pumpkin patch pet rally and so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i like it

[spinner]: all five

[price__vincent]: brodie

[spinner]: of them

[price__vincent]: and becky well ah i mean

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: like the whole school and raking and

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: neighborhood is out right so this is
one of those towns that embraces that that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: vive brodie and you're having a fight

[spinner]: naturally

[price__vincent]: ah yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: as is tradition

[price__vincent]: you know as

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: a couple of their caliber is wont
to do their communication is ship mercury is

[price__vincent]: fully in retrograde okay

[cobra]: no

[price__vincent]: so

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: like they're off to the side they're
doing it out

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: verbally they don't believe in violence but

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: becky storms off

[cobra]: i

[price__vincent]: i'm just talking listen

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: becky storms

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: off and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: brodie's like bed bed

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: bed

[spinner]: bet

[price__vincent]: bed

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: becky doesn't

[price__vincent]: a

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: believe in violence but body does

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: brody definitely believes in

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: violence

[price__vincent]: she

[spinner]: and

[price__vincent]: storms

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: off

[spinner]: i only

[price__vincent]: ye

[spinner]: insect

[price__vincent]: go ahead

[spinner]: with your friend because you told me

[price__vincent]: that was

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: a fucking test fucking it in

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: gene

[price__vincent]: and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: said it was okay

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: yah

[spinner]: it

[price__vincent]: just

[spinner]: is

[price__vincent]: because

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: gene

[spinner]: jetta

[price__vincent]: i'm gonna funk that batch

[spinner]: i did

[price__vincent]: but

[cobra]: oh wow

[price__vincent]: but

[spinner]: i

[price__vincent]: why

[spinner]: did

[price__vincent]: detail i told you i said fuck
that bitch i didn't say

[spinner]: you

[price__vincent]: fuck

[spinner]: just told

[price__vincent]: her

[spinner]: me to we

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[spinner]: gain

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: fuck you

[spinner]: so confused

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: so

[cobra]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: team

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: team

[spinner]: m oh

[price__vincent]: hanks team communication

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: uh this

[price__vincent]: steep

[cobra]: this sounds

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: too real

[price__vincent]: yeah becky

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: storms off she she she veers through
she decides to cut a path through through

[price__vincent]: the

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: corn

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: h

[price__vincent]: field because he just wants to walk
and just like not deal with this ship

[price__vincent]: for a while

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: but little does she know that there

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: there's another set of eyes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[price__vincent]: on the both of them the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: background dancers

[price__vincent]: yes exactly

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: cut

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: u

[spinner]: the background

[price__vincent]: bump about

[spinner]: to de

[price__vincent]: bump about

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: h

[price__vincent]: the

[spinner]: yeah and

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: m j m j's perched thrower wolf
has been perched in

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: the in the trees in wolf form
mouth salivating seeing two other

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: suckers who just can't talk their sucking
issues out

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: and he sees the first lamb to
the slaughter

[spinner]: if you

[price__vincent]: ready

[spinner]: get

[price__vincent]: for devouring

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: fed like your

[price__vincent]: and

[spinner]: on

[price__vincent]: so

[spinner]: help

[price__vincent]: he

[spinner]: them communicate

[price__vincent]: well listen

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: throe

[cobra]: ah

[price__vincent]: wolf does have a degree in doctor
philology so

[cobra]: m oh

[spinner]: m yeah

[price__vincent]: becky and becky

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: get some get some distance from brodie

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: but brodie manages to catch up to
her and just as he like grab armand

[price__vincent]: spins her around and looks longingly into
her eyes because he's

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: just about to really you know expose
his feelings and really let her know that

[price__vincent]: he's deeply regretful

[spinner]: did

[price__vincent]: down from the tree

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: down from the tree throwing of

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: pounces and slashes the fuck out of
becky's throat

[spinner]: it is

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: this is what i like

[spinner]: is that your

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: period

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh my god

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: h uh

[cobra]: oh my god

[price__vincent]: becky's body's

[cobra]: not again

[price__vincent]: becky's bodies

[cobra]: not gain this ship babe

[spinner]: h

[price__vincent]: rag dolls to the ground

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: and twitching and convulsing

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: she's like she's like

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: draining out of a blood

[cobra]: and talk to you when you're like
this babe

[price__vincent]: oh my god

[spinner]: god

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: you're impossible to talk to and it's
like that baby

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: and thriller wolf is like fully devouring

[spinner]: a

[price__vincent]: her inner and brodie's and shock he's
not processing that

[spinner]: thing

[price__vincent]: there's he's about to get cut

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: the fuck up next and then

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: throw a wolf spinning spins round

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: and rods

[spinner]: what

[price__vincent]: like and then throw their wolf like
just nomsamand like that's brodie becky

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: and brody done

[spinner]: you're

[price__vincent]: right

[spinner]: that's my neck bro

[price__vincent]: i'm not in to that

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: m that's the first two down so
i'm gonna strike them bam bam so cut

[price__vincent]: to cut to

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: long

[price__vincent]: listen i'm trying

[spinner]: only

[price__vincent]: here

[spinner]: two of them are down

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: jakes on jenna

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: at the pumpkin the pumpkin what they
call the blue ribbon pumpkin growing contest and

[price__vincent]: there like an iring the carving and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: the same time whoever won that i
don't know who won the first place but

[price__vincent]: someone on the

[cobra]: okay

[price__vincent]: first place

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: they were

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: chatting them up because they're like the

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: the good

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: ones of the bunch right and

[cobra]: yah h

[price__vincent]: the power cuts out

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: jena turns to jason's like this doesn't
make sense what's going on and like why

[price__vincent]: are you why is your hand

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: on my on my ass jase and

[cobra]: wait

[price__vincent]: like

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: you got to find

[price__vincent]: that's

[cobra]: worry about it baby were

[spinner]: no

[price__vincent]: okay

[cobra]: but it babe you're going to like

[spinner]: he's

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: dead

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that's a

[spinner]: that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that's

[spinner]: prod

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a sweet

[cobra]: no no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: as

[cobra]: no that's ja

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: that's jas because

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: he copies everything

[spinner]: no no

[cobra]: that brodie

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: does

[spinner]: jason a patino

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: oh my

[spinner]: you

[price__vincent]: god

[spinner]: got a

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: wet as

[cobra]: you got a sweet

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: as i

[price__vincent]: we've talked about this before and i

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: like that energy jase like

[spinner]: don't

[price__vincent]: like

[spinner]: waste

[cobra]: but

[spinner]: my

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: only when he's

[spinner]: time

[cobra]: it's only when he's drug that he
turns into oppacino

[price__vincent]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and he's always

[price__vincent]: and then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: drunk

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: and then

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: she

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: like she reaches

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: down to move

[cobra]: he's always

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: drunk

[price__vincent]: she reaches down to remove his hand

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: but then like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: she grabs he she grabs what she
grabs a hand but it turns out it's

[price__vincent]: not

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: it's not still connected to jason's body

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: nice

[price__vincent]: it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i

[price__vincent]: been

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: like that

[price__vincent]: severed and

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: jason's like

[spinner]: that's

[price__vincent]: my

[spinner]: somebody

[price__vincent]: hat what the fun

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: and then and

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: then since the power still cut

[cobra]: that's

[price__vincent]: out

[cobra]: my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: m

[cobra]: fucking

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: hand

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: yeah since the power still cut

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: jason

[cobra]: this

[price__vincent]: what

[cobra]: is

[price__vincent]: the fuck

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: turned that turned from from a wolf
into a frog

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: there for

[price__vincent]: well

[cobra]: a second

[price__vincent]: you're welcome

[spinner]: hm

[price__vincent]: and like jenna freeze out like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: fucking sefer hand jasonsfreaking out and then

[spinner]: say hello

[price__vincent]: slash

[spinner]: to my

[price__vincent]: lash

[spinner]: little hand

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: that's the opener that's the open that's
that's throw her wops opening line

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: every single time all

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: okay

[price__vincent]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: time shoves

[cobra]: he

[price__vincent]: the

[cobra]: picks up one arm

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: with the other

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: arm sit slapping m j cli

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: you would hope

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: but then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: first

[price__vincent]: he

[cobra]: m

[price__vincent]: grabs

[cobra]: m

[price__vincent]: jenna's hand holding jason severed hand

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: and then rams that through her mouth
and then twists her like and twist her

[price__vincent]: head off

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: like a sucking pop cap

[spinner]: yeah vince likes

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: it

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: and jason is like no i wanted
to get lad

[spinner]: brodie's dead

[price__vincent]: no no no i was trying to
do jas he's

[spinner]: jason

[price__vincent]: like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jesus

[price__vincent]: but

[spinner]: say

[price__vincent]: he copies

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: alpachino

[cobra]: ay

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: jason patino

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: thank you cause that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[price__vincent]: makes a lot of sense and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: hm

[price__vincent]: throw throe woeful tea back jase and

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: rip off his legs like two chicken
wish bones

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: chris

[price__vincent]: and that's dead

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: what to theo i didn't i didn't
get the stuff

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: o is not dead tho left because
nobody likes it which sets

[spinner]: that's

[price__vincent]: up

[spinner]: fair

[price__vincent]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: wow

[price__vincent]: sequel

[cobra]: yeah that's fair

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right

[cobra]: that's fair

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: like jason had a decency to kill
him off

[price__vincent]: well

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all

[price__vincent]: that's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: right

[price__vincent]: what you get for reasons

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you've

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yielded your time

[cobra]: jas on the time line

[spinner]: yeah we

[cobra]: him jays on the time line

[price__vincent]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: can fuckwiththat

[price__vincent]: h

[cobra]: ship

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: next step we have the thing

[spinner]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: m

[spinner]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: yeah the thing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: would have a much simpler strategy

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: the thing would see these five fine

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: and they're simply enjoying

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: a night out

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: on the town they just left a
movie theater where they saw a pan sexual

[spinner]: wolf performing and they said that was
a weird movie slash music video and they're

[spinner]: leaving years early nineteen eighties and

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: on their way home the thing

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: sees

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: well first the thing has already taken

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: over somebody as the thing does

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: theo

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: not sexy woman

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: sorry

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: fine no no it's theo it

[price__vincent]: yes

[spinner]: is the

[price__vincent]: ending at

[cobra]: the

[price__vincent]: its best

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: theo

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: already the

[spinner]: to

[cobra]: thing

[spinner]: theo is already the thing and

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: the thing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: h yeah

[spinner]: and theo

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: goes up to uh becky and he

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah oh

[spinner]: yo baby i got

[price__vincent]: let's

[spinner]: to show

[price__vincent]: stop

[spinner]: you want to fuck

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i do

[price__vincent]: actually yeah brodie ain't ship and so

[spinner]: i

[price__vincent]: like

[spinner]: know

[price__vincent]: what

[spinner]: i've

[price__vincent]: you

[spinner]: seen

[price__vincent]: like

[spinner]: that

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: dig of his

[price__vincent]: like okay that's weird

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: but like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: um

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: like you know

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: be inclusive and what not but like
okay so you hooked up or something

[spinner]: yeah just let's go up behind the
like trash can

[price__vincent]: that

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: sounds really dirty

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: and unclean and like totally my bibe

[spinner]: okay so we go over

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: there

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: and

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: i'm things like the is like here
let me just show you my

[cobra]: my thing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: uh

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: let me show you my thing

[spinner]: let

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: me show you my thing

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: i

[spinner]: he's

[price__vincent]: like

[spinner]: just

[price__vincent]: it

[spinner]: blown

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[spinner]: on he just absorbs

[price__vincent]: no

[spinner]: becky now

[price__vincent]: oh no

[spinner]: becky

[price__vincent]: oh yes

[spinner]: so now

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: no

[spinner]: no becky's

[cobra]: like back

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: is so annoying that the thing rejects

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: her

[price__vincent]: oh h

[cobra]: who can

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: who can deal with that ship

[spinner]: so now becky

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: h

[spinner]: is also the thing and becky comes
up to the party

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: and she goes up to brody she's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: like

[price__vincent]: turn up

[spinner]: hey

[price__vincent]: i

[spinner]: you want to

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: you want to fuck

[cobra]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: you can see

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: the strategy playing out and brodie's like

[price__vincent]: brodie's like

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: eh

[spinner]: yeah yeah

[price__vincent]: oh but i don't have

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: t

[cobra]: i

[price__vincent]: peck

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: h

[cobra]: knew you couldn't wait to get on
this mars

[price__vincent]: but

[cobra]: bar

[spinner]: and

[price__vincent]: i don't have any jimmy

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: hats

[spinner]: oh

[price__vincent]: so like what about practicing like what

[spinner]: how you

[price__vincent]: to

[spinner]: do

[price__vincent]: like practicing

[spinner]: and back

[price__vincent]: but what

[cobra]: well

[price__vincent]: happened to practicing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: safe in ter go s

[spinner]: oh ted you could

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: do my but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: let's go

[price__vincent]: right

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: i like i like o brodie the
only weird like thing is he refers to

[cobra]: customs is jimmiatyeah

[spinner]: he's

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: very strong for safe sex big proponent
of safe sex so then

[price__vincent]: no

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: they

[price__vincent]: love

[spinner]: go

[price__vincent]: no

[cobra]: god

[price__vincent]: love

[spinner]: and then and then becky's like we
can go behind that like the rash

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: h h yeah

[spinner]: and brodandbd's

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: like oh bab i love trash gang
that's my nickname

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: for you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: uh

[spinner]: and then they go behind

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: h oh

[spinner]: the trash can

[price__vincent]: h

[spinner]: and then becky's like here

[price__vincent]: h

[spinner]: take

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: a look at my big hot

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: thing thing ovide

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: m

[price__vincent]: uh

[spinner]: so then brodie goes out and

[price__vincent]: h

[spinner]: bars like ye

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: and he goes up o who's left

[price__vincent]: gena and jase

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: canna

[price__vincent]: i think

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: jena

[spinner]: so he goes up

[price__vincent]: justina

[spinner]: to jas he says yo jas want

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: fuck

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: i thought you'd never

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: ask

[spinner]: aston bro let's

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: let's go behind

[cobra]: my man

[price__vincent]: kay

[spinner]: let's go behind that trash can

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: i love trash cans

[cobra]: well trash kay that's my nickname for

[spinner]: i know it's he that's what i
nicknamed dick

[price__vincent]: yes

[spinner]: okay let's

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: go yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: so

[price__vincent]: oh guy

[spinner]: so so then they

[price__vincent]: what's

[spinner]: go

[price__vincent]: happening

[spinner]: be

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: god

[spinner]: then they go behind the trash can
he's like you take a look at my

[spinner]: things

[price__vincent]: you should

[cobra]: get out and they

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: pull me back in

[spinner]: all right so

[price__vincent]: ye

[spinner]: now jase goes back goes up to

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: he goes

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: you got

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: a great as

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: i want to see that as

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: behind that trash can

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i want god

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: that's like my nickname for all of

[spinner]: i know it's what i call

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: you as yeah

[cobra]: oh that's so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: sexy

[price__vincent]: she's got a

[cobra]: let's go right

[spinner]: show

[cobra]: now

[spinner]: me that

[cobra]: i'm so

[spinner]: trash

[cobra]: harney

[spinner]: can who

[price__vincent]: that trash

[cobra]: some harney for some trash kin sex

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: on it's

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: so

[price__vincent]: uh

[cobra]: now

[spinner]: then they go behind the trash can

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: he goes here take

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: a look at my

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: and then she gets thingified

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: seen

[price__vincent]: oh fuck

[cobra]: this is the most jason

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: of all the thing movies

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yep great job

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i'm proud

[spinner]: but

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: of you

[spinner]: jason goes bang

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: at everybody

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: by

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: now

[spinner]: by

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jason

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: one trash

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: jason

[spinner]: can

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: just behind the

[cobra]: it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: trash

[cobra]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: gate

[cobra]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and

[cobra]: it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: watching

[cobra]: it's the sex

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: it's the sex that seals

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: your fate

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: jesus

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: being that trash can rubbing his sand

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all

[spinner]: tenas

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: right

[cobra]: he's just like

[spinner]: no

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: no it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: lucy

[spinner]: just

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i

[spinner]: like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: know

[spinner]: really

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you

[spinner]: rough so it goes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: he's doing he's doing it through the

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: that's what he's doing

[spinner]: very

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: dry

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right

[cobra]: that's what the holes are for anyway

[spinner]: you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: finish it off

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: so

[price__vincent]: that's what you said

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: so here's the thing is something that
a lot of people don't know

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: because nobody really likes theo

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: because it's so annoying

[spinner]: let

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: me guess

[cobra]: but he

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: hasn't

[spinner]: he loves

[cobra]: even

[spinner]: t

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: s

[cobra]: has

[spinner]: tapes

[cobra]: at

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: wait

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: wait he has

[spinner]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: an

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: extensive

[cobra]: a younger brother who is even

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: more annoying because he's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: m

[cobra]: a hypster

[spinner]: yes

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: and so the younger brother

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: how

[cobra]: he leaves the

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: house he

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: goes somewhere and they go

[price__vincent]: my

[cobra]: let's go over to theos to have
a party because the younger brother is the

[cobra]: owner of the house but i don't
know why but he is

[spinner]: could

[cobra]: um

[spinner]: have made him

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: the older

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: brother

[cobra]: so he goes

[spinner]: but no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: first

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: of all

[cobra]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: just

[cobra]: because

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i have to challenge this theo

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: is a teen

[cobra]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ager so if the younger brother owns
the house

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah yeah he's like

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: a five

[spinner]: no

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: year old

[spinner]: we keep our stories very plausible here

[price__vincent]: wow

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: just check it

[cobra]: okay

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: okay okay okay i got

[spinner]: eh

[cobra]: it it's

[spinner]: now

[cobra]: his

[spinner]: his younger

[cobra]: dad

[spinner]: brother duke

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: houser

[cobra]: change

[price__vincent]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: what about an uncle what

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: about an uncle

[cobra]: okay like not too much older than

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: cool uncle single

[cobra]: because

[spinner]: hester

[cobra]: the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: leaves a lot let him hang out
of the

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: house

[cobra]: uncle uncle dante uncle

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: there

[cobra]: dante

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you go

[cobra]: yeah and

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: m

[spinner]: he was

[cobra]: he wants

[spinner]: at

[cobra]: to be the cool uncle and he
says is a theo you can totally have

[cobra]: a party at my house and there's
no problem not going to be there you

[cobra]: know kids just don't don't break

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: the the final layer don't bring don't
break my vintage video games and you can

[cobra]: do whatever you want

[spinner]: no there's

[cobra]: so they

[spinner]: one

[cobra]: go

[spinner]: rule there's one rule

[cobra]: well right that's the rule

[spinner]: don't touch my

[cobra]: have

[spinner]: vs

[cobra]: to

[spinner]: player

[cobra]: yeh i was going to say you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i

[cobra]: to

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: watch

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: go

[spinner]: have

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: to watch

[cobra]: just

[spinner]: my vs player

[cobra]: once

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: once once that's

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: that's the condition

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you got you got to try

[spinner]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it's

[cobra]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: got

[cobra]: they

[spinner]: got

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: truest blacks

[price__vincent]: no

[cobra]: why the v justice

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: yes

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: the e p one the one that

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: records for six

[spinner]: you've

[cobra]: hours

[spinner]: never seen

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: a movie

[cobra]: meximizetape

[spinner]: til you've seen it

[cobra]: time

[spinner]: on three by four

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: yeah in for

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: thirteen

[cobra]: three

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: inches

[cobra]: on a cr on c t t

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: v that's the true way so they
go to have this party there and brodie

[cobra]: s looking for a place

[spinner]: ye

[cobra]: to bang

[spinner]: where can

[cobra]: gena

[spinner]: i bang jenna

[cobra]: not

[spinner]: there's no trash cans here

[cobra]: ah and he goes yeah he goes
looking for a trash can and he heads

[cobra]: the basement

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: the basement of uncle dante's house is
obviously a man cave

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: because he has a man

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: cave above and then the real man
cave on

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: on the on the

[spinner]: sub

[cobra]: basement

[spinner]: cave

[cobra]: and he sees this weird

[price__vincent]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: d v d layer that has like
a big slot

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: in the front and he doesn't

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: understand it s

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: like who must be one of the
vintage whatever is that he said i'm going

[cobra]: to fuck to over gonna touch it
all over it and any you know he

[cobra]: finds a tape on top of it
and he puts it in somehow

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: because it's brody so he sucks into
it like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: it's not like he intended to do
it but he sucks up and he does

[cobra]: it and then he watches that tape
but here's the thing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: so mara up dated her thing now
it's not seven days seven minutes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ye

[price__vincent]: ship

[spinner]: who

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: is to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: didn't

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: want t

[cobra]: instead

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: of updating

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: well

[cobra]: instead of updating

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: to be like you

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: know using modern

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: technology

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: faster

[cobra]: that's the only thing she felt like
she needed

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: quicker

[cobra]: like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: killed time

[cobra]: the world nowadays

[price__vincent]: i

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah the world nowadays is too fast
for seven days so it has to be

[cobra]: faster

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: that's the only change i have to
do obviously

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: h

[cobra]: so he sits there and he watches
and he goes well it must be in

[cobra]: some sort of a trip

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: h

[spinner]: is is

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: didn't know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: this like

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: this this is weird and they

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: could like just get

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: like like an acid

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: trip from from like a

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: t what is this tiny t v
and it's rounded

[spinner]: this

[cobra]: too

[spinner]: is the weirdest

[cobra]: like that kind of ship

[spinner]: born i've ever jerked

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: off to

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: but

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i like

[cobra]: it's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it

[cobra]: working for me

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: i don't

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: i'm

[cobra]: know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: so hard right

[cobra]: yah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: now

[cobra]: it's working

[spinner]: it's

[cobra]: it's working jenna i mean

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: back i come down

[spinner]: ches

[cobra]: here

[cobra]: yeah so meanwhile jasons like parking becca

[price__vincent]: oh shit

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: who's

[price__vincent]: so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: becca

[cobra]: this is

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: that's how he calls her because

[price__vincent]: ship

[cobra]: i just like you back e is
boring like steve so it's back

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: he is the only one that calls
her her

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: that and she doesn't even know

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: he means

[price__vincent]: the cast

[cobra]: her

[spinner]: that's

[price__vincent]: of

[spinner]: his

[price__vincent]: friends

[spinner]: pet

[cobra]: but that's

[price__vincent]: in

[cobra]: what

[price__vincent]: this

[cobra]: he

[price__vincent]: bitch

[cobra]: calls her

[spinner]: that's his pet name

[price__vincent]: hm

[cobra]: he has one for

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: everybody he always only calls theo theodore
even though his name is just theo

[price__vincent]: ship

[spinner]: i thought he called

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: but

[spinner]: him chase

[cobra]: he never

[spinner]: as

[cobra]: calls

[spinner]: well

[cobra]: himself

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: he called

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: both guys

[price__vincent]: ah

[spinner]: jas

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: yeah he calls brody

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: jase as well

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: he's a real thinker that

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: jas

[spinner]: uh oh

[cobra]: so he's like

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: because he's obviously drunk

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: so it's opportune

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: so he's like pork and then

[price__vincent]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: gen goes down sick call me red
yeah look at this thing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: m

[cobra]: like as they're

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: watching because he finishes watching it again
because it's the best point he's ever jerked

[cobra]: off to

[spinner]: he's talking

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: hm

[spinner]: about dick

[cobra]: then they get

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: they get this is the second up
date they get a voice mail message not

[cobra]: a text message it's a voice mail
message from samara

[spinner]: so it's also

[cobra]: from an

[spinner]: never

[cobra]: unknown

[spinner]: heard

[cobra]: number yes

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: but he is stupid who he sort
like oh voice me will that and he

[cobra]: listens to it and she goes seven

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: minutes

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and she actually does that she like

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: herself

[cobra]: yeah yeah yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: on the voice

[cobra]: yeah exactly

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: bail message

[cobra]: exactly exactly because she's so used to

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: right it's like she has this artisnal
form of intimidation

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: mhmdullive

[price__vincent]: hm

[cobra]: it doesn't pre record or anything right
so so as they're watching the

[spinner]: it's

[cobra]: second

[spinner]: a live

[cobra]: time

[spinner]: voice male

[cobra]: like

[price__vincent]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: it's a lie voice

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: male

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: that's correct

[cobra]: she's waiting for them to watch and
then she calls

[spinner]: isn't a live voice bill

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: just a phone call

[price__vincent]: uh

[cobra]: it's a phone call

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: no

[cobra]: to the voice

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: you don't

[cobra]: mail

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: understand how technology

[cobra]: she makes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: works

[cobra]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: like samaria does

[spinner]: sorry

[cobra]: no no

[spinner]: sorry

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: stupid

[cobra]: her super powers allow her to let
the call go straight to vice mail that's

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: she

[spinner]: got

[cobra]: does

[spinner]: it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: m

[price__vincent]: it's recording and happening

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: live

[price__vincent]: at

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: voice

[price__vincent]: the same

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: mail

[price__vincent]: time

[cobra]: the war

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: the worst super

[spinner]: voice

[cobra]: polar

[spinner]: smells

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yes

[cobra]: of

[spinner]: interactive

[cobra]: all time

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: who

[cobra]: who's this

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: shut up i'm talking here

[spinner]: this is

[price__vincent]: your hands off your dick

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: you need to listen to this

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: real time voice mail

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: jas

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: and so and so as as they
start fucking obviously

[spinner]: naturally

[cobra]: gena and brodie

[spinner]: he said i had seven

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: hm

[spinner]: minutes

[price__vincent]: i

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: she

[spinner]: could

[cobra]: start

[spinner]: beg her like seven times

[cobra]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: and then as they're having like their
seventh bang obviously

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: game

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: she

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: like samara comes out of

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: the t v and then brodie kind
of is it side is like oh yeah

[cobra]: tis come on

[spinner]: naturally

[cobra]: i mean you seem like a little
young but that's fine

[price__vincent]: h

[spinner]: too far

[price__vincent]: ye

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: it

[price__vincent]: ah

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: no vincent gave it the okay

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: vines in the corner

[cobra]: all

[price__vincent]: digging

[cobra]: right

[price__vincent]: anyway

[cobra]: so like samaria just like you know
she does what she does best she like

[cobra]: scares the jesus out of them literally
and kills them like she makes like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: general watch brodie die

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: she like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: basically fresher his brain with fear which
is you know not a lot of brains

[cobra]: so it's fast

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: um and then she

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: like starts running away she runs upstairs
that she's super scared like doing her

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yes

[cobra]: like you know that really impressive scream
that she no

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: no and

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: then she runs into like you know

[price__vincent]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: becky boning jas

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: and as she

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: completely forget

[price__vincent]: wait

[cobra]: but what happened

[price__vincent]: what

[cobra]: she's

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: what are you doing this not

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: writing

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: and then you know some are

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yea

[cobra]: comes upstairs and because she's updated her

[price__vincent]: hm

[cobra]: doesn't have to just kill whoever watched
the video now once she's out it's a

[cobra]: free for all

[price__vincent]: oh

[spinner]: i like that

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: i like that

[cobra]: so like she goes to town

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: on she catches jenna kills jenna

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: because she watched the video and then

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: becky and jays are like torn soul

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: keep fucking

[price__vincent]: h

[spinner]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: should we run

[price__vincent]: yes

[cobra]: should run and fuck

[price__vincent]: uh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: what do we do and

[spinner]: definitely

[cobra]: you know

[spinner]: the run funk option

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: in the end in the

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: end back he is like

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[cobra]: now i'm gonna run and jes like
i was just about done

[spinner]: wait

[cobra]: come back

[spinner]: i seen

[cobra]: here

[spinner]: italian

[cobra]: and you know

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: wow

[spinner]: momamiahe

[cobra]: he's patino

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: sounds like the hose east side marios

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: m

[cobra]: when he

[price__vincent]: m

[spinner]: kay

[cobra]: gets

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: that's what

[price__vincent]: h

[cobra]: happens when he's drunk

[price__vincent]: h

[cobra]: and gets blue balls

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: he turns really

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: okay

[cobra]: italian

[spinner]: yeah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: so and

[price__vincent]: sobering sobering

[cobra]: it's over

[price__vincent]: hm

[cobra]: and so he thinks that like you
know just like brody he's like okay i'll

[cobra]: take whichever one wants it so

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: and then she kills him as well

[spinner]: he also

[price__vincent]: hm

[spinner]: thinks she's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ye

[spinner]: just there

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: to

[cobra]: meanwhile

[spinner]: bang

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: uh

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: of course

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: yeah undred percent

[spinner]: she's

[price__vincent]: yeah

[spinner]: a woman

[cobra]: and i mean when

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: meanwhile

[spinner]: m

[price__vincent]: trying

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yah

[price__vincent]: to

[spinner]: uh

[price__vincent]: fuck

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: ah

[cobra]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[cobra]: mean meanwhile back is runnin away and
she runs

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: into like theo's room because theo

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: was excluded from his own party

[price__vincent]: m

[cobra]: obviously

[spinner]: that guy's such a loser

[cobra]: so she runs into she runs into
his room and he is like

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: feeding his pet torrent or something simple
like that

[price__vincent]: hm

[cobra]: and and then he he goes like
oh finally becky rebecca i'm sorry becca um

[cobra]: i think you you're found the

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: proper no

[price__vincent]: oh

[cobra]: mail for the pieces

[price__vincent]: hm

[cobra]: i realized that it would take some

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: but and then samara just jumps in
there and kills both of

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: them thus cutting us off of our

[spinner]: i see you see what a nice

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: scene

[spinner]: am

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: yeah dig it

[cobra]: that's it

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: dig

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: perfect

[price__vincent]: dig it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: we've done it

[cobra]: and she goes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[cobra]: back into the t v that was
in the room

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: thirteen inch t

[price__vincent]: hm

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: v

[spinner]: said god

[cobra]: of course

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: of course

[spinner]: damn it

[cobra]: that's the only t v you can
travel to and from they have

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: smaller

[cobra]: to be c

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the

[cobra]: r

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: better

[cobra]: ts

[price__vincent]: shit

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: all right

[spinner]: right

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: we've done

[price__vincent]: she's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it

[price__vincent]: choosy

[cobra]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: we've yielded our time congratulations if you
love that why wouldn't you honestly vincent price

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: loved it so you should too

[spinner]: are you sure he did

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: i can't hear him right now

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh trust

[price__vincent]: a

[spinner]: i

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: me

[spinner]: can't hear him loving it

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: he

[spinner]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: loved

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: he thought it was the best he
was so enthralled he thinks that really the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: love story between becky

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and h

[price__vincent]: rody

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: brody

[price__vincent]: rody

[spinner]: everyone

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: thank you not everybody really

[price__vincent]: trash

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it's

[price__vincent]: cans

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: just it's just as gans especially were
just tour de force

[cobra]: as

[price__vincent]: m kay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: he my boy g p

[price__vincent]: turn

[spinner]: an

[price__vincent]: up

[spinner]: house

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: so if you want to hear more
from vincent price for

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: the rest of us please feel free
to look

[cobra]: yes

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: us up on the twitters you can
hit us at your wrong cast you can

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: also

[spinner]: adams

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: mails on cast at email dot

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: and you can even go to our

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: website w

[price__vincent]: dublivatblv

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: w w

[price__vincent]: i

[cobra]: ah

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: at your pond cast dot c a

[price__vincent]: hm

[cobra]: okay

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: it's very exciting

[price__vincent]: go

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: no

[cobra]: not giving you my reactions any more
for that stupid

[spinner]: hm

[cobra]: website ship

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: perfect

[price__vincent]: m

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: for now i'm at

[cobra]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: a

[cobra]: h

[price__vincent]: yeah

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: brute the

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: house

[price__vincent]: yah

[cobra]: yeah

[price__vincent]: oh

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: like are

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: we still recording because like brodie won't

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: trying to fondle

[spinner]: yeah

[price__vincent]: my flipping like my

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[price__vincent]: thing because like

[spinner]: but both things now we can fondle
each other's

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: oh

[spinner]: things

[price__vincent]: okay are used to the like what
are you waiting for you trying to fuck

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah bab

[mmoohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurrrrr]: yeah

[spinner]: i am

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: fucking you you can't feel it

[price__vincent]: yeah it's not it's not working like
i told you to get some wolbotoil and

[price__vincent]: just like

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: using a cone like that yeah

[price__vincent]: m yeah it's still not

Creators and Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
Recurring guest host extraordinaire
79. Battle Royale: Scariest Horror Villains
Broadcast by