80. What If Horror Stories Were Really Weird?
An interesting question, no doubt. But I have one that's a lot more "out there": what if these nerds were able to stay on topic? (¬_¬)
Halloween Month continues! This week, the nerds focused their creative powers into coming up with... peculiar... horror scenarios and stories, things you've never heard of or seen before. Or, rather, a bunch of things you probably have heard of and/or seen before, but mashed up together in very weird ways. Ways that don't always make 100% (or even like 75%) sense.
Also, all of their brainpower was focused on coming up with these scenarios. Which means they had none to spare to ensure they stayed on topic.
Not that that's new or surprising or anything. 🙄
Also, all of their brainpower was focused on coming up with these scenarios. Which means they had none to spare to ensure they stayed on topic.
Not that that's new or surprising or anything. 🙄