81. You're Wrong About "Nope" Being a Horror Movie

You're also wrong about this episode being a focused conversation about "Nope".

[spinner]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: oh yeah recording so

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: get your ship together

[spinner]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: and i can just

[cobra]: why did

[spoopy_mans]: cut

[cobra]: you

[spoopy_mans]: it

[cobra]: wait

[spoopy_mans]: wherever i

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: want i'm just fucking with chris

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: all right everybody

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: ready

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: sorry yeah

[spinner]: should

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: be sorry

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i'm not i've been sick you can't

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: me

[spoopy_mans]: okay you need to shut the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: fuck up so i got actually

[spinner]: shut

[spoopy_mans]: start

[spinner]: up

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yes sir

[spinner]: yeah yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: hello welcome back to your wrong the
podcast where my co host won't

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: shut up when we're trying to start
the podcast

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: maybe you'll hear that who knows it
will be fun for

[spinner]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: everybody in the meantime let's saga from
that beautiful

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: opening into

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: our topic this week

[spinner]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: we

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: have watched

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: the movie called nope

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: nope

[spoopy_mans]: and chris is about to be murdered
well we start this podcast

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: he's dead

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: he died the end

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i didn't even see that

[spoopy_mans]: good show

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you've been seen honey it's okay

[spoopy_mans]: i

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: m

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ship i fell into the stereo type
i was the first to die

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: my

[cobra]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: wife

[spoopy_mans]: that

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: says

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: he thank

[spoopy_mans]: um

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you

[spoopy_mans]: so

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: nope

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: the movie

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: so

[spoopy_mans]: the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: now

[spoopy_mans]: horror

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: in the camera

[spoopy_mans]: movie

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: go

[spoopy_mans]: nope

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: not really

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: not quite

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: okay

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: let's let's do the rest of the
round ye've heard chris we've heard chris's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it's very

[spoopy_mans]: wife

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hard

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: spencer a long time

[spinner]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: first time

[spinner]: thanks for having back guys it's to

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: long time listener first time caller

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: um

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: turns out we can

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you

[spoopy_mans]: hang

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: say

[spoopy_mans]: up your

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that

[spoopy_mans]: phone

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: every

[spoopy_mans]: for

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: time

[spoopy_mans]: some reason i don't know

[cobra]: every time

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: is the first

[spinner]: yea

[cobra]: time

[spinner]: every

[spoopy_mans]: that's

[spinner]: time it feels

[cobra]: it's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that's

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a

[cobra]: fifty

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: song

[spinner]: first time

[cobra]: first is like fifty

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: first dates only with podcasts

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: here you go

[spinner]: feels

[spoopy_mans]: m

[spinner]: like the first time

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: did

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the tune

[spinner]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: it's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: good

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: to be

[cobra]: good

[spinner]: back

[cobra]: thing

[spinner]: for the

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: first time

[cobra]: this has not derailed at all already

[spinner]: not at all

[spoopy_mans]: i'm sure

[spinner]: what was

[spoopy_mans]: our

[spinner]: your

[spoopy_mans]: listeners

[spinner]: question matt

[spoopy_mans]: well i'm sure

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: our listeners are going to enjoy

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: lucian slamming his desk i think that

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: makes

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: great

[spinner]: that's

[spoopy_mans]: audio

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: my

[spinner]: professional

[spoopy_mans]: personally

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: no question

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: just answers

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: luciana

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: you're

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: here i said it you say

[cobra]: i

[spoopy_mans]: dumb

[cobra]: kind

[spoopy_mans]: things

[cobra]: of am

[spoopy_mans]: when i let you talk

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ah

[spinner]: ye

[spoopy_mans]: so i'm just goin

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: to move by you

[cobra]: wow

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: yep

[spinner]: i like this

[cobra]: isn't that

[spinner]: i

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: this

[cobra]: we all

[spinner]: new model

[cobra]: do

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: uh

[cobra]: isn't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: that what

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: no

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: we all do

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it's the

[spoopy_mans]: just

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: tyrant age

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the

[spoopy_mans]: fair

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: age of the tyrants

[spoopy_mans]: we got we got e got lots

[cobra]: a

[spoopy_mans]: talk about here with nope

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yep yep

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: nope is

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: a movie that

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: is a horror film was released

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: this year ah and it's jordan

[cobra]: he

[spoopy_mans]: peel directed third

[spinner]: ah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: third

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: of his series

[spinner]: third third

[cobra]: third

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: movie

[cobra]: written

[spoopy_mans]: um

[cobra]: and directed

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: yah

[spoopy_mans]: m yeah

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: so let's let's just dive into

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: it who wants to give us their
review first

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh oh

[cobra]: i can

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: go

[spinner]: will

[cobra]: first i

[spinner]: too slow

[cobra]: go

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: too

[cobra]: now

[spinner]: slow

[cobra]: you're a guest you're the guest

[spoopy_mans]: the

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: you

[spoopy_mans]: guest

[cobra]: should

[spinner]: guest

[cobra]: go first

[spinner]: goes first

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: sit in your your guest chair

[spinner]: thank

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: you i liked this movie i wouldn't
say i loved this movie but i liked

[spinner]: it i i saw i obviously were
going to compare to his other movies at

[spinner]: some point i saw it get out
love to get out i never saw us

[spinner]: and i saw this and it's not
as good as get out firstly but in

[spinner]: terms

[cobra]: that's good

[spinner]: of compared

[cobra]: to know

[spinner]: to other other like you know movies
out there it's you know it's original he

[spinner]: does his own thing which i like
felt like original movie and

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: it was good it was like it
was good characters development you know it was

[spinner]: it was good like i said i
wouldn't say it's great

[spoopy_mans]: hey

[spinner]: um

[spoopy_mans]: spencer if we had

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: a proprietary ranking system that

[spinner]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: we

[cobra]: he's a

[spoopy_mans]: used

[cobra]: guest

[spoopy_mans]: ourselves

[cobra]: mat

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: to

[cobra]: he

[spoopy_mans]: rank

[cobra]: doesn't know because he's a guest

[spoopy_mans]: right i'm just explaining

[spinner]: i'm setting that up

[spoopy_mans]: a theoretical

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: scenario

[spinner]: so

[spoopy_mans]: if we did what would you rank
it on that scale

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: i would give it a

[spinner]: m m i don't want to say
rare i'll

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[spinner]: say uncommon

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[spinner]: so we go through the order just
for the fans just from bottom to top

[spoopy_mans]: no

[cobra]: fuck them they can go look at
it in a website

[spinner]: checking out on our website we have
our own scaling system based on things and

[spinner]: not at all is vendor trash comment

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: common rare legendary i

[spoopy_mans]: you missed one good job

[cobra]: forget

[spoopy_mans]: that's

[spinner]: whatever

[cobra]: good

[spoopy_mans]: why

[cobra]: job

[spoopy_mans]: you go check

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: go

[spoopy_mans]: the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: to

[spoopy_mans]: website

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: w w w w dot

[cobra]: now

[spinner]: go to

[cobra]: fuck nother fucking

[spinner]: you're wrong

[cobra]: boomer

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: anyway yeah

[cobra]: yep

[spinner]: i would give it a uncommon

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: i thought it was good i thought

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: but it wasn't great

[spoopy_mans]: great

[spinner]: so yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: that's it

[spoopy_mans]: sea

[spinner]: i'm done

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: chris

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: for me i would say i was
pleasantly relieved that it wasn't

[cobra]: i didn't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: as

[cobra]: scare you shipless

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah i'm forever indebted to jordan peal
for giving this a different approach once i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: realized that it like it wasn't going
going in that particular direction although it hinted

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: thanks for that but yeah my my
pantaloons are are also grateful so for me

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: my rating

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: rare rare because

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like it played on

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it played on the things that we
know at one point led me to believe

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: at least it was going to go
down that road but something completely different and

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: then tied it all together i'm like
cool okay thank you so yeah

[spoopy_mans]: all right lucia do you want to

[cobra]: sure

[spoopy_mans]: any of these claims

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: no actually i i well i agree

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: chris it's rare for me as well

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: i am also not a huge fan

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: of horror

[spoopy_mans]: worst

[cobra]: and

[spoopy_mans]: podcast

[cobra]: i actually

[spoopy_mans]: ever

[cobra]: liked that the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: they played it was like oh we're
gonna do a jump scare here not really

[cobra]: like i actually like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: the little teas there and

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: for me it's rare because

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m oh

[cobra]: one of the main things for

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: me is rewatchability and i would watch

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: to try and see if there's like
earlier hints of things or things like that

[cobra]: that i missed on the first watch
so that like i was torn between uncommon

[cobra]: and rare but the fact that it
makes like i actually want to go watch

[cobra]: it again at

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: some point to see if i see
more that puts it into rare for me

[cobra]: is well acted and one of the
rarest things in movie

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: now is in movies now it's an

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: script doesn't copy it from

[spinner]: originality

[cobra]: anything

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah shouldn't be

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: such a differentiator

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: but it is so for me

[spoopy_mans]: well i'm going to aside more of
spencer on this and give it uncommon

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: and

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: i think the thing with it is

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: i don't have any complaints

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yah

[spoopy_mans]: centepotography

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: is great looks pretty good

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: acting

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: the original script

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: um wasn't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: scared at all ever

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: nothing was scary

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: it was maybe a thriller maybe not
even that

[spinner]: it's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: more like a

[spoopy_mans]: um

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: sipi movie

[spoopy_mans]: kind of yeah

[cobra]: so i find mystery

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: sort of

[spoopy_mans]: it is

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: it is really weird to me that
they spent all the

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: time

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: cutting that trailer that made it seem
like it was scary because

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: nothing everything they showed in the trailer
well some of it was

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: all right lies spoiler alert if you
didn't know we're

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: gonna

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: tak about the movie well that's

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: your fault

[spinner]: i was gonna say we're all avoiding

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: come

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: spoilers

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: on

[spinner]: but

[cobra]: a bald

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: faced lies on the trailer

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and

[spoopy_mans]: um

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: thank you for that

[spinner]: ah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: but

[spoopy_mans]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: and then

[cobra]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: otherwise like

[spinner]: it

[spoopy_mans]: there were some things they did

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: that

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: it's like they are interesting i couldn't

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: the dots now directly

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: showing the stuff with stephen young's character

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: then trying to justify

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: why he know lured the creature in
but you

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: know

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: it's fine the story was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: it flowed

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: it made sense um just was like
it was left with a feeling of like

[spoopy_mans]: uh uh

[cobra]: m

[spoopy_mans]: wish they had have done

[cobra]: more

[spoopy_mans]: more or

[spinner]: ye

[cobra]: i agree with that

[spoopy_mans]: something is just missing on it

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: interesting

[spoopy_mans]: it's like he tried to

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: hit a home run and he got
like long single

[spinner]: i would say no more of a

[cobra]: great

[spinner]: more of a double

[spoopy_mans]: b

[cobra]: great reference is there for our audience

[spinner]: to baseball

[cobra]: everybody knows every everyone of the

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: thirty people that listen to this huge
baseball fans

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i think you're all wrong i think
it was more like

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a slam to center field

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: magnificently caught by one divan white

[spoopy_mans]: okay you think

[spinner]: wait

[spoopy_mans]: my reference

[spinner]: is the

[spoopy_mans]: is

[spinner]: movie

[spoopy_mans]: bad

[spinner]: is the movie

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: devon white or is the

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: movie the hitter

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the movie is whatever i say it

[spinner]: who's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: is

[spinner]: divan white in the scenario the audience

[spoopy_mans]: we all are

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: who killed virginia wolf played by devon

[spoopy_mans]: so

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: we why don't we dive into our
questions here we've given our ranks let's dive

[cobra]: school

[spoopy_mans]: in on the

[cobra]: for

[spoopy_mans]: question

[cobra]: it

[spoopy_mans]: and we really unpack this this bad

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: boy of our movie or

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: girl i don't want to gen gender

[cobra]: gender

[spoopy_mans]: gender fy

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: this movie

[spinner]: this bad girl of a movie

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: this

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: bad

[cobra]: i like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: day

[cobra]: it

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: of a movie

[spoopy_mans]: but so

[spinner]: no

[spoopy_mans]: let's dive into the easiest question we
have on our list it's the best character

[spoopy_mans]: who is the best character for you

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: i think

[cobra]: the monster

[spinner]: yeah the characters in this movie were
all very

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: interesting

[spoopy_mans]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: i think that i enjoyed

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: the

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: sister your name m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: emerald

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: esmeralda

[spoopy_mans]: rolled

[spinner]: emerald

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: or something

[cobra]: emerald

[spinner]: no emerald

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: sure cool

[cobra]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: she kept wearing

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it does say

[spinner]: green

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: emerald yeah thank you

[spinner]: she wore green throat the movie

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: um and he wore orange throat the
movie because his name was o j

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: whoa

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yep

[spinner]: it's true

[spoopy_mans]: i choose

[cobra]: ah i think he

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: wore

[spinner]: but

[cobra]: orange ones but you know

[spoopy_mans]: o

[spinner]: wrong false

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: fake news

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: fake

[cobra]: saw him

[spinner]: news

[cobra]: most

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: more in like grace no don't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: don't get started with that

[spinner]: um no i liked her like the
main guy was good but he was very

[spinner]: like his whole character was very quiet
and reserved and most like the

[spoopy_mans]: daniel

[spinner]: antithesis

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: thanks captain

[spinner]: of

[spoopy_mans]: kaluya

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: obvious

[spinner]: the antithesis of

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: like a

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: protagonist

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: he's just kind of

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: chilling i liked her she was good
like if she wasn't the movie would been

[spinner]: like a really bad vibe with just
him i think yeah

[spoopy_mans]: cool

[spinner]: she counterbalanced it so my pick is
emerald emerald lagos

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: what

[cobra]: why no

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: what's wrong

[spoopy_mans]: moving

[cobra]: with you

[spoopy_mans]: on too

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hey

[spoopy_mans]: late

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: wood

[spoopy_mans]: now he's picked

[spinner]: bam

[spoopy_mans]: i'm gonna

[spinner]: bam

[spoopy_mans]: go next and

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: i'm going to pick angel tares

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: really

[spoopy_mans]: fri guy

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: yeah i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: just thought

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: i liked his

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: weird

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: energy like conspiracy their

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: thers nut energy that

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: helped break up like

[spinner]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: the tension between the stoic brother and

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: over the top sister enjoyed his mixing
there and like he like bringing the conspiracy

[spoopy_mans]: theory stuff

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i

[spoopy_mans]: and like the comedy

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: for lack of a better term

[cobra]: yeah also looks like a discount to
oscar isa

[spoopy_mans]: everyone is n't awscrasicto you aren't they

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i

[cobra]: no

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: can't

[cobra]: no

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: wait

[cobra]: the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: till

[cobra]: discount

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you meet him

[cobra]: win

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: in person like

[cobra]: ah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ike the vigorous hand shakes that you're
going to give to that that nice man

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: make sure you get a picture or
it didn't happen

[cobra]: sure we'll do i'll go for me

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: so i actually liked o j i
like the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: reservedness thing and his like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: seemed like a guy who had like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: he knew what he wanted which is
always good in the protagonist um

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: but it's kind of boring to pick
the protagonist so i'm going to pick the

[cobra]: character that has probably one of the
best names in like recent history of movie

[cobra]: character names antlers host

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: what a name

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: i love the energy of that guy
is just like yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: okay

[cobra]: shit shit

[spoopy_mans]: what energy

[cobra]: exactly it's

[spoopy_mans]: black

[cobra]: just

[spoopy_mans]: hole

[cobra]: almost dying goes out with a bang

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: whatever

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: true

[cobra]: reason

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: uh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: recognize them from from number of things
but i can't pin

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: point it

[cobra]: has a very

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: strong like that guy

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: he

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: was in

[cobra]: energy

[spinner]: the count of monte cristo

[spoopy_mans]: ye

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: a good movie

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: oh yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: he was like

[cobra]: that's

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: right

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the warden

[spinner]: the prison warden

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i love

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that movie thank you for pin pointing

[spinner]: i love that movie too

[cobra]: and i like i like that he's
just like this gruff sort of like

[spinner]: walking ash tray of a man

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[cobra]: weird

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: that too that too but like just

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yes

[cobra]: weird sort

[spoopy_mans]: h

[cobra]: of like yeah i'm i know i'm
i'm awesome but also

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: very

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: weird watching strange documentaries

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: on like eight milimiterd film and ship
like that so

[spinner]: he was watching

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: film

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: of

[cobra]: my pick

[spinner]: animals hunting animals and their eyes

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: it was

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: very symbolic

[cobra]: yeah in in eight millimeter millimeter film
directly on the camera is

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: weird anyway

[spinner]: because

[cobra]: antlers host is my pick

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: t so

[spinner]: he

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: then

[spinner]: was good

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: uh

[spinner]: very good

[cobra]: hm

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: in that role

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: s

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: keep going

[cobra]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: you haven't smoked nearly enough

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: cigarettes to even

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: pretend

[spinner]: the

[spoopy_mans]: to

[cobra]: none

[spinner]: income

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: should

[spoopy_mans]: pull

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: probably

[cobra]: of

[spoopy_mans]: that

[cobra]: us

[spinner]: close

[spoopy_mans]: off

[cobra]: have

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: please please do contact dr

[cobra]: ah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: swart i think

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you need to have that

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that good as care oh

[spinner]: good as care

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yea

[spinner]: dr shorts will check your ass

[cobra]: with

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: so

[cobra]: his

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i also

[cobra]: short

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i also liked j's ark right but
for me the most stand out

[spinner]: yah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: character was actually

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: writer why bridge and do you all
remember who writer was

[spinner]: i do the tmzuhbegwriter

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: motorpsycholist

[spoopy_mans]: m

[cobra]: poor

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ah

[cobra]: guy

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yes poor guy but he brought it
on himself like wouldn't listen to the

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: first warning and then wouldn't listen to

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: to the assistance that o j tried
to bring him is like

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: take

[spinner]: ah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a picture

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like i use

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: camruwhat about

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: your car

[spinner]: i'm dying

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: why aren't you filming me when i'm

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: dying

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: exactly

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: did you know fun fact the character's
name moy bridge was the name of the

[spinner]: guy who filmed that video of the
black guy on the horse

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: really

[spinner]: he was the guy who filmed the

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: video and it was almost alic that
that guy was coming to take their credit

[spinner]: just like they took the credit of
the black guy on the horse

[cobra]: nice

[spinner]: symbolism

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: that's why i like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: symbolism

[spinner]: this movie is it's like it's not

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: deep

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: movie but they seem try to be
deep with it almost to a fault yeah

[spoopy_mans]: symbolism is one

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: of those things that like

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: if you're not prepared to

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: look for it you miss it all

[cobra]: you're not going to see it

[spoopy_mans]: then

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: the move

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: comes

[spinner]: a

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i

[spoopy_mans]: a

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: didn't hit

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: me

[spoopy_mans]: way

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: at all

[spoopy_mans]: flatter than

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: than they

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: intended to

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: right

[spinner]: i just like

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: immediately i'm like i know with get
out there's like so much symbolism so i'm

[spinner]: like i know there is going to
be some of this so i tried to

[spinner]: look for it then

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: also watched videos pointing it out to
my dumb brain

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: i'm like

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: you prepared for this podcast to have
dare sir

[spinner]: no i just

[spoopy_mans]: we do not do that

[spinner]: i just like doing that for my
personal interest i like

[spoopy_mans]: stop sharing

[spinner]: feel like

[spoopy_mans]: it with everybody

[spinner]: smart

[spoopy_mans]: else we

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: do

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: not

[spinner]: no

[spoopy_mans]: want it

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: did

[spoopy_mans]: stop

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: also

[spinner]: know

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ah

[cobra]: shout out to odi senior captain

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: david anderson of the normandy

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: keith david

[cobra]: kith david

[spinner]: keith

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: david

[spoopy_mans]: david has been in every

[cobra]: gone too soon

[spoopy_mans]: video

[cobra]: in

[spoopy_mans]: game

[cobra]: that from that movie

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: every

[spinner]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: game

[cobra]: every

[spoopy_mans]: character

[cobra]: character ever yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: thank

[spinner]: i actually

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: goodness

[spinner]: was like when he was in the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: and he died in the first scene

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: then it's like and then they put
and david in the credits you're like okay

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: there's going to be more of him
and then i thought it a going

[cobra]: that's

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: to be

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: i thought

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: too

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: like it was going to be like
a um

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: what's that movie deep not

[cobra]: flash

[spinner]: deep impact

[cobra]: back or like a

[spinner]: contact

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: gargoyls

[spinner]: one with jode foster gargoyles

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i thought it

[cobra]: contact

[spoopy_mans]: contact

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: was

[spinner]: with jode

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: first contact

[spinner]: fus

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: or yeah

[spinner]: yeah deep

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: gargoyles

[spinner]: whatever

[cobra]: gargoyles

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: he

[cobra]: with

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: was

[spinner]: where

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: goliath

[cobra]: jone

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: foster

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: gargoyles

[spinner]: where the where the aliens like

[cobra]: gargoyles

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: do

[spinner]: turn

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: done the sons

[spinner]: hold on

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: coming up lexingt hurry

[cobra]: with

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: we must away

[cobra]: with

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: to the belfry

[cobra]: jode

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: foster and anthony hopkins gargoyles

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: when

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: in that movie the aliens

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: turned out to be like her dad

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: like talking through her memories i don't
remember that but i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that's

[spinner]: thought

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: what

[spinner]: he

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it

[spinner]: was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: was

[spinner]: going

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: to be like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: well

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: no that's what i thought it was
going to be and then i was like

[spinner]: that's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: why he's take the horses he's like
i want my horses back and

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you're funking

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: he

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: up

[spinner]: was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: son

[spinner]: the alien

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: like that's where my brain

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: trade you

[spinner]: went

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: up and this is what you do

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you let my spirit funk funk up
the business you got to

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: peep ultra swarming you can't

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: keep it together damn it boy

[spinner]: because

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: boy

[spinner]: there's a lot of because there's a
lot of movies

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: like i find with aliens where the
aliens turn

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: out to be like spiritual like science
as well

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: that moves

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a rival

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: ship

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: was

[cobra]: let's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: kind

[cobra]: move

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: of

[cobra]: on

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like

[cobra]: from

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that

[cobra]: it

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: too wasn't it

[spinner]: we're like time travelers

[spoopy_mans]: well

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: kind

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: of

[spoopy_mans]: ida

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: we're not talking about any of those
movies though

[spoopy_mans]: no that's

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: fine though

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: we're

[spoopy_mans]: well

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: just connecting dots that's

[spoopy_mans]: we're

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: all

[spoopy_mans]: just we're just

[cobra]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: connecting dots that don't need to be
connected for reasons

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: that

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: will escape everybody

[spinner]: that's what

[spoopy_mans]: listening

[spinner]: we

[spoopy_mans]: to

[spinner]: do

[spoopy_mans]: this podcast

[cobra]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: anyways

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: we're

[spoopy_mans]: you know

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: still

[spoopy_mans]: let's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: recording

[spoopy_mans]: just saga like professionals

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: that we or into a new question

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: sec

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: thank you for that

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: two minutes too late

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: no

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: we

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: well we won't fix

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: it on post either

[spinner]: there it is

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: um what do you tink the most
rewatchble scene in the movie is

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh the

[spoopy_mans]: and tell me

[cobra]: blood

[spoopy_mans]: why

[cobra]: and

[spoopy_mans]: it isn't

[cobra]: guts

[spoopy_mans]: the chip murder scene

[cobra]: no it's not it's the blood the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: raining down

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: on the house

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that

[cobra]: scene

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: was a

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: visceral visceral

[cobra]: it's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: execution

[cobra]: so good that scene i were watching

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: three times

[spinner]: that's like that was like an animal

[cobra]: i love that just a

[spinner]: yeah so spoilers

[cobra]: exactly

[spinner]: for the audience

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: the twist in the movies

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: really

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: twist is that the ship is is
the alien and it's

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: a creature

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: it's not it's like an animal it's
not like there's a spaceship with things

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: inside so it's like its own

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: h

[spoopy_mans]: i mean

[spinner]: wild animal

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: is the u f

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: o

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yes

[spinner]: and that scene

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spinner]: is totally like the animal like establishing
dominance by just shipping on them

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: you know

[cobra]: exactly

[spinner]: it's

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: that's exactly

[spinner]: just like

[cobra]: what

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: just like

[cobra]: here's what

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: i do to your puny hi i'm
gonna shot all

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: over it

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: but that was all visually

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: fucking awesome

[cobra]: yeah i love that team

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: maybe had like moments of

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: for

[spinner]: brilliance

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: me

[spinner]: like that where i was like so

[cobra]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: for me

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it was the it was the scene
like i

[spinner]: yah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: guess i felt like the

[spinner]: yah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: next day or the next day or

[spinner]: yes

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: afterwards when

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the gang gathers up all the gear
and they went execute the grand plan and

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: they execute

[cobra]: the month

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: well not just them on touch but
i mean i'm just setting up towards like

[cobra]: yes

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that sort of almost i guess like
the last quarter where the creature is like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: already ingested some ship

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and is angry and we've got o
j and m h sort of trying to

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ping

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: pong the

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: creature but i legit thought

[spinner]: ye

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that j was setting himself up to
like you know

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: take that lick to fall on the
sword take the sacrifice but it's the not

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: knowing i expected him as the eldest

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: to go and do that but then
she like

[spinner]: yes

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: she kept making

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: noise so it was a very scary
moment for me but that stood out that

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: resonated and i was like oh god
they're like really

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: going to try and walk that raisers
edge so that maybe both of them could

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: come out of it and then just
like i didn't know what that meant like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: we know they had that like like
i see you i see you gesture but

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like was that their plan like that
sibling that sibling knowing that like i'm goin

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: try and do something now i'm going
to try and do something so

[spinner]: ye

[cobra]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: wow

[cobra]: think there were

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: each trying to save the other

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: was a good thing the alien

[cobra]: it wasn't

[spinner]: became

[cobra]: really a plan at that point

[spinner]: it's a good ting the alien became
a giant jellyfish at that point and stopped

[spinner]: just eating people but started

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: like blinking at them for eating them
for like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: my

[spinner]: ten minutes at a time

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: i understood why i did

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: h

[spoopy_mans]: it the second time i think no
not even a second

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the

[spoopy_mans]: time

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: big balloon

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: big

[spoopy_mans]: what

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: balloon

[spoopy_mans]: could it

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: they blow it up like did they
injure it now it was barbare that's what

[spoopy_mans]: it was because

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: it sucked up the

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: barb wire from angel so

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: it cut itself up i think that's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yep

[spoopy_mans]: it was supposed to be

[cobra]: well

[spoopy_mans]: so that's

[cobra]: i

[spoopy_mans]: why

[cobra]: mean

[spoopy_mans]: it was now

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: wide

[cobra]: it

[spoopy_mans]: open

[cobra]: sucked the barbed wire and then it

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: sucked the giant helium balloon right

[spoopy_mans]: right but the helium bloom

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: but

[spinner]: we

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that was a fact

[spoopy_mans]: kills it

[spinner]: killed

[spoopy_mans]: or injures

[spinner]: it

[spoopy_mans]: that we're not quite sure but

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it

[spoopy_mans]: but

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: adjusted

[spoopy_mans]: the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a little something and then the barb
wire got it as well

[spoopy_mans]: the

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: barbed wire like caused it to get
cut up and i think that's why you

[spoopy_mans]: could see it's like weird slow moving
uh face with a little

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: like little ribbons on the end like
fur out each time

[spinner]: they were

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: really

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: it was like

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: well

[spinner]: an aperture

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: go ahead

[spinner]: of a camera

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: bit

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and to me

[spoopy_mans]: you

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it

[spoopy_mans]: learn

[cobra]: a little

[spoopy_mans]: that in the

[cobra]: bit

[spoopy_mans]: internet

[spinner]: i did

[cobra]: uh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah i thought so

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it reminds me also of

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like similar to like like the spitting
the spitting jurassic

[spinner]: dinosaur

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: park

[spoopy_mans]: yah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: dina source right

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: similar to that

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it was

[spoopy_mans]: yah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like which is also

[cobra]: well

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: snake

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like to

[cobra]: it was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: to

[cobra]: definitely

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: me

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: you know it was definitely like showing
dominants all the time like he was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: when he turned into that jelly fish
was might as well have been a space

[cobra]: peacock at that point

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: as it was

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: like and look at me how huge
i am and i keep on like doing

[spinner]: make

[cobra]: this

[spinner]: yourself bigger

[cobra]: weird

[spinner]: to

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: be intimidating

[cobra]: swoardly

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: thing with my green mouth i guess

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[spinner]: that

[spoopy_mans]: any

[spinner]: was

[spoopy_mans]: other

[spinner]: a good scene

[spoopy_mans]: any other best scenes

[spinner]: yeah my best scene

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: was definitely

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: well i'm torn

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: the scene i will say that the
scene where those kids were the aliens the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: fake

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: funk

[spinner]: out was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: funk

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: by far

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: the scariest part of the movie

[spoopy_mans]: yep

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yep

[spoopy_mans]: you're

[cobra]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: correct

[spinner]: and it was like almost

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: like said a tone that like it
kind of never reached again which

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: was weird but

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: that scene was like like the way
you saw the shadow and then

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: the shadow kind of started moving slowly
i was like that's like

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: in your

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[spinner]: brain terrifying

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: like what you imagined as

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: a kid when you see a shadow

[cobra]: may

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: so

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hmm

[spinner]: well done like it was it wasn't
like jump scare was like slowly were coming

[spinner]: around the corner

[spoopy_mans]: the only

[spinner]: was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: fuck

[spinner]: kind

[spoopy_mans]: real

[spinner]: o disappointing

[spoopy_mans]: jump scares

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: is when he punched the alien and
it turned out to be a

[spinner]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: kid

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m i'm

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: so glad he did that

[cobra]: no

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that that

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: just

[cobra]: well

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like huh

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: i love that part

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: cocked

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: in

[cobra]: like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: one

[cobra]: that about i like that about

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: he's like he was like and

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: instead of running away

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: scream just punched the alien in the
face i was like yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: also you sucked me who told me
an the

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: last podcast

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: they looked up jump scares

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: and there's

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: one jump

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: scare

[cobra]: did

[spinner]: in the movie that

[spoopy_mans]: sir

[spinner]: was

[cobra]: i did

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: a lie i told my wife that
and then

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: we're like all had our guard down
and the first jump scare was that stupid

[spinner]: bug on the camera was like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: when

[cobra]: really

[spinner]: when the pride

[cobra]: i did

[spinner]: mantis

[cobra]: the only jump scare i got was
when the like the fake horse goes through

[cobra]: the wind shield

[spinner]: yes that

[cobra]: even

[spinner]: was the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: then

[spinner]: second one

[cobra]: now even then it was again i
really had drum

[spoopy_mans]: i

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: scare

[spoopy_mans]: never

[spinner]: man

[spoopy_mans]: felt

[spinner]: made

[spoopy_mans]: any

[spinner]: me

[spoopy_mans]: jump

[spinner]: jump

[spoopy_mans]: scarce at all

[spinner]: made me

[spoopy_mans]: like

[spinner]: jump but

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: apart

[spinner]: i was listening to it loud

[cobra]: ah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i was getting scared

[spoopy_mans]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: but yeah i jumped when the kid
alien like

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hung upside down and i was like

[spinner]: ye

[spoopy_mans]: i was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: funk no

[cobra]: really

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: i didn't

[cobra]: i was

[spoopy_mans]: jump

[cobra]: so

[spoopy_mans]: at that

[cobra]: expecting

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: it

[spoopy_mans]: that's

[cobra]: i

[spoopy_mans]: exactly

[cobra]: was so

[spoopy_mans]: what

[cobra]: expecting

[spoopy_mans]: they do right

[cobra]: it yeah

[spoopy_mans]: like the obvious jump scare that like
they have this other thing as you're watching

[spoopy_mans]: them

[cobra]: m

[spoopy_mans]: and then of course

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: it's going to be right beside them
i didn't expect to put hm in the

[spoopy_mans]: face but uh

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: like that at the

[spoopy_mans]: h

[cobra]: end

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: who

[cobra]: the kid still has the bruise like

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: when they're going

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: to do the little show

[spinner]: so that

[spoopy_mans]: well

[spinner]: was the actual

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that

[spoopy_mans]: listen

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: was

[spinner]: my favorite scene

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: was the abduction scene which was just

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: horrifying when you really

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: look at it

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: i was like i still didn't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: realy know what was happening but then
when you realize what's happening because it kind

[spinner]: of explains what's happening that it's just

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: them and that's like it's

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: well

[spinner]: inside

[cobra]: that is gruesome that

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: scene is gruesome

[spoopy_mans]: that's fine the thing i liked about

[spinner]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: that was

[spinner]: h

[spoopy_mans]: it explains because you hear you hear
whenever the creature had come around before you

[spoopy_mans]: heard like

[spinner]: screaming

[cobra]: screams

[spoopy_mans]: i couldn't i

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: couldn't pin it as screaming until it
came by the second time withal those people

[spoopy_mans]: inside and shout on the house and
then i realized that it was people scream

[spoopy_mans]: from before you could hear that

[spinner]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: again

[spinner]: they're still digesting

[spoopy_mans]: in the sky being flowing around yeah
well digesting feels like it took time whereas

[spoopy_mans]: this is

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: like it just suck them all up
and then it just like it's

[spinner]: ye

[spoopy_mans]: like you put a bunch

[cobra]: french

[spoopy_mans]: of blueberries

[cobra]: them

[spoopy_mans]: in your mouth

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: pofhmalat the same time

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh i think they're

[spoopy_mans]: and

[spinner]: screaming

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: flex

[spoopy_mans]: that was the end

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: on

[spinner]: was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: them

[spoopy_mans]: of the

[spinner]: the screaming

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: flex

[cobra]: nice

[spinner]: was them being

[cobra]: visuals

[spinner]: slowly digested

[spoopy_mans]: i just think the screaming was then
being trapped like me haven't been

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: sucked up by an alien and being
trapped in the i don't know if screaming

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that's what

[spoopy_mans]: was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it

[spoopy_mans]: necessarily

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: felt like to me too

[spoopy_mans]: was the digesting

[cobra]: and

[spoopy_mans]: process

[cobra]: especially especially when when the creature did
that and then went and shot all over

[cobra]: the house he was that was like
just i'm going to chew

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: my food and spit it down on
your house that's

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: what he

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: did

[spinner]: we also acknowledge

[cobra]: m

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: how

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: terrible that woman who had her face
all sucked up that she

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: got attacked by the chimp

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: and got eaten by the aliens

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah what a life

[spinner]: what did she deserve that fuck

[cobra]: what a life

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: i seemed unnecessarily cruel to that lady

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: it

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: was a it was a small piece
of mercy the second time

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i guess

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: small

[spinner]: to

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: she

[spinner]: be

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: was

[spinner]: slowly digested by an alien

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: i don't

[cobra]: the worst

[spoopy_mans]: again

[cobra]: part

[spoopy_mans]: i don't think she was

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: slowly digested like how

[cobra]: ah oh

[spoopy_mans]: long did the whole thing take like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: he picked them up

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: flew over the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: house crushed them all and spit

[cobra]: took

[spoopy_mans]: up

[cobra]: a

[spoopy_mans]: the

[cobra]: few

[spoopy_mans]: seeds

[cobra]: hours took a few

[spinner]: no i

[cobra]: hours

[spinner]: think it took i think it was
hours later

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that's not

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: slowly digested

[cobra]: it was hours later

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that's being that's like being trapped in
the web of a spider knowing not you're

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: not that you're not

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: going to get out you're conscious

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: whole time

[cobra]: my

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and

[spoopy_mans]: when

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the

[spoopy_mans]: the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: spider

[spoopy_mans]: spider gets

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: is coming

[spoopy_mans]: to you and eats you

[spinner]: you think

[spoopy_mans]: it

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and

[spoopy_mans]: takes

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you're

[spinner]: it's

[spoopy_mans]: like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: done

[spinner]: quick

[spoopy_mans]: five seconds

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: also horrible

[spoopy_mans]: anyway

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: but

[cobra]: what like not only did she

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: suffer the actual injury but like the
insult of like jup

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: saying you know oh my first crush
and now she looks like a sucking

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: like extra from a from a b
horror movie

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: good

[spinner]: thought that was kind of

[cobra]: good

[spinner]: sweet

[spoopy_mans]: man

[cobra]: lord

[spinner]: that he was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: now thought that was him being nice

[cobra]: no

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: it was terrible

[spoopy_mans]: i don't think

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: joe petted a nice bone

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: in his body

[spinner]: really i thought

[cobra]: hm

[spinner]: that was like a moment of

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: him showing

[spoopy_mans]: m

[spinner]: that he was like not all bad

[spoopy_mans]: no i disagree i think he basically
learned that

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: he was he was invincible

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: m he could tame any animal

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: because because

[spinner]: his

[spoopy_mans]: do

[spinner]: bond

[spoopy_mans]: was it gordie

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: gordie

[spinner]: gordy

[cobra]: gordy

[spoopy_mans]: orde

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: was

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: going to fist bump him after having

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: murdered everybody and he was like

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: i got this guy

[spinner]: yeah that was fucking

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: weird

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: my

[spinner]: opening and a

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: weird

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: theme but it kind of makes sense
in the end but it's also

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: felt like a bit of a stretch

[spoopy_mans]: it's one of those things

[cobra]: was

[spoopy_mans]: where

[cobra]: very

[spoopy_mans]: the other

[cobra]: like

[spoopy_mans]: movies

[cobra]: whip lash

[spoopy_mans]: yeah other movies

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: wouldn't have done so much to tell
you why this guy is a bad dude

[spoopy_mans]: or just wouldn't have bothered to explain

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: ways about dude because it doesn't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: matter

[spinner]: he

[spoopy_mans]: like

[spinner]: wasn't even the main character

[spoopy_mans]: it's nice to see but yeah

[spinner]: but it was like the

[spoopy_mans]: hey

[spinner]: whole

[spoopy_mans]: let's

[spinner]: theme

[spoopy_mans]: move

[spinner]: of

[spoopy_mans]: on

[spinner]: that

[spoopy_mans]: and see if there's other questions

[spinner]: all right

[spoopy_mans]: we're

[spinner]: fine

[spoopy_mans]: done

[spinner]: i said fine

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: nope

[spoopy_mans]: that's

[spinner]: sir

[spoopy_mans]: let's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: nope

[spoopy_mans]: ask a question

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: nope ope

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: ah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i just

[spoopy_mans]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like

[spoopy_mans]: ask

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: saying

[spoopy_mans]: the question

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah i'm just i'm

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: a

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: supporting you

[spinner]: sorry

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that was a positive

[spoopy_mans]: oh thank you

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: nope

[spoopy_mans]: what

[spinner]: leaning

[spoopy_mans]: actor

[spinner]: over

[spoopy_mans]: would

[spinner]: like

[spoopy_mans]: you

[spinner]: he's gonna

[spoopy_mans]: replace

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: that's a tough call

[cobra]: that's a hard question because yeah the

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: cast

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it's a great

[cobra]: is pretty

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: question

[cobra]: good

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: we like all of us

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: were ground to all gosh

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: goshokay put myself out there

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i want to replace the kid actor
who played jupe

[spinner]: but he was fantastic

[cobra]: got a cop out

[spoopy_mans]: why what

[cobra]: what a cop

[spoopy_mans]: what

[cobra]: out

[spoopy_mans]: was your problem with him

[spinner]: what was your problem with that

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i was

[spinner]: young

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: just trying to

[spinner]: asian

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: buy us

[spinner]: boy

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i was just trying to buy some
time that's not my real answer

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i guess

[spinner]: my

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: god

[cobra]: i didn't like the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: guy that played angel that much so

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: would i would yeah i wasn't

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: like it wasn't

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: bad

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: but it wasn't like the rest of

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: the acting was much better i found
so i replaced him with actual scarisac there

[cobra]: done

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: for

[spinner]: now

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: budgetary

[spinner]: that's

[spoopy_mans]: this

[spinner]: a

[spoopy_mans]: fucking

[spinner]: calf

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: reasons

[spoopy_mans]: guy

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: we need

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: to we need to execute some re

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: we're going back to

[spoopy_mans]: ye

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: going back to principal photography

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: interesting okay

[spinner]: fuck that's a tough question

[cobra]: a

[spoopy_mans]: stuff because

[cobra]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: the cast is very small right for
a movie

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: cas is small and there's

[spoopy_mans]: it's very

[spinner]: no like

[spoopy_mans]: tight

[spinner]: weak there's no weak

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yes

[spinner]: performances

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: maybe i would have recast

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: antlers what was his name

[cobra]: host yeah

[spinner]: antlers his voice was amazing

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: would you be

[spinner]: but

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: what were you what do you what

[spinner]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you

[spinner]: don't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: think hat ar

[spinner]: even

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you looking

[spinner]: know i'm

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: to

[spinner]: just

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: change

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: forcing a pick

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: he was fine he was good i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: i think

[spinner]: understand

[spoopy_mans]: i

[spinner]: his character motivation of killing himself though

[spoopy_mans]: well that's

[spinner]: it

[spoopy_mans]: why

[spinner]: really

[spoopy_mans]: i was

[spinner]: seemed

[spoopy_mans]: watching

[spinner]: really out of left field

[spoopy_mans]: no i think that one that's one
of the little one of the ones that

[spoopy_mans]: made a little more sense he used
to be the greatest

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: sentrphotographer of all time he was on
a fucking what was the thing they got

[spoopy_mans]: called in for like a horse

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: commercial

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah the

[spoopy_mans]: or

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: horse

[spoopy_mans]: something

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: commercial

[cobra]: our commercial or whatever

[spoopy_mans]: so that

[cobra]: ye

[spoopy_mans]: he clearly was just like wanted to
get back out there and capture the greatest

[spoopy_mans]: thing of all time and get the
best footage right so that's why he sacrificed

[cobra]: i honestly

[spoopy_mans]: himself

[cobra]: thought that he

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: was banking on

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: the thing

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: eating

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: him and then spitting his camera down
because it was you know he was filming

[cobra]: everything

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: and then it would

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: be like postumously

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: would be oh my god look at

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: he did and that's what

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: i thought but it never

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: paid off

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: actually

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: doesn't

[spoopy_mans]: it's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: look

[spoopy_mans]: about

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like

[spoopy_mans]: the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it

[spoopy_mans]: camera down

[spinner]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: saw it

[cobra]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: know but did anybody capture the because
i like it became

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: retrieve

[cobra]: pointless at

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it

[cobra]: the point where

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: but but then it became pointless

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: because they exploded him

[spinner]: m oh

[cobra]: and then everybody saw it so

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: over

[cobra]: then

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the well

[cobra]: capturing the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: they captured it over the well

[spoopy_mans]: it still matters to have footage of
like what

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: happens with it even if it's killed
or whatever

[cobra]: i guess

[spoopy_mans]: because the pictures

[cobra]: i guess

[spoopy_mans]: over the wall are like they're

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: interesting but it's also like it's proof
but it's not like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: not great you know what

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: i mean

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: that

[spoopy_mans]: having

[spinner]: would have made

[spoopy_mans]: motion video of the thing flying

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: around

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: and doing ship is way better

[spinner]: that would

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: true

[spinner]: have made more

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: sense to me if he didn't already

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: have footage of it flying around

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: they already got the shot

[spoopy_mans]: right

[spinner]: was

[cobra]: he wanted to go with a bang

[spinner]: well apparently

[spoopy_mans]: i think

[spinner]: there

[spoopy_mans]: you

[spinner]: was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: see

[spoopy_mans]: wanted

[spinner]: a

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: if

[spoopy_mans]: for

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it

[spoopy_mans]: a

[spinner]: there is a behind

[spoopy_mans]: you're

[spinner]: the

[spoopy_mans]: being

[spinner]: scenes

[spoopy_mans]: sucked up

[spinner]: go ahead matt you fucking go

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: nope

[spoopy_mans]: i think he wanted for

[spinner]: yah

[spoopy_mans]: himself being sucked up

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: ah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: is that a euphemism

[cobra]: h i see because i was going
to say he was gonna he wanted to

[cobra]: like lock antlers with the

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: the monster

[spinner]: that's bo

[spoopy_mans]: h

[cobra]: uh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: m

[spinner]: if you noticed there was a scene
of him taking a pill

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: huh

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: i think

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: originally he was dying which makes

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: that

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: make a little more

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: sense

[spoopy_mans]: yeah i think

[spinner]: like wants

[spoopy_mans]: i

[spinner]: to

[spoopy_mans]: got

[spinner]: go out

[spoopy_mans]: to say

[spinner]: on his terms

[spoopy_mans]: no offense but taking a pill isn't
enough evidence to show that he's dying just

[spinner]: no

[spoopy_mans]: because

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: i

[spoopy_mans]: like

[spinner]: know that

[cobra]: it could have been just a drug

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: no but i actually heard that they
filmed like more more of him

[cobra]: for fun they stopped reading

[spinner]: listen

[cobra]: about these things

[spinner]: you

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: guys want to know cool facts or

[spoopy_mans]: i know i don't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: too bad

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: really

[cobra]: we don't

[spoopy_mans]: i want

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: i want to examine the movie based
on its merits like you can't like this

[spoopy_mans]: star was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: does this all the time right it's
like oh yeah the

[spinner]: ye

[spoopy_mans]: emperor was a low the whole time

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: about it we'll write a book about
it will be fine

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: so you guys just make up ship

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: your movie and i'll explain it in
the movie

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: well

[spinner]: it's

[spoopy_mans]: that

[cobra]: star

[spinner]: funny

[cobra]: watts

[spoopy_mans]: to

[cobra]: is

[spoopy_mans]: me

[cobra]: worse

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: but

[spoopy_mans]: that is

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: making a bad movie oh

[spinner]: see

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: behind the scenes

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: in the movie they said there is
a scene

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: here they

[cobra]: for

[spinner]: said matt

[cobra]: fucksix

[spinner]: fuck you i don't care what you

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: for a second you we

[spinner]: joan

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: just

[spinner]: pele said that

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: thought

[cobra]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you were just

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like thanks

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: for that so

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you see behind

[spoopy_mans]: in

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the scenes

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: i'm

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: we also learn this that and the

[spoopy_mans]: i'm actually really

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: excited

[spinner]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: that jordan pile knows who i am
so that's really dope for

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: me personally

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hey

[spoopy_mans]: moving

[cobra]: maybe you

[spoopy_mans]: on

[cobra]: ll be the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: okay

[cobra]: maybe you'll be the guy who is
going to be sucked up by a monster

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: next time

[spoopy_mans]: i hope so but we're goin t
move on as i said previously

[cobra]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: segu

[spoopy_mans]: to you interjecting for no reason what
thing happens

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: like

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: the day after the movie

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it's a good

[spoopy_mans]: so like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: fucking question

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and

[spoopy_mans]: the monster is the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: monster debt do they have to footage
like does everybody in the world get hyped

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: by aliens or scared

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: it was like it was like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: slowly falling from the sky right as
as like you'd explode so i guess people

[cobra]: would because this is you know humans
were talking about

[spoopy_mans]: h

[cobra]: it would

[spoopy_mans]: m

[cobra]: be a rush

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: for people

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: okay

[cobra]: to get a piece of it have
like as a souvenir

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: it

[cobra]: and then the police trying

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: to cording off the thing

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: and then the military

[spoopy_mans]: right

[cobra]: flying over there

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: and i guess

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: i don't know

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: probably the military would end up like
trying to tow it away to

[spoopy_mans]: so you're

[cobra]: area of fifty

[spoopy_mans]: you're

[cobra]: one

[spoopy_mans]: in the

[cobra]: or

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a

[cobra]: something

[spoopy_mans]: camp of it died when the big
boy exploded

[cobra]: i think

[spoopy_mans]: in him

[cobra]: i think it died yeah

[spinner]: i also

[cobra]: it looked

[spinner]: think it

[cobra]: dead

[spinner]: died

[cobra]: it looked like it was

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: because it got

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: like it got blown off and he
had just eaten like i don't know

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: seven meters

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: of

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: barbed wire

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: a bad company and

[spinner]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: i

[cobra]: do you think he did i didn't

[spoopy_mans]: there's no evidence it died like yeah

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: i got severely injured but it like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: got cut up and i just flew
around like some sort of

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: angelic

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: presence right

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: like it was just you know it
was just like

[cobra]: m

[spoopy_mans]: sucking

[spinner]: my

[spoopy_mans]: i don't know if this happened to
all you guys but like when you're in

[spoopy_mans]: like great school and you have time
they have like a big parachute and you

[spoopy_mans]: got to flap

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: to parachute and sometimes

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: you go under

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: the parachute and

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that s so much

[spoopy_mans]: you play

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: fun

[spoopy_mans]: a ball and try to put it
in the hole stuff just

[cobra]: no

[spoopy_mans]: felt like one of those things were
just like a giant parashoot

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: like fabric floating through the sky like
what is what is the creature made of

[spoopy_mans]: how do you kill what was like
was his mouth

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: that didn't didn't have any body it
just had that weird mouth and when

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: you're inside you were trapped inside the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: play

[cobra]: well

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: jim

[spoopy_mans]: fabric

[cobra]: if i go by how it looked
the creature was made of many many many

[cobra]: like linen sheets

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: that's what it looked like

[spinner]: covered in

[spoopy_mans]: so

[spinner]: goo

[spoopy_mans]: if you bust open one one pillow
case is a debt

[cobra]: was it alive if it was alive
and you busted then it's dead

[spoopy_mans]: but like just because you like if
you're like yeah your arm falls off doesn't

[spoopy_mans]: mean you die automatically

[cobra]: no

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: but

[cobra]: but

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it was

[cobra]: if

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: exploded

[spinner]: something

[cobra]: if you exploit

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: though also

[cobra]: exploded

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah but like

[cobra]: you yeah

[spoopy_mans]: it's an

[cobra]: okay

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you

[spoopy_mans]: alien

[cobra]: so what do you think happened you
go then why do you think happens

[spoopy_mans]: i

[cobra]: the

[spoopy_mans]: think

[cobra]: next

[spoopy_mans]: it

[cobra]: day

[spoopy_mans]: like floats like so i think like
camera turns off

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: she's like i got you bitch or

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: right

[spoopy_mans]: and then it like it starts to
flow to the ground the thin they're all

[spoopy_mans]: good and then it like kind of
limps away into this and like leaves the

[spoopy_mans]: planet because like they are talking about

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: like you got a punch it in
its mouth to let it know who's boss

[spoopy_mans]: right you gotta break it

[cobra]: or

[spoopy_mans]: spirit

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: or maybe i just

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: gets really pissed off and lays down

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: it's like a hurt predator now right
it's not dead so

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: he just lays there when they let
people come close and then he eats people

[cobra]: on the ground

[spoopy_mans]: yeah i don't think that's that based
on all the symbolism

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: and talking about like the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it

[spoopy_mans]: acting

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: like it's a horse they wouldn't do

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: i know i know

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: carnivorous

[cobra]: not a horse

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: horse

[cobra]: because a horse is not a predator

[spoopy_mans]: it's just

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: that's the symbolism they use right you
got to break break

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: it

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: spirit

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: well

[spoopy_mans]: courses

[cobra]: it's yeah it's

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: because he says

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: you know

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: you can't tame a horse you can

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: team bis is not a predator he
says it's a predator you have to get

[cobra]: into an arrangement with

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: it that's

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: basically what it says

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a situationship

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: if you will

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: so i think they got it into
the situationship

[cobra]: uh yeah

[spoopy_mans]: of his leaving the plant

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: never coming back

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: because you guy like oh ship this
is not as easy as i thought

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: another dimension

[cobra]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i think

[spinner]: we don't we don't even

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: might

[spinner]: know

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: unfold

[spinner]: if it's actually on alien

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: why do you think it is

[spinner]: could have been

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: from

[cobra]: sentient

[spinner]: earth

[cobra]: parachute but

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: look that's what it looked like

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: could have been man

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: made could have been from the deep

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: it was never explained

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: m

[spinner]: look like a fucking

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: no

[spinner]: jelly

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it was

[spinner]: fish

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: true

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: did look like a goepisar

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that would be

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: interesting if

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it if it was of earth like
a similar to like a mathrabackstory

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and

[cobra]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it was it was it was you

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: know dormant and

[cobra]: all

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: woke

[cobra]: all about

[spinner]: ye

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: up and

[cobra]: nuclear power

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i

[spinner]: or

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: suppose

[spinner]: if it always if it always lived
in the clouds and there's like multiple and

[spinner]: they've always just been living in the

[cobra]: oh shit

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: we got to get stuff out of
the cloud

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: man

[cobra]: is this like one of those classic

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: stories we just

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: we hurt the baby and

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: now the the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: alien is going to come

[spinner]: just reminds me magin the simpsons

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: when it's like that clip of grandpa
old man yells at clouds shaking his fist

[cobra]: yep

[spinner]: at the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spinner]: cloud it's

[spoopy_mans]: okay so

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: spencer

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: great

[spoopy_mans]: just

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: man

[spoopy_mans]: how i understand clearly you're suggesting that
the next

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: day

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: you know like a giant or like
two giant saucer creatures

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: come out of the sky and they

[cobra]: and

[spoopy_mans]: start

[cobra]: there instead of being

[spoopy_mans]: sucking

[cobra]: instead of being

[spoopy_mans]: up the

[cobra]: sheets

[spoopy_mans]: world

[cobra]: their doves

[spoopy_mans]: the city yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: dove

[spinner]: that is not what i suggest

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: if i my suggestion is that

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: do they

[spinner]: imagine like

[spoopy_mans]: m

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: like a fleece blanket and a du

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: come

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: flying in

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: excuse

[spinner]: imagine like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: me excuse me who's responsible

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: for touching my child

[spoopy_mans]: a

[cobra]: exactly

[spinner]: no what

[cobra]: mom

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: h

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: who

[spinner]: i'm

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: is who is

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it wasn't you wasn't you you know

[cobra]: oh it's a karen to

[spinner]: oh god

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: karen

[cobra]: no

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: he put

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: karen

[spinner]: what in your

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: hole

[cobra]: no

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: duvecarenkaren

[spinner]: he

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: put what

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: in your hole

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: duv yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: no

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: cliff

[spinner]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: show

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: us on the on the pillow case
where they touched you

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i want to

[spoopy_mans]: a

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: know right now because

[cobra]: did you

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: mommy

[cobra]: call

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: has

[cobra]: the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: got

[cobra]: baby cliff

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yes

[spinner]: no

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: cliff

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: cliff

[cobra]: cliff yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i had to think of something

[cobra]: yeah now

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: that was good

[spinner]: i picture the next day firstly i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: that picture she got nobody

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: would believe in general

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: unless like it's like everything

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: challenges

[spinner]: could be photo shopped

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: photo shop exactly i was worried about

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: but it's

[spinner]: and

[spoopy_mans]: on

[spinner]: then

[spoopy_mans]: photo paper

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: and like they know the camera came

[spinner]: yeah but i mean

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ah

[spinner]: the masses won't believe that they'll be
like fake

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: fake

[spinner]: news

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: fake

[cobra]: it came from

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: fink

[cobra]: a whale camera in the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: fink

[cobra]: middle of nowhere

[spinner]: and i think that like

[cobra]: be easy

[spinner]: there's

[cobra]: with

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: organization will come up and like find
the body and start like

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: folding it up and taking it into
their trunks

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: and then on the side of the
truck you see what it says and says

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: sleep come re canada

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: why buy a mattress

[spinner]: and it was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: nywhereelseng

[spinner]: all it was all an in house
in house

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: operation

[cobra]: kay

[spinner]: for a mattress

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: this

[spinner]: company

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: this thread

[spoopy_mans]: so

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: count

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: is off the charts

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it's

[spoopy_mans]: actually

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: over nine thousand

[spoopy_mans]: your aunt or something because

[cobra]: night

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: we could get tension mattresses

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spinner]: h

[spoopy_mans]: that could adjust to our comfort

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: needs

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: at

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: a moment notice that would be dope

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: and obviously

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: this

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: sexual

[spoopy_mans]: one

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: favors

[spoopy_mans]: had a had a defect

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: listen i didn't

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: say that but

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: we all knew it is what i
was saying

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: but

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: this

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: one just unfortunately

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: they didn't expect

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: to

[cobra]: it

[spoopy_mans]: so

[cobra]: was

[spoopy_mans]: effective

[cobra]: an experiment gone ri

[spoopy_mans]: yeah yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: by

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: it's

[spinner]: that's what i'm saying

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: sleep

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: country shit

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: nobody can know

[spoopy_mans]: it's basically

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: shit

[spoopy_mans]: like

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: the weapon

[cobra]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: x project but

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yes

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: just

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: sleep

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the weapon fabrics project

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: ah there you go

[spinner]: and they're like do you think

[cobra]: fabric

[spinner]: do you think

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: people

[cobra]: the fabric

[spinner]: world wide

[cobra]: ax project

[spinner]: can sleep

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: soundly knowing

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ye

[spinner]: the truth

[spoopy_mans]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the truth is

[cobra]: i see

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: out

[cobra]: so

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: there

[cobra]: it was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you

[cobra]: it

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: must

[cobra]: was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: fluff

[cobra]: like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it

[cobra]: the equivalent of the lizard people that
built this thing and

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: a god like a hand

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and

[cobra]: okay

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: so for me though the other piece
that a raised the question mark that i

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: wanted them to fill fulfill the next
day right like not even the next day

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like credits role

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: okay it could be the next

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: day fine

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: if it was me i want to
see m and o j

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: because they're dinged up but they're fine
the electric

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: motor cycles find the creature is dead

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: o j's got the got the horse

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: right they should be high

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: tailing it back to the ram to
um to collect as much beer and film

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: as possible to us it's okay we
lost we lost an antlers but we've got

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: angel so

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: what do we have any actual footage

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: because motorcycle

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: t m z guy dead

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: where's his camera where is antlers camera

[spinner]: all

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: where

[spinner]: all

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: is the camera

[spinner]: all the digital

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: his second

[spinner]: cameras

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i gather

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: couldn't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it

[spinner]: catch anything

[cobra]: so yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: no no no no

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: that's what i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: antler

[cobra]: said like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: has the

[cobra]: i was expecting them

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: so

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: there's two

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: of them

[cobra]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: antlers

[cobra]: was expecting

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: had two

[cobra]: them to show a

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: scene

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: of them going to retrieve

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: the analogue camera stuff

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: or

[spinner]: no

[spoopy_mans]: but

[spinner]: it

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like

[spinner]: should

[spoopy_mans]: why

[cobra]: but

[spinner]: have

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: they didn't

[spinner]: you know how it should have ended
it should have

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: because

[spinner]: ended

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that

[spinner]: with

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: they

[spinner]: them

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: wanted

[spinner]: being being interviewed by opera

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: here you go that

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: would have be

[spinner]: that

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: geat

[spinner]: should

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: to

[spinner]: have been the ending

[cobra]: they

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: could have set up this movie as
a precol

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: to like don't look up

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: which

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: you know

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ah

[cobra]: a similar thing where like there

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: what is

[cobra]: now

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: your

[spinner]: what

[cobra]: they

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: name

[cobra]: have this proof

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: what is your name

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: do you go around touching fabric children
don't touch

[cobra]: fabric

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: my child part two

[cobra]: fabric

[spinner]: o god

[cobra]: jude is this is your cloth

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: kid no why

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: h

[cobra]: are you touching it then

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m yeah

[cobra]: yeah anyway

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm yeah

[cobra]: yeah i would have like it would
have been interesting if they went on to

[cobra]: like try to

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: capitalize which is what they wanted to

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: and they never showed

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: save

[spoopy_mans]: but

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the home

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and the ranch in a way

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: i don't think you need to show

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: i think you're wrong sir because

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: the point of the movie is breaking
the monster spirit we don't need like an

[spoopy_mans]: epilogue of them

[cobra]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: getting rich and showing like there's

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: nothing worse than the movie dragging on
for extra ten minutes for no reason

[spinner]: not only that

[cobra]: i could have been like a post
grad scene

[spinner]: i don't

[cobra]: or a doing credit

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: so

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: scene

[spinner]: don't think they

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[spinner]: should have even gotten that picture because
the whole point of the movie was like

[spinner]: you can't tame a wild animal for
profit so it's like the whole theme was

[spinner]: like against

[cobra]: is this something else you rate on

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: the internet

[spinner]: this is

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: something i

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: figured up with

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: behind

[spinner]: my own

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the scenes

[spinner]: brain noggin

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: um

[spoopy_mans]: be careful

[spinner]: no but

[spoopy_mans]: because

[spinner]: the whole

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: proceed

[spinner]: thing is

[spoopy_mans]: if you

[spinner]: you can't

[spoopy_mans]: if a child listens

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: to what you just said and then

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: try to spout it out with a
monks circle or friends and their friends are

[spoopy_mans]: gonna tink that kids an idiot and
he's gonna be shunned from society

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: so you can't just make

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: up any old idea

[spinner]: so

[spoopy_mans]: in your

[spinner]: that's

[spoopy_mans]: head

[spinner]: what

[spoopy_mans]: and

[spinner]: happened

[spoopy_mans]: tell

[spinner]: to me

[spoopy_mans]: people

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: well

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: were kids

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: what i'm saying is a hundred percent
fact and accurate tell

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: all your friends

[spoopy_mans]: oh god

[spinner]: in circles

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m and so

[spoopy_mans]: you

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: on and

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: so on

[spinner]: so yeah like the

[cobra]: may

[spinner]: the whole it seemed lie the whole
point of he movie was like you shouldn't

[spinner]: try

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: to profit from this thing that got
people killed just like with the ape so

[spinner]: like them trying to make money

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: by filming it was kind

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: of like i thought they like

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: the lesson would be like leave it
alone you know like just like let's not

[spinner]: get involved

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: just try to survive

[spinner]: like like they survived

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ah

[spinner]: and they learned the lesson don't funk
with the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: alpha predators

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: you know

[spoopy_mans]: alpha sheets

[spinner]: yeah for sheets anybody

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a

[spinner]: else get

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: a jaw as five from this movie

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a little bit

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: it reminded me so

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a

[spinner]: much

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: little

[spinner]: of jos

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: bit

[cobra]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: him down

[spinner]: on it

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: done

[cobra]: i know

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: jaswisscarrier have to

[spinner]: jos

[cobra]: say

[spinner]: was scarier but also like the whole
like then putting the team together i pictured

[spinner]: like the guy antlers was like kind
of like quint you know he's like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: gonna

[spinner]: i've

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: need

[spinner]: seen

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a bigger

[spinner]: some

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: boat

[spinner]: things

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: you know that's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: that's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spinner]: brodie's

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: line come on anyway

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: move along i can see the rage

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: matt's eyes

[cobra]: m

[spoopy_mans]: no no i just nothing i love
more than talking about other movies than the

[spoopy_mans]: one we watched

[spinner]: listen

[spoopy_mans]: about

[spinner]: it's called

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: it's my favorite part

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: it's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: called a theme comparison

[spoopy_mans]: yeah it's called you're

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: wrong

[cobra]: floundering it's called it's led floundering

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: also there was no theme comparison you
just said this movie is like

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: an entire other movie

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah have comparable

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: actually

[spinner]: themes

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: he asked

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: if

[spinner]: well

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: we

[cobra]: shit

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: got

[spinner]: actually

[spoopy_mans]: you

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you

[spoopy_mans]: guys

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: know

[spoopy_mans]: think this was like drastic park now
what about

[spinner]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: ghost busters

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: no

[spinner]: no

[spoopy_mans]: about

[cobra]: i mean

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: what about

[cobra]: ghosts

[spoopy_mans]: training day

[spinner]: definitely

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: training

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: day

[spinner]: this

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: alien ain't god ship oh me

[spoopy_mans]: i mean

[spinner]: best

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: all

[spoopy_mans]: i've

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: right

[spoopy_mans]: basically

[spinner]: scene

[spoopy_mans]: heard

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: that

[cobra]: oh my man

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: okay okay

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: okay

[spinner]: i didn't know

[cobra]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: h

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: when when he

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: does p c p and alien is
like i don't know you like to get

[spinner]: wet

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: ah oh

[spoopy_mans]: i'm here for this movie

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: let us continue

[cobra]: a

[spoopy_mans]: down our list of things to talk

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: uh uh

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: anyways

[cobra]: my

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: sheet

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: we're just

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: going to continue on and not

[spinner]: continue

[spoopy_mans]: like like you're still

[spinner]: on

[spoopy_mans]: talking

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: all right

[spinner]: yeah yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: what let's get into it some of
our our more

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yes

[spinner]: ah m

[spoopy_mans]: nonsensical questions what do you

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: think the character is important here lucina
what do you think

[spinner]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: ricky

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: jup park does on the first date

[cobra]: on the first day

[spoopy_mans]: first date

[spinner]: m m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: sexual harassment

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ah

[spinner]: what

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: why would why why sexual her usband

[cobra]: i don't know he just gives me

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: touchovibes

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: like i don't

[spoopy_mans]: he seemed to be you have a
wife who liked

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: him and were

[spinner]: my

[spoopy_mans]: profit

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hmm

[cobra]: now

[spoopy_mans]: hat

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: a wife

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: flash

[cobra]: de

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: back

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: likes prophet i don't know i think

[spinner]: yah

[cobra]: he because

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: he was like a child actor and

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[cobra]: obviously got super dramatized seeing

[spoopy_mans]: no

[cobra]: his

[spinner]: what

[cobra]: his

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: cute little

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: friend gord

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: ever leaving

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: ship out of everybody except for him
and then when he was about to face

[cobra]: bumping got chucking the face too

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i would say he's like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: unscathed

[cobra]: not very well adjusted uh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: what

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: like i think he would he would
like know that

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: weird the weird way that he talked
when he showed him them his secret

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: room

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yes

[cobra]: um

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: sex dungeon

[cobra]: he would

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: talk like that

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[cobra]: during the during the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the date

[cobra]: the date

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: yeah he would start

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i agree

[cobra]: talking about like his like oh this
couple from locke via paid me twenty five

[cobra]: thousand dollars ones for me to

[spinner]: hm

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: watch them

[cobra]: speak

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: have

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: sex

[cobra]: like gordy while they had

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: sex

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah i think you would try to
like be like try to to

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: tell like things

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: that he thinks are cool stories that
make him look cool but just make him

[cobra]: look like a fucking

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: maniac so i don't know what's wrong

[spoopy_mans]: m

[cobra]: his wife but there's something definitely wrong
with his wife that she chose

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: to

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: marry him

[spoopy_mans]: i didn't

[cobra]: and have kids with

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: him

[spoopy_mans]: i didn't ask for your commentator on
his wife

[spinner]: yeah well you

[cobra]: but i

[spinner]: sick

[cobra]: am commenting

[spinner]: fuck

[cobra]: on her

[spoopy_mans]: i don't

[spinner]: such

[spoopy_mans]: i don't

[spinner]: a patriarcical

[spoopy_mans]: care for it

[spinner]: thing to do

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: uh uh my

[spoopy_mans]: was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: what

[spoopy_mans]: it

[spinner]: kay

[spoopy_mans]: moving on

[cobra]: i mean she did choose

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: him

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: we're done

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: moving on in spencer what

[spinner]: yo

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: do you think antlers host does on
a first date

[spinner]: well first he opens a pack of

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: no

[spinner]: smokes the

[cobra]: yea

[spinner]: entire thing in one sitting

[cobra]: the open

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: just shoves it in his mouth and

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: h

[cobra]: like does the whole

[spinner]: he doesn't

[cobra]: thing

[spinner]: even open the box he just puts
the box in his mouth

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: and lights the end of the box

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: h hmm

[spinner]: smokes

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: the box the curtain everything

[cobra]: that's that's the best part

[spinner]: right

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: and then

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: he walks

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: in and the date

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: doesn't show up

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: because he's a weird man

[cobra]: again

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: again

[spoopy_mans]: h

[spinner]: again and then he goes i need
a cigarette

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[spinner]: after

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: that date

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: and

[spoopy_mans]: you think

[spinner]: then

[spoopy_mans]: it

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: because he

[spinner]: it

[spoopy_mans]: like mask who he is so he's
like he's like online daily but he doesn't

[spoopy_mans]: want

[spinner]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: them to know he's the famous

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: h

[spoopy_mans]: antlers host

[spinner]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: he just wants them to like him
for his

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: profile

[cobra]: he gives himself like another name

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: horns

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: smith

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: or somethin like that

[spoopy_mans]: i see what you

[spinner]: h

[spoopy_mans]: did there but i'm goin t award

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: you no points

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: fair that's fair

[spinner]: and then then he finally

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: puts his name up and he gets
a date and they're like oh i love

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: your movies

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: and he goes oh yeah which one

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: and then they say

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: the most popular one that everybody always
says and he goes

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: ah you like that crap

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: that's the one

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: for them i'm talking about the ones
for me

[cobra]: i m as

[spoopy_mans]: yah

[cobra]: main stream

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: yah

[cobra]: garbage

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: smjvegarvige

[cobra]: that one

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ah

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: thank you for joining us in their

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: today

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: did you see

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: that movie i made about the animal

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: at that other animal

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: as a good movie

[spoopy_mans]: and

[cobra]: that that

[spoopy_mans]: scene

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: would seem

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: kay

[cobra]: that would

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: be what he would

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: do it was

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: just

[spinner]: how

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: his day goes

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: that's fair

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: chris

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: what do you think

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: j hayward heywood

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: does first date

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: oh god

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it doesn't make eye contact

[spinner]: doesn't talk

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: he

[cobra]: okay

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: for the first

[cobra]: check

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: for the first for the first

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: twenty minutes

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and

[spoopy_mans]: ye

[cobra]: ah yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: then somehow the topic

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: of animals arises

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and then he lights up

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and then his body

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: language changes and he turns towards towards
you know the other person

[spoopy_mans]: microphone

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: on the other

[cobra]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the microphone yes

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i trying to i'm trying to look
at so i

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: listen i'm trying

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: to look at my my fellow cast

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: mates but also maintain my fucking position
with the

[cobra]: yet

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: microphone

[cobra]: you don't have to act

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: listen

[cobra]: just just the sounds

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: listen listen

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: he's

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: in character

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: look just look at my eyes just

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: keep looking just keep looking

[spoopy_mans]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: at me don't don't don't worry about

[cobra]: so are you

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: what

[cobra]: saying

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you got

[cobra]: he

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: on

[cobra]: goes like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: what you're

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: wearing

[cobra]: the same thing that baba does with
tramps he does with horses on the date

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: but

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yes

[cobra]: far camp from far gumpyeahjust

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i know who you're talking about but

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: just goes off

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yes yes

[spinner]: my

[cobra]: okay

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: to an extent

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like i think

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i think he's he is looking to
make a connection and he

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: feels like the enormous

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: weight of responsibility left behind from his

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: he's trying carve

[spinner]: hm

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a piece of like happiness for himself
back for himself

[cobra]: ye

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: so there's

[cobra]: yeah ah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and that's

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: fits

[cobra]: wow

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that's

[spinner]: in

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: exactly

[spinner]: price

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: what that's

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: exactly

[cobra]: ah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: what the waitress uh you know does

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: off to the side watching this train
wreck an interaction take place

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: fuck

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: is bombing until

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: he pulls he pulls it together in
the last

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: quarter and

[spoopy_mans]: right

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the the other person says you know
what i would like to get a sore

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: bay with

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you let's go for a walk

[spinner]: and he was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: like you want some pcpeidtknow

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and

[spinner]: you like to get

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: wet

[spoopy_mans]: h

[spinner]: there they go

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and he's

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like yeah

[cobra]: h

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: did you know i killed an alien

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[spinner]: that's alien got ship o me

[spoopy_mans]: yeah oh

[spinner]: trading

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: day to

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: bet

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ye

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a

[spinner]: fair

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: thank you

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh j heywood

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: heywood

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and the ghost of antlers host as

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: little

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: yah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: baba yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: that

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: trailer

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it will be a

[spoopy_mans]: vincent

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: scream

[cobra]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: loves

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: of a

[cobra]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: time

[spoopy_mans]: it

[cobra]: have i have

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: i have a question for you mat

[spoopy_mans]: yeah sure hit me

[cobra]: what what does rider m bridge do

[spoopy_mans]: m

[cobra]: in his first day

[spoopy_mans]: um well

[cobra]: m

[spoopy_mans]: he doesn't go on dates um

[spinner]: because he works with

[spoopy_mans]: he

[spinner]: t

[spoopy_mans]: pays

[spinner]: m z

[spoopy_mans]: women

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: to come over to his house

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: and have

[spinner]: at

[spoopy_mans]: sex with him on camera

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: damn

[spinner]: they got to

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: kick

[cobra]: my

[spinner]: him in

[cobra]: god

[spinner]: the nuts on camera

[cobra]: now that to conturn

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ye

[cobra]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: almost regret i asked

[spinner]: does he wear his one eyed helmet
the whole time

[spoopy_mans]: yeah yeah he he

[spinner]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: doesn't actallyhe doesn't show his face right
he just wears that that reflective helmet and

[spoopy_mans]: all

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: he just

[spoopy_mans]: you

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: says

[spoopy_mans]: watches the camera on the

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: reflective helmet of him doing

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: things to the woman's you never actually
get a

[cobra]: imagine

[spoopy_mans]: clear shot

[cobra]: the

[spoopy_mans]: of

[cobra]: woman

[spoopy_mans]: anything that happens

[spinner]: and

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: mentioned

[spinner]: but

[cobra]: the woman or man i don't know
what he likes

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yes

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[cobra]: looking at

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ye

[cobra]: themselves having

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: sex with him because he only like
he has

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: nothing but the helmet

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: in bed

[spinner]: and he says to the girl

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spinner]: he says i'm gonna wear my one
eyed helmet while you touch my one eyed

[spinner]: helmet

[cobra]: uh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: i'm goin award you no points for
that as well

[spinner]: come on

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: qualified

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: come on chris

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: touch my ole i man

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: until he spits on you

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: nope

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh my god

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: no

[spinner]: we

[spoopy_mans]: nope

[cobra]: nope

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: how did you

[cobra]: that's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: know

[cobra]: the name of the movie

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: how did you know now

[spoopy_mans]: moving on segueing

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: into something that is not talking about

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: at all never again

[cobra]: h

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: if

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: i got a new question here for
you i'm stealing this from one of

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: the podcast i like because i think
it's a good

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: question

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: if there's one oscar to give for
this movie where would it go to yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh most fucked up throat for michael
wincaugt as antlers host

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeh

[spoopy_mans]: i

[spinner]: wait

[spoopy_mans]: don't think that's an oscar category but

[spinner]: oh now who are you

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: me

[cobra]: made it up

[spinner]: who are you me that was like
me every

[spoopy_mans]: yeh

[spinner]: other fucking

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: time we talked about this

[spoopy_mans]: yeah i'm trying

[spinner]: best

[spoopy_mans]: to give you

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the

[cobra]: you want do you want a boring
answer i can give you

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: a boring

[spoopy_mans]: i want

[cobra]: answer

[spoopy_mans]: a real award

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: okay

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: best original

[cobra]: fine

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: screen

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: player

[spinner]: oh that's a good

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: one

[cobra]: that would be one our

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: best in synemotography

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: there

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: you have your

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: barry answer you're boring men

[spoopy_mans]: thank

[spinner]: i'll

[spoopy_mans]: you

[spinner]: i'll

[spoopy_mans]: i just

[spinner]: go for

[spoopy_mans]: agree

[spinner]: chris

[spoopy_mans]: on the

[spinner]: best

[spoopy_mans]: screen play

[spinner]: alien movie where the alien is actually

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: an animal who turns out to eat
people but digest them and ship on people

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: as an active

[spoopy_mans]: it

[spinner]: dominance

[spoopy_mans]: is but isn't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the student

[spoopy_mans]: an animal

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: has become the master

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: is it

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: an animal or is it

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: chist

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m yeah

[spoopy_mans]: society

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: has created and

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: made

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: him into

[spinner]: like frankenstein

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: lightning strike

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: you mean

[cobra]: so

[spoopy_mans]: frank

[cobra]: it's

[spoopy_mans]: and

[cobra]: not

[spoopy_mans]: stan's

[cobra]: a ship

[spoopy_mans]: monster

[cobra]: it's a quilt it's not a sheet
it's a quilt

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: um

[cobra]: then

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it's a tapestry

[cobra]: is that what you're saying

[spoopy_mans]: m it's uh yeah it's a quilt

[spinner]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: all the hardship that society is thrust

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: nature

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: damn

[cobra]: symbolism

[spinner]: it was from you i

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: learned this from you

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: uh uh oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh man

[spoopy_mans]: um

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: sleep country

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: canada

[spoopy_mans]: if

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: if keith david had to start

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: a podcast

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: k otis haywood senior

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: before

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: he dies obviously

[cobra]: hm

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: or in heaven

[cobra]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: your choice do at you want what
would the podcast be about

[cobra]: horses

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you're good

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: okay can

[spinner]: or

[spoopy_mans]: you

[cobra]: i yield my time

[spinner]: horses

[spoopy_mans]: like you want to you want to
interact in

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: this podcast

[spinner]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: or you just want to be an
ass hole

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yea

[spoopy_mans]: about it

[spinner]: horses and

[cobra]: i don't

[spinner]: horse

[cobra]: know

[spoopy_mans]: what about

[spinner]: related

[cobra]: i was

[spoopy_mans]: horses

[spinner]: accessories

[cobra]: trying to give you a good

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[cobra]: answer for the last question and you
wanted a boring

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yes

[cobra]: answer

[spoopy_mans]: this

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: i'm

[spoopy_mans]: is

[cobra]: assuming

[spoopy_mans]: i get

[cobra]: that's

[spoopy_mans]: to decide

[cobra]: them oh now

[spoopy_mans]: if answers are good or not and

[cobra]: fuck

[spoopy_mans]: that

[cobra]: you

[spoopy_mans]: one sucked

[spinner]: now i want a good one last
when i wanted a bad one

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: now look at me keep looking

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: at me all right

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: so i think i think the name
of the podcast would be you're good and

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: then that would like set the stage
for for

[cobra]: nice

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: for

[cobra]: nice

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a checking i think i hope i
hope it works out i think it'll be

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a good

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: look

[cobra]: i thought it was just going to
be like an hour and a half of

[cobra]: them going good

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: good

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: but like

[cobra]: good

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it's that time to check in like
when you're i suppose

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like when you think about the daily

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: of things right perhaps this

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: is this is odd seniors way of
having a

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: guest either in the neighborhood

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: come through and

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: share a bit of their life and

[spinner]: okay

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: they've going through some hardship and then
he doesn't say

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: anything and it's podcast so he sets
it up and then just like sits there

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: looking at them

[cobra]: my

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and this person

[spinner]: you're

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: spills

[spinner]: going

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: pills pills and at the very

[spinner]: hmm

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: fucking end there you go the whole
time he's

[spinner]: hm

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: just

[cobra]: ye

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: good

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: at the very end the person is

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i

[spoopy_mans]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: feel so much better than he's like
you good and

[spinner]: the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: then they

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: goes

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: get them and then they

[spinner]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: get the

[spinner]: am

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the

[spinner]: good

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: podcast and

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: that's how you give an

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: answer to a question on

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: this show luciano

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ah ye

[spinner]: loose

[cobra]: yeah right i remember

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: that

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i'm not

[cobra]: next

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: flexing

[cobra]: time you want a boring

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i'm

[cobra]: answer

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: not flexing i'm just

[cobra]: no it's not your fault it's matt

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: who's like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: has some sort of a mental problem

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: some sort of

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: please

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: i have all the mental problems

[spinner]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: have all i think his

[spoopy_mans]: all

[spinner]: podcast would

[spoopy_mans]: of

[spinner]: be called

[spoopy_mans]: them

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: the hidden heroes and it would be

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: about all the black people in hollywood

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: all

[spinner]: who

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: right

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: weren't

[cobra]: i see

[spinner]: who weren't acknowledged rot

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[cobra]: a history

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: i hit

[cobra]: sort of podcast

[spinner]: the black history of the film industry

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: nice

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i did that

[spinner]: it would all

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[spinner]: start

[cobra]: i still

[spinner]: with my

[cobra]: think

[spinner]: great

[cobra]: it would be

[spinner]: great

[cobra]: a baharsus

[spinner]: grandfather

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: the first man on

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: a horse not the first man on
a horse the first man on a horse

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: what's

[spinner]: on

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: film

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[cobra]: accent

[spinner]: yah h

[cobra]: what's

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[cobra]: that

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: accent

[spinner]: i do

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: not know

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: all right let's let's do spencer

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: favorite move on from whatever

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: this

[spinner]: please

[spoopy_mans]: is

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: no no no you must shackle him
to this you must imprison

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: him

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: in within

[cobra]: h

[spoopy_mans]: chris

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: this

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the crate

[spoopy_mans]: is a yes

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: he's

[spoopy_mans]: and space

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: this

[spoopy_mans]: not

[spinner]: is a tasteful

[spoopy_mans]: except

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: when you're luciano

[spinner]: impression

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: see

[cobra]: fuck you

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: see

[spinner]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: 's committed

[spoopy_mans]: hm oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: he's given consent to

[spoopy_mans]: we'll come back around

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: uh

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: to it let's get into the things
that really matter on this podcast

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: firstly

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: studio was dead set on making a

[cobra]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: sequel

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: what's it going

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: boy

[spoopy_mans]: to be about and before you start
training day has already been covered so your

[spoopy_mans]: gonna have to get another

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: damn it

[spoopy_mans]: sequel yeah

[spinner]: a

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: it's going

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: to be called you like

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: to get wet

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yes yes

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it starts off it starts off okay
i'm going to jump in

[spinner]: no no

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: starts

[spinner]: don't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: off with

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it starts off

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: sleep country canada manufacturing center they opened
up the truck and they pull out the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: last debris of whatever we're going to
call this

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: this alien shelly and

[spinner]: they call

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: they

[spinner]: it jean

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: start

[cobra]: its

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like

[spinner]: jacket

[cobra]: cliff

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh yes

[cobra]: it was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: think it was cliff

[cobra]: it was logan

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the cliff

[cobra]: jacket

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: g

[cobra]: ginger

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: jacket

[spinner]: in the movie

[cobra]: clclfginjacket

[spinner]: it's called jean jagget

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: cliff thank

[cobra]: gin

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you cliffjenjacket

[cobra]: jacket

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: um to start

[cobra]: oh no it's made of jean's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: flack it's denim

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it's datum

[cobra]: it's it's resistant

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: it didn't die

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and then out from the shadows walks
levi strauss c e o benjamin buckets mc

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: bucket and he comes in he's

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: what have you got there

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and then

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the co

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: of sleep country it's like this is
we laid claim to this you better get

[cobra]: a

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you better get

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and then they

[spoopy_mans]: get

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: pull

[cobra]: this is

[spoopy_mans]: out an

[cobra]: ours

[spoopy_mans]: out here

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: get on now now go now

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah now

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and then levi straus big straus bucket
straus and is like i see

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: how it is

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you're going to rue this day and
then he leaves and then the scientists come

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: out and then they're like we need
to test this have you seen the element

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the elements that that wait pulls up
the try quarter starts scanning the ship and

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it's like

[cobra]: try quarter

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that's right starts pulling up the track

[spinner]: this

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: starts scanning ship none of these element
on the periodic table what are we going

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: to do with this and then

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: sleep country canada c

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: e turns to me like go make
some overalls

[cobra]: mattresses

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and mattresses

[cobra]: over dungarees

[spoopy_mans]: you're gonna

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: tell you what we're going to do

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: what are

[spoopy_mans]: going

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: we going

[spoopy_mans]: to

[cobra]: gonna

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: to do

[cobra]: make

[spoopy_mans]: get

[cobra]: some

[spoopy_mans]: on

[cobra]: dungarees

[spoopy_mans]: out of here right

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: now

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: huh

[spoopy_mans]: oh and then

[spinner]: why

[spoopy_mans]: we

[spinner]: do

[spoopy_mans]: gonna

[spinner]: these

[spoopy_mans]: make

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: got

[spoopy_mans]: some

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a

[spinner]: guys

[spoopy_mans]: mattresses

[spinner]: why are

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: wee

[spinner]: these

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: some mattresses

[spinner]: why did the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the

[spinner]: guys

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: mattress

[spinner]: all sound like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and just

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: the podcaster from the last segment

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the mattress

[spinner]: keith

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: industry

[spinner]: david

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: nobody's seeing the

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: mattress industry be affected

[spinner]: my

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: by anyone with a vision and limitate

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: think

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it ain't

[spinner]: stone

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: gonna

[spinner]: called

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: be

[cobra]: ain't gonna be me

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it ain't goin

[spinner]: all me me i quit

[spinner]: that's the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: is actually a short

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: he

[spoopy_mans]: film

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: surprisingly

[spinner]: be

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: just cue

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: good

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: bye

[spoopy_mans]: so webisode

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: just

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: beyond me with the fork tine

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: burden baby

[spinner]: no one to have done this

[cobra]: he was like he's like

[spinner]: gonna be

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: me

[cobra]: do you want from me i'm just
i'm just a mattress boy i ain't i

[cobra]: ain't know an at this

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m oh cut to cut to

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: funk that was going

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: cut to

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: his

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: ah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: his bright eyed and bushy

[spinner]: ah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: tailed nephew

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: jedadia

[cobra]: nephew

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: who

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: covers up and

[cobra]: uh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: he's like

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: come

[cobra]: h

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: on come on

[spinner]: it's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: unc

[spinner]: going it's gonna be

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: me

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: let me let me take a crack
at it i've been waiting to do something

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: big with my life

[cobra]: it's too dangerous

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it

[cobra]: to dangerous now

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: listen

[cobra]: let's go back to doing mattresses

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and like then that's right uncle is
like just go back and do what i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: told you go in and count

[spinner]: and then

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: thread

[spinner]: and then the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and

[spinner]: kid

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: then

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the

[spinner]: says

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: car after

[spinner]: now the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a

[spinner]: kid

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: time

[spinner]: goes

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: nope

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: and he

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: does it

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and then he reactivates

[cobra]: i thought i thought that

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: go ahead

[cobra]: because i thought

[spoopy_mans]: m

[cobra]: the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: secret was going to be called yep

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: nope

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yep

[cobra]: yep

[spinner]: but would what would a good name
for the sequel be

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: other than yep

[cobra]: i just gave

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: you one

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: you can't be yep that's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: why not

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: what

[cobra]: oh yeah because no past actually

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i figured

[cobra]: is a very

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it

[cobra]: good

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: out

[cobra]: title for

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i

[cobra]: this

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: figured

[cobra]: one

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: out we didn't we didn't we didn't
close we didn't close the

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: loop so the nephew somehow finds a
way to re

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: activate the

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like the fabrics

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and makes it into a pair of
dungarees that he sir to wear but he's

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: not in control of his bodily motor

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: so it's like

[cobra]: these are my

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: these are my flame dungarees

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and so like

[spinner]: so

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the dungarees are like

[cobra]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: he's he's he's a trapped puppet in
dungeries and the dunkeries are running rampant

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: through

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the streets of wherever

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: killing people

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: and his

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: with

[spinner]: crutch

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: him

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: in it it's like

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: his

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a reverse

[cobra]: what's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yes

[cobra]: he and what's the name of the
o the secledhen

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: nope higher thread count

[spinner]: and his

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: crutch is like the face of the
alien like flashing

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah oh

[cobra]: oh gosh

[spoopy_mans]: wait so in a second is

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: he just murdering

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: people this penis

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a

[spoopy_mans]: that

[spinner]: with this

[spoopy_mans]: we just

[spinner]: phoenix

[spoopy_mans]: discovered

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: absorbing them in his into his crutch

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i'm sorry

[spoopy_mans]: just scratch

[spinner]: uh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: no

[cobra]: i didn't

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: i didn't know

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: no

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: i didn't know this disciclewas being made
by port

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: but i guess it is

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: spot brought to you by

[spinner]: h

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: uh

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: all right so that's

[cobra]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: one vehicle that

[cobra]: h

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: h

[spoopy_mans]: i think

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: should have stopped

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: when lucian cut it off but we

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: anyways

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: all right

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i just want to close the loop

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: but i think we did it

[spoopy_mans]: i

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh we

[spinner]: we

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: did

[spinner]: just

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it

[spinner]: we did something i

[cobra]: something

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: happened

[spoopy_mans]: we had other other sequels we could
we could

[spinner]: i think

[spoopy_mans]: do

[spinner]: the obvious

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the obvious

[spinner]: the most obvious that

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: came out so naturally

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: run with it

[spinner]: and so

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: safe

[spinner]: wrong

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: space safe space

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[spinner]: the obvious

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: idea would be

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spinner]: to

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: you now have the alien

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: like we said before there's it's one
of many

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: and you know

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: and then they'll

[cobra]: the alien aliens route

[spinner]: yeah and then they're like oh there's
more and they need to get the expert

[spinner]: on how to how to deal with

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: aliens so they talk to o j

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spinner]: m and they're like we need you

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spinner]: we need you to tame

[cobra]: ye

[spinner]: these based

[spoopy_mans]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[cobra]: yah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: and then they

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: say m

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: i ain't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: they say

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: nope

[spinner]: ain't in it for this yeah i
ain't in it you can't team these bases

[spinner]: you can only

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spinner]: make a deal with them

[spoopy_mans]: m

[spinner]: and they say what does

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: that mean and then there's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it's

[spinner]: another

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: called holly mendel

[spinner]: then all of a udnthre's a another

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: ape murder right

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: what

[spinner]: another ape murder

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: another ape

[spinner]: because

[cobra]: ape

[spinner]: we

[cobra]: murder

[spinner]: got to retread the same things

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: only this time

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: it's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spinner]: more apes

[cobra]: ah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yes

[spinner]: see whar i'm going with this

[cobra]: and

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: uh

[cobra]: more people

[spinner]: it's just

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: bigger

[cobra]: and more people

[spinner]: it's the same movie just bigger

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah uh

[spinner]: so there's five

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: h

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: apes killing

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: five hundred

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: h yeah

[spinner]: people

[spoopy_mans]: i thought you re going to go
for like

[cobra]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: a dragon's den deal where they like
m and angel and o j and like

[spoopy_mans]: ghost of

[cobra]: the

[spoopy_mans]: keith

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: ghost

[spoopy_mans]: david

[cobra]: of antlers yeah

[spoopy_mans]: are

[cobra]: the ghost of kit david

[spoopy_mans]: are sitting in a

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: room and like they're like negotiating with
the the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: dragons

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: dragons no they're

[spinner]: and

[spoopy_mans]: negotiating with

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you said dragons ten or shark tank

[spoopy_mans]: sheep people well either one

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the

[spoopy_mans]: can

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: sheet

[spinner]: what

[spoopy_mans]: send

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: people

[spoopy_mans]: shark tankthey're

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: got you

[spoopy_mans]: all the same but they're

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yea

[spoopy_mans]: negotiating with the sheep people like different
ways to calm them from

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: their baby child

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: sweet

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: lil baby child

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: being killed

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: in the area

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: h

[cobra]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: so young

[cobra]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: oh so innocent

[cobra]: what's

[spinner]: mah

[cobra]: the name of that

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: sequel

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: nope

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: hnope's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you said yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: plural

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you said yeah

[cobra]: okay maybe

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you say

[cobra]: maybe

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: do you say we waitwhaitwhat do you
say matt

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i didn't catch yours was it my

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: uh

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: okay i like it like

[spinner]: it is called a

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: no i'm good

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah i'm

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: right

[spinner]: good and yeah they

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: okay

[spinner]: have to

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: i don't know if this movie really

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: for setting up a sequel though realistically

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: when has that

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: ever stopped us

[spinner]: that's true so then they have to

[spoopy_mans]: pre

[spinner]: have

[spoopy_mans]: quell

[spinner]: to

[spoopy_mans]: it

[cobra]: ah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: train

[spoopy_mans]: hey

[spinner]: the apes

[spoopy_mans]: pre quell it

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: set yourself up precol sir

[spinner]: that's that

[cobra]: yeahpettycool

[spinner]: would work better

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: so this thing has been around for
hundreds of years and it's what

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: m

[spinner]: killed j f k

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ship

[spinner]: the year is nineteen

[spoopy_mans]: it's

[spinner]: sixty

[spoopy_mans]: that's

[spinner]: five

[spoopy_mans]: that's the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: magic bullet

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: just spat up like six bullets at

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: same time and

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: they hit

[spinner]: exactly

[spoopy_mans]: and the car

[spinner]: it's all coming together so it turns
out that

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: all the presidents have been alive this
entire time

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: uh h

[spinner]: only

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: an alien

[spoopy_mans]: inside

[spinner]: could defeat them no

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hello

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i'm abe lincoln

[cobra]: turns out it wasn't

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: it wasn't actually

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: a shot that killed j f k
was his tie that killed him

[spinner]: what

[cobra]: it leaped and killed

[spoopy_mans]: m

[cobra]: him because he was part of the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: so

[spinner]: to

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it

[spinner]: move

[cobra]: the tie

[spinner]: to have luciano stricken

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: from the record what he just said

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: just

[spoopy_mans]: sustained

[spinner]: thank you thank you

[cobra]: suck all of you

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: doom your

[spinner]: overruled

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: honor i

[spinner]: i'll

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: have

[spinner]: allow it

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: fresh evidence

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: i'll allow it yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: please you are the man approach the

[spinner]: no the prequel

[spoopy_mans]: you may not

[spinner]: is the prequels area

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: fifty one and

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i did

[spinner]: are

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: my

[spinner]: fifty

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: best

[spinner]: one

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: is another alien

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: that

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: is

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: eh

[spinner]: a beast they have it in

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ship

[spoopy_mans]: yah

[spinner]: and you know

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: imprisoned

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: yes and

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: this is this

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: is the pre quill is that this
cloth ship is left over from independent

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: day

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: when they blew up all

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: the ships and they crashed this is
like the baby form of those ships the

[spinner]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: high ships

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: they started as

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: a cloth ship and then when they
get big and strong

[cobra]: and they

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: they evolve

[spoopy_mans]: they evolve

[cobra]: they evolve

[spoopy_mans]: into

[cobra]: they learn to use other materials

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: he goes into a lather ship and
then he goes into a metal

[spoopy_mans]: maybe

[cobra]: ship

[spoopy_mans]: like a chain mail

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: you know

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: and that eventually goes into like plate

[spinner]: then like

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: then like

[cobra]: of course

[spinner]: the

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: plastic a strong you know

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: polly

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: propoline

[cobra]: the

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: last version

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: is like a mythroship

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: basically um and so yeah i

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: got left behind um when america is
saved to day

[cobra]: welcome

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: to earth

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: h m

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: all right my idea was bad okay

[spoopy_mans]: correct sustained

[cobra]: no no

[spoopy_mans]: you sure

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: all right let's talk about some more
bad ideas script

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: script doctoring might be

[cobra]: say

[spoopy_mans]: hard

[cobra]: do

[spoopy_mans]: this might be the best script we've
dealt with

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: it's very tight

[spoopy_mans]: script

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: doctor

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: how like i mean the goal here
is to take this from the epic or

[cobra]: ye

[spoopy_mans]: uncommon area we've sloughed in and try
to get it to to legendary so what

[spoopy_mans]: what

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: could we do that would get us

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: like just generically speaking i think you
needed to be scarier

[spinner]: that's exactly

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: what i was going to say

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: liar

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: shut up

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: no

[spoopy_mans]: sustained

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: uh yeah i think this movie is
pretty tight

[cobra]: i'm just trying to think how

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i have an idea i think

[cobra]: go for it

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the i think we might have to
chop chop the at least trunk cape sorry

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: on kate the opening scene where they
try to

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: go on set to shoot the commercial
hey'regonnahave to tighten that up less banter with

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: some of the the actors and so
on and like that i guess like the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: weight of tension between m and o
j they're goin to have to like either

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: extract like that across the movie and
not give so many scenes especially with like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the home scene where like it's just
the two of them and love those scenes

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: but if we're going to build in
more more fear

[spinner]: ye

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like the monster is going to have

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: start terrorizing whether we know it or
not directly it's gonna ave to start terrorizing

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a lot earlier and maybe the monster
needs a bit

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: of a level up maybe

[spinner]: well

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it has tentacles something like that so
that it can actually start

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: messing with their their environment physically

[cobra]: i don't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: as opposed to

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the debris aspect

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you know ha i'm saying or like

[cobra]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: trying

[cobra]: think

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: to suck

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: them up

[cobra]: i could he could use like instead
of like unfolding

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: like it does completely

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: and then maybe he can just the
monster can just unfold parts of it and

[cobra]: then that would like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: could use it as appendages or whatever
but i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: was going to

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: say i think i think they showed
the monster too early like i would rather

[cobra]: only see it at the very end

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: or not even see it entirely

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: just get ike the scenes

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: where like people

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: are inside like being chewed on

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the

[cobra]: and

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: clover

[cobra]: that kind of

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: field

[cobra]: stuff

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: approach a bit

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: yeah exactly

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: um

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: m and it could be like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: could like mass up the environment more
you know

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it seemed

[cobra]: like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: very localized like just like very laser
focused on like the horse or the people

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and like

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: but it wasn't it

[cobra]: because

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: didn't

[cobra]: i think

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: go ahead go ahead

[cobra]: i was just going to say like
the moment you see what it is kind

[cobra]: of like the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: the scary factor kind of goes away
a little bit

[spoopy_mans]: well

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: which is good

[spoopy_mans]: it doesn't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: for me

[spoopy_mans]: help

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: but

[spoopy_mans]: that it's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: go

[spoopy_mans]: like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: head

[spoopy_mans]: it looks like a u f o
but it ends

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: right

[spoopy_mans]: up being like silk

[spinner]: ye

[spoopy_mans]: pajama

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: cool

[spoopy_mans]: monster

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: right like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: like even though people are geting sucked
up inside of it like if you don't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: thank

[spoopy_mans]: have

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you

[spoopy_mans]: closer phobia you really that

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: like it doesn't it's not scary right
like it's scary in the sense

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: that you got sucked up by it
but it's like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: you're not like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: it's carrier

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: like in your

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ah

[cobra]: head than in what actually looks sorry
but actually it actually

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: shows

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: right so that's why i wanted to
keep it like

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: keeping the unknown like our magination is
much better than whatever they can put on

[cobra]: the screen

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: if

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: you you know if you show if

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: know do the scenes with the sound
but even added some more

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: like crunching

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: sounds and ship like that and like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: leg falls off like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: a little bit more gore maybe

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i would also add

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: on

[cobra]: yes

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the time of day i found like
the shots during

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the day especially like with the exception
of the cloud wait

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a minute with with the help of
angel with the help of him identifying that

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: thing has been there for ex amount
of time and then it was just like

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that's cool but i think if

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: we were to strip

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: out a lot of the time shots

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it moving around and reserve it reserve
that reveal for

[spinner]: a

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the final kind of the final battle
or even like again to your point i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: know of not showing as much of
it as possible

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: perhaps to the well shot when it's
like fully whatever someone gets footage

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: then it's towards

[cobra]: that

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the

[cobra]: would

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: end

[cobra]: be cool

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: because the

[cobra]: like you only really see it clearly
when she actually manages to take the picture

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that

[cobra]: that would be the first and the
last time you

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: there's

[cobra]: see it

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that

[cobra]: that would be cool

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: end i think if we remove as
much daytime action as possible it would open

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: up a

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: nighttime terror that's i

[cobra]: you

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: want

[cobra]: know

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: to switch

[cobra]: what i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it

[cobra]: think would help as well

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: because i really like the idea

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: of us

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: like seeing only like they see

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: it but we don't see it

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: right

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: and then i think it would be
good if it wasn't so like abstract like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: its shape if it was like in
a scary or shape of some sort

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: like less less like a

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: less like silk dungarees

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: more like you know i don't know
like a beholder or like a kind of

[cobra]: thing

[spinner]: like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: go go really old rich horror

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: rather

[spoopy_mans]: yes

[cobra]: than just like a sipi alien kind
of thing

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i think that would be good to
make its carrier

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: i would

[cobra]: and and even maybe

[spinner]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: i would challenge

[cobra]: ahead

[spoopy_mans]: challenge

[cobra]: mat

[spoopy_mans]: making it scarier

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: because part

[cobra]: m

[spoopy_mans]: of the the angles movie isn't to

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ye

[spoopy_mans]: like gothic horror scare

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: you as to like scary with something
that could be theoretically real and so part

[spoopy_mans]: of the advantage being a u f
o was like people

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: see those all the time right and

[cobra]: fair enough yeah

[spoopy_mans]: you just i think

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: you just need to make that creepy
or somehow like

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: it lands or like

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: it comes down and like doesn't just
pick you up and tries to throw you

[spoopy_mans]: around or like it plays with it
o kind of

[cobra]: or

[spoopy_mans]: thing

[cobra]: maybe even like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: keep it

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: sort of abstract in shape but make
the shapes a little bit more creepy

[spoopy_mans]: sure it's darker

[cobra]: make it slimy or yeah

[spoopy_mans]: it's got

[cobra]: something like that

[spoopy_mans]: lights

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: on it or something

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: or like

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: or like it cast

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: gets translucent

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: or something like

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: that yeah

[spinner]: what

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: if

[cobra]: yeah that makes

[spinner]: what

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: if

[cobra]: sense

[spinner]: at night it like would become its
shape that was like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: all trippy but like on the ground
and people would see it in the corner

[spinner]: of their eyes and the d think
it was like aliens because it looks like

[spinner]: all weird that as actually just the
ship like in that form on the ground

[spinner]: killing

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: people because i feel like that would
make it

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: have more scares because like it only
being in the sky somehow takes away

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: a level of fear because

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: you're like you know you're safe when

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah right

[spinner]: kind of indoors

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: exactly which was kind of a saving

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: grace like ohojislike underneath it knocked him
out from the like all that turbulence and

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like cyclone

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ship but the same was true when
they were in the house

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and then it was being blood rained
on i thought

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the creature was going to try and
tear the roof off and

[cobra]: so did

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and why

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: did it not i guess

[spinner]: also

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it was just the

[cobra]: because

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: dominant

[cobra]: i don't think

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: aspect

[cobra]: he could

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and that's

[spinner]: why didn't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: fine too a

[spinner]: and i ask one thing that bought
me why did they both just not look

[spinner]: at it at the end

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: was it

[cobra]: why

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a good question

[cobra]: they did not

[spinner]: why did they just both

[spoopy_mans]: i think

[spinner]: like

[spoopy_mans]: that

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: video

[spoopy_mans]: comes

[spinner]: not look

[spoopy_mans]: back

[spinner]: at it

[spoopy_mans]: to that comes back to like you
know punchin the mouth can thing are like

[spoopy_mans]: coming to an agreement you have to
like scare it and so not looking at

[spoopy_mans]: it wouldn't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: make it go away right the whole
purpose was

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: to get

[cobra]: and

[spoopy_mans]: rid of

[cobra]: and

[spoopy_mans]: it

[cobra]: o j like not taking his eyes
off of it while he like was like

[cobra]: moving slowly backwards that was also like
saying i'm not going to bow down that's

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: why that's why i read it anyway

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: it was like making a taking a
stand against the predator

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: the preditor

[cobra]: rather than being scared of it

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: but

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i would have liked

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: it if in the movie

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: one of the main characters

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: got sucked up by the ship and
like destroyed it from the inside i would

[spinner]: have liked to see more

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: of the inside

[spoopy_mans]: ye

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m i was thinking about a grenade
for some reason before we started like getting

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ready to talk about this i'm like

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: what would it have been like if
like antlers whole tad something like

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you thought you had me all right

[spoopy_mans]: as

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ye

[spoopy_mans]: the

[cobra]: yeah like you went like suicide bomber
in there

[spinner]: i think antlers

[spoopy_mans]: the

[spinner]: himself is like just gave it cancer

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: he's like

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: probably

[spinner]: can't eat

[spoopy_mans]: i

[spinner]: this

[spoopy_mans]: don't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: eventually

[spoopy_mans]: i don't dislike

[cobra]: can you imagine like that scene where
he sucks it in and like there's like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: this dead

[spoopy_mans]: m oh

[cobra]: silence and he

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: spits it out nope

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: i don't want you

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: he

[spinner]: or you eat some of these like

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: six to eight years you're

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: gonna have luke

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: kids or your fuck

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: m m ah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah i i don't think the created

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: because it's too big like it sucks

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: up like thirty people and stuffs them

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: like sausage casings i guess i don't
know but like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: huh

[spoopy_mans]: one grenade would just be like oh
i got

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: there there is a bone in my

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: that's annoying

[cobra]: yeah it would be like cart burn

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: she

[spinner]: i would

[spoopy_mans]: got

[spinner]: have

[spoopy_mans]: to

[spinner]: liked

[spoopy_mans]: send

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: i

[spoopy_mans]: like

[spinner]: would have liked to see the inside
though more like imagine at the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ye

[spinner]: end he gets eaten and then he
has like a knife and he

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: no

[spinner]: cuts through that membrane

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: and then

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: goes inside

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: and i don't know trip more cool

[spoopy_mans]: well then

[spinner]: shit

[spoopy_mans]: it can't be it can't just be
like a

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: silk jam of bottom

[spinner]: maybe

[spoopy_mans]: i

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: it

[spoopy_mans]: like

[spinner]: shouldn't

[spoopy_mans]: you need to

[spinner]: be

[spoopy_mans]: it needs to be fleshy

[cobra]: it was

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: it was very weird because like when
it does show inside the little bits we

[cobra]: get to see it looks more like
plastic or rubbery

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ye

[cobra]: than you know sheets of like

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: fabric

[spoopy_mans]: still doesn't look meaty

[cobra]: so

[spoopy_mans]: or like dangerous

[spinner]: it looks

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: right

[cobra]: yea

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like

[spinner]: looks

[cobra]: yea

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it

[spinner]: very

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: didn't

[spinner]: wet

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: have enough

[cobra]: that's what i'm saying

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like

[cobra]: he

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a

[cobra]: needed

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: carnevor

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: i think you needed to be more

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: inside like

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: slimy and like maybe you

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: corpore

[cobra]: have teeth inside

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: more corporeal

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: or something like that

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: in a way

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: more

[spoopy_mans]: other people

[cobra]: like

[spoopy_mans]: like like bles and pieces of things
like got caught in his teeth to kind

[spoopy_mans]: of

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: deal

[cobra]: yeah exactly

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: so

[spinner]: like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a

[spinner]: the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: bit

[spinner]: blab

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: dank

[cobra]: like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and

[cobra]: maybe

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: so

[cobra]: the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it

[cobra]: maybe consumed

[spoopy_mans]: yes

[cobra]: maybe it consumed like

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: their flash

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: and the bones were still around there

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: so people that get in get crunched
by other people's bones like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: that like that

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: take that fabric land

[spinner]: yea

[cobra]: this is what

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: you get for messing with sleep

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: uh

[cobra]: country

[spinner]: this what

[cobra]: canada

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: h

[spinner]: happened when you mess

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: h

[spinner]: with nature of sheets

[cobra]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: kay

[cobra]: h oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: h oh

[spinner]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: paper

[spinner]: think

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: cut

[spinner]: i mean this it is

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: hard to script a this

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: but it's

[cobra]: hard it's hard

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: to script doctor

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: the thing is like i said the

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: problem in the movie i found in
staid the scariest parts were not with the

[spinner]: main

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: creature like i didn't find the main

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: itself scary

[cobra]: yeah cut that all off i think

[spinner]: but it was also

[spoopy_mans]: well

[spinner]: like my favorite

[spoopy_mans]: the

[spinner]: part

[spoopy_mans]: problem

[spinner]: of the movie

[spoopy_mans]: is well

[cobra]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: so this this is the rub of
the movie right the rub of the movie

[spoopy_mans]: isn't to be a horror movie the
rub of the movies to stay stay the

[spoopy_mans]: un away from nature because the

[spinner]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: idea of the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: creature is this like majestic beast like
it's not scary like when you see it

[spoopy_mans]: up close

[spinner]: a

[spoopy_mans]: it's very pretty and it does that
little like mating dance

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: to

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: eat you and so like by the
by the saying that this is just this

[spoopy_mans]: is like a piece of nature like
a cat or

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: a sn or a horse

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: you're

[cobra]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: supposed to like

[cobra]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: the way it looks

[cobra]: pillow

[spoopy_mans]: pillow

[cobra]: case

[spoopy_mans]: case

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: you're sposed to like the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: way works

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: and understand that like this creature didn't
specifically mean any harm it's just looking

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: for food and then some clown try
to train him right

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: so

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: like

[cobra]: yeah i tried

[spoopy_mans]: you're you're

[cobra]: try to team

[spoopy_mans]: if

[cobra]: it

[spoopy_mans]: you want

[cobra]: right

[spoopy_mans]: to make a horror film then the
preditor has to go from being this animal

[spoopy_mans]: that someone shouldn't have tamed to

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: like an alien

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: staff editor were

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: like it kills for sport

[spinner]: can you imagine if

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: jordan pele

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: just made a

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: regular

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: alien movie like where those aliens were

[spoopy_mans]: i

[spinner]: like

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: kidnapping people and

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: murdering them graphically

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: and it

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: was just like a straight up alien
horror i feel like it cold have been

[spinner]: so intense with how he made those
aliens that were actually kids

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: seen

[cobra]: ye

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m m

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: obviously it's a different movie

[spoopy_mans]: a

[spinner]: but

[spoopy_mans]: good sign

[cobra]: may

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah like signs but well made

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like

[spinner]: like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it

[spinner]: and scary

[cobra]: eh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: signs but

[spinner]: science

[cobra]: good

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: is not that bad you guys are

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it's

[cobra]: it's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: very

[cobra]: terrible

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it's

[cobra]: it's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hilarious

[cobra]: awful it's

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: ship

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it was a rollicking

[spoopy_mans]: spence

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: spencer

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: good time

[cobra]: it really is

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: hilarious

[spoopy_mans]: i would indulge

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: you for two and a half minutes

[spinner]: all right

[spoopy_mans]: why

[spinner]: let's

[spoopy_mans]: is

[spinner]: go

[spoopy_mans]: signs not that bad

[spinner]: well

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ah

[spinner]: it has great tension

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: building for some great scenes that are
actually very intense like on there in the

[spinner]: corn field and when

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: they're like chasing them and

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: it's like goes on the roof you
don't know where it is but

[spoopy_mans]: yep

[spinner]: the alien scenes are great they think
at the end with like

[spoopy_mans]: yep

[spinner]: the general story that the mom for
some reason gave them information that was able

[spinner]: to kill aliens

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: that i don't

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: really whatever i'm kind of whatever about
but the movie is not that bad

[spoopy_mans]: all the stuff about walking phoenix's character
where like he was a

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: baseball player but he can only hit
home runs or

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: something

[spinner]: swim away

[spoopy_mans]: and like the daughter left

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: water cups around and the aliens

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: were scared of water

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: but they came to a funk plant
is like how many percentages of water

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: thank you

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: seventy

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: thank

[cobra]: per

[spoopy_mans]: seventy

[cobra]: cent

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you

[spoopy_mans]: per cent of water like

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: thank

[spoopy_mans]: come on

[spinner]: whatever

[spoopy_mans]: man

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you

[spoopy_mans]: like you can't just fucking make it
orange juice for all i care but it

[spoopy_mans]: can't just be straight water

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: well

[cobra]: this is like war of the worlds

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: they're like

[spoopy_mans]: m

[cobra]: the aliens are super powerful but

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: like the flue kills them

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: but like at least in

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: war the world's creatures didn't know the
flue existed

[cobra]: fair

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: maybe

[spoopy_mans]: this

[spinner]: they didn't know water

[cobra]: that's

[spoopy_mans]: may

[cobra]: true

[spoopy_mans]: be

[spinner]: existed

[spoopy_mans]: like

[cobra]: you can't

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: see the flue from outer space you

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: you can't you can't see the flue
from outer space

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: water

[spoopy_mans]: they'll be like

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: hey

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: hey lord

[spinner]: o

[spoopy_mans]: raygan

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: it looks like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: s

[spoopy_mans]: the planets

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: full o the flu

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m silence

[spoopy_mans]: should we go okay

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: silence

[spoopy_mans]: we're going we're going let's go that's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: load

[spinner]: listen

[spoopy_mans]: fine

[spinner]: they weren't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: load

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: aliens

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the

[cobra]: yah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: space wagons

[cobra]: yah

[spinner]: they weren't aliens they were demons

[spoopy_mans]: yep

[spinner]: and

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: that water was holy water he was
a priest

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: movie you're talking about now

[spinner]: signs

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: h m

[spinner]: just

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: h

[spinner]: look

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: just look into it

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: h

[spinner]: man i'm

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: just saying look into it

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: brought

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: to you

[cobra]: isn't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: by

[cobra]: there

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: kenneth

[cobra]: isn't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: copeland

[cobra]: there a movie

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: or like

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: a series

[spoopy_mans]: m

[cobra]: where

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and

[cobra]: the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: benny

[cobra]: aliens

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hen

[cobra]: are

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: like salt water is like acid to
them its super cheesy

[spoopy_mans]: is that an alien nation

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: something

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: like that yeah yeah

[spinner]: it's called

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: and they have two hearts you have
to pierce both of them

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: to kill them yeah

[spinner]: sounds

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: t

[spinner]: amazing

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: v

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: show you're talking

[cobra]: this

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: about

[cobra]: is the level this movie is in
sheet eighties or nineties

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ye

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: we should

[cobra]: under

[spinner]: we

[cobra]: budget

[spinner]: should all watch science

[cobra]: t v

[spinner]: again

[cobra]: series

[spinner]: guys

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: is the same level no no

[spoopy_mans]: that's all

[spinner]: science

[cobra]: nope

[spoopy_mans]: the time

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: we have for today

[spinner]: is eighty percent good with a bad
ending but yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: according to who

[spinner]: you

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: that movie was sucking sick when you
en when i first saw

[cobra]: spencer's

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: butt

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: answer

[cobra]: crack

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the question you are under oath

[spinner]: no

[spoopy_mans]: hey

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: let's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: but

[spoopy_mans]: let's let's all look at i'll look
up ruin tomato and you'll guess at what

[spoopy_mans]: it actually is

[spinner]: okay

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i was about to do it too
okay so

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: i'll bet

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: signs

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: you rob tomatoes is at least

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: go

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: seventy two on rotten tomatoes

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: science gave it a thirty per cent

[cobra]: i'm going to say twenty percent from
the critics and maybe like fifty per cent

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: from the audience

[spinner]: i'm goin

[spoopy_mans]: so

[spinner]: to

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: okay

[spinner]: say

[spoopy_mans]: well for the audience

[spinner]: seventy two from the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: audience

[cobra]: fifty

[spinner]: sixty five from the critics

[spoopy_mans]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh thirty percent critics four audience

[spinner]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: okay i'm gonna go

[cobra]: four

[spoopy_mans]: critics forty

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: five

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: audience

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah yeah

[spoopy_mans]: forty three

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spinner]: come on come

[cobra]: because

[spinner]: n

[cobra]: you looked

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: i'm looking now

[spinner]: come on show me

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: that sweet

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: come on

[spinner]: sweet

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: seven

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: money

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: come on seven

[spinner]: guys i'm putting ten thousand dollars on

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: with any takers

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: what

[spinner]: mhmhmm

[cobra]: oh no we're back to

[spoopy_mans]: so

[cobra]: this he stopped with n

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: h

[cobra]: f ts now he has money to

[spoopy_mans]: rotten tomatoes

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spoopy_mans]: certified fresh seventy five per cent

[spinner]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you

[spoopy_mans]: with an audience score of sixty seven

[spinner]: come on

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: wow

[cobra]: that is oh

[spinner]: you

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: wow

[spinner]: fucking guys

[cobra]: that is

[spinner]: are haters

[cobra]: bullshit

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: wow

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: when did

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: wow

[spinner]: i say

[cobra]: bullshit

[spinner]: i said

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: wow

[spinner]: seventy two per cent

[cobra]: i'm going to say this

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: i'm going to

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: say

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: this rudin

[spinner]: just

[cobra]: tomatoes

[spinner]: say this

[cobra]: you're

[spinner]: no no

[cobra]: wrong

[spinner]: just say this for me

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: i luciano

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: as usual am wrong

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: m

[cobra]: i luciano as

[spinner]: our wrong

[cobra]: usual

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: am right

[spinner]: exactly

[cobra]: there

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: chris and matt you do the same

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: okay

[spinner]: say luciano sat

[spoopy_mans]: i decline

[spinner]: say you're mad and chris

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i

[spoopy_mans]: i'm good

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: luciano recognized that spencer

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: is wrong

[spinner]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: luciano

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: am a

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: symbol of the patriarchy

[cobra]: i chris do as well

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: and i do b

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: lucian

[spinner]: c p

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: when did you

[spinner]: because

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: start

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: sounding are you using a vocalizer you
sound a lot like spencer

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: i luciano

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: to get wet and spoke b c

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: luciano

[spoopy_mans]: my favorite

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: part

[cobra]: that's that

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: part's

[cobra]: true

[spoopy_mans]: my fair

[spinner]: true

[spoopy_mans]: part

[cobra]: that

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: right

[cobra]: part

[spoopy_mans]: about

[cobra]: is true

[spoopy_mans]: running tomatoes is like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: there

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: are still reviews being logged against science

[spinner]: listen

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: good

[spoopy_mans]: somebody

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: because

[spoopy_mans]: somebody

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it's

[spoopy_mans]: gave

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the truth

[spoopy_mans]: it a five out of five in
august fourth twenty twenty two

[spinner]: it was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: me

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: my god yeah

[cobra]: no

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it was you

[cobra]: no no

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: no no

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: what

[spinner]: was

[cobra]: no

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: was

[cobra]: no no

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: it the person who gave it a
five out

[cobra]: this

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: of five

[cobra]: is

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: what

[cobra]: dumb

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: was their handle name

[spinner]: at

[spoopy_mans]: well

[spinner]: spencer

[spoopy_mans]: it

[spinner]: love signs

[spoopy_mans]: listen

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: i'm not making this up but their
name is horrigay loser yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the circle is complete

[spinner]: we're or

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: now that's

[spinner]: gay

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: podcasting

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i had no idea that was going

[cobra]: ten

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: to happen

[cobra]: out of ten

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: out of ten no

[spoopy_mans]: h yeah

[cobra]: no no notes

[spinner]: shout

[cobra]: ten out

[spinner]: out

[cobra]: of

[spinner]: or

[cobra]: ten

[spinner]: gay loser

[cobra]: no notes

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[spinner]: shout it to you

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yo yeah

[spinner]: i wish we were all

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: as smart as poor

[spoopy_mans]: h

[spinner]: gay loser

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: the

[cobra]: ye

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: only this i knew

[cobra]: i

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i knew someone who gave it a
five out at five was a cracking good

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: time

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and thank you internet for that

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: gosh darn it

[spinner]: looks like i was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: ready again moving on

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: right about being

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: wrong

[spoopy_mans]: and

[spinner]: moving

[spoopy_mans]: got him

[spinner]: on

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: well that's

[cobra]: movies

[spoopy_mans]: it we're

[cobra]: so

[spoopy_mans]: done

[cobra]: ship

[spoopy_mans]: this is this is actually

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: all the time we have today we've
come to the end of talking about nope

[spoopy_mans]: interesting movie not

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: as shitaball

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: on as we'd like we'd like to

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: in the movies

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: we watch

[cobra]: not very

[spinner]: can

[cobra]: halloween

[spinner]: i ask one question

[cobra]: either

[spinner]: before we all leave yeah

[spoopy_mans]: um m

[cobra]: yes you're

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: wrong

[spinner]: scale of

[cobra]: moving

[spinner]: ninety

[cobra]: on

[spinner]: nine to a hundred how good is
science no that's not my question

[spoopy_mans]: hm

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: negative ninety

[spinner]: my

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: nine

[spinner]: question is what was the deal with
the shoe during the ape murder

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: i just

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: want to know

[cobra]: was

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: what

[cobra]: the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: your

[cobra]: deal with

[spinner]: thought

[cobra]: the shoe being

[spinner]: what's your thoughts

[cobra]: that's true

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: i thought it was going

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: to have some bearing

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: on

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: something and it has had no bearing

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: anything

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: if

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: i was just to look at it

[cobra]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: i don't know if i was trying

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: to attach symbolism i could only get
some sort of jesus holy ship tied up

[spoopy_mans]: into it because i like a miracle

[spinner]: yah

[spoopy_mans]: but even then it feels like i'm
stretch way too

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: far to make that happen

[spinner]: chris

[cobra]: yeah you're gonna hurt your

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: back

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: stretching that far

[spoopy_mans]: it's

[spinner]: and it

[spoopy_mans]: just no whether religious sign

[spinner]: why

[spoopy_mans]: that i

[spinner]: why

[spoopy_mans]: saw

[spinner]: do

[spoopy_mans]: in

[spinner]: you

[spoopy_mans]: the

[spinner]: think

[spoopy_mans]: movie

[spinner]: it's religious

[spoopy_mans]: last i miss the whole bunch

[cobra]: what else would it be

[spinner]: i think it was just like

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: a symbol

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: of a bad miracle like

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: because that's a theme of the movie

[cobra]: oh like he says

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: exactly

[cobra]: why do you call a

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: bad miracle okay

[spinner]: so it's like that was an example
of a bad something

[spoopy_mans]: my

[spinner]: crazy happening

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: during

[spoopy_mans]: the

[spinner]: a bad

[spoopy_mans]: shoe

[spinner]: time

[spoopy_mans]: though

[spinner]: yeah also

[spoopy_mans]: what's the shoe got to do

[cobra]: i

[spoopy_mans]: with

[cobra]: was

[spoopy_mans]: a bad

[cobra]: expecting

[spoopy_mans]: miracle

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: whole movie to see

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: okay

[cobra]: the whole monkey thing being tied to

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: creature but it wasn't

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: really

[spoopy_mans]: well it's

[spinner]: i

[spoopy_mans]: just the idea that like creatures who
are nice

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: and

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: kind can be pushed

[cobra]: i can't

[spinner]: can't

[cobra]: eat

[spinner]: be

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[cobra]: your

[spinner]: trusted

[cobra]: face

[spoopy_mans]: well

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: and also i think that

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: somebody said this isn't my noticing i
read this that him looking at that shoe

[spinner]: was for the reason the ape

[cobra]: of

[spinner]: didn't

[cobra]: course

[spinner]: kill

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: him because he wasn't making i count
that because he was looking at that shoe

[spinner]: standing weirdly

[spoopy_mans]: this

[spinner]: and

[spoopy_mans]: is where

[spinner]: also the also when

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: the ape saw him it was through

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: they didn't actually make eyecounts because he
was looking at him through the sheet

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[spoopy_mans]: so

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: ye they were they were hammering

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[cobra]: on the whole context

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: thing

[spoopy_mans]: sheet

[cobra]: you're right

[spoopy_mans]: thing i'm going to give

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: you

[spinner]: the shoe thing

[spoopy_mans]: the shoe thing

[cobra]: the shoe no

[spoopy_mans]: like

[cobra]: dumb

[spoopy_mans]: i like the thing it symbolism is
very similar to like putting easter eggs and

[spoopy_mans]: things into movie for nostalgic factors

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: is like

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: it can work

[spinner]: i

[spoopy_mans]: but you

[cobra]: m

[spoopy_mans]: got to be sure people are going
to get it

[spinner]: that

[spoopy_mans]: as if

[spinner]: one i didn't

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: really get it all

[spoopy_mans]: people don't

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: get it yo're just like what the
fuck up er the shoe right

[spinner]: even people like

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: because i looked up specifically like what
is that shoe and nobody had a good

[spinner]: answer

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[spinner]: the best

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: answer was it was example of a
bad miracle

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: and i still don't really

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: understand that because

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: it just seemed like the shoe was

[spoopy_mans]: if

[spinner]: balancing

[spoopy_mans]: it's

[spinner]: weirdly

[spoopy_mans]: if it's just the shoe i don't
understand how the shoe

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: eh

[spoopy_mans]: is a bad miracle

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: its inception

[spinner]: ye

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: that's right

[spoopy_mans]: your inception

[spinner]: he made yeah he got matt

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: a

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: your

[spinner]: matt you're

[cobra]: inception

[spinner]: also right

[cobra]: got

[spinner]: chris

[cobra]: him

[spinner]: is inception

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: blow

[spinner]: who

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: can somebody wake me up please

[cobra]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: i'm gonna try to end this podcast

[spinner]: i

[spoopy_mans]: again

[spinner]: that means kill them

[spoopy_mans]: i'm not

[spinner]: we're going

[spoopy_mans]: stopping

[spinner]: by

[cobra]: all

[spinner]: inception

[cobra]: right go ahead

[spinner]: rules

[spoopy_mans]: for anybody else yeah well listen it's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: it at this point

[spinner]: uh h

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: we've done no next week we are
going to continue into

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: my okay

[spoopy_mans]: the horror theme and we

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: will be taking

[cobra]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: on what kid say is a battle

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: if i'm not mistaken

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: no it's a top ten

[spoopy_mans]: optenlis

[cobra]: list

[spoopy_mans]: got damn try that again so i
don't look like an idiot

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: good

[cobra]: well

[spinner]: luck

[cobra]: you're going to have to go back
to the beginning

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: of the podcast for that

[spinner]: she's

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: saying

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: you want

[spoopy_mans]: so

[spinner]: some

[spoopy_mans]: next week

[spinner]: cream

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: for that

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[cobra]: just going to pour

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: through that one are you

[spoopy_mans]: so

[spinner]: m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: so next week

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: we're going to do

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: a top and list um

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: i don't know you'll find out it'll
be horror related more horror

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: related to them than this movie was
but don't worry re gonna

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: ach a real horror movie the last
episode in our horror theme month a

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: true and proper one

[cobra]: it's called signs

[spoopy_mans]: it's called

[spinner]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: son it's correct

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh god

[cobra]: and the horror

[spinner]: thank

[cobra]: and the

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: no

[cobra]: horror is watching

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: there

[cobra]: it

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you go

[spoopy_mans]: spencer

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i'm scared

[spoopy_mans]: actually spencer is going to record himself
acting up the entire movie

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: and we're going to walk to that

[spinner]: i can't wait

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: to act

[cobra]: that really

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: mel

[cobra]: horror

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: m

[spinner]: gibson for two hours

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: just smile

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: no you're

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: no

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: you're

[spinner]: and blow

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: good

[spinner]: me

[spinner]: h m

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: no

[spinner]: yeah

[spinner]: that

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: please

[spinner]: is a

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: know

[spinner]: real

[cobra]: all

[spinner]: melgibson

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: quipuotejust

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh my god

[cobra]: quote yeah

[spoopy_mans]: cool

[cobra]: unfortunately

[spoopy_mans]: yep

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: that's been recorded

[spoopy_mans]: it really

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: like

[spoopy_mans]: has so that's it if you would
like to tell us all about why you

[spoopy_mans]: hate signs please go to

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: twitter

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: at your on cast

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: all of that

[spoopy_mans]: you can also email your wrong cast
at email dot com and there's even a

[spoopy_mans]: website

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: it is

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: w w

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: even

[spoopy_mans]: w your wrong

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: at

[spoopy_mans]: cast dot ca that ranking

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yes

[spinner]: it

[spoopy_mans]: system that spencer incorrectly

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: described to

[spinner]: y

[spoopy_mans]: yu at the begining of the episode
is also there

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: see

[spoopy_mans]: if

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: he

[spoopy_mans]: you're ever

[spinner]: i did

[spoopy_mans]: so

[spinner]: it

[spoopy_mans]: curious

[spinner]: incorrectly so you could see for yourself

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: it was a reverse

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: psychology way of getting people to the

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: i

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: you're welcome at

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: us

[cobra]: yah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: alix

[spinner]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: anas

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: for

[spinner]: i was

[spoopy_mans]: now

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: i'm mad

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i'm

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: here i guess

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh

[spinner]: i'm hor

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: gay loser some one is name

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: yeah

[spinner]: was or gay loser

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: and i'm

[cobra]: oh

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: oh the juice is loose

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[sanka_you_good__nope_]: soup

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: what

[cobra]: yeah

Creators and Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
Recurring guest host extraordinaire
81. You're Wrong About "Nope" Being a Horror Movie
Broadcast by