83. You're Wrong About "Halloween"
The movie, not the holiday. Well, probably the holiday, too.
As Halloween Month draws to a close and we release an episode on Halloween Day proper, there really was no other way to cap it than to talk about Halloween, the 1978 John Carpenter movie that basically launched the entire "slasher" sub-genre of horror movies!
The nerds were joined by first-time guest Matt (yes, they were very confused about it, too) — the only person in the group who 1) had already watched the movie several times and 2) actually likes the horror genre — to share their (very different) perspectives and opinions about this cult classic and, uh... let's just say not everybody was on board with calling it a "classic". Hell, not everybody was on board even with watching the entire movie rather than just the "Coles Notes" version of it. 😒
There was one thing everyone was on board with, however: ensuring the conversation was a solid 100 minutes of sheer insanity.
The nerds were joined by first-time guest Matt (yes, they were very confused about it, too) — the only person in the group who 1) had already watched the movie several times and 2) actually likes the horror genre — to share their (very different) perspectives and opinions about this cult classic and, uh... let's just say not everybody was on board with calling it a "classic". Hell, not everybody was on board even with watching the entire movie rather than just the "Coles Notes" version of it. 😒
There was one thing everyone was on board with, however: ensuring the conversation was a solid 100 minutes of sheer insanity.