85. Tag-team Battle Royale: Christmas vs. Hanukkah

Alternate title: "You're Wrong About How Many People We Can Offend in 100 Minutes".

[magistrate]: hello and welcome to an extra special
episode of the wrong podcast this week we

[magistrate]: mark our

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: second holiday

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: episode and

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: we're really stepping up our game we're
tackling the issues the hard issues head on

[magistrate]: as it were we are conducting a

[spinner]: ye

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: royal and it is the ultimate holiday
season battle royal it is

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: christmas versus

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: honica

[macho_kringle]: a

[magistrate]: a

[spinner]: oh god

[magistrate]: it's happening um

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: the battle eve all been waiting

[magistrate]: to

[spinner]: for

[magistrate]: do this properly we have established teams
you really need to have a team attacking

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: match as it were

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: two properly understand who the winner of
the spell rail is going to be so

[spinner]: i kill

[magistrate]: in one corner wearing the blue and
white trunks we have hailing from

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: home of the ten commandments which is
weird mount

[spinner]: we

[magistrate]: sinai luciano

[spinner]: and

[magistrate]: his partner

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: hailing from the home of the world's
most expensive dratal more or less

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: cline york

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: spencer

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: these two combined to create the jew

[spinner]: the

[mattward]: good

[spinner]: crew

[cobra]: hello

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: hello

[spinner]: shall

[magistrate]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: just going with the lord denard's

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: name in v from the get

[magistrate]: yea

[cobra]: go i like this

[spinner]: from the start how

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: we do it we from the tribe

[magistrate]: i

[spinner]: it

[magistrate]: love it

[spinner]: the

[magistrate]: this

[spinner]: jew

[magistrate]: is

[spinner]: crew

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: this is great

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: just

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: in case you haven't noticed i will
not be participating in

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: this tragedy of a podcast i will
be officiating

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: it

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: but don't worry to make it this
is the least

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: amount confusing is possible we've brought a
very special guest with us he

[spinner]: oh

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: will

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: be representing christmas

[spinner]: my

[magistrate]: along with chris but first let me
give them their proper

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: due introductions

[spinner]: ah

[mattward]: yeah oh

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: we have

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: from

[mattward]: ye

[magistrate]: what he claims

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: it

[magistrate]: it's

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: the home of the sleeping giant this
is actually factual thunder bay don't know

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: if that's actual chris from thunder bay
i guess now

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: m

[spinner]: boo

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: his

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: his

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: partner

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: yes

[magistrate]: we got another map because it would

[spinner]: at

[magistrate]: too confusing otherwise this matt though

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: is from the birthplace of jesus the
back streets and barnyards of bethlehem

[mattward]: higdelyhop

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: neighbors

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: act actually

[magistrate]: other mat

[cobra]: jesus was born

[mattward]: yes

[cobra]: in nazareth

[spinner]: h

[mattward]: i

[magistrate]: who knows

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[mattward]: sent

[magistrate]: wait

[mattward]: listen

[magistrate]: wait wait the bethlehem brawlers

[spinner]: so

[magistrate]: here

[cobra]: he

[magistrate]: to defend christmas

[macho_kringle]: that to

[mattward]: there we go i'm

[spinner]: to

[mattward]: in

[spinner]: defend

[mattward]: to it

[spinner]: christmas from the jews

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: the war on christmas

[mattward]: m

[spinner]: has begun officially

[cobra]: yes

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yes

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: more

[macho_kringle]: mad

[mattward]: like

[macho_kringle]: i

[mattward]: a

[macho_kringle]: hear

[mattward]: skirmish

[macho_kringle]: a lot of i hear a lot
of talking

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: but i don't see any wrastling

[mattward]: m

[spinner]: oh you just wait

[cobra]: yes

[mattward]: ay

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: the wrastling just begun

[macho_kringle]: h oh

[magistrate]: other

[macho_kringle]: let

[magistrate]: than

[macho_kringle]: me out

[magistrate]: other

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: than that being

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: the worst introduction of all

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: time

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: i'm prepared to ask you a series

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: of questions

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: designed to test

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: and solve

[spinner]: oh

[mattward]: yes

[magistrate]: watch better honor christmas

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: these have been scientifically researched to

[macho_kringle]: at

[magistrate]: cut to the core depth of which
one is better

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: m

[spinner]: god damn

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: right

[macho_kringle]: shut

[magistrate]: yeah you're

[macho_kringle]: up

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: or wrap

[spinner]: i

[macho_kringle]: my

[spinner]: like

[macho_kringle]: hands

[spinner]: i like

[macho_kringle]: around your neck figuratively

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: i like

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: that matt turned his enthusiasm from me

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: one to one point five for that

[magistrate]: you're welcome

[macho_kringle]: he did

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: did

[mattward]: it was

[cobra]: he

[mattward]: intense

[spinner]: i respect

[cobra]: did

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: because i didn't

[macho_kringle]: ah

[cobra]: notice

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: i'm a professional shut up

[mattward]: men gen over

[spinner]: i

[mattward]: here

[cobra]: it's not

[spinner]: thought

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: he was

[cobra]: not

[spinner]: going to

[cobra]: really

[spinner]: be like

[mattward]: a

[magistrate]: by god

[spinner]: i thought

[cobra]: oh

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: a

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: i though

[macho_kringle]: h

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: a gon be

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: like come in

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: or red

[magistrate]: uh

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: corner

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: little

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: it

[mattward]: you

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: was like

[mattward]: can't do the

[magistrate]: fix

[cobra]: it's

[magistrate]: it

[cobra]: like

[magistrate]: and

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: post

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: it

[cobra]: with

[magistrate]: will

[cobra]: matt

[magistrate]: be fine

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: with matt it's not like let's get
ready to rumble it's more like are you

[cobra]: ready for a walk let's go for
a walk

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: are

[magistrate]: i'm

[mattward]: we're

[spinner]: you

[mattward]: going

[spinner]: ready

[mattward]: to do

[spinner]: for

[mattward]: something

[spinner]: a

[macho_kringle]: brisk

[magistrate]: i'm professional

[macho_kringle]: rock

[cobra]: oh

[macho_kringle]: brisk

[spinner]: are you ready for a tit

[magistrate]: you ready

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: for a boon

[cobra]: a space

[magistrate]: dog

[cobra]: are you

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: ready for a

[spinner]: boon

[cobra]: pack

[spinner]: dog

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: you're ready for

[magistrate]: put

[macho_kringle]: a

[magistrate]: your

[macho_kringle]: curfuffle

[magistrate]: dukes

[spinner]: really

[magistrate]: up and let's

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: go yes

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: thank

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: you chris

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: let's get

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: to the first question let's not wasting
more time how poor an

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: introduction and let's focus

[macho_kringle]: indeed

[magistrate]: on

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: how badly

[macho_kringle]: we

[magistrate]: you

[macho_kringle]: believe

[magistrate]: are going

[macho_kringle]: in

[magistrate]: to

[macho_kringle]: you though

[magistrate]: pass off large

[spinner]: h

[magistrate]: sections

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: of the human race

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: that's how we do it

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: all

[magistrate]: yah

[cobra]: why

[mattward]: right

[cobra]: came here for

[magistrate]: h

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: part

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: first question

[macho_kringle]: participation

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: you

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: need to

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: explain your holiday to us and because
nothing is simple in this podcast you need

[magistrate]: to do it by picking

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: a samuel jackson movie

[macho_kringle]: ah

[magistrate]: using that to explain

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: honi

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: or christmas

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: sam jackson has lots of options

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: i want

[spinner]: yep

[magistrate]: someone who

[spinner]: yep

[magistrate]: had a lot of library to give
um in the interest of picking

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: somebody randomly

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: i

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: am going

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: to pick ethlahambralos

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: because

[spinner]: oh perfect

[magistrate]: it is alphabetically

[cobra]: yeah let

[magistrate]: first

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: and

[cobra]: also

[magistrate]: christmas

[cobra]: let the

[magistrate]: is

[cobra]: goyim

[magistrate]: easy

[cobra]: go first let the go

[mattward]: all

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: right

[cobra]: go first

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: all right

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: i've got one

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: in mind

[magistrate]: do you want to confer

[macho_kringle]: what do

[magistrate]: with

[macho_kringle]: you

[magistrate]: your

[macho_kringle]: got

[magistrate]: partner

[spinner]: the

[mattward]: yeah what

[spinner]: oh

[mattward]: do you what i'm thinking like

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: hate flat

[macho_kringle]: hateful

[mattward]: is a good

[spinner]: no

[mattward]: way

[macho_kringle]: okay

[spinner]: you stole

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: that from

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: us

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: that's that's

[mattward]: i

[cobra]: sort

[spinner]: uh

[mattward]: mean

[cobra]: of what

[magistrate]: yeah oh

[spinner]: that's

[macho_kringle]: dave

[spinner]: a hoak movie

[macho_kringle]: you only say

[mattward]: you're

[macho_kringle]: where about

[mattward]: talking

[macho_kringle]: the

[mattward]: about

[macho_kringle]: field is this w sit the fun

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: you

[cobra]: hateful

[macho_kringle]: and wait to

[cobra]: ladies

[macho_kringle]: turn

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: a hunted movie might be

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: my favorite

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: quote

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: time

[macho_kringle]: hateful

[spinner]: uh yeah

[macho_kringle]: nica

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: it

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: hold on

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: hear me out

[magistrate]: right

[mattward]: hear me

[magistrate]: show

[mattward]: out

[magistrate]: your work

[cobra]: oh god

[mattward]: we

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: it's it's a

[cobra]: as

[mattward]: movie that kind of started

[spinner]: that

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: out very

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: jewish

[spinner]: we

[mattward]: ish

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: and then eventually we took

[magistrate]: ah

[mattward]: it over

[magistrate]: wow

[mattward]: there's a lot of white guys in
it lot of random white christian dudes that

[mattward]: he shows up with

[magistrate]: okay

[mattward]: all angry

[macho_kringle]: ah

[spinner]: with guns

[mattward]: way guns and cold there's

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: a lot of snow i didn't really

[spinner]: m

[mattward]: this movie that's about as far as
i got

[macho_kringle]: ah

[mattward]: but i

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: do

[cobra]: so you

[mattward]: there's

[cobra]: just wanted

[mattward]: talking

[cobra]: to steal the hateful

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: aid from us is what you're saying

[mattward]: there was a lot

[spinner]: there

[mattward]: of wooden

[spinner]: was a

[mattward]: chairs which reminds me a lot of
church they were

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: sitting in a bar

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: which

[spinner]: i

[mattward]: we have a lot

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: of wine when we do mass like
follow me on this

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: here there's talking

[spinner]: okay

[mattward]: there's

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: usually only

[magistrate]: ah

[mattward]: one black guy it i think there's
not really that much there that sounds like

[mattward]: you know most of the christmases in
the churches that i went to you

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: know

[macho_kringle]: brother eliza

[cobra]: i

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: mean if you want

[macho_kringle]: brother

[cobra]: it

[macho_kringle]: eliza

[cobra]: if you went to the same jackson
movie that had a church

[mattward]: right

[cobra]: in it you should have picked kingsman

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: at that same jackson

[macho_kringle]: let

[spinner]: too

[mattward]: i

[macho_kringle]: us

[mattward]: don't

[spinner]: late

[mattward]: think

[macho_kringle]: let

[mattward]: you

[macho_kringle]: us

[mattward]: mees

[macho_kringle]: lay this

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: found dashin in

[mattward]: ye

[macho_kringle]: we're

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: gonna

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: let you poke holes

[cobra]: yeah it

[macho_kringle]: in

[cobra]: is

[macho_kringle]: this

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: to be fair they're not locked

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: into hayflay he's just conferring with his
partner maybe there's another option

[cobra]: fair

[magistrate]: they

[cobra]: enough

[magistrate]: want to they

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: want

[cobra]: fair

[magistrate]: to lay

[spinner]: no

[mattward]: what

[cobra]: enough

[magistrate]: out

[mattward]: other

[magistrate]: here

[mattward]: options we got

[macho_kringle]: snakes

[mattward]: snakes

[macho_kringle]: on

[mattward]: on

[macho_kringle]: the

[mattward]: a plane

[macho_kringle]: plane

[magistrate]: shore you work

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: yes okay

[macho_kringle]: several people bored a plane

[mattward]: a

[spinner]: or

[macho_kringle]: hoping to reach their destination

[spinner]: thank dein

[macho_kringle]: but what's this

[spinner]: i

[macho_kringle]: whoa and turmoil on the plane thus
christmas saved everyone because i'm tired of this

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: by the fucking sex all this mother
fucking plane

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: i

[magistrate]: chris

[macho_kringle]: yield

[mattward]: i mean

[macho_kringle]: my time

[magistrate]: chris

[macho_kringle]: and i'm conferring

[magistrate]: did

[macho_kringle]: with

[magistrate]: you

[macho_kringle]: him

[magistrate]: did you pick that answer just so
you could say that

[cobra]: of course

[macho_kringle]: no

[cobra]: it did

[macho_kringle]: actually i wanted

[magistrate]: m

[macho_kringle]: to see

[cobra]: wouldn't

[macho_kringle]: how i could

[cobra]: you

[macho_kringle]: get from from the beginning

[mattward]: yes

[macho_kringle]: of

[magistrate]: m

[macho_kringle]: i wanted to see how i could

[spinner]: i wanted

[macho_kringle]: turn

[spinner]: to

[macho_kringle]: it

[spinner]: how

[macho_kringle]: into christmas

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: yes

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: but like we were interesting as soon
as we said at the same time so

[macho_kringle]: we kind of have committed although we've

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: conferenced each other

[magistrate]: okay

[macho_kringle]: to say that

[mattward]: well i mean

[spinner]: well

[mattward]: what else could could we throw up
one other idea here maybe like i guess

[spinner]: oh just say all the movies

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: avengers end game

[magistrate]: okay

[mattward]: a

[macho_kringle]: hum

[mattward]: spectacle

[cobra]: to

[mattward]: sells

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: a lot

[cobra]: fuck

[mattward]: of toys

[spinner]: so i

[macho_kringle]: does

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: they're

[magistrate]: this

[mattward]: every

[cobra]: stealing

[macho_kringle]: it

[magistrate]: is

[cobra]: all of our movies

[magistrate]: excuse

[cobra]: what the fuck

[magistrate]: me

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: sir it is not your turn

[spinner]: ah you can't

[mattward]: you know

[spinner]: steal all the movies

[macho_kringle]: well we

[mattward]: that's

[spinner]: he only has so many

[macho_kringle]: what

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: new

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: he only has nine hundred films

[macho_kringle]: listen

[cobra]: oh

[macho_kringle]: we could we could jab

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: pope

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: fiction into this conversational stocking

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: yah

[macho_kringle]: if you will so

[spinner]: i swear

[mattward]: i'm

[spinner]: to god

[mattward]: just supposed

[magistrate]: so

[macho_kringle]: we could

[magistrate]: okay

[mattward]: all

[cobra]: hebrew

[mattward]: right

[cobra]: mother fucker do you speak it

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: i got

[magistrate]: um

[macho_kringle]: a blue royal

[magistrate]: m

[macho_kringle]: right here

[magistrate]: what

[mattward]: uh

[macho_kringle]: in this knuckle

[magistrate]: what

[macho_kringle]: sandwich

[mattward]: h

[magistrate]: what

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: are you guys picking here we gotta

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: what is your official

[mattward]: know what

[magistrate]: bethlehem brawlers approved choice

[mattward]: chris what do you think i think
end game is probably like the avengers can

[mattward]: we say the series because that works
on a whole it's sponsored

[spinner]: so

[mattward]: by disney it

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: sells a lot of toys

[magistrate]: i mean

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: like i want to be

[mattward]: people

[magistrate]: liberal

[mattward]: get

[magistrate]: about

[mattward]: toxic

[magistrate]: this but

[mattward]: as ship around it so you know
i think that

[magistrate]: christmas

[mattward]: works

[magistrate]: is only one day a year so
one movie

[mattward]: one movie so

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: which one best represents the toxicity of
that i don't know

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: commercialism

[magistrate]: i would

[cobra]: king's

[magistrate]: say the

[cobra]: man

[magistrate]: last

[mattward]: applying

[magistrate]: one

[mattward]: commercionalism

[cobra]: kings

[magistrate]: the last

[cobra]: ban

[magistrate]: one does a great job and margualizes

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: women at one point

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: yeah i

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: think

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: i think and game i want to
lock that one in what are you thinking

[macho_kringle]: i'm afraid we're about to paint ourselves
into a corner

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: truthfully speaking but why not

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: a green

[macho_kringle]: see

[spinner]: m

[macho_kringle]: what

[magistrate]: and

[macho_kringle]: the

[magistrate]: red

[macho_kringle]: fuck

[magistrate]: corner

[macho_kringle]: happens

[magistrate]: okay green and

[mattward]: ah

[magistrate]: red corner painted into excellent answer

[mattward]: ah

[spinner]: excellent

[magistrate]: as an unbiased

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: judge that was an answer

[macho_kringle]: eh oh

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: you crew

[mattward]: no

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: what

[mattward]: yes

[magistrate]: do you got

[cobra]: hear me out

[spinner]: all

[cobra]: spencer

[spinner]: right

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[cobra]: hear me out

[spinner]: okay let's talk this through let's talk
this through yet

[cobra]: um

[macho_kringle]: ah

[cobra]: a tack of the clones or

[spinner]: oh okay

[cobra]: return of the jet because it's a
festival of light

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: sabers

[spinner]: light

[magistrate]: sorry he was not

[spinner]: he

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: in

[spinner]: was

[magistrate]: return

[spinner]: not in

[magistrate]: of

[spinner]: return

[magistrate]: the jet

[spinner]: of the jet

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: now return to jed

[macho_kringle]: uh

[cobra]: revenge

[mattward]: that

[cobra]: of the sith sorry

[spinner]: revenge

[magistrate]: thank you

[spinner]: of

[cobra]: revenge

[spinner]: the smith

[cobra]: of the

[macho_kringle]: uh

[cobra]: sithyeah

[mattward]: so i was oda

[cobra]: yeah okay let's not go there

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: and

[cobra]: let's

[macho_kringle]: yet here we are

[magistrate]: there's

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: another cat

[cobra]: i didn't even mention palpatin in this

[magistrate]: there's there's another

[spinner]: hm

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: car

[mattward]: the

[magistrate]: there's another question category

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: later on that you might be able
to use these people and

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: so

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: don't worry

[cobra]: anyway it's a

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: festival of light sabers it has to

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: a techteclones because that's the one that
has the most

[mattward]: a

[cobra]: light sabers

[spinner]: now that is not that

[macho_kringle]: ah

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: now i will say my first thought
was the movie hard eight which i've i

[spinner]: don't even know hat's about but it's
called hard eight

[mattward]: i think

[spinner]: which

[mattward]: you've

[cobra]: oh

[mattward]: been

[spinner]: plays

[mattward]: watching too much

[spinner]: plays

[mattward]: for

[spinner]: right into

[macho_kringle]: horn

[spinner]: a night of

[macho_kringle]: sounds

[spinner]: honicas

[macho_kringle]: like something we might find on

[mattward]: sounds

[macho_kringle]: a

[mattward]: a good

[macho_kringle]: salacious

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: h

[mattward]: sounds like a dirty

[cobra]: h

[macho_kringle]: hanno

[mattward]: version of the hatefully

[cobra]: m

[macho_kringle]: you know oh

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: a

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: turn that down

[macho_kringle]: oh wow

[mattward]: ah

[spinner]: but i do think that

[macho_kringle]: viceral

[spinner]: the best movie that incapsolates honica might
be the movie glorious bastards

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: because what's more jewish than killing hitler

[mattward]: is he

[cobra]: okay

[mattward]: in that

[spinner]: he

[magistrate]: we

[spinner]: is a narrator sir

[mattward]: that's

[cobra]: that's right

[mattward]: right

[cobra]: he is the narrator

[mattward]: that's

[cobra]: ah

[mattward]: right

[spinner]: right

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: thought i had thought

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: of and game because i'm inert and
i actually know what hank is about which

[cobra]: is not that common and

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: the whole kab thing

[spinner]: my

[cobra]: might might but they stole it so

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: hateful

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: eight since they didn't use it

[spinner]: oh

[mattward]: ah

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: that is

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: that is a

[mattward]: ah

[cobra]: well

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: too

[magistrate]: can

[cobra]: much

[magistrate]: you

[cobra]: death

[magistrate]: can

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: you work the

[cobra]: hanka

[magistrate]: oil

[cobra]: doesn't have as

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: much

[magistrate]: into

[cobra]: as

[magistrate]: that

[spinner]: can

[macho_kringle]: you

[spinner]: we work oil into

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: this

[macho_kringle]: use the oil

[cobra]: why do you want you want to
make it like a corn hop movie

[magistrate]: no no

[cobra]: is

[magistrate]: but

[cobra]: that

[magistrate]: i just like

[macho_kringle]: you

[magistrate]: the idea

[macho_kringle]: went there

[magistrate]: the oil is only

[macho_kringle]: i did

[magistrate]: supposed

[macho_kringle]: not

[magistrate]: to last

[cobra]: i know

[magistrate]: one night

[cobra]: i know

[magistrate]: and at last

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: eight

[cobra]: know

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: so eight

[cobra]: i know

[magistrate]: sex parties

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: i guess with the port

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: angle

[cobra]: uh

[magistrate]: instead of

[macho_kringle]: it writes

[magistrate]: one sex

[mattward]: you

[macho_kringle]: itself

[mattward]: can

[magistrate]: party

[mattward]: make an are

[macho_kringle]: it writes

[cobra]: uh

[macho_kringle]: itself

[mattward]: you can you can make an argument
for paul fiction because that's

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: one hell of a jerry girl he's
rocking in that that is

[spinner]: that's

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: true

[cobra]: you

[mattward]: and

[cobra]: could

[mattward]: that

[cobra]: you

[mattward]: just

[cobra]: could

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: light

[mattward]: keeps going

[cobra]: you could light eight days worth of
candles with that jerry carl for sure

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: man

[spinner]: oh

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: ah now

[cobra]: i don't know

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: i think

[mattward]: a

[macho_kringle]: that's

[cobra]: i'm

[macho_kringle]: rect

[cobra]: gonna go ahead

[spinner]: now you go ahead i'm leading towards
inglorious bastards

[macho_kringle]: okay

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: because there were

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: eleven bastards in the

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: inglorious bastards the crew

[cobra]: j

[spinner]: but there were eight jewish ones come

[cobra]: is that true

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: that is a fact

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: okay then it's

[mattward]: i

[cobra]: locked

[mattward]: see you

[cobra]: in

[mattward]: looking at your phone did you look
that fact up because

[spinner]: i looked it up son i'm a

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[cobra]: now i think i think there's no
discussion then

[magistrate]: so

[cobra]: it has

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: to be

[spinner]: exactly

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: so the story is about how eight

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: people

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: who were supposed to be killed by
the nazis did not they

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: lasted much

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: like the oil and

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: the candle

[cobra]: they

[spinner]: they

[cobra]: were

[spinner]: lasted throughout the war

[cobra]: they were supposed

[spinner]: they were supposed

[cobra]: to

[spinner]: to

[cobra]: kill

[spinner]: be nuff out

[cobra]: they were supposed

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: to spend three days killing notes and

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: they spent eight

[spinner]: spent

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: with the same rations

[spinner]: right and much like the jewish minora
they killed hitler

[cobra]: what

[mattward]: what

[spinner]: that's how

[mattward]: the

[spinner]: he died

[mattward]: jewish

[spinner]: suicide

[mattward]: the jewish from

[spinner]: by

[mattward]: new

[spinner]: minora

[mattward]: range put pianura

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: there you

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: go

[spinner]: that's a little

[mattward]: okay

[spinner]: unknown fact but yes

[magistrate]: it

[spinner]: i think that is fair

[cobra]: i think

[spinner]: to say

[cobra]: yeah i think

[magistrate]: an

[cobra]: it's it's the lock in answer then

[magistrate]: i'm here for this can you explain
to me how the jew bear relates

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: to

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: honica yeah

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: is so do you know how how

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: the candles

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: works you have

[magistrate]: absolutely

[cobra]: you light

[magistrate]: not

[cobra]: one candle

[macho_kringle]: oh

[cobra]: you light one

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: candle and then you

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[cobra]: use that to light

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: each of the

[spinner]: others

[cobra]: other candles

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[cobra]: one per day the jewish bear is
the smash he is the one that lights

[cobra]: all of the other

[spinner]: he's the main candle that's

[cobra]: exactly

[spinner]: the middle one

[cobra]: exactly

[mattward]: the

[cobra]: well

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: it depends on the hank but let's
not get into technical

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: the

[mattward]: i love i love this explanation it's
like you light candles and you bring them

[mattward]: up to the other ones and the
other ones just to guide the jewish bear

[mattward]: that's who he is

[magistrate]: okay to

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: that's

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: literally

[magistrate]: two

[spinner]: now the

[mattward]: what

[spinner]: main

[mattward]: it's

[spinner]: one is the jewish bear

[magistrate]: to

[cobra]: the main

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: one yeah

[magistrate]: so

[mattward]: so

[magistrate]: the

[mattward]: if

[magistrate]: jew

[mattward]: i follow

[magistrate]: bear

[mattward]: you

[spinner]: so i call

[mattward]: he's lit on fire

[cobra]: the

[magistrate]: just want to

[spinner]: oh

[mattward]: like

[cobra]: new bear sounds like a slur

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: that's what

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: you call it that's what

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: they call him in the movie

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: don't

[cobra]: know

[magistrate]: get bat of

[cobra]: it

[macho_kringle]: true

[magistrate]: me

[cobra]: just

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: sounds bad

[magistrate]: so the jew bear

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: represents

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: he's the first one to kill a
nazi and then they

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: basically use him to kill

[cobra]: he

[magistrate]: all

[cobra]: inspires

[magistrate]: the other notes

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: fire

[cobra]: inspires

[mattward]: okay

[cobra]: the other ones

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: he inspires the other ones to keep
on killing that's

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: what he

[spinner]: igniting

[cobra]: does

[spinner]: the

[macho_kringle]: yes

[spinner]: flame within them

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: exactly

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: okay

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: well excellent

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: answer if i had to award

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: points

[spinner]: had

[magistrate]: which i wouldn't because i'm unbiased honica
crushed christmas in this category but who knows

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: what

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: happened

[spinner]: no you have to decide that's your

[macho_kringle]: yes

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: it's a it's a close scoring

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: sheet you'll find out at the end
of the episode

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: you don't

[macho_kringle]: until

[magistrate]: know that you won that first category

[spinner]: but we did

[macho_kringle]: until until mat

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: looks underneath

[mattward]: at

[macho_kringle]: his his keyboard and finds a neatly
wrapped envelope with a present in set to

[macho_kringle]: tip the scales

[cobra]: i mean

[mattward]: to

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: if

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: if

[spinner]: took

[cobra]: anybody

[spinner]: that money

[cobra]: is going to bribe anybody come on

[spinner]: yeah exactly

[macho_kringle]: but

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: and

[macho_kringle]: yet

[spinner]: we took that money

[macho_kringle]: but yet that was a

[spinner]: we

[macho_kringle]: trick

[spinner]: re

[macho_kringle]: i thought

[spinner]: we

[macho_kringle]: i

[spinner]: relaveled

[macho_kringle]: already thought

[magistrate]: right

[spinner]: it

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: i thought of that already i then
mowed him nice

[spinner]: no

[macho_kringle]: try

[spinner]: no we saw you we saw your
bribe and it said from the bethlehem brawlers

[macho_kringle]: no

[spinner]: and we just eked out that and

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: wrote actually from jew crew

[macho_kringle]: the envelope

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: so

[macho_kringle]: was empty spencer your folly was

[cobra]: we

[macho_kringle]: in

[cobra]: just

[macho_kringle]: vain

[cobra]: we just we just raised the brawlers

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: and came from

[macho_kringle]: you

[cobra]: bethlehem

[macho_kringle]: put so

[cobra]: he

[macho_kringle]: much

[cobra]: was

[macho_kringle]: energy

[cobra]: assuming

[spinner]: so

[macho_kringle]: into

[spinner]: much

[macho_kringle]: an

[cobra]: from

[macho_kringle]: empty

[cobra]: israel

[macho_kringle]: envelope i just told

[spinner]: i

[macho_kringle]: you

[spinner]: just told

[macho_kringle]: i

[spinner]: you

[macho_kringle]: wired him

[spinner]: i

[macho_kringle]: fundsdigitally

[mattward]: i'm literally

[spinner]: oh really

[mattward]: just still trying to

[spinner]: who

[mattward]: remember

[spinner]: do you

[mattward]: his samuel

[spinner]: you

[mattward]: jackson movies like

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: i'm just

[spinner]: you

[mattward]: riding

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: chris you wired him money

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: through the bank

[macho_kringle]: no bro

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: art play

[macho_kringle]: no

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: no

[mattward]: okay

[macho_kringle]: no i said digitively

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: i didn't say you through which chattel

[spinner]: i said

[macho_kringle]: my

[spinner]: i

[macho_kringle]: friend

[spinner]: sent him crypto currency mother fuckeryou

[macho_kringle]: seasons

[spinner]: know what have

[mattward]: we

[spinner]: that yet

[macho_kringle]: seasons

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: beatings

[magistrate]: sorry

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: were believe

[spinner]: no

[macho_kringle]: my friend

[magistrate]: sorry spencer you sent me nothing some

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: no no

[magistrate]: coin

[cobra]: o

[mattward]: set to it

[macho_kringle]: because he looked inside the envelope and
he saw

[magistrate]: moving

[mattward]: he

[macho_kringle]: there

[mattward]: sent

[macho_kringle]: was

[magistrate]: on

[mattward]: you

[macho_kringle]: nothing

[mattward]: crippling

[cobra]: we sent

[mattward]: debt

[macho_kringle]: but a picture

[cobra]: we

[macho_kringle]: of your

[cobra]: sent

[macho_kringle]: dick

[cobra]: you

[macho_kringle]: spencer

[magistrate]: move on

[cobra]: now we

[magistrate]: when

[cobra]: sent

[magistrate]: i talk about

[cobra]: you

[magistrate]: spencer's

[cobra]: we sent

[magistrate]: dick

[cobra]: you the bribe on bridal coin

[mattward]: m

[magistrate]: i

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: hate that joke and i'm going to

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: raise it later

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: never happened moving on yeah

[spinner]: you say dratlcoin

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: oh god

[magistrate]: moving on listen

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: i hope you all

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: did your home work sounds like somebody

[spinner]: obviously

[magistrate]: can you tell me why and this
question will fluctuate depending on which side you're

[magistrate]: presenting but

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: they need to replace hercules hercules can't
get it done someone else needs to do

[magistrate]: his ten feats so tell

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: me

[cobra]: at twelve

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: sorry twelve feet just thank you

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: so tell me why santa

[spinner]: who didn't do his research

[magistrate]: on the christmas side of it

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: or halkaharry on the hare

[spinner]: there

[magistrate]: side of it would be a better

[cobra]: do

[spinner]: does it

[magistrate]: to complete the

[cobra]: oh no

[magistrate]: twelve feats of hercules

[spinner]: does it have

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: to be

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: honacaharry

[magistrate]: ah

[mattward]: m

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: can it

[macho_kringle]: choose

[spinner]: be moses

[magistrate]: he

[macho_kringle]: choose

[mattward]: m

[macho_kringle]: thine champion

[cobra]: oh

[macho_kringle]: wisely

[magistrate]: he is the most

[spinner]: yes

[macho_kringle]: ye

[magistrate]: idea logically aligned counterpart to center

[spinner]: ye

[cobra]: oh god

[mattward]: john love

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: okay

[mattward]: its

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: logic

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: yea

[spinner]: john love it's great

[cobra]: i feel

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: like

[mattward]: jewish

[cobra]: i feel like

[mattward]: and

[cobra]: we have an

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: uphill

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: battle

[spinner]: my

[cobra]: for

[spinner]: god

[cobra]: for

[macho_kringle]: good

[cobra]: us

[macho_kringle]: luck

[magistrate]: would

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: you do you want the twelve feats
do you

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: wntonowhat they are just because that might
help you at all

[macho_kringle]: a

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: sure why not

[magistrate]: twelve feats

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: as brought to you by bruce in
the background the first

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: dug

[magistrate]: feat or labor then to

[spinner]: labor

[magistrate]: mean lion then

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: the hydra then the wool this word
s gonna be fun sir and sir

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: surinyanras hind

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: then a bore

[spinner]: in a

[magistrate]: and then he had to clean the

[spinner]: and

[magistrate]: and then he

[spinner]: well

[magistrate]: had

[spinner]: that's

[magistrate]: to get

[spinner]: easy

[magistrate]: some birds take

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: care of

[spinner]: these are getting

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: easier

[magistrate]: the cretan bull the

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: mares of diomedes

[cobra]: the great

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: on ball

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: welcome

[cobra]: oh god

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: poor

[magistrate]: the belt

[cobra]: hercules

[magistrate]: of hippolita

[cobra]: hippolita

[macho_kringle]: polite

[spinner]: polite

[magistrate]: polite the cattle of

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: jerry a

[spinner]: yeah jesus

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: christ okay

[magistrate]: golden apples and

[mattward]: ye

[magistrate]: surbus

[spinner]: what do ye have to do with

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: the golden

[macho_kringle]: eh

[spinner]: apples here to defeat them

[macho_kringle]: he had to make a pie

[magistrate]: steel on me think

[macho_kringle]: indeed

[mattward]: yes

[magistrate]: the golden apples of hesperides

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: cause he

[mattward]: to

[magistrate]: had to do two more because he
lied about doing too but that's not important

[spinner]: and honica harry

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: hire people to do the work

[magistrate]: and

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: for

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: him

[magistrate]: first of all

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: it's not your turn second of all

[spinner]: sorry

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: i don't care how you solve this

[cobra]: the gum

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: go first spencer let them

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: go

[spinner]: exactly

[cobra]: first

[spinner]: no not every time although

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: in life they do

[cobra]: exactly

[magistrate]: um m anyways um

[spinner]: he

[magistrate]: just to

[mattward]: i

[magistrate]: mix it up we're gonna make the
jew crew go first so go ahead

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: all right

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: so for those who don't know honicaharry

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: has i believe

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: he does have magical powers

[cobra]: does

[spinner]: during the eight nights during the eight
nights of honi only

[magistrate]: that's

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: correct

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: so

[magistrate]: she got

[spinner]: whereas where santa claus good old fat
man over there he only has

[macho_kringle]: yes

[spinner]: one night to get this all done

[magistrate]: i mean arguably based on the legends
of santa claus he's magical all year

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: round but you know you should worry
about your guy

[cobra]: because honicaharry

[spinner]: m yeah

[cobra]: works on like i think he was
like a accountant the rest of the year

[cobra]: o

[spinner]: of course um so

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: what do you

[cobra]: sladen

[spinner]: think i think

[cobra]: sladen a me and lion howd

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: like m

[spinner]: we just got to go ahead and
cut out all physical labor i think

[cobra]: yes true now it's true it's true
there's no

[spinner]: it's

[cobra]: way

[spinner]: it's not

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: only is he jewish he's john love

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: um

[cobra]: yes

[mattward]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: maybe he can maybe he can board
the lion the lion to

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: death

[spinner]: he's

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: gonna be like oh great i have
to go slay a lion now

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: a

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: lion

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: kill a lion

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh god

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: so i think

[mattward]: m

[spinner]: his best bet is if not using
magic it would be hiring people

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: to do the jobs for him i
don't believe was not allowed

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: anything that gets the job is done

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: i mean yeah except for the

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: fact

[cobra]: yes

[magistrate]: that hercules lied about completing two of
them on his

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: own and had to do

[cobra]: that

[magistrate]: two

[cobra]: also

[magistrate]: more

[cobra]: sounds like something hankahary would do

[magistrate]: yeah i mean

[spinner]: no he's a he's a bench mark

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: let's just

[mattward]: that's

[magistrate]: get them

[mattward]: great

[magistrate]: done you got him don't

[mattward]: i

[magistrate]: worry about the lying later if you
got extra you had to finish twelve so

[magistrate]: if you ot like ten more that's
future christmas problems

[spinner]: that

[magistrate]: or honicaharry problems

[spinner]: that's that's future honocarrthese

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: problems i like that first we start
with the apples i feel like we could

[spinner]: buy those apples

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: we can work out a good price

[magistrate]: for like

[mattward]: a

[magistrate]: a pound

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: of flesh or would be talking about

[spinner]: yeah you know

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: we're

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: gonna make a deal

[cobra]: wow

[spinner]: well

[cobra]: holy

[spinner]: what about

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: jude

[cobra]: races

[spinner]: judas

[cobra]: races to our faces

[magistrate]: i'm not me at shakespeare don't look
at me

[spinner]: well

[mattward]: ye

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: who's this cane west just came on
the podcast

[cobra]: the funk but yes

[mattward]: okay

[cobra]: pound of flesh

[spinner]: um

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: yes whatever needs to pay the bills

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: you know

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: we buy the apples

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: harry buys the apples with

[magistrate]: great

[spinner]: sin guilt

[cobra]: so i'm just going to say this
all of the stuff that he should

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: steal is just going

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: to buy

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: he's just going to bribe somebody

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: and

[magistrate]: so

[cobra]: something like that

[magistrate]: the belt the cattle

[spinner]: yep

[magistrate]: the apples

[spinner]: yep

[cobra]: yeah that's

[magistrate]: if he's

[cobra]: just

[magistrate]: paying

[cobra]: honicaguilt

[magistrate]: for things

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: its all honicaguilt

[magistrate]: i

[cobra]: there

[magistrate]: got assume he just paid

[cobra]: paid

[magistrate]: someone in honnicagelt like the children to

[spinner]: what

[magistrate]: clean the stables right

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: can i ask you something

[magistrate]: yep

[spinner]: why

[mattward]: a

[spinner]: isn't hercules doing this does he exist
but he's just not doing

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: it

[magistrate]: um in this time line hercules

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: ovid

[magistrate]: um m

[cobra]: he has covid

[magistrate]: he's

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: got covidthankyou

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: guess

[spinner]: no

[mattward]: he's got a coming there you go

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: well

[macho_kringle]: by

[spinner]: oh god yeah

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: hercules

[magistrate]: and

[spinner]: i was

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: is

[spinner]: gonna

[macho_kringle]: my name

[spinner]: say

[magistrate]: hercules is anny masker and so they're
just taking them right off

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: the

[spinner]: god

[magistrate]: list of things to do

[cobra]: so so the

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: one thing so

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: we can

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: bungle too because that's what hercules did

[magistrate]: well

[cobra]: we ain't fucking touching no boar because
park is not cocher so fuck

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: of course

[magistrate]: okay

[mattward]: ah

[spinner]: of course

[cobra]: uckucktho

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: funk

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: yeah yeah onicaharry wants no part with

[cobra]: yeah exactly

[spinner]: or

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: lions

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: share that's a good question

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: i think so

[spinner]: i believe i believe so

[magistrate]: um

[spinner]: let me ask my rabbi

[magistrate]: i'm going

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: to say that i think the lions
were blessed so yes

[spinner]: oh perfect

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: i don't think that's how

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: that worked but let's

[magistrate]: shut

[cobra]: go

[magistrate]: up

[cobra]: with it

[spinner]: yeah yeah exactly

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: um

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: so we can't hire hercules to do
the job unfortunately

[magistrate]: no

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: he's

[spinner]: that's

[magistrate]: got

[spinner]: that was my angle there

[magistrate]: yeah sorry he's got covid

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: he's an anti masker

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: he's an anti masker and surprise surprise
he doesn't like our people too much

[magistrate]: wow

[cobra]: oh

[mattward]: no

[cobra]: no

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: or maybe i should say oh yeah
i mean

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: oh yeah

[spinner]: uh

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: um

[cobra]: okay so

[spinner]: wait wait is hercules kevinsormo

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: they need a

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: ding

[cobra]: perfect

[macho_kringle]: oh

[cobra]: perfect

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: perfect

[spinner]: is too perfect

[macho_kringle]: the circle is complete

[cobra]: disappointed

[spinner]: ah yeah

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: i think

[cobra]: we want nothing

[spinner]: we

[cobra]: to do with the boar that's out

[spinner]: yes that's out

[cobra]: uh

[magistrate]: yah

[spinner]: hydra

[cobra]: what

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: else

[spinner]: that seems like a lot of work
he just keeps growing

[cobra]: and

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: also

[spinner]: his head back

[cobra]: also not coacher

[spinner]: hope

[mattward]: m

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: hydra

[cobra]: out

[mattward]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: what is culture then yeah

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: well there's nothing about something

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: with nine

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: heads so

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: assuming it's forbidden

[spinner]: that's out

[mattward]: assuming it's not coacher

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: i

[spinner]: assuming

[magistrate]: mean

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: that's

[magistrate]: but

[cobra]: how

[spinner]: multi

[cobra]: it works

[spinner]: headed

[magistrate]: that's fair

[cobra]: if you

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: if it sounds tasty and and and
delicious it probably isn't cocher so let's let's

[cobra]: go with that

[magistrate]: so are you saying

[spinner]: just

[magistrate]: hydra

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: like

[magistrate]: heads

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: are tasty and delicious

[spinner]: it sound delicious

[cobra]: marvel marvellous

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: marvellous

[magistrate]: bardo

[spinner]: marvellous

[cobra]: delicacy

[spinner]: you should try it savichad

[cobra]: oh

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: so then you got to deal with
the birds though because they aren't delicious

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: birds i feel like

[cobra]: uh

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: are easy to handle

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: at

[spinner]: i mean

[mattward]: i

[cobra]: i think hanokahari

[spinner]: we could hire a

[cobra]: would

[spinner]: guy

[cobra]: just

[spinner]: to do that

[cobra]: fly

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: on mochasloslomo

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: oh yeah he can

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: he can yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah he can he can

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: fly i forgot that

[magistrate]: um

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: so he just fly to the birds

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: and take him out

[magistrate]: i mean the birds are

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: man eating with

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: beaks of bronze

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: but

[cobra]: he's no

[spinner]: you know

[cobra]: he's not a man he's hanacahary

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: he would just

[cobra]: just

[mattward]: i

[spinner]: feel

[cobra]: gonna

[mattward]: really

[spinner]: like he'd

[mattward]: shall

[cobra]: hit

[spinner]: complain

[cobra]: him

[mattward]: n't

[cobra]: with

[mattward]: to

[spinner]: complain them to death

[mattward]: the legend

[cobra]: complain

[spinner]: well

[cobra]: them

[mattward]: of

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: to

[mattward]: hate

[cobra]: death

[spinner]: call that

[mattward]: it's just

[spinner]: you would

[mattward]: growing

[spinner]: call that

[mattward]: here

[spinner]: flying

[magistrate]: it really

[spinner]: with

[magistrate]: is

[spinner]: that form

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: your mother

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: would be ashamed of you

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: exactly

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: so we've got the lion the hydra
down with the boar you're not touching the

[magistrate]: stables you've paid for something

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: to do the birds you're

[spinner]: of course

[magistrate]: hanka harrying the bull

[mattward]: no

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: i

[spinner]: bull

[cobra]: the bull

[spinner]: that's also see that's also is a
bull coacher that's another

[cobra]: a bull

[spinner]: question

[cobra]: is not coacher either but we

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: already

[spinner]: don't think so

[magistrate]: can't coach

[cobra]: it's

[magistrate]: your way

[cobra]: not

[magistrate]: out of

[cobra]: but

[magistrate]: everything

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: can't

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: coach or

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: although

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: we do try

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: because mayors

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: are also not coachers

[spinner]: yeah and physical

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: labor

[cobra]: so the bull

[spinner]: now

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: i feel

[spinner]: bull

[mattward]: yes

[cobra]: like i feel like kanokaharry has

[spinner]: oh

[mattward]: yes

[cobra]: very enticing cow he can introduce the

[macho_kringle]: ah

[cobra]: the crytanbll

[spinner]: u

[cobra]: and then

[spinner]: h h

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: oh he's going

[cobra]: o

[spinner]: to seduce

[cobra]: he's

[spinner]: the bull

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: yah

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: that's what i think of what john
love its seduction

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: no no

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: exactly

[cobra]: not it's not john loves

[mattward]: hello

[cobra]: is his cow

[mattward]: there

[magistrate]: fair

[spinner]: hello

[magistrate]: just

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: to be clear that the bull wanted

[cobra]: got

[magistrate]: to be

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: killed but instead you're going to give

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: him

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: summoned

[cobra]: no wait

[magistrate]: to bang

[cobra]: wait no

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: when

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: i'm

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: through with

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: him he's going to be dead from

[cobra]: he's gonna go

[spinner]: oh

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: hello bo

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: this says the

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: cow talk to it it's miriam

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: tact

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: and that talk

[magistrate]: and then

[cobra]: to it and

[magistrate]: and

[cobra]: then

[magistrate]: then

[cobra]: while he's like seducing

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: he'll

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: kill the bull

[magistrate]: okay thank you

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: great job

[spinner]: with a dradel

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: great

[mattward]: the trade

[magistrate]: just drop

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: a giant drat

[cobra]: and it's

[magistrate]: on his head

[cobra]: an

[spinner]: sharp

[cobra]: explosive

[spinner]: dradel

[cobra]: an explosive drat

[magistrate]: okay great

[cobra]: sharpen drat like he's going to throw
it like like nina

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: knives or whatever

[spinner]: expends it so fast it just

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: bors

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: right into his head

[magistrate]: so

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: really

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: you

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: have you've paid

[mattward]: oh oh

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: for the belt you've paid for the

[spinner]: easy

[magistrate]: paid

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: for the apples

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: surbus

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: what's happening there

[spinner]: i we could talk

[cobra]: her

[spinner]: to

[cobra]: bras

[spinner]: hades

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: strike a deal

[macho_kringle]: hm

[spinner]: we can work out to

[magistrate]: uh

[spinner]: deal with eighties he's very you

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: pay eighties with the coin on your
eyes that's easy

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: he likes money

[cobra]: oh my

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: god

[mattward]: i thought

[cobra]: jesus

[mattward]: that was

[cobra]: christ

[mattward]: the river bed

[cobra]: yeah it

[spinner]: listen

[cobra]: was

[spinner]: it all goes has is like the

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: bank we could talk

[cobra]: yeah yeah no it's like it's

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: like instead

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: of giving

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: it to caron to give to you
just give me the

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: cavortusit' yeah that's what he would

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: do

[spinner]: that would work

[magistrate]: all right

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: hundred

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: percent

[magistrate]: i'll love

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: great job everybody

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: the crew m brawlers

[spinner]: ye

[mattward]: i feel like this is this is
easy for us

[magistrate]: kay

[mattward]: honestly

[magistrate]: sounded up

[macho_kringle]: ah

[magistrate]: how's

[mattward]: i

[magistrate]: it going

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: how

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: is your knowledge in san because i

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: i'm obsessed with like weird

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: folk lore so like there's some versions
of sand out there that

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: are like

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: this would not be a problem

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: like none of these would be you

[macho_kringle]: sit

[spinner]: are you talking about clause

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: or what's the what's the

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: the horror

[mattward]: shoot

[spinner]: movie

[mattward]: are close

[spinner]: with santa claus

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah what's the

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: yeah the old german one

[magistrate]: m

[mattward]: yeah the

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: dutch one based on germanic tribes is

[spinner]: yes

[mattward]: based on wodin or odin

[magistrate]: so

[mattward]: so

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: he flew

[spinner]: oh

[mattward]: he

[spinner]: god

[magistrate]: uh

[mattward]: led a

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: group called the wild hunt like this

[spinner]: now

[mattward]: is

[spinner]: he's

[mattward]: all

[spinner]: god

[mattward]: he did

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: he was literally just

[magistrate]: yes

[mattward]: an old

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: king how

[mattward]: really

[cobra]: just turn to the wither all

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: of a sudden

[magistrate]: so at

[mattward]: basically

[magistrate]: the

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: the only rule i will lay down

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: here is that you may

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: pick from all of these santas but
one santa must complete all twelve tasks

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: h oh

[mattward]: chris what do you think

[magistrate]: m

[mattward]: i'm saying center close has to do
it he's the guy

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: i

[spinner]: it close

[macho_kringle]: i trust you so i'm gonna tag
you in on on on that i'll back

[macho_kringle]: you

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: up where we're needed i've got my

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: metal chair folded and ready

[magistrate]: ah yeah

[mattward]: so

[spinner]: oh

[mattward]: we already

[spinner]: a

[mattward]: sitecloseis based on woden right so the
wild hunt so he's a hunter and he's

[mattward]: got this back story he can ride
he actually

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: rode reindeer and supposed to a slay
so there

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: was no slag he was

[magistrate]: perfect

[mattward]: riding the rain deer

[spinner]: right m

[mattward]: he's

[magistrate]: okay

[mattward]: a hunter so

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: the lion

[spinner]: why

[mattward]: that stuff i mean do i need
to go into the specifics

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: of how he would take them out

[magistrate]: m

[mattward]: like he's a hunter he would hunt

[magistrate]: the lion the

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: hydra

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: the boar behind

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: the

[macho_kringle]: hm

[magistrate]: bull

[spinner]: the boar is not coacher

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: we don't we don't

[cobra]: they don't

[macho_kringle]: we're

[cobra]: care

[macho_kringle]: not

[mattward]: so

[macho_kringle]: we're not bound by those rules

[magistrate]: i don't think

[macho_kringle]: my

[magistrate]: cyntraclaus

[macho_kringle]: good man

[magistrate]: cares

[cobra]: they

[mattward]: he

[cobra]: don't

[mattward]: also

[cobra]: care

[mattward]: he's also got like a ton

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: of like help like if he's like
woden he actually had ravens and birds as

[mattward]: well they were

[magistrate]: yes

[mattward]: black ravens which later turned into some
mildly offensive things that should never happen any

[mattward]: more

[magistrate]: okay

[mattward]: but we

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: won't go

[cobra]: oh

[mattward]: into that

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: stuff

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: shocked

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: shocking i am shocked

[magistrate]: ah

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: try not to touch on sore and
pete but anyway

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: you christians would like that wouldn't

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: you

[mattward]: jesus

[spinner]: just crush it under the curved

[mattward]: i just got to

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: say

[spinner]: ah

[mattward]: a full disclosure i'm reading a lot
of this oftwakapedia and it's just getting really

[mattward]: offensive

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: tak me in tag me in tag
me in

[magistrate]: did you pick the

[mattward]: chris

[magistrate]: wrong guy

[mattward]: any time

[macho_kringle]: tag

[mattward]: jist

[macho_kringle]: me in

[mattward]: any time there's he does have a
lot of more of plenty

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: so the apples and the food he's
already got with him he's got that stuff

[macho_kringle]: so he's goin

[mattward]: it's

[macho_kringle]: to

[mattward]: in

[macho_kringle]: lure

[mattward]: his sack

[macho_kringle]: that's right he's goin a lure the
nemean lion into a cave see and since

[macho_kringle]: the nemean

[magistrate]: ah

[macho_kringle]: lions hide or you know you know
fur is impenetrable and eros don't work because

[macho_kringle]: he's a hunter and all that that's
fine so he'll use some of them apples

[macho_kringle]: and lead the lion into a cave
but the cave is

[mattward]: i

[macho_kringle]: open

[mattward]: don't

[macho_kringle]: on two sides see so he's got
to block off that

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: other side see he's gonna go in
and what's he

[spinner]: no

[macho_kringle]: going to do to go in

[magistrate]: kay

[macho_kringle]: that christmas suplexstrangle action

[spinner]: a

[macho_kringle]: on that nemean

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: lion neck until he saps it and
he's gonna

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: carry

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: it on his back gonna

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: skin it they're gonna put it over
himself stay warm

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: and in penetrable from the next tax

[magistrate]: okay

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: what

[spinner]: it's

[magistrate]: about

[spinner]: a good idea

[magistrate]: what about the stables

[mattward]: no

[macho_kringle]: stables

[mattward]: well

[macho_kringle]: what

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: do you think

[mattward]: i mean he's got those

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: helpers

[macho_kringle]: right

[mattward]: that

[spinner]: the

[macho_kringle]: slaves

[magistrate]: the

[spinner]: black

[magistrate]: race

[spinner]: ravens

[magistrate]: is ravens

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: oh boy

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: don't like where this

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: is going

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: let's

[mattward]: so they'll

[spinner]: so

[macho_kringle]: go with the

[mattward]: take

[macho_kringle]: go

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: care

[macho_kringle]: go

[mattward]: of

[macho_kringle]: with

[mattward]: them

[macho_kringle]: the claimation elves

[magistrate]: uh

[macho_kringle]: instead helpers

[spinner]: no

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: go

[spinner]: they'll

[macho_kringle]: with

[magistrate]: uh

[macho_kringle]: them

[spinner]: go

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: live full lives and he'll do it

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: so e'll do it he'll yeah

[magistrate]: yah

[mattward]: exactly he'll pay

[macho_kringle]: direct it

[mattward]: good money

[magistrate]: m

[mattward]: for them to not have to do
that and he'll just take care of it

[mattward]: himself and

[macho_kringle]: he could

[mattward]: give them

[macho_kringle]: could

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: he could

[mattward]: much

[macho_kringle]: do

[spinner]: uh

[macho_kringle]: that

[mattward]: reserved

[magistrate]: may

[mattward]: races

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: he could

[spinner]: and

[macho_kringle]: he could

[spinner]: benefits

[macho_kringle]: do that

[magistrate]: great

[macho_kringle]: but since he has a stable

[mattward]: okay

[spinner]: pensions

[macho_kringle]: of strong

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: strong

[magistrate]: he also

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: and thorough bred rain deer he

[magistrate]: he's

[macho_kringle]: could

[magistrate]: going

[macho_kringle]: just

[magistrate]: to support

[macho_kringle]: latch them up to a bunch of

[mattward]: and

[magistrate]: i

[macho_kringle]: like to clear the

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: stables why not direct

[spinner]: no

[macho_kringle]: a river or streaking just redirect

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: that

[mattward]: yes

[macho_kringle]: ship use the reindeer to help clear

[magistrate]: okay

[macho_kringle]: the path

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: and get that done

[mattward]: that's

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: ye

[mattward]: a yeah right and like

[magistrate]: ah

[mattward]: that's

[spinner]: i

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: okay

[mattward]: that's

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: it he just he can use magic
and he can use his helpers who are

[mattward]: so

[magistrate]: m

[mattward]: into

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: working for him

[magistrate]: hm

[mattward]: it's great

[macho_kringle]: they'll

[magistrate]: because

[macho_kringle]: feed

[magistrate]: they're

[macho_kringle]: the reindeer

[magistrate]: they're unionized and they're respected and paid

[macho_kringle]: correct

[magistrate]: living

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: wage at all

[macho_kringle]: that's

[magistrate]: times

[mattward]: exactly

[macho_kringle]: right

[magistrate]: okay

[mattward]: would take

[macho_kringle]: they

[mattward]: care of that

[macho_kringle]: and they have un

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: unionized breaks

[magistrate]: great love it

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: yeah oh

[magistrate]: we just got to take care of

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: the belt

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: hm

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: the

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: out and the

[macho_kringle]: the

[magistrate]: mars

[macho_kringle]: belt of hippolita

[magistrate]: and then and then yeah the belt

[macho_kringle]: yeah i got i got this

[spinner]: nick

[macho_kringle]: one i got this one

[magistrate]: a

[macho_kringle]: so

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: hipalata queen of the amazons right so

[magistrate]: h

[macho_kringle]: amazons

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: they're good people so there's not

[mattward]: i

[spinner]: so

[macho_kringle]: much chris criglcan accept offer up miss
cringel let them have a warm

[spinner]: yes

[macho_kringle]: intimate

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: night of libations

[spinner]: god

[mattward]: we

[macho_kringle]: libations and

[cobra]: libations

[macho_kringle]: and merriment libations and merriment and sharing
of the christmas

[mattward]: nox

[macho_kringle]: spirit and a lot of egg nog
and then in the

[spinner]: is that

[macho_kringle]: morning

[spinner]: what they're calling it these days

[macho_kringle]: and in the morning uhhapalita

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: will greatly and happily part with the
belt because the belt wasn't needed for the

[macho_kringle]: rest of the year

[magistrate]: um judges ruling and matt clarify this
with me

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: did center claus have a missus claus

[mattward]: um

[macho_kringle]: lie

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: it's going to be something

[macho_kringle]: lie

[spinner]: awful

[macho_kringle]: to him

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: is

[macho_kringle]: lie

[mattward]: i

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: to

[mattward]: mean

[macho_kringle]: him

[mattward]: technically

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: technically

[macho_kringle]: we need this

[mattward]: yes but it is also

[magistrate]: no

[mattward]: slightly offensive

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: so

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: of course

[macho_kringle]: did he have did

[spinner]: of

[macho_kringle]: he

[spinner]: course

[macho_kringle]: have did he have many missus claws

[mattward]: at

[macho_kringle]: did he have

[mattward]: what is this

[macho_kringle]: a sister wife environment

[mattward]: would this

[spinner]: oh

[mattward]: would this with missus claus engage in
that behavior because she told her to probably

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: would she be willing on

[macho_kringle]: we need

[spinner]: did

[macho_kringle]: the belt

[mattward]: it

[macho_kringle]: we need

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: the

[spinner]: does

[macho_kringle]: belt

[spinner]: that mate or

[mattward]: it's it's a thought it's maybe that's
a solid

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: impossible

[macho_kringle]: this is not healthy

[mattward]: yes

[macho_kringle]: how are we supposed to slink

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: the bell

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: over the shoulder when you're

[mattward]: a

[macho_kringle]: not

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: back in

[mattward]: ah

[macho_kringle]: situation

[mattward]: listen

[spinner]: at

[mattward]: i feel like we're results

[magistrate]: my

[mattward]: oriented

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: here right so i mean doesn't

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: really matter who

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: is not respected in getting

[macho_kringle]: when

[mattward]: all

[spinner]: you're

[mattward]: of

[macho_kringle]: did

[mattward]: this

[spinner]: worse

[macho_kringle]: you start

[spinner]: than center

[macho_kringle]: working

[spinner]: class

[macho_kringle]: silence

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: when when did you start working

[mattward]: ah

[macho_kringle]: for

[spinner]: m

[macho_kringle]: h r this

[magistrate]: m

[macho_kringle]: is a rastlin

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: situation we came to rastle

[spinner]: hm

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: verbally verbally

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: you back me

[mattward]: so

[macho_kringle]: up please

[mattward]: then yeah

[cobra]: ah

[mattward]: he

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: would just punch her in the face
and take it

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: that's

[mattward]: i don't know

[macho_kringle]: i suggested

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: by be

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: okay well i guess okay

[mattward]: m oh

[magistrate]: uh

[spinner]: i like you could have easily just
said he came down her chimney and took

[spinner]: it

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: but no

[magistrate]: now

[spinner]: we used forcing a woman to sex
against her will

[macho_kringle]: missing

[spinner]: that's the angle to go with

[magistrate]: great

[macho_kringle]: listen

[magistrate]: job i

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: have to do this for for

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: completion

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: the question

[mattward]: yeah oh

[magistrate]: um m

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: surbus have

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: i taken care of

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: tkingarsherbers

[macho_kringle]: candy

[mattward]: uh

[spinner]: so

[macho_kringle]: service is a

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: dog

[spinner]: is

[macho_kringle]: like

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: lksatleast candy but not chocolate

[mattward]: uh

[spinner]: not

[macho_kringle]: even though it's a

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: hell dog and it might die i
feel like he might risk it but at

[macho_kringle]: the same time

[mattward]: he

[spinner]: the same time

[macho_kringle]: what do you think met

[mattward]: he's got a

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: lot of he's got a lot of

[macho_kringle]: that

[mattward]: he's got he's like that is one
thing that it's definitely about cnterclaus

[macho_kringle]: a

[mattward]: not only is he like flying around
but most of the gifts he's giving because

[mattward]: this is olden days

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: it's mostly sugary

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: treats and chickens

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: and gooses

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: and stuff like that

[spinner]: meet

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: so

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: let's be

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: honest service

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: would just be there in two seconds
like it's

[magistrate]: okay

[mattward]: it's the old you bribe him with
food he's

[magistrate]: just

[mattward]: coming

[magistrate]: great so

[spinner]: and then slit his throat with

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: a candy cane is that what we're

[macho_kringle]: no that wasn't the

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: task you had to retrieve and capture
servers can't kill him

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: i just

[mattward]: case

[macho_kringle]: to retrieve

[mattward]: had to bring

[macho_kringle]: him

[spinner]: oh

[mattward]: him back

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: so were we don't

[spinner]: okay

[mattward]: have to kill him

[magistrate]: so we're

[mattward]: so

[magistrate]: good

[spinner]: did we

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: kill them feel

[magistrate]: you may

[spinner]: like

[magistrate]: have

[spinner]: we

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: killed

[magistrate]: it's

[macho_kringle]: i think

[magistrate]: fine

[spinner]: them

[macho_kringle]: i think

[magistrate]: don't worry

[macho_kringle]: you

[magistrate]: about it

[macho_kringle]: i

[mattward]: so

[macho_kringle]: think you took it too far

[magistrate]: i've got too far

[spinner]: feel like we killed

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: him

[macho_kringle]: poor

[magistrate]: so

[macho_kringle]: dog

[magistrate]: i just great i think we answered
all the questions

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: and i just want to circle

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: back to one

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: thing and i want

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: to be clear

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: we're

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: not going to talk about black pete
right is that what we're

[mattward]: no

[magistrate]: doing

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: here

[mattward]: no no

[cobra]: no

[mattward]: no

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: no

[magistrate]: okay

[mattward]: he's

[cobra]: i

[mattward]: a raven

[magistrate]: m

[mattward]: that's

[cobra]: i was

[mattward]: thing a

[cobra]: just

[mattward]: majestic

[cobra]: reading

[mattward]: beautiful

[cobra]: about

[mattward]: bird

[cobra]: this

[magistrate]: uh

[macho_kringle]: oh

[cobra]: i was reading

[mattward]: that is

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: uh

[cobra]: i think i'm on the same page
that mat was and i

[macho_kringle]: yes

[cobra]: got progressively

[mattward]: yeah oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: it's bad

[spinner]: so

[mattward]: it's

[macho_kringle]: yes

[spinner]: so there

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: just to be

[mattward]: a

[spinner]: clear

[mattward]: journey

[spinner]: guys um just be clear they're stuck
with center clause

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: for the rest

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: of the show am i correct

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: yeh

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: what

[macho_kringle]: that was not

[mattward]: let's

[macho_kringle]: that was

[mattward]: on

[spinner]: i think i

[macho_kringle]: not

[spinner]: am

[macho_kringle]: stipulated

[spinner]: i think i am correct

[macho_kringle]: that was a stipulation that

[mattward]: a

[macho_kringle]: was not stated

[magistrate]: you know

[macho_kringle]: therefore

[magistrate]: what

[macho_kringle]: not binding

[magistrate]: a good point we'll find out

[mattward]: yes

[magistrate]: later

[mattward]: what

[magistrate]: the judges

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: have tallied their votes who knows who
won that round mostly no one maybe the

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: audience

[spinner]: i have a question

[magistrate]: lost

[spinner]: real real quick

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: question is center claus different from crampas

[mattward]: yes because

[spinner]: crampas

[mattward]: crampas

[spinner]: okay

[mattward]: is one of his helpers

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: that

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: okay

[mattward]: beats children because

[spinner]: got it

[cobra]: yep

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: because

[spinner]: of

[cobra]: yep

[spinner]: course

[magistrate]: but

[macho_kringle]: no

[mattward]: gus

[macho_kringle]: anybody got time for coal just beat
the child

[spinner]: as no

[mattward]: and

[spinner]: because nobody

[mattward]: if these

[spinner]: can stop center clause

[mattward]: if

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: these illustrations

[spinner]: i

[mattward]: are to believe santa is in the
room while this happens

[macho_kringle]: dang

[mattward]: so

[macho_kringle]: him

[mattward]: he he's improving

[magistrate]: um hey

[mattward]: actually it looks kind of like he's

[macho_kringle]: kay

[mattward]: given them treats while they're being beaten

[magistrate]: he

[mattward]: it's a weird

[magistrate]: hit hey matt i really want to

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: give you christmas a fair

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: shout of winning this gal vigician

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: and

[spinner]: it's like

[magistrate]: so far it looks like you're the
third member of the jew crew so how

[magistrate]: about we

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: just

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: stop your talking and move

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: on to

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: the next question and

[mattward]: yeah let's

[macho_kringle]: stop

[mattward]: let's

[macho_kringle]: digging

[mattward]: just move

[macho_kringle]: stop

[mattward]: on

[macho_kringle]: digging

[mattward]: that

[macho_kringle]: down

[magistrate]: question

[macho_kringle]: we

[magistrate]: three

[macho_kringle]: must

[magistrate]: we're

[macho_kringle]: dig

[magistrate]: gonna make

[macho_kringle]: up

[magistrate]: it we're gonna make a really

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: easy real simple

[mattward]: he

[magistrate]: question what fast food

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: store

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: chain you know pizza

[mattward]: yes

[magistrate]: hut versus too bill will best represent

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: your holiday uh

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: holiday

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: i got one

[spinner]: m

[macho_kringle]: i got

[magistrate]: best

[macho_kringle]: one

[magistrate]: represents

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: honica best represents christmas chris

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: you got one so far off

[macho_kringle]: i confer with you mat star bucks

[mattward]: is

[spinner]: no

[macho_kringle]: all the christmas different beverages

[mattward]: m

[macho_kringle]: it's a fleet of different

[mattward]: m

[macho_kringle]: beverages

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: and it smells wonderful in there and
it's so lit up and

[macho_kringle]: hm

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: does that

[mattward]: yeah there's

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: no abuse

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: in there it's

[macho_kringle]: now

[mattward]: good

[macho_kringle]: you know

[spinner]: no

[mattward]: so

[spinner]: abuse in

[macho_kringle]: there's

[spinner]: there

[cobra]: oh

[macho_kringle]: nothing

[magistrate]: uh yeah they definitely

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: don't try to stop them from unionizing

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: that's

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: not

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: that's

[spinner]: exactly

[macho_kringle]: not the subject

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: that's not the subject you said food
you said

[cobra]: h

[macho_kringle]: fast food

[spinner]: that

[macho_kringle]: you didn't

[spinner]: fits

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: say

[spinner]: that

[magistrate]: he

[spinner]: fits

[magistrate]: brought up a bee so

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah exactly

[mattward]: yes

[macho_kringle]: well

[magistrate]: no one forced

[spinner]: you know

[magistrate]: him he could just not

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: say the

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: word

[spinner]: you know you move the

[macho_kringle]: ye

[spinner]: letters around in santa you kno what
you get

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: we get

[spinner]: satan

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: victory

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: satan

[macho_kringle]: we get

[spinner]: satan

[macho_kringle]: victory

[spinner]: exactly

[macho_kringle]: listen

[spinner]: just saying

[mattward]: yeah i would

[macho_kringle]: you

[mattward]: go

[macho_kringle]: said

[mattward]: with

[macho_kringle]: that

[mattward]: the starbuck starbuck is great that's

[macho_kringle]: okay

[mattward]: that's

[spinner]: that's

[mattward]: awesome

[spinner]: a good answer

[macho_kringle]: okay

[mattward]: it's a solid

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: answer

[cobra]: for for honica

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: food

[spinner]: this

[cobra]: isn't

[spinner]: was

[cobra]: the thing right

[spinner]: yeah but they have certain foods you
know we got the lot because

[cobra]: but that's

[mattward]: those are

[spinner]: and

[mattward]: good

[cobra]: all year round

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: no lotus are bigger ononhonica

[cobra]: true

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: and brisket

[macho_kringle]: do they make

[spinner]: is

[macho_kringle]: them

[spinner]: often

[macho_kringle]: do they make them physically bigger the

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: potato locasdothey ake

[spinner]: no

[macho_kringle]: them bigger

[spinner]: no they

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: just

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: just like

[spinner]: note

[cobra]: people that usually won't eat them and
you at

[mattward]: ah

[cobra]: other times will end up eating a

[spinner]: also

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: who wouldn't

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: eat a lot they're fucking

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: delicious

[cobra]: exactly

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: exactly

[magistrate]: so you're not

[mattward]: i

[magistrate]: picking

[mattward]: feel like you're just

[cobra]: our

[mattward]: naming

[cobra]: briar

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: brisket

[mattward]: is ut

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: brisket exactly

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: so now that we're just we're just

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: educating so we can

[macho_kringle]: my

[spinner]: you know explain

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: our answer

[macho_kringle]: name your

[mattward]: it

[spinner]: so

[macho_kringle]: fast

[cobra]: i feel

[macho_kringle]: food

[cobra]: like

[macho_kringle]: chain

[cobra]: i

[macho_kringle]: sirs

[cobra]: feel like if we're talking about

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: potatoes

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: and

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: you know

[macho_kringle]: uh

[cobra]: brisket

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: huh

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: it has

[spinner]: don't

[cobra]: to be

[spinner]: don't say don't say arabs

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: i was going to say

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: as

[spinner]: i knew it

[macho_kringle]: matt we got him on the turn

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: we got

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: him on the turnbucle they

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: walked

[spinner]: god

[macho_kringle]: in they walked into the close line
into a

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: dub so plat suspended in the suplax

[magistrate]: m

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: they

[magistrate]: yes

[spinner]: got that's unfortunate that is unfortunate

[cobra]: i know

[magistrate]: i

[cobra]: isn't it

[mattward]: i

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: ate a arbsust kind of like saying
i once had really violent diarea

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: that's basil

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: i'm surprised

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: like

[magistrate]: you

[cobra]: fair

[magistrate]: didn't pick k c

[spinner]: he

[magistrate]: honestly really

[cobra]: us

[mattward]: forhonica

[spinner]: we don't we don't we don't eat
fried chicken and that's not like

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: a thing

[magistrate]: really

[cobra]: also

[magistrate]: are you not allowed

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: to eat fried chicken

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: no it's just like we never

[cobra]: it's just not

[spinner]: it's

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: usually

[cobra]: thing

[spinner]: always beef

[magistrate]: i don't

[spinner]: it's

[magistrate]: know what

[spinner]: usually always like brisket

[magistrate]: it's but it's

[spinner]: or

[cobra]: ye

[magistrate]: fried

[spinner]: even

[magistrate]: in oil like

[spinner]: fish

[magistrate]: everything is just de fried in oil

[spinner]: that's all fast

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: food

[cobra]: that's yeah but we don't do that
even lothkas

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: aren't deprived

[spinner]: on

[cobra]: just fried

[magistrate]: hark s all about eating oily foods
as pitie told me

[cobra]: ye

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: uh yeah

[cobra]: sure

[mattward]: careful

[macho_kringle]: m okay

[spinner]: so any

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: fast

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: food joint

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: um i think we have to stick
with our arbi

[magistrate]: well

[spinner]: answer

[magistrate]: that was a

[spinner]: that's

[magistrate]: mistake

[spinner]: really the

[magistrate]: moving

[spinner]: only option

[magistrate]: on

[cobra]: it's unfortunate but it is you know

[spinner]: they

[macho_kringle]: out

[cobra]: fits

[macho_kringle]: of

[spinner]: serve brisket and fries and that is

[mattward]: m

[spinner]: the closest we'll get

[macho_kringle]: out of the cornucopia of food options

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: you descended

[spinner]: uh

[mattward]: m

[macho_kringle]: on arabs

[mattward]: m

[macho_kringle]: of all

[mattward]: i

[spinner]: no

[mattward]: already

[spinner]: no one

[mattward]: have

[spinner]: had

[mattward]: indigestion

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: it's great

[magistrate]: okay next question were moving on

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: from

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: whatever that was

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: hear me out this is gonna be
a little bit of an explanation but i

[magistrate]: hope it will make

[macho_kringle]: here

[magistrate]: sense

[macho_kringle]: we go

[magistrate]: so

[macho_kringle]: buck up

[spinner]: love

[magistrate]: are

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: you guys are familiar

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: with a moral combat termment correct

[macho_kringle]: somewhat

[spinner]: of

[macho_kringle]: yes

[spinner]: course

[cobra]: yes

[magistrate]: so

[macho_kringle]: do one to others as you would
do on

[magistrate]: you

[spinner]: uh

[magistrate]: need to the

[spinner]: uh

[magistrate]: basically mortal compact you

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: need to elect a representative for honica
and christmas respectively

[spinner]: my

[magistrate]: that will participate for you

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: in the moral combat term of now
there are a couple of things to mind

[magistrate]: you here of one

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: to make this an actual challenge for
the christmas

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: team you cannot pick anyone who

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: is essentially

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: a current champion of christmas so you
can't use that you can't use frosty

[spinner]: ye

[magistrate]: anybody associate the christmas is out it's
got to be a brand new representative um

[magistrate]: m so what i want to know

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: is who you're picking and why you're
picking them and to

[macho_kringle]: from

[magistrate]: give

[macho_kringle]: the

[magistrate]: you

[macho_kringle]: mortal combat

[spinner]: we

[magistrate]: no no

[macho_kringle]: pantheon

[magistrate]: no to gie you context of higher
pickin tha you're picking anybody

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: you want so i've picked a couple
to represent easter and saint patrick's day in

[magistrate]: the holiday mortal combat so for

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: a

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: for patrick day um

[mattward]: ye

[magistrate]: the same patrick day team is sending
nevil long bottom um he got the snakes

[magistrate]: out of hogorts

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: which is good enough for them and

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: he has you know some pretty good
experience fighting

[spinner]: ye

[magistrate]: things um and the easter

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: team easter easter seal society

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: if you if you will um

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: they've elected to send

[spinner]: ye

[magistrate]: freddy cruger because he keeps riving from

[spinner]: what

[magistrate]: graves

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: and he loves

[mattward]: a

[magistrate]: show and

[mattward]: ye

[spinner]: okay so it

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: has to be quasi related to your

[magistrate]: related to your holiday as much as
possible yes

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: hanka team

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: i think you're first this time

[mattward]: it oh

[magistrate]: jo crew

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: if you will

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: let's just start

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: with the ultimate killing

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: machine and then we'll somehow make that
reference on i think

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: the best

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: angle

[mattward]: you mean john

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: lovett you already did that

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: he's already a current representative of hanka

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: can not be chosen

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: listen

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: john burn tall as punisher john bertha
is jewish

[macho_kringle]: ye

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: let's

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: still

[cobra]: think

[spinner]: use an example that's a good choice
but they can have supernatural powers

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: so let's

[cobra]: fair

[spinner]: not limit ourselves to to

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: you don't

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: need to picture on burn hall i
picked two characters i didn't not pick any

[magistrate]: so the punisher

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: great but

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: you know work it up

[spinner]: so how can we pick thanes with
all the infinity stones

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: that's my thinking

[magistrate]: well he's only got what six infinity
stones that's a real bomber

[spinner]: six i know man

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: if

[macho_kringle]: yes

[spinner]: he had eight

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: stones would be

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: man

[spinner]: fucking money

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: it's the glove counter two

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: stones

[cobra]: no he has he has two stones
dangling between

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[cobra]: his legs

[spinner]: it is fans

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: what about what about a fire powered

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: man because of the fire from the

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: candles

[cobra]: what i was thinking so i went

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: straight back to light sabers as well

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: maybe maybe

[spinner]: festival of lights yeah

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: what's what's the name of that stupid

[magistrate]: general and

[cobra]: druid

[magistrate]: grievous

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: general grieves but with like for arms

[spinner]: no but he has how many arms
does he have we need we need

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: we need

[cobra]: eight

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: arm sorry i meant eight arms

[spinner]: i think he has eight arms

[cobra]: it has four

[spinner]: the most

[mattward]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: i think we

[cobra]: as

[spinner]: need

[cobra]: far

[spinner]: we need a double check the four

[mattward]: yes

[cobra]: he can

[macho_kringle]: ah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: have

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: four

[spinner]: but does that

[cobra]: arms

[spinner]: include

[cobra]: but

[spinner]: his

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: legs

[cobra]: we we double with double

[mattward]: yes

[cobra]: light sabers you know

[magistrate]: yeah the

[cobra]: like

[magistrate]: pictures

[cobra]: the dark

[magistrate]: show

[cobra]: small

[magistrate]: him with

[cobra]: ones

[magistrate]: four arms and one light saver for
arm so you're halfway there

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: but

[cobra]: but

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: two

[cobra]: we

[spinner]: legs

[cobra]: can we can have

[magistrate]: who

[cobra]: the

[magistrate]: likes

[spinner]: those

[cobra]: double

[spinner]: are

[cobra]: light

[spinner]: limbs

[cobra]: sabers

[magistrate]: like

[macho_kringle]: oh

[cobra]: the double light sabers

[spinner]: all

[cobra]: the one the dark mole ones

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: those counts

[spinner]: stretching

[cobra]: for two

[spinner]: it i think what about what

[magistrate]: uh

[spinner]: about

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: this

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: this is

[cobra]: that's stretching

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: that's too far i got a good
one here ready

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: our

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: gonna like this

[cobra]: m

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: r octipus

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: with light sabers

[magistrate]: yeh

[spinner]: not only does

[cobra]: oh

[mattward]: m

[spinner]: not

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: not only does he have

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: eight limbs

[mattward]: it's not

[spinner]: he

[mattward]: general

[spinner]: is also

[mattward]: grievous

[cobra]: ah

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: yes

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: no we're moving away

[magistrate]: we're

[spinner]: from general

[magistrate]: past

[spinner]: grievis

[magistrate]: that now

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: we're

[mattward]: ah

[spinner]: going to torocapos not only does he
have eight limbs but he is a doctor

[cobra]: yet true

[spinner]: great representative for the jewish community

[magistrate]: that'll keep all the moms

[macho_kringle]: hm

[magistrate]: happy

[cobra]: that

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: i'll

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: keep them that i'll keep the mom's
happy for sure and

[magistrate]: a

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: what's his

[spinner]: um

[cobra]: name

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: its name is auto octavius

[mattward]: ye

[macho_kringle]: octavius

[cobra]: a that's jewish right sefer

[spinner]: that's jud

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: instead

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: of scanaziit's a sefrdid you for sure

[spinner]: yeah for sure he's jewish that's known

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: known remember the comet where

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: he lights the eight

[cobra]: shit

[spinner]: candles

[cobra]: dude

[spinner]: at once

[cobra]: we can pick manito he's

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[cobra]: jewish

[spinner]: magnito's jewish you survived the holy cost

[cobra]: and there's lights

[spinner]: what

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: electricity

[magistrate]: what

[macho_kringle]: ah

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: i don't know

[spinner]: in the world in

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: the world

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: and there's

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: lights

[cobra]: know

[spinner]: in existence

[cobra]: magnetism then it goes somewhere here and
then electricity there

[spinner]: i like i like magneto he survived

[cobra]: like yeah

[spinner]: the hollow

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: cost

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: he's a good jewish representative

[magistrate]: how does he represent

[spinner]: the

[magistrate]: honicawhat

[spinner]: way because his magnetism lasts

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: like the oil

[cobra]: eight days

[spinner]: in the

[magistrate]: eight

[spinner]: days

[magistrate]: days

[spinner]: of your

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: even

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: longer it's an even better deal than
a candle that last eight days

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: it's

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: uh

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah he doesn't really he much he's

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: survived

[spinner]: about it

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: he survived for eight days in oushwit

[magistrate]: i got to be honest with you

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: doesn't really seem like he practices judaism
that much

[spinner]: how dare you

[cobra]: all all no way that's precisely why

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: which which you do you know that
practice is judaism

[magistrate]: okay you may have

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: me there

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah exactly

[magistrate]: uh

[macho_kringle]: hodacaharry

[spinner]: that

[mattward]: he's

[spinner]: s the

[mattward]: a

[spinner]: joke

[mattward]: very modern

[magistrate]: h oh

[mattward]: wish man

[spinner]: yeah as the joke goes he's jewish

[macho_kringle]: oh

[cobra]: exactly

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: exactly

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: uh

[magistrate]: ah

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: yeah so those between those what do
you think we go magneto or i think

[spinner]: i like

[cobra]: oak

[spinner]: the

[macho_kringle]: a

[spinner]: drdockok

[cobra]: has

[spinner]: is better because more layers but i
don't know he's not as good at fighting

[spinner]: as magneto in in an actual

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: mortal combat tournament

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: i believe

[cobra]: i think i'd

[spinner]: magnitospoet

[cobra]: be he'd be fine

[mattward]: what

[spinner]: he'd

[mattward]: if you

[spinner]: handle

[mattward]: fight

[cobra]: he'd

[spinner]: himself

[mattward]: a

[cobra]: have

[mattward]: naked

[cobra]: some

[mattward]: territer

[cobra]: he'd have some

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: really fun

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: like fatalities dot awkward

[spinner]: yeah i like i think we should
go with doc he's a

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: he's a jewish doctor

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: all right

[spinner]: he's

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: duck

[spinner]: known to be jewish

[magistrate]: awk is representing that

[mattward]: ye

[magistrate]: you crew

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: his full name is

[macho_kringle]: the

[spinner]: octavia

[cobra]: his

[spinner]: stein

[magistrate]: uh

[cobra]: exactly

[magistrate]: h

[cobra]: octavia ten gold bloom

[spinner]: gold gold

[mattward]: cool

[spinner]: burg

[macho_kringle]: it's gold

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: blue

[cobra]: no

[magistrate]: i

[cobra]: it's not no let's not go let's

[spinner]: let's talk

[cobra]: go

[mattward]: see

[spinner]: go crazy

[cobra]: full smith yeah yeah

[magistrate]: of course not

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: you need to have a beard for

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: can he can he bethlehem brawlers

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: please

[spinner]: yea

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: tip

[magistrate]: rebuked

[macho_kringle]: the scales

[magistrate]: tip

[macho_kringle]: yes

[magistrate]: of

[spinner]: enter

[magistrate]: scales

[spinner]: the chat

[magistrate]: ed of

[macho_kringle]: we

[magistrate]: the

[macho_kringle]: can

[magistrate]: chat yes

[macho_kringle]: in

[mattward]: i think we got some

[macho_kringle]: ah

[mattward]: good ideas we got to

[macho_kringle]: i

[mattward]: figure

[macho_kringle]: think so

[mattward]: it out though we got to work
this out

[macho_kringle]: yeah so

[spinner]: no

[macho_kringle]: my my suggestion would be black dynamite
one incredible fighter two he

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: yes

[macho_kringle]: runs an orphanage because he used to
be an orphan

[spinner]: i

[macho_kringle]: and three when time comes for brutal
fatalities he could take any approach from his

[macho_kringle]: fellow pimp community pimps whether it means
a hot coat

[mattward]: ah

[macho_kringle]: hanger etcetera

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: a et cetera et cetera

[spinner]: question chris

[macho_kringle]: hm

[spinner]: aren't orphans one of the few who
can't partake in christmas

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: as in

[macho_kringle]: says who

[spinner]: santa does not bring him gifts

[macho_kringle]: no sir

[cobra]: of

[spinner]: santa

[macho_kringle]: stay

[spinner]: does not bring

[macho_kringle]: stay

[spinner]: gifts

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: in your

[spinner]: to orphans

[macho_kringle]: stay in your corner

[mattward]: he

[macho_kringle]: stay in your corner

[mattward]: i

[spinner]: since is a known orphan hater

[macho_kringle]: no no no no no no no
no no no no no no no

[mattward]: i don't need toys for touts i
know that we're helping all right

[spinner]: someone

[mattward]: i gave

[spinner]: all

[mattward]: them

[spinner]: right

[mattward]: a puzzle that's half

[spinner]: that's

[mattward]: finished

[spinner]: fair

[macho_kringle]: furthermore

[spinner]: so sanna sanna

[mattward]: ye

[spinner]: did come through okay

[mattward]: ye

[macho_kringle]: santa no

[spinner]: fair

[macho_kringle]: came through santa gives extra attention to
the children in the orphanage and children in

[macho_kringle]: hospital because they need some extra love

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: the holiday season so you sir sit
in your corner and proceed to get this

[macho_kringle]: verbal beating thus now that's my suggestion

[mattward]: a

[macho_kringle]: what are your thoughts

[mattward]: i like that

[spinner]: i like

[mattward]: actually though because like it's also he's
got like a smoothness to him plus he

[mattward]: knows what it's like to be a
parent at christmas

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: because he has a lot of kids

[macho_kringle]: m m

[mattward]: um

[macho_kringle]: m yeah

[mattward]: not all of them know

[spinner]: a

[mattward]: his name i think is what it
is or

[macho_kringle]: no

[mattward]: maybe they all i don't know

[macho_kringle]: a

[mattward]: many

[macho_kringle]: lot of

[mattward]: people

[macho_kringle]: cats

[mattward]: have

[macho_kringle]: have

[mattward]: like

[macho_kringle]: that name black dynamite

[mattward]: yeah so

[spinner]: very

[mattward]: i like

[spinner]: common

[mattward]: that

[spinner]: lake

[mattward]: but

[spinner]: board

[macho_kringle]: but

[mattward]: i would also

[spinner]: i

[mattward]: say

[spinner]: would

[mattward]: going into comics

[macho_kringle]: hm

[mattward]: could go with dare

[spinner]: go

[mattward]: devil

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[mattward]: fun

[spinner]: catholic

[macho_kringle]: pray tell

[mattward]: he's as religious as i gets he's
extremely catholic

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: he's

[macho_kringle]: hm

[mattward]: very blind

[macho_kringle]: and

[mattward]: m

[macho_kringle]: red

[mattward]: so

[cobra]: oh

[macho_kringle]: ah

[mattward]: you

[spinner]: very

[mattward]: know

[spinner]: blind

[mattward]: he can't

[spinner]: very blind

[mattward]: see the horror that

[spinner]: horror

[mattward]: has been unleashed on christmas i don't
know were i'm going with this but you

[mattward]: know

[macho_kringle]: no

[cobra]: dresses

[mattward]: he's

[cobra]: in

[mattward]: got

[cobra]: red

[mattward]: a

[macho_kringle]: stick to the blindness

[cobra]: he dresses

[macho_kringle]: and the

[cobra]: in

[macho_kringle]: red

[cobra]: red to his basically center

[mattward]: he's

[macho_kringle]: you

[mattward]: very

[cobra]: right

[macho_kringle]: know

[mattward]: red

[macho_kringle]: roof top

[mattward]: he

[macho_kringle]: hopper

[spinner]: who stand to this lucian stuff helping

[mattward]: he has

[spinner]: them

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: some serious serious anger issues like if
you've ever seen him fight he just

[spinner]: just

[mattward]: lets

[spinner]: like

[mattward]: and

[spinner]: center

[mattward]: lose all

[spinner]: claus

[mattward]: the time

[macho_kringle]: that's right

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: that's right

[cobra]: oh no

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[mattward]: without

[cobra]: no

[mattward]: any of the afore

[macho_kringle]: hm

[mattward]: mentioned problems but

[macho_kringle]: hm

[mattward]: you know and he's blind

[spinner]: i

[macho_kringle]: yes

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: we

[mattward]: i'm just going to keep

[magistrate]: yah

[spinner]: that's

[mattward]: leaning

[spinner]: the big

[mattward]: on

[spinner]: fat

[mattward]: that

[macho_kringle]: it's

[spinner]: that's

[mattward]: one

[macho_kringle]: twenty

[spinner]: the big

[macho_kringle]: twenty

[spinner]: fact

[macho_kringle]: two

[mattward]: no

[macho_kringle]: santa claus would be would be very

[mattward]: he

[magistrate]: um

[mattward]: has all those senses so he can
see people coming

[macho_kringle]: yep

[mattward]: he can

[spinner]: it's

[mattward]: feel

[spinner]: that really

[mattward]: them coming

[spinner]: blind then

[macho_kringle]: ah

[spinner]: you know i

[mattward]: not

[spinner]: just have

[mattward]: really

[spinner]: to say that

[mattward]: i think he just

[macho_kringle]: yes

[mattward]: sees everything

[macho_kringle]: and no

[mattward]: like

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: a

[macho_kringle]: yes

[mattward]: virtual boy from like the

[macho_kringle]: correct

[mattward]: early to like nineties

[magistrate]: hey

[macho_kringle]: i wanted one

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: of those

[cobra]: we don't

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: we don't talk about that dare devil

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: oh yeah yeah he bent half

[magistrate]: as

[spinner]: like dear devil

[magistrate]: a steve

[macho_kringle]: he was good though

[magistrate]: as the duly elected magistrate for this
i do have a question about

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: the choice of

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: either these characters

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: in

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: that what the fuck do they have
to do with christmas

[macho_kringle]: easily

[mattward]: well dare

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: devil is

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: catholic so he observes a lot of
jesus related

[macho_kringle]: ah

[mattward]: things such

[macho_kringle]: hm

[mattward]: as christmas

[magistrate]: so

[macho_kringle]: and

[magistrate]: this

[macho_kringle]: then black dynamite

[magistrate]: this

[mattward]: and

[macho_kringle]: go ahead

[magistrate]: the spirit of christmas is

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: observing

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: it

[macho_kringle]: m hm

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: ye

[mattward]: well

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: yes he's also a lawyer so he's
quite rich

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: i

[spinner]: ah

[mattward]: don't know where i

[macho_kringle]: okay

[spinner]: you keep saying points

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: like they matter

[macho_kringle]: and then

[spinner]: don't forget he has brown hair

[magistrate]: i heard

[macho_kringle]: and

[magistrate]: he's

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: then

[spinner]: don't

[magistrate]: blind

[spinner]: forget

[macho_kringle]: black

[spinner]: that part

[macho_kringle]: dynamite black dynamite

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: having been an orphan has

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: always wanted to part of the reason

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: he runs an orphanage is because he's

[mattward]: i

[macho_kringle]: wanted a family so bull horn cream

[spinner]: kay

[macho_kringle]: honey bee

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: like that's his family and the children

[spinner]: the

[macho_kringle]: are

[magistrate]: those

[macho_kringle]: his

[magistrate]: are

[macho_kringle]: responsibility

[magistrate]: his elves

[macho_kringle]: you could

[magistrate]: and

[macho_kringle]: say

[magistrate]: he

[macho_kringle]: that

[magistrate]: uses

[macho_kringle]: as

[magistrate]: them

[macho_kringle]: well

[magistrate]: to make toys and sell

[macho_kringle]: for

[magistrate]: them

[cobra]: oh

[macho_kringle]: the

[magistrate]: at

[macho_kringle]: children

[magistrate]: a nominal

[cobra]: no

[magistrate]: profit while not paying

[macho_kringle]: to

[magistrate]: the children

[macho_kringle]: keep

[cobra]: we're back

[macho_kringle]: what

[cobra]: we're

[macho_kringle]: without

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: back to center class

[macho_kringle]: without

[cobra]: then

[macho_kringle]: the roof needs to be provided for
the utility bills do not stop

[cobra]: yes

[macho_kringle]: you must run and you need

[magistrate]: m yeah

[macho_kringle]: to feed these children so base on
that life experience he wants

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: to grow the operation to spread more
joy and make sure that all the orphanages

[macho_kringle]: especially are taken care of but then

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: lo raden

[spinner]: o

[macho_kringle]: has come down and she can wants
to come in things up now who the

[macho_kringle]: hell is interrupted

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: with

[spinner]: a

[macho_kringle]: my holiday chair

[spinner]: holiday a

[macho_kringle]: you know you don't you don't do

[magistrate]: hey chris chris is

[mattward]: i

[magistrate]: that is that the fight sound or
the sex sound they sound

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: really similar to me and i just
want to

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: know

[spinner]: it sound exact same

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: listen

[mattward]: a little bit but

[macho_kringle]: while you well black with every between
battles right between bouts

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: black dinametewill proceed

[spinner]: we got

[macho_kringle]: to approach

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: katana whoever

[spinner]: raden

[macho_kringle]: and whoever

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: and raiding and just you know proceed

[cobra]: what

[macho_kringle]: try the different

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: positions

[spinner]: luke

[macho_kringle]: that

[spinner]: age

[macho_kringle]: are found in the astrological

[spinner]: not luke age

[macho_kringle]: coma

[spinner]: johnny

[cobra]: gore

[macho_kringle]: sutra

[spinner]: gage

[macho_kringle]: okay

[cobra]: gore

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: so

[spinner]: good cora

[macho_kringle]: when

[mattward]: um

[macho_kringle]: goro lots of hands a lot of
dick lots of hands but you see the

[macho_kringle]: christmas spirit must be upheld and maintained

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: right and so just because you use
the fist cuffs that does not

[mattward]: ping

[spinner]: it's

[macho_kringle]: mean

[spinner]: not

[mattward]: up

[spinner]: me

[macho_kringle]: it does not mean

[magistrate]: all right

[macho_kringle]: that the cheer cannot be spread sexually

[magistrate]: so great

[spinner]: this is like word salad

[magistrate]: i just want to come back

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: like

[magistrate]: and

[spinner]: i have

[magistrate]: understand

[spinner]: no

[macho_kringle]: tastes

[spinner]: idea what

[macho_kringle]: good

[spinner]: he's saying

[magistrate]: dare devil

[macho_kringle]: it tasted very

[magistrate]: or

[macho_kringle]: good

[spinner]: don't forget

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: also matt just to help you out

[magistrate]: yep

[spinner]: dare devil wears glasses

[mattward]: he does

[magistrate]: thank you

[cobra]: oh

[macho_kringle]: ah

[mattward]: and he doesn't have a

[magistrate]: isn't he

[mattward]: and

[magistrate]: blind

[mattward]: and his dad is dead

[magistrate]: first of all

[spinner]: and it's

[cobra]: and

[mattward]: let's

[cobra]: he's

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: blind

[mattward]: let

[magistrate]: first

[mattward]: that

[magistrate]: of

[mattward]: one

[magistrate]: all you christmas bethaham

[mattward]: i'm

[magistrate]: brawlers

[mattward]: basically just

[cobra]: yes

[magistrate]: you need

[mattward]: just

[magistrate]: to pick

[mattward]: describing

[magistrate]: pick

[mattward]: daredevil

[magistrate]: pick one

[macho_kringle]: we can

[magistrate]: pick

[macho_kringle]: we

[magistrate]: one

[macho_kringle]: can pick o but you asked us
to connect the dots and we have done

[macho_kringle]: so thoroughly matt

[magistrate]: great

[macho_kringle]: what do you think

[mattward]: i think

[spinner]: what's your final

[mattward]: we

[spinner]: answer regius

[mattward]: i

[spinner]: filon

[mattward]: think we should go with black dynamite
because the more i discussed

[spinner]: he more

[mattward]: star devil the more i realize

[magistrate]: ya

[mattward]: that

[spinner]: the more you

[magistrate]: wow

[spinner]: convince yourself

[magistrate]: interesting

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: he's a sad sad angry

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: catholic boy i don't think he's goin
to best make decisions he's you know

[macho_kringle]: he's a great

[spinner]: no

[mattward]: i'm gonna

[macho_kringle]: fighter

[mattward]: go with black

[magistrate]: ah

[mattward]: dynamite

[macho_kringle]: we can always sub him in because
when you need to chisel like two fighters

[macho_kringle]: that you have black dynamite

[magistrate]: yes

[macho_kringle]: as the lead and dare devil can
switch if you

[magistrate]: no

[macho_kringle]: need to to build

[mattward]: plus

[macho_kringle]: up your

[magistrate]: you

[macho_kringle]: fight

[cobra]: this

[magistrate]: can't

[macho_kringle]: meter

[cobra]: isn't

[mattward]: dare

[magistrate]: that's

[mattward]: devil

[cobra]: marvell

[magistrate]: that's

[cobra]: versus

[magistrate]: not how this

[cobra]: cap

[magistrate]: term

[cobra]: com

[magistrate]: works

[macho_kringle]: listen

[cobra]: this is

[macho_kringle]: i

[mattward]: plus

[macho_kringle]: was

[cobra]: not

[macho_kringle]: just

[cobra]: marvel

[macho_kringle]: saying

[cobra]: versus cap combat

[macho_kringle]: i

[cobra]: the

[macho_kringle]: don't

[cobra]: funk

[magistrate]: moral

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: play

[magistrate]: combat

[macho_kringle]: this game

[spinner]: no

[macho_kringle]: i

[magistrate]: moral

[macho_kringle]: don't

[magistrate]: combat

[macho_kringle]: play

[spinner]: no

[macho_kringle]: mortal

[spinner]: black

[mattward]: what

[macho_kringle]: combat

[spinner]: dynamo

[magistrate]: fatalities

[spinner]: black

[magistrate]: only

[macho_kringle]: okay

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: plus

[macho_kringle]: okay

[mattward]: are

[spinner]: oh

[mattward]: devil

[spinner]: no

[macho_kringle]: okay

[mattward]: there dare devil won't do fatalities he's

[magistrate]: mhscotdamn

[mattward]: just he's not about that he just

[macho_kringle]: black

[mattward]: sort

[macho_kringle]: dynamite

[magistrate]: coward

[mattward]: of like

[macho_kringle]: will

[mattward]: morally

[macho_kringle]: fully

[mattward]: be a post

[cobra]: true

[macho_kringle]: proceed

[mattward]: so

[cobra]: true

[mattward]: i think

[cobra]: true

[macho_kringle]: interrupt

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: i think

[macho_kringle]: your

[mattward]: black

[macho_kringle]: life with

[mattward]: in

[macho_kringle]: his

[mattward]: an

[macho_kringle]: co

[mattward]: lit for sure

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: oh guy sorry unfortunately scorpion just

[magistrate]: uh

[spinner]: ripped out black dinamasheart awkward

[magistrate]: um moving

[spinner]: fatality

[macho_kringle]: and

[magistrate]: on

[macho_kringle]: yet

[magistrate]: moving on we're

[mattward]: yes

[magistrate]: asking

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: believe

[magistrate]: the next

[cobra]: you

[magistrate]: question

[cobra]: guys did pig john maclean

[magistrate]: we're asking the next question

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: eat it

[spinner]: eat it

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: o

[macho_kringle]: yeah ho

[mattward]: that's only work it's mortal

[magistrate]: this

[mattward]: combat turn health an an airport

[magistrate]: well you know what

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: we're not

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: talking about that any more we're on
to the next

[spinner]: or

[magistrate]: question

[spinner]: a building

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: so you all need

[mattward]: okay

[magistrate]: to shut the

[spinner]: yahsegue

[magistrate]: fuck up

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: this question

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: is

[macho_kringle]: yes

[magistrate]: four

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: jew crew

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: could i say the hebrew hammers would
that be allowed

[mattward]: yes

[cobra]: sure sure

[spinner]: i will

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: i will

[macho_kringle]: i

[spinner]: allow

[macho_kringle]: like

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: it

[macho_kringle]: the

[cobra]: i

[macho_kringle]: iteration

[cobra]: allow it as well

[magistrate]: if you

[spinner]: sustain

[magistrate]: will

[spinner]: sustained

[magistrate]: this

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: is their question

[cobra]: proceed

[magistrate]: this

[macho_kringle]: a

[magistrate]: is only their question so here's what
i need

[mattward]: yes

[magistrate]: you to do

[mattward]: ye

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: hanka

[cobra]: i

[mattward]: h

[cobra]: dealt

[mattward]: h

[magistrate]: hanka needs

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: its

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: own hanka movie there's not enough hanka
movies in the world

[spinner]: amen

[magistrate]: so i need

[spinner]: praise

[magistrate]: you

[spinner]: jesus

[magistrate]: i need you guys

[spinner]: sorry wrong guy

[cobra]: what

[magistrate]: and

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: wrong guy

[magistrate]: i need you guys in about i'm

[macho_kringle]: eliza

[magistrate]: cap you about ten

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: minutes because i know how

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: we work on the show in

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: ten minutes i need

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: you

[cobra]: know

[magistrate]: to

[cobra]: wat you're

[magistrate]: create

[cobra]: talking about

[magistrate]: me

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: the script for the next great hanka

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: movie and i'm going to put a

[spinner]: i'm gonna put a

[magistrate]: just

[spinner]: level

[magistrate]: a little bit of restraint to you
to give you some focus

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: i wanted

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: to be a buddy cop

[mattward]: if

[magistrate]: action flick if you will think like

[mattward]: as

[spinner]: love it

[magistrate]: lethal weapon may be not lethal weapon
because but you know what i mean

[cobra]: yes

[mattward]: a

[spinner]: lead

[mattward]: a

[spinner]: the weapon without the anticevothism

[cobra]: you

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: want us to make a honicamove mel

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: that talk about an impossible

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: if

[cobra]: task

[macho_kringle]: you did that that would have been
a cluster fouk

[magistrate]: but a buddy cop action film

[spinner]: so kane

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: west and

[cobra]: yea

[spinner]: mel gibs and their partners

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: they get along

[mattward]: uh

[spinner]: just far and

[cobra]: oh my god

[spinner]: oh

[mattward]: thank the

[cobra]: okay so

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: true

[spinner]: okay so it's

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: a buddy

[cobra]: think

[spinner]: cop so

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: for

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: any buddy cap movie guys who

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: immediately

[mattward]: okay

[spinner]: aren't friends but then

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: sorry

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: get along

[magistrate]: spencer i just want to add in
two things

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: all you need to do don't go
too far into it but title obviously important

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: and then

[cobra]: live

[magistrate]: the

[cobra]: that for the end

[magistrate]: and then the two actors who are
gonna play the buddies

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: but cops if you will

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: can

[spinner]: got

[cobra]: we

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: do

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: we have to pick that can we

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: actors from any era at any point
in time

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: or

[magistrate]: you're making it today

[spinner]: yeah we know oscar

[cobra]: fuck

[spinner]: isa's going to be

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: there

[magistrate]: obviously

[mattward]: m

[cobra]: no no no no no

[spinner]: no this

[cobra]: this

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: has to be in an

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: all jew crew

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: this movie

[spinner]: that's going to be tough

[cobra]: i know

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: that's why

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: they

[cobra]: asked

[spinner]: don't

[cobra]: because

[spinner]: have

[cobra]: otherwise otherwise it would be justin hoffman

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: and mel brooks

[magistrate]: he's still alive

[cobra]: but yeah

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: but they're

[spinner]: no no

[cobra]: too old

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: to make a buddy buddy cop movie

[spinner]: he's the no nonsense police chief

[cobra]: yeah oh i like it okay okay

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: i liked it

[spinner]: so um wait we can get actors
that aren't jewish to play jews that's what

[spinner]: acting is

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: no but that's going to get counselled
no i won't

[spinner]: no no

[cobra]: whom i

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: who am i kidding

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: never going to get cancelled

[spinner]: it'll it'll

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: thrive

[cobra]: oh yeah

[spinner]: i think we get

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: ryan reynolds because

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: he's always good in

[cobra]: perfect

[spinner]: a buddy cop comedy

[cobra]: so he's

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: he's like the loose canon

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: sort

[spinner]: but he's

[cobra]: of like

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: joe cracking

[spinner]: jewish

[cobra]: like

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: gay

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: yes

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: his name is david lebovit

[spinner]: got it

[magistrate]: great

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: david leboitts

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: gonna say like that because it sounds

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: sure

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: whatever

[spinner]: should

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: should his partner be a non jew

[mattward]: a

[cobra]: like an o

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: he teaches the

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: meaning

[spinner]: a gentile

[cobra]: of hanica to him

[spinner]: yeah exactly that's

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: what i'm thinking ready no no the
other cup is a former jew who's lost

[spinner]: his belief

[cobra]: oh i like

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: and he's like and he's like

[cobra]: has to

[spinner]: honi

[cobra]: be an older

[spinner]: didn't

[cobra]: dude

[spinner]: honi didn't save my wife and kid

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: when they were murdered

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: on the seventh day of honica

[magistrate]: can i can i offer

[spinner]: yah

[cobra]: they died eating lot kiss

[magistrate]: can i can i offer such a
baron cone

[spinner]: h

[magistrate]: to play that character

[spinner]: yes

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: i love that casting

[cobra]: oh my

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: god

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: where was honica when my wife was

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: feet in oil oh

[macho_kringle]: sexually

[cobra]: where where was hanna when my son
was choking

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: on some gun ot

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[macho_kringle]: sexually

[spinner]: and then

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: the premise of the movie

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: is they have eight days

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: to stop

[cobra]: oh

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: who's who's the who's the villain

[spinner]: the villain

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: kin

[spinner]: hart

[cobra]: no i'm kidding

[spinner]: no i was gonna say harvey wine

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: wow

[spinner]: he's a bad representation we

[cobra]: jeffrey

[spinner]: have to

[cobra]: epstein

[spinner]: stop him even

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: with stop naming bad jews

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: it's not helping

[magistrate]: uh

[spinner]: us um

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: no they have

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: to stop there's a there's a guy
who's bombing

[mattward]: ah

[spinner]: a town a no a different area
of the city every day every night of

[spinner]: honica

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: every day there's a new

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: played

[spinner]: bombing and the

[cobra]: by

[spinner]: eighth

[cobra]: mel gibson

[macho_kringle]: ye

[spinner]: no this has to make it to
theaters and it's

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: i like that i like the idea

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: of

[spinner]: so

[mattward]: yes

[cobra]: threat

[spinner]: and then the eighth day is like
he's going to nuk the city

[magistrate]: so spencer can

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: i just i just want to help
you guys

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: hear the explosions are always like the
top of a sky scraper there

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: by making it like a candle stick

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: nice

[spinner]: love it

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: i love

[cobra]: nice

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: he's like blowing them up

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: across the city

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: to make

[cobra]: s

[spinner]: is he prolong

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: i don't know it that symbolism i
think he's

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: dina he has to be antonia

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah yeah of course

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: it turns out to be cinder

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: whatever that

[magistrate]: uh

[spinner]: horrible santa claus

[mattward]: center class all right

[cobra]: oh it's center

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: clause okay

[magistrate]: um

[spinner]: claus

[macho_kringle]: you

[mattward]: yes

[macho_kringle]: keep santa clara his name out

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: your mouth

[magistrate]: m so it's not black pete just
silver clear

[mattward]: remember

[spinner]: no no

[mattward]: remember what he

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: created not what he was

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah not what he stands for

[mattward]: for the love of god please

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: remember what he made

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: not what he was

[macho_kringle]: stop repeating it

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: ah the bad guy let's who's the
cast for the bad guy he's going

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: to be like some deranged bomber

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: m i'm gonna

[magistrate]: jason isak

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: who's jason

[mattward]: my

[spinner]: isa

[magistrate]: i

[macho_kringle]: yo

[cobra]: why

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: he's

[macho_kringle]: ma

[mattward]: ah

[magistrate]: evil malto

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: hm

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: no we need a big we need
a big name to get

[magistrate]: bigger

[spinner]: people

[magistrate]: name

[spinner]: to see

[macho_kringle]: what

[spinner]: this movie

[macho_kringle]: shame

[magistrate]: david

[macho_kringle]: on you

[magistrate]: david swimmer

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: ye

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: what stop i

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: said

[cobra]: as ross keller

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: as

[macho_kringle]: i think

[cobra]: russ keller he's the

[macho_kringle]: matt

[cobra]: he's the

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: he's gone evil

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: mat

[spinner]: oh no i

[macho_kringle]: i

[spinner]: got

[macho_kringle]: think

[spinner]: it

[macho_kringle]: the magistrate has

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: just swung in our favor

[mattward]: uh

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: ready

[magistrate]: the two

[spinner]: we

[magistrate]: other

[mattward]: uh

[spinner]: got

[magistrate]: if

[spinner]: ezra

[magistrate]: you want to

[spinner]: miller

[magistrate]: if you want a big name oh

[cobra]: as a miller i

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: like this

[magistrate]: i don't know if

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: i can be in movies

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: what

[macho_kringle]: or throw

[magistrate]: about

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: that's

[macho_kringle]: on

[spinner]: movie

[macho_kringle]: kevin

[cobra]: an it's

[macho_kringle]: smacy

[cobra]: not it's not even a character it's
just sera miller

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: as himself

[magistrate]: what if it was andy sandburg playing
ezra miller

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: that's

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: a great that's a great concept

[cobra]: nice oh

[magistrate]: m

[macho_kringle]: yes

[cobra]: ship now i want now i want
in december

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: to be one of the cops

[spinner]: no no it's better for him to
play villain it's it's a bigger

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: return for him to character turn

[cobra]: okay all right fine

[macho_kringle]: ah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: and then

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: so

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: they have

[cobra]: i'm

[spinner]: they

[cobra]: thinking

[spinner]: have to stop

[cobra]: about the

[spinner]: them

[cobra]: title

[spinner]: obviously

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: eight days of fright that sounds like
a horror movie

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: let's go with

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: h

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: what about the festival oh come on
working on guys festival

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: that's why

[spinner]: of

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: that's why where i'm going as well

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[cobra]: has

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: quick

[cobra]: to

[macho_kringle]: use

[cobra]: be

[macho_kringle]: the light sabers

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: was going

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: to say festival

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: of

[macho_kringle]: my

[cobra]: light tamers

[macho_kringle]: yeah oh

[spinner]: yeah but

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: we just call it enlightenment it's kind
of like

[cobra]: that's gross

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: festival

[cobra]: hate it

[spinner]: of the festival of

[macho_kringle]: m yeah

[spinner]: enlightenment

[macho_kringle]: sounds like a doctrination

[cobra]: no

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: that's what

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: the

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: bomber

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: calls the

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: event

[macho_kringle]: okay

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: you know it's like scary

[cobra]: h

[magistrate]: ah

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[cobra]: h

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: fine

[spinner]: is this serious film guys this isn't
a joke

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: o

[magistrate]: m we got book

[cobra]: i can't we can give it like
a sort of a symbolic name eight candles

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: yes oh

[cobra]: something

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: like that

[spinner]: okay that's like a better action movie

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: name shorter

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: to the point but i think that
his bombing should be called the festival of

[spinner]: enlightenment because i think that's something a
crazy person would come

[cobra]: really

[spinner]: up with myself

[cobra]: really swinging for that idea

[spinner]: i'm

[cobra]: aren't

[spinner]: really

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: i'm really i'm real i'm stuck up
on that idea i'm gonna

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: and then he's going to say

[magistrate]: h

[spinner]: we need lastly we need to catch

[magistrate]: h

[spinner]: when they kill the bad guy

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: muscle tough

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: michel

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: tells

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: about the fuckerit's

[cobra]: yeah yeah yeah

[spinner]: not bad not bad

[magistrate]: can you work drat

[cobra]: no

[magistrate]: into the title

[cobra]: no

[magistrate]: somehow

[cobra]: i know no

[magistrate]: right

[cobra]: no hanka guilt for you

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: no that's no that's worse

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: tough mother suckers better

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: yeah i think that's it

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: right

[cobra]: want to work you want

[spinner]: do

[cobra]: to

[spinner]: we

[cobra]: work drave into the title

[spinner]: no

[mattward]: yet

[macho_kringle]: ah

[spinner]: that won't work

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: just try to help

[spinner]: radldradel

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: maybe it

[spinner]: dratel

[cobra]: was a gambling movie

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: a gambling

[spinner]: made it

[cobra]: addiction

[spinner]: out of

[cobra]: movie

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: no it's a buddy cop action film
it's called

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: eight candles

[cobra]: eight

[magistrate]: but

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: candles

[magistrate]: maybe you

[cobra]: yea

[magistrate]: can work

[spinner]: because

[magistrate]: in the

[spinner]: that's

[magistrate]: dratling

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: what he

[magistrate]: that like jake jake sorry not jakesalinhall
brandon cone

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: lost his family's fortune

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: and like gambling

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: on

[cobra]: drat

[magistrate]: total

[spinner]: in

[magistrate]: gambling

[cobra]: drat

[spinner]: a game of

[magistrate]: ring

[cobra]: gambling

[spinner]: in a game of dradel

[magistrate]: yeah and that's why it's still mad

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: the drados

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: failed me

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: hanka

[spinner]: where was

[cobra]: failed

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: me

[spinner]: where was honicawhat it's my life in

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: a game of dradel

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: i lost it all

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: i lost it all

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: on

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: what the letters on

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: i lost

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: it all

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: on gimme

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: an gimme

[magistrate]: h all

[spinner]: that's

[magistrate]: right

[spinner]: a huge joke for you boys

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: we all got it we're all laughing

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: um

[spinner]: you can't laugh chris

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: you're

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: gentile

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: ah

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: h

[magistrate]: great job

[macho_kringle]: h

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: just to just to re cap here
the movie is called what

[macho_kringle]: oh

[cobra]: eight

[spinner]: eight candles

[cobra]: candles

[macho_kringle]: ye

[mattward]: yes

[magistrate]: eight candles and

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: its

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: stars

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: seciabarencone

[mattward]: yeah m

[cobra]: the

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: grizzled

[spinner]: my

[cobra]: old

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: cop what's his

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: name we didn't give him a

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: name

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: h

[spinner]: oh he's

[mattward]: h

[spinner]: he was

[cobra]: i am

[spinner]: are

[cobra]: i am

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: goldburg

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: no he was are stein but he

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: changed his name to

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: john smith out of anger

[cobra]: as are

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: aristenholyshit

[mattward]: differ

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: are

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: ten

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: he's

[cobra]: restin

[spinner]: like

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: i'm not

[macho_kringle]: yes

[mattward]: a

[spinner]: he renounced his faith so

[magistrate]: and then

[spinner]: now now he's now he's mohamed smith

[magistrate]: no

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: no

[spinner]: two most common names

[magistrate]: no

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: he's pet black

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: no

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: no no he's not no he's

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: not

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: we're

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: saving this we're saving

[macho_kringle]: this is

[spinner]: that

[macho_kringle]: a different

[spinner]: character

[macho_kringle]: kind of ghost power that i don't
think is going to translate

[magistrate]: now

[macho_kringle]: i feel

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: like i need to play i

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: need to put my foot down

[magistrate]: and sorry

[macho_kringle]: my slipper foot

[magistrate]: ryan reynolds is in it as well
and he's playing

[macho_kringle]: hm

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: david liboit

[magistrate]: david okay and then we have andy
sam burge as miller oh

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: ah

[cobra]: yes yes

[magistrate]: i love

[spinner]: we'll

[cobra]: and

[magistrate]: it

[macho_kringle]: you

[spinner]: change

[cobra]: dustin

[macho_kringle]: can't

[spinner]: the name

[cobra]: hoffman

[spinner]: by one

[macho_kringle]: catch

[spinner]: who

[macho_kringle]: me because

[cobra]: and

[macho_kringle]: i'm in another

[cobra]: dustin

[macho_kringle]: universe

[cobra]: hoffman

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: as

[macho_kringle]: a

[cobra]: captain goldburg

[spinner]: i nailed it i want to catch
chriss as mill because he just nailed

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: oh

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: love it perfect don

[spinner]: you can't

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: catch me because i'm in another universe

[mattward]: ah

[cobra]: u

[spinner]: the best

[magistrate]: all right

[spinner]: line is opening

[macho_kringle]: god m

[magistrate]: all right good job everybody

[macho_kringle]: i'm the flash

[cobra]: h oh oh

[spinner]: i will

[magistrate]: let's

[spinner]: always be the flash

[magistrate]: let's move on

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: a question for both teams frosty this
ole man has become a free agent he's

[magistrate]: no longer aligning himself with christmas how
would you

[spinner]: about time

[magistrate]: woo him convince him to either come
back to your team

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: for the christ is side or join
the honaca team since

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: the cristmas team has been sitting on

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: side lines for

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: a while we'll let you guys go

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: on this one hiring

[macho_kringle]: okay

[magistrate]: a frosty back

[macho_kringle]: matt

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: yah

[magistrate]: ah

[macho_kringle]: same should we should we free free
wheel this or should we

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: apply some of our old school tactics

[mattward]: i don't know i'm confused i thought
we were doing a movie

[macho_kringle]: we

[spinner]: no

[macho_kringle]: don't

[spinner]: no

[macho_kringle]: know

[spinner]: no

[macho_kringle]: we

[spinner]: that

[macho_kringle]: never

[spinner]: was

[macho_kringle]: know

[spinner]: just

[macho_kringle]: what's

[spinner]: for

[macho_kringle]: going

[spinner]: us

[macho_kringle]: to happen

[spinner]: he

[macho_kringle]: it's

[spinner]: was

[macho_kringle]: okay

[spinner]: writing

[mattward]: i was

[spinner]: it the

[mattward]: literally

[spinner]: whole time

[mattward]: i was literally listening to nothing for
the last ten s

[macho_kringle]: i

[mattward]: i

[macho_kringle]: got

[mattward]: was

[macho_kringle]: this

[mattward]: coming up with movie

[macho_kringle]: i got this i got this

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: we

[magistrate]: i knew

[macho_kringle]: got

[mattward]: so

[magistrate]: you

[macho_kringle]: this

[magistrate]: would that's

[macho_kringle]: were

[magistrate]: why

[macho_kringle]: good

[magistrate]: i didn't give

[mattward]: just

[magistrate]: you

[mattward]: so

[magistrate]: one

[mattward]: oukusttoyou

[macho_kringle]: we good

[mattward]: know though we had a movie with
kevin hart and bob

[magistrate]: m

[mattward]: hart bob new heart called heart to
heart seasons

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: breathings

[macho_kringle]: a

[mattward]: you'll never know what it is now

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: never

[mattward]: anyway go

[cobra]: seasons

[mattward]: on

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: grievings

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: i love it

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[cobra]: i love

[spinner]: it's

[cobra]: it

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: true

[macho_kringle]: frosty

[spinner]: a true travesty

[cobra]: actually

[macho_kringle]: is the free

[cobra]: season

[macho_kringle]: agent that's okay

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: season

[macho_kringle]: because we've

[cobra]: grieving

[mattward]: my

[macho_kringle]: got

[cobra]: sounds like a jewish name for a

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: you could say that

[mattward]: louise

[macho_kringle]: ye

[mattward]: louise goose mon was a mall santa
selling cocaine to

[magistrate]: hey

[mattward]: kids

[magistrate]: we're not talking

[mattward]: just

[magistrate]: about

[mattward]: on to

[magistrate]: your movie that doesn't

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: exist we're talking about frosty

[spinner]: well

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: we're not

[macho_kringle]: frosty

[spinner]: talking about your movie

[macho_kringle]: is

[spinner]: that

[macho_kringle]: a frosty is a free

[spinner]: we're

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: agent

[spinner]: not

[macho_kringle]: and that's okay we're goin

[magistrate]: yep

[macho_kringle]: to easily rope him back to the
side of christmas where the times are good

[spinner]: oh

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: the seasons are even better walk with
me frosty is tired of being alone what

[macho_kringle]: is frosty need he needs a little
bit of intimacy what are you going to

[macho_kringle]: do you gonna ship his ass to
miami all expenses aid in an ice box

[macho_kringle]: littered

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: snow bunnies

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: yes

[macho_kringle]: some

[spinner]: is

[macho_kringle]: snow

[spinner]: that what he

[mattward]: it

[spinner]: sleeps with

[macho_kringle]: with some snow

[spinner]: no

[macho_kringle]: think interpret that as you will and
then we're

[cobra]: oh

[macho_kringle]: going

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: to top it off within all expense

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: boat

[mattward]: i

[macho_kringle]: crews that's also a

[mattward]: ye

[macho_kringle]: mall

[spinner]: also a mo

[macho_kringle]: why because frosty

[mattward]: yes

[macho_kringle]: needs time to shop baby frosty his
frosty frosty his ass out don't look fresh

[macho_kringle]: look

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: at his kicks he ain't got none
as the last time frosty got fresh as

[macho_kringle]: jordan's we're gonna pay for that

[spinner]: a

[macho_kringle]: frosty you don't ave to orry about

[mattward]: m

[macho_kringle]: ship you know why because we're

[spinner]: what

[macho_kringle]: about to make it snow

[spinner]: we

[macho_kringle]: and were about to make it rain
from your snow bunny

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: of the twenty twenty two slash twenty
ten three

[spinner]: no

[macho_kringle]: years she hasn't even been crowned yet
but we got you we got you

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: frosty

[mattward]: yes

[macho_kringle]: how can you resist

[cobra]: gonna

[macho_kringle]: love

[cobra]: give

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: him feed as well

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: said

[mattward]: i

[macho_kringle]: dot

[mattward]: agree

[macho_kringle]: dot

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: with all that i agree with

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: all

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: of that but bob new heart was
a grizzled

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: cop who had nothing less

[cobra]: oh

[mattward]: celuritous you're missing out on goal

[macho_kringle]: some

[mattward]: here

[macho_kringle]: and

[spinner]: guys

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: chevet

[spinner]: we can

[macho_kringle]: heart

[spinner]: we can't talk about we can't keep
talking about this movie that i definitely want

[spinner]: to invest in okay

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: we got to move on

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: we'll

[macho_kringle]: all

[spinner]: talk

[macho_kringle]: we ad

[spinner]: later

[macho_kringle]: is all we

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: need is ten thousand dollars to start

[magistrate]: great

[spinner]: call me

[mattward]: all that all

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: okay

[mattward]: that about frosty need and kicks im

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: behind

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: that honuverset

[macho_kringle]: you

[magistrate]: great

[macho_kringle]: see you see

[magistrate]: the you crew how

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: high and recruit frosty

[macho_kringle]: good

[spinner]: listen

[mattward]: okay

[macho_kringle]: luck

[spinner]: listen frosty

[mattward]: put

[spinner]: bubby

[macho_kringle]: tites and kicks

[spinner]: your

[macho_kringle]: bro

[spinner]: white

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: night

[macho_kringle]: kitties and kicks bro

[spinner]: ist of all i think frost would
melt on a

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: cruise just

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: saying

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: but

[cobra]: for sure

[spinner]: will move along you know we're not
here to

[mattward]: m

[macho_kringle]: move

[spinner]: stop

[macho_kringle]: along

[spinner]: ship

[macho_kringle]: because

[spinner]: on their

[macho_kringle]: we got we

[spinner]: terrible

[mattward]: yes

[macho_kringle]: got him

[spinner]: ideas

[macho_kringle]: do you remember

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: avengers and all the scenes that vision
was in they had him in a ice

[macho_kringle]: pack

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: okay an ice back pack you can't

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: holes in our system our strategy alas
as you were

[spinner]: listen

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: you're

[cobra]: i mean

[spinner]: with

[cobra]: what do you

[mattward]: but

[cobra]: mean

[spinner]: your

[cobra]: with you

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: we can poke holes you're giving gordons
to something that doesn't

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: have feet

[macho_kringle]: silence

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: the man needs to look fresh

[mattward]: yes oh

[macho_kringle]: as you were

[spinner]: this is this is our

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: time this is our time

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: you

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: had your

[cobra]: i

[macho_kringle]: time

[cobra]: think

[spinner]: we're going

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: to get him

[cobra]: here's the thing

[spinner]: such better

[cobra]: here's

[spinner]: shoes

[cobra]: here's

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: the thing here's the thing we all
know that frost is

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: actually a lich

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: not

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: just a regular character

[magistrate]: it's a truth

[cobra]: is a

[magistrate]: fact

[cobra]: lith

[spinner]: that is

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: that's fact

[cobra]: so so

[magistrate]: congratulations

[cobra]: the first thing that

[magistrate]: you

[cobra]: we're

[magistrate]: won

[cobra]: going

[magistrate]: this

[cobra]: to do

[magistrate]: round we don't need to talk any

[spinner]: i knew it

[cobra]: that's why i

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: said

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: it

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: so as

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: lich king we've crowned king

[cobra]: no wait wait

[spinner]: no you

[cobra]: don't

[spinner]: continue

[cobra]: derail this

[magistrate]: he's not the licking

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: first

[magistrate]: that's

[cobra]: thing

[macho_kringle]: let

[magistrate]: artist

[macho_kringle]: him

[magistrate]: is a very different

[macho_kringle]: let

[magistrate]: person

[macho_kringle]: him don't restrain him

[cobra]: first thing first thing we offer we
offer to save his filactory in the most

[cobra]: secure

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: bank that we have that's the first

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: thing

[magistrate]: is that

[cobra]: ain't

[spinner]: of course

[cobra]: nobody stealing

[magistrate]: the

[cobra]: that

[magistrate]: green got's bank in harry potter

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: or

[spinner]: yes

[mattward]: i

[spinner]: that's

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: one of our oldest

[cobra]: dare

[spinner]: banks

[cobra]: you sir how dare you

[magistrate]: sorry that's just

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: what j

[spinner]: that's

[magistrate]: rolling

[spinner]: our

[magistrate]: told me

[spinner]: that's our

[magistrate]: my bed

[spinner]: that's our goblin bank

[macho_kringle]: doesn't look

[mattward]: okay

[macho_kringle]: like they're in sink anymore matt

[cobra]: oh

[macho_kringle]: i think i think they need to
they need

[mattward]: i

[macho_kringle]: to

[mattward]: think we

[macho_kringle]: get

[mattward]: see

[macho_kringle]: connected

[mattward]: i know

[cobra]: um

[spinner]: we're

[mattward]: we're

[spinner]: so

[mattward]: seeing poking holes in

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: their

[spinner]: oh

[mattward]: nightly

[spinner]: we're

[mattward]: shoes

[spinner]: we're so in sink we're singing bye
bye bye

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: exactly

[spinner]: let's

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: go

[magistrate]: damn

[mattward]: i

[cobra]: and

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: then

[spinner]: got

[cobra]: so factory

[mattward]: es

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: safe ain't nobody touching it

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: mats pantomimi and sink right now this
is the level

[mattward]: yes

[cobra]: we've gotten but you know whatever

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: and then

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: what we offer him

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: is something that is very related to

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: honica

[spinner]: snow

[cobra]: money

[spinner]: jobs

[cobra]: or that

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: i mean he can do whatever

[spinner]: sorry

[cobra]: he wants

[spinner]: continue

[cobra]: with this

[magistrate]: uh

[cobra]: money

[spinner]: continue

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: continue

[cobra]: now

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: what is okay

[magistrate]: h

[cobra]: pray tell

[mattward]: like frost

[cobra]: what

[mattward]: bite

[cobra]: is

[mattward]: would

[cobra]: a

[mattward]: be

[cobra]: snow

[mattward]: a

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: real

[cobra]: job

[mattward]: thing

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: if

[mattward]: frost

[spinner]: you don't

[mattward]: bite is a real ines there

[macho_kringle]: no

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: if you

[macho_kringle]: no

[spinner]: don't

[macho_kringle]: job

[spinner]: know what it's not ob is

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: well there's

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[macho_kringle]: the dirty sexually

[spinner]: you

[macho_kringle]: one

[spinner]: don't

[cobra]: it

[macho_kringle]: and then

[spinner]: deserve

[macho_kringle]: there's the other one

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: don't

[cobra]: know

[spinner]: deserve to

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: know

[cobra]: don't think i want to know

[macho_kringle]: you get

[mattward]: the

[macho_kringle]: beat

[mattward]: snowdrop

[macho_kringle]: up you get beat up

[mattward]: also

[macho_kringle]: and you

[mattward]: known

[macho_kringle]: get buried in snow

[spinner]: guys

[mattward]: also

[spinner]: guys

[mattward]: known as the chilly

[spinner]: yes

[mattward]: stranger

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: if you don't

[mattward]: ah

[spinner]: see

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: matt knows if you

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: don't know what a snow job is
you just stand ready

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: for it

[mattward]: uh

[macho_kringle]: i don't think that

[cobra]: i think i

[mattward]: h

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: luciano

[cobra]: think i'm okay with that

[spinner]: lucia

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: continue

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: um so we offer

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: yes

[cobra]: him you know all the honda guilt

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: as a tie for him to be

[spinner]: join

[cobra]: part of our crew

[spinner]: our brotherhood

[mattward]: yes

[cobra]: we also we can also offer him
maybe once a year control of the

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: jewish space laser what do yu think
about that

[spinner]: no no once

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: a year

[cobra]: just

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: once a year once

[spinner]: one

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: day

[cobra]: year one

[spinner]: you

[mattward]: i

[cobra]: day

[mattward]: feel

[spinner]: get

[mattward]: like

[cobra]: a

[mattward]: that requires more than just the two
of you to make that decision

[spinner]: no no we're

[macho_kringle]: i feel

[spinner]: all

[mattward]: your

[macho_kringle]: like

[spinner]: we

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: are

[cobra]: why do you

[macho_kringle]: you're

[spinner]: we're

[macho_kringle]: you're

[cobra]: that's

[macho_kringle]: putting

[cobra]: why do

[spinner]: we're

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: well

[cobra]: think

[spinner]: co ordinated we're well

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: coordinated

[cobra]: why do you think

[macho_kringle]: you

[mattward]: okay

[cobra]: you

[macho_kringle]: could you keep

[cobra]: we

[macho_kringle]: putting

[cobra]: want

[macho_kringle]: up

[cobra]: you to

[macho_kringle]: offer

[cobra]: think that

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: frosty

[mattward]: yes

[macho_kringle]: is in the room you keep

[mattward]: my

[macho_kringle]: putting things on the

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: table and

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: taking a how are you enticing him

[mattward]: m

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: i just talked i just talked to

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: and he gave me access

[magistrate]: yes

[spinner]: to the laser so we're fine

[macho_kringle]: he

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: i don't know if that's who they
always blame

[macho_kringle]: oh

[cobra]: yeah it is

[magistrate]: george sorrows

[spinner]: george

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: saros

[cobra]: jrcaroseah

[spinner]: he's the one they

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: always blame for

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: for some reason

[macho_kringle]: bass

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: what

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: globalist

[cobra]: only the only thing

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: that that that frosty

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: would

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: have to

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: do is he would have to answer
three questions from me brooks on the bridge

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: but that would be fine

[magistrate]: yeah no big kill

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: we're going to give him a snow

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: because he hasn't

[cobra]: wow

[spinner]: had one for

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: years

[magistrate]: circumcised

[spinner]: maybe ever

[magistrate]: circumcised

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: of course

[macho_kringle]: oh

[cobra]: of course

[spinner]: well

[cobra]: it's circumcised

[mattward]: yeah i was gonna say

[spinner]: well that's

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: that's part that's

[mattward]: what

[spinner]: part

[mattward]: we

[spinner]: of the deal

[magistrate]: i was just

[spinner]: it's

[magistrate]: checking

[spinner]: got to be we're just

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: goin we're not going to make him
one like a force can then cut it

[spinner]: it's just going to be

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: made

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: without it

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: okay we're not monsters

[cobra]: that that

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: do

[cobra]: seems

[macho_kringle]: you see do you see what

[cobra]: that

[macho_kringle]: you're working

[cobra]: that

[macho_kringle]: with

[cobra]: seems accessive

[magistrate]: uh

[macho_kringle]: frosty

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: that

[macho_kringle]: do

[spinner]: seem

[macho_kringle]: you

[cobra]: seems

[macho_kringle]: see

[spinner]: successive

[macho_kringle]: what

[cobra]: accessive

[magistrate]: uh oh

[macho_kringle]: what lies before you frosty you get

[spinner]: no

[macho_kringle]: a

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: we're

[cobra]: know

[macho_kringle]: shorn

[spinner]: going

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: to make

[cobra]: can

[macho_kringle]: dick

[cobra]: know

[macho_kringle]: versus

[cobra]: you know if we want

[macho_kringle]: a hole

[cobra]: if

[macho_kringle]: dick

[cobra]: we

[macho_kringle]: baby

[cobra]: wanted it to be if

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: wanted to be proper we can give
him we can his dick can be like

[cobra]: a popsicle and he can just unwrap
it and there

[magistrate]: you

[cobra]: circumcised

[magistrate]: guys done because that's i think we

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: crossed

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: the line

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: we're gonna

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: we're gonna

[magistrate]: this is bocal dick

[macho_kringle]: what flavor

[spinner]: we're gonna get him

[macho_kringle]: is

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: frosty's

[spinner]: hold

[macho_kringle]: popstical

[spinner]: on

[macho_kringle]: dick

[mattward]: just

[spinner]: i'm getting to that

[cobra]: m

[macho_kringle]: ah

[spinner]: that's literally

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: what say

[magistrate]: it's

[macho_kringle]: ah

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: the

[spinner]: i'm

[macho_kringle]: go

[spinner]: just

[magistrate]: rocket

[spinner]: joking

[macho_kringle]: on

[magistrate]: right it's a little red on the

[spinner]: it's

[magistrate]: mostly

[spinner]: a rocket

[magistrate]: white and little blue at the bottom

[mattward]: we

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: we summed

[cobra]: it's one of the

[mattward]: up

[cobra]: ones

[mattward]: we basically

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: offered him shoes in a trip to
miami and you guys were offering him sexual

[mattward]: assault

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: like that's

[macho_kringle]: uh

[spinner]: no

[mattward]: a

[spinner]: sexual

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: salt

[cobra]: we were offering him the

[mattward]: ah

[cobra]: possibility of committing

[macho_kringle]: oh

[cobra]: sexual

[mattward]: m

[cobra]: assault wait

[mattward]: we'll

[cobra]: that's

[mattward]: give

[cobra]: what

[mattward]: you

[cobra]: i wanted

[mattward]: a dick

[cobra]: to say

[mattward]: and then

[macho_kringle]: uh

[mattward]: jerk you of

[macho_kringle]: you also

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: let's let's let's let's let's get technical
you also offered

[spinner]: so far

[cobra]: so

[macho_kringle]: to run

[mattward]: m

[macho_kringle]: frosty through ames three questions

[spinner]: three

[macho_kringle]: from me bro that

[mattward]: m

[macho_kringle]: sounds like a lot of pressure frost
steve do you think m lich

[magistrate]: all right

[spinner]: i think i think frosty said he
wants dick

[magistrate]: i think i think

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: we've had

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: we've had enough of this

[macho_kringle]: uh

[magistrate]: question for

[spinner]: we're

[magistrate]: us

[spinner]: going

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: to

[spinner]: to take his magic hat and put
it on his little

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: new penis

[macho_kringle]: see

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: and make

[macho_kringle]: see

[spinner]: it come

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: to life

[macho_kringle]: and this is

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: why frosty ain't goin aside with you

[magistrate]: frosts

[macho_kringle]: frosty would get a giant

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: as don

[magistrate]: frosty

[macho_kringle]: come

[mattward]: m

[magistrate]: is

[macho_kringle]: come

[magistrate]: going

[macho_kringle]: back

[magistrate]: to review

[macho_kringle]: come back to christmas

[spinner]: back to his

[macho_kringle]: it

[magistrate]: frosts

[macho_kringle]: ain't made

[magistrate]: gonna

[macho_kringle]: a cold

[mattward]: he

[macho_kringle]: baby but it's black

[magistrate]: okay all right wow

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: ye

[magistrate]: frosty's

[cobra]: jesus

[magistrate]: gonta review the offers and get

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: back to you at a later

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: date

[spinner]: oh god

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: um this question

[spinner]: they made a coal baby but

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: it's black

[magistrate]: this question

[spinner]: that

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: might have won him the

[magistrate]: it's

[spinner]: round

[magistrate]: just

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: fuck got us there

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: it's just

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: for christmas christmas

[macho_kringle]: oh yes sir

[magistrate]: i'm tired of all

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: stupid small town christmas romance movies

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: they're a problem they're messing up

[macho_kringle]: m oh

[magistrate]: fix everything

[macho_kringle]: hm

[magistrate]: i needed a

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: movie from

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: you guys

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: um it sounds like you did some
great work on the buddy cob movie i

[magistrate]: don't care

[spinner]: no the only rule is it can't
be uh

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: to tell

[mattward]: a

[spinner]: two hearts i forget

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: what it was

[magistrate]: no

[spinner]: already

[macho_kringle]: that's julie

[mattward]: heart

[cobra]: of

[magistrate]: yah

[cobra]: two

[mattward]: heart

[cobra]: art

[macho_kringle]: actually

[cobra]: that's

[macho_kringle]: the

[mattward]: heart

[macho_kringle]: alternate

[cobra]: actually

[mattward]: to heart

[cobra]: better

[magistrate]: h yeah

[spinner]: heart to heart season's grieving

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: i

[macho_kringle]: the

[cobra]: the

[macho_kringle]: working

[mattward]: that's it

[cobra]: two hearts is

[macho_kringle]: the

[cobra]: better

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: alternate

[spinner]: till

[macho_kringle]: title

[spinner]: two hard

[macho_kringle]: was

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
heart heart

[mattward]: there

[spinner]: can't

[mattward]: you

[spinner]: be

[mattward]: go

[spinner]: that

[mattward]: and you

[magistrate]: great

[spinner]: either

[mattward]: got to see that

[magistrate]: moving on from whatever that was

[macho_kringle]: hm

[magistrate]: what we need though what

[mattward]: m

[magistrate]: we need to really capture be because
there's so many good christmas movies

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: that captured different john ight like we

[mattward]: ye

[magistrate]: the cop hard

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: to we have i saw a list
today where someone lifted the top christmas movie

[magistrate]: as a crazy night so we got
the honocatheme christmas movie which is great got

[spinner]: you can

[magistrate]: that

[spinner]: still

[magistrate]: knocked

[spinner]: that

[magistrate]: out

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: it's all we

[mattward]: grandly

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: have you can't

[mattward]: reline

[spinner]: take all we have

[magistrate]: gramlin's

[cobra]: it's

[magistrate]: also

[cobra]: the

[magistrate]: good movie

[cobra]: one we have

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: quiet you guys you're not it's now
your turn so what i want from you

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: is i want

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: a christmas movie that its theme around
an apocdelypapocalyptic

[spinner]: con

[magistrate]: the world is

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: going to end movie

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: you know

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: like go storm

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: or

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: twenty twelve or

[spinner]: what would you reference go storm

[magistrate]: i just

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: but

[magistrate]: fucked

[spinner]: a weird

[magistrate]: my head

[spinner]: reference

[cobra]: yeah i as the first one

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: too

[spinner]: weirdest

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: fucking

[macho_kringle]: who

[spinner]: reference

[macho_kringle]: is

[cobra]: off

[macho_kringle]: in that

[cobra]: the like

[mattward]: yes

[cobra]: off the

[macho_kringle]: i must

[cobra]: off

[macho_kringle]: reference

[cobra]: the gate

[macho_kringle]: this

[cobra]: go storm

[macho_kringle]: store

[spinner]: there's

[macho_kringle]: was dean

[spinner]: so many

[macho_kringle]: can

[spinner]: apocalypse

[macho_kringle]: in

[spinner]: movie

[macho_kringle]: this

[magistrate]: yes

[macho_kringle]: who was came

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: and david chardin

[cobra]: let's

[macho_kringle]: in this

[cobra]: let's come

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: out

[macho_kringle]: who

[cobra]: let's come out swinging

[macho_kringle]: who

[cobra]: from defenses with jail

[spinner]: oh

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: storm

[macho_kringle]: who

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: everybody is going to

[mattward]: wait

[cobra]: get that reference

[macho_kringle]: was louise

[cobra]: oh

[macho_kringle]: goose man's unclad bastard son in this
in his directorial

[cobra]: ah um

[macho_kringle]: debut

[magistrate]: okay

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: maybe

[cobra]: jesus

[magistrate]: not go

[spinner]: h oh

[magistrate]: storm you pick at your movie

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: okay

[mattward]: all

[macho_kringle]: okay

[mattward]: right so what are

[spinner]: so

[mattward]: what re we doing re setting it
up like

[macho_kringle]: okay

[magistrate]: so yeah basically give me the plot
give me how it starts how it kind

[magistrate]: of runs and ends really short i

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: need a title and

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: then know

[mattward]: you

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: you know made

[mattward]: now

[magistrate]: character maybe here's a villain you know
don't go too deep into the but like

[magistrate]: three

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: or four people

[spinner]: m

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: can they play

[spinner]: a mat

[mattward]: real people like it's almost semi autobodygraphical

[magistrate]: it could be whatever you wanted to
be yeah

[mattward]: right

[spinner]: that's like so kevin

[mattward]: i

[spinner]: hard

[mattward]: got

[spinner]: is a no nonsense cob

[macho_kringle]: yea

[mattward]: exactly

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: buff

[magistrate]: but

[spinner]: new art is for

[magistrate]: but i will

[macho_kringle]: and

[magistrate]: say

[macho_kringle]: what

[magistrate]: this

[macho_kringle]: christmas

[magistrate]: the movie is being

[spinner]: is

[magistrate]: made today

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: so these actors have to be

[mattward]: yah

[magistrate]: alive so i got

[macho_kringle]: hm

[magistrate]: bad news for you i'm pretty sure

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: bob knew or did

[magistrate]: well you are is dead

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[macho_kringle]: uh

[mattward]: i feel like did he i don't
know i feel like that's one of those

[mattward]: weird ones that's like

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: did he

[magistrate]: we we can look out

[spinner]: we're

[magistrate]: for

[spinner]: all

[magistrate]: you

[spinner]: looking at

[mattward]: i don't know

[macho_kringle]: find

[spinner]: no

[mattward]: what i'm laying

[spinner]: he's

[macho_kringle]: out

[spinner]: no no he's still alive

[magistrate]: present never mind then

[mattward]: he's still kicking

[magistrate]: he's

[spinner]: how

[magistrate]: ninety three

[spinner]: dare

[mattward]: well

[cobra]: how

[spinner]: you put

[cobra]: old

[spinner]: that on him

[magistrate]: i'm

[spinner]: how

[magistrate]: sorry

[cobra]: how

[spinner]: dare

[magistrate]: sir

[spinner]: you

[mattward]: i

[cobra]: old

[spinner]: put that

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: on

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: him

[cobra]: how old is he

[magistrate]: ninety

[cobra]: though

[magistrate]: three

[spinner]: ninety three

[mattward]: he

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: is

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: father

[cobra]: that makes

[mattward]: christmas

[cobra]: sense

[magistrate]: kay

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: ah

[macho_kringle]: ah

[spinner]: so bob

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: new heart

[magistrate]: give me that movie

[cobra]: uh uh

[macho_kringle]: okay

[mattward]: um

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: i got you

[mattward]: i'm taking

[spinner]: i

[mattward]: the north poll melting due

[macho_kringle]: it's

[mattward]: to

[macho_kringle]: asma

[mattward]: north ellsmolng everyone's getting

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: flooded santa is coming

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: to save the day

[macho_kringle]: hm

[mattward]: um

[macho_kringle]: we stick with bob new heart or
do we swap him in

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: for curt words smith

[spinner]: oh

[mattward]: for

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: that's

[mattward]: who

[spinner]: a good

[cobra]: god

[spinner]: casting

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: kurt

[cobra]: red

[macho_kringle]: word

[cobra]: red foreman

[macho_kringle]: red foreman

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: that's a great

[cobra]: nice

[spinner]: fan

[mattward]: red

[spinner]: casting

[mattward]: foreman

[cobra]: like the

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: asked

[cobra]: grumpy

[mattward]: you know what

[cobra]: as santa

[mattward]: red

[cobra]: claus

[mattward]: forming

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: of

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yep

[macho_kringle]: okay

[magistrate]: good

[mattward]: yep

[magistrate]: job we

[mattward]: yep

[magistrate]: when age from a ninety three year
old to a seventy

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: nine year old

[macho_kringle]: he needs

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: to be limber

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: enough to stop the go storm

[magistrate]: it's fair

[spinner]: i feel like i feel like kirkwood
smith's like christmas catch phrase would be a

[spinner]: christmas

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: yeah well that could be it literally
gets here i hate christmas and it's just

[mattward]: because it's water everywhere and you know

[spinner]: no

[mattward]: you get soggy i don't know something

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: he's blind

[macho_kringle]: a so it's

[mattward]: so the villain

[macho_kringle]: lip

[mattward]: is a guest local warming oh

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: and he needs to

[mattward]: is that what

[macho_kringle]: so

[cobra]: okay

[mattward]: the villain is

[macho_kringle]: i find with that

[spinner]: the same thing

[macho_kringle]: um who caused

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: global warming donald trump

[cobra]: wow

[mattward]: okay

[spinner]: a

[mattward]: that could be played by bob new

[magistrate]: you

[cobra]: just

[magistrate]: ship on my

[spinner]: uh

[macho_kringle]: ah

[magistrate]: go storm reference

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: this is

[mattward]: okay

[magistrate]: the south like a go storm

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: i have not seen this movie i
do not know what i am or am

[macho_kringle]: not doing i

[spinner]: you're

[macho_kringle]: am

[spinner]: making

[macho_kringle]: paddling

[spinner]: it right now you're

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: making

[mattward]: did

[spinner]: it

[mattward]: we mention did we mention that guennithpaltro

[macho_kringle]: hm

[mattward]: is playing gretta thornburgh

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: i like

[spinner]: wow

[magistrate]: it

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: how do you

[magistrate]: i like that

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: how

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: chris for your record direct butler

[macho_kringle]: hm

[magistrate]: is in go storm and ed

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: harris

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: and andy garcia

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: but we

[spinner]: and

[macho_kringle]: still

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: andy

[macho_kringle]: need

[cobra]: wow

[spinner]: garcia

[macho_kringle]: that's awesome we still need a santa
so i think kirk would still

[spinner]: ah

[macho_kringle]: stands thank you for the edification

[magistrate]: you're

[macho_kringle]: wilder

[magistrate]: welcome

[spinner]: yes

[macho_kringle]: valderrama could play louise goozeman

[mattward]: i

[macho_kringle]: as his helper

[spinner]: why are you casting that seventy show

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: walk

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: with me

[magistrate]: okay

[mattward]: so

[macho_kringle]: we

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: so

[macho_kringle]: won't

[magistrate]: who's

[cobra]: so

[macho_kringle]: we

[cobra]: ashton

[magistrate]: so it's saturday

[cobra]: so is ashton coucher playing

[macho_kringle]: ah

[cobra]: global warming

[macho_kringle]: no we already had signed

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: him bob

[cobra]: oh

[macho_kringle]: new heart

[spinner]: the

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: okay so

[macho_kringle]: what

[magistrate]: let

[macho_kringle]: are yo

[magistrate]: me

[macho_kringle]: goin to

[magistrate]: check

[macho_kringle]: say

[magistrate]: here

[macho_kringle]: magistrate

[magistrate]: um santa

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: is your hero

[macho_kringle]: hm hm

[magistrate]: that

[mattward]: ah

[magistrate]: is kirtword smith

[macho_kringle]: hm

[mattward]: yes

[magistrate]: and then valderrama is his

[macho_kringle]: help

[magistrate]: like

[macho_kringle]: her

[magistrate]: helper

[macho_kringle]: yep

[magistrate]: um

[spinner]: black peat

[cobra]: no black pete is his helper

[mattward]: ah

[cobra]: black peat

[macho_kringle]: twenty twenty two

[magistrate]: hm

[macho_kringle]: my friend

[magistrate]: should we call it

[macho_kringle]: someone

[magistrate]: a spicy

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: has to

[magistrate]: peter

[macho_kringle]: stop

[magistrate]: is

[macho_kringle]: got

[magistrate]: that just not right

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: right

[magistrate]: okay so he has head elf

[mattward]: eh

[magistrate]: if

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: you will

[macho_kringle]: head

[magistrate]: his

[macho_kringle]: of

[magistrate]: head elf is

[macho_kringle]: yep

[magistrate]: wilmer alderamaokay and then bill warming is

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: by the evil actions of bob new
heart is that what i'm hearing

[macho_kringle]: donald

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: trump

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: he's the evil is the evil president
we don't say donald trump but

[macho_kringle]: yeah it's

[mattward]: he's

[macho_kringle]: inferred

[mattward]: really an he's

[spinner]: and

[magistrate]: okay

[mattward]: really

[spinner]: he talks

[mattward]: tan

[spinner]: like this he talks like this at
the time

[magistrate]: a

[mattward]: and stammers

[cobra]: you

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: a lot

[magistrate]: great

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: a stable

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: genius

[macho_kringle]: we had

[magistrate]: no

[cobra]: it

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: we had guennethpaltro as who was it
again mat

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: gretta thornburg

[macho_kringle]: thank

[cobra]: tak

[macho_kringle]: you

[cobra]: gunburg

[mattward]: or thornburg or however

[macho_kringle]: so

[mattward]: use it for

[macho_kringle]: so

[mattward]: that

[macho_kringle]: i think i could connect the

[spinner]: think

[macho_kringle]: dots kirkwood needs to harness the spirit
and tenacity

[magistrate]: m

[macho_kringle]: of one

[mattward]: yes

[macho_kringle]: gretta thornburgh in order to

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: fuel

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: the

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: anti warming machine

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: so that

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: that

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: evil president

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: cannot counter those beams with

[cobra]: the

[macho_kringle]: his

[cobra]: funk is

[macho_kringle]: orange

[cobra]: this movie

[macho_kringle]: potato

[cobra]: son and more hammer forty k

[macho_kringle]: exactly

[spinner]: where's the where's

[macho_kringle]: i've never

[spinner]: the jewish

[macho_kringle]: played

[spinner]: space

[macho_kringle]: that

[spinner]: laser fitting all this

[macho_kringle]: it doesn't

[mattward]: we are literally

[cobra]: like

[mattward]: going to end up a

[cobra]: he's

[mattward]: storm

[cobra]: literally

[mattward]: that's where we're

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: ah

[mattward]: goin

[cobra]: he's literally literal

[macho_kringle]: too

[cobra]: describe

[macho_kringle]: late

[cobra]: the machine

[macho_kringle]: you don't

[spinner]: a

[macho_kringle]: write my script

[cobra]: a machine

[macho_kringle]: no

[cobra]: powered by

[macho_kringle]: listen

[cobra]: by the

[macho_kringle]: no

[cobra]: soul of a child

[macho_kringle]: well the child lives that's the difference
but what it's because gretta thornburg goes on

[macho_kringle]: to make goop so the dots

[spinner]: oh

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: connect

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: themselves okay and then don't forget gretta
also invested heavily thanks to an anonymous owner

[macho_kringle]: with

[spinner]: or

[macho_kringle]: ten thousand dollars in vagina smelling candles

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: for the holiday season

[cobra]: oh my god

[mattward]: which

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: is

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: saves christmas

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[cobra]: somehow

[mattward]: obviously

[magistrate]: so

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: you light

[spinner]: what

[magistrate]: the candles

[spinner]: can vaginas do

[magistrate]: and that releases

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: the

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: chemicals to heal world

[macho_kringle]: because women

[spinner]: sounds

[macho_kringle]: are

[spinner]: a lot like

[magistrate]: ye

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: honica

[macho_kringle]: no

[spinner]: lighting candles to

[cobra]: wait

[spinner]: save

[mattward]: you

[spinner]: the

[mattward]: laid

[spinner]: holiday

[cobra]: wait

[mattward]: a lot

[macho_kringle]: you

[mattward]: of

[macho_kringle]: see

[mattward]: chin

[spinner]: season

[cobra]: yea

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: yea

[macho_kringle]: you gotta

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: you gotta you have to do something

[spinner]: you have

[macho_kringle]: with all that mother earth energy that's
different this is different

[mattward]: okay

[macho_kringle]: my friends

[spinner]: that's gaya

[mattward]: so

[cobra]: wait a minute

[macho_kringle]: oh

[cobra]: wait a minute member

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: let me see if i understand

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: you're lighting vagina candles

[spinner]: go

[cobra]: healed the north pole those are some
fucking frigid pussies they're going

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: to re freeze

[spinner]: posies

[cobra]: the north pole

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: what did you just

[spinner]: what

[macho_kringle]: what what what that was

[cobra]: like

[magistrate]: m

[macho_kringle]: you

[cobra]: what

[macho_kringle]: enunciated

[cobra]: the fuck

[macho_kringle]: something

[mattward]: yeah oh

[macho_kringle]: and

[spinner]: he said boozies

[macho_kringle]: i he said boots

[cobra]: poses

[spinner]: a

[macho_kringle]: as a booty collins

[spinner]: yes

[macho_kringle]: oh

[cobra]: listen

[mattward]: okay

[cobra]: it's my second it's my

[spinner]: that would

[cobra]: second

[spinner]: be more

[cobra]: language

[spinner]: tasteful

[macho_kringle]: okay okay well they taste good

[cobra]: ah

[macho_kringle]: especially when you smear it on a
on a on a

[cobra]: oh no

[macho_kringle]: pancake or crape

[cobra]: oh no

[magistrate]: i don't want

[spinner]: smear

[magistrate]: to be here

[spinner]: it

[magistrate]: any

[spinner]: what

[magistrate]: more

[spinner]: do you with a jew

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: crew

[cobra]: yeah i don't want to be here
can i be excused

[magistrate]: uh

[mattward]: okay

[macho_kringle]: as you can see they just

[magistrate]: h

[macho_kringle]: they just decided

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: to

[cobra]: yes

[macho_kringle]: drop the towel i think they

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: just forfeited

[mattward]: so

[spinner]: um

[mattward]: santa and your helper and his

[macho_kringle]: yes

[mattward]: helper and greta

[macho_kringle]: yes

[mattward]: thornburgh

[magistrate]: yep

[macho_kringle]: yes

[mattward]: have to face off against the evil

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: president

[macho_kringle]: yes

[mattward]: who's

[magistrate]: right

[mattward]: created a global warming machine

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: yes

[mattward]: so that he

[spinner]: a

[mattward]: can get on a bottled water and
sell it at a profit

[magistrate]: uh

[mattward]: that's

[magistrate]: matt

[mattward]: somewhat reasonable

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: yes

[magistrate]: a question for you is this global
war machine a series of satellites called dutch

[magistrate]: boy

[macho_kringle]: oh my

[cobra]: ah

[macho_kringle]: god

[spinner]: yes

[mattward]: um

[macho_kringle]: how did you know

[magistrate]: yeah just

[mattward]: i'm going

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: to say yes tentatively

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: great just

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: checking

[spinner]: ah

[mattward]: i feel like that's somehow

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: going to be related to varanted again
like i just don't

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: know

[magistrate]: no

[mattward]: yes

[magistrate]: no

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: i feel like i need to

[spinner]: well

[macho_kringle]: bone

[mattward]: anyway

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: up and find out what this black
peat is i don't like this this

[spinner]: no

[macho_kringle]: dance but yes

[magistrate]: you don't

[mattward]: i

[magistrate]: we don't

[mattward]: don't

[magistrate]: want to bowl

[spinner]: don't

[magistrate]: up

[mattward]: i

[magistrate]: on

[mattward]: really

[magistrate]: him

[mattward]: really don't suggest

[macho_kringle]: yea

[mattward]: you doing but

[magistrate]: hey

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: i really don't

[magistrate]: chris

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: are you familiar

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: with justin trude and

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: and how

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: he likes

[cobra]: no

[magistrate]: to

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: cost play

[macho_kringle]: black face you mean black

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: face

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: well that's what black

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: pit as

[macho_kringle]: um

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: um

[mattward]: but he's celebrated by an entire nation
of people who are just

[macho_kringle]: ah

[mattward]: very misinformed

[macho_kringle]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: hey

[mattward]: and

[spinner]: guys

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: i just got i just got word
from the world and this movie is cancelled

[spinner]: before

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: before

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: can even get off the ground

[mattward]: yeah because

[macho_kringle]: good

[mattward]: the wilder amram is playing latent like

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: a

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: right so

[spinner]: pick

[magistrate]: let's

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: any

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: of your reasons

[magistrate]: let's

[spinner]: pick any reason

[cobra]: listen

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: really

[magistrate]: i'm gonna need to let's

[cobra]: black

[magistrate]: let's wrap

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: this movie up so i need to
just get the topic basically we need

[macho_kringle]: hm

[magistrate]: a title for this movie

[spinner]: i

[mattward]: m

[macho_kringle]: hot and heavy what do you tink

[mattward]: m

[macho_kringle]: or you

[cobra]: oh my

[macho_kringle]: have

[mattward]: ah

[cobra]: god

[spinner]: ye

[magistrate]: ah

[mattward]: m

[cobra]: sightstraight

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: to straight to red tube

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: um something

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: about like miscletoes i don't know

[macho_kringle]: okay

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[mattward]: i really

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: just wanted

[macho_kringle]: mission

[mattward]: to make

[cobra]: missile

[mattward]: that cat movie

[cobra]: toes

[mattward]: damage

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: missile

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: toes that's

[macho_kringle]: mission

[cobra]: the name

[macho_kringle]: miscileto

[cobra]: that's

[mattward]: just

[cobra]: just the name

[mattward]: just

[cobra]: missile to

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: missile

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: to yeah there you go

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: i could see that

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: i could see that

[spinner]: but

[macho_kringle]: that

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: those

[macho_kringle]: works

[spinner]: candles that should be called camel too

[mattward]: it's called pan

[cobra]: ah

[macho_kringle]: h

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: kendleto

[macho_kringle]: uh i vote against

[spinner]: no

[macho_kringle]: that you are not one of

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: the bethlehem brother crew

[magistrate]: m

[macho_kringle]: you have no voting

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: rights

[cobra]: oh

[macho_kringle]: whatsoever

[cobra]: my god

[magistrate]: so okay so

[macho_kringle]: mat what

[cobra]: oh

[mattward]: he

[macho_kringle]: do you think missile to

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: yes yes

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: and gerard

[macho_kringle]: hm

[mattward]: butler plays rudolph i think that should
happen to

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: we got to get the fuck out

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: north pole

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: got a bright red nose

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: yeah exactly

[spinner]: as oh

[magistrate]: santas down

[mattward]: i

[macho_kringle]: ah

[mattward]: santas dan slay down

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: h h my magical heart

[spinner]: this

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: is the north pole

[mattward]: yea

[spinner]: to

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: their own oh

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: this this is santa

[magistrate]: okay so

[mattward]: this

[cobra]: yeah

[mattward]: is santa

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: let's just clarify your herbert smith as

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: wilmer valderamas

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: head elf dart butler

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: as rudolph

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: and featuring bob

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: new heart

[macho_kringle]: an

[spinner]: as global warming

[magistrate]: as

[macho_kringle]: no evil

[cobra]: as

[macho_kringle]: prediciin

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: glubalhermy

[spinner]: no he's

[magistrate]: president

[spinner]: no

[macho_kringle]: you

[cobra]: too as tonal drum

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: ronald

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: ronald

[spinner]: grump

[mattward]: dump

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: drum

[cobra]: trina dump

[magistrate]: trial

[cobra]: perfect

[magistrate]: dump

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: dump

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: and then go aneth

[macho_kringle]: petro

[magistrate]: i

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: trow

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: as greta

[macho_kringle]: my

[magistrate]: thunburg

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: s oh

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: yeah but i thought you're paying yourself
but now in this story greta thurber creates

[spinner]: coop

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: not

[mattward]: ah

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: guinnethpeltro

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: and that's and that is a magical
substance that causes

[spinner]: god

[mattward]: the machine to break

[spinner]: she

[magistrate]: hm

[spinner]: only

[macho_kringle]: correct

[spinner]: guennfeltro would sign on to the movie

[magistrate]: so just to be

[macho_kringle]: let's

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: let's

[magistrate]: hunton

[macho_kringle]: talk the

[magistrate]: clear

[macho_kringle]: profits

[magistrate]: it's thunnburg

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: let's

[mattward]: there

[cobra]: berg

[mattward]: you go

[magistrate]: let's at least

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: give

[mattward]: thunberd

[magistrate]: great is the only redeeming piece of
this whole conversation let's give her

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: her due respect

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: okay

[macho_kringle]: we do our

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: and

[macho_kringle]: best

[magistrate]: that

[macho_kringle]: work

[magistrate]: is missile to

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: not's came to

[magistrate]: at great

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: is that

[cobra]: mistletoe

[magistrate]: sorry mistletoe colan

[mattward]: ye

[magistrate]: not campbell to is that the whole
name of the movie

[mattward]: yah

[macho_kringle]: no

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah yeah

[macho_kringle]: look

[mattward]: yah

[cobra]: oh

[macho_kringle]: if it gets butts in the seats

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: we've got to do what we got
to do

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: got to make it digestible

[mattward]: that

[magistrate]: ah okay i think you did it
great job one quick last question to inter

[magistrate]: wrap

[macho_kringle]: h

[magistrate]: us up we gotta leave we got

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: to leave the guests sorry not to
guest the listeners with an ear closer

[mattward]: yes oh

[magistrate]: or

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: all

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: of

[spinner]: please

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: h

[magistrate]: what we just

[spinner]: and

[magistrate]: made

[spinner]: the

[magistrate]: them

[spinner]: guests

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: listen

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: to

[cobra]: this was so wholesome

[spinner]: and

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: the and the host

[magistrate]: the

[macho_kringle]: hopsicles

[magistrate]: host

[macho_kringle]: frosty

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: dick

[magistrate]: no it's fine

[cobra]: oh

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: m

[cobra]: ah

[mattward]: the chilly stranger

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: it's not right

[cobra]: uh

[magistrate]: just a real quick

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: question

[mattward]: it

[magistrate]: you need to explain

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: to

[cobra]: ah

[mattward]: yes

[magistrate]: me who would throw the best holiday

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[mattward]: yes

[cobra]: fuck

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: we gonna

[macho_kringle]: yes

[magistrate]: let

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: that's right

[magistrate]: the jew crew take this one wan

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: to me how you throw the best

[mattward]: a

[magistrate]: holiday party no restrictions

[spinner]: how i would throw it or who
would throw the best party

[magistrate]: how

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: the jewish community the jew crew the
hebrew hammer brotherhood

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: handle this george sores included

[spinner]: oh boy

[cobra]: okay so money

[mattward]: so

[cobra]: is no object okay

[spinner]: yes

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: well firstly we

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: would

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: book madison square garden

[mattward]: m

[cobra]: okay

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: okay and

[spinner]: that's

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: that's all

[cobra]: i think

[spinner]: i have

[mattward]: o

[magistrate]: great great

[cobra]: we

[magistrate]: job

[cobra]: need

[magistrate]: at

[cobra]: to

[magistrate]: sort

[cobra]: we need to invite some some jewish

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: celebrities

[spinner]: m

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah adam sander will be there obviously

[cobra]: yeah adam sender will be there

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: jerry

[mattward]: ever

[cobra]: sinfeld

[spinner]: yeah we need some younger people so
harrison ford he's partly

[mattward]: ye

[spinner]: jewish

[mattward]: m

[magistrate]: great great job

[mattward]: m

[cobra]: i don't know any new

[mattward]: nearly

[cobra]: any young wish celebrities

[spinner]: parent apparently with keen phoenix is jewish

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: well his family

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: roamed around with us in south america
with a religious cult

[magistrate]: we

[spinner]: but

[magistrate]: got

[spinner]: he says he's actually jewish

[magistrate]: we got to dan radcliff sheeted jones

[cobra]: oh that's right

[mattward]: yes

[magistrate]: milacunas

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i didn't know daniel radcliff was jewish

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: pink

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: pink

[magistrate]: andrew garfield

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: jack jack black

[magistrate]: yep

[cobra]: check black really

[magistrate]: at hudson

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: shy

[cobra]: that

[magistrate]: la buff

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: that

[magistrate]: you're

[cobra]: explains

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: goin in vite him

[cobra]: a lot actually now chylotbuffcan can stay

[spinner]: yeah yeah shilabo's

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: not invited

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: jeff gold

[cobra]: those

[magistrate]: boom

[cobra]: dreams are going to be dreams

[spinner]: jeff goban is a hundred per cent

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: yes

[magistrate]: what else is happening at

[cobra]: yes

[magistrate]: this party

[spinner]: you know end

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: zack efron's there if you didn't say
that already

[magistrate]: what if you

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: talk about the party not just the
people that were going is that is

[spinner]: that's just

[magistrate]: is your party just full celebrities and
nothing else that that

[spinner]: no that's just a few

[magistrate]: kay

[spinner]: we'll have

[cobra]: since we

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: have george sara's money open bar obviously

[spinner]: that's that's the limit of your imagination

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: space lavers are going to put on
a light show

[cobra]: yeah exactly

[spinner]: no across

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: the entire phemisphere

[cobra]: the space lazers are going to be
lighting the hanukia

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: right the

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: giant

[cobra]: what they're

[spinner]: hanokia

[cobra]: going to be doing it's like a

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: honuki that's goin to be light lit
up by the space lazers

[magistrate]: is

[spinner]: and

[magistrate]: that

[spinner]: we're

[magistrate]: the

[spinner]: going to have bruce

[magistrate]: is that the

[spinner]: we're

[magistrate]: candelabra

[spinner]: gonna

[mattward]: ah

[spinner]: bruce yes

[cobra]: sure

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: if you want to call it that

[cobra]: sure

[spinner]: the minora

[magistrate]: i do

[mattward]: m

[spinner]: and bruce spring ten s going to
be there he's not jewish but he sounds

[spinner]: jewish so

[magistrate]: uh

[spinner]: that that

[magistrate]: huh

[spinner]: counts

[magistrate]: m

[mattward]: m

[cobra]: we can

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: afford

[spinner]: don't

[cobra]: him it's

[spinner]: i don't

[cobra]: fine

[spinner]: think anyone will complain

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: and

[mattward]: m

[spinner]: we're gonna

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna
get fucked up it's going to be in

[spinner]: all all you can

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: do drugs bar

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: i

[mattward]: m

[cobra]: he

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: so instead of all you can drink
it's gonna be all you can do drugs

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: bar

[magistrate]: right

[spinner]: and

[mattward]: so so i'm jewish

[spinner]: what

[mattward]: now

[magistrate]: uh

[spinner]: exactly

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: see now we're talking

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: this

[magistrate]: h

[spinner]: party

[magistrate]: o

[spinner]: is going to be fucking sick

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: now we're going to

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: have

[cobra]: gonna

[spinner]: those

[cobra]: be

[spinner]: fog

[cobra]: eight days

[spinner]: horns

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: going to be eight days of party

[mattward]: hm

[cobra]: eight days

[magistrate]: uh

[spinner]: everyone is going to

[magistrate]: h

[spinner]: have a fog horn that goes parnpeepar
and that's not going to get old

[magistrate]: from an

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: fafmfairfair just

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: non stop

[cobra]: i thought

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: i thought the fun harns could go
all the time but you know

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: we

[spinner]: this

[cobra]: try

[spinner]: is a party

[cobra]: so

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: unless that

[cobra]: have

[spinner]: would

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: be

[cobra]: been to our parties

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: that would be

[cobra]: have you

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: been to our parties

[spinner]: shut up they don't know

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: that

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: they don't know that we don't really

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: drink

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: um and what else is a good
party have

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: there's going to be a talking dog

[cobra]: ya

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: wow i was gonna i was gonna

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: sammy

[spinner]: didn't

[cobra]: david's junior but

[mattward]: m

[cobra]: you do

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: that that also was cool

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: why not both

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: yeah you know what

[cobra]: resurrect

[spinner]: we're resuryouknow

[cobra]: no okay

[spinner]: fucking do't need o be jewish we're
resurrecting the beetles it's going to be

[cobra]: all

[spinner]: sick

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: tell me

[cobra]: even

[spinner]: you wouldn't

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: go

[cobra]: ones

[spinner]: to that

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: party

[cobra]: are in debt even the ones that

[spinner]: even

[cobra]: are n't dead we're going to resurrect

[mattward]: ah

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: especially that

[mattward]: m

[magistrate]: all right wrap this party up we

[mattward]: i

[magistrate]: give time for you other team to

[spinner]: that's the thing about this party

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: never wraps

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: up ever

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: after eight days then it does

[magistrate]: yep

[spinner]: wrap up because

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: we got to stay on budget

[magistrate]: the beetles go back

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: put back underground after that

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: well the crowd gets to kill them
at the end it's kind of like the

[spinner]: big finish

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: with the lazers there's going to be
a raffle

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: whoever

[macho_kringle]: oh

[cobra]: wins can

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: use the lazers to kill the beetles

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: no

[macho_kringle]: thin

[spinner]: especially

[macho_kringle]: tells me that's

[spinner]: the

[macho_kringle]: not

[spinner]: living

[macho_kringle]: very

[spinner]: ones

[macho_kringle]: wholesome

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: that's not

[cobra]: ah

[macho_kringle]: that's not very wholesome it

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: doesn't sound like

[mattward]: sounds like

[spinner]: ah

[mattward]: a purge

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: from

[spinner]: no

[mattward]: christmas

[cobra]: or

[spinner]: there they

[magistrate]: it's

[spinner]: were

[magistrate]: an

[cobra]: sure

[magistrate]: eight

[spinner]: already

[magistrate]: day

[spinner]: dead

[magistrate]: purge

[spinner]: they were

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: already dead

[cobra]: you're

[spinner]: except

[cobra]: already

[spinner]: for the ones

[cobra]: dead

[spinner]: that weren't

[magistrate]: my

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: all

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: right great

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: job everybody moving on to

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: bethlehem brawlers

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: is that what were going with

[spinner]: top that bitchbralas

[macho_kringle]: easily

[magistrate]: ye

[macho_kringle]: easily

[mattward]: wet

[magistrate]: thank

[spinner]: more

[mattward]: out

[spinner]: like

[magistrate]: you

[mattward]: there

[spinner]: the

[mattward]: man we've

[magistrate]: hit

[mattward]: been

[magistrate]: us

[mattward]: conferring

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: more like the bethlehem bitches no

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: follow me seeing setting sky dome open
it's snowing but the

[spinner]: wait

[macho_kringle]: sky dome is heated we

[spinner]: at

[macho_kringle]: have special

[spinner]: ah

[macho_kringle]: appearances

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: and perform is by the hallogram

[mattward]: a

[macho_kringle]: jackson five korean sensation group b

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: t s so you know the coverage

[cobra]: yes

[macho_kringle]: going to be insane and a lot
of girls be screaming

[spinner]: right yeah

[macho_kringle]: out of joy and happiness and

[spinner]: and

[macho_kringle]: what

[spinner]: me

[macho_kringle]: not there you

[cobra]: at

[macho_kringle]: go you can't them boys

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: got moves furthermore we're going to have
special appearances and actually you know who's going

[macho_kringle]: to host this event

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: fashioned santa a model named paul mason
who works at york dale mall and toronto

[macho_kringle]: man sex hell

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: we can't stop looking at him

[magistrate]: true

[macho_kringle]: he is our paragon of truth christmas

[mattward]: eh

[macho_kringle]: cator sexiness but

[spinner]: is

[macho_kringle]: don't

[spinner]: vinter

[macho_kringle]: forget

[spinner]: clause there

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: yes

[macho_kringle]: i don't think i don't know

[magistrate]: yah

[macho_kringle]: about that

[mattward]: m

[macho_kringle]: matt

[cobra]: oh

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: he wasn't invited

[macho_kringle]: i don't i don't know about that

[magistrate]: h

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: eh

[macho_kringle]: we have fashion

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: santa does he fit the brands matt
does he fit the brand

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: yes

[mattward]: we have

[spinner]: oh

[mattward]: tom hanks dressed

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: as woody

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: giving out presents to everybody when they
come around

[macho_kringle]: right children matter

[spinner]: of that

[mattward]: and you should

[cobra]: i got

[mattward]: know

[cobra]: scared

[mattward]: that because

[cobra]: there for

[mattward]: it's

[cobra]: a second

[mattward]: knowing

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: cause it's snowing

[macho_kringle]: why

[mattward]: into a heated building everyone is in
wet t shirts

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: everybody

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: what i was going to say i
was going to ask about that

[mattward]: m

[macho_kringle]: you got

[mattward]: everyone

[macho_kringle]: de j you

[mattward]: b

[macho_kringle]: got

[mattward]: t

[macho_kringle]: d

[mattward]: s

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: and it's an all

[mattward]: hm

[spinner]: white is it an all white is
like a white dress code

[mattward]: no

[macho_kringle]: that sounds

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: mildly races

[mattward]: what

[macho_kringle]: no

[spinner]: no no it's not raised their clothes

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: the you know the

[macho_kringle]: yes

[spinner]: water

[macho_kringle]: the

[spinner]: would

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: nipples

[spinner]: make it see through

[macho_kringle]: maybe

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: because we also have d j called
spinning the ones and twos but do you

[macho_kringle]: want him in the white t shirt
my man

[spinner]: no i don't d j callon

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: nother one

[cobra]: i know i don't

[macho_kringle]: another one

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: another

[mattward]: and

[macho_kringle]: one

[mattward]: we've got holly grams what holy

[macho_kringle]: m

[mattward]: rams do we have we got

[magistrate]: yah

[macho_kringle]: the

[mattward]: grams

[macho_kringle]: jacks

[spinner]: jackson

[mattward]: that

[spinner]: five

[mattward]: are hollow

[macho_kringle]: that's right that's right gram norton is

[magistrate]: ah

[mattward]: the yep

[magistrate]: do

[spinner]: you

[magistrate]: you have billy gram

[spinner]: matt

[macho_kringle]: billy

[spinner]: how

[macho_kringle]: grab

[spinner]: hollow

[mattward]: no

[macho_kringle]: i don't

[spinner]: are your

[macho_kringle]: know

[spinner]: grams

[macho_kringle]: billy billy gram is a hot fiery

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: i don't know next thing you know
more carillo and benny benny hen ill try

[macho_kringle]: and show up hitting people

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: with

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: coats we don't want that we don't

[mattward]: yes

[macho_kringle]: that

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: i don't think it fits the brand

[magistrate]: we

[mattward]: you know you

[spinner]: no

[mattward]: know what our big cenis is at

[macho_kringle]: tell

[mattward]: the

[macho_kringle]: him

[mattward]: very end

[macho_kringle]: tale

[spinner]: not going to stop

[mattward]: kevin

[spinner]: killing the beetles

[mattward]: kevin heart and bob new heart come
out and

[spinner]: o

[mattward]: promote

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: their brand

[spinner]: o

[mattward]: new moving heart to heart

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: seasons

[spinner]: oh my god

[cobra]: it

[mattward]: creeping

[spinner]: all right you i'm

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: not gonna low you had me in

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: the first half

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: well

[macho_kringle]: it

[magistrate]: you win that

[macho_kringle]: oh

[magistrate]: round

[macho_kringle]: hey

[spinner]: they have the hollowest of grams

[magistrate]: congratulations

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: t shirt

[magistrate]: um

[macho_kringle]: cat in

[cobra]: it's

[magistrate]: you're

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: cut

[cobra]: hallogram

[magistrate]: off

[cobra]: not

[magistrate]: you're

[cobra]: even

[magistrate]: cut

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: off

[cobra]: hollogram

[magistrate]: now you're all cut off you're done
everyone's cut off

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: what happened to my microphone

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: been cut great job

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: of everybody you have equally besmirched christmas
and honica

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: yes

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: i think

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: everybody

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: was offended i

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: just would

[spinner]: oh men

[magistrate]: like to for the record we don't

[macho_kringle]: yeah oh

[magistrate]: cinder class we don't believe

[spinner]: and

[magistrate]: in him

[cobra]: oh

[mattward]: what

[magistrate]: or

[spinner]: we

[magistrate]: black

[spinner]: do not

[magistrate]: pete

[mattward]: ah

[magistrate]: just everyone's

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: clear

[mattward]: and

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: repute

[mattward]: yeah

[cobra]: it's a

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: repudiation note at

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: the

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: end

[spinner]: m

[macho_kringle]: we rebuke

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: everything that

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: they insinuate

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: everything about that is wrong

[spinner]: yeah we

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: should just stop having christmas

[mattward]: god i mean

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: uh

[mattward]: don't don't look

[macho_kringle]: uh

[mattward]: into it it's like the second

[spinner]: ye

[mattward]: verse of every single christmas carol just

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: don't

[spinner]: don't

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: look into it

[magistrate]: don't look

[mattward]: i shut out

[magistrate]: just you know maybe maybe you should

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: hic a little more when

[mattward]: yep

[magistrate]: when when they talk about any of
that stuff just think about hanka and how

[magistrate]: it's

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: not like that

[spinner]: i think matt

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: said it best

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: the other matt when he said

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: think about

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: ah

[spinner]: what he's given us not what he's

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: not

[magistrate]: exactly

[spinner]: who he was

[macho_kringle]: what

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: words to live

[mattward]: that

[cobra]: by

[mattward]: makes it a little better you know

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: you know what

[mattward]: not

[magistrate]: in the

[mattward]: not at all

[magistrate]: in this case

[mattward]: a little

[magistrate]: think about the commercialized santa claus that
coca cola gave us

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: believe

[cobra]: and

[macho_kringle]: the

[mattward]: exactly

[magistrate]: in

[macho_kringle]: fashion

[magistrate]: coca

[cobra]: maybe

[magistrate]: cola

[cobra]: forget about center class entirely

[magistrate]: oh

[macho_kringle]: and

[mattward]: just

[magistrate]: um

[mattward]: just stay with that

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: stay with that

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: so thank you

[mattward]: kay

[magistrate]: other matt

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: for joining us and

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[magistrate]: tempting

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: to

[spinner]: thank

[magistrate]: champion

[spinner]: you

[magistrate]: christmas as much as possible really appreciate

[mattward]: thank

[magistrate]: that

[spinner]: yea

[macho_kringle]: the p

[mattward]: thank you for having me i appreciate

[magistrate]: hum

[mattward]: it

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: thank

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: you to both teams

[mattward]: i

[magistrate]: the jew crew and the bethlehem brawlers
for attempting this

[spinner]: thank

[magistrate]: very

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: very dangerous real

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: are you going to

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: say

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: who won

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: um

[spinner]: eh

[macho_kringle]: the audience

[magistrate]: no no the audience

[spinner]: also

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: if

[magistrate]: lost

[spinner]: you say we lost its anti semitic

[magistrate]: uh

[spinner]: so just

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: be careful

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: uh

[cobra]: exactly

[spinner]: you

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: know

[cobra]: exactly

[magistrate]: so what i'm going to

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: do

[macho_kringle]: my

[magistrate]: is if if you want

[macho_kringle]: and

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: to

[macho_kringle]: the

[magistrate]: know

[macho_kringle]: podcast

[magistrate]: who one hit us up hit us
up on on the twitter

[macho_kringle]: hm

[magistrate]: at your own cast

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: hm

[magistrate]: if it's there

[mattward]: i

[magistrate]: if it's not

[macho_kringle]: m

[magistrate]: you have to come to our website

[macho_kringle]: true

[magistrate]: wrong cast w w w dot your

[macho_kringle]: hm

[magistrate]: cast

[cobra]: six

[spinner]: we already

[magistrate]: dot

[spinner]: have

[magistrate]: c

[macho_kringle]: hm

[spinner]: sixty

[magistrate]: a

[spinner]: tweets from cane west

[macho_kringle]: oh

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah we

[spinner]: he

[magistrate]: do

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: is not

[mattward]: yeah

[spinner]: happy

[magistrate]: just livid

[macho_kringle]: he is

[cobra]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: he

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: will not

[spinner]: he is

[macho_kringle]: leave the dms

[spinner]: livid right

[macho_kringle]: alone

[spinner]: now

[macho_kringle]: so much though we've had to we've
had to

[spinner]: oh

[macho_kringle]: seek refuge on me a load on

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: oh

[macho_kringle]: taradactal to ranasauris

[spinner]: uh

[macho_kringle]: it's not

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: it's not

[spinner]: ah

[macho_kringle]: we need

[spinner]: yah

[macho_kringle]: help

[cobra]: all the men wanted was to be
cast as trina

[mattward]: yes

[cobra]: dump that's all he

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: wanted

[spinner]: that's

[magistrate]: he

[spinner]: all

[magistrate]: did

[spinner]: he wanted

[mattward]: yeah

[magistrate]: cane cone and other people can email
us your wrong

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: cast at email dot com that's the

[macho_kringle]: dis

[magistrate]: only place we'll listen to m that
way we can just

[macho_kringle]: m

[spinner]: he

[magistrate]: put you in the trash bin easily
and not have to talk to you ever

[magistrate]: gain

[macho_kringle]: hm

[magistrate]: but

[mattward]: very nice

[magistrate]: but for now

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: i'm at

[mattward]: oh

[cobra]: i am lucian part of the hebrew

[spinner]: woot

[mattward]: yes

[spinner]: i'm one of the slamming slomos

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: spencer and

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[spinner]: plee out my last name

[cobra]: oh

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: uh

[macho_kringle]: bleak the government bleephis governments please

[spinner]: h

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: i'm chris from the bethlaham

[mattward]: m

[macho_kringle]: brawlers adams

[magistrate]: a

[spinner]: adam

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: and i met also from the bethlehem
brawlers very

[magistrate]: oh

[mattward]: far away from my microphone

[spinner]: come see

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: my new movie

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: heart to heart and

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: the er

[magistrate]: yeah

[mattward]: heart to heart season's grieving i'm starting
to go find me it's going

[macho_kringle]: yeah

[mattward]: to happen

[magistrate]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: go find

[spinner]: we're

[macho_kringle]: me

[spinner]: going

[macho_kringle]: kick

[spinner]: to talk

[macho_kringle]: starter

[spinner]: we're

[macho_kringle]: eh

[spinner]: goin

[cobra]: go

[spinner]: tuck

[cobra]: find me it's not a tick

[mattward]: we

[cobra]: started it's like go find

[macho_kringle]: go

[cobra]: me

[macho_kringle]: from me

[cobra]: this

[macho_kringle]: with

[cobra]: is a charity

[macho_kringle]: really

[mattward]: yeah

[macho_kringle]: we need to kick start to go

[mattward]: okay

[macho_kringle]: me

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: please please hurry up and pay the

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: because

[magistrate]: bob

[spinner]: this

[mattward]: oh

[magistrate]: nears

[spinner]: movie is dying

[magistrate]: not got long we need to get
him in

[mattward]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: there

[cobra]: oh

[macho_kringle]: oh

[spinner]: uh

[magistrate]: we'll

[mattward]: it

[magistrate]: see

[mattward]: should

[magistrate]: you next

[mattward]: be

[magistrate]: time

[mattward]: the

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: m

Creators and Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
Recurring guest host extraordinaire
85. Tag-team Battle Royale: Christmas vs. Hanukkah
Broadcast by