87. You'll Be On Santa's Naughty List if You're Wrong About "Violent Night"
[seasons_beatings]: hello
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: welcome to your wrong it is
[spinner]: what
[seasons_beatings]: day after christmas when you're listening to
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: that's how time works boxing day
[cobra]: you're
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[cobra]: listening
[spinner]: that's today
[cobra]: you know to this at some point
[_misltoeblessed]: time
[seasons_beatings]: it's
[_misltoeblessed]: travel
[seasons_beatings]: boxing day
[spinner]: that's today because it's this is live
[seasons_beatings]: this is a lot if you're
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: listening to this live we definitely didn't
record in the past
[spinner]: hm
[_misltoeblessed]: every time
[seasons_beatings]: and
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: so we didn't record this in the
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: future wait
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: presently with me i have lucian
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: the
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: ghost
[cobra]: guess
[spinner]: of christmas present
[seasons_beatings]: it goes nice and we have the
ghost of christmas past a spencer
[spinner]: yeah hello
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: i will show you that time you
awkwardly talk to that person
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: and made a fool of yourself
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: never forget it
[cobra]: which
[seasons_beatings]: and then
[cobra]: one
[seasons_beatings]: the ghost of christmas
[spinner]: ye
[seasons_beatings]: future
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah yeah
[seasons_beatings]: christ michel
[_misltoeblessed]: no not today not today friends today
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: i bet the prodigal son is returned
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: because
[spinner]: oh shit
[_misltoeblessed]: his prodigal son is back in the
[seasons_beatings]: chris from whitby is back
[_misltoeblessed]: i'll take it
[spinner]: you
[_misltoeblessed]: i'll
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: take it
[spinner]: you back in whitby
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: but i'm in toronto but i will
[seasons_beatings]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: take that monicur and i show
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: wield it early oh
[spinner]: welcome back to the city of angels
[seasons_beatings]: so it really is
[_misltoeblessed]: indeed
[seasons_beatings]: the ghost of christmas future
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: once
[seasons_beatings]: potentially
[_misltoeblessed]: in the future
[seasons_beatings]: once in future past
[cobra]: why at you
[seasons_beatings]: now
[cobra]: then
[seasons_beatings]: that
[cobra]: met
[seasons_beatings]: well i'm either jacob marley or scrooge
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: who knows
[spinner]: yah
[cobra]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: or
[cobra]: was going
[_misltoeblessed]: tiny
[cobra]: to say
[_misltoeblessed]: tim
[cobra]: scrooge
[seasons_beatings]: wow
[cobra]: tell
[spinner]: totally
[_misltoeblessed]: someone
[cobra]: yes
[spinner]: screwed
[_misltoeblessed]: remember
[seasons_beatings]: fuck
[cobra]: tiny
[seasons_beatings]: you
[_misltoeblessed]: tiny
[cobra]: to
[_misltoeblessed]: tim
[cobra]: matt is tiny tim let's
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: go with
[seasons_beatings]: to
[cobra]: that
[seasons_beatings]: tim
[spinner]: he's dying
[seasons_beatings]: bless
[_misltoeblessed]: please
[seasons_beatings]: our
[_misltoeblessed]: sir
[seasons_beatings]: father everyone
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: oh god
[spinner]: what day is it today
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: it's christmas
[spinner]: you
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: said
[seasons_beatings]: day
[spinner]: i squichmasday
[cobra]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: oh rot rot
[spinner]: you boy
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: hello come no it's christmas time
[spinner]: quiet you
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: little boy
[seasons_beatings]: all right let's get into this we
are talking about a movie watch we watched
[seasons_beatings]: it
[spinner]: this
[seasons_beatings]: to
[spinner]: is
[seasons_beatings]: day or
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[seasons_beatings]: in the
[spinner]: uh
[seasons_beatings]: past you know let's just today it's
today don't worry about it we all
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: got to gether
[spinner]: she called
[seasons_beatings]: in
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: toronto
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[seasons_beatings]: in
[_misltoeblessed]: did
[seasons_beatings]: a theater
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: side by side
[spinner]: yep
[seasons_beatings]: by side by side
[_misltoeblessed]: yep
[seasons_beatings]: and we watched
[_misltoeblessed]: kay
[seasons_beatings]: the david
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: harbor
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: jot like zama vehicle violent night oh
[spinner]: yes
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[cobra]: yes
[spinner]: let's
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: sing
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: it together
[_misltoeblessed]: vile
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: no
[cobra]: this
[_misltoeblessed]: blood
[cobra]: is going to
[spinner]: most boring
[cobra]: play a
[spinner]: song
[seasons_beatings]: holy
[cobra]: really well
[spinner]: ever
[seasons_beatings]: wait
[cobra]: oh my
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: god no
[spinner]: nailed
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: it
[cobra]: stop this is a christmas
[spinner]: nailebit
[cobra]: crime
[spinner]: nailed
[_misltoeblessed]: maintain
[spinner]: it uh
[_misltoeblessed]: maintain
[seasons_beatings]: i only go high
[spinner]: a i only go high
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: we're going to talk about violent nights
we're going to do our movie review of
[seasons_beatings]: violent nights
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: and so let's
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[spinner]: isn't it violent night singular i don't
[seasons_beatings]: violet
[spinner]: it's plural
[seasons_beatings]: night you
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: know someone
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: google at will i try to host
the podcast
[cobra]: it
[seasons_beatings]: and not
[cobra]: is
[seasons_beatings]: be interrupted
[spinner]: let me bring that
[_misltoeblessed]: kay
[spinner]: up
[seasons_beatings]: jamie um
[cobra]: o
[spinner]: that
[seasons_beatings]: let's talk
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[seasons_beatings]: about
[spinner]: that's a joe rogan
[seasons_beatings]: how
[spinner]: reference
[seasons_beatings]: we
[spinner]: i don't even
[seasons_beatings]: why
[spinner]: like less
[seasons_beatings]: why
[spinner]: than
[seasons_beatings]: would you reference organ
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: i don't know because
[seasons_beatings]: well
[_misltoeblessed]: that's
[spinner]: i'm
[_misltoeblessed]: what
[seasons_beatings]: we
[spinner]: sorry
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[seasons_beatings]: learned
[_misltoeblessed]: named
[spinner]: apologize
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[seasons_beatings]: a disturbing amount
[cobra]: a
[seasons_beatings]: of
[cobra]: lot
[seasons_beatings]: view about you today
[cobra]: in the one sentence
[spinner]: listen i'm up today with the culture
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: the culture
[seasons_beatings]: okay okay
[_misltoeblessed]: the only way he can
[spinner]: ah
[_misltoeblessed]: assign his hat to the jimmy
[seasons_beatings]: let's
[spinner]: sidenote let's do some d m t
[seasons_beatings]: hey what if we what if we
did the thing where we talked about the
[seasons_beatings]: movie we gave it a ranking so
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: we can get off of whatever spencer
is on to great
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: i'm
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: glad everybody agreed
[spinner]: jamie bring that
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: up
[seasons_beatings]: set up a bitch chris save us
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: from
[_misltoeblessed]: sir
[seasons_beatings]: this madness what is your ranking and
high level review of the movie vile night
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: maybe
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: s
[spinner]: i really think every time
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: we do give
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: our ranking we should
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: do a quick re cap of the
ranking system
[seasons_beatings]: really
[spinner]: for the new listeners
[seasons_beatings]: remember how i asked chris a question
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: not spencer
[spinner]: listen
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: you
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: thanks thanks host
[spinner]: started
[_misltoeblessed]: mad
[seasons_beatings]: and
[_misltoeblessed]: so
[seasons_beatings]: checking
[_misltoeblessed]: mac you
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: see
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: uh
[_misltoeblessed]: the ancient
[spinner]: uh
[_misltoeblessed]: means used to refer
[cobra]: oh god
[_misltoeblessed]: to corn as maze and
[spinner]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: therefore we connect said dots to violent
knight spear headed by one david
[spinner]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: harbor i give this seasons beatings first
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: ye
[cobra]: really
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: interesting
[spinner]: am i who thought he was going
to say it
[seasons_beatings]: right
[spinner]: it was amazing
[_misltoeblessed]: that's not
[seasons_beatings]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: the ranking
[spinner]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: system
[spinner]: thought i thought
[seasons_beatings]: no no
[spinner]: i know but you set that up
[_misltoeblessed]: how
[seasons_beatings]: well
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: i mean
[spinner]: you said
[seasons_beatings]: seasons
[spinner]: corn is
[seasons_beatings]: beatings
[spinner]: you said corn is maze
[seasons_beatings]: was also not accurate
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[seasons_beatings]: and
[_misltoeblessed]: i'm
[seasons_beatings]: then you
[_misltoeblessed]: just
[seasons_beatings]: went to epic
[_misltoeblessed]: i'm just getting warmed up don't don't
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[_misltoeblessed]: don't look too hard into my flow
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: the corn maize analogy
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: was nothing okay
[_misltoeblessed]: all
[cobra]: don't
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[cobra]: look
[_misltoeblessed]: corn
[cobra]: too
[_misltoeblessed]: is
[cobra]: hard
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: good
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: into
[_misltoeblessed]: for is
[cobra]: anything
[_misltoeblessed]: pop corn
[cobra]: i say
[_misltoeblessed]: which is which
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: is what we consumed
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: during the movie
[spinner]: popped
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[cobra]: god
[spinner]: maze
[_misltoeblessed]: we did so yeah epic
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: exactly
[seasons_beatings]: a
[_misltoeblessed]: what for
[seasons_beatings]: yes
[_misltoeblessed]: grown nerves
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: uh need during this this this special
time of year and
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: i don't care how i don't even
want to say running the bill i don't
[_misltoeblessed]: it's not even formullaic it just hits
the notes so perfectly that whether you can
[_misltoeblessed]: telegraph it or whether it's telegraphed or
not it doesn't matter because everyone is along
[_misltoeblessed]: for the the ride story is doing
what it's doing
[spinner]: ah
[_misltoeblessed]: you want to see each beat hit
the way it needs to be head and
[_misltoeblessed]: so um even though it i won't
even say even though it pays mage in
[_misltoeblessed]: different areas with a blend of certain
generis like home alone and die hard
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: but i'm glad
[spinner]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: about that it's still doing its own
thing but clearly it's a fan of other
[_misltoeblessed]: genera so it's a nice mileage of
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: fisticuffs gore and and spear headed and
led by everyone's favourite cringle nicholas
[cobra]: uh
[_misltoeblessed]: i don't remember
[cobra]: huh
[_misltoeblessed]: the name is his his like
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: og original name though nicola nick read
[cobra]: something
[_misltoeblessed]: something
[cobra]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: something
[cobra]: that yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: they read but yeah yeah i'm gonna
keep at high level with that and we
[_misltoeblessed]: can dig in
[spinner]: yeah good take
[seasons_beatings]: good talk spencer why don't you counter
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: point him
[spinner]: well the ancient
[seasons_beatings]: a
[spinner]: mans referred to corn as maze
[cobra]: for fuck sakes
[seasons_beatings]: m
[spinner]: so i thought this was a
[seasons_beatings]: m
[spinner]: maze thing
[cobra]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: misciltow
[cobra]: it's worse than a miss joke
[spinner]: we're down here
[cobra]: it's a miss joke that was explained
and then used again
[spinner]: and then really said
[_misltoeblessed]: you see
[spinner]: sorry let me let me start again
[_misltoeblessed]: chant
[spinner]: the ancient miansno
[_misltoeblessed]: means
[cobra]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: mhm
[spinner]: i gave this movie a rare this
movie was
[cobra]: h
[spinner]: very good
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: very good movie very enjoyed by myself
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: i agree that it was it nailed
what i was trying to do this move
[spinner]: is exactly what you expect
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: and i but done right easily could
have done this early know i felt
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: like a bee movie but it
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: did it really well and
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[spinner]: i will say the
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: only resonwy it's not epic i jist
agree with chris it is quite formula
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: but it is sort of like like
you said an image or a parity even
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: but because of that it doesn't quite
reach the levels
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: of like great film
[_misltoeblessed]: you sure
[spinner]: or
[_misltoeblessed]: are
[spinner]: great
[_misltoeblessed]: wrong
[spinner]: movie
[_misltoeblessed]: you are wrong
[spinner]: all in all
[seasons_beatings]: wow
[spinner]: you had your
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[spinner]: time sir
[_misltoeblessed]: i made a
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: you
[_misltoeblessed]: small
[spinner]: had
[_misltoeblessed]: comment
[spinner]: your time
[_misltoeblessed]: comment
[spinner]: sit
[_misltoeblessed]: comment
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[spinner]: and eat your corn um having said
yeah i would give it a rare great
[spinner]: movie really fun and david harber i
would say without david harber this movie would
[spinner]: crash and burn
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[spinner]: he fucking carried this movie on his
back like
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: a sack of
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: toys
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[cobra]: hey look at that
[spinner]: that
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: i'm a regular roger
[seasons_beatings]: you want
[spinner]: ebert
[seasons_beatings]: you want to try that again i
don't think that was your best work
[_misltoeblessed]: am
[spinner]: he carried this
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: movie on his back like a christmas
sack of
[_misltoeblessed]: ahscrotums
[spinner]: toys there it is
[_misltoeblessed]: vincent
[spinner]: that time i nailed
[cobra]: in
[spinner]: it
[cobra]: it
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[cobra]: the proves
[seasons_beatings]: great
[_misltoeblessed]: always
[seasons_beatings]: job
[_misltoeblessed]: in in the wings
[spinner]: like a pall zagatoys
[seasons_beatings]: anyways we're gonna
[spinner]: that's
[seasons_beatings]: move on
[spinner]: for
[seasons_beatings]: from
[spinner]: vincent
[seasons_beatings]: whatever you're talking about luciano what do
you got
[cobra]: i hate to agree with spencer but
it's a
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: rare
[seasons_beatings]: god
[cobra]: for me to
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[cobra]: yeah i
[spinner]: that
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: is
[cobra]: love
[spinner]: a red
[cobra]: the movie
[spinner]: flag
[cobra]: would definitely watch it again just
[_misltoeblessed]: there
[cobra]: for
[_misltoeblessed]: you go
[cobra]: shoots and giggles
[_misltoeblessed]: that's right
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: i think it's
[spinner]: a
[cobra]: the formula part of it is not
what bothers me i expect like i didn't
[cobra]: expect this to be some sort of
like a tour
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: like telling of an amazing
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: story i knew it was going to
[spinner]: you
[cobra]: be just david harbor kicking the ship
out of everybody and i got what i
[cobra]: paid for i just think they you
know some
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: things were a little bit shoe horn
and i'm sure
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: they're going to come
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[cobra]: out when we talk about it
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: the rest of the podcasting they're not
i'll find a way to screes it in
[cobra]: but there's
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[cobra]: a couple of things that i went
like why
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: you know so
[_misltoeblessed]: a
[cobra]: like it's that's why it's not epic
like i think
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: there was a few small changes that
they needed to make that it make that
[cobra]: it would make easily make this epic
and one of the best christmas movies ever
[cobra]: so
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: that's my that's my
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: overall high level review
[spinner]: so high level
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: do you yield
[cobra]: well
[seasons_beatings]: your
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: time then
[cobra]: i do yield
[seasons_beatings]: as yo're
[cobra]: my
[seasons_beatings]: saying
[cobra]: time yes
[seasons_beatings]: okay thank you m
[spinner]: i love when lucian yields
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: his
[seasons_beatings]: it's
[spinner]: time
[seasons_beatings]: just the best if only
[cobra]: fuck
[seasons_beatings]: he did
[cobra]: you
[seasons_beatings]: it sooner
[spinner]: the
[cobra]: piece of ship
[spinner]: christmas
[cobra]: fuck
[spinner]: every
[cobra]: you
[spinner]: time
[cobra]: too yeah i don't
[spinner]: uh
[cobra]: yield i
[spinner]: huh
[cobra]: unyield my time
[seasons_beatings]: what
[cobra]: and i'm going
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: to
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[cobra]: say
[seasons_beatings]: well
[cobra]: the
[seasons_beatings]: we
[cobra]: ancient means
[_misltoeblessed]: continue
[seasons_beatings]: who
[cobra]: called corn maze
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[spinner]: all right wait let let them finish
[_misltoeblessed]: let em finish finish
[cobra]: all right go ahead man
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: great so excellent reviews for everybody
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: wanta bring up a little known fact
the ancient mans
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[spinner]: let let him finish
[cobra]: let him finish
[seasons_beatings]: he used to call
[spinner]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: corn mate i don't know if you
guys heard about this
[_misltoeblessed]: h h
[spinner]: i've
[_misltoeblessed]: this
[spinner]: never
[_misltoeblessed]: is
[spinner]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: bret
[spinner]: didn't know that
[seasons_beatings]: right
[_misltoeblessed]: you know what i really appreciate
[cobra]: very
[_misltoeblessed]: that
[cobra]: interesting
[_misltoeblessed]: you for sharing
[spinner]: a fun fact
[seasons_beatings]: welcome merry christmas that's your fun fact
for the day the
[_misltoeblessed]: at
[seasons_beatings]: movie
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: i'm gonna put it at
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: it's like i want to
[_misltoeblessed]: do it
[seasons_beatings]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[seasons_beatings]: want
[_misltoeblessed]: want
[seasons_beatings]: to
[_misltoeblessed]: to
[seasons_beatings]: put
[_misltoeblessed]: and
[seasons_beatings]: it
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[seasons_beatings]: to epic i want so
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[seasons_beatings]: i'm gonna
[_misltoeblessed]: you do
[seasons_beatings]: and and
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: i understand there are
[cobra]: powered
[seasons_beatings]: some things we need
[cobra]: powered
[seasons_beatings]: to
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: we need to
[_misltoeblessed]: so he
[seasons_beatings]: you're
[_misltoeblessed]: ate
[seasons_beatings]: the coward
[_misltoeblessed]: up
[seasons_beatings]: sir
[cobra]: no
[seasons_beatings]: um oh
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: i want no there's some things we
probably need to work
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: on but i think just overall was
very fun and enjoyable i think
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: think i'm ready to put david harbor
on the list of m i'm gonna use
[seasons_beatings]: stuf
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: and maybe that's you know i don't
want to be dismissive
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: of david harber but he's maybe not
as high up there as the other stars
[seasons_beatings]: but if he's going to be in
an action movie i'm probably just going to
[seasons_beatings]: watch it no matter what
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: i'm probably
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: o
[seasons_beatings]: not going
[cobra]: i
[seasons_beatings]: to
[cobra]: feel
[seasons_beatings]: question
[cobra]: you
[seasons_beatings]: any think he does any more
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: he's
[_misltoeblessed]: h
[seasons_beatings]: um
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: not a great actor sorry david harbor
if you ever listen to this but what
[seasons_beatings]: you do you do well
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: and i appreciate you stay within that
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: and just hit hit those notes same
those same notes over and over again
[spinner]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: which is really what
[cobra]: like
[seasons_beatings]: i'm
[cobra]: how
[seasons_beatings]: here
[cobra]: you're
[seasons_beatings]: for
[cobra]: now just addressing
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: david harbor
[seasons_beatings]: shut up
[cobra]: directly
[seasons_beatings]: david
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: don't
[spinner]: he's
[seasons_beatings]: interrupt
[spinner]: a he's
[seasons_beatings]: me while
[spinner]: a big
[seasons_beatings]: i'm talking
[spinner]: fan
[seasons_beatings]: to david
[_misltoeblessed]: david
[spinner]: u
[_misltoeblessed]: is a national treasure
[spinner]: h yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: musical genius
[seasons_beatings]: yes
[_misltoeblessed]: and sir you will shut
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: your mouth when david harbor's
[cobra]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: mouth and name enters the fray
[spinner]: ye
[seasons_beatings]: so
[_misltoeblessed]: i did say his mouth
[seasons_beatings]: that's fine
[spinner]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: no i appreciate that thank you for
[_misltoeblessed]: sorry
[seasons_beatings]: backing me up so i just i
really enjoyed it i think that all the
[seasons_beatings]: right notes there were some surprises which
you wouldn't have thought would happen in a
[seasons_beatings]: movie that kind of just hit place
the hits and play em well but they
[seasons_beatings]: did a good job with it and
i just had a really really fun time
[seasons_beatings]: and i would definitely put this into
my christmas
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: movie rotation i will
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: right in
[cobra]: yep
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[seasons_beatings]: there between die hard one and die
hard too
[cobra]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: and then
[_misltoeblessed]: in
[seasons_beatings]: i'm
[_misltoeblessed]: between
[seasons_beatings]: finished
[spinner]: perfect
[seasons_beatings]: that's that's the rotation
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: but yeah let's let's dive into the
questions because there are some things we probably
[seasons_beatings]: need to talk about on this movie
um some really
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: awesome things
[spinner]: hm
[seasons_beatings]: and some things
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: that some people apparently have a problem
with i don't know their
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: fucking dealers we're going to start off
with the first question and i'm just going
[seasons_beatings]: to continue
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: dominating the microphone because it's
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: easy the best character and i'm picking
santa claus because
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: david harberg
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: was magical from from the geo i
[_misltoeblessed]: correct
[seasons_beatings]: love
[spinner]: i
[seasons_beatings]: that they gave him
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: an edge of being kind of a
drunk and it worked perfectly because he got
[seasons_beatings]: to play on that rope the whole
way through the movie
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: cookie connoisseur
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[cobra]: uh
[seasons_beatings]: a milk snub those are all great
[cobra]: skim
[seasons_beatings]: the best part
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[seasons_beatings]: i think of david harbor character is
like they actually went out of the way
[seasons_beatings]: to explain how the funk santa claus
can take down this like small army
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: of people trying to raid this place
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: it was amazing and you know we
always do spoilers
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: so here we go he's a viking
or was a viking
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: how we got to being a viking
to being santa claus and no one explains
[seasons_beatings]: there's nothing going
[spinner]: sequel
[seasons_beatings]: on e c well definitely he just
has a bunch of cool
[cobra]: cool
[seasons_beatings]: viking tattoos
[cobra]: pretty cool
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: and we find out about i guess
maybe a prequillyeah and we find out that
[seasons_beatings]: he had a hammer he loved called
skull crusher and then
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: he gets a hammer and it's the
fucking town it's
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: santa claus comes to town i did
it guys
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: we got our first one
[spinner]: loved it
[seasons_beatings]: up anybody
[cobra]: all right
[seasons_beatings]: else got a better better best character
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: i don't think anybody can
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: if anybody
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: even jokingly said someone else it's just
going to be
[_misltoeblessed]: disrespectful
[spinner]: a waste of
[cobra]: lie
[spinner]: our goddamn
[cobra]: just a
[spinner]: time
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: david
[cobra]: there
[spinner]: arber
[cobra]: is no better character in this movie
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: carried
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: this
[cobra]: by
[spinner]: movie
[cobra]: a
[spinner]: on
[cobra]: long
[spinner]: his back
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[cobra]: margin
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: no
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: the only
[spinner]: like again
[cobra]: honorable mention here would be the grandma
right because
[_misltoeblessed]: grant
[cobra]: she's so filthy
[spinner]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: oh not yet
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: it's
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: but
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: i would
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: say if you're gonna give an honorable
mention it would be to johnnie l
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: our boy
[cobra]: me
[spinner]: john leguanmo
[cobra]: i didn't like his character
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: i'll be honest
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[spinner]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: don't
[spinner]: thought
[_misltoeblessed]: have
[spinner]: he
[_misltoeblessed]: to
[spinner]: was great thought he nailed
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: it
[seasons_beatings]: he
[cobra]: like i like
[seasons_beatings]: it
[cobra]: john
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: gazamalike the way that he played it
but the character it sufslikeme whatever
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: generic villain who
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: hates christmas with great
[spinner]: but they kind of gave him a
little bit of dimension when it's like he
[spinner]: had a history with christmas
[cobra]: that that's
[_misltoeblessed]: true
[cobra]: part of why i didn't like it
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: i wasn't expecting it
[spinner]: i liked it
[_misltoeblessed]: it did
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: your
[_misltoeblessed]: give him
[spinner]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: some
[cobra]: entitled
[spinner]: liked
[_misltoeblessed]: dimension
[spinner]: it
[cobra]: to being wrong it's fine
[seasons_beatings]: well it's three to one so you're
the one who's wrong on this
[spinner]: you
[seasons_beatings]: podcast
[spinner]: know what
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: i mean gonna take i'm going to
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: take you outside
[cobra]: ah oh
[spinner]: and have a talk
[seasons_beatings]: let's
[_misltoeblessed]: a snowball
[spinner]: kay
[_misltoeblessed]: talk
[seasons_beatings]: let's let's
[cobra]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: save our
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: vitreelfor
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: luciana to another
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: movie
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: outing and let's talk about
[_misltoeblessed]: must
[spinner]: if
[_misltoeblessed]: we
[spinner]: i must
[seasons_beatings]: maybe
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[cobra]: yes i was
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[cobra]: beat up after this yeah
[seasons_beatings]: should
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: have been
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: let's talk about the
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: actor we would replace
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: is there someone who you thought could
do a better job like john likezamo replacement
[seasons_beatings]: are you gonna go that far luciano
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: hm
[cobra]: no no ike i said i liked
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: the way he played the character
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[cobra]: no he was he was he was
finding his in his role i don't know
[cobra]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: ah
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[spinner]: my gut reaction
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[spinner]: on replacing a character and i i
don't like
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: to
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: critique child children actors
[seasons_beatings]: wow
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[cobra]: i was going there to
[spinner]: but
[_misltoeblessed]: really
[seasons_beatings]: eh
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: this kid fucking sucked get a new
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: figure it out
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: now
[cobra]: i wouldn't go that far
[spinner]: the little girl she was fine
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: but i think
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: he
[spinner]: i
[seasons_beatings]: yes
[spinner]: find it's always hard to have
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: kid actors are so hitting miss so
i think she did adequately but it wasn't
[spinner]: like there was a couple moments where
like it took me out of the movie
[seasons_beatings]: so
[_misltoeblessed]: really
[seasons_beatings]: so
[spinner]: because
[seasons_beatings]: who
[spinner]: i thought she wasn't
[seasons_beatings]: who
[spinner]: good
[seasons_beatings]: was your replace with then
[spinner]: oh adult micolycolkan
[seasons_beatings]: uh
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: uh
[_misltoeblessed]: man
[seasons_beatings]: h
[_misltoeblessed]: child micolycolkin and then through through
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: the wonder
[cobra]: i'm sorry
[_misltoeblessed]: and learnings
[cobra]: i think you mean mcolymicoli colancolkan
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: sorry
[cobra]: that's
[spinner]: that's
[cobra]: that's
[spinner]: right
[_misltoeblessed]: um
[cobra]: his
[spinner]: mcallymcally
[cobra]: name
[spinner]: culcanculcan
[seasons_beatings]: yeah that's got his name cracked mayou
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah i think no
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: or one of the stranger things and
you can't do the stranger things kid because
[spinner]: david harber that would be too
[_misltoeblessed]: why
[cobra]: you
[spinner]: much
[_misltoeblessed]: not
[cobra]: can why not
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: ye
[seasons_beatings]: they're also
[spinner]: too much cross streaming
[seasons_beatings]: they're also probably too old at this
point like their
[cobra]: now
[seasons_beatings]: teen agers
[cobra]: yes
[spinner]: mccallymccally mccllygolkan golkan isn't too old
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[seasons_beatings]: he
[cobra]: true
[seasons_beatings]: he is
[spinner]: he definitely he's
[seasons_beatings]: a
[spinner]: like
[seasons_beatings]: ferzentes
[spinner]: forty
[_misltoeblessed]: eh i mean sometime
[spinner]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: i have the answer
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[_misltoeblessed]: i can do this
[seasons_beatings]: well i mean
[_misltoeblessed]: i can
[cobra]: um
[_misltoeblessed]: do this
[cobra]: m
[seasons_beatings]: the thing
[_misltoeblessed]: keep going
[seasons_beatings]: with
[_misltoeblessed]: keep going
[seasons_beatings]: yeah the thing with child actors is
i just i don't expect them to be
[seasons_beatings]: good i just don't
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: i just want them to not pull
me out of the movie and for that
[seasons_beatings]: she was fine like you know like
she wasn't
[_misltoeblessed]: ye
[seasons_beatings]: a detriment to the movie she didn't
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: me annoyed she wasn't like j loyd
talking about sucking angels in spaceball hitting on
[seasons_beatings]: a woman that's like ten years older
than him bad
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: my bones are aching annie
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: so so we're fine on that point
i think i think she did a fine
[seasons_beatings]: job you know
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: i guess if you want to replace
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: kid
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: it's like it's so hard to find
[spinner]: a
[seasons_beatings]: replacements
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: chris did you find a replacement
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: for this child
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah i think i got her guys
so thanks to i don't think i'd be
[_misltoeblessed]: too much of a stretch i offer
[seasons_beatings]: oh god
[_misltoeblessed]: no breath i offer erica
[cobra]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: sinclair from stranger things actress whose name
is pre nicole
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: ferguson
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: ferguson so the younger sister to luke
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: yeah yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: luke
[cobra]: okay
[spinner]: yes
[_misltoeblessed]: she's got tons
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: of sass and i think
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: she's she's destined for great things so
if not her you could also do you
[_misltoeblessed]: could also do
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: the second youngest daughter from from blackness
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: she's got tons of sets too
[seasons_beatings]: ye
[_misltoeblessed]: but they both are interchangeably adorable
[seasons_beatings]: can you can you get me
[spinner]: they're both
[seasons_beatings]: a
[spinner]: probably
[seasons_beatings]: child
[spinner]: seventeen
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: now
[_misltoeblessed]: pull
[spinner]: yeah i was gonna say time
[cobra]: a
[seasons_beatings]: pris
[spinner]: flies
[cobra]: child
[seasons_beatings]: sixteen like that's like putting her against
gertrude is going to be
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: hard because they're both you need like
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: an under ten hild in order to
really bring the whimsy christmas and santa to
[seasons_beatings]: the forefront
[cobra]: i
[seasons_beatings]: as
[cobra]: think
[seasons_beatings]: a teen
[cobra]: you're
[seasons_beatings]: age
[spinner]: i
[cobra]: right
[spinner]: don't
[seasons_beatings]: or
[spinner]: think
[seasons_beatings]: it
[cobra]: man
[seasons_beatings]: just
[spinner]: i
[cobra]: i
[seasons_beatings]: gets
[cobra]: think
[seasons_beatings]: creepy
[cobra]: it's it's
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[cobra]: it's super hard to get
[spinner]: he
[cobra]: like child actor like they exist but
a child actor
[spinner]: and
[cobra]: day is really really good at that
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: young age is hard to find
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[cobra]: it's you know
[spinner]: what
[cobra]: it's
[spinner]: about that
[cobra]: it's
[spinner]: little kid who played harry potter oh
[_misltoeblessed]: which
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: which
[cobra]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: quite
[spinner]: daniel radcliffe
[cobra]: h
[_misltoeblessed]: annie radcliff is now
[spinner]: was
[_misltoeblessed]: playing
[spinner]: great
[_misltoeblessed]: weird
[cobra]: h
[_misltoeblessed]: outcankevik
[cobra]: how about that kid
[spinner]: uh
[cobra]: that plays
[spinner]: huh
[cobra]: the little girl in t drew barrymore
[spinner]: yeah yeah
[cobra]: that's her name yeah
[spinner]: drew
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: barrymore
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: would
[seasons_beatings]: what's
[spinner]: be
[seasons_beatings]: your
[spinner]: good
[seasons_beatings]: deal
[_misltoeblessed]: i got you i got you
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[_misltoeblessed]: alternative isaac or dons
[spinner]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: he's he's a fresh face from the
new wednesday netflix t v show he's pretty
[_misltoeblessed]: young
[cobra]: i don't know that is
[seasons_beatings]: sure
[cobra]: but
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: okay fine
[cobra]: i'll
[spinner]: we agree
[cobra]: take your
[spinner]: haly
[cobra]: word
[spinner]: joe
[cobra]: for
[spinner]: osmond
[cobra]: it
[seasons_beatings]: right
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: i'll allow it let's move on to
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: else
[spinner]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: more interesting than chris searching for random
children on the internet
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: that
[_misltoeblessed]: random
[spinner]: nobody knows
[_misltoeblessed]: i've
[cobra]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: seen her
[cobra]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: i've seen their
[cobra]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: work
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: you're
[cobra]: why
[spinner]: you're
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: did you
[spinner]: on
[cobra]: say
[spinner]: a list
[cobra]: like that
[spinner]: now
[_misltoeblessed]: i reference
[spinner]: you're
[_misltoeblessed]: to
[spinner]: on
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[spinner]: a
[_misltoeblessed]: show
[spinner]: list chris
[_misltoeblessed]: this is
[cobra]: yes
[_misltoeblessed]: you're
[seasons_beatings]: i'm
[_misltoeblessed]: all
[spinner]: you're
[_misltoeblessed]: wrong
[spinner]: on a list
[seasons_beatings]: i'm a professional
[_misltoeblessed]: wrong
[seasons_beatings]: podcaster i never make mistakes with how
i heard
[spinner]: ye
[seasons_beatings]: things do
[cobra]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: we have
[_misltoeblessed]: do
[seasons_beatings]: any any the actors we
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: want to replace
[spinner]: almost stuttered there too
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[cobra]: all right just
[spinner]: did
[cobra]: honestly
[spinner]: never
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: screw words
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: honestly the other characters don't really matter
all that much let's be honest
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: they did good they did
[cobra]: okay
[spinner]: i thought
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: they were all good
[_misltoeblessed]: except
[cobra]: i don't think
[_misltoeblessed]: for
[cobra]: i would replace anybody
[_misltoeblessed]: except for
[seasons_beatings]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: the one henchman that played double duty
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: the first first nutcracker soldier that discovered
santa he showed
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: up twice so you can't replace him
he got killed and then he got killed
[_misltoeblessed]: again quick flash cut and then back
to the c i noticed that ship
[cobra]: what
[_misltoeblessed]: i yield my
[spinner]: moving
[_misltoeblessed]: time
[spinner]: on
[cobra]: what
[_misltoeblessed]: i beat you to
[cobra]: what
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[seasons_beatings]: i'm gonna go ahead and re rail
this podcast
[spinner]: yep
[seasons_beatings]: here's our
[spinner]: fair
[seasons_beatings]: favorite question i think this is going
to be the first and
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: most obvious clean sweep question we've ever
conducted on this podcast what was the most
[seasons_beatings]: rewatchable scene in this movie
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: god
[cobra]: fuck
[spinner]: damn right it was
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: that is so many
[_misltoeblessed]: we might we
[spinner]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: might
[seasons_beatings]: there's
[_misltoeblessed]: differ
[spinner]: i
[seasons_beatings]: one
[spinner]: know exactly
[_misltoeblessed]: actually
[spinner]: what it is
[cobra]: is it a grenade one
[seasons_beatings]: no
[spinner]: no
[seasons_beatings]: i'll tell
[spinner]: i'm
[seasons_beatings]: you
[spinner]: gonna
[cobra]: that
[spinner]: say
[cobra]: is
[spinner]: it
[cobra]: one of
[spinner]: ready
[cobra]: them
[spinner]: me
[cobra]: for
[spinner]: and
[cobra]: me
[spinner]: matt
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: me and matt say at the same
time ready three
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[spinner]: two one sent
[seasons_beatings]: sand
[spinner]: up pulling
[seasons_beatings]: a
[spinner]: a
[seasons_beatings]: chimney
[spinner]: guy through a chimney exploding
[seasons_beatings]: floating
[spinner]: through the roof
[seasons_beatings]: yeah yeah
[cobra]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: interesting
[cobra]: it's not really
[seasons_beatings]: that was the best
[spinner]: what that was
[seasons_beatings]: it
[spinner]: fantastic
[seasons_beatings]: was
[cobra]: it's
[seasons_beatings]: the
[_misltoeblessed]: i'm
[seasons_beatings]: best
[cobra]: it's a bad
[_misltoeblessed]: for
[cobra]: scene
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[cobra]: i don't know if it's rellywatchable
[_misltoeblessed]: for you
[seasons_beatings]: it's it's it is the most real
watchful because you just don't expect
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: santa to like
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: do that with his power like you
know santa
[cobra]: and
[seasons_beatings]: based
[cobra]: end up like with a john leg
with some ham in his hands afterward
[seasons_beatings]: yeah so like
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: just if you haven't seen this movie
and you want to listen to this podcast
[seasons_beatings]: the end scene or through the movie
they've shown that santa claus is able to
[seasons_beatings]: like tap his nose and that's his
magic power to go up and down chimneys
[seasons_beatings]: and oh
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[seasons_beatings]: the end scene
[spinner]: it turns
[seasons_beatings]: he
[spinner]: to
[seasons_beatings]: uses
[spinner]: like a dust
[seasons_beatings]: yeah he turns
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: like dust and he just flows up
and so the end scene they have this
[seasons_beatings]: old like cottage all wrecked but the
stone chimney is intact and you just know
[seasons_beatings]: they're gonna use that chimney somehow
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[seasons_beatings]: as john like no
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: tries to kill class
[_misltoeblessed]: mhm
[seasons_beatings]: and and they use it and you
all think he's just sanssointo jump up to
[seasons_beatings]: the top of the chimney and come
off the top rope and do something
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: and he just takes john exam
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: with him and at the and all
you have is a
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: little corpsacle
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: of jalikeuzamo
[cobra]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: and blood
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: spraying everywhere
[spinner]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: man
[spinner]: a volcano out of the top of
the chimney
[_misltoeblessed]: it was thorough
[spinner]: that scene was fantastic
[_misltoeblessed]: visceral
[seasons_beatings]: magical
[spinner]: him standing at top
[cobra]: he's
[spinner]: of the chimney with the
[cobra]: his
[spinner]: blood
[cobra]: reactions
[spinner]: exploding
[cobra]: to
[spinner]: out
[cobra]: it
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: around him
[cobra]: his reaction
[seasons_beatings]: my
[cobra]: to it is great because because oh
[seasons_beatings]: just
[cobra]: didn't
[seasons_beatings]: the
[cobra]: know
[seasons_beatings]: ho
[cobra]: that that's what's
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: ho
[cobra]: going
[seasons_beatings]: it's
[cobra]: to
[seasons_beatings]: perfect
[cobra]: happen exactly
[seasons_beatings]: absolutely perfect
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[cobra]: it's
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: a very good time
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: i don't know i just like the
grenade one for how
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: it's like you don't really expect because
your expecting those in those
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[cobra]: movies
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: for them to drop the grenade and
walk away from
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[cobra]: the explosion and hers and daddy
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[cobra]: goes i got to watch i just
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[cobra]: i don't
[spinner]: yeh
[cobra]: know i love that
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: scene in the trailer i love that
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: in the movie
[spinner]: yeah it
[_misltoeblessed]: then
[spinner]: was i started the trailer so kind
of like
[cobra]: maybe that's why
[spinner]: wasn't
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: as as good
[cobra]: uh
[_misltoeblessed]: i have
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: i have two but of course i
will adhere to the rules my favorite scene
[_misltoeblessed]: is actually
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: much earlier once he arrives in the
mansion that we're all where everything is going
[_misltoeblessed]: to play out and he's just like
going through getting settled checking out
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: the cookies spitting out the milk
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: but then dives into the age
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[_misltoeblessed]: old old ship
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: d d
[seasons_beatings]: bah
[_misltoeblessed]: i don't remember deb
[seasons_beatings]: it wasn't
[cobra]: debar
[_misltoeblessed]: thank
[seasons_beatings]: even
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[seasons_beatings]: to balk you did even say the
[cobra]: it
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[seasons_beatings]: name
[cobra]: was de
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah'yeahs
[cobra]: yeah he
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: pronounced it wrong too
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: because that's
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: not what i said yeah
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: he's like this
[_misltoeblessed]: i have no idea
[spinner]: this
[_misltoeblessed]: what
[spinner]: is some
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[spinner]: pre
[_misltoeblessed]: is
[spinner]: war ship
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah and
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: he
[spinner]: that's
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: takes
[spinner]: what
[_misltoeblessed]: a
[spinner]: he
[_misltoeblessed]: sip
[spinner]: says
[_misltoeblessed]: and he takes a bite of the
[spinner]: now
[_misltoeblessed]: cookie
[spinner]: three war
[_misltoeblessed]: he's like
[spinner]: ships
[_misltoeblessed]: pairs well
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: and that
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: sucking got
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: me
[seasons_beatings]: yeah that's really good
[cobra]: yeah yeah
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: oh man
[seasons_beatings]: i'll
[_misltoeblessed]: i love
[seasons_beatings]: give you
[_misltoeblessed]: to
[seasons_beatings]: that that is a good scene it's
the whole
[cobra]: there's
[seasons_beatings]: process
[cobra]: to me there's a lot of rewatchable
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: which
[spinner]: and
[cobra]: is
[spinner]: capped
[cobra]: rare
[spinner]: off
[cobra]: for
[spinner]: with him capped off with him drinking
in the in the vibrating chair
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[spinner]: and during the drink
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: the drink is shaking
[_misltoeblessed]: did any
[spinner]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: of
[spinner]: this
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[spinner]: is
[_misltoeblessed]: get
[spinner]: good
[_misltoeblessed]: did any of you i got a
it was one of those scenes that also
[_misltoeblessed]: harken back to another scene will faro
uh jail hard or hard time and he
[_misltoeblessed]: used like crying in the vibrating chair
with wine
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: parallel
[cobra]: with the wine
[_misltoeblessed]: but he
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: made it hit like different scenario
[cobra]: a little
[_misltoeblessed]: but
[cobra]: bit yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: still really
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: works you know
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: i love
[seasons_beatings]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: that
[spinner]: you're one of your one of the
three people who saw hard time
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: listen it was good it was good
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[cobra]: i've seen the mems
[_misltoeblessed]: it was called
[cobra]: but
[_misltoeblessed]: gay
[cobra]: that's
[_misltoeblessed]: it was called
[cobra]: it
[_misltoeblessed]: get hard actually
[seasons_beatings]: yeah cool you yield your time for
the get hard
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[seasons_beatings]: reference
[_misltoeblessed]: the fine
[spinner]: let's get out
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: of
[cobra]: watched
[spinner]: that
[cobra]: that
[spinner]: conversation
[cobra]: movie too
[seasons_beatings]: yeah well you both your
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: your time then um
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: let's dive in here i got i
think i have an important question becase i
[seasons_beatings]: ready wanted to know
[_misltoeblessed]: you think
[seasons_beatings]: so this movie happens christmas eve to
christmas day right
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: sanna leaves and he still got to
deliver presents
[spinner]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: so what happens
[spinner]: hm
[seasons_beatings]: the next day like all of christmas
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: day like
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[seasons_beatings]: at the compound maybe how sanasdego
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: lik what do you think what do
you think that
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[seasons_beatings]: all that happens
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: okay opens up
[_misltoeblessed]: sure
[spinner]: two detectives pulling up to the crime
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[spinner]: cop steps out of the car looks
around damn it's
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: a sucking blood bath
[seasons_beatings]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: looks around her like a hundred bodies
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: thrown about
[seasons_beatings]: h
[spinner]: one one guy was evicerated in a
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[spinner]: one guy was sucking exploded with a
grenade a
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[spinner]: couple of guys had christmas things stabbed
in their eyes
[cobra]: one was impaled in an icicle
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: and he says yeah sometimes upon
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: all their witnesses saying saying was sucking
santa claus but the something's going on here
[_misltoeblessed]: but chief
[spinner]: they think
[_misltoeblessed]: mcilcudi
[spinner]: there's a murderer
[_misltoeblessed]: it's impossible
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: goddam it billy
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: if you believe
[_misltoeblessed]: h
[spinner]: anything is possible
[_misltoeblessed]: my
[spinner]: so assume there's some sort of murderer
going about in the santa claus outfit and
[_misltoeblessed]: disgusting
[spinner]: stestatepot
[_misltoeblessed]: man hunt
[spinner]: p b all
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[spinner]: place bolton goes out
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: i want to i want say glass
bodin get david dinner alive
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: there and then they just there's a
mass killing of santa claus you're like all
[spinner]: around
[_misltoeblessed]: all
[spinner]: moll
[_misltoeblessed]: settings
[spinner]: cops
[cobra]: healings
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: not even arrest just
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: killings
[_misltoeblessed]: recent
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: news a number of
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: malsantes have been rounded up and
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: executed more
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[_misltoeblessed]: on
[spinner]: against
[_misltoeblessed]: that
[spinner]: the wall
[_misltoeblessed]: against
[seasons_beatings]: um
[_misltoeblessed]: the wall
[seasons_beatings]: why
[_misltoeblessed]: back
[spinner]: mary
[_misltoeblessed]: to you
[spinner]: christmas
[_misltoeblessed]: chief
[spinner]: everybody
[_misltoeblessed]: you know
[seasons_beatings]: you
[spinner]: what
[seasons_beatings]: do you know what it all points
bolton is
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: all police
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: bang
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: wait that's okay
[spinner]: all police boom boom that's what it
[seasons_beatings]: okay but mall clubs are in place
[_misltoeblessed]: they
[spinner]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: get
[spinner]: but the
[_misltoeblessed]: they
[spinner]: police
[_misltoeblessed]: get
[spinner]: are killing
[_misltoeblessed]: correct the mlcops
[spinner]: the mall santos
[seasons_beatings]: so the police are killing mal santas
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: and mall cops
[_misltoeblessed]: yes paul
[spinner]: no not
[_misltoeblessed]: but
[spinner]: who said malcops
[_misltoeblessed]: paul
[cobra]: ball
[_misltoeblessed]: blurt
[cobra]: cops
[_misltoeblessed]: must die
[cobra]: pale blur white
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: paul blur is in this
[_misltoeblessed]: because he's
[spinner]: so
[_misltoeblessed]: a
[seasons_beatings]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: macaw
[seasons_beatings]: don't
[spinner]: paul
[seasons_beatings]: know
[spinner]: bark gets gets a call
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: we need you
[_misltoeblessed]: after
[spinner]: we need
[_misltoeblessed]: doing
[spinner]: the
[_misltoeblessed]: a line
[spinner]: best
[_misltoeblessed]: of
[spinner]: goddamn
[_misltoeblessed]: cocaine
[spinner]: it
[_misltoeblessed]: is like oh
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: my segueis
[cobra]: yeah he's
[_misltoeblessed]: still
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: he's
[_misltoeblessed]: sucking
[cobra]: eating
[spinner]: a
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: he's like eating
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: a don
[spinner]: hm
[cobra]: and he gets to
[_misltoeblessed]: a
[cobra]: call his
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: like i was born for this
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: he's a goddam chief in retired
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: we need you
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: back
[_misltoeblessed]: we're getting to alter than
[spinner]: string
[_misltoeblessed]: ship
[spinner]: of mull sands
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: on a loose
[_misltoeblessed]: miles
[spinner]: just load
[_misltoeblessed]: said
[spinner]: his
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[spinner]: gun
[_misltoeblessed]: keep looking at me funny
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[_misltoeblessed]: i got the remedy right here
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: i don't
[_misltoeblessed]: nethratlanta
[spinner]: so
[cobra]: know
[spinner]: i
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: think
[cobra]: think
[spinner]: there's
[_misltoeblessed]: coke
[spinner]: a lot more killings happening
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: and
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[cobra]: i think back in laponia
[spinner]: m hm
[cobra]: back at the clauses compound
[_misltoeblessed]: hum
[cobra]: i think he goes back to training
it's like
[_misltoeblessed]: like
[cobra]: i was got killed today
[_misltoeblessed]: uh
[cobra]: the funk
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: that can happen again
[_misltoeblessed]: h
[cobra]: what
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: if i have to save
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[cobra]: another christmas
[spinner]: and
[cobra]: he
[spinner]: at the
[cobra]: just
[spinner]: movie
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[spinner]: he gets his hammer again
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: skull
[seasons_beatings]: what's
[_misltoeblessed]: crusher
[seasons_beatings]: skull cross your shirt up to the
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: and
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: you know what
[spinner]: i don't
[_misltoeblessed]: also
[spinner]: know about
[_misltoeblessed]: showed up
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: i said i don't know but you
guys but it
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[spinner]: seemed to me at the end of
the movie he was
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: moving forward on killing
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: noddy people
[seasons_beatings]: it
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[spinner]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: felt
[seasons_beatings]: m
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: i was terrified of that and even
there was a
[cobra]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: custom
[cobra]: think he
[_misltoeblessed]: that
[cobra]: he just
[spinner]: ay
[cobra]: like switched his mandates to instead of
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: a
[cobra]: them coals giving them like
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: hammer blows m
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[spinner]: yeah that's what that's what it felt
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: no
[cobra]: i agree
[spinner]: good
[seasons_beatings]: i
[cobra]: i
[seasons_beatings]: disagree
[cobra]: agree
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[seasons_beatings]: i don't
[cobra]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: think he's just
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: go
[cobra]: that's what
[seasons_beatings]: he
[cobra]: i'm hoping for
[seasons_beatings]: he didn't
[cobra]: is
[seasons_beatings]: i don't
[cobra]: that
[seasons_beatings]: think
[cobra]: better
[seasons_beatings]: he just turned into a i'm going
a murder anybody who's not
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: santa i think that
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: if someone is nodding enough he'll i'm
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: down and murder them right
[spinner]: see i like that that's a good
premise for the sequel
[seasons_beatings]: but it's not we'll get there don't
worry it's not just you know is are
[seasons_beatings]: you
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: negative one not you get killed like
[spinner]: s killing
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: kids
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: everywhere
[cobra]: no no no
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: punishment
[spinner]: god
[cobra]: fitting
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: to crime right
[seasons_beatings]: yeah yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: i for an
[cobra]: not
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[cobra]: going
[seasons_beatings]: santa
[cobra]: to start
[seasons_beatings]: claus
[cobra]: murder murdering
[spinner]: uh
[cobra]: naughty kids
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: you've
[spinner]: no he
[cobra]: been
[spinner]: said i
[cobra]: naughty
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: so it has become the punisher
[seasons_beatings]: yeah that's that's okay
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: let's save that let's get there because
i think
[_misltoeblessed]: defender
[seasons_beatings]: i think we've
[_misltoeblessed]: of
[seasons_beatings]: got something there
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: innocent right when when children and family
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: fill up family lives are threatened when
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: the good are threatened is going to
step up
[seasons_beatings]: we're
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: gonna move on from this question that
was supposed to be what is the next
[seasons_beatings]: what happens the next day and it's
turned into what is santas legacy
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[cobra]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: we have anything else you want to
talk about the day
[cobra]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: after like
[cobra]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: what's the
[spinner]: oh yeah
[seasons_beatings]: what's
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: the family follow
[spinner]: does
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: the family get the money does the
family get
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[spinner]: does he get the money
[seasons_beatings]: santa
[_misltoeblessed]: you mean the father
[seasons_beatings]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: the father
[spinner]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: doesn't
[spinner]: this
[_misltoeblessed]: get the
[spinner]: father
[_misltoeblessed]: money the father
[spinner]: but she was proud of him
[cobra]: i think i think he leaves everything
behind and goes away with his family completely
[cobra]: disconnect
[spinner]: i think
[_misltoeblessed]: tarts
[spinner]: the
[_misltoeblessed]: over
[cobra]: from his family
[spinner]: but i think the mum still makes
him like the main inheritor
[_misltoeblessed]: maybe and that that
[cobra]: maybe
[_misltoeblessed]: will be hilarious to see how that
plays out even if it's just a quick
[_misltoeblessed]: quick nod to
[spinner]: he showed she was like i respect
what you did
[_misltoeblessed]: m hm
[spinner]: so i think that was like that
he'll get it in the end
[cobra]: it chose
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: the kid like the tick talker kid
[_misltoeblessed]: h
[cobra]: taking pictures of the bodies right
[_misltoeblessed]: and that's
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: what changed the
[cobra]: centers
[_misltoeblessed]: tone for
[cobra]: real
[_misltoeblessed]: me and made me worry
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: about
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: about what would happen but santesnat is
either co signing or denying he's just going
[_misltoeblessed]: and doing his job
[cobra]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: so that changed the tone for me
but that's not santa's statement that's the kid
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: shoving his nose where it doesn't belong
[seasons_beatings]: so like
[cobra]: i
[seasons_beatings]: virtrude
[cobra]: think
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: that kid is not gonna that kid's
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[cobra]: going to throw into a psychopath
[_misltoeblessed]: uh
[seasons_beatings]: well i think bertrude gets like deep
platform right you can't show dead bodies
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[seasons_beatings]: on on stream
[cobra]: oh maybe okay
[seasons_beatings]: and
[_misltoeblessed]: logan
[seasons_beatings]: unless
[_misltoeblessed]: paul
[seasons_beatings]: you go into
[spinner]: maybe
[_misltoeblessed]: or
[cobra]: he
[_misltoeblessed]: whatever
[seasons_beatings]: boxing
[spinner]: you
[cobra]: loses
[spinner]: just put
[cobra]: all
[spinner]: on red
[cobra]: his followers
[spinner]: it
[seasons_beatings]: afterwards
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: and and then to
[seasons_beatings]: he
[_misltoeblessed]: yes and on top of lucian's going
back to training when he gets back to
[_misltoeblessed]: the north pole that north pole bro
he's gonna that north pole is gonna he's
[_misltoeblessed]: got to he's gonna reconcile his wife
[spinner]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: god damn it
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: doesn't
[_misltoeblessed]: he's like
[cobra]: he
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: never says he's estranged from his wife
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: she sends
[_misltoeblessed]: well
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: him
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: the school
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: crusher
[_misltoeblessed]: yes but he
[spinner]: he's
[_misltoeblessed]: also
[spinner]: going to give her the old north
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: thank you
[cobra]: oh god
[_misltoeblessed]: thank you for for picking
[cobra]: why
[_misltoeblessed]: up on the but not
[cobra]: why
[_misltoeblessed]: necessarily they're goin
[seasons_beatings]: it's
[_misltoeblessed]: they're
[seasons_beatings]: your
[_misltoeblessed]: gonna
[seasons_beatings]: fault
[_misltoeblessed]: the good end
[seasons_beatings]: it's your fault for saying when he
gets back to the north pole like
[spinner]: we're
[seasons_beatings]: he
[spinner]: going
[seasons_beatings]: left his penis
[spinner]: when he gets
[seasons_beatings]: at home
[spinner]: back
[seasons_beatings]: like
[cobra]: i didn't
[spinner]: it's gonna
[cobra]: say
[spinner]: be
[cobra]: anything
[spinner]: a
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: white
[cobra]: said laponia
[spinner]: christmas
[cobra]: i didn't say
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[cobra]: north
[_misltoeblessed]: my
[cobra]: pole
[_misltoeblessed]: god but yeah like that was quite
that that got me in the heart
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: strings as soon as like the little
kid is like what what is your wish
[_misltoeblessed]: and he's like i want to go
back and tell is glass how much
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: i love it and
[seasons_beatings]: yeah that
[_misltoeblessed]: that
[seasons_beatings]: was just
[_misltoeblessed]: really
[seasons_beatings]: him
[_misltoeblessed]: got
[seasons_beatings]: hoping he survived the scenario
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: oh yeah but
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: he meant that too he meant that
[seasons_beatings]: moving
[_misltoeblessed]: and
[seasons_beatings]: on
[_misltoeblessed]: i'd love to see that
[seasons_beatings]: moving
[_misltoeblessed]: oh my
[seasons_beatings]: on
[_misltoeblessed]: heart my heart
[seasons_beatings]: moving on um
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: next question i have for everybody
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: here what and we're gonna leave gertrude
out of this because he already has this
[seasons_beatings]: but what carter would set our podcast
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: what
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: would it
[spinner]: h
[seasons_beatings]: be about
[cobra]: oh m
[spinner]: h which
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: we can't pick gertrude you're saying
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah the boy
[cobra]: he
[_misltoeblessed]: friend
[cobra]: already has one
[seasons_beatings]: he clearly
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[cobra]: for
[seasons_beatings]: has
[_misltoeblessed]: boy
[cobra]: sure
[seasons_beatings]: one
[_misltoeblessed]: friend who
[seasons_beatings]: the wife
[cobra]: the
[seasons_beatings]: friend
[cobra]: bar friends
[seasons_beatings]: can't start
[cobra]: dead
[seasons_beatings]: a podcast he's a little
[_misltoeblessed]: just
[seasons_beatings]: dead
[_misltoeblessed]: well you didn't
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: say
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: alive or dead
[cobra]: as as the gramma called him an
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[cobra]: perfect
[_misltoeblessed]: because
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: she wouldn't like like do they have
to be alive is this a next day
[_misltoeblessed]: kind of add on though i'm just
[seasons_beatings]: you know of course that's
[cobra]: it's
[seasons_beatings]: fair
[cobra]: hard
[spinner]: i
[cobra]: to have a podcast when you're dead
[seasons_beatings]: he could
[cobra]: but
[seasons_beatings]: have it could have been a podcast
he had before but what
[spinner]: my
[seasons_beatings]: he just it has to be about
what his life was before like the movie
[seasons_beatings]: rights you have less to work with
there you basal now
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: he's hitty actions tar so could be
about that
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: maybe
[_misltoeblessed]: he's
[seasons_beatings]: he has
[spinner]: it
[_misltoeblessed]: chitty
[seasons_beatings]: a
[spinner]: would
[seasons_beatings]: podcast
[spinner]: be called the
[seasons_beatings]: where he talks to three
[spinner]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: of his buddies and they ship on
movies he
[spinner]: no no that'll be to be stupid
as funk
[seasons_beatings]: that's for
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[seasons_beatings]: idiots
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: right
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[cobra]: that's a
[_misltoeblessed]: one
[cobra]: dumb idea for a podcast
[_misltoeblessed]: every
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: one like you know what if some
if some rag tag group of nerderwells
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: strung that together i would check him
at us
[spinner]: i would check in every day
[_misltoeblessed]: you know who has a podcast like
shoot damn i was gonna go for all
[_misltoeblessed]: and i was like like him to
the guard but anyways
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: oh no
[spinner]: the
[cobra]: poor guard
[spinner]: if that star guy had a podcast
it ould be like tales of the greatest
[spinner]: action star of all time
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: because that's what he thought
[_misltoeblessed]: h
[spinner]: of himself
[cobra]: i'm thinking
[spinner]: but
[cobra]: the
[spinner]: we're
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: not
[cobra]: father
[spinner]: going there
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: the
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: father might have a podcast
[_misltoeblessed]: what do you tink you talk about
[cobra]: where
[_misltoeblessed]: them
[cobra]: he where he ships on his family
like anonymously
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: see i think the wife would have
a podcast the mom
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: not the grandma
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: the mom
[cobra]: yeahyeahyeah
[_misltoeblessed]: sir to little treaty
[spinner]: and i'd be like it'd be like
an investigative podcast
[seasons_beatings]: hey
[spinner]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[spinner]: a
[seasons_beatings]: just to help you
[spinner]: true
[seasons_beatings]: spencer
[spinner]: crime
[seasons_beatings]: let's
[spinner]: podcast
[seasons_beatings]: let's use some names linda
[spinner]: i don't know their names
[seasons_beatings]: linda
[_misltoeblessed]: a
[cobra]: linda yeah
[spinner]: linda linda would have a podcast because
she would be intrigued by this magic of
[spinner]: this sand and should do a podcast
[cobra]: cult phenomena
[spinner]: yeah yeah you know and the truth
finding the truth at
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: the core
[seasons_beatings]: you can't handle
[spinner]: tune in with
[seasons_beatings]: the truth
[spinner]: lint
[_misltoeblessed]: the x files
[spinner]: listener
[cobra]: she'd have jack nicholson as a guest
every time
[seasons_beatings]: yes
[spinner]: why in the hell would i call
into a
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: stupid joe
[_misltoeblessed]: m m yeah
[cobra]: that was pretty
[spinner]: becoming
[cobra]: decent
[spinner]: allen rickman
[cobra]: yeah well
[seasons_beatings]: my
[cobra]: obviously
[spinner]: but yeah i think she would have
a show about you know
[seasons_beatings]: m
[spinner]: revealing the mysteries of the world be
the mystery
[seasons_beatings]: no
[spinner]: hour with linda hambleton that's an actress
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: there is wit terminator
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: the woman from german
[seasons_beatings]: uh
[spinner]: right whatever what's
[seasons_beatings]: they
[spinner]: your
[seasons_beatings]: don't
[spinner]: last name
[seasons_beatings]: specifically
[spinner]: in te movie
[seasons_beatings]: call it her last
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: name but she at one point was
a light stone having been married to
[spinner]: light
[seasons_beatings]: jason
[spinner]: stone linda light stone
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: that's a good podcast name
[seasons_beatings]: yeah sure is
[_misltoeblessed]: okay there's one more person that would
have a podcast it would be the sister
[_misltoeblessed]: alva annoying as she is because she's
[spinner]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: got she's ostracized herself in in a
way like the like origillike g
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: girl trude would not anoint her with
anything so she's got to strike out on
[_misltoeblessed]: her own and do something or she's
gonna like i don't know what he does
[_misltoeblessed]: so
[spinner]: you think she'd play off
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: the death of her
[_misltoeblessed]: actions done
[spinner]: boy friend into like a podcasting career
[_misltoeblessed]: why not i could
[spinner]: you
[_misltoeblessed]: see
[spinner]: know she'd
[_misltoeblessed]: that working
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: use that and pretend like he was
the love of her life or something
[_misltoeblessed]: and
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: i'm so distraught but i have a
story as well
[spinner]: okay
[_misltoeblessed]: and then it turned into like a
[spinner]: so
[_misltoeblessed]: podcast version of real
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: housewives of this
[spinner]: at
[_misltoeblessed]: corporate real housewives of light stone manner
something like yeah yeah
[spinner]: to
[_misltoeblessed]: i wouldn't support
[spinner]: no no i don't think i would
[_misltoeblessed]: uh
[seasons_beatings]: i wouldn't like or
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: subscribe
[_misltoeblessed]: h
[spinner]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: wouldn't
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: like subscribe
[_misltoeblessed]: i would not
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: add that
[spinner]: i wouldn't i wouldn't i wouldn't at
[_misltoeblessed]: you know no it's not happening
[seasons_beatings]: moving
[spinner]: a
[seasons_beatings]: on fun question because we're at the
theater together
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: a couple of us did this i'm
not sure we picked the right time but
[seasons_beatings]: when when should you go p during
this movie
[cobra]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: i can tell you that you shouldn't
go when they start opening presence because i
[seasons_beatings]: had asked spencer what happened because it
seemed pertinent to this story
[spinner]: yeah it was
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: my choice
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[seasons_beatings]: i think i went i went just
after trudy and santa had like a heart
[seasons_beatings]: to heart about like you know
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: gave
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: some thing she wanted and her parents
back together you don't need to know that
[seasons_beatings]: you could have gotten the you would
ave missed anything
[_misltoeblessed]: true
[spinner]: yeah before that would have been good
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: i would say that there was a
gap after his second the second guard he
[spinner]: kills kills the first guard with an
icicle and right after he kills the guy
[spinner]: with a with the
[seasons_beatings]: star
[spinner]: with the star in the
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: eye
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah the tree
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: then there's like
[cobra]: right
[spinner]: a
[cobra]: after
[spinner]: pretty
[cobra]: that
[spinner]: long like kind
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: of lull
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: so i would leave like right when
the guy gets his eye stabbed in and
[spinner]: then electrocuted
[_misltoeblessed]: ye
[spinner]: the second he hits the floor
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: now you have to watch him
[_misltoeblessed]: my
[spinner]: burn because i was pretty one
[_misltoeblessed]: uh
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: yeah yeah
[spinner]: once you nited vire from the eyeball
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: um
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: the second that cut you go
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: can
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: you can not be there for the
s like waving
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: the smoke
[spinner]: smoke
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: es laughing
[_misltoeblessed]: i also hopped out and i can't
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: i can't remember when i did it
so i feel like that would have been
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: eally helpful for this moment so that
i could
[seasons_beatings]: great job
[_misltoeblessed]: really support the
[seasons_beatings]: it
[_misltoeblessed]: people
[seasons_beatings]: was
[_misltoeblessed]: who
[seasons_beatings]: after
[_misltoeblessed]: want to do that
[seasons_beatings]: after
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: the
[_misltoeblessed]: thank
[seasons_beatings]: present
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[seasons_beatings]: opening i can tell you that but
i don't know
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: when
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: you missed the ryan reynolds cameo
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: that's right yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: shit
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: that was a good part
[_misltoeblessed]: damn
[seasons_beatings]: yeah he's in
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[seasons_beatings]: all
[_misltoeblessed]: didn't
[seasons_beatings]: these
[_misltoeblessed]: and
[seasons_beatings]: things
[_misltoeblessed]: no one told me man
[seasons_beatings]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: you could go
[seasons_beatings]: uh
[_misltoeblessed]: you know what you and i figured
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: out you can go essentially anywhere in
the beginning except for
[cobra]: i was going to say
[_misltoeblessed]: anyway
[cobra]: that
[_misltoeblessed]: after
[cobra]: that
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[cobra]: whole
[_misltoeblessed]: first appearance
[cobra]: set
[_misltoeblessed]: of
[cobra]: up
[_misltoeblessed]: when when when daddy jumps into the
car is waiting to hop into the car
[_misltoeblessed]: with his divorced
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: wife and kid just
[spinner]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: so
[_misltoeblessed]: go
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: then
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: so you've shown up to the theater
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: and as soon as when we start
you leave
[_misltoeblessed]: you're like
[seasons_beatings]: to
[_misltoeblessed]: you're
[seasons_beatings]: go
[_misltoeblessed]: like
[seasons_beatings]: the washroom
[cobra]: well
[_misltoeblessed]: shit
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[spinner]: that's
[_misltoeblessed]: got
[cobra]: wait
[_misltoeblessed]: time
[cobra]: wait
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: it's
[_misltoeblessed]: its warming
[spinner]: or
[cobra]: as
[spinner]: go
[_misltoeblessed]: up
[cobra]: soon
[spinner]: before
[cobra]: as the movie starts but there's like
twenty minutes of trailers so you've been sitting
[cobra]: there a while
[seasons_beatings]: that's
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: fair hunter
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[seasons_beatings]: per
[_misltoeblessed]: had
[spinner]: don't
[seasons_beatings]: cent
[_misltoeblessed]: a
[spinner]: go join the trailers
[_misltoeblessed]: i had a flat white just before
the show and it irked me up but
[_misltoeblessed]: it back fired
[spinner]: but yeah when he says the beginning
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: don't miss
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[spinner]: santa's introduction
[_misltoeblessed]: correct
[spinner]: you wait after that
[seasons_beatings]: yeah yeah you
[_misltoeblessed]: as
[seasons_beatings]: need
[_misltoeblessed]: soon
[seasons_beatings]: to
[cobra]: got
[_misltoeblessed]: as
[seasons_beatings]: see
[cobra]: to
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[cobra]: be
[_misltoeblessed]: switches
[cobra]: there for chris cringle
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[cobra]: drinking in the varia
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: oh i love that
[spinner]: you
[_misltoeblessed]: to
[spinner]: don't you just you just don't want
to miss any scene with santa
[cobra]: david harbor
[_misltoeblessed]: correct
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: yes
[spinner]: david harber
[_misltoeblessed]: when he's not
[cobra]: agreed
[_misltoeblessed]: and it's just bounce take a ship
go read a book
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah exactly
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: do it
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[spinner]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: can
[spinner]: can't
[_misltoeblessed]: even
[spinner]: think of
[_misltoeblessed]: do
[spinner]: one
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: take
[spinner]: i can't
[_misltoeblessed]: a
[spinner]: think
[_misltoeblessed]: power
[spinner]: of one
[_misltoeblessed]: dab
[spinner]: bad
[cobra]: take
[spinner]: scene with him
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[cobra]: take a ship right there it's fine
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: it's just
[cobra]: uh
[spinner]: that's
[_misltoeblessed]: concentrate
[spinner]: what i did
[_misltoeblessed]: concentrate
[cobra]: h
[_misltoeblessed]: on your bowels you know whether you're
wearing a miper or not to mandyperthank you
[_misltoeblessed]: very
[cobra]: my
[_misltoeblessed]: much
[cobra]: bird
[spinner]: a miper
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: what
[spinner]: is that real
[seasons_beatings]: what the fuck is a mier
[_misltoeblessed]: man
[cobra]: god
[_misltoeblessed]: taper
[spinner]: um
[seasons_beatings]: no yes i got that portmanteau but
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: is it a real thing
[_misltoeblessed]: they
[spinner]: it
[_misltoeblessed]: do
[spinner]: is
[_misltoeblessed]: exist
[spinner]: now
[_misltoeblessed]: but they're not called that
[seasons_beatings]: depends some
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: they're called
[spinner]: it does now
[_misltoeblessed]: they hope they have different i was
once in belville and like a shoppers drunk
[_misltoeblessed]: mark and kid you not the man
diper game was strong there i'm like what
[_misltoeblessed]: is happening in belville
[cobra]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: people
[seasons_beatings]: so
[cobra]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: chris
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: i gotta
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: listen i know it's we're wasting a
bit more time here but i got to
[seasons_beatings]: ask questions so it is
[_misltoeblessed]: y
[seasons_beatings]: a taper specifically
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: targeting men it's not like it
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: depends
[spinner]: adult
[seasons_beatings]: where it's just like hey your old
you might poop your
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: pants thing
[_misltoeblessed]: nope
[seasons_beatings]: how did they
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: how do they entice men to
[spinner]: here's
[seasons_beatings]: strap
[spinner]: like little
[seasons_beatings]: on
[spinner]: cars on it
[cobra]: you had
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[cobra]: had to fly you had to
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[cobra]: fly
[_misltoeblessed]: i don't actually i don't know that
but they had
[spinner]: that's a good
[_misltoeblessed]: a
[spinner]: idea
[_misltoeblessed]: sultan
[cobra]: uh
[_misltoeblessed]: pepper white mail wearing
[cobra]: h
[_misltoeblessed]: a black
[cobra]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: shirt and he had his hands on
his on his hips and he was clocked
[_misltoeblessed]: like three quarters and i can't remember
the name but it was fucking there and
[_misltoeblessed]: i'm like this is very uncomfortable why
just like
[cobra]: when
[_misltoeblessed]: don't
[cobra]: you
[_misltoeblessed]: have
[cobra]: when
[_misltoeblessed]: a
[cobra]: you
[_misltoeblessed]: person
[cobra]: said
[_misltoeblessed]: on
[cobra]: salt
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[cobra]: and pepper i'm like it's
[_misltoeblessed]: ye
[cobra]: a fucking season dip or what the
[_misltoeblessed]: that would
[cobra]: okay
[_misltoeblessed]: be
[spinner]: listen
[_misltoeblessed]: sucked
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: don't
[cobra]: got it afterwards
[spinner]: don't incontinent shame
[_misltoeblessed]: you know
[spinner]: you fuck
[_misltoeblessed]: serious
[spinner]: ome of us some of us
[_misltoeblessed]: oh hm
[spinner]: need diapers
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[seasons_beatings]: there's
[_misltoeblessed]: know
[seasons_beatings]: one called real fit it's from depends
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: it's a great brand
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: uses every
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: day
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: you do
[cobra]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: he's real happy about he's like
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: is the
[seasons_beatings]: shirt
[_misltoeblessed]: seal
[seasons_beatings]: on
[_misltoeblessed]: good
[seasons_beatings]: he's pretty ripped
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: wearing
[_misltoeblessed]: ship
[spinner]: that's
[_misltoeblessed]: they upgraded
[seasons_beatings]: wearing
[spinner]: that's
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[spinner]: me
[seasons_beatings]: he's wearing tightly like the tidy well
there's tiny graze in his case
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: yeah that could be it
[spinner]: over the diper
[seasons_beatings]: i think that is the type i
think that's the thing
[spinner]: we've
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[spinner]: come guys
[_misltoeblessed]: depends
[cobra]: why would you why would
[spinner]: we did
[cobra]: you
[spinner]: it
[cobra]: wear underwear under the
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: taper
[_misltoeblessed]: oh real
[spinner]: listen
[_misltoeblessed]: fit
[spinner]: sir
[cobra]: the fuck
[spinner]: i do i do and feels best
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: i go underwear
[cobra]: the taper
[spinner]: diper
[cobra]: the
[spinner]: underwear
[cobra]: diperchafes
[seasons_beatings]: uh
[spinner]: i go three layer
[cobra]: chiefs
[spinner]: try layer
[cobra]: chafes that's why
[seasons_beatings]: uh
[cobra]: you wear the underwear inside
[spinner]: yeah exactly
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: i'm trying to when i type what
i google shop men's divers i get a
[_misltoeblessed]: very
[spinner]: okay
[cobra]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: uncomfortable stretched cotton
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: big boy pouch
[cobra]: why
[_misltoeblessed]: brief
[cobra]: would you why would you
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: do this
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[cobra]: you
[_misltoeblessed]: makes
[cobra]: sucked your
[_misltoeblessed]: sense
[spinner]: h
[cobra]: you oh
[spinner]: looks
[cobra]: my
[spinner]: like
[cobra]: god
[spinner]: a gun my
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: it's
[cobra]: it looks
[_misltoeblessed]: a
[cobra]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: weapon
[cobra]: a gun eh
[_misltoeblessed]: it's
[seasons_beatings]: this
[_misltoeblessed]: a
[seasons_beatings]: is
[_misltoeblessed]: lethal
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: weapon
[seasons_beatings]: this is your own fault um
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: there's
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[seasons_beatings]: a
[_misltoeblessed]: didn't want this
[seasons_beatings]: here's a best
[spinner]: we
[seasons_beatings]: adeltdipers
[spinner]: are
[seasons_beatings]: of
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: twenty twenty two written by forbes
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: guys
[_misltoeblessed]: what's
[spinner]: were
[_misltoeblessed]: the top
[spinner]: you
[_misltoeblessed]: three
[spinner]: know let's
[cobra]: i think
[spinner]: forget
[cobra]: we know
[spinner]: the movie
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[cobra]: i think we know what our next
top ten
[seasons_beatings]: m
[spinner]: uh
[cobra]: so it's
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[cobra]: going to be about
[_misltoeblessed]: there's
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: h
[_misltoeblessed]: one
[spinner]: real
[_misltoeblessed]: more
[spinner]: fit
[_misltoeblessed]: there's one more brand called north shore
megamax adult dipers
[cobra]: oh no
[spinner]: where does
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: the mice rank is my question
[_misltoeblessed]: that's a good question you see the
ancient mines
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah yeah
[cobra]: used to make flower and make
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: diapers out of them
[seasons_beatings]: ah moving
[spinner]: ever
[seasons_beatings]: on
[spinner]: since there's been corn there's
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: been mandipers
[_misltoeblessed]: uh
[seasons_beatings]: there's has it's very very true
[_misltoeblessed]: h
[seasons_beatings]: let's move on from this
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[cobra]: m
[spinner]: really
[seasons_beatings]: it'll
[cobra]: please
[seasons_beatings]: come back now they're making it indiana
[spinner]: what
[seasons_beatings]: five
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: will be
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: able to come back to this for
[_misltoeblessed]: hey
[spinner]: the man types
[cobra]: wow
[spinner]: are gonna explode
[_misltoeblessed]: someone
[seasons_beatings]: hum
[_misltoeblessed]: someone remind us just add us
[spinner]: let's
[seasons_beatings]: ha to
[spinner]: let's make
[seasons_beatings]: add as
[spinner]: my birth and let's sponsor that movie
[seasons_beatings]: so
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: a question for you it's a new
question we've been using and i think it
[seasons_beatings]: might fit here what's the dumbest
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[seasons_beatings]: thing that happened in this movie
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah the
[cobra]: the
[_misltoeblessed]: henchman
[cobra]: way
[spinner]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: in
[cobra]: he
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[cobra]: was the
[_misltoeblessed]: go
[cobra]: way
[_misltoeblessed]: ahead
[cobra]: he was resurrected
[spinner]: oh oh i know exactly
[_misltoeblessed]: really
[spinner]: what it was i know exactly
[cobra]: the way he was
[spinner]: what
[cobra]: resurrected
[spinner]: it was
[cobra]: was
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[cobra]: super forced
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: no
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: you gotta
[cobra]: do
[spinner]: have a
[cobra]: not
[spinner]: part of
[cobra]: be
[spinner]: a belief
[cobra]: leave
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[cobra]: any of those people
[seasons_beatings]: that is fair
[cobra]: believed he was actually santa
[_misltoeblessed]: oh okay
[seasons_beatings]: the
[_misltoeblessed]: now
[seasons_beatings]: child
[_misltoeblessed]: who
[cobra]: completely
[seasons_beatings]: and the mom did the dad
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: did
[cobra]: the
[seasons_beatings]: not
[cobra]: dad maybe
[seasons_beatings]: the mom
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: a hundred
[cobra]: the
[seasons_beatings]: per cent
[cobra]: other
[seasons_beatings]: did
[cobra]: one's
[seasons_beatings]: not
[cobra]: definitely
[seasons_beatings]: the sister
[cobra]: not
[seasons_beatings]: thousand percent did not
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: bertrade
[cobra]: that to
[spinner]: they
[cobra]: me
[spinner]: never
[cobra]: that
[seasons_beatings]: i don't
[cobra]: was
[spinner]: saw
[seasons_beatings]: know
[cobra]: the
[spinner]: him
[cobra]: stupidest
[spinner]: do anything
[cobra]: thing
[spinner]: magical
[seasons_beatings]: what
[_misltoeblessed]: what's that last thing you said spencer
[spinner]: did any of those characters
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: see him do anything
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: magical no
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: right
[seasons_beatings]: um
[cobra]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: other than resurrect from the dead no
[spinner]: no before
[_misltoeblessed]: yep
[cobra]: but
[spinner]: that
[cobra]: before
[spinner]: to make
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[spinner]: them
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: make them believe
[cobra]: they did
[spinner]: to
[cobra]: not
[spinner]: bring them back
[cobra]: know
[_misltoeblessed]: that
[cobra]: that
[seasons_beatings]: well
[_misltoeblessed]: would
[cobra]: to me
[_misltoeblessed]: have
[cobra]: was
[_misltoeblessed]: fixed
[cobra]: the stupidest
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[cobra]: thing it
[seasons_beatings]: no
[cobra]: was
[seasons_beatings]: they all
[cobra]: like
[seasons_beatings]: got
[cobra]: a
[seasons_beatings]: there after
[_misltoeblessed]: yep
[seasons_beatings]: the guys shot him right
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[cobra]: that to me was like so
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: forced so that to me is the
stupidest thing in the movie
[spinner]: maybe you have to say you believe
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: me
[cobra]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: well
[spinner]: no
[cobra]: h
[_misltoeblessed]: santa
[spinner]: it's
[_misltoeblessed]: doesn't
[spinner]: close
[_misltoeblessed]: know
[spinner]: enough
[_misltoeblessed]: how the magic works
[spinner]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: maybe it has something
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: to do with like like a spell
like an incantation you say it
[spinner]: to hear people say i believe yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: like
[spinner]: that's
[cobra]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: a
[cobra]: don't
[spinner]: a good
[_misltoeblessed]: tanker
[cobra]: care
[spinner]: point
[_misltoeblessed]: battle thing
[cobra]: it's dumb dumb it's dumb anyway
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[cobra]: i yield my time
[spinner]: i have my
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: scene
[seasons_beatings]: yep
[spinner]: and when were laughing about in the
theater there is a point
[seasons_beatings]: oh yeah
[spinner]: when when when the santa claus first
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[spinner]: i think it's the second time a
guard sees him
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: and they're like freeze and i don't
want any trouble and then the guy
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: i'm not exaggerating
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[spinner]: takes the gun
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[spinner]: and tries to punch him with the
the pointed
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: end of the gun
[seasons_beatings]: well
[_misltoeblessed]: really
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: like
[seasons_beatings]: so
[spinner]: where the bullets come
[seasons_beatings]: yes it wasn't santa claus it's their
taking beverly de angelo shout out to
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: the mom from national
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: lampoons
[spinner]: yep
[seasons_beatings]: beverly angelo is the matrearch of this
family and they're taking her to the panic
[seasons_beatings]: room and her
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: guard it's running to john lekeazamo
[_misltoeblessed]: thank you
[spinner]: oh that's what it was
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: to
[spinner]: that
[seasons_beatings]: stop
[spinner]: was john
[seasons_beatings]: them yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: fuck
[spinner]: and john
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: about and john like
[_misltoeblessed]: a
[spinner]: takes
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: out a
[_misltoeblessed]: nice stick
[spinner]: weapon a night
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: stick
[cobra]: they're
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: both
[spinner]: it's
[cobra]: pointing
[spinner]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: guns
[spinner]: and they're
[cobra]: at
[spinner]: both
[cobra]: him
[spinner]: pointing
[cobra]: and
[spinner]: guns at him
[seasons_beatings]: yep
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: and
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: they
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: go
[cobra]: that
[spinner]: the
[cobra]: is very
[spinner]: goes
[cobra]: stupid
[spinner]: it's a bunch of with the gun
not even
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: like pistol whip him like
[seasons_beatings]: no
[spinner]: point
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: of gun
[cobra]: punch
[spinner]: to
[cobra]: punch
[spinner]: the face
[seasons_beatings]: got gun
[cobra]: it's
[seasons_beatings]: in the
[cobra]: a
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: eye
[cobra]: it's a pistol punch
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: it's not a pistol whip it's a
pistol punch
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: h
[_misltoeblessed]: let's go
[cobra]: that is
[seasons_beatings]: that
[cobra]: very stupid i agree
[seasons_beatings]: that is very stupid the second
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: thing this
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: reminds me of the same thing asked
spencer about it so near the end when
[seasons_beatings]: the bad guys are getting
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: away with the money they've been looking
[_misltoeblessed]: my
[seasons_beatings]: they all get on snow bells
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: to drive away and santa
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: just kicks
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: the ship out of a guy trying
to get out of the snow mobile
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: and and then he doesn't
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: get on the snow mobile he finds
some sleigh
[cobra]: runs
[seasons_beatings]: in the manger
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: runs through the forest for god knows
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: how long
[_misltoeblessed]: that
[seasons_beatings]: gets
[_misltoeblessed]: didn't
[seasons_beatings]: on
[_misltoeblessed]: make
[seasons_beatings]: the
[_misltoeblessed]: sense
[seasons_beatings]: sleigh slides down flies to the air
hits the guy in the head with the
[seasons_beatings]: sleigh and then gets on his bill
and drives it so it's like why didn't
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: he just take
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: the first show
[spinner]: but
[seasons_beatings]: of
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: but i said i told you there's
an explanation
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: he doesn't know how
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: to start the
[_misltoeblessed]: the gismo
[spinner]: what what you call it these gismoths
[seasons_beatings]: she gives
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: most i guess
[_misltoeblessed]: but
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: he learned in the end
[spinner]: no he could run one that was
already started
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: but he couldn't he didn't know
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: because
[spinner]: how to
[cobra]: he tosses
[spinner]: just
[cobra]: a gun
[spinner]: just
[cobra]: to
[spinner]: started
[cobra]: the mum right who's like
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[cobra]: do you know how to use one
of these is mos and he
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[cobra]: tosses
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: like
[cobra]: it
[_misltoeblessed]: that
[cobra]: to her
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[spinner]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: like
[spinner]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: that
[spinner]: i like that too
[seasons_beatings]: yeah maybe maybe maybe
[spinner]: that's a stretch
[seasons_beatings]: maybe
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[cobra]: no no it's a very it's a
very strong stretch is like
[_misltoeblessed]: i co sign i co
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: signed that that john lakewzamo literally bringing
a baton to a gun fight fuck
[cobra]: done fight and winning
[spinner]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: terrible
[seasons_beatings]: he worked
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: should he got shot
[spinner]: like i don't mind him winning in
that fight if it was like they aimed
[spinner]: at him and he quickly like knocked
the gun to the side right as he
[spinner]: was shooting
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[spinner]: and like
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: ye
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: you know you know
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: what's the word
[_misltoeblessed]: maneuvering
[spinner]: like his instinct we're so fast
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: just beat the ship
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: of them but yeah the guy literally
tried to punch him with with the bullet
[spinner]: end
[seasons_beatings]: he
[spinner]: of the gun
[seasons_beatings]: he basically tried to super man punch
him in the eye
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: he's like if like he's too far
away i'll have to leap and punch him
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: because
[_misltoeblessed]: with
[spinner]: i can't
[_misltoeblessed]: two
[spinner]: reach
[_misltoeblessed]: dudes
[spinner]: him with my
[_misltoeblessed]: with
[spinner]: gun
[_misltoeblessed]: two security
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: it's not
[_misltoeblessed]: guards
[cobra]: it's
[_misltoeblessed]: standing
[cobra]: not how
[_misltoeblessed]: side by side
[cobra]: that i it's not how i could
that there was any way i could hit
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: him from afar i have to go
in close
[spinner]: exactly
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: soon
[spinner]: only
[_misltoeblessed]: as
[spinner]: had a range weapon
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: as soon as someone who is not
part of the security staff pops
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: out of the paddock room you cap
him there's no
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: explanation
[cobra]: like the whole the
[spinner]: he
[cobra]: whole clip
[spinner]: opens
[cobra]: the
[spinner]: the
[cobra]: whole
[spinner]: door
[cobra]: magazine
[_misltoeblessed]: it's like
[cobra]: just shoot the whole magazine
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: you load him up you like
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[seasons_beatings]: your professionals
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: you know what is it to in
the chest one of
[cobra]: give
[seasons_beatings]: the head
[cobra]: them lead
[seasons_beatings]: move
[cobra]: poisoning
[seasons_beatings]: on
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: that's what
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: you do
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: those guys were a couple of
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: paul blartstouh come
[seasons_beatings]: they
[spinner]: on
[seasons_beatings]: were definitely pollards so
[_misltoeblessed]: i had it
[seasons_beatings]: let's
[_misltoeblessed]: stamped
[seasons_beatings]: take a second here because i think
we want to
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: highlight this movie really really appreciate the
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: for
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: father and four mother movies that came
before it in the actual genere christmas genre
[seasons_beatings]: and there's a couple
[cobra]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: of things that you know they heavily
call out ho alone
[_misltoeblessed]: malo
[seasons_beatings]: number of times it gets in the
car she
[spinner]: yep
[seasons_beatings]: talks about it she home
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: alone
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: some some of the villains and the
villains are like you're an idiot and
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: but is she an idiot
[_misltoeblessed]: gordon
[seasons_beatings]: um
[_misltoeblessed]: got
[seasons_beatings]: and
[_misltoeblessed]: him
[seasons_beatings]: he the one i like
[spinner]: she
[seasons_beatings]: to
[spinner]: got
[seasons_beatings]: call
[spinner]: him
[seasons_beatings]: it is is the so in the
movie there is a security arm security force
[seasons_beatings]: that is supposed to come and protect
this light stone family if anything
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: bad happens and
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[seasons_beatings]: and there are essentially the military from
dihartto down to a t they show up
[seasons_beatings]: they double
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: cross them they're wearing all white
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: they ride in snowbobels
[cobra]: i was
[seasons_beatings]: everywhere
[cobra]: going to say the same
[spinner]: yep
[cobra]: camel white camel
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: get up yeah yeah
[spinner]: definitely tentionally
[seasons_beatings]: yeah if only they
[cobra]: oh for
[seasons_beatings]: had a chance
[cobra]: sure
[seasons_beatings]: to fire you know guns with blank
bullets in it before they switched
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: over to the real bullets
[spinner]: that would have been nice
[seasons_beatings]: yeah what else what else did you
guys see in terms of mazes to
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: two christmas movies of the past yeah
[spinner]: well he says at one point he's
like going through the toys trying to find
[spinner]: a weapon video game video game blue
ray die hard you
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: know
[seasons_beatings]: that was nice
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[spinner]: says
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: that
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: i thought it was a missed opportunity
when they said we got a gopher you
[spinner]: should have said
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: we got a mclean now or something
[_misltoeblessed]: so
[spinner]: gotta some guy thinks he's jomacclean up
in here
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: the gopher
[cobra]: that would have been good yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: the go for a call out bill
murray golfing
[spinner]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: doesn't make any sense
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: from
[cobra]: i mean
[seasons_beatings]: from
[cobra]: if
[seasons_beatings]: screwged
[cobra]: it
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[cobra]: is
[_misltoeblessed]: was checking
[cobra]: it's stupid because it doesn't make any
[spinner]: yeah i doesn't
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: know
[_misltoeblessed]: every time he sat
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: dover i just didn't i didn't like
i didn't get
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: if it was a reference but okay
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: cool
[spinner]: do you think that
[seasons_beatings]: uh
[spinner]: sanna being drunk
[seasons_beatings]: h
[spinner]: was a bad sanna mage
[_misltoeblessed]: oh i can see
[cobra]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: that
[cobra]: think it's just a santo ma i'm
sure a lot of senses are drunk
[spinner]: a lot of maltanes
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[spinner]: are drunk
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[spinner]: til they get through the shifts
[seasons_beatings]: yeah i can see that but it
was it's a pretty like bad side was
[seasons_beatings]: fairly popular with it
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: oh yeah
[cobra]: maybe
[spinner]: great
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: great
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: movie trying o think of other omas
i know there are a lot of them
[spinner]: but
[_misltoeblessed]: there's a paulableart
[spinner]: one of them that stuck
[_misltoeblessed]: age
[spinner]: out too much
[_misltoeblessed]: with
[spinner]: all
[_misltoeblessed]: all
[spinner]: the
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[spinner]: security
[_misltoeblessed]: security
[spinner]: guards
[_misltoeblessed]: teams
[seasons_beatings]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: yet
[seasons_beatings]: mean you could
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: you could
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: argue that
[_misltoeblessed]: oh yeah
[seasons_beatings]: you could argue that's the the resurrection
from the dead is an amaze to f
[seasons_beatings]: right elf is like
[_misltoeblessed]: right
[seasons_beatings]: the christmas spirit to fly the the
[spinner]: it's like every christmas movie though it's
like we had
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[spinner]: to believe
[seasons_beatings]: kay
[spinner]: for our final to happen
[seasons_beatings]: that's all i got
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: in you're
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[seasons_beatings]: fucking
[_misltoeblessed]: could see
[seasons_beatings]: pooping
[_misltoeblessed]: that
[seasons_beatings]: on all
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: my ideas
[cobra]: i wonder if the
[spinner]: hm
[cobra]: if the nose thing is a reference
i don't know if
[_misltoeblessed]: that's
[cobra]: if it
[_misltoeblessed]: actual
[cobra]: is i don't know what
[_misltoeblessed]: that's a cat
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: that's a canto power
[spinner]: that's a fan of thing yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: okay i didn't
[_misltoeblessed]: but
[cobra]: know
[_misltoeblessed]: it worked
[cobra]: about that okay
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: i
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: was
[cobra]: worked
[spinner]: watching
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: i was watching the
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: santa claus movie with the with what's
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: his name tim allen
[_misltoeblessed]: time
[spinner]: and he'd tap
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: his nose i assume it
[cobra]: okay
[spinner]: was originally because he wanted cocaine and
they just kept it in and made it
[spinner]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: an effect that that's how he got
it up the chimney
[_misltoeblessed]: bridging
[spinner]: he's
[cobra]: okay
[spinner]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: the gaps
[spinner]: to having his nose
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[cobra]: ah
[_misltoeblessed]: final
[spinner]: so you can't tap your nose in
the scene
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: you're not going
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[spinner]: up a chimney give me
[_misltoeblessed]: line
[spinner]: my ship
[_misltoeblessed]: line
[spinner]: uh
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: line
[cobra]: line
[_misltoeblessed]: he
[cobra]: line nice
[spinner]: eh yeah
[cobra]: nice nice
[_misltoeblessed]: uh the
[seasons_beatings]: got
[_misltoeblessed]: final
[seasons_beatings]: him
[cobra]: you win
[_misltoeblessed]: scene
[cobra]: sir
[spinner]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: thank you we
[seasons_beatings]: eh
[_misltoeblessed]: share the w m
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: the final scene where we're santa takes
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: down john legozamotho the chim that
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: aten
[_misltoeblessed]: was an omage to this was a
darker mage to ex man's night crawler when
[_misltoeblessed]: he
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[_misltoeblessed]: bamps with people he takes them with
him and they're usually safe he destroyed his
[_misltoeblessed]: villain using the same similar power teleportation
[seasons_beatings]: chris you know that
[spinner]: that will
[seasons_beatings]: mage means that like they intentionally do
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: something not
[_misltoeblessed]: i know
[seasons_beatings]: just
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: what
[seasons_beatings]: it
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[seasons_beatings]: has
[_misltoeblessed]: is
[seasons_beatings]: the
[_misltoeblessed]: move
[seasons_beatings]: same
[_misltoeblessed]: on to
[seasons_beatings]: power
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[spinner]: that's
[_misltoeblessed]: next
[spinner]: what
[_misltoeblessed]: question
[spinner]: we call we call
[_misltoeblessed]: i don't
[spinner]: that in
[cobra]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: beat
[spinner]: the industry
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[cobra]: this this
[spinner]: a stretch
[cobra]: scene
[seasons_beatings]: uh
[cobra]: so the whole thing about him killing
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: the
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: know john
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: rezemo's character is it's an o mag
because it is similar in no way it's
[cobra]: a completely different thing and it's not
a match
[seasons_beatings]: no it's an mag
[cobra]: got
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[cobra]: it
[_misltoeblessed]: don't
[spinner]: no
[cobra]: chris
[spinner]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: need you
[seasons_beatings]: it's it's an image
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: to spawn when spawn kills like zama
[_misltoeblessed]: clown
[seasons_beatings]: i think at the end
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: of that movie i don't remember the
movie but
[cobra]: it's
[seasons_beatings]: i feel
[cobra]: a
[seasons_beatings]: like
[spinner]: so
[seasons_beatings]: he
[cobra]: it's
[seasons_beatings]: kills
[cobra]: a
[seasons_beatings]: him
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[cobra]: it's an omas to
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: jonlwithsomeone when he played luigi in the
super mario brothers
[spinner]: yes
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: yep
[_misltoeblessed]: chet
[cobra]: and he
[_misltoeblessed]: out
[cobra]: telliported
[spinner]: no but chris
[cobra]: through he went through
[spinner]: a
[cobra]: a
[spinner]: tunnel
[cobra]: tube
[_misltoeblessed]: m hm
[spinner]: yep
[cobra]: yeah which is
[_misltoeblessed]: thank
[cobra]: almost like
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[spinner]: a chimney
[cobra]: a chimney yeah
[spinner]: and
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[spinner]: chris you're right like the fact that
this movie is a movie is a image
[spinner]: to drastic
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: park which is also a movie
[_misltoeblessed]: which
[spinner]: so
[_misltoeblessed]: is
[cobra]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: also
[spinner]: there
[_misltoeblessed]: a image
[spinner]: was a
[_misltoeblessed]: of
[seasons_beatings]: right
[_misltoeblessed]: triassic fill it in
[spinner]: trys park
[_misltoeblessed]: there you go
[spinner]: which is coming out
[cobra]: that's like
[spinner]: next
[cobra]: that's
[spinner]: year
[cobra]: actually coming out
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah yeah
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: so
[seasons_beatings]: e
[spinner]: that
[seasons_beatings]: just
[spinner]: was a
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: nice
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: we talk about that for a second
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: do
[spinner]: yes
[cobra]: sure
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[spinner]: please
[_misltoeblessed]: suck
[seasons_beatings]: so
[_misltoeblessed]: them out
[cobra]: someone is listening to our podcast and
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: out our ideas basically
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[spinner]: i've said it from the beginning i've
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[spinner]: talking to disney this entire time
[_misltoeblessed]: have you
[spinner]: they say
[cobra]: at disney
[spinner]: they're not taking my ideas
[_misltoeblessed]: uh
[spinner]: but our ideas keep happening
[_misltoeblessed]: we have it documented how long when
did this movie
[spinner]: we have on
[_misltoeblessed]: kick
[spinner]: record
[_misltoeblessed]: someone's gonna there just doctor doctor the
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: documentation
[seasons_beatings]: your
[spinner]: matt
[seasons_beatings]: documentation
[_misltoeblessed]: do
[spinner]: should you clear this up for the
[seasons_beatings]: the share the length or the audience
[spinner]: i mean we should just clarify
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[spinner]: what
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: what we discussed making a movie
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[seasons_beatings]: we did
[spinner]: rated our dynasor movie called triassic park
[seasons_beatings]: correct with
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[seasons_beatings]: jack action
[spinner]: start starting jack
[cobra]: back
[spinner]: action
[cobra]: action
[seasons_beatings]: yep
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[spinner]: main character
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: my
[spinner]: and we went through what it was
about and lo and behold
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: a couple of days ago
[seasons_beatings]: m
[spinner]: i'm on the old you
[seasons_beatings]: yet
[spinner]: tubes
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: and i
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[spinner]: see a trailer called sixty five i
think it's called
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: starting
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: adam driver as jack action
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: yeah fighting dynasource rated our film
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: coincidence
[_misltoeblessed]: m i think
[seasons_beatings]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: not yeah
[spinner]: you the audience you
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: tell us
[seasons_beatings]: you tell us
[_misltoeblessed]: hello
[seasons_beatings]: but if you say it's
[spinner]: be
[seasons_beatings]: not fuck you
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: uh
[spinner]: you're not getting
[cobra]: you
[spinner]: a piece
[cobra]: say
[spinner]: of our class action
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: last set i'll tell you
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: that
[cobra]: if you say
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: it's not you're wrong basically
[_misltoeblessed]: they
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: will
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: and when we're done
[seasons_beatings]: got him
[_misltoeblessed]: with these studios they will refer to
us as the four horsemen of truth
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: by the way so on that note
the last thing i'll say we should definitely
[spinner]: do a all four of us go
see that movie when it comes out
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: yeah that's true we do
[spinner]: so
[seasons_beatings]: need to walk
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: watch shack action
[spinner]: yeah just
[seasons_beatings]: in
[spinner]: so
[seasons_beatings]: action
[spinner]: we can
[_misltoeblessed]: at
[spinner]: talk about what they got right what
they got wrong
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: you know
[seasons_beatings]: fair enough moving
[_misltoeblessed]: and then
[seasons_beatings]: on
[_misltoeblessed]: like
[seasons_beatings]: we have a couple of important questions
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: here first
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: yeah i don't know how to tackle
this one
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: we could go with prequelwecd go a
sequel but i think what i really wanted
[seasons_beatings]: to do here i think is
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: we're gonna go a slight different way
i want to i want to form the
[seasons_beatings]: holiday
[_misltoeblessed]: so
[seasons_beatings]: character
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: is initiative
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: he
[seasons_beatings]: i want to get
[spinner]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: i want to build
[cobra]: didn't
[seasons_beatings]: the
[cobra]: we
[seasons_beatings]: holiday
[cobra]: do this already
[seasons_beatings]: version of the avengers
[spinner]: oh the holiday
[cobra]: we talked
[spinner]: initiative
[cobra]: we talked about
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: this at some point i think
[seasons_beatings]: when do we talk about this
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: in some other episode i think
[spinner]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: you're high
[cobra]: i remember is talking about it
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[_misltoeblessed]: stop hanging up with the cocaine bears
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: stop ruining it you're ruining christmas
[cobra]: i'm
[spinner]: luciano
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah that's what i do i'm
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[cobra]: fine
[spinner]: such
[cobra]: doing
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[spinner]: a
[cobra]: it
[spinner]: grin
[cobra]: again though
[seasons_beatings]: so this is a live podcast how
about you do
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: more yes and instead of actually
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: when you
[cobra]: sure
[seasons_beatings]: talked about this
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: i didn't
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: say no
[seasons_beatings]: you sound
[cobra]: i
[seasons_beatings]: like
[cobra]: just
[seasons_beatings]: you're the
[cobra]: asked
[seasons_beatings]: executives from the fucking son
[spinner]: who wants
[seasons_beatings]: who stole sixty five
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: i mean
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: jack action from
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: us
[spinner]: okay i vote luciano out of the
podcast all
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: in favor
[cobra]: ah it's my podcastfuk you
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: hinsansin
[_misltoeblessed]: vincent take a seat vincent just because
[spinner]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[spinner]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: get to engineer the boards doesn't mean
you get to stir the pot bro
[spinner]: now i've
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: fuck i can't stay mad at you
do your thing baby
[seasons_beatings]: we're doing my thing so
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: okay
[cobra]: right
[seasons_beatings]: what i would
[cobra]: go
[seasons_beatings]: love
[cobra]: for
[seasons_beatings]: to
[cobra]: it
[seasons_beatings]: have from each of you is let's
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: pick a different holiday character and i
want you to give
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: their
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: version of a violent nights to them
each you know it's like were they with
[seasons_beatings]: the adventures everybody has her own movie
and they were on to culminate by putting
[seasons_beatings]: it all together in the holiday initiative
[spinner]: nice so each
[seasons_beatings]: yah
[spinner]: each one has their movie and then
the accumulation is
[seasons_beatings]: h
[spinner]: the holiday or
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[spinner]: or whatever instead of avengers
[seasons_beatings]: um we'll work on that but yes
[cobra]: so
[seasons_beatings]: i dally
[cobra]: that's
[seasons_beatings]: yes that's
[spinner]: holiday
[cobra]: a horrible
[seasons_beatings]: that's
[cobra]: name
[seasons_beatings]: it's not
[spinner]: the
[seasons_beatings]: great
[spinner]: holiday the holiday
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: hit men
[seasons_beatings]: hit people spencer what d o lucian
in the ear
[spinner]: sorry
[seasons_beatings]: of the park patriarch
[spinner]: oh sorry
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: the title
[cobra]: why
[_misltoeblessed]: has
[cobra]: did
[_misltoeblessed]: been
[cobra]: i get
[_misltoeblessed]: passed
[cobra]: lash damage on that
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: the title
[spinner]: i never want to feel like
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[spinner]: luciano
[_misltoeblessed]: mantle has been usurped
[seasons_beatings]: don't do it
[spinner]: no
[seasons_beatings]: okay so what do you
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: got who wants to go first who's
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[seasons_beatings]: got
[_misltoeblessed]: got
[seasons_beatings]: one
[_misltoeblessed]: one i got
[seasons_beatings]: chris
[_misltoeblessed]: one
[seasons_beatings]: hit us
[_misltoeblessed]: so most of you most most of
you based on that question mostly you will
[_misltoeblessed]: go to the grates right like the
one that immediately immediately come to your mind
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[seasons_beatings]: you're
[_misltoeblessed]: decided
[seasons_beatings]: pulling
[_misltoeblessed]: to try
[seasons_beatings]: the
[_misltoeblessed]: lex
[seasons_beatings]: hawk eye of the group
[_misltoeblessed]: no actually sir
[seasons_beatings]: because you said people
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[seasons_beatings]: go to the grates so i said
this was like the one no one cares
[seasons_beatings]: about
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: kay
[_misltoeblessed]: well
[seasons_beatings]: hakokayah
[_misltoeblessed]: thank you i appreciate that thank you
thank you for reframing ukon cornelius the
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: he's the artic prospector who meets rudolf
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: and hermy while they're trying to
[seasons_beatings]: just i
[_misltoeblessed]: avoid
[seasons_beatings]: just want
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[seasons_beatings]: to
[_misltoeblessed]: abominable
[seasons_beatings]: lay this out
[_misltoeblessed]: some
[seasons_beatings]: for you here it doesn't have to
be the christmas holiday
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: avengers you can pick any
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: holiday
[spinner]: you faking close minded fuck
[_misltoeblessed]: but i wanted to use him
[seasons_beatings]: then go ahead
[_misltoeblessed]: i interpreted
[seasons_beatings]: i'm just
[_misltoeblessed]: in
[seasons_beatings]: letting you know
[_misltoeblessed]: thank
[seasons_beatings]: the options
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[seasons_beatings]: there continue with
[_misltoeblessed]: said
[seasons_beatings]: klondike
[spinner]: we
[seasons_beatings]: harry
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[seasons_beatings]: whatever his name is
[spinner]: and as
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: a movie producer we want this character
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: to hit a large audience yeah
[cobra]: that was pretty
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: good
[_misltoeblessed]: what would you do for a clonduckbart
do a bag of coated
[spinner]: i do
[seasons_beatings]: is
[_misltoeblessed]: what
[seasons_beatings]: that
[spinner]: whatever
[seasons_beatings]: his
[_misltoeblessed]: would
[seasons_beatings]: power
[_misltoeblessed]: you do
[spinner]: you
[_misltoeblessed]: if you're
[spinner]: tell
[_misltoeblessed]: like planter
[spinner]: me to do
[seasons_beatings]: is that his power
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: he just goes around asking people look
villains what would you do for
[spinner]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: a conte barrow
[_misltoeblessed]: bitch
[seasons_beatings]: and that's it
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: and then ye like suplexsystem
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: and then
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[_misltoeblessed]: they like this makes that's not a
catch phrase and his like
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: these duds and then he likes plexystemum
so you i'm gonna stick with it so
[spinner]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: ukon cornelius now that you say it
my memory flashes back to what he would
[_misltoeblessed]: like he would like lick his finger
and like check for gold here and there
[_misltoeblessed]: but i feel like
[spinner]: who
[_misltoeblessed]: that would
[spinner]: is
[_misltoeblessed]: easy
[spinner]: this character
[_misltoeblessed]: do you remember
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: the clay nation root off the red
nosed reindeer anim movie
[spinner]: yes
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: he
[cobra]: do
[_misltoeblessed]: was
[cobra]: not
[_misltoeblessed]: an additional character does that i'm showing
i'm showing the guys
[spinner]: movie is going to make four dollars
[_misltoeblessed]: yo
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: bro believe yeah
[spinner]: we're trying to create an avenger's like
[cobra]: this
[spinner]: universe
[cobra]: is
[spinner]: and you're
[_misltoeblessed]: silence
[spinner]: starting with ukon
[cobra]: like you
[_misltoeblessed]: do you
[spinner]: fucking
[_misltoeblessed]: realize
[spinner]: cornelius
[_misltoeblessed]: wait
[cobra]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: wait wait wait
[cobra]: you
[_misltoeblessed]: wait wait wait wait wait wait wait
wait wait the key is
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: sponsorship ukon cornelius is going to get
that klondyke bar bro this movie doesn't get
[_misltoeblessed]: made for nothing
[spinner]: and you come potatoes money
[_misltoeblessed]: exactly
[spinner]: that's that big
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: ship
[_misltoeblessed]: yes and
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: we need the money to make this
movie happen you call it cornelius
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: he's a prospector
[seasons_beatings]: so
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: is
[_misltoeblessed]: to
[seasons_beatings]: in
[_misltoeblessed]: a
[seasons_beatings]: this movie you're making
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: chris
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: sorry
[seasons_beatings]: is
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: like i assume it's like it's you
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: it's kind of like rocket and group
right like you have con cornelius and you
[seasons_beatings]: have the abominable snow monster is like
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: this is group is that how the
movie breaks down
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[spinner]: stop
[_misltoeblessed]: actually
[spinner]: trying to make this decent
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: has
[spinner]: like chris
[_misltoeblessed]: bled
[spinner]: dig is grave
[_misltoeblessed]: listen i
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: take
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: up
[spinner]: it's just uconcornelias
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: for two hours
[cobra]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: gold
[spinner]: you want to invest
[_misltoeblessed]: i'm looking
[cobra]: eating
[_misltoeblessed]: for gold
[cobra]: klondike
[_misltoeblessed]: that i'm
[cobra]: bars
[_misltoeblessed]: gonna get it
[cobra]: because we need the
[_misltoeblessed]: one
[cobra]: sponsorship
[_misltoeblessed]: way
[cobra]: money
[spinner]: just eating eating potatoes and klondike bars
for two
[cobra]: yes
[spinner]: hours
[_misltoeblessed]: tell
[cobra]: yes
[_misltoeblessed]: me my boys
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: what would you
[spinner]: ah
[_misltoeblessed]: do for a clondukbag
[seasons_beatings]: yeah oh
[spinner]: that's that's
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[spinner]: that's the catch phrase and he says
[_misltoeblessed]: y
[spinner]: every four minutes
[seasons_beatings]: that's
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: gross um so
[_misltoeblessed]: but i like
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[_misltoeblessed]: that
[seasons_beatings]: okay so i like okay so yeah
he's just
[_misltoeblessed]: abominable
[seasons_beatings]: out there asking about qlondicbars who is
[cobra]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: who's this who's this who's villain he's
finding who's his enemy
[_misltoeblessed]: global warming
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: i think your microphone died or something
because we're not we're not getting you
[_misltoeblessed]: really
[spinner]: it's great
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: can or cannot hear me
[seasons_beatings]: now
[cobra]: it's
[seasons_beatings]: we can
[cobra]: better
[seasons_beatings]: when you were holding it it was
[_misltoeblessed]: i'm sorry i thought
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: i would try to get closer to
the camp the microphone
[seasons_beatings]: no it's
[_misltoeblessed]: or
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: you got yelled
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: out for being too loud
[_misltoeblessed]: i did
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: i thought it was the audience is
sheer lack of interest that was in this
[spinner]: idea that was just making you quieter
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[seasons_beatings]: all
[spinner]: and
[seasons_beatings]: right
[spinner]: quieter
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[cobra]: magically loi lor his microphone
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: volume
[spinner]: the will
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[spinner]: of all the people
[seasons_beatings]: yes
[_misltoeblessed]: there are children
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: in the in this in this dwelling
and then they are going to
[seasons_beatings]: i'm gonna
[_misltoeblessed]: bed
[seasons_beatings]: make a mark to turn you up
as of
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: now
[_misltoeblessed]: now
[spinner]: yeah yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: sorry
[seasons_beatings]: it was
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: well
[_misltoeblessed]: right
[seasons_beatings]: yo know we're going to yield your
time because the children have have
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[seasons_beatings]: asked
[_misltoeblessed]: children
[seasons_beatings]: this
[_misltoeblessed]: have
[seasons_beatings]: to
[_misltoeblessed]: spoken
[spinner]: it
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: children are smoking
[cobra]: the children
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[cobra]: a yeah they begged us to yield
your time
[seasons_beatings]: so
[_misltoeblessed]: my
[spinner]: we believe the children
[seasons_beatings]: uh
[spinner]: are a fugue
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: h so we're gonna
[cobra]: ye
[seasons_beatings]: move on to the next character so
just to we're
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: clear here because we let
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: everybody have an equal say we have
[_misltoeblessed]: oh thank you
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: is this cytematic universe
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: has died
[cobra]: just
[spinner]: quicker than d
[cobra]: just
[spinner]: c
[cobra]: for the just for the listeners
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: benefit
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: nobody forced chris to pick this he
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: wanted it
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[seasons_beatings]: um
[_misltoeblessed]: got excited
[seasons_beatings]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: and i wanted
[spinner]: so
[_misltoeblessed]: to
[spinner]: it was a bad idea to start
with another christmas
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: character but he went he didn't go
with one of the top tier ones
[seasons_beatings]: ah oh
[spinner]: you went straight to con cornelius the
fan favorite
[seasons_beatings]: just
[_misltoeblessed]: the more
[seasons_beatings]: we need
[_misltoeblessed]: you say his name the more magical
he becomes
[seasons_beatings]: oh so he's
[_misltoeblessed]: i was
[seasons_beatings]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: like a pimp
[seasons_beatings]: candy man
[spinner]: yeah not
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[cobra]: okay
[spinner]: that's
[cobra]: now
[_misltoeblessed]: no no
[cobra]: i'm
[_misltoeblessed]: no no
[cobra]: in
[_misltoeblessed]: no no no
[cobra]: now
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[cobra]: i'm
[spinner]: that's
[cobra]: in
[spinner]: like that's like starting the d c
universe like after having a batman movie going
[spinner]: right into
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: condiment king is like the second movie
in your
[cobra]: yes
[spinner]: roster
[cobra]: yes
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: we're
[cobra]: exactly
[spinner]: building a universe here
[seasons_beatings]: okay chris
[cobra]: or or to do that with the
m c u going straight
[seasons_beatings]: hey
[cobra]: into gardens of
[seasons_beatings]: leave
[cobra]: galaxy
[seasons_beatings]: leave chris alone
[spinner]: uh
[seasons_beatings]: leave him alone i need
[spinner]: uh
[seasons_beatings]: chris
[spinner]: no
[seasons_beatings]: i need the
[spinner]: ye
[seasons_beatings]: title
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: of
[spinner]: yea
[seasons_beatings]: the ukon cornelis movie that's the last
thing we
[_misltoeblessed]: gold
[seasons_beatings]: need from you
[_misltoeblessed]: gold rush
[seasons_beatings]: gold
[spinner]: all
[seasons_beatings]: rush
[spinner]: right i'll give you that
[seasons_beatings]: that's
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: one
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: that's a good name
[seasons_beatings]: okay you've redeemed
[spinner]: now i'm
[seasons_beatings]: yourself
[spinner]: in i hugh
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: yu'regonna say
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: what
[cobra]: mean
[spinner]: would you do for a clondikbar and
i was
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[spinner]: like it's too long
[_misltoeblessed]: prospector
[seasons_beatings]: that's
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[seasons_beatings]: that's the tag line gold rush what
would you do
[spinner]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: for a klondike far
[_misltoeblessed]: i love
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: it its taste
[cobra]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: my
[cobra]: we would you do for a call
like bark bit that's
[spinner]: he
[cobra]: that's
[spinner]: says it
[cobra]: the
[spinner]: like
[cobra]: time
[spinner]: dirty
[cobra]: line
[spinner]: harry
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: instead of like you know like
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: how many you feel lucky what would
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: you do for a clondc butter and
[_misltoeblessed]: he shoves
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: the guys like
[_misltoeblessed]: one into the mouth
[spinner]: do
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: anything like well
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: do it bunk
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: suck that dick
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: god
[spinner]: god what happened
[cobra]: what
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[spinner]: merry
[cobra]: happened
[spinner]: christmas kids
[_misltoeblessed]: i can
[seasons_beatings]: don't know i don't know okay moving
on spencer what do
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: you got for us maybe break out
of the
[cobra]: found
[seasons_beatings]: christmas
[cobra]: this on the web
[seasons_beatings]: be tour characters for us
[spinner]: now i'm going
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: i'm going with the with blitzen
[seasons_beatings]: uh
[spinner]: movie
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: just you know
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: one of the reindeers
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[spinner]: now
[_misltoeblessed]: eh
[spinner]: i'm gonna go with the
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: honica because
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[spinner]: we need to hit that mo
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[spinner]: and now
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: he isn't really directly connected to
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: honica
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: i don't really know what honica is
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: really about
[seasons_beatings]: who is he
[_misltoeblessed]: where you going with
[spinner]: i'm
[_misltoeblessed]: this
[spinner]: going to tell you i'm going to
go with moses
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: so moses
[cobra]: hapanaappyanica
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: you goy
[_misltoeblessed]: but
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[spinner]: so
[_misltoeblessed]: know what his
[spinner]: so
[_misltoeblessed]: weapon would be but go on
[spinner]: moses
[seasons_beatings]: yeah m
[spinner]: the movie is going to be called
deadly nights
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[cobra]: though
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[cobra]: you're gonna go with eight candles
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: no no that's our other movie that's
already in production that's a different universe
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: that's like that's like c's
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: joker
[cobra]: see
[spinner]: movie with
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: what
[cobra]: see i see
[spinner]: different universe
[cobra]: lo
[spinner]: um so this was moses and
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: yeah he every night of hanka
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: he hunts and he has all the
powers that he has in the original book
[spinner]: so he can you know make it
rain frogs not that useful he can kill
[spinner]: the first born child
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: any one
[cobra]: no oh no
[seasons_beatings]: yiks
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah emotional
[cobra]: you're you're
[_misltoeblessed]: devastation
[cobra]: complaining holidays there
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: but then he can talk about like
he can be like to the bad guy
[spinner]: he's like is your dad still alive
[cobra]: oh my
[spinner]: were
[cobra]: god
[spinner]: you are you the oldest child if
so then you
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: can just kill him right
[seasons_beatings]: yaks
[spinner]: and then
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: at point of the movie he's gonna
you know like how he splits the sea
[spinner]: he's just going to split a guy
and half it
[seasons_beatings]: blood
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: is powers
[seasons_beatings]: phrase everywhere
[cobra]: it is
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: just with the
[seasons_beatings]: the
[spinner]: just just split him
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: it's like like the ocean like the
[_misltoeblessed]: ye
[spinner]: luciano
[_misltoeblessed]: red
[spinner]: knows
[_misltoeblessed]: sea
[spinner]: this stuff like the red sea
[cobra]: red sea
[_misltoeblessed]: heart
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: he
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: put them in half and goes
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: looks like i can read see your
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[cobra]: oh no
[seasons_beatings]: you
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: want you want to try again
[_misltoeblessed]: that's
[seasons_beatings]: i was
[cobra]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[seasons_beatings]: like i just
[spinner]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: parted the red seas
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: i have a suggestion
[spinner]: i just
[_misltoeblessed]: and add on i think if you
will would you be open to moses having
[_misltoeblessed]: a weapon made of concrete
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: tablets
[spinner]: ah
[_misltoeblessed]: chained together like non
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: chucks
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: i don't hate it
[_misltoeblessed]: or like
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: one
[seasons_beatings]: yeah ah
[_misltoeblessed]: one
[spinner]: ye
[_misltoeblessed]: concrete like essentially like the size of
like a tombstone and he sort of like
[spinner]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: whip
[seasons_beatings]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: chains
[seasons_beatings]: a
[_misltoeblessed]: in
[seasons_beatings]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: out
[seasons_beatings]: a
[_misltoeblessed]: almost
[seasons_beatings]: commandment
[_misltoeblessed]: like
[seasons_beatings]: tablet perhaps
[_misltoeblessed]: we
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: or he has a staff
[cobra]: so
[spinner]: made of
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: loose
[cobra]: we've
[spinner]: change
[cobra]: gone completely
[_misltoeblessed]: a
[cobra]: like fckfucktis
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[cobra]: like we
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[cobra]: just went all the way to pass
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: let's let's stay there
[spinner]: listen
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: whatever it's all jewish
[seasons_beatings]: they're all holidays
[spinner]: my of
[seasons_beatings]: don't
[_misltoeblessed]: and
[seasons_beatings]: be
[_misltoeblessed]: i have
[cobra]: a
[seasons_beatings]: at
[spinner]: um
[seasons_beatings]: you get
[_misltoeblessed]: and
[seasons_beatings]: your
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[cobra]: all
[_misltoeblessed]: have
[seasons_beatings]: own
[cobra]: right
[_misltoeblessed]: a catch
[seasons_beatings]: turn
[_misltoeblessed]: race i have a
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: i have a have a
[seasons_beatings]: go ahead
[spinner]: ah
[_misltoeblessed]: catch praise take a look at my
chain of command
[seasons_beatings]: i hate
[spinner]: keep
[seasons_beatings]: it
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: working
[cobra]: hate
[spinner]: on
[cobra]: it
[spinner]: it
[seasons_beatings]: yeah come back
[spinner]: you
[_misltoeblessed]: right
[seasons_beatings]: to
[spinner]: take
[seasons_beatings]: us
[spinner]: that you workshop that
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: keep
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[cobra]: working
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[cobra]: on it
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: come back to us
[_misltoeblessed]: okay okay
[spinner]: and yeah and
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: and then like whenever he's like coming
for you all the your drinks you're turned
[spinner]: to blood so they'll
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: be like sipping something and they're like
[_misltoeblessed]: skim
[spinner]: fuck
[_misltoeblessed]: milk
[spinner]: he's like like oh he's coming it's
fucking moses
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[spinner]: uh
[_misltoeblessed]: good annunciation
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: great
[spinner]: and that's basically it
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: and you get we'll fill it
[seasons_beatings]: couple
[spinner]: with
[seasons_beatings]: of
[spinner]: you
[seasons_beatings]: questions
[spinner]: know yes
[seasons_beatings]: does does moses have a villain
[spinner]: um
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: kane west
[seasons_beatings]: kate
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: that's fair
[seasons_beatings]: now it's
[spinner]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: great
[_misltoeblessed]: i see
[seasons_beatings]: i like it
[_misltoeblessed]: i see what you did there
[spinner]: sorry but we can't actually say con
west so
[seasons_beatings]: obviously
[spinner]: one cast
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: don't well that's
[spinner]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: that makes s back to boys
[seasons_beatings]: can
[_misltoeblessed]: to
[seasons_beatings]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: men
[seasons_beatings]: use like easy
[spinner]: and he's already masked
[seasons_beatings]: hasn't
[spinner]: he already
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: has a costume
[seasons_beatings]: hasn't he already
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: abandoned these names
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah sorry his name is u
[cobra]: his
[spinner]: z
[cobra]: name
[seasons_beatings]: my
[cobra]: is no it's no
[spinner]: no
[seasons_beatings]: uh
[cobra]: a yeah
[spinner]: and he already he already wears
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: a black mask
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: so it's like
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: he looks like a villain already
[cobra]: his name
[_misltoeblessed]: so
[cobra]: is na
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: m
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[_misltoeblessed]: that's that's
[spinner]: and he's
[_misltoeblessed]: run
[spinner]: ye
[seasons_beatings]: two two more questions
[spinner]: keep it coming
[seasons_beatings]: first
[spinner]: keep it coming
[seasons_beatings]: question is we need a cameo because
we need to start building the bridges
[spinner]: yeah yeah
[seasons_beatings]: so how we got a cameo you
on cornelius
[spinner]: a
[seasons_beatings]: into your movie
[cobra]: oh no
[spinner]: no i refused that was
[_misltoeblessed]: please
[spinner]: part of the deal
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: the sign on deal
[_misltoeblessed]: please
[spinner]: to get to get dan the rock
johnson to play moses
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: you said you said he will not
be on screen with
[cobra]: h
[spinner]: cornelia with ukon cornelius
[seasons_beatings]: how are we
[spinner]: except
[seasons_beatings]: going to make
[spinner]: for
[seasons_beatings]: this
[spinner]: of
[seasons_beatings]: adventure
[spinner]: course
[seasons_beatings]: movie
[cobra]: you know if
[spinner]: no let
[cobra]: if
[spinner]: me finish
[cobra]: if dan
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: except
[cobra]: if twain
[spinner]: in
[cobra]: johnson
[spinner]: the actual
[cobra]: plays the plays moses getting
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: water out of rock takes a completely
different meaning
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[cobra]: completely different
[spinner]: you keep you keep working on that
[cobra]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: um
[spinner]: you work that one
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: now in the rock contract he says
he will not be allow can cornelius in
[spinner]: his film
[seasons_beatings]: m
[spinner]: and he will work with him in
the main holiday it people
[seasons_beatings]: m
[spinner]: movie but
[seasons_beatings]: hm
[spinner]: he won't share any scenes with him
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[spinner]: he will not
[cobra]: is that
[spinner]: have any
[cobra]: because
[spinner]: direct conversations
[cobra]: is that because you can cornelius is
played by vindezo
[_misltoeblessed]: no you conquer
[spinner]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: lines
[spinner]: it's because
[_misltoeblessed]: is played
[spinner]: ukon cornelius
[_misltoeblessed]: by jason statement
[spinner]: is such a hated
[seasons_beatings]: hm
[spinner]: character and such so deplored
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: by the fan base
[cobra]: i'm trying
[spinner]: that he doesn't
[cobra]: chris
[spinner]: want
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[spinner]: to be associated
[cobra]: but i'm not getting
[spinner]: with him
[cobra]: any traction
[spinner]: sorry who's
[_misltoeblessed]: we
[spinner]: playing you con cornelius
[_misltoeblessed]: jason statham
[cobra]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: okay rock amended his claws he will
work with jason statham
[seasons_beatings]: great
[_misltoeblessed]: this is
[seasons_beatings]: so
[_misltoeblessed]: collaboration
[seasons_beatings]: it's just
[_misltoeblessed]: at its
[seasons_beatings]: it's
[_misltoeblessed]: final
[seasons_beatings]: just going to be like a trailer
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: it's a goddamn holiday nightmare
[seasons_beatings]: and and what's going to happen is
uconcornelias his sister northwest territory cornelius
[_misltoeblessed]: he
[seasons_beatings]: um
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: shows and
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: terrible
[cobra]: none of it
[seasons_beatings]: and
[_misltoeblessed]: her
[seasons_beatings]: she
[_misltoeblessed]: code
[seasons_beatings]: has
[_misltoeblessed]: name
[seasons_beatings]: better
[_misltoeblessed]: is
[spinner]: no that's
[seasons_beatings]: chemistry
[_misltoeblessed]: new
[spinner]: his evil that's his evil twin
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: and she like
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: supposed to get out with with
[spinner]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: moses
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: but the onstren chemistry is weird and
instead she looks like she
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: wants to bang ukon cornelius all the
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: and that's
[_misltoeblessed]: he
[seasons_beatings]: just
[cobra]: we
[seasons_beatings]: gonna pear little aft c
[spinner]: and
[cobra]: are
[spinner]: strangely
[cobra]: we
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[cobra]: just making
[spinner]: moses
[cobra]: hops and
[spinner]: also wants
[cobra]: gan
[spinner]: to bang you got cornelius
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: all the time
[seasons_beatings]: yeah that's correct
[spinner]: you get that vibe too
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: and
[seasons_beatings]: hon percent
[_misltoeblessed]: you guys have just turned my ukon
cornelius water to wine thank you
[seasons_beatings]: you're welcome
[spinner]: okay now lucian and you're casting
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: we have to steer away from the
fast furious franchise don't wanta be
[cobra]: uh
[spinner]: too
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: compared with them so we already got
[cobra]: h
[spinner]: to stay them and the rock we
gotta we got to dip into another l
[spinner]: for
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: this next casting
[seasons_beatings]: so where are you heading
[_misltoeblessed]: oscar
[cobra]: me
[_misltoeblessed]: isa
[seasons_beatings]: yeah what's your what's your holiday
[cobra]: uh
[seasons_beatings]: person
[spinner]: oscar isak
[cobra]: yes
[spinner]: booked
[_misltoeblessed]: uh good thank you for that
[cobra]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: one
[seasons_beatings]: whatever
[cobra]: was gonna
[seasons_beatings]: role
[cobra]: go
[seasons_beatings]: he wants
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: i wasna go with
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: with
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: the easter bunny
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: and
[spinner]: okay
[_misltoeblessed]: sure
[cobra]: yea so
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: he's he's
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: trying to keep up with you know
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[cobra]: the the chocolate delivery for kids and
trying to get them into the spirit
[_misltoeblessed]: eh
[cobra]: of easter and celebrating the you know
the re bar of jesus but they all
[spinner]: hm
[cobra]: they care about is just the chocolate
chocolate chocolate and gets frustrated and he quits
[cobra]: but mrbuney just quit
[spinner]: we were
[cobra]: and
[spinner]: going were going anabatronic with this we're
goin end it fully animated with the bunny
[cobra]: a
[seasons_beatings]: we're going cats
[spinner]: what's
[cobra]: i was
[spinner]: our
[cobra]: thinking
[spinner]: what
[_misltoeblessed]: mo cap
[spinner]: we're
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: going
[cobra]: would
[spinner]: cats angle were going in half
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: c
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: g
[cobra]: we're
[spinner]: i monsters
[cobra]: not going
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: cats angle i was thinking like the
bunny from donne darcovibes
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[spinner]: okay so costume
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: ye
[cobra]: like a creepy one
[spinner]: but is he
[cobra]: because
[spinner]: a man
[cobra]: he
[spinner]: in a costume the character
[cobra]: he
[spinner]: or is
[cobra]: is
[spinner]: he
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: actually
[cobra]: an entropromorphic
[spinner]: a money
[cobra]: bunny he's an entropromorphic bunny
[spinner]: okay but the stuff of nightmares
[cobra]: um
[spinner]: like the day dark
[seasons_beatings]: a
[cobra]: hm
[spinner]: bunny
[cobra]: yeah yeah exactly
[spinner]: okay i got
[cobra]: and
[spinner]: you
[cobra]: that's because
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: like because he lost
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: his will like i used to be
a cute bunny but that's
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: like the darkness in him became so
he's going to be like a venom character
[cobra]: is an anti hero
[spinner]: he
[cobra]: not
[spinner]: got
[cobra]: really
[spinner]: goalumed
[cobra]: a hero
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: yes
[spinner]: got
[cobra]: even
[spinner]: goalumedokay
[cobra]: better
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: but
[cobra]: he
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: so
[cobra]: talks
[seasons_beatings]: is
[cobra]: to
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: himself like gallimyeah
[seasons_beatings]: so does
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: he have the powers of easter money
or does he like give up the position
[seasons_beatings]: like
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: what's this deal
[cobra]: he
[spinner]: ah
[cobra]: know he still has
[spinner]: no
[cobra]: the
[spinner]: he
[cobra]: powers
[spinner]: retains
[cobra]: but he
[spinner]: his
[seasons_beatings]: m
[cobra]: gives
[spinner]: power
[cobra]: up the
[_misltoeblessed]: a
[cobra]: he gives
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: up doing the job
[seasons_beatings]: you don't
[cobra]: he still
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: has the powers
[seasons_beatings]: i think you got to resolve that
in your movie like
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: if you quit being
[cobra]: yea
[seasons_beatings]: the stubonyoujst
[cobra]: we
[seasons_beatings]: don't
[cobra]: will
[seasons_beatings]: get to keep the powers
[cobra]: why not it's
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: not
[spinner]: that
[cobra]: it's
[spinner]: could
[cobra]: not
[spinner]: be
[cobra]: given
[spinner]: that
[cobra]: to
[spinner]: could
[cobra]: him
[spinner]: well i like his idea though that
that could be the premise of the film
[spinner]: he quits
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: and then they're trying to take his
powers away
[seasons_beatings]: yeah like
[spinner]: he's not going to
[seasons_beatings]: you
[spinner]: let
[seasons_beatings]: can
[spinner]: him
[seasons_beatings]: make it that way but just explain
it to people
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: because you can't just like because then
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: could have the powers of the eastern
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: also
[cobra]: no no go
[spinner]: i'm unaware what are the powers of
the easter money
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: you know we're talking about this like
[cobra]: to
[spinner]: it's
[cobra]: be
[spinner]: common knowledge
[cobra]: to be a mammal here's a it's
a mammal that
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: lays chocolate
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[cobra]: eggs that's
[spinner]: perfect
[cobra]: the power
[seasons_beatings]: it's mostly it i think
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: and he wants to keep that power
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: let's
[cobra]: it's
[spinner]: never
[cobra]: a very
[_misltoeblessed]: i help
[spinner]: ending
[cobra]: important
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[spinner]: sustenance
[cobra]: power to
[_misltoeblessed]: can i help
[seasons_beatings]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: you cast him
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: sure
[seasons_beatings]: i thought we cast at
[_misltoeblessed]: aron
[seasons_beatings]: oscar sex yeah
[cobra]: no he's
[_misltoeblessed]: oh i
[spinner]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: didn't
[cobra]: booked
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: i didn't know
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: he's booked
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: huge book we
[seasons_beatings]: was
[spinner]: shed
[seasons_beatings]: booked
[spinner]: that
[seasons_beatings]: sorry my bad
[_misltoeblessed]: um
[cobra]: for
[_misltoeblessed]: what
[cobra]: chris
[_misltoeblessed]: do you what do you think of
aron taylor johnson
[cobra]: is that
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: that's
[_misltoeblessed]: pick
[spinner]: a good
[_misltoeblessed]: as
[spinner]: casting
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: kicks
[spinner]: either that or danny
[cobra]: kid
[spinner]: de
[cobra]: cast
[spinner]: vito
[seasons_beatings]: the
[cobra]: i
[seasons_beatings]: dead quicksilver
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah okay okay i like it
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[cobra]: do you think it has the range
to play this emotionally charged character has
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[spinner]: a
[_misltoeblessed]: but
[cobra]: a life crisis
[_misltoeblessed]: i think
[cobra]: and
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[spinner]: can
[cobra]: can
[spinner]: we
[cobra]: grow
[spinner]: get
[cobra]: into
[spinner]: a non
[cobra]: the role
[spinner]: we get a non white mail for
one patriarch
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: wow
[spinner]: jesus
[seasons_beatings]: jesus
[_misltoeblessed]: i just want to create space and
[cobra]: i mean i wasn't the
[_misltoeblessed]: appreciate
[cobra]: one casting but sure
[spinner]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: said i want to help
[seasons_beatings]: yeah i
[spinner]: perfect
[seasons_beatings]: got it
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: now we're
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: gonna go aubrey plaza always says the
[_misltoeblessed]: who
[seasons_beatings]: bunny has to be a dude
[_misltoeblessed]: you're right
[spinner]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: i was
[_misltoeblessed]: right
[spinner]: gonna say amy
[cobra]: okay
[spinner]: sumer
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[cobra]: no we went this movie to be
good we
[spinner]: we
[cobra]: not
[spinner]: want
[cobra]: cast
[spinner]: his move
[_misltoeblessed]: me too
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: to make
[cobra]: my sumer
[spinner]: money oh
[_misltoeblessed]: we wanted to
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: make money
[cobra]: um i like
[_misltoeblessed]: abiplesis
[cobra]: cawber plaza
[_misltoeblessed]: a great choice
[cobra]: she's crazy enough
[_misltoeblessed]: funny
[cobra]: to play
[spinner]: can can age plate
[cobra]: to
[spinner]: lead a film
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: i think
[cobra]: for sure
[_misltoeblessed]: she's done it
[spinner]: all right
[cobra]: she's
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: she's
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: crazy enough to play
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: like a distraught easter buddy
[spinner]: yeah is it weird that i now
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: can i now kind of like this
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: what's a good casting
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: you're welcome
[cobra]: yeah it was
[spinner]: i can
[cobra]: it was i
[spinner]: i
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: can see
[cobra]: it
[spinner]: this
[_misltoeblessed]: she's got chops
[spinner]: so
[cobra]: so
[spinner]: other than shipping chocolate what's her is
[_misltoeblessed]: a
[spinner]: all she can do
[_misltoeblessed]: super speed
[seasons_beatings]: i like to think
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: yeah super speed super hopping
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: i'd like to think that she can
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[spinner]: a
[seasons_beatings]: make anything come out of eggs
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: so they
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: used to come out of her ass
[cobra]: yeah that's what i thought too
[seasons_beatings]: i did not say that you pervert
[spinner]: oh no i was thinking what if
she could instead of like just eggs you
[spinner]: could
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: make anything out of chocolate
[_misltoeblessed]: kay
[cobra]: anything chocolate is
[spinner]: like the green
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: lantern
[cobra]: a midas touch
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[cobra]: like
[seasons_beatings]: you would
[cobra]: a midas touch
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: oh even better
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[cobra]: okay okay
[seasons_beatings]: but they're
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[seasons_beatings]: all
[_misltoeblessed]: golden
[seasons_beatings]: like the
[cobra]: ship
[seasons_beatings]: money's power is eggs so like is
it chocolate inside the egg like the egg
[seasons_beatings]: is
[spinner]: oh i
[seasons_beatings]: the primary
[spinner]: see
[seasons_beatings]: driver
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: right not the chocolate
[spinner]: and are they going to actually have
to come out of her
[cobra]: so
[spinner]: that's
[cobra]: maybe
[spinner]: going to
[cobra]: she
[spinner]: be hard
[cobra]: can make
[seasons_beatings]: let's give her like a basket
[cobra]: she
[seasons_beatings]: or
[cobra]: can
[seasons_beatings]: something
[cobra]: make
[seasons_beatings]: we don't have to like
[spinner]: she pulls it out of
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: her basket
[cobra]: image
[spinner]: i like
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: that i like
[cobra]: a magical
[spinner]: that
[cobra]: basket like like
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: yeah like
[cobra]: like
[seasons_beatings]: santa
[spinner]: that
[seasons_beatings]: claus had
[spinner]: lead
[cobra]: inside
[_misltoeblessed]: can
[spinner]: straight
[cobra]: the loss
[spinner]: into her ass
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: well
[cobra]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: that's a colostomy bag that's a colosstmy
[seasons_beatings]: lock
[spinner]: no it's just like
[cobra]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: magic
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: it's
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: a magic
[cobra]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: met
[spinner]: connection from one
[cobra]: m
[spinner]: you
[cobra]: so
[spinner]: go through
[cobra]: if
[spinner]: comes
[cobra]: if
[spinner]: out the butt
[_misltoeblessed]: dig
[cobra]: if the
[_misltoeblessed]: colo
[cobra]: egg is the driver maybe she can
pull different kinds of eggs kind of like
[cobra]: a you know how how the pang
has a bunch of different umbrellas she has
[cobra]: a bunch of different
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: eggs
[spinner]: oh like like like
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: batman
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: gadget style thing
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah something like that
[spinner]: every egg can do something different i
like that
[cobra]: well
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: like that too
[_misltoeblessed]: see that and i raise
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: the instead of like a basket which
feels a little insulting in twenty twenty two
[_misltoeblessed]: what if we were to make it
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[spinner]: baskets are
[_misltoeblessed]: ask
[spinner]: insulting
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[_misltoeblessed]: i think so
[cobra]: why are they
[_misltoeblessed]: have
[cobra]: insulting
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: not do you read the news
[cobra]: why
[spinner]: baskets are canceled
[_misltoeblessed]: exactly
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: what
[_misltoeblessed]: listen listen listen if we want if
[seasons_beatings]: so
[_misltoeblessed]: want
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: this character to be able to be
mega mobile and agile why not just a
[_misltoeblessed]: really cool
[spinner]: yes
[_misltoeblessed]: sling bag that she can
[spinner]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: like sling to the front or back
[spinner]: okay
[_misltoeblessed]: and then like if she's like
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: like weaponizing her eggs she can do
so as supposed
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: to a basket it looks too much
like it feels much like a purse
[spinner]: i see what you're saying yeah if
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[spinner]: it's
[_misltoeblessed]: wanter
[spinner]: like a
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: utility
[_misltoeblessed]: tactical
[spinner]: belt
[cobra]: m
[spinner]: and like
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[spinner]: the thing
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: usual it holds
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[spinner]: bullets that goes around your shoulder but
it's eggs
[_misltoeblessed]: bandelier or something
[seasons_beatings]: hey what
[spinner]: band
[seasons_beatings]: if
[spinner]: a layer
[seasons_beatings]: what if
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: of eggs
[seasons_beatings]: what if we didn't
[cobra]: been
[seasons_beatings]: worry about
[_misltoeblessed]: a
[seasons_beatings]: such minor things as how she carries
her eggs and talk about the bigger plot
[seasons_beatings]: points like who is she fighting
[_misltoeblessed]: to though
[seasons_beatings]: and what's the name of the movie
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[seasons_beatings]: how is uconcornelius goin to make a
[cobra]: it's not going to be on cornelia
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: is gonna
[seasons_beatings]: a
[cobra]: be moses that's going to make
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: the cameo
[spinner]: fucking
[cobra]: i'm sorry
[seasons_beatings]: well
[spinner]: right
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah but so i think she's fighting
[_misltoeblessed]: regan's
[spinner]: a
[cobra]: so she has a contender or for
the position of the eastern
[seasons_beatings]: oh you're going
[cobra]: mascot
[seasons_beatings]: you're
[cobra]: there
[seasons_beatings]: going santa claus three
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: plot line
[cobra]: sure
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: when
[cobra]: sure
[seasons_beatings]: jack frost tries to steal santa claus
s powers
[_misltoeblessed]: he
[cobra]: sure but it's so
[spinner]: it worked for that movie
[cobra]: hear me
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: hear
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: me out hear me out it's a
[seasons_beatings]: h
[cobra]: chicken it's a chicken trying to steal
[seasons_beatings]: h
[cobra]: that because
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: she's like eggs are
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: my things
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[cobra]: why is this fucking bunny using eggs
i'm the one that's supposed to do that
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[_misltoeblessed]: i hope you cast
[cobra]: and
[spinner]: who plays
[cobra]: and
[_misltoeblessed]: the chicken
[cobra]: she's
[spinner]: and who plays the chicken
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: ken john
[cobra]: amy sumer
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: okay never mind
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: so this
[spinner]: ye
[seasons_beatings]: is
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: heavy
[spinner]: ah
[cobra]: on i like to enjoy more
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: this is heavy comedy heavy comedy
[spinner]: it's like
[seasons_beatings]: version
[spinner]: our
[cobra]: yeah of course
[spinner]: our comedy
[cobra]: it's
[spinner]: one it
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: s like our aquamand
[cobra]: it's like it's
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: a dark comedy like more of a
dark comedy
[_misltoeblessed]: he can
[spinner]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: weel
[spinner]: like
[cobra]: because
[spinner]: that
[cobra]: it has a breplaz and it has
to be kind of a darker
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: comedy
[spinner]: so it has to be like an
ind kind of dirt comedy
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: and
[spinner]: and
[cobra]: i think moses
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: shows up like in the latter
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[cobra]: like in the third act of the
[spinner]: no post credit scene
[cobra]: scribe okay i was gonna say he
[spinner]: come
[cobra]: could help her
[spinner]: he comes from the post credit and
he walks up to wad he goes let
[spinner]: me ask you something do you believe
in miracles
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: and that's the cliff hanger
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: i want to say something
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: because we
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: sh
[spinner]: all
[cobra]: it
[spinner]: make miracles
[cobra]: say it
[spinner]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: they meet in a strip club and
moses is on stage
[cobra]: like
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: a magic mike
[spinner]: can you take
[seasons_beatings]: right
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[spinner]: back it take it back
[_misltoeblessed]: uh
[spinner]: just take it back
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: rewind
[seasons_beatings]: i
[spinner]: it
[seasons_beatings]: don't i don't want you to
[spinner]: you
[seasons_beatings]: say
[spinner]: can do
[seasons_beatings]: things
[spinner]: it
[_misltoeblessed]: yea
[spinner]: suck those words back in
[_misltoeblessed]: do you believe
[spinner]: you can do it
[_misltoeblessed]: it sounds so magic
[cobra]: it
[_misltoeblessed]: like
[cobra]: could be
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: it could be it could be book
[_misltoeblessed]: but
[cobra]: ends
[_misltoeblessed]: i can
[cobra]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: take
[cobra]: she
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[cobra]: could start the movie
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[cobra]: where she's
[spinner]: yah
[cobra]: like drinking in a in a strip
club in a man strip club and then
[cobra]: it
[spinner]: cool
[cobra]: ends there with her going back to
her old haunt and then moses is there
[cobra]: then he says do you believe in
[_misltoeblessed]: he
[cobra]: and when she
[_misltoeblessed]: is
[cobra]: recognizes
[spinner]: and then
[_misltoeblessed]: moses
[spinner]: he and then
[cobra]: him
[spinner]: he
[_misltoeblessed]: watching magic
[spinner]: and then he
[_misltoeblessed]: mike
[spinner]: unzipped he unzipps
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: his
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: pants and you think
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: he's going to bring
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: up his dog but then the two
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: just hit the ground don't don't
[cobra]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[spinner]: shot from behind from between his legs
you know
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[spinner]: he says
[cobra]: i'm bunk
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: do you believe in miracles easter
[_misltoeblessed]: magic mike plays
[cobra]: and she does
[_misltoeblessed]: ray version
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: now i do and then it ends
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: what's
[spinner]: a
[cobra]: the name of this movie i'm having
a hard time finding
[spinner]: east meets west
[cobra]: that's garbage
[seasons_beatings]: my
[spinner]: it's so bad i don't even know
what it
[cobra]: it's
[spinner]: means
[seasons_beatings]: i don't
[cobra]: terrible
[seasons_beatings]: want you
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[seasons_beatings]: to
[_misltoeblessed]: got
[seasons_beatings]: talk
[cobra]: it's
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[cobra]: terrible
[seasons_beatings]: any
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[seasons_beatings]: more
[_misltoeblessed]: have
[seasons_beatings]: either
[_misltoeblessed]: i have it
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: i have it
[spinner]: okay
[_misltoeblessed]: so so
[cobra]: h
[_misltoeblessed]: so is
[cobra]: h
[_misltoeblessed]: like the primary title like easter
[spinner]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: bunny like because i have
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: like a sub title
[seasons_beatings]: hey christ
[_misltoeblessed]: okay let me
[cobra]: do
[seasons_beatings]: just
[_misltoeblessed]: put
[cobra]: whatever you
[seasons_beatings]: spit
[cobra]: want
[seasons_beatings]: it out bro
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: so chocolate rain
[cobra]: no this is no thing about
[spinner]: hi
[cobra]: chocolate in this
[spinner]: get back
[_misltoeblessed]: why not
[spinner]: get back
[cobra]: take back
[spinner]: suck those
[cobra]: unsay
[spinner]: words back
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: it
[spinner]: in
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: reverse
[cobra]: uh h
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: just reverse
[cobra]: has
[spinner]: your
[cobra]: to
[spinner]: words
[cobra]: be
[seasons_beatings]: you're summoned satan by the way
[_misltoeblessed]: is it
[spinner]: worth it it was
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: worth a
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: um
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: sunday
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: bloody sunday
[cobra]: oh there you go i like it
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[cobra]: i like it
[_misltoeblessed]: can
[spinner]: all right
[_misltoeblessed]: be right infringement
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: it's reference reference to a terrible something
that happened
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[cobra]: in
[spinner]: terrible
[cobra]: ireland but
[spinner]: irish
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: m
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: m
[spinner]: terrorism attack or something
[seasons_beatings]: good news a perfect sage for my
holiday character
[spinner]: let's hear it matt
[cobra]: okay
[_misltoeblessed]: ye
[seasons_beatings]: saint patrick
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: m
[spinner]: that
[cobra]: okay
[spinner]: is great he's like the hulk of
the team
[seasons_beatings]: yeah definitely i think he
[_misltoeblessed]: like
[seasons_beatings]: he is going to provide
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah yeah
[seasons_beatings]: real bore to santa claus once they
find out uh you know
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: their common common interests
[spinner]: but
[_misltoeblessed]: i have
[spinner]: how about this
[_misltoeblessed]: a go
[spinner]: i have an idea for saint patrick
[_misltoeblessed]: h
[spinner]: he
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: can retain his powers as long as
he's drunk
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: so he can't stop being drunk
[cobra]: right
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: that's like his
[cobra]: can
[spinner]: thing
[cobra]: can can we just lock leamnisen to
play this guy
[seasons_beatings]: yeah i think so so
[spinner]: i
[seasons_beatings]: he's
[spinner]: think
[seasons_beatings]: like
[spinner]: that's a
[seasons_beatings]: drunken master kind of deal
[spinner]: yeah but
[cobra]: sure
[spinner]: like he doesn't know what will happen
if he stops drinking he's like i've been
[spinner]: alive for four hundred years
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: like if you stop
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: drinking
[cobra]: i was
[spinner]: potentially
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: i was never sober in any of
those years
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: he realized that as long as he
was drunk he was like he retained his
[spinner]: super power super strength
[seasons_beatings]: so i just want to check here
we're gonna go with a racial stereotype for
[seasons_beatings]: all of ireland for
[spinner]: he's
[seasons_beatings]: our
[spinner]: funking
[seasons_beatings]: character
[spinner]: saint patrick
[_misltoeblessed]: no i got a better one
[spinner]: it's a it's a saint patrick
[seasons_beatings]: you have
[spinner]: stereotype
[seasons_beatings]: a better racial stereotype for saint patrick
[spinner]: you love
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[spinner]: potatoes
[seasons_beatings]: yeah uh
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[cobra]: oh no
[spinner]: m he shoots
[seasons_beatings]: h
[spinner]: potatoes
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: oh no
[spinner]: out of
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: his
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: bottle
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: dude
[seasons_beatings]: yeah yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[spinner]: he's a lepricon
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[cobra]: yeah i was going to say it's
[_misltoeblessed]: make
[cobra]: also a lepricon
[seasons_beatings]: fuck me
[spinner]: he
[cobra]: so
[_misltoeblessed]: make
[spinner]: throws
[cobra]: he has
[_misltoeblessed]: so
[cobra]: a part
[spinner]: his
[cobra]: of gold
[spinner]: locking charms
[cobra]: he has a
[spinner]: at people
[cobra]: he has a part of gold
[_misltoeblessed]: no i have
[spinner]: he
[_misltoeblessed]: a
[spinner]: turns
[_misltoeblessed]: better
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: you
[_misltoeblessed]: as
[spinner]: into a marsh
[_misltoeblessed]: have a better
[spinner]: mellow
[_misltoeblessed]: cast
[spinner]: for lucky child
[seasons_beatings]: hey let chris speak
[cobra]: let
[seasons_beatings]: because
[cobra]: chris
[seasons_beatings]: what
[cobra]: speak
[seasons_beatings]: you're saying
[cobra]: ye
[seasons_beatings]: is nonsense
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: how dare
[_misltoeblessed]: what
[spinner]: you
[_misltoeblessed]: potatoes
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: okay pablo
[spinner]: he's
[_misltoeblessed]: shriver
[spinner]: my potatoes
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: pablo
[seasons_beatings]: okay
[_misltoeblessed]: shriver from
[seasons_beatings]: yep
[_misltoeblessed]: american gods
[cobra]: he's played
[_misltoeblessed]: he
[cobra]: a
[_misltoeblessed]: played
[cobra]: lepricon before
[_misltoeblessed]: exactly and he's got he
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: would be a really great except the
[spinner]: ah
[_misltoeblessed]: and he'd be a really good brow
for for moses
[spinner]: what does this
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[spinner]: have to
[cobra]: okay
[spinner]: do with potatoes
[cobra]: so i have
[_misltoeblessed]: everything
[cobra]: to i have to shut up professor
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: uh
[cobra]: just shut up for a second
[spinner]: uh he
[cobra]: i have i have a request though
i'm okay with published we're playing this but
[cobra]: he has to has the pornstash he
had an orange is the new black
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: has to
[_misltoeblessed]: oh my god
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: i need to see the ash gang
[spinner]: okay guys i hate the pull producer
on this but if we have a character
[spinner]: named saint patrick and it's not revolved
around drinking we're goin ave a riot a
[spinner]: goddamn riot
[_misltoeblessed]: to
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: why
[_misltoeblessed]: but
[spinner]: because that's what saint patrick
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: is all
[_misltoeblessed]: my
[spinner]: about
[_misltoeblessed]: god oh my god do any i
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: remember that
[spinner]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: stash
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: oh yeah i do
[seasons_beatings]: to
[cobra]: i do
[seasons_beatings]: be fair
[cobra]: i remember that stuff very well
[seasons_beatings]: i want saint patrick
[_misltoeblessed]: did not
[seasons_beatings]: to um have done his time in
ireland he got rid of the snakes and
[seasons_beatings]: he's now
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: chicago beat cop
[_misltoeblessed]: right
[seasons_beatings]: and that allows that's why publish river
[spinner]: perfect
[seasons_beatings]: has has
[spinner]: perfect
[seasons_beatings]: his like corn dash because he's just
a beat cop in chicago
[spinner]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: and so something happens to him on
the job
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: on
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: and he
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: he remembers who he actually is
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: and regains his
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: powers
[cobra]: oh i
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: see okay
[spinner]: when
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: he gets he's ready he's recovering alcoholic
[cobra]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[spinner]: and he hasn't drinkin
[_misltoeblessed]: you're right
[spinner]: but because he hasn't drinking he doesn't
have any memory of him being
[seasons_beatings]: right okay
[cobra]: this
[spinner]: super
[seasons_beatings]: you know what we're just laid into
the stereotypes
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: and so
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: the villain he's fighting against is
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[seasons_beatings]: i don't know you guys can help
me but it's essentially s like a a
[spinner]: alcoholics
[seasons_beatings]: sponsor
[spinner]: anonymous
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: he's been
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: keeping
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: him locked
[cobra]: the
[seasons_beatings]: into
[cobra]: sponsor
[seasons_beatings]: that for
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: hundreds
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: of years
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: mine
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: game
[cobra]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: this
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: has like a
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: little bit of a dare devil
[spinner]: yet
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: vibe where
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: he's like struggling
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah he struggles
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: with it he doesn't like what he
becomes when he drinks but he needs
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: it
[cobra]: he has like a chicago accent when
he's sober but then he reverts to like
[cobra]: a full stare
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: typical irish
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: lepricon accent when he drinks
[spinner]: he's like yeah exactly he talked like
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: your way there i'm i'm
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: patrick from chicago
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah go
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: bears
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: and he as
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: a drink he's like hi i'm hot
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: that nice sort
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: of drink there i'm feeling stronger about
a minute
[_misltoeblessed]: you sound
[spinner]: my lucky
[_misltoeblessed]: like
[spinner]: terms
[_misltoeblessed]: an irish mickie the mickey mouse
[cobra]: has
[seasons_beatings]: this
[cobra]: a
[seasons_beatings]: is
[cobra]: bad
[seasons_beatings]: fucking
[cobra]: he is a bad
[spinner]: yes
[cobra]: irish accent
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: well yeah of course
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: it's
[cobra]: okay
[spinner]: going to be played by john melanie
[seasons_beatings]: we're gonna move
[cobra]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: on from
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: spencer's
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: year of racism
[spinner]: hey i'm irish
[_misltoeblessed]: what
[spinner]: yea
[cobra]: no you're not
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: i am
[cobra]: oh you are okay
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: his noratsanit
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: that's why i talk like this
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[spinner]: he
[cobra]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: so
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: so hey i'm making my movie shut
shut up in your face
[cobra]: oh no
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: what's
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: the boys
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[seasons_beatings]: they
[_misltoeblessed]: got
[seasons_beatings]: got they
[_misltoeblessed]: a good
[seasons_beatings]: got to do some
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: thing so
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: i'm seeing this thing here where
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: apparently saint patrick dulled with the druids
that's a story they made up so i
[seasons_beatings]: think the druids a mystical like you
know the door strange kind of magic thing
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: he
[spinner]: that's
[seasons_beatings]: fights some random druid named i don't
know frank
[cobra]: arline
[seasons_beatings]: um
[cobra]: merlin
[spinner]: frank
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: name
[seasons_beatings]: frank
[spinner]: frank
[cobra]: frank
[seasons_beatings]: i need
[cobra]: frank
[_misltoeblessed]: i thought
[seasons_beatings]: to
[spinner]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[seasons_beatings]: be
[spinner]: am
[_misltoeblessed]: said
[cobra]: merlin
[spinner]: the
[seasons_beatings]: irish
[_misltoeblessed]: inkling
[seasons_beatings]: merland
[spinner]: i'm
[seasons_beatings]: is
[spinner]: the
[seasons_beatings]: not irish
[spinner]: ancient
[cobra]: frank frank merlin that's his
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: name
[spinner]: i'm
[seasons_beatings]: yeah that's
[spinner]: the
[seasons_beatings]: better
[spinner]: ancient ever
[cobra]: frank
[spinner]: living
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: being
[cobra]: frank
[spinner]: for a
[cobra]: merlin
[spinner]: thousand years
[cobra]: there
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: that's
[spinner]: my followers
[cobra]: that his
[spinner]: called
[cobra]: sponsor
[spinner]: me frank
[cobra]: it's his sponsor from
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: from a frank merlin
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: that's
[spinner]: it
[cobra]: that that's him he's actually
[spinner]: a
[seasons_beatings]: uh
[cobra]: a
[spinner]: frank
[cobra]: druid
[spinner]: go i just came
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: from the bear's game
[seasons_beatings]: m
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: and i'm wanting to drink
[seasons_beatings]: m
[spinner]: don't you do it don't you do
it all male
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: you
[seasons_beatings]: m
[spinner]: don't want to
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: drink
[cobra]: mally
[seasons_beatings]: my
[spinner]: again
[cobra]: his name is patrick mally
[spinner]: atricamaty
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: it's patrick
[spinner]: don't
[seasons_beatings]: saint
[spinner]: it
[seasons_beatings]: for god's
[spinner]: no
[seasons_beatings]: sake
[spinner]: it's patrick
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: patric
[spinner]: mally
[cobra]: saint has to
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[cobra]: have
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: an oh because we're being so ter
[spinner]: saint patrick
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: is his super hero name
[seasons_beatings]: he's
[cobra]: petricalsaint
[seasons_beatings]: yeah this is my
[cobra]: is
[seasons_beatings]: movie
[cobra]: a shitydc name
[spinner]: is no male don't don't touch the
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: you
[seasons_beatings]: um
[spinner]: don't like what you become
[seasons_beatings]: anyway so just to just to finish
off our connections in this we have to
[seasons_beatings]: have a cameo from
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: the last which is the
[_misltoeblessed]: easter
[seasons_beatings]: opera
[_misltoeblessed]: bunny
[seasons_beatings]: plaza as the bunny um oh
[spinner]: that's my
[cobra]: sir
[spinner]: secret frank
[cobra]: she has
[spinner]: i'm always drunk
[cobra]: she has
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: she has a whiskey egg that she
[spinner]: no
[cobra]: him
[seasons_beatings]: i hate this i'm yielding my time
were well one
[_misltoeblessed]: did you want to do the title
[spinner]: it
[seasons_beatings]: yeah let's do
[cobra]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: the
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: title
[cobra]: we knew
[seasons_beatings]: because
[cobra]: the title
[seasons_beatings]: this is i don't want to be
here anymore
[_misltoeblessed]: something around four leaf clover four leaf
[cobra]: it's
[_misltoeblessed]: four leaf murder
[cobra]: it
[spinner]: uh
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: think i just need to
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: be called lucky charms
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: really
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: that seems
[spinner]: h oh
[_misltoeblessed]: like
[cobra]: race
[_misltoeblessed]: something
[cobra]: yes
[_misltoeblessed]: so some
[seasons_beatings]: fuck
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: it's something
[spinner]: it's called luck of the irish
[cobra]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: feels like a sup that
[spinner]: uh
[_misltoeblessed]: feels like a sub title
[cobra]: that's worse
[spinner]: yeah it's called
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[spinner]: alcoholic irishman
[_misltoeblessed]: ye
[cobra]: part of gold
[seasons_beatings]: fuck
[cobra]: it's a
[seasons_beatings]: sakes
[cobra]: part of gold
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: the patron saint of getting fucked uh
[seasons_beatings]: no
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: uh
[cobra]: no
[seasons_beatings]: fighting
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: irish
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: nice
[seasons_beatings]: nailed it moving on
[cobra]: with with an apostrophe right without the
g in
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: fighting
[seasons_beatings]: o god why we want that there
[cobra]: okay
[spinner]: lucian can you take ramadan for
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: us
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[cobra]: no i can't i cannot i i
ud everybody's time
[seasons_beatings]: um
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: one
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: thing i'm going to add is we're
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: to get
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: house of pain to do the entire
sound track for this movie
[cobra]: oh no
[_misltoeblessed]: he goes
[seasons_beatings]: you're
[_misltoeblessed]: by
[seasons_beatings]: welcome
[_misltoeblessed]: ever last doesn't he
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: but either way it works
[seasons_beatings]: i yelled all of our time so
one last
[spinner]: what's what's the what's the combined universe
[seasons_beatings]: combine universe
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: what
[seasons_beatings]: my god
[spinner]: are our avengers called
[seasons_beatings]: let's finish
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[seasons_beatings]: this up
[_misltoeblessed]: like that's the universe and
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: then there's the team name
[seasons_beatings]: yeah so
[_misltoeblessed]: so the universe is the
[seasons_beatings]: our
[_misltoeblessed]: h c
[seasons_beatings]: holiday
[_misltoeblessed]: u
[seasons_beatings]: heroes
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: what are we calling them
[_misltoeblessed]: h
[spinner]: holiday
[_misltoeblessed]: h
[spinner]: heroes is pretty
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: good
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: the
[cobra]: it's
[spinner]: age of the
[cobra]: the most
[spinner]: holiday
[cobra]: generic
[spinner]: heroes
[cobra]: thing ever
[spinner]: it is pretty well call
[cobra]: it's
[spinner]: it
[cobra]: a microsoph name
[spinner]: we'll
[_misltoeblessed]: has
[spinner]: call
[_misltoeblessed]: one
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: it
[cobra]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[spinner]: that
[_misltoeblessed]: perennials
[spinner]: will go over well
[_misltoeblessed]: the perennials
[seasons_beatings]: oh the retaliators yeah
[spinner]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: m ever
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[_misltoeblessed]: known the ever creeds
[seasons_beatings]: the
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[seasons_beatings]: vindicators
[_misltoeblessed]: ever last
[spinner]: yeah the
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: stereotypes
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: no only yours
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: is a stereotype actually only
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: mats because you
[_misltoeblessed]: i got
[cobra]: walked
[_misltoeblessed]: one
[cobra]: all over it
[_misltoeblessed]: i got one
[cobra]: right
[spinner]: uconcornelius is the greatest stereo type of
[cobra]: m
[spinner]: all
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: you call cornelius is is a musical
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: genius and you'll keep his name
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: is i
[cobra]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: got one that forever
[spinner]: that's actually not bad
[cobra]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: it's getting
[cobra]: that's
[seasons_beatings]: closer
[cobra]: actually
[spinner]: there
[cobra]: a good name
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[spinner]: the
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: eternals
[seasons_beatings]: wait that movie
[cobra]: no
[seasons_beatings]: sucked
[cobra]: i went
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: over to bed again
[spinner]: ready the avengers
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: got it we're back
[spinner]: nail bit
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: all right well
[_misltoeblessed]: gold peter
[seasons_beatings]: if you
[spinner]: what they
[seasons_beatings]: have
[spinner]: could
[seasons_beatings]: an idea hit us up email
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: will
[_misltoeblessed]: adams
[seasons_beatings]: tel you the socials in a minute
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: we're no longer
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: acknowledging
[_misltoeblessed]: kay
[seasons_beatings]: twitter but the other ones are still
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: let's let's
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: try to finish this up real quick
care scriptoctoring i know there's a few points
[seasons_beatings]: people were unhappy about luciano you apparently
hate this movie for
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: some reason i don't mean
[cobra]: the funk no
[seasons_beatings]: i don't
[cobra]: i don't
[seasons_beatings]: mean
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: the fighting irish i mean
[spinner]: we all love
[seasons_beatings]: violet
[spinner]: that
[seasons_beatings]: night fighting
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: irish
[spinner]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: what do you got here for a
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: doctor
[cobra]: what
[_misltoeblessed]: yet
[cobra]: he really the thing i wanted
[spinner]: it
[cobra]: was for
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: like i didn't like how beat up
he got
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: he took like it was fine with
him not
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: just being super hero and punching everybody
and not getting hurt it was okay him
[cobra]: we hadn't heard but he got too
hurt my opinion so i would i would
[cobra]: change i could just remove a little
bit of him getting so fucked up and
[cobra]: i know it's because he had to
die at the end so he would
[spinner]: no
[cobra]: be
[spinner]: it's that's
[cobra]: so i would
[spinner]: not
[cobra]: take
[spinner]: why there's a reason
[cobra]: why
[spinner]: why
[cobra]: is it then
[spinner]: because
[cobra]: why
[spinner]: the whole point of the movie was
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: sanna's strength is based on belief in
him at the
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: beginning he didn't believe in himself that
was the whole point and when she
[cobra]: that
[spinner]: she makes him believe in himself which
increases his power that's why after he gets
[spinner]: that
[cobra]: but
[spinner]: speech
[cobra]: then
[spinner]: from her
[cobra]: then he
[spinner]: he
[cobra]: had
[spinner]: kill
[cobra]: to
[spinner]: all those guys
[cobra]: but then why did he get so
like why is it so hard to find
[cobra]: m screwge at the end like that
doesn't make sense because he wasn't fool powers
[cobra]: there
[spinner]: because i just
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: got
[cobra]: and
[spinner]: blown
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: up
[cobra]: he
[spinner]: in a
[cobra]: he was
[spinner]: in a shed
[cobra]: he fucking he sucked a shed in
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: whole shed
[spinner]: he
[cobra]: of
[spinner]: sucked the shed
[cobra]: armed
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: people with
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: with a hammer and then he just
got like fucked finding one guy but what
[cobra]: i really wanted the one thing i
really wanted was
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: for missus claws to show up once
we find that he is a viking and
[cobra]: she's a shoot maiden like
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[cobra]: she helps like she brings
[seasons_beatings]: no
[cobra]: school crusher to him and
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[cobra]: that's why that's why have you met
this podcast
[spinner]: sorry but also
[cobra]: that's why
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: loser
[cobra]: that's
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[cobra]: why the
[_misltoeblessed]: would see i would
[cobra]: the
[_misltoeblessed]: watch
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[cobra]: reindeer went
[spinner]: yah
[cobra]: away they went away to pick her
up and bring
[spinner]: okay
[cobra]: her to help
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: would love
[cobra]: at's what
[_misltoeblessed]: that
[cobra]: i wanted to app
[seasons_beatings]: they showed up real fucking late
[_misltoeblessed]: true and
[cobra]: well
[_misltoeblessed]: like
[cobra]: no it
[spinner]: what
[cobra]: has
[_misltoeblessed]: what
[cobra]: to be earlier has to be a
lot earlier for sure
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: but
[_misltoeblessed]: my biggest
[cobra]: i would
[_misltoeblessed]: question
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: yes
[_misltoeblessed]: is whatever the sun happened to root
off but anyway
[seasons_beatings]: he never
[_misltoeblessed]: keep
[seasons_beatings]: existed
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[cobra]: they don't say it right
[seasons_beatings]: no
[_misltoeblessed]: he said sent us at it
[spinner]: yeah he did
[seasons_beatings]: what happened to
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: he said he said
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: when they shot on the roof he
says rudolf would never do that
[_misltoeblessed]: crap
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: o would say that
[cobra]: but
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[_misltoeblessed]: oudofenever
[cobra]: but
[_misltoeblessed]: do
[cobra]: they
[_misltoeblessed]: that crap
[cobra]: never they
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: never address it you wanted
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: to address it chris
[_misltoeblessed]: maybe there's a eight there's like a
gold team in a blue team
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: a team in a b team
[seasons_beatings]: how come so what is but off
on a bunch of clubs
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: verses
[spinner]: he's
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[spinner]: that good he's
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[spinner]: that good
[_misltoeblessed]: he's still abroad
[seasons_beatings]: i know is
[spinner]: he's
[seasons_beatings]: that
[spinner]: the
[seasons_beatings]: sorry is that
[spinner]: he's
[seasons_beatings]: what you
[spinner]: there
[seasons_beatings]: want to script doctor in this movie
you just want to fix up the rudolf
[seasons_beatings]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: hole
[_misltoeblessed]: it's just a question
[spinner]: rudolf carries
[_misltoeblessed]: sir
[spinner]: them like the lakers
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: know yes
[seasons_beatings]: that's all
[_misltoeblessed]: um
[seasons_beatings]: all
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: everyone cares about rudolph and rudolph rudolph
[_misltoeblessed]: not every
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: one
[seasons_beatings]: hm
[_misltoeblessed]: but when you need to get them
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: most
[_misltoeblessed]: championship
[cobra]: people
[_misltoeblessed]: rings you need to make sure the
post season is acknowledged anyways
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: missus
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: claus i would i'm here for that
i think there could have been an advantage
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: with
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: the whole belief portion and like like
[spinner]: okay
[_misltoeblessed]: maybe the
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: little girl could have found a way
though she
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: would have had to get why i
established so that like most the other kids
[_misltoeblessed]: could start believing in like super
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: charge him but i don't see
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: how
[cobra]: i was
[_misltoeblessed]: happened
[cobra]: i was thinking
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: about that too like the fact that
he got more powerful
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: was because like i was being broadcast
and a lot of people were seeing
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: him fight and that stuff
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[seasons_beatings]: you got you got have to have
no connectivity so like it explains why no
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: one comes
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: ye
[seasons_beatings]: to help
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: uh
[seasons_beatings]: the movie does itself a great
[spinner]: h
[seasons_beatings]: service by connect disconnecting the wife and
everything so that
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: it
[spinner]: m
[seasons_beatings]: answers questions like he come that didn't
call for help welcome
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: no one's coming
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: et cetera et cetera
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: ah
[cobra]: it's pretty tight in that sense like
[_misltoeblessed]: at
[cobra]: the way that
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: it's
[cobra]: it unfolded its pretty
[_misltoeblessed]: unless
[cobra]: tight
[spinner]: it's a tight movie overall
[_misltoeblessed]: unless
[cobra]: it is it is
[_misltoeblessed]: you unless the the extraction team
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: they have
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: like sat phones they have their own
[spinner]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: don't they maybe the little kid could
[seasons_beatings]: they don't
[_misltoeblessed]: leverage that no okay
[seasons_beatings]: why
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: why are you trying to do this
[_misltoeblessed]: oh to connect
[cobra]: because
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[cobra]: he wants to
[_misltoeblessed]: magic
[cobra]: increase
[_misltoeblessed]: of children
[cobra]: the belief powers
[_misltoeblessed]: i want
[seasons_beatings]: right
[_misltoeblessed]: to increase
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: those that would have been another way
but we
[seasons_beatings]: but
[_misltoeblessed]: don't i don't need
[seasons_beatings]: if
[_misltoeblessed]: to
[seasons_beatings]: you
[spinner]: ye
[seasons_beatings]: increase them then then shouldn't he be
omnipotent at some point i think like only
[seasons_beatings]: having a little bit of
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: belief powers makes him vulnerable
[_misltoeblessed]: yes but
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: that's this is towards
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: the tail end
[spinner]: what about this
[_misltoeblessed]: that's what
[spinner]: near
[_misltoeblessed]: that would
[spinner]: the end
[_misltoeblessed]: be
[spinner]: of
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[spinner]: the
[seasons_beatings]: the
[spinner]: movie
[_misltoeblessed]: ankle
[spinner]: there's like
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: like he's like fighting the guy in
front of like a big
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: crowd of all the guards and all
the family then
[_misltoeblessed]: hm
[spinner]: everyone slowly starts
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: believing once they see what he's doing
and then they're all like
[cobra]: the
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[cobra]: gardens
[spinner]: that's
[cobra]: are
[spinner]: the
[cobra]: dead
[spinner]: real
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: santa well maybe
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[spinner]: not
[_misltoeblessed]: guards
[spinner]: all the
[_misltoeblessed]: are
[spinner]: guards were did and they're ll like
oh my god that's the real san
[seasons_beatings]: what if
[spinner]: oh my god
[seasons_beatings]: what if the people that were there
actually seemed like they genuinely believed in santa
[seasons_beatings]: outside
[spinner]: that pobably
[seasons_beatings]: of the
[spinner]: be
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: would
[spinner]: the
[seasons_beatings]: kid
[_misltoeblessed]: help
[cobra]: that
[spinner]: best
[cobra]: would have helped
[spinner]: the best route
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: they saw him
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: do some stuff
[seasons_beatings]: like
[spinner]: each
[seasons_beatings]: they get there early instead of seeing
him when he's
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: like already like shot up by that
dude of having that last dude thing and
[seasons_beatings]: lighting the mom shoot him which did
nothing for the movie i don't really understand
[spinner]: you have all
[seasons_beatings]: why
[spinner]: the
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[spinner]: kids see in blender the guy say
it is real
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: a goddamn nightmare
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: anna does not play i will
[seasons_beatings]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: be good from that
[seasons_beatings]: you can
[_misltoeblessed]: one
[seasons_beatings]: just have like i think
[spinner]: yeah it's like shaking and holding their
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: knees is real
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: it's real
[_misltoeblessed]: i'm
[cobra]: and
[_misltoeblessed]: so
[cobra]: then
[_misltoeblessed]: sorry
[cobra]: they do
[_misltoeblessed]: i'm
[cobra]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: just
[cobra]: at the end it is just do
some advertisement
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: with that scene playing in the background
and going don't
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[cobra]: be naughty kids and
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: just
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: we
[cobra]: that
[spinner]: it's like i'm goin t be good
i'm going to be good
[seasons_beatings]: i think
[spinner]: oh god
[_misltoeblessed]: es
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: i think you can do this because
[_misltoeblessed]: eh
[seasons_beatings]: likvazemo us them up pretty good he
stabs him a number of times right like
[spinner]: m
[_misltoeblessed]: he
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: two or three so just have him
get him a couple more times and maybe
[seasons_beatings]: he shoots him once or something and
like so
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: john can do all the damage to
him and
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: then he
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: blenders them and then
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: and then
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: when
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: he gets down
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: the kids come rushing over and like
he has like his know just has like
[seasons_beatings]: that armor piece he was wearing the
one underneath
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: but you can see the blood dripping
out of him you can see he's fucked
[seasons_beatings]: up and he's done
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: and then they can everyone can actually
fucking believe for real and then
[spinner]: what if they believe because the reindeer
[seasons_beatings]: that's also good to like whatever
[spinner]: see
[seasons_beatings]: just
[spinner]: the reindeer
[cobra]: maybe
[spinner]: like land
[cobra]: both
[spinner]: beside
[cobra]: maybe
[spinner]: him
[cobra]: both just like pile in reasons for
them to believe
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[cobra]: that works
[_misltoeblessed]: make
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: it incontrovertible
[spinner]: like
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: you have you have the rain deer
pull up
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: and then like go up to
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[spinner]: his body and they're all like sad
[seasons_beatings]: m
[spinner]: and it's like oh those
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: those poor deer like nudging him like
oh my god he's that's a real santa
[spinner]: claus
[seasons_beatings]: and they turn around they
[_misltoeblessed]: real
[seasons_beatings]: get
[_misltoeblessed]: slay
[seasons_beatings]: really angry and they
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[seasons_beatings]: eat
[_misltoeblessed]: would
[seasons_beatings]: all
[_misltoeblessed]: love
[seasons_beatings]: the people
[_misltoeblessed]: that
[spinner]: they started growling at
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: oh gosh i believe
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: i think to bridge
[spinner]: y're
[_misltoeblessed]: that
[spinner]: goin to eat us like they ate
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: rudolf
[_misltoeblessed]: oh my god catablism
[spinner]: uh
[_misltoeblessed]: strongest lord of the flies lord of
the reindeer
[spinner]: h
[_misltoeblessed]: in order to i think if we
had some extraction soldiers
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: left to witness that last kind of
that last one one v one end the
[_misltoeblessed]: reindeers come in then you could turn
the would have those guards like oh shit
[_misltoeblessed]: he's realized we have to kill
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: him now and then either that
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: inadvertent like involuntary belief super charges santa
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: or when
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: the red deer's come in a post
like getting him fifty cented
[seasons_beatings]: i gotta i got to disagree with
[spinner]: fifty
[seasons_beatings]: you
[spinner]: said it
[cobra]: keep saying
[seasons_beatings]: like that reference fifty cent but
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: i got to disagree with
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: you
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: you got to have a hundred percent
genuine love and appreciation for santa being a
[seasons_beatings]: real
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: the fear
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: appreciation just doesn't do it for me
that's not
[spinner]: i was gonna
[seasons_beatings]: santa's
[spinner]: say unless
[seasons_beatings]: bag
[spinner]: it's like a different angle like imagine
at the end all
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: the guards like are seeing him fight
him and
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[spinner]: then they see sang blend the guy
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: they're all like like oh my god
he's real
[seasons_beatings]: a
[spinner]: and then sang s walking with blood
dripping out his head nd they
[seasons_beatings]: they
[spinner]: all
[seasons_beatings]: start
[spinner]: start bowing
[seasons_beatings]: they start
[spinner]: to
[seasons_beatings]: worshipping
[spinner]: him
[seasons_beatings]: him yeah
[spinner]: like
[seasons_beatings]: like
[spinner]: yeah on
[seasons_beatings]: a
[spinner]: their
[seasons_beatings]: viking
[spinner]: neat
[seasons_beatings]: blood god
[cobra]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: now
[cobra]: no
[seasons_beatings]: we're somewhere
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: and it's
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: oh m
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: sara does
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[cobra]: just have
[spinner]: black
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: baby uh
[seasons_beatings]: then he rips
[cobra]: just
[seasons_beatings]: off
[cobra]: have
[seasons_beatings]: his
[cobra]: a dutch person
[spinner]: uh
[seasons_beatings]: cleans
[cobra]: you
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: just
[seasons_beatings]: his face
[cobra]: have a
[seasons_beatings]: in
[cobra]: dutch
[seasons_beatings]: his
[cobra]: person
[seasons_beatings]: center
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[seasons_beatings]: class
[cobra]: there
[seasons_beatings]: ah
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: then
[cobra]: have a
[seasons_beatings]: pick
[cobra]: dutch persons center cloth
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: yeah and
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[seasons_beatings]: then
[_misltoeblessed]: just
[seasons_beatings]: he picks up
[_misltoeblessed]: is just
[seasons_beatings]: fucking
[_misltoeblessed]: sledge
[seasons_beatings]: john
[_misltoeblessed]: hammer
[seasons_beatings]: like wazamaand this is
[cobra]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: salo your new friend black pete
[spinner]: what
[seasons_beatings]: oh m
[spinner]: oh god
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: so
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: at their feet
[_misltoeblessed]: ye
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[spinner]: that's another
[cobra]: now
[spinner]: angle
[cobra]: but
[spinner]: we could go
[cobra]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: that
[cobra]: agree
[_misltoeblessed]: that
[cobra]: chris i
[_misltoeblessed]: that's
[cobra]: think
[_misltoeblessed]: something
[cobra]: it needed
[_misltoeblessed]: to
[cobra]: like the belief
[_misltoeblessed]: that could work
[cobra]: thing needed to be more believable ironically
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: yep
[cobra]: and like those fucking jaded
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: assholes like oh yeah i believe no
come on that's
[spinner]: you
[cobra]: stupid
[spinner]: know what they lilly said that like
you know what i
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[spinner]: believe too
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: it was like
[seasons_beatings]: what
[spinner]: lily
[cobra]: one
[seasons_beatings]: the fuck
[cobra]: of
[spinner]: like
[cobra]: them
[spinner]: that
[cobra]: say oh god
[_misltoeblessed]: yah
[cobra]: fuck me all right fine i believe
[spinner]: like fine
[cobra]: like okay
[spinner]: vide i believe
[_misltoeblessed]: was the fruit
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: cake of the movie
[spinner]: yeah but
[cobra]: ah
[spinner]: it didn't bother me because he movies
too dumb but my only other script doctoring
[spinner]: i guess would be i would have
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: sprinkled the kills a little because like
i said there's like a lull in the
[spinner]: middle where he doesn't kill anyone like
[seasons_beatings]: half
[spinner]: like
[seasons_beatings]: hour
[spinner]: twenty yeah twenty
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: five minutes
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: a half hour and then he kills
like forty guys and i like
[cobra]: yeah it
[spinner]: the
[_misltoeblessed]: h
[spinner]: one on
[cobra]: could
[spinner]: one
[cobra]: have been
[spinner]: kills
[seasons_beatings]: well
[cobra]: a few
[spinner]: more
[cobra]: a few instances
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: where he is like trying to get
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[cobra]: back into the house and he sneaks
up on some of them and
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: like there's a it's a quick fight
but he sucks them up
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: less than like a fool on fight
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: he did with the star guy and
with the first guy more like a sneak
[cobra]: up and killed them in like a
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: way and move on i would agree
[spinner]: like
[cobra]: with that
[spinner]: i would like to see him like
put his bag over a guy's head and
[spinner]: just put him in the bag
[seasons_beatings]: yeah they'd be great
[_misltoeblessed]: trap him
[cobra]: or no
[_misltoeblessed]: reg
[cobra]: half
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: just half the guy and
[spinner]: half
[cobra]: remove
[spinner]: the bag and
[cobra]: and
[spinner]: he pulls
[cobra]: just
[spinner]: the bag
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: but a
[cobra]: just exactly just leave just the guy's
legs they
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: fall one to each side
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: i would have liked
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: to
[cobra]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: ave
[cobra]: agree with that like that low didn't
have to happen
[_misltoeblessed]: i would have liked to have tweaked
the truly escaping
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: the trained soldiers aspect like maybe they
[cobra]: why
[_misltoeblessed]: try to
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: because that to me that wasn't believable
she didn't escape
[spinner]: she just ran off
[_misltoeblessed]: ran away like maybe
[cobra]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: they
[cobra]: that part
[_misltoeblessed]: locked
[cobra]: when
[_misltoeblessed]: her in
[cobra]: when
[_misltoeblessed]: a
[cobra]: she
[_misltoeblessed]: room
[cobra]: runs away from the room okay
[_misltoeblessed]: initially
[cobra]: okay yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: initially
[cobra]: fair
[_misltoeblessed]: they locked her in a room not
knowing she had a walk take or something
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: like her
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: being in the room talking to somebody
was b s for me yeah
[spinner]: yeah that too
[cobra]: that's
[spinner]: was like
[cobra]: true
[spinner]: i was like
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[spinner]: they don't notice he's talking
[cobra]: how
[spinner]: on a
[cobra]: how
[spinner]: walk
[cobra]: are
[spinner]: take
[cobra]: yeah how is
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: he are they letting her just have
[seasons_beatings]: m
[cobra]: the communication device that's working
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: i wouldn't
[spinner]: my
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: my in mind explanation
[_misltoeblessed]: ye
[spinner]: was like they know they cut the
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: that you can't actually reach anybody
[cobra]: maybe
[spinner]: but
[_misltoeblessed]: er
[seasons_beatings]: the
[spinner]: it's
[seasons_beatings]: other
[_misltoeblessed]: million
[spinner]: a
[seasons_beatings]: thing
[spinner]: stretch
[seasons_beatings]: i
[_misltoeblessed]: miles
[seasons_beatings]: would have
[_misltoeblessed]: away
[seasons_beatings]: done is i would have had her
run away initially before she started talking so
[seasons_beatings]: then it's just like oh she's hiding
and she's talking with no no
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: notices right
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: her running her way like where's she
goin a go the house is clear
[_misltoeblessed]: right
[seasons_beatings]: like it's not the worst thing
[cobra]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah and it's cut off
[cobra]: also i don't like i said i
don't like the
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[cobra]: whole christmas ruined my life thing i
felt like it was an exaggeration for for
[cobra]: enlizamo's character that
[_misltoeblessed]: so
[cobra]: didn't need like you could have just
been like an ass hole oh i'm doing
[cobra]: this on christmas because i hate christmas
is a little too on the nose think
[cobra]: didn't like
[seasons_beatings]: why do
[cobra]: i didn't
[seasons_beatings]: you hate
[cobra]: really
[seasons_beatings]: this movie
[cobra]: add
[seasons_beatings]: lucia
[cobra]: much i don't hate this movie and
just hate that character
[seasons_beatings]: but you got to have a good
reason to
[_misltoeblessed]: ye
[seasons_beatings]: want to
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: fucking kill actual santa claus
[cobra]: he's an ass hole
[_misltoeblessed]: but
[spinner]: that's bad
[cobra]: why do
[spinner]: writing
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[cobra]: you
[_misltoeblessed]: would
[cobra]: need
[_misltoeblessed]: say
[cobra]: more than that
[spinner]: your bed writer
[_misltoeblessed]: i
[cobra]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: would say
[spinner]: we're putting you on the ukon cornelia's
[_misltoeblessed]: john
[cobra]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: like amos
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: character didn't believe until he just treated
him as like a
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: ball a mall santa blurt until he
saw like the naughty
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: list and then he's
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: like oh really is you well i
just remembered
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: my additional motivation and i'm going to
really epic lay in to you
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: but that was kind
[cobra]: so like
[_misltoeblessed]: of
[cobra]: that that to me is very forced
[spinner]: you know
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: you're
[cobra]: and
[spinner]: right
[cobra]: it
[spinner]: in
[cobra]: added
[spinner]: a
[cobra]: nothing to the movie
[spinner]: you know it have been cool if
he didn't really mention anything about his history
[spinner]: with christmas but when he sees the
list and realized he's
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: the real one he's like you're the
real santa claus he's like where the fuck
[spinner]: were you when i was
[_misltoeblessed]: there
[spinner]: you
[_misltoeblessed]: you
[spinner]: know
[_misltoeblessed]: go
[spinner]: he's like i didn't have i didn't
get ship for christmas when i was seven
[spinner]: when
[cobra]: okay
[spinner]: i was eight like what
[cobra]: it just gets angrier
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: at him because
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: he's an actor
[seasons_beatings]: so
[cobra]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: you're
[spinner]: you
[seasons_beatings]: just
[cobra]: okay
[spinner]: like
[seasons_beatings]: moving
[spinner]: you're real
[seasons_beatings]: the story from
[spinner]: i
[seasons_beatings]: from in the room with a fake
now when they're fighting each other
[cobra]: because
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: he
[spinner]: just
[cobra]: says
[spinner]: like
[cobra]: he was okay
[spinner]: like
[cobra]: it was okay until one year when
his dad loses his job like it would
[cobra]: have been better if he was always
like never
[spinner]: he was just
[cobra]: got
[spinner]: poor
[cobra]: any christmas present
[spinner]: and like never got
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: any gifts
[seasons_beatings]: uh whatever man i think i don't
think it matters if either
[spinner]: it's
[seasons_beatings]: you
[spinner]: pretty
[seasons_beatings]: want
[spinner]: nit picky
[seasons_beatings]: a back story or you don't want
a back story and like the picking the
[seasons_beatings]: back story
[cobra]: i'd
[seasons_beatings]: is
[cobra]: be
[seasons_beatings]: just like
[cobra]: okay
[seasons_beatings]: sure
[cobra]: without a back story honestly
[seasons_beatings]: and we think
[cobra]: just
[seasons_beatings]: you're
[cobra]: having
[spinner]: i
[seasons_beatings]: wrong
[cobra]: been like
[seasons_beatings]: you've
[spinner]: or
[seasons_beatings]: been
[cobra]: well but
[seasons_beatings]: you've
[cobra]: you're
[seasons_beatings]: been
[spinner]: or
[cobra]: entitled
[seasons_beatings]: assigned to
[cobra]: you're
[seasons_beatings]: ukon
[cobra]: entitled
[seasons_beatings]: cornelius
[cobra]: to being wrong too
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: so
[spinner]: instead
[cobra]: that's fine
[spinner]: of like instead of like because i
agree like it's a bit of a stretch
[spinner]: being like it ruined my life like
christmas rein my life
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: just be like talk about how he
hates these rich people
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: and he's like look at
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: the indulgence of this christmas he's lie
when i was a kid i
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: didn't he anything i didn't get anything
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: christmas and he's like he's like
[seasons_beatings]: right
[spinner]: it's like christmas is such a fucking
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: you know and that's it like
[seasons_beatings]: speaking of jokes this whole podcast has
been one big joke and we're going to
[seasons_beatings]: wrap it up now
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: how
[_misltoeblessed]: he
[spinner]: that hurt
[_misltoeblessed]: it's
[cobra]: didn't
[seasons_beatings]: it's
[_misltoeblessed]: comedy
[seasons_beatings]: funny
[cobra]: even talk about a sequel
[seasons_beatings]: it's funny
[cobra]: just
[seasons_beatings]: ha ha
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: the sequel called
[_misltoeblessed]: potatoes
[spinner]: at about
[seasons_beatings]: we
[spinner]: a sheet
[seasons_beatings]: did we talked
[spinner]: o
[seasons_beatings]: about
[cobra]: why
[seasons_beatings]: four
[cobra]: would you do that
[seasons_beatings]: we talked
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: about four sequels
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: that's fair
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: that's
[spinner]: we
[cobra]: fair
[_misltoeblessed]: love
[cobra]: it's
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[cobra]: a whole universe
[spinner]: the sequel
[seasons_beatings]: you
[spinner]: is gonna
[seasons_beatings]: want
[spinner]: be a pretty cool slash
[seasons_beatings]: do you
[spinner]: him
[seasons_beatings]: want to
[spinner]: hunting
[seasons_beatings]: give
[spinner]: people
[seasons_beatings]: me do you want to give
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: me your title for the violent knight
sequel is that what you want
[spinner]: island
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: nights
[cobra]: it's me should
[spinner]: plural
[cobra]: be
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: like alien and aliens no
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: seasons meetings of course because they didn't
use it in the movie
[_misltoeblessed]: correct
[cobra]: it's so stupid that they didn't use
[_misltoeblessed]: correct
[spinner]: a
[cobra]: right
[spinner]: violent nights subtitle
[cobra]: i also
[spinner]: seasons beatings
[cobra]: okay that
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: works i also
[_misltoeblessed]: agreed
[cobra]: actually wanted
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[cobra]: a price where they explained why the
[seasons_beatings]: yeah yeah
[cobra]: viking chose to be santa but that's
[seasons_beatings]: no you don't want that ell you
why don't want that because the snip
[cobra]: i
[seasons_beatings]: it is always going to be way
better in your mind than them going
[cobra]: fair
[seasons_beatings]: to any
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: detail
[cobra]: whatever they pick up is not going
to be as good as like
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: why we can't come up but
[seasons_beatings]: it's
[cobra]: that's
[seasons_beatings]: the
[cobra]: fair
[seasons_beatings]: john wick theory right john wick is
cool when they
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: just give you like brief
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: high lights into the world there's coins
and this is weird
[spinner]: john
[seasons_beatings]: hotel
[spinner]: fucking
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: wick
[seasons_beatings]: they can't do these things but as
soon as when
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: they got into explaining the coins were
like made by these guys and
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: i was like
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: like three no thank you i just
[spinner]: that's
[seasons_beatings]: back to
[spinner]: that's what
[seasons_beatings]: the
[spinner]: i
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: said
[seasons_beatings]: killing
[spinner]: i said to you that in
[cobra]: get
[spinner]: the theater
[cobra]: back to the kill
[spinner]: i'm
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: like this fucking assassination organization spends more
focus on designing coins and killing people
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: do your job
[seasons_beatings]: just
[cobra]: it's
[seasons_beatings]: get
[spinner]: why
[cobra]: it's
[seasons_beatings]: to
[spinner]: are
[seasons_beatings]: the
[spinner]: you
[seasons_beatings]: killing
[spinner]: complicating
[cobra]: it's an assassination
[spinner]: this
[cobra]: organization
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: namentary
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah
[_misltoeblessed]: s
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: but
[seasons_beatings]: yeah
[spinner]: i did think
[cobra]: right
[spinner]: in a precol it would have been
cool to
[seasons_beatings]: as
[spinner]: show like him like dying on a
battlefield and him like renouncing
[seasons_beatings]: ye
[spinner]: his way and like crawling into like
an old
[_misltoeblessed]: temple
[spinner]: like viking like statue of like
[seasons_beatings]: that
[spinner]: a saint
[seasons_beatings]: they
[spinner]: nicholas
[seasons_beatings]: should have just
[spinner]: type
[seasons_beatings]: put in
[spinner]: thing
[seasons_beatings]: the movie they could ave just
[spinner]: and
[seasons_beatings]: give
[spinner]: he's
[seasons_beatings]: us
[spinner]: like
[seasons_beatings]: a
[cobra]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: bit more
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: because
[spinner]: and he's
[seasons_beatings]: you
[spinner]: like i would announce
[_misltoeblessed]: kay
[spinner]: my ways if
[_misltoeblessed]: ah
[seasons_beatings]: like five minutes of telling
[_misltoeblessed]: a
[seasons_beatings]: us how we got to be sand
claus that's all
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: i want
[spinner]: yeah exactly
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: he's like i'll
[cobra]: that
[spinner]: be better
[cobra]: would work too
[spinner]: i'll be better i'll be good and
then he gets
[cobra]: m
[spinner]: like
[seasons_beatings]: it'll
[spinner]: taken
[seasons_beatings]: be
[spinner]: over
[seasons_beatings]: nice
[spinner]: by the i'll be nice
[cobra]: be nice yeah yeah
[spinner]: you know and then
[_misltoeblessed]: he
[spinner]: it's
[cobra]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: will
[spinner]: like
[_misltoeblessed]: die
[cobra]: nice
[_misltoeblessed]: what was that
[spinner]: a potato
[_misltoeblessed]: okay
[cobra]: oh my god
[seasons_beatings]: that's
[_misltoeblessed]: the
[seasons_beatings]: all
[_misltoeblessed]: sequel
[seasons_beatings]: the
[spinner]: and
[seasons_beatings]: time
[spinner]: the
[seasons_beatings]: we have for today
[spinner]: the
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: average god said patrick takes over
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: races fencer need to be stopped
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: um m listen
[spinner]: stop me if
[seasons_beatings]: if
[spinner]: you
[seasons_beatings]: you
[spinner]: can
[seasons_beatings]: if you do want to reach us
and tell us
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: how you are affected by spencer's casual
[spinner]: uh
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: please do
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: we're gonna
[spinner]: uh
[seasons_beatings]: use our email address you go wrong
at email dot com
[spinner]: oh
[_misltoeblessed]: he
[seasons_beatings]: you're wrong cast at email dot com
[_misltoeblessed]: uh
[seasons_beatings]: and we also
[spinner]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: have our website w w
[_misltoeblessed]: they do
[seasons_beatings]: w dot
[_misltoeblessed]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: wrong cast dot c a
[_misltoeblessed]: see you
[seasons_beatings]: m twitter is dead you must as
murdered it um
[_misltoeblessed]: m
[seasons_beatings]: and so we're also murdering it just
hit us up on the mails we'll find
[seasons_beatings]: something new we'll
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: get on the mass dan
[spinner]: be on
[seasons_beatings]: the toronto source racks or
[spinner]: truth social
[_misltoeblessed]: tiger is wore doge
[seasons_beatings]: true tigers
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: ord
[cobra]: no
[seasons_beatings]: or true social
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: uh
[seasons_beatings]: um
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[spinner]: uh
[cobra]: parlor
[seasons_beatings]: i guess
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: what else where are
[seasons_beatings]: parlor
[spinner]: parlor
[cobra]: we going with the funk
[_misltoeblessed]: no no no
[spinner]: men's
[_misltoeblessed]: no
[spinner]: bathroom wolves
[seasons_beatings]: well yeah we're on a couple
[cobra]: we
[seasons_beatings]: of
[cobra]: are
[seasons_beatings]: those
[cobra]: there
[seasons_beatings]: already
[cobra]: already
[seasons_beatings]: i think
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: but yeah
[spinner]: we
[seasons_beatings]: for
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[seasons_beatings]: now i am matt
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: i'm
[_misltoeblessed]: yeah
[cobra]: chris kringle
[_misltoeblessed]: yes
[spinner]: i'm a little irish boy
[seasons_beatings]: oh
[spinner]: at
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: home
[cobra]: fucking
[spinner]: at eat
[cobra]: hell
[spinner]: potatoes
[_misltoeblessed]: cut it just cut
[spinner]: genus
[_misltoeblessed]: it
[spinner]: beer at a child
[cobra]: scud
[_misltoeblessed]: where's miss cas where's miss claws
[seasons_beatings]: oh h
[cobra]: oh
[seasons_beatings]: h