88. You're Definitely Wrong About Tommy Topperson ("Fiasco" Game, Part 2)

The conclusion to the shenanigans at Hellmouth High! The party at Beckee's house is going to be LIT... or will it?

[magistrate]: hello and welcome

[spinner]: eh

[magistrate]: back to hell mouth high part two

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: the finishing

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: ingin

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: the finishing that's

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: sub title

[cobra]: in the

[magistrate]: yep

[cobra]: finishing

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: in

[magistrate]: finish

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[magistrate]: inning

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: we ave brought back the same cast

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: because that would be confusing otherwise

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: ye

[magistrate]: i am

[spinner]: toby maguire as brodie

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: playing you know we've replaced

[cobra]: u

[magistrate]: we replaced a few people

[cobra]: h

[magistrate]: got a bigger budget i'm playing jenna

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: jenna is a vampire who is friends
with becky and steve luciano tell us a

[magistrate]: bit about

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: what ja steve is up to

[cobra]: i am playing steve whose nickname

[spinner]: kay

[cobra]: is jase exclusively

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: sure

[cobra]: when brodie calls him jase

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: and he is

[melon]: i

[cobra]: jens thro or want to be thrown
at the very least and brodie's b f

[cobra]: f

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: and they're both very smart dudes

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: play chess i'm kidding they're

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: dub ship and they play luck cross

[spinner]: at perfect

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: explains them

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: to a t

[spinner]: i am

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: spencer

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: and i am playing the tour for
of brodie tour

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: de force what am i trying

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: to say tour

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: de force

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you said a tour but she's

[magistrate]: o tour

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay as well

[cobra]: inhabiting

[spinner]: tour

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: de

[cobra]: the character already

[spinner]: am

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: method acting

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: brodie

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: is um as he said very stupid
and he is unknowingly but knowingly involved in

[spinner]: a murder and he also thinks someone
else did the murder that he committed that

[spinner]: person

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: being theo and he also likes fuck

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: my

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: uh yeah

[magistrate]: yep

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: the

[melon]: he

[cobra]: factual

[melon]: hey i'm andrew

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: uprising

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: my role is theo

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: um

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[melon]: i'm super suspicious of brodie

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: because

[spinner]: yes

[melon]: he's pretty much directly implicated himself in
the death of my cousin chad russell and

[melon]: uh me and becky

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: get along

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: as

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: freaks of the same cloth

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: m

[melon]: survive

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: this is true

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: straight

[magistrate]: and

[spinner]: by bin

[magistrate]: to the queen freak herself

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no i'm not giving up this throne
bitches so yeah chris

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: also a freak with theo i

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: have a relationship best with with gena
like he's my writer die batch and then

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: brodie

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: is my my boy friend but

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the relationship is is highly

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: physical highly physical

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: i'd

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: highly

[magistrate]: say it's it's combustible

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: highly

[cobra]: combustible

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: combustibly

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: physical and then

[magistrate]: h

[spinner]: tenuous

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and she's she's very jealous and she
wants to know what

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what courtney and and brodie

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: are like she's threatened by courtney so
she's trying

[magistrate]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to put an

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: end to that and

[magistrate]: hey

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: find out what's going on with

[magistrate]: becky

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that

[magistrate]: who's courtney again

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: courtney is a small handed some

[spinner]: no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: some

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: something and she she she doesn't she
appears out of nowhere when

[magistrate]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no one wants her around but she's

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: sercsupport power

[magistrate]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: she just she'll pop out of like

[cobra]: lockers

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: when you're when you're having

[cobra]: toilets

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah and and she's a she's a
bit of a blabber mouth which is why

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: everyone knows that that there's going to
be a gathering that's only meant to

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: be a romantic interrogation

[melon]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: between herself and brodie

[magistrate]: well

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but that's going to explode into a

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: which is

[cobra]: es

[magistrate]: a great sage for us to dive
into what happened between act one and act

[magistrate]: two

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: in fiasco between acton and act you
give some tilts to the story to just

[magistrate]: spice the action up so we pick
two tilts what we came away with is

[magistrate]: one was

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: maham rivalry and score settling will occur
and the second one is tragedy conflict with

[magistrate]: a perhaps metaphorical perhaps not god so
those are the two tilts who'll be working

[magistrate]: into

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: second act as we try to resolve
what the

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: fuck is going on

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: at hell most high

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: becky if you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: could

[spinner]: got

[magistrate]: kick us off into the second act
and just like the first

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: act everyone will get two scenes we
will give it some

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: dice

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: in this case the dice you

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: get is a dice you keep and
at the end we'll use the dice to

[magistrate]: see how everything

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: turned out for people or did not
as the case may be

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah and then

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: clarifying

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we last left

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: becky

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it sounds to me

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: ye

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like we last left becky in the

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: with gena but then there's

[magistrate]: you

[cobra]: that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: some

[cobra]: was

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: passage

[cobra]: that was

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: of

[cobra]: kind

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: time

[cobra]: of a flash back at that

[magistrate]: you can

[cobra]: point

[magistrate]: take it wherever you want

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah yeah

[magistrate]: like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: everything

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: everything that you can you can flash
back right now if you want

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i need to i think we need
to wrap that section

[magistrate]: but

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: up a bit

[magistrate]: but your goal here is to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: at some point

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: we need to get this to the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh yep

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: and yeah well

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: you know

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i got it i got it

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay cool so we're gonna we're going
to cut to we're goin to cut to

[magistrate]: sorry to start are you are you
starting a scene or ending a scene

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i'm starting a scene

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and then

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i want you all to help me
finish it o

[cobra]: ye

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: cool

[cobra]: go for it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so we're going to cut to

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ere going to cut to

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the garage becky's garage

[spinner]: ye

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: her older brother has scored them some

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: booze um and by them

[spinner]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i mean becky and jenna they're going
to have a pre drink

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and they're going to get their heads
together their heads together and they're playing together

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: because

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i'll make it quick

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: because they

[magistrate]: of course i was going to ask
you you have that cash of cheap liquor

[magistrate]: with theo

[cobra]: with

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: correct

[cobra]: to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: sorry you're right you're right i need

[spinner]: my

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i need to fix that

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: well

[cobra]: you can pre game with you know

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: well i could

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: still

[cobra]: you're part

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: do

[cobra]: of

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that

[cobra]: the cash

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: with

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we could bring that together i

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: mean could be plotting with theo actually

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and then jane

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: could swing in later

[cobra]: can't meet gena

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: at the party if you want it's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: well

[cobra]: to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it's

[cobra]: you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: not like it's un unbeknown

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to becky it's it's going to explode
into a party becky

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: viously

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: was just going to romantically interrogate brody
she doesn't i don't think she knows it's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: going to be a party until

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: loops are in an en oh shit
how many

[magistrate]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: people

[magistrate]: chris

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: know

[magistrate]: what are

[cobra]: maybe

[magistrate]: you trying

[cobra]: maybe

[magistrate]: to

[cobra]: that's

[magistrate]: accomplish

[cobra]: the scene then

[magistrate]: you're

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: what's your goal here right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: my goal was to tie up whatever
took place in the i was going to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: time skip to

[magistrate]: yep

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: becky's house

[cobra]: after

[melon]: yes

[cobra]: the library

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: after the library

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but also in form as to what

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the plan was they were checking a
cult book

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so what was it that they extracted
or am i taking on

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: too much

[cobra]: oh i see no no no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: because

[spinner]: explain

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: your

[cobra]: had

[spinner]: plan

[cobra]: a plan

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: had a

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: plan

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: take on the whole school right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah and

[magistrate]: you need to set up for that
plan okay

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: i just want i just want to
now what your goal was

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: so you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: could

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: that helps you

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: scope up what you're trying to do

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah okay

[magistrate]: so focus on that don't focus on
about figuring out the

[melon]: ye

[magistrate]: party thing focus on figuring out

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: my

[magistrate]: the plan with becky and gena

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay great so

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: becky's garage

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: she and jenna

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: have gathered

[spinner]: yea

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: an array of

[melon]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ingredients and supplies so that they can

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: acute the curse the curse

[spinner]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: being um i'm not going to focus
on the party the curse being

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: directed

[melon]: no

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: at the homecoming ceremony where

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the queen lay the queen of prim

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: queen or whatever our homecoming queen gets
crowned they don't want they want to eliminate

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: not only all the other candidates that
could be voted for but they also want

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: everyone to be like massively

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: embarrassed

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: um like almost

[cobra]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like a weird reverse curse like

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: perhaps like everybody just gets like something
akin to like carry like everybody gets punch

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: or everyone has massive genital secretions involuntary

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: secretions

[cobra]: wow

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: right

[melon]: jesus

[cobra]: that that

[melon]: christ

[cobra]: escaladed

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so

[cobra]: very quickly

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hey

[cobra]: holy

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: soil

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: ship

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: themselves in ways they didn't want to
startle it all

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like freak ing out

[magistrate]: can

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so

[magistrate]: they just poop

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's

[magistrate]: their pants

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the thing

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: sure that's that's fine too but you

[magistrate]: sorry

[cobra]: put canalis

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: involuntary

[cobra]: us

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: involuntary

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so that's

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the construct of the curse

[magistrate]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: think that's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what

[magistrate]: enough

[cobra]: all

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: else

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: for what you want to

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: set

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: up because what you want

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: to do is so

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: you want to you are okay

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: so the goal was to figure out
what the curse was you finished the conversation

[magistrate]: actually because you constructed the curse you

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: it out

[melon]: okay

[magistrate]: which is fine

[spinner]: on

[cobra]: no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah they

[magistrate]: but

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: had

[magistrate]: that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the

[magistrate]: gives

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ingredients

[magistrate]: you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and stuff and they do

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: maybe they finished it

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: let's

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: just say

[cobra]: did that go well for you or
bad for you

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the execution and completion of the curse
i think

[magistrate]: no because you just want to know
you're trying to

[spinner]: the

[magistrate]: you're basically doing a scene to explain
what the curse is going to be

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: uh

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: right and i think what we

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: h

[magistrate]: need to do is

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: to make this

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: story better the curses so you finished
what i would say is the set up

[magistrate]: is is that jena

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: and becky decide to change the curse

[cobra]: yes

[magistrate]: two tonight at the party

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[cobra]: so jenna tells

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: becky about the party

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: and

[magistrate]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: everything

[cobra]: that's

[magistrate]: the beginning

[cobra]: when you change

[magistrate]: is

[cobra]: it

[magistrate]: is jena comes over and is like
ship becky everyone knows you're aving a party

[spinner]: i oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but it

[melon]: except

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: wasn't a

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: party

[melon]: you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but now it's

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a party

[magistrate]: everybody

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: fuck

[spinner]: yea

[magistrate]: that bitch okay let's just play it
up because it's that i will come and

[magistrate]: tell becky there's a party and then
becky is like

[spinner]: my

[magistrate]: we should do the plan tonight instead
and then we can

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: go through the of the plan

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but here's

[cobra]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the

[cobra]: then

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: flaw

[cobra]: we decide

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: if it worked or not

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i want

[cobra]: after

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to yes

[cobra]: you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and

[cobra]: play

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: this

[cobra]: it out

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i do want to yes and this

[magistrate]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: depending on the like the branch of
the curse whether

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: they giz themselves or they

[magistrate]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ship themselves this is gonna be at
becky's house becky's

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like like think

[cobra]: but

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: of

[cobra]: that's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the clean

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: why

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: up

[cobra]: that's but that's the thing you would
be changing it exactly because

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: the time

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: lines have ramped up and you don't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: right

[cobra]: want people shipping themselves in your house

[magistrate]: sir

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: in my

[cobra]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: house

[cobra]: then you

[magistrate]: you're

[cobra]: play

[magistrate]: figuring

[cobra]: play

[magistrate]: this

[cobra]: out

[magistrate]: out

[cobra]: and

[magistrate]: and

[cobra]: then we'll decide at the end if
it worked

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[cobra]: or not in your favor

[magistrate]: so no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no

[magistrate]: he's already decided the ending

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: what's

[magistrate]: right

[cobra]: the ending

[magistrate]: he figured they figure what the curse

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: is and the curse works for him

[cobra]: m

[magistrate]: like because he's the one picking

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[magistrate]: the

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: ending right my mind

[cobra]: he's not

[magistrate]: lets him control his

[cobra]: he's

[magistrate]: dice

[cobra]: speaking what i understood from the scene
is that he's going to talk to you

[cobra]: as gena and you're

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and i

[cobra]: going

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: wanted

[magistrate]: right

[cobra]: to figure

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you

[cobra]: it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: guys

[cobra]: out

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to it

[cobra]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to

[cobra]: then we find

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: decide

[cobra]: out what

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the

[cobra]: happened

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: end you guys decide the end the
ending of

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it though

[cobra]: yeah that's what i was

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[cobra]: thinking

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: thought

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's what i thought well

[magistrate]: well

[spinner]: well

[cobra]: it's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: up

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what

[cobra]: to

[magistrate]: because

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[cobra]: you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: said

[cobra]: it's

[magistrate]: you

[cobra]: up to you chris it's your scene

[magistrate]: up to you chris but you started
out with explaining the ending by figuring what

[magistrate]: the curse was you could describe the
curse now if you're stepping back from your

[magistrate]: curse description

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: to say we're going to find with
the curse is becase they're going to change

[magistrate]: it

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: to fit the party yeah you re
we're finishing the scene does that work

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah that works

[magistrate]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: okay so

[cobra]: that's

[magistrate]: let's

[cobra]: what i understood

[spinner]: quick

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: so let's dive into it and then

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we're

[magistrate]: we'll

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: good

[magistrate]: finish it

[spinner]: yeh

[magistrate]: as we flow

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: up

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay i think we have everything we
need we've done everything we've

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: got so i need to just simply
get brodie relaxed put some drinks in him

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and like get to the bottom of
this because i have enough on my plate

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: gena like

[magistrate]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: tell me i'm not going crazy

[magistrate]: oh my god becky yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what is it i

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: don't

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like that look on your face

[magistrate]: that pitch

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[magistrate]: the bitch courtney atherton told

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: everybody you were having a party here
to night

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what no no

[magistrate]: nine thirty

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no

[magistrate]: party at beck's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no no this is not how no

[spinner]: ye

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no funk funk funk funk my

[magistrate]: everybody's

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: coming

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't have enough crystals

[cobra]: backs

[spinner]: a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: backs

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: without

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: fine

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yet

[spinner]: part

[cobra]: handed

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i can

[cobra]: bitch

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: just

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hear her in my

[cobra]: gena

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i could hear in my head oh

[magistrate]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: god

[magistrate]: don't know how she's in the scene

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: because she has nothing to do with

[melon]: m

[magistrate]: but

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: we're

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[magistrate]: hearing

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: know

[magistrate]: her it's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[magistrate]: very

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: know

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: annoying

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i know what what i could hear
i can't get her voice out of my

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: head sometimes

[magistrate]: it's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: know

[magistrate]: great

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: my god

[magistrate]: z

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the funk am i going

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to do

[spinner]: do

[magistrate]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: brody's gon a funk everybody

[magistrate]: it's fine it's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: fine

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: it's in

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: we

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah oh

[magistrate]: probably

[spinner]: he

[magistrate]: honestly but don't focus on that let's
focus on

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it's getting

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: me

[magistrate]: plan

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: ye

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: god

[magistrate]: i think we need to change the

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: i know

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: we're gonna do it a

[cobra]: kay

[magistrate]: homecoming

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: uh

[magistrate]: but i think now it's the night
we got to tweak it a bit because

[magistrate]: i think your original plan of the
secretions your

[cobra]: uh

[magistrate]: house is not going to be good
scene for you you don't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: fucking

[magistrate]: want that in

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: right

[magistrate]: your house

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like i don't have enough like i
don't have enough lit salt for that yeah

[magistrate]: okay so how do we how do
we embarrass everybody

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: but

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: not destroy your home

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: well i can't finish it i can't
i can't finish it can i i could

[spinner]: maybe

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: suggest

[spinner]: you have

[magistrate]: let

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it

[cobra]: play

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[cobra]: it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: can't

[cobra]: out

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: finish

[cobra]: and we'll

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it

[cobra]: figure it out

[magistrate]: let you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but

[magistrate]: chris take it a bit farther like
we'll let you like

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: like it's like the high

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: level you can scope in the high

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: level and we'll finish like this pace

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so well i just throw stuff out
there and then based on whatever you guys

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: can put together or throw away

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: whatever does

[magistrate]: let's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that

[magistrate]: just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: work

[magistrate]: like going through ideas in our

[melon]: ah

[magistrate]: head right

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay cool great good

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i just don't i felt like i
hit a wall just now cool okay what

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: if okay i don't have enough crystals
for this but my one emerald is like

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i'm just

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: getting this vibration and of

[magistrate]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like everyone confessing themselves to each other's

[magistrate]: okay i like that i like that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: do they like yell it out at
the top of their

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: lungs

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: they yell and they

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: grab their crotches like michael jackson

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah that

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: would be

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: that's pretty

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: something

[magistrate]: good

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: something

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the

[magistrate]: um

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: acoustics i don't know

[magistrate]: what else what else could we do

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: everyone

[magistrate]: can we give could we give

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: out

[magistrate]: everybody horrible acne

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: e works everyone could strip down to
like everyone gets stripped naked but they

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: can't touch each other they're just forced
to look at each other

[magistrate]: do we make them all look like
ken dolls are all just smooth

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: uh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a question

[magistrate]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's

[magistrate]: ye

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's i want everyone

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: be embarrassed with their truth

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i want everyone to be like fuck

[spinner]: h

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you have a pimple on your asskjeak

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: why is that there but like everyone
will lose their shape

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and like

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what autwhatabout a massive like no not
food whatever

[spinner]: great

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no i don't want to trash my

[magistrate]: no

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: no we need to shame everybody right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: shame confess their deepest

[magistrate]: shame

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: darkest secret

[magistrate]: okay okay okay but how is everybody
going to get shamed if they all yell

[magistrate]: at the same time

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: they all have

[spinner]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to go sequentially everyone gets locked

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to everyone stripped naked

[melon]: what

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: their feet are planted in the floor
and they can't move until they reveal their

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: their deepest archest secret singular

[magistrate]: becky i got i got to be
honest with you i don't have a spell

[magistrate]: for that specifically

[spinner]: uh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: how do we

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ow do

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we lock them okay

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: oh becky

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: human

[spinner]: you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: centipede

[magistrate]: becky

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: no becky

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: do you have

[cobra]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: magic for that

[magistrate]: i do not have

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: a german doctor on call

[melon]: yeah oh

[magistrate]: cannot stitch

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: can

[magistrate]: people

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you magically

[magistrate]: to the mouth

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you can't magically

[magistrate]: so

[cobra]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: frederick

[cobra]: i think

[magistrate]: van inkenshine is

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: not available on short notice

[spinner]: she

[magistrate]: i'm

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: sorry

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: i think i think the scene goes

[magistrate]: no

[cobra]: for becky in that

[magistrate]: no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ye

[cobra]: she gets to

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: switch the plan she convinces

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: jenna to

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: switch the plan to do the curse

[spinner]: he happens

[cobra]: tonight and to change what the

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: curse is

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: but when we get to the actual
curse because gene is now

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: no shooting from the hip because it
doesn't have the proper ingredients and all that

[cobra]: ship that's when it goes all right
but i think this scene back

[magistrate]: ye

[cobra]: he gets what she wants which is
to change the time line

[magistrate]: yeah yet

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ka

[cobra]: that's my opinion anyway

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: make

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: sense so pretty pretty

[cobra]: sit

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: kaoticstill

[spinner]: should we

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: come up with what the actual curse
is going to be now or later

[magistrate]: i say now that's what chris wanted
to do

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: as part of the

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: scene is

[spinner]: so

[magistrate]: resolve what it is

[spinner]: so it goes wrong and

[magistrate]: well

[spinner]: then

[magistrate]: we don't we're not going to describe
that now

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: it could

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: go wrong we're just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: saying what the curse is whether it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: goes wrong or right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: will play out through the rest of
the scenes

[spinner]: okay i think

[cobra]: i think

[spinner]: i think everybody could just end up
fighting beating the ship out of each other

[spinner]: to death

[cobra]: like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: kingsman

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: style

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: just just goes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: into like full on it like like

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: they end up talking their secrets but

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[spinner]: leads to

[magistrate]: uh

[spinner]: all

[cobra]: beck's

[spinner]: our warfare

[cobra]: fired back

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: fires to everybody

[magistrate]: i was gonna just say something like

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: stripped naked

[spinner]: but it needs to lead

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: to maham and

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: have a have

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: stakes

[cobra]: that's what i was thinking

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: carpet

[magistrate]: why is it

[cobra]: should

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: way i

[cobra]: be

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: can't

[cobra]: maham

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i can't contribute sorry go ahead

[cobra]: should

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: be maham or or tragedy one

[magistrate]: well

[cobra]: of the two

[magistrate]: maham is rivalry and score setting it
doesn't have

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: to be

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: just general mayhem right so we're tilting
into rivalry and score settling you know we

[magistrate]: have

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: our characters that are doing that but

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: org

[magistrate]: it's not

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: embarrass

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: know but what if the orgy is
all directed toward broke

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: that's how back fired

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he sucks everybody

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: so you're

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: okay so the original

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: idea that that the two of them
had was to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: getting even

[cobra]: have everybody

[melon]: what

[cobra]: secrete at

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: homecoming the homecoming dance right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[cobra]: so you're moving

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: the time line and you still want

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: to embarrass everybody

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: right

[melon]: yah

[cobra]: and i think if we want to
use rivalry and scars heading in this we

[cobra]: don't have

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: to but if we want to

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: it could be what you know everybody

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: tells

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: their secrets

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: but in the way that

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: person who's jealous of another person tells

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: about

[cobra]: them

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: other

[cobra]: that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: people

[cobra]: the yeah yeah it's like secrets related

[spinner]: yes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: o

[cobra]: to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: course

[cobra]: the people that are there

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: not

[magistrate]: right

[cobra]: just any secret and i like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: i hit my

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: pens until i was seventeen

[magistrate]: yeah i

[cobra]: or whatever

[magistrate]: got we're gonna we're gonna we're goin
to steal

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: the shame wizard from from

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: big

[spinner]: thank

[magistrate]: mouth

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: oh nice nice

[magistrate]: so we're basically going to summon we
can call it something else some on a

[magistrate]: variation of the shame wizard and he'll
go around telling everybody s secret to everybody

[magistrate]: else so it'll

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: eventually get around the party

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: that everyone's ship is laid bare

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: leads to fighting and murder

[magistrate]: i would assume

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: or

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: but

[spinner]: does

[magistrate]: that'll

[spinner]: it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: we'll figure it out when we get
to it

[magistrate]: okay so let's let's just finish this
off and becky

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay so like based on

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't know like the clock is
ticking and brodie's be here

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and not too i don't fuckingnow like
the whole fucking school is got to be

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: here with the

[magistrate]: it's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: fuck

[magistrate]: fine becky

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: who is

[magistrate]: i've got it i've

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: got the perfect spell we are going
to summon

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: jack

[magistrate]: don't want to say his name because

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: it's part of the summoning but

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: he

[cobra]: eh

[magistrate]: or she

[spinner]: she

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: i'm really sure the gender is very
confusing they will

[cobra]: eh

[magistrate]: go they will be very correct on
this one

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: they

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: trusting you

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: re gonna go around telling every person

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: a different secret about somebody

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: else

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: they're gonna spread so much gossip

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[magistrate]: so many lives and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: so much

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: confusion that

[spinner]: ye

[magistrate]: everybody

[cobra]: yes

[magistrate]: is going to turn

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: just everybody else

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you might say a g unit bomb

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: yes to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: unit bomb

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: the max

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: net

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: where did that come from

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's just my ratto

[melon]: ye

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: for bodies

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: testing me okay

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: he's tactual okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: um i'm going to go home i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: to get ready

[spinner]: ready oh

[magistrate]: i have to do one other thing
i promised i do for theo

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: um

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you're sure this

[magistrate]: huh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: is going to work

[magistrate]: it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: uh

[magistrate]: it'll be fun it's this is easy

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: i

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: can roll these into two

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: uh

[magistrate]: to one i got a super good
plan it's gonna

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: be

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: mike

[magistrate]: two for one deal

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: we can make this work perfect its
going to solve this problem is going

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: to solve our problem it's going to
be legendariary

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: trust

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: trust ferry okay pinky swears

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: thank you okay

[magistrate]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: kisses by

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay by bitch

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hate you love you

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[magistrate]: and

[cobra]: and

[magistrate]: see

[cobra]: seen yeah

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[cobra]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[cobra]: i think that goes well that goes
well for for back here

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: ight

[magistrate]: sure give her a white

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: die

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yuh

[magistrate]: um okay so we come to jenna

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: thinking i don't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: think we need to cover chad

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: thing because i think she's going to
show up and chat

[cobra]: she's just going to do it yeah

[magistrate]: it's just going to get done cod's
going to show up i don't

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: think that's a problem

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[magistrate]: um

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: m so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: i think that jena is going to
do here so she need to get even

[magistrate]: with a whole damn

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[magistrate]: school um m else is she up
to she needs to help theo

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: also are you doing a beginning or
an end

[magistrate]: i'm trying

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: to figure out what

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: what wants to do

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: to help me decide from doing beginning
or an end

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[magistrate]: that's that's the trick right now

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: so i think

[magistrate]: in order to pull this off

[spinner]: oh oh oh

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: if you were not tired with something
that related to chat you can have for

[cobra]: example

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: jase go

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: pick up supplies

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: or

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: something like that for the spell to

[magistrate]: my

[cobra]: bring chat back

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: something

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: like that it's

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: an option it's your scene so

[magistrate]: trying to figure it out

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: jason is very compliant even though he's

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: he's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he

[cobra]: on

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: killed

[cobra]: aderole now

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he's focused

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: that's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and

[magistrate]: that's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: forgot

[magistrate]: fair

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the fact that he killed he killed
him and then like i ess i'll help

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you raise the guy i murdered from
the dead

[spinner]: yeah that

[cobra]: he's

[spinner]: could be a

[cobra]: too

[spinner]: good

[cobra]: dumb

[spinner]: scene

[cobra]: to realize

[spinner]: that

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: genois trying to raise the dead and
she's like telling

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ye

[spinner]: she doesn't

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: know that steve did it so she's
like i'm goin to tells her tells him

[spinner]: her plan and

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: then

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: it

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: goes

[magistrate]: it's

[spinner]: terribly or he gets like

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: like we're stressed

[magistrate]: so i think i think i think
it's going to go badly for

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: gene in this regard she's gonna so
it is going to be getting chat

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: as she's going to bring steve with

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: um

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: and the end result is

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: she's going to raise

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: that up

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: and oh now i'll

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: let you guys decide the ending

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: she

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: is going

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: to get seed to help her to
raise shot up so they're gonna go

[cobra]: all right

[magistrate]: they're goin to go to the graveyard

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: like i need you to help me
get this body

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[magistrate]: um

[cobra]: he's

[magistrate]: so

[cobra]: still

[magistrate]: they're

[cobra]: on

[magistrate]: gonna

[cobra]: etherolright because this is after right

[magistrate]: yeah so this is like

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: right before the party

[cobra]: it

[magistrate]: um they're gonna go

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: and

[cobra]: you went

[magistrate]: dig up chat

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: and

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: yeah so we'll play that out i
need to basically we need to dig up

[magistrate]: chat whatever

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: okay so how do we start the
u and ou and how do you want

[cobra]: to meet jas steve

[magistrate]: i think i think like steve drives

[spinner]: i

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: jena

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: home

[spinner]: hope

[magistrate]: so it's in the park lot at
the end of the school day

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: true starts there okay

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: i could start in

[magistrate]: in

[cobra]: the

[magistrate]: the

[cobra]: car

[magistrate]: car

[cobra]: already

[magistrate]: in the car yeaahokayyeah

[cobra]: we're driving already right

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: stephen are you paying attention

[cobra]: yes tell me

[magistrate]: okay stephen we need to go who

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: the

[cobra]: yes

[magistrate]: cemetery

[cobra]: tell me

[magistrate]: ned to go to the cemetery you
know what cemetery we need to go to

[cobra]: there's only

[spinner]: on

[cobra]: one

[spinner]: her

[cobra]: here

[magistrate]: and

[cobra]: is that

[magistrate]: what is

[cobra]: that

[magistrate]: the

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: name

[cobra]: know

[magistrate]: of that cemetery stephen

[cobra]: it's the

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: i don't know

[magistrate]: damn it

[cobra]: i'm

[magistrate]: stephen

[cobra]: going there yes can i get

[spinner]: get

[cobra]: a capachina first

[spinner]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: you're

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: mute as mat

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: stephen it's the tommy tofferson memorial graveyard

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: oh yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: my my hero

[spinner]: he actually

[cobra]: let's

[spinner]: dead

[cobra]: go

[magistrate]: who knows

[cobra]: does he actually exist

[spinner]: he's

[magistrate]: he's probably

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: not dead

[spinner]: he was a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: famous little

[cobra]: all

[spinner]: cross

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: player

[magistrate]: they had a vote

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: on

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: on the name of the grave yard

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: and that brodie

[cobra]: that's

[magistrate]: grass

[cobra]: just

[magistrate]: through campaign to get

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: a name to tommy

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: tofferson

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: memorial graveyard

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: ye

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: steve

[cobra]: will take you there

[spinner]: there

[cobra]: my baby

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: steven

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: okay great take great

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: he's

[magistrate]: great

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: let's

[cobra]: driving

[magistrate]: go there

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: probably way too fast

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: because of

[melon]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: just like on a mission

[magistrate]: yeah so we get their way too
fast like stephen else fast

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: okay great so we need to go

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: ye

[magistrate]: and dig up a grave

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: don't worry about why this is this
is official a business right okay you understand

[magistrate]: me wink wink ficial business you

[cobra]: yes

[magistrate]: cannot mention

[cobra]: babe

[magistrate]: it to

[cobra]: master

[magistrate]: anybody

[cobra]: hardy yes

[magistrate]: great m that's important um it's a
weird question i need to ask you stephen

[magistrate]: right now but we got to go
to the party and i just want to

[magistrate]: know how does my

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: ass look

[cobra]: um

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m oh

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: it looks like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: an ass baby

[magistrate]: so a bitch

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[spinner]: i will never forget this

[magistrate]: i just i laid it out there
for you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the

[magistrate]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: volley

[magistrate]: you couldn't take

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: was

[magistrate]: it

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: sublime

[spinner]: know i know he missed

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: it

[magistrate]: fucking

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: dick

[cobra]: ah yeah

[magistrate]: rooming on from that scene

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: we're moving on to okay

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: so stephen what i need you to

[melon]: a

[magistrate]: here is i need

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: you to take up that grave right
over there see the one i'm pointing out

[cobra]: yes

[magistrate]: great go

[cobra]: white

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[spinner]: it

[magistrate]: because we're gonna

[melon]: m

[magistrate]: i need to do theo a favor
and we're gonna

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: we're going to bring an extra guest

[cobra]: the

[magistrate]: to

[spinner]: he

[cobra]: hell

[magistrate]: the party

[cobra]: is still

[magistrate]: don't wry about it don't

[cobra]: who

[magistrate]: worry

[cobra]: is this

[magistrate]: about

[cobra]: man

[magistrate]: it it's fine

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: we're just we're gonna

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: ring an extra guest to the party

[melon]: ye

[magistrate]: theo needs the help

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: and i want to help him out

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: you want i don't

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: understand

[magistrate]: ye just dig up the grave go

[cobra]: where where is my shovel and where
is my capatino

[magistrate]: i don't know look in the looking
here's a shovel it's in the trunk why

[magistrate]: won't you look there i thought i
gave you adaroll

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: out of

[magistrate]: you

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: should be very focused and smart about
this ship you

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: seem

[cobra]: am

[magistrate]: confused

[cobra]: focused

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: on finding out what you want me
to do

[magistrate]: go dig up

[cobra]: i will

[magistrate]: the grave

[cobra]: look

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: dig up the

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: grave

[cobra]: he will figure it out even

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: if he like he's he's not he's
going to dig it

[magistrate]: my

[cobra]: with his hands if he has it's

[spinner]: digs

[cobra]: fine

[magistrate]: great

[spinner]: up the grave

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: digs up the grave jenna

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: puts

[spinner]: what

[magistrate]: out some candles gets out a book

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: draws

[cobra]: i remember him

[magistrate]: a pentagram

[cobra]: i think i killed him i mean
i think

[magistrate]: what

[cobra]: someone killed him

[magistrate]: oh what

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: why

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: what

[cobra]: what

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: we'll leave it here since

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: since

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: steve's

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: love to cot

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: out of the bag for reasons

[melon]: m

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: to

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: why don't you raise

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: the dead

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: you raise chad he sees

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: steve and he's like scared

[cobra]: runs away

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: i says like you killed me and
then that's when jenne figures it out and

[spinner]: then runs off

[magistrate]: well jean already figured

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: it out because

[spinner]: yeah fine

[melon]: so

[magistrate]: steve just

[cobra]: steve

[magistrate]: told

[spinner]: steven

[cobra]: told

[magistrate]: her

[spinner]: blew

[cobra]: her

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: fine so so she wakes him up
and then

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: he sees stephen runs away no now
he's on the run

[cobra]: and like stephen because he still wants

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: help her

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: he goes after him which just makes
him like more panic to run away

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: we finished

[melon]: somehow

[cobra]: that so

[melon]: chases

[cobra]: i guess

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: him to becky's house

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah yeah that's what i was thinking
so in the end it does work well

[cobra]: for gena she does

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: get

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: stephen

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: steve to help her and gets to
raise him from debt so that would be

[cobra]: a white die i would say

[magistrate]: okay i mean

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: i like it i don't want to
i think we're

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: it's a bit of a force to
get steve to chase him to the party

[magistrate]: yah oh

[spinner]: steve and then

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: revive

[cobra]: maybe maybe

[spinner]: revive chat at the party

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: and

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: then that's where this all happens

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: what

[melon]: dig up the body and then don't

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: revive him just

[spinner]: no

[melon]: bring

[magistrate]: a

[melon]: the body to the party and revive

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: him there

[spinner]: all

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: all their equipment is at the s
at the garage

[cobra]: oh what well we can do as
well as another

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: idea is when

[melon]: ah

[cobra]: you know because especially

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: because gene now knows

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: when when she raised his chat because

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: remember he was her thrall before

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: so jena

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: just could just like hit

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: jase over the head

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: with the shovel

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: and leave him there in the cemetery
and then go to the party

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: with chat

[magistrate]: as you're ending all i wanted to
do was race chad so

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: so that's what i'm

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: i think it goes well for you
one way or another i'm just trying to

[cobra]: figure out how to finish it

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: probably roperly

[magistrate]: yeah because

[spinner]: so okay

[magistrate]: the

[spinner]: so

[magistrate]: problem

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: is just jenna would react to that
information because

[spinner]: so here

[magistrate]: she didn't

[spinner]: ready

[magistrate]: know

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: i got it she didn't know because
it wasn't official because you guys said what

[spinner]: what to yourselves

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: um

[cobra]: eah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: so

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: she revives chat

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: and when chad wakes up he spills
the bean and jens pissed and knocks steve

[spinner]: out and then chatting i mean and
then chat

[magistrate]: ysleslapsin

[spinner]: and go

[melon]: my

[spinner]: to the party and steve wakes up

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: to

[magistrate]: with

[spinner]: follow

[magistrate]: her

[spinner]: them

[magistrate]: bear claw

[spinner]: yeah she slaps him

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: yea

[cobra]: yet without ye ends

[spinner]: knocks him out with one

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: blow and then they go to the
party and then steve wakes up and follows

[magistrate]: that works

[cobra]: like steve

[magistrate]: that works

[cobra]: go there later

[spinner]: do

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: we should we act that out

[magistrate]: yeah so

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: i like that so jenna is like

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: in the middle of casting the ritual

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: when when steve tells her

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: and they what and she finishes the
casting and then we'll

[cobra]: and

[magistrate]: pick

[cobra]: he

[magistrate]: up

[cobra]: raises

[magistrate]: from there yeah

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: i'll

[magistrate]: it's like

[spinner]: be

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: i'll be a chat

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: hana who like what what sorry did
you just say that you killed chat

[cobra]: no no

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: where is my capachino that i ordered

[magistrate]: i mean

[cobra]: where

[magistrate]: we

[cobra]: is

[magistrate]: can

[cobra]: it

[magistrate]: just ask him chad

[spinner]: oh my god oh my god

[magistrate]: yhchadley

[spinner]: oh my head master

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: you brought

[cobra]: look

[spinner]: me back

[cobra]: my tommy tumlerson la crusstic it's here

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: i thought i lost it

[magistrate]: welcome

[spinner]: a

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: back chadley

[spinner]: master i knew you'd see steve don't
get away from

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: me

[cobra]: hello

[spinner]: get him away from me he killed
me that son of a bitch killed me

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: again

[cobra]: who

[spinner]: in it

[magistrate]: cannot

[cobra]: who

[magistrate]: believe

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: this totally happened and you did it

[spinner]: did

[cobra]: no no i'm not

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: oh no the

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: end

[spinner]: ked master kid with those claws oh

[cobra]: he's

[spinner]: my

[cobra]: out

[spinner]: god

[cobra]: he's sucking he's sucking out

[spinner]: should we kill

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: him

[cobra]: slap from

[magistrate]: ye

[cobra]: the yadyhand he's done

[spinner]: she would kill him your highness

[magistrate]: just chadley just roll him into the

[spinner]: eh

[magistrate]: the grave

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: he will not be able to get
out because he's so dumb and we'll seal

[magistrate]: his car and we're going to go
to my friend becky house for a party

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: of course my queen of course very

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: decision i'm

[magistrate]: my

[spinner]: so glad you brought me back from
the dead that stupid

[magistrate]: me too

[spinner]: fucking

[magistrate]: i like

[spinner]: guy

[magistrate]: you so much better than steve

[spinner]: kiss me

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: you

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: sexy bitch

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: gross

[cobra]: maybe not

[magistrate]: we'll have to clean

[cobra]: maybe

[magistrate]: you up first

[cobra]: not

[spinner]: i'm sorry sorry i was i was
just joking i've got dead brain you know

[spinner]: haven't really recovered

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: okay that's enough now chadley

[spinner]: okay okay

[magistrate]: good bye stephen

[spinner]: oh fucking ancle

[magistrate]: scene

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: so steve is basically right now at

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: the bottom

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: of a grave

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: and they legally

[melon]: a

[cobra]: dug out great awesome

[magistrate]: correct yea

[melon]: yes

[magistrate]: even

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: though you force me to take a
good dice on this because you hate me

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: it's like you're like you're just giving
people all the dice they don't want because

[magistrate]: you're monsters

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: yea

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: all

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: right

[cobra]: it's my scene right

[magistrate]: steve you're

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: seeing

[spinner]: you're

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: in a grave

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: so i guess i guess we'll just
go with the scene right after like he

[cobra]: wakes up

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: i don't

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: know some minutes like maybe half an
hour an hour after and i think he

[cobra]: would call

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: brodie his brow and the aderallware off
so he's back to being stupid

[spinner]: damn it

[magistrate]: yeah that

[cobra]: um

[magistrate]: makes sense

[melon]: i

[cobra]: m and is this should this be
while brodie is already at the party and

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: they have a conversation over the phone
and brod smart now

[spinner]: no no

[magistrate]: um

[spinner]: just

[magistrate]: not yet

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: well

[magistrate]: i

[spinner]: well

[magistrate]: like being at the party though

[spinner]: it makes sense for us both to
go to the party

[magistrate]: well

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: so you

[cobra]: now so

[magistrate]: you also need to get to the
party and you're out the

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: graveyard

[cobra]: that's

[magistrate]: and

[cobra]: that's

[magistrate]: maybe

[cobra]: what i was thinking

[magistrate]: maybe it's your

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: job

[spinner]: yah

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: to convince us right go ahead you
go ahead your start

[cobra]: so i'll start the scene

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: and basically what i'm going to be
doing is i'm going to be waking i

[cobra]: would have

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: woken up from getting slapped by the
tamborine hand

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: and i will use the

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: the murder weapon which was buried with
chad climb out of the hole and now

[cobra]: we'll call

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: brodie we will go from there but
the idea is to so what i won

[magistrate]: yah

[cobra]: from the scene is for

[magistrate]: h

[cobra]: steve to get to the party basically

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: you are brito come get

[cobra]: one way or another

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: well i will let you guys finish

[magistrate]: sure

[cobra]: your

[magistrate]: well

[cobra]: mice is very little just you know

[magistrate]: yeah i'm kind of moving away so
go ahead and start the same

[cobra]: ay so he wakes to the scene
you know

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: goes back to the cemetery zoomzin onon
steve now he has a huge bruise on

[cobra]: one side of his face

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: where where gene slapped him wakes up
and he goes whoa a grave

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: cool ah my stick i thought

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: i lost it in the summer oh

[melon]: ye

[cobra]: she know did i dream that i
must have dreamt that

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: so he climbs out

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: right oh they took my car

[magistrate]: that's

[cobra]: i'm gonna call brodie

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: so what what

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: what is brodie's ring tone for jas

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: spencer

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: m oh

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: it's just the

[cobra]: y m

[spinner]: sounds

[cobra]: c a

[spinner]: of people having six right

[cobra]: i was going to say why m
c a

[spinner]: fine

[cobra]: by

[spinner]: why

[cobra]: village

[spinner]: m c

[cobra]: people

[spinner]: a that's fair

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: o

[cobra]: it's hard a stay

[melon]: yes

[cobra]: well i am c

[spinner]: yo bro what

[cobra]: bro

[spinner]: bro

[cobra]: bro

[spinner]: bro

[cobra]: so bro

[spinner]: wait wait

[cobra]: my my

[spinner]: wait

[cobra]: baby

[spinner]: wait who

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: is this

[cobra]: who am i it's me bro it's

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: me

[spinner]: dude it's jes what up bro

[cobra]: yeah so gena

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: my baby stole my car bro

[spinner]: she's so hot

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: right

[cobra]: i think

[spinner]: she's

[cobra]: i think

[spinner]: got

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: her

[cobra]: fucked

[spinner]: great

[cobra]: her

[spinner]: as uh uh

[cobra]: oh brief joke

[spinner]: oh yeah

[magistrate]: thank you

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: brodie wherever you are

[cobra]: oh i can hear a voice

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: bro bro i

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: tell you that dude is that girl
is magic bro

[spinner]: okay by

[cobra]: she's

[spinner]: a board

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: dude

[cobra]: h no

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: come pick me up your bitch come
on i want to i want to

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: be where you are bro

[spinner]: pick

[cobra]: come

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: on

[spinner]: up from where

[cobra]: the cemetery

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: where where else bro

[spinner]: dude you know i can't legally drive

[cobra]: who cares

[spinner]: okay i'll take my motorcycle that's safer

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: good

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: idea

[magistrate]: so so i think

[cobra]: bro i

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: found my stick bro he wasn't the

[magistrate]: all

[spinner]: dude

[magistrate]: right so i think i think you're
far enough along here because i want to

[magistrate]: i want to step in

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: one i think rody's definitely gonna come
because he wants to see the stick

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: and too i think brody

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: has like a moped like

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: a schooner

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah that makes

[magistrate]: he

[cobra]: sense

[magistrate]: drives

[spinner]: a manual

[magistrate]: thinks it's

[spinner]: scooter

[magistrate]: totally cool

[spinner]: it is cool

[magistrate]: exactly

[cobra]: man yes could

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: and he just makes the scooter sound
and that's too

[spinner]: uh

[magistrate]: far so

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: i think you're successful i think bride
come get you

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: and like

[spinner]: take

[magistrate]: like

[spinner]: you to

[magistrate]: he'll

[spinner]: the party

[magistrate]: pick you up and take you directly
to the party

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: so that makes sense andrew

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: do you think that works

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: i think that makes sense

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: because

[cobra]: ah

[melon]: i feel like

[spinner]: like

[melon]: he has to be there for our

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: for sure

[spinner]: rod's coming to that part you better
believe it

[cobra]: the party he doesn't know it's a

[spinner]: brodie

[cobra]: he thinks

[spinner]: doesn't

[cobra]: it's going

[spinner]: miss

[cobra]: to be but

[spinner]: a party

[cobra]: stuff with breck

[spinner]: he can sense a party in his

[cobra]: okay so like we we advanced a
few minutes to brody arriving at the cemetery

[magistrate]: what's up to brody don't don't

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: don't

[spinner]: you

[magistrate]: fill brod scene for him

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: fuck

[magistrate]: we can just

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: have

[spinner]: jase

[cobra]: it's

[magistrate]: him you

[cobra]: my

[magistrate]: guys

[cobra]: scene

[magistrate]: show up right

[cobra]: so it's my scene

[magistrate]: no your scenes done

[spinner]: your

[magistrate]: body's

[spinner]: see

[magistrate]: coming to pick

[spinner]: over

[magistrate]: you up

[spinner]: your watched up a husband

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: it's done okay okay

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: we don't need to continue

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: it

[cobra]: i'll get the diet in okay

[magistrate]: you guys can

[cobra]: jurdarnspencer

[magistrate]: play it out but it's just like
it's just

[cobra]: that's what i was

[magistrate]: more

[cobra]: going

[magistrate]: like

[cobra]: to do

[magistrate]: just play it out on the phone
you on't have to come pick you up

[magistrate]: it's just like finish it out on
the phone that bird agrees to come get

[magistrate]: you

[cobra]: it's done it's done all

[magistrate]: perty

[cobra]: right bro

[magistrate]: can you say

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: gus

[cobra]: wait wait for you here bro with
my stick now show you my stick bro

[cobra]: like we did in the locker room

[spinner]: yeah dude okay

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: i'll be there to you and say

[cobra]: yeah i know

[magistrate]: h

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: our scene spencer

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: so you guys can figure out how
it ends but my scene is me brodie

[spinner]: um going to becky to get drunk
and he wants his goals to get drunk

[spinner]: and get laid ah that it's cold
in every scene

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: so we need

[magistrate]: he's going over like nine thirty

[spinner]: yeh yeah he's going over

[cobra]: so this is before then

[magistrate]: oh yeah

[melon]: a

[cobra]: no

[magistrate]: no

[cobra]: before my

[melon]: this has to

[cobra]: for

[melon]: be

[cobra]: our

[spinner]: no this

[cobra]: sin

[melon]: after

[spinner]: is me and

[magistrate]: this

[spinner]: steve

[magistrate]: is

[cobra]: after

[spinner]: are scootering we scooter

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: to the party

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[melon]: i

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: i arrive with brodie rives whatever time
he wants to do

[cobra]: fair

[spinner]: it's whenever

[magistrate]: great

[spinner]: the party is getting live

[magistrate]: i love every part about this except
for the fact that becky has been missing

[magistrate]: so we need to wait for him
to come back

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: all right

[magistrate]: oh we put a time

[cobra]: where

[magistrate]: stamp

[cobra]: did

[magistrate]: on

[cobra]: he

[magistrate]: this

[cobra]: go

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: i assume something to do with

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: the kid

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah i didn't

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: want to go to becky if he
wasn't here but doesn't

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: that really have a choice

[magistrate]: it kind of it makes sense for
the story to move ahead like you're not

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: it's not time to do theo right

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: that comes after

[magistrate]: oh so

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: and yeah so i think

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: we just have to i wish you
would have said maybe there's something in the

[magistrate]: chat a mouse in the kitchen okay

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh god

[magistrate]: he's got his gun mouse hunting yeah
i tar just getting our cat that usually

[magistrate]: solves the problem

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: i'm not i'm not sure he's going
to solve this quickly without like tools

[spinner]: yeah i don't

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: know what he's going to try and

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: oh ah

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: so how you guys doing

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: just chilling hanging out

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: killing mice

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: ah oh

[magistrate]: yeah i think

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: we're

[spinner]: i think

[magistrate]: doing well

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: so far

[spinner]: yeah we got to make sure we're
all on

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: like i wouldn't mute yourselves with people
or other people are doing

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: their scenes because it's good to have

[magistrate]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: i'm

[cobra]: i agree

[magistrate]: only muting because i'm coughing

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: or like the dog is barking

[spinner]: yeah so

[melon]: ah

[spinner]: it's also good to have

[cobra]: yes

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: chris here

[magistrate]: yeah we'll give him a few

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: minutes i don't want to

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: cut him out entirely but we wanted
to be done this before one a m

[magistrate]: we might have to fake fake becky

[melon]: uh

[spinner]: oh no

[melon]: ah you

[magistrate]: m yeah

[melon]: guys are cool and but i don't
think i can step to one i am

[melon]: i have presentations to do tomorrow

[magistrate]: the other

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: option if we need to

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: is we can have you on the
way to the party but

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: courtney calls you

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: and then um m

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: m trying to think here

[cobra]: yeah yeah ah

[magistrate]: or maybe it's time

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: to maybe it's time to insert the
god at this point

[spinner]: o the hell

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: the hell is that going to happen

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: oh what if what if brodie is
on the way to get steve and he

[magistrate]: crashes his bike and then he has
us like he doesn't know if it's a

[magistrate]: dream or reality

[spinner]: he talks to the demon that is

[magistrate]: yea

[spinner]: to be summoned

[magistrate]: but like he just talks to a
random god and it's got to be conflict

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: so

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: maybe

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: it's maybe you see the ghost of

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: doesn't have

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: god things kind of throwing me off
because i wanted to be like

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: you see chad and like have a
conversation with ghost chat

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: who is actually chad

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: he thinks she's a ghost but it's
just chad brought from the

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: back from the dead

[magistrate]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: because what i was thinking for the
good part

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: was that when gena goes to do
the cursed thing and in the

[spinner]: right

[magistrate]: ye

[cobra]: at the party that's when

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: the god comes in that's

[magistrate]: i'm just

[cobra]: what

[magistrate]: trying

[cobra]: i was

[magistrate]: to

[cobra]: thinking

[magistrate]: to solve for chris not being here
by not including him in the scene right

[magistrate]: that's

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: that's what i'm trying to get around
and we can like we know we can't

[magistrate]: talk to theo because we need that
to be a little bit later at least

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: and so you could do something with
steve maybe steve admits that he told jena

[magistrate]: or

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: um

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: brody tells brodie and steve concoct

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: a plan to like

[spinner]: how about

[melon]: ye

[spinner]: i tell steve

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: that

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: you know that theo killed him

[spinner]: yeah exactly

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: i mean it's up to you it's

[magistrate]: h

[cobra]: your scene

[spinner]: like i think

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: that's a funny scene it's just doesn't
really vance the plot but it's

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: more because matt

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: chris isn't here

[magistrate]: yeah well what if

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: so you're going to tell

[spinner]: ye

[magistrate]: so you're gon t ell steve that
theo killed

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: tommy

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: well

[cobra]: to my

[magistrate]: and that i think

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: but what if what if then steve

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: can when we were getting too far
into it then steve admits steve corrects brody

[cobra]: ye

[magistrate]: or steve

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: changes

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: it to like

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: no theo killed

[cobra]: chad

[magistrate]: had oh doesn't

[spinner]: doesn't yeah

[magistrate]: you

[spinner]: it doesn't

[magistrate]: already

[spinner]: make any sense

[magistrate]: you already

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: want to get rid of brodie sorry
theo so maybe it's maybe

[cobra]: maybe

[magistrate]: it's your

[cobra]: it's

[magistrate]: just

[cobra]: brody convincing

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: steve to help

[spinner]: ye

[cobra]: him get rid of the

[magistrate]: what if you guys use the acrostic
you're gonna take out the it's a acrostic

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: this

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: is just a weapon specifically

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: designed to murder the russell family

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: exactly

[cobra]: works well

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah the cross stick is made by
russell athletics and it's sot by tommy tofferson

[melon]: yes

[magistrate]: m um

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: that's the way to handle it

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: because that

[cobra]: it's

[magistrate]: at least

[cobra]: up to

[magistrate]: advances

[cobra]: you spencer

[magistrate]: your plot again we're just we're kind
of i don't love it beaus we're

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: kind of just waiting for chris

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: okay we can do that

[melon]: ah

[magistrate]: do you want to try it and
if it sucks

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: we cut it

[magistrate]: um m we can cut it at

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: least we're doing something and then and
then if chris comes back and we think

[magistrate]: it sucks you can do the chris

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: sally just seems like you took a
vacuum upstairs so maybe they murdered it here

[magistrate]: on a backin up its guts i
don't know

[spinner]: at would be amazing if

[melon]: it's

[spinner]: they

[melon]: not how god's work

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: no it's not

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: but

[spinner]: exactly okay

[cobra]: thank umopis good

[spinner]: all right

[magistrate]: a

[spinner]: we'll just start that

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: so i'll say the story and you
guys can say how it finishes

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: all right

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: starting and you can time stamp it

[magistrate]: give me a seccartosco

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: to get the most

[spinner]: oh oh

[magistrate]: oh go ahead i pointed at you
but you were yawning

[spinner]: oh sorry um okay so this scene
is now

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: rody just picked up steve

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: and they're on the way to the

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: right

[melon]: you

[spinner]: theo is telling

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: steve

[cobra]: brodiis

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: sorry

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: brodie sorry ah brodie is telling steve

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: we got to take care of theo
because i want to be a bit of

[spinner]: a mis communication but i'm goin t

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: say that it's because theo knows because
theo did something that steve doesn't want to

[spinner]: know about

[magistrate]: yeh

[spinner]: too much for him to handle

[magistrate]: the

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: the

[spinner]: the murder the murder that he did

[magistrate]: menstruation hand

[spinner]: ah no no

[cobra]: no no

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: no that

[magistrate]: but but that adds to it right
it's like we have to stop theo he's

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: crazy

[cobra]: on top of

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: it yeah

[magistrate]: he's killed he killed tommy and he
tried to kill me

[spinner]: and you and so i'll say he
killed tommy an you'll just go he killed

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: the tommy tomperson and we're just

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: we just are not on the

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: same page

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: all right

[magistrate]: alight like that

[spinner]: you guys

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: figure out how it ends my goal
is to get him to help me kill

[spinner]: theo

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: okay we're

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: driving on your mopetyeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: i'm writing my manual

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: moted that i make mouth

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: sounds with

[cobra]: room

[spinner]: rum rum rum rum rum rum rum

[cobra]: yeah yeah yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah you need it

[cobra]: bro

[spinner]: up you need a lift

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: ah you you wan to go to
a party

[cobra]: does does does an elephant

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: have two arms

[spinner]: is it

[cobra]: i don't know yeah i want to
go to a party

[spinner]: elephants have

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: two legs dude

[cobra]: it's an elephant dude

[spinner]: dude you you

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: you got me bro

[cobra]: i did

[spinner]: classic classic

[melon]: yes

[spinner]: case move right there all right dude
but let's go

[cobra]: m all right all right

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i love you ride bro

[spinner]: yeah it's sick it all cost me
forty thousand dollars bro

[cobra]: steel was did

[spinner]: till

[cobra]: you steal it from somebody

[spinner]: basically my dad was like dad can
you foray grand for this fucking scooter things

[spinner]: sick and he was like okay brody
my dad's sick

[cobra]: tad move chad move

[spinner]: chad

[cobra]: bro

[spinner]: move

[magistrate]: step

[spinner]: he runs twitter um so

[melon]: he

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: oh no

[spinner]: you know jase can you do me
like a solid bro

[cobra]: a solid white

[spinner]: i need you to like help me
kill like theo because he's like

[melon]: yes

[spinner]: a bitch

[cobra]: who's the everybody's talking about this guy
bro who's theo

[spinner]: this the let me let me tell
you dude this the fucking

[melon]: yes

[spinner]: killed legendary cross player tommy topersonrht

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: oh yeah

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: remember when i was there i saw
it like like tommy

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: was like in white face with freckles

[melon]: what

[spinner]: he was under cover and yeah he
fucking killed them

[cobra]: yo bro that was tommy to person
oh that explains why he signed my stick

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: dude the thing is worth more

[cobra]: bro

[spinner]: now

[cobra]: it's like like seven dollars or maybe
something like that

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: dude

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: that's why they called the tommy tomberson
memorial it's all

[magistrate]: yeah oh

[spinner]: coming

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: together dude

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: you're

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: so smart bro

[spinner]: dude

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: i know so basically

[cobra]: right

[melon]: ye

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: you know we

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: should

[cobra]: why

[spinner]: do

[cobra]: why

[spinner]: dude

[cobra]: does this theo bitch kill tommy to

[spinner]: who cares bro he probably was jealous
of his sick dick

[melon]: m

[spinner]: let's fucking get him

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: a

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: but wait

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: i think i think i helped jenna
dig up some dude

[spinner]: dude

[cobra]: bro do you think i

[spinner]: he

[cobra]: helped genus dig out tomi to person

[spinner]: dude

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: i don't care what i just have
to do with me

[magistrate]: uh

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: fuck

[melon]: okay

[cobra]: you bro it's tommy tom person the
one person who is more important than you

[spinner]: whoa

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: whoa dude

[cobra]: well

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: you know i have depth you know

[spinner]: okay dude

[cobra]: i'm a deep

[spinner]: i'm gonna

[cobra]: dude

[spinner]: let that slide but dude

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: when we get to the

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: party gonna get drunk

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: bang one chicks then we'll

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: meet up kill theo bags of chicks
get drunk kill tho go home bang some

[spinner]: checks what do you think

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: is that a night or what

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: dude

[cobra]: bro to my topper son bro

[melon]: m

[cobra]: i love that guy

[magistrate]: okay let's let's pause here

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah i

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: think it will be

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: mostly a success for for

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: boding

[spinner]: yeah m

[cobra]: i think so because jason is just

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: to go with him

[magistrate]: because

[cobra]: no matter what

[magistrate]: steve will just do whatever everybody wants

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: very much likely yes so i think
yeah i think i agree i think it's

[cobra]: a success

[magistrate]: yeah yeah so i think i think
steve is in on it and i think

[magistrate]: you guys to finish it off

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: brody convinces i give steve a plan
so you guys have a plan set

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: up going into it whatever you guys
want that plan

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: to be to like

[spinner]: didn't i just say

[magistrate]: to

[spinner]: the plan

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: i would like

[cobra]: uh

[magistrate]: five percent more specific because i think
trapping you guys

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: in a plan will help us to
unravel it

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: potentially

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: later

[spinner]: okay so here's the plan dude goin
to get there

[cobra]: bland for what what we're doing

[spinner]: we're doing some shot

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: then we're doing some

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: chicks

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: we're doing theo in

[cobra]: m

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: the chick

[spinner]: no

[melon]: okay

[cobra]: why are we doing the

[spinner]: i'll do anything or any one

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: but we're killing theo because he killed
tommy toperson

[cobra]: ye tell me

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: i love that guy

[spinner]: are you dumber than me

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: well oh bro nobody's dumber than you

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: thank you okay so that's

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: the plan we're going to do

[cobra]: all

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: right so

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: we're gonna chicks do

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: theo

[spinner]: oh yeah

[cobra]: that what we're doing

[spinner]: and kill shots you got

[cobra]: nice

[spinner]: it bro

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: nice

[spinner]: we're going

[cobra]: let's

[magistrate]: uh

[cobra]: go let's go right now

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: dude i'm pumped

[spinner]: we be

[melon]: yeah okay

[magistrate]: it's the

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: worst

[cobra]: and

[magistrate]: plan of

[cobra]: see

[magistrate]: all time

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: i can't believe i'm going to get
killed by these two guys

[cobra]: oh you're not i don't

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: think you

[magistrate]: uh

[cobra]: have to worry

[melon]: uh

[magistrate]: we'll see um

[melon]: h

[spinner]: h

[magistrate]: so that does give brody success unfortunately

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: unfortunately for

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: reality

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: he gets a success

[magistrate]: we're doing a

[spinner]: well

[magistrate]: real bad job at um giving everybody
even scores but we'll see

[spinner]: i know i wanted to fail

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: but

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: i was supposed to fail in

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: my attempt

[magistrate]: i

[spinner]: to get drunk and bang becky

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: i feel like we're we're

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: unconsciously driving ourselves

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: towards giving everybody even colored

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: dice and i don't think that's fair

[cobra]: well i don't think

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: it's unconscious

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: or like

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: i think it's just what's happening we're
coming up with bed

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: with

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: bad ideas and that's what's happening but

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: you know

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: we

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: still have

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: that's fair

[cobra]: six diets so

[magistrate]: we'll see

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: andrew are you able to do something
without becky

[melon]: so

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: i'm not really

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: sure now because the crux of like

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: well no because i have a direct
need so both

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: of us are supposed

[cobra]: h

[melon]: to be trying to get even with

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: atherson

[cobra]: h

[melon]: and also

[spinner]: so

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: i might get even plot kind of
nowrovalls chat

[spinner]: ah

[melon]: being there

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: can we unpack or why are getting
even with courtney atherton because we don't

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: yeah that's

[magistrate]: know

[cobra]: a good idea

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: what theo has against her

[melon]: um

[magistrate]: right

[cobra]: if you if you

[melon]: we

[cobra]: want

[melon]: we talked

[cobra]: so

[melon]: about it briefly when i was complaining

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: yah

[melon]: that key um but she's just been

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: just a huge bitch

[magistrate]: i feel ike we're gonna if

[cobra]: that

[magistrate]: you

[cobra]: was

[magistrate]: want we could unpack that into

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: how

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: she was a huge bitch maybe

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: it has to

[cobra]: it

[magistrate]: do with

[cobra]: could be

[magistrate]: chad

[cobra]: a flash back could be a flash
back with courtney and

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: and theo if you want

[melon]: but is that a useful thing to
have happened

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: in

[spinner]: ye

[melon]: the second part of this

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: um

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: fair question

[magistrate]: only only if it drives theo forward

[melon]: i don't think that it

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: does

[cobra]: i think he is more

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: concerned with getting even with rod

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: then getting even with courtney

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: atherton

[melon]: yeah and

[magistrate]: fair

[melon]: i feel

[spinner]: like

[melon]: like the majority

[cobra]: a

[melon]: of this

[spinner]: yes

[melon]: narrative has to take place at

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: becky's house cause

[spinner]: right

[melon]: right now i

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: am currently at my own house i
presoom recovering from

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: being punched

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: how about

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: meeting

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: with gena and chad now

[spinner]: m oh

[cobra]: because that

[melon]: like

[cobra]: can

[melon]: i

[cobra]: drive

[melon]: show

[cobra]: the plot

[melon]: up

[cobra]: forward

[melon]: at

[spinner]: like

[melon]: like where would i meet them because

[cobra]: the party

[melon]: at becky's

[cobra]: at a party

[melon]: okay

[magistrate]: the other option is we can

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: tilt hard into the maam

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: like

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: cause if the plan was in theo's
eyes genois going to get brodie divulge

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: information and theo thinks that rod kill

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: maybe theo is like somethin were on
theo getting like planned up to like exact

[magistrate]: revenge

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: on prod yeah

[melon]: okay yeah actually

[magistrate]: and so you could either it shouldn't
just be up to jena to bring the

[magistrate]: occult into this maybe theo has something
in the occult and that's

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: is like making a pact with god

[cobra]: the wood gods

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: the forest gods

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: you like the woods a lot oh

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: but

[cobra]: h it's up to you

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: it's your scene

[magistrate]: it's a bit tough because we kind
of need becky here because you have a

[magistrate]: direct relationship

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: to her right like brodie

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: doesn't so skipping that's fine but you
have that

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: direct connection to two becky and you
kind of i think you need becky

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: here at this point to because you

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: show up to becky's house early

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: a

[melon]: and

[magistrate]: and

[cobra]: ye

[magistrate]: and find out information

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: from her or drive

[spinner]: it

[magistrate]: you your

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: story for there

[melon]: because for part of that would be
like shock with the chain on i'd be

[melon]: like hey u is it okay

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: if i kill brodie

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: i know you like

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: you're a thing but like is it
okay if i kill brody

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: how much how much of a thing
are you really

[magistrate]: yeah i think that

[spinner]: like

[magistrate]: that's a better probably a better way
to take it

[spinner]: ye

[magistrate]: and then and then

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: that you know you can spell your
relationship there and push the story forward

[spinner]: m

[melon]: yeah see

[cobra]: i

[melon]: that's

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: mean

[melon]: the problem

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: i kind of i kind of need
need chris here

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: as a as a last resort one

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: us can take over for becky

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: and then we just tell chris afterwards
what happened

[magistrate]: yeah i mean i would just like
him to my phone here like it's much

[magistrate]: they have a mouse in the house
he needs to check in he can't just

[magistrate]: like

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: begone the

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: entire time like we need

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: we need him

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: to connect with us because

[spinner]: did you

[magistrate]: he's been gone like a half an
hour or more

[spinner]: you text them

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: i haven't but i can i don't
know if he has his phone with him

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: his phone is probably

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: on that desk

[magistrate]: on the desk

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: ah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: andrew is bad luck

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: i guess

[melon]: i'm

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: starting to see that

[magistrate]: i yeah

[spinner]: fucking crazy

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: okay

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[melon]: i also didn't get a lot of
sleep last

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: night some running on fumes

[magistrate]: perfect

[cobra]: same

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: have

[melon]: m

[cobra]: another another

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: interview at nine o'clock in the morning

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: tomorrow

[melon]: i hope you got the job

[cobra]: if only i'm

[melon]: ah

[cobra]: interviewing

[melon]: people still want to work up intellects

[magistrate]: de

[cobra]: in india yes

[melon]: huh

[cobra]: that's why it's so early because it's

[spinner]: but

[cobra]: seven

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: thirty at night for them there

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: yeah that's

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: true you have to wake up at

[magistrate]: that's

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: that's

[cobra]: have to

[magistrate]: a

[cobra]: wake

[magistrate]: regular

[cobra]: up at

[magistrate]: human

[cobra]: eight thirty

[magistrate]: time to wake up

[spinner]: my

[cobra]: no it's not

[magistrate]: is enough

[cobra]: fuck you

[magistrate]: your

[cobra]: cut

[melon]: even

[magistrate]: job

[melon]: i wake up at nine

[magistrate]: your

[melon]: thirty

[magistrate]: job sets at nine

[cobra]: my job starts at nine thirty and
i only

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: started really at ten

[melon]: my job starts

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: at my job is supposed to sod
at eight but i show at ten and

[melon]: i

[cobra]: same

[melon]: just quote work later

[cobra]: same except not really

[magistrate]: spoiler there's

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: no later work

[cobra]: a narrator

[magistrate]: uh

[cobra]: he never

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: worked late

[magistrate]: uh

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: i think you have to worry about
the barks now

[melon]: okay

[magistrate]: hello

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: you're

[magistrate]: typing

[cobra]: muted you're muted

[magistrate]: it

[cobra]: oh mute

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: yourself

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah yeah yeah i did it i
did it so

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: manage to set mousetrap so i'll be
back in a few minutes is that okay

[magistrate]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: like five

[cobra]: ye

[magistrate]: minutes or

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: sorry

[spinner]: what's

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: he going to do in the five

[magistrate]: maybe

[melon]: and i don't understand

[magistrate]: freshen

[melon]: so

[magistrate]: up

[melon]: this entire time he was

[cobra]: setting a trap

[melon]: pudding

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[melon]: okay

[magistrate]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[magistrate]: don't i don't care

[spinner]: okay

[melon]: fair

[magistrate]: who knows i'll ask well i can
ask him the story another day when we

[magistrate]: don't have to finish this recording and
you can regale us on why it took

[magistrate]: half an hour to the story of
i set mousetrap in thirteen minutes just got

[magistrate]: to be more

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: please

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: there has to be more

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: i hope for his

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: sake i mean i had to put
a mouse drop in my place and it's

[magistrate]: like you re the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[magistrate]: like the sticky one where they can
step on and they get stuck or get

[magistrate]: the old school traps

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: i guess i'd rather

[melon]: i

[magistrate]: the

[melon]: break

[magistrate]: sticky

[melon]: the mouse's

[magistrate]: one

[melon]: neck

[magistrate]: yeah i'd rather just the sticky thing
than that i'm gonna fucking snap your neck

[magistrate]: and spill your guts everywhere

[spinner]: sticky ones are inhumane

[magistrate]: is snapping their

[cobra]: because

[magistrate]: neck

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: maybe humane

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: like

[spinner]: it's

[magistrate]: that

[spinner]: a quick

[melon]: it's

[spinner]: death

[cobra]: it's

[melon]: actually

[cobra]: more

[melon]: better

[cobra]: because

[melon]: because

[magistrate]: uh

[melon]: they do

[cobra]: because

[melon]: die

[cobra]: it kills them immediately

[magistrate]: h but it's

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like

[magistrate]: pretty high rate of guaranteed death

[spinner]: yes

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: it's

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: it's a pretty sound mechanical concept

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: unless it's like one of those fucking
like if it's a capybara then know but

[cobra]: if it's a rat

[magistrate]: i don't

[cobra]: most likely

[magistrate]: i don't believe

[melon]: no

[cobra]: or

[melon]: fucking

[cobra]: a mouse

[melon]: putting mouse traps to kill coffybar

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[melon]: is

[cobra]: uh

[melon]: their friend shaped

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[magistrate]: also

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so

[cobra]: they're

[magistrate]: if you

[cobra]: also

[magistrate]: had a

[cobra]: super friendly

[magistrate]: you got a cafe bar

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: in your

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: house you would probably notice before now

[melon]: they're

[cobra]: and also

[melon]: like the

[cobra]: you wouldn't

[melon]: one

[cobra]: care

[melon]: chill animal

[cobra]: they're so chill

[magistrate]: devon lass

[spinner]: a

[melon]: last fucking

[spinner]: how

[melon]: suck man

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ye

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: there's a lot of capybaras

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: in my in

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: my home city i have

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: have

[cobra]: a picture

[melon]: nice

[cobra]: i think i showed you guys on

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: one of the parks

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: it's like just like bunch

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: of them and they just don't care

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: super true

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: high park

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i didn't even know

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: oh in the

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: zoo

[magistrate]: yeah then i'm just rome high park

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: hanging out

[cobra]: in my home town they do

[magistrate]: sure but that's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: as

[magistrate]: like having cantickies

[cobra]: true as

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: well

[magistrate]: other cities they think it's a it's
a fantastic bird

[cobra]: uh

[magistrate]: a blight on humanity

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: i was in london i couldn't king
believe how many canadakes

[cobra]: ye

[magistrate]: were in high park

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: there sucking

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we

[melon]: we just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: just call

[melon]: call them geese

[magistrate]: unreal

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: ye

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: you

[cobra]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: this is the most

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: like convoluted episode we've ever recorded in
terms of like things not working in we've

[cobra]: had problems before but never like no
like nobody

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we

[cobra]: had

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: a fucking mouse in their house

[magistrate]: nope

[cobra]: in the middle of a recording

[melon]: my my estimation of you has gone
up and down for the fact that you've

[melon]: managed to keep this podcast running

[spinner]: uh

[magistrate]: usually

[cobra]: fair

[magistrate]: we just sit down and record for
an hour and a half and we leave

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: is very very simple it takes probably

[cobra]: it's very smooth

[magistrate]: it takes probably two hours over all
we sit down and we chat for

[melon]: yes

[magistrate]: a bit we chat after a bit

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: this is

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what

[magistrate]: one time you've come on you're the
only guest who has been like obviously normally

[magistrate]: don't have

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: a set up episode with the guest
it was good that you're able to do

[magistrate]: that but generally you know episode goes
off without

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: a hitch worst case scenario is like
we've seen a couple

[cobra]: someone

[magistrate]: of times

[cobra]: drops

[magistrate]: where

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: people

[cobra]: or

[magistrate]: drop and they just back in and

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: we just keep recording

[cobra]: it's fine yeah

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: noted i

[cobra]: next

[melon]: shall

[cobra]: time

[melon]: endeavor

[cobra]: we talk

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: to

[cobra]: next time we have like a conversation

[magistrate]: h

[cobra]: about star wires will pull you in
and then you'll see it much more

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: a lot simpler

[magistrate]: well

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: we'll

[cobra]: lot

[magistrate]: forget

[cobra]: less

[magistrate]: to

[cobra]: involved

[magistrate]: ask chris to come that way we'll
remove that element

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: was

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: a vacuum you see that

[cobra]: yeah i was

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: for rat guts

[cobra]: this

[melon]: human

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: this

[melon]: the guts

[cobra]: story this story of the mouse might
be better than the fucking episode yeah

[spinner]: thank you

[cobra]: no seriously

[melon]: oh boy

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i was i was scared

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: that he was going to drop because
he's the host but no we're good

[magistrate]: m got a hunder

[spinner]: leutnant frank robert

[magistrate]: forty five gigs of free space

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: on now what that was

[cobra]: that

[magistrate]: about

[cobra]: should be more than enough yet

[magistrate]: yeah less it's recording to some place

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: else just check my settings

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: welcome back

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: sorry

[spinner]: wows

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: did you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: go hunting

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah didn't catch it but i had
to to like canadian entire steel like mouse

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: traps with like bait and ship so
i set them up and like i saw

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it twice tried to

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: vacumate evaded me and then

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: scurried between the

[magistrate]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: dish washer in the

[magistrate]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: side so i barricaded one side

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and then placed one trap right in
the same hole it came out of yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so we'll see and then the other
trap is outside

[magistrate]: um just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: everybody refresh

[melon]: ye

[magistrate]: their computer

[cobra]: i'm good

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: computer or browser

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: i think i'm good

[magistrate]: i don't know why mind kicked out

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: i haven't a hard drive space so
i don't know what else checking i have

[magistrate]: two

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: of their hard drives to maybe one
of the other ones just sucked know

[magistrate]: maybe i just need to

[cobra]: ikes

[magistrate]: reach out the crumb

[melon]: you're still

[magistrate]: cash

[melon]: here chris so

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: that's maybe you do need to restart
then again

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: yep

[magistrate]: you're still

[melon]: yep

[magistrate]: well we're not going to start actually
recording until you return

[cobra]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: uh

[magistrate]: yeah oh that's great

[melon]: h

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: i hope it takes this picture for

[cobra]: ye

[magistrate]: um obsostitjust together a bit but whatever
it's got of easy when you're not actually

[magistrate]: recording

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: gonna you're gonna get like seventeen tracks
and fucking audacity

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: to stitch together

[magistrate]: m

[magistrate]: i'll probably do the entire like last
time in a completely different spot make it

[magistrate]: one track and then drop that track

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: in rather than

[cobra]: probably

[magistrate]: try to

[cobra]: a good

[magistrate]: do it

[cobra]: idea

[magistrate]: all

[cobra]: you're going to edit both of them
at the same time and then just flip

[magistrate]: yeah well

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: they're already there two different files

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: right we started

[cobra]: oh that's right yeah

[magistrate]: started

[cobra]: that's

[magistrate]: re

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: recording

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: the second part

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: all right everybody

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: check check

[cobra]: ready ready

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: you seem fun so let me share
again chris

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: we were managed to get all the
way to

[spinner]: yeah oh

[magistrate]: andrews

[cobra]: theo

[magistrate]: scene

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: scene um

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: well you figured out as we go
along it's not important

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: as to

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: what happened um m so theos needed
you to progress your story so that's hat

[magistrate]: we're at right now

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: grass

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: so it's it's andrew scene

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: kay

[melon]: so

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: i i'm going to be showing up
to becky's house because

[cobra]: ah

[melon]: i was told

[spinner]: i

[melon]: by jena

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: that there's a party

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: i found becky and we we're just
gonna we're just gonna you know do

[cobra]: that

[melon]: a little bit of talking

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: at the party

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: that

[cobra]: ah

[melon]: apparently becky didn't know what's happening

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: do a bit of talking okay

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: with with

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: i'll surprise you with

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: the with the contents

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: of this conversation

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: well little

[spinner]: you're going to get drunk right are
you going to drink from your object h

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: have

[melon]: we're

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: cheap

[melon]: going

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: liquor

[melon]: to be

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: like

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: clinkclink

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[spinner]: clink

[magistrate]: what's

[spinner]: clinking

[magistrate]: the d you're starting this off

[melon]: yes i'll be starting this off

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[melon]: oh hey hey back

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hey what's

[cobra]: yeah oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: up come on

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: in

[melon]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: thanks for not knocking

[magistrate]: yeah yeah

[melon]: i

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: mean

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[melon]: i know where you live on

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes but

[melon]: it's a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you don't have a key but it's

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: all good

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: let's let's let's let's crack open the
moonshine on on

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[melon]: i'll fill you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what the hell

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: is

[cobra]: he

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: happening s been a fucking hell of
a day now

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it's a hell of an

[melon]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: evening

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: so a quick

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: question cheers by the way

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: clink clink clink

[melon]: yeah um

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: bottoms up

[melon]: m i know you like broad like
you're kind of a thing right

[spinner]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: physically as

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: okay so you're

[spinner]: okay

[melon]: cool with me killing it right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the fat

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: as like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: i don't know

[spinner]: don't

[melon]: if

[spinner]: know

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: jana told you anything but i'm pretty

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: brodie killed my cousin chad during the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: how do you know though yeah

[melon]: okay so

[spinner]: and

[melon]: you know how like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: he called me out in the in
the hallway this morning

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: did he

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: yeah so he

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: found me in the woods

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: after and

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: he's just started like punching the ship
out of me

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ship

[melon]: and then i don't know

[spinner]: i don't

[melon]: like

[spinner]: know

[melon]: where this came from but he

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: told

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: me that he killed someone this summer
and i don't know about you but the

[melon]: only person this ship ask town that
died this summer was chad

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: fuck

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: p and o and you're also sure
that brodie didn't try to fuck you

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: no he was fisting me but like
not in the

[spinner]: like

[melon]: good

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: way

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i just want

[melon]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to be clear

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: because

[magistrate]: um

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you know we get up to some
stuff like i just don't get it like

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: brodie

[magistrate]: but stuff

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: is that

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: but

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it

[melon]: stuff

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: is but

[melon]: that he

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: stuff

[melon]: keeps talking about i don't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: thanks

[magistrate]: ah

[melon]: know

[spinner]: but

[melon]: like how you

[magistrate]: he

[melon]: deal

[spinner]: stop

[melon]: with

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: thanks narration

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ferry okay

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so

[magistrate]: you're

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: welcome

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: always

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: there when i need you clinks okay
so like i don't i don't know what

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i'm supposed to do

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: with that information i mean like am
i am i an accomplice now like like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't you don't expect me to
kill him like he was inside me

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: i'm like i

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: don't i don't think i need your
help but i just want to make sure

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: you're cool with it and like is
it okay if like we put down like

[melon]: a tarp or something and

[magistrate]: m

[melon]: like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you got

[spinner]: like

[melon]: i don't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to do

[melon]: want

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it

[melon]: to dirty

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: here

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: up your house

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: tonight

[melon]: i mean he's going to be here
right like you're doing him right so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: well

[melon]: i mean

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: well

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: our goin to kill him while he's

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: me

[melon]: are you into

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: that

[spinner]: god

[melon]: or

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: what

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's not really what i

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like when i answer right now but

[magistrate]: that's not a no

[cobra]: he

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh god

[melon]: like like before after

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like

[cobra]: it's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: after

[cobra]: all us

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh god like okay well

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i still need to find things out
from him so maybe like

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't even when i feel so

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: saying this like like i don't even
want to know when or how i just

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like let me get what i need
from him sexually and informationally chronologically and then

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like oh my god i

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: can't believe you told me

[cobra]: yes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: this

[magistrate]: okay

[melon]: i mean

[magistrate]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: like

[spinner]: i mean

[melon]: we're pals

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: i

[magistrate]: m

[melon]: like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we don't

[melon]: i mean

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: kill

[melon]: like

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: people

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: together

[cobra]: yes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but like ship

[melon]: like not to gether but like i

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: that's what

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: the chain sauce

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: for

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you brought the chain side

[spinner]: right

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like it's like shit it's

[magistrate]: ye

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: on my doorstep

[magistrate]: okay let's

[melon]: i mean

[magistrate]: let's let's stop here

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: so you've established

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: the ask

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: of being able to kill

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: brodie

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: um

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: i like the answer

[cobra]: i'm

[spinner]: of

[cobra]: sensing

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: not

[cobra]: becky

[spinner]: until

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: they talk

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: yes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: i think

[magistrate]: so i think

[cobra]: i think he doesn't get what he

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: wants

[magistrate]: no i think he gets what he

[cobra]: does

[magistrate]: he wants he wants the s overall

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: i didn't receive

[spinner]: i

[melon]: a no

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: that's fair

[magistrate]: but becky was like i need to
get what

[cobra]: but

[magistrate]: i want from him first and that
isn't the service of

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: to get even with the itch to
get even with that bitch courtney atherton right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: yes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: if

[cobra]: okay so yeah okay so i guess
i guess

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: you ultimately

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: you asked

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: are you

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: okay with me kilian brodie and becky

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: like oh yeah but just wait for
me to do the stuff that i need

[cobra]: which is a yes

[spinner]: i thought it was more like wait
till i find out two things

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: if

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: he actually killed the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: guy and if he banged

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: courtney effort or whatever the

[magistrate]: well

[spinner]: sucker

[magistrate]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: don't

[spinner]: name is

[magistrate]: think

[cobra]: but

[melon]: i don't

[cobra]: neither

[melon]: think

[magistrate]: bet

[melon]: that

[cobra]: of those are

[melon]: i don't

[cobra]: no

[melon]: think that betty cares about that

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: i think

[cobra]: no

[melon]: she

[cobra]: she

[melon]: cares

[cobra]: doesn't

[melon]: about corny atherton

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: so i mean chris

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: it's your character

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: and so

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: i'll

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: let you

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: make the call on whether you

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: care or not but to me it
sounds like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: it's a choice

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: between your friendship with theo and your
physical relationship with brodie if you see brody

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: important

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: to you then i can see you
shooting it down but if you see brodias

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: as

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[magistrate]: a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: killer

[magistrate]: tool

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: and a potential killer

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: then you might want to be like
oh you know you can if you want

[magistrate]: to add the writer that if we
can prove that he did it then go

[magistrate]: ahead

[spinner]: he

[magistrate]: i would still say success for andrew

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: that's up to you but

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: it's a sin

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: it's becky i would give you that
leave your character

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: you would know best

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay i can i can i can
talk this out like i don't need to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't need time to

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: process but i can

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: talk it out or i can just
say it

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i can do it as becky or
i can just lay it out now

[magistrate]: we'll

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so

[magistrate]: just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to speak

[magistrate]: say like we're trying to end it
for andrew so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: the rest

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: of us

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so

[magistrate]: would

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: then

[magistrate]: end

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: there you

[magistrate]: it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: go

[magistrate]: so like

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: let's let's just come to agreement on
the ending

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: and then you guys

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: can play out the scene

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah i think

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: becky has a lot on her plate
right now and

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i think an over complicated draining but
sex fulfilling relationship kind of doesn't balance out

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: for her so

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't think

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't

[spinner]: don't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: think she's explicitly saying

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: prove it to

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: me and

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i'll let you do it i think
she's more like

[spinner]: like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: want any part

[spinner]: don't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: of this i don't

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't want any part of this

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: don't know why you brought this

[cobra]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to me

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but do you

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: that's fair so let's guess you gotta
you gotta win

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: there

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: by

[melon]: awesome

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: not to know

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: thank

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: you oh

[magistrate]: theo

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: was morally bankrupt enough to take that
as a guest

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[cobra]: oh yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: anything that's not an outright now would
be a yes to to

[magistrate]: all

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: right

[cobra]: think

[magistrate]: so once you guys just wrap that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: uh

[magistrate]: up real

[spinner]: god

[magistrate]: quick

[melon]: i

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: uh

[melon]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: yet

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't want to go to jail

[cobra]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i still have i still have exams

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i need to pass

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i need to pass this year i
want to go to college

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like whatever

[cobra]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: whatever is going

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: on between the two if you you
settle it i do

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: not need my chocks getting misalligned the
fact that you told me is

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: kind of shocking

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but at the same time i love
you for trusting me but at the same

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: time i can't handle it like

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like i got like but if you
prove that he did it

[cobra]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i mean like this has nothing

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to do with me

[spinner]: h

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like doesn't

[melon]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that

[melon]: mean

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: even make sense

[melon]: yeah and like

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: plus you could probably get a ship
load of like adversity scholarships out of this

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: adversity or university scars scholarships

[melon]: i mean adversity because like oh man
my boy friend died

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: right

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: before my admitionsshocker

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay but like

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: how

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: how

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: will that how i live with that
how like you told

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: me i can't hear

[magistrate]: uh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that i'm going to really have to

[spinner]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to my therapist about this

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: at the end of the day

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ever you do just don't do it
around me as

[melon]: yeah no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: this

[melon]: problem

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: is

[melon]: go

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: shocking

[melon]: set up the tarp love you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what what

[cobra]: uh

[magistrate]: and seen

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: brodie

[magistrate]: yah

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: will

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: remember that

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: where was brody

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: where was brodie

[magistrate]: okay so

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: i would just like to point out
to everybody that the

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: color of the guys remaining in form
house yo're going to end there

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: can only be one more good outcome

[cobra]: yea

[magistrate]: and four more bad outcomes by the
nature of the dice

[cobra]: yes

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: um so they will direct how these

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: go to some degree this is the
last round for ever buddy

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: and you all get one last scene
you don't have

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: to wrap everything up in a bow

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: se

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: because there is the aftermath

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: but there's probably some level of completing
your arch to your satisfaction that occurs here

[magistrate]: so with that in mind

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: um

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: becky it

[melon]: ye

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: is your

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: last scene

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so spinning on the heels of the
fact that her boy friend could be a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: murderer

[cobra]: yes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: still holds vital information as to whether
or not he was cheating on her

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: she

[spinner]: rody is now at the party as

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: it should be arriving

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: how

[spinner]: now

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: many people

[cobra]: and so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so he's

[cobra]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: technically

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: wait

[cobra]: is

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the

[cobra]: courtney

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: first person

[cobra]: by the way

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a ship okay

[cobra]: carton

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[cobra]: is there too

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: everybody's here

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: so like the

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: up side of this is that everybody
came to your party

[cobra]: yeah oh

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: ye

[magistrate]: you can pick whatever time from you
want in the party you can set at

[magistrate]: the very end you can set it

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: at the beginning

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: like you it's up to you

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: to set what

[cobra]: it's

[magistrate]: you want

[cobra]: up

[magistrate]: to

[cobra]: to

[magistrate]: have

[cobra]: you

[magistrate]: happened and then we work around it
we can we can do flash backs we

[magistrate]: can do

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: ye

[magistrate]: flash forwards whatever

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay okay

[spinner]: i feel like you have to talk
to brodie

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: this is true

[melon]: a

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we haven't had some time yet

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: have we have to see smart drunk
brodie too

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay all right so then after that

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: as

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i think she should go straight to
brody find

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: him find him and then

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: have it out find out what's going
on try to but she doesn't

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: know how much he's had to drink

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: how clear

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he's going to be and if he's

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: then

[cobra]: yes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like will he protect himself will he
just deny

[spinner]: you have the booze

[magistrate]: yeah yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i thought oh because you just everybody's

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: arrived but no one's drink yet i

[cobra]: yeah nobody

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: has

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: the boose

[spinner]: have to but

[cobra]: everybody's in high school

[magistrate]: again it's up to you to control
the scenario if you want

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: my

[magistrate]: him

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: to have boots great if you hold

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: back the boots from everybody until you
talk to brody also great you can

[cobra]: ye

[magistrate]: paint whatever

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: you

[magistrate]: picture

[spinner]: should

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: you

[spinner]: give

[magistrate]: need

[spinner]: brodie

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: the booze

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but then

[magistrate]: i mean i wouldn't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he might

[magistrate]: but

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he might get too smart and then

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: well

[spinner]: or

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it's her party and her boos well

[magistrate]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it's a cash

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: know how big but anyways like

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: theo

[magistrate]: theo seems distracted

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so then

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: becky can control she's essentially

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: bar tending okay i can roll with

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so kitchen

[cobra]: before you start do you want to
set it up or do you want to

[cobra]: finish it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i think

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i think i got i

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: think i

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: can handle setting it up and then
you guys

[cobra]: it's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: can

[cobra]: up

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: cut

[cobra]: to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: me

[cobra]: you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: off

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah something is forming okay

[melon]: a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: party people are showing up and here
already i'm in the kitchen i'm

[magistrate]: ye

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: handling all the booze and brodie

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: saunters over on

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: brodie

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: what up boots what up

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like like i know you must be
thirsty but like let's

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: let's before

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: get like turned all

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the way up and out hair flick

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: let's let's

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: just make sure that we like understate
like let's just set some

[cobra]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ground

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: rules about what we're doing and who
were not doing tonight okay so there will

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: be no touching or looking or conversation
with courtney there will be no touching or

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: conversating or sucking

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: other people that's ou thing and

[cobra]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we're just going to have a great
time tonight

[cobra]: such a bitch backy

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: shut the fuck out courtney

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no one's talking to you

[magistrate]: becky i swear it god if you

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: or start gardening if

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ye

[magistrate]: you talk one more time

[cobra]: kay

[magistrate]: i'm going

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: to slap you

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: so hard you're gonna lose all your
front teeth

[cobra]: i no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: no and she runs away

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: the mist

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m please have a seat have a

[cobra]: the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: seat

[cobra]: mint

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: be like like jerry you here have
this sam you have that brodie

[magistrate]: get back

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: e

[magistrate]: here

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: can

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: courtney if you come back

[cobra]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: in here without permission i'll slap you
with my teeth

[cobra]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: now

[cobra]: your tamborine mits away from my face
you are

[spinner]: bit

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: sit

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: all i heard was

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: discuss like

[spinner]: booth brodie

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no like you get booze

[spinner]: now

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: after you get no like answer my

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: did you or did you not

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: fuck courtney

[spinner]: obviously i funk everybody you know

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh my god furthermore did you kill
someone last summer

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: dude

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: ah

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: o

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: here you go

[spinner]: what

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: here you go

[spinner]: dude

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like like

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: just

[spinner]: saw

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: just tell me in my ear like
just just

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you can

[spinner]: saw

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: tell me these things how you doing

[spinner]: i saw a murder

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: saw i thought you we sup

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: first

[spinner]: we

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: of more like second of all

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: should be like like you should be
telling me this in my ear like

[magistrate]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[spinner]: so

[magistrate]: so i don't want to pause your
scene here

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: but i think i want

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: one

[magistrate]: to know because if this is the
start of the party

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: did gena and becky were

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: they successful

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: in their plan

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: to release a shame wizard

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: type person because if

[spinner]: we'll

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: have to find out

[magistrate]: that would

[cobra]: we

[magistrate]: inform

[cobra]: don't know yet don't

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: know yet

[magistrate]: so we're going to find

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: that no but

[spinner]: not yet

[cobra]: we're gonna we're going

[magistrate]: you

[cobra]: to

[magistrate]: know

[cobra]: find

[magistrate]: it's

[cobra]: out

[magistrate]: fair

[cobra]: later

[magistrate]: that's fair now you're right that's my

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: bed

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: thank you for reminding

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: me

[spinner]: saw a murder

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you

[cobra]: uh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: saw or did you part

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like

[cobra]: h

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you know what i like just come
with me and she

[cobra]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: grabs him by the arm and leads

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: him into the lounge room off of
the kitchen and then like teen agers are

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like oh unattended booths

[spinner]: no no bills

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no

[spinner]: at

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no no no

[cobra]: yah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we need to talk door

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: slams did you tell me what like
hat does that all mean

[spinner]: ye

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what what were you doing and this
was last summer i need to you need

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to tell me all now and if
you lie

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i'm gonna i can you myself

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: be be you know that fucking loser

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m he's my friend i don't know
what you're talking about but like yes i

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: know

[spinner]: he's a loser

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what

[spinner]: and you know that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: h

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: he's a pity friend your frinds with
in to make you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: h

[spinner]: feel better

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: wrong

[spinner]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: don't talk about my friends

[cobra]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like that anyways

[cobra]: oh man brody

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: just

[cobra]: became

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: get to the point

[cobra]: trump with the fuck

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it sounds like it

[spinner]: dude okay like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: stop watching

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: youtube

[spinner]: saw

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like stop watching youtube

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i saw

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ut just talk to me

[spinner]: i saw theo

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: fucking

[melon]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: fucking

[spinner]: no shut be shut up

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: so theo kill tommy legendary across player
tommy to person

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: how where what who is like what

[spinner]: you know tommy

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: tomperson the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no

[spinner]: black

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no but how

[spinner]: cross player

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: who was in white face

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: all that

[spinner]: under cover

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no what the fuck no how did

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: how did chad kill anybody you who

[spinner]: i can't think

[magistrate]: yes

[spinner]: my bribcausei

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: just drink something please

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no

[spinner]: dude

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you don't get a

[cobra]: he

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: drop

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: until you fucking fast up and like
fucking had i'm about this close to fucking

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ending is

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: i saw theo fucking kill tommy

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: tomperson legendary cross player who's under cover
in white face wearing glasses

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what

[spinner]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: proof

[spinner]: freckles

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: glasses

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and freckles he doesn't wear any of
that furthermore what evidence other than your

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: eyeballs do you actually have like how
can you prove that when

[magistrate]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: did this happen where was i

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: all right let's let's let's pause

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: here because i think we're

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: were

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: we've gotten to the point where

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: so

[magistrate]: becky is trying to because because the
only i'm going to say is becky has

[magistrate]: gotten

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: off of the cordon atherton thing becky
is a little lost down theo's thing and

[magistrate]: becky would be more

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: concerned

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: about getting and with courtney atherton because
that's your need

[cobra]: and he admitted that he did

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: fuck her one way or

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: another

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so she's got

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that and now all that's left is

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: whether he killed troy killed

[cobra]: what

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: somebody

[cobra]: so why was

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: your objective to get information out of
brodie right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah find out if the truth if
there's any truth to to his murder to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the claim he's killed

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: why

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: i will i will say

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to step out of

[cobra]: that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the way

[cobra]: because

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and to

[cobra]: because

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like

[cobra]: your needs are about

[magistrate]: h

[cobra]: courtney right

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[cobra]: you care more i would say becky

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: more about what happened between

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: between brodie

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: and courtney than he does about brody
killing somebody

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah but she's already accomplished she's already

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: accomplished

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that she knows courtney

[cobra]: that's what i'm

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: has

[cobra]: that's what

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: cheated

[cobra]: i'm saying

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: so i think

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so that's chick

[cobra]: i think

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's

[cobra]: that's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: tech

[cobra]: a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: mark

[cobra]: positive result

[magistrate]: but

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: you

[cobra]: think

[magistrate]: don't

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: that's

[magistrate]: you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: don't

[cobra]: positive

[magistrate]: have

[cobra]: result

[magistrate]: you don't

[spinner]: please

[magistrate]: have a

[spinner]: your

[magistrate]: need

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: in

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: sure

[magistrate]: and knowing what happened in the murder

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: sure

[cobra]: exactly

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: ye

[cobra]: and he and becky does know

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: he got she got information already so
that's a success

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[cobra]: about courtney

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: true so

[magistrate]: yea

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: she can go and

[cobra]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: deal with her somehow now that

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: she knows that it's official

[magistrate]: um

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: the only other need you have is
to get even with the whole damn school

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: true

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: so that might play into your conversation
with brody as well but the theo line

[magistrate]: of theo tending to attempting to murder

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: brody and it did brodie or brodie

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: not see anybody get murdered

[cobra]: doesn't matter

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: it only matters in how it forms
how you want to deal with getting even

[magistrate]: with courtney atherton so now if

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: you

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: if

[spinner]: now

[magistrate]: you think brodie is capable of murder
you might try to get him to kill

[magistrate]: corney atherton

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: that could

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: be

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[magistrate]: an l u t um m

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: i don't think you

[melon]: h oh

[magistrate]: doesn't make sense for you to try
to drive down

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: that because it's not really your needs

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i think

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i've got a

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i've got a salute i've got to
solve and

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it's

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i can just roll with it like
a dice

[magistrate]: so so yeah

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: we're giving you a success because

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: is

[magistrate]: you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it over

[magistrate]: got

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: cool

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: cool

[melon]: ye

[magistrate]: well play out the rest of the
scene because i think

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: h

[magistrate]: you need to wrap up where you're

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: h

[magistrate]: going with that questioning line

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: give

[melon]: okay

[spinner]: me alcohol

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's what i'm going to do

[magistrate]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: but but i think you have the

[melon]: a

[magistrate]: that you need

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: in in regards to cordy

[melon]: yes

[magistrate]: atherton

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: and i think for the ending

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: two things happened one

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: your he's done what you tossed him
to and you give him alcohol

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: two i think you need

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: to lay a seed out

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: for now how you're going to get
even with courtney atom you may not like

[magistrate]: actually do it in your scene but
as we step

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: away

[cobra]: cup

[magistrate]: from you you're on your way to

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: handle that

[cobra]: get

[magistrate]: situation

[cobra]: even

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yep

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: you could sick

[spinner]: yes

[melon]: and intellectual and intellectually heighten brody on
corney atherton

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: if that's

[spinner]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: even possible because if he's heightened

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's not

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's different from focused

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like he

[melon]: uh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: might just have his own agenda

[melon]: h yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: once

[spinner]: yes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he's aware and awake

[magistrate]: what if

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: what

[spinner]: he

[magistrate]: if

[spinner]: will

[magistrate]: it's like um drjeckel r hyde scenario
with the alcohol so

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: he's like he's like fun and dumb
and then he's smart

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: and evil

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: ye

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh shit

[cobra]: i like it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't know

[cobra]: i like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we'll have

[cobra]: it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to find

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: out

[cobra]: or like doesn't even have to

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: be evil

[magistrate]: your

[cobra]: he's just like no scruples whatsoever

[magistrate]: diabolical

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: yah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay i think i've got i think
i've got enough to go on

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: wrap it up

[cobra]: i played played out

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: my throat is so dry

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i can't even understand

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i can't even processes anymore i need
a drink

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: just drink

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: just i can't even handle you any

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: more i just

[spinner]: oh booze hello

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: uh

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: h

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: whatever you choose to do is your
own business go and be free and do

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: your own thing i just like now

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: now that i know exactly what courtney
did i've had enough i'm gonna set her

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: at straight once and for all whatever
you do whoever you do god's speed

[spinner]: hello becky

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ship

[spinner]: dear god the planet earth curtly spins
at a rate of one thousand miles

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: this is

[spinner]: travel

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: new

[spinner]: through space at sixty seven thousand miles
per hour

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh my god

[spinner]: oh my god it's all becoming so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: your

[spinner]: to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: words

[spinner]: me

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: are making me wet

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: jesus

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: it wasn't

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i can't handle

[spinner]: it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: this

[spinner]: wasn't

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: this is too much corny

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: wasn't

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and she runs off

[magistrate]: i would like

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: to point out for the podcast

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: listeners spencer in no way in shape
and form is trying to be doctor who

[magistrate]: it is a party at best

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: just

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: in case any b b c licenses

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: be true sue is at this point

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah we love

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: there's

[spinner]: wanted

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: i wanted i wanted brodie to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: kay

[spinner]: figure out everything that's happened for real

[cobra]: like in a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: in

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: a brief moment of like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: italic lucidity

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: i was goin to say it all

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: we might

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: get there

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: okay jenna

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: enna is

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: going to finish

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: off the get even with the school

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: she is going to be successful in
a way and summoning the shame wizard but

[magistrate]: to wrap ourselves back around into our
conflict our tilt things i wanted to be

[magistrate]: that she evioually

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: summoned some low ill deity to

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: carry out her scheme um

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: and you guys can resolve how that

[spinner]: a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: plays

[cobra]: well

[magistrate]: out

[cobra]: given what's left

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: on the board

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: she's going to get fucked

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: because that's

[magistrate]: that's

[cobra]: only

[magistrate]: fine

[cobra]: black

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: dice

[magistrate]: i mean that would track with the
tragedy if it's a conflict with a god

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: i'm completely fine with that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: i

[cobra]: you're

[magistrate]: think

[cobra]: setting it up and were resolve

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: i'll be setting it up the only
thing i'm

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: going to add in the set up
is i am chad would be there trying

[magistrate]: to help me and i want to
send the set up is with chat and

[magistrate]: um

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: to help set up for the spell
and then once chat's done i send chat

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: off to go find theo who knows
if that gets resolved and then we'll summon

[magistrate]: the god and you guys can finish
your business as you see fit

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: is anyone playing chat yet

[magistrate]: spencer was playing

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: chat

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: got

[magistrate]: but

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it

[magistrate]: if you'd like to unless you want
to because spencer said you wanted to play

[magistrate]: a god so if you want to
flip into being chad chris you can

[spinner]: or he can be the god whatever

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: fine with whatever

[magistrate]: just be the god then the voices
will track for the listen the audience

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay so you're ging to play the

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: no no

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: are

[spinner]: mean

[cobra]: going to play the god his

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: got it

[magistrate]: christ is the god spencer still chat
chadley as i'm calling him

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: all

[spinner]: for

[magistrate]: right

[spinner]: some reason

[magistrate]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: we're in jena sorry becky's basement i
think would be the

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: place to do this because

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: no one comes down there um

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: lots of people come

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: down there anyway

[magistrate]: okay chadley

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: i need you apparently but we're like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: i like

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: the cold storage room that's off the
basement so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: no one is going to go in
there hadley

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[magistrate]: i need you to draw

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: it says

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: six hundred and sixty six tiny pantagrams
around the room were

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: pressed for time i don't know six
old that

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: that should do it

[spinner]: yes your leash that sounds very accurate

[magistrate]: i'm sure

[spinner]: six is good

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: i'm sure this this bell won't go
wrong just because that minor

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: i'm good at some professional okay and
once you've

[spinner]: you

[magistrate]: done

[spinner]: can

[magistrate]: that

[spinner]: do no wrong my queen

[magistrate]: hank you cattle it's so good to
have you back

[spinner]: i want to lick your feet

[magistrate]: actually

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: umjhedley

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: that's great hedley

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: but first we need to just cast
this minor summoning spell

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: if you could just okay come over
here i need you to stand

[spinner]: yep

[magistrate]: right here

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: it's it don't worry you're not summoning
vessel you're more like a tuning rod just

[magistrate]: to get the frequency

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: right so no one's going to inhabit
your body it's just to make sure that

[magistrate]: the shockers are lying around the crystal
that i've laid out here to make the

[magistrate]: spell work

[spinner]: okay step on my balls

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: that went to hell in the hand
basket super quick

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: well totally it's

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: just

[spinner]: my

[magistrate]: that

[spinner]: queen

[magistrate]: it's just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: these are new new pumps on um

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: you're being on dead at all i
don't i don't want to get them dirty

[magistrate]: but after the party i will totally
totally do that for you if

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: that works

[spinner]: of

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: course mistress

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: excellent okay great okay everyting is a
line good job we're tuned up i need

[magistrate]: you to do one of the things
i need you to go talk to

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: theo i believe he's your cousin

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: that is my cousin

[magistrate]: he

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: wanted some

[spinner]: i can talk to him

[magistrate]: he wanted some information about how you
were murdered and since apparently steve

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: did it based on what he told
me he just passed

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: he

[magistrate]: message

[spinner]: did

[magistrate]: along to theo

[spinner]: okay pinch my apples

[magistrate]: okay okay just

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: one little squeeze

[spinner]: a thin

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: thanks queen

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: this is amazing

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: m

[magistrate]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: let's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: summon a minor demon okay

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: lord

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: hpkipsi

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah yeah

[magistrate]: please come

[spinner]: and

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: to our party

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: and spread your

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: mischief

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: upon

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: the world

[melon]: oh yeah

[magistrate]: ye

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh yeah

[cobra]: on

[magistrate]: oh great

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: wait you're not lord

[melon]: ah

[magistrate]: fikifsi what happened

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no

[melon]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no i am not but

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i've come across the cosmos i have

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: heard your call

[magistrate]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: furthermore you

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: have indeed won

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a free trip with a rose

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to an tucket by

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: way

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: of brmugia

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: yeah um m what what

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[cobra]: it's the worst doing of them all
a salesman

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: why it's

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: why

[spinner]: silverburg cruise liner

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what

[magistrate]: lord

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: is your request

[magistrate]: it's

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: interesting

[cobra]: no

[magistrate]: you

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: you're

[magistrate]: you're very

[spinner]: very

[magistrate]: much o

[spinner]: yes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: your

[magistrate]: what are your thoughts

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: small mind ten

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: on field share omnipotent

[magistrate]: my

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: of

[melon]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: myself

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: good

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: life but life as

[magistrate]: um

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: most saving

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: but i was kind of

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: speak

[magistrate]: hoping for i was kind of hoping

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: for lord kips

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: because he's really good at spreading lies

[spinner]: perfect

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: his

[magistrate]: people

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: own vacation

[magistrate]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i am

[magistrate]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the

[magistrate]: know

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: cream of the crop

[magistrate]: that's

[cobra]: the

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: chagrin

[magistrate]: great

[cobra]: goblin

[magistrate]: um do you rise i don't know
no i'm not gonna say i'm

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: speak what is your request time

[magistrate]: it's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: is

[magistrate]: just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: limited

[magistrate]: it's just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: my stories are still recording

[magistrate]: it's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: on my

[magistrate]: just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: p v n

[magistrate]: it's just the sand glasses are just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: really

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: off pudding when you can't look into
someone's eyes

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: as

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: worry

[magistrate]: ell

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: about

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: my

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: eyes

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you're

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: sick

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: all right so it's up to you
guys to

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: finish off what's going to happen here

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: h

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: think

[spinner]: i think

[cobra]: he misunderstands what you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: want

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah you tell them all to

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: like uh

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: to like

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: you want them to spread lies about

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: other

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: but instead he makes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: everybody

[cobra]: fred lies about spreads

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: lies about gene to everybody

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: well so it's

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: we got to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: hit the conflict with

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: a god so

[spinner]: the

[magistrate]: is that

[cobra]: i think

[magistrate]: whether

[cobra]: that's

[magistrate]: it's

[cobra]: what

[magistrate]: gena

[cobra]: the conflict is

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: but don't think to me conflict is
like opposed or like they're mad at each

[magistrate]: other really get into a fight not

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: confusing information up

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: to you guys

[spinner]: i thought i thought the conflict was
caused by the god

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: it has to be with the god

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we

[melon]: perhaps

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: could sell spine

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: okay

[melon]: the price for

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: the summoning because you skipped down

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: in the pentagram is like too high

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: and so

[cobra]: oh yeah yeah so you fight over
like what

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: what are you going

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: to do for what

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: i can pay something like that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: yeah that could work

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: and then you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: then he kills

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: right

[spinner]: your

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: last

[magistrate]: hum

[spinner]: your

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: last

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: role right

[magistrate]: i'm not

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: i'm okay with gene dying i just
don't know what the god gets out of

[magistrate]: that so

[spinner]: she's

[magistrate]: the

[spinner]: the sacrifice

[magistrate]: so the the or maybe the

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: the bargaining

[melon]: a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: cheap bargains and he doesn't want

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: to bargain

[cobra]: or

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: he

[cobra]: she's

[magistrate]: then

[cobra]: really

[magistrate]: he gets mad

[cobra]: bad at bargaining

[spinner]: work

[magistrate]: well i

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: don't think

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: being bet or good doesn't matter it's
just like she tries

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: to bargain and he's not having it
and so he just kills her instead of

[magistrate]: continuing marketing

[cobra]: he's annoyed or something

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: then he says your soul is the

[magistrate]: sure that steals her

[cobra]: and

[magistrate]: soul

[cobra]: like

[magistrate]: so

[cobra]: gene

[magistrate]: she's not

[cobra]: can

[magistrate]: specifically

[cobra]: be a ghost

[magistrate]: dead

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: if we need

[melon]: m

[cobra]: it or

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: something like that yeah

[magistrate]: he steals

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: her soul

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: and then and then her her life
or death is left unknown

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: does

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: she have

[cobra]: we

[magistrate]: a

[cobra]: end

[magistrate]: soul

[cobra]: the

[magistrate]: she's

[cobra]: scene

[magistrate]: a vampire

[cobra]: yeah why not we can

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: pick we can

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: decide so maybe so we finished the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: with him extracting her soul and

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: we

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: leave it open whether she

[magistrate]: sure

[cobra]: did actually die are not okay

[magistrate]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yah

[magistrate]: ay so yeah i'll ask for what
i want then okay so okay lord

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: look at

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: mac an i s goin to call
you mac man lord

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: infidel

[magistrate]: mace man um

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you try my patients

[magistrate]: i

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: just i just want you to go

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: tell a bunch

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: of like secrets to other people to
like expose everyone's lies to each other and

[magistrate]: make

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[magistrate]: the ball feels super terrible and ship

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you really think it's that simple i

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: your spell lacking another six hundred and

[cobra]: a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: petograms if you cannot calculate

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the she requirement

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: as

[magistrate]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you

[magistrate]: mean

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: summoned me since

[cobra]: don't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you fucked up

[magistrate]: i mean

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you fucked

[cobra]: fucked

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: up

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: up

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: you do bucked up

[magistrate]: this

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: there for there

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: for

[magistrate]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: an in

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: order to complete the circle i must
take your soul

[magistrate]: no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: i don't think that's a great deal

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: silence

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you think you coming

[cobra]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: my restaurant in the middle

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: of the hood

[magistrate]: but

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and

[cobra]: uh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: then

[magistrate]: you came

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i don't

[magistrate]: into

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: know what's

[magistrate]: my

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: going

[magistrate]: restaurant

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: on

[melon]: m

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: in

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[magistrate]: my hood

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: fucking represent if

[magistrate]: technically

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you wanted

[magistrate]: it's becky's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: fried

[magistrate]: hood

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: rice

[magistrate]: i guess her restaurant

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you

[magistrate]: i don't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: should

[magistrate]: know

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: have wired

[magistrate]: yah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: do you accept

[magistrate]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh i'll take it

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: do

[magistrate]: that's

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: a good

[cobra]: god

[magistrate]: far

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: to

[cobra]: there's

[magistrate]: leave this

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: scene

[cobra]: demon in here

[spinner]: courtney shut up

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: all your

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: secrets

[cobra]: h

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: laid bare

[magistrate]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: next in part de gena

[magistrate]: kenna is done she has her token

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[spinner]: she's sou

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: less

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: steve

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: jas finish

[cobra]: all

[magistrate]: it off

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: so it has to go bad for
me obviously

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: because that's all that's left

[spinner]: o

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: i think so i think he would
have arrived with brodie at the party and

[cobra]: then back i pulled him away right

[melon]: oh yeah

[cobra]: so i guess

[melon]: a

[cobra]: i'm thinking

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: of a way of resolving this because
in the end it was actually steve that

[cobra]: killed

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: chat

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: now

[spinner]: yes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: well jenna knew but gennasare was occupied

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: dechnically you do not know this

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: well yeah i know but

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: he does

[cobra]: i can't have i can't have a
scene with jenna

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: right but you have no

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: idea that genta soul has been sucked

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: so who else knows i think becky
knows as well right because jenna toter

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: you don't know that but also what's
his name

[cobra]: no but

[spinner]: is alive

[cobra]: i was thinking that becky could have
been coming to talk

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: to jase

[magistrate]: you

[cobra]: about

[magistrate]: can

[cobra]: it

[magistrate]: what if you talked to chadley

[spinner]: you can be going after chadley

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: kill him again

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[cobra]: so it has to end badly

[magistrate]: h

[cobra]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: here's the thing jason is an idiot
so he thinks

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: he's going to beat him to death
again even though he's on dad

[magistrate]: correct

[cobra]: so nothing is going to happen right

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: he thinks he's going to beat a
zombi to death with a stick again

[magistrate]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: are you are you beginning this or

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: ending this

[cobra]: think

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: i think i'm beginning

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: this and i'll let you guys end

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: so this is this is

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: jase

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: having seen hadley chal

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[cobra]: having seen

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: chad

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: there

[magistrate]: hm

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: and he's like oh funk i

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: have to finish this again because if
he's alive

[magistrate]: h

[cobra]: then

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: i can't be generous thro

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: and i can't have

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: that she's my baby so

[melon]: ye

[cobra]: he he like confront chad the party
and it pushes him out out the door

[cobra]: into like the back yard or something

[spinner]: where

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: it's

[cobra]: in

[spinner]: pouring

[cobra]: full

[spinner]: rain

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: sure and then in full view of
whoever wants to look

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: he just proceeds to try to beat
the ship out of chad and nothing happens

[cobra]: and then we'll play it out and

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: you guys tell me what happens was

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: yep

[spinner]: yep

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[cobra]: so he so the scene

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[cobra]: is he's at the party

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: trying to look cool failing and then

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: he sees chat and he goes

[spinner]: and chad's looking

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: chain theo

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: has anybody

[cobra]: bro

[spinner]: seen theo

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you

[cobra]: what the

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: fuck and then he goes

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: straight at the chat with the funkaryou're

[spinner]: oh no

[cobra]: you're

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: not you're

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: you told me you're dead brow with

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: the fuck

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: oh no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: not again i'm gonna get

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: murdered again fuck

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: so he pushes him out of the
door and like he's like

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: oh i have my my tommy tom
person you kill tommy tomperson it starts just

[cobra]: fucking wailing and nothing happens that's what

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: the only thing like

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: it

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: doesn't hurt it doesn't do anything

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: you can't hurt me

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah oh

[cobra]: why are you laughing

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: your piece of ship bro

[spinner]: because

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: no you

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: have to

[spinner]: feel

[cobra]: die

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: gens my babe

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: we

[spinner]: i feel nothing

[cobra]: we

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: why

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ye

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: didn't

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: i won't

[cobra]: die

[spinner]: feel

[cobra]: again

[spinner]: my balls

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: later

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: oh my

[spinner]: uh

[melon]: god

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: i'll hit your balls

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: for you and

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: hit the ball nothing

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: happens

[spinner]: no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah oh

[cobra]: bro

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: why can't you be a bro and
just die bro fuck

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: be more like broniand

[spinner]: i

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: do what i want

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we

[magistrate]: all right

[cobra]: you

[magistrate]: so

[cobra]: guys decide what is gonna happen

[magistrate]: i think you've got it there so
not killing him is not

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: enough i think

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: this would be a true

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: failure

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: m everybody

[spinner]: had

[cobra]: s

[spinner]: has

[cobra]: seeing

[spinner]: to

[cobra]: this right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: right

[spinner]: chad has to eat him

[cobra]: and he's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: yeah what i think happens

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: here

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: yah

[magistrate]: and the correct

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: me wrong is i think

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: that because chadley was yelling out theo's

[cobra]: ah yeah

[magistrate]: theo

[melon]: yes

[magistrate]: comes

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: upon

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: the scene

[melon]: yes

[magistrate]: and realizes

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: that it's

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: steve who killed

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: but

[cobra]: because

[magistrate]: chadley

[cobra]: he's

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: he's

[spinner]: or

[cobra]: yelling

[spinner]: should the

[cobra]: why don't

[spinner]: demon

[cobra]: you why won't

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: m

[cobra]: why won't you die again and

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: stuff like that

[spinner]: should the demon make steve confess in
front of everyone

[magistrate]: well the

[spinner]: so

[magistrate]: demon

[spinner]: we have it

[magistrate]: the

[spinner]: story

[magistrate]: demon was

[spinner]: tying

[magistrate]: just the demon is also probably flying
around being like he just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: can't do the

[spinner]: eh

[magistrate]: correctly but yeah the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: he's just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: going around telling people yeah he did
that ship

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: he definitely killed him the first time

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah he killed him

[cobra]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: killed him dead

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: good

[spinner]: the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and

[spinner]: lives

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: dead

[spinner]: the demon says are just like miss

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: facts

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: like like that nobody cares about

[magistrate]: i think

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: well

[magistrate]: that even just types it up instead
of it just killing

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: him he like killed him and his
whole family and like

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: just like he just takes it to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: a level

[cobra]: raped

[magistrate]: extream

[cobra]: his body

[magistrate]: that makes no sense

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the demon inhabits the perpetrator of

[magistrate]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so like like i think he

[magistrate]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: should the demon inhabit the perpetrator like

[cobra]: i think it just goes around like
the shame wizard than i

[magistrate]: just whispers

[cobra]: tells like

[magistrate]: in people's ears

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay okay

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: kay

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: cool

[spinner]: he did it he raped

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: him

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeh

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: like

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: like make up

[spinner]: he put

[cobra]: ship

[spinner]: that stick

[cobra]: on top of

[spinner]: up

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: his

[cobra]: truth

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: but

[cobra]: yeah and then

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: his own butt and then the other

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: again

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah so

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: and so like the demon runs like
theo comes over

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[magistrate]: kind of hears that theo's unsure

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: and the demons like oh yeah he

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: definitely did that ship

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: got

[cobra]: all right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: it

[cobra]: let's play

[melon]: my

[cobra]: it out then so

[spinner]: uh why you keep

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: biting me i don't feel anything

[cobra]: bro

[spinner]: bitch

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: i killed you once why would

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: you die again bro o

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: the fuck

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah you hear that everybody

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: fucking did it

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: said it himself and then he proceeded
to stick his thumb of his butt

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[spinner]: that that bunch that entirely true

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: but

[magistrate]: we

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: he killed me guys i'm a zombi

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: by the way

[magistrate]: uh

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's right he says and

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he also

[magistrate]: h

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: likes it when gela steps

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: on his generals

[melon]: ye

[spinner]: let bards drew i like

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: i like it she

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: steps

[melon]: just like

[spinner]: on my

[melon]: a

[spinner]: mid

[melon]: chat

[spinner]: balls

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: ah

[melon]: the funks

[cobra]: bruce

[melon]: go out

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: shut up bro who are you

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: bro you guys look like each

[melon]: ye

[cobra]: other

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: they're

[melon]: ye

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: related

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: everybody

[melon]: chat is his that trail

[magistrate]: a

[melon]: did you

[spinner]: you

[melon]: fucking kill

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you

[melon]: you

[spinner]: to this fucking guy killed me

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: and then i came to tell you
and hen he trying to tell you he

[spinner]: came in trying to hit

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: me and i can't feel

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: in obyorsship

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yah

[magistrate]: and

[melon]: jesus

[cobra]: bro stop

[melon]: christ

[magistrate]: scene

[cobra]: talking to other people bro

[magistrate]: seeing

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yah

[magistrate]: that's perfect right there

[cobra]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m so

[magistrate]: we have

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: no

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: idea what happens to steve we'll let

[cobra]: i will

[magistrate]: and

[cobra]: take

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: theo

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: start it

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: out

[cobra]: an l

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: right now for myself

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[magistrate]: all right brodie

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: the last scene the last will and
testament of one brody as

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: broad squire

[cobra]: uh

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: so brody has to go after theo
for their final conversation

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: makes sense

[spinner]: and and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: he's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: still smart but it's

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: wearing

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: off so

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: he's going to theo

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: at first to try and tell him
what really happened then

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: he's slowly going to more back into

[magistrate]: i like this because like smart

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: brodindknows drinking

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: is wrong and it makes them

[cobra]: yes

[magistrate]: dumb or long term

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: like the it's like the

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: inner

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: bad conflict

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: of like drink to be smart for
a little bit but it makes them stupid

[melon]: ah

[magistrate]: in the long run

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: or ah

[spinner]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: then

[magistrate]: a

[spinner]: but then

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: and the goal is to kill theo

[cobra]: ye

[magistrate]: okay so you're trying to you're attempting
to kill theo where

[spinner]: yes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: where do you want this scene to
take place are you doing it

[melon]: so

[magistrate]: like before

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: the scene we set up with steve

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: and theo juring

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: just after i where do you want
to be in the you could even you

[magistrate]: could even like jump ahead

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: whatever

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: this is

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: right

[spinner]: later

[melon]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: this is after

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: should this be

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: before what makes more

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: sense

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: i

[cobra]: i was

[melon]: feel

[cobra]: thinking

[melon]: like

[cobra]: could

[melon]: having

[cobra]: be at the same

[melon]: it before

[cobra]: time

[magistrate]: uh

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: is awkward in

[magistrate]: uh

[melon]: terms of

[magistrate]: yah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: the confrontation that we just had

[spinner]: yeah this is

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: after so theo knows

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: my

[spinner]: now that that's

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: that brodie didn't do it but brodie's

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: trying to kill the because

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: he thinks theo did it

[cobra]: right

[magistrate]: i'm okay with that but what does
the need to get even about them between

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: him and brodie

[melon]: i think because

[spinner]: i

[melon]: it's brody

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: trying to get even with me

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: like it's a

[spinner]: h yeah

[magistrate]: it's a two

[spinner]: doesn't

[magistrate]: way

[spinner]: have to be

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: it's a two way

[spinner]: what

[magistrate]: needs

[spinner]: we both have to be wanting to
get even with each other

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: there can only be

[magistrate]: we didn't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: one

[magistrate]: specify

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: that so it could be

[spinner]: our connection is me

[magistrate]: uh

[spinner]: is brody wanting to get even with

[magistrate]: uh

[melon]: yeah i

[cobra]: and

[melon]: think

[cobra]: is

[melon]: i

[cobra]: and

[melon]: think

[cobra]: vice

[melon]: that's

[cobra]: versa

[melon]: how that

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: that's

[magistrate]: so all

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: we put is to get even right
we took away the specific about so

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: because earlier we established that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: brodie thinks that i know that he's
accomplice he thinks that i murdered tommy toperson

[cobra]: i mean tom

[melon]: and

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: he's

[cobra]: person

[melon]: trying

[magistrate]: right

[melon]: to get

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: even

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: with me for that

[magistrate]: yes

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: so

[cobra]: and

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: and that

[cobra]: but

[magistrate]: that's still your driver like even though

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: smart you

[spinner]: at

[magistrate]: still believe

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no

[spinner]: i know

[magistrate]: your memory of tommy toperson

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[spinner]: no it's going to be he knows
that's not the case but then he

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: more back into dumb

[magistrate]: sure

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: he believes at it again

[magistrate]: so you're going to to get even

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: by whatever you can i'll let you
play it out because it will work but

[magistrate]: what so the get even for theo
that's fine that's the problem i'm not even

[magistrate]: gonna orry about it so we're so
you're just going to

[spinner]: okay

[magistrate]: go talk to theo you're talking to
him before

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[spinner]: or

[magistrate]: steve tried some

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: rider chadley

[spinner]: no this is

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: after

[magistrate]: so like

[spinner]: so then he knows what actually happened
at this point

[magistrate]: can you put a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: time snap on how our after

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: okay we lost

[spinner]: his is

[magistrate]: you steve your recording failed yeah

[spinner]: this is

[magistrate]: what a night

[spinner]: ye

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah it's fun to edit this one

[magistrate]: just wait for him to come back

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: yeah so i'm saying this is

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: going

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: to be

[melon]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: fifteen minutes after

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: it's basically just me

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: and me

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: and chat just

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: talking after or

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: we actually don't

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: know what's happened

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: you would leave

[melon]: m

[magistrate]: that scene blank maybe make it half
an hour just to give us enough time

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: to

[spinner]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: so half an hour later

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: theo now

[melon]: ah

[spinner]: knows everything that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: actually happened

[magistrate]: correct

[melon]: yes

[spinner]: okay yeah dear god i have to
find that man theo and explain

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: the entire situation

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: this

[melon]: ah

[spinner]: can't

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: be how

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: things go down he must think that
i'm a murderer

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: or he thinks that i think he's
a murderer dear

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: god

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: indubitably this can

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: ah

[spinner]: a terrible mis communication i must go
explain to

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: him well dude no no run of

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: m

[spinner]: i must go

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[melon]: h

[spinner]: ertinprowhere

[melon]: m yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: i have to find him

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: theo

[melon]: m

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: you

[melon]: hey

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: hey hey brodie this is chad

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: i think i know what we're talking
like don't worry about what happened in the

[melon]: woods i'm super sorry about your

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: hand by the way

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: um

[spinner]: i must i must explain

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: real very quickly

[magistrate]: ye

[spinner]: it wasn't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: seem different

[spinner]: i know believe let me finish

[melon]: my

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: it wasn't

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: actually

[cobra]: ye

[spinner]: you who killed the man it was

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: was actually my

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: old friend steve he was the

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: murderer

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: all along

[melon]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: no

[melon]: don't don't worry about don't worry about
that man

[spinner]: you

[melon]: everything

[spinner]: know this

[melon]: is fine yeah yeah

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: i was i was

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: was a misconception that i thought that
you murdered duderorodno

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: not now not now god damn it

[melon]: hey if you did this it out
or something

[cobra]: a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: prosit boner

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: god it's happening

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: dude

[melon]: hey chat

[spinner]: what the

[melon]: like

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: we got to get rode some water
or something

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: has been really

[spinner]: oh my

[melon]: weird

[spinner]: dude that's the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: sort of a bitch bro you

[melon]: fuck

[spinner]: killed tommy tomperson

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: or

[melon]: we were

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: did

[melon]: just

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he

[melon]: talking about this what

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: i don't want to hear your slippery
words bro i'm gonna fucking make you pay

[spinner]: for

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[spinner]: killing the

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: legendary across

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: super tar toby tomperson who was in
face on your cover

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: working

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: for the deep spade it all makes
sense bro

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he liked but

[spinner]: you're

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: stuff

[spinner]: done

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: too

[magistrate]: yeah yah

[melon]: chat

[spinner]: he liked

[melon]: we

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: got we gotta take this guy down

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: could you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: hold an i'm just going to kick
him and then adds a few times

[spinner]: don't touch me pro

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: descends now i'm

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: going to take you out in the
grave with your cousin who's here but

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: wait what

[magistrate]: all right so let's

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: let's pause here

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: um

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: i think

[cobra]: he has

[magistrate]: what

[cobra]: to fail

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: so it fails

[spinner]: and

[melon]: yah

[magistrate]: so i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: think

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: i think what theo

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: and chat i don't think he wants
to kill rody anymore

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: yeah no but

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: i think

[cobra]: he

[magistrate]: m

[melon]: cause it is two against one and
chat has the

[magistrate]: m

[melon]: advantage of not feeling pain

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: and being functionally immortal

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: yes yes

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: we didn't give him that

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: uh

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: until gena steps

[melon]: uh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: on his generals and then it's that's

[magistrate]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's going to slow him down

[melon]: yeah yeah but

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: or

[melon]: we don't we don't i

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: don't think that's going to

[cobra]: hype

[melon]: happen

[cobra]: him up

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[melon]: yeah so

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[melon]: i feel like

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: he basically just

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: ends up getting sand back by chad

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: and we just

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: pacify him by like

[magistrate]: m yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: right

[melon]: like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: just kick him

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: in the nuts a few

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[melon]: times

[magistrate]: so i think like that i just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: think there like he

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: needs public embarrassment

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: to to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: cap

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: the l he's taking here

[melon]: all right and then

[spinner]: ships his pants

[magistrate]: what would be the most embarrassing thing
for have to happen to brody from brodie

[magistrate]: point of view

[melon]: yeah what's the least

[magistrate]: ah

[melon]: jack thing that could happen to him

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: mars bar penis

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: wait

[spinner]: pants

[melon]: who

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: him and he's got a micro

[melon]: who

[spinner]: dong

[melon]: who

[magistrate]: m

[melon]: has tommy tofersons the cross stick

[magistrate]: well

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: you could just say

[cobra]: steve

[magistrate]: you haven't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: now

[spinner]: you do now

[cobra]: but

[spinner]: you were

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: fighting

[cobra]: it can be you now

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: yeah so i'll

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: take off tommy tofferson's across tick and
i'll snap it in

[spinner]: snap

[melon]: front of him

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: bro

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ye

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: save

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: in saving for the seed

[melon]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: i don't

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: know if i'm alive

[magistrate]: well

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: hey we'll just well go

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: with

[melon]: not

[magistrate]: whatever

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no

[melon]: none of us to

[magistrate]: it's

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: better

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: to leave that mystery i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: think than

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: i think it's fine

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: like that i like this plan

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: so instead of beating

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: him up yeah you chidley hands you
tommy toperson's la cross stick and

[cobra]: and holds

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: brody down while theo breaks it

[melon]: all right

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: okay

[melon]: like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[spinner]: i'm going to fuck you up dude

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: to fuck you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: up

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: hey

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: hunting

[melon]: man

[cobra]: for you to hold it for you

[melon]: a

[spinner]: hey

[melon]: know

[spinner]: hey

[melon]: hey man i i didn't want

[spinner]: he

[melon]: to do this but like

[cobra]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[spinner]: kay

[magistrate]: m

[melon]: you're being

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: really fucking weird right now and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you

[melon]: you time to time

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: for

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: you to just fucking like get out

[spinner]: no

[melon]: of my

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: face recognize

[spinner]: no

[melon]: this yeah

[spinner]: tommy

[melon]: that's

[cobra]: ah

[melon]: right

[spinner]: tombernsonis the cross stick how

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: did you how did you get

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: that dude wait are you under cover

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: tomberson

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: and white face

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: hey

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: ye that's a you don't have

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so

[melon]: to worry about that any more because

[magistrate]: ah

[melon]: no one is going to be tommy
tofferson after

[spinner]: to

[melon]: this

[spinner]: no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: crack

[melon]: crack

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yea

[spinner]: jude

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: bo

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: but

[magistrate]: chris

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: stuff

[magistrate]: curs

[cobra]: from beyond the

[magistrate]: i need

[cobra]: grave

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: i need to watch

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: a man to also tell them laxlcrosses
for losers

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: if only they knew la rus was
for losers and only

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: for

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: people who are into but stuff

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: i can't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: hear this tale

[cobra]: um

[spinner]: what a world

[cobra]: hm

[spinner]: what a world that's

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: the

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: source

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: of all my power

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: god

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: uh

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: h oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes thus conclude

[magistrate]: h

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: this

[magistrate]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: bill i've been summoned to perform

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: buck all of you

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: i'd

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: back

[magistrate]: like to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to my

[magistrate]: think

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: daytime

[magistrate]: that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: soaps

[magistrate]: i like to think that after that
happens people like throw like half mtpaircans that

[magistrate]: at

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: brody and so he becomes smart enough
to know

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: what's happened to him but

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: not

[spinner]: yah

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: deal with it

[melon]: h

[spinner]: oh god oh god everything is falling

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: oh deuce

[melon]: my

[spinner]: what a world

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: uh

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: tobytoison

[cobra]: y

[spinner]: ake

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: stick i mean the cross look cross
is for fools

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: oh no i'm going back to

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: being stupid again

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: no dude no

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: no i would only be stuck in
that no

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: bro

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: of us

[magistrate]: and scene

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: all

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: right we've we've got into the last
scene here

[spinner]: ye

[magistrate]: um the

[cobra]: theodore

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: you've had

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: your ark with brodie mostly concluded are
you going to handle

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: that bitch gordon atherton

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh you

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: have to

[melon]: and so i

[spinner]: that's

[melon]: have

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: perfect end

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: of

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: the

[magistrate]: ye

[spinner]: movie

[melon]: like

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: i think that what has to happen

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: that she's been just watched all along

[spinner]: they're

[melon]: and she's

[spinner]: going to say

[melon]: actually

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: go ahead

[melon]: the master mind behind all of

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: this right because she's

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: the one that

[spinner]: h

[melon]: got everyone

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: to the house

[spinner]: h

[melon]: for becky's party

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: all

[melon]: right

[cobra]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: yah

[magistrate]: i like this

[spinner]: she's

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: under covered tommy dobberson

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: in white face

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: yes and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[magistrate]: i like to think

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: that like this is the may have
the rivalry and score setting tommy toperson was

[magistrate]: getting vengeance

[melon]: ah

[magistrate]: for him his cover being blown in

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: wait who was

[cobra]: all right

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: the originally

[magistrate]: wait

[cobra]: we'll

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: now

[cobra]: figure

[magistrate]: like

[cobra]: that

[magistrate]: but

[cobra]: out

[magistrate]: he was white

[cobra]: we'll

[magistrate]: faced

[cobra]: figure

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: course

[cobra]: it

[magistrate]: white

[cobra]: out

[magistrate]: faced tommy tomperson was actually a thing

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: it

[spinner]: uh

[magistrate]: was real

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: and his cover

[cobra]: only

[melon]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: was

[cobra]: it was

[magistrate]: blown

[cobra]: courtney

[magistrate]: because of the murder so he wanted

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: uh

[magistrate]: revenge

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's

[magistrate]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what

[magistrate]: he

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[magistrate]: became

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: thought

[magistrate]: courtney

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i d

[magistrate]: atherton

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that's what

[magistrate]: to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i thought

[magistrate]: exact

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i heard

[magistrate]: his revenge

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a tommy's

[spinner]: okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: courtney

[melon]: okay

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: so

[cobra]: all

[melon]: i

[cobra]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: feel like this i need this needs
to happen and i need to work on

[melon]: the second half of the scene so
i'm going to let you guys do the

[melon]: beginning

[magistrate]: ah so

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: it's got to be said it's actually

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: a loss for theo because

[melon]: yes

[magistrate]: he's

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: not going to be able

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: to get even with courtney because

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: yeah or like

[spinner]: like

[melon]: i feel like

[cobra]: my

[melon]: in some way i have

[spinner]: i like

[melon]: to be

[spinner]: a

[melon]: like

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: she needs to do something to me
at like somehow she kills chat

[magistrate]: m

[melon]: or

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: m yeah

[cobra]: how about how about courtney is tommy
to person who's

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: actually a mage

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: so he can undo the spell

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: revived chad

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: as revenge against

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: theo

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: would

[spinner]: too

[cobra]: we'll

[spinner]: far

[cobra]: go from

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: kay

[cobra]: there

[magistrate]: would theo take

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: that

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: as a

[cobra]: don't want is

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: too far

[spinner]: too far now you're being ridiculous

[magistrate]: i don't i don't

[cobra]: yah

[magistrate]: have a problem to madge

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: i just don't know if that's

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: a that i guess well it's up
to the finish that that has to like

[magistrate]: we need

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: the punishment

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: we need the loss in there right
like technically chadley was already

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: dead i don't know

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: if that's that's the loss we're looking
for that's the al

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: need um

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: or

[melon]: so

[cobra]: it could be a completely

[melon]: courtney

[cobra]: different

[melon]: atherton

[cobra]: thing as well

[melon]: needs to somehow like damage

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: uh

[melon]: me in a way that you know
because otherwise

[spinner]: otherwise

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: because

[cobra]: okay

[melon]: becky and i

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: have a goal

[spinner]: he

[melon]: to get even with her

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: and so

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: ah

[melon]: i guess the reverse

[spinner]: yes

[melon]: of the failure of that would be

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: furthering

[magistrate]: like that getting even

[melon]: her

[magistrate]: with you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: dominance

[magistrate]: are like

[melon]: over

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: me

[spinner]: she kills she slices gene's lifeless husk
in front of you

[melon]: i actually don't like jenna hasn't jenna

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: revived chad

[spinner]: i

[melon]: but we were not actually friends

[cobra]: it would it would have to

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: be

[spinner]: she

[cobra]: something with

[spinner]: kills

[cobra]: back

[spinner]: becky

[cobra]: at the most

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: might have to kill

[magistrate]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: bake

[magistrate]: don't know

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: may

[magistrate]: if

[spinner]: she

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: have

[spinner]: kills

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to kill

[spinner]: becky

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: becky oh

[spinner]: in front of you

[magistrate]: no i think i think it's it's

[cobra]: it's your decision

[magistrate]: yeah he ends

[cobra]: and

[magistrate]: it

[cobra]: because

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: we

[cobra]: you

[magistrate]: have

[cobra]: said

[magistrate]: to set

[cobra]: you

[melon]: i

[cobra]: want

[magistrate]: it up

[cobra]: to

[melon]: ended

[cobra]: finish

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: it

[melon]: but

[magistrate]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: i need like we need to

[spinner]: you

[melon]: figure out like

[spinner]: your

[melon]: a

[spinner]: best

[melon]: proper

[spinner]: friend

[melon]: scenario

[cobra]: sat

[spinner]: in this

[cobra]: up

[spinner]: your best friend in this situation is

[melon]: that is true

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[magistrate]: so so

[spinner]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: killing

[magistrate]: i think

[spinner]: her would

[magistrate]: that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: make the most sense

[magistrate]: so we'll let him finish it the
set up then is carthy atherton is revealed

[magistrate]: to be the master mind courtney atherton

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: plated every step of this story to

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: get the outcome she wants um and

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: that includes maybe she just

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: she created

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: famous across player tommy tofferson

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: as part of her master plan

[cobra]: as a persona

[spinner]: no she

[cobra]: that doesn't

[spinner]: it was

[cobra]: exist

[spinner]: all

[melon]: ah

[spinner]: it was all a goal to destroy

[magistrate]: h

[spinner]: the tommy tobberson la cross stick which
doubles in value

[cobra]: but

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: the one that he has

[cobra]: but theo

[spinner]: because

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: there's

[cobra]: doesn't

[spinner]: only

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: care

[spinner]: two

[cobra]: about

[spinner]: made

[cobra]: that

[magistrate]: yeah theo

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: doesn't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: care

[cobra]: it has to be something specifically now

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: against the sets

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: fires to the woods

[spinner]: it

[magistrate]: well

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: no i think it's just it's just
we don't have to solve that problem right

[magistrate]: that's that's andrews

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: thing to solve andrew gets to

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: see how they get screwed over so
really just i'm saying that corn atherton was

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: the

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: master mind between the whole thing she
planned it all to

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: to

[cobra]: i have an idea how

[magistrate]: thwart

[cobra]: to do that

[magistrate]: courtney and theo right

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: for courtney herself

[melon]: becky and the

[magistrate]: sorry

[melon]: right

[magistrate]: becky and theo

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: h

[magistrate]: i would focus

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: on the theo

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: aspect of it since it's theo's

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[magistrate]: scene

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: i have an idea of of like
what we can do

[magistrate]: we'll start

[cobra]: we can

[magistrate]: it because

[cobra]: start

[magistrate]: because

[cobra]: it

[magistrate]: andrew

[cobra]: up

[magistrate]: will finish it when he's

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: we don't have to stop for the
scene andrew

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: you just drive it into the finish

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: so so i guess in the middle
of this whole mass that's going on right

[cobra]: after the demon goes away courtney can

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: up to the theo and like the
in the mayhem that's going on right now

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: and she would go i remember me

[melon]: oh my god courtney funk do you

[cobra]: hi

[melon]: want

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: can't you see i'm dealing with

[cobra]: yah

[melon]: a lot of stuff right now

[spinner]: now

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: yea

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: how does it feel

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: you like

[melon]: honestly

[cobra]: it

[melon]: a little bit yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: way you do shut up you don't
like it

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: okay

[cobra]: this is all my

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: doing you little bitch i

[melon]: wait

[cobra]: arcustrated this whole

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: thing i convinced

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: that idiot jas or steve or whatever
the name is to kill your cousin because

[cobra]: he wanted to i don't know

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: get to second base with gen it
was very easy he was very stupid

[spinner]: my

[cobra]: so i orchestrated all of that and

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: i knew brodie that other idiot would
suck it up somehow i couldn't believe how

[cobra]: well he funked it up i even
had gena

[spinner]: bro

[cobra]: that fucking

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: giant handed bitch slapped

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[cobra]: me around on purpose it didn't

[magistrate]: yet

[cobra]: really hurt actually hurt

[melon]: ye

[cobra]: it didn't really hurt

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: it totally dead

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: shut

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: up your dead okay

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: you're dead you bitch

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: shut up

[spinner]: h no

[cobra]: is this was all to hurt

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: you you know why because you parted
on me once

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: the only reason

[melon]: wait a second you fucking

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: killed my cousin and you made like
the last four months

[magistrate]: ah

[melon]: of my life

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[spinner]: life

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: this

[magistrate]: okay

[melon]: awful just got fared

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: on you once

[cobra]: my mouth

[spinner]: my

[cobra]: was

[spinner]: mouth

[cobra]: open

[spinner]: was

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: i swallowed half of it

[magistrate]: that's some real

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: cartman level ship right there

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: oh my god

[cobra]: it was

[melon]: chats

[cobra]: disgusting did

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: you have like tacks that de as

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: no i i can't believe you would

[cobra]: ah

[melon]: say that to me because

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: right

[melon]: i no i really regularly

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: right

[melon]: i got vegetables and

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: sting

[spinner]: a

[melon]: like that anyway

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: you fucking

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: ille chat

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: like

[melon]: just kind of fared on you

[cobra]: you made me swallow your stinky brocoli
fa yes i did

[spinner]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: courtney you

[cobra]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: fuck

[cobra]: guess

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: browny

[cobra]: what and and yes

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: i did have you

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: seen the size of his hand

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: hm oh

[magistrate]: they're very tiny

[cobra]: his dog his dog

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: doesn't match it

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: anyway

[spinner]: anyway

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: you know who i actually

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: am an that she pulls

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: off

[spinner]: i was

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: waiting

[cobra]: mask

[spinner]: for theo

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: waiting for

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: andrew to

[cobra]: am

[spinner]: go who

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: are

[cobra]: tommy

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: to person

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[cobra]: the famous

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: la cross player slash c agent slash

[spinner]: what

[cobra]: deep stage

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: agent

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: gasp

[spinner]: dude

[melon]: wait

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: i

[melon]: i just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: broke

[spinner]: banged

[melon]: your across

[spinner]: tommy

[melon]: stick

[spinner]: tomperson

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: you

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: broke my lacrostqpso ship

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: and all of that

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: because all of this is because my
cover was

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: blown was it your fault no but
i'm taking it out on you because i

[cobra]: hate you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: because

[spinner]: because

[cobra]: you fared on my mouth

[spinner]: my

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: mouth

[cobra]: piece of ship

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: yeah i can't

[spinner]: i

[melon]: believe

[cobra]: i

[melon]: that you've done this to my life

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: just

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: because of this one moment

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: and i think you

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: finish it now how ever you one
to finish it

[melon]: ah chat i'm

[magistrate]: ye

[melon]: so sorry that i got you involved
in all of this

[spinner]: it's

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: okay

[melon]: you deserved

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: serve

[melon]: a better cousin than

[magistrate]: my

[melon]: me

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: it's not your fault that psycho tommy

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: couldn't

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: stand getting

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: frate on for some reason fucking weird

[melon]: yeah

[spinner]: out

[melon]: so i'm going to take the chain

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: yeah you get him

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: get that sucker

[melon]: i'm going to lunch

[magistrate]: m

[melon]: i'm going to lunch at corny atherson

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[cobra]: okay

[melon]: because what

[spinner]: ye

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: i'm gonna trip

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: i'm gonna

[cobra]: okay

[melon]: impale myself on it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh no

[magistrate]: you trip

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: go

[magistrate]: on the broken parts of the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: the cross stick

[magistrate]: cross

[cobra]: the

[magistrate]: stick

[cobra]: lorasticyeh

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: ah

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: my cross take

[melon]: h

[magistrate]: uh

[cobra]: ain't just me again

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[spinner]: and if you re arrange

[melon]: thank

[spinner]: the letters of tommy

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: tofverson you get

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: courtney

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[melon]: atherson

[spinner]: courtney

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: atherton

[melon]: oh oh

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: dent

[magistrate]: uh

[spinner]: dude

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes my

[magistrate]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: disciple

[spinner]: wait

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: courtney

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: to

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: me you have done

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: well joined me

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: dude

[cobra]: my

[spinner]: did

[cobra]: god

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: get away from you demon bitch

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh my

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: god

[magistrate]: as chris just the watcher

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: um

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: dude did i

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: did i bang tommy tobberson

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: and see

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: yeah amazing

[spinner]: h

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: h

[magistrate]: all right

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: h oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: great job everybody we're going to go
to the aftermath

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: aftermath

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: the aftermath is very similar to the
tilt what you need to do is again

[magistrate]: combine your

[cobra]: yah

[magistrate]: dice or sorry

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: i guess roll them all and then

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: gonna

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: do the same combining so the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: highest number minus the lowest

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: number and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: you ll end up with a number
and a color and based on those values

[magistrate]: will be able

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: to determine your

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: aftermath grading if you will

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: you add up the black add up

[magistrate]: a

[spinner]: the white and minus the white from
the black or vice versa

[cobra]: you

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: roll

[magistrate]: we need to roll

[cobra]: what

[magistrate]: them first

[cobra]: set

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: and you roll the other

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: set

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: and then you subtract the numbers the
highest from the lowest

[spinner]: m okay

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ye

[magistrate]: sorry i was just

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: getting some notes there off to edit
this in post so

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: if you guys

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: want to roll

[cobra]: i'm getting at the the after

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: math table

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[melon]: yeah so i am a

[spinner]: eat

[melon]: white four

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: you roll it

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: should roll as well

[spinner]: i'm a i'm a black

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: one

[magistrate]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: okay so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ye

[magistrate]: is going to move your

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: other dice out so we know what

[cobra]: yes

[magistrate]: number you ended up with

[spinner]: how

[magistrate]: did

[spinner]: are

[magistrate]: you

[spinner]: you await

[magistrate]: roll those dikes

[spinner]: for andrew would

[magistrate]: your

[spinner]: you

[magistrate]: rollestes

[spinner]: be

[melon]: as

[spinner]: a

[melon]: i rolled

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: i rolled

[spinner]: oh no

[melon]: four

[spinner]: never mind

[melon]: four and four

[spinner]: got

[magistrate]: you need

[spinner]: it

[magistrate]: to re

[spinner]: got

[magistrate]: roll

[spinner]: it

[magistrate]: these these die spencer you don't just
use the ones you have

[cobra]: yes

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: days

[melon]: yes

[spinner]: what

[magistrate]: so

[spinner]: no i did re

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: roll

[cobra]: have

[spinner]: them

[melon]: yeah

[cobra]: to

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: re

[spinner]: did

[cobra]: roll

[magistrate]: okay

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: them

[spinner]: did

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: sorry

[magistrate]: and you were

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: one

[spinner]: i did

[magistrate]: you

[spinner]: that

[magistrate]: said

[melon]: my

[spinner]: i just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so

[spinner]: sorry

[magistrate]: black one

[spinner]: let me do it let me do
it again

[magistrate]: at

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: i fucked

[cobra]: nine

[spinner]: up

[magistrate]: yeah m

[cobra]: mine

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: m oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: we got

[spinner]: m

[melon]: m

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so i

[cobra]: i'm

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: can't

[cobra]: a white

[magistrate]: m

[cobra]: eight

[melon]: look at you though

[cobra]: i know i rolled the one

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: on the the the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: then

[cobra]: like

[melon]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: where it is the stupid misti

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: oh

[magistrate]: chris were you at

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: i got it

[spinner]: at i'm

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: a zero

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: no

[cobra]: really that's the worst

[magistrate]: that's like to

[cobra]: possible

[magistrate]: walk

[cobra]: scenario

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: perfect

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah it's

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[cobra]: a fate

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: worse than death

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: out of mind

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: um

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so i have i re rolled

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: my two black dice and i got
a five and then i re rolled my

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: white dice and i got a

[spinner]: a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: total seven i have those

[cobra]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: two

[cobra]: seven

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: values

[cobra]: minus

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: right

[cobra]: five it's to

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah so too

[cobra]: white

[spinner]: i

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: white to

[magistrate]: right everybody has their number

[cobra]: i'm

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: pasting the math table to decide here

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: you can expand it i think don't
know how good it's going to look but

[cobra]: i should be fine

[magistrate]: fine

[cobra]: so

[magistrate]: is

[cobra]: i'm a white eight

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: all right let's let's just dive into
it in the recording if you want to

[magistrate]: look at it in your own time
and go ahead but i'm goin to talk

[magistrate]: through the

[spinner]: yep

[magistrate]: aftermath

[cobra]: yeah go for it

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: yes

[magistrate]: okay so the

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: aftermath

[spinner]: ah

[magistrate]: we

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: have

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: all

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: gone ahead and rolled

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: some dice based on what

[spinner]: it

[magistrate]: we had left

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: and we've each come

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: up with either a black number or

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: a white number and that's going to

[melon]: okay

[magistrate]: come off the after math table we're
gonna go around the table and read each

[magistrate]: each players and

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: come up with their final ending so

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: chris

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: what you roll

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i rolled

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a white to like well is that
my total that you

[cobra]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: want

[cobra]: how many

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: diets did you have

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah so i had two black

[cobra]: had four

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: dice

[cobra]: right

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what

[magistrate]: ye

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no i had two

[cobra]: for

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: black

[cobra]: each die

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: dyson

[cobra]: you get to you get to do
a small

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: aftermath scene

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: what

[magistrate]: no it's just a

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: total

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: totals

[cobra]: i know but

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i thought

[cobra]: for each die

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: that you have you go

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: this is and then you say this

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: is me ba ba ba

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: ba blah this is me that's how
that's how it works

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: uh

[magistrate]: who cares

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: h

[magistrate]: i'm sorry

[melon]: h

[cobra]: well

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: it's quarter

[cobra]: that's

[magistrate]: to

[cobra]: just

[magistrate]: one

[cobra]: those

[magistrate]: it

[cobra]: are

[magistrate]: doesn't

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: rules

[magistrate]: matter

[cobra]: what

[magistrate]: let's

[cobra]: do you want

[magistrate]: just

[cobra]: me

[magistrate]: let

[cobra]: to do

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: just giving you like i'm trying to

[cobra]: all right

[magistrate]: the of

[cobra]: fine

[magistrate]: his podcast we don't need to be
a secular about every single rule it's one

[magistrate]: o'clock in the morning

[cobra]: fine

[magistrate]: we'll tell you your

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: number and just do a scene however
you want to give the ending your character

[cobra]: it

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so my final my final score like
my white two

[magistrate]: i got

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: or

[magistrate]: to start

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: over because i have to actually have
something that runs in order

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: that is us talking on the podcast

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: okay ready

[magistrate]: okay so we've gone ahead and totaled
everything up on our aftermath scores re gonna

[magistrate]: go on the table and give you
the value it's either a value in black

[magistrate]: or white and that will tell you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: ultimate fate

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: and in this thing so chris what

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: what do you get

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: so after my

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: totals i got i ended up with
a white too

[magistrate]: a white too

[spinner]: right

[magistrate]: on the after mass scale is merciless
you might not be dead on the outside

[magistrate]: but you sure

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: as

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: hell are dead on the inside the
emotional or mental wounds you have suffered will

[magistrate]: never heal future is a brick wall

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: am

[magistrate]: do you think that i do you
tink that plays out for old beck

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: the future is a brick wall no
future i suppose she ends up i suppose

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: she ends up working

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: at the burger joint and and like
the best

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: you can do is get up graded

[magistrate]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: promoted to supervisor

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: does she even get promoted that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no

[magistrate]: doesn't sound like a brick wall

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: no she doesn't

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: yah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: she stuck on fries and burghers no
she stuck on cash

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: drive

[magistrate]: h

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: through

[magistrate]: perfect i love it for her

[cobra]: busting

[magistrate]: any other

[cobra]: tables even

[magistrate]: any other things that happened to her

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: um she doesn't

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: get accepted into college because

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m courtney slash tommy to person corrupted
her records and so she

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: flunked out

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and

[magistrate]: high

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: she

[magistrate]: school

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: lived

[magistrate]: drop out classic

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: story is old this time

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and she lives the rest of her

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: out with brodie if she'll

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: if he'll have her

[cobra]: if

[melon]: a

[cobra]: he's

[melon]: fate

[cobra]: alive

[melon]: worse than death

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i think

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he's alive

[magistrate]: we'll find out

[melon]: ah

[magistrate]: we'll

[cobra]: that's

[magistrate]: find out

[cobra]: the

[magistrate]: brodie's

[cobra]: face worth an that

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i think

[magistrate]: we'll find out brady's death i mean
life or his scene

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: future

[magistrate]: next up was

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: jena played by me

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: enna was able to score a impressive
black nine so on the aftermath table for

[magistrate]: black nine

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: nothing to write home about back

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: to where you started maybe soon broke
just like yesterday and tomorrow you probably learned

[magistrate]: something though like how to do it
right next time

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: next time

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[magistrate]: so i mean jena had er stole
still on she's already empire not a huge

[magistrate]: loss

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: hadley is still around so that's good
shadley's back

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[magistrate]: that's kind of you know

[cobra]: yah

[magistrate]: a slight

[spinner]: no

[magistrate]: a slight okay for her is better
better at the thing than

[cobra]: yah

[magistrate]: that steve ever was on um so
honestly she's just got the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: books she's

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: got

[spinner]: h

[magistrate]: her

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: her thrall she lives to fight another

[spinner]: but

[magistrate]: day i think maybe next time her
plans will go better she'll b a little

[magistrate]: bit more thorough

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: in her spell casting and put all
the appropriate pentagrams on the wall before summoning

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: demons as it were

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: luciano

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[magistrate]: at you got

[cobra]: ah white eight

[magistrate]: white eight is

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: the best outcome on the good side

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: also nothing to crow about

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[magistrate]: not better

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: but not way worse either maybe the
car is wrecked or your wife is leaving

[magistrate]: you or there's a court date but
compared to some of th other people you

[magistrate]: know

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: damn

[magistrate]: dot dot dot

[cobra]: so i think what happens is before

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: he leaves

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: the matromatodemon

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: savage

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[cobra]: m

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: she

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: my

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: he tells jase

[magistrate]: ye

[cobra]: his real truth which is that he
loved brodie all along

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: but he can't have brute because

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: well we'll see what happens with brodie

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ye

[cobra]: but brodie would would all that roy

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: would

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: say would be no homo and never

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: anything so he's he's stuck he's

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: still enthrall but he's not really because

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: chad is so much

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: better at it he still calls her

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: and why not but she ignores

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: my

[cobra]: him

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: but he is really like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yea

[cobra]: after he was told by the demon

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[cobra]: he loves brody now

[magistrate]: ah

[cobra]: he can't stop thinking

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: about it so he's pining

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[cobra]: for brodie

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: he's pining for gena

[spinner]: yes

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: and he continues being the second best
lacrosse player and now he doesn't even have

[cobra]: a cool stick so you know just

[magistrate]: could be all right

[cobra]: the rest of his life

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[magistrate]: all right that

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: sounds pretty decent for about what's happened
to brody body got a zero

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: h

[magistrate]: zero

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: h

[magistrate]: quote on quote

[spinner]: uh uh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what color

[magistrate]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: does it matter

[magistrate]: doesn't matter

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: they're

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: all

[magistrate]: both

[spinner]: right

[magistrate]: the same on

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[magistrate]: this

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: see

[magistrate]: chart

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: quote

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[magistrate]: on quote

[spinner]: but can't be a color

[magistrate]: zero is the worst

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: thing in the universe

[spinner]: oh god

[magistrate]: um this probably

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: doesn't include deaths and death would be
way better than whatever this is be creative

[magistrate]: and don't settle for the first worst
thing that comes to mind there's something darker

[magistrate]: more awful more wretched in there somewhere
what you got brody what you got the

[magistrate]: roadster

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: it's a tough tough

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: tough role for old brodie

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: so after finding out he banged

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: his hero tommy

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: toperson

[magistrate]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[spinner]: brodie

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: realized that he reached a love at
a high that he could never attain again

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: and he pursued that

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: across

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: the world trying to find

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[spinner]: first trying to find tommy toberson again
but to no avail

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: as he was so deep

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: under cover

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: once that came he quickly turned to

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[spinner]: to get that fill and he started

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: off you know with weed and then
you get

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: into cocaine then he started doing some
harrowing he started doing

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: angel dust and bath salts

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: and then

[cobra]: the heavier

[spinner]: when he's

[cobra]: the drug the smarter

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: he got

[magistrate]: a

[spinner]: yeah and then when he got whenever
he got high yeah he'd get a little

[spinner]: smarter and he realized how horrible

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: it is then it

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: would

[cobra]: that's what i

[spinner]: be

[cobra]: was

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: going

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: for

[spinner]: know i got to stop doing

[magistrate]: uh

[spinner]: drugs and then he'd stop doing drugs
and get dumb so he'd do the drugs

[spinner]: again

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: eventually to the point where he tried
to when he was high and smart he

[spinner]: thought

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[spinner]: he could do his own lebotomy

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: and after

[melon]: ah

[spinner]: trying

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: to work on

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: his own brain he struck a nerve
that left him in a perpetual state

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: of extreme pain while

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he

[spinner]: having full come justinus unable

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: to move

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: wow

[spinner]: just

[melon]: jesus christ

[spinner]: never ending pain

[magistrate]: and and the

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: macho man demon comes

[spinner]: the matmanderassing

[magistrate]: by every day to

[cobra]: keeps yeah keeps

[magistrate]: to harass

[cobra]: haunting

[magistrate]: him

[cobra]: him yeah

[spinner]: him for chain for some reason

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[spinner]: far some changed brother

[magistrate]: oh yeah i need about three fine

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: and uh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: can you get any worse than that
guys that's pretty bad

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: okay

[magistrate]: that's pretty bad

[cobra]: that was pretty

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: wow

[cobra]: grim

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: wow

[magistrate]: well

[spinner]: well

[magistrate]: that is all the time we have

[spinner]: it's

[magistrate]: this

[cobra]: no

[magistrate]: second

[spinner]: a

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: tough

[magistrate]: episode

[cobra]: we have the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: i'm

[spinner]: you

[magistrate]: sorry

[spinner]: told

[magistrate]: theo we'll just

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: he

[magistrate]: chop that i didn't do that

[melon]: yeah uh

[magistrate]: um

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: it's late

[melon]: h

[magistrate]: theo we have you left what numbers
you get

[melon]: all right so theo ended

[spinner]: ah

[melon]: up with a white

[cobra]: thank you

[melon]: four

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: a

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: quite

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: four

[spinner]: i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[magistrate]: bitter

[melon]: oh

[magistrate]: you

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: know what it's like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: to be

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: utterly

[spinner]: it

[magistrate]: crushed

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: casually brought low force to eat your
own words and stand

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: mute and powerless before your enemies

[cobra]: m

[magistrate]: they gloat and you are helpless

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ham

[cobra]: oh perfect

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: i

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: guess that chains

[melon]: so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: out and kill you

[melon]: chain so didn't kill me but

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: oh

[melon]: like

[spinner]: it

[melon]: i think

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ah

[melon]: it

[magistrate]: m

[melon]: hit a nerve in my spine so
i can't walk

[cobra]: yes

[melon]: any

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: more

[spinner]: lot

[magistrate]: h

[spinner]: of nerve damage

[magistrate]: m

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: like

[spinner]: like

[melon]: a chat

[spinner]: a

[melon]: chat still chats alive still but like
the amount of like stress that i've gone

[melon]: through that entire

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: that one day

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: really

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: find out that like the last

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: a

[melon]: like

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: ye

[melon]: half year of my life had

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: just been completely ruined

[magistrate]: m

[spinner]: oh

[melon]: because of one action

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: i

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: had no idea

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah oh

[magistrate]: i

[melon]: had

[magistrate]: couldn't

[melon]: even

[magistrate]: control

[melon]: happened yeah

[spinner]: m

[melon]: it's just

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[melon]: so now

[spinner]: no

[melon]: i can't even go into the woods
any more

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: um and it's no it's bleak

[spinner]: m

[melon]: for for theo

[magistrate]: does chad

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: come a visitor like

[cobra]: ah

[magistrate]: are you too bitter for

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: zompychat and he's just like no i

[melon]: he's a turns out you know i

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: all this time grieving chat but he's
he's off just being a thrall now

[spinner]: m

[melon]: doesn't have time

[cobra]: yeah

[melon]: to visit theo

[magistrate]: m

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: tommy

[melon]: maybe it

[cobra]: to

[melon]: doesn't

[cobra]: person

[melon]: even remember

[cobra]: cuts

[magistrate]: m

[melon]: theo anymore

[cobra]: tommy to person cuts the trees from

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: wood with his own chain saw

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[melon]: ah

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: uh

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: h as he watches

[magistrate]: he's just bitter he's not sucking the
worst thing in the universe he's not sucking

[magistrate]: baroity

[cobra]: i mean it's you know they gloat
in you and you are helpless that's that

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: was more where

[magistrate]: it's

[spinner]: hm

[cobra]: i

[magistrate]: fair

[cobra]: was

[magistrate]: enough

[cobra]: getting

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[cobra]: for

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: a

[magistrate]: tommy thompson puts his across stick back
together and goes on to win

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: seven more championships

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: yeah

[cobra]: and

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[cobra]: dedicates

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[magistrate]: oh

[cobra]: every single one of them to that
cripple theo

[magistrate]: ah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: that's

[magistrate]: yep

[cobra]: what he says

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: all right good stuff that's that's it
that's the end of this episode

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: i hope you enjoyed it it was
a long meandering road to get to the

[magistrate]: end of this m

[spinner]: m

[magistrate]: thank you andrew

[spinner]: my

[magistrate]: for playing the role of the

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[magistrate]: and destroying his life so

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m yeah

[magistrate]: succinctly

[melon]: thanks for having me

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: thanks major

[magistrate]: any time um we always like to
ask people if they want to give away

[magistrate]: any of their social information about being
on this podcast no one's take us

[spinner]: a

[magistrate]: taking us up on the offer but

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: don't

[magistrate]: you know

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: don't

[spinner]: exactly

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: don't do it don't

[cobra]: we

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: start

[cobra]: always offer though

[magistrate]: just ask

[melon]: i have literally zero social

[spinner]: m

[melon]: network

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: it's

[melon]: so

[magistrate]: a smart

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: answer i'm sure it's a lie but
it's a smart answer all the same

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah we have some

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: socials of our own we do have

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: the twitter for now

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: your

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: at

[magistrate]: wrong

[spinner]: tommy

[magistrate]: cast

[spinner]: dobberson

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: a person

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: is real

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: esrealgoogle

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: him also we have our website

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: people

[magistrate]: w

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: do

[magistrate]: w

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: as they do

[magistrate]: you

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: what they

[magistrate]: got

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: do with

[magistrate]: your

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: any

[magistrate]: wrong

[spinner]: ah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: time

[magistrate]: cast

[cobra]: fucking boomer

[magistrate]: to c a

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: and we

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[magistrate]: even use the email sometimes your wrong
cast at g mail dot com

[spinner]: energy is palpable

[magistrate]: right it's

[cobra]: yeah

[magistrate]: flying high listen

[cobra]: as always

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: if

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah

[magistrate]: if you are able to catch a
setting of tommy toperson it's like catching big

[magistrate]: foot

[spinner]: yeah

[magistrate]: please adams anywhere

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yes

[magistrate]: we want to track tommy

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: alex

[magistrate]: toperson thom

[spinner]: adam

[magistrate]: hobson could be your father

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[magistrate]: in disguise he

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: a

[magistrate]: could

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: lot

[spinner]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: of

[magistrate]: be

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: cats

[magistrate]: your

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: have

[magistrate]: mother

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: that name you now

[magistrate]: your best friend

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hm

[magistrate]: careful

[spinner]: some say he's the

[magistrate]: yeah

[spinner]: friends we made along the way

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: h

[magistrate]: he

[cobra]: oh

[magistrate]: could be santa claus and all i'm
saying is

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: maybe yo don't flirt when you're er

[cobra]: okay

[magistrate]: mall santa

[spinner]: that was the

[magistrate]: in

[spinner]: moral

[magistrate]: case

[spinner]: of

[magistrate]: you

[spinner]: the

[magistrate]: still

[spinner]: entire

[magistrate]: metoperson

[spinner]: story

[cobra]: yeah that's the moral of this story

[spinner]: what you ford on

[magistrate]: yeah

[melon]: yeah

[magistrate]: because

[cobra]: because

[magistrate]: it could

[spinner]: he

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: could

[cobra]: might

[magistrate]: be tommy

[spinner]: be

[cobra]: be tommy

[magistrate]: tofferson

[spinner]: he

[cobra]: to

[spinner]: could

[cobra]: person

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: i

[spinner]: be anywhere

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: hmmm

[magistrate]: tom

[melon]: and he

[magistrate]: jofrson

[melon]: could ruin

[magistrate]: is

[melon]: your life

[magistrate]: tommy tofersonis a new horror

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: yeah he

[magistrate]: slash your film

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: m

[magistrate]: guy but for now i'm at

[cobra]: m luciano

[spinner]: i'm spencer

[magistrate]: oh

[melon]: i was andrew

[spinner]: oh

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: and i still haven't

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: left you think you coming to my

[spinner]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: restaurant

[spinner]: god

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: in the middle of this podcast

[cobra]: fuck

[magistrate]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: my throat

[cobra]: oh

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh god i can't hold it

[cobra]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: oh

[melon]: yeah

[it_s_beckee_bitch]: shit

Creators and Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
Recurring guest host extraordinaire
88. You're Definitely Wrong About Tommy Topperson ("Fiasco" Game, Part 2)
Broadcast by