89. You're Wrong About What You Think Will Happen in 2023

No Subway combos were harmed in the making of this episode.

[seasons_beatings]: hello and welcome back to your wrong
right away

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: double

[_copernicumbledore]: right on time

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: ye

[seasons_beatings]: she went down the hall so maybe
it'll be better i'm just going to restart

[seasons_beatings]: that intro until

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: visit

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: about

[cobra]: probably a good

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[cobra]: idea

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh oh oh

[seasons_beatings]: hello welcome back to your wrong it
is twenty

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: twenty

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: three um

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: already

[seasons_beatings]: the same

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: as it ever was

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: with me

[spinner]: field

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: feels dirtier

[seasons_beatings]: it does facefeeling is always first time

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: long time the dirtiest of the dirty

[spinner]: the dirty hello

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: hello

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: he's so dirty

[spinner]: so so happy to be here

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: such

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: big fans of you guys matt and

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: fuck

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: fans oh

[seasons_beatings]: h

[spinner]: oh luciano

[seasons_beatings]: h

[spinner]: that

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: is

[seasons_beatings]: that

[spinner]: all

[seasons_beatings]: was with us as well chris

[spinner]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: from

[_copernicumbledore]: hello

[seasons_beatings]: montreal

[spinner]: ah big fan

[_copernicumbledore]: greetings

[spinner]: big fan

[_copernicumbledore]: greetings

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: greetings

[seasons_beatings]: and luciano snuck in

[spinner]: it

[seasons_beatings]: here somehow

[spinner]: be

[cobra]: i guess i guess

[seasons_beatings]: yeah long time podcast member first time

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: hated on i don't know that's not
true anyways

[spinner]: that's

[seasons_beatings]: moving

[spinner]: not true

[seasons_beatings]: on

[spinner]: at all

[cobra]: that's that's the opposite of true

[spinner]: first time in twenty twenty three

[seasons_beatings]: yeah that

[cobra]: that's that's more true

[seasons_beatings]: it's already four days

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: and guys come on

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: oh we are going to talk about
though is we are going to

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: review our predictions from twenty twenty two
and spoiler

[spinner]: oh yeah

[seasons_beatings]: alert we made a couple of correct

[spinner]: really

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: some where obscenely

[spinner]: i

[seasons_beatings]: wrong as well

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: but

[spinner]: i don't remember any of them so

[_copernicumbledore]: unfortunately

[spinner]: excited to hear them

[cobra]: i remember we talked about about

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: gilbert godfrey and

[_copernicumbledore]: all right p

[cobra]: oh boy

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: that didn't go well

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: no

[seasons_beatings]: so

[spinner]: were any of the predictions that he
would die

[seasons_beatings]: um

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: no

[_copernicumbledore]: no

[seasons_beatings]: no

[spinner]: we are all wrong

[seasons_beatings]: i will

[_copernicumbledore]: he

[seasons_beatings]: spencer in a weird sort of way
his death helped

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: you a lot

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh good

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: oh no a

[spinner]: i mean oh no

[_copernicumbledore]: no

[spinner]: i mean there's

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: so let me let me ask you

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: you

[spinner]: let's

[seasons_beatings]: kill

[spinner]: look at the bright side

[seasons_beatings]: gilbert godfrey

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: you

[spinner]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: son

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: of a gun

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: due to my advice

[cobra]: i mean

[spinner]: for

[cobra]: he

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: my

[cobra]: had

[spinner]: attorney

[cobra]: a lot

[_copernicumbledore]: speak

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: of

[spinner]: am

[cobra]: ten

[spinner]: pleading

[cobra]: thousand

[spinner]: the fifth

[cobra]: dollar bets

[_copernicumbledore]: as i flipped

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: the table

[cobra]: a lot of them

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: where were you when gilbert godfrey tod

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: i was i was watching pornography

[_copernicumbledore]: we have

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: witnesses that can confirm that okay

[seasons_beatings]: i mean that's that seems

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: very likely so let's

[spinner]: it's my go to answer

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: we're gonna also do some twenty twenty
three predictions but let's go through corrector and

[seasons_beatings]: correct we

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: were for twenty twenty two

[_copernicumbledore]: ye

[seasons_beatings]: we did five last time each

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: i can promise you we're not goin

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: a do five this time

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: we just won't have

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: time

[cobra]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: to talk about the old ones and
make five new ones because we really nough

[seasons_beatings]: time to do five the last time
literally the last

[spinner]: i

[seasons_beatings]: one we said nothing about we just
said it and didn't

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: comment on it at all

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: so we'll

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: try for

[cobra]: we're

[seasons_beatings]: two

[cobra]: professional

[seasons_beatings]: three

[cobra]: podcasters here

[seasons_beatings]: professionals through and through having a year

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[seasons_beatings]: of experience under our belts let's name
for two or three and hope for the

[seasons_beatings]: best

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: um

[cobra]: yes

[seasons_beatings]: be

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: that as it may who wants to
who wants to know we'll start to start

[seasons_beatings]: with order that we did the last
time chris chris is

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[seasons_beatings]: first

[_copernicumbledore]: sir

[seasons_beatings]: which was a number of things

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: but i think when we nailed it
down ah

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[seasons_beatings]: chris said that henry cabell

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: is going to leave d

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: c to go to marvell to be

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: m m

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: that was half

[_copernicumbledore]: half

[cobra]: true

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[spinner]: close

[_copernicumbledore]: half right

[seasons_beatings]: he also said

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: gilbert godfrey was going to play

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: gambit

[_copernicumbledore]: i did say

[seasons_beatings]: and

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[seasons_beatings]: that

[spinner]: not

[cobra]: i remember that one that was the

[spinner]: not

[cobra]: only

[spinner]: as

[cobra]: one

[spinner]: close

[cobra]: i remembered

[spinner]: that was also the only

[seasons_beatings]: now

[spinner]: one

[seasons_beatings]: it's

[spinner]: i remembered

[_copernicumbledore]: no

[seasons_beatings]: close

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: and the mountain s body would play
the body of a mega red and the

[seasons_beatings]: voice would be ray winston

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[seasons_beatings]: so

[spinner]: wow

[seasons_beatings]: i think you

[spinner]: so

[seasons_beatings]: missed

[spinner]: close so

[seasons_beatings]: on that one

[spinner]: close

[seasons_beatings]: but

[_copernicumbledore]: you got

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: to swing

[seasons_beatings]: so close

[_copernicumbledore]: for the fences

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: gentlemen you've

[seasons_beatings]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: got to

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: otherwise like why are they paying us
these big bucks like

[spinner]: that's true

[_copernicumbledore]: there you go stand

[spinner]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: by

[spinner]: mean

[_copernicumbledore]: it

[spinner]: if

[seasons_beatings]: like

[spinner]: he was

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: right how

[seasons_beatings]: aim

[spinner]: impressed

[seasons_beatings]: for the

[spinner]: would

[seasons_beatings]: sun

[spinner]: we be

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: well well

[_copernicumbledore]: aim for the sun

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[seasons_beatings]: if he was right that's

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: your first bet of ten k you
would have tim spencer

[spinner]: he

[seasons_beatings]: you got to go all three of
those right so

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: gilbert

[spinner]: so

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: godfrey

[spinner]: he owes me

[seasons_beatings]: dying

[spinner]: ten k

[seasons_beatings]: prevented him from voicing gambit that's the
only thing that stopped him

[cobra]: of course

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[spinner]: thank

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: thank god because otherwise

[_copernicumbledore]: what

[spinner]: i would have been out ten gees

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: because he was a lock

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[spinner]: for

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: gambit twenty twenty two

[_copernicumbledore]: you

[seasons_beatings]: spencer

[_copernicumbledore]: know

[seasons_beatings]: just to give you some some level
you had fifty k on the line i

[seasons_beatings]: think

[spinner]: nice

[seasons_beatings]: based

[spinner]: how

[seasons_beatings]: on

[spinner]: much

[seasons_beatings]: your

[spinner]: did i have to win

[seasons_beatings]: see this is where you made mistakes

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: no

[_copernicumbledore]: a

[seasons_beatings]: you just offered to pay people all
the money if they

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: were

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: right

[spinner]: oh god

[cobra]: that was like it was no

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: there was no like you

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: pay me if this happens it's just
like if this happens i'll pay you

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[cobra]: ten thousand dollars

[spinner]: oh no i don't

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: understand how gambling

[cobra]: a

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: works

[seasons_beatings]: well we'll see

[spinner]: i'll

[seasons_beatings]: this

[spinner]: give

[seasons_beatings]: year

[spinner]: ten thousand

[cobra]: you were

[spinner]: dollars to anyone who can explain it
to me

[cobra]: i mean you

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: were

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: you were betting heavily on n f
t so dat tracks

[spinner]: what do you

[_copernicumbledore]: um

[spinner]: mean

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: they're still good

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[seasons_beatings]: they

[_copernicumbledore]: yah

[seasons_beatings]: sure are

[spinner]: they're

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: on a dip by the dip

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: boys

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: chris's

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: next bet was that michasof would buy
bo and put on a new sex in

[seasons_beatings]: the city or potentially a new golden
girl slash golden

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: gents show

[_copernicumbledore]: exactly

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: the golden

[cobra]: what

[seasons_beatings]: gent show was going to

[_copernicumbledore]: yep

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: start

[cobra]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: bert godfrey

[spinner]: he cast

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i

[seasons_beatings]: antonio venders

[_copernicumbledore]: see

[spinner]: nice

[seasons_beatings]: john licazamo

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: see

[seasons_beatings]: and jamie campbell or campbell i couldn't
quite hear campbell

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: oh yes yes yes

[cobra]: think

[_copernicumbledore]: from jane the virgin

[spinner]: they're

[seasons_beatings]: correct

[_copernicumbledore]: he would

[spinner]: both

[_copernicumbledore]: have been

[spinner]: wrong

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: glorious

[seasons_beatings]: yeah um

[_copernicumbledore]: that was the casting

[seasons_beatings]: that would have also noted you a
cool ten k

[spinner]: he

[_copernicumbledore]: would have

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: but again gilbert

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: godfrey died thereby negating

[spinner]: h

[seasons_beatings]: that

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: bet

[spinner]: keep winning boys

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: he's the lynch pin

[cobra]: i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: he's this

[cobra]: hearing

[_copernicumbledore]: lynch

[cobra]: motive

[_copernicumbledore]: pin

[cobra]: all i'm hearing

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: is motive that's all

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: i'm hearing

[seasons_beatings]: it's a motive on motive on motive

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: i stand by the fact that i
think a golden gen show would do well

[_copernicumbledore]: see

[spinner]: kay

[_copernicumbledore]: c

[spinner]: i think that's

[seasons_beatings]: that

[spinner]: a that's a winner

[seasons_beatings]: be that as it may you got
to recast gilbert

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: chris

[_copernicumbledore]: have

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: to do it

[spinner]: then

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[spinner]: the show

[_copernicumbledore]: now

[spinner]: then the

[seasons_beatings]: i

[spinner]: show

[seasons_beatings]: mean

[_copernicumbledore]: i could

[spinner]: is no it's

[_copernicumbledore]: if

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: done

[_copernicumbledore]: you're if you're asking me to i'll

[seasons_beatings]: i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: try

[seasons_beatings]: asking you i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: monster m a massachist

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: okay so think

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: think

[spinner]: boy

[cobra]: about

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: this properly because whoever you

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: cast might die

[_copernicumbledore]: i see

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: the

[cobra]: um

[_copernicumbledore]: only

[seasons_beatings]: yep

[_copernicumbledore]: the only thing that we have discovered
is my dark

[cobra]: hm

[_copernicumbledore]: ability to doom

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: those who i cast therefore

[cobra]: m m

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: in order to

[cobra]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: replace gilbert

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: godfrey there is only but one chosen

[spinner]: yhfladamir puttin

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[cobra]: even corbo

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i want this show

[cobra]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: to succeed

[cobra]: say

[_copernicumbledore]: but you want

[cobra]: plespplease

[_copernicumbledore]: him

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: to

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: die i see where you're

[cobra]: say

[_copernicumbledore]: going

[cobra]: kevin yes

[spinner]: h uh

[_copernicumbledore]: conflict i'm immediately

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: conflicted

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: oh i know

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: who

[spinner]: donald

[_copernicumbledore]: it is

[spinner]: drum

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: well i don't

[cobra]: rob

[_copernicumbledore]: want

[cobra]: snider

[_copernicumbledore]: him to

[seasons_beatings]: chris

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: chris let me let me help you
her since

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: things are being yelled at you

[cobra]: yes

[seasons_beatings]: i want

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: you to create a whole new show
of four people

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: that

[spinner]: my

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[seasons_beatings]: if

[spinner]: god

[seasons_beatings]: something was to happen to them we

[cobra]: m

[seasons_beatings]: not

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: be sad

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh boy

[_copernicumbledore]: these constraints are helpful

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: imagine

[spinner]: h

[_copernicumbledore]: if you will okay have any of
you seen weakened at burney's

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: yeah the far superior weekend at burney's

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: against week end of burne's too

[spinner]: okay

[seasons_beatings]: that

[_copernicumbledore]: exactly

[spinner]: yes

[seasons_beatings]: doesn't make sense

[_copernicumbledore]: so we're going to turn that into
a neckflix show

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: one and it's going to be called
weekend at donne's donald

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: trump dies in the first

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: scene and

[seasons_beatings]: love it

[_copernicumbledore]: three

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: other

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: let's say rambunctious older gentlemen um no
i'm gonna mix it up two

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: older gentlemen and two older

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: ladies

[seasons_beatings]: good

[_copernicumbledore]: ere

[seasons_beatings]: like

[_copernicumbledore]: gonna

[seasons_beatings]: that

[_copernicumbledore]: try to re goin to try to
keep things

[cobra]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: going keep

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: the show running because

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: the world can't

[cobra]: inclusivity

[_copernicumbledore]: handle donne's

[cobra]: inclusivity

[_copernicumbledore]: death

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: is important

[_copernicumbledore]: well not when you hear who the

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: names are already starting to float okay
roll number one rob snider

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: role

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: number

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: two

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: kevin

[_copernicumbledore]: rule number two

[cobra]: sorb

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: kevin

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: yeah yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: they're they're

[spinner]: tis

[_copernicumbledore]: gonna

[spinner]: a point dad

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: one commetic relief

[seasons_beatings]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: one i don't know what i could
care either less either way number

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: three

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: gina coranto

[seasons_beatings]: nice

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: okay and

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: now i need a fourth um

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i need a fourth

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: my brain cells

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: someone that

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: we don't care about

[seasons_beatings]: jordan

[spinner]: lauren

[seasons_beatings]: b peterson

[spinner]: obert

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[cobra]: he's

[_copernicumbledore]: heard

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: not

[_copernicumbledore]: two

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: gord

[_copernicumbledore]: things

[cobra]: woman though allegedly

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: he's

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: not

[seasons_beatings]: jordan b peterson and drag

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[spinner]: it's perfect

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: okay okay and what was the someone
i heard

[seasons_beatings]: he'll

[_copernicumbledore]: another

[seasons_beatings]: hate

[_copernicumbledore]: name

[seasons_beatings]: it

[cobra]: h

[_copernicumbledore]: what was it

[spinner]: laurent

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: bowbert

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: she's

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[spinner]: the

[_copernicumbledore]: don't

[cobra]: but

[_copernicumbledore]: know

[spinner]: republican

[_copernicumbledore]: who

[cobra]: she's

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[cobra]: not

[_copernicumbledore]: is

[cobra]: an actress how about cristal

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: sorry

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: did

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: she pass

[spinner]: too soon

[_copernicumbledore]: away as well

[cobra]: i'm sorry

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: too

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: soon

[seasons_beatings]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: i i saw something on the grocery

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: h

[_copernicumbledore]: store and is like like the details
of her death i'm like that can't be

[_copernicumbledore]: real

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: she didn't die i would have heard
about it but for those

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: reasons let's let's let's bring geordie let's
bring geordana

[seasons_beatings]: h

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: brewster

[_copernicumbledore]: peterson

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: he

[_copernicumbledore]: into it let

[spinner]: jonah

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: inclusivity

[spinner]: peterson

[_copernicumbledore]: it will

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: be a splash of too

[seasons_beatings]: she

[_copernicumbledore]: long food in there

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: for

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: you but for the right wrong reasons

[seasons_beatings]: he'll hate it

[_copernicumbledore]: and

[seasons_beatings]: which will be perfect

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[spinner]: but

[_copernicumbledore]: so

[spinner]: he needs

[_copernicumbledore]: i've got

[spinner]: he needs

[_copernicumbledore]: the forecasting

[spinner]: the money

[seasons_beatings]: he does

[_copernicumbledore]: so they've

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: got a puppet

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: donny around because

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: so many people looking forward to this
and so many other people are like ready

[_copernicumbledore]: to bring pitchforks in some direction

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: and the rest writes itself

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: if

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[spinner]: that happens chris i will give you

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: hundred thousand

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: dollars in u s currency

[cobra]: it's in one

[_copernicumbledore]: not not dogs going

[cobra]: all

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: in

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[cobra]: all in singles

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: like

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: will

[spinner]: in return

[cobra]: a

[_copernicumbledore]: you

[cobra]: fucking

[_copernicumbledore]: make it rain

[cobra]: like

[_copernicumbledore]: you'll

[cobra]: paying

[_copernicumbledore]: make it rain

[cobra]: a stripper

[_copernicumbledore]: on me

[cobra]: and in singles

[spinner]: i'll

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: make it rain and

[seasons_beatings]: perfect

[_copernicumbledore]: wow

[spinner]: if you're

[seasons_beatings]: yes

[spinner]: right i

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[spinner]: mean i'm right i forget i

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[spinner]: don't

[_copernicumbledore]: will

[spinner]: know how that part works

[_copernicumbledore]: if you're right so if you're right
about my being wrong

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: then

[spinner]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: i will work for

[seasons_beatings]: my

[_copernicumbledore]: one hundred seconds

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: that sounds like a

[cobra]: how

[spinner]: lose

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: lose

[cobra]: that that's

[_copernicumbledore]: yeh

[cobra]: a punishment yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: that's

[seasons_beatings]: well

[_copernicumbledore]: what i offered and that's what he's
going to have to accept

[spinner]: i don't

[seasons_beatings]: you know

[spinner]: understand gambling so i'll take it

[seasons_beatings]: we'll take it

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: sucker

[seasons_beatings]: moving on from that

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[seasons_beatings]: chris is

[spinner]: work

[seasons_beatings]: four

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: a crypto currency right

[seasons_beatings]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[seasons_beatings]: sure is but sure is

[_copernicumbledore]: smelled with

[spinner]: sure

[_copernicumbledore]: a q

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: is

[_copernicumbledore]: q

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: twor

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: coin

[seasons_beatings]: moving

[spinner]: tirtcoin

[seasons_beatings]: on no we

[_copernicumbledore]: a

[seasons_beatings]: moved on from torcoing

[spinner]: sorry

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: chris

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: predicted that

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: a simar jack live action film would
be made

[spinner]: i

[seasons_beatings]: hemerygolding would be sewing as jack

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[seasons_beatings]: i did not look up his name
but as carry heroktagama

[_copernicumbledore]: yasha

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: am i getting that right shanks

[_copernicumbledore]: sung

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: sorry

[seasons_beatings]: was a co

[_copernicumbledore]: coo

[seasons_beatings]: and then

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: spencer

[spinner]: good

[seasons_beatings]: you

[spinner]: casting

[seasons_beatings]: up to twenty if that

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: was all right

[spinner]: oh my

[_copernicumbledore]: m m

[spinner]: and what did i get in return

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: oh nothing

[spinner]: i'm

[cobra]: nothing

[spinner]: re capping my winnings what

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: just

[spinner]: how

[seasons_beatings]: so

[spinner]: much

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: how many twirkcoins did i bet

[seasons_beatings]: not enough

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: h god

[seasons_beatings]: just so we're

[spinner]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: clear

[spinner]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: when

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: we did

[cobra]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: this we went around the table

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: each making one prediction at a time
so you had plenty

[spinner]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: of time in between to think about
these bets you

[spinner]: ye

[seasons_beatings]: kept making and

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: you just

[spinner]: hm

[seasons_beatings]: up the ante

[_copernicumbledore]: yeh

[seasons_beatings]: on them

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: don't i don't think thinking was involved

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: let's be honest

[seasons_beatings]: that's a hundred percent

[_copernicumbledore]: where

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: did

[seasons_beatings]: fair

[_copernicumbledore]: you get this money from money

[spinner]: listen

[_copernicumbledore]: bags

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i had a hundred thousand dollars on
the line

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: to win or lose

[seasons_beatings]: yeah he's betting on from

[_copernicumbledore]: kay

[seasons_beatings]: the mob someod'sgonna

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: ome beak likes later

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: oh my god

[spinner]: so far

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: i'm up i'm up

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: something

[seasons_beatings]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: i'm up one dance from chris

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: that's all

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: you're

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: that's next year that's next year

[_copernicumbledore]: it's not

[cobra]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: in person it's virtual

[spinner]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm not going to it to anyone's

[spinner]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[spinner]: i

[seasons_beatings]: gross

[spinner]: had a big big

[_copernicumbledore]: all

[seasons_beatings]: number

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[spinner]: mob's

[seasons_beatings]: five

[spinner]: got to

[seasons_beatings]: chriss

[spinner]: get the percentage

[seasons_beatings]: chriss last bet which was really just
say something and we'll see if it turned

[seasons_beatings]: on ot steve wonder bio pick would
be announced

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[spinner]: ye was

[seasons_beatings]: so of

[spinner]: it

[seasons_beatings]: course

[spinner]: announced

[seasons_beatings]: you

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[seasons_beatings]: know

[cobra]: it was not

[seasons_beatings]: you went over

[spinner]: finally you said whitney houston

[seasons_beatings]: on

[_copernicumbledore]: ye

[seasons_beatings]: your predictions close but

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: no cigar

[_copernicumbledore]: i did go over i don't regret

[seasons_beatings]: the only thing you got right

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: is kenerickevell leaves

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: d c slashes fours

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: and that's like

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: kind of pending because they talk about
using him on other things but god only

[seasons_beatings]: knows

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: um

[spinner]: that's all bullshit

[seasons_beatings]: let's

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: let's move down to i have another
thing i wrote here and i don't know

[seasons_beatings]: if i wrote

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: it as part of chris just making
random statement or not because i picked out

[seasons_beatings]: some pieces i'm goin to save until
later i picked up some things

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: we said that i thought it was
interesting they weren't bets nesses airily to spencer

[seasons_beatings]: to win

[spinner]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: but just some dumb things we said

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: are going

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: to haunt us

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: um

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: spencer

[cobra]: none of them were bad

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: for spencer

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: to win

[spinner]: let's go

[cobra]: let's be honest

[spinner]: let's hear these predictions

[seasons_beatings]: spencer your

[spinner]: i

[seasons_beatings]: first

[spinner]: got

[seasons_beatings]: prediction

[spinner]: a good feeling about that

[seasons_beatings]: it was the new baby movie is
going to be over ninety percent fresh on

[seasons_beatings]: rotten tomatoes

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: and i regret to inform you

[_copernicumbledore]: m m

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: that as

[spinner]: no

[seasons_beatings]: of last night when i looked

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: eighty nine

[seasons_beatings]: it was eighty five per cent

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: oh so close

[cobra]: h

[seasons_beatings]: still eighty

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: five

[cobra]: h

[seasons_beatings]: i thought i checked a day just
in case you know a hundred

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: submissions were made to push it

[spinner]: well

[seasons_beatings]: up

[spinner]: let me put let me enter a
couple submissions

[seasons_beatings]: so you

[_copernicumbledore]: one

[seasons_beatings]: were very

[_copernicumbledore]: second

[seasons_beatings]: close on that one eighty five

[spinner]: okay

[seasons_beatings]: percent certified fresh

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: audience score eighty seven percent so

[cobra]: eh

[seasons_beatings]: and you said it was going

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: to be like the critics because you
did not trust the audience which is always

[seasons_beatings]: a smart bit

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: yeah your second

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: i wasn't

[seasons_beatings]: bet

[spinner]: i wasn't as good as i was
expecting although very good

[seasons_beatings]: i it was good if you just
chopped out all the motor biking through graveyard

[seasons_beatings]: scenes i think you would have got

[spinner]: yeah i would have

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: been there i know damn

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[spinner]: fucking motor making

[seasons_beatings]: and the entire

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: third act or fourth

[spinner]: third

[seasons_beatings]: act or whatever

[spinner]: act

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: that was

[spinner]: exactly

[cobra]: the

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: seventh act whatever that

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: was yeah

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: second prediction from spencer

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: was in twenty twenty two marvell announced
that chris evans will be back as captain

[seasons_beatings]: america

[spinner]: did that happen

[_copernicumbledore]: there's been a

[cobra]: no

[_copernicumbledore]: lot of swirling

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: rumors and

[seasons_beatings]: there was

[_copernicumbledore]: apparently all right go ahead

[seasons_beatings]: i was going to say

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: the worst whirling murmurs when we recorded
the podcast

[_copernicumbledore]: yea and there were soling

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: rumors about

[cobra]: he

[_copernicumbledore]: r d

[cobra]: doesn't

[_copernicumbledore]: j

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: coming

[cobra]: he doesn't

[_copernicumbledore]: back as

[cobra]: want

[_copernicumbledore]: well

[cobra]: to

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: sounds like

[cobra]: wants

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[cobra]: to

[_copernicumbledore]: guess

[cobra]: direct

[_copernicumbledore]: it's just the rumor

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: mill

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: okay we don't we don't

[_copernicumbledore]: maybe

[seasons_beatings]: need to say all the things we
said in the last podcast because you said

[seasons_beatings]: that to lucian he literally said he

[cobra]: of

[seasons_beatings]: want

[cobra]: course

[seasons_beatings]: to want to sit direct so

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: we're not caught in a fucking ground

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: day situation on

[spinner]: god

[seasons_beatings]: this podcast

[spinner]: damn luciano

[cobra]: damn me for being consistent

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: your omniscience your omniscience from the present
into the past

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: is unyielding

[seasons_beatings]: it really is

[spinner]: you mean

[seasons_beatings]: no

[spinner]: remembering

[seasons_beatings]: it doesn't sound

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: omniscient

[seasons_beatings]: no

[_copernicumbledore]: go to sleep

[seasons_beatings]: number

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: three

[spinner]: come on

[_copernicumbledore]: he

[seasons_beatings]: you

[spinner]: give

[_copernicumbledore]: was

[seasons_beatings]: predicted

[spinner]: me

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[spinner]: get

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: me

[seasons_beatings]: that there would be a new star
wars trilogy set in essentially you narrowed it

[seasons_beatings]: down to the the way past either
of the golden age or co tour and

[seasons_beatings]: then you changed to just one movie
which didn't upper

[_copernicumbledore]: ye

[seasons_beatings]: awes at all um

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: the best you

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: got and don't know if it had
happened or not

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: s a t v show that is
supposed to be set

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: in the golden age

[spinner]: i'll

[seasons_beatings]: like

[spinner]: take

[seasons_beatings]: the way

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: deacolide

[spinner]: that's a victory

[cobra]: right

[seasons_beatings]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: so so you got like a point
two five percent of a victory

[spinner]: i hadn't even heard about this the

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: they basal just posted like a like
the title title

[cobra]: logo

[seasons_beatings]: screen

[cobra]: maybe

[seasons_beatings]: logo yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: ye

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i'll take it maybe it'll be turned
into a movie

[seasons_beatings]: well spencer this next one for you
i went really really really badly

[_copernicumbledore]: ye

[seasons_beatings]: um

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: so this

[cobra]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: one took us a while you made
a bet that meta was going to purchase

[seasons_beatings]: tiktok

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: you started

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: at

[spinner]: god

[seasons_beatings]: four billion then

[cobra]: a

[seasons_beatings]: you

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: went down

[spinner]: no

[seasons_beatings]: to two billion then

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: you went

[spinner]: god

[seasons_beatings]: up to two point one billion then
back to four billion then to any billion

[seasons_beatings]: and if this was

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: true this is the only bet where
you could have made money

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: yeah oh

[seasons_beatings]: actually not money

[_copernicumbledore]: he's

[seasons_beatings]: if this

[_copernicumbledore]: hysterical

[seasons_beatings]: is true

[spinner]: i

[seasons_beatings]: you

[spinner]: love this number four

[seasons_beatings]: that's

[spinner]: to

[seasons_beatings]: just

[spinner]: dude four due four to seventy billion

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: we had to talk through it because

[cobra]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: i started throwing hard facts at you
like how much twitter was worth

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: and how much tick tock was worth
at the time

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: of that bet much more than four

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: chris this is where you

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: could have made a profit

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: chris bet you that if that happened

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: you would have got a combo sandwich
from subway

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: as far

[spinner]: dad

[seasons_beatings]: as i could tell it was only

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: a six inch

[cobra]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: sub but

[spinner]: damn

[seasons_beatings]: there was

[spinner]: it

[seasons_beatings]: cookies involved

[spinner]: oh my god

[_copernicumbledore]: because i love

[spinner]: that

[_copernicumbledore]: turkey sandwiches

[spinner]: that

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm surprised i past me really

[cobra]: his

[_copernicumbledore]: fumbled the dan bag

[cobra]: chris really is

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: plurging that for

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: that bet

[_copernicumbledore]: you see

[spinner]: i had it i had it all
the tip of my finger tips i had

[spinner]: the world in the pomp of my

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: hand

[_copernicumbledore]: and it slipped away

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: it slipped

[_copernicumbledore]: slipped

[spinner]: away

[_copernicumbledore]: away

[spinner]: a greasy subway bun

[seasons_beatings]: meat balls up

[spinner]: like a meat

[_copernicumbledore]: have

[spinner]: ball

[_copernicumbledore]: any

[spinner]: sub

[_copernicumbledore]: quick

[spinner]: onto

[_copernicumbledore]: side

[spinner]: my

[_copernicumbledore]: now

[spinner]: shirt

[_copernicumbledore]: have any of you tried firehouse subs

[seasons_beatings]: no

[spinner]: yes they're

[_copernicumbledore]: here

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: very

[_copernicumbledore]: incredible

[spinner]: good

[_copernicumbledore]: they're very good anyway

[spinner]: very

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[spinner]: good

[cobra]: okay

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: good

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: to know

[spinner]: we should wager

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: a sub

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[spinner]: from

[cobra]: this

[spinner]: fire house this season

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: you see you see

[spinner]: um

[_copernicumbledore]: this this

[cobra]: this

[_copernicumbledore]: this

[cobra]: this

[_copernicumbledore]: year

[cobra]: has been

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm gonna

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: this has

[_copernicumbledore]: splurge

[cobra]: been

[_copernicumbledore]: a little

[cobra]: your

[_copernicumbledore]: more

[cobra]: wrong

[spinner]: she

[cobra]: gorm

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: food

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: second brought

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: to you

[_copernicumbledore]: have

[cobra]: by

[seasons_beatings]: u

[_copernicumbledore]: you

[cobra]: chris

[_copernicumbledore]: ever been hungry can't

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: can't

[seasons_beatings]: h

[_copernicumbledore]: get

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: by on a werther's well let me
tell you

[seasons_beatings]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: firehouse

[seasons_beatings]: got

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: subs quenches that

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: thirst and

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: hunger right when you needed firehouse

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: subs

[spinner]: a

[_copernicumbledore]: brought to you by waters

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: do you both like rile subs

[cobra]: brought you by warders

[seasons_beatings]: it makes sense

[_copernicumbledore]: oh man

[spinner]: tracks

[seasons_beatings]: so the last one you had spencer
this is your quick one

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: come

[seasons_beatings]: and

[spinner]: on

[seasons_beatings]: you said

[spinner]: come on

[seasons_beatings]: a new on charlot game would be
announced and

[spinner]: what was i thinking

[cobra]: a safe bet

[seasons_beatings]: the

[cobra]: it's

[seasons_beatings]: best

[cobra]: a safe bet

[seasons_beatings]: the best

[cobra]: safe

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: you

[cobra]: it's

[seasons_beatings]: got

[cobra]: a safer bed than madam buying tiktok
for two billion i'm sorry

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: for i'm sorry seventy

[spinner]: ah yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: muted mat

[seasons_beatings]: the best they got

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: was that they did release a lease

[spinner]: the legacy

[seasons_beatings]: thieves collection on p c

[spinner]: yeah that counts

[seasons_beatings]: but those are not new games

[cobra]: oh yeah

[spinner]: they're

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: new to

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: the

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: p

[cobra]: an honorable

[spinner]: c players

[cobra]: mention at best

[seasons_beatings]: oh bro don't

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: don't do yourself like

[cobra]: don't

[seasons_beatings]: that

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: do this don't do this to yourself

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: have some respect

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: for yourself and your

[spinner]: how

[seasons_beatings]: betting

[spinner]: many

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: abilities

[spinner]: subs did i have on the line
for that

[_copernicumbledore]: no

[seasons_beatings]: and no no no we lost

[spinner]: okay

[seasons_beatings]: we had we had time for betting
on the last ones

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: um

[_copernicumbledore]: ye

[seasons_beatings]: that moves us on to me i
had five excuse me first one i had

[seasons_beatings]: was a major video game studio would
unionize i didn't get it but there have

[seasons_beatings]: been several large

[cobra]: i was

[seasons_beatings]: q

[cobra]: close

[seasons_beatings]: apartments that have unionized so

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: i want to ive myself point two
five on that one

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: point to

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: five yeah

[spinner]: no no

[cobra]: that seems no

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: that seems fair

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: i haven't followed it at all in
the news

[_copernicumbledore]: a

[spinner]: but i'm going to say no

[seasons_beatings]: that's fair

[cobra]: they

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: the q a department unionized and then
immediately but of people got fired it was

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: it was kind of a mess

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: um well microsothey an

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: the biggest win i think and this
is how i get to point two five

[seasons_beatings]: microsoff

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: basically at one point said that they
aren't going to contest any more attempts to

[seasons_beatings]: unus so they're not going to pro
it but they're not going a activation blizzard

[seasons_beatings]: it by trying to send it a
wave difentinformation

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: and firing people when things they don't
like happens so if you are working for

[seasons_beatings]: misofandyou decide to uminize they're just going
to like the unionized process happened without any

[seasons_beatings]: interaction which

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: is a pretty big step now that's
obviously because they

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: were trying to convince people to let
them buy a divisional placard but wins

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: a win and you've seen a number
of different companies actually take advantage of that

[seasons_beatings]: you cannot start the

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: like small companies

[cobra]: i think i think

[spinner]: ye

[cobra]: it's worth point two five

[spinner]: you hear that that's

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: that's matt stretching it

[cobra]: straight

[spinner]: just

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: straight

[spinner]: stretching

[cobra]: just

[spinner]: it

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: reaching just reaching

[spinner]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: i'll allow it

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: damn it

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: he beat us with with his power

[seasons_beatings]: number

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: two

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: a

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: new use for crypto

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: outside of collectibles

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: oh we were

[cobra]: ye

[spinner]: very raw

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: oh god

[_copernicumbledore]: oh well actually

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: i mean

[spinner]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: he was right he was right

[cobra]: there

[_copernicumbledore]: was right

[cobra]: is a

[_copernicumbledore]: a

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: use

[_copernicumbledore]: new go ahead go

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: ahead go ahead

[cobra]: i was going to say there's a
use or make fun of people that went

[cobra]: to crypto

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: that's a

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: new use

[_copernicumbledore]: but i'm thinking of something more

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: tangible

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: something that brings value

[cobra]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: to end

[cobra]: what

[_copernicumbledore]: users

[cobra]: is it

[_copernicumbledore]: have you ever heard of coasters

[spinner]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: is that what twircoins

[cobra]: you mean

[seasons_beatings]: made

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: mean

[seasons_beatings]: out

[cobra]: their

[seasons_beatings]: of

[cobra]: print up

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: their printable co

[_copernicumbledore]: printable printable

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: printable

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: cork coasters

[seasons_beatings]: h

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: with

[seasons_beatings]: yea

[_copernicumbledore]: t

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: r codes

[spinner]: hm

[_copernicumbledore]: on them

[seasons_beatings]: the very large

[_copernicumbledore]: and that

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: coin shaped coasters

[_copernicumbledore]: you

[spinner]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: might

[seasons_beatings]: round

[_copernicumbledore]: even

[seasons_beatings]: if you

[_copernicumbledore]: want

[seasons_beatings]: will

[_copernicumbledore]: to

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: playable organic gifts also known

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: as pugs

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: if you will

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[spinner]: you can also

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: you can print

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: n f ts onto tissue paper to
wipe the tears away

[seasons_beatings]: perfectly

[spinner]: from

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: all

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: the money you've lost

[seasons_beatings]: well

[cobra]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: that's that's another one percent win for
me then obviously

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: who's putting money on that i put

[cobra]: h

[_copernicumbledore]: meet all firehouse sub on that

[seasons_beatings]: thanks

[_copernicumbledore]: i want

[seasons_beatings]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: to

[seasons_beatings]: collect

[_copernicumbledore]: but i can't

[seasons_beatings]: um number three i

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[seasons_beatings]: had activvision

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: will find a way to release over

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: watch two or four this year so

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: there you go

[spinner]: hardly a prediction

[cobra]: that's that's a hard like a hard

[seasons_beatings]: you

[cobra]: hundred

[seasons_beatings]: guys

[cobra]: percent on that one

[seasons_beatings]: you can't say that you guys gave
me one point and i dropped all the

[seasons_beatings]: points because they were annoying to track
and i didn't want to write them down

[seasons_beatings]: but you guys said i was a
very low value guess

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: and i

[spinner]: that

[seasons_beatings]: was

[spinner]: was

[seasons_beatings]: right

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: over

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: watch

[cobra]: was

[spinner]: two

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: releasing they didn't they didn't really release
a finished game yet so

[seasons_beatings]: but no it's finished this

[cobra]: he never

[seasons_beatings]: is the game

[cobra]: said that he just

[spinner]: i don't

[cobra]: had their

[spinner]: know

[cobra]: release over watch two and they didagainst

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: it's

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: it's

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: everyone's better judgment except their own

[seasons_beatings]: you

[cobra]: they

[seasons_beatings]: can

[cobra]: released

[seasons_beatings]: play

[spinner]: i don't

[seasons_beatings]: it

[cobra]: it

[seasons_beatings]: today

[spinner]: don't i don't think you could call
it a game

[cobra]: yeah oh

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: number four i lost on but not
because i was wrong because it never came

[seasons_beatings]: out i said flash was going to
get seven run tomatoes

[_copernicumbledore]: true

[seasons_beatings]: um and

[spinner]: yes

[seasons_beatings]: i got

[_copernicumbledore]: probably

[seasons_beatings]: pushed

[_copernicumbledore]: good

[seasons_beatings]: back hard into june

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: of this

[cobra]: well

[seasons_beatings]: year

[cobra]: i mean yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: thanks

[seasons_beatings]: we

[_copernicumbledore]: to

[seasons_beatings]: could all

[_copernicumbledore]: r e

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: m or the

[seasons_beatings]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: we can all bet on that later
if you want i'm not going to

[_copernicumbledore]: no

[seasons_beatings]: and then my fifth

[cobra]: i don't

[seasons_beatings]: bet

[cobra]: want to

[seasons_beatings]: which was the easiest bet i've ever
won star field wouldn't release in twenty twenty

[seasons_beatings]: two

[spinner]: that's

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: such bullshit

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: at a bull shot

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: pick

[cobra]: like that's like saying stars

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[cobra]: citizen

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: won't release

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: in any of

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: the next ten years

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: i'm going to say star field and
start citizen is not going to be released

[spinner]: in twenty

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: twenty three

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: that is my prediction

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: give me all the points

[cobra]: i'll i will give you zero point
one point

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: great

[cobra]: for this

[seasons_beatings]: moving on i've clearly won the prediction
game and i'm going to congratulate myself

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: shortly uh

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: luciano had valve released half life three

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: wow

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: i opened up with

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: that one really

[seasons_beatings]: h

[cobra]: what was

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: smoking

[seasons_beatings]: m

[spinner]: did i offer him ten

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: grand for that

[seasons_beatings]: you sure did

[spinner]: i sure

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: did i tought

[cobra]: that was

[spinner]: i did

[cobra]: that was a smart move

[spinner]: h

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: h

[seasons_beatings]: you

[spinner]: okay

[seasons_beatings]: you were very detailed when you tought
was gonna happen they were going to release

[_copernicumbledore]: a

[seasons_beatings]: a portal three in the middle of
the year refhnitly may or june hinting until

[_copernicumbledore]: m oh

[seasons_beatings]: i think you had hinted you said
hinting three times because i wrote it down

[seasons_beatings]: three times until

[spinner]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: christmas then at

[spinner]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: half

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: light three will be released with v

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: r and they'll be together forever i
would also be

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: on

[spinner]: my

[seasons_beatings]: game past

[spinner]: goodness

[seasons_beatings]: day on

[cobra]: m

[seasons_beatings]: you channeled

[spinner]: he predicted

[seasons_beatings]: some real chris action

[spinner]: wow

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: game

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: past

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: day

[cobra]: fuck

[spinner]: one may have been the great the
biggest miss fire of them all

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: uh you predicted portal three and half
life three were going

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: to ome out in the same

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: yes

[spinner]: year that's that's just bad business

[cobra]: i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: i'm using chris's

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: mo of swinging

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: for defenses i guess

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: listen

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm so glad you picked up that
my louisville

[seasons_beatings]: uh

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: slugger i

[seasons_beatings]: uh oh

[_copernicumbledore]: graciously

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: offered it up and

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: sir you wielded it like

[spinner]: h

[_copernicumbledore]: a champ

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: listen

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: but if you hit that thing it's
going it's going to the moon

[cobra]: oh yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: you know crack

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: um m you know i'm gonna i'm
gonna use that sage this was your fourth

[seasons_beatings]: one but i want to use the
sweet segobspence gave me use it as your

[seasons_beatings]: second one you predicted that more information
would be announced about rebel moon zac noder

[seasons_beatings]: star wars thing and the release would
be over five hours

[cobra]: listen that's a safer beth

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: in out left three

[spinner]: the movie would be over five hours

[seasons_beatings]: yeah i

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: be the first move

[spinner]: a

[seasons_beatings]: old be over five hours

[spinner]: h that's

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: not

[cobra]: just

[spinner]: wrong

[cobra]: say

[spinner]: yet

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: exactly

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: it didn't

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: come out though

[seasons_beatings]: no

[spinner]: yet

[seasons_beatings]: i mean

[cobra]: there was no more info about it

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: well i mean i'm just looking now
as zack

[spinner]: there was

[seasons_beatings]: snider

[spinner]: some

[seasons_beatings]: announced

[spinner]: images

[seasons_beatings]: rebel moon filming wrap with set video
so that's

[spinner]: an

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: announcement i guess

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: we have no idea but what is
about though so

[spinner]: m oh

[seasons_beatings]: i think you lose that one all
around don't worry that that was not one

[seasons_beatings]: of your best ones your best one
was your second one this redeems you completely

[seasons_beatings]: you said hugh jackson

[cobra]: m

[seasons_beatings]: will be announced playing a small part
as wolverine tied to the m c and

[seasons_beatings]: then spencer

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: wow

[seasons_beatings]: directly

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: spencer directly asked if he would be
in dead pool three

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: and then chris said it

[spinner]: wow

[seasons_beatings]: was inevitable so we gave you one
for a week

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: as because we're

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: hey good job guys

[_copernicumbledore]: in

[seasons_beatings]: that's

[_copernicumbledore]: ding

[seasons_beatings]: that's

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: a very incredible one good job everybody

[_copernicumbledore]: wicked

[spinner]: holy

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: shit i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: love

[spinner]: impressed

[_copernicumbledore]: it

[spinner]: with ourselves for that one

[_copernicumbledore]: we're

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: tapped in

[seasons_beatings]: well

[_copernicumbledore]: where

[seasons_beatings]: we're

[_copernicumbledore]: were

[seasons_beatings]: right off the cliff luciana predicted that
nick cage would

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: win the best oscar male lead oscar
for the movie pig yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: he should

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: have got nominated

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: at least

[seasons_beatings]: he did we looked it up or
no he didn't we

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: argued

[spinner]: he

[seasons_beatings]: what was he nominated or not and
he was

[_copernicumbledore]: my

[seasons_beatings]: on list but

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: they hadn't produced anything

[cobra]: the

[seasons_beatings]: yet

[cobra]: dominations haven't come yet

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: right

[seasons_beatings]: come let me let's take a little
quick to see how close or how far

[seasons_beatings]: you were away

[spinner]: who

[seasons_beatings]: from it

[spinner]: on

[seasons_beatings]: well that's a funny question because spencer
you said that will smith would not

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: win the oscar for king richard and
he definitely

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: did

[spinner]: god oh yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: he won and

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: and

[spinner]: i should

[_copernicumbledore]: and got every piece at that moment

[spinner]: i should have been right

[seasons_beatings]: i mean probably we could have

[_copernicumbledore]: m m

[seasons_beatings]: predicted

[spinner]: i like i like that

[seasons_beatings]: getting

[spinner]: i made

[seasons_beatings]: slapped

[spinner]: a prediction

[seasons_beatings]: in the face

[spinner]: of who wouldn't

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: win and with the guy o one

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: y

[seasons_beatings]: you're very

[spinner]: i'm

[seasons_beatings]: bad

[spinner]: good

[seasons_beatings]: at

[spinner]: at

[seasons_beatings]: this

[spinner]: this

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: um

[spinner]: the reverse pick

[_copernicumbledore]: you must tap

[seasons_beatings]: best

[_copernicumbledore]: in to your third eye

[seasons_beatings]: the best actor

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: list was will smith for king richard
haviorbardem for being the ricardos

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: i

[seasons_beatings]: benedict umber batch for the power of
the dog andrew garfield for tick tick boom

[seasons_beatings]: and zel washington the tragedy of macbeth

[spinner]: what a what a joke

[cobra]: my man

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: he should have like got the domination
that movie pig was like much more discussed

[spinner]: than all those other movies

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: no

[spinner]: hm

[seasons_beatings]: moving on

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: damn not even

[spinner]: all right well

[_copernicumbledore]: not even a

[spinner]: you're

[_copernicumbledore]: damn

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: your folks

[seasons_beatings]: moving on the last one losing had
very quick

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: one netflix will revive cowboy

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: bob the live action version

[spinner]: oh and you are

[cobra]: damn

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: very

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: wrong

[seasons_beatings]: they have

[cobra]: i

[seasons_beatings]: not

[cobra]: wish they did

[seasons_beatings]: yeah so things

[spinner]: no

[seasons_beatings]: we said that were interesting to me
i caught um excuse me i obviously caught

[seasons_beatings]: spencer saying will smith would not win
the asker for

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: king richard

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: that's

[seasons_beatings]: lose

[spinner]: just as good as

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: predicting that he

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: would

[seasons_beatings]: right luciano

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: said that denzil was the best pick
because of macbeth even though he picked its

[seasons_beatings]: got to win

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: wasn't sure was

[spinner]: contradicting

[seasons_beatings]: afening there

[spinner]: thinks

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[cobra]: i know i don't know what i'm
doing isn't it clear by now

[seasons_beatings]: yeah we

[spinner]: no

[seasons_beatings]: predicted and i don't know when this
will be true we predicted that shark no

[seasons_beatings]: eleven would be baby shark corneto

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: he

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: that's a that's just a good prediction

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[spinner]: right there

[cobra]: yeah i agree

[seasons_beatings]: still got time

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: on that one

[spinner]: m oh

[seasons_beatings]: somehow we

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: said that twenty twenty two is gonna
be the year of gilbert godfrey

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: god

[cobra]: fucking how why

[_copernicumbledore]: well

[cobra]: didn't we do it is

[_copernicumbledore]: in

[cobra]: this

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: man

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: in

[seasons_beatings]: in a way

[_copernicumbledore]: a way

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: where we've we've

[spinner]: man

[_copernicumbledore]: we've by celebrating him we've yeah

[seasons_beatings]: killed

[spinner]: he was

[seasons_beatings]: him

[spinner]: he was in the news a lot

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: oh god

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: um spencer

[spinner]: got

[seasons_beatings]: said you said this i'm sorry you
said that

[spinner]: oh boy

[seasons_beatings]: spencer can win

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: if gilbert doesn't have the best year
of his life

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: oh oh

[_copernicumbledore]: ah oh

[cobra]: who

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: said that

[spinner]: wait i said that about

[seasons_beatings]: maybe

[spinner]: me

[seasons_beatings]: maybe luciana said that i didn't i
don't but yeah someone said that

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: on the podcast

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: well it looks

[seasons_beatings]: yah

[spinner]: like i won ladies and gentlemen

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: um

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: at one point

[_copernicumbledore]: ye

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: we dubbed this game we are playing

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: every day we stray further

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: from god

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: came

[_copernicumbledore]: what

[seasons_beatings]: chris

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[seasons_beatings]: started saying

[cobra]: i mean

[seasons_beatings]: that

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: it checks out

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: let's

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[cobra]: be honest here

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: um and

[_copernicumbledore]: darn

[seasons_beatings]: the only other

[cobra]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: weird prediction thing we had

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: chris said i don't know it was

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[seasons_beatings]: christmas thing somebody said

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[seasons_beatings]: patterson will quit that man and go
back was chris patterson will quit that man

[seasons_beatings]: and go back to rebut twilight as
edward or eduardo and we

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: would give you a thousand points if
that happened

[_copernicumbledore]: well

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: that man too

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: seems to be confirmed but like anything
can happen

[seasons_beatings]: well

[_copernicumbledore]: didn't

[seasons_beatings]: you're

[spinner]: seems

[_copernicumbledore]: happen

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: it's

[_copernicumbledore]: last

[cobra]: think

[spinner]: the only

[cobra]: he's

[_copernicumbledore]: year

[cobra]: going to be a vampire in

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: it i don't think so

[seasons_beatings]: ye

[spinner]: it's the only thing in the d
c u that is till going i believe

[seasons_beatings]: flash

[_copernicumbledore]: the d c

[seasons_beatings]: is still

[_copernicumbledore]: u

[seasons_beatings]: coming

[spinner]: my

[_copernicumbledore]: is correct

[spinner]: well

[_copernicumbledore]: and

[spinner]: hats

[_copernicumbledore]: if

[spinner]: because

[_copernicumbledore]: the flash

[spinner]: it's already

[_copernicumbledore]: is

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: still

[spinner]: filmed

[_copernicumbledore]: still

[seasons_beatings]: but that doesn't stop him

[cobra]: that doesn't

[_copernicumbledore]: but it

[cobra]: they never stop d c from canceling

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: releases

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: we all

[spinner]: yeah but

[_copernicumbledore]: know

[spinner]: i think they

[cobra]: is

[_copernicumbledore]: the

[spinner]: put

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: bad girl

[spinner]: i think they put like two hundred
million dollars or some obscene amount into this

[spinner]: movie so

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: cannot candle it

[cobra]: this is

[_copernicumbledore]: but

[cobra]: a

[_copernicumbledore]: we

[cobra]: movie

[_copernicumbledore]: all

[cobra]: i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: know

[cobra]: going to i'm going to do from
the seven cs one hundred

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm not

[cobra]: percent

[_copernicumbledore]: going to

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: the theater for that but

[spinner]: i think

[_copernicumbledore]: we all

[spinner]: it's

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: know

[spinner]: going to be

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[spinner]: good

[_copernicumbledore]: the d c

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm just going

[cobra]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: to barrel over this and get this

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: thing out we all know the d
s based on the dc's track record they're

[_copernicumbledore]: looking to

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: start their own morbus

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: and so who better

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: than

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: than good old robby patterns on to
to lead that

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm not

[spinner]: m it's

[_copernicumbledore]: serious

[spinner]: morbid

[_copernicumbledore]: i don't

[spinner]: dime

[_copernicumbledore]: want

[seasons_beatings]: literally

[_copernicumbledore]: it to happen because

[cobra]: you

[seasons_beatings]: anyone else

[cobra]: are you prepared to make that as
a prediction

[_copernicumbledore]: no because

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i still have not seen morbus i'm

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: going to see more unless

[cobra]: that

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: we choose to watch morbus

[seasons_beatings]: speaking

[_copernicumbledore]: that will

[cobra]: no

[_copernicumbledore]: be

[seasons_beatings]: of

[_copernicumbledore]: different

[seasons_beatings]: speaking of predictions i'm going to use
that brutal segued to re rail this conversation

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: into our

[spinner]: really

[seasons_beatings]: twenty

[spinner]: open you're

[seasons_beatings]: twenty

[spinner]: going to

[seasons_beatings]: three

[spinner]: say

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: i was really ope yo're gonna say
speaking of morbus

[cobra]: yah

[spinner]: and then

[seasons_beatings]: uh

[spinner]: go into some

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: morbus facts

[cobra]: i thought so

[seasons_beatings]: uh

[cobra]: too

[seasons_beatings]: well

[_copernicumbledore]: we

[seasons_beatings]: listen

[_copernicumbledore]: need

[seasons_beatings]: you

[_copernicumbledore]: to

[seasons_beatings]: can't

[_copernicumbledore]: watch

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: that i

[seasons_beatings]: you

[_copernicumbledore]: feel

[seasons_beatings]: can't hit

[_copernicumbledore]: but

[seasons_beatings]: them

[_copernicumbledore]: i don't

[seasons_beatings]: all

[cobra]: speaking

[_copernicumbledore]: know

[cobra]: of morbus

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: marbias too it would

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: be the best

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: super hero movie of all time

[seasons_beatings]: so predictions

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: twenty twenty three were the same form

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[seasons_beatings]: we're going to go around in a
circle each game of prediction we're not going

[seasons_beatings]: a score it we're just going to

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: talk about the validity of said prediction

[spinner]: i go first

[cobra]: okay

[seasons_beatings]: spencer wants to go first

[spinner]: just because it's on on this

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[spinner]: wasn't written down but i'm

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: putting it in now i

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[spinner]: believe the flash will be

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: say it

[spinner]: this is this is doesn't sound

[seasons_beatings]: fuck

[spinner]: very high but

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: for d c movie and with all
the trouble it's had

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: i think it's a bold prediction it
will be above seventy

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: five percent fresh

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah m

[spinner]: i think that's a hot take

[cobra]: it's it is a hot take

[seasons_beatings]: so

[cobra]: i

[seasons_beatings]: so

[cobra]: agree

[seasons_beatings]: just to check here you're taking

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: my my prediction from last

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: year and adding five per cent to
it is that what's happening

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: did you say

[seasons_beatings]: i

[spinner]: he

[seasons_beatings]: said

[_copernicumbledore]: when

[spinner]: did

[_copernicumbledore]: did

[seasons_beatings]: over seventy

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: when did this become the prices right

[spinner]: did we know

[_copernicumbledore]: i to

[spinner]: with

[cobra]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: seventy

[spinner]: all the ship that's

[_copernicumbledore]: seventy

[spinner]: happened

[cobra]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: five

[spinner]: since

[_copernicumbledore]: point

[spinner]: then

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: one

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: per cent freshness

[spinner]: closes

[_copernicumbledore]: um

[spinner]: without going over wins

[_copernicumbledore]: you know i think

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: i think it's going to be tricky
because ezra

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: knows how to act he can they
know sorry the they know

[spinner]: said

[_copernicumbledore]: their

[spinner]: their

[_copernicumbledore]: craft

[spinner]: name

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: no ezra because i said something else

[cobra]: i don't

[_copernicumbledore]: that's the

[cobra]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: tricky

[cobra]: don't like

[_copernicumbledore]: part

[cobra]: the portrayal

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: i don't like the portrayal flash never

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: it's

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: goofy without anything

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: else i don't know about that

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: it's

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: at the same time it's been tarnished
because of all all of the activity

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: outside of like the

[spinner]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: biz

[cobra]: because of

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[cobra]: who they are

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: in real life

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah so

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: like i can't suspend

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i can't suspend that

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: and i feel like a lot

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: of people are going to be in
the similar kind of boat

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: but then if you take a lot
of weird as they're probably gonna ike master

[_copernicumbledore]: peace

[seasons_beatings]: oh just

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: why are you why are you mimicking

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: listen listen

[spinner]: hold

[_copernicumbledore]: some of

[spinner]: on but

[_copernicumbledore]: the

[spinner]: counterpoint

[_copernicumbledore]: opinions

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: expressed to this

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: podcast mayor and not be shared by

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: chris counterpoint

[_copernicumbledore]: yes yeah

[spinner]: me mere masterpiece

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: m

[seasons_beatings]: um i'm looking at a list of

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: dcconmovies ranked on round tomatoes just to
give us

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[seasons_beatings]: a level of you're gonna put this
movie at your seventy five percent seventy

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: four sent just below that super

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: man returns brian singers

[spinner]: what

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: version

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: as a seventy

[cobra]: are you

[seasons_beatings]: four

[cobra]: fucking

[seasons_beatings]: percent

[cobra]: joking right now

[seasons_beatings]: based on based on critics i'm not
using the audience

[spinner]: that's crazy

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: what does the audience say

[seasons_beatings]: sixty one percent

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: yeah but

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: also

[cobra]: who

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: but modern d c movies are held
in a higher regard i think

[seasons_beatings]: seventy nine per cent

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: it's a prey in the fabulous emancipation
of one harley quinn

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: better

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: than i thought

[cobra]: fine

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: seventy

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: nine is fine for

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: that movie

[spinner]: it

[seasons_beatings]: and

[spinner]: should be probably

[_copernicumbledore]: to

[spinner]: seventy

[seasons_beatings]: and then other modern movie the batman
as we discussed eighty five right

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: so

[cobra]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: based on that i'm it was kind
of one of my points from earlier like

[_copernicumbledore]: that i jotted down before we we

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: started recording

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i feel like the flash is going
to bomb and i don't

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: want it to

[spinner]: financially

[_copernicumbledore]: for

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yes i don't i love the character
but i also don't want to see it

[_copernicumbledore]: win because

[seasons_beatings]: a

[_copernicumbledore]: of ezra

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: you know what i'm saying

[spinner]: but so

[_copernicumbledore]: like

[spinner]: many other people worked hard

[_copernicumbledore]: i know

[spinner]: on it

[_copernicumbledore]: and and for those reasons i wanted
to succeed but if it does then then

[_copernicumbledore]: then

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: ezra gets more money unless they just
recast then because then it will be a

[_copernicumbledore]: proof of like the operative effort

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: if that happens

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm for it because

[spinner]: i think no matter what

[_copernicumbledore]: multi

[spinner]: happens

[_copernicumbledore]: verse

[spinner]: there they're recasting flash

[cobra]: everything

[_copernicumbledore]: oh yeah

[cobra]: there

[spinner]: just re doing

[cobra]: casting

[spinner]: once

[cobra]: everything

[spinner]: they got rid of henry cavell and
wonder woman

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: not doing why would they continue with

[seasons_beatings]: the only thing they're

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: keeping is is pattenson's bad man because
it is co

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: quote in a different universe

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: but i've

[spinner]: and

[seasons_beatings]: heard

[spinner]: joker

[seasons_beatings]: rumors

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: that they're moving to that universe okay

[spinner]: oh that ud be

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: cool

[_copernicumbledore]: interesting

[seasons_beatings]: so everything will

[cobra]: interesting

[seasons_beatings]: be within that who knows if that's
true and

[_copernicumbledore]: m yeah

[seasons_beatings]: that because listen i don't want it
too far off i don't want to stray

[seasons_beatings]: too far from god here with our
conversations but

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: uh

[spinner]: every day

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: not yet

[spinner]: every day we

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: stray

[cobra]: too

[spinner]: farther

[cobra]: early

[seasons_beatings]: not yet every

[_copernicumbledore]: one

[seasons_beatings]: day

[_copernicumbledore]: step

[seasons_beatings]: though

[spinner]: in god's light

[_copernicumbledore]: one step one

[seasons_beatings]: there's

[_copernicumbledore]: to

[seasons_beatings]: i like i just don't understand what
a quote unquote

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: younger superman movie is going

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: to entail

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: that is going to be

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: interesting to us because i'm always worried
about that like we had small ville for

[seasons_beatings]: like a thousand

[_copernicumbledore]: yep

[seasons_beatings]: episodes we've already had

[_copernicumbledore]: yep

[seasons_beatings]: teen titans so like what are

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yep

[seasons_beatings]: we doing he because it's not like
henry cavel's

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: like fucking six year old superman with
like you know

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[seasons_beatings]: like with

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: a walker

[_copernicumbledore]: no not at all dudes in in
the best like the best he's in he

[_copernicumbledore]: consistently

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: stays in the zone of the best
shape of his life much like the rock

[_copernicumbledore]: so like

[spinner]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: why

[spinner]: think they're going

[_copernicumbledore]: mess with a good recipe in a

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: i think they're going young enough that
they can cast someone for the next ten

[spinner]: years

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i think they're going to cast

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: someone

[cobra]: makes

[spinner]: who's

[cobra]: sense

[spinner]: like old enough to be

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: super man in the version we all
picture you know like him being fully realized

[spinner]: not like him like in high school
i think its gonna be him like like

[spinner]: aged twenty five

[cobra]: just getting to metropolis

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[cobra]: and getting

[spinner]: exactly

[cobra]: the job at daily

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[cobra]: planet yeah

[spinner]: that's what

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: i think

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: i think they

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: want

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: to start the franchise and then have
it go for for a long time so

[spinner]: they dont want to cast some one
who's like thirty six thirty seven

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: you know what i mean

[_copernicumbledore]: okay well i hear you but what's
also kind of weird about it is that

[_copernicumbledore]: we've to match point he's already covered
several different iterations but there's another

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: one

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: what is it the t v show
super man and louis

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: and the lead actor tyler in that
he's currently

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: thirty five so like

[seasons_beatings]: yeh

[_copernicumbledore]: good luck to them

[cobra]: that's

[_copernicumbledore]: trying to find someone

[cobra]: that's five years younger than than harry
cavell anyway

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: so

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: he forty

[_copernicumbledore]: well

[cobra]: has to be

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: he's going to be forty this year

[spinner]: jesus good

[cobra]: i know

[spinner]: looking four year old man

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: my

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: thirst trap

[spinner]: all

[_copernicumbledore]: activate

[spinner]: right let's get

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: back let's get back on track here

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: my prediction is

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: it will do seventy five per cent
fresh because i believe it has a good

[spinner]: director he's not

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: zack niter so

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: he's

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: not going to be super devisive

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: i think it's going to be a

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: crowd pleaser

[seasons_beatings]: all

[spinner]: the director

[seasons_beatings]: right

[spinner]: is good you directed it

[seasons_beatings]: no

[_copernicumbledore]: i liked

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: it messarchelli

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: something mesachelli

[spinner]: ah like

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: andy messy chitty

[_copernicumbledore]: chatty

[spinner]: or something

[_copernicumbledore]: sorry something sorry andy

[spinner]: something

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: something

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[spinner]: chatty

[_copernicumbledore]: like yep

[spinner]: yeah that is my

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: first prediction

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[spinner]: and i want all

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: the points

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: we ask bet but

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: yeah okay anybody want to

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: gamble with spencer

[spinner]: i will

[_copernicumbledore]: if

[cobra]: well

[spinner]: bet

[_copernicumbledore]: you're

[spinner]: ten thousand

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: dollars

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: that is all

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: i bet

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[cobra]: h

[_copernicumbledore]: bet you two firehouse meat ball subs

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: oh my goodness matt am i doing
this right

[seasons_beatings]: uh

[spinner]: i'll take

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: it

[seasons_beatings]: i think so i think i think
it's good if you lose to you a

[seasons_beatings]: whole lot of money

[spinner]: sucker no i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: we'll

[spinner]: not betting

[_copernicumbledore]: see

[spinner]: ten

[_copernicumbledore]: about

[spinner]: thousand

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[spinner]: on this is very very i actually
think that because of the bad press people

[spinner]: are going to be not wanting

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: to give this good reviews

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: well it's professional is not not the
audience so

[cobra]: audience yeah

[seasons_beatings]: professionals generally don't do that like over

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: a large swath

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: anyways moving on who's

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: predicting next who's got something

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: for me

[_copernicumbledore]: i've got something

[spinner]: i

[seasons_beatings]: chris

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm going

[cobra]: go

[_copernicumbledore]: to

[cobra]: for

[_copernicumbledore]: go

[cobra]: it

[_copernicumbledore]: in a new direction and something out
there i'm gonna put something out there adobe

[_copernicumbledore]: is going to buy spotify for over
twenty billion dollars

[seasons_beatings]: sorry adobe

[cobra]: doby of all things

[_copernicumbledore]: adobe adobe

[seasons_beatings]: how much money

[_copernicumbledore]: and

[spinner]: the

[seasons_beatings]: does adobe

[spinner]: flash

[seasons_beatings]: have

[spinner]: player

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i'll tell you i'll tell you i

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: have i've got the numbers

[cobra]: how

[_copernicumbledore]: let me let

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: how

[_copernicumbledore]: me share

[cobra]: much

[_copernicumbledore]: it let me tell

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: you

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: let me break it down

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: so

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: spotifys

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: value about fifteen billion adobes net worth

[seasons_beatings]: really

[cobra]: yep

[_copernicumbledore]: is one hundred and sixty one billion

[seasons_beatings]: i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: and

[seasons_beatings]: shocked

[_copernicumbledore]: then

[seasons_beatings]: at spotifys so low

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: i don't know but it is and
i think adobe is gonna

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: buy spotify for over twenty

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: billion to make it somewhat interesting for

[seasons_beatings]: my

[_copernicumbledore]: doby they've gone into podcasting with like
a decent channel but i think they're enjoying

[_copernicumbledore]: it so much that they

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: want to branch out into more um
into a more i guess how would how

[_copernicumbledore]: would the young ends call it so
to get some new vibes and i think

[_copernicumbledore]: they want they want to expand their
portfolio and bring

[spinner]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: spotifyg into their portfolio so that they
can try different things but at the same

[_copernicumbledore]: time test new

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: tech creative tech

[spinner]: this is weird chris isn't

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: saying crazy things and i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[spinner]: confused

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: by

[seasons_beatings]: i

[spinner]: it

[seasons_beatings]: don't like it

[cobra]: uh oh

[spinner]: it makes

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: me feel like what

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: he's saying is crazy oh

[seasons_beatings]: am i the crazy

[cobra]: the only thing is

[spinner]: am i the crazy

[cobra]: i think

[_copernicumbledore]: but think

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: about it they

[cobra]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: bought

[cobra]: think

[_copernicumbledore]: they bought

[cobra]: twenty

[_copernicumbledore]: figma

[cobra]: billion

[_copernicumbledore]: go in

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: because so yeah there they're like they're
worth right now it's almost sixteen right but

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: i don't think that they want to
sell so

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: like an

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: offer that would be made would have
to be

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: kind of

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: insane

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: for them

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: to convince them

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: to sell

[_copernicumbledore]: but figma

[cobra]: that's the only thing that i don't

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: hear you but

[cobra]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: sigma for the longest time

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: did not want to sell in there
like like we we set out to

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: do our own thing we do not

[seasons_beatings]: hm

[_copernicumbledore]: want to be part of any big
major player we want to create our own

[_copernicumbledore]: space and not only

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: flourish and become a major competitor what
happened to them a doe they caved adobe

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: threw enough money at them and they
sold i think this is plausible

[cobra]: i didn't know

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: i didn't what's going to happen

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: with adobe d holy

[seasons_beatings]: ye

[cobra]: shit

[_copernicumbledore]: who gives a fun because

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: you

[_copernicumbledore]: i hate i don't hate

[spinner]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: x d but it's not it's just
it's just not as good as figma and

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: then figmahs got a new competitor called
pen pot there as long as there's

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: always competition as long as someone's doing
well someone the bigger fish is going to

[_copernicumbledore]: try and swallow it up and that's
where i'm coming from

[spinner]: it's figmalike

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: big my balls

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: no bro

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: mean

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: joke

[spinner]: ligma that's liga

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: sorry

[_copernicumbledore]: no no

[cobra]: the

[_copernicumbledore]: no no no no

[cobra]: the it was such a low

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: hanging fruit that we stepped

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: on it

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: but

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: you

[seasons_beatings]: that's

[cobra]: know

[seasons_beatings]: fine what

[_copernicumbledore]: sure

[seasons_beatings]: would

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: adobe consider buying title

[cobra]: that's what i was thinking

[_copernicumbledore]: why

[cobra]: like a

[_copernicumbledore]: what does title

[cobra]: cut

[_copernicumbledore]: have to offer though

[seasons_beatings]: all the inclusive artists

[cobra]: the same

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: as fortify

[spinner]: is

[_copernicumbledore]: but

[spinner]: title

[_copernicumbledore]: title

[spinner]: the one

[_copernicumbledore]: is

[spinner]: affiliated

[_copernicumbledore]: not as big

[spinner]: with j z

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: no it's not as big but it's

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: that's the point like i think

[spinner]: which

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[spinner]: platform

[_copernicumbledore]: let me check and look

[spinner]: has

[_copernicumbledore]: look

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: at the

[spinner]: cone

[_copernicumbledore]: list

[spinner]: west's music

[cobra]: it's

[seasons_beatings]: spotify

[cobra]: the right

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: the rikriksit's

[seasons_beatings]: ah ye the right

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: way

[cobra]: dreamy

[spinner]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[spinner]: sputtnmkan

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: well it looks like what it looks
like in twenty seventeen sprint bought thirty three

[_copernicumbledore]: percent of title for a reported two
hundred million i don't know if maybe you

[_copernicumbledore]: guys can help me because this is
like a new

[seasons_beatings]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: it's a valid new quest and

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: i can't seem to find their net
worth but

[seasons_beatings]: who's

[_copernicumbledore]: if they're not in the billions then

[seasons_beatings]: sprig

[_copernicumbledore]: a spring

[spinner]: is this the fucking

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: sprint

[spinner]: money

[_copernicumbledore]: sprint

[spinner]: channel

[_copernicumbledore]: sprint

[seasons_beatings]: and

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: i don't want to talk about this
any more this is boarding

[_copernicumbledore]: it's fine

[seasons_beatings]: i'm finally your bet though

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: i think that that's a

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: fine you're just saying that adobe

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: is going to buy spotify this year
that's all ou said right

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah yeah

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: for

[spinner]: twenty billion

[_copernicumbledore]: over twenty billion over

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[cobra]: okay

[seasons_beatings]: i mean you're just

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: putting

[spinner]: two

[seasons_beatings]: that's

[spinner]: biltwobillion

[seasons_beatings]: fine

[spinner]: in one

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: so my prediction

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: a

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: all right i'm gonna

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: go next

[cobra]: adobe

[spinner]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: hate

[cobra]: is going to buy spotify for

[seasons_beatings]: yes

[cobra]: our fifty five

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: thousand

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: billion dollars

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[spinner]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: wait what

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: chris your

[seasons_beatings]: i don't know

[spinner]: your

[seasons_beatings]: why

[spinner]: next

[seasons_beatings]: we talked

[spinner]: prediction

[seasons_beatings]: to you

[spinner]: better involved casting

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[spinner]: jonah hill to play

[seasons_beatings]: uh h

[spinner]: queen elizabeth or i'm going to be

[cobra]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: can i roll should i roll into

[seasons_beatings]: h

[_copernicumbledore]: my next prediction

[seasons_beatings]: no

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: we do one each

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm just

[seasons_beatings]: and we go around the table

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm fine with

[cobra]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: we have a system

[seasons_beatings]: we have a

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: system

[cobra]: m

[seasons_beatings]: i here's my first one um i
predict a blizzard is going to announce a

[seasons_beatings]: new movie it's going to be animated
not real live action and it's going to

[seasons_beatings]: be the story of arthur and it's
going to be voiced by henry cabell

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: or this is going to be voiced

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: harry kevill

[seasons_beatings]: yes

[spinner]: i thought

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: henry cavell

[cobra]: i make

[spinner]: was

[cobra]: him

[spinner]: doing

[cobra]: a villain

[spinner]: a live

[cobra]: how dare you

[spinner]: action didn't he just

[seasons_beatings]: h

[spinner]: announce a war

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: how

[spinner]: hammer

[cobra]: dare

[spinner]: thing

[cobra]: you

[seasons_beatings]: h

[_copernicumbledore]: war hammer

[seasons_beatings]: so i got this

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: time do other stuff i can't

[spinner]: are

[seasons_beatings]: i

[spinner]: they

[seasons_beatings]: can't bet

[spinner]: are

[seasons_beatings]: on

[spinner]: they

[seasons_beatings]: him doing

[spinner]: competing

[seasons_beatings]: war hammer

[spinner]: companies

[seasons_beatings]: because he's already doing it

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: no

[spinner]: is war hammer under blizzard

[seasons_beatings]: war hammer blizzard

[cobra]: no

[seasons_beatings]: stole very liberally and helsily from war

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: okay that explains a lot because they
look like

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: the same

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: to the outside

[cobra]: even the first part of the name

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: stole

[seasons_beatings]: correct

[spinner]: war

[cobra]: um that's an interesting like

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: i was like okay this is pretty
team but like picking like harry

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: cavell of all people to voice

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: arthur that's that that

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: kind of swings it up

[_copernicumbledore]: may

[seasons_beatings]: i just wanted

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: to get henry cabell into he's gonna
go deep into the nurse ship he

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: loves

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: oh that's

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: right he really loves wow

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: so maybe he would

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: do it just for the ship of

[spinner]: what

[seasons_beatings]: so that's why

[spinner]: er thing

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: doesn't

[cobra]: fair

[spinner]: he love

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: every time i hear about him he's
like i

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: love the wither

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i love war hammer i love war

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: i love diablo

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: i love

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: spencer

[spinner]: what's

[seasons_beatings]: don't

[spinner]: the word what's another nervy thing guys

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: um

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: wasn't

[seasons_beatings]: podcasting

[_copernicumbledore]: there so okay so

[spinner]: i love your wrong podcast

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: h

[_copernicumbledore]: so then

[seasons_beatings]: m

[spinner]: we

[_copernicumbledore]: would

[spinner]: get

[_copernicumbledore]: this be

[spinner]: it

[_copernicumbledore]: would this be a one up over

[seasons_beatings]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: the netflix war craft movie that came
up that came out like what

[seasons_beatings]: we don't it's

[_copernicumbledore]: twenty

[seasons_beatings]: not

[_copernicumbledore]: sixteen

[seasons_beatings]: okay so the

[_copernicumbledore]: completely

[seasons_beatings]: net flix

[_copernicumbledore]: different

[seasons_beatings]: warcraft movie is not an flex movie
it just happens to be on flix legendary

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: films

[spinner]: a

[seasons_beatings]: made that like as a proper full
on release

[spinner]: is it

[seasons_beatings]: it

[spinner]: good

[seasons_beatings]: was a

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: big flaming pile of tired

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: so here's the thing

[cobra]: unless you're

[_copernicumbledore]: twenty

[cobra]: a fan

[_copernicumbledore]: nine per cent

[cobra]: unless

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[cobra]: you're

[_copernicumbledore]: in

[cobra]: a fan

[seasons_beatings]: it is an excellent love letter to
all the warcraft fans like it shows

[cobra]: es

[seasons_beatings]: all the things really well but the
story is convoluted and confusing and stupid because

[spinner]: are

[seasons_beatings]: they

[spinner]: we to

[seasons_beatings]: try

[spinner]: the

[seasons_beatings]: to show

[spinner]: live

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: action

[seasons_beatings]: both sides

[spinner]: one

[seasons_beatings]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: try

[spinner]: i

[seasons_beatings]: to

[spinner]: did

[seasons_beatings]: show

[spinner]: see

[seasons_beatings]: both

[spinner]: that movie

[seasons_beatings]: sides of the conflict and it's just
like just pick one person

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: sorry the ork are bad get the
fuck over it like

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: exactly

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: they tried to do a bunch of
stuff like blizzard evolved that story and those

[cobra]: characters and what not for like fifteen

[spinner]: ye

[cobra]: and they try to cram all

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: of that into a to our movie

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: was

[spinner]: did that movie

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: make like

[cobra]: very

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: bad

[spinner]: ton

[cobra]: idea

[spinner]: of money in china

[seasons_beatings]: sure

[cobra]: probably

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: probably

[cobra]: i enjoyed it but

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: that's

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: because i'm a i'm a wow

[spinner]: i was

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: very

[cobra]: i'm

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: super

[spinner]: was

[cobra]: fan

[spinner]: as a non would

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: fan i was very confused

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[spinner]: by it

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: bingo

[cobra]: that's what

[spinner]: i

[seasons_beatings]: m

[spinner]: was

[cobra]: everybody

[spinner]: like why

[cobra]: said

[spinner]: is this wizard guy now the main

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: yep

[spinner]: and it was really like

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i tought he was like a side

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: than he became

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: like the villain

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: i

[seasons_beatings]: that's

[spinner]: don't i

[seasons_beatings]: it

[spinner]: don't

[cobra]: welcome

[spinner]: really remember

[cobra]: to or or craft

[seasons_beatings]: that's a story that

[cobra]: welcome to or or

[seasons_beatings]: that

[cobra]: craft

[seasons_beatings]: took place over three games

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: they crammed it into

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: one

[spinner]: yeah that destroyed that directors

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: career

[seasons_beatings]: no he's fine

[spinner]: nan

[_copernicumbledore]: duncan

[seasons_beatings]: i don't know

[spinner]: jones

[_copernicumbledore]: jones

[seasons_beatings]: i

[spinner]: or

[seasons_beatings]: don't know

[_copernicumbledore]: what

[seasons_beatings]: what

[_copernicumbledore]: the

[seasons_beatings]: e's

[_copernicumbledore]: hell

[seasons_beatings]: up

[_copernicumbledore]: happened

[seasons_beatings]: to

[_copernicumbledore]: to

[spinner]: david

[_copernicumbledore]: him

[spinner]: bowes

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: no

[spinner]: son

[_copernicumbledore]: sure really

[seasons_beatings]: yeah ow do i feel

[cobra]: oh really

[seasons_beatings]: about that prediction let's not just go
off on a complete tangent here

[cobra]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[spinner]: yeah sure whatever

[cobra]: i

[seasons_beatings]: wow

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: so you're saying like an animated movie

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: just a movie released by blizzards itself

[seasons_beatings]: we can either go with it's either
it's announced this year just go with an

[seasons_beatings]: announcement because it's usually

[spinner]: a

[seasons_beatings]: it's hard to make a movie and
not announce it right no one does that

[seasons_beatings]: so

[_copernicumbledore]: it

[seasons_beatings]: they're goin to announce they're making a

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: o world craft movie with henry cavell
as art i'm going as far as say

[seasons_beatings]: that

[cobra]: okay i think it's it's somewhat

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: bold

[seasons_beatings]: right that's all i wanted to hear
luciatto give us your bull takes

[cobra]: so mine my first one is completely
different from everything that we talked about

[seasons_beatings]: a

[cobra]: i think it's

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: actually somewhat of a safe bet

[seasons_beatings]: boo spit it out

[cobra]: i think

[_copernicumbledore]: booth

[cobra]: mellen husk

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: i mean ellen musk

[_copernicumbledore]: melon

[cobra]: is going to

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: run for governor of california

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[cobra]: this year

[spinner]: oh god

[cobra]: he's gonna announce it that he's going
to run

[seasons_beatings]: is this

[cobra]: for

[seasons_beatings]: like

[cobra]: the next

[seasons_beatings]: how

[cobra]: time

[seasons_beatings]: how we made up that show with
trump so we can get him killed is

[seasons_beatings]: what's happening yeah

[cobra]: i'm okay with that

[_copernicumbledore]: ship

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: he could be against against star

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: i was going to predict and i
chose not to that he was going to

[spinner]: go bankrupt

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: on

[cobra]: because that's a safe bet

[seasons_beatings]: um

[spinner]: yeah that is

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: he's yeah

[seasons_beatings]: so

[cobra]: so that's my prediction i think he's
going to announce he's going to

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: use what he perceives as his

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: new found fame

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[cobra]: as being the chief

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: troll or whatever and he's going to
announce that he's going to run for

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: governor of california

[seasons_beatings]: now is he running because

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: he thinks he can win or just
running to get fame and notoriety

[cobra]: oh no no

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[cobra]: no he thinks he can win

[_copernicumbledore]: yah

[cobra]: atter on twitter

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: is going o tell him he

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[cobra]: can win and then he's going to

[seasons_beatings]: ay that's fair i hate it

[cobra]: that's my prediction i hate it too

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: but i think it's going to happen

[seasons_beatings]: my brain

[cobra]: that's my safe

[seasons_beatings]: my

[cobra]: bed

[seasons_beatings]: brain won't let me think of such
things because

[spinner]: is

[seasons_beatings]: it

[spinner]: he

[seasons_beatings]: won't

[spinner]: going

[seasons_beatings]: go

[spinner]: to win

[seasons_beatings]: as dark

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[cobra]: well

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: we don't know because it's you know

[spinner]: what's your

[seasons_beatings]: i

[spinner]: prediction

[seasons_beatings]: would

[cobra]: that's for later

[seasons_beatings]: i would

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: argue

[cobra]: prediction

[seasons_beatings]: he won't

[cobra]: is gonna

[seasons_beatings]: win

[cobra]: he's going to announce it

[seasons_beatings]: yeah cause he can't win this year
because there's no governorship

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: but

[cobra]: exactly

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: to answer your question spencer i don't
think he'll win because he's too fucking crazy

[_copernicumbledore]: oh m

[seasons_beatings]: california

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: he's very

[seasons_beatings]: is very

[spinner]: he's very crazy

[seasons_beatings]: democratic

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: democratic

[cobra]: well

[seasons_beatings]: enough to not elect

[cobra]: any

[seasons_beatings]: him

[cobra]: ney

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: ren as a as a republican

[seasons_beatings]: yeah but

[cobra]: an one

[seasons_beatings]: he's he's not

[cobra]: it's

[seasons_beatings]: the

[cobra]: arne

[seasons_beatings]: new style republicans

[spinner]: yeah he wasn't

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: insane

[cobra]: true true

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: ah right i don't

[seasons_beatings]: all

[spinner]: like

[seasons_beatings]: right

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: but

[spinner]: pick f w

[seasons_beatings]: gross

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm here to see elon crash and
burn so

[seasons_beatings]: spencer

[_copernicumbledore]: i kind

[seasons_beatings]: washed

[_copernicumbledore]: of want

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: to see it play

[cobra]: i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: out

[cobra]: only i'm only mentioned allan musk in
the hopes that you know

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: our curse takes

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[cobra]: on

[seasons_beatings]: peter

[_copernicumbledore]: hold on

[seasons_beatings]: can you

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: wash

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: the taste of that out of my

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[spinner]: i predict that they

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: are going to announce the

[seasons_beatings]: my

[spinner]: live action

[seasons_beatings]: ye

[spinner]: ex men film

[_copernicumbledore]: h hm

[spinner]: and

[seasons_beatings]: cast it you coward

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: i didn't really plan

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: a cast but i will

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: say

[seasons_beatings]: i need three people

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[spinner]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: who are

[spinner]: i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: you

[spinner]: going

[_copernicumbledore]: going

[spinner]: with

[_copernicumbledore]: to cast

[spinner]: younger younger actors

[_copernicumbledore]: going to cast the professor x a
cyclops a beast who re you thinking archangel

[_copernicumbledore]: who are you thinking

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: polaris

[spinner]: no i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: magneto

[spinner]: thinking like i'm thinking

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[spinner]: um m

[_copernicumbledore]: el

[spinner]: i think i'm

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: going to put

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: mort

[seasons_beatings]: oh yeah

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: yeah i'm going to cast more

[seasons_beatings]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: marrow

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: the blob

[spinner]: because obviously

[seasons_beatings]: h

[_copernicumbledore]: jugs make juger not

[spinner]: i'm going to cast an

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: anna taylor joy as

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[spinner]: jean

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[spinner]: gray

[_copernicumbledore]: h uh

[cobra]: oh not

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: a bad pick

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: i hear she can act

[seasons_beatings]: yah

[spinner]: she can act

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: h okay

[cobra]: i watched

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: i just watched the

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: chest thing

[cobra]: split like

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: trilogy

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: over holidays and

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: yeah she connect

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: definitely

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: um

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[spinner]: m i'm going to pick i'm going
through a list of up and coming actors

[spinner]: i don't even know who

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: this

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: is but he looks like a

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: good cyclops i'm going with

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: lucas hedges

[_copernicumbledore]: sounds

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: like such an alabama name if i
ever heard one

[cobra]: it does

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm going to look

[spinner]: lucas

[_copernicumbledore]: this this

[spinner]: hells lucas

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: who

[spinner]: he jos

[_copernicumbledore]: yah

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: lucas

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: he's

[_copernicumbledore]: he

[cobra]: from brooklyn so

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: he's from

[spinner]: i'm

[cobra]: he's

[spinner]: from

[cobra]: from brooklyn heights

[spinner]: i'm from brooklyn hides alabama

[_copernicumbledore]: let me tell you

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: something

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: but jean that sweet

[cobra]: why

[_copernicumbledore]: tea

[cobra]: do you think

[_copernicumbledore]: was

[cobra]: he looks

[_copernicumbledore]: something else baby

[cobra]: why do you think he looks like

[spinner]: i don't know

[_copernicumbledore]: all right

[seasons_beatings]: he looks like someone

[_copernicumbledore]: he

[seasons_beatings]: who likes to watch this girl fitin
with other dudes

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: oh my god

[spinner]: exactly

[_copernicumbledore]: he's got a bit

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: wow

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: he's got a bit of a cuckfibe

[cobra]: a

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: you

[seasons_beatings]: not that there's

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: anything

[cobra]: my god

[seasons_beatings]: wrong with that if you're into it
that's cool

[_copernicumbledore]: no you

[spinner]: he's

[_copernicumbledore]: know whatever

[spinner]: gotta

[_copernicumbledore]: gets one's gears going

[spinner]: yeah he looks like a like a
very vanilla man which is a perfect fit

[spinner]: for

[seasons_beatings]: spencer you set up

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[seasons_beatings]: the trifecta the triad if you will
so now you got to give

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: us your wolverine

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: now

[cobra]: you gotta

[spinner]: now

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[spinner]: you know

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: i

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: want to say daniel radcliff

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[spinner]: but i think he's a little too

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: for for what i'm going for here

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: really

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: i'm going to

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: go

[cobra]: mean wolverine

[spinner]: with

[cobra]: is

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: much older than

[_copernicumbledore]: he

[cobra]: everybody

[_copernicumbledore]: is

[cobra]: else

[spinner]: yeah but again i want this cast
to age with the franchise

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: last i wanted

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: them to last

[seasons_beatings]: daniel

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: radcliff's thirty three like he'll be

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: fine

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: carry on we'll keep him will keep
him as the understudy

[spinner]: you're going to be like what kind
of pick is this

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: no

[_copernicumbledore]: all

[spinner]: that's

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[spinner]: a

[_copernicumbledore]: here

[spinner]: terrible

[_copernicumbledore]: we go

[spinner]: pick okay i'm not

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: going with that i looked at or

[seasons_beatings]: kay

[spinner]: pictures

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: of him

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: that's

[seasons_beatings]: this

[spinner]: i

[seasons_beatings]: is

[spinner]: was

[_copernicumbledore]: title

[cobra]: all right

[_copernicumbledore]: a title of your

[cobra]: look

[_copernicumbledore]: sex

[cobra]: at that

[_copernicumbledore]: the title of your sex tape

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: yeah this is

[spinner]: i was

[seasons_beatings]: the

[spinner]: goin

[seasons_beatings]: best podcastthing of all time just listening
just fencer

[spinner]: hold on

[seasons_beatings]: looking at things oh

[spinner]: all right

[_copernicumbledore]: i looked

[spinner]: guys

[_copernicumbledore]: at more pages of him

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: i'm going with noah santonio

[seasons_beatings]: yes

[cobra]: yeah oh

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: that

[cobra]: m

[seasons_beatings]: sound listeners as all of us googling

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: the fuck this clown is

[spinner]: exactly

[_copernicumbledore]: he does look a bit like a

[cobra]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: cloud he was in the black adam
movie recently

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: wasn't he as

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: he's a hot up in comer was

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: he if he's

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: in d

[seasons_beatings]: he

[spinner]: c u they might

[seasons_beatings]: played

[spinner]: not cast him

[seasons_beatings]: the atom right

[_copernicumbledore]: giant adam smasher in

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: adam smasher

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: okay i take my pick back

[_copernicumbledore]: spend

[seasons_beatings]: oh my

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[seasons_beatings]: god

[_copernicumbledore]: around

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: anybody want to get a prediction in

[cobra]: i

[seasons_beatings]: here while we wait for spenser

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: to slowly kill us

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: all

[_copernicumbledore]: i got one do you want more
time spencer

[spinner]: give me one second yeah you go
for it

[_copernicumbledore]: okay so

[spinner]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: so back to henry cavell i'm dying
and some of you i've already heard that

[_copernicumbledore]: he's totally into

[cobra]: dying

[_copernicumbledore]: highland

[cobra]: don't die

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm not well you're not we're not
dying were gonna here for a long time

[_copernicumbledore]: i got kids now

[seasons_beatings]: because she said had

[_copernicumbledore]: he's totally into

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: highlander right

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: so i've heard of

[cobra]: i mean

[_copernicumbledore]: a

[cobra]: to

[_copernicumbledore]: re

[cobra]: spencer's

[_copernicumbledore]: boot

[cobra]: point was he why is he not

[_copernicumbledore]: well i don't know but he's probably

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: not into noacentennio cast as wolverine but
that said not only is the highlander movie

[_copernicumbledore]: going to be announced for twenty twenty
twenty four twenty five because like i think

[_copernicumbledore]: his his current projects going to take
up all this year right so the announcement

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: will take this year and then the
cast will also will also stack up i've

[_copernicumbledore]: put some names together now cast as
one filaloboramires um conermccloud's

[cobra]: listen

[_copernicumbledore]: conermokay a

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i was gonna say you have to
pick it appropriately

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[cobra]: you

[_copernicumbledore]: think

[cobra]: know

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[cobra]: what

[_copernicumbledore]: did

[cobra]: i'm talking about here go

[_copernicumbledore]: well

[cobra]: for it

[_copernicumbledore]: maybe maybe not

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: it's this is this is a we're
in the twenty

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: twenties

[cobra]: yah

[_copernicumbledore]: now so i cast ramirez

[seasons_beatings]: a

[_copernicumbledore]: tenokhuerta as rameri and he

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: was i'll speed it up for you
he was nay more in wakonda forever

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: so

[cobra]: so that's what i meant with appropriately

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: because

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: you're casting

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: a

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: man

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[cobra]: with a very very spanish sounding name

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[cobra]: who's actually egyptian

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: but is played by a scotsman

[_copernicumbledore]: you wanted

[cobra]: you did not fulfill

[seasons_beatings]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: i did

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: not

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: like

[spinner]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: the only the

[seasons_beatings]: a

[_copernicumbledore]: only if you see i could have
i could have if you

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: wanted to be to play that i
have a back up understudy

[spinner]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: in mind and

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: that sir would be shoot gata the
new doctor

[spinner]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: who a scotsman

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: okay i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: wait

[cobra]: here

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[cobra]: for it that's

[_copernicumbledore]: got

[cobra]: better

[_copernicumbledore]: i got to get i

[spinner]: who

[_copernicumbledore]: gotta

[spinner]: is he

[_copernicumbledore]: get

[spinner]: playing

[_copernicumbledore]: accurate

[spinner]: wolverine

[_copernicumbledore]: what what

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: you bastard you

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: can't use my my casting like that

[seasons_beatings]: we're at highlander

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: right now we'll come back to you

[_copernicumbledore]: so he's

[spinner]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: a rewandan

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: scottish actor he would be playing egyptian

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: but his name would be spanish that
would be my

[cobra]: nice

[_copernicumbledore]: understudy

[cobra]: i can get behind that

[_copernicumbledore]: now the follow up

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: the opposing force in this highlander re
boot for kirgan i have names but i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: going to go with

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: one

[cobra]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah okay i'm gonna go with one
i've got four i've got four names and

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm goin t go with one michael
fassbender kirgan magnito

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: so

[spinner]: he's

[_copernicumbledore]: in

[spinner]: too

[_copernicumbledore]: three hundred

[spinner]: old

[_copernicumbledore]: he's

[cobra]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: forty five he's

[spinner]: barry

[_copernicumbledore]: forty five

[spinner]: go with berry colgan

[_copernicumbledore]: i hate him he's but maybe for
those reasons it will

[spinner]: wow

[_copernicumbledore]: work

[spinner]: strong feelings

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: so here's the thing i like michael

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: fassbender as an actor but i don't

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: think he's going to bring the new
once genes quad the clancy brown did

[_copernicumbledore]: which is what though what do you

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: specifically though

[cobra]: the insanity just in the

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: eyes

[seasons_beatings]: just

[cobra]: is necessary

[_copernicumbledore]: i beg to differ because

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: if you think okay so

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: i'll share the other i'll share the
rest of the names eric bana gerard butler

[_copernicumbledore]: and benedict cumber batch benedict

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: is forty

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: six gerard

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: i think he's in his fifties and
eric is

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: also in his fifties both of those
dudes are too old michael

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: and benedict are still young enough for
the physicality but michael has got more

[seasons_beatings]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: training

[seasons_beatings]: m oh

[_copernicumbledore]: with sword play allah three hundred gerard

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: sir but he's too old that was
why i stacked

[cobra]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: it the way i did

[seasons_beatings]: she

[_copernicumbledore]: i wanted

[seasons_beatings]: buff

[_copernicumbledore]: someone with that

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: okay well fuck

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: if you want crazy

[cobra]: i like

[_copernicumbledore]: if

[cobra]: that

[_copernicumbledore]: you

[cobra]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: want

[cobra]: like

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[cobra]: that a lot

[_copernicumbledore]: he would

[cobra]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: be

[cobra]: like

[_copernicumbledore]: frightening

[cobra]: that

[_copernicumbledore]: but at the same time

[seasons_beatings]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: i find him a bit too actually
know it could work

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: it could work

[seasons_beatings]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: he

[seasons_beatings]: h

[_copernicumbledore]: would be really scrap be almost

[seasons_beatings]: h

[_copernicumbledore]: like a wolverine but she you cannot
have spencer for your exmedcasting that

[spinner]: i was

[_copernicumbledore]: is

[spinner]: gonna

[_copernicumbledore]: my

[spinner]: say

[_copernicumbledore]: prediction

[spinner]: she would be a good would be
a good wolverine

[_copernicumbledore]: he would maybe

[cobra]: no he would not

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: he would not

[_copernicumbledore]: he's he's

[seasons_beatings]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: so far

[spinner]: he is very

[seasons_beatings]: hm

[spinner]: far

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: he would need to get jacked i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: going with

[_copernicumbledore]: he could do it

[spinner]: i'm going with tanner bucanon as my

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: wolverine pick everybody googling

[_copernicumbledore]: tanner

[spinner]: for me

[seasons_beatings]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: tanner

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: audience

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: have you

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: ever had a tough time going when
you need to go we'll

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: try where there's new

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: laxatives

[cobra]: it's his first name

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: tanner

[cobra]: ten

[spinner]: o it's tanner

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: oh no

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: he's from

[cobra]: tanner

[_copernicumbledore]: oh he

[spinner]: audience

[_copernicumbledore]: was in cobra

[seasons_beatings]: coberkhi

[_copernicumbledore]: ki he's twenty four

[cobra]: oh right

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[cobra]: right

[_copernicumbledore]: find okay okay sure but like

[cobra]: or wolverine

[spinner]: just

[_copernicumbledore]: we need

[spinner]: once

[_copernicumbledore]: so

[spinner]: he

[_copernicumbledore]: like

[spinner]: gets

[_copernicumbledore]: is

[spinner]: jacked

[_copernicumbledore]: your

[spinner]: and gets a little

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: bit of a beard go and

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[spinner]: he'll be good

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: i don't know he'd be better cyclops

[spinner]: he would be a better cyclops

[cobra]: for me

[_copernicumbledore]: an archangel

[spinner]: my whole

[_copernicumbledore]: or

[spinner]: cast

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: even a beast

[spinner]: my whole cast is so white

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: this is also

[cobra]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: true and for that reason i hate

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: it but

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i don't know if he's

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: going

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: to get enough facial

[cobra]: well then

[_copernicumbledore]: hair

[cobra]: pick

[spinner]: people

[_copernicumbledore]: in

[spinner]: are

[_copernicumbledore]: time

[spinner]: gonna get

[cobra]: pica

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: confused

[cobra]: pica

[spinner]: between cyclops

[cobra]: storm

[spinner]: and wolvrinewhich

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[seasons_beatings]: hey

[spinner]: ones which

[cobra]: because storm

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[cobra]: because storm

[seasons_beatings]: let's slow down here everybody yelling at
a hair on his podcast

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: first of all you have to pick
wolverine because

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: you pick pick cyclops you put yourself

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: that hole second of all

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: go back to the drawing board come
back to us with a new person

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: tanerbiwcanon

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: okay okay

[seasons_beatings]: does not cut it

[spinner]: okay

[seasons_beatings]: get

[spinner]: tanderbiwcanon

[seasons_beatings]: us

[spinner]: i'm switching

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[spinner]: for my wolverine sorry i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: what

[spinner]: switching for my cyclops

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[spinner]: get

[seasons_beatings]: that's

[spinner]: lucas

[seasons_beatings]: fine

[cobra]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[spinner]: fucking hedges out of here

[seasons_beatings]: look at heads out ten cannons

[spinner]: that he's

[seasons_beatings]: in his

[spinner]: out

[seasons_beatings]: side collops now we're back to talking
about kirgan and michael fast bane thank

[spinner]: okay

[seasons_beatings]: you very much

[spinner]: okay okay i'll be back

[_copernicumbledore]: he can have

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: you can for the

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: record you can you can also have
she buff i think he has to have

[_copernicumbledore]: more age for for his arc as
he joins this rag tag group of anyways

[_copernicumbledore]: so

[seasons_beatings]: chris

[_copernicumbledore]: michael fassbender kirgan

[seasons_beatings]: can i help you here i want
to throw

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: someone

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: out here someone

[_copernicumbledore]: it

[seasons_beatings]: is very dear to this podcastheart based
on things

[_copernicumbledore]: gilbert

[seasons_beatings]: we

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: just

[cobra]: no

[seasons_beatings]: walk watched together

[cobra]: and i think i know

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: where you're going but go

[seasons_beatings]: david

[cobra]: for

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: it

[seasons_beatings]: harbor

[_copernicumbledore]: oh yes

[cobra]: who

[seasons_beatings]: david harber

[_copernicumbledore]: david harber santa violet

[seasons_beatings]: s kirgan

[_copernicumbledore]: night

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: i like that a lot

[cobra]: okay all

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[cobra]: right

[_copernicumbledore]: like that

[cobra]: all

[_copernicumbledore]: a

[cobra]: right

[_copernicumbledore]: lot and you can also

[cobra]: how

[_copernicumbledore]: throw

[cobra]: old is he

[_copernicumbledore]: good question but

[seasons_beatings]: who

[_copernicumbledore]: he could

[seasons_beatings]: cares

[_copernicumbledore]: do it he

[seasons_beatings]: he's

[_copernicumbledore]: could

[seasons_beatings]: going

[_copernicumbledore]: do

[seasons_beatings]: to die

[_copernicumbledore]: it

[cobra]: forty seven no it's perfect perfect

[seasons_beatings]: gonna

[_copernicumbledore]: he's

[cobra]: perfect

[_copernicumbledore]: forty

[seasons_beatings]: die the

[_copernicumbledore]: seven

[seasons_beatings]: first

[cobra]: s forty

[seasons_beatings]: movie

[cobra]: seven

[seasons_beatings]: got to

[_copernicumbledore]: she

[seasons_beatings]: die the first movies kirgan

[cobra]: amazing no perfect

[_copernicumbledore]: don't

[cobra]: it's a perfect gorgon

[_copernicumbledore]: he's had enough

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: enough

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: roles with physicality across his career that

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: and sword play would be right up
his alley and yeah told it would help

[_copernicumbledore]: divers give him such i've given a
lot of room to really

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: play with it i like that we
could bring in john legazamo as well as

[_copernicumbledore]: conner's one of conner's time travelled friend
in passing like he how you doing say

[_copernicumbledore]: how your mother for me and then
he dies at the hand of kirgan

[seasons_beatings]: wait

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[seasons_beatings]: say how your mother

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: for me isn't that just

[_copernicumbledore]: don't

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: worry about don't worry about that don't

[seasons_beatings]: so

[_copernicumbledore]: worry about that the cross pass in
boston that's where he

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: he bumps into john and he's

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: adopted the an s like oh there's
a saying let's say how to your mother

[_copernicumbledore]: when he's like what the fun did
you just say

[seasons_beatings]: but we're not going to cast the
obvious choice for that

[_copernicumbledore]: for his mother

[seasons_beatings]: say how to your mother for me

[_copernicumbledore]: well mark

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: walvsey the funny thing is is that
mark wallburgh was also supposed to be doing

[_copernicumbledore]: a highlander no no

[seasons_beatings]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: he did the rip off

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: to highlander movie and it bombed apparently

[cobra]: immortal right

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah how would we use mark walburg
that would be funny maybe we could have

[_copernicumbledore]: him on the bill board but okay

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: i scratched that wait mark walbutr

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: could be in the highlander to sequel
he could be villain

[spinner]: okay

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[spinner]: guys i i got

[seasons_beatings]: we're

[spinner]: it

[seasons_beatings]: back

[spinner]: i got my wolverine

[seasons_beatings]: spencer

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[seasons_beatings]: hit us

[_copernicumbledore]: good

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: podcasting

[spinner]: i'm picking

[_copernicumbledore]: filler

[spinner]: the actor will

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: will sharp

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: he is welsh i'm picking

[cobra]: m

[seasons_beatings]: hey chris

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: you're back you your browser stopped away

[seasons_beatings]: can you refresh your page please chris

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: yeah oh

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: am i back

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: yep

[_copernicumbledore]: okay that was weird i saw a
code that i've never seen before my top

[_copernicumbledore]: left anyways

[seasons_beatings]: it's just the the thing the browser
stopped recording it's a very new era that

[seasons_beatings]: apparently is cropping up too much for
my liking have to inquire

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: about it

[_copernicumbledore]: okay did it happen to the rest
of you or just me

[seasons_beatings]: well

[spinner]: just

[seasons_beatings]: so

[spinner]: you

[seasons_beatings]: it happened to spencer

[cobra]: no

[seasons_beatings]: when we started today but that's what
happened to all of us when we're

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: recording the second

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: half

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: of hell mouth high

[_copernicumbledore]: oh okay

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: yeh

[_copernicumbledore]: ship all right okay

[cobra]: when counters in

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: again met

[seasons_beatings]: pardon

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: count us in so we can continue

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: talking

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: about it

[seasons_beatings]: spencer

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: can you just re start with you
have your olevarine and then it's

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: well sharp

[spinner]: okay

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: okay so i have my wolverine and

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: picked

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[spinner]: will

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: sharp he

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[spinner]: plays

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: ethan in white lotus season if you

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: watched it

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[spinner]: and

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: he is

[cobra]: interesting

[_copernicumbledore]: an

[cobra]: pick

[spinner]: if you

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: just look at him topless in white
lotos season two he is

[_copernicumbledore]: my

[spinner]: jacked

[cobra]: um

[spinner]: he

[_copernicumbledore]: my

[spinner]: doesn't

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: seem

[_copernicumbledore]: search history

[spinner]: jacked

[seasons_beatings]: what

[cobra]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm

[cobra]: see

[_copernicumbledore]: not

[cobra]: it

[_copernicumbledore]: going to do

[cobra]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: that but

[cobra]: okay okay okay

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[spinner]: and

[_copernicumbledore]: just

[spinner]: he's

[_copernicumbledore]: want

[spinner]: kind

[_copernicumbledore]: to see

[spinner]: of like

[_copernicumbledore]: who this

[spinner]: dark

[_copernicumbledore]: actor is

[spinner]: dark haired and dark you know harry

[seasons_beatings]: are

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: you trying to say he's not white
is that what you're beating around the bush

[seasons_beatings]: on

[spinner]: no no

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: no

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: he's he's not but

[spinner]: i was

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: trying to say he's like what looks
more like well now it's going to sound

[spinner]: raciest if

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: i said i was saying he sounds
like more like like

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: fare like wolverine

[seasons_beatings]: wow

[spinner]: but now

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: now

[cobra]: oh no

[spinner]: you said

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: no

[seasons_beatings]: he's just

[spinner]: you

[seasons_beatings]: got

[spinner]: said that

[seasons_beatings]: asian

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: heritage sir

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: no i

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: not i'm saying he just dark hair
like wolverine does and he's

[seasons_beatings]: hm

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: jiggetyjacked

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: and he's kind of short

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: which i like

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: because i think for this new wolverine
they have to go into ompletely different direction

[spinner]: from huge jackman

[seasons_beatings]: i think so

[spinner]: you got

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: to have to have no comparisons there

[seasons_beatings]: let him actually be short instead of
just being

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: like

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: tom crusetall

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: munitive

[spinner]: looks

[cobra]: i was thinking it would be interesting
if wolverine because he's technically canadian right

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: or

[spinner]: but nobody

[_copernicumbledore]: wait

[cobra]: if he

[spinner]: cares

[cobra]: was like negative negative can like anyway

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: something

[spinner]: that'd

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: be

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: interesting

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: just say this guy is

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: his

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: character

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: god

[spinner]: s culture

[cobra]: okay

[seasons_beatings]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: matt matt save us

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: at

[spinner]: no his

[cobra]: matt

[spinner]: characters

[cobra]: save

[spinner]: culture

[cobra]: us

[seasons_beatings]: chris

[spinner]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[seasons_beatings]: what do

[_copernicumbledore]: sir

[seasons_beatings]: we end up

[spinner]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: on

[spinner]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: we're done with kirgan right

[spinner]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: we got that

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: and obviously

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: henry cavell will be playing

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: the titular

[cobra]: god

[seasons_beatings]: highlander character

[_copernicumbledore]: yes so

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: i still okay

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: so i still like michael fassbender but
then but then

[seasons_beatings]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: you came up with david harbor so
i'm willing to let michael be the

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: understudy for

[spinner]: so

[_copernicumbledore]: david

[spinner]: it's a comedy

[_copernicumbledore]: harber no this is this

[spinner]: i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: is david

[spinner]: just

[_copernicumbledore]: harper's

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: joking

[_copernicumbledore]: opportunity to to branch and like revel

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: now

[_copernicumbledore]: david harber could be the new clancy

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: at's how

[seasons_beatings]: i'm

[spinner]: he

[seasons_beatings]: here

[spinner]: acts

[seasons_beatings]: for

[cobra]: i mean i think that's

[spinner]: he acts

[cobra]: selling

[spinner]: like that he goes

[cobra]: david harbor a little short

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: but

[_copernicumbledore]: well yes

[spinner]: david

[_copernicumbledore]: but

[spinner]: david

[_copernicumbledore]: a

[spinner]: herbert's always just like every role he's

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah all right

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh man

[_copernicumbledore]: so it does is just just just
the kuran having a mental illness

[spinner]: no

[seasons_beatings]: yes

[spinner]: just he's

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: just drunk all the time

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[seasons_beatings]: he

[cobra]: h

[seasons_beatings]: does

[_copernicumbledore]: that would

[seasons_beatings]: movement

[_copernicumbledore]: make sense okay

[seasons_beatings]: i think

[_copernicumbledore]: go

[seasons_beatings]: we've nailed i think it's fine we
can move on from the one as well

[seasons_beatings]: i think we have we have locked
in chriss's

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: three

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: actors let's

[_copernicumbledore]: ye

[seasons_beatings]: who's next on our list were going
through chris oh it's me again

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: um my second

[_copernicumbledore]: ye

[seasons_beatings]: i'm

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: going to say that the dungeon and
dragons movie will have higher rotten tomato score

[seasons_beatings]: than the super marier brothers movie

[spinner]: that is definitely

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: going

[cobra]: safe

[spinner]: to be

[cobra]: bat

[spinner]: wrong no no

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: safe

[spinner]: wrong

[cobra]: bat

[spinner]: i would

[cobra]: safe

[spinner]: i will

[cobra]: bet

[spinner]: actually bet money on this one

[seasons_beatings]: ten thousand the usual

[spinner]: ten thousand twirkcoin

[cobra]: tor coin

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: and just just to be clear here
we're going to use the same metrical we

[seasons_beatings]: always were gonna use the critics metric
not the audience metric

[spinner]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: we just can't

[cobra]: okay

[seasons_beatings]: trust the audience their idiots

[spinner]: mat i will actually bet you a
dinner that

[seasons_beatings]: all

[spinner]: you

[seasons_beatings]: right

[spinner]: were wrong

[seasons_beatings]: subway

[spinner]: we're talking about real than real food

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: here for real

[_copernicumbledore]: my

[spinner]: dollar dudes

[seasons_beatings]: subway for long compose

[spinner]: well let's not get crazy let's talk
about six

[seasons_beatings]: all

[spinner]: inches

[seasons_beatings]: right sure okay

[spinner]: and maybe you know you get you
get you can make a combo but you

[spinner]: can only get you know

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: chips or is it the same price

[cobra]: lise

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: a small lace

[seasons_beatings]: that's what you

[spinner]: get

[seasons_beatings]: said

[_copernicumbledore]: it might

[seasons_beatings]: i don't

[_copernicumbledore]: be

[seasons_beatings]: know

[_copernicumbledore]: possible

[seasons_beatings]: i'm confused

[_copernicumbledore]: because

[spinner]: no

[_copernicumbledore]: the

[spinner]: chance

[_copernicumbledore]: john francis

[spinner]: that movie

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: looks

[_copernicumbledore]: daily

[cobra]: think

[spinner]: terrible

[_copernicumbledore]: but they have john francis

[cobra]: dunces

[_copernicumbledore]: daily

[cobra]: and dragons are crazy looks amazing

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[spinner]: to you

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[cobra]: sure

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[spinner]: fucking d and d

[cobra]: sure

[spinner]: nard to me who's

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: never heard

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: never played d d and d it
looks like dungeon and dragons

[seasons_beatings]: right

[spinner]: as in the old one with fucking

[_copernicumbledore]: marlin

[cobra]: the jeremy

[_copernicumbledore]: wains

[spinner]: jeremy

[cobra]: irons

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: and

[spinner]: irons

[_copernicumbledore]: jeremy

[cobra]: one

[_copernicumbledore]: irons

[spinner]: one that's what it looks like

[cobra]: no it

[spinner]: ragon

[cobra]: does not

[spinner]: come on that was pretty good

[_copernicumbledore]: true

[spinner]: that's exactly how

[seasons_beatings]: honestly

[spinner]: he

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[spinner]: sounds

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: was

[spinner]: in the movie

[_copernicumbledore]: pretty good

[seasons_beatings]: this is

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: as much a bet on the fact
that m i think chris pratt's going to

[seasons_beatings]: be the worst semario of all time
and i think or it's going

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: to be way too generic that i

[spinner]: it's gonna

[seasons_beatings]: mario

[spinner]: be like this

[seasons_beatings]: is just

[spinner]: he's going

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: to go it's me mario

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: we've seen the trailers

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: exactly what

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: he's doing

[seasons_beatings]: wow

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: it's me

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: chris mario

[spinner]: mushroom kingdom here

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: i come

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: grew my mustache out for this

[seasons_beatings]: right yeah

[cobra]: for

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: this voice acting

[seasons_beatings]: this voice

[cobra]: job

[seasons_beatings]: acting

[_copernicumbledore]: correct

[seasons_beatings]: job this is the

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: guy was like oh you guys won't
believe what voice i've cooked up for this

[seasons_beatings]: and it's literally just his voice so

[cobra]: just

[spinner]: no

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: him

[spinner]: it's him with

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: a slight new yorker accent

[cobra]: this

[spinner]: instead of italian

[cobra]: he's light

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: he's slightly boring

[spinner]: yep

[cobra]: slightly bored slightly new

[seasons_beatings]: if

[cobra]: yorker

[seasons_beatings]: they want the

[spinner]: to me

[seasons_beatings]: new yorker accent we can fucking bring
the west side boys

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: down

[spinner]: you it's me

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: it's mario

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: a

[seasons_beatings]: hey mario

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: what you been doing here

[cobra]: maria

[seasons_beatings]: my guy

[cobra]: mario is here

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: eating gubagoolh

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: next time next next time you decide

[cobra]: ye

[_copernicumbledore]: to jump down a pipe make sure
you say how do you mother for me

[spinner]: why don't you jump on these

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: nuts

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: hey i'm going to re rail this
into luciano

[spinner]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: second

[spinner]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: bet

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[seasons_beatings]: prediction

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: i

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: mean

[cobra]: he okay so

[spinner]: you can

[cobra]: for

[spinner]: predict

[cobra]: me

[spinner]: these bulls

[cobra]: so i

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: think given given all

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: of the very

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: great decisions

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: that netflix has been making lately they
are going to release

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: a street fighter live action series on

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: at least they're going to at least

[seasons_beatings]: you're gonna

[cobra]: it

[seasons_beatings]: brand cobracodustry

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: fighter

[spinner]: probably the smartest move

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: we've run out of steam

[seasons_beatings]: ye

[_copernicumbledore]: boys

[cobra]: yeah that would be the smart move

[_copernicumbledore]: call

[cobra]: not going to do that

[_copernicumbledore]: call the web side boys what we're
going to do this is what we're gonna

[_copernicumbledore]: do take the middle of that how
you can business and just

[spinner]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: h

[_copernicumbledore]: slap a little

[seasons_beatings]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: late

[seasons_beatings]: ye

[_copernicumbledore]: a little little

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: m

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: paint get that chung le

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: chung ly back with the

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: thighs

[cobra]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: and just make sure you

[seasons_beatings]: sounds

[_copernicumbledore]: know

[seasons_beatings]: more

[_copernicumbledore]: and

[seasons_beatings]: races

[_copernicumbledore]: bison

[seasons_beatings]: with the accent

[spinner]: yeah you're becoming

[cobra]: yeah it does

[spinner]: our

[_copernicumbledore]: i've

[spinner]: becoming

[_copernicumbledore]: gone too

[spinner]: canceled

[_copernicumbledore]: far help

[cobra]: it's

[_copernicumbledore]: me

[cobra]: becoming

[spinner]: reel

[cobra]: concerning

[spinner]: it back reel it

[_copernicumbledore]: a

[spinner]: back cris real it back

[cobra]: never

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[cobra]: never go full races chris

[_copernicumbledore]: he

[spinner]: no it's gonna be like this oh
we gotta go we're gonna make it into

[spinner]: a little bit of a three

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: fighter

[seasons_beatings]: eight

[_copernicumbledore]: that's

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: it

[cobra]: so that's that's

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: my prediction

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: they're gonna

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: they're going to announce like ten

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: episode one of the ten or eight
episode things that they do now do you

[cobra]: want me to cast it

[seasons_beatings]: just give

[spinner]: cap

[seasons_beatings]: me two people in the cast i
don't want we got we got time constraints

[seasons_beatings]: but i do want to ask you

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: will it make a second season yes
or no that's

[spinner]: no

[seasons_beatings]: question

[spinner]: no

[seasons_beatings]: for

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: the group

[cobra]: no

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[cobra]: definitely

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[cobra]: not

[seasons_beatings]: good

[cobra]: one hundred percent

[seasons_beatings]: all in the

[cobra]: not

[seasons_beatings]: same page

[_copernicumbledore]: at makes

[seasons_beatings]: great

[_copernicumbledore]: me sad though but okay

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: so you're casting whore you giving me
two people

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: i missed street fighter the

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: neflix show

[_copernicumbledore]: you know

[spinner]: oh no that's for twenty twenty four

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: they're going to get

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: peyton list which who is in coberka
to play came

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[spinner]: about tanner

[cobra]: and

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: tanner's locked

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: into x men franchise you can't

[_copernicumbledore]: what

[spinner]: have him

[seasons_beatings]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: not leaving you're

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: not leaving the men for your little
sucking netflix t v show

[seasons_beatings]: is david harbord playing

[cobra]: let's

[seasons_beatings]: zane for no

[spinner]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: zangef

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: no i think

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: i think they're

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: gonna okay i'm going to make this
crazier they're going to get

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: junclodvandem to play bison

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: now

[cobra]: bis

[spinner]: now you have my curiosity

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: but now you have

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: my attention

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: m yeah

[seasons_beatings]: i like that

[spinner]: yeah who's

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: that big green monster

[cobra]: still

[spinner]: guy

[seasons_beatings]: blanca

[_copernicumbledore]: blanca

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: blanca

[spinner]: david

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: harber

[seasons_beatings]: yes

[cobra]: races

[spinner]: should pay blanca

[cobra]: i like

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: that i actually

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: that

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: some

[cobra]: a lot

[spinner]: casting right there

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: ah oh

[_copernicumbledore]: feel

[spinner]: be

[_copernicumbledore]: like this you're setting this this production
up to fail

[seasons_beatings]: no

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: it's netflix of course i am

[spinner]: we're only

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: paid for one season so we

[seasons_beatings]: uh

[spinner]: can throw as

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: much money as we want to do

[seasons_beatings]: h oh

[spinner]: to

[cobra]: they're

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: going to release it and a week
later they're gonna announce it's cancelled

[seasons_beatings]: everything

[cobra]: that's what

[seasons_beatings]: i love

[cobra]: they're

[seasons_beatings]: about

[cobra]: going to

[seasons_beatings]: this

[cobra]: do

[seasons_beatings]: all right let's go back to spencer
your final twenty twenty

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: three prediction

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: okay let me see oh

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: actually i should have this actually ties
into your previous prediction

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[spinner]: matt

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: i predict that the super mare super

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: brothers movie

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: it's gonna make one billion dollars

[seasons_beatings]: oh okay

[spinner]: say you

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: h actually

[_copernicumbledore]: it could

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: considering mario it's not that far fetched

[_copernicumbledore]: i also

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: looked at the directors they have a

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: of

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: they have a lot of

[cobra]: although

[_copernicumbledore]: kid friendly

[cobra]: it isn't

[_copernicumbledore]: material

[cobra]: animated

[_copernicumbledore]: between them yeah like

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: team

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: titans go

[cobra]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: there's so thunder cats roar scope do
batmen animated

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: stuff a lot of stuff so they've

[seasons_beatings]: chris

[_copernicumbledore]: got a good track record

[seasons_beatings]: tell me

[_copernicumbledore]: behind

[seasons_beatings]: when they

[_copernicumbledore]: them

[seasons_beatings]: made a billion dollars and any of
those properties in one film oh

[spinner]: here

[_copernicumbledore]: we don't

[spinner]: how

[_copernicumbledore]: have

[spinner]: about

[_copernicumbledore]: enough

[spinner]: i give you

[_copernicumbledore]: time

[spinner]: this

[_copernicumbledore]: for that

[spinner]: how would i name the

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: amount of billion dollar properties chris pratt
has done check mate it's

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: like

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: five

[seasons_beatings]: he's

[spinner]: or more

[cobra]: but

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: but like

[spinner]: drastic world

[cobra]: all

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[spinner]: drastic

[cobra]: all

[spinner]: world two drssicworld

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: three

[seasons_beatings]: those

[spinner]: then

[seasons_beatings]: are

[spinner]: ere

[cobra]: that's

[seasons_beatings]: three

[cobra]: all

[spinner]: then

[seasons_beatings]: of the worst

[spinner]: two

[seasons_beatings]: movies

[cobra]: that's all

[seasons_beatings]: in the

[cobra]: in

[seasons_beatings]: history

[cobra]: spite

[spinner]: then

[seasons_beatings]: of time

[cobra]: of him

[spinner]: three

[cobra]: that's all in spite of

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: him

[spinner]: cora got nine

[seasons_beatings]: i'm

[spinner]: car

[seasons_beatings]: sorry

[spinner]: to

[seasons_beatings]: the adventure movies are not led by
him whatsoever

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: those are chris at vehicles

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: vehicles from the

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: moon

[_copernicumbledore]: m hm

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: um

[seasons_beatings]: um so what

[spinner]: no

[seasons_beatings]: i am looking at here spencer just
because i'm curious in terms of

[spinner]: yes

[seasons_beatings]: animated kid friendly films that made over
a million dollars there's a

[spinner]: let's

[seasons_beatings]: top

[spinner]: hear him

[seasons_beatings]: ten list c b r dot com

[cobra]: he

[seasons_beatings]: movies that have done it i'm just
going to read them really quick this is

[seasons_beatings]: not the god awful remake of the
lion king made

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: one point six

[spinner]: yep

[seasons_beatings]: billion dollars somehow um

[spinner]: jesus christ

[seasons_beatings]: not sure

[cobra]: oh my god

[seasons_beatings]: frozen to

[spinner]: ye

[seasons_beatings]: made one point four five frozen one
point two eight incredible to one point two

[seasons_beatings]: four

[spinner]: it's a

[seasons_beatings]: millions

[spinner]: lock

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: minion one point one

[spinner]: diana

[seasons_beatings]: story four

[spinner]: one point one plug

[seasons_beatings]: toy story

[spinner]: billions

[seasons_beatings]: for

[_copernicumbledore]: makes sense

[spinner]: a lock

[seasons_beatings]: one i think it's very highly

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: likely this is gonna appen that's a
ship ship guest you're coward

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: all right

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: i'll raise it

[cobra]: it's a

[spinner]: i'll raise

[cobra]: it's a

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: cowardly

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[cobra]: bet

[spinner]: i'll raise it to one point

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: three

[cobra]: one billion

[seasons_beatings]: chris spencer

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: i want you to say it's going
to be the largest growing animated

[spinner]: but i

[seasons_beatings]: movie

[spinner]: need

[seasons_beatings]: of all

[spinner]: putting

[seasons_beatings]: time

[spinner]: words in my mouth it's not gonna
be the

[seasons_beatings]: uh

[spinner]: what's the largest grossing

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: enemy to movie all

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[spinner]: time

[seasons_beatings]: well i guess

[spinner]: is it

[seasons_beatings]: by

[spinner]: lion

[seasons_beatings]: this list

[spinner]: king

[seasons_beatings]: no that's that is i

[spinner]: that's

[seasons_beatings]: think

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: live

[seasons_beatings]: it's live

[spinner]: action

[seasons_beatings]: action

[spinner]: with animation

[seasons_beatings]: so so frozen to made

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: one point four five billion

[cobra]: one point five there makes

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: one point five billion

[seasons_beatings]: coward

[spinner]: when is it released

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: it matters

[seasons_beatings]: that's very mario brothers i

[spinner]: yes

[seasons_beatings]: think it's like spring

[spinner]: what's it going up against

[seasons_beatings]: april now that's the video game is
like fourth nineteen eighty three

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: it's got some jibe

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: it's got legs

[seasons_beatings]: april seventh twenty twenty three

[spinner]: is there anything

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: else going up that time any marvell
properties being

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: released at that time

[seasons_beatings]: fuck bro

[spinner]: avatars

[_copernicumbledore]: what year

[spinner]: christmas

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah what you mean

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[spinner]: the podcast

[seasons_beatings]: this

[spinner]: twenty

[seasons_beatings]: this

[spinner]: twenty

[seasons_beatings]: year

[spinner]: three

[_copernicumbledore]: no no no no no no no
no no no no no

[spinner]: yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
yeah yeah yeah yeah

[seasons_beatings]: shut in

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: in

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[seasons_beatings]: guiding the galaxy is may fifth man
in the wasps february seventeenth so pretty open

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[spinner]: right

[seasons_beatings]: run

[spinner]: in

[seasons_beatings]: for

[spinner]: between

[seasons_beatings]: about a month there

[spinner]: all right lock it in this is
a bold pick

[seasons_beatings]: i like it

[spinner]: one point five

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[spinner]: biggest animated film of all time

[seasons_beatings]: according to c b r dot com

[spinner]: corney with we're going by c

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: b r tutmrankings lock that into

[seasons_beatings]: locked it and i better make sure
that well as one point five you're fine

[seasons_beatings]: all right i

[spinner]: a

[seasons_beatings]: like it

[spinner]: and you're gonna

[seasons_beatings]: we

[spinner]: be real

[seasons_beatings]: step it

[spinner]: sad

[seasons_beatings]: up

[spinner]: when they make

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: the next mario

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: game and mario sounds like

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: it's me mario from

[seasons_beatings]: it's

[spinner]: the

[seasons_beatings]: me

[spinner]: movie mario

[seasons_beatings]: staring me mario

[spinner]: ting me chris pratt

[seasons_beatings]: uh

[spinner]: as mario

[seasons_beatings]: chris your third

[_copernicumbledore]: yes sir

[seasons_beatings]: third gambit

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[spinner]: nice wording

[cobra]: oh no

[spinner]: were

[_copernicumbledore]: it

[spinner]: you

[_copernicumbledore]: should

[spinner]: gonna

[_copernicumbledore]: be my

[cobra]: too

[_copernicumbledore]: se

[cobra]: soon

[spinner]: you gonna kill

[_copernicumbledore]: my

[spinner]: now

[_copernicumbledore]: second my second and a half gambit

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: james gunn is going to admit that
he's in over his head s go they're

[_copernicumbledore]: gonna be talks to bring in d
c like d c creative talent that actually

[_copernicumbledore]: know what they're doing as like consultants
such as jim ley and mark wade j

[_copernicumbledore]: michael strezinski but that's got he's going
to feed the rumor mill and discard it

[_copernicumbledore]: and then he's going to announce

[spinner]: a

[_copernicumbledore]: such movie upcoming titles such as yeah
cod piece the fisherman and snow flame and

[_copernicumbledore]: egg food and do you know why

[cobra]: what about condiment king

[_copernicumbledore]: ohkonemcking is also in the list to
make a cameo cameo because i've got james's

[_copernicumbledore]: gun m o unlock he likes

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: to scour the internet for unused characters
and he wants to shine a light out

[_copernicumbledore]: them on them because he's

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: had enough of the top tier trinities
and top tier magnificent seven d c characters

[_copernicumbledore]: he couldn't

[spinner]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: care

[spinner]: think

[_copernicumbledore]: less

[spinner]: because i think it's because

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: he knows he won't let anyone down
if he makes econdoment king movie he's got

[_copernicumbledore]: exactly

[spinner]: only up to go has he ever
done anything

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: good with a property that is well

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: let's look chris can you do still
that into

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: a thing we can verify

[spinner]: yeah what the they're making a cod

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[spinner]: movie i that what you're saying

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: you're

[_copernicumbledore]: well

[spinner]: wrong

[_copernicumbledore]: he'll

[spinner]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: do what he'll do

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: is going to be an unsambol movie

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: because like suicide

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: squad one and two right so he's
gonna take he's got a farm from

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: the

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: d c villains

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: you'll never see in movies for example
it's like an actual c

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: p r list and he's going to
harvest from that and make them into another

[_copernicumbledore]: rag tag group of near duels that
tried do well or maybe he's going to

[_copernicumbledore]: try and surprise people so again he's
got to scrape the bottom of the barrel

[_copernicumbledore]: he's gonna try and

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: offer it up to us like

[cobra]: ye

[_copernicumbledore]: it's chocolate cake

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: when it's actually ship

[cobra]: so what i'm hearing is

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[cobra]: you're angry that your boy zack snider
was sucking booted out of this whole thing

[_copernicumbledore]: actually no

[cobra]: and now you're

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: willing

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: you're you want him to fail just
so you can say you were rect

[_copernicumbledore]: i could care less if

[cobra]: that's

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm

[cobra]: what

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[cobra]: i'm that's what i'm hearing

[_copernicumbledore]: what i feel like he's going to
do based which is my prediction is that

[_copernicumbledore]: he's going to have to bring in
people who know the material

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: better than him that's what i'm saying
it doesn't notice i haven't mentioned anything about

[_copernicumbledore]: zack snyder

[spinner]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: it's

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: you

[cobra]: implied

[seasons_beatings]: so

[_copernicumbledore]: did

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: we all said the terrible word that
no one should

[cobra]: h

[seasons_beatings]: he who shall not be named on
the podcast

[_copernicumbledore]: you

[seasons_beatings]: um

[_copernicumbledore]: did

[seasons_beatings]: just to be clear here that your
bet is he's going to bring in more

[seasons_beatings]: d c creator talents and announced another
unsongball cast movie of like

[_copernicumbledore]: correct

[seasons_beatings]: refuge characters

[spinner]: and that that

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: and

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: de

[spinner]: he's

[cobra]: listers

[spinner]: going

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: to direct

[_copernicumbledore]: i didn't say that but he's

[spinner]: i

[seasons_beatings]: i mean

[_copernicumbledore]: i mean does he have to

[seasons_beatings]: this

[_copernicumbledore]: he

[seasons_beatings]: already

[_copernicumbledore]: could

[seasons_beatings]: sounds

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: outlandish and

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: dumb so i'll give it to

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: you at this point is enough to
direct it

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: ah i'd like us to

[cobra]: this

[spinner]: make

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: predictions for what we think the new
d c

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: u will start like with

[cobra]: ye

[seasons_beatings]: we

[spinner]: free

[seasons_beatings]: literally

[spinner]: of time

[seasons_beatings]: did

[_copernicumbledore]: yah

[seasons_beatings]: a giant podcast about this

[_copernicumbledore]: two

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: or

[seasons_beatings]: we

[_copernicumbledore]: three

[seasons_beatings]: did

[_copernicumbledore]: times

[seasons_beatings]: a whole

[cobra]: we

[seasons_beatings]: podcast

[cobra]: did

[_copernicumbledore]: which i

[cobra]: too we did too we did to
about it

[seasons_beatings]: we're

[_copernicumbledore]: because

[seasons_beatings]: like

[_copernicumbledore]: we're

[seasons_beatings]: hey

[spinner]: listen

[_copernicumbledore]: that good

[cobra]: a

[_copernicumbledore]: we're that

[seasons_beatings]: hey

[_copernicumbledore]: good

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: let's make it three

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: what if d c listen to it
what if the what if d

[spinner]: i

[seasons_beatings]: c

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: universe podcast

[spinner]: what

[seasons_beatings]: it's recorded from twenty twenty two

[spinner]: no

[seasons_beatings]: covers

[spinner]: no

[seasons_beatings]: a lot of this ground

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: a

[spinner]: no

[seasons_beatings]: lot

[spinner]: i'm

[seasons_beatings]: of it

[spinner]: saying what do we think james

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: guns going to do not what we
think they should do

[seasons_beatings]: that's a that sounds like a great
podcast for another time

[spinner]: all right fuck you

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: i oh

[_copernicumbledore]: fig madie

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: balls

[cobra]: fuck you and fun

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: and

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: this prediction it's the dumbest ship we've
said today chris congratulations

[_copernicumbledore]: well you're welcome

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: perfect

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: i'm gonna get on the james gun

[cobra]: m

[seasons_beatings]: waggon

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: and i have i guess much weaker

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: in comparison to

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: chris's nonsense i was going to

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: say that

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: i think that d

[cobra]: h

[seasons_beatings]: c

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: is going to have an announcement this
year of a secret james gun project that's

[seasons_beatings]: going to get the people going people
on a get really excited about it somethin

[seasons_beatings]: they're not talking about right

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: now but they're gon announce like something
that's going to happen and it could if

[seasons_beatings]: i have to be alittlemore specific on
it just because chris was way too specific

[seasons_beatings]: like they're going to bring god kind
of i keep wanting to say they're going

[seasons_beatings]: to bring something to the ho streaming
but they obviously hate streaming all forms

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: and shapes so they have to

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: do

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: a movie so i think it's going

[cobra]: has to

[seasons_beatings]: i

[cobra]: be

[seasons_beatings]: think

[cobra]: a movie

[seasons_beatings]: it's going to be a movie but
i think it's going to be a gain

[seasons_beatings]: they're gonna revive like the d c
animated like stuff james gun is going to

[seasons_beatings]: do something in that space because i
can come out faster they can do it

[seasons_beatings]: faster then than

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: a live action wolbeohe'r it was something
that's going to make everybody super happy like

[seasons_beatings]: henry cavell voices

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: super

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: man and some like justice league nonsense

[_copernicumbledore]: justice

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: league they're gonna

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: make a

[cobra]: like

[_copernicumbledore]: new justice

[cobra]: pick

[_copernicumbledore]: league

[cobra]: pick

[_copernicumbledore]: thing

[cobra]: like a nice like limited run graphic
novel and make an animated movie

[seasons_beatings]: like i

[cobra]: of

[seasons_beatings]: know

[cobra]: that

[seasons_beatings]: they did red cell

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: already but one

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: of those things where like it's just
elsewhere or like a limited run story like

[seasons_beatings]: you said lucian only just like a
nice contained thing and bring in the guys

[seasons_beatings]: that

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: they kind of were like we're not

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: going to do anything more with

[cobra]: so

[seasons_beatings]: voice those characters

[cobra]: i don't i don't know how likely
that is but i actually want it to

[cobra]: happen because that sounds cool

[_copernicumbledore]: it does and at the same time
it makes me feel a little dirty because

[cobra]: here

[_copernicumbledore]: it's

[cobra]: we

[_copernicumbledore]: like

[cobra]: go here

[_copernicumbledore]: look

[cobra]: we go here we go

[_copernicumbledore]: it's a little bit like a

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: bring the james gun hat come on

[_copernicumbledore]: no

[cobra]: bring

[_copernicumbledore]: it just

[cobra]: it

[_copernicumbledore]: feels like a little bit

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: of it just feels like a little

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: of a consolation

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: prize for henry although

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i agree it'd be great if they
did like a superman birth right thing i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: just trying to get into the head
of henry right

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: right there so it'd be cool if
it happened

[seasons_beatings]: it may not be as far as
getting all his

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: voice doctors back but i just tink
it's gonna be something that's going to reinvigorate

[seasons_beatings]: the fan based because like james gun
isn't enough based on how

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: w b and one of her brothers
and that's the same thing

[cobra]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: b o

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: burning it to the ground right

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: now a

[cobra]: so

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: there's there's two

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: things about your prediction that i think
make it less likely the first one is

[cobra]: i think henry kevill would not want
to come work

[seasons_beatings]: that's why

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: that's why

[cobra]: or do

[seasons_beatings]: i

[cobra]: you

[seasons_beatings]: walked

[cobra]: see

[seasons_beatings]: that

[cobra]: now

[seasons_beatings]: back

[cobra]: with all this

[seasons_beatings]: if you

[cobra]: bush

[seasons_beatings]: were were

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: listening

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: right

[cobra]: but

[spinner]: my

[cobra]: but i want it to be harry
kell that's

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: that's my

[spinner]: henry

[cobra]: point

[spinner]: cavell

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: don

[cobra]: i'm talking about your original

[spinner]: he's dead

[cobra]: provision

[seasons_beatings]: m

[cobra]: and

[_copernicumbledore]: not dead

[cobra]: wow okay the second

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: one is that now it's

[seasons_beatings]: h

[cobra]: all together with discovery

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: and all that ship

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: right so they might end up doing
something for streaming so maybe that's

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: not a movie maybe that's that t
v series on discovery plots

[seasons_beatings]: i don't trust it but it's fair

[cobra]: that's the only

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: thing because otherwise

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: it's i think it's

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: now if

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: it's a safe bet but it's very
likely i think because you're right it's much

[cobra]: easier to turn out

[seasons_beatings]: yep

[cobra]: right than a full live actual movie

[_copernicumbledore]: definitely

[cobra]: maybe to give him a quick win

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: as the first thing

[_copernicumbledore]: they definitely need a w m

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: and

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: not the one that

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: comes before to be

[seasons_beatings]: correct

[spinner]: hey what west side boys

[cobra]: he

[seasons_beatings]: you're cold

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: talking

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: on the west side

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: what you got to do

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: you go down

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: lexington

[spinner]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: and then you make a left and
then you make sure you hit broadway and

[_copernicumbledore]: if you see the bull you're going
throg far go

[cobra]: i'm a goal

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: oh oh

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[cobra]: all right

[seasons_beatings]: next

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: last i ever want to spend it
luciana with your third third

[_copernicumbledore]: gambit

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: gambit

[_copernicumbledore]: gambit

[cobra]: so i have to

[_copernicumbledore]: gambit

[seasons_beatings]: you get one so pick the best

[cobra]: i know i know i'm just thinking
which one is um

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: m

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: i think that blizzard will come out
with a new i

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: p this year completely new

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: new i p game they're going to
announce it

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: completely different

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: like no not

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: over watch not wow not star craft
any of that something completely

[seasons_beatings]: so

[cobra]: new

[seasons_beatings]: none of the existing

[cobra]: um

[seasons_beatings]: ip will show

[cobra]: m

[seasons_beatings]: up in that new ip like if
they make heroes of the storm

[cobra]: i didn't say that

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[cobra]: i'm

[seasons_beatings]: you

[cobra]: saying

[seasons_beatings]: coward

[cobra]: it's no it's

[seasons_beatings]: coward

[cobra]: not

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: here of the storm not here

[seasons_beatings]: coward

[cobra]: the term listen

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: blizzard is the

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: coward not me

[seasons_beatings]: you're

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: the coward

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: but okay fine no

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: no existing ips show up at least
at first

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[cobra]: there

[seasons_beatings]: that's good enough

[cobra]: this year when they are going to
announce it completely new i don't know what

[cobra]: is going to be i don't i
don't want to specify it's just going to

[cobra]: be a completely different thing new a
new thing that nobody was expecting and i'm

[cobra]: going to add this it's going to

[_copernicumbledore]: my

[cobra]: actually good really good

[seasons_beatings]: people are gonna be excited

[cobra]: not just the story

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: because like

[cobra]: yeah it's going to be people are
going to get excited about it the you

[cobra]: know the idea is going to be
good and it's going to look promising

[seasons_beatings]: i

[cobra]: if

[seasons_beatings]: am

[cobra]: there's a bata it's going to be

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: good like

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: look like a good game before they
funk it up again that kind of stuff

[seasons_beatings]: i think this is

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: a terrible one

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: i needed to get

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: t like completely out there

[_copernicumbledore]: it could

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: be interesting because i had a don't
want to derail it but i had a

[_copernicumbledore]: similar idea around um as in the
video game round where assassins creed like the

[_copernicumbledore]: franchise gets canceled for a new i
p i think i think

[cobra]: there

[_copernicumbledore]: that's interesting

[cobra]: that's that's a bold

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: bad because yubisoft is never going to

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: milking that cow

[_copernicumbledore]: i know but

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: the whispers the whispers they were like
can we actually do something else like like

[_copernicumbledore]: this is like

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: how long can we we could

[seasons_beatings]: but

[_copernicumbledore]: we could

[seasons_beatings]: why

[_copernicumbledore]: milk it

[seasons_beatings]: what ever i just kept making the
same thing and milked all the money out

[seasons_beatings]: of it

[_copernicumbledore]: because

[cobra]: i don't think they're even whispering

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: that they just yelling from loud

[seasons_beatings]: we do

[cobra]: speakers

[seasons_beatings]: this and

[cobra]: that

[seasons_beatings]: a

[_copernicumbledore]: got

[seasons_beatings]: new

[cobra]: one

[_copernicumbledore]: another

[seasons_beatings]: thing

[_copernicumbledore]: one they got they have a steve

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: got a steve balmer in in their
ranks is like

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: another one another one

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: another one

[seasons_beatings]: so

[_copernicumbledore]: they got

[cobra]: jumping and

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: clapping

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: great i love that

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: for nobody

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: all right so we have our our
three or three things we have a little

[seasons_beatings]: bit of time i want to hear
the wildest thing you can think of i

[seasons_beatings]: wanted to hear just the wildest prediction
you have

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: maybe don't intentionally try to murder people
with your bets

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: your predictions if a if someone happens
to die during here and you have them

[seasons_beatings]: in your bet that's okay but don't
don't talk at them

[_copernicumbledore]: i got

[seasons_beatings]: what i'm

[cobra]: don't

[seasons_beatings]: asking

[cobra]: intentionally

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: murder

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: people

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: is what you're saying

[seasons_beatings]: like don't

[_copernicumbledore]: i've had

[seasons_beatings]: yah

[_copernicumbledore]: i've had i've had something a number
of ingredients brewing in the back of my

[_copernicumbledore]: head based on some random things i
wrote down to me the shalam is going

[_copernicumbledore]: a spear head the next has brow
re booted power rangers vehicle period

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: there's

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: a hell of a pick

[cobra]: oh my

[spinner]: thank

[cobra]: he's going to be the red the
red ranger

[_copernicumbledore]: who knows

[spinner]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: maybe he'll be the green

[seasons_beatings]: it's a

[_copernicumbledore]: but

[seasons_beatings]: new

[_copernicumbledore]: like

[seasons_beatings]: color ranger they're gonna make a new
color for him

[_copernicumbledore]: maybe but you see

[cobra]: ridescent ranger

[spinner]: blazing

[_copernicumbledore]: they can't

[cobra]: irridescent

[_copernicumbledore]: they can't

[cobra]: ranger

[_copernicumbledore]: get away

[spinner]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: from the core

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: colors right they don't want to because

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: all the nostalgia

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: so if he's red or green

[spinner]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: we don't know

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: but

[spinner]: my

[_copernicumbledore]: it would be massive

[cobra]: like a high budget re boot of
power rangers is

[_copernicumbledore]: they

[cobra]: that what

[_copernicumbledore]: tried

[cobra]: you're talking

[_copernicumbledore]: in

[cobra]: about

[_copernicumbledore]: twenty seventeen

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: and it sucked it had potential

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: but it sucked but now

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: that it's

[spinner]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: out of sabon's hands and it has
brows hands they're going

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: develop it and they're going to they're
going to try and do it quote on

[_copernicumbledore]: quote right because

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: what with the loss last year of
jason david frank and

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: like the ripples across like fantom for

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: haste like

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: we need to make sure that we
have a w let's pluck

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: this kid out of done

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: because it should be done

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: production and so on by then

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: and set him up to be the
tommy for example

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: how could

[_copernicumbledore]: that's

[spinner]: they

[_copernicumbledore]: my

[spinner]: make

[_copernicumbledore]: wild

[spinner]: the power rangers cool

[_copernicumbledore]: quite easily

[spinner]: i don't know i think it's tough

[_copernicumbledore]: which sounds like

[cobra]: cool

[_copernicumbledore]: a

[cobra]: for whom

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: which sounds like idea for a podcast

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: yeah that's definitely another podcast

[cobra]: who

[spinner]: i just keep coming up

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: with them

[seasons_beatings]: your that's why

[_copernicumbledore]: production

[seasons_beatings]: we have you here or

[spinner]: i'm

[seasons_beatings]: whatever

[spinner]: on the

[seasons_beatings]: i

[spinner]: road

[seasons_beatings]: don't know

[spinner]: i'm on a role

[seasons_beatings]: speaking over coming up with things which

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: are completely wild

[spinner]: yes

[seasons_beatings]: and

[cobra]: a

[seasons_beatings]: fantastical gambit for twenty twenty three

[_copernicumbledore]: you want my gamba pick for twenty

[seasons_beatings]: no

[_copernicumbledore]: three

[seasons_beatings]: fuck off

[spinner]: no that was yours

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[spinner]: luciana ugo

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: i'm still pondering

[cobra]: yeah all right so a while back
a long while back we talked about problems

[cobra]: that like things that games do to
monetize and and swindle people out of their

[cobra]: money this was a long time

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: ago just me and mat so i'm
going to predict that the game that gave

[cobra]: the title of that podcast episode

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: and in game art book i think
vampires blood lines too is going

[seasons_beatings]: no

[cobra]: to be

[seasons_beatings]: it's

[cobra]: released

[seasons_beatings]: not

[cobra]: this year

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: just fucking and you

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: end yourself

[_copernicumbledore]: so

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: i was

[cobra]: listen you asked for the craziest

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: thing

[seasons_beatings]: as

[cobra]: i

[seasons_beatings]: fair

[cobra]: could think of

[seasons_beatings]: that is in the

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[seasons_beatings]: entity

[spinner]: yes

[seasons_beatings]: it's never coming out i'm not even
sure people are working

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: on it oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i don't think they

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: are but

[seasons_beatings]: i'm gonna

[cobra]: you know

[seasons_beatings]: go to mex becaus spencer is clearly
deep in thought

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: oh that's what that smell

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: is

[seasons_beatings]: that's

[spinner]: what does

[seasons_beatings]: meats

[spinner]: make

[_copernicumbledore]: sorry

[seasons_beatings]: burning

[spinner]: sense

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: it was me

[seasons_beatings]: the brain meats burning um

[cobra]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: i've

[cobra]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: been oscillating around

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: on this a bit and i can't
find the exact right way to say it

[seasons_beatings]: but

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: i think i'll just go in with

[spinner]: yah

[seasons_beatings]: stuff i think

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: i think i would just say it
this way d c is gonna have a

[seasons_beatings]: better gear

[spinner]: ye

[seasons_beatings]: than marvel by the time we're done
this year

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: d

[cobra]: lord

[seasons_beatings]: c people will be more

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: hyped with d c's future potential than
marvels i think people are sucking a were

[seasons_beatings]: burned on marvel but really marvel just
i don't know what phase four was but

[seasons_beatings]: it just kind of wasted people's time
and i think it's going to just

[cobra]: yes

[seasons_beatings]: people

[spinner]: more

[seasons_beatings]: are gonna

[spinner]: like

[seasons_beatings]: get tired of it

[spinner]: face bore am

[seasons_beatings]: exactly

[spinner]: i right

[seasons_beatings]: phase take me up back and shoot
me in the

[cobra]: you're

[seasons_beatings]: head yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah it was very face forward was
very like all right

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: think face for was they knew

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: about covid and they're like we're just
going to make streaming things

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: my

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: that's

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: now like i don't i wouldn't say
it's crazy

[seasons_beatings]: a

[cobra]: it's a that crazy except for the
fact that your predicting that it's going to

[cobra]: have

[seasons_beatings]: hey

[cobra]: more hype

[seasons_beatings]: what are you talking about

[cobra]: then

[seasons_beatings]: here

[cobra]: marvell

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: we got this goat gool it's gonna
be no problem

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: you

[_copernicumbledore]: canale

[spinner]: who

[cobra]: that's and that that is exactly

[spinner]: hm

[cobra]: what makes

[seasons_beatings]: m

[cobra]: this predict crazy

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yea

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: yeah all right all

[seasons_beatings]: spencer

[cobra]: right

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[spinner]: they okay

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: i've put a lot of

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: thought into this and i think yeah
that the new batman movie

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[spinner]: it's going to have

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: m freeze as its villain

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[cobra]: that's the

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: craziest

[spinner]: played

[cobra]: thing you can think of

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[cobra]: gilbert groudfred

[spinner]: by william de foe

[spinner]: that

[_copernicumbledore]: it

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: could

[spinner]: crazy

[_copernicumbledore]: happen

[spinner]: it's not

[_copernicumbledore]: it's

[spinner]: really

[_copernicumbledore]: gonna

[spinner]: that crazy

[cobra]: i mean

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: it would be

[cobra]: stop that

[_copernicumbledore]: it's hilariously

[cobra]: crazy

[_copernicumbledore]: crazy because somebody people want william to
phone to be joker

[seasons_beatings]: complete

[_copernicumbledore]: that would be funny

[spinner]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: then they were like

[spinner]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: at least we got him in there

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: i mean

[cobra]: i thought honestly

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: thought you're going to say n f
ts are going to

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: make a come back

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: and that would

[spinner]: my

[cobra]: have

[spinner]: real

[cobra]: been

[spinner]: crazy

[cobra]: the craziest

[spinner]: prediction

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[spinner]: is that in

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: twenty twenty three china will be on
the moon

[_copernicumbledore]: you mean the contents of china will
be going to the

[spinner]: all

[_copernicumbledore]: moon

[spinner]: of china will be on the moon

[seasons_beatings]: like

[spinner]: i'm

[seasons_beatings]: a

[spinner]: saying that

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: is

[spinner]: they're

[seasons_beatings]: this

[spinner]: going

[seasons_beatings]: like

[spinner]: to send

[seasons_beatings]: a iron iron sky kind of scenario

[spinner]: re gonna send a ship to the

[seasons_beatings]: oh so it is iron sky okay
i was just checking

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: okay

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: why

[cobra]: all right

[_copernicumbledore]: cool though

[spinner]: i don't know i read somewhere

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: that they want to

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: ha

[spinner]: i read somewhere that they want to
have a colony on the moon within six

[spinner]: years so

[seasons_beatings]: he's charting it to one

[spinner]: well no

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: one is

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: a ship one

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: ship is going to go there

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: you know you know people can get
to the moon now right

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: like

[spinner]: yeah i

[seasons_beatings]: we've

[spinner]: know

[seasons_beatings]: done

[spinner]: but

[seasons_beatings]: it

[spinner]: but they're going to send a ship

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: now to just they'r not going to
just send the colony one go they gotta

[spinner]: go and check it out you know
their legs warm

[_copernicumbledore]: sounds

[spinner]: petain

[_copernicumbledore]: like an episode of doctor

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: who

[seasons_beatings]: yeah and then we final the fucking
sivermin on the moon and

[_copernicumbledore]: oh no

[spinner]: exterminate

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: exterminate

[cobra]: m

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: dar leg

[seasons_beatings]: that's

[_copernicumbledore]: but okay

[seasons_beatings]: that's the alex you sound

[spinner]: i

[seasons_beatings]: of

[spinner]: know

[seasons_beatings]: a

[spinner]: what

[seasons_beatings]: pitch

[spinner]: the doles are

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[spinner]: but what the fucking other ones sound
like the cyerman they're just like

[_copernicumbledore]: don't don't because they

[spinner]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: march they march

[spinner]: yeah they

[seasons_beatings]: they

[spinner]: don't

[seasons_beatings]: march

[spinner]: talk

[seasons_beatings]: and they have they have like sabran
voice boxes

[spinner]: all right

[_copernicumbledore]: not meet

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: me

[spinner]: i

[seasons_beatings]: lance

[spinner]: am

[seasons_beatings]: that

[spinner]: as a hambrdberman

[seasons_beatings]: night panta

[_copernicumbledore]: yep

[seasons_beatings]: much better

[cobra]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: thank you

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: they sound like

[spinner]: you're

[_copernicumbledore]: vibrators

[spinner]: welcome

[_copernicumbledore]: that had voice

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: boxes yeah

[spinner]: you

[seasons_beatings]: yeah it's

[spinner]: like

[seasons_beatings]: like

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: thank you for that

[spinner]: you like

[seasons_beatings]: much better

[spinner]: it that

[cobra]: thank you

[spinner]: or

[cobra]: for

[spinner]: slow

[cobra]: the visual

[_copernicumbledore]: take take that doctor take it take
it hard

[seasons_beatings]: that's all the time we have

[spinner]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: for to day on

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: the podcast

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: if you would like to hear us

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: read a drhooscript

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: featuring the sacre

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[seasons_beatings]: man

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: please

[spinner]: big

[seasons_beatings]: feel free

[spinner]: flash

[seasons_beatings]: to

[spinner]: light

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: in my port hole

[seasons_beatings]: in life

[_copernicumbledore]: the

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: tarts

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: and

[_copernicumbledore]: the

[seasons_beatings]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: tartas has always turned

[cobra]: it might

[_copernicumbledore]: me on

[cobra]: it might be

[seasons_beatings]: this is erotic fan fix fiction

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: now we're done

[spinner]: your

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: but is bigger on the inside to

[cobra]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah yeah

[seasons_beatings]: if you

[_copernicumbledore]: shove

[seasons_beatings]: want that

[_copernicumbledore]: your

[seasons_beatings]: to happen

[_copernicumbledore]: conic

[cobra]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: screw driver in

[seasons_beatings]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: at me

[seasons_beatings]: please please

[spinner]: uh

[seasons_beatings]: email

[spinner]: m

[seasons_beatings]: s

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: at your on cast at email

[spinner]: hm

[seasons_beatings]: dot com

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: alex

[seasons_beatings]: you can also check us out on
the web w w

[_copernicumbledore]: to play to

[seasons_beatings]: w dot

[_copernicumbledore]: be

[seasons_beatings]: your on cast dot c a we're
still search of a better platform than twitter

[seasons_beatings]: to host our other socials so for

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: now we're going to stop with those

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: two we'll figure it out we might
just be twittered i don't know depends on

[seasons_beatings]: an muss the

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[seasons_beatings]: governor of california or if he takes
over mega city one i don't

[cobra]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: know what he's up to

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah i don't think he

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[cobra]: knows what he's up to

[seasons_beatings]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: keep smelling in bath salts

[seasons_beatings]: h

[_copernicumbledore]: you on

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[seasons_beatings]: for now i'm at

[cobra]: i'm luciana

[spinner]: looks like the

[seasons_beatings]: yeah

[spinner]: doctor

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[spinner]: is in my butt

[_copernicumbledore]: gib

[seasons_beatings]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: the gibbet movie

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: re boot is going to be played
by ted

[spinner]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: ramy

[spinner]: oh

[seasons_beatings]: ah ah

[cobra]: directed by sam ray

[_copernicumbledore]: it's the only way it's the only

[cobra]: yeah it is the only way

Creators and Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
Recurring guest host extraordinaire
89. You're Wrong About What You Think Will Happen in 2023
Broadcast by