G.U.I.N.N.E.S.S. | You Have 99 Minutes To Be Wrong About "Darkman"
[Unknown4]: hello welcome to your wrong um i'm gonna get off right off the bat here before
[Unknown4]: even before i introduced everybody we said we were going to watch operation
[Unknown4]: chromite and we wanted to but it turns out unless you live in korea you can't
[Unknown4]: really acquire that movie
[Unknown4]: so rather than
[Unknown4]: force ourselves to find air and force our way to find it if you want to watch it
[Unknown4]: we a a bolt and we went to a classic from the year nineteen ninety directed by
[Unknown4]: everybody's favorite spiderman director sam ram
[Unknown5]: eight
[Unknown4]: we picked a dark man which i think is one of liam neeson's first starring roles i
[Unknown4]: couldn't tell for sure i didn't google hard but it seems like it was one of his so
[Unknown4]: we're doing dark man so if you need to pause this podcast right now knock out dark
[Unknown4]: man good news hour and a half real quick
[Unknown5]: it's fun
[Unknown4]: um please do otherwise continue with us uh we have as always
[Unknown4]: cobra slash luciano
[Unknown6]: yes i'm i am here slash not here
[Unknown4]: yeah you're trapped here chris from montreal
[Unknown5]: hey respect my respect my government okay it's bruce campbell's chin cleft
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown4]: scratch that it definitely wasn't chris from montreal it was
[Unknown5]: no
[Unknown4]: bruce campbell king clift
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown4]: and spencer is still not with us he is on the road traveling to parts unknown
[Unknown5]: like the littlest hobo
[Unknown4]: we have the yeah i could sing the song for you but i'll save everybody the problem
[Unknown4]: we have scott scott is back i don't know scott what was the last episode you're on
[Unknown4]: coz i don't remember a very bad host
[Unknown7]: extra life twenty twenty one
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown5]: but it be
[Unknown6]: which was also a trailer
[Unknown4]: a
[Unknown7]: yes that's right
[Unknown6]: episode
[Unknown4]: trailer episode that's right we
[Unknown6]: y
[Unknown4]: talked about trailers good
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: for us
[Unknown4]: for us
[Unknown7]: this
[Unknown5]: hey
[Unknown7]: feels like the follow up
[Unknown4]: well
[Unknown4]: you probably should have watched this trailer before you watched the movie you
[Unknown4]: might have saved yourself some time
[Unknown5]: y it was a good movie
[Unknown4]: hey
[Unknown6]: no and
[Unknown7]: it was a movie
[Unknown4]: we'll get into it it was a movie
[Unknown6]: it was a movie
[Unknown5]: y'all i'm gonna fight even in every one of you
[Unknown4]: well okay chris it seems like you may have a dissenting opinion on the movie um
[Unknown4]: would you like to give your review ahead first and scott just to help you and
[Unknown4]: everybody else out uh our normal rating system has been suspended because this is
[Unknown4]: the second episode of the greatest ultimate international and necessary nissan
[Unknown4]: extravaganza super season
[Unknown4]: for sure form we are using your own custom rating scale we'll give you some time
[Unknown4]: to figure out your rating scale chris is gonna go first chris
[Unknown4]: give us your synopsis so your your quick review of the movie
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown4]: and your rating
[Unknown5]: so quick review so like my my opinion or do i recap the movie quick review
[Unknown4]: don't recap the movie don't do
[Unknown5]: cool
[Unknown4]: that to our listeners
[Unknown6]: yeah nobody needs that
[Unknown5]: so my my rating is rare i really enjoyed this movie and for all for all like i
[Unknown5]: don't care that it was yes yes
[Unknown4]: sir sure that's not a custom rating scale
[Unknown6]: he can he can use the standard w leave him alone
[Unknown5]: i i give i i'm gonna i have i have it i have it
[Unknown5]: are you ready
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown4]: i'm i'm ready
[Unknown4]: i'm i'm ready
[Unknown5]: have you prepared your body and mind
[Unknown6]: i mean
[Unknown4]: yes
[Unknown5]: you're supposed there you go that's the spirit so i'm going to apply the same
[Unknown5]: rating scale that that i used for cold pursuit which is the beads of sweat from lv
[Unknown5]: featured in gangster's paradise coolio remember it's the side profile of lv r and
[Unknown5]: b singer
[Unknown6]: so you're you're sticking to that
[Unknown5]: i i like it i
[Unknown6]: oh okay
[Unknown5]: like it so remember remember
[Unknown4]: cool topical
[Unknown5]: it was
[Unknown6]: that's that's that's a rating skill i guess
[Unknown5]: remember that one beat of sweat is good because it's not stressing you right
[Unknown5]: it's just to be a sweat not pretty and then seven is very bad
[Unknown4]: you're right right right right
[Unknown4]: okay
[Unknown5]: so dark man according
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown5]: to my rating scale
[Unknown4]: according
[Unknown5]: according to the beads of sweat
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown5]: it's one it's
[Unknown5]: it's very it's good
[Unknown4]: you're here insane
[Unknown5]: it's good listen i said good and bad it's very simple don't overthink shit
[Unknown6]: you are completely insane listen your
[Unknown6]: your rating scale is as good as this movie
[Unknown5]: and it is also if i apply my rating scale to your rating i will be ready for that
[Unknown5]: so remember that okay so yeah that's my rating it's i i i it is rare aka one beat
[Unknown5]: of sweat good it's good so
[Unknown4]: okay
[Unknown5]: shall i follow up
[Unknown6]: clearly you saw another version of this movie but okay
[Unknown5]: i did not i saw the same movies you bitches and you're gonna put some respect on
[Unknown5]: my authoritative goddamn review shall i explain why or what
[Unknown4]: cool hey p we're gonna need that yeah
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown6]: yes
[Unknown5]: so
[Unknown5]: okay so yeah one of my my takeaways because i remember bits and pieces of this
[Unknown5]: movie but rewatching it it was a lot of fun so this flick for me holds up even
[Unknown5]: though it's it's so nineties nineteen ninety it holds up for me um because not a
[Unknown5]: not just because of like the three d printing aspect and the future the future
[Unknown5]: thinking that they tried to apply that they were applying back that i wasn't
[Unknown5]: expecting i didn't remember that at all furthermore i it had a very phantom of the
[Unknown5]: opera vibe for me and the whole
[Unknown5]: clinging to my my past like like reasonable like i want my old life back i was
[Unknown5]: severely wronged and i'm a scientist i have the means to try to reclaim what was
[Unknown5]: taken from me so and then there's a lot of interest yes and he wants to fight for
[Unknown5]: all these valid things but what happens along the way he he ends up changing for
[Unknown5]: reasons that i felt were valid within the context of this story all that trauma
[Unknown5]: the procedure done to help him live through the sustained wounds of like all that
[Unknown5]: like the nervous system and so on
[Unknown5]: and then the result of that like heightened chemical chemical imbalance resulting
[Unknown5]: in rage and all of that sure the visuals were are are dated right but
[Unknown5]: for the purposes of of the the the structure of this character's you know
[Unknown5]: trajectory i think it works and so
[Unknown5]: i i i also love i also love just like the the the time capsule aspect of like the
[Unknown5]: head villain you know durant being that hired you know like big thug hench not
[Unknown5]: even a hedge man but just like that hired criminal even though that you know that
[Unknown5]: corporate dude was also like pulling the strings and then to reveal he's the big
[Unknown5]: hetch cheese the big cheese but i like i i liked all those aspects so i think i
[Unknown5]: think it w it it really had a good enough pace for the time it represented and
[Unknown5]: then little fact filmed in la and toronto's but that was also a fun uh sort of can
[Unknown5]: i is it true so my guess is the hospital scene so other than that
[Unknown6]: you mean the hospital scene where he was strapped to a
[Unknown6]: torture wheel
[Unknown5]: he got out he had the ability to do like they
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown5]: saved his life he would have gone insane without that procedure
[Unknown6]: uh
[Unknown6]: yeah it's the spinning that kept him the yeah
[Unknown7]: the centrifugal force kept his brain in his head
[Unknown5]: exactly exactly
[Unknown6]: the centrifugal centrifugal force that kept his brain
[Unknown5]: to set your view of mental salvation
[Unknown6]: jesus christ
[Unknown5]: so
[Unknown6]: bruce campbell chin clap more
[Unknown5]: bruce
[Unknown6]: like bruce campbell's butt cleft
[Unknown5]: listen that
[Unknown4]: well
[Unknown5]: that's that's that's ram's ass right there that's really
[Unknown4]: okay um i'm gonna i'm gonna pivot then to lucia's rebuttal or sorry his ranking
[Unknown6]: i see what you did there
[Unknown5]: and
[Unknown6]: i also notice you're drinking the proper drink for this
[Unknown5]: which is what
[Unknown6]: i listen it's on the right glass it's not a glass it's a can yeah
[Unknown6]: anyway
[Unknown6]: so
[Unknown4]: please sponsor us
[Unknown6]: for me for yeah please so for me this movie is surprisingly and uncommon
[Unknown6]: but for all the wrong reasons this is this is a classic
[Unknown4]: what what happened to your custom ratings system i i thought
[Unknown5]: bit
[Unknown6]: great
[Unknown4]: we were doing some a festival
[Unknown4]: we were doing some a festival
[Unknown5]: take that
[Unknown6]: all right fine it's a pint of henkin there
[Unknown4]: he
[Unknown6]: as i had the pines before it was c b between
[Unknown4]: uhuh
[Unknown6]: like
[Unknown6]: oh scott's here between molson which is the worst
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown6]: and unfortunately guinness should have should be the best one because of this
[Unknown4]: yeah sorry sorry not sorry scott
[Unknown7]: too it i've changed since then
[Unknown5]: have you have
[Unknown5]: you leveled up your culture have you cultured leveled yourself up
[Unknown6]: oh have you i drinking course
[Unknown7]: no i drink uh
[Unknown6]: paul leer
[Unknown5]: past
[Unknown7]: now
[Unknown5]: hm
[Unknown6]: no pert schoolly shit
[Unknown6]: no pert schoolly shit
[Unknown4]: look
[Unknown7]: i like baps though i like peps
[Unknown5]: you drinks do
[Unknown4]: look
[Unknown5]: you drink samuel jackson beer
[Unknown5]: you drink samuel jackson beer
[Unknown7]: it's a it's a light beer
[Unknown6]: oh god
[Unknown7]: silver and blue can
[Unknown4]: look at him just bush
[Unknown5]: what
[Unknown7]: now
[Unknown4]: gonna making up lies
[Unknown4]: we'll look it up uh let's continue yeah google out
[Unknown7]: i can't remember yeah i'll i find it
[Unknown6]: anyway
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown6]: this is like a pint of of heiny kin
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown6]: like i would drink another one
[Unknown5]: you damn right
[Unknown6]: but for the r for the wrong reasons because this is one of those classics so bad
[Unknown6]: that it's good movies it's first of all you can almost smell the sam rami through
[Unknown6]: the screen on this movie
[Unknown6]: and as is a classic sammi movie tad ram is in this obviously because how else
[Unknown6]: would would a man's brother get jobs
[Unknown5]: their three brothers their
[Unknown6]: oh yeah
[Unknown5]: ivan is also in it i didn't know they had a third
[Unknown6]: ivan is a ivan is a co writer right
[Unknown5]: yeah and he's
[Unknown6]: on this
[Unknown5]: also he has a he's one of the doctors in the hospital scene
[Unknown6]: oh i didn't know that yeah and also he had he made way for his good buddy bruce
[Unknown6]: campbell to appear as f shemp whatever the that means
[Unknown5]: we know what that is because we looked it up
[Unknown6]: i know but it's it's still stupid anyway um
[Unknown6]: and it's just so campy and so ridiculous like it it starts it starts
[Unknown6]: seemingly like it's going to take itself seriously and then you see them taking
[Unknown6]: pictures of a close up of a nose of a guy named taki tito and i'm like okay this
[Unknown6]: movie is the same rami movie and i'm fine with this
[Unknown6]: and and like as it goes it becomes more weird but then
[Unknown6]: what really irks me is the times when it tries to get serious right like it tries
[Unknown6]: to be dramatic when you know he runs out of the hospital and it's like oh crying
[Unknown6]: and
[Unknown6]: live miss and chewing the scenery and drooling all over the place in not a good
[Unknown6]: way
[Unknown6]: exactly and that was so bad
[Unknown6]: oh and it's time to talk to julie
[Unknown6]: her
[Unknown5]: but it was the first but he just got out of the hospital trauma drugs did it a
[Unknown6]: yeah and then and then later he has no lips and he can still talk whatever
[Unknown6]: and it's like those scenes are what really detract from the movie for me because
[Unknown6]: it tries to get a little bit serious but overall i would actually watch this again
[Unknown6]: i would actually sit down with a bunch of people and do like a mystery science
[Unknown6]: theater situation where we just shit on this movie as it goes i would do that any
[Unknown6]: day of the week because it it will be so much fun but uh yeah it's not a good
[Unknown6]: movie it's very nineties and it's like it goes all right like the there's so many
[Unknown6]: plot holes in this thing oh my god like they just hand wave shit
[Unknown6]: anyway
[Unknown5]: and
[Unknown6]: it was fun but it's not a good movie
[Unknown4]: um i don't think there are any plot hoes in this movie because
[Unknown6]: because
[Unknown5]: agreed
[Unknown6]: there's no plot there's no plot
[Unknown4]: because yes you can't have holes while you don't have the thing to put halls in
[Unknown6]: is this like a swiss cheese situation where the more cheese the more holes so the
[Unknown6]: more holes less cheese so
[Unknown4]: yes
[Unknown6]: the more cheese the last cheese
[Unknown4]: yes
[Unknown5]: so far two of you are very wrong
[Unknown4]: okay
[Unknown7]: i was gonna say it's more of a fish net story it's just all whole
[Unknown5]: now three three three of you mother fugger are wrong
[Unknown4]: scott
[Unknown4]: i'm gonna like i'm yeah i'm scott i'm gonna let you go next and it seems like you
[Unknown6]: now rib a ripped fish net
[Unknown4]: have a good good grasp on what we're doing here now
[Unknown7]: yeah so i would give this uh one artificial leg gun out of one artificial leg i
[Unknown7]: thought this movie was awesome
[Unknown5]: ah nice
[Unknown7]: i uh i really liked it i i haven't watched the nineties movie in a long time and
[Unknown7]: this just exploded ninety off the get go you start off with discount bruce willis
[Unknown7]: you got
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown7]: crazy seeds happening out of nowhere you got the fake joker guy called smiley who
[Unknown7]: just laughs the whole time
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown6]: what what's what's with his gun stance
[Unknown5]: oh yeah the
[Unknown7]: oh yeah
[Unknown5]: horse jet kung fu stands
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown7]: he took
[Unknown6]: and
[Unknown7]: uh bad guy class one o one and just
[Unknown5]: four
[Unknown7]: took it from there
[Unknown6]: also the ma the first guy that shows up in this movie is discount wednesdays
[Unknown6]: nights too so
[Unknown7]: yep
[Unknown5]: hm and then what about hoppy mcgee hoppy mcgee who he was up he didn't have to hop
[Unknown5]: he
[Unknown6]: why why you
[Unknown7]: okay
[Unknown5]: he's always that shot was was perfection cinema movie making magic like the whole
[Unknown5]: shot the open opening scene when like everyone's late to waste and then hoppy got
[Unknown5]: one leg and he's still hopping for for dramatic effect like we just to waste your
[Unknown5]: crew
[Unknown6]: and a smiley gets fed up put it and raises his arm so he can hold onto it
[Unknown5]: like an eagle perch and then smart and then hobby mickey is like
[Unknown7]: yeah
[Unknown5]: it was perfect
[Unknown6]: but go on scott
[Unknown7]: yeah i was gonna say that the the reason i gave it one leg gun out of one is
[Unknown7]: because
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown7]: the first scene makes sense they stuck the gun in that threw his leg sure that was
[Unknown7]: amusing and clever then they go into the the office scene in his lab and he still
[Unknown7]: uses the leg gun
[Unknown6]: yes
[Unknown7]: they they
[Unknown6]: yes
[Unknown7]: had other guns they had no reason to sneak it in but that's like his favorite gun
[Unknown7]: so just like hey sorry buddy i just gotta take your leg to look know
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown7]: medicine in this lab
[Unknown4]: and they didn't even get the other guy a leg to replace the leg gun that guys been
[Unknown4]: clearly carrying around the whole day
[Unknown7]: yeah so you know preferred weapon also a leg uh also just an overall ninety
[Unknown7]: seconds movie through and through i loved every minute of it the green screen was
[Unknown7]: amazing i thought i was
[Unknown6]: oh
[Unknown7]: in a zoom meeting
[Unknown6]: oh
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown6]: yeah i bet like a zoom with a bad connection
[Unknown7]: yeah it was
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown7]: awesome the futuristic three d glass buildings everywhere
[Unknown7]: the the red light on his face as he was being angry just like a light in front of
[Unknown7]: the light bulb it was amazing this was
[Unknown7]: nineties nostalgia through and through and
[Unknown7]: the one that was really brust was the helicopters stunt if that stunt was real
[Unknown5]: hey
[Unknown6]: yeah that was impressive yeah
[Unknown7]: that was an amazing stunt
[Unknown5]: hm
[Unknown7]: and so this movie just had you know something for everybody you got a whole bag of
[Unknown7]: marbles and you can choose what color marble you like and they're all in there for
[Unknown7]: you so really overall awesome movie i would recommend it to anybody to watch
[Unknown6]: yes
[Unknown7]: pure entertainment the whole time
[Unknown5]: hm mhm
[Unknown6]: to open up your brain let let the shit flow in
[Unknown7]: i guess my my favorite scene outside of the leg part was le me and sad he's got an
[Unknown7]: apartment that's blown up he doesn't go there he goes to live in the street under
[Unknown7]: a box in the middle of a rainstorm like
[Unknown6]: yeah like
[Unknown7]: six inches of water
[Unknown6]: the flimsiest box i need like it's just he's just laying in
[Unknown5]: what
[Unknown7]: yeah
[Unknown6]: water under a box
[Unknown6]: water under a box
[Unknown7]: it was so silly in a lot of place
[Unknown5]: where's your empathy yes it was maybe but where's your empathy where where is it
[Unknown5]: where's your empathy yes it was maybe but where's your empathy where where is it
[Unknown6]: uh that w
[Unknown6]: what empathy was
[Unknown5]: shame
[Unknown4]: the men got blown up
[Unknown6]: fucking it's fucking
[Unknown7]: he was
[Unknown5]: for shame
[Unknown7]: just cooling off
[Unknown6]: phantom of the opera wanna
[Unknown5]: oh my god
[Unknown6]: be shit
[Unknown4]: and then they stole his ability to feel kind of but also enhanced it it was very
[Unknown4]: confusing i'm going to use my patent pending scale of the taken movies
[Unknown5]: oh
[Unknown4]: for everybody at home who doesn't remember taking one good taken three bad
[Unknown5]: h
[Unknown4]: taken two all right
[Unknown4]: um i'm gonna rate this half taken one half ticke two
[Unknown6]: nice nice
[Unknown4]: it's not as good as taking one but i
[Unknown4]: had a good time yeah take more if you will i um so a really quick departure when i
[Unknown6]: to take him one point five
[Unknown4]: was a kid i wanted to watch this movie in the worst way don't know why can't tell
[Unknown4]: you why i think i saw an advertisement for it in the back like a video game
[Unknown4]: magazine and it was just dark man he was standing on metal girders and
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown4]: it's like his his family offer from cape and hat were blown in the wind
[Unknown6]: that name is so cool dark man yeah
[Unknown5]: yep they might have made a video game too i'm gonna double check
[Unknown4]: they did they made a bunch of video games apparently
[Unknown4]: and i think initially i mean so can ninety i was ten and my parents
[Unknown6]: y
[Unknown4]: wouldn't let me watch it and then i just forgot about it um and i'm so glad that
[Unknown4]: we decided to watch it because um it was worth it every inch of this movie was
[Unknown4]: excellent i know scott brought up the the leg gun and i think my favorite part
[Unknown4]: about that whole first scene is the
[Unknown4]: other gangster had fifty dudes with guns at
[Unknown6]: y
[Unknown4]: least and about guys in cars with guns like the
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown4]: cavalry
[Unknown6]: in inside
[Unknown7]: the ste starts off inside of crates the kars come out
[Unknown6]: inside of crates
[Unknown4]: yeah instead of crates right
[Unknown7]: and they hit nothing
[Unknown7]: these are
[Unknown4]: they have
[Unknown6]: yeah now
[Unknown7]: storm troopers to the max
[Unknown4]: they have
[Unknown6]: dent durant has some sort of a reverse magnetic field around him that bullets just
[Unknown6]: don't get near
[Unknown4]: everybody on this team does they had one gun it was the leg gun and they shot
[Unknown4]: everybody on the other guy's team
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: and then durant got a gun out and apparently he's a
[Unknown5]: two
[Unknown4]: marksman just a
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown4]: aiming guys up and that just this is gonna be a theme of the movie that never pays
[Unknown4]: off at any other point in the movie his
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: marman sh never comes in fact is never on display again because he spends the
[Unknown4]: final third half of the movie or a quarter of i should say trying try to shoot a
[Unknown4]: grenade launcher at dark man and missing e every single time
[Unknown5]: yep
[Unknown6]: yep
[Unknown4]: meanwhile he was usingen guys driving cars at like sixty miles per hour driving by
[Unknown4]: meanwhile he was usingen guys driving cars at like sixty miles per hour driving by
[Unknown6]: yeah but here's the thing here's the thing when he was there in that scene with
[Unknown4]: him
[Unknown4]: him
[Unknown6]: bullets fucking flying all around him and he having only that one gun he would
[Unknown6]: take a half a step stop for what felt like ten minutes aiming and then shoot and
[Unknown6]: nobody hit him but he you know he he got to do the sniper thing where he hold his
[Unknown6]: breath and w and when it was shooting dark me it was a little harder you know
[Unknown6]: helicopters moving up and down
[Unknown5]: exactly
[Unknown6]: all that shit you know
[Unknown4]: dark man was wearing dark clothes and broad daylight on top of a building
[Unknown5]: you know
[Unknown6]: five five like inches from him too
[Unknown4]: just saying
[Unknown5]: it's hard out here for durant
[Unknown4]: anyways right here well problem solved um
[Unknown4]: so yeah so i really enjoyed it i thought it was a good movie and you should all
[Unknown4]: watch it it's it is exactly what i love about nineties movies
[Unknown4]: it
[Unknown5]: hm
[Unknown6]: yes
[Unknown4]: the plots fast it is just get to the next action piece there's no extra drama
[Unknown4]: they're not trying to build characters just
[Unknown6]: god no
[Unknown4]: knock it out
[Unknown4]: so i mean
[Unknown7]: well they're physically building them one nano cell at a time
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown5]: a
[Unknown6]: for five hundred and seventy one hours
[Unknown5]: system
[Unknown7]: yeah for half a face
[Unknown5]: is ready
[Unknown4]: well that lot
[Unknown5]: system is ready
[Unknown4]: yeah like it the other thing like i i don't know if we're going to get to it i
[Unknown4]: just have to mention it now we'll get into it but like so the skin he uses last
[Unknown4]: for
[Unknown6]: ninety nine minutes yes
[Unknown4]: ninety nine minutes and they make a big deal about it and he's got a time around
[Unknown4]: him
[Unknown5]: go ahead
[Unknown4]: great love the conceit but but they know if they put it into the dark it would
[Unknown4]: last indefinitely
[Unknown6]: right
[Unknown7]: well it would last longer never saw how long would actually last
[Unknown4]: sure fair
[Unknown4]: fair scott but at no point did he ever try to not go out in broad daylight in
[Unknown5]: they had to manhattan
[Unknown4]: these masks
[Unknown6]: but no
[Unknown7]: yeah
[Unknown6]: but ma come
[Unknown6]: on
[Unknown4]: what what
[Unknown5]: the danger
[Unknown6]: the whole reason why they had the all preserves in the dark thing was just so he
[Unknown6]: had a reason to store a bunch of ready made skins in the dark in his lair i guess
[Unknown5]: reaching reach reaching
[Unknown6]: that's all that's the only reason why that
[Unknown4]: you know
[Unknown6]: existed
[Unknown5]: no it's not it's also a challenge it's a constraint
[Unknown7]: i thought that's why they called him dark man and then i was
[Unknown4]: i
[Unknown7]: like they never explain this at all
[Unknown4]: no
[Unknown4]: i i expect chris to pull that bullshit because he loves this movie not you sir you
[Unknown4]: said you were like i question many things
[Unknown6]: dude i i am i am being facetious as as can i can
[Unknown4]: i
[Unknown6]: possibly be
[Unknown5]: well you're failing
[Unknown4]: yeah bad job
[Unknown6]: no i'm not failing
[Unknown7]: so
[Unknown4]: let's okay let's get
[Unknown5]: you are fail
[Unknown7]: wait that's not why
[Unknown6]: you be
[Unknown7]: they call it dark man
[Unknown4]: but him
[Unknown6]: yeah because he has to be in the dark
[Unknown7]: but he was never in the dark like he never
[Unknown6]: hm
[Unknown7]: hides in shadows or anything
[Unknown5]: well
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: it's the journey into darkness
[Unknown6]: no is that
[Unknown7]: but
[Unknown4]: okay
[Unknown7]: he says it in the light like he's in
[Unknown6]: also i
[Unknown7]: the in the middle of the day saying cob dark band
[Unknown6]: i don't i don't think this is gonna come up here so i'm just gonna mention this
[Unknown6]: why
[Unknown6]: when he goes like he goes and tries to find his lab and it's all exploded so he
[Unknown6]: picks up a bunch of monitors that's all he had a bunch of monitors
[Unknown4]: hm
[Unknown6]: and he drags it into some random abandoned place and then he goes
[Unknown6]: home what why he
[Unknown5]: why what
[Unknown6]: why was that home
[Unknown5]: okay i thought you had to actual reason
[Unknown6]: he'd never been there before
[Unknown7]: that's what batman does that it' just just how things work right they just
[Unknown4]: b
[Unknown7]: abandoned things in the nineties
[Unknown4]: every man's gotta have his home
[Unknown7]: you just go live there when your house blows up
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown6]: oh god
[Unknown5]: i thought you were
[Unknown4]: every man has has to have his home come on don't be like that
[Unknown5]: i thought
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown5]: your real question was going to be like how is he able to salvage enough to
[Unknown5]: reconstruct his lab and said you come to you come to the table with
[Unknown6]: bro
[Unknown5]: that shit
[Unknown5]: move
[Unknown6]: broke
[Unknown6]: bro that lab don't get me started on that lab
[Unknown4]: you here you're yielding your time we gotta
[Unknown6]: yes i am
[Unknown4]: if you can bring it back up we'll get there okay uh really important question um
[Unknown4]: it's been brought to my attention that the country of brazil likes to import a lot
[Unknown4]: of movies from north america hollywood
[Unknown6]: all of them really
[Unknown4]: bay okay fair um and and obviously because you are are generally a portuguese
[Unknown4]: speaking nation
[Unknown4]: the titles are changed because you know you can't just translate straight from
[Unknown4]: english to pt br so mus you being a
[Unknown4]: former resident of brazil do you know what this was called in in
[Unknown6]: oh yeah
[Unknown4]: p t br
[Unknown6]: because much like you i saw commercials for this all the time
[Unknown4]: just
[Unknown6]: and i never i never quite caught the whole movie
[Unknown6]: but i always saw the commercials and in brazil they have this the same guy does
[Unknown6]: commercials for all like narration for all kinds of movies and it has this really
[Unknown6]: gravely like high gravis voice or i guess low gravity voice you know what i mean
[Unknown6]: so this movie isn't the worst so they laughed the word darkman there untranslated
[Unknown6]: but as they do a lot they put a colon on it and they called it darkman vengeance
[Unknown6]: without face
[Unknown6]: the thing is
[Unknown4]: mm hm mm mhm
[Unknown5]: hm
[Unknown6]: like you said brazil is a is generally a portuguese speaking country
[Unknown6]: so darkman doesn't sound like dark me in portuguese
[Unknown4]: oh
[Unknown6]: and they butcher the pronunciation every time
[Unknown4]: no
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown6]: it's not doesn't sound like anything bad it's just trying to get the the narrators
[Unknown6]: and the people talking about this movie to pronounce it and they would say it in
[Unknown6]: all the butchery ways and then they so they would say it really quickly like do
[Unknown6]: man vengeance without face that's how they would announce it all the time
[Unknown6]: and apparently in portugal it was called man without a face
[Unknown5]: hm
[Unknown6]: which
[Unknown4]: is isn't that a different movie
[Unknown4]: is isn't that a different movie
[Unknown5]: i feel like it is
[Unknown6]: i know not
[Unknown5]: i feel like that's another movie too
[Unknown4]: well i
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: look this up
[Unknown6]: but yeah anyway that's that's the title it's dark man vengeance without a face
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown5]: he
[Unknown7]: if i can say
[Unknown4]: there's a nineteen scot there's a nineteen ninety three movie called man without a
[Unknown4]: there's a nineteen scot there's a nineteen ninety three movie called man without a
[Unknown4]: face and it stars everyone's favorite actor
[Unknown4]: face and it stars everyone's favorite actor
[Unknown5]: leo dicaprio
[Unknown4]: no that's you know how i wanna say it's our favorite and it's the
[Unknown5]: i know
[Unknown4]: exact opposite it's mil gibson
[Unknown5]: yes oh that
[Unknown6]: oh
[Unknown5]: i was trying to guess it sorry hm yes carry on
[Unknown4]: um so yeah that's the thing um god you're gonna say something
[Unknown6]: yeah remind me of the
[Unknown7]: yeah i was gonna say
[Unknown6]: billy idol
[Unknown6]: song
[Unknown7]: i was very worried when i saw the title of this movie and then it started off with
[Unknown7]: the wesley snipes uh
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown7]: a fake we said i was like this could go
[Unknown6]: o
[Unknown7]: the wrong way real fast
[Unknown6]: yeah yeah it's like those
[Unknown4]: it was just liam nissan and black face
[Unknown6]: yeah they
[Unknown7]: i didn't know where they
[Unknown6]: don't start
[Unknown7]: were going that's all i said
[Unknown6]: yeah don't start a movie called dark man with a close up shot of a black guy
[Unknown6]: please that's not
[Unknown4]: it
[Unknown7]: yeah
[Unknown4]: was the
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown4]: nineties it was a simpler time
[Unknown6]: oh yes it was because the first thing he says when d rent gets there he's like dn
[Unknown6]: you and your ladies have to drop your guns and it's like why
[Unknown4]: column
[Unknown6]: bro why you gotta be nineties this way
[Unknown7]: it also started off with a scene whereas like you know the famous hamburger thing
[Unknown7]: you're cool he says you start off with the same things and he's like tell him
[Unknown4]: he did
[Unknown7]: nope tell him nope tell him don tell book you
[Unknown6]: yeah yes
[Unknown4]: that was that was a a hot start which i loved every minute of
[Unknown7]: y
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown5]: eight
[Unknown6]: that that whole first scene is great
[Unknown4]: don't go fuck himself
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: had me h him
[Unknown4]: all right
[Unknown6]: anyway
[Unknown4]: next question we're gonna get the hard ones real fast
[Unknown5]: two
[Unknown4]: first one real hear who is the best character
[Unknown6]: ah that it's actually hard
[Unknown4]: right
[Unknown6]: what does best mean
[Unknown4]: exactly a great question
[Unknown4]: exactly a great question
[Unknown5]: good question okay
[Unknown4]: figure it out while you answer i'm going to pick luciana
[Unknown6]: so i don't know
[Unknown6]: i don't know if it's the best character
[Unknown6]: but it's probably my favorite character
[Unknown6]: m rent
[Unknown5]: i feel that
[Unknown6]: i just
[Unknown6]: is just so unapologetically like a shithead
[Unknown6]: and it's not like he's not doing it for the evil
[Unknown6]: he's not doing it cause he wants to prove something he's just he has to do and
[Unknown6]: people get in the way and he also i also like that he doesn't do the usual villain
[Unknown6]: stick of underestimating anybody he goes in to get the the paperwork at at this
[Unknown6]: poor scientist guy lab and he brings like twenty seven people with him just in
[Unknown6]: case
[Unknown5]: it's effective it's
[Unknown5]: thorough doesn't have time to waist
[Unknown6]: is like yeah
[Unknown6]: i i don't know i just i i don't remember the doctor's name now but i i always
[Unknown6]: liked him in the nineties he always had this villain's roles and he always did
[Unknown6]: like a a phenomenal slash camp job edit
[Unknown5]: larry drake
[Unknown4]: who larry drake
[Unknown5]: rip ip apparently using using la l law and i recognized him from somewhere else he
[Unknown6]: larry drake yes yes yes
[Unknown5]: was also in doctor or like doctor giggles i never saw that but it's like sort of
[Unknown5]: like a
[Unknown6]: for
[Unknown5]: semi semi horror
[Unknown5]: semi semi horror
[Unknown6]: for
[Unknown4]: thank you
[Unknown6]: a minute there you had me scared chris cause i thought you're gonna see doctor who
[Unknown5]: no
[Unknown6]: and i was like what
[Unknown5]: trust where's the trust
[Unknown6]: he is the thirte doctor white no no he's not
[Unknown5]: for the nineties it he he could have maybe he has kind of the nineties look
[Unknown6]: i know so yeah i don't know i don't know if it's the best character but it's he's
[Unknown6]: definitely my favorite is is is dent
[Unknown4]: all right well thanks for dodging the question scott who do you think was the best
[Unknown4]: character
[Unknown7]: i try to think i i really like polly which is uh discount bruce wallace
[Unknown5]: yeah yeah
[Unknown7]: he he just caught my attention early and uh kept it every time he was on screen
[Unknown5]: i fell for him i don't even know dress
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown7]: yeah that was really good
[Unknown6]: yeah he was like he was so beautiful that see mister durn no i don't even know how
[Unknown6]: good it was it was it was great yeah
[Unknown5]: have a nice flight
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown7]: yeah
[Unknown6]: see that's what i like about durant he knows his puns as well
[Unknown4]: it doesn't mess around it's i
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: i i appreciate that chris what are you thinking here
[Unknown5]: okay so i'm split but i'll
[Unknown6]: absolutely
[Unknown5]: go with my first pick so it's also direct because uh dude's mega unpredictable and
[Unknown5]: you know like you're going through like from a villain standpoint and so i really
[Unknown5]: appreciate like he was a better villain than his boss in my opinion
[Unknown6]: oh by a mile yes
[Unknown5]: and like intelligent to the point where like even then even though shit was
[Unknown5]: starting to go sideways for him when like when nisan uh like impersonated him
[Unknown5]: stuff like that he's like something isn't right when he gets to chinatown and his
[Unknown5]: you know his henchmen are there he's already piecing it together
[Unknown6]: yeah yeah yeah
[Unknown5]: like you know some aren't usually they're carrying on like the the the you know
[Unknown5]: the villain is
[Unknown5]: is uh is a lot slower on the uptake but i just appreciated that so fast paced but
[Unknown5]: apart from that he had enough they gave him a lot more a lot more screen time and
[Unknown5]: back story with his him being at his house taxidermy the whole finger collection
[Unknown5]: thing to
[Unknown6]: what
[Unknown5]: make it more imposing i i
[Unknown4]: six
[Unknown5]: appreciated those brush strokes okay making more a more full fledged bodied you
[Unknown5]: know
[Unknown5]: you know foil to to dark man and
[Unknown5]: and then i guess my number two runner up would actually be um i don't want to say
[Unknown5]: louise guzman but his his his character name was something
[Unknown6]: i forgot about that
[Unknown7]: mission impossible prequel
[Unknown5]: i love that mmm hmm
[Unknown6]: oh man i forgot about the two mask thing
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown4]: he was rudy guzman
[Unknown5]: yeah yeah yeah
[Unknown6]: rudy goes by yes
[Unknown5]: i just i he was also one of those hench like
[Unknown6]: ching at to
[Unknown4]: a couple of
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown4]: interesting things i'm looking
[Unknown5]: hm hm
[Unknown4]: at people on mtv because that's how i keep track of who's in the movie
[Unknown4]: our friend
[Unknown4]: raphael h
[Unknown4]: roble was
[Unknown4]: mir guzman he doesn't have a picture on id b he was it maybe ten movies stopped
[Unknown4]: after two thousand and four other things he did outside of rudy guzman he was
[Unknown4]: carlos and toy soldiers uh he's an american me as l chuo whatever that is um
[Unknown4]: mister
[Unknown6]: eight
[Unknown4]: velez in east of hope street
[Unknown6]: good that he's not being typecast to helen back
[Unknown4]: no look he was an atomic blue mexican wrestler as
[Unknown6]: oh no
[Unknown4]: the to blu headline roll
[Unknown6]: oh no
[Unknown4]: and his last role was agent perez and the eavesdrop
[Unknown6]: oh my god
[Unknown4]: so that's great career uh our friend polly i just wanted to shut this out his
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown4]: imd picture
[Unknown5]: get him
[Unknown4]: is a picture of hymns sleeping and dark man behind him
[Unknown6]: nice
[Unknown7]: see he knows his
[Unknown6]: nice
[Unknown7]: roles
[Unknown4]: so he had a much better career and i won't go into it too far but he he was acting
[Unknown4]: to
[Unknown5]: what's his name what's his real name
[Unknown4]: about two thousand and three his real name
[Unknown4]: let's see
[Unknown7]: nicholas w
[Unknown4]: here it is yeah nicholas worth
[Unknown6]: really i thought it was gonna be some like
[Unknown6]: super duper
[Unknown6]: bing sauce italian name like seriously
[Unknown4]: oh i'm sure i'm sure it's like not his real name let me go fold bio here and i'll
[Unknown4]: look at it while i talk
[Unknown5]: oh
[Unknown4]: i'll answer this question you guys are all cowards it's liam nissan's character
[Unknown4]: dark man or paton
[Unknown6]: no fuck you
[Unknown5]: eight
[Unknown7]: that's too easy
[Unknown6]: fuck you all the way to hell
[Unknown4]: p was paton west lake
[Unknown6]: that character makes no fucking sense
[Unknown5]: west lake paint payton west lake
[Unknown4]: the character doesn't have to make sense this whole fucking movie doesn't make
[Unknown4]: sense
[Unknown4]: the character's perfect it's glorious because
[Unknown5]: true
[Unknown4]: first of all the man lives in
[Unknown4]: a science laboratory which i did not catch on until
[Unknown4]: until
[Unknown6]: me
[Unknown6]: neither i didn't know it was his his house until it blew up
[Unknown7]: it took a while yeah
[Unknown4]: yeah cause they're like oh this is his house and then they came there and blew it
[Unknown4]: up and i'm like wait a second that we were like i thought he left to go to work
[Unknown4]: wait this is his lab so that's badass
[Unknown5]: that's dedication right there
[Unknown4]: that is that's how cool you are
[Unknown4]: and second of all like it's just everything that goes on with patent westlake a k
[Unknown4]: a darkman the acting is just so ham and it just adds to the mystique of the entire
[Unknown4]: movie i don't i don't know what that machine was that they pushed him into head
[Unknown4]: first that he held on to and burned his hands on
[Unknown5]: poor guy yeah
[Unknown6]: oh that g was so
[Unknown6]: awful
[Unknown4]: bro
[Unknown5]: no
[Unknown6]: hands
[Unknown7]: so nineties it was pretty good
[Unknown5]: no no no no no no no appre appreciate it
[Unknown4]: that's army of darkness that is
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: sam ram's skill
[Unknown6]: it's exactly that's exactly what it was
[Unknown4]: so that was
[Unknown5]: so
[Unknown4]: glorious
[Unknown4]: his whole
[Unknown5]: retractor your statement cobra
[Unknown5]: retractor your statement cobra
[Unknown4]: his whole
[Unknown6]: no i don't
[Unknown4]: like turn as
[Unknown5]: i bite you
[Unknown4]: losing his like i like how he was like he'd have heightened senses and all we
[Unknown4]: really heightened was his anger
[Unknown5]: um
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: that's it like he just got mad all the time
[Unknown6]: well that whole explanation from that
[Unknown5]: lock
[Unknown6]: doctor was like just a string of bush it's so long
[Unknown4]: hundred percent
[Unknown5]: i would have loved like on that note real quick it would've been great so late
[Unknown5]: well we got was anger that sucked but like when he was impersonating polly and
[Unknown5]: he's in that like diner or whatever and the plate of food went in front of him i
[Unknown5]: thought he's gonna eat but the scene was too short so like we wouldn't have
[Unknown5]: wouldn't have been something of his hunger like we never see him eat it would have
[Unknown5]: been great he was like
[Unknown5]: something like that
[Unknown4]: his his hunger a sense i don't i don't know how it works
[Unknown6]: he was he was he was too
[Unknown4]: gosh
[Unknown6]: busy because his face was about to melt
[Unknown7]: did
[Unknown5]: i suppose
[Unknown7]: anyone else
[Unknown6]: so
[Unknown7]: feel like they cut like fifty percent of this movie before it actually went to
[Unknown4]: no
[Unknown7]: theaters
[Unknown5]: i hope so
[Unknown6]: i don't know about fifty percent but there's a lot on that cutting room for for
[Unknown6]: i don't know about fifty percent but there's a lot on that cutting room for for
[Unknown6]: sure
[Unknown6]: sure
[Unknown5]: release the rainy cut
[Unknown7]: there's gotta be some some hidden scenes
[Unknown6]: well this was the rami cut
[Unknown5]: no no
[Unknown4]: now this isn't the true me cut i gotta
[Unknown5]: no
[Unknown4]: we gotta find it maybe there's a dv blue ray that's got like
[Unknown6]: can you imagine
[Unknown4]: deleted scenes i'll find you i swear to god
[Unknown6]: i'll watch it
[Unknown4]: just so just to finish i just i just really enjoyed how like
[Unknown4]: stupid the character was and like committed him nisan was my favorite scene of all
[Unknown4]: was when he's at the park with franciso and they're like he's trying to
[Unknown6]: take the fucking elephant
[Unknown5]: the old man
[Unknown4]: yeah yeah
[Unknown5]: poor poor jewy
[Unknown4]: it was so good
[Unknown5]: but poor poor painting at the same time fuck
[Unknown6]: i like the scene where he breaks the guy's fingers and there's
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown6]: clearly like just made of like soft
[Unknown6]: plastic
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown5]: oh
[Unknown4]: so all said i think his character is the best i really enjoyed it and i want more
[Unknown6]: i i really appreciated him trying to show that he was like lost control of like
[Unknown6]: some senses and he's not used to his face because it's not his face and he was
[Unknown6]: like emoting extra hard but like in the wrong way
[Unknown6]: when
[Unknown4]: yes
[Unknown6]: the first time he uses his own face again the julie it's me cause the fuck is
[Unknown6]: wrong with you
[Unknown4]: he's talking like chris lambert i got it
[Unknown6]: yeah chris lambert and chris walkin at the
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown6]: same time
[Unknown4]: uh okay backing that up with uh our next favorite question
[Unknown4]: what what
[Unknown5]: what
[Unknown4]: actor would you replace in this movie i'll start and it's to
[Unknown6]: scott
[Unknown4]: me it's it's fairly obvious i don't know if the character sucks but um let me get
[Unknown4]: his name right louis st stk junior the
[Unknown6]: ah yeah yeah yeah
[Unknown4]: the boss guy
[Unknown5]: the the big boss yeah
[Unknown6]: yeah you got me you got mine that was gonna be mine too yeah
[Unknown4]: it just like the car
[Unknown5]: fuck
[Unknown4]: like the character sucked
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown4]: um
[Unknown6]: but the actor made it worse
[Unknown4]: and i well it's just like i don't know what like what like obviously shocker to me
[Unknown4]: like he had to both be a love interest for
[Unknown5]: oh
[Unknown4]: for uh
[Unknown6]: of course
[Unknown4]: his for for fran make nor which honestly i didn't know they were dating until she
[Unknown4]: showed up and tried to
[Unknown5]: eight
[Unknown4]: break up for them at the end
[Unknown6]: well they never they never clarify cause like the she says oh there was a man who
[Unknown6]: comforted me
[Unknown5]: true
[Unknown6]: and i'm like that's a weird euphemism but okay
[Unknown5]: there was there was an entanglement while you i thought you were dead
[Unknown6]: yeah like but it's not clear you're right it's like maybe she he's just like
[Unknown6]: friendly with her or whatever or he's trying yeah
[Unknown4]: they danced once when
[Unknown5]: true
[Unknown4]: she was sad i was just like oh he seem to make a nice guy but i forgot it was the
[Unknown6]: y
[Unknown4]: nineties right so if you dance with a woman then you've had sex with her
[Unknown4]: that's how it works that's my fault
[Unknown6]: of course of course it's the same thing yeah
[Unknown5]: they used that in the beginning in the early stages of the movie when nisan and uh
[Unknown5]: uh his girlfriend julie was like oh okay i'll see what you want let's dance and
[Unknown5]: then they go to bed together right so maybe that was the hint
[Unknown6]: oh that was a call back
[Unknown4]: it's true well shit i missed it my bad
[Unknown6]: live it to fuck sam ram to make dancing a euphemism for sex
[Unknown5]: maybe
[Unknown4]: well listen nineties so i would replace that actor cause i think there's someone
[Unknown4]: who i could have more charisma and do a better job now the
[Unknown4]: caveat here and also the challenge is that i need to replace with someone in the
[Unknown6]: ten
[Unknown4]: nineties
[Unknown4]: who
[Unknown5]: i'm already scanning
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: who would have fit that bill and honestly the nineties stuff for me to remember i
[Unknown4]: was ten um and i'm trying to think of who was kind of big like not big but like i
[Unknown4]: would put a name after someone to give some gravitas to the movie to
[Unknown5]: i got two
[Unknown4]: to to play off of okay chris hit me with it
[Unknown5]: suggestion number one
[Unknown5]: router hower
[Unknown6]: oh
[Unknown4]: i like it
[Unknown6]: well well done
[Unknown5]: so for
[Unknown4]: yep
[Unknown5]: the like if you don't know
[Unknown5]: blade runner
[Unknown6]: he would he would he splice the tears and the rain
[Unknown6]: monologue in there
[Unknown5]: i don't know i i honestly don't know
[Unknown6]: somehow
[Unknown5]: and then just like to quickly like recap yeah so ruger hower blade runner hobo
[Unknown5]: with a shotgun the hitch sin city he was cardinal rock roark sorry
[Unknown4]: yep
[Unknown5]: and then in blade runner roy roy batty and then he was the hobo and hobo with a
[Unknown5]: shotgun so if you don't know now you know and then
[Unknown7]: yes of course all bow from hov to chicken
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown4]: listen here
[Unknown6]: you forgot to mention the best movie he ever made which is lady hawk
[Unknown5]: okay if be sure if you want to
[Unknown4]: also listen
[Unknown6]: i love that movie
[Unknown4]: the i love
[Unknown5]: i haven't seen it i need to see it
[Unknown4]: sorry i love the synergy on this i was looking at some rocker howard's
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: id b
[Unknown5]: hm
[Unknown4]: in nineteen eighty nine he made two short videos guinness just a nightmare
[Unknown5]: four
[Unknown4]: guinness saa
[Unknown6]: nice
[Unknown4]: so i think
[Unknown5]: a
[Unknown4]: that's just all comes together perfectly
[Unknown6]: i it's it's it's fate
[Unknown5]: cosmic
[Unknown6]: it's fate yeah
[Unknown5]: you're welcome
[Unknown4]: chris what was what was your second one just in case
[Unknown4]: chris what was what was your second one just in case
[Unknown6]: my replacement oh yeah you have a second one what is your second one yeah
[Unknown5]: second one uh sorry i lost cause i was getting into this uh i lost him i got him
[Unknown5]: okay yeah michael york so english
[Unknown4]: oh yep
[Unknown6]: ooh i thought you're gonna say the same i was
[Unknown5]: what
[Unknown6]: michael no it's not but carry on
[Unknown6]: michael no it's not but carry on
[Unknown5]: oh michael york notable for logan's run as logan cabaret romeo and juliet nineteen
[Unknown5]: sixty eight and he was also
[Unknown4]: basil
[Unknown5]: basil from austin power is the the
[Unknown6]: yes
[Unknown5]: many austin powers movies the new basil
[Unknown4]: i think that would have
[Unknown6]: i think
[Unknown4]: been a great choice
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown6]: uh yeah i like rud k howard more
[Unknown4]: fair
[Unknown5]: umhum what was your success yeah
[Unknown6]: from the two for me michael douglass
[Unknown5]: oh could have afforded him though i would have
[Unknown6]: well
[Unknown5]: liked it sorry sorry i strike my my constraints sorry
[Unknown6]: no no it's i i mean it's a good question cause this movie has the the budget of
[Unknown6]: two socks but you know but like
[Unknown5]: i mean i
[Unknown6]: i
[Unknown5]: i also understand like the it makes perfect sense why where they had to reuse the
[Unknown5]: prosthetic machine gun like they put so much money into that they had to make it
[Unknown5]: work money's worth
[Unknown6]: yeah that okay it's like bullet time it's like matrix and
[Unknown5]: r o y
[Unknown6]: bullet time right yeah of course yeah no i think so michael douglass was almost
[Unknown6]: almost eddie peak in nineteen ninety ah he would like you would do three big
[Unknown6]: movies in the next few years
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown6]: so i think they could have afford him and i think you would have done a good job
[Unknown6]: of being a smarmy son of a beach like that like and actually sell
[Unknown6]: the
[Unknown5]: back to
[Unknown6]: fact that he was like you know
[Unknown5]: right
[Unknown6]: trying to seem like a nice dude but actually being a dick
[Unknown5]: he would have been able to pull that off pretty
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: much
[Unknown5]: he's good at that
[Unknown6]: yes mat why are you looking at
[Unknown4]: nicholas cage
[Unknown6]: no not then not then
[Unknown5]: well how young how young was cage though then
[Unknown6]: i here's here's okay wait me so let me veer into
[Unknown5]: where was he
[Unknown6]: what i would have done
[Unknown6]: which would have been and again the synergy this is amazing i would have replaced
[Unknown6]: limon with nick cage
[Unknown6]: and have him be paid in westlake
[Unknown4]: so nick cage would have been twenty six at the time of the movie
[Unknown5]: i see okay go
[Unknown5]: mmm hmm
[Unknown4]: maybe twenty five filming the
[Unknown5]: um
[Unknown4]: reason why i don't like nick cage is linson
[Unknown4]: reason why i don't like nick cage is linson
[Unknown4]: the figure he needs to cut inside that suit to make dark man scary and
[Unknown4]: believable has to be a big dude i think that's where
[Unknown6]: has to be a big dude
[Unknown6]: fair
[Unknown4]: nick cage fails
[Unknown6]: that's fair i just like the energy he would have brought to it can you imagine him
[Unknown6]: having to do all that hammy acting
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown6]: take the fucking elephant like
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown6]: doubt that would be the way he would do that
[Unknown5]: did any of you do any of you know so okay so one did any of you know that there
[Unknown5]: are three dark man movies
[Unknown4]: i saw
[Unknown6]: i mean you told us
[Unknown5]: yes okay cool and so did you know so did you know nisan is that part of two or
[Unknown5]: three and
[Unknown6]: of course you wouldn't be
[Unknown4]: obviously not
[Unknown5]: well you don't know that
[Unknown6]: who plays who plays darkman
[Unknown5]: anyone with the brain so the the dude the dude who replaced him is uh arnold vasu
[Unknown4]: okay
[Unknown6]: two
[Unknown5]: known for
[Unknown5]: any takers before i spill it do you know
[Unknown4]: um
[Unknown6]: no idea
[Unknown5]: did the name ring a bell
[Unknown5]: did the name ring a bell
[Unknown4]: no
[Unknown6]: no idea
[Unknown4]: card no
[Unknown5]: okay well the mummy the mummy and mummy returns the brendan fraser uh stuff
[Unknown7]: is she the bad guy
[Unknown5]: so he was yeah
[Unknown7]: oh
[Unknown4]: wait
[Unknown5]: especially in the first one when when you remember
[Unknown5]: especially in the first one when when you remember
[Unknown6]: okay okay
[Unknown7]: yeah i see that
[Unknown5]: a
[Unknown6]: i'm here for that
[Unknown5]: not sun moon
[Unknown4]: that's
[Unknown5]: yeah he them
[Unknown4]: that's the guy that's the guy i was mistake for being um billy zan
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown6]: oh billy say would have been a good dark man as well
[Unknown4]: yeah i saw yeah
[Unknown5]: could have but he did the phantom so
[Unknown4]: yeah he's good
[Unknown6]: you can't cross streams now is that
[Unknown4]: no you you
[Unknown5]: no only in the ghostbusters
[Unknown4]: you can't
[Unknown5]: it wasn't a thing until until you know further down dig it okay okay okay
[Unknown4]: so does
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: anybody else have anyone they want to replace
[Unknown4]: other
[Unknown7]: yes
[Unknown4]: than
[Unknown6]: i've had my i've had mine
[Unknown4]: that character yeah scott scott who do you have
[Unknown5]: oh okay go go go go
[Unknown7]: i i would replace francis mcdorman
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown7]: i didn't think
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown7]: she did a very good job i thought she was very
[Unknown5]: agreed
[Unknown7]: she was she was too neutral for this movie
[Unknown7]: everyone
[Unknown6]: yeah yeah
[Unknown5]: hm
[Unknown7]: else was awesome crazy and she was just like i'm gonna play this serious and she
[Unknown7]: just i felt like she brought her out the whole fun level down every time she was
[Unknown7]: on camera
[Unknown4]: too respectable
[Unknown5]: apparently she was
[Unknown6]: probably taking herself too seriously too
[Unknown5]: apparently she was difficult to direct according to the internets and
[Unknown6]: who would you replace her with scott
[Unknown5]: yeah go for it
[Unknown7]: that's what i'm trying to look for now i i could not tell you who to replace the
[Unknown7]: that's what i'm trying to look for now i i could not tell you who to replace the
[Unknown7]: the one that comes to mind is the mom from home alone but
[Unknown7]: the one that comes to mind is the mom from home alone but
[Unknown5]: you mean
[Unknown6]: oh okay
[Unknown7]: i
[Unknown7]: i
[Unknown5]: you mean
[Unknown6]: okay
[Unknown7]: i can't think of who else
[Unknown6]: catherine o'hara
[Unknown4]: oh yeah
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown4]: katherine or hair
[Unknown5]: she could
[Unknown5]: you know
[Unknown4]: richi
[Unknown5]: mega attractive in the nineties but i got one to go on go
[Unknown5]: mega attractive in the nineties but i got one to go on go
[Unknown6]: you know who would have been wait
[Unknown6]: i i don't want to because now she's a complete shithead and i hate
[Unknown5]: oh
[Unknown6]: her but back then
[Unknown6]: uh fuck what's her name christie ali
[Unknown4]: he
[Unknown5]: yeah she could have but
[Unknown6]: now now she's a complete like i hate but back then you know she was the mom in
[Unknown6]: home alone
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown5]: ahead
[Unknown7]: what
[Unknown6]: am i saying she no no
[Unknown4]: what
[Unknown6]: no she's the she's the the mom in who who's talking
[Unknown5]: yes yes yes yes yes
[Unknown6]: sorry sorry sorry yeah might as well replace
[Unknown6]: sorry sorry sorry yeah might as well replace
[Unknown6]: so replace francis mcdormand with her and then replace liam nien with john poter
[Unknown6]: bruce willis
[Unknown4]: jesus
[Unknown5]: do you know who i'd like to replace francis mcdorman with
[Unknown6]: go for it
[Unknown5]: no constraints we know a writer
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown4]: but
[Unknown6]: what do you mean no constraints no has to be someone who has the proper age in the
[Unknown4]: yeah how old is she in the nineties
[Unknown6]: nineties come on
[Unknown5]: i didn't i don't know i'm just doing my like i if i could control whatever i
[Unknown5]: wanted and if she was if she's age appropriate i would use i would suggest one on
[Unknown4]: um well you know it could have it could have flown
[Unknown5]: a writer i didn't do the math that's just my suggestion
[Unknown7]: she was within the age i think cause i'm looking at like people who were big
[Unknown4]: she
[Unknown7]: in the nineties and she's showing up i'm not sure how old she was
[Unknown4]: she
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown4]: set she was
[Unknown6]: but
[Unknown4]: born in seventy one so she would have been eighteen
[Unknown6]: yeah she would have been nineteen it's too young
[Unknown4]: whatever man no
[Unknown7]: nissan's young in that movie but he looks
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown7]: the same today let me just point that out
[Unknown6]: well
[Unknown4]: it
[Unknown6]: he's supposed to be thirty five
[Unknown5]: fine wine fine wine
[Unknown4]: it's theoretical i would the problem with when on a writer is like she still looks
[Unknown4]: like she's twenty and
[Unknown5]: right
[Unknown4]: she's in her like what
[Unknown6]: not not anymore
[Unknown4]: oh okay that's fair but for
[Unknown5]: well
[Unknown4]: she she looked young for a long long time
[Unknown6]: you did yes
[Unknown4]: the the only other person i will i will throw up into the ring just because i
[Unknown4]: think she has the chops
[Unknown5]: hey
[Unknown4]: like would jamie lee curtis have worked
[Unknown7]: yes
[Unknown5]: i think so she's got the explicit experience
[Unknown6]: yeah i mean yeah bring the energy she brought to penguin k not talking what is
[Unknown6]: wrong with me and and
[Unknown5]: halloween cheese
[Unknown6]: and and like
[Unknown4]: no true lies
[Unknown5]: and that too
[Unknown6]: true lies why did i say tang on cash nobody
[Unknown5]: that's on you you y you
[Unknown5]: that's on you you y you
[Unknown4]: no one asked you to
[Unknown6]: yes ripley let's replace let's replace francis mcdonald with kurt russell
[Unknown5]: you resolve that as you try to sleep tonight sir
[Unknown4]: t terry hatcher you gotta thing for terry hatcher
[Unknown5]: could terry hatcher could have
[Unknown6]: i i always did when i was
[Unknown6]: younger least hey terry hatcher would be a good
[Unknown4]: okay great
[Unknown4]: great
[Unknown6]: show it would be even worse than fresh mc darman
[Unknown4]: okay
[Unknown6]: press
[Unknown5]: last thing i will say
[Unknown4]: yep
[Unknown5]: is did any of you notice like in the early like in the first act of the movie when
[Unknown5]: uh when nissan and in
[Unknown5]: her apartment because i was like wait a minute like
[Unknown4]: her apartment
[Unknown5]: they're not living together it was her apartment
[Unknown4]: when
[Unknown6]: yeah it was her apartment there
[Unknown5]: i think it was her apartment above her bedhead i did i took a screenshot and
[Unknown5]: shared it with you guys she has photos of
[Unknown6]: two two photos of her yeah gab
[Unknown5]: herself on kind of like uh
[Unknown4]: but
[Unknown7]: no
[Unknown5]: egotistical much
[Unknown7]: that's his house that's his house
[Unknown4]: that that's his
[Unknown4]: apartment
[Unknown5]: are you sure are you sure
[Unknown6]: are you sure
[Unknown4]: yeah yeah
[Unknown7]: because because the documents are in
[Unknown6]: oh that's right the documents are there
[Unknown7]: that scene and then
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown7]: that's also because i was thinking to myself how do they know where he lives how
[Unknown7]: do they know where he works
[Unknown5]: hey
[Unknown7]: it's because the documents never left that building and
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown7]: she had it with them when
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown7]: they were there
[Unknown4]: i
[Unknown6]: yeah well and also
[Unknown4]: mean to be fair i they didn't answer that question
[Unknown6]: no they did because because
[Unknown7]: but at least if they followed her or something they would find out
[Unknown6]: when when it happens at first i was like how the fuck did he know but then later
[Unknown6]: it's because she told the what's this
[Unknown6]: the fucker name like the big
[Unknown5]: the big boss guy
[Unknown6]: boss guy and he told dent yeah yeah
[Unknown5]: lane boss we'll call him
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown4]: she
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown4]: didn't tell him there at at her boyfriend's house though
[Unknown5]: i was wondering about that too i don't think
[Unknown7]: well they
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown7]: said they were living together essentially so
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown6]: i also
[Unknown4]: i'll allow it
[Unknown6]: liked that they had to put like
[Unknown6]: they have to do the coffee stain thing things
[Unknown5]: eight
[Unknown6]: just so we we like here hear idiot audience it's the same document
[Unknown4]: you fucking more aunt
[Unknown6]: yeah exactly
[Unknown4]: okay um
[Unknown5]: hey
[Unknown5]: oh that's so you i see you've you've practiced your dark man laugh
[Unknown4]: i did
[Unknown4]: um could this have been a netflix series
[Unknown6]: yeah for sure for sure
[Unknown5]: a nineties if the if netflix was in the
[Unknown4]: please
[Unknown5]: nineties or like it sure like okay so i need to a clarification ne
[Unknown6]: now make it now make it now
[Unknown5]: if ne okay then of course yes cause
[Unknown6]: yeah it definitely could
[Unknown5]: i i had i i got excited like if netflix was in so what was the equivalent to
[Unknown5]: netflix like hbo
[Unknown6]: blockbuster
[Unknown5]: blockbuster
[Unknown4]: what i don't i don't know of h b o skin max cinemax
[Unknown4]: what i don't i don't know of h b o skin max cinemax
[Unknown5]: skin max hello
[Unknown6]: yeah yeah you're betraying your age there but
[Unknown5]: i never heard of that one but okay okay
[Unknown4]: listen i don't think of it in the nineties let's bring it forward could
[Unknown5]: sure sure
[Unknown4]: we make it today
[Unknown5]: totally
[Unknown4]: it makes more sense have a streaming service could you make that today
[Unknown5]: you don't think so scott imm seeing shuck scotts shake his head
[Unknown7]: no no that this this movie is
[Unknown7]: i'd isolated gem and
[Unknown5]: really
[Unknown7]: if you start
[Unknown6]: okay so
[Unknown7]: trying to break that out into like dark who heard a dark man two or three nobody
[Unknown7]: because it was garbage episode two and three of that series same problem great and
[Unknown6]: no no no no what no but you're you're you're assuming that it would be the exact
[Unknown7]: then just viewership bms
[Unknown6]: same story with the exact same special effect and that's not what we're saying
[Unknown7]: if they change anything this is a hundred percent garbage today
[Unknown6]: no no listen listen listen i'm gonna defend sam rami here for a second
[Unknown4]: he
[Unknown6]: okay
[Unknown6]: there is potential
[Unknown5]: i agree
[Unknown6]: for an actually fun action thing coming out of this movie actually really greedy
[Unknown6]: thing too
[Unknown5]: yep
[Unknown6]: that's not where he went with it but there is potential
[Unknown7]: now
[Unknown5]: the
[Unknown7]: the the face
[Unknown6]: so i think
[Unknown7]: off the face off the face off after the a mission possible it's no it's done we're
[Unknown7]: over with this
[Unknown6]: now it could it would have to be a completely different thing
[Unknown5]: what
[Unknown6]: if they were making it now you would have to be like similar to like one of the
[Unknown6]: marvel net netflix series a lot more serious
[Unknown6]: that could work
[Unknown4]: why i don't think no because i
[Unknown4]: why i don't think no because i
[Unknown6]: be because dude
[Unknown4]: no but like
[Unknown6]: nobody would watch this on netflix like that
[Unknown5]: but
[Unknown4]: with
[Unknown5]: they'd have to it would have to be adapted so
[Unknown4]: but the pro
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: the problem is is so here's the problem i have with that
[Unknown4]: if you make it like a modern series i don't want to watch it
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: like scott said i
[Unknown6]: i don't
[Unknown4]: have no like i don't need
[Unknown4]: another drum i now
[Unknown6]: i would watch it if it's good
[Unknown7]: it it can't be good after the first episode though that's the whole point
[Unknown4]: 'cause think about think about it though like think of have you like really really
[Unknown4]: what you're asking me to do is make a dark man a serious superhero okay so
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: if we're making dark men a serious superhero what are his actual real powers well
[Unknown4]: they're gonna they're gonna exploit the fact that he has no nerves right much
[Unknown5]: mm hm
[Unknown4]: like they did in
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: one of the bond movies where the guy basically had no no feeling which
[Unknown6]: yes
[Unknown4]: they never did he got punched all the time and reacted like he felt pain every
[Unknown4]: single time he got punched which was fucking wild because like you could punch
[Unknown4]: with
[Unknown6]: what what about what about the the scene where the big bed corporate guy punches
[Unknown6]: him twice with the wrong hand
[Unknown6]: like with no with no weight behind it
[Unknown4]: the only time
[Unknown4]: he showed that he
[Unknown6]: i hate that scene
[Unknown4]: didn't feel pain is when he ripped the bolt his hand through the the
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: also i know i'm trending hard off of but like ho well like
[Unknown6]: how did he miss so many shots with that thing
[Unknown4]: oh you
[Unknown5]: sure
[Unknown4]: know what
[Unknown4]: true chris ra it did no no so two things
[Unknown7]: does it shoot bolts too
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: one he
[Unknown5]: what
[Unknown4]: did do the cool fire hand trick when he was playing durant when he was trying to
[Unknown4]: to get the
[Unknown6]: oh
[Unknown5]: water is
[Unknown4]: the asian
[Unknown6]: you mean with the with the the silly potty hand
[Unknown4]: yeah yeah
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown4]: the silly play hand but my major point here is the the evil villain corporate guy
[Unknown4]: had this giant bolt cutter or not bold color bolt thrower
[Unknown6]: no but yeah
[Unknown4]: for high steel so you basically
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown4]: bolt in the steel beams to each other he
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: shot him from point
[Unknown6]: a million times
[Unknown4]: blank range if you haven't seen this movie i can't tell you how point blank it is
[Unknown4]: basically this gun was probably three feet long and then
[Unknown5]: there
[Unknown4]: there's a foot from the gun's end to where dark man was and he missed them every
[Unknown4]: single time sometimes i think he was trying to mess some other times i feel like
[Unknown4]: he was actually trying to hit him i couldn't tell and then he finally bolted his
[Unknown4]: hand to the thing and they and it went through metal which i don't think that
[Unknown4]: bullet government actually do it's supposed to go yeah it as a river gun
[Unknown7]: it's a rivet gun it's like
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown7]: i don't think it shoots rivets i think it's like pressure
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown7]: welding or something
[Unknown6]: it's yeah it like you wouldn't it wouldn't work like that it would and also we get
[Unknown6]: a nice like
[Unknown6]: pov shot of the boat flying into space as well
[Unknown4]: oh
[Unknown7]: yeah that was funny
[Unknown4]: yeah go go pro before it happened we
[Unknown5]: a
[Unknown4]: were we were
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: riding that that rivet all day long
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown4]: anyways i've divorced a hundred percent off of that
[Unknown6]: up
[Unknown4]: statement the point i'm making is to make this a serious show
[Unknown4]: it would take all the heart out of it which is the comedy aspects and the
[Unknown4]: funniness because you could stop
[Unknown5]: stop
[Unknown4]: this clown within show three easily yeah he has the sneaky stuff with the the skin
[Unknown4]: but that can only be used in the day and they probably do some night stuff but
[Unknown4]: like what's you really gonna do to people
[Unknown6]: but but but like come on you could make okay i see what you're saying and if
[Unknown6]: you're saying can we make
[Unknown6]: this movie the way that it is with the heart that it has into a netflix series i'
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown5]: you're all wrong
[Unknown6]: it barely works as a movie
[Unknown4]: how are we all wrong
[Unknown5]: you're all wrong you're all wrong i don't care
[Unknown4]: cause we argued yes and no
[Unknown5]: no i don't care you're all wrong
[Unknown4]: what
[Unknown5]: of course it can work it's just that none of you are willing to to allow to
[Unknown5]: stretch your imaginations to make to allow for the room and the creative space to
[Unknown5]: to let it breathe you just said it
[Unknown4]: are you gonna bub up are you gonna bub a hot at me right now
[Unknown5]: oh
[Unknown5]: um
[Unknown5]: that's the yeah so why wouldn't it be crazy like if if we had him operate more at
[Unknown5]: at at night and then limited use in the day only when he's got to like the time
[Unknown5]: the time limit is still there he could operate to an extent but why not
[Unknown6]: but that's what i was saying if you make it into a serious thing you could make it
[Unknown4]: no
[Unknown5]: i
[Unknown4]: no that's the problem it's gotta be funny
[Unknown6]: into a series
[Unknown5]: why tell me why
[Unknown6]: if if if
[Unknown4]: because if it's
[Unknown6]: it needs to be funny
[Unknown7]: because we have better examples of dark gritty things we have batman we have
[Unknown7]: i don't know any netflix shows that are like that but we have better examples of
[Unknown7]: this stuff that this just couldn't compete with those higher quality ones
[Unknown5]: but
[Unknown4]: we don't
[Unknown5]: does it
[Unknown6]: i think it could i think it could
[Unknown5]: need to i i don't go on sorry
[Unknown4]: we don't we don't need another one of those shows there's so many of them already
[Unknown5]: what
[Unknown6]: we don't need it i agree with that but you could do it
[Unknown6]: we don't need it i agree with that but you could do it
[Unknown4]: but why would
[Unknown5]: that's my
[Unknown4]: you do it that way you can make it a comedy
[Unknown6]: if you tried
[Unknown5]: well hold okay
[Unknown6]: if you how
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown4]: what do you mean how
[Unknown6]: you would not work
[Unknown5]: that's all that's that's also possible but check this out d netflix dare devil's
[Unknown5]: not batman and it's carved its own space would you would you agree
[Unknown6]: yes but it's serious that's what i'm saying
[Unknown4]: data
[Unknown6]: they're saying it can't be serious and then if it
[Unknown4]: if if you
[Unknown6]: if it has to be a campy
[Unknown6]: not serious at all thing
[Unknown6]: i don't think it would work as a netflix series
[Unknown4]: if
[Unknown4]: you make it serious then you're not making dark man
[Unknown5]: here's okay go on
[Unknown5]: but who's to say so but check this out not only does it have to be adapted but it
[Unknown5]: it would be a reboot so much like the unfortunate trailer review view of miss
[Unknown5]: marvel for
[Unknown4]: why
[Unknown5]: disney plus they they augmented her they changed her so she's supposed to a
[Unknown5]: polymorph similar powers to mr fantastic stretchy and all that instead they gave
[Unknown5]: her energy green lantern bans so
[Unknown5]: it i think it's possible to to
[Unknown5]: again stay true to the character and explore the space of of of that character and
[Unknown5]: the story a durant whatever
[Unknown6]: okay
[Unknown5]: villain but take it where it needs to go
[Unknown7]: just make dark wing duck this is dark wing
[Unknown6]: i i
[Unknown7]: duck that netflix
[Unknown5]: no it's you i want that as well but those are that's different dude
[Unknown4]: is is durant uncles crew scrooge mcduck
[Unknown6]: no he's dark wing
[Unknown4]: confused he's dark going
[Unknown4]: wait a second
[Unknown5]: wait you
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: how's the rant dark going
[Unknown7]: dark man is dark wing cause they wear the same outfit
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown7]: dark hat cloak
[Unknown4]: chris i'm
[Unknown5]: listen
[Unknown4]: i'm gonna here's what i'm
[Unknown5]: go on y
[Unknown4]: gonna say i'll allow it
[Unknown4]: only if dave fone gets me in charge of the project
[Unknown5]: fine
[Unknown4]: okay
[Unknown5]: i i fine of all i'm
[Unknown5]: saying is that it is it is part because he could be trusted
[Unknown6]: really why ay about people
[Unknown4]: because dave falon will take whatever god forsake can this movie laid out and find
[Unknown4]: a way to make it cool and interesting and like badass
[Unknown5]: moreover
[Unknown6]: ferret fair
[Unknown5]: i also want darkwing duck
[Unknown6]: yeah yeah
[Unknown5]: oh my god
[Unknown6]: i i'll say this though it undermining my own point but i'll say this there is
[Unknown6]: there would be a very
[Unknown6]: dangerous
[Unknown6]: danger of
[Unknown6]: trying to make this a serious thing and getting a new like bell air as opposed to
[Unknown6]: fresh
[Unknown6]: race of bell air you know the new
[Unknown4]: we don't have time to unpack that
[Unknown6]: uh like i don't i don't now now
[Unknown4]: eight
[Unknown6]: that i thought of it i don't think i want a serious dark man co that might be bad
[Unknown4]: because you
[Unknown5]: eight
[Unknown4]: hate things that change things you love uh moving on
[Unknown5]: o yee of little faith
[Unknown6]: yeah yeah exactly
[Unknown4]: next question
[Unknown4]: so for all of you who are going to watch this movie after this podcast because you
[Unknown4]: want to enjoy the beauty majesty of this we want to prepare you for what you're
[Unknown4]: getting into because as much as we can explain we only have an hour and a half shh
[Unknown4]: of time and spend so much time we can talk about it so we want prepare you and so
[Unknown4]: we're thinking of what you know what are we gonna need you to get from the
[Unknown4]: concession stand in your house
[Unknown5]: what
[Unknown4]: in your life in order to make it through this movie
[Unknown6]: in the in the army surplus store
[Unknown4]: yeah i listen that's if that's in your life bring it near and dear to your heart
[Unknown4]: so what are we thinking people needs to suck up on in order to get through this
[Unknown5]: why why you watch music
[Unknown4]: i for one would say not too much hard drugs keep it light you don't want to go
[Unknown4]: heavy into the psychedelics be it a little just just a little
[Unknown6]: no no no got you gotta l you gotta let the screen do the psychedelics for you
[Unknown4]: just a touch just sit
[Unknown7]: yeah there was a lot of flashing light in colors and good make up work though
[Unknown4]: it needs just a
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: touch just to turn it up
[Unknown6]: like a little bit of mushroom is that what you're saying
[Unknown4]: yeah yeah stm
[Unknown6]: okay okay
[Unknown6]: i
[Unknown6]: so i think you need a lot of cheese a lot of cheese to go with ald ham that's in
[Unknown6]: this
[Unknown4]: i thought i thought the cheese was already there as well
[Unknown6]: oh that's true maybe
[Unknown5]: h
[Unknown6]: bread then make a sandwich
[Unknown5]: oh
[Unknown6]: lots of bread bread and butter and mayo to make a sandwich all the ham and cheese
[Unknown6]: in this
[Unknown4]: get some chicken and some bread
[Unknown5]: what
[Unknown4]: crumbs
[Unknown6]: yes yeah
[Unknown4]: you can make some cord on blue if you want fancy it up
[Unknown6]: there you go there you go well i don't know if you want fancy too much up
[Unknown4]: that's too fancy okay my
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: bed chris what do you thinking
[Unknown5]: i've i've have a i've made notes and here
[Unknown4]: hello
[Unknown5]: my findings
[Unknown5]: sour patch kids
[Unknown4]: do you wanna
[Unknown6]: take care
[Unknown5]: c b d but yeah
[Unknown4]: do you want so do you want to give us context to this our pat kids or
[Unknown4]: do you want so do you want to give us context to this our pat kids or
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown6]: does it does it really need
[Unknown6]: context i i like i'm here for it
[Unknown4]: i i don't know
[Unknown5]: well i can here we go sour patch kids because many appendages will be lost along
[Unknown5]: the way
[Unknown4]: um
[Unknown6]: i wish you hadn't given me context
[Unknown4]: i'm sorry that's my my fault everyone
[Unknown5]: hi
[Unknown6]: it that that's on you mat
[Unknown4]: i t i take that back i'm sorry
[Unknown5]: hi thank you very much hello hu
[Unknown6]: i take that back
[Unknown5]: huh um and then uh some cbd spray oil okay to just to just help let's just keep
[Unknown5]: yourself at that mellow level and just to open up them them channels to receive
[Unknown4]: make sure the th
[Unknown5]: the art
[Unknown4]: c is also in that both cbd and thc mixed
[Unknown6]: it's probably be helpful here
[Unknown5]: maybe maybe
[Unknown5]: you know and then and then the ps the resistance for my survival kit for dark man
[Unknown5]: it's gonna be some nyc cheesecake
[Unknown6]: why
[Unknown5]: to go with the cheese in this movie you like you you you didn't see it you didn't
[Unknown5]: see it it was
[Unknown6]: but but but what okay i mean if
[Unknown5]: because it's a sweet dessert
[Unknown6]: okay
[Unknown5]: it's a sweet dessert
[Unknown6]: we could have had some wine to go with that cheese but sure
[Unknown5]: well you i mean do what you want but like okay if you want liquid mother pocket
[Unknown5]: refreshment why don't you put some why don't you put some some orange c plus
[Unknown5]: wash that wash that down
[Unknown6]: yeah yeah
[Unknown5]: wash that down it's it i
[Unknown6]: or some fanta some fanta
[Unknown5]: no okay i see you and i raise some still
[Unknown5]: fanta no no still still phantom
[Unknown5]: fanta no no still still phantom
[Unknown6]: great fanta grape fant
[Unknown6]: yeah micro still microwaved phantom
[Unknown5]: yes yes my son
[Unknown6]: slightly warm tale fanta
[Unknown5]: steel
[Unknown6]: there
[Unknown5]: wor luke warm
[Unknown5]: still phantom
[Unknown6]: yeah microwaving for thirty seconds let it sit for for fifteen seconds and then
[Unknown6]: drink it
[Unknown5]: you gotta make sure it's yuk warm
[Unknown4]: um i thought you guys liked this movie what the fuck you trying to do to people
[Unknown5]: listen it's the survival kit you just need to survive
[Unknown4]: how does lukewarm fanta help you survive a movie i think it might killed me half
[Unknown5]: have you ever you have you ever had still fanta
[Unknown4]: way through
[Unknown4]: um no that's why i'm alive still
[Unknown5]: exactly listen no no
[Unknown5]: move on
[Unknown4]: you you yield your time scott
[Unknown4]: you you yield your time scott
[Unknown5]: i didn't yield i already
[Unknown6]: six
[Unknown5]: yielded it before you tried to yield me i yield you
[Unknown4]: scott what do you i i'm gonna yield you when i edit this podcast so it won't be a
[Unknown4]: problem
[Unknown5]: we'll see about that i have the twitters
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown4]: scott what what do you got
[Unknown4]: scott what what do you got
[Unknown7]: i mean mine's pretty easy i would say two buckets of popcorn one for eating and
[Unknown7]: one for throwing in the air and all the la the laughing are gonna be doing it some
[Unknown7]: of the hilarious le obscene stuff that happens
[Unknown5]: i love that visual
[Unknown7]: and
[Unknown6]: maybe some to throw the screen
[Unknown7]: and some nineties filter glasses you know for the nostalgia
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown6]: like the the colored ones where it's supposed to be three d but it just makes your
[Unknown6]: head hurt
[Unknown7]: yeah they're just red tinted and they remind you of everything from the nineties
[Unknown7]: from your past
[Unknown4]: i
[Unknown5]: i miss those
[Unknown6]: okay okay
[Unknown4]: love it all right well that's that should work out well for everybody the phantom
[Unknown4]: let us know if you survive that
[Unknown5]: i have
[Unknown7]: i think i just realized this movie is just under ninety nine minutes long
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown6]: no is it that'd be amazing
[Unknown4]: it's like a hundred
[Unknown7]: it's a hundred and thirty five something
[Unknown4]: yep
[Unknown7]: which is ninety five minutes right just under the time your face would melt
[Unknown6]: a hundred and thirty five is a hundred and no weight yeah you're right yeah
[Unknown4]: the internet says ninety three
[Unknown7]: so
[Unknown5]: it's still under
[Unknown4]: of run it running time
[Unknown7]: just under a face melting amount of time
[Unknown7]: just under a face melting amount of time
[Unknown7]: dark man could have been in every theater with you and you would never know day or
[Unknown7]: night
[Unknown5]: yeah see scott's got that open mind
[Unknown4]: wait a second gotta you dark man
[Unknown4]: well
[Unknown6]: say
[Unknown7]: how long is this podcast
[Unknown6]: say i'm dark man with a gruff voice
[Unknown4]: it's an
[Unknown4]: hour and thirty nine minutes
[Unknown6]: it's gonna be ninety nine
[Unknown6]: it's gonna be ninety nine minutes
[Unknown7]: yeah i i'll definitely be disconnecting before ninety nine happens
[Unknown4]: next question on the board
[Unknown4]: there's a rapid fire around scott you're new so we're gonna make you
[Unknown6]: there's there's a board
[Unknown4]: yeah it's on my computer screen it's a board
[Unknown6]: okay all right
[Unknown4]: why like this so you get to answer this first
[Unknown6]: me or scott
[Unknown4]: no ascot we're nice to the guests unlike you
[Unknown6]: okay
[Unknown4]: how do you think
[Unknown4]: lucy just were clear how do you think
[Unknown4]: our good friend
[Unknown4]: rick k ted ram
[Unknown5]: or
[Unknown4]: distresses
[Unknown4]: before the whole
[Unknown6]: i was gonna say before getting his head squished by a truck okay
[Unknown4]: yeah yeah
[Unknown6]: how does he distress
[Unknown6]: i have to say
[Unknown6]: hm he seemed very like
[Unknown6]: jumping and jittery in this
[Unknown6]: so i'm thinking if you want to get rid of that of them jitters i think he's gonna
[Unknown6]: have to borrow some of uh chris's cbd oil and and with some thc there just
[Unknown6]: control the jitters get some mellow going so like a nice
[Unknown6]: maybe like a nice edible or something like that
[Unknown4]: okay
[Unknown6]: i think that would uh that would be like and then he would be free cause he's
[Unknown6]: doing drugs and then you get more jittery
[Unknown4]: so what i'm understanding here is that the lukewarm fant does not used to calm you
[Unknown4]: down is that is that accurate
[Unknown6]: so okay the lukewarm fanta is is a complex bouquet of taste and
[Unknown6]: flavor that needs to be experienced to be
[Unknown5]: educate him
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown6]: understood okay if you've never tried it before
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown6]: i'm not gonna explain it
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown6]: to you
[Unknown4]: i want but what about the audience listeners they want to know if it distresses
[Unknown4]: them or
[Unknown6]: they should go and should go and try it it has a different effect for every person
[Unknown5]: just do a shot just do a shot yes just do a shot of still fanta
[Unknown4]: but how do you know one more work for ted ram than if it has a different effect on
[Unknown4]: every person
[Unknown6]: why might but it might also make him more jittery
[Unknown5]: but he's also got some t v c v d and t ac in the mix so think
[Unknown6]: man
[Unknown5]: about that
[Unknown6]: some tlc
[Unknown5]: a
[Unknown4]: that like i hate you
[Unknown6]: yeah the the band
[Unknown4]: moving on
[Unknown6]: the group
[Unknown4]: chris
[Unknown6]: i don't want no scrub sc music
[Unknown5]: scrub is a ring at that
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown4]: grass y
[Unknown6]: yeah there you go
[Unknown5]: yes sir
[Unknown4]: respect the segue
[Unknown5]: all right i'm with you i'm with you spit the question my good man
[Unknown4]: how does julie hastings
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown4]: distress
[Unknown5]: she stares too long in the mirror and she uses incantations because she's she's a
[Unknown5]: woman in the ninety seconds man's world
[Unknown5]: trying to you know forge ahead and get her career going but then when she's just
[Unknown5]: before she leaves the washroom she purchases herself on on on the toilet and uh
[Unknown5]: she plays she's got a game boy and so she's playing
[Unknown5]: po come on one
[Unknown4]: nope
[Unknown6]: nope nice try though
[Unknown4]: i don't
[Unknown5]: metroid one
[Unknown5]: metroid one
[Unknown4]: i don't know if the game boy existed at that point on a check here for you
[Unknown6]: i i don't think it did
[Unknown5]: i'm trying i'm trying i don't remember what game aligned it aligned in the
[Unknown5]: nineties
[Unknown4]: oh
[Unknown6]: she had a tama goch
[Unknown4]: noe the gameboy was out in april twenty first nineteen eighty nine so chris is on
[Unknown5]: see i just couldn't i
[Unknown4]: board
[Unknown6]: oh shit
[Unknown5]: i just couldn't identify the the game that's all
[Unknown6]: or tetris
[Unknown5]: tetris works i'll take thank you for the support tetris
[Unknown7]: i don't think we're allowed to support tetris any more
[Unknown5]: why
[Unknown4]: w
[Unknown6]: why not
[Unknown4]: cause of the whole war thing
[Unknown5]: oh
[Unknown6]: what
[Unknown5]: no i don't i didn't know so okay well damn
[Unknown6]: why russian russian culture isn't bad
[Unknown7]: just say there are sanctions in place
[Unknown5]: shit
[Unknown6]: well okay that's okay we'll pirate it
[Unknown4]: we're sanctioning you
[Unknown5]: i wonder if there's another get nineties gameboy game
[Unknown7]: super mario mid two
[Unknown6]: the
[Unknown5]: gargoyles quest works
[Unknown5]: gargoyles quest works
[Unknown6]: and
[Unknown6]: ten ten ten ten ten tenth and
[Unknown5]: and it's not the gar oils that were cool okay on uh
[Unknown6]: ten
[Unknown5]: balloon kid
[Unknown6]: and
[Unknown5]: also as well and and a third option godzilla and or fourth i missed it solar
[Unknown5]: striker so that's what that's what julie gets up to
[Unknown4]: not
[Unknown5]: a y
[Unknown4]: doctor mario says she's dating a doctor
[Unknown5]: i love doctor mario thank you i didn't i i skipped over that i didn't see that one
[Unknown5]: so that's i love dr mario oh yeah
[Unknown5]: he's got the care do it do do do that's the actual yo look it up
[Unknown4]: yeah it is
[Unknown6]: i won't
[Unknown4]: don't don't bother yourself okay no i like that i think that's a good good way for
[Unknown4]: her to distress scott
[Unknown7]: yep
[Unknown5]: scott yields his time
[Unknown4]: how no scott doesn scott
[Unknown4]: loves this scott is an expert distress or
[Unknown5]: i'm just kidding he's got this
[Unknown4]: scott how do you think
[Unknown5]: you're good
[Unknown4]: dark man
[Unknown4]: distresses now let me be clear on this it is not patent like before he takes
[Unknown4]: flight it is
[Unknown5]: two
[Unknown4]: patent west lake after he has written on the um what is what is the
[Unknown6]: helicopter
[Unknown4]: wheel the wheel called where they stretch them out
[Unknown7]: yeah
[Unknown7]: yeah yeah
[Unknown5]: all this the c the mine center fu
[Unknown6]: uh
[Unknown7]: the centrifugal
[Unknown6]: the
[Unknown4]: yeah it's almost like the
[Unknown5]: centrifugal
[Unknown6]: yeah the centrifuge
[Unknown7]: pain centralize
[Unknown4]: the
[Unknown4]: centrifugal rack the centrifugal rack is that what it would be at least
[Unknown6]: yeah the centrifuge of emotions
[Unknown4]: after
[Unknown6]: yeah yeah the torture wheel the torture wheel
[Unknown7]: yeah
[Unknown4]: he's written on the yeah the torture wheel after he's writing on the torture wheel
[Unknown5]: centrifugal
[Unknown4]: so he's full on dark man
[Unknown7]: i think we have some evidence on this already in the
[Unknown4]: okay
[Unknown7]: movie so
[Unknown7]: it may sound a little odd but i think dark man makes faces of people he wants to
[Unknown7]: like
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown7]: know kiss himself touch caress a little bit and then puts them in his closet for
[Unknown7]: later uh you know one being some of the different
[Unknown5]: a
[Unknown7]: people he wears later on you know where did you get where did he get the face
[Unknown7]: at the very end that
[Unknown5]: bruce campbells
[Unknown7]: he was wearing bruce campbell face where do you get got that face from he's got to
[Unknown7]: take pictures of somebody he's gotta stock them in his free time
[Unknown6]: from ash and the evil dead he watched a movie took a picture of
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown6]: the screen
[Unknown5]: it's called inventory like
[Unknown7]: okay okay maybe some w buff then so either
[Unknown5]: yeah it could be
[Unknown7]: he's a very creepy stalker guy who takes pictures of strangers and then
[Unknown4]: yes
[Unknown7]: makes their faces and then hangs them in his closet
[Unknown4]: y
[Unknown7]: or he's a movie buff that just watches a lot of movies
[Unknown6]: i don't i don't see why this is an or either or situation keep it both
[Unknown4]: yeah i
[Unknown7]: there can only be one source
[Unknown4]: just want to know how he distresses so are
[Unknown7]: yeah
[Unknown4]: you saying he watches movies to de stress or he watches movies as with the face of
[Unknown4]: the character on
[Unknown7]: oh that's a good
[Unknown5]: that's a good
[Unknown7]: com yeah definitely he watches movies of after
[Unknown6]: i wanna get into this
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown7]: after making the face of the main character just and that's how he plays it in his
[Unknown7]: mind and he
[Unknown7]: uh gets the confidence to do his day to day night dark man stuff
[Unknown5]: oh my god i want him
[Unknown5]: i wanna be ruther hower
[Unknown7]: and then he goes and wears that face out in and gets recognized and uh
[Unknown4]: yep
[Unknown5]: ahead
[Unknown6]: why
[Unknown7]: bes all
[Unknown4]: run on yeah
[Unknown7]: email and hides in his dark shadows
[Unknown6]: i have one for you ma
[Unknown4]: okay thank you
[Unknown6]: how how does our good friend
[Unknown6]: the friendly the friendly gangster
[Unknown5]: polly
[Unknown6]: robert g
[Unknown5]: oh never mind yes
[Unknown6]: durant these dresses
[Unknown4]: bro much like scott has mentioned uh that the movie shows
[Unknown6]: i
[Unknown4]: us movie shows us robert g durant polishes his finger collection
[Unknown7]: his finger rings probably specifically
[Unknown4]: his finger ring
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: collection um he had lot
[Unknown6]: i see
[Unknown4]: some nice rinks too
[Unknown5]: hey
[Unknown4]: um
[Unknown4]: and and really it takes a lot of care and dedication to your finger collection to
[Unknown4]: make sure it doesn't um i don't know what what with the molds like
[Unknown5]: decay
[Unknown4]: gangrene decay
[Unknown6]: decay rot
[Unknown5]: it just maybe from aldehyde is involved wouldn't it be
[Unknown7]: are the fingers stuffed like the animals
[Unknown6]: i was gonna say imagine the smell every time he opens that thing imagine the smell
[Unknown6]: of i think
[Unknown4]: so the problem with from medha is that i believe they pump that into you
[Unknown7]: into your veins instead of blood
[Unknown4]: right into your veins essentially the replace of blood so i don't know if you
[Unknown4]: could do that with a finger you sliced off someone's hand
[Unknown5]: ma
[Unknown4]: we could tax arm i guess
[Unknown7]: yeah
[Unknown5]: hy
[Unknown7]: they are they tax army digits
[Unknown4]: yeah can you just like rip up the cuts and stuff
[Unknown4]: it okay so yeah the tax demy is is quite extensive it's you guys are paint
[Unknown6]: let's go let's go with that
[Unknown4]: warhammer figurines it's basically the same amount of effort and time
[Unknown5]: oh
[Unknown6]: he just paints
[Unknown5]: this calling
[Unknown6]: the fingernails
[Unknown4]: yeah yeah yeah but like intricate designs
[Unknown5]: hm
[Unknown4]: sometimes
[Unknown6]: i see
[Unknown4]: it's space wolf you know
[Unknown7]: he watches
[Unknown6]: oh is he
[Unknown7]: nail art on youtube
[Unknown5]: you know
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown6]: yeah i was gonna say is he like the precursor of nail art
[Unknown4]: yeah in a way i mean it's like he's got a ma he's got to order order the videos
[Unknown4]: from like a magazine i assume
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: but yep
[Unknown6]: get some vhs tapes
[Unknown7]: he swatches on the on the fingers
[Unknown4]: yeah yeah
[Unknown5]: eight
[Unknown4]: exactly yeah yeah and it's really hard to get the color right because obviously
[Unknown4]: when you look at the magazine it seems like it's share read but then when you get
[Unknown4]: it and you put it on the finger turns out not cherry red yeah it's just
[Unknown6]: it's crimson or whatever yeah yeah
[Unknown5]: god damn it pant tones get
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown5]: it give me what i want
[Unknown4]: the nineties was rough that's it's it's an intricate craft he's he's partaking in
[Unknown6]: nice nice
[Unknown5]: uh
[Unknown4]: yeah okay i'm glad we've figured out that i know what a sociopath thinks like
[Unknown6]: i think we all knew that
[Unknown4]: maybe so listen i think we've gotten to the point here i don't know of dark man
[Unknown4]: or
[Unknown4]: dark man um the victimless or faceless
[Unknown4]: victim vengeance avengers villa face i don't think i those
[Unknown6]: the vengeance without a face
[Unknown5]: i don't know
[Unknown4]: titles really fit what you watched if i want something of a more
[Unknown6]: i see
[Unknown4]: literal title to understand what i'm getting into without having to see the
[Unknown4]: trailer what do you guys think we should get for this movie
[Unknown6]: okay
[Unknown6]: i think we just you know i'm just gonna borrow from my home country and say it's
[Unknown6]: just vengeance without a face
[Unknown5]: dig it i could go i could see that oh
[Unknown6]: just that without dark me in front of it
[Unknown5]: vengeance without a face okay
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown6]: it's either that or words without a lip i guess that that could be
[Unknown7]: i was gonna say face off face off
[Unknown4]: na scott i'm with you but i wanna call it face on
[Unknown6]: yeah face on
[Unknown5]: i see you all
[Unknown7]: face on face off face off face song
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: face on face
[Unknown6]: face off then on
[Unknown5]: so what it
[Unknown5]: would it be face
[Unknown5]: off to the power of two
[Unknown7]: that's how i said face off face off right
[Unknown5]: okay well i
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: didn't i didn't understand that's why i was trying to understand
[Unknown7]: yeah because it's his face is off and he's having a face off
[Unknown4]: do
[Unknown6]: so it's like
[Unknown4]: do we square it
[Unknown5]: that's what i'm saying i just said yeah
[Unknown6]: yeah i was gonna say is this like
[Unknown7]: that that's a new age
[Unknown6]: liam nisan
[Unknown7]: way of doing it we didn't do that back in the nineties
[Unknown6]: liam
[Unknown6]: nissen as
[Unknown4]: it's fair
[Unknown6]: peyton west lake as caster troy is that where we we
[Unknown5]: but it's math
[Unknown4]: two face too off
[Unknown6]: that done so
[Unknown7]: that's the sequel i document to
[Unknown5]: but
[Unknown4]: okay yeah
[Unknown5]: i've got one okay that's that those are your suggestions but i have something let
[Unknown5]: me
[Unknown6]: okay
[Unknown5]: know what you think what do you think of the mirage
[Unknown4]: isn't there already a superhero called the mirage
[Unknown5]: i don't know
[Unknown6]: yeah there is
[Unknown5]: i know there is a transformer like on the auto bot called mirage but
[Unknown6]: but why would you call it the mirage there's not no mirage other than the fucking
[Unknown6]: holograms
[Unknown5]: well i it's a metaphor so like you think he's a person you think you're looking at
[Unknown5]: some someone but he's not it's not him like he it's not that person he's a
[Unknown5]: perpetual mirage
[Unknown7]: it's more like makeup face
[Unknown4]: make up face
[Unknown6]: bad makeup face
[Unknown5]: let's not make up because he's got a mold mask of of another person
[Unknown7]: yeah
[Unknown4]: what if we
[Unknown7]: but one splash of water or sunlight and it washes right off yeah
[Unknown6]: how how about ha bob how about multi
[Unknown6]: facebo how about multi
[Unknown5]: see
[Unknown5]: my first
[Unknown6]: face man
[Unknown5]: my first uh attempt draft was melted sandwich face man
[Unknown4]: i like that
[Unknown5]: or or penni man but i decided to
[Unknown6]: but
[Unknown4]: pen
[Unknown6]: panini man i like putin man
[Unknown5]: but i wanted to but then i leveled it up to mora i like the mirage
[Unknown4]: now i like
[Unknown6]: like open set
[Unknown4]: man
[Unknown6]: open sandwich panini man because you can see the cheese meuse
[Unknown4]: open fi open face spinning man
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: open faced roast beef pei man
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: oh no got i got it
[Unknown6]: uh no i you got it you had it already
[Unknown5]: open no no no i got it i've distilled it open face r b's panini man
[Unknown6]: oh god fly steak punny man
[Unknown4]: so if we're gonna get away from
[Unknown6]: open face sops a pin
[Unknown4]: for getting away from open face and meet face man
[Unknown5]: me face man
[Unknown4]: what about what about
[Unknown6]: you'll meet face me
[Unknown4]: gone in ninety nine minutes
[Unknown4]: gone in ninety nine minutes
[Unknown6]: oh nice nice melted in ninety nine minutes
[Unknown4]: yeah okay
[Unknown5]: toast toast
[Unknown4]: i'm gonna stop us there before we get back to toasty face things okay
[Unknown6]: i like it i like it i like it i like it
[Unknown5]: i wish we had a whim scream right now
[Unknown4]: i could insert one
[Unknown5]: do
[Unknown4]: i'm i'm not
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: gonna
[Unknown4]: gonna
[Unknown5]: that's fine
[Unknown4]: alright everyone's favorite favorite category
[Unknown4]: what was the most re watchable scene
[Unknown6]: oh god can i just say the whole movie
[Unknown4]: you might need to
[Unknown4]: you're gonna want be quick
[Unknown6]: okay
[Unknown4]: here cause we we're already at one fifteen so
[Unknown6]: i'm gonna say i'm gonna say this if i had to pick just one
[Unknown6]: just just the one it will be
[Unknown6]: the explosion
[Unknown6]: on his
[Unknown6]: lab that whole scene that whole scene
[Unknown5]: damn that's a good poor guy yeah yeah
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown6]: and ending with him instead of exploding into a million pieces being jetson into
[Unknown6]: the
[Unknown5]: mhm
[Unknown6]: air and yelling in
[Unknown6]: stereo
[Unknown5]: mhm
[Unknown6]: with the weirdest most irish weird scream in my i have ever heard in my entire
[Unknown6]: life that would be my
[Unknown4]: i love
[Unknown6]: pick i would watch that scene a million times
[Unknown4]: i love the fact that he was raped beside the explosion and still
[Unknown4]: flew
[Unknown6]: and
[Unknown5]: true
[Unknown6]: and yeah and only got forty percent of his body
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown6]: burned
[Unknown4]: just most of the face
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: wow
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: my favorite rewatch will see sor just unless you wanted to sorry sorry i
[Unknown4]: i'm gonna say that my rewatch scene was the beginning i just love the energy that
[Unknown4]: fake wesley ss brought
[Unknown6]: solid solid
[Unknown4]: and and the just sheer insanity that these guys can bring in a like a fake or not
[Unknown5]: here
[Unknown4]: fake it was very real a
[Unknown5]: hm
[Unknown4]: le gun that we all knew was there everybody knew was there and that like gun will
[Unknown4]: mow down fifty gang members driving cars standing up on heights everything else
[Unknown4]: that just set the stage for the entire movie from that point on
[Unknown6]: the stands man smiley gun stance is a thing of beauty
[Unknown4]: yep and his buddy hopping the entire time
[Unknown5]: yeah they're a dynamic duo you can't have one without the
[Unknown4]: now you're the cap
[Unknown5]: you know
[Unknown4]: and bell's got any favorite
[Unknown7]: helicopter
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown7]: seed is the only other thing other than the first
[Unknown5]: hm mm hm
[Unknown7]: scene he does all the classic you know hanging on a rope crashing into a building
[Unknown7]: with a helicopter still pulling but then he has enough time to stop say a witty
[Unknown7]: line and then pop out it again
[Unknown4]: fish
[Unknown6]: how about how about the p of that scene where they show him like show his legs and
[Unknown6]: he like speed walks on
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown6]: top of the the truck
[Unknown5]: and he was like
[Unknown6]: yeah and it was like clearly just like
[Unknown6]: spat up the scene
[Unknown7]: yeah roadrunner
[Unknown5]: dig it
[Unknown6]: yeah tony he was totally ro render you're right
[Unknown5]: okay so like i'm i'm i'm scanning my memory for another one but the first one that
[Unknown5]: that comes to mind are all the gangster poly scenes d discount bruce willis my
[Unknown5]: favorite being when he when when they you know durant and his and his boy
[Unknown4]: buston yeah
[Unknown5]: storman yeah i liked that
[Unknown4]: i don't even know how i got dressed
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown7]: interrupted his nap
[Unknown5]: correct
[Unknown6]: yeah poor guy got
[Unknown5]: i didn't make the trap
[Unknown6]: got chloroformed some dude just stripped him naked and dressed him and then he
[Unknown6]: tossed out the window what a way to die
[Unknown5]: yeah you know not knowing not knowing
[Unknown7]: and
[Unknown4]: y
[Unknown7]: then after he
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown7]: flies at the window the woman who sees like the dark man
[Unknown4]: doubt the devils
[Unknown6]: yells for fifteen minutes yeah she doesn't say anything she just yells
[Unknown5]: well
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown5]: he kind of chuckled maybe she heard that
[Unknown4]: yeah that's the
[Unknown6]: okay
[Unknown4]: reason to yell um no those are all it's just a good movie there's so many good
[Unknown4]: scenes but i think i think those really encapsulate the biggest ones in the
[Unknown4]: interest of time i'm going to yield us on the script doctor question because
[Unknown4]: there's nothing to fix it's perfect it's it's beautiful
[Unknown6]: why are you getting a script
[Unknown5]: no
[Unknown6]: doctor in this it will make a new movie or it's perfect it's one or the other
[Unknown4]: it's it's beautiful and too well thank you for that beautiful segue um listen
[Unknown6]: watch
[Unknown4]: i know there's a couple sequels to this movie but i don't
[Unknown5]: other people
[Unknown4]: know if darkman two and dark man three go in the right direction for us the return
[Unknown4]: of durant just seems after return it to rant in the second movie seems too soon so
[Unknown4]: i think
[Unknown6]: i agree
[Unknown5]: happened
[Unknown4]: i think we need to devise a better sequel than the return of rent so
[Unknown4]: i think we need to devise a better sequel than the return of rent so
[Unknown5]: but we don't know look i'm i'm with the exercise but
[Unknown4]: what do what do you mean you don't know
[Unknown6]: we know we we know
[Unknown5]: no we i'm gonna watch this movie and compare it for us one time so
[Unknown4]: thank you
[Unknown5]: anyways i'm with this exercise
[Unknown4]: yeah but i think we can do a better job than trust me that movie is terrible
[Unknown4]: let's play a game let's play
[Unknown5]: hm
[Unknown4]: a really quick game before we get to this
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown4]: um what do you think the rotten tomatoes scores is for dark man two the return of
[Unknown4]: direct
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown6]: i'm gonna say
[Unknown6]: twenty five percent critics
[Unknown6]: and
[Unknown6]: thirty five percent audience
[Unknown7]: you're very
[Unknown4]: okay
[Unknown7]: generous that should be like ten and ten
[Unknown4]: okay scotts
[Unknown6]: no that's three
[Unknown4]: scott's a low on it and then chris what are you thinking
[Unknown5]: i'm gonna go i'm gonna go thirty six percent critics and i'm gonna go
[Unknown5]: fifty fifty two audience
[Unknown4]: wow okay
[Unknown6]: not everybody in this audience is you man
[Unknown4]: okay so c
[Unknown7]: did you say this is
[Unknown5]: certain stuff
[Unknown7]: dark band too though we didn't watch yeah
[Unknown4]: this is dark man too
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: the return of dread i just
[Unknown5]: listen i'm just trying to play the game
[Unknown4]: want to make sure because it's too easy it comes up too easy when you're on this
[Unknown4]: movie like you can see it pretty
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: easily so anyways chris is actually i think the closest on the the critics the
[Unknown4]: critics gave it a thirty three percent
[Unknown5]: k
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown6]: thirty three yeah
[Unknown4]: and then
[Unknown6]: he's the closest i'm eight away yeah
[Unknown4]: and then let you know i think you're thetis court nineteen percent
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown6]: i said thirty five yeah
[Unknown7]: i said ten
[Unknown6]: oh no
[Unknown4]: scott may be closest then
[Unknown6]: yeah i
[Unknown6]: think scott
[Unknown5]: that's yeah that's good
[Unknown6]: scott is closer yeah i thought i honestly thought the audience would like it more
[Unknown4]: scott is correct so
[Unknown6]: than the critics
[Unknown4]: well there you go chris we need to read this movie because the audience hated it
[Unknown5]: i'm gonna check it out anyway for curiosity's sake i yeah but i'm down for this
[Unknown5]: game you know
[Unknown7]: i mean i know
[Unknown4]: so
[Unknown7]: what the sequel should have been
[Unknown4]: yep
[Unknown5]: what
[Unknown4]: scott thank you go
[Unknown7]: it it should have been
[Unknown6]: go for it
[Unknown7]: a dark man hunting down circuses after that guy wouldn't give him the pi pink
[Unknown7]: elephant
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown7]: so he develops a deep hatred for circuses and all rodes and just goes
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown7]: after every circus that ever comes near him
[Unknown4]: that makes sense
[Unknown5]: dark
[Unknown6]: and then you find some like there's actually some sort of like a a mob or like a
[Unknown6]: mafia of circuses that he uncovers when he does this
[Unknown4]: y
[Unknown7]: the games are all rigged
[Unknown7]: the games are all rigged
[Unknown5]: first he c he ne yeah
[Unknown6]: exactly
[Unknown5]: he needs he he at first he's surveying because it's like alright innocent people
[Unknown5]: innocent people and children let them have their so he's just brooding from from
[Unknown5]: from the distance but then he picks up on the mob t angle he's like no i have an e
[Unknown5]: night now i can channel my my anger on these little fucks and so i have a title
[Unknown5]: for a dark man too as well
[Unknown4]: okay
[Unknown5]: dark man dark man two carnival
[Unknown4]: oh
[Unknown6]: nice nice
[Unknown4]: so
[Unknown5]: with the e
[Unknown6]: so i was go ahead go
[Unknown4]: i wanna take off the carnival what if
[Unknown4]: the the carnes
[Unknown4]: know how they have this like
[Unknown7]: are cannibals
[Unknown5]: what
[Unknown4]: no the carnes
[Unknown5]: what
[Unknown6]: what about the coins
[Unknown4]: the carnes have
[Unknown4]: are like evil mystics and they have a way to send dark man back in time
[Unknown6]: oh no
[Unknown7]: that's the third movie let's jump to time travels three third movie ninja turtles
[Unknown7]: that's the third movie let's jump to time travels three third movie ninja turtles
[Unknown7]: that's the third movie let's jump to time travels three third movie ninja turtles
[Unknown4]: so carly val
[Unknown6]: yeah time time travels three and that's why it's called return of the rent coz
[Unknown7]: rules say time travels three
[Unknown7]: rules say time travels three
[Unknown7]: rules say time travels three
[Unknown6]: then there's like some splitting
[Unknown4]: okay okay
[Unknown6]: that's why
[Unknown4]: i mean fine i'll i'll take their time travel out this one
[Unknown5]: but go go expand on it you were you were you were going somewhere i think
[Unknown6]: he won't mi sticks why
[Unknown4]: that's fine no that's fine so i was just gonna say like so the carnes i think are
[Unknown4]: are definitely mafia maybe maybe more union union mafia vibe to it because i'll
[Unknown4]: have
[Unknown6]: nice nice
[Unknown4]: jobs in protecting jobs
[Unknown5]: how
[Unknown4]: but i think we have to introduce
[Unknown4]: if dark man is a quoted unquoted superhero we gotta bring him a supervillain
[Unknown6]: supervillain okay
[Unknown7]: his lab partner
[Unknown7]: survived
[Unknown6]: what
[Unknown5]: oh
[Unknown6]: the man without a nose
[Unknown4]: wait
[Unknown5]: and you call them smelly
[Unknown4]: smelly
[Unknown6]: yeah cause he has no nose
[Unknown4]: i
[Unknown5]: do
[Unknown4]: mean dark man is a lot more scary than smelly
[Unknown5]: well
[Unknown4]: the super villain
[Unknown6]: okay stink man
[Unknown5]: stinky
[Unknown5]: the skunk
[Unknown4]: now now we're
[Unknown6]: nice
[Unknown4]: getting better okay yeah so i think we need to give
[Unknown6]: did you see fucking peppy peels
[Unknown4]: a mean listen
[Unknown6]: after him little g
[Unknown4]: we
[Unknown4]: can't talk about we can't talk about peppy
[Unknown5]: i'm going to get you
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: anymore he's been canceled um
[Unknown6]: oh
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown6]: that's true
[Unknown4]: so but i think our super super villain is really key to the second movie and and
[Unknown4]: the super villain is going one who he he he's a from the carne folk and he's one
[Unknown4]: who initiates the time travel in part three that brings back dent
[Unknown5]: nine
[Unknown4]: like that
[Unknown6]: so he's a time travelling skunk
[Unknown4]: um
[Unknown5]: that's just his code name
[Unknown5]: that's just his code name
[Unknown4]: no the skunk more like a wizard like a mystic
[Unknown5]: i think
[Unknown5]: magic would definitely be an element and since its magic he might he might be able
[Unknown6]: oh gotcha
[Unknown5]: to to
[Unknown6]: thank you
[Unknown5]: quote unquote depart man to the point where he feels pain maybe
[Unknown6]: but why why would it be magic when the first movie is so hard science
[Unknown6]: but why why would it be magic when the first movie is so hard science
[Unknown7]: there's no magic in it though yeah
[Unknown4]: cause that's
[Unknown5]: nineties
[Unknown4]: that's the best kind of hard science it's magic
[Unknown7]: his his his arch villain carney was in like a another bed
[Unknown5]: that
[Unknown7]: spinning in the opposite direction as he was
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown7]: thus creating like you know light man or something
[Unknown5]: oh that
[Unknown6]: oh
[Unknown4]: and
[Unknown6]: there there you go and and then his name is withers shins there you go
[Unknown4]: he got he got he had okay what's the opposite of getting burned
[Unknown5]: frozen
[Unknown6]: getting frozen
[Unknown4]: he got frozen and
[Unknown4]: he got frozen and
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown6]: oh it's victor freeze
[Unknown5]: see
[Unknown4]: so it's it can be i okay
[Unknown4]: so it's it can be i okay
[Unknown6]: nice to meet you
[Unknown5]: or
[Unknown4]: well
[Unknown5]: just a polar opposite they keep also can't feel so like like thing versus hulk
[Unknown4]: he feels everything
[Unknown5]: almost similar power set
[Unknown6]: are like
[Unknown5]: but y
[Unknown6]: flash versus reverse flash
[Unknown5]: yes but like if he's been frozen then his nerves have also been frozen
[Unknown4]: sure
[Unknown5]: so we can't feel
[Unknown6]: oh
[Unknown5]: that's
[Unknown6]: nice nice okay okay
[Unknown5]: mm
[Unknown4]: yeah i'm here for that
[Unknown4]: yeah i'm here for that
[Unknown6]: hey
[Unknown4]: and
[Unknown6]: could be his name his name could be icy veins
[Unknown4]: why why are you so bad at this
[Unknown6]: i don't know i'm just trying to pick the worst names possible
[Unknown4]: but dark
[Unknown5]: iceberg
[Unknown4]: dark man is like ice
[Unknown5]: ice
[Unknown4]: man that's not not too
[Unknown5]: no no i the iceberg
[Unknown6]: that's why i didn't want to go to
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown6]: iceman i mean you can pick a
[Unknown6]: nonsensical name like d's dark
[Unknown7]: nerves of steel
[Unknown5]: nerves of steel
[Unknown6]: man nar
[Unknown6]: no 'cause like dark man makes no sense with this character anyway so just pick
[Unknown6]: whatever name light man that's his
[Unknown5]: that's that's awful the
[Unknown4]: no
[Unknown5]: iceberg they call they call it they call this his opposite and he guess he's maybe
[Unknown5]: we connect the to the mob side they call them iceberg
[Unknown4]: the iceberg
[Unknown6]: okay iceberg
[Unknown5]: something like that
[Unknown6]: does he have to be like a big dude
[Unknown5]: it might help
[Unknown7]: i think we stop over ahead
[Unknown7]: i think we stop over ahead
[Unknown6]: so i had a completely different idea
[Unknown4]: i hate it
[Unknown6]: for a sequel you would it would be called fuck
[Unknown5]: that's what we called
[Unknown6]: you it would be called
[Unknown4]: hey
[Unknown6]: it would be called dark man the plural not dark
[Unknown4]: okay
[Unknown6]: man that man
[Unknown4]: yep
[Unknown6]: just to make it hard to search for it
[Unknown4]: perfect
[Unknown6]: and it would be him recruiting other burned victims that have lost the ability to
[Unknown6]: sense to form into an army
[Unknown6]: to fight against
[Unknown6]: criminality in house kitchen okay
[Unknown7]: to become firefighters
[Unknown6]: sure okay that works too they're okay that's their cover they a team of
[Unknown6]: firefighters during the day but at night they're dark man
[Unknown5]: so you want the toxic you want the toxic adventure don't you it sounds like
[Unknown5]: i'm fine with that
[Unknown6]: yeah that would be
[Unknown5]: did it
[Unknown6]: my sequel
[Unknown4]: why white houses
[Unknown4]: kitchen no one ever said this was new york
[Unknown6]: darkman
[Unknown4]: city
[Unknown5]: i don't
[Unknown6]: i i i don't know
[Unknown4]: he's not there now ha
[Unknown6]: okay so in chicago
[Unknown4]: detroit
[Unknown6]: the wind the windy city that o no detroit
[Unknown4]: it's it's the nineties bro
[Unknown6]: but i mean back then detroit wasn't it wasn't derelict so
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown6]: that's fine yeah that's f that's right it was the nineties detroit was a thing
[Unknown6]: though you're right
[Unknown4]: and he runs into robo cuff
[Unknown6]: and ax folly
[Unknown4]: okay yeah not i'll care for it yeah
[Unknown5]: i've i've casted his villain i've got a casting for us do we have time for that or
[Unknown5]: no
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown5]: so
[Unknown5]: playing iceberg
[Unknown5]: nineties take take it back take it go back and go back go back in in your mind
[Unknown4]: michael ironside
[Unknown5]: that's doable or
[Unknown6]: oh nice
[Unknown5]: or
[Unknown6]: mm
[Unknown5]: yokozuna
[Unknown5]: from wwf
[Unknown4]: okay
[Unknown6]: no what
[Unknown5]: it did the timing lined up
[Unknown6]: y i know but you're gonna you you're gonna counter mike and ironside with some
[Unknown6]: douche bag
[Unknown6]: from wwf
[Unknown5]: he's got the physicality period
[Unknown6]: come on i don't give a shit so does mike and
[Unknown4]: now your cuisine was good wow
[Unknown5]: does he
[Unknown6]: ironside
[Unknown4]: who mike
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: in ironside
[Unknown6]: michael michael
[Unknown6]: oh what's the guy the plays kern what's his name
[Unknown5]: oh clancy brown
[Unknown6]: lassie brown yes
[Unknown5]: he might be still young enough
[Unknown4]: that's also that's also a good pull
[Unknown5]: highlander eighties that that might be younger
[Unknown6]: yeah yeah
[Unknown6]: mark christopher lambert and then he can be he can be iceberg because that he has
[Unknown4]: or christopher lambert
[Unknown6]: no emotions
[Unknown5]: i there you go
[Unknown6]: uh uh uh uh uh
[Unknown4]: i love it i know does what's your face come back
[Unknown5]: uh
[Unknown4]: hastings
[Unknown6]: julie
[Unknown4]: julie hastings
[Unknown6]: julie
[Unknown5]: na
[Unknown6]: yeah but but in true nineties fashion it's another actress
[Unknown5]: it is
[Unknown4]: oh day out makes a hundred percent sense
[Unknown4]: oh day out makes a hundred percent sense
[Unknown5]: plus
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: she he already cut ties with her so she had to move on
[Unknown4]: no she's gonna come back but now she's been
[Unknown6]: that's true no but she comes back like going after him and he has to save her
[Unknown6]: because she gets in trouble again because again this is the nineties
[Unknown4]: she was dating iceberg she was
[Unknown5]: as long as they read
[Unknown4]: dating iceberg
[Unknown6]: she's stayed in iceberg
[Unknown4]: before iceberg
[Unknown5]: i
[Unknown4]: fell into the water
[Unknown5]: i want
[Unknown6]: ah
[Unknown5]: that
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown5]: and then and then she's caught between she's caught between a rock and a hard and
[Unknown5]: a and a cold place
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown5]: i don't yeah just recast her
[Unknown6]: it has to be an actress has to be an actress that doesn't look anything like
[Unknown4]: oh that's yeah so um brunette
[Unknown6]: francis mcdermott
[Unknown6]: a brunette would like a blonde wig or something yeah
[Unknown4]: what about like a tia career
[Unknown5]: that could work
[Unknown6]: perfect what
[Unknown5]: that could work
[Unknown5]: why not
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown6]: okay okay i'm i'm here for it what
[Unknown5]: and points points to us for diversity
[Unknown4]: for exactly
[Unknown5]: i i
[Unknown6]: yeah yeah
[Unknown5]: yokozuna or clancy brown but not fens
[Unknown4]: um just to help out everybody to your career if you watch the
[Unknown5]: swing
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown6]: that's true yeah
[Unknown5]: and had the hit in ha
[Unknown4]: you had to live in the nineties early get what i'm coming at
[Unknown6]: are like lucy loo
[Unknown6]: she might be
[Unknown4]: lucy lou
[Unknown6]: too young at that back then
[Unknown4]: probably
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: i think
[Unknown5]: i think t had a tv spin off t v she not a spin up she had a t oh relic
[Unknown4]: where country yeah
[Unknown5]: hunter nineteen ninety nine
[Unknown7]: yeah i'll think it like kung fu or something
[Unknown5]: did it
[Unknown4]: yeah i think we've done it
[Unknown6]: oh hey how about
[Unknown6]: uh rob low for the top corporate guy
[Unknown4]: mm
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown6]: that lines up too
[Unknown7]: rob lo day
[Unknown4]: not at all
[Unknown5]: well it was
[Unknown6]: no
[Unknown5]: you're stuck in the time travel aspect my friend
[Unknown4]: in in rabb did a really good job being a sleeve ball in was it tommy boy yeah
[Unknown4]: boy
[Unknown6]: anne wayne's world
[Unknown5]: hearing
[Unknown4]: and wind yeah same sort of sleeves ball did a great job
[Unknown4]: and wind yeah same sort of sleeves ball did a great job
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown4]: okay yeah i think that really works um so we've got uh iceberg as we're calling
[Unknown4]: him and he's back and so what what the only thing we're missing in this story i
[Unknown4]: think is what entangled dark man and iceberg
[Unknown5]: iceberg is um
[Unknown6]: at
[Unknown5]: iceberg is is isn't he running the mob faction it
[Unknown6]: he's a carney he's a carney
[Unknown7]: yeah he joins a cari is one of the freaks because he has no feeling
[Unknown6]: yeah yeah
[Unknown5]: okay
[Unknown6]: yeah iceberg is
[Unknown4]: okay
[Unknown6]: a carney
[Unknown4]: okay
[Unknown4]: and so he liam nisan kills his carney fa he destroys the carnival he's at and the
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown4]: colonel he's at was on like like in detroit it's on the lake maybe or to chicago
[Unknown4]: milwaukee green bay he's on
[Unknown5]: care
[Unknown4]: the lake
[Unknown6]: yeah and then he falls on the on the lake
[Unknown4]: and he tosses everybody into the water
[Unknown5]: i don't know about that but sure
[Unknown4]: and the only person
[Unknown6]: and he freezes
[Unknown4]: they they save it's a winter right so they toss 'em all on the lake and the only
[Unknown4]: person they can save is iceberg but he no stark man did it
[Unknown6]: and then the lake froze his nerves and now he feels no pain anymore
[Unknown4]: yeah like
[Unknown5]: i
[Unknown4]: lake michigan made him
[Unknown5]: i'll i'll i'll go with it
[Unknown6]: lake michigan made him in to mon
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown6]: that checks out
[Unknown5]: cause like i i i kinda wanna challenge it in terms of just like dark men
[Unknown5]: destroying the carnival but like maybe iceberg was the only casualty cause they're
[Unknown5]: still he's still supposed to kind of be a year out
[Unknown6]: no bro darkman doesn't take any
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown6]: prisoners
[Unknown5]: all right that's why i'm that's why i'm reluctant you know
[Unknown4]: dark man has
[Unknown5]: like i'm i'm on the fence
[Unknown6]: no cause that because then you make iceberg a little bit related but he was like i
[Unknown6]: i understand the guy got fucked up by darkman
[Unknown5]: thanks for that i that's what i needed to get where i needed to go
[Unknown4]: yeah dark man like dark wine's gonna snap right like he's gonna go on those
[Unknown6]: i mean he
[Unknown4]: those red light inducing rage
[Unknown6]: he fuck snapped at the guy in the at the
[Unknown4]: for not giving it an elephant yeah
[Unknown5]: pink elephant ear
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown4]: he's gonna see
[Unknown6]: yeah yeah
[Unknown4]: corruption everywhere and he's gonna go like fucking
[Unknown6]: yeah yeah
[Unknown4]: corruptions and like
[Unknown6]: yeah he's gonna go like into
[Unknown5]: i have a
[Unknown6]: supermarkets go you have eleven
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown6]: items and it killed the guy yeah
[Unknown4]: it's gonna get real dark after after he leaves julie
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown6]: like just just maximum punishment for the smallest of crimes
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown5]: i think i'm out
[Unknown6]: just tossing people into traffic because they littered like that kind of stuff
[Unknown5]: i got a
[Unknown4]: and just to wrap this all together
[Unknown4]: and just to wrap this all together
[Unknown6]: i
[Unknown4]: he's gonna defeat iceberg because he's gonna under he's gonna unlock that if he
[Unknown4]: he's gonna defeat iceberg because he's gonna under he's gonna unlock that if he
[Unknown4]: goes out in the dark and his masks he can be out as long as he needs to be
[Unknown4]: goes out in the dark and his masks he can be out as long as he needs to be
[Unknown6]: yeah well i mean it's a sequel so it's probably probably has a lower budget so it'
[Unknown6]: going to have to be from film
[Unknown6]: to the dark so that lines up yeah exactly
[Unknown4]: cheaper less editing yep yeah
[Unknown6]: how what's the what's like the the uh the final showdown what does that look like
[Unknown5]: in the ruins the the destroyed carnival ruins
[Unknown7]: it's just
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown7]: highlander there can
[Unknown6]: he goes back
[Unknown7]: be only one
[Unknown6]: so and also does iceberg find some random other place and goes home as well
[Unknown5]: well he also go he he lives in the ruins
[Unknown7]: that's what he says after he defeats after dark man kills all his carney friends
[Unknown7]: like oh
[Unknown6]: and they can't cry cause his tear drugs are frozen okay
[Unknown4]: gone
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown4]: that's yeah that's iceberg in a nutshell
[Unknown5]: tears of a clown
[Unknown5]: yes
[Unknown4]: okay
[Unknown6]: okay i think we nailed this
[Unknown4]: listen i think it's gonna do better than ninety percent on rotten tomatoes
[Unknown5]: i would agree i would agree
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: i i still want to watch number two and figure and maybe one day just like call
[Unknown5]: back to call back to actually this is what i don't know but just for my own
[Unknown5]: edification i'm just curious
[Unknown4]: hey
[Unknown6]: i don't think it's gonna be identification but you
[Unknown5]: i will
[Unknown6]: you do you
[Unknown4]: yeah do that
[Unknown7]: yeah just set a time or see how long you can last through that movie
[Unknown5]: i will apply some of our survival kit items it's to the second
[Unknown6]: there you go
[Unknown5]: item second sequel the sequel and see what happens
[Unknown4]: god speed the rest of us are going to probably not watch that we are lining up for
[Unknown4]: the third and final movie in
[Unknown5]: nine
[Unknown4]: our guinness season listen we've brought you
[Unknown4]: cold pursuit
[Unknown5]: oh
[Unknown4]: the he wasn't an ice shocker he was a snow plot driver
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: what do you mean to me
[Unknown5]: what do you mean to me
[Unknown4]: we dodged operation chromite to
[Unknown5]: nine
[Unknown4]: bring you dark fan
[Unknown5]: and
[Unknown4]: but we gotta go back
[Unknown6]: which i think we're all we're all better for it i just gotta say
[Unknown4]: we're all better for it but we gotta go back
[Unknown4]: to something that's near dear to all of our hearts
[Unknown4]: star wars
[Unknown6]: one
[Unknown6]: yes
[Unknown4]: i don't remember the name of stupid movie that's how much i blank that out of my
[Unknown4]: head
[Unknown6]: phantom man as you old fart
[Unknown4]: phantom menace there it is we're gonna watch star wars phantom menace we'll have
[Unknown4]: no problems watching any of the streaming disney everywhere
[Unknown4]: we will have another guest likely with us joining us to talk about
[Unknown4]: the whole fucking show that was started with that movie
[Unknown5]: yo do any
[Unknown6]: hey
[Unknown5]: of you notice the the the obvious the obvious connection to our final movie
[Unknown4]: liam nason
[Unknown6]: yeah
[Unknown5]: upside from that
[Unknown5]: upside from that
[Unknown4]: okay
[Unknown5]: good sir it's it's it's the title that should have been for darkman the phantom
[Unknown5]: menace
[Unknown4]: hmm
[Unknown6]: all
[Unknown4]: yeah
[Unknown6]: right i'll i'll allow it
[Unknown5]: it's an option that's all anyways
[Unknown4]: the phantom of the opera menace he said that i don't know what you want
[Unknown5]: listen twisting my words
[Unknown4]: so um that will be on our next show uh scott
[Unknown5]: sky
[Unknown4]: thank you for joining us do you have
[Unknown5]: thanks scott
[Unknown4]: anything you want to plug or do you wish to remain as anonymous as possible
[Unknown7]: yeah that one
[Unknown4]: nice
[Unknown6]: don't blame you
[Unknown5]: that part
[Unknown4]: it's a strong slid choice if you want to reach the rest of us you can do so on the
[Unknown4]: internet we have a twitter account at yon cast we also have a email address
[Unknown4]: it is your on cast at gmail dot com
[Unknown4]: i think chris i think we have a website right
[Unknown5]: yes we do
[Unknown6]: oh god here it go with this shit
[Unknown5]: do you know how we kicking off dum dole made duplicate diet
[Unknown4]: yanks dot c a we're canadians and we like to save a bit of money
[Unknown5]: yeah
[Unknown4]: so those are the ways you can connect with us
[Unknown5]: hm
[Unknown4]: um please
[Unknown6]: fuck both of you
[Unknown4]: kate you can tell luciana how much he loved his salty tones
[Unknown4]: yeah uh for now i am matt
[Unknown6]: i am luciano
[Unknown7]: i'm out of here
[Unknown5]: and i'm your tall refreshing glass of steel fant
[Unknown4]: thanks i hate it
[Unknown6]: this