M.U.R.I.C.A. | You're Unbearably Wrong About "The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent"

I was going to go for a wittier title, but holy crap, this movie has a long-ass name. :|

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: hello welcome to your wrong this week
we brought back a very special guest for

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you all

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: spencer is here

[spinner]: am i the guest i thought it
was chris is the guest now

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: no no no not the way you

[spinner]: no

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: this podcast

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: buck you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i paid

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: for my

[spinner]: i'm

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: seat

[spinner]: happy

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: to be back happy to be back

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: as always

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: for

[spinner]: i

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: first

[spinner]: just

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: time

[spinner]: put aside

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: long time

[spinner]: the time

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: first time first time long time just
an honor to see you

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ah

[spinner]: guys in person for the first time

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah today

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and as always luciano

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: eh

[spinner]: boo

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah we all guess

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and then

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: coming from way back way way back
back before he moved to montreal

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: chris

[spinner]: yeah class

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: people

[spinner]: have my baby oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: listen diana

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: keep it in your pants

[spinner]: who's diana

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: dirty diana

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: exactly

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so this week as we

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: continue

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: on our never well is going to
end actually

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it's

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ending very soon ending merica theme we

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: are

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: into the newest of the cages movies

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that have

[spinner]: very

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: been released

[spinner]: special

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: because

[spinner]: episode

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i don't i don't know what he's
up to after this one but we

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: watched the unbearable weight of massive talent

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: starting the cage co staring other people

[spinner]: now you

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i'm

[spinner]: got

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: not

[spinner]: to

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: going

[spinner]: say

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: to

[spinner]: it

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: go through

[spinner]: like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it

[spinner]: how he says it

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh please

[spinner]: starting who

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: how

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i don't

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: do you

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i'm not the voice actor or

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: characature person here that's you so

[spinner]: doesn't

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: please

[spinner]: doesn't go

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it's not the title

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: no you said staring

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ah

[spinner]: it's fucking i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you know

[spinner]: like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: uh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it was this was his opportunity to
chatto all of his deepest fantasies on being

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a w w

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: f you know

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: announcer announcing himself

[spinner]: yeah that was it was fantastic

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah i mean that's

[spinner]: ah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that's nick age distilled into a shout

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: out to himself um

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: guessnte your first spencer a new again
why don't you give us your ranking of

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: movie

[spinner]: well in the nick cage of than
this was definitely the cagiest of the cage

[spinner]: by design but i think they they
nailed it like it was it definitely it

[spinner]: didn't feel like it was like trying
too hard or anything i thought the tone

[spinner]: was was like perfect i like this
movie more than i thought i would because

[spinner]: i find movies where actors play themselves
are hit and miss because sometimes it comes

[spinner]: off is like they're pretentious or just
like you know like in the smell of

[spinner]: your own parts hate that saying but
like that kind of vibe but i didn't

[spinner]: think this was that at all it
was it was awesome like poking fun at

[spinner]: himself while also just being nick cage
he was great i thought pedro pascal was

[spinner]: awesome um m i thought the movie
was stronger in the front half than the

[spinner]: back half i really like i didn't
need any of like the real like world

[spinner]: like ridiculous ness i guess like i
would have liked if it was all just

[spinner]: a big misunderstanding and there wasn't actually
any stakes because i felt like the action

[spinner]: and the stakes were kind of like
felt too unrealistic like i liked the i

[spinner]: like when it was just like supposed
to be the real world and this crazy

[spinner]: situation but that didn't

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: make me dislike the movie at all
it just like i thought enjoyed the first

[spinner]: half more um so i don't know
i feel like i would give this movie

[spinner]: a rare i really liked it

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: wow

[spinner]: it's not it's not like the top
but it's not like a perfect movie but

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: my favorite

[spinner]: very enjoyable

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: part of your review is how you
did it in the most monotone voice possible

[spinner]: ah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and were

[spinner]: i don't i don't know

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: reversed

[spinner]: why i did that

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: nick

[spinner]: i

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: cage

[spinner]: realized i realized that half way through

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: like why don't i sound like n
p r ah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah this

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: how to

[spinner]: movie

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: present

[spinner]: was very

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: exciting

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i

[spinner]: bombastic

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: channeling your inner benstein

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: thank you you did

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i think you did you nailed the
the bit you're doing so great work spencer

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: great

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: bit

[spinner]: oh yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: love it

[spinner]: it was a

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: fantastic

[spinner]: genius bit very

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: meta

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i'm gonna go next because why not
i'm gonna

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: give it uncommon and only because i
believe our ranking

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: system says that a rare is something
you would watch and while i love this

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: movie i don't see any reason to
ever re watch this ever again

[spinner]: really

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and yeah because it's what you said
spencer like it's fun i think nick cage

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and i was gonna say oscar six
even though i know it's patropaskel

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i don't know why i'm confusing the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: this is not the way matt this
is not the way

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it might be

[spinner]: they're both men

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i thought they had excellent chemistry i
would watch them in another

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: movie together even if nickage

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: played a character

[spinner]: yeah yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: a different

[spinner]: they

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: name

[spinner]: broke

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i guess because he just plays in
a cage

[spinner]: yeah their

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: varying

[spinner]: romance

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: levels

[spinner]: was

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: awesome

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: but

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: spencer's right like the second half of
the movie is just

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the whole sub plot of like having
him spying

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: on him it's something to do when
it adds to the wackiness and the zaniness

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: but like don't care about tiffany haddishes
character don't care about ike baron

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ike

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: holds character like that they were nothing
like i though they're gonna be something and

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: they just turned out to be zeros

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the trailer showed everything for them so
the second have the movie is just

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: like yeah this is boring you're boring

[spinner]: a

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: finish it up so that's why

[spinner]: already

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: me i would

[spinner]: i already

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: give it the

[spinner]: have

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: uncommon

[spinner]: an idea i have an idea for
script doctoring

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: great

[spinner]: on that topic which we will save

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that's called fourshotoing ladies

[spinner]: it's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and

[spinner]: called

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: gentlemen this

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: guest

[spinner]: i guess

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: is a professional

[spinner]: or just or just teasing for foreshadowing
is more subtle i believe

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and we're back to spencer taking over
the podcast all right

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: and i d

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: boom uh

[spinner]: chris what did you think

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: uh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: well wait a second that's right chris
you shut your mouth until hey chris what

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: do you want to say what was

[spinner]: h yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: rating

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i was shocked

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: from over there i actually like if

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: had water in my mouth i probably
wild av

[spinner]: a

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: spit take because like it sounded so

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ye

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: like a host and i was like
wait a minute that's not the words were

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: coming out of the person

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: like i must i must withhold restrain

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: decline

[spinner]: was but it was so professional you
felt the need to comply

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it was just like the scene when

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: when he passed out after like the
drug and then he passed the funk out

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and then had

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it just like actually like i was
almost like yeah

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh my gosh we're look like yo're
gonna say something that you're good okay cool

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: so my rating this is very interesting
roure rating so far youll

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i don't know i don't know

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: no not at all

[spinner]: the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: why is it that every time i
have to sit and listen to all of

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: your ratings none of you go where
you need to go actually this movie was

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a lot of fun for me i
get what what you're saying with the first

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: half second half i was good i
was just like pop corn popping for me

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: this was my this is my favorite
nick journey that we've had an entry that

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: we've had into merica so far i
don't know how i'm going

[spinner]: ah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: to feel about national treasure again but
check it out make sure you have some

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: some grabs and aper towels bounties very
but mat so my rating

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: is is epic

[spinner]: what

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: period

[spinner]: pick

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i was

[spinner]: thought you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: really

[spinner]: like this you like this more than
face off

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i did i did especially with especially
when similar to free guy and the romance

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: which with ryan ronalds and buddy again

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that sort of blossoming there and then
when they were supposed to kill each other

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and sherry like why the fuck are
they chain exchanging shoes i like this is

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: too

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: cute

[spinner]: that

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: what

[spinner]: was a great scene

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i was like yes and then i
like and then i just the and then

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: into

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: like that heartfelt conversation and like what
the fuck is happening they're

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: still going to have to kill each
other i think and then they're going

[spinner]: but

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: out there like please don't do it
and then everything and i'm like they're not

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: going to do it please don't do

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and then they did it and i'm
like please work together and they did so

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: for me

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that the payoff was was great just
watching every one kind of work together

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i do think that we could have
done without some parts yes i

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: agree especially with harish and ike and
then kind of i don't know if we

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: needed his wife and daughter being brought
over like that i don't know but i'm

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: still fine i still really

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: enjoyed it like especially with how they
wrapped it up towards the end um i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: think it gave me it gave me
sort of like the conclusion i didn't know

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that i was going to be okay
with so i think this was this was

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: not think this was an epic for
me yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: well

[spinner]: hi

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: in

[spinner]: breeze

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: interest of the title you're wrong luciana

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you're wrong

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: rebuttal

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes please yeah

[spinner]: a

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: rebuked

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: also bleak also bleak yeah

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah yeah

[spinner]: filled with gifts

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: like like when nick cage made out
with himself

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yea

[spinner]: great scene

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: nick

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: smooth is going

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: uh

[spinner]: ah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: so

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: h

[spinner]: yeah yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: chris

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: m yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: yeah they couldn't have cut

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: that any later

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: like when they cut away from him
playing the piano it was

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: like okay perfect perfect

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah for sure and he was like
he was fantastic he was like a living

[spinner]: puppy dog

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: he was like a golden retriever in
a man

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: right

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah ah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah yeah yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it was so funny my wife was
a was like they're

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: not c

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a their vague

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and i like you know what it
was like i was like ship sally you're

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: right they didn't even flash a badge
or nothing they just grabbed him and threw

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: him the fucking

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: truck and we're supposed

[spinner]: at that

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: to believe

[spinner]: was

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: that was my script doctoring you spoiled
it goddamn

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i didn't

[spinner]: you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i didn't spoil anything we're just talking

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: all righ we're just talking

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: we

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: nicolas

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: no it's pronounced nicolas

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it's nicholas

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: nicolas

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: okay age

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah but

[spinner]: but

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: nicolas

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: nicholas m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h uh

[spinner]: um

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: yes

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: oh that's interesting yeah see i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[spinner]: m oh yeah i agree i liked
when they leaned into the meta more than

[spinner]: the like when they're like this should
be the movie i'm like oh this is

[spinner]: like sign feld they're like writing the

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: in the movie and

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: i thout they're goin yeah i thot
they're gonna lean into that more

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: kind of reminded me of tropic

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ye

[spinner]: thunder the ending to where it's like
becomes the theater

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[spinner]: they're like the movie becomes the movie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: of thing but ah for sure i
did that part better

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yah

[spinner]: i believe i will say just because
you guys both mentioned it's not rewatchable i

[spinner]: disagree

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yah

[spinner]: like my wife was like good to
watch it with me but then she couldn't

[spinner]: and i needed to wat for the
episode and when she was like i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: still want to watch it i was
like i actually down to watch it again

[spinner]: like that was like my right when
she said that so for me i think

[spinner]: it is rewatchable because it was just
such a good vibe

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: it was it was a good vibe
the whole movie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: no i love that but i like
i like curb

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: your enthusiasm style huorso i don't

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: mind the awkwardness yeah if you can't

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: that then you definitely i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: could see why this would put you
off if you like

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: that the office and curb type

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: a

[spinner]: in humor you will enjoy the first

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i think it's

[spinner]: twenty

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: definitely

[spinner]: minutes

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: helpful yeah the first twenty is really
helpful for contrast and then i mean the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: whole thing is the whole thing is
is meant to be unpredictable but anyway

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: well let's

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: let's answer some questions we're gonna we
don't care we're answering

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: questions i'm rerailing this podcast fans

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: come here for the unhinged

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: comedy not for our critique of a

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: then about

[spinner]: hm we don't have the rights that
classical music

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: uh h

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so let's get into an easy

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: question it's the best character for you

[spinner]: come on

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i guess

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it's just a choice

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: between two

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: right

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i was going to

[spinner]: for

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: say

[spinner]: sure

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: between have and

[spinner]: no between

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: nick

[spinner]: tiffany haddish and ike baron hold obviously

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh my god i'm so sorry oh

[spinner]: yeah or the irish wife

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: uh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it's actually gabriella and the daughter you
look that she's like i hear you're okay

[spinner]: just a lovely accent ah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i'm gonna

[spinner]: i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: have to go ahead well

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i'll throw my out real quick yeah
i think nick was my favorite choice and

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: pedro pascal in a second but no
disrespect to his offering as well

[spinner]: yeah yeah really

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm

[spinner]: so i think the i think chris
is correct you're right as we often say

[spinner]: on this podcast

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it's true

[spinner]: like

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: often and

[spinner]: nick

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: thoroughly

[spinner]: nick gage was playing opposite himself and
i was like i could not look away

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: true

[spinner]: i was just just he carried the
movie but hobby was a perfect perfect supporting

[spinner]: character

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: l

[spinner]: but

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: s

[spinner]: he

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: d

[spinner]: was a

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: c

[spinner]: supporting

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: to

[spinner]: character that was that was one of
the best scenes in the movie we can

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: get into that later

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: well sir you're wrong as always

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it is hobby because

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: without hobby

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: nothing happens it would just

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: nick age needs

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: well otherwise

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: true

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it's just too much of himself

[spinner]: ah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: like it's fun when he's talking to
himself for like five seconds but it

[spinner]: a

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: was

[spinner]: foil

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: just him talking to himself for like

[spinner]: yah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: an hour and a half

[spinner]: ah oh everyone's crazy

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: but a foil is by definition the
contrast of the main element so you're wrong

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i disagree and

[spinner]: rest

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: since

[spinner]: my case

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it's my podcast oh no no i'm
cutting it off it's different

[spinner]: no no no the case

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yes

[spinner]: was arrested

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: no

[spinner]: jury what do you say here

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: guilty

[spinner]: we are

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i like using foil

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: for potatoes

[spinner]: we might have got the wrong jury
for this

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: we got

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: problems okay that was pretty easy i
think i know

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i'm going i'll ask it is there
anybody you want to replace in this movie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: this was the question that really

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that really bothered me like thinking of
thinking ahead like main hast no

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: baron holds and tiffany and if i
love i love them both but i don't

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: see

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: know if we

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: need them like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: well

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: recast know

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: why

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh how

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: come

[spinner]: i taking the same thing

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: he's like blah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: maybe he was blocked so he wouldn't
stand out too much you know because like

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the set up was like it's hobby

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hobvi'sthe criminal

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah but you can't have everybody you
can't have all three of the focal points

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: unhinged because then

[spinner]: well that's exactly

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it gets

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: i

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: had

[spinner]: agree

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: spencer you've got this

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah

[spinner]: let me take this i'm the host

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h move aside sit

[spinner]: no but

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: down

[spinner]: i think you're exactly right you need
contrast to the insanity that is

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: nick and have and that's why i
think that tiffany had is hiring two comedians

[spinner]: to play that role is is like
the worst casting they

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: should have been straight like they're the
straight ones in this and they're

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: like oh my god they're so stupid
and ridiculous but they got comedians

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah i

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: he went to he went to the
craziest side at the end because he

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: was obsessed with killing nick cage

[spinner]: yeah yeah he went a little off
the off

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i don't

[spinner]: the rails

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: he need to be re railed

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: he does he did need to be

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i don't think it

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: was wrong to cash cash words are
hard cast

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: tiffany like baron holds i think it's
wrong to let them play commun actors

[spinner]: yeah like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you

[spinner]: if they're

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: can

[spinner]: going to

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: put

[spinner]: take it serious then

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: can put a communic actor into a
role i mean thinking of like the other

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: guys when they

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: have like who is it

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: samuel l n

[spinner]: the rock

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the rock and they basically play

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it super straight and then die immediately
spoilers if you ave t watch the other

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: guys

[spinner]: fantastic

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: because because they play it real straight
it's funny

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: but if they were also trying to
be comedians

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it would have just been like too
much to

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: people joking around right

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: well

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the

[spinner]: they

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: mix

[spinner]: were hilarious

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: would have been off yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: being

[spinner]: but

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: straight

[spinner]: it was like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: man

[spinner]: in a different way

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: eh

[spinner]: yeah like i would imagine

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: in the f b i role someone
akin to like a a g ham or

[spinner]: like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: sure

[spinner]: dame judy bench you know like they
would be like a perfect contrast like they're

[spinner]: like watching nick fuck up and it
would be like you could really feel their

[spinner]: disappointment and cringe

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: this

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yep

[spinner]: yeah yes yeah exactly just like more
fish out of the

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: water but they were just like to
joke we're

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: like the ones that were on screens
kind of like okay let's get back to

[spinner]: the stars of this show

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: see this is the this is the
tricky portion

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i i don't one hundred percent blame
tiffany addison ike right

[spinner]: no no

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i

[spinner]: it's

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: blame the director and the script

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: like they they it's the part that
that that derailed them i think

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i didn't

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ask you to replace a part i
asked you to replace an

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: actor

[spinner]: do you

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so

[spinner]: listen

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you're

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: keeping

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: do

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: them

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: listen

[spinner]: are those

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you

[spinner]: ears

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: keep it

[spinner]: on

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: up

[spinner]: your head fucking dicks sorry that was
too far

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that was too far

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: who spencer

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: um

[spinner]: uh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: do you have anything

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i yield

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: to say

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: my

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: to chris

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: time

[spinner]: uh yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: uh

[spinner]: guilty

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: uh okay we're gonna

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: move on because spencer is getting

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: murder

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: he's

[spinner]: i'm

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: getting

[spinner]: getting

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: raggy

[spinner]: i'm getting i'm getting

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: real

[spinner]: a kag

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: rage

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: nice we did it

[spinner]: are those fucking ticks on your ears

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: well this is a good time to
ask this question i think

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i'm gonna go with let's go with
chris chris how do you think young and

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the cage distresses

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: he

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: gets into into street fights and then

[spinner]: okay

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: with whatever winnings he gets he he
goes back to his car and retrieves four

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: cocks to enter some cock fights

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and then well you gotta let me

[spinner]: can

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and

[spinner]: i just ask a question

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm

[spinner]: why does he get winnings from a
street fight

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: because

[spinner]: you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: like

[spinner]: right

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: high on top of a high like
that's what he's in and he's in control

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: of but then

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you have to like can you imagine
being having your drenlinfuc and then you've got

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: to go a place that and gamble
on something that you can't control so i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: feel like that

[spinner]: emotional

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: would be

[spinner]: winnings

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: pancake yeah well yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: because he's scratching an itch

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: two negatives make a positive is what

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: exactly

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you're going with

[spinner]: he's so

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: thank

[spinner]: calm

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you bet

[spinner]: after those street fights and cock fights

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it's a it's released

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you've got to jack it up in
order to

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: jacket

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: let it

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: off

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: all out

[spinner]: you got a jacket

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i said jack it out

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: you got a jacket off

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: for the

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: to

[spinner]: release

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: jack it off yeah yeah

[spinner]: that's what he said

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: now

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: got it

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you have four cocks on your ears

[spinner]: sustained your honor

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: as what he said

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: may i approach the bench please

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: your honor yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i'll allow it

[spinner]: sustained

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i'm gonna go get a you who

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you should next up i'm gonna go
with luciana lucian no

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: how do you think

[spinner]: that's just

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: his wife olivia stresses kags wife sorry

[spinner]: m oh

[spinner]: yeah m

[spinner]: m m

[spinner]: yeah and then she oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: then she hate watches ghost writer too

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh yeah

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i thought you were acuallygongna say instead
of like photos

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: in the punching bag d v d
cases with the inserts still in them but

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: no disks

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: hm

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: so

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that she doesn't like i don't like
getting cut but you i like yours too

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh like mine stars

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i think that

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: she she has like one like the
teddy bears you got like a teddy rockspinwhere

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: when she punches

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the punching bag it says

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: stupid cage catch phrases

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: p c t

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh m

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: go

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: okay

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: spencer

[spinner]: yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i'm gonna flip this one on his

[spinner]: oh boy

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: because i don't think have has ever

[spinner]: as

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: been

[spinner]: good

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: stressed in his life

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: what stress is have out

[spinner]: m m yes well he seems pretty
chill considering he's like living off drug money

[spinner]: from a drug cartel so that doesn't
stress him out i think what's oh i

[spinner]: know what stresses about people watching or
reading his work as we saw you cannot

[spinner]: handle

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: the judgment of others when it comes
to his creativity

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm that's right that's right

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that's

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: true yeah because he left the movie
right and

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: he didn't watch the premier

[spinner]: he couldn't watch the way you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: true

[spinner]: couldn't watch him read the script so
and he for fun he finger paints

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[spinner]: so when he shows

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[spinner]: gabriella his finger paintings he says he

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[spinner]: just can't be in the room get
so stressed

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i like that

[spinner]: he watches can air

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: patting paddington to

[spinner]: the h and paddington too just want
to cry

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i kind

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that's

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: of want

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: sure

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: to see that i've never seen

[spinner]: that movie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the first

[spinner]: that movie by the way has like
a ridiculously good reviews like patty to do

[spinner]: is like one of the best reviewed

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: are you sure about

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[spinner]: i am

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: are you sure

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it can hold up to this movie

[spinner]: look it up what's its

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: rotten

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i'm

[spinner]: tomato

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: not saying you

[spinner]: score

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i'm not saying you're lying

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i'm saying do you think the

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: rating of paddington one or two holds
up to

[spinner]: yah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the rating of this movie

[spinner]: paddington two in particular i believe will

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: huh

[spinner]: a higher rotten tomato score

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: then unbearable

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: are

[spinner]: then

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: are

[spinner]: this

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you willing to bet ten thousand dollars

[spinner]: i'm

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: on

[spinner]: willing

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: this

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: to put a hundred thousands of my
crypto dog coins

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: hey

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: is that

[spinner]: twelve cents today it's up

[spinner]: okay

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: yeah i just

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: thank

[spinner]: looked

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you

[spinner]: it up paddington two

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: is ninety nine per cent fresh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: is it is

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: paddington

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it

[spinner]: that's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: to

[spinner]: fucking

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: paddington

[spinner]: i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: to

[spinner]: told you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: accept your bad

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: wow

[spinner]: ninety nine percent fresh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you said you said padingtoto would be
better than unbearable but do you know what

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: unbearable

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: is

[spinner]: it does it doesn't matter we won't
have a higher than ninety nine

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah that's not what i'm seeing

[spinner]: it's eighty seven i trust

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: uh

[spinner]: luciano not your lives

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h i'm looking i'm looking

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah hey

[spinner]: when it's in my

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: just

[spinner]: favor

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: actually

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ah

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: thank you thank you for re railing

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: this podcast because that was some really
bad audio

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: look at the chat look

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: at the discord chat

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: we're not we're gonna move on

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: thank you ask the question

[spinner]: ah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yep

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m m oh it's the actually easy

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: uh h

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i don't know the technical term for
this it's the thing where you joke yourself

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and jerk off

[spinner]: auto erotic fixation

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: there it is

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: how david carden went out

[spinner]: me and luciano

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: knew that a little too quick

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: also

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the lead singer in excess

[spinner]: we're autoarotic afsitiation

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[spinner]: roticassitiation

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: cool listen

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: what is autoroticafsitation i love it

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: what was the game

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: did

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: show that okay go go go

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: did spencer and luciano meet at a
club theme

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: around outer relicaixiation

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: no one will ever know

[spinner]: no

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: if

[spinner]: one

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: he

[spinner]: will

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: answers

[spinner]: know

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yes

[spinner]: it

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: obviously

[spinner]: was it was a website

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: chris

[spinner]: not a club

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: a website oh my bad

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: what was that game

[spinner]: ere's

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: show

[spinner]: a red

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that

[spinner]: it for

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: had

[spinner]: him

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the the snarky red headed british lady
with glasses

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and there was

[spinner]: you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: like

[spinner]: are

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: four

[spinner]: the

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: contestants

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: are

[spinner]: weakest

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the weakest

[spinner]: link

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: link

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: thank

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: bye

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you

[spinner]: good bye now

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: thank

[spinner]: matt

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you

[spinner]: knew that too quick

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: that's his

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i'm

[spinner]: thing

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: old

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: that's his

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i don't

[spinner]: fetish

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: know what jenk ass rating system you're
trying to pull off here you're on like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i am d b but you're

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it's somehow referencing rotten tomatoes

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[spinner]: maybe

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: this

[spinner]: he's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: is

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and

[spinner]: cheating

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: so

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: this is the worst

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it's a hundred per cent

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: um

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a hundred percent i

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i'm

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: didn't

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: gonna

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: make

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: go ahead

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that up

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: listen as

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: just

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: judge

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: got riding

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: as the judge dread

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: of this podcast you're got to have
what is actually be three years in the

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: g v cubes

[spinner]: will you allow it

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that nonsense

[spinner]: de nail denied bail

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: guilty

[spinner]: guilty

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: moving on from

[spinner]: since

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that terrible

[spinner]: to

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: don't

[spinner]: death

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: play

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: reference

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: by your rules

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh no

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: go ahead

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: we're re railing this that was a

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: go

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: terrible

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ahead go

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: reference

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ahead

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: no one thought it

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: les

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: was

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: go

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: funny

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: head

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so we're just going to act like
it never happened

[spinner]: smart smart

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: he's hurt

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: we

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: tough

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: love

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: one

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: tough one what is the best

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: life lesson from this movie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh m

[spinner]: there's a there's actually like a legit
light lesson in this movie which caught me

[spinner]: off guard

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: which was don't let your ego control
your life be

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: accepting of what you have and don't
always aspire for more you know you don't

[spinner]: always have to get back not that
he went anywhere

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: nice reference

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: okay that one sucked at it wasn't

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so give us

[spinner]: well

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: some

[spinner]: that

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: else

[spinner]: was the actual answer you fuck

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i don't i don't ask these questions
for real

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: answers

[spinner]: okay fine the theme of the moral
lesson was

[spinner]: the best kiss you'll ever have is
with yourself

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: perfect love it ah

[spinner]: really

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: sorry luciano

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: too slow

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: no

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i like spencer's better

[spinner]: one of my three answers will be
your answer

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: sorry that's

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that's yeah

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: uh

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: guy you

[spinner]: got got him

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: my god

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: we did

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: uh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: anything else

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: give us something original luciana for god's

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: okay

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: sake

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[spinner]: well

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: that

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: everybody knows that

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that's you guys to learn that from
this movie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: everybody

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: didn't you get that like when you
moved to canada

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that pass you that book be like
hey re page five

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: didn't read it

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: they

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yanks

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: paid you to

[spinner]: aw

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: come here

[spinner]: awkward

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: sounds like you're a fake citizen of
canada now you didn't get the

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: real citizenship

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: sleeper

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that's

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: agents

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: unfortunate

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: sleeper agents know

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it's not real

[spinner]: you have

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: you have an as port

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ye

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: hm

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: sent

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: with the seal of approval from from

[spinner]: m yea

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: from bang

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: brows

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: cook

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: all right

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: well you're a citizen of bang brows
country so good luck with that apparently

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: where's

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: your as part

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: citizen sir

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: other

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: other life lessons be learned from this

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: think

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i got one go ahead o you

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it's important

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you on

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: to always keep a shrine to your
acting idol locked up on your premises

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: mhm

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: because if you'll let him inside he'll
never leave and

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: or steel himself guns yes he only
stole the guns yeah

[spinner]: those counts are dope

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: true

[spinner]: now

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i mean i would steal them

[spinner]: also another lesson just to add on

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: is always trust your acting shaman

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah what was what the fuck

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: shame on

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: yes

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: thank

[spinner]: always

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yes

[spinner]: trust your

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: good one

[spinner]: good your intresigchvani

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: fifty

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: points

[spinner]: an

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: to griffin

[spinner]: instinct

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: door

[spinner]: that i

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: love that that part actually made me

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: whatever the fun that was

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: but

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the lesson

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that i extracted from from this this
journey is quite simple

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: all

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: roads involving l s d

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: bring you back

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: to your family in paddington too

[spinner]: i

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: are

[spinner]: hate

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you are

[spinner]: i

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you

[spinner]: hate

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: saying

[spinner]: you

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that

[spinner]: so much

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: instead of going out after the premier
part of they all dropped l s d

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and went home and watched paddington too

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: what they did between the

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: premier and when they got home that's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: their business they

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: betwixt

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: all looked content and you know honestly
that tugged quite you know quite sweetly on

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the heart rings but the fact that

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: they imbibed some l s d that's
that's that's a code moment right there

[spinner]: islet

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so wait i can you can

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: only watch everybody who's watched beddington to
and giving a ninetynine per cent has been

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: on l s d is that what
you're saying

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: listen

[spinner]: even the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: how

[spinner]: kids especially the kids

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: especially the kids

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it's not our job to defense our
children in it's our jobs as stewards of

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the present to offer up the future
by any means necessary

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and if you happen to drop to
drops of that l s d in their

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: milk well so be it

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: no i just now

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: just on like a dick

[spinner]: oh yeah yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: the police are on their way

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah exactly

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i'm talking about milk

[spinner]: talking about milk man

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you all set

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: any

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: up a scenario and i am trying
to work with it

[spinner]: alis

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you're

[spinner]: i'd like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: aling about

[spinner]: it

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: vitamin d like that's

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: better

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: no no

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh see

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: no

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: now it's weird when i said but

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you say do and

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: shame

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it's

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: fine

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: on you

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it's just it's just their letters

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: they're

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: just

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i just trying to

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: was trying to work on and improve

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: nicholas cage

[spinner]: chris

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you don't know when

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: he's going to add an inflection

[spinner]: i think you can

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: a

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: fact that

[spinner]: i think you can

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: see

[spinner]: only

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: see

[spinner]: say

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: what i did there

[spinner]: i think you can only say deep
d that chris

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: no

[spinner]: can can you see the letter a

[spinner]: okay never mind it's all letters

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: bchbicbch

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: um

[spinner]: but he said

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: we

[spinner]: he said l s normally

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: we got some time hey

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: chris can you go through the alphabet

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the

[spinner]: why is it becoming a country accent

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: he's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i

[spinner]: he's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: just

[spinner]: becoming

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: wanted him

[spinner]: old

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[spinner]: macdonald

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: to get to l and

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: say it normally

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: g h j p m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: all right now

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: s t v

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: he's going forward march o man let's

[spinner]: ah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: w s w

[spinner]: why is he becoming

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: coming

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: coming and colonel sanders

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: colonel colonel

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: sanders cornel

[spinner]: h

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: sanders on the juice

[spinner]: m yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: because he had to his drigwas to
get to gold gold

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: gym on on malaboo

[spinner]: try my chicken

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: all right

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: snap

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: re railing

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it to a drum stand

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that's

[spinner]: it's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: a slim

[spinner]: over

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: gym you monster

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: thank

[spinner]: it's

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you

[spinner]: done

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: we're

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: okay

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: re railing this now

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i appreciate

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that joke was not

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: funny you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: thank

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: gotta

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: fucking get that ship right

[spinner]: caves

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i hear

[spinner]: is a

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you

[spinner]: sponsor

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: thank you so much for for

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: which

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: one

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: feedback

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: welcome ah um

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: eh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: next question

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: because we're done with that one it's

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: not happening

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: a

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: who would start

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: a podcast and what do you what
do you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: think it would be about

[spinner]: who would start a podcast on this

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: who would okay so

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a

[spinner]: in this

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: pick

[spinner]: movie

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: your

[spinner]: men

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: your favorite your favorite potential podcaster

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and what would they be talking

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: about

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: i would like to say that a
nick cage podcast would be good but i

[spinner]: don't think it would be i think
he would just start actually talking about like

[spinner]: old movies and acting techniques like i
don't think that was a joke i think

[spinner]: he actually loves talking that it would
be boring

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: german film that no one watched

[spinner]: the house of dr

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i

[spinner]: calgary

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: here's what here's what i think i'm
going to give you this i think the

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: podcast is nick age and have

[spinner]: well that's gold

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and i guess that's alive people so
no patrick cares and

[spinner]: what

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: let's go

[spinner]: a four

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: with

[spinner]: person podcast that wouldn't work

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you're taking

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: because you're taking

[spinner]: they

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: all

[spinner]: just

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: of them

[spinner]: tuck over each other yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: hm

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and share sharon horgan which is olivia
his wife and

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: no

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: share

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: no and

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: a

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: stay on target

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and they're gonna do a podcast about

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: telling you how you're wrong about how

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: these movies are actually all good

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: uh

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah more person podcast

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m oh oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i hate it this is this is

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: stop or

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: yeah yeah i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: uh

[spinner]: see i see a law suit in

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[spinner]: our horizon judge

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: no

[spinner]: judge will you allow

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: wait

[spinner]: it

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: we got to

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: make that law suit mine

[spinner]: yeah exactly

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ah it's a class

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: this is how

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: action

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: we get

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: on

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: suit

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the map

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: at this point

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: times four s how we get that's
how we get pisa to level up this

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: podcast

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: all right so i had the worst
idea in history in space i mean

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: hopefully no one listens to like a
hundred episodes of that because they be sucking

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: stupid who else

[spinner]: what

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: as got something do

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i would say that

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the director from the first five ten

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: minutes he's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: david

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: got a

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: gordon

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: pod

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: green

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes he's he's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: got a podcast

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: correct and his

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: fucked up like you know

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: collared shirt that's not

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a collar underneath a sweater anyway his
podcast is about

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the journey of making the movie that
didn't have nick cage and it's

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a many series so it's like three

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: episodes and and he talks about talks
about like i guess it's behind the scenes

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and

[spinner]: ah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: since it's a many series it's his
opportunity sort of like an n p r

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: thing to pull

[spinner]: oh my

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the curtain

[spinner]: god

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: back and he's spilling his guts he

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: falling

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: all the choices

[spinner]: asleep

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that he's made

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah i know shut the fuck up
it's my

[spinner]: you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: time

[spinner]: lost me an n p r

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i said sort of like n p
r but he's spilling

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: his guts and he's drinking on on
on air and he's like i shouldn't let

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: him go and now look at what
he did with hobby now and then he

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: to bring other people on but they're
like you should

[spinner]: yes

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: have just like like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you produce something that was also good
and he's like no

[spinner]: he's like no shoots himself on air

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that would be different

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: a

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh you're welcome

[spinner]: we are all dumber

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: um m

[spinner]: oh

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah think what oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: clients

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: scrubbing

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: it

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: does that supoesto ound like nick gage

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yah

[spinner]: mick rage why i er an l

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: um

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah

[spinner]: boo

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: because a cage is a kind of

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: what's happenin

[spinner]: oh oh cage and jail fuck you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: well you think you're better than

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[spinner]: me you think he's smarter than um

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[spinner]: i hate it too

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh that's a had some stake on

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it thank

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: chris

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: chris also hated it as based on
what i've heard

[spinner]: yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: okay so all these ideas were terrible
this is a terrible category and

[spinner]: yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: we might dilate it from history moving

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: on

[spinner]: i didn't answer and my answer was
the best one

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah it was somehow

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: false

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you win

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: false

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: okay

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: false

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah we're gonna

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: morbius

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: move we're going to move past it
we're moving on to a new question

[spinner]: please do

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m oh

[spinner]: go

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: what

[spinner]: fat

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: do you

[spinner]: go

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: name

[spinner]: slower

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it

[spinner]: matt

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: would shoot

[spinner]: lower

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you're your band from this podcast

[spinner]: slow

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and you're never

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you can't

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: coming back

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you can't

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: we're getting

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: band

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: someone who's never been here he's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i know

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: like the wind

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: well

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: he's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: is

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: like the wind

[spinner]: i come and

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: forty

[spinner]: go

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: can't

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: minutes in

[spinner]: like a

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you

[spinner]: ghost

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: can't

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: band

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: fight the wind we know that

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you can break the wind

[spinner]: that's

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you

[spinner]: the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: can

[spinner]: worst joke oh my god that was
the worst

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: spencer c why it takes so long

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: then

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: no

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: one else can talk and then

[spinner]: how do you

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: mostly

[spinner]: delete

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: luciano

[spinner]: someone

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: canta

[spinner]: else's words

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i could

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i'm not going to so the real
question here is

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah oh

[spinner]: slower

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: what

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: okay i just want to make a
slow enough for you

[spinner]: okay you got it you

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: uh

[spinner]: got it

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: this is pay back

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: h would you re name this movie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it

[spinner]: called vick jail people will

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: love it because that's hilarious oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: kay

[spinner]: that makes it so

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[spinner]: good

[spinner]: would i re name this movie

[spinner]: as

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: inside and outside

[spinner]: why

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the

[spinner]: does

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: cage

[spinner]: the caged bird scream

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: hey you know you know a good
answer for this question is no i would

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: not

[spinner]: that's also an option

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: a

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: interesting

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah would you

[spinner]: i

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: re name this not

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you have to rename

[spinner]: yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it okay great common space man

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: okay great great talk

[spinner]: yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: great

[spinner]: yes chris

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: great podcasting

[spinner]: yes no

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i'm torn

[spinner]: no

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: but i

[spinner]: yes

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: kind

[spinner]: or no

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: of want of saying no

[spinner]: o

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: no

[spinner]: great

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: no

[spinner]: great question but real real conversation started

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: really insight ful all right well no
follow up needed

[spinner]: at

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: here

[spinner]: one

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: let's just move

[spinner]: one word

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: on to the

[spinner]: answers

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: next question

[spinner]: only please

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: uh h oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you are i felt pressured

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: when did this

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ah

[spinner]: oh yeah one word

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: when did

[spinner]: one

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: this

[spinner]: word

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: stop

[spinner]: answers

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: give a safe

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: space

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: when did

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: well

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it start what the fuck moving on
next question what was the most rewatchable scene

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: the l s d scene

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so

[spinner]: a

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: when

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: what

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: when does it like all the way
through like the climbing over the

[spinner]: yeah my

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: favorite

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: wall

[spinner]: part was when they they saw those
people and they're

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: like what if it's a paranoid movie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: and they're like like if those guys
were watching us then they're like are those

[spinner]: guys watching he's like i don't are
they but then the best part about that

[spinner]: whole joke is when they run away
and then they see like two completely different

[spinner]: people but what also has red hair
and they're like

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[spinner]: oh ship they're here they just glance
at them so brief lee that actually made

[spinner]: me laugh out loud

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you're wrong actually the best rewatchable scene
was when was in the same time frame

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i'm goin i'm goin to i'm goin
to shorten it just when they're like are

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: they looking at us okay fake laugh

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: glance over and then he's just like

[spinner]: yeah that was that was very well

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that was my favorite

[spinner]: yeah that was

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: one of the best scenes he's like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: like he's going to start crying

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: u

[spinner]: she's laughing

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: yes

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[spinner]: that is the scene

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h is

[spinner]: i wish

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: my

[spinner]: they

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: own

[spinner]: didn't

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: spoil

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: go

[spinner]: that in the in the trailer the
wall climbing scene that's my only

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: sure

[spinner]: complaint

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: my my my separate own answer to

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: this question would also be um just
before luca the cousin right lucas got nicholas

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: gotnakaga at gun pointing on the ground
and then nick spews out the same line

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that he was going to do the
bostonian accent for

[spinner]: yeah yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: but it was like it was like
i appreciate it

[spinner]: uh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: because it's like we're experiencing

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that same that same that same copy
and like he's on the verge of dying

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and stuff and

[spinner]: completely

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: of course

[spinner]: differently

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you know it played out yeah i
really appreciated that and then he still meant

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i thought like something else was going
to come to interrupt

[spinner]: help them yea

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: help him but then you know i
was i wasn't expecting him to take matters

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: into his own hands so i just
appreciated that he was able that luca was

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: like what the fuck is happening and
let him

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: finish his monologue

[spinner]: e

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: like

[spinner]: act he

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: like

[spinner]: acted

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: what

[spinner]: as

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: fuck

[spinner]: he acted his way out of the

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: correct

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh oh

[spinner]: yeah he has the worst

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[spinner]: the

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: he

[spinner]: worst

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: just

[spinner]: boston

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: drifted

[spinner]: eggs and

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: all over the place

[spinner]: that scene was also one of my
favorites when he does that monologue out of

[spinner]: nowhere

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h yeah

[spinner]: he's like through my fingers like

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: he doesn't sell like mid caged

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: as the best

[spinner]: dula i'm like got it's

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: like the worst accent of all time

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: cherries

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: like it all right

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: he liked it

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: moving on no moving on

[spinner]: is this the mattpodcast

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: what happened to the s no anyways

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i mean yes no

[spinner]: well

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you're wrong

[spinner]: one word answers

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: be

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: no

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: happy re

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: okay

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: railing yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: anyways carry on

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: um next question

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: one of our favorites

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the studio was dead set

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: on making a sequel

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: what is it about

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: for me here now if they're going
to make it i said they're dead set

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i don't know if

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: right

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you listen to the questions first of

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the only two people you have to

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: bring back are hove and kate

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes yes yes

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: because

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that's what we need um

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: think

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: do you embrace

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: like a real plot line

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: do you embrace the action side of
the comedy

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: side of it

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah yah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: at

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: king yeah breaking the wall as well

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yes oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: as

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: ready i got an idea

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yep

[spinner]: yeah so movie starts

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: terrible

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: uh

[spinner]: because timid i knew it i lost
him got to start with a bang okay

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: go

[spinner]: movie explodes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: better so basically

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: as star wipe

[spinner]: it's like a flash back like a
showing what happened in the last movie kind

[spinner]: of thing but

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: hm

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ye

[spinner]: instead of it being age and and

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: it's like nick cage and

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[spinner]: we'll see

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hoffer bar dam

[spinner]: yeah or andy gursyathe guy who plays
hobvy in

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: the movie i don't know because i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that's

[spinner]: to think

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: why

[spinner]: of

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i had to get someone out before

[spinner]: louis

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: we hit

[spinner]: louis

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a

[spinner]: pennie

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: oscar is perfect

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: this is why i brought again why
i brought havrbardem

[spinner]: i mean matt says they look all
the same

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: all to

[spinner]: i'm

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: pretty against

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: shoot

[spinner]: that

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: too much yeah

[spinner]: but

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you got me

[spinner]: so it's showing them and it's like
showing it's like shot for shot the same

[spinner]: but it's it's different and demmy moors
like the wife and then it cuts

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: back to the present and it's basically
nick cage

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: is now like its friends with the
actor who played have and hobbie's worried that

[spinner]: it's interfering with their friendship

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: okay

[spinner]: louis pen or as is playing themselves
who are friends with whom they met on

[spinner]: the set of filming the first movie
then he thinks

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: he's like a hobby replacement and the
actor starts acting like have

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i m

[spinner]: it's like hilarity ensues

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m have to

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: to i'm trying to i'm trying to
flip around to legit to quit but use

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: have

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i can't do it but you know
where my heart is

[spinner]: hm

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i like this

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: but we need to somehow

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: hobby

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: like real hobby

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: has to hire an actor to play
his friend nick cage

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: uh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: in response to this

[spinner]: yeah exactly yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so who is who's fake nick cage
like ryan

[spinner]: got

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ronalds just like something not even remotely

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: close

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i could see that

[spinner]: no

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: canredalds or gosling

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: goslings can can

[spinner]: gosling can be pretty crazy i liked

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: he

[spinner]: him

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: can

[spinner]: i liked

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: he

[spinner]: him in

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: can

[spinner]: new in the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the

[spinner]: but

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: new

[spinner]: that would

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: guys

[spinner]: be

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: was

[spinner]: great

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it or

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[spinner]: yeah but you don't

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: want

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah

[spinner]: an impersonate or because you want to
be playing because they're actually playing themselves playing

[spinner]: the cage

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: what if what if we got john

[spinner]: no

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: to play in a cage

[spinner]: no

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: and john mockfitch is just doing his

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: over annunciation as he always does i
am here

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: to play john john wick and is
that what you told me oh nick cage

[spinner]: i do not andrew stand

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh yeah yah

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yah yeah

[spinner]: nicholas cache

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm

[spinner]: but yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a

[spinner]: yeah that's

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: not bad

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: that's actually pretty accurate

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: or william

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: defoe

[spinner]: william

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah

[spinner]: defoe but

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: but the best part is have now
has made a movie so in the movie

[spinner]: he's told the actor that

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ah

[spinner]: they're up for the role of nickagin
the sequel

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yes

[spinner]: so the actor doesn't know that he's
just pretending to be engaged

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: to make to make nick cage jealous

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: right

[spinner]: he's constantly like so when are we

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: he's

[spinner]: shooting

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: in a movie

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: and then he's constantly being

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yes

[spinner]: it was

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: a fire vine

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i like this but i think part
of the movie is he's auditioning these all

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the stars we mentioned for the role

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: of

[spinner]: so

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: nick

[spinner]: they're

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: cage

[spinner]: changing throughout the movie

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i constantly changing

[spinner]: and that's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: through

[spinner]: the

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the

[spinner]: best

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: movie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: an audition to the depth

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: real time

[spinner]: who

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and different scenarios playing out through like
the whole set lot

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and like like like they have to
commit for like twenty four hours

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and have will will be

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: taking notes and i

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: want to see you in different scenes

[spinner]: ah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i also think we're all missing something
i also i

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: feel like we're missing pressure from the
studio like from

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: producers or exectsand there there they're not

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: or intimidating

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: but for some reason actual net cage
and hove are misinterpreting it and so they're

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: freaking out

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and by this time they've already dropped
more l s d

[spinner]: cool that's of course

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: okay yes

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: had

[spinner]: that's right i'm nice yeah that's right

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: but

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yes

[spinner]: yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: but i want them to reproduce

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: like

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: short scenes

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: of nite movies

[spinner]: i actually

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so it's like a little a little
shout of him and face off patrick warburton

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and face

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: off

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: in his you know

[spinner]: he's like ninety years old

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: kay dance barely walk

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i can barely walk

[spinner]: but i actually think that's a genius
idea to

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: make the sequel of the movie about
the studio one a sequel the movie

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: and because it was such a big

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: use

[spinner]: success

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it use it

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you know we we use we get
tom crews as len as lnlen

[spinner]: less gross

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: les

[spinner]: man

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: grossman

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that's gross man yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: we

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: get we get someone either we get
him in the in the chair

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: again

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: he

[spinner]: i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: is and he's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: bring them back

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: moving

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i think

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: we bring him back

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and he's the one putting everyone

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: on the coals on the fire coals

[spinner]: you don't have to say fire coals
you can just say coals

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i don't know just help me please

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: u

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: h

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that's fine

[spinner]: dick hang

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: by your knees player

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: h

[spinner]: i like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: this movie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: actually it's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: we

[spinner]: actually

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: did it

[spinner]: a good idea i'm not even like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: we always

[spinner]: sarcastic

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: do and we're gonna at sue

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: but

[spinner]: bring

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: kay yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: weird

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hello

[spinner]: who makes this movie hello

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: paramount

[spinner]: paramount mir max lions gate

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: our lines

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: gate

[spinner]: but get your name right it's your

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: we own all of it

[spinner]: why are you naming your competitors

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: they're not our competitors

[spinner]: ah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it's the same umbrella company

[spinner]: oh oh yeah it's all disney i
got you wink wink

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: lumina

[spinner]: mickie is king hal mickie um

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: the mouse rike i got you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: wow

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: a whole oh what

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: oh god

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: jungle by balls

[spinner]: i can't

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: juggle

[spinner]: hear

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: my

[spinner]: you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ball

[spinner]: you're

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: biddy

[spinner]: speaking in weird high pitched mouth voice

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: spencer hang

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hold

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: off the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: troo

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: phone

[spinner]: i'm

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: dirty

[spinner]: scared

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: centres

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: hang off the phone

[spinner]: i gotta go

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: get the get the

[spinner]: click

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: to

[spinner]: wait i can still hear him i
hung up the phone but he's still in

[spinner]: my head

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: there's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: so much of it oh man

[spinner]: oh i should

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the

[spinner]: have got

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: cars

[spinner]: that

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: bro

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: coming from withinside the house

[spinner]: i should

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: swim

[spinner]: have got my disney

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: brain chip installed

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: swim in a

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: sweep

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: the mouse is

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: in the house

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: all

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: right

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: get out of there

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: re railing re railing let's get

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: let's go light light this time

[spinner]: because that

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: was really

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: real

[spinner]: heavy

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: light

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that is

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh oh nope

[spinner]: i don't even get that

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah i something about l s d

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah um

[spinner]: oh m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: okay we do what happens the day
after the movie

[spinner]: good que

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so

[spinner]: good question

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: what happens

[spinner]: host

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the day after your welcome i'm sorry

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: do your job

[spinner]: remember when

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: job

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the

[spinner]: ryan

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: mickie

[spinner]: remember

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the micky

[spinner]: when

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: voice just destroyed my brain

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: remember when

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: we

[spinner]: ryan s crest would interview someone and
say did i ask you the question that

[spinner]: i just asked professional

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: ah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it's

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: called

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: god

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: editing bitch

[spinner]: i'm sorry

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ryan c christ should be the narrator

[spinner]: we'll fix this and post

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: for the next for the events that
unfold the next day

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: perfect anyways so narrate those

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: events

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: not mickie no mickie voice

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: don't do it

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: it's off the

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i swear to god

[spinner]: it's too high of

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i

[spinner]: a

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: don't have a ryan secret basically

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it sounds too casycasome to me anyways

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ah

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you just

[spinner]: m ah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i

[spinner]: this

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: uh

[spinner]: is the day after tomorrow as most
people call

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: it tomorrow

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it's a different movie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it turns

[spinner]: this

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: into the day

[spinner]: is

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: out was

[spinner]: the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that

[spinner]: day after the movie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: dennis quade

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yes

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: dennis quade enters the scene

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and barges in on nick cage trying
to re woo his his wife sharing sharing

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: is not having it but she's thawing

[spinner]: oh and what happens

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: who's

[spinner]: next

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: his

[spinner]: will

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: wife's

[spinner]: let

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: name

[spinner]: you

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: is

[spinner]: know

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: olivia

[spinner]: after the break i don't

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: with

[spinner]: think

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a message

[spinner]: you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: from

[spinner]: doing

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: our

[spinner]: to day

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: sponsors that sounds that sounds like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it sounds like any selling

[spinner]: that's the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: goop

[spinner]: american idle

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: theme wowow

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: is it

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah is it though

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh i hated

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that show um

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: okay

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so wait a second i just want
to unpack this here so

[spinner]: ye

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: please yes

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: casey

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: what happens

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: case

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the day after is we jump to
a t

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: v show

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: where they're talking about the movie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: inside

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: then and then they cut to american
idol marcia

[spinner]: fucking nailed

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: they've

[spinner]: it

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: got to

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: okay

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: they've got to

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: meanwhile

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: just want to be clear

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: meanwhile addie is addie is thinking of

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: her next life her next life path
will be

[spinner]: yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: does

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: god

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: she go

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: to

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: hate

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: college

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: this

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: or does she or does she follow
in the footsteps of her of her the

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i'm

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: patriarchy

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: scared for the listeners

[spinner]: this is the most intense reading of
just a

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: basic day for a

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i'm

[spinner]: young

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: really

[spinner]: woman

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i'm really scared

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: about what's going to happen

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: to our listeners

[spinner]: but chris puts on this

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: or does she

[spinner]: epic voice

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: for like literally data da she gets
out of bed and puts on her

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: clothes does she

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: so

[spinner]: does she

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: addie didn't know if she wanted

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: her

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: cup cake socks or if she wanted

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: to put on

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: mickie socks

[spinner]: mickie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: don't yeah

[spinner]: mickie

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ah

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: did

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you just go

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: full mick cs there are

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: very

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: did

[spinner]: ah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: confused

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: okay

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: did

[spinner]: so many references

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: uh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: well

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: in truth

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i feel i feel

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: h

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ye

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: nick nick has probably struck a

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: balance

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: like it was working on that balance
and the rest of his family could feel

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it so he more present but i
think they're also

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: okay with

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: him like not retiring because

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: there's something different

[spinner]: oh he's not

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: he

[spinner]: retiring

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: did all this in one day

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: he

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: like this is the next day like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah so all

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: sharing

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that character growth happened in one day

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: well

[spinner]: that was

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the

[spinner]: the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: movie

[spinner]: movie

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the movie the movie wasn't one day
that was maybe three days

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh that's yeah i don't give a
shit the question is what happens the day

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: after the movie finishes

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[spinner]: okay

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[spinner]: nick

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: day

[spinner]: cage

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: he

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: after

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: has all the growth you described in
one day yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you do you understand time

[spinner]: yeah but the growth

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: happened in the movie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes what happened to you bout did
micky get inside your brain and plant a

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: seed oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yes i need you to be very
clear for our listeners because you've

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: okay

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: confused them a lot tonight

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i don't confuse

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it i'm just confusing your right now

[spinner]: what's confusing

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: okay the growth

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: happened

[spinner]: cut mickie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: mouth scream

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[spinner]: of the c s i them

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[spinner]: cuts to the next day very

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: an

[spinner]: straightforward

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: explosion of a car yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: addie's putting on socks

[spinner]: very straight forward

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: socks hm

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm cause it's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: a

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: sponsored

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: fair

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: enough

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: sponsored and

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i'm bad

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: addie is figuring out her ship nick
is nick is at

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the breakfast table with sharon and they're
talking about next steps because there's a glimmer

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: both in their eye and then and

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: she's like it's going to be different
this time right he's like absolutely

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: h

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: because i love you and then he
reaches across the table and holds

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: h

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: her hand and it's a tender moment
and we know that a new dawn has

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: arisen don't you you're fucking head you
love love matt

[spinner]: only she

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you love love

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: only she goes are things going

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you

[spinner]: to be different

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: love it

[spinner]: are

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: things going a be different this time
and he

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: goes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: uh

[spinner]: you backurewell

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: uh oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: were different

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and then he

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: flips the table

[spinner]: no

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: leprashad

[spinner]: i who to to tie

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: are you telling me truth

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i love

[spinner]: are you just offering me gold

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: at the end of a rainbow

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: nicholas

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: do you have me look at charms

[spinner]: nicholas passed the lucky charm it's breakfast

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: what a

[spinner]: time

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i k what's happening

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh my gosh

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and then he's like

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: listen if i like cards on the
table sharing

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: if i funk this up i promise
you you can tap my eyes open and

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i will watch jeredletto's morbius

[spinner]: it's more in time sorry

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: more an time

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: anyway

[spinner]: got doing the nickage

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: good

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: good reference chris that will definitely get

[spinner]: we're young

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: co

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: based up on transcripts

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: c

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i'm really

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: c

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: excited about that

[spinner]: we said morbon

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: just now

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yamorbnit's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and here

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: truth

[spinner]: i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: we just

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: great

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: spiked

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: job

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: great job everybody anybody else chris great

[spinner]: go

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: job loved it wasn't confused for a
second make complete

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: sense just

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: thank

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: throwing

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: for

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: to

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: this

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: anybody else

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: in the podcast

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: thanks for the support a m

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: h m

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: in the heights okay

[spinner]: oh

[spinner]: like

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: right yeah

[spinner]: m this whole story he became even
more famous because he literally like in real

[spinner]: life if nick gage took down a
fucking drug operation and saved his family single

[spinner]: handedly it would be like the biggest
fuit he would just become even

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: right

[spinner]: more egotistical he'd really be back not
that he went anywhere

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: right nice

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: got him

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: no

[spinner]: so so similar

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: there's a

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: hm

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i think i think

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that's not going to happen

[spinner]: i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: appreciate it don't think it's on a
happen because

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: we still have have in the mix

[spinner]: we heard

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and have

[spinner]: your

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: is like

[spinner]: thoughts

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: his i'm

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: vibingi'mvibing

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: uh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: trying to help

[spinner]: we

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i didn't talk about have at

[spinner]: we

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: all

[spinner]: heard

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: but

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: h

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: shut the fuck

[spinner]: don't

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: up no pants

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: man when you when i

[spinner]: wearing

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: can see the hair on your legs

[spinner]: i'm wearing shorts

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you're not wearing pants you're wearing shorts
that i can't

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: this

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: see

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: is

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hair on

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: this

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: your legs

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: is the worst podcasting of all time

[spinner]: yeah we're talking

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: listen

[spinner]: about physical

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: listen

[spinner]: looks

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that's right so

[spinner]: okay

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i'm going to judge the further more
have hove is going is going to be

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: like his conscience his jiminy cricket

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: if you will i don't think he'll
let him slide back i don't think

[spinner]: yah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i don't it's not even

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ye

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: about letting him

[spinner]: see

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: have

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ye

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: h

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you can trust him

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you can trust him

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it's true how he make how he
let them drive

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: because hoff couldn't hokey as making an
adult decision

[spinner]: and also it's not

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: okay

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: and

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: he just owned stunts he's a professional

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it's a very logical decision

[spinner]: and

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: we know how many stunt

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it's the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: people

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: smartest

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: he had

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: decision he made an l steve

[spinner]: yes

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: see

[spinner]: that's true

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: by far

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: cage had three four stunt doubles on
face off like

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: what he didn't need them he was
doing that water ski sports set

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: scene cage didn't need them

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh budget cut

[spinner]: great take guys great take of what
happened the day after

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you're welcome

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: right so yeah we really nailed that

[spinner]: i didn't even answer because the fucking

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that's what

[spinner]: guys

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: happens when

[spinner]: just

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you stop

[spinner]: taught

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yourself

[spinner]: me

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: please don't

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: um m i would say that the
day after nick cage calls his agent to

[spinner]: get into paddington three hove goes to
that after party

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a

[spinner]: and gets addicted to cocaine

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm

[spinner]: because he clearly like strokes

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah in the one day in one
day that happens in one day

[spinner]: yeah one day

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeh

[spinner]: you get to dick to coke

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: listen

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: guys

[spinner]: don't

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: he

[spinner]: try kids

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: started taking drugs through the whole movie

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: he just built up to the cocaine

[spinner]: he was he ran a drug empire

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: okay

[spinner]: well he could have ben addicted already
i'm like i'm out here to

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: listen

[spinner]: save

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: he's

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: he's going to do it more than
once at the after party

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so

[spinner]: that's

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: it all takes

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: he

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: it's all it takes guys

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: twice you take okay

[spinner]: have

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and twice

[spinner]: you ever

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: your

[spinner]: done

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: addicted

[spinner]: cocaine have you ever done have you
ever done cocaine

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: our

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: no

[spinner]: i have never stopped

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: mah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: what's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: our official rating of the podcast i
thought it

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: was p g

[spinner]: rated

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: thirteen

[spinner]: rated c

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: what

[spinner]: for coke

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i'm just kidding i'm just

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: kidding

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: just

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i'm just

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: not

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: kidding

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: anybody saw this but

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i'm just kidding

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: on the video we don't

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: put out because we can't because of

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: about to explain chris did the mickie
voice and then

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: pumped

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the air so

[spinner]: drop happening again

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: she's doing it again welcome this is
podcasting at its finest

[spinner]: visual gags

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: are the best in the

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: don't

[spinner]: podcast

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: worry

[spinner]: medium oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah it's let me describe it to

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i don't know what you're talking about

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it's it's an audio medium so

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i'm gonna scribe it to

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so chris has stood up and

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: okay

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: he has grasped

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: something by the hips

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the waist i'm not sure what

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: he's banging

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: at this

[spinner]: i thought

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: point

[spinner]: it was the ears of mickey mouse

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: as

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: well he's got he's got a very
like like

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the airs and he's thrusting but it's
it's not consistent it's very different strength speeds

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: just really random keeping whoever

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ye

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: he's banging really off guard

[spinner]: yeah keeping him

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: um

[spinner]: guessing

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: guessing

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i mean it looks based on the
face he's making it's like

[spinner]: no

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: not all the way he like

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: strong dislike

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: fucking upset upsetting to me

[spinner]: ah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yes it's upsetting to all of us
so that was the thing we watched

[spinner]: and

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and

[spinner]: and

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you're welcome

[spinner]: and then chris asked i thought this
podcast was p g

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: thirteen

[spinner]: almost

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that's

[spinner]: seconds

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it

[spinner]: after

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah yeah so yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: with that before

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that's what you

[spinner]: after

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: said

[spinner]: he

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: advocated giving l

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[spinner]: d to children i just can't remember

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: during

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i think

[spinner]: during

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: during

[spinner]: right right

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah that's

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: coketeis

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the l s d

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hell of a drug

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the l d

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: helps them

[spinner]: see

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: helps them

[spinner]: chris gets it

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: um

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: listen we might cut

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it honestly

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i'm not gonna but right

[spinner]: but we should

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: sorry

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: there's as long

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: he

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: if there's

[spinner]: re railed

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: no it's fun i was going to
say hey if you met it this far

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: we're goin t do our patented script

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: doctoring at this point we put it
back here

[spinner]: i

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: because we think you like it we
don't know

[spinner]: no

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: but if

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you got this far

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ye

[spinner]: good for you

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you're welcome

[spinner]: i'm proud

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that's

[spinner]: of you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: right you're welcome you're welcome

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: right so script

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: script doctoring

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: yep yep

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: somebody

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: what

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: had an idea

[spinner]: i did but chris kind of

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: said it

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: no

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: wow

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i didn't

[spinner]: what chris thought he was going to
happen is what i think should have happened

[spinner]: which

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: but

[spinner]: i thought

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: see

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: what

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it through see it through

[spinner]: i thought that tiffany had ish and
ike baron holt should have been planning on

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: okay

[spinner]: like robbing hobby like hobby is not
a drug

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: dealer he's just a rich guy

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: and they're planning

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: on robbin when nick cage they're like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: this is an opportunity

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: to get in and they're lying

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: to him

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: saying they're with the c i a
to get

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: him to like disable the cameras

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah

[spinner]: and like do all this ship to
get him that

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: way there's no unrealistic crazy action set
piece and it all stays within like the

[spinner]: real world

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: and then yeah and then hobby thinks
that like like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: he gets all he realized that smethingt

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ah

[spinner]: us doing stuff so he thinks that
nickages try to kill him or something because

[spinner]: he's

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: aranoid

[spinner]: paranoid

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: and yeah so that could lead to

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: that whole gun snap because because nick
age still thinks that hobviis a drug dealer

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and so

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so the ending

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: is

[spinner]: is them

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: um

[spinner]: working together to

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[spinner]: like basically ike baron halt

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: to foil the hist

[spinner]: yeah they're like become

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: he

[spinner]: they're

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: like

[spinner]: the villains

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: exactly

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: like they're the ones trying to steal
so like basically nick age ends up giving

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[spinner]: them everything they

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: thank

[spinner]: need to get in and the like
they know they're coming and they know they're

[spinner]: dangerous and

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: then they have to together

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: stop them

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: house with household items

[spinner]: with like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and i

[spinner]: with

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: love

[spinner]: prop guns

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the home alone reference because they can
watch it high an l

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: s d and then take stuff from

[spinner]: yeah exactly

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: and then they do

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: the stuff in homan but none of
it works at all like they just walk

[spinner]: easily

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: no

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: over the toy cars and easily

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: dodge the paint cans

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m ye

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yah

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yah

[spinner]: they just kicked the door open and
then like ike what the fuck mc cally

[spinner]: you fuck

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it made so much sense before

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and then gabriella comes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: in and actually like crushes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: save

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: today

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: squashes the

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah exactly

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: perfect

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: she's like a security

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah because cage and have are idiots

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that's that's their thing

[spinner]: that's what i would have liked they
should have been

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[spinner]: idiots the whole way through but then
they think they've saved the day when they

[spinner]: really did

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: nothing

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: yeah and then the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: very

[spinner]: end

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: cluzo

[spinner]: they make the movie

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: about it but in the in their
movie version it's like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: them being awesome and like you could
have hobby

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: u

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: being played by the ock or something
and it's like

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[spinner]: really funny

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: scarisex

[spinner]: or

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[spinner]: askari

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: matt really wants to work

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: really

[spinner]: that in there do ou have a
deal with him

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah maybe

[spinner]: maybe i'll never tell i think that
would be

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm

[spinner]: that would really fix the second

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yah

[spinner]: half the first half for me was

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: h h

[spinner]: to oh hm like

[spinner]: i did like

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i want of course

[spinner]: the last thing i say i did

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i

[spinner]: like the emotional growth of nick cage
in the movie like

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: i like that they

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: tried to actually give him like an
arc so i don't know how that would

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: work

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah really

[spinner]: oh

[spinner]: ah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: but the dudes

[spinner]: maybe i would

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: got

[spinner]: have

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: chops

[spinner]: liked that too if it was just
like the opposite of endearing like sin feld

[spinner]: where they're like intentionally never enduring like
yeah yeah yeah like he just doesn't even

[spinner]: remember his daughter's name kind of thing

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh my mattie

[spinner]: he's like mattie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: mattie

[spinner]: mattie her her name is addie and
he's like that's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: what i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i was

[spinner]: said

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: there when she was pouring her name
is madison uh

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: h

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[spinner]: a

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so i have

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: to disagree because you if you do
that you don't like the cage

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: have to

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: like having nickage by the end and
if nick s

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: an asshole to his family the entire

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it's got to get boring ah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it's not a fucking

[spinner]: that

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: comedy

[spinner]: is such a completely different onnuncomparable

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it's the worst reference point ever

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a

[spinner]: m yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: but but you're writing a comedy or

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: a feel good

[spinner]: it's the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: movie

[spinner]: worst analogy

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you can't make your main character an

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i kind of agree with luciano though

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: but if you're

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: can go on arts

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: what

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the arc needs to the arc needs
to match the tone of the movie you're

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: presenting

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: it would be funny

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: not

[spinner]: it would

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: always

[spinner]: be really funny if there is that
art but at the end he's like you

[spinner]: know what i'm going to be a
better dad

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[spinner]: to patty and she's like it's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: addy like

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and i also i want to put
out some gasoline on this because i feel

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: like between

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: nick and ha v you know running
shenanigans and stuff and gabriel saving the day

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i feel like the stakes aren't high
enough i feel like if if ike

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and and tiffany are trying to f
hist i feel like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: they should be getting some sort of
support like it should go out like really

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: really push it somehow

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: they've got connections into the local like
criminal syndicate so that we've got more body

[spinner]: more henchman

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: rushing the compound henchman thank you and
i'm like how do we do that so

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i'm wonder i was wondering about that
that aspect

[spinner]: you can make them have

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i

[spinner]: a

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: want

[spinner]: crew

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: more bodies

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a crew

[spinner]: i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: would

[spinner]: like

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: be

[spinner]: that

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: really

[spinner]: too

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: helpful

[spinner]: i like having a crew and then

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: actually have a body count like people

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and they

[spinner]: die

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: don't have to be they don't have
to be no they can be nobody castings

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: right

[spinner]: but

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: but

[spinner]: that's the thing

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: we need

[spinner]: like for me

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: people

[spinner]: like whenever

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: like they

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: started like actually getting into

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: real gun fights

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: when i was kind of like

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: disillusion by the movie i'm like this
is no longer like like nick kage this

[spinner]: is now like fake

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: movie i don't know but

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: no

[spinner]: when it got like overly into like
a cheese action movie kind of five it's

[spinner]: when i kind of got taken out

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: of it

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah

[spinner]: i like the idea of that like
like tropic thunder they're never even using real

[spinner]: guns in the movie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah i hear you

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the script doctor for that is

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that nick should get like like i
don't know just because you have movie action

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: scene training maybe it doesn't always translate

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: maybe nick it gets

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: shot a bunch of times in that
scene but still manages to like maybe he

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: because did you

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: guys notice he looked at the window
and i thought he was going to

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: try to pull luca out and kind
of like human cushion anyway all that to

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: say he should get really fucked up
he should catch some bullets and you should

[spinner]: that

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: probably bounce out of the window and
land on some ship let's push him

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i've got you so this

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: this is what happens because tiffany

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: addis and ike baron holds are working
with niccage to set up this hic convince

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: them to have like paint ball

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: tournament on

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: on the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: grounds so that will stream at a
whole bunch of people

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: okay

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and they're gonna put their own people
in there and some of

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: them are going to end up having
like real guns or like something crazy to

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: mess with them so they're playing this
game other guys are going to rush

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: in and it's going to become chaotic

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and that's

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: okay

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: a way

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: okay

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you can bring in like the chaos

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: of more

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: people will still

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: trying to maintain the highest aspect of
it and it's not real guns so

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you're not necessarily

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: like being pulled out

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: of it because they're just playing a
stupid child's game

[spinner]: yeah that

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: works

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: whatever

[spinner]: better

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: sure and then there's

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: also the

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: aspect of like whatever it is that
like the high folk are trying to get

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: from hobvi's compound

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: a

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: maybe like like

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the plan because like nick

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hovey figure it out right so they
carry whatever the item the item the treasure

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: is the football right

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: then when we have those car chase
scenes just like in in that little town

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: just as soon as they drop the

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: l s d n he's trying to
pull out and he's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: funking the car up he should continue
to have that how did just because he

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: was

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: on l s d and he was
able to get out of the area i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: think his driving skills should still be
ship and like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ye

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the through

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the suspense

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: pension of disbelief right i think that
would that would help it because he became

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: too perfect

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: like he got he became o p

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm

[spinner]: yeah a good example

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: of that in the movie was when
they dressed him up as that italian guy

[spinner]: and

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[spinner]: then like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: the guy grabbed him to cut his
ear off

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: i thought it was going to be
like you think i'm a fucking idiot you're

[spinner]: obviously nick cage that's what i thought
was going to happen and i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[spinner]: thought

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: that would have been funny and like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that would be better

[spinner]: better but instead

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: uh

[spinner]: he thinks he's the guy there to
kill him or something

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[spinner]: but that's what i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[spinner]: mean i like that tone of like
you're in so over your head

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: but he's like handles it with the
confidence of like i'm nick cage

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i'm sorry you want to realism in
this movie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m well their daughter's life was

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: on the line and like thirty

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yes

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: thirty to sixty minutes okay

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i disagree with your logic but i
agree with the idea

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that it's not a good turn it's

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: formulaic

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: right it's like look how clever we

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the partner is also a hard

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: as right and she's like all right
well who didn't see that coming like it's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: not interesting is not is not playing
up to the gag of like you're in

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: over your head like if she wants
to go she should also be in over

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: her head not actually be cool

[spinner]: like and i agree that if

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: nick was going to act his way
out of the situation

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: a

[spinner]: which i think is the right way
to have him solve the problem he should

[spinner]: have been like playing as like yeah
undercover spy to the bad guys being like

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: you don't know who i've been working

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: we've got thirty snipers on here like
completely bluffing

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: actually acting yeah like

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: but like just like nick using his
acting to trick

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[spinner]: the bad guys instead of trying to
like action fight his way out of it

[spinner]: but i did

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: like those

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i

[spinner]: that they said that the one thing
i liked about it ending with that action

[spinner]: thing is that they addressed it like
they were like we need a movie that

[spinner]: applies to the modern to main audience
it can't just be about two guys and

[spinner]: their emotions we need to have something
that appeals to the mass audiences like a

[spinner]: kidnapping

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you gotta

[spinner]: with

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you

[spinner]: action

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: got to hook him in

[spinner]: and then

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you got to get him in the

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: seats

[spinner]: so that kind of made me like
it a little bit because it kind of

[spinner]: was like poking

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: fun out how dumb it is not

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: enough

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yes

[spinner]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: like i like that m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah because he looked the make up
was terrible

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and they also

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: want a script doctor on that and
we kind of started off one point and

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: bounced around you know we hit big
on the two biggest problems which i thought

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: were the police

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: because the other things that the thing
they frustrated me about the police and thankfully

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: they actually

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: brought it up was like

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: they didn't make an effort at all

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: to be like how they're getting away
like they were just talking out in the

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: open right just sit in the room
talking to the police

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: on his phone like no one was
trying to be secretive i guess the one

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: time they met up

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: in town it's just like all that
was just i don't i don't need a

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: lot but i need something if you're
going to keep hammering home this r r

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: spy on the inside that like makes
it covert because it was

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: all just

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: like kind of rushing through that like
kind of waving their hands

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you wouldn't look too close

[spinner]: like again that all makes sense with

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: idea that they're not actually c i

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yes because then

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that's why it's all shipty and no
one catches on

[spinner]: and i'm like hobby overhears nick talking
to them and then he thinks nick is

[spinner]: a plan to do it's all mis
communications you know

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: what would you do with cousin then
would you just cut him

[spinner]: yeah i don't think he even needs

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: to be in it then because the
only reason he's there is to take the

[spinner]: fall

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: so haves a good guy right

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: i would take him out completely and
make the cops the

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: actual the c agents actually the bad

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: we

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: are we shifting this movie closer to
becoming a coin brother's experience then

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: no because of coin brothers well we

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the coon brothers

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: because we played fiasco and that's con
brothers territory it's more like

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: tragedy befalls everybody and this isn't a
tragedy is going to befall everybody that is

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: just

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ike referential

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: of like an actor living his life
with a person who loves him as an

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: actor and they're talking about a movie
and they're kind of narrating that movie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and narrating

[spinner]: kay

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: their life happening but it's all tongue
and cheek

[spinner]: yeah i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: so it's more

[spinner]: more like tropic thunder i think that's
the most similar

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: okay

[spinner]: to comparison would be tropic thunder

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: like tone down by thunder is really
over the top

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m yeah

[spinner]: in

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: a great way i love that movie
but like

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: there's

[spinner]: the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a

[spinner]: tone

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: pike

[spinner]: of the phone was much like realer
in my opinion than the tone of the

[spinner]: second half it almost seemed like after
they took the rest was a hallucination you

[spinner]: know

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m m m i

[spinner]: oh ye that would have been

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah that ould have been

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: maybe it

[spinner]: maybe

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: was

[spinner]: it was

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you don't know

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: there's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: this smash

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: cut

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: there's a piece of there's there's a
piece that

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: we might need to address since we
got rid of luca cousin fine with that

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: then what

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: do we do with the wife and
addie i'm wondering if

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: if everything should play out in my
orca i'm okay with that or do we

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: have a go

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a geographical change that goes back to
la for some reason and then if hostages

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: are taken it's like like it's like
trying to run down

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the field and get some yards right

[spinner]: ah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: because the because our do dudes are
on the run and

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that's the

[spinner]: for

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: question

[spinner]: the movie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i'm trying

[spinner]: for

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: to figure

[spinner]: the movie

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: out i've never been to hollywood

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and then is likeit'sgona be fine

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ye

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it's going to be fine

[spinner]: a

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: but i'm not

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i'm trying to figure out what

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah because

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: our re shuffle is now

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: mix

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: we've

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the miss here is that

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you can't have can't have the highest

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: unless they're successful and they chase them

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that's about the only

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: there you

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: way

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: go that's one

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: because

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: way

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you can't otherwise it will feel like
the movie should have stopped

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: just kept continuing so

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: because

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: let's say the his is successful they
try to stop them all their home alone

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ship

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: fails and and then they actually

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: try some stuff and

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: gabriel is not one moment army to
stop them

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so now

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: they know they get to la somehow
or back home and that's why they go

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: back how would it draw him to

[spinner]: i mean

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: his

[spinner]: the most

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: daughter and

[spinner]: obvious

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: his wife

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i don't i don't want it to
i was just thinking about that

[spinner]: i think

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: aspect

[spinner]: you should

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: so

[spinner]: keep the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: go ahead

[spinner]: wife in because if

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: if it were me i'd

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: keep the first half very similar

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: which does have the wife and daughter
theme and i would have the most obvious

[spinner]: way is to be like nick age
and hobby accidentally successfully keep them at bay

[spinner]: rough stupid antics that work and then
like if you're going a little more formulaic

[spinner]: like they think nick cage is a
genius or something like like he's too good

[spinner]: you know even though it's all fake
bravado and they're like would they bring his

[spinner]: family as like a you know an
ace up their sleeve sort of situation so

[spinner]: like we've got your family now that
kind of would be the reason why they're

[spinner]: there

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i could see that

[spinner]: and then nickkage has to pretend to
be what they think he is which is

[spinner]: like actual if they're like maybe he
actually is a c agent you know or

[spinner]: something like that and then he has
to play

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: up being an actual agent

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah i hate it

[spinner]: it's

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[spinner]: so formulaic

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: now but

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: we're trying to if we're trying to
put something on rails it

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: could still be wake

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: but if you

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: we

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hate it do you have you have

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: well

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a suggestion

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: like we're trying to improve the script
but now we've like writing a whole new

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: movie

[spinner]: no

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: at some point right like are

[spinner]: just

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: we we had

[spinner]: the second half

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: we had the spy spy drug lord
thing chopped and now it's a hist movie

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: which where the final hist ends up
happening in

[spinner]: no

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: l

[spinner]: i

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: a

[spinner]: don't think we should go to la

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i was just

[spinner]: i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: asking

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: right

[spinner]: say

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a question but okay

[spinner]: the bad guys can't get what they

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: want to they have to bring in
his family as a

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: way to

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm

[spinner]: right

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the bad guys

[spinner]: yeah that's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: bring

[spinner]: what

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the

[spinner]: i'm saying

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: family

[spinner]: the bad guys kidnap

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: his family to like

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: he oh

[spinner]: get them to

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: pressure

[spinner]: s pressure to

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: right

[spinner]: get them to do what they want

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: what but like they bring them to

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: orca

[spinner]: they're like your dad wants you to

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: just like they did

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[spinner]: dad needs you and the they get
there n they're like

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[spinner]: dad

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: they've got us kidnapped and then he's
like oh no

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: i'll have to act my way out
of this one

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: uh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah i'm not i'm not feeling

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i want

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: to support it but i was

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: just

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah thank you for trying

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i do i mean it it's hard

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: gentlemen

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hard though

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: gentlemen the phrase let's all say it
together you're wrong

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: chris

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: said he needs to be told

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you're

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: at

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you're

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: got him

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: so yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: so then how do we finish the

[spinner]: a

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: fucking thing how do we finish it
do we keep the original ending

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: we just i think the family has
to come way

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: support

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: earlier

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: him

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: do we get one of those those
moments every now and then where the mother

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: and daughter thinking thinking everything is fine
maybe it's a different mental model like they're

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: there think everything is fine they're touring

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: around and then they see nick and

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: getting into ship like what

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the fuck

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: your father

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i think

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i think i think hobby is like
hey come over and he's like oh is

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: supposed to hang with my family is
like bring them to we'll put him up

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: in the hotel

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: and they can hang out in

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: marca

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that's

[spinner]: all right

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that's

[spinner]: here we

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: there

[spinner]: go

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you

[spinner]: guys

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: go

[spinner]: completely different

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: angle

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: uh

[spinner]: ready the movie is exactly

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: the

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i

[spinner]: same

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: hate

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it right

[spinner]: but

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i

[spinner]: at the

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: end

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: it turns out there was no drug
lord there was no c a hobvy set

[spinner]: it all up just to convince nick
that he should keep acting like you are

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: the action star that you thought you

[spinner]: oh yeah so there

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: m

[spinner]: right oh

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah exactly like he heard that he

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: right

[spinner]: was retiring

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i heard

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: here

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: about what you were going to do

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: that sounded

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that sound

[spinner]: nothing

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: races

[spinner]: like him and

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: no

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: don't know

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: sounded like have but dem

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ones anyway so no i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: he

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: like this idea but i think there's
one tweak to it he does all

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: this it's all fake but it's

[spinner]: a

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: actually the script to his movie and
they film it and it's like a blair

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: which style

[spinner]: see

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: that's exactly like tropic thunder because at
the end that's tropic thunders

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: ending

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah he just wanted to like both
like bow finger

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: he was

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah gorilla style yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[spinner]: ah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah right ye

[spinner]: no

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: it's like bow finger where

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so

[spinner]: and bow finger when he gets the
they get him to act by making him

[spinner]: think that he actually is being abducted
by aliens they just film

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: every

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: exactly

[spinner]: scene without him knowing

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it's it's either the bow finger or
the reverse tropic

[spinner]: i

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: thunder

[spinner]: like that

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: pick your

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: with a

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: picture

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: dash

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: statement

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: of cage truman

[spinner]: at the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: show

[spinner]: end there's like a really emotional

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: scene where he saves his family and

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: like a really bad as line and

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i

[spinner]: saves the day and then and then

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[spinner]: like and cut you know

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i

[spinner]: we got

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: it and everyone's like clapping and nick
jus like what the fuck

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h hm

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: h

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: h

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: too far

[spinner]: you ruined it

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: too far

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: lucian we got to ask you to
leave the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: screen writing guild

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[spinner]: here

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah no but

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: thank you for

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: should

[spinner]: now

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you shouldn't have you should

[spinner]: you know

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: have just

[spinner]: an he's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: let

[spinner]: write

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it

[spinner]: chris

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: maronite

[spinner]: is out to mat this is me
and your project

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah all

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: listen

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: right

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: listen listen the chair doesn't lie you're

[spinner]: listen

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: just a guest

[spinner]: you listen micky micky

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you

[spinner]: mouse

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: listen

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: has you expelled from this company

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you don't are

[spinner]: the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you

[spinner]: most

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: mickey mouse

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: so

[spinner]: the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: was

[spinner]: mouse

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i

[spinner]: doesn't forget

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: was i

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ye

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: if you're the mouse then

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: i'm not

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you know

[spinner]: i'm

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: what

[spinner]: not

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i

[spinner]: the

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: was

[spinner]: mouse

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: doing

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: right

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: to you earlier

[spinner]: the most called me personally

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: hut

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: did he

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i thought the most

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that sounds

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: was giving

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: familiar

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it not taking

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that sounds

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: familiar mickie

[spinner]: a

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: mick oh

[spinner]: chris took my joke

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: and did what he did earlier to
the mouth to it

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah killed it

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: well

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: well

[spinner]: exactly yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: spencer fuck you

[spinner]: uh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh that's all

[spinner]: h

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the time we have

[spinner]: that's

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: all

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: for

[spinner]: the time

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: today

[spinner]: we have for today

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: h h

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: what's next spencer

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: they're playing chicken they're playing chicken podcast

[spinner]: thanks

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: you're listening guys

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: don't

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yes

[spinner]: let me finish

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah

[spinner]: as host of this production don't forget

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you want

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: to play chicken you want to play

[spinner]: up

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: chicken

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: let's play

[spinner]: chris

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: chicken

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: i'm re railing this you can follow

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[spinner]: on our twitter at

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you want to get crazy

[spinner]: uh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: let's get crazy

[spinner]: i can't

[spinner]: you can follow

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: ah

[spinner]: us at

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: pond cast

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: t t a yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: go

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: maybe

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: slower

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i'm not not sure i'm not sure

[spinner]: uh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: those things to go together okay pay
tention watch lose

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: spencer

[spinner]: let me see the proud work

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you can follow us on twitter at
your wrong cast i suggest you might want

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: to ask us to stop or

[spinner]: m m uh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah just that stuff it's probably the
best way to handle is at this point

[spinner]: huh oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i will pay you

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: listen

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ten thousand dollars

[spinner]: go

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: we can do

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: like a reverse patron thing where if

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m yah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: we'll say we're going

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: to release an episode and if you

[spinner]: right

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: guys pay enough money we won't that's

[spinner]: that's

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: the way

[spinner]: genius

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: to do it we've nailed

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: give

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: it

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: us

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: give us ten thousand reasons to stop

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: go

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: otherwise we have a website

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i believe i believe it's a w

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: do

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: w

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i do povate

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: to wrong cast dot c a

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m and we even have an email
address i don't know if anybody's ever looked

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: in it but it's there

[spinner]: it's jam backed

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: your wrong

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: no

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: cast

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: one

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: at

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i sought

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: email dot com i mean

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: no

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i could

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: can you imagine

[spinner]: just

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: we should can

[spinner]: just

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you open it now please

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: a

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: say no if you if you

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: want to do if

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: know

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you want to do it

[spinner]: it's just

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: but

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: o

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: like

[spinner]: filled with season desists

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: vamp

[spinner]: just filled with

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: please

[spinner]: season desisla

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: vamp while i

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: he's opening the email i

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: thought i thought you guys looked at
it before

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i mean in a way we do

[spinner]: we should

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: kay

[spinner]: get it we should

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: okay

[spinner]: get a patron i don't even know

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i

[spinner]: how that

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: we

[spinner]: works

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: probably should

[spinner]: hosts of our ghost

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: ah

[spinner]: you just rhyming words

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: now have posts

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: the most

[spinner]: have the most posts

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i think

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: he's having a stroke

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: please let there be one email and
please not be from gemail

[spinner]: thank you for creating a email account

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: there's a lot of twitter

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: twitter interactions

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: okay

[spinner]: oh that's good

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: okay

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: um

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: well we have

[spinner]: yeah yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: two hundred and three

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: emails

[spinner]: wow

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: in our

[spinner]: well

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: in box

[spinner]: we

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: don't

[spinner]: should

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: get

[spinner]: have

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: excited

[spinner]: answered

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: those

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: well i mean so far

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: none of them are

[spinner]: list

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: anybody

[spinner]: let the listeners

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: okay

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: mostly

[spinner]: believe we have listeners

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh oh yeah okay

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: jimmy from entucket says

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: let's see here

[spinner]: fire chris

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: no no

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: please

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: no

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: please stop

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: no

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: boy

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i tell you

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i've got a few emails from sarah
hovack and jessie young saying that i think

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: you'd be a great top mentor on
the wisdom map that just

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: launched so there's

[spinner]: big

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: there some good

[spinner]: big

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: what

[spinner]: big fans big fans

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that's unfortunately that's the entire in box

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: m

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah uh falonfatami thinks we d be
a great oh sorry interesting and valuable voice

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: on fireside

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: whatever that

[spinner]: they're

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: is

[spinner]: big fans

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: that's

[spinner]: you know they like us

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: a

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: hm

[spinner]: when they

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yep

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: fireside

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: as supposed to riverside competitor

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: i shouldn't have said

[spinner]: yeah

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: that

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: there's blood in the water

[spinner]: i mean riverside we're

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: anyways

[spinner]: getting offers you got t you got
to pay us more

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: if

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you want to keep us

[spinner]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you got to invest

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: get on the ground floor

[spinner]: listen

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so

[spinner]: joe rogan

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: so

[spinner]: makes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: anyways

[spinner]: a hundred million dollars that's

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: just i'm just throwing those figures out
there so

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: hm

[spinner]: obviously pretty comfortable i'm not gonna know
i don't want to toot

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: my own horn mon here but

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah

[spinner]: financially

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: we'll help you

[spinner]: we

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: to

[spinner]: bring

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: it

[spinner]: in similar kind of numbers

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: oh

[spinner]: yeah so

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: look

[spinner]: oh

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: we're in orchestra

[spinner]: well take seventy five million

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: okay

[spinner]: right guys i don't want to speak
for everyone here each

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you know

[spinner]: each

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: like each

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you know because you

[spinner]: four

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: know

[spinner]: people

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: talent is as talent

[spinner]: can't

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: does

[spinner]: expect to get like joe

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: regan's one guy

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you know it's

[spinner]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: true because when you when you want
to diversify your portfolio and make sure that

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: you re

[spinner]: we

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: invest

[spinner]: also have

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: in

[spinner]: we hit many demographics here we got
two jews

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes okay by

[spinner]: by racial

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: racial

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: can

[spinner]: coribian

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: caribian

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: can you say that

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: canadian

[spinner]: whatever mad is

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yes

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: yeah

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: yeah my family from barbados

[spinner]: you

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: i was just born

[spinner]: fucking

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: in toronto

[spinner]: don't ruin our demos

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: don't you

[spinner]: and whatever mat is matt you're a
what do you

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: well for now i'm matt

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: what we're talking about our heritage is

[spinner]: i'm jewish

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: is

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: m

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: is

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: we'll

[spinner]: uh

[moohppett_whranglhluuurr]: see you next time

[what_a_fuckin_way_to_go]: also

Creators and Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
Recurring guest host extraordinaire
M.U.R.I.C.A. | You're Unbearably Wrong About "The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent"
Broadcast by