T.A.X.E.S. | My Senpai Told Me You're Wrong About "Rising Sun"

He's a fucking idiot most of the time, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

[futuresport_of_the_past]: hello welcome back to your wrong this
is the what is the second episode

[kakashi_senpai]: dose

[cobra]: yes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: in our series or series

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: of taxes

[kakashi_senpai]: taxes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: taxes which is i believe based on
notes here turbulent acting zero rocks extracted

[cobra]: op

[futuresport_of_the_past]: snipes that's not right

[kakashi_senpai]: akoon

[cobra]: that's not right

[futuresport_of_the_past]: something

[cobra]: tacon

[futuresport_of_the_past]: will take on let's maybe it's in

[cobra]: tacon

[futuresport_of_the_past]: a different file folder

[cobra]: absorbing

[kakashi_senpai]: re wind i went

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: where did it go

[cobra]: kionbzarbi x ray and hence snipes

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: where is it

[cobra]: in my head

[kakashi_senpai]: you

[futuresport_of_the_past]: well

[kakashi_senpai]: off

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[kakashi_senpai]: dome

[futuresport_of_the_past]: there it is it is in search
for taxes okay i'll just chop this off

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: hello welcome back to your wrong

[kakashi_senpai]: the binding

[futuresport_of_the_past]: we are in two episode to tax
this season

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: for those who

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: have been listening all long shame on

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but taxes stands for tacon absorbing x
ray enhance snipes because

[cobra]: he

[futuresport_of_the_past]: we are celebrating the acting career of
one westley snipes

[kakashi_senpai]: is not dead

[cobra]: and he had

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i made

[cobra]: the career of

[futuresport_of_the_past]: a

[cobra]: one wesley texifating snipes

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: why we have to qualify that he's
not dead no one said he was

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: well i'm just making it absolutely and
abundantly clear

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay his acting career isn't dead either
he's still making movies

[kakashi_senpai]: i didn't say that either he's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: well

[kakashi_senpai]: not

[cobra]: but i wouldn't go that far either

[futuresport_of_the_past]: well

[kakashi_senpai]: you know

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it's not dead he's still was

[kakashi_senpai]: god

[futuresport_of_the_past]: speaking away

[kakashi_senpai]: kay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: from that

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: segwag if you will we are covering
our second movie in order we watched rising

[futuresport_of_the_past]: sun a

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: nineteen ninety three shan connor westley snipes

[kakashi_senpai]: yesh

[cobra]: years

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so this is going to happen

[kakashi_senpai]: uh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: as you

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: can

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: probably hear by now i have with
me is always luciana

[cobra]: yes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: you do

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay and who has labeled himself is

[kakashi_senpai]: he

[futuresport_of_the_past]: um m

[cobra]: that's races

[futuresport_of_the_past]: our regular contributing guest spencer is not
able to make it is what he called

[futuresport_of_the_past]: working no one can verify

[cobra]: what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that claim

[cobra]: what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i don't know who knows if he's
telling the truth ever um m

[kakashi_senpai]: what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: at this point

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: we'll move on with our him so
let's just get into it

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ratings

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: how are we gonna rate this bad
boy the rising sun who wants to go

[futuresport_of_the_past]: first

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: i can go first so i've i've
watched this movie a couple of times

[kakashi_senpai]: really

[cobra]: when it came out

[kakashi_senpai]: oh what a

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: boat to twice

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: when in nineteen ninety three

[cobra]: more than twice probably

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[cobra]: because it was it was on it
was like the first four as in brazil

[cobra]: of cable t

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: and it was it was older age
when it came out i

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: so if i if you had asked
me what

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: my reading was before i re watched
it yesterday

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: it would have been a solid

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: rare

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[cobra]: however

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh yiks

[cobra]: he

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[cobra]: however having

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: the benefit of agen wisdom

[kakashi_senpai]: m m

[cobra]: it doesn't

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: this is a movie that doesn't aid

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh no

[cobra]: for more reasons than

[kakashi_senpai]: my

[cobra]: one i still think it's a solid
story although there are some weird

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: ship that goes on in there that

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: makes you go but why

[kakashi_senpai]: ah

[cobra]: why lord why

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: so i would

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: i'm going to downgrade from a solid
rare to a very strong and common i

[cobra]: mean

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[cobra]: i enjoy like i remember it was
funny because i was watching and i remembered

[cobra]: the plot you know when when you
remember a scene and then that scene makes

[cobra]: you remember like the rest of the
movie that happened to me

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: i first saw the scene of eddy
in the mirror when they were looking at

[cobra]: the disk

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: and i was like oh no i
remember i remember everything that happens in this

[cobra]: movie now

[kakashi_senpai]: memory unlocked oh

[cobra]: so i think it was it's still
now a solid script the acting is good

[cobra]: not everyone is good in it but
there's good acting in there

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: there is some unfortunate stereotyping of a
lot of things in this

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: which brings that rating down but over
all i enjoyed watching

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: it again i don't know if i
would re watch it one

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: more time

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[cobra]: which is why it's not a rare
but yeah solid started good acting some unfortunate

[cobra]: things but overall

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: fun

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: wow

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: well a shocker hades just have a
weird portuguese name

[cobra]: i'll go look while you guys give

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that you that you can say

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: on the podcast because rufe

[cobra]: oh no it's not it's never

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[cobra]: going to be worse

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: yeah don't worry about

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that's fair chris do you want to
do you want to tell us about your

[kakashi_senpai]: the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: rising

[kakashi_senpai]: only

[futuresport_of_the_past]: sun experience

[kakashi_senpai]: reason why this is not vendor trash
because shan connery the wesley snipes

[cobra]: what

[kakashi_senpai]: t and t a career and and
sang song

[cobra]: rikitel

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: and may co

[futuresport_of_the_past]: your

[kakashi_senpai]: and

[futuresport_of_the_past]: soul

[kakashi_senpai]: maco

[futuresport_of_the_past]: is mine

[kakashi_senpai]: every time like i was like finish

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: finish it when he finally threw down
i was like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: uh

[kakashi_senpai]: finish

[futuresport_of_the_past]: uh

[kakashi_senpai]: im

[cobra]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: finish

[cobra]: i kept i kept

[kakashi_senpai]: i

[cobra]: hearing

[kakashi_senpai]: was screaming at this yeah

[cobra]: uncle ira

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: from

[kakashi_senpai]: man mike

[cobra]: avatar

[kakashi_senpai]: the goat the

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: goat

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: i love mio that's the only

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: reason why this is not vendor trash
for me it's common

[cobra]: what the fuck

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah it does not just didn't it
was hard to watch i want to say

[kakashi_senpai]: i'm sorry but i'm not so for

[cobra]: this is

[kakashi_senpai]: reasons

[cobra]: this coming from

[kakashi_senpai]: alone

[cobra]: the man who

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: gave v s like a ray or

[kakashi_senpai]: i thought i gave that a higher
rating but if i didn't

[cobra]: fuck you even more than

[kakashi_senpai]: and you're

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: still wrong you can take your

[futuresport_of_the_past]: wow

[kakashi_senpai]: you can take your uncommon and stick
it with a sun don't anyways

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: it is common i will not be
watching this movie again it was great to

[kakashi_senpai]: re connect with my my my week
shawn connery impression and so for that i

[kakashi_senpai]: think

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: the late connery and yeah westley night's
brother darkness

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: so

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i'll just

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: take that from there and i'm going
to go ive an uncommon it's

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[futuresport_of_the_past]: there are some problematic parts about it
obviously nineteen ninety three movie about japanese culture

[futuresport_of_the_past]: how could it ever have

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: not been

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: problematic

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: they had

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but

[cobra]: problems with it at the time even

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah exactly

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but that being said there were hints
of an interesting story not more than hints

[futuresport_of_the_past]: there were pieces of an interesting story
i think

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i got a little too wrapped

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: up in its own shit and

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: try to build layers that just we're
just like what

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: are you doing this doesn't need another

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like fuck off

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so so that's why uncommon for me
good actors semi interesting story

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: m yeah i wouldn't watch it again

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: be

[cobra]: that's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: maybe

[cobra]: just

[futuresport_of_the_past]: on

[cobra]: it it's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: double

[cobra]: like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: time

[cobra]: it's not so the title is actually
proper in portuguese

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ah

[cobra]: it just means rising sending portuguese so

[futuresport_of_the_past]: wow good

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: job

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: good job portugal

[cobra]: sometimes

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: it happens

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: um

[kakashi_senpai]: m m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: let's let's dive into the questions

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: as we always do

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[futuresport_of_the_past]: um m let's start with the best
one the easiest one one we always like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: cut our teeth on who is the
best character in this movie

[kakashi_senpai]: maco

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: and i'll

[cobra]: all

[kakashi_senpai]: tell

[cobra]: your

[kakashi_senpai]: you

[cobra]: ship

[kakashi_senpai]: why

[cobra]: doesn't you actually doesn't

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah sorry thank you he after

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: he loses his son doesn't know about
it this man has this father this this

[kakashi_senpai]: business man has probably the smoothest ride
across this entire story hands down

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: engaged in business you know negotiations and
and the tactics and strategies involved but at

[kakashi_senpai]: the same time blood is spilled and
he still manages to go golfing like minutes

[kakashi_senpai]: after his son

[futuresport_of_the_past]: your

[kakashi_senpai]: is reportedly reportedly dead with jan connery
and then connor conner connery anyways

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: but the whole time dude's coastin the
only time he was pissed off is when

[kakashi_senpai]: he found out that he didn't know
about what really transpired on the disk so

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah nerves of steel nerves

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i'm sorry

[kakashi_senpai]: of steel

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i did i miss something

[cobra]: i

[kakashi_senpai]: the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: who

[kakashi_senpai]: new

[futuresport_of_the_past]: is his son

[kakashi_senpai]: de

[cobra]: eddy

[futuresport_of_the_past]: why is

[cobra]: did you

[futuresport_of_the_past]: die

[cobra]: watch the movie

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but why

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: is he

[cobra]: saara

[futuresport_of_the_past]: named ediasacomura and he is your shitason
that ever talk about his last name

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: well his name is you know but
he says it his name is

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[cobra]: sacamrause

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah m

[cobra]: saka mura probably but

[futuresport_of_the_past]: apparently

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: m d b does not care about
last names and

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: movies

[cobra]: no it does not even

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[cobra]: now the building says you does that's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i was just

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: wanting to be confirmed this for our
listeners because

[kakashi_senpai]: sure

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it was it was kind

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: of clear but not a hondrdpercent clear

[kakashi_senpai]: true

[futuresport_of_the_past]: in

[kakashi_senpai]: also true

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: in the movie

[cobra]: o to me

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: that's that's i'll answer my my favorite
character in the second way to me that

[cobra]: relationship the whole thing

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: about the personalities in the relationships between
eddie and and to me is one of

[cobra]: the the biggest like holes in the
movie but i'll talk about it later for

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: me my favorite character is john corner
i mean son corner i mean you know

[cobra]: what i mean

[kakashi_senpai]: as

[cobra]: just so i read actually

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i'm sorry

[cobra]: i didn't

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[cobra]: know this

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the terminator

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: s in this movie yeah

[cobra]: uh

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: no

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that's

[cobra]: so

[futuresport_of_the_past]: john conners

[cobra]: i read that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: right

[cobra]: so john

[futuresport_of_the_past]: my

[cobra]: conner

[futuresport_of_the_past]: bed

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: my bed

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: so

[kakashi_senpai]: eh

[cobra]: apparently michael crayton who wrote

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[cobra]: the book in which this is based
and also apparently the book is even worse

[cobra]: in terms of liksteriotyping stuff you know
on the

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: day the whole like there were no
african americans in the story at all and

[cobra]: then the choice was just made it
worse there's a bunch of controversy but he

[cobra]: wrote the character of john connor for

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: thinking of shan conry

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: uh

[cobra]: so

[kakashi_senpai]: uh

[cobra]: um

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: to me like it's a little bit

[kakashi_senpai]: no

[cobra]: too much how like he is loves
japan a little bit too much but i

[cobra]: just enjoyed

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: that he is like he gives no
ship like he doesn't care like yes i'm

[cobra]: on leave fucking i don't care i'm
not supposed to be here shut up and

[cobra]: just do what i say like i
love how he's like he has that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yah

[cobra]: old man

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yah

[cobra]: i have no time for this ship

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[cobra]: and i'm here for it and also
he this movie has one of my favorite

[cobra]: chnconnery lines

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: which is when wesley snipes are spider
web smith

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: asks him

[kakashi_senpai]: h

[cobra]: where what are you from man scotland
yard and he goes scotland back yard that's

[cobra]: my

[kakashi_senpai]: m yeah

[cobra]: i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: don't know why i love that quote
so much but i've been saying it since

[cobra]: i first saw the movie like ninety

[kakashi_senpai]: okay okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: and nobody had any context for what

[cobra]: nobody

[kakashi_senpai]: i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: were saying

[cobra]: have no like what the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[cobra]: fuck are

[futuresport_of_the_past]: fucking

[cobra]: you talking

[futuresport_of_the_past]: clue

[cobra]: about

[futuresport_of_the_past]: what you're talking

[cobra]: exactly

[futuresport_of_the_past]: about

[kakashi_senpai]: d cut

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: dang it

[cobra]: it's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[cobra]: so deep that it kills me that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: sub zero

[futuresport_of_the_past]: m okay

[cobra]: but you met

[futuresport_of_the_past]: my character yeah it's a tough one
because he's a lot of there are a

[futuresport_of_the_past]: lot of characters getting more screen time
than you would have expected

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it's kind of a large cast when
you look at the movie but i think

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i just really enjoyed eddie

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i think it was just

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the way that carry hero q to
go plays

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[futuresport_of_the_past]: eddy

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: is like i rarely get to see
him act that way normally

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he's just an evil villain thanks

[kakashi_senpai]: or he's

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: thanks

[kakashi_senpai]: a

[futuresport_of_the_past]: type

[kakashi_senpai]: he's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: casting

[kakashi_senpai]: a

[futuresport_of_the_past]: hollywood

[kakashi_senpai]: he's a sweet actually

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: i've seen him in a different light
he was a darling grandfather in like a

[kakashi_senpai]: disney family uhhowaan

[cobra]: but

[kakashi_senpai]: movie

[cobra]: now right in

[kakashi_senpai]: even

[cobra]: his like in the in the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: prime like in his prime when he
was younger

[kakashi_senpai]: okay sure

[cobra]: he

[kakashi_senpai]: sure

[cobra]: was

[kakashi_senpai]: sure

[cobra]: always like the evil

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: yauza eater or whatever like he was

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: he was type cast

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: hard

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: in his in his early days yeah
you're right it's a different character for him

[cobra]: especially at that time yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah so that was really fun to
see him do that and i thought he

[futuresport_of_the_past]: did a decent job of it honestly
like he seemed really realievable and made the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: movie a little but gave some levity
that it lacked until he died for real

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: s that we'll get into later that

[kakashi_senpai]: unfair

[futuresport_of_the_past]: don't make any sense

[kakashi_senpai]: ah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the thing

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that would be my pick so i'm
moving on to our next question because i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: have i have thoughts here and

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it's not again so it's which actor
would you replace and

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i don't know if it's an actor
i would replace necessarily but i love harvey

[futuresport_of_the_past]: tell

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i don't know

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: what the fuck he's doing in this

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: his being raciest

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah tru

[cobra]: he is like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: he is every like white reactionary american
effort that's that's what he's doing there he's

[cobra]: giving them representation because they

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it

[cobra]: don't

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just

[cobra]: have enough

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it just feels like a waste

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: of his talents to have him just

[cobra]: hm

[futuresport_of_the_past]: a generic races

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: cop

[kakashi_senpai]: it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: which

[kakashi_senpai]: was great

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: seen

[cobra]: it's

[kakashi_senpai]: getting

[cobra]: one

[kakashi_senpai]: like vulcan nerve pinched sleeper like go
to sleep

[cobra]: yeah yeah yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: i love

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: that

[cobra]: yeah i know she canary has magic
powers in this movie

[kakashi_senpai]: you know

[futuresport_of_the_past]: because he's asian

[cobra]: but

[futuresport_of_the_past]: adjacent

[kakashi_senpai]: uh

[cobra]: oh god

[kakashi_senpai]: uh i

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: have

[cobra]: god

[kakashi_senpai]: i have

[cobra]: no that's

[kakashi_senpai]: i have japanese

[cobra]: i'm not

[kakashi_senpai]: friends

[cobra]: gonna i'm not gonna i am not
going to touch that

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: with like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you

[cobra]: a ten

[futuresport_of_the_past]: should

[cobra]: football

[futuresport_of_the_past]: not

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: um this is one of the rare
cases where you would want worse

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: actor in a role

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: right usually

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: want to cast some one better but
i think i agree like i would just

[cobra]: put some nobody there

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: that i can

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: actively hate not harvykatell

[kakashi_senpai]: ah

[cobra]: who's a treasure

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah because like

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i'm looking

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: here i'm just looking at steve semi
as an example and i think for steve

[futuresport_of_the_past]: semi

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: being in this movie like he had
some stuff

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: going on but i don't know if
he's really gotten a lot of you know

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he had

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: an crstarted before that

[cobra]: i mean

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but i don't

[cobra]: they named the character the weasel who
else is going to play but steve bisham

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that's fair

[kakashi_senpai]: right

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i mean that's kind of him for
me it was just he didn't really get

[futuresport_of_the_past]: enough usage

[cobra]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it was kind of i

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: don't know if

[cobra]: it was

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it was

[cobra]: it was

[futuresport_of_the_past]: a stun cast thing at the time
like like a famous

[cobra]: i don't

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: think

[futuresport_of_the_past]: guy

[cobra]: it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just

[cobra]: was

[futuresport_of_the_past]: doing a bit part

[cobra]: because ninety three

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: he had just

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: i think reserve for our dogs

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: had just come out right

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: that's his really first big role right

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it's like resuvuir dogs is ninety two

[cobra]: ah there you go

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah as pink that's really

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the rest of it's all like playing
like little pieces and movies as far as

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i can tell

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: if anything i would have liked to
have swapped

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ah

[kakashi_senpai]: have hotel out and moved steve who
sent me in as graham because he's he's

[cobra]: o yes

[kakashi_senpai]: i think i i it was

[futuresport_of_the_past]: m

[kakashi_senpai]: kind of a weird dynamic having eddie
and gram like like i guess i pass

[kakashi_senpai]: partners or just like current partners

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: or whatever it was odd the age
different quite feel sink

[cobra]: rect

[kakashi_senpai]: to me correct and not to be
a just it's just like they didn't

[cobra]: is it

[kakashi_senpai]: pair well

[cobra]: are

[kakashi_senpai]: to

[cobra]: they

[kakashi_senpai]: me

[cobra]: that if different in age time look

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but she and katelerktelan

[kakashi_senpai]: no i mean katelland

[cobra]: no no katel

[kakashi_senpai]: snipes

[cobra]: and snipes yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: i didn't i just didn't

[cobra]: so

[kakashi_senpai]: believe

[cobra]: hard

[kakashi_senpai]: that they were partners

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i mean the obvious

[cobra]: oh yeah yeah harvey tell is eighty

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the obvious

[cobra]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: solution

[cobra]: i don't

[futuresport_of_the_past]: to me

[cobra]: i don't have to look to know
that like wesley snipes is not at three

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: black don't

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the

[kakashi_senpai]: crack though so anyways

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the obvious solution to me is you
get nick note

[cobra]: he's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: to play

[cobra]: sixty

[futuresport_of_the_past]: tom gram

[kakashi_senpai]: that could work

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: cnolzi

[futuresport_of_the_past]: nincnilty

[kakashi_senpai]: he said

[cobra]: yeah oh man or are you know

[futuresport_of_the_past]: not

[cobra]: pre

[futuresport_of_the_past]: gibson

[cobra]: insanity garry busy

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah also

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[futuresport_of_the_past]: also an option i mean anybody who
we found be racers later would would

[kakashi_senpai]: uh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: have done that quite well

[cobra]: oh me gibson then

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeatht's what i said

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah ibsonum

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i think

[cobra]: i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i think yeah

[cobra]: i was just gonna say if i
had to

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: swap someone else because i thought the
same like i thought harvycatell was wasted in

[cobra]: this i would i'm torn between ray
wise s john morton because it doesn't really

[cobra]: convince me as much as a as
a sounded like it's okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: but really

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: the main villain i find out bob
richmond like the

[kakashi_senpai]: fucking

[cobra]: most

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ah

[cobra]: vanilla

[kakashi_senpai]: bob

[cobra]: nobody white name ever

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: like i i don't know

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: who kevin anderson is

[kakashi_senpai]: i do

[cobra]: and i did not care for his
acting and this because it was he

[futuresport_of_the_past]: awful

[cobra]: wasn't sure if he wanted to be
smart my or if he wanted to be

[cobra]: sort of like sicothentic to the japanese
is all over the place so i

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: would put someone else there i think

[futuresport_of_the_past]: chris why do you know who kevin
anderson is

[kakashi_senpai]: this

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: guy

[cobra]: why

[kakashi_senpai]: this guy is the guy or the
main love interest from the classic julia

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ah

[kakashi_senpai]: roberts vehicle sleeping with the enemy he
plays a guy named ben who who julia

[kakashi_senpai]: roberts character meets after she escapes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: she escapes her abusive i guess i
guess yeah that was her husband abusive husband

[kakashi_senpai]: and tried to start over so she
goes to a

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: sleepy small

[cobra]: wow

[kakashi_senpai]: town and meets the drama teacher and
that's who kevin anderson is and he was

[kakashi_senpai]: adorable in it so s

[cobra]: i did

[kakashi_senpai]: him

[cobra]: not

[kakashi_senpai]: in

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: this

[cobra]: recognize him at all

[kakashi_senpai]: also because he didn't

[futuresport_of_the_past]: m

[kakashi_senpai]: he wasn't rocking his

[cobra]: eh

[kakashi_senpai]: mega mullet and beard

[futuresport_of_the_past]: m

[cobra]: you know you know

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: i'm watching the trailer

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: for sleeping with the enemy now

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: you know he looks like he looks

[kakashi_senpai]: what is

[cobra]: like

[kakashi_senpai]: it like

[cobra]: spencer with a bullet

[kakashi_senpai]: oh my god really what

[cobra]: yes

[kakashi_senpai]: what oh no

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i'm sad for missing this

[kakashi_senpai]: come to

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: come to

[cobra]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: come to meet you tube let's do
the things so

[futuresport_of_the_past]: kind

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: of

[cobra]: just go

[kakashi_senpai]: it was

[cobra]: on

[futuresport_of_the_past]: kind of see that

[kakashi_senpai]: it was weird seeing

[cobra]: go on i

[kakashi_senpai]: him

[cobra]: m d b

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: i can't see it now

[kakashi_senpai]: what have you done what are you
about to do which trailer which trailer any

[cobra]: the one on

[kakashi_senpai]: first one

[cobra]: m d the one if you go
to sleep

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: with the enemy

[kakashi_senpai]: i just went to

[cobra]: the

[kakashi_senpai]: youtube

[cobra]: page on name

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: got it

[cobra]: it

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[cobra]: should be the same it's the

[kakashi_senpai]: at

[cobra]: beard and the shape of the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: phase makes me think of spencer for

[futuresport_of_the_past]: anyways

[cobra]: some reason

[futuresport_of_the_past]: well you you do video podcastting i
ll continue doing audio podcasting

[kakashi_senpai]: indeed indeed

[cobra]: sounds good

[kakashi_senpai]: indeed

[futuresport_of_the_past]: um so if you want to replace
kevin anderson is

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the evil villain um m i popped
up a highest crossing list of actors from

[futuresport_of_the_past]: from ninety three just to give me
sort of a range of people we could

[futuresport_of_the_past]: choose from but if you

[cobra]: well

[futuresport_of_the_past]: need

[cobra]: i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: some

[cobra]: was going

[futuresport_of_the_past]: one

[cobra]: to i was gonna shift i was

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: just going to swap steve bushey and
him honestly

[kakashi_senpai]: could

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: work too

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i could see that

[kakashi_senpai]: what were you going

[cobra]: then

[kakashi_senpai]: to say

[cobra]: he could be weasle

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: as well

[kakashi_senpai]: and then you wouldn't

[futuresport_of_the_past]: shame

[kakashi_senpai]: really

[cobra]: he always is

[kakashi_senpai]: you wouldn't

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: really see

[cobra]: but

[kakashi_senpai]: it coming

[cobra]: he

[kakashi_senpai]: because

[cobra]: could

[kakashi_senpai]: he's just

[cobra]: he could

[kakashi_senpai]: weasilly

[cobra]: have been like very sort of like
wesley and sicofantic

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: with the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: japanese while you know

[kakashi_senpai]: would it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i've

[kakashi_senpai]: be too

[cobra]: that kind

[kakashi_senpai]: obvious

[cobra]: of stuff

[kakashi_senpai]: then

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i think you need the generic milk
toast white air so

[cobra]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he goes on noticed even though honestly
i could figure it out about two thirds

[futuresport_of_the_past]: way through the movie it was clearly
him who did it once once

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you knew there was another person involved
in like i was that guy

[cobra]: because you run out of characters for
it to be

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: that's the thing

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah so

[kakashi_senpai]: ah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i don't know maybe daniel stern you
can swap him in

[kakashi_senpai]: ship i got an i

[cobra]: okay

[kakashi_senpai]: got an idea

[cobra]: yeah oh

[kakashi_senpai]: david decoveney

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah that

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: ninety

[futuresport_of_the_past]: might work

[kakashi_senpai]: three

[cobra]: i like

[kakashi_senpai]: ninety

[cobra]: it

[kakashi_senpai]: three

[cobra]: i like it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: m what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he

[kakashi_senpai]: was

[futuresport_of_the_past]: definitely

[kakashi_senpai]: he doing

[futuresport_of_the_past]: would

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: have

[kakashi_senpai]: then

[futuresport_of_the_past]: been better

[kakashi_senpai]: i don't know if i don't think
he had x files around that time

[cobra]: was

[kakashi_senpai]: no

[cobra]: doing it at that time i think

[kakashi_senpai]: snap

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: he was actually

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah yeah i was

[kakashi_senpai]: i couldn't oh

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: pals is old older than

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you think

[kakashi_senpai]: i thought it was like two thousand
but okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it's old i mean

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i think he stopped before the two
thousands or maybe just after the two thousand

[futuresport_of_the_past]: and he replaced them anyway this isn't

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the xl podcast this is the rising
sun podcast

[kakashi_senpai]: welcome

[cobra]: what

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: moving on

[kakashi_senpai]: it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: what you guys think was the most
rewatchbul scene in this movie for

[kakashi_senpai]: ah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: me it's easy it's the spot where
wesley nipes actually does marshal arts combat and

[futuresport_of_the_past]: they just duck around

[kakashi_senpai]: h

[futuresport_of_the_past]: san connery doing anything he just kind
of does a couple

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: of throws and they just cut away
from them real fast

[kakashi_senpai]: shan actually did some

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: some decent running and like coming up
leading up to yeah just before that scene

[kakashi_senpai]: in

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: constructon ike oh he still got he

[cobra]: but that was

[kakashi_senpai]: spry

[cobra]: that was

[kakashi_senpai]: yes

[cobra]: the only one

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah he gasped out before they made
it to the construction side

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: but yeah my favorite scene was actually
it it's a two partner one was

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: when they went into the student videography
club and they were just like trying to

[kakashi_senpai]: break things down and

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: in the umtacreers car sorry

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: career character was using that way com
tablet to do a lot of that editing

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: i was just like oh wow look
at this tech look at that she's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: actually she's real time swapping the heads
that's what's happening right now and then

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that's that's

[cobra]: technology

[futuresport_of_the_past]: how technology

[cobra]: was

[futuresport_of_the_past]: works

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: real

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah and then

[cobra]: years ahead of its time

[kakashi_senpai]: you know how valid

[futuresport_of_the_past]: m

[kakashi_senpai]: was it back that i don't know
and then the last scene when

[futuresport_of_the_past]: m

[kakashi_senpai]: webster drops drops her character off and
then the door slowly creak open and i'm

[kakashi_senpai]: just like i'm gonna leave that just
then like and then it's like like what's

[kakashi_senpai]: it conners like cohiadsnipe per snipe is
is like laughing it off

[futuresport_of_the_past]: m

[kakashi_senpai]: but we both know we all know
respect and loyalty aside like dude needs a

[kakashi_senpai]: double w needs some some some love
in his life again need some joy he

[kakashi_senpai]: totally went upstairs

[cobra]: oh yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: oh yes

[cobra]: yeah he did

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i

[cobra]: a

[futuresport_of_the_past]: mean

[cobra]: hundred

[futuresport_of_the_past]: maybe

[cobra]: percent he did

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but also like i don't know if
that whole thing was like why

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: they made no effort to show they
should have sex with each other other than

[futuresport_of_the_past]: they were

[kakashi_senpai]: i wasn't

[futuresport_of_the_past]: about

[kakashi_senpai]: suggesting

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the

[cobra]: there

[futuresport_of_the_past]: same

[cobra]: is

[futuresport_of_the_past]: age

[kakashi_senpai]: sex

[cobra]: ah

[kakashi_senpai]: i'm just saying

[cobra]: there

[kakashi_senpai]: some joy

[cobra]: is

[kakashi_senpai]: lo love he's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: hand

[kakashi_senpai]: got

[futuresport_of_the_past]: jibber

[cobra]: the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yah

[cobra]: last

[kakashi_senpai]: divorced

[cobra]: third of the

[kakashi_senpai]: no

[cobra]: movie is all

[kakashi_senpai]: shake

[cobra]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: you

[futuresport_of_the_past]: h

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: the whole the whole last like third
of that movie

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: is like that it's like what why

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: so like that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: is just one more situation where you
go where did all of this come from

[cobra]: there was no tension between them in

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: any sort of way whatsoever

[kakashi_senpai]: talking about

[cobra]: dude just

[kakashi_senpai]: the

[cobra]: looks

[kakashi_senpai]: nikesandoh

[cobra]: like web and web and jingo

[kakashi_senpai]: and

[cobra]: yeah is like

[kakashi_senpai]: jingo

[cobra]: okay

[kakashi_senpai]: i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so

[kakashi_senpai]: don't know

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the

[kakashi_senpai]: actually i said something when when she
was processing when she was processing some stuff

[kakashi_senpai]: at that machine

[futuresport_of_the_past]: she smiled at him that means she
wants to bang up jesus

[kakashi_senpai]: that's not

[futuresport_of_the_past]: man

[kakashi_senpai]: what i'm

[cobra]: wow

[kakashi_senpai]: suggesting

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i know it's nineteen ninety three

[kakashi_senpai]: that's not

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but

[kakashi_senpai]: what i'm suggesting

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you know

[kakashi_senpai]: that's tension i'm not saying sexual

[futuresport_of_the_past]: m

[kakashi_senpai]: i'm saying there's chemistry

[cobra]: i don't know

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: if a

[kakashi_senpai]: man

[futuresport_of_the_past]: girl smiles

[cobra]: it feels

[futuresport_of_the_past]: at you this chemistry what if she's
just a nice person

[kakashi_senpai]: that's cool too but i think we

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: all i think we all know that
there were some signals

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: in that car ride and she

[futuresport_of_the_past]: m

[kakashi_senpai]: let that hair down

[futuresport_of_the_past]: m ah m

[kakashi_senpai]: come on bro

[futuresport_of_the_past]: is that your favorite scene

[kakashi_senpai]: it is

[futuresport_of_the_past]: uh

[kakashi_senpai]: i was

[cobra]: so

[kakashi_senpai]: like oh

[cobra]: i can

[kakashi_senpai]: they're gonna

[cobra]: tell you

[kakashi_senpai]: ah

[cobra]: i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: uh

[cobra]: can tell you

[kakashi_senpai]: i think they're

[cobra]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: flirting

[cobra]: fourteen fifteen year old mease for

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[cobra]: favorite scene was edi mora drinking sake
i have the girl's boobs obviously

[kakashi_senpai]: i was like whoa

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that was some

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: aggressive soft

[kakashi_senpai]: i come

[futuresport_of_the_past]: court poem

[kakashi_senpai]: you see

[cobra]: yes

[kakashi_senpai]: i told i completely

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: forgot about

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ah

[kakashi_senpai]: that and

[cobra]: well

[kakashi_senpai]: i

[cobra]: that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: still

[cobra]: scene

[kakashi_senpai]: stand by

[cobra]: and and

[kakashi_senpai]: car scene

[cobra]: the scene

[kakashi_senpai]: going

[cobra]: where the scene where the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: poor girl carol is killed is also
very soft core port

[kakashi_senpai]: oh yea

[cobra]: i i'd forgotten that scene

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah but it's like i don't

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: know it's

[cobra]: good

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just to me like the fact that
he actually

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: tongue the nipple just like

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: takes

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it to a different place normally you
just like

[cobra]: well well in the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just

[cobra]: other

[futuresport_of_the_past]: they're

[cobra]: scene

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just there

[cobra]: they close up on her crutch right

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: as he rips off the like for
no reason why it's like oh i don't

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: know what is he doing there is
he looking for

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: he lose his keys

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it's all

[cobra]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: innuendo

[cobra]: that's not what happened there

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: it's like oh

[kakashi_senpai]: a

[cobra]: now that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: they showed that now i know what's
going on the was completely unnecessary

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no it's just

[cobra]: but

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but it's just weird that you actually
like touched her boobs

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like how many

[cobra]: well

[futuresport_of_the_past]: takes

[cobra]: the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: did that happen right like that seems

[kakashi_senpai]: tongue the boobs are you talking about
the murder scene

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: touched the boobs

[futuresport_of_the_past]: tongue

[cobra]: no

[futuresport_of_the_past]: in

[cobra]: no

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the boob

[cobra]: no no

[futuresport_of_the_past]: when he drank

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the

[cobra]: when

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oka

[kakashi_senpai]: that got got it yet

[cobra]: like he does

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: he does the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: barest effort of touching the sock to
her boob then he

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: goes

[kakashi_senpai]: well

[cobra]: there

[kakashi_senpai]: she

[cobra]: and

[kakashi_senpai]: held

[cobra]: like

[kakashi_senpai]: it still

[cobra]: tongues

[kakashi_senpai]: he held it still and she dipped

[cobra]: ah

[kakashi_senpai]: like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah but

[kakashi_senpai]: he

[cobra]: but

[kakashi_senpai]: presented

[cobra]: you can

[kakashi_senpai]: and she and she

[cobra]: you can

[kakashi_senpai]: and she

[cobra]: tell

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ah

[kakashi_senpai]: he suggested

[cobra]: you can tell

[kakashi_senpai]: and

[cobra]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: she

[cobra]: wasn't the

[kakashi_senpai]: and

[cobra]: first

[kakashi_senpai]: she was

[cobra]: time

[kakashi_senpai]: and

[cobra]: he

[kakashi_senpai]: she would

[cobra]: did that that take

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[cobra]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: i

[cobra]: was

[kakashi_senpai]: don't

[cobra]: like

[kakashi_senpai]: know

[cobra]: take

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: seventeen or something

[kakashi_senpai]: how do you get that wrong

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: bro

[cobra]: well

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you go get a write you

[cobra]: you

[futuresport_of_the_past]: have to

[cobra]: make

[futuresport_of_the_past]: get it

[cobra]: it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: right

[cobra]: you make it wrong on purpose

[futuresport_of_the_past]: uh

[kakashi_senpai]: no

[cobra]: that's what you

[futuresport_of_the_past]: uh

[cobra]: do my favorite part of that time
though is how funny

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: it is when they walk like a
crash in and they go after him

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: that the girl that has all the
sous on her belly she's still laying down

[cobra]: there with her legs as in the

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: same position yelling to

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yep

[cobra]: the ceiling

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: it's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: perfect

[cobra]: the and then and then

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: the red head jumps on onweslysnipe's back

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: and like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: that scene is so like benny hill

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: like that whole thing you know at
even today that's my favorite thing of the

[cobra]: movie

[kakashi_senpai]: ah

[cobra]: because it's so

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: it goes from like soft core porn
alma like what the ell is going to

[cobra]: go on here to the this like
comedy ben routine

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: all that's missing is the beni music
so i'll pick that scene as my favorite

[kakashi_senpai]: i'm

[cobra]: there

[kakashi_senpai]: not going to lie i thought i
thought we webster was going to full on

[kakashi_senpai]: judo flip the naked red head

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: chick and i'm like

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just

[kakashi_senpai]: just

[futuresport_of_the_past]: break

[kakashi_senpai]: like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: her

[kakashi_senpai]: it's get her off get her off

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: of you dude why are you running
around and taking her outside

[cobra]: i should

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that

[cobra]: think

[kakashi_senpai]: like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: was weird

[cobra]: he takes her outside

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yah

[cobra]: and he drops and he goes i'm
a police officer and she

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ah

[cobra]: goes

[kakashi_senpai]: terrible

[cobra]: you're

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: a piece of ship

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: also why did

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: none of the other squad officers running
by him health him at all

[kakashi_senpai]: he was like oh

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: shit wish that was me

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: ship

[cobra]: exactly

[kakashi_senpai]: lucky

[cobra]: exactly

[kakashi_senpai]: guy oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he's fine

[kakashi_senpai]: shit

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he's probably enjoying it

[kakashi_senpai]: be all right

[futuresport_of_the_past]: suck these guys

[kakashi_senpai]: lucky lucky lucky son of a gun

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: that was that was fucked up

[futuresport_of_the_past]: um okay so

[kakashi_senpai]: give

[futuresport_of_the_past]: what do

[kakashi_senpai]: that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you

[kakashi_senpai]: scene

[futuresport_of_the_past]: think

[kakashi_senpai]: four tidies down ah

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no but okay so let's let's let's
let's move on we're gonna we're gonna move

[futuresport_of_the_past]: on to the next question

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: um what do you think happens like
the day after the movie so let's let's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: be the morning of the next day
it does spider web wake up in john

[futuresport_of_the_past]: conners apartment or like what's happening there

[cobra]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: that's not john conner's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ye

[kakashi_senpai]: apartment that's her apartment

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: jingo

[cobra]: it's her apartment i think

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[kakashi_senpai]: i'm

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: not i don't think so

[cobra]: ah

[kakashi_senpai]: i think he's going to play the
long game

[cobra]: i think

[futuresport_of_the_past]: m

[cobra]: he doesn't wake up there because they
never slept he goes in

[futuresport_of_the_past]: m

[cobra]: and they like he has some like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[cobra]: more

[futuresport_of_the_past]: from

[kakashi_senpai]: in

[futuresport_of_the_past]: her

[kakashi_senpai]: the morning

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: nipple

[cobra]: no no no no

[kakashi_senpai]: i

[cobra]: no no

[kakashi_senpai]: four thumbs down

[cobra]: i'm gonna make i'm making i'm trying
to make this more wholesome okay so he

[cobra]: goes in with saki boob intentions he

[kakashi_senpai]: oh shit okay

[cobra]: but

[kakashi_senpai]: yes

[cobra]: they just find that they're like kindred
spirits so they stay up all night talking

[cobra]: about stuff he

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[cobra]: talks about his life and how you

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: his ex wife

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i

[cobra]: screwed him over

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: even though he is a crooked cop
that took like

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: a

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i don't

[cobra]: bribe

[futuresport_of_the_past]: think his

[cobra]: and

[futuresport_of_the_past]: wife

[cobra]: apparently

[futuresport_of_the_past]: screwed him over i think he legitimately

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: took a bribe

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: and

[cobra]: i know but

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: he thinks he was screwed over

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[cobra]: that's the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but

[cobra]: thing

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like i have a following question to
that since you brought it up like

[cobra]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he's still being prosecuted

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: for his bribe stuff right like

[cobra]: he's

[kakashi_senpai]: i thought it

[cobra]: he's

[kakashi_senpai]: was dismissed

[cobra]: going down he's going he's going

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: sucking down now

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: because they brought it back

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah they brought it

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: back they didn't

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: tie up any of those

[cobra]: and

[futuresport_of_the_past]: loose ends

[cobra]: and he

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: admit he admitted that he actually

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: wasn't a take so

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: it's like

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: like the whole again the whole

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: ending of that movie is

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: so dumb like like

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: oh the guy falls into the cement
and they're like

[kakashi_senpai]: true

[futuresport_of_the_past]: guess

[cobra]: everybody

[futuresport_of_the_past]: guess we can't

[cobra]: watched

[futuresport_of_the_past]: get him

[cobra]: every

[kakashi_senpai]: is

[cobra]: everybody watched this case closed and then
like it's like okay the guy just

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: was killed by the ah that's fine
we're two police officers who if the ship

[cobra]: the guy is dead it's fine

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: we're on leave

[kakashi_senpai]: they

[cobra]: like

[kakashi_senpai]: look

[cobra]: nothing

[kakashi_senpai]: each other

[cobra]: in that scene makes sense

[kakashi_senpai]: they knowingly

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i mean

[kakashi_senpai]: look at each other and so conners

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: like whelp

[cobra]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: exactly the only time in his life
where he said whelp

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: that was some ship i felt bad

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: for the dude in a way like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it was

[kakashi_senpai]: cement

[futuresport_of_the_past]: hilarious

[kakashi_senpai]: death

[futuresport_of_the_past]: though it

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: was so hilarious because just like well
what are we going to do and they

[futuresport_of_the_past]: got to the foundation fast so they're
not gonna get him out of there i'm

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like what

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like the cops can just stop them
can't they like

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: no no they can't because they were
put on leave so there

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: you know

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that's right so there not real cops

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: although i thought john

[cobra]: get

[futuresport_of_the_past]: conner was not a cop like he
had been put on leave like

[cobra]: he

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he was

[cobra]: put

[kakashi_senpai]: also

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like

[cobra]: himself

[kakashi_senpai]: confusing

[cobra]: on indefinite

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: leave

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i thought he was like an independent

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: contractor

[kakashi_senpai]: wow since

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: the dude

[cobra]: i don't

[kakashi_senpai]: is dead

[cobra]: know

[kakashi_senpai]: then like what's the point i'm not
that's not what i'm advocating that's just like

[kakashi_senpai]: i guess that's the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ah

[kakashi_senpai]: that's like the inferred sentiment that i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: right

[kakashi_senpai]: that yshitason is going to be like

[cobra]: i

[kakashi_senpai]: the

[cobra]: have

[kakashi_senpai]: point

[cobra]: to bring

[kakashi_senpai]: if we

[cobra]: something up

[kakashi_senpai]: if justice

[futuresport_of_the_past]: go ahead

[cobra]: i

[kakashi_senpai]: reaches

[cobra]: have to

[kakashi_senpai]: him you know

[cobra]: i had to bring something up

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: you know when when uh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ye

[cobra]: webs webster smith does the call back
to let you know bang the grass to

[cobra]: shake the snakes loose or whatever

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah beat

[futuresport_of_the_past]: sure

[kakashi_senpai]: the grass to

[cobra]: and

[kakashi_senpai]: shake

[cobra]: then

[kakashi_senpai]: the

[cobra]: he

[kakashi_senpai]: snakes

[cobra]: sends yeah and then he yeah then
he goes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: like let's do that and then he
sends the images to

[kakashi_senpai]: oh my god morton

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: mortons

[cobra]: two

[kakashi_senpai]: fast

[cobra]: more and the guy just blows his
fucking brains out i's like

[kakashi_senpai]: he didn't

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: you

[kakashi_senpai]: he

[cobra]: know

[kakashi_senpai]: didn't just

[cobra]: you know

[kakashi_senpai]: he didn't

[cobra]: snakes

[kakashi_senpai]: just

[cobra]: are shaking

[kakashi_senpai]: it was it was it wasn't just
my friend there was a

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: series of events that was a domino

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ah

[kakashi_senpai]: effect he took it and like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: it potography sucked like i thought he
was alone

[cobra]: yes

[kakashi_senpai]: in his bedroom and like

[cobra]: yes

[kakashi_senpai]: what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[kakashi_senpai]: to deal with the sucking tight shot
okay like tension or

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but

[kakashi_senpai]: whatever i don't know

[cobra]: why was this why was the scene
what was the shot of the wife on

[cobra]: the wheel chair where she's like stretching
her hand and showing the ring on she's

[cobra]: going like

[kakashi_senpai]: she was trying

[cobra]: even though

[kakashi_senpai]: to take

[cobra]: there's

[kakashi_senpai]: a

[cobra]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: ship

[cobra]: sound yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: she was

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: and they muted

[cobra]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: her

[cobra]: whole

[kakashi_senpai]: too and

[cobra]: scene

[kakashi_senpai]: they slow

[cobra]: is

[kakashi_senpai]: mode

[cobra]: so

[kakashi_senpai]: her

[cobra]: shit

[kakashi_senpai]: and

[cobra]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: then

[cobra]: whole

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so

[kakashi_senpai]: like

[cobra]: scene is

[kakashi_senpai]: context

[cobra]: awful

[kakashi_senpai]: was awful we had no i had
no no one

[cobra]: ye

[kakashi_senpai]: knew that the rest of his team
was tough hit was an isolated event he

[kakashi_senpai]: was going to sweat it out and
then maybe someone else might come in but

[kakashi_senpai]: like it was the worst it was
the worst layout and blocking i've ever seen

[kakashi_senpai]: like i had no idea other people
were still like was

[cobra]: and

[kakashi_senpai]: that his

[cobra]: and

[kakashi_senpai]: home

[cobra]: it

[kakashi_senpai]: or

[cobra]: escallates

[kakashi_senpai]: was that his

[cobra]: from nowhere

[kakashi_senpai]: yea

[cobra]: right because you see him get one
image and you

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: go oh he thinks he's funked so

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: he calls i had

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: which is like okay he got he
shook the snakes loose right

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: and then they keep on coming on
like the seventeen or twenty five fax machines

[cobra]: he has in his house

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: for reasons

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: and then

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: everybody sees it and then

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: this dude who's a u s senator
he's like whelp

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: guess it's time to go eat my
gun and that's it like it's what the

[cobra]: flock

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i fought like

[cobra]: and nothing happens

[kakashi_senpai]: oh yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: have a

[cobra]: to

[futuresport_of_the_past]: follow up

[cobra]: anybody

[futuresport_of_the_past]: to this

[cobra]: involved

[futuresport_of_the_past]: what i wanted to know is like
there's no remorse

[cobra]: ah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: from the corps like that guy

[cobra]: m

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: that's what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he

[cobra]: i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: basically

[cobra]: mean

[futuresport_of_the_past]: had

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: sex with someone he shouldn't

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: have had and they got him to
kill himself

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that does not seem like he was

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: innocent

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: right

[cobra]: like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like

[cobra]: he committed adultery and

[futuresport_of_the_past]: sure

[cobra]: his like his

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: career as a politician was probably done

[futuresport_of_the_past]: probably

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[cobra]: right

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but

[cobra]: but

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but

[cobra]: that's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: why

[cobra]: it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: why did he have to blow his
brains out and like

[kakashi_senpai]: good question

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[cobra]: exactly

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no follow up there's zero follow up

[cobra]: no follow

[futuresport_of_the_past]: is his wife

[cobra]: up

[futuresport_of_the_past]: dead

[cobra]: no consequence

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: no remorse no not even a mention
like funk we shook we shook that we

[cobra]: beat that

[kakashi_senpai]: look

[cobra]: grass

[kakashi_senpai]: too hard

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[cobra]: a little too hard

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah we we

[futuresport_of_the_past]: beat

[kakashi_senpai]: took

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the

[kakashi_senpai]: a lot

[futuresport_of_the_past]: cross

[kakashi_senpai]: more to that we burned it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no they fucking

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: lit the grass on fire

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah they scorched

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like

[kakashi_senpai]: yep

[futuresport_of_the_past]: dose in gasoline and scorched earth

[kakashi_senpai]: yep yep

[cobra]: and i had completely forgotten about the
fact that he

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: blows his brains out

[kakashi_senpai]: it was messed

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: up it was over kill

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: uh

[cobra]: hey

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so okay

[cobra]: anyway

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so

[cobra]: sorry i had to bring it up

[kakashi_senpai]: i'm

[cobra]: it

[kakashi_senpai]: glad

[cobra]: was so

[kakashi_senpai]: you did

[futuresport_of_the_past]: good

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: point

[cobra]: it's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so then the next day obviously that
the news was it's all over the news

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like the senator ill himself or do
they hush

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it up and just say he died

[cobra]: he

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: died

[kakashi_senpai]: true

[cobra]: of severe lead poisoning

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: uh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: wow

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i guess

[kakashi_senpai]: yes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: because that's i mean i guess that's
like if you played a long game of

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the idea which i thought was really
stupid where like at the end to career

[futuresport_of_the_past]: are supposed to be like oh is
it over or

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: did someone cover up for somebody no
sense like the

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: theory that

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: killing

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the senator allowed them to not the
deal but it's like it's like it lets

[futuresport_of_the_past]: them

[cobra]: i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: back

[cobra]: guess

[futuresport_of_the_past]: out because now the sender is not
going to vote for them but it's like

[cobra]: but

[futuresport_of_the_past]: this

[cobra]: it's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: is where

[cobra]: not

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i

[cobra]: just

[futuresport_of_the_past]: got

[cobra]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: confused because

[cobra]: her suggestion was also that you

[futuresport_of_the_past]: hey

[cobra]: know

[futuresport_of_the_past]: stop stop stop stop stop stop stop
stop i'm not finished yet i don't know

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he you're cutting me out i

[cobra]: fuck

[futuresport_of_the_past]: haven't finished my point

[cobra]: right

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the suggestion that who is it mico

[kakashi_senpai]: shitason

[futuresport_of_the_past]: your shitison

[cobra]: sita

[futuresport_of_the_past]: wanted to get out of the deal
but like couldn't but was negotiating to be

[futuresport_of_the_past]: in the deal that whole

[cobra]: that's why i was cutting you

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it's

[cobra]: it's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: all

[cobra]: not

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: convoluted

[cobra]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: then what

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: is

[cobra]: it's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it

[cobra]: not that what you were suggesting was
that bob richmond

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: didn't

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: actually kill the guy or if he
did he did it in service of someone

[cobra]: else not because he wanted to kill
it but he was like covering

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: up for his boss that's what

[kakashi_senpai]: sure

[cobra]: she was saying that it was still
the same thing that he was like not

[cobra]: really guilty

[kakashi_senpai]: fall

[cobra]: he

[kakashi_senpai]: guy

[cobra]: died to cover up he was a
guy exactly

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but i'm

[cobra]: that's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: asking

[cobra]: what she was

[futuresport_of_the_past]: about killing killing like

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: getting

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the senator

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: to die

[cobra]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like the senator dies and now it's
like is that what what what's said

[cobra]: at

[futuresport_of_the_past]: wanted the whole time to get out
of the deal

[cobra]: i don't think so

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: i don't think it matters

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: because they forget about that at the
moment he dies they forget about the whole

[cobra]: thing which is

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: another hole

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay i'm just checking

[cobra]: i see you're trying to help this
movie matt but no

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: it's just dumb that part

[kakashi_senpai]: ye

[futuresport_of_the_past]: fair enough

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so that's really the next day it's
just a bunch of

[kakashi_senpai]: weird

[futuresport_of_the_past]: is disappearing

[kakashi_senpai]: fall out yeah

[cobra]: i think i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[cobra]: think

[futuresport_of_the_past]: follow

[cobra]: there's obviously a lot of a lot
of repercussion from a senator blowing his head

[cobra]: off and like

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: all of the evidence s there and
that kind of

[kakashi_senpai]: i

[cobra]: stuff

[kakashi_senpai]: bet

[cobra]: right

[kakashi_senpai]: you it would still

[cobra]: so

[kakashi_senpai]: leak

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: oh yeah but

[futuresport_of_the_past]: in ninety

[cobra]: it was like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: three

[cobra]: you would throw

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[cobra]: no

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it's a lot harder

[cobra]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: to get information out you can control
the narrative

[cobra]: but

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: right

[cobra]: but it was all there already like
the wife saw it their campaign people saw

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: it so

[kakashi_senpai]: someone

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah but

[kakashi_senpai]: had

[futuresport_of_the_past]: they're

[kakashi_senpai]: to

[futuresport_of_the_past]: not

[kakashi_senpai]: talk

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but they're not going to give it
up they'll probably

[kakashi_senpai]: why

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just be like oh it's a tragic

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: you think they would cover it up

[futuresport_of_the_past]: because

[kakashi_senpai]: for

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like

[cobra]: okay

[kakashi_senpai]: what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: who

[kakashi_senpai]: reason there's nothing left for them unless

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but

[kakashi_senpai]: they

[futuresport_of_the_past]: what reason to blow it up because
they're ust gonna hound his well is

[cobra]: his

[futuresport_of_the_past]: x

[cobra]: wife

[futuresport_of_the_past]: wife now

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: they's going to hound everybody for more
information if they make it about him being

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like shady

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: that's true

[kakashi_senpai]: money

[cobra]: yeah that's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah but like this is ninety three

[kakashi_senpai]: money

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like

[cobra]: uh

[kakashi_senpai]: people still need money in ninety three

[cobra]: uh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no but we don't have teams yet

[kakashi_senpai]: that's not the point

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but there's

[kakashi_senpai]: that's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: less

[kakashi_senpai]: not

[futuresport_of_the_past]: people it'll be

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like a national inquirer thing that will
be like oh is this this really die

[futuresport_of_the_past]: or to kill himself because he's a
dirty guy i would never go past that

[kakashi_senpai]: apparently the whole team saw it so

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ah

[kakashi_senpai]: the

[cobra]: yes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it's

[kakashi_senpai]: wife

[futuresport_of_the_past]: fine

[kakashi_senpai]: might be but like what's the wife
going to do she's probably gonna write a

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: book m

[cobra]: run

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: for senate herself

[kakashi_senpai]: maybe

[futuresport_of_the_past]: and then if she ran for a
senator herself she can't have a crooked husband

[futuresport_of_the_past]: because

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: she could never win

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you be implicated

[cobra]: yeah i know i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: there

[cobra]: think that would cover it up just

[kakashi_senpai]: ye

[cobra]: like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: because they would incur another

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ah

[cobra]: thing so okay so

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it would also

[cobra]: they

[futuresport_of_the_past]: fuck

[cobra]: would

[futuresport_of_the_past]: up the

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: cua like that whole thing if it
was found out

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: they were black man like him so
the use

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: would make sure t was covered up

[cobra]: oh that's true

[futuresport_of_the_past]: whoever is involved there since they can
do any whatever

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: they want and cover up anything they
need to

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: and

[kakashi_senpai]: a

[cobra]: i think

[kakashi_senpai]: ray

[cobra]: i think what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: i think

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: wesley's nipe's wife or web

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: smith's wife would

[kakashi_senpai]: x

[cobra]: like

[kakashi_senpai]: wife

[cobra]: go back

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: with a vengeance trying to get custody
of the daughter

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh it's she's gone

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: webster smith is tried and found guilty
for bribery and

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he has this

[cobra]: he's like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he's

[cobra]: in jail now or

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he's off the forest that he probably

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: spends a week maybe like thirty days
in jail because it's

[kakashi_senpai]: that's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: a cop

[kakashi_senpai]: more like it because

[cobra]: he goes

[kakashi_senpai]: like

[cobra]: he goes back to playing basketball

[kakashi_senpai]: he

[futuresport_of_the_past]: technically he doesn't do that and this
will be that we know

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: of

[cobra]: does that's the whole point that

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: scene where he goes into the rough
neighborhoods which are the only advantage left in

[cobra]: america and they say oh web spiders
spider web smith scored forty point that the

[cobra]: there talking about

[futuresport_of_the_past]: man i can keep up with that
race as part of the movie

[kakashi_senpai]: i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: there's

[kakashi_senpai]: couldn't

[futuresport_of_the_past]: too many other races

[cobra]: that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: parts

[cobra]: one

[futuresport_of_the_past]: of the movie

[cobra]: that one race is part of the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i just checked out i'm like always
going to get

[kakashi_senpai]: ah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: these black uys to help him because

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: still cool or whatever in

[kakashi_senpai]: there

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the

[kakashi_senpai]: were

[futuresport_of_the_past]: hood

[kakashi_senpai]: some

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i'm

[kakashi_senpai]: to

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like

[kakashi_senpai]: los to

[futuresport_of_the_past]: jesus christ

[kakashi_senpai]: thank you very much

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh that's

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: some

[futuresport_of_the_past]: true

[cobra]: of course that

[kakashi_senpai]: some

[cobra]: was

[kakashi_senpai]: vats um

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah i couldn't the audio was so
bad and in that scene i could barely

[kakashi_senpai]: make out what they were saying so
i was just like all right he's gonna

[kakashi_senpai]: get some help

[cobra]: but

[kakashi_senpai]: and it's

[cobra]: that's

[kakashi_senpai]: gonna

[cobra]: that's the that's the fault of the
copy you had of the movie

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: i could hear it fine

[kakashi_senpai]: well not everybody

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: can blah blah

[cobra]: what

[kakashi_senpai]: blah yakdshmkei so

[cobra]: you

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: see dear listeners someone thought we were
watching a different movie today

[kakashi_senpai]: that's

[cobra]: or

[kakashi_senpai]: not

[cobra]: talking

[kakashi_senpai]: the point

[cobra]: about a different movie today

[kakashi_senpai]: that's actually not the point

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: not everybody can

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: get a ten dpblahblablah make

[futuresport_of_the_past]: we

[kakashi_senpai]: on

[futuresport_of_the_past]: don't

[kakashi_senpai]: short

[futuresport_of_the_past]: we don't

[kakashi_senpai]: notice

[cobra]: yes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: we don't

[cobra]: you can

[futuresport_of_the_past]: talk about that on this podcast we
all legitimately legally found a copy

[cobra]: ah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: this

[cobra]: of course

[futuresport_of_the_past]: movie chris is just had worse sound

[kakashi_senpai]: exactly

[cobra]: okay

[kakashi_senpai]: from

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: amazon

[cobra]: that's what

[kakashi_senpai]: prime

[cobra]: i meant

[kakashi_senpai]: amazon prime

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah that's that's what happened moving on
next question

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: sure

[futuresport_of_the_past]: we rambled a bit there but i
think it was necessary to talk about some

[futuresport_of_the_past]: of the problem of this movie

[kakashi_senpai]: that's right pink slips

[futuresport_of_the_past]: let's go to one of our easy
ones do you think our good friend let's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: go with i don't know eddie chris

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: what do you think eddy second

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: mara does it

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he first date

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: and it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: we may have seen it already

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but you know your choice

[kakashi_senpai]: i think he enjoys sweet talking and
then he likes to employ a few a

[kakashi_senpai]: few quite a few tactics to grease
the gear so to speak depending on what

[kakashi_senpai]: is his his objective is

[futuresport_of_the_past]: or

[kakashi_senpai]: i don't

[futuresport_of_the_past]: is it

[kakashi_senpai]: really

[futuresport_of_the_past]: is

[kakashi_senpai]: know

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it rice rice based by chance

[kakashi_senpai]: uh i'm gonna

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: that hit me in a way that

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: i don't know how to process but
i'm just going

[cobra]: uh

[kakashi_senpai]: to go with such a

[cobra]: h

[kakashi_senpai]: such dinner makes i said i was
actually thinking of more like more like just

[kakashi_senpai]: some sake and some conversation and then
he would and then he tried to whisper

[kakashi_senpai]: some sweet nothings into the ear of
of that that would be that would be

[kakashi_senpai]: someone specially someone because he likes to
sing deep down he doesn't want to be

[kakashi_senpai]: he doesn't want to be in he
doesnt want to be in the the position

[cobra]: an

[kakashi_senpai]: he's

[cobra]: tin

[kakashi_senpai]: in apart from

[cobra]: doesn't want to be fenced in he

[kakashi_senpai]: no

[cobra]: said so himself

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah i think he's gonna he's gonna
play the field try and continue

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: to sow his oats if you will

[cobra]: ah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so sorry what's his first date like
then i

[kakashi_senpai]: his

[futuresport_of_the_past]: didn't

[kakashi_senpai]: first

[futuresport_of_the_past]: go ahead catch

[kakashi_senpai]: day

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it

[kakashi_senpai]: is sake

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: plus

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[kakashi_senpai]: conversation plus

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay nice i like

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it that feel like a fun time
for everybody involved

[kakashi_senpai]: think so

[futuresport_of_the_past]: and then he does

[kakashi_senpai]: joy

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he

[kakashi_senpai]: ride

[futuresport_of_the_past]: does he threaten you to get in

[kakashi_senpai]: was that a lambargini or a ferrari
i don't

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it looks

[kakashi_senpai]: even

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like

[kakashi_senpai]: know

[futuresport_of_the_past]: a lambo

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah like

[cobra]: lamboyahit

[kakashi_senpai]: we want to take a rat

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yea

[kakashi_senpai]: in my car and go down to
to the boardwalk

[futuresport_of_the_past]: at the board room

[kakashi_senpai]: the board the board room the

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: board

[cobra]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: walk and then the board room

[cobra]: oh no

[kakashi_senpai]: the boot the boot

[futuresport_of_the_past]: h

[kakashi_senpai]: a room

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it was you o

[kakashi_senpai]: that that creepy like hidden room was

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: as fuck

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it was weird

[cobra]: which one

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the

[cobra]: there

[futuresport_of_the_past]: decor

[cobra]: was

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: so many hidden rooms in this thing

[futuresport_of_the_past]: at

[kakashi_senpai]: why is there a sex room like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: next door

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: to the board room

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it was all like pink and like
why was it

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: pink why did it have to be
that color

[kakashi_senpai]: yo

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like couldn't it just be

[kakashi_senpai]: too soft

[cobra]: and you know the reaction that leslie

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: has to that he goes there and
he goes oh i like this and then

[cobra]: like he tests

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: the bet

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: and then he does the same thing
at the boudoir

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: why are you testing beds my dude
at's what's wrong with you

[kakashi_senpai]: i think he's he's thinking

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: back to simpler simpler joys times

[cobra]: simpler

[kakashi_senpai]: before

[cobra]: times

[kakashi_senpai]: he before he got before you know
his marriage hit the hit the rocks right

[futuresport_of_the_past]: was that was that before after they
went to the uh boudoir house i'm going

[futuresport_of_the_past]: to call it

[kakashi_senpai]: what was before after

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the boardroom sex

[kakashi_senpai]: i think

[futuresport_of_the_past]: caldron

[kakashi_senpai]: that was

[cobra]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: before

[cobra]: it's right at the beginning

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: i

[cobra]: it's

[kakashi_senpai]: think

[cobra]: right

[kakashi_senpai]: that was

[cobra]: at the

[kakashi_senpai]: before

[cobra]: beginning

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh yeah because they bring in conrad
he finds the door

[kakashi_senpai]: yea

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he

[kakashi_senpai]: i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: knows

[kakashi_senpai]: thought

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: about

[kakashi_senpai]: it was going

[futuresport_of_the_past]: those

[kakashi_senpai]: to

[futuresport_of_the_past]: things

[cobra]: how

[kakashi_senpai]: i honestly thought

[cobra]: and it's like

[kakashi_senpai]: true

[cobra]: he makes he makes he makes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: such a show of

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: finding the door and he goes oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ah

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: and then he he peels back and
there was only like three choices for where

[cobra]: the room could be

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: like

[cobra]: same wall is like that wasn't that
wasn't a big deal my dude

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but

[kakashi_senpai]: she

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it's like he

[kakashi_senpai]: all

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just

[kakashi_senpai]: you've

[futuresport_of_the_past]: knows

[kakashi_senpai]: got to do

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: is press here and

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: if little a little known fact

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: i helped

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: draw up the plant

[cobra]: where is where is like the accent

[kakashi_senpai]: ye

[cobra]: went somewhere else

[kakashi_senpai]: don't worry about

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it

[kakashi_senpai]: it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: faded in an out it's fine basically

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: there's always a sex room for i
hid in sex

[cobra]: hm

[futuresport_of_the_past]: room

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: japanese

[cobra]: with a camera

[futuresport_of_the_past]: board rooms

[cobra]: pointing right to

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: because

[kakashi_senpai]: i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: obviously

[kakashi_senpai]: anttosee

[cobra]: if you look at if

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[cobra]: you look at the angle where they
show the table it's right like if that

[cobra]: door was opened it would be right

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: on frame

[kakashi_senpai]: i

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: honestly

[futuresport_of_the_past]: hundred percent

[kakashi_senpai]: thought that was going to be the

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: door into like the security camera room
like the illegal like dirty security camera

[cobra]: budiminibudir

[kakashi_senpai]: and what like i felt so bad
for that that security camera dude always sweating

[kakashi_senpai]: bullets and just i don't know how
he still had his job the next day

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: like

[cobra]: and

[kakashi_senpai]: whole

[cobra]: like

[kakashi_senpai]: plot

[cobra]: he was overacting that that stress so
much in that first scene he's like

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: my god

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: like it was like it was like
someone had worked on him for like eleven

[cobra]: hours straight

[kakashi_senpai]: i got a good here man like
just don't

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: don't rock the boat don't come on

[cobra]: don't

[kakashi_senpai]: brother

[cobra]: do

[kakashi_senpai]: don't

[cobra]: that brother

[kakashi_senpai]: don't don't rock the brow

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that

[cobra]: exactly

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that also doesn't cover the fact that
they make it like a huge deal over

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the guy who's feeding them information and
then he's filming like the stuff at scene

[futuresport_of_the_past]: and then

[kakashi_senpai]: was

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he

[kakashi_senpai]: that tanaka

[futuresport_of_the_past]: never he never comes out again

[kakashi_senpai]: i thought that was tanaka yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: maybe

[kakashi_senpai]: the

[cobra]: it was

[kakashi_senpai]: lip

[cobra]: the

[kakashi_senpai]: reader yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: it was that guy

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: the guy that was leap reading the
guy that was taking the pictures

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: and then the guy that

[kakashi_senpai]: yep

[cobra]: explodes in eddie's car it's all

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: the same guy

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah cannon fodder

[cobra]: yeah hundred percent might as well

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: have called him that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: sorry that guy is the security chief

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i never caught on to that at

[kakashi_senpai]: i was

[cobra]: really

[kakashi_senpai]: holding

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i just thought

[kakashi_senpai]: on

[futuresport_of_the_past]: tanaka was some

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: guy we just never saw

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: and you know why because they

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: ye

[cobra]: show him and they talk about him
but they never connect nobody calls

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah they never

[cobra]: him

[futuresport_of_the_past]: connect

[cobra]: tonic and he goes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: well no

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: it never happens

[kakashi_senpai]: also

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: when he was taking footage in the
board room that was the most fucked up

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: documentary um dance like

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: contemporary

[cobra]: why

[kakashi_senpai]: coreography

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: why

[kakashi_senpai]: i have

[cobra]: was

[kakashi_senpai]: ever fucking

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: seen

[cobra]: why was he doing like contemporary art
posing while he was taking pictures

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: like understand

[kakashi_senpai]: play

[cobra]: and he was thinking like a billion
pictures of the same thing

[kakashi_senpai]: i know it was not it didn't
make sense at all

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: all right

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i'm going to re rail this

[kakashi_senpai]: it

[cobra]: all right

[futuresport_of_the_past]: luciano

[cobra]: s

[futuresport_of_the_past]: do you think tom gram does for
first date

[cobra]: oh boy

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: first

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: day huh yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[cobra]: so

[kakashi_senpai]: hm oh

[cobra]: he takes the date which is well
let's leave it alone he takes the day

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: to like a good restaurant right that
he makes a reservation for and as the

[cobra]: night progresses

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: starts you know somewhat polite and somewhat
nice he opens the door the car door

[cobra]: for her and opens the door for
her you know s er set out but

[cobra]: as the night progresses and he's like
drinking whiskey with his meal and then he's

[cobra]: like drinking some other stuff he starts
getting into some like g or subjects let's

[cobra]: call them know

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[cobra]: how you know they're selling this we're
selling this country company by company and we're

[cobra]: letting he said so himself we're letting
these foreigners plunder our natural resources

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: and that kind of stuff

[futuresport_of_the_past]: hm

[cobra]: and you know by the end of
the night

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: he's in a fool on like races
clan rent

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: about them

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[cobra]: and how they're

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: stealing the country from the rightful owners
how they should all go back to their

[cobra]: own countries and stuff like that so

[futuresport_of_the_past]: do

[kakashi_senpai]: he

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you

[kakashi_senpai]: even

[futuresport_of_the_past]: think

[kakashi_senpai]: manages

[cobra]: it's

[kakashi_senpai]: gotogohead

[cobra]: fun

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you

[cobra]: it's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: think

[cobra]: fun

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that

[cobra]: for him

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: yet

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he you think that he takes them
home and shows him his grand wizard costume

[futuresport_of_the_past]: at some

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: point and then night

[kakashi_senpai]: i don't think he does okay

[cobra]: well

[kakashi_senpai]: you

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: are

[cobra]: i was just going

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: to say no i don't i don't
think i think they take he takes the

[cobra]: date home and then

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: like he's the door to his house
is a confederate flag

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: just the door itself it's

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: painted on

[kakashi_senpai]: but

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: yes to all that but before any
of that takes place he wants to he

[kakashi_senpai]: wants to test he wants to test
the reaction

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: to see so he enjoys the excitement

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: of it going either

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: way during

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: during conversation

[cobra]: he's got a test the waters

[kakashi_senpai]: he's got a test he's just gonna
like you know what pier and then

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: see how see if there's

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: a twitch

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: if there's like a if there's like
an eyebrow twitch or just like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just like

[kakashi_senpai]: like a double take like what if
they don't know

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ghost

[kakashi_senpai]: he

[futuresport_of_the_past]: power

[kakashi_senpai]: keeps going

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: goes power it's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but

[kakashi_senpai]: like so

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you

[kakashi_senpai]: that's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: alkaboutoh

[kakashi_senpai]: why i

[cobra]: s

[kakashi_senpai]: want to

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just

[kakashi_senpai]: make sure that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: you know that's what

[cobra]: i'm just a fan of the head
and field ghosts

[kakashi_senpai]: i want

[cobra]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: to make sure

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: that's

[kakashi_senpai]: that

[cobra]: all

[kakashi_senpai]: i met captain in the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: next three years what guilt pay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i grew up and i grew up
in had in field and yeah

[cobra]: yea

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i played i played

[cobra]: now

[futuresport_of_the_past]: on the teams ghost

[kakashi_senpai]: recluse

[futuresport_of_the_past]: par

[cobra]: and it goes like all you know
i have to

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: i was like oh you're such a
nice girl i really have to take you

[cobra]: to my next clan meeting i mean
family meeting

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: um yeah and then if there's an
eyebrow twitch yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[cobra]: i agree he would test the waters

[kakashi_senpai]: he tested

[cobra]: and then if if if

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: if she passes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: then he takes her to to see
the confederate flag door

[kakashi_senpai]: he takes her anyway

[cobra]: and all

[kakashi_senpai]: but

[cobra]: of

[kakashi_senpai]: he

[cobra]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: wants to see like he wants to
see how he's trying to roll the dice

[kakashi_senpai]: in to see

[cobra]: shit

[kakashi_senpai]: what kind of

[cobra]: shit so he

[kakashi_senpai]: e

[cobra]: takes

[kakashi_senpai]: takes

[cobra]: her

[kakashi_senpai]: her

[cobra]: anyway

[kakashi_senpai]: anyways

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: and and whether

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: there's hypno involved or not

[kakashi_senpai]: oh my

[cobra]: it depends

[kakashi_senpai]: gosh

[cobra]: on

[futuresport_of_the_past]: wow

[cobra]: their answers

[kakashi_senpai]: he's planned it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: a

[kakashi_senpai]: all because like another

[cobra]: yes

[kakashi_senpai]: thing that confused

[cobra]: he's

[kakashi_senpai]: me

[cobra]: a

[kakashi_senpai]: about

[cobra]: planner that

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: tom gram

[kakashi_senpai]: because

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: what confused me again about the dynamic
between gram and and where west

[kakashi_senpai]: who put who on to the take
first i think gram gave the nod and

[kakashi_senpai]: then

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: webster

[cobra]: that's what he

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: took

[cobra]: tells

[kakashi_senpai]: a

[cobra]: that's what he tells conner

[kakashi_senpai]: conor

[cobra]: right

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah but then when they talk again
in front of his house what they're

[kakashi_senpai]: right

[cobra]: like whispering

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: he says

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: you started me on it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ah

[cobra]: i'm like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the quiet

[cobra]: this

[futuresport_of_the_past]: whisper

[cobra]: is

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: go

[cobra]: it was

[kakashi_senpai]: pale

[cobra]: like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ay

[cobra]: yeah that one

[futuresport_of_the_past]: before i realized the only

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: other thing i want to add here

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[futuresport_of_the_past]: up until that scene or like he
started talking

[cobra]: hm

[futuresport_of_the_past]: about gram and i started connecting the
dots and they were both on the take

[futuresport_of_the_past]: on that thing i just thought that
gram was like his captain

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like i know that they had the
captain got the end and so i pieced

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it together

[kakashi_senpai]: i forgot

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but at

[kakashi_senpai]: about

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: him

[futuresport_of_the_past]: point did i feel like they were

[cobra]: yeah in

[kakashi_senpai]: exactly

[cobra]: the beginning you think he's just

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: like some dude

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: right

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: e's like oh he's the lays on
the other guys just the cop and then

[cobra]: you find out that they were partners

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: and also

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the dynamics

[cobra]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: weird

[cobra]: can i just say can i just
funk and say webster was supposed to be

[cobra]: in the lisan office for the asian
american companies and what not right you mean

[cobra]: to tell me that this guy works
with japanese and he knows like much more

[cobra]: complicated words in japanese like intuition but
he doesn't know what a fucking sand pie

[cobra]: is i'm the the first

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: time he says oh i'm your camp
is that like massa no do you work

[cobra]: with

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: these people you should know this if
you don't know how to say intuition or

[cobra]: if you don't know how to say
how i wiped my button japanese i would

[cobra]: believe you but you've never heard of
the concept of cenpinecohi when you work with

[cobra]: japanese people come on come on

[kakashi_senpai]: good point

[cobra]: that's stupid

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: point

[futuresport_of_the_past]: bro

[cobra]: it's so dumb

[futuresport_of_the_past]: bro watch any animate ever

[kakashi_senpai]: you know

[cobra]: right

[futuresport_of_the_past]: how you doing any o your research
all right let's

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[futuresport_of_the_past]: let's get back on

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: on target here

[kakashi_senpai]: it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so so what

[cobra]: i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: do

[cobra]: have

[futuresport_of_the_past]: we

[cobra]: a

[futuresport_of_the_past]: do

[cobra]: question for you mat

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: i was wondering how our good friend
we need the weasel wilhelm does

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: on the first date

[kakashi_senpai]: care to comment

[futuresport_of_the_past]: um yeah so willy will um invite
a woman out

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: to a fancy restaurant and

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: then he

[kakashi_senpai]: m yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: won't ever show up to the date
but he'll

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: hide outside taking photos

[cobra]: take

[futuresport_of_the_past]: of her

[cobra]: pictures

[futuresport_of_the_past]: um and then and then

[kakashi_senpai]: where

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he'll go home

[kakashi_senpai]: is

[futuresport_of_the_past]: and

[kakashi_senpai]: he

[futuresport_of_the_past]: master bate to them

[kakashi_senpai]: like

[cobra]: yeah he's fanishis

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: he's

[cobra]: distraught women

[kakashi_senpai]: he said seven thirty and i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: just

[futuresport_of_the_past]: and then

[kakashi_senpai]: i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you

[kakashi_senpai]: don't

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like he'll

[kakashi_senpai]: care

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like

[kakashi_senpai]: it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: text them or i guess can't text
them but you'll call and you be like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: hey can you tell the woman at
the table by the window that

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i'm not going to make it can
you just let her know that i'm not

[futuresport_of_the_past]: coming and

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: then and then he takes pictures

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: of her like the devastated

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: news

[kakashi_senpai]: what

[cobra]: yeah feel

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: disappointed

[kakashi_senpai]: my god

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: oh my god

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: rolling my eyes i'm glad i had

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: some bread

[futuresport_of_the_past]: cry for me mommy

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: oh god

[kakashi_senpai]: uh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that's

[cobra]: jesus

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that's how willy operates

[kakashi_senpai]: h okay notice

[cobra]: yes

[kakashi_senpai]: last night

[cobra]: okay

[kakashi_senpai]: that his last

[cobra]: i

[kakashi_senpai]: name is will hem

[cobra]: yeah he does a wilhelm scream when
he when he comes yeah okay

[kakashi_senpai]: oh okay okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: uh

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[cobra]: he goes like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: uh

[cobra]: you know he goes like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: huh

[cobra]: so

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: that's that's how it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i

[cobra]: goes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: might i might fix that post slightly

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: because

[cobra]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yours was not good

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: no it wasn't it was my

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: first attempt and it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it

[cobra]: was

[futuresport_of_the_past]: was

[cobra]: not

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: a good one

[futuresport_of_the_past]: a very bad

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: moving on with who do you think
has a podcast what character would set or

[futuresport_of_the_past]: podcast

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: and what would it be about

[cobra]: bob richmond has

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: has a japanese fetish

[kakashi_senpai]: does he

[cobra]: like podcast

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[cobra]: he talks about like he sprinkles in
like japanese words that he doesn't really know

[cobra]: what they mean exactly but he thinks
he does because he's like no no no

[cobra]: no no i'm i'm around the guys
i basically fluent

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: and then he has

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: like the worst north american accent in

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: ever and he just uses

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: the wrong words because he heard them
once and he talks

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: they talked to each other like he
over exaggerates and

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[cobra]: and he calls it something like the
bob's japan

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: hour or something like that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh it's not hentahaven

[cobra]: no no that one that one

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: is is for after

[futuresport_of_the_past]: a

[cobra]: hours

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but bob also runs that podcast right

[cobra]: a hundred percent

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay that's why he's insured

[cobra]: of

[futuresport_of_the_past]: in

[cobra]: course

[futuresport_of_the_past]: japanese culture quote unquote

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: yeah culture that's what we're calling it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: i thought he was gonna i think
i think he would he's looking to like

[kakashi_senpai]: a b c test to see what
gets the most traction and he has like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: well

[kakashi_senpai]: a third podcast around

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: like his sixty is sixty four laws
of business success and power and power

[cobra]: in

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: uh

[cobra]: in japan the sixth

[kakashi_senpai]: in japan

[futuresport_of_the_past]: h

[cobra]: sixty rules yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: international

[cobra]: a hundred percent he would have that

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah yeah if

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: you too won't have the success that
i do well let me

[cobra]: is

[kakashi_senpai]: tell

[cobra]: it like

[kakashi_senpai]: you something let me tell you something
i've got i've got a secret there's sixty

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: seven of them i had sixty four
but i added three more when i went

[kakashi_senpai]: on the air god's power

[cobra]: is this is this one of those

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: coach style

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: things where he's like

[kakashi_senpai]: oh yeah

[cobra]: using like ship from

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: fortune cookies as if they were pearls
of wisdom

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it's like he's basically tony robins for
race this business man

[kakashi_senpai]: i was gonna say tony robins yeah
tony robins with a splash just a dash

[kakashi_senpai]: of miss clara is power

[cobra]: why is why is

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: he southerner now

[kakashi_senpai]: that's not the point s trying to
he's testing so he gets

[cobra]: i see

[kakashi_senpai]: to he

[cobra]: i

[kakashi_senpai]: gets

[cobra]: see

[kakashi_senpai]: to step outside

[cobra]: it's a character

[kakashi_senpai]: of his right

[cobra]: it's a

[kakashi_senpai]: because

[cobra]: character

[kakashi_senpai]: he doesn't want to get discovered by

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: she on and his crew he wants
to see if he got that this is

[kakashi_senpai]: that side hustle if you can get
it to mature into something and he's

[cobra]: gives

[kakashi_senpai]: like

[cobra]: himself like a southern sounding name like

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: name is tom watson

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: and i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: right

[cobra]: am a guru

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: for the relationships between americans and japanese

[futuresport_of_the_past]: haven't

[kakashi_senpai]: that's right

[cobra]: like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: haven't you ever heard the can't remember
her name in this like this this woman

[futuresport_of_the_past]: who unlike social media who talks in
a southern accent but like in japan

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: is

[kakashi_senpai]: what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like it is fucking mind breaking

[cobra]: what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like it snapped like it's like she's

[kakashi_senpai]: h

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just like kaniciwal but like in like
the just

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: a southern

[cobra]: conic

[futuresport_of_the_past]: hick accent

[kakashi_senpai]: conic

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like

[kakashi_senpai]: wow

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like it's worse than with christine it's
just like

[kakashi_senpai]: wow

[futuresport_of_the_past]: she leans i don't know what language

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: speaks if she's just

[kakashi_senpai]: wow

[futuresport_of_the_past]: southern or

[kakashi_senpai]: wow

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like what's happening she's white so obviously

[kakashi_senpai]: h

[futuresport_of_the_past]: probably a southern background but its king
it just

[kakashi_senpai]: h

[futuresport_of_the_past]: breaks your and

[kakashi_senpai]: we and then

[cobra]: okay

[kakashi_senpai]: we

[cobra]: got to send me that later because

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: i

[kakashi_senpai]: let's

[cobra]: want

[kakashi_senpai]: let's

[cobra]: to see

[kakashi_senpai]: let's

[cobra]: this

[kakashi_senpai]: let's do that i think so like
a the end of every episode for the

[kakashi_senpai]: sea the sea cast he tries to
name drop his his his course is on

[kakashi_senpai]: tape and for seven you know for
seven easy payments of eighty five ninety nine

[kakashi_senpai]: with c o d you tube can
have the success that i've got

[cobra]: seal

[kakashi_senpai]: yea that's right that's right girls power

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: you can have that power to

[futuresport_of_the_past]: um

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that's a good podcast lots of podcasts
for that guy

[kakashi_senpai]: you know

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i would just like to to throw
in here that i think to your career

[futuresport_of_the_past]: or sorry jingo as a comma

[kakashi_senpai]: yes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: um i think she has a very
very detailed video editing

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[futuresport_of_the_past]: podcast she

[kakashi_senpai]: i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: goes

[kakashi_senpai]: love

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like

[kakashi_senpai]: it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: deep into the weeds so

[kakashi_senpai]: yep

[cobra]: like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: deep

[cobra]: a

[futuresport_of_the_past]: into the

[cobra]: like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: weeds

[cobra]: a youtube

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: kind of podcast right

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: where

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: it's like videopodcast yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: super detailed how you can like how
you can tell someone's faked video how you

[futuresport_of_the_past]: can enhance your video is how you
can like

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like she is on the cusp of
deep fix like she basically

[kakashi_senpai]: right

[futuresport_of_the_past]: if this world is to

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: be believed she creates deep fix is

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: what i'm believing based on the

[cobra]: amazingly

[futuresport_of_the_past]: technology that they're propagating at this point

[kakashi_senpai]: she's not and she's amazing at it
because when you they say when you teach

[kakashi_senpai]: two people learn and so she's just
like on that path to becoming a thought

[kakashi_senpai]: leader and just like a master of
her craft not that she isn't already but

[kakashi_senpai]: just engaging with the community to help
like not only uplift because she's working out

[kakashi_senpai]: of a university lab video lab so
who's to say that they're like that's not

[kakashi_senpai]: the this guy is not the limit
she wants she wants she wants more and

[kakashi_senpai]: she wants

[cobra]: and

[kakashi_senpai]: to turn

[cobra]: this

[kakashi_senpai]: it into

[cobra]: is like

[kakashi_senpai]: a real

[cobra]: one of those

[kakashi_senpai]: real mega career

[cobra]: yeah this

[kakashi_senpai]: some big

[cobra]: is

[kakashi_senpai]: bucks

[cobra]: one of

[kakashi_senpai]: too

[cobra]: those like every episode is like three
and a half hours because

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: she's going into like the weeds of
every single detail and

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: you know she has a q and
a session at the end all that kind

[cobra]: of stuff yeah i

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: can see that too

[kakashi_senpai]: i love that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: all right let's

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: let's move

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: on here to our next question

[cobra]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay um m m

[kakashi_senpai]: yah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: let's go with

[kakashi_senpai]: m oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: would you re name this movie because
rising sun

[cobra]: yes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: is not

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: it's not

[futuresport_of_the_past]: not

[cobra]: a

[futuresport_of_the_past]: great

[cobra]: good name

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: now

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: how

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: how or what would you rename it

[cobra]: m

[kakashi_senpai]: when you when you sit by the
river long enough eventually you'll see the body

[kakashi_senpai]: of your enemy flowing by

[cobra]: you fully said ship under river right

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: okay i'm just ticking

[kakashi_senpai]: no don't worry about it words words
are as they are

[cobra]: would you

[kakashi_senpai]: m m

[cobra]: how would we call this

[kakashi_senpai]: i think you should call it and
i don't and i don't care if it's

[kakashi_senpai]: a duplicate you should call it the
art of war

[cobra]: okay

[kakashi_senpai]: which is

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: another westley snipe's vehicle but i still
think you should call this the art of

[kakashi_senpai]: war

[cobra]: you know you know it's also a
book right

[kakashi_senpai]: yes i know i know i know

[cobra]: oka'slikeit's

[kakashi_senpai]: i meant because there's

[cobra]: a

[kakashi_senpai]: another movie

[cobra]: it's

[kakashi_senpai]: title

[cobra]: not oh yes art award

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: the westley snipes vehicle

[kakashi_senpai]: well it was it was what

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: was i had to go with that

[cobra]: i'm just thinking like what what is
the actual point of this because that's what

[cobra]: the title should reflect right

[kakashi_senpai]: bob

[cobra]: it's

[kakashi_senpai]: and weave

[kakashi_senpai]: dodge ball

[cobra]: oh god oh

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: ah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: um

[cobra]: you see that's that's the problem doesn't
really have

[futuresport_of_the_past]: hm

[cobra]: a point does it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: well the buddy cop

[kakashi_senpai]: all

[futuresport_of_the_past]: movie

[kakashi_senpai]: over

[cobra]: a

[futuresport_of_the_past]: what are they on on leave

[kakashi_senpai]: i know what to call it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[kakashi_senpai]: we call it

[cobra]: yet

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: salt and pepper

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: oh no

[futuresport_of_the_past]: perfect

[cobra]: oh no

[kakashi_senpai]: salton pepper

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: a tale

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ah

[cobra]: nothing

[kakashi_senpai]: of

[cobra]: is going to top

[kakashi_senpai]: two

[cobra]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: a tale of two shesong okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i mean you could stop that salt
and pepper

[kakashi_senpai]: i could but

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: why

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah well that's

[cobra]: honestly

[futuresport_of_the_past]: fair

[cobra]: the only thing i think would improve

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: it if you name it sat and
pepper but whatever the equivalent of those words

[cobra]: in japanese is

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: even if

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: it's slightly wrong

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah but then then

[cobra]: ye

[futuresport_of_the_past]: then no

[cobra]: and

[futuresport_of_the_past]: one would

[cobra]: then

[futuresport_of_the_past]: have watched it

[cobra]: yeah that's fair

[kakashi_senpai]: a

[cobra]: then you can you can have them
like they am having the nicknames

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: like the words as nicknames but flipped
who you expect to be salt

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: as pepper and you expect to be
pepper and salt

[kakashi_senpai]: i believe the translation goes something like
so to coco

[cobra]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: oh it's rhymes too nice

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so you're telling

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: me that

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you have

[kakashi_senpai]: ah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: webster pepper and john salt

[cobra]: well

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: no

[futuresport_of_the_past]: is it john

[cobra]: webster's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: pepper

[cobra]: salt and john

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: pepper

[kakashi_senpai]: there

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: you go

[cobra]: flipped yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i do like

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: john pepper yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: no

[futuresport_of_the_past]: and

[cobra]: soft and pepper is a good name

[futuresport_of_the_past]: and i want john pepper to go
oh spicy

[kakashi_senpai]: a

[futuresport_of_the_past]: all the time

[kakashi_senpai]: hot and spicy

[cobra]: oh i hate it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: elly webster just the last time you
had some space on

[futuresport_of_the_past]: now

[kakashi_senpai]: and

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it's just coming on to i i
think i don't know

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: tell me no no let me finish
which is the last time you had some

[kakashi_senpai]: spice on that oh i'm trying to

[cobra]: he could he could

[kakashi_senpai]: i got i got i was tryin
to ember that when last time had some

[kakashi_senpai]: spice on that goad

[cobra]: that's what we waited for

[kakashi_senpai]: yes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: i was trying to remember it and
you're welcome

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i'm sorry everybody

[cobra]: a so

[kakashi_senpai]: you're welcome

[cobra]: so like

[kakashi_senpai]: everybody

[cobra]: webster salt has to have a catch
line or a catch phrase that says i

[cobra]: ain't a g o the fun i'm
salt like it has to have something like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: i'm salt

[cobra]: oh better even better

[kakashi_senpai]: i'm so

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[cobra]: so

[kakashi_senpai]: well no i didn't need to do
that so

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: now

[futuresport_of_the_past]: can we because because this is so
influenced by japanese culture can we fit mammy

[futuresport_of_the_past]: in here anywhere

[kakashi_senpai]: what's your mommy

[cobra]: that's

[kakashi_senpai]: again

[cobra]: what i was doing with the m
s g

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: me

[kakashi_senpai]: is

[futuresport_of_the_past]: is the

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: is the fifth flavor

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: what does it look like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: what does it look like

[cobra]: it's it's just

[kakashi_senpai]: what

[cobra]: it's

[kakashi_senpai]: um

[cobra]: like salt you have savory sweet bitter

[kakashi_senpai]: and mommy

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: city can you mammy sor and yuma

[kakashi_senpai]: i'll look up

[cobra]: mamie

[kakashi_senpai]: mammy because i don't know what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it's

[kakashi_senpai]: that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like

[kakashi_senpai]: is

[futuresport_of_the_past]: savory nest basically

[kakashi_senpai]: okay dig

[cobra]: it's

[kakashi_senpai]: it

[cobra]: hardness and savoriness

[futuresport_of_the_past]: m

[kakashi_senpai]: apparently

[cobra]: at the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: same

[kakashi_senpai]: there's

[cobra]: time

[kakashi_senpai]: mamie salt but anyways dig it

[cobra]: but it's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: like you know that's what m s
jes for

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: you

[kakashi_senpai]: uh

[cobra]: lend

[kakashi_senpai]: h

[cobra]: mammy to it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: is the like so then like is
a character named m s g

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: eddy

[cobra]: no

[futuresport_of_the_past]: is

[cobra]: oh no

[futuresport_of_the_past]: eddie eddie

[cobra]: do we want

[futuresport_of_the_past]: mc

[cobra]: to do we want

[futuresport_of_the_past]: secamara

[cobra]: to do we want to get really

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: really like races

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: and there typical you can have one
of the yaks guys called to mammy yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: we

[kakashi_senpai]: that's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: can call

[kakashi_senpai]: his that's

[cobra]: just

[futuresport_of_the_past]: them

[kakashi_senpai]: his nickname

[cobra]: just

[futuresport_of_the_past]: we can call

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: to a career can be mammy instead
of jingo

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: mammy

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: ah it's got a nice ring

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yep

[cobra]: oh man

[kakashi_senpai]: it's

[cobra]: this is going

[kakashi_senpai]: awful

[cobra]: backwards in time to the seventies now

[kakashi_senpai]: m i could see

[futuresport_of_the_past]: m

[kakashi_senpai]: that all we need

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: is some like me this the only
the only other thing that this movie was

[kakashi_senpai]: missing was some terrible nineteen seventies camera
filters where there like too many sun spots

[kakashi_senpai]: and cracks in the film um it
just feels like one

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: of those

[cobra]: you know what was missing in this
movie that i was actually surprised that i

[cobra]: didn't have a rising sun

[kakashi_senpai]: he

[cobra]: because that would have been so much
cliche to put there

[kakashi_senpai]: the movie didn't open with one at
all like you thought

[cobra]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: you'd

[cobra]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: think it

[cobra]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: would like that makes

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: sense

[futuresport_of_the_past]: well

[cobra]: you or there would be once at
some point

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i mean

[cobra]: right

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it kind of doesn't because japanese

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: has nothing to do with the rising
sun right that was like existed around the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: time of wolartwo and the kind of
just dropped

[cobra]: well

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it like a bad habit

[cobra]: that's what

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: that's what the the red circle in
the the

[kakashi_senpai]: flag

[cobra]: flag is rightly represents

[kakashi_senpai]: ye

[cobra]: the rise and because it's

[kakashi_senpai]: so

[cobra]: the land of these but like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah but they don't they don't

[cobra]: that's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: talk about it anymore

[cobra]: that's where no at all

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: that's what that's the whole

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: point of the name being rise and
sin is stupid

[kakashi_senpai]: which is also kind of hilarious because

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ah

[kakashi_senpai]: they spent like fifteen faking minutes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: trying to

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: like trying to on board the audience
into those are those are butchering i don't

[kakashi_senpai]: want a book the name but the
drums and the significance of

[cobra]: the tycodrumsyeah

[kakashi_senpai]: thank you tycho

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: drums in the significance of warding evil
spirits and then this that and the other

[kakashi_senpai]: bowing to

[cobra]: then nothing

[kakashi_senpai]: nothing

[cobra]: like it goes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ah

[cobra]: nowhere

[kakashi_senpai]: and they turned it off

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: so that was weird

[futuresport_of_the_past]: they knew just about enough about japanese
culture to include it but not enough to

[futuresport_of_the_past]: actually you know make it meaningful

[kakashi_senpai]: michael crayton was like what do i
know about japanese culture

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: let me let

[cobra]: i

[kakashi_senpai]: me get

[cobra]: also

[kakashi_senpai]: my

[cobra]: love

[kakashi_senpai]: little

[cobra]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: typewriter

[cobra]: like

[kakashi_senpai]: gown with

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: racismracism

[cobra]: ah i also

[kakashi_senpai]: s

[cobra]: love

[kakashi_senpai]: power

[cobra]: that sun country

[kakashi_senpai]: i

[cobra]: character had the grumpy old man think
of saying you know our or ur coacher

[cobra]: might be wrapped and

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: v gmented but there's is

[kakashi_senpai]: h

[cobra]: not there's is better

[kakashi_senpai]: h

[cobra]: come

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: on it's on the nose

[kakashi_senpai]: that's stung

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: that's like and that hurt too because
the other the only other forgivable time he

[kakashi_senpai]: he named not even name drop but
he culture culture poked at it was when

[kakashi_senpai]: he was in finding four is there
like you're the mad now dog like no

[kakashi_senpai]: no

[cobra]: oh man

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: no

[cobra]: yes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: anyways we're

[kakashi_senpai]: yes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: gon t move on from all of
this we're going to re rail back because

[futuresport_of_the_past]: we have our two important questions we
need to cover and

[kakashi_senpai]: dig

[futuresport_of_the_past]: we're

[kakashi_senpai]: it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: getting near the end m let's go
with the standard studio is dead set on

[futuresport_of_the_past]: making a sequel

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: what's it about

[kakashi_senpai]: first of all the title is called
setting sun rising

[cobra]: of

[kakashi_senpai]: moon

[cobra]: course it is

[kakashi_senpai]: um

[cobra]: is

[kakashi_senpai]: and

[cobra]: it

[kakashi_senpai]: this

[cobra]: is it like the

[kakashi_senpai]: go ahead

[cobra]: opposite they go to japan and then
it's like an american coacher thing sat in

[cobra]: japan

[kakashi_senpai]: suppose and

[cobra]: and

[kakashi_senpai]: caught

[cobra]: then they have to call they have
to call webster smith

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: spring him out of prison from bribery

[kakashi_senpai]: i love that

[cobra]: help with like understanding american culture in

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no i like this but instead of
spring of prisident he got out of prison

[futuresport_of_the_past]: because his reputation was tarnished in america
and his ex

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: wife stole his kid he move

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: to japan

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he's already

[cobra]: nobody

[futuresport_of_the_past]: there

[cobra]: knows him

[kakashi_senpai]: with jingo

[cobra]: and he mingles

[futuresport_of_the_past]: exactly

[cobra]: in so well

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: and like yeah with jingo perfect because

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like obviously you know she can have
a fling with with john but it's not

[futuresport_of_the_past]: going to last

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so so they

[cobra]: killed

[futuresport_of_the_past]: moved there together

[cobra]: killed john his old he died

[kakashi_senpai]: don't you

[cobra]: there

[kakashi_senpai]: don't have to kill you

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: can make a special

[futuresport_of_the_past]: whoa

[kakashi_senpai]: appearance if not if not fully just
come in and just like

[cobra]: okay

[kakashi_senpai]: she

[cobra]: fine

[kakashi_senpai]: see you you've you've matured oh

[cobra]: what was that accent where did it

[kakashi_senpai]: i can't

[cobra]: go

[kakashi_senpai]: i can't hear myself so i'm just

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: um so so i think yeah so
they're they're in japan now

[cobra]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[cobra]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: what's happening in japan like how do
they get drawn into another it's obviously gonna

[futuresport_of_the_past]: be another like you know riddle case
what are these movies called

[kakashi_senpai]: what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: my brain a riddle case

[kakashi_senpai]: a riddle case

[cobra]: who who done

[kakashi_senpai]: who done

[cobra]: it

[kakashi_senpai]: it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i guess it's got

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yet

[kakashi_senpai]: maybe

[futuresport_of_the_past]: who done it

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: oh yoshida

[cobra]: so

[kakashi_senpai]: yoshida is murdered

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: she design is murdered and so like
and like it's okay well who's trying to

[kakashi_senpai]: usurp

[cobra]: like he's

[kakashi_senpai]: in blah blah

[cobra]: the kretsuwar took took another step

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[cobra]: and they

[kakashi_senpai]: she

[cobra]: actually

[kakashi_senpai]: would give us

[cobra]: killed

[kakashi_senpai]: some

[cobra]: him

[kakashi_senpai]: which would be some continuity and then
you know a number of

[cobra]: okay

[kakashi_senpai]: corporations or i guess or vulture swarming

[cobra]: like ed's dead right

[kakashi_senpai]: eddy oh yeah yeah yeah yeah

[cobra]: and so is yoshta so now there's
like a power

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: vacuum

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: in in that in nacamoto i think
is the company name

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah but she

[cobra]: and

[kakashi_senpai]: design

[cobra]: so now

[kakashi_senpai]: murdered mysteriously and we don't know

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: who

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ah

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: and

[cobra]: and

[kakashi_senpai]: we're

[cobra]: then

[kakashi_senpai]: trying to

[cobra]: you

[kakashi_senpai]: figure

[cobra]: have

[kakashi_senpai]: out who

[cobra]: like the

[kakashi_senpai]: is going to take power

[futuresport_of_the_past]: are we

[cobra]: the main

[futuresport_of_the_past]: sure

[cobra]: suspect

[futuresport_of_the_past]: are we sure eddie's

[cobra]: what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: dead

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ah

[cobra]: relaxed i was getting there

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[cobra]: i was getting

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[cobra]: there

[futuresport_of_the_past]: good good

[cobra]: i was getting

[kakashi_senpai]: finish

[cobra]: there

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: it

[cobra]: yeah so he there is like some

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: some suspicion right around the people that

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: be next in line to take over

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: and and so they call salt and
pepper to

[kakashi_senpai]: uh

[cobra]: to help with the with the investigation
that's what they called now they're

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ye

[cobra]: called towton pepper now so

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: they they're called in because of you
know caliner knows or new yoshtason and

[kakashi_senpai]: do

[cobra]: webster got you know experience with that
but they're not

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: they're not police offices anymore they're not
now independent contractors

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: independent security contractors because the law holds
them back

[kakashi_senpai]: salt and pepper investigations

[cobra]: exactly

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: exactly and then

[kakashi_senpai]: p s

[cobra]: in

[kakashi_senpai]: with

[cobra]: the set

[kakashi_senpai]: spice

[cobra]: yeah and now

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: now webster only dresses in white just
like on connor is always in black

[kakashi_senpai]: yes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that seems races but okay

[kakashi_senpai]: no it's

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: chess

[cobra]: that's races the rest

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: is not

[kakashi_senpai]: no

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i didn't say that to

[kakashi_senpai]: out

[futuresport_of_the_past]: continue

[kakashi_senpai]: of

[cobra]: fair

[kakashi_senpai]: out of

[cobra]: enough

[kakashi_senpai]: out of profound respect for his campi
and like there's an there's an unknown there's

[kakashi_senpai]: an unknown now truth that the torch
will be passed so you know john pepper

[kakashi_senpai]: wants at wants to make sure that

[cobra]: john

[kakashi_senpai]: him every new john pepper wants to
teach webster everything he knows and so he's

[kakashi_senpai]: like you should come you

[cobra]: he

[kakashi_senpai]: should

[cobra]: has

[kakashi_senpai]: come

[cobra]: to go he has

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: to go at some point during this
movie has to go i'm too old for

[cobra]: this ship

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: the only time he curses in the

[kakashi_senpai]: okay what if i like that but
what if not only ishitason is mysteriously murdered

[kakashi_senpai]: but john pepper is on the run
and we don't know why maybe he's he's

[kakashi_senpai]: he's potentially framed but like this is
this might be the reason why he the

[kakashi_senpai]: timing is just fucking lines up in
the nineties and john webster gets out of

[kakashi_senpai]: prison but at the same time

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: john is like i need your help

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: like and then it's like

[cobra]: he's back in japan so he's

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: back

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: in japan

[kakashi_senpai]: exactly

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[cobra]: okay okay

[kakashi_senpai]: yes that was

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: my

[cobra]: and

[futuresport_of_the_past]: works

[kakashi_senpai]: thinking

[cobra]: it's like reremember

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: that goal membership that picked me in

[kakashi_senpai]: it

[cobra]: de

[kakashi_senpai]: was

[cobra]: ash

[kakashi_senpai]: it was cold it was cold

[cobra]: okay

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: so then spider web

[kakashi_senpai]: uh

[cobra]: travels to japan to help help with
the the investigation and to clear john pepper's

[cobra]: name

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: m

[kakashi_senpai]: and then

[cobra]: and is he together with jingle already
or you know what happened there

[kakashi_senpai]: yea all that that that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: um

[kakashi_senpai]: that's that's i think come on let
him have something he lost his daughter

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so

[kakashi_senpai]: you know

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so

[kakashi_senpai]: how how bad is it hurts

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i want to agree with you chris
but i think because of the timing of

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the prison stuff i think that

[cobra]: he didn't have time

[futuresport_of_the_past]: they didn't have time and so he
goes and then they get into some more

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: of video shenanigans and they got a
call on jingo to come help them and

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that's when they rekindle and act hookup

[kakashi_senpai]: thank you thank you for that

[cobra]: okay

[kakashi_senpai]: i want him to have some love

[cobra]: okay so what happens is like there
is like three things going on right you

[cobra]: have to investigate who killed yustarsan

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[cobra]: they have to clear john's name

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[cobra]: those two have to be involved or
like connected in some way betwen investigations

[kakashi_senpai]: and then and then and then is
the is the plot rench twist eddie

[cobra]: yeah yeah so at some point in
the third act or like the middle of

[cobra]: the second act eddie is like he
appears and

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: he like he got his throat cut
right but so he has like the hand

[cobra]: ed yeah like he has the thing

[kakashi_senpai]: what's up my fuckesi'm back

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: back back to finish my

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: my daddy's job ad

[cobra]: i wish

[kakashi_senpai]: you can

[cobra]: you

[kakashi_senpai]: take

[cobra]: guys

[kakashi_senpai]: the

[cobra]: could

[kakashi_senpai]: player

[cobra]: have seen

[kakashi_senpai]: out of

[cobra]: matt's face

[kakashi_senpai]: you can

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i'm

[kakashi_senpai]: take

[futuresport_of_the_past]: sorry

[kakashi_senpai]: the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: is eddie chris chris not

[kakashi_senpai]: tucker

[futuresport_of_the_past]: chris

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: rock chris tucker thank you guess

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: what yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: what you both think you killed me

[kakashi_senpai]: you

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: got knocked the i got knocked fuck

[cobra]: so andy eddie is like also investigating

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[cobra]: who killed his dad

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: but like he had to go back
to japan after he was quote unquote killed

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: and he was

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: like living sort of like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: hidden underground because he knew there was
a plot against his that and like you

[cobra]: know feels like he failed his father

[futuresport_of_the_past]: m

[cobra]: protecting his father so now he has
to avenge him

[kakashi_senpai]: he's been bare knuckle boxing in the
in the in the underworld and

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: just like staying ripped and just ripping

[cobra]: why

[kakashi_senpai]: throats just ripping throats out of out
of would be challengers because he had a

[kakashi_senpai]: honorable fake debt that pretty good like
i had respect

[cobra]: and

[kakashi_senpai]: for him

[cobra]: so

[kakashi_senpai]: towards

[cobra]: he

[kakashi_senpai]: the

[cobra]: has

[kakashi_senpai]: end

[cobra]: to actually die this time

[kakashi_senpai]: if he dies

[cobra]: and

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he's not he's

[cobra]: and

[futuresport_of_the_past]: an

[cobra]: you

[futuresport_of_the_past]: upset

[cobra]: know

[futuresport_of_the_past]: die

[cobra]: he has to die

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: why

[cobra]: yes he does

[kakashi_senpai]: he's had enough

[cobra]: because

[kakashi_senpai]: let him leave

[futuresport_of_the_past]: if we

[kakashi_senpai]: any alone

[futuresport_of_the_past]: if we keep bringing

[cobra]: no

[futuresport_of_the_past]: him back

[cobra]: because

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he's got to live

[cobra]: but that's okay okay so let's flip
it then we're going

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: to have a bunch of sequels and
every time in every single movie of

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: this of this

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: franchise he feels like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: shan

[cobra]: he dies and he

[kakashi_senpai]: bean

[cobra]: comes back

[kakashi_senpai]: shot beat

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: him reverse

[cobra]: i shouldn't

[kakashi_senpai]: shot bean

[cobra]: be

[kakashi_senpai]: the bean ism this is

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: genius

[futuresport_of_the_past]: do listen this is great but as
this movie and what's what's the what's the

[kakashi_senpai]: ede takes the reins of nacomoto industries
and then the torch is fully passed from

[kakashi_senpai]: from from pepper to salt

[cobra]: but wait

[kakashi_senpai]: pepper

[cobra]: wait

[kakashi_senpai]: retires

[cobra]: we have to clarify something

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you

[kakashi_senpai]: what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: gotta you

[cobra]: what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: got to

[cobra]: happens

[futuresport_of_the_past]: solve

[cobra]: is

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so yeah you gotta solve who

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: killed them and all that the

[cobra]: so

[futuresport_of_the_past]: interwoven who

[cobra]: so

[futuresport_of_the_past]: done

[cobra]: what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it in this

[cobra]: happened was

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: um it was one of the one
of is like oh i know who it

[cobra]: was she had

[kakashi_senpai]: there you go

[cobra]: killed them

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: chihada was like he worked him himself
up in the chain of command

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: of the company and so

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[cobra]: he was in the board of directors

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: and he was because he was so
close to yoshta in the the like throughout

[cobra]: his his career he is like

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: the first he's like the second in
line to take over

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: so he kills your step son and
then what he does is he knows john

[cobra]: pepper is in japan so he he

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: to do another frame job he

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: tries to frame the depth

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[cobra]: of the guy that was

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: going to take over on john that's
why he's on the run

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: that's how you don't find

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: out that they're connected until the middle
of the movie

[kakashi_senpai]: you haven't seen the last of me
house strike

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: from my cugaboli spit at me

[cobra]: and he follows out like his death

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: he falls off the his windowed office
like they say

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: they're going to put him window window
watching or whatever

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: he

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: falls off of like the thirty seventh
floor of his yeah and dice

[futuresport_of_the_past]: and like sultan pepper is just like
chuck them over right because three remorseless murderers

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: a like they they're fighting him right
and then he like probably conner pushes him

[cobra]: off

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: the balcony and he goes well to

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: for you there's no cement down there

[futuresport_of_the_past]: a

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[cobra]: uh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he's gotta he's gotta like

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: um he's got to bring his name
into it somehow

[kakashi_senpai]: she had a what's his fault

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: is

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: his phone ame

[cobra]: no

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[cobra]: no the paper

[futuresport_of_the_past]: john pepper it's like

[cobra]: well

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: looks like you're going to be peppered
all over this street

[kakashi_senpai]: ah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah there you go nice got him

[futuresport_of_the_past]: perfect

[cobra]: this fully

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: became like a like a buddy cop

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: comedy from the eights

[kakashi_senpai]: some one man

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: plus another man

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: and

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: a bond that transcends borders in time

[cobra]: cultures and skin color

[futuresport_of_the_past]: m

[kakashi_senpai]: and racism

[futuresport_of_the_past]: h

[kakashi_senpai]: and seasonings welcome back

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ah

[kakashi_senpai]: salt and pepper your mother

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: fucking

[cobra]: in

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: setting sun the japan story

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: may

[kakashi_senpai]: i can't wait to see something like

[cobra]: i would watch the movie actually

[kakashi_senpai]: you know

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: it sounds gloriously stupid

[kakashi_senpai]: we did we like this is this
is weener zone anyways

[futuresport_of_the_past]: we're the zone

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: speaking of the zone let's continue the

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: because this thing needs to be a
little bit script a lot of

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it script doctor

[cobra]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so how script doctoring this bad

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: boy for me the first thing i
would do is just trip out all the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: weird extraneous things that happened

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that really don't add to the plot
like i don't know like

[kakashi_senpai]: preach

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i understand i understand at a high
level why willy exists because you want to

[futuresport_of_the_past]: give them something to hold over webster

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like just make it better make it
obvious make it

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just a kid like just make the
kid involved somehow not like this weird

[cobra]: all right

[futuresport_of_the_past]: side story

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: i would i would strip that character
completely i would also remove all of that

[cobra]: stupid chit about like him in being
that interview with the captain and like

[kakashi_senpai]: h

[cobra]: everybody and

[kakashi_senpai]: h

[cobra]: their fucking dog is in there room

[kakashi_senpai]: true

[cobra]: like bob richmond is there and

[kakashi_senpai]: ah

[cobra]: while is there

[kakashi_senpai]: why

[cobra]: s like what the flood is this
is this like a firing squad or an

[cobra]: interview what the fuck is going on
so i just rip all

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: of that for the movie it doesn't

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: do it think

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah it's all got to go why
i was about briton

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: in that meeting he's a

[kakashi_senpai]: it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: fucking

[kakashi_senpai]: was weird

[futuresport_of_the_past]: lawyer

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he's like a

[cobra]: yeah he's

[kakashi_senpai]: is

[cobra]: a

[kakashi_senpai]: he

[cobra]: lawyer

[kakashi_senpai]: a lawyer is he

[futuresport_of_the_past]: maybe

[cobra]: he's a lawyer

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: you

[cobra]: he's

[kakashi_senpai]: could also be

[cobra]: like

[kakashi_senpai]: a

[cobra]: a

[kakashi_senpai]: lawyer to

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yah

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: h

[cobra]: i have to just take that all
also like if we're gonna i think we've

[cobra]: he feels like too much of a
side character to have been the action killer

[kakashi_senpai]: well

[cobra]: we

[kakashi_senpai]: if you

[cobra]: need to have just just have

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[cobra]: just have ishida killer

[kakashi_senpai]: maybe but that in a way it

[cobra]: because

[kakashi_senpai]: was too

[cobra]: that's what

[kakashi_senpai]: obvious

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: happens in the book by the way

[kakashi_senpai]: is

[cobra]: change

[kakashi_senpai]: she had

[cobra]: this because i don't know if it's
is hate but

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: it is a japanese person that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: kills the girl no it's not like
just the milk toast white guy that kills

[cobra]: the girl

[kakashi_senpai]: dang

[cobra]: so

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah so that's that's fine like i
mean i think it's it's okay to do

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that i don't mind like i

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: understand what i'm trying to do with
the twist but to your point like if

[futuresport_of_the_past]: bob just feels like he's attacked in
character like they like

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: they like stick him in all the
scenes just so when they have the reveal

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it's not as blind

[cobra]: exactly

[futuresport_of_the_past]: siding as it feels

[cobra]: yeah because

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: if they didn't

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: show him in like it's all random
right like he interrupts

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: yoshdason and all that stuff it's also
just so that when he runs and people

[cobra]: go who who's that again that's the
only reason why you don't do that so

[cobra]: like just take it away and it's
too many

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: twists right you think it's eddy then
you think it's it's the

[kakashi_senpai]: naa

[cobra]: senator

[kakashi_senpai]: i

[cobra]: then

[kakashi_senpai]: thought it was

[cobra]: you

[kakashi_senpai]: tanaka

[cobra]: think it's tanaka and then you come
on like how many twists are you going

[cobra]: to have

[kakashi_senpai]: she

[cobra]: in this

[kakashi_senpai]: had

[cobra]: ship

[kakashi_senpai]: a she hara

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: um and even when

[cobra]: you

[kakashi_senpai]: when isshara showed up with a squad

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: the kill squad for eddy issa looked
like he was guilty like one hundred percent

[kakashi_senpai]: guilty to me in that point like
with that like you know emotionless dead fish

[kakashi_senpai]: face

[cobra]: also

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: i feel like we need to especially
given the way that that things happen in

[cobra]: the movie and like the optics of
it i feel like we need to extricate

[cobra]: the bribery thing from from webster's record
like he didn't he's not on the take

[futuresport_of_the_past]: well

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: what i was

[cobra]: it's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: saying

[cobra]: like a

[kakashi_senpai]: i

[cobra]: lot

[kakashi_senpai]: wanted to be

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i said i said hat at the
beginning like we just dropped that whole plot

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like

[kakashi_senpai]: good

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it doesn't matter you don't need

[cobra]: the whole

[futuresport_of_the_past]: to

[cobra]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: now because i was going to leave
it but like it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[cobra]: was like tom gram sort of like
shifting to blame because he's black you know

[cobra]: what mean that kind

[futuresport_of_the_past]: sure

[cobra]: of stuff

[futuresport_of_the_past]: maybe i don't i don't need that
plot line at all you just want to

[futuresport_of_the_past]: have something to hold over webster to
like to make his life harder just like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: fun with his

[cobra]: so

[futuresport_of_the_past]: kids

[cobra]: that's why you said okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: that's why you meant we just use
the kid okay yeah i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: agree i agree yeah it doesn't like
it doesn't really do much other than make

[cobra]: him be sort of irredeemable at the
end because that's that's i was going with

[cobra]: like don't don't have the actual killer
die and be buried under the foundation that

[cobra]: apparently once he touched the fucking cement
now i can't do anything about um like

[cobra]: have them be able to catch the
guy and the rest team and all that

[cobra]: stuff so that they can be vindicated

[kakashi_senpai]: ah

[cobra]: and and expose like tom gram as
the fucking race is prick that he is

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: and maybe even reinstated john conner because
he they were like oh

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: they put him up because he like
japan too much what does that even mean

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so that you're getting rid of what
are you doing

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: with gram

[cobra]: as you said it's not going to
be hired cat i know this is not

[cobra]: script but sucking i don't want to

[futuresport_of_the_past]: sure

[cobra]: like

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: it has to be someone much less
likable first of all

[futuresport_of_the_past]: because like the book

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it gives the impression and i got
the impression from the movie that john conner

[futuresport_of_the_past]: retired like he's not a cop

[cobra]: yeah he

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[cobra]: put they say

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i

[cobra]: a couple of times that he put
himself on leave or that he was put

[cobra]: on

[futuresport_of_the_past]: sure

[cobra]: leave or whatever so

[futuresport_of_the_past]: retired

[cobra]: he's not he's not a cop any
more yet

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[cobra]: like what i would do is have
him be on leave because of something like

[cobra]: some like conflict of interest or something
that he's done that isn't like super above

[cobra]: board but then bring him in because
they need like let's say webster goes there

[cobra]: as the lays on without connor at
first and then they completely like stonewall him

[cobra]: don't allow anything to happen and he
doesn't want to offend them but he needs

[cobra]: to go like be better at his
job because he gets that he's going like

[cobra]: i'm goin to buck shot everybody and
bled like no just like he's there because

[cobra]: has the diplomacy skills right have him
try to do that and then addie calls

[cobra]: con or in when he sees that
ship's going down right because it's eddy that

[cobra]: calls connor and then he comes in
and they're like oh they pulled him out

[cobra]: of retirement or leave or whatever they
re instated him as a cop now he

[cobra]: can actually act as a fucking cop

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: not just like some like cow boy
that goes doing ship even though he's not

[cobra]: a cop

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: like kind

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: of tighten it up a little bit

[futuresport_of_the_past]: maybe

[cobra]: in that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i don't

[cobra]: sense

[futuresport_of_the_past]: think it matters that he's a copper
not a copper the ambiguity helps the movie

[cobra]: it doesn't

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it doesn't

[cobra]: because

[futuresport_of_the_past]: hurt

[cobra]: everybody

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it

[cobra]: just assumes he's a cop on and
that's it it's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: not really ambiguous it's ambiguous

[futuresport_of_the_past]: what

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: for us because we know he's been
on leave

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but so you hear soetong mentioned it
you dont have to

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: say anything about it just go pick
him up and he's a cop like you

[futuresport_of_the_past]: don't have to i don't think it

[cobra]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: if

[cobra]: he

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he's

[cobra]: was

[futuresport_of_the_past]: a copper

[cobra]: never

[futuresport_of_the_past]: not

[cobra]: on leave then

[futuresport_of_the_past]: whatever call it whatever just don't mention
it either way and then

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like if you don't put in our
head that he's on leave or is retire

[futuresport_of_the_past]: and then we won't worry about it

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: doesn't

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it doesn't add

[cobra]: but

[futuresport_of_the_past]: to the

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: story

[cobra]: that's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: at

[cobra]: still

[futuresport_of_the_past]: all

[cobra]: no but it's still an open question
like who's this guy why why did they

[cobra]: pick him up why

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just

[cobra]: why

[futuresport_of_the_past]: well

[cobra]: doesn't

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like in

[cobra]: webster

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the book

[cobra]: know him

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just say he's a retired cup like
i don't know why they made like he

[futuresport_of_the_past]: was on leave that just as complications
he's just a retired cup

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: whose

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: good wish to japanese like that's a
has to be like this isn't complicated i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: wouldn't get backed down

[cobra]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: on the details of this you just
say he's retired

[cobra]: fair

[futuresport_of_the_past]: and then no

[cobra]: fair

[futuresport_of_the_past]: one asks any more questions

[cobra]: it's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it

[cobra]: just like a

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: but

[cobra]: like broad strokes back story

[kakashi_senpai]: but

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: he's a he still he still needs
that gravitaseof being like a celebrated captain no

[futuresport_of_the_past]: sure he's retired like i don't again

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you get that he's

[cobra]: you

[futuresport_of_the_past]: celebrated

[cobra]: don't need the extra convolution of yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah you get that he's respected when
he talks to har and isihawas like oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: john connor oh whatever i didn't get
any of the translations because i didn't have

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that on my side so i have
no idea what he said

[kakashi_senpai]: i'll

[futuresport_of_the_past]: to

[kakashi_senpai]: forgive

[futuresport_of_the_past]: him

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: in japanese

[kakashi_senpai]: you

[cobra]: the

[kakashi_senpai]: i'll

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yep

[kakashi_senpai]: forgive

[cobra]: the

[kakashi_senpai]: you it's john pepper thank you very

[futuresport_of_the_past]: sorry

[cobra]: ah no

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: the subtitles were weird where sometimes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: they would

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: show the translation sometimes they would just
show exactly what we're saying in japanese

[futuresport_of_the_past]: speaking japanese

[cobra]: and sometimes you just not show anything

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so but like you can

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: see the excitement when all japanese people
give him like reverence and

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: excitement about him being there so i
think that gives the his respected person for

[futuresport_of_the_past]: them so don't i

[cobra]: right

[futuresport_of_the_past]: to worry about it it

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: comes through like that you chop willy
the weasel you chop that whole story line

[futuresport_of_the_past]: up having to hold over

[cobra]: you

[futuresport_of_the_past]: him

[cobra]: remove the senator blowing his fucking brains
out because why

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: don't need

[kakashi_senpai]: i was

[cobra]: it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ah

[kakashi_senpai]: thinking about

[cobra]: can

[kakashi_senpai]: morton

[cobra]: be a scandal leave it as a
scandal it doesn't have to be a suicide

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i would have thought

[cobra]: then

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that they would

[cobra]: the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: have

[cobra]: whole stirring the grass isn't as bad
like yeah he you know he showed that

[cobra]: the guy was an adulterer fine he

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but

[cobra]: didn't cause the guy to kill himself

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but i would argue that they didn't
tear any grass because that did nothing for

[futuresport_of_the_past]: them to solve the case

[kakashi_senpai]: m just

[cobra]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: iseharwas

[cobra]: it will

[futuresport_of_the_past]: ah

[kakashi_senpai]: like new phone who is and he
hung up

[futuresport_of_the_past]: because because

[cobra]: that's true

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the video was the keys the video
set everything off in in the room

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: they had the video they said that
she gave him a fake copy of the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: video and then he was like oh
you fucking dick and they all distance from

[futuresport_of_the_past]: him and then they showed the video

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: for some reason

[cobra]: yea

[futuresport_of_the_past]: in the board

[kakashi_senpai]: even

[futuresport_of_the_past]: room

[cobra]: why

[kakashi_senpai]: even the plot

[cobra]: exactly

[kakashi_senpai]: knows

[cobra]: that's

[kakashi_senpai]: that

[cobra]: true

[kakashi_senpai]: morton

[cobra]: you're

[kakashi_senpai]: is unnecessary

[cobra]: right why did that do

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: why did the facts think not just
caused the guy

[kakashi_senpai]: um

[cobra]: to kill himself

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: for no

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it s

[cobra]: reason

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[futuresport_of_the_past]: they murdered a man oh

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: m like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just to

[cobra]: even

[futuresport_of_the_past]: watch them

[cobra]: if i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: die

[cobra]: like you know what could have happened
to it could have interrupted the negotiation so

[cobra]: that they had time to get there
before it was signed

[kakashi_senpai]: that would

[cobra]: because they

[kakashi_senpai]: work

[cobra]: were about to sign

[kakashi_senpai]: yes

[cobra]: right

[kakashi_senpai]: and then the pen

[cobra]: like

[kakashi_senpai]: wasn't working

[cobra]: yeah that so stupid

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: i was like oh so they got
there like literally at the same time because

[cobra]: reasons

[kakashi_senpai]: yes

[cobra]: what

[kakashi_senpai]: lot

[cobra]: a fun

[kakashi_senpai]: armor

[cobra]: coincidence that was yeah so maybe maybe
have the shaking of the grass or the

[cobra]: snakes or whatever yeah call the guy
and then

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: he storms into the negotiation the senator
ready go he drives there like like a

[cobra]: maniac walks in

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[cobra]: and pulls is hata out and interrupts
everything that allows them time to get there

[cobra]: and show the thing

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: which

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: is why char wasn't there

[kakashi_senpai]: exactly

[cobra]: first of all

[kakashi_senpai]: and running back

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: in which is something

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: there might be

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: a director's cut that explains this but
i don't want to see because what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: we're doing is a hell of a

[cobra]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: better

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i i would

[kakashi_senpai]: o

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just drop the senator exists because he's
a red hairing and once he's no longer

[futuresport_of_the_past]: a red hairing you don't need to
worry about him any more just drop them

[futuresport_of_the_past]: entirely yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: but then how like what's the point

[kakashi_senpai]: being

[cobra]: having

[kakashi_senpai]: the

[cobra]: him

[kakashi_senpai]: grass

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: like he's yes he's a red herring
but that has to have some sort of

[cobra]: impact in the story

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it

[cobra]: he's a

[futuresport_of_the_past]: is

[cobra]: senator that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but

[cobra]: was

[futuresport_of_the_past]: sure but it's

[cobra]: you

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just

[cobra]: know

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like they try to make him the
victim because they use it to blackmail him

[futuresport_of_the_past]: into getting him to vote yes on
this murder they want to have happened right

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but once you know he didn't commit
the murder he's he's useful to the movies

[futuresport_of_the_past]: done i think that's why he gets
off in the movie and in the book

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he also

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: shoots himself but they

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: actually confront him in person but you're
just a him because it ties up a

[futuresport_of_the_past]: loose end you just drop him you
don't have to watch him off himself like

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he's no longer consequential of the story
his whole purpose was to be like the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: reason why he's the killer because of
course he is right and

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: then once he's not the killer it's
like well we don't care for this guy

[futuresport_of_the_past]: any more

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i don't know why we have to
wrap him up

[cobra]: we don't have to wrap him into
the last bit of the story

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: but you have to wrap up his
story and i don't think that you need

[cobra]: to kill him as the wrap up
of the story like like i said

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: leave it as

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just

[cobra]: being a scandal

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just

[cobra]: just forget about

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just

[cobra]: him

[futuresport_of_the_past]: have his wife find out he banged
you know what's her face and then you

[futuresport_of_the_past]: know he's funked and that's the end
of him or like

[cobra]: that's what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: they

[cobra]: i'm saying

[futuresport_of_the_past]: fix they face

[cobra]: like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the picture of him banging this girl
in the board room till like a newspaper

[futuresport_of_the_past]: and as he's a raised

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: and then the wife stands up and
goes i'm leaving what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: also that listen we don't have much
time in the world but like what what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: was the purpose of his handicap wife

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah i didn't

[futuresport_of_the_past]: disabled

[kakashi_senpai]: even know

[cobra]: to

[kakashi_senpai]: they

[futuresport_of_the_past]: wife

[kakashi_senpai]: were

[cobra]: make

[kakashi_senpai]: married

[cobra]: him

[kakashi_senpai]: i didn't even know

[cobra]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: before

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah to show that he's an extra

[kakashi_senpai]: yah

[cobra]: dish back

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i guess

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i mean

[cobra]: serves no

[futuresport_of_the_past]: listen

[cobra]: purpose

[futuresport_of_the_past]: if you're

[cobra]: it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: going

[cobra]: serves

[futuresport_of_the_past]: to cheat

[cobra]: no

[futuresport_of_the_past]: on

[cobra]: purpose

[futuresport_of_the_past]: your wife it doesn't it doesn't matter
i just say he's married somewhere anyway

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: does not get lost in that

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like you could

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: if you want to tie about that's

[cobra]: i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: fine him killing him self is just

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: convenient way to tie it up but
the way it happens

[cobra]: was

[futuresport_of_the_past]: doesn't

[cobra]: but

[futuresport_of_the_past]: make sense

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: the problem with him killing himself is

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: wesley snap's

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: character did this just to stir something

[futuresport_of_the_past]: right

[cobra]: if you're saying if you're saying okay

[kakashi_senpai]: yes

[cobra]: like they want to take the senator

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: of the equation right so they send
the thing and now the senator can't help

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it

[cobra]: or can't interfere can't affect the

[kakashi_senpai]: mobilize

[cobra]: vote anymore because now he's fucked dealing
with the scandal so he's up you're right

[cobra]: wrap it up

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yea

[cobra]: there

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: the senator's out

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the

[cobra]: he's

[kakashi_senpai]: h

[futuresport_of_the_past]: whole

[cobra]: funked having to deal with this

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the

[cobra]: stuff

[futuresport_of_the_past]: whole rattling

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the grass to scare out the snakes
metaphor needs to be dropped because they do

[futuresport_of_the_past]: not use it correctly at all don't
do anything

[cobra]: yes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: with it the thing they do the
rattle of the snakes is bring the fucking

[futuresport_of_the_past]: video and show it to everybody in
the board room which i think is very

[futuresport_of_the_past]: questionable at best but

[cobra]: yeah they love everybody in this

[futuresport_of_the_past]: uh

[cobra]: movie is a fucking vayer

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: watching

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: like they all watched the whole scene
like three times

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: we get it the girls pretty

[futuresport_of_the_past]: sure

[cobra]: and you know poor there was no
international porn was harder to come by but

[cobra]: come

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i got

[cobra]: the funk

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it

[cobra]: on

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: yeah now

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: i think they wanted to use it
in a way that was like oh we're

[cobra]: going to go poke people and then
they're going to get you know

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: rattled so they're gonta make mistakes but
that doesn't really pan out

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: uh

[cobra]: right because what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: h

[cobra]: they what had

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: what had to happen was they needed

[futuresport_of_the_past]: m

[cobra]: the disk and the disk was with
eddy so like what difference does it make

[cobra]: if they

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: shake the snake to shake the snakes
to rattle the grass

[futuresport_of_the_past]: at

[cobra]: or

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that

[cobra]: whatever

[futuresport_of_the_past]: point

[cobra]: however

[futuresport_of_the_past]: they

[cobra]: the fucking

[futuresport_of_the_past]: at

[cobra]: that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that point

[cobra]: thing

[futuresport_of_the_past]: they

[cobra]: goes

[futuresport_of_the_past]: had they had the tape

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so

[kakashi_senpai]: wasn't it the doctored version though

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[cobra]: but but the whole thing with him
going to

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: the other caretto thing

[kakashi_senpai]: m yeah

[cobra]: and saying oh we you know bit
the grass to rail the snakes that didn't

[cobra]: lead anywhere

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah i don't disagree i was just
trying to connect the dot again for which

[cobra]: you're right

[kakashi_senpai]: version

[cobra]: man like you just drop the whole
ship just

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: drop it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: so what you

[cobra]: right

[futuresport_of_the_past]: do is you say you're going to
rattle the snakes but you have to go

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you go into that board room instead
of them all like going rig up to

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the t v real close it's like
you go in and um was just the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: two of them it was just the
two of them so like go in with

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the plan that like you know pepper
is going to show them the video and

[futuresport_of_the_past]: salt

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: is going to watch everybody for reaction
right so salt stays back out so we

[futuresport_of_the_past]: can keep an eye on everybody and

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like as they're watching the video you
look at all the people we've seen in

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the movie before right you got

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: to check out let me get their

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: names up

[kakashi_senpai]: bob

[futuresport_of_the_past]: here

[cobra]: i see like a like a like
a sort of a line

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: up sort of deal where you look

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: at the okay i like that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you're checking you're checking bob richman you're
checking your sheets on you're checking

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[futuresport_of_the_past]: sara you're checking all the other guys
that they never gave names to it just

[futuresport_of_the_past]: back around you know japanese men

[kakashi_senpai]: number

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you're looking

[kakashi_senpai]: one number

[futuresport_of_the_past]: at all

[kakashi_senpai]: two

[futuresport_of_the_past]: those faces and seeing if anybody cracks
or crumbles like obviously is haris caught because

[futuresport_of_the_past]: pepper out him and so as you
go around you finally see it like i

[futuresport_of_the_past]: start to freak out

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: and so you know maybe he gets
the drop on salt and hits him or

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like trips him as he runs

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: out like shoves him or something and

[cobra]: but

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that's how you get to the chase

[cobra]: i don't

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that's

[cobra]: want

[futuresport_of_the_past]: fine

[cobra]: bob to be i don't want bob
to be the bad guy in this because

[cobra]: he's he's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: useless

[futuresport_of_the_past]: sure but like

[cobra]: useless kick just

[kakashi_senpai]: but he's

[cobra]: drop

[kakashi_senpai]: unsuspecting

[cobra]: him entirely

[kakashi_senpai]: in a way so what would you
how would

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: you swap him how would you swap
who would you swap in for it for

[kakashi_senpai]: bob's slot

[cobra]: it's like i said have sha be
the one that kills her

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but okay if as want to kill
him then you lose all your momentum because

[futuresport_of_the_past]: sara gave him the bad video

[cobra]: yeah of course

[kakashi_senpai]: well

[cobra]: he did

[kakashi_senpai]: he could cara could

[futuresport_of_the_past]: like there's

[kakashi_senpai]: still

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: have been

[futuresport_of_the_past]: there's

[kakashi_senpai]: he could

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: have

[futuresport_of_the_past]: final

[kakashi_senpai]: plotted

[futuresport_of_the_past]: scene

[kakashi_senpai]: that but okay like if ar as
the dude was was the murderer right and

[kakashi_senpai]: gave them the door tape or dr
disk fine he could he

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: could he could snap and it's like
you aside

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: i put in all these words like
the disgruntled employee right and he's like if

[kakashi_senpai]: you

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: read it and then he will

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: perhaps commit suicide by jumping out the
way o it fails because he bounces off

[kakashi_senpai]: because it's a sky scraper

[futuresport_of_the_past]: well hats what happens in the in
the book is it's another japanese guy tied

[futuresport_of_the_past]: to the corporation and then the ald
senior guys disowned him and he jumps out

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the

[kakashi_senpai]: it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: window

[kakashi_senpai]: was tanaka you thought i was dead
tired of

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: being the fall guy i asked you
for a ridi asked you for a decent

[kakashi_senpai]: camera look what you gave me and
all by

[futuresport_of_the_past]: anyway so like i

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: don't disagree with you to the idea
that you don't like bob and that's fine

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you can make it you can

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just add someone in it i mean
it's fine like just pick somebody whoever give

[futuresport_of_the_past]: them more gravitase in the story

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: them a more integral

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: part bob like they don't do a
good enough job making bob

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: matter

[cobra]: it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: in the

[cobra]: doesn't

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: movie

[cobra]: it doesn't

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: really matter too much who it is
as long as it's a more important character

[futuresport_of_the_past]: s

[cobra]: than some wesley like smart my guy
that is raised to to web to web

[cobra]: smith

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: go get the senator's car

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: i like that scene

[kakashi_senpai]: i

[cobra]: actually

[kakashi_senpai]: like that scene too

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that was good yeah wrong century

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: man

[futuresport_of_the_past]: okay

[cobra]: but but yeah it has to be
like the there has to be more gravates

[cobra]: to the character that is actually the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i

[cobra]: and

[futuresport_of_the_past]: think it's

[cobra]: then

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you know

[cobra]: there

[futuresport_of_the_past]: what

[cobra]: was

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i'm gonna end it here it was
tom gram

[cobra]: i was i was

[futuresport_of_the_past]: uh

[cobra]: thinking of

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: why like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: uh

[cobra]: roping it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: in but how because then a lot
of the stuff that happens needs to have

[cobra]: been him in

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it's

[cobra]: the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: far

[cobra]: background where

[kakashi_senpai]: he was

[cobra]: he's

[kakashi_senpai]: there

[cobra]: like he's the

[kakashi_senpai]: in

[cobra]: one

[kakashi_senpai]: a lot of

[cobra]: stone

[kakashi_senpai]: stuff

[cobra]: walling ship because he doesn't want the
investigation to go and blabla

[futuresport_of_the_past]: fin's already

[cobra]: i'm

[futuresport_of_the_past]: stop

[cobra]: okay with

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he's

[cobra]: that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: already stone walling ship

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[cobra]: ah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: then then it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: can be harvedcatell

[kakashi_senpai]: so then how

[cobra]: because

[kakashi_senpai]: do we

[cobra]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[cobra]: you know

[kakashi_senpai]: sure so then how does he how
does he fit into the murder like the

[kakashi_senpai]: scene of the murder so unfortunately i
guess a number of people have their have

[kakashi_senpai]: their way with

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: the women in the board room so

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: just

[kakashi_senpai]: gram

[cobra]: one

[kakashi_senpai]: sorry

[cobra]: just one is

[futuresport_of_the_past]: still

[cobra]: just

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the

[cobra]: a

[futuresport_of_the_past]: senator

[cobra]: senator

[kakashi_senpai]: i mean like and no i'm

[cobra]: ah

[kakashi_senpai]: not saying remove this air i'm saying

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but he's

[kakashi_senpai]: there

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the only

[kakashi_senpai]: were

[futuresport_of_the_past]: one

[kakashi_senpai]: multiple

[futuresport_of_the_past]: who has

[kakashi_senpai]: contacts

[futuresport_of_the_past]: his way with her

[kakashi_senpai]: well i'm talking

[cobra]: no

[kakashi_senpai]: aishihara was there for a moment but
maybe he fails

[futuresport_of_the_past]: no he wasn't

[kakashi_senpai]: and maybe be he fails and maybe

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he was never in the he was

[cobra]: are

[futuresport_of_the_past]: in

[cobra]: you

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the board

[cobra]: saying

[futuresport_of_the_past]: room

[cobra]: there's going to be now

[futuresport_of_the_past]: what board

[cobra]: how

[futuresport_of_the_past]: room

[cobra]: would you fail

[kakashi_senpai]: same i don't know

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[kakashi_senpai]: maybe he gets interrupted because harvey katel
or rather gram is doing

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: a security sweep of something he's there

[cobra]: but the idea

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[cobra]: is that gram

[futuresport_of_the_past]: go

[cobra]: is guilty

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: so gram is involved in the murder

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: maybe he doesn't even show up in
the beginning of the movie shows up in

[cobra]: the middle of the movie kind

[kakashi_senpai]: sure

[cobra]: of stuff and then it's him he
he's on the take from from the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: japanese competition or whatever

[kakashi_senpai]: and that's fine i just don't i
just don't understand how we pin the murder

[kakashi_senpai]: on gram that's the

[cobra]: he

[kakashi_senpai]: goal

[cobra]: did it we don't pin it on
him he did

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[cobra]: it

[kakashi_senpai]: then

[cobra]: to help

[kakashi_senpai]: then that's different okay

[cobra]: the vote thing right

[kakashi_senpai]: something

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: he's

[cobra]: he

[kakashi_senpai]: a different kind

[cobra]: so

[kakashi_senpai]: of

[cobra]: the

[kakashi_senpai]: accomplice

[cobra]: senator the whole point is

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: the senator

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: does the thing they use it as

[kakashi_senpai]: yes

[cobra]: because she died

[kakashi_senpai]: yes

[cobra]: right and then she didn't really actually
die with the senator but someone kills her

[cobra]: and then tries to pin the murder
on the senator to blackmail him and that's

[cobra]: gram that's it

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i think

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i think the problem with this is
graham can't be a race just then you

[futuresport_of_the_past]: have to take that away why would
graham help

[cobra]: it's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the

[cobra]: a

[futuresport_of_the_past]: japanese

[cobra]: it's a cover it's a cover

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it's really hard to prove that to
cover races but then helping

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the japanese it just a really hard
thing to pull

[kakashi_senpai]: that's why

[futuresport_of_the_past]: and movie

[kakashi_senpai]: i was trying to understand how

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: like what

[cobra]: all

[kakashi_senpai]: motivates

[cobra]: right

[kakashi_senpai]: him

[futuresport_of_the_past]: i think you

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just add another person you know at
is willy it's willy

[cobra]: hey

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the weasel

[cobra]: you know

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[cobra]: what he's he is creepy enough that
he would work well

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he's there

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: because he gets to the scoop on
the story you bring him in more to

[futuresport_of_the_past]: the story he got stuff scoop on
the the story like something happening at the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: let the story slip out a bit
that someone was murdered so he gets a

[futuresport_of_the_past]: bit of a scoop on the story
and like follow the police solve in the

[futuresport_of_the_past]: case so we get something out of
it there

[kakashi_senpai]: he's there in the in the initial
board room seat like the negotiations early on

[kakashi_senpai]: so

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[kakashi_senpai]: we're

[cobra]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: aware

[cobra]: doesn't

[kakashi_senpai]: of

[cobra]: exist

[kakashi_senpai]: him

[cobra]: that scene doesn't exist

[kakashi_senpai]: really

[cobra]: yeah i don't want that scene

[kakashi_senpai]: why

[cobra]: at all

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it's dumb

[cobra]: it's

[kakashi_senpai]: so

[cobra]: dumb

[kakashi_senpai]: then so

[cobra]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: then

[cobra]: came

[kakashi_senpai]: is the re the business negotiations just
like teased and dripped into like through the

[kakashi_senpai]: media then is that how we achieve

[futuresport_of_the_past]: chris sorry i don't mean to rush
you but we're into one forward on

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[futuresport_of_the_past]: this we

[kakashi_senpai]: then

[futuresport_of_the_past]: got to rap

[kakashi_senpai]: never

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it up

[kakashi_senpai]: it's fine

[futuresport_of_the_past]: but like let's just let's just wrap
this up if we can

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah yeah yeah

[cobra]: i was going to say you know
what how he could have killed the girl

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: is he seized

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: the senator doing what he did and
he's like oh the girls i'm going to

[cobra]: do the same thing and then obviously
the girl fights him off because it's not

[cobra]: she's

[futuresport_of_the_past]: oh

[cobra]: just going to let anybody do it
and that he kills her by accident

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that

[kakashi_senpai]: sure

[futuresport_of_the_past]: doesn't work you can't

[kakashi_senpai]: actually

[futuresport_of_the_past]: have a conflict

[kakashi_senpai]: i kind of what

[futuresport_of_the_past]: now i don't want to drag this
out and we got a stuff but you

[futuresport_of_the_past]: can't have this movie be so such
a conflutely layering like you know trying to

[futuresport_of_the_past]: be a knives out thing and then
it's like oh that got kill her by

[futuresport_of_the_past]: accident sorry that's the lamous ending of
the history of

[cobra]: but

[futuresport_of_the_past]: time

[cobra]: the thing is a cover up not
just you know a

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that's

[cobra]: purposeful

[futuresport_of_the_past]: not a cover

[cobra]: murder

[futuresport_of_the_past]: up that

[cobra]: that's the only

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that's just that's just like oh yeah
well like it just seems really fucking stupid

[kakashi_senpai]: let

[futuresport_of_the_past]: to

[kakashi_senpai]: them

[futuresport_of_the_past]: have

[kakashi_senpai]: be

[futuresport_of_the_past]: just

[kakashi_senpai]: dark

[futuresport_of_the_past]: a random an accidental kill

[cobra]: i don't i don't know about that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that's

[cobra]: can

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that's

[cobra]: like

[futuresport_of_the_past]: terrible

[cobra]: it's not

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you

[cobra]: any

[futuresport_of_the_past]: know

[cobra]: more

[futuresport_of_the_past]: what

[cobra]: convoluted than it already

[futuresport_of_the_past]: let's

[cobra]: is

[futuresport_of_the_past]: leave it at this and listeners if
you think that's as terrible as i believe

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it is

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you can tell

[cobra]: uh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: luciano

[kakashi_senpai]: alas

[futuresport_of_the_past]: he is wrong at

[cobra]: h

[futuresport_of_the_past]: as you're goin t hit is up
on twitter at your wrong cast

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: if we still

[cobra]: you

[futuresport_of_the_past]: use

[cobra]: can

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it i don't

[cobra]: hit

[futuresport_of_the_past]: know

[cobra]: us up from twitter

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah good

[cobra]: for

[futuresport_of_the_past]: luck

[cobra]: now

[kakashi_senpai]: you might

[futuresport_of_the_past]: for

[kakashi_senpai]: find

[futuresport_of_the_past]: now

[kakashi_senpai]: us yeah for now

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that might be changing we are not
paying eight dollars to verify us so

[kakashi_senpai]: nope

[futuresport_of_the_past]: if you don't hit

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: at your wrong cast

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: you might hit a very different one
if someone's trying to impersonate us

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: also

[cobra]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: if you want to avoid that whole
thing i think l is still

[kakashi_senpai]: yep

[futuresport_of_the_past]: working so you can hit us at
your own cast at mail dot com

[kakashi_senpai]: elon

[futuresport_of_the_past]: and

[kakashi_senpai]: buys that

[futuresport_of_the_past]: there's until you go by that and
then elonsgonta buy our website from us but

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that is w w

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: w dot your wrong cast dot c

[kakashi_senpai]: hm until we find

[cobra]: he

[futuresport_of_the_past]: um

[kakashi_senpai]: our way

[cobra]: would

[kakashi_senpai]: on

[cobra]: buy

[kakashi_senpai]: mastodon

[cobra]: he would

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah

[cobra]: buy a website that people

[kakashi_senpai]: okay

[cobra]: named with the w w

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that's

[cobra]: w first

[futuresport_of_the_past]: that's because we're

[kakashi_senpai]: yeah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: impersonating him with a party but he
doesn't understand party

[kakashi_senpai]: hm

[cobra]: oh

[futuresport_of_the_past]: yeah shut it down

[cobra]: ah

[futuresport_of_the_past]: shut

[kakashi_senpai]: m

[futuresport_of_the_past]: it all down

[kakashi_senpai]: m burnet

[futuresport_of_the_past]: for

[cobra]: all right

[futuresport_of_the_past]: now i am matt

[kakashi_senpai]: oh

[cobra]: am luciano

[kakashi_senpai]: i need more hot and spicy seasonings

Creators and Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
T.A.X.E.S. | My Senpai Told Me You're Wrong About "Rising Sun"
Broadcast by