T.A.X.E.S. | Simon Says: You're Wrong About "Demolition Man"

Simon also says that these nerds would have gone bankrupt a *long* time ago if a verbal morality statute were in effect nowadays.

[the_original_john_spartan]: hello welcome back to your wrong it
is the last episode of our taxes season

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: in

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: are you

[cobra]: pain

[the_original_john_spartan]: are you sad

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: your

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: tax

[cobra]: didn't

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: i don't want to pay taxes anymore

[the_original_john_spartan]: well

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: too bad you live into society taxes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: stands for technical

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: amazing

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's not the right

[cobra]: no

[the_original_john_spartan]: one

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: technically

[the_original_john_spartan]: time

[cobra]: that's

[the_original_john_spartan]: i looked

[cobra]: not

[the_original_john_spartan]: this

[cobra]: the right

[the_original_john_spartan]: up

[cobra]: one

[the_original_john_spartan]: you guys have like

[cobra]: what

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: my

[cobra]: is wrong with you

[the_original_john_spartan]: no i looked it up

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: and

[spinner]: god

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's

[cobra]: tack

[the_original_john_spartan]: ere's like

[cobra]: on absorbing

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it's happening

[cobra]: x ray enhanced

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: snipes

[spinner]: uh m

[the_original_john_spartan]: because

[cobra]: that's what

[the_original_john_spartan]: on

[cobra]: it

[the_original_john_spartan]: discord

[cobra]: is

[the_original_john_spartan]: we have

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hm

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: like all the things we thought

[cobra]: uh

[the_original_john_spartan]: of we pinned

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: and we should have removed every

[cobra]: uh

[the_original_john_spartan]: pin one we wanted

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: thanks for us

[cobra]: yes that's it eh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: was there a second option that was

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: was

[spinner]: to

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: being

[cobra]: three options

[spinner]: picked

[the_original_john_spartan]: other options were terrific

[spinner]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: acting extremely enhanced

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: my

[the_original_john_spartan]: snipes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: turbulent acting

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: x ray enhance snipes um

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: turbulent acting

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: so

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: that is that is

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: accurate

[the_original_john_spartan]: and then there

[cobra]: then

[the_original_john_spartan]: was technical

[cobra]: i found tekin

[the_original_john_spartan]: there's technical amazing

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: zenophobiceratic snipes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's not

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's not that's not wesley

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's

[spinner]: ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: not that's not brother

[cobra]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: darkness

[the_original_john_spartan]: that wasn't

[spinner]: don't don't

[the_original_john_spartan]: that

[spinner]: put

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's

[the_original_john_spartan]: wasn't

[spinner]: him in

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: not

[spinner]: that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's

[spinner]: box

[the_original_john_spartan]: that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: not

[the_original_john_spartan]: wasn't

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: brother

[the_original_john_spartan]: it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: darkness

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: as i normally do but we're so
far right and we'll just wrap around to

[the_original_john_spartan]: it quickly as always chris is here

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yep

[the_original_john_spartan]: seattois here

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: i'm not

[spinner]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: and our first time long time extra
special guest spencer

[spinner]: hey guys it's such an

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i

[spinner]: honor

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: just

[spinner]: to

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like

[spinner]: be here

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to highlight

[spinner]: to you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that

[spinner]: big fan

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i specifically chose my my my title
for this movie because it is

[spinner]: okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it encaptulates

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: everything that this movie made me want
to cream

[spinner]: ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: at certain

[the_original_john_spartan]: it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: scenes

[spinner]: just just for the audience his name
is mandosa

[the_original_john_spartan]: m

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[cobra]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: don't laugh you

[the_original_john_spartan]: hm

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hold the note you hold the note

[spinner]: sorry

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: every time every time let's get into

[the_original_john_spartan]: mum

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: let's get into it let's get into

[spinner]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: we watched

[spinner]: m

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yep what did we watch

[the_original_john_spartan]: the award winning

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: award winning

[the_original_john_spartan]: nineteen ninety three

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: tell him

[the_original_john_spartan]: ultimate action movie

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: shots fired

[spinner]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: militia

[spinner]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: man

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: be

[the_original_john_spartan]: staring

[spinner]: fuck

[the_original_john_spartan]: our boy watch the nipes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: fuck yeah we

[the_original_john_spartan]: also

[spinner]: did

[the_original_john_spartan]: hanging around

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: stealing from his

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: thunder

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: m

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: just along

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hm

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: um m hanging

[cobra]: hat

[the_original_john_spartan]: out

[cobra]: was pretty good

[the_original_john_spartan]: hanging out together before they went off
to make geniality we have

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: sandy beat and benjamin brat

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and

[the_original_john_spartan]: a

[spinner]: m yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: and i was

[spinner]: ye

[the_original_john_spartan]: another person from

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ah

[the_original_john_spartan]: mian

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[cobra]: but there's another pretty

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: famous person there

[spinner]: will shatter

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: will

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: shatner i

[the_original_john_spartan]: i'm

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: missed

[the_original_john_spartan]: getting

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that

[the_original_john_spartan]: to it i don't

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: cool

[the_original_john_spartan]: know why you ended

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: me i was like working through the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: all right do you

[cobra]: right

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: do you

[spinner]: keep it in your pants

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: our friend from

[spinner]: h

[the_original_john_spartan]: die

[spinner]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: hard

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: grand l bush playing the young pilot

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: we also

[spinner]: a

[the_original_john_spartan]: have

[spinner]: u

[the_original_john_spartan]: the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: old pilot

[spinner]: h

[the_original_john_spartan]: played by

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: bill cobbs

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: and

[spinner]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: and then

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: dennis larry playing edgar friendly

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[spinner]: classic

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: miss

[spinner]: and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: miss to

[the_original_john_spartan]: jack black

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: there

[the_original_john_spartan]: hiding

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[the_original_john_spartan]: in

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: go

[the_original_john_spartan]: the background

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's right

[the_original_john_spartan]: as one of the

[spinner]: yep

[the_original_john_spartan]: scrappers

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hm and

[cobra]: i didn't

[spinner]: and

[the_original_john_spartan]: do

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: last

[the_original_john_spartan]: you

[cobra]: even notice

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: one

[cobra]: that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: last

[the_original_john_spartan]: do you want to

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: one

[the_original_john_spartan]: do you want a famous person do

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[the_original_john_spartan]: want

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: want

[spinner]: m

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to call it out or you want
to do it

[spinner]: h formerly famous now

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the

[spinner]: crazy

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: body the body

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh yeah just

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: venture was also in the movie

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: there you go

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: that's that kind of applies to him
formerly famous

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: and kind of

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: crazy

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: now but that's not

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[spinner]: who i was

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: who

[spinner]: talking

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: are

[the_original_john_spartan]: and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[the_original_john_spartan]: spencer

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: talking

[spinner]: about

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: about

[the_original_john_spartan]: who are you talking about there

[spinner]: your boy rob snider

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: boy yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: wow

[cobra]: maybe not maybe not talk about him

[spinner]: he doesn't know how to use the
three shelves is

[the_original_john_spartan]: rob

[spinner]: the

[the_original_john_spartan]: snyder

[spinner]: greatest

[the_original_john_spartan]: in his first

[spinner]: the greatest role

[the_original_john_spartan]: movie opposite sovusustalone uh

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: and his last

[the_original_john_spartan]: no not

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: no

[the_original_john_spartan]: even

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: that's

[the_original_john_spartan]: close

[spinner]: not true i hugtyegona say is first

[the_original_john_spartan]: judge

[spinner]: good movie

[the_original_john_spartan]: dread

[cobra]: dread yeah

[spinner]: yes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he went crazy

[the_original_john_spartan]: i mean

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: boy

[spinner]: he's crazy

[the_original_john_spartan]: he's

[spinner]: now

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: back he's

[cobra]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: back

[cobra]: boy

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: a little bit i don't know they're

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: crazy

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[the_original_john_spartan]: but we got

[cobra]: ah

[the_original_john_spartan]: tak about those people we're talking about
our boy

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes wesley honey

[the_original_john_spartan]: wesley

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: sugar

[the_original_john_spartan]: why

[spinner]: that was pretty

[the_original_john_spartan]: why

[spinner]: good to

[the_original_john_spartan]: don't why don't we talk about what
we thought of this movie using our patented

[the_original_john_spartan]: rating system who'd like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: o

[the_original_john_spartan]: to go first

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i can go first

[spinner]: i'll

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i

[spinner]: go

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: beat you to it

[spinner]: no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: verbally

[spinner]: chris chris

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: vocally

[spinner]: you go chris

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: thank you

[cobra]: i eat you verbally

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's right

[spinner]: i'm being a

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i

[spinner]: gentleman

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: appreciate

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it we both you know the gun
went off and i got to the finish

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: line first this movie

[spinner]: no i was saying i was saying
i'll go introduce

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: chris that's what

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: you cut me off that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: still

[spinner]: was trying

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: beat

[spinner]: to e

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[spinner]: a gentleman

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: so this movie was a lot of
fun hell hell of a time i totally

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: did not remember anything

[spinner]: m

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: from this movie whatsoever i'm glad that

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: was the case so for me my
rating here is rare that is

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: for me i mean i could bump
it up because it was it was a

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: lot of fun but i'm sticking with

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: for reasons that were cringed but at
the same time

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: enjoyable not all of them some overall
story went where it needed to go and

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like every time i guess my count
is to every time you get a slow

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: motion running away from an explosion that

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ten points to griffin dwarf so

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i counted two

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: running

[the_original_john_spartan]: i really

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: i really enjoy that when sevestorslone dives
under cover

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hm

[the_original_john_spartan]: he doesn't stretch his arms

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: out he

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: recks it for some reason

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: uh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: arms are so

[the_original_john_spartan]: his

[spinner]: big

[the_original_john_spartan]: arms were

[spinner]: you

[the_original_john_spartan]: just

[spinner]: can't

[the_original_john_spartan]: like tucked in

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: when he dives in

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: the end

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: like action sequence at the rio person

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: and i m just like why your
arms tucked in diving like don't you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: want to race anyway

[spinner]: just

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: imagine the director bein like so just
just extend your arms forward when

[the_original_john_spartan]: m

[spinner]: you git well

[cobra]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: m

[spinner]: i can't

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay let

[spinner]: know

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: me let

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: it's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: me take

[spinner]: becoming christ

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: me

[spinner]: wogan

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: who keeps ringing that bell

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i can't

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: concentrate

[the_original_john_spartan]: now you get you guys

[spinner]: who's

[the_original_john_spartan]: got

[spinner]: that

[the_original_john_spartan]: to work on

[cobra]: that

[the_original_john_spartan]: it

[cobra]: was that was

[spinner]: hey

[cobra]: that was

[spinner]: dan no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: you gotta jump you gotta jump in
the air

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you know

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: with

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[spinner]: my

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: got

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to

[spinner]: arms come inside

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: lower

[spinner]: to

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the register

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[spinner]: desist straight

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but i had to i had to

[spinner]: ye

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: er too hard like

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's fine listen

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: you guys work on it we got

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: we got another like hour

[spinner]: well

[the_original_john_spartan]: twenty

[spinner]: chris

[the_original_john_spartan]: minutes

[spinner]: let's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: let's workshop

[spinner]: let's go

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it

[the_original_john_spartan]: workshop

[spinner]: let's let's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: it

[spinner]: work on this

[the_original_john_spartan]: but

[spinner]: okay

[the_original_john_spartan]: chris

[spinner]: his

[the_original_john_spartan]: anything else you like to say able
the movie since we just

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: thank

[the_original_john_spartan]: you'll

[spinner]: okay

[the_original_john_spartan]: do

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[the_original_john_spartan]: your time for you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[cobra]: you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i i appreciate that that strong arm

[spinner]: h

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: thanks

[cobra]: we

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: for

[cobra]: yield

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he

[cobra]: we yield your time

[the_original_john_spartan]: eh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: didn't like it hated it other than
that the movie was great westleysknipes like kid

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: in a candy store every scene pretty
much like chris evans and

[cobra]: how

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: gray

[cobra]: did

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: man

[cobra]: he

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: just

[cobra]: not put like ten pounds eating all

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: the scenery that he chewed like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you know

[cobra]: amazing yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: so i love that form he could
totally he totally rocked the villain role and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i tipped my hat to him like
what a great way to cap this entire

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: this entire season this snipe season off
i yield my time

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: we should have called it sniping season

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: not

[cobra]: re wind

[spinner]: it's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: sniping ceases

[the_original_john_spartan]: moving forward

[spinner]: it's tax season

[the_original_john_spartan]: spencer

[spinner]: tax

[the_original_john_spartan]: spencer

[spinner]: season

[the_original_john_spartan]: if you could

[spinner]: yes this movie fucking rocks

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: guys i love this movie so and
much i'm even the movie epic yeah because

[cobra]: o

[spinner]: this movie

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ye

[spinner]: is so rewatchable i've seen this move

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: so many times and it's the movie
it would come up on t b s

[spinner]: all

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: the time back

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: in the day and i always

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: watch it and it's just always so
good it is so many good

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: mmcacooning

[spinner]: like things that aged well as like
a prediction of the future like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: people

[spinner]: it was on

[the_original_john_spartan]: yep

[spinner]: point we could name them there's like
a million i'm sure we'll go over some

[spinner]: of them but it was just

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: but besides that besides having a great
prediction really topical and really

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: interesting insight into society it's just a
perfect awesome action movie on top of that

[spinner]: with two stars just out doing each
other like what a perfect like villain you

[spinner]: know like not no one character

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: was like the star of the show
was like a perfect balancing

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: act you're happy when so low on
screen you're happy when when snipes is on

[spinner]: screen it's just like there's no boring
in this movie it's just

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: iconomy

[spinner]: awesome fucking love

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[spinner]: it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: might almost

[spinner]: epic

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you might you might say it's a

[spinner]: cool

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: did

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: no no

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: fuck

[spinner]: a perfect

[cobra]: you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the diet

[spinner]: diad

[cobra]: fuck you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the diet has been

[cobra]: fuck you with that ship

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: activated

[the_original_john_spartan]: h it's the original died

[spinner]: if

[the_original_john_spartan]: good

[spinner]: they're

[the_original_john_spartan]: job good job chris

[spinner]: in star were they were searched when
they're searching for the diet they're actually searching

[spinner]: for

[the_original_john_spartan]: listen

[spinner]: demolition

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: men

[the_original_john_spartan]: if

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: if sucking microsoft

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: and bungy and

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: whatever the studio that took over the
bung stuff

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: was can steal john spartan's name from
demolition man

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: then it's completely fine for

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: body else to be stealing from this

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: that's fair what's that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: what's wesley snipes s name

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: simon phoenix

[cobra]: simon phoenix

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: simon says get

[spinner]: it's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: his

[spinner]: just

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: name

[spinner]: too

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: right for the podcast

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: goddamn

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: can you like two great names

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: to simon phoenix

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: john

[cobra]: john's

[spinner]: spar

[cobra]: parton

[spinner]: love it

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: just makes you smile when you say
it out loud for

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: some

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like

[spinner]: reason i don't

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and

[spinner]: know

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like

[spinner]: why

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: simon phenixhis thing is like like like
referring to himself and the third person before

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he kills you sure but then like
whatever spartans on the job he lay announce

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: his present the pres announces his his
what is it his nemesis his name before

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he self means nothing to him like

[cobra]: no nothing

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: on about the helicopter

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and that as my presence

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: all the way

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: of

[the_original_john_spartan]: down

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: course he knew that he was coming

[spinner]: all the

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[spinner]: way down he wants

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: him

[the_original_john_spartan]: let's

[spinner]: to know

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[spinner]: he wants him to know he's coming

[the_original_john_spartan]: lucy

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: for you

[the_original_john_spartan]: you're going to ruin this for us
so feel

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: free to

[cobra]: how why do you think

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: that

[the_original_john_spartan]: just

[spinner]: just

[the_original_john_spartan]: do

[spinner]: get it

[the_original_john_spartan]: it

[spinner]: over

[the_original_john_spartan]: just

[spinner]: with

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: nip

[the_original_john_spartan]: fucking

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the bad

[the_original_john_spartan]: shut

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: date

[the_original_john_spartan]: out this movie

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: off just to

[cobra]: so

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: for me this is a rare

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: um

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[spinner]: all

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: right

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's

[cobra]: yeah so the reason why honestly the
reason why it's not epics because the plot

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[cobra]: is so stupid like not not the
plot of the

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: fight between them

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: but just the way the future works
makes no fucking sense we touch on it

[cobra]: later and but it's like even with

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: the like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: what

[cobra]: it's one of those movies where it's

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: stupid and you're like it's fun i
don't care if it's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: stupid right and to me

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: from all the other movies like just
watching all of these four movies westlisnipes is

[cobra]: much better as a villain or at

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: least as anti hero then he is
as like a goody two shoes guys like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ah

[cobra]: he was great in blade but in
this this is where

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m oh

[cobra]: if he had known what to do
with this fucking career all he would have

[cobra]: done is played like the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: handiest villains

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[cobra]: that have ever hemmed

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: because he like he is having

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: so much fun with this

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ah

[cobra]: completely hang thing and just chewing

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: scenery left and right um

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: m even like even the dumb stuff
don't like it doesn't

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: bother you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: because it's just fun to watch like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hm

[cobra]: like in the

[spinner]: who

[cobra]: stupidest possible way the movie doesn't take
itself seriously and just enough it doesn't try

[cobra]: to make a parody of itself

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: at

[cobra]: is just like yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: we're here to have a good

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: time

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: and shoot some stuff and break some
ship have fun guys

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: i can't think of

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: any stupid thing you're referring to this

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: is no

[cobra]: oh my god

[spinner]: stupidities

[the_original_john_spartan]: there's

[cobra]: are

[the_original_john_spartan]: nothing

[cobra]: you

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's

[cobra]: fucking

[the_original_john_spartan]: going to come

[cobra]: kidding

[the_original_john_spartan]: up

[cobra]: me

[the_original_john_spartan]: when i ask you what thing was
dumb in the movie later

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: on i can't think

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: of anything

[cobra]: but

[spinner]: please

[the_original_john_spartan]: at

[cobra]: but

[the_original_john_spartan]: all

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: it's a it's

[spinner]: i can't

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: think of a goddamn

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: thing

[cobra]: it's a rare for me

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: like a solid rare

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i would watch this

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: again like next week easily

[spinner]: it's so rewatchable i don't

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i don't know why but

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: it's just

[cobra]: i've

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: watched

[spinner]: never gets

[cobra]: it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: old

[cobra]: i must have watched it fifteen times
easy like just

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: me

[cobra]: was

[spinner]: too

[cobra]: always on back then and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a

[cobra]: i was just watch it

[spinner]: yeahdbsi

[cobra]: again

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: yep

[spinner]: know the centered version well

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: i'm going to finish this off i'll
give it an epic as well

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: the

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: only reason

[spinner]: you

[the_original_john_spartan]: why

[spinner]: will

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's not legendary is i think legendary

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: movies actually have to

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: be good

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: i love to share this movie i
will watch it every day the week i

[the_original_john_spartan]: named a cat after john spartan like
this movie is my jam maybe it's the

[the_original_john_spartan]: reason why i love tako bell

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: and not pizahutwe'll get into that in

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: h m

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: yeah very

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: odd

[the_original_john_spartan]: which is an odd choice

[spinner]: one of the great mysteries of cinema

[the_original_john_spartan]: ut it's it's one of these things
where the movie like it starts off just

[the_original_john_spartan]: hot right you come in and john
spartans just bungy cording

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: to

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: o

[the_original_john_spartan]: death i don't know how that works
but that's okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: none of that makes sense and you're

[the_original_john_spartan]: no

[cobra]: fuckithit's

[the_original_john_spartan]: blows up

[cobra]: john

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: an

[cobra]: pardon

[the_original_john_spartan]: entire block

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: and

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: the best part

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: the best part by far is

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: his fucking captain drops the title of
the movie

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: in like the first ten minutes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: ten

[the_original_john_spartan]: and

[cobra]: minutes

[the_original_john_spartan]: he's like

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: he's like something sort of

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: goddamn demolition man that's just like chef's
kids we're off to the races

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: you

[the_original_john_spartan]: at

[cobra]: can

[the_original_john_spartan]: this point

[cobra]: you can see it

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: you can see on stalone's face he

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: i okay i like it

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: so

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: he's like he was like okay i'll
be the militia man for you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: it's fine

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: give me the four

[cobra]: all right

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: it's

[the_original_john_spartan]: the

[spinner]: fun

[the_original_john_spartan]: sea for was a little weird but
that's fine we'll get back to that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: liquid

[cobra]: we'll get into

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: for

[cobra]: all of that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it was a barrel

[cobra]: you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: of

[cobra]: will see for

[the_original_john_spartan]: let's let's get us let's get us
into this here because

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: we got lots of stuff to talk
about in this movie because it's brilliant um

[the_original_john_spartan]: speaking

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: of its brilliant first

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: question

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: as always simple easy best character what
what yo guys got for me

[cobra]: it's not easy that's not

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: an easy question

[spinner]: oh you got

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: fuck

[spinner]: you got a fifty fifty

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[spinner]: chance

[cobra]: i actually okay i'm

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: going

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: to go off the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: beaten path here and i'm goin a
say le

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: nina hoksley is my favorite

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: character in this

[spinner]: sandy

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: be

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: because

[cobra]: it's

[the_original_john_spartan]: because

[cobra]: so

[the_original_john_spartan]: she

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: looks

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: hot is that why

[cobra]: well that helps

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: but it's like it's so over the
top both like

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: her infatuation

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: with twentieth the filthy twentieth century

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: and also like just her

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: i i wish somebody would die or

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: she said actually she said what i
wouldn't give

[cobra]: i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: her

[cobra]: know

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: some action

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i know it's

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: the same

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that

[cobra]: she's so excited

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it's not

[cobra]: like simon simon fenix starts killing people
and she goes murder

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: oh murder deth kill

[cobra]: um man so yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: like obviously

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: like if i had

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: to pick one obvious one i think
i preferred

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: john spartan i just

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: like

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: the way

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: sly plays

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: him

[spinner]: can't pick more than one person

[the_original_john_spartan]: no yeah

[spinner]: luciano

[cobra]: i'm not

[spinner]: just you

[cobra]: i'm not

[spinner]: fucking

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: you can't

[cobra]: picked

[the_original_john_spartan]: i mean

[spinner]: say our picks

[cobra]: i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: for

[cobra]: picked

[spinner]: us

[cobra]: linna hucksley

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: there

[the_original_john_spartan]: if you could do us a favor
and not talk about all the characters so

[the_original_john_spartan]: we can actually

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: talk about them

[spinner]: exactly

[the_original_john_spartan]: on our choices that would

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: what

[cobra]: not

[the_original_john_spartan]: be ideal

[cobra]: oh it's just

[spinner]: you know

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: spread it or

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[cobra]: it's not

[spinner]: spread

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: it around

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: a little

[cobra]: like five

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: hm

[spinner]: it's

[the_original_john_spartan]: you yield your time

[cobra]: i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it

[cobra]: did i did yell

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: my time yes

[spinner]: we yield your

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: time

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: we've yielded

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: it for you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: spencer thought cast us the best character

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: phoutcast

[spinner]: i gotta go with hate to do
it but

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: i got t do it simon phoenix

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: don't

[spinner]: he's just

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: there's

[spinner]: too

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no

[spinner]: much

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hate

[spinner]: fun

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: there

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: every time he's on screen i'm like
i'm just like smiling and love it like

[spinner]: yeah he's just has

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: so much fun energy

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hm

[spinner]: and he's just just great

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: he's the kind of villain that i
miss in like the modern day you know

[spinner]: what i mean like there's nowadays that
every villain has like a sympathy like you're

[spinner]: sim pathetic

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: or it has to have like a

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: motive

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m m

[spinner]: you know i just like i like
this comically villainous man who just wants to

[spinner]: fuck up everything because he just hates
how tupid and boring

[the_original_john_spartan]: he

[spinner]: everything

[the_original_john_spartan]: hates cops

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: ah

[the_original_john_spartan]: he says it

[spinner]: he hates copshacups

[cobra]: he hates everything like i was looking

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: when they pull up his rap sheet
and like it's just like it's not like

[cobra]: he's just violent oh there's

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: rape

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: there's gran theft

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: and he is like is to the
chinese people in the museum

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes thanks

[cobra]: is just

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: for calling

[spinner]: he's

[cobra]: everything

[spinner]: just

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that

[spinner]: awful

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: one year

[spinner]: and it's like you you like a
good villain that you just you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: know you want to really want to

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: root against

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: so and but also just enjoy

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[spinner]: every scene he's in you know

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: and he's got that sweet enhanced kong

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: which is just a again she's kiss

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hm

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[spinner]: we're goin to enhance this man

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: h m

[spinner]: you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: know and make him just like like
a super soldier

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: so yeah that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: my pick he's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: great

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ah

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i hm

[the_original_john_spartan]: spencer break or he just stopped

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: no he's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: i stopped

[cobra]: just

[spinner]: talking

[cobra]: he's just

[spinner]: for

[cobra]: very

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[spinner]: once

[cobra]: still

[the_original_john_spartan]: i i don't understand

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: what happens when that happens

[spinner]: no you didn't have to cut me
off i stopped

[the_original_john_spartan]: i'm very confused

[spinner]: but you opened the door to let
me keep going

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh god

[spinner]: so i'm going to

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: what

[spinner]: continue

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: happened

[spinner]: forcefully

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: when did this become twenty three two

[the_original_john_spartan]: god

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: politely

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: saves two

[cobra]: be

[the_original_john_spartan]: thirty

[cobra]: well

[the_original_john_spartan]: two

[cobra]: be well

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: be

[the_original_john_spartan]: chris

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: sucked

[cobra]: mendoza

[spinner]: oh yeah i meant

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: me

[spinner]: to say

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: fucked

[spinner]: hello greetings

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: greetings

[spinner]: to everyone

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and salutations

[spinner]: when we started

[the_original_john_spartan]: enhance your fucking cum

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it has

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: your

[spinner]: and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: calm

[spinner]: in she come

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: with these crystals healing crystals

[the_original_john_spartan]: you sex crystals

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: my

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: in the mind

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: chris why

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: don't she yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: my favorite character was the the self
driving car the only thing

[spinner]: with the pome

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: what

[cobra]: unable to comply

[spinner]: with

[cobra]: unable

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: the foam

[cobra]: to comply

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah like that offered weird steering wheel
design goal wings

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that i appreciated

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that still snapped off in a way
that i don't totally understand like did it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: snap because of wesley knives arm or
because of the gun when the door tried

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to

[the_original_john_spartan]: h

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like slam shut popped off those doors
are weak as fuck but then again

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: yeah that's

[cobra]: because

[spinner]: a safety

[cobra]: the card

[spinner]: hazard

[cobra]: is made by pizza

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: uh

[cobra]: hut i'm sorry take

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: uh

[cobra]: bell

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you all are goin to have to

[the_original_john_spartan]: what about

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: me

[the_original_john_spartan]: cock

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: in

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: to industries

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah exactly you all need to fill
me in on this tacoblbypiece but like the

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: cherry

[spinner]: we

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: will

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: on

[spinner]: don't

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: top

[spinner]: you worry

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: for me as to why this is
my favorite character is because selvestorstil don't call

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it a micky mouth piece of sugar

[the_original_john_spartan]: yep

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: uh h

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i was like what

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: this is this is aping this is

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh my

[the_original_john_spartan]: epic

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: god

[the_original_john_spartan]: mickie pieces ship nice job

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes and the phone was was a

[spinner]: h

[the_original_john_spartan]: you

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that was a nice touch as well

[spinner]: when that when that happened when i
watch this movie as a kid i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: genuinely was like why don't cars have

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: this foam

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's a great that's a great question

[spinner]: i was like it seems

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: genius

[the_original_john_spartan]: we'll get into that in a

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: uh

[the_original_john_spartan]: bit

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: talk

[the_original_john_spartan]: i'm

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: about

[the_original_john_spartan]: going to call up my boy john

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hmm

[the_original_john_spartan]: i certainly love

[cobra]: of course

[the_original_john_spartan]: simon

[cobra]: you are

[the_original_john_spartan]: fenix

[spinner]: what

[the_original_john_spartan]: but john

[spinner]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: spartans the

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: best part of this because john spartan
doesn't give suck he is

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ah

[the_original_john_spartan]: here to murder

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: his arthenemesis

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m m

[the_original_john_spartan]: he might be the real villains

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: movie

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's hard to tell

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: eh

[the_original_john_spartan]: i mean obviously simon phoenix really

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: eh

[the_original_john_spartan]: lays it on thick so you're pretty
sure him

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: john spartans

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: blatant disregard for rules

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: humans

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: everything else

[spinner]: the law

[the_original_john_spartan]: the law

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but

[the_original_john_spartan]: um

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: which humans though i think he's

[the_original_john_spartan]: everyone's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: trying

[cobra]: no

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: in this way

[cobra]: he has

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: he is a man

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: with a mission and anything in his
way is just debris is like not even

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: obstacle is

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like

[cobra]: just

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a

[the_original_john_spartan]: he's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: part

[cobra]: the

[the_original_john_spartan]: not

[cobra]: brief

[the_original_john_spartan]: going to shoot them but

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: part

[the_original_john_spartan]: he

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but like the stun the stun you
know the stun

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: one to sandro bolli's head like that's

[cobra]: that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: of violent

[cobra]: because he was sweet on her

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: then what else

[the_original_john_spartan]: he

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: also he did to a random due
s like ow these things were i don't

[the_original_john_spartan]: know

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: you on't know i was going to
kill that guy

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it doesn't kill their stun

[cobra]: listen

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: guns

[the_original_john_spartan]: he didn't

[cobra]: how

[the_original_john_spartan]: know

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: those

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: are

[cobra]: going

[spinner]: the death

[cobra]: to know

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yah

[cobra]: how

[spinner]: those

[cobra]: he works

[spinner]: are death sticks

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: because anyways

[the_original_john_spartan]: a

[spinner]: those are

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i

[the_original_john_spartan]: spencer

[spinner]: modern

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: have

[the_original_john_spartan]: right could ave been

[spinner]: those

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: what

[the_original_john_spartan]: a

[spinner]: are

[the_original_john_spartan]: test

[spinner]: light

[the_original_john_spartan]: dick

[spinner]: sabers

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: plot

[the_original_john_spartan]: i could have just turned to ash

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but the way they wielded those

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: stun glow those those wands

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like

[the_original_john_spartan]: don't

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: they put them under their

[the_original_john_spartan]: don't

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: arm pits

[the_original_john_spartan]: don't be pro police

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i'm not

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: pro police i

[spinner]: don't

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like

[the_original_john_spartan]: a

[spinner]: be

[the_original_john_spartan]: bad

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: they should

[the_original_john_spartan]: look

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: have shocked themselves when they put them

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: underneath the arm pit like that so
i was like odd

[spinner]: no they're they're

[the_original_john_spartan]: this is

[spinner]: off

[the_original_john_spartan]: about john spartan being

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: awesome not

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: do

[the_original_john_spartan]: about

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[the_original_john_spartan]: the

[cobra]: everyone else

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the

[the_original_john_spartan]: everybody

[cobra]: being

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: police

[cobra]: an

[the_original_john_spartan]: else

[cobra]: idiot eh

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: the the murder sticks

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: murders

[the_original_john_spartan]: i would be hard i'm sure someone
can come home with this and if you

[the_original_john_spartan]: do you know please send

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: it to us but like i'm hardpresed
to think of a better villain and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: hero just the dynamic and

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: like ou know just the way they
play off

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: each other just how like driven

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: my

[the_original_john_spartan]: how like maniacal john spare is about
killing him

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: that like you don't get in

[spinner]: it

[the_original_john_spartan]: other

[spinner]: did

[the_original_john_spartan]: movies

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: it did remind me a little bit
of face off

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: you have two

[cobra]: but

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: but this

[spinner]: although

[cobra]: is way better the dynamic is way

[spinner]: well yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: because it's

[cobra]: but

[the_original_john_spartan]: because

[cobra]: i was

[the_original_john_spartan]: travolta can't i like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i

[the_original_john_spartan]: jontrvolto

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: but he just can't pull this off
in a way that you need

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: action

[the_original_john_spartan]: him to

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he cannot do

[the_original_john_spartan]: no

[cobra]: yeah i think like normally

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: you get this sort

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: of like amazing dynamic between

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: like two protagonists maybe

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: but not between the hero and the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: i

[the_original_john_spartan]: exactly

[cobra]: think it's it is unique in that

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: you're right

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a tango in

[the_original_john_spartan]: um

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: cash but that's not

[the_original_john_spartan]: m

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: really villain

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: dark

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: night

[cobra]: they're just like rivals right

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: love that movie but

[the_original_john_spartan]: dark night it doesn't hit it because

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: bad man

[cobra]: no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: like batman is trying to be in

[spinner]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: right

[cobra]: eh

[spinner]: don't give to fuckhe'sli

[the_original_john_spartan]: no

[cobra]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: not no

[cobra]: let

[spinner]: i'm goin to out crazy

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: let me say this if

[spinner]: i'm

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: gonna

[cobra]: was john

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: in

[spinner]: out

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the media

[cobra]: spartan

[spinner]: murder you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: after

[cobra]: if it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a

[cobra]: was

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: maniac

[cobra]: john spartan and nod bruce wain in

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: night to that movie would have had

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: minutes

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: he

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: would

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: have completely fucked the joker

[the_original_john_spartan]: he

[cobra]: two seconds

[spinner]: joker

[cobra]: let

[spinner]: is like you want to play a

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: you don't know how i got

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he

[spinner]: this

[cobra]: no i have

[spinner]: take this

[cobra]: i have a game

[the_original_john_spartan]: joker

[cobra]: for you

[spinner]: you just got two new scars

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he

[cobra]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: these bullets

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he

[the_original_john_spartan]: these nuts

[spinner]: these nuts in your face

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: jog would

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: have said something like quippy and what
not and inspired women like

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: nut and then just like sucking goldburg

[spinner]: h

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: speared him through

[spinner]: h

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a window and that

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: would have been it

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: through no through a children's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: through

[spinner]: hospital

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: children's hospital

[spinner]: naming

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: into

[spinner]: fifty

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the children's playground

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like indoor

[cobra]: no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: macdonald's

[cobra]: ike grab

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: sponsored playground

[cobra]: grab a child's

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: like like oxygen tank to beat him

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: to death

[the_original_john_spartan]: no

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: it would be it would it would
it would be a box of c for

[the_original_john_spartan]: in the child's

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: hospital some reason

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: for

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: some reason

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: a barrel not even a box

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah barrel

[cobra]: a

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: barrel

[spinner]: you

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's

[cobra]: barrel

[the_original_john_spartan]: right

[cobra]: of super

[the_original_john_spartan]: because he

[spinner]: stick stick it to his chest and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and then

[spinner]: him out

[the_original_john_spartan]: see

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: just

[spinner]: window

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: before the sea fort blows up john
parton's got like seventeen children on his shoulders

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: slow mo running away from the e
from the explosion

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: uh uh

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah and those kids are like fuck
you lady

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh man that scene

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes with her awful hair

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: due

[cobra]: scene

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that

[cobra]: is

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: was

[cobra]: so

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: perfect

[cobra]: good

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: all right let's move on here i'm
going to yield all of our time in

[the_original_john_spartan]: the worst character because there is

[spinner]: ah

[the_original_john_spartan]: worse worst character

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: actor you would

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: replace

[cobra]: there is but like why talk about

[the_original_john_spartan]: now we

[cobra]: fucking

[the_original_john_spartan]: got we got better things to talk

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: wicked

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: let's

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: go what was the most rewatchable scene
for everybody

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: um

[cobra]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: and and i'm gonna start with

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: is it just a question is it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: sevsselongos in the cri

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh m

[the_original_john_spartan]: and you're trying to see if they're
gonna show its dong

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: or not and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: they never quite do but they get
real close

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i didn't want that's the

[cobra]: so

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i was

[cobra]: i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a

[cobra]: think i don't think i want to

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: watch that scene but i can't understand

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: why

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: you would come

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: to that conclusion

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: because like

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: is there

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[cobra]: salon dong in there

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: i have re watched it

[cobra]: h yeah

[spinner]: many a time just that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and

[spinner]: scene

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: when

[the_original_john_spartan]: right

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: every time spencer

[spinner]: it's in slow

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: spencer

[spinner]: motion

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: was like

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: yes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i hope this doesn't awaken anything

[spinner]: yes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: in me

[spinner]: i'm watching

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's his

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: i'm watching

[the_original_john_spartan]: check

[cobra]: dean

[spinner]: it like

[cobra]: style

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: like community

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: dean style

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: sir yes sir

[spinner]: i'm watching it like a detective in
like a ninety show

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: where i'm like enhance

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: enhance enhance

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: play back

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: play back

[cobra]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: play back

[spinner]: but

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: but yeah hold it right there in

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it's too pixslated

[cobra]: i think for

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: magnify

[cobra]: me

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and

[spinner]: you see what

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: i've seen

[cobra]: i think for me it would

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: be the museum fight scene

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: because it's so completely fucking and hinged

[spinner]: that's what i was

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: going to say to

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: museum

[cobra]: good

[spinner]: of what is it the museum of

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: well

[the_original_john_spartan]: well it's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that

[spinner]: or

[the_original_john_spartan]: just

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: was

[the_original_john_spartan]: like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the

[spinner]: the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hall

[spinner]: hall of weapons

[cobra]: the hall of violence

[the_original_john_spartan]: hollow violence

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: jean

[the_original_john_spartan]: and

[spinner]: i

[the_original_john_spartan]: like

[spinner]: love it

[the_original_john_spartan]: i don't know but you guys i
can't un see the fucking diablo script on

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: the walls

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: like the

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: font the

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: use

[spinner]: really

[the_original_john_spartan]: is the dablofant

[cobra]: the font is

[the_original_john_spartan]: for everything

[cobra]: exactly

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: the ablefontyes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: yes but

[spinner]: none knows that

[cobra]: to me

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: that's okay so that scene has one
of the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: stupid things

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: for example

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[cobra]: which is like

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: okay so it's a museum that

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: shows guns why

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: does

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: it have so much amo in there
that he can

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: listen

[cobra]: just

[spinner]: to you

[cobra]: like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: like fun it's a fucking actual

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: armory

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[spinner]: because nobody would even

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: think to take guns in this

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: world they

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: it's not even thought of as a
security risk

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: until

[cobra]: i will talk

[spinner]: that's crazy

[cobra]: much more about this ship when we
script doctor at the end if

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: until

[cobra]: we do so

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: but

[spinner]: is this this this movie is designed

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: thank

[spinner]: a doctor it needs to be like
put in the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: fucking

[cobra]: it needs

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: to

[spinner]: book

[cobra]: be uthonized

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: smithsonian

[spinner]: the what's the gutdamnwhat's the book that
the doctors read

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: h

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: help me out here

[cobra]: the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the book

[the_original_john_spartan]: like

[cobra]: book

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that

[the_original_john_spartan]: the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the

[cobra]: that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: doctors

[the_original_john_spartan]: hippocratic

[cobra]: the doctors

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: read

[the_original_john_spartan]: oath

[cobra]: read

[spinner]: not the hypocritical there's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: is

[spinner]: actually

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: there

[spinner]: a book oh graze

[the_original_john_spartan]: grazin

[spinner]: anatomy

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: this should be in goddamn gray's

[the_original_john_spartan]: a

[spinner]: anatomy

[the_original_john_spartan]: nice

[spinner]: this movies so

[the_original_john_spartan]: got

[spinner]: good

[the_original_john_spartan]: him

[spinner]: it took me it took me way

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yea

[spinner]: too long

[cobra]: that that

[the_original_john_spartan]: we're

[spinner]: but

[cobra]: it

[the_original_john_spartan]: good

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: wasn't

[spinner]: got

[the_original_john_spartan]: we got

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: like

[the_original_john_spartan]: there

[cobra]: that joke wasn't that good

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but the

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: connection was made and now i understand

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: great great job everybody

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: chris do you have a contender

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: at all

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i like to go off the beaten
path for this because every time i realized

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that a lot of this movie was
filmed in san diego every time i saw

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the san diego convention said it i
was like coco

[cobra]: think you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: carl can

[cobra]: i think you mean

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: carlin

[cobra]: i think you mean san angeles not

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: fuck

[cobra]: san

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that

[cobra]: diego

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no funk that this was filmed in
san diego

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and they had scenes inside the san
diego come on convention center

[the_original_john_spartan]: yes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: so fucking is and there's no goddamn
roger center is the fucking guy camion

[spinner]: that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yield

[spinner]: i respect

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: my time

[the_original_john_spartan]: all right

[cobra]: you met

[spinner]: i the most

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: time yielded

[cobra]: is it is it the talon

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[cobra]: dong or

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: no but it is it is the
cry o fight

[spinner]: but it is the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but

[spinner]: salon

[the_original_john_spartan]: but

[spinner]: dog

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: actually

[the_original_john_spartan]: but it is the second time that
shows alone uncrialing

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: um

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[spinner]: my

[the_original_john_spartan]: um no but it's the cry fight
the last fight because you know

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's a cool

[spinner]: i

[the_original_john_spartan]: fight no one knows how criophysics works
don't ask any questions

[cobra]: hate

[the_original_john_spartan]: about

[cobra]: i

[the_original_john_spartan]: how

[cobra]: hate

[the_original_john_spartan]: criophitixs

[cobra]: that scene

[the_original_john_spartan]: works

[cobra]: i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: don't

[cobra]: hate

[spinner]: care

[cobra]: that scene so much

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's

[cobra]: it's

[the_original_john_spartan]: awesome

[cobra]: so dumb

[the_original_john_spartan]: when when he kicks his

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: frozen ice head off

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: and

[cobra]: i agree with

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: you know he

[cobra]: the

[the_original_john_spartan]: loses

[cobra]: conclusion of that shevskisshvskis

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: fatality heads

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: up

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: heads up

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no

[the_original_john_spartan]: got him

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: the one line is a great

[the_original_john_spartan]: the one liners are the best

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: i think

[the_original_john_spartan]: spencer yeah

[spinner]: i think

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[spinner]: for me a lot of the most
rewatchable scenes are surprisingly the comedy

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: huh

[spinner]: in the movie like there's

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: like just when they're in the police

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: and the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: the

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: toilet the whole toilet scene with the
three shells

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: that is a joke that i still

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: to this

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: yep

[spinner]: day

[cobra]: i think i

[spinner]: or

[cobra]: think

[spinner]: i'll still

[cobra]: everybody

[spinner]: say

[cobra]: does

[spinner]: i'll still say while

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: laughing he doesn't know about the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: three shelves

[cobra]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: and they never explain it what a
genius punch line

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: that they

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: never they just say it's

[cobra]: it's the last

[spinner]: people

[cobra]: line of the

[spinner]: have

[cobra]: movie

[spinner]: like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: it's the very last

[spinner]: people

[cobra]: line of the movie

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah ah

[spinner]: yeah and people have like diagrams

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: online of like how

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: they think the shells work where it's
like two are used for clamping

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: not but

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: like ones used

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[spinner]: for scooping like to clean

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: it's like

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: so ridiculous

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i

[the_original_john_spartan]: h

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: see that and one plus that but
you got to tip your hat to the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: freaking verbal like the verbal correction language
machine the verbal morality statutes

[the_original_john_spartan]: yep

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: just aft the three

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: shells

[spinner]: yes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: when he goes like thanks to let
you ship brained fuck faced ball breaking dick

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ucking pain

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: in the ass i did not expect

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and that

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: was

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a delight

[cobra]: like the

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: way

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: what

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: just

[spinner]: what a

[cobra]: leans

[spinner]: great

[cobra]: against the

[spinner]: delivery

[cobra]: woe

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: exactly

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it's

[spinner]: it's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like

[spinner]: so good

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh toilet paper right there waiting

[cobra]: yeah it's like so

[spinner]: he

[cobra]: much

[spinner]: says

[cobra]: for the

[spinner]: he says

[cobra]: sea

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: shells

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: it's like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: leaving

[spinner]: he leaped

[cobra]: with those fucking

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: thick tar almost cardboard paper to go

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: wad

[cobra]: a ship and wipe him

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: greens

[spinner]: you know his ass is like just
solid like sand paper and can take that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: problem but yeah the way he leans
and he just like whispers

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: to like you but

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: h

[spinner]: brick cock sucking mother

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: h

[spinner]: dick took

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: it's just

[cobra]: just

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: pulling the tickets

[spinner]: yeah just great writing and then like
that is own funny and then when he

[spinner]: say like says he's using it for
to the paper you like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: perfect

[the_original_john_spartan]: genius

[spinner]: it's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: perfect

[the_original_john_spartan]: spencer you your your your accent is
improving or your

[spinner]: thank

[the_original_john_spartan]: personation

[spinner]: you thank you

[the_original_john_spartan]: hopefully about the end of the show
you'll nail it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: we'll see

[spinner]: i'll nail it and then

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: never

[the_original_john_spartan]: never

[spinner]: use it

[the_original_john_spartan]: use

[spinner]: again

[the_original_john_spartan]: it again i'm really excited about it

[spinner]: as is tradition

[cobra]: i will like you know converge into
golm and

[spinner]: go

[cobra]: allen rickman again

[the_original_john_spartan]: i mean

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: obviously that's that's how you know it's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: h

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: and that's that's

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: how you measure

[the_original_john_spartan]: so let's move on to our next
question here let's do it now because i

[the_original_john_spartan]: don't know i just going to take

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: you get

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: one and you be very clear here
you get one

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: what is the dumbest thing you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: saw this movie the thing you just
want answers for and i want to go

[the_original_john_spartan]: first because i really got to ask

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: why are we freezing prisoners

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: criminals

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: for

[the_original_john_spartan]: why

[cobra]: rehabilitation

[spinner]: h

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: man

[the_original_john_spartan]: but why do they get to not
age the major penalty

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: of prisons is you miss

[cobra]: it's

[the_original_john_spartan]: your life

[cobra]: it's reversed it's reversed death

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: penalty

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: like when at one point when sandy

[cobra]: you killed

[the_original_john_spartan]: bees

[cobra]: a

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: bunch of people you get to forever

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah at one point sandy be's like
oh no he's letting

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: out the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a yah

[the_original_john_spartan]: like what is it i forget the
terms like the life the maximum life

[cobra]: the lifers lifers

[the_original_john_spartan]: the lifers

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: he's letting out the lifers like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: why are we paying to store this
guy and icicle forever

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: forever

[cobra]: no let me let

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i

[cobra]: me

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: add

[spinner]: what's

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: life when you don't

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: die

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: in the last

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: scene

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: when

[spinner]: infinite

[cobra]: he's

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: like figuring out who to

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a

[cobra]: who to jeffrey dummer

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: i love that guy

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i'm like whoa how did

[cobra]: like what

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like

[cobra]: the fuck

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: why

[cobra]: so

[the_original_john_spartan]: i tought

[cobra]: jeffrey dummer was on cro what

[the_original_john_spartan]: yes

[cobra]: the fuck is up

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: with that

[the_original_john_spartan]: um well

[spinner]: does he say that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: listen

[cobra]: yeah it does

[the_original_john_spartan]: we're not going to get lucien is
not gonna stars away from my point just

[the_original_john_spartan]: to talk about his point

[spinner]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: also jeffrey damer

[spinner]: a

[the_original_john_spartan]: alive when the movie was filmed at
ninety three dead before nineteen ninety six when

[the_original_john_spartan]: the movie happens

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: hey good stuff

[the_original_john_spartan]: i was so really explain

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: to me i listen i love the
premise it is a genius idea

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: to get you to the future

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: but why would we ever put criminals

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: criostesis

[cobra]: it makes

[spinner]: i love

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: sense

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: i love the concept of their life
as when they are not

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[spinner]: dying due to old age

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: h

[spinner]: so they are

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: literally frozen infinitely if they're lifers

[cobra]: and and being paid for infinitely

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but actually

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[cobra]: by

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: texas

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: go ahead

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: there

[cobra]: ye

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: if the rehabilitation program is properly correctly
applied they're supposed to be rehabilitated but that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: dark plan

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: enacted on to phoenix prevented

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that from happening because there was

[cobra]: but

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a dark

[cobra]: if he's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: plot

[cobra]: a if they are lifers then it's
never they're never going to get on crondthat's

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: o're talking

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: about

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: parole

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: but even then

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: i love that the computer has in
it it's like you could turn up their

[spinner]: empathy and kindness

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: or turn up the crati

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: like like it's like

[cobra]: no and

[spinner]: like why

[cobra]: also

[spinner]: is that even in the computer

[cobra]: no

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's kindness

[cobra]: and

[the_original_john_spartan]: or karat they

[cobra]: if

[the_original_john_spartan]: work against each

[cobra]: if

[the_original_john_spartan]: other

[cobra]: you look

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it's in the case

[cobra]: if you look

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: of

[cobra]: at

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the

[cobra]: the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: alphabet

[cobra]: at the steel

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: of that it's like torture methods like

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: and like

[spinner]: like who

[cobra]: vi

[spinner]: programmed this

[cobra]: violin

[spinner]: computer

[cobra]: behavior

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: why is there a thing in the
in the

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: in the rehabilitation program let's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: amp

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: their violent behavior that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it's

[cobra]: going to

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the

[cobra]: help

[spinner]: yeah that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: secret menu that dr kite

[cobra]: m

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: built into

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: built in back stage

[the_original_john_spartan]: who

[cobra]: oh i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: dr

[cobra]: see

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: kate

[the_original_john_spartan]: cock to

[cobra]: octo

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: co doto cokochicow

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: u

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: dude dude

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: was due like

[the_original_john_spartan]: h

[spinner]: got got

[the_original_john_spartan]: hum

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: whatever

[spinner]: cow

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[cobra]: do

[the_original_john_spartan]: i do also

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: have a follow up question that i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hm

[spinner]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's along the same line

[spinner]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: so it's not

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: going outside the one thing but um
so when you're in

[spinner]: breaking

[the_original_john_spartan]: rio

[spinner]: your own

[the_original_john_spartan]: stasis

[spinner]: rules

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: you're supposed to be a hunder percent
frozen and nothing happens to you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: right and then

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: solon

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: complains about

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: how he was dreaming and he saw
his wife which

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay you're at one kelvin

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: bro i don't know how any that's
happening but that's okay

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: um

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: she banging against the glass

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: but if if they're

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: giving you these things while you're frozen
how does that work like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ah oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: are they like you know it takes
me a hundred days of frozen time to

[the_original_john_spartan]: teach

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: your brain something is that

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: how it happened

[cobra]: okay

[the_original_john_spartan]: like because

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a

[the_original_john_spartan]: i could

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: they explain it

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[cobra]: like the hand waving in the movie

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: we're

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: true

[cobra]: gonna

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: we're gonna tweak your

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: so

[cobra]: behavior by synaptic suggestion whatever

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and

[cobra]: the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i

[cobra]: fun

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: heard that

[cobra]: that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i thought

[cobra]: is

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: they said hypnotic

[spinner]: perfect

[cobra]: no synaptic

[spinner]: that's all i need

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[cobra]: synaptic

[spinner]: you're

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: good

[the_original_john_spartan]: never mind that question

[spinner]: for me

[the_original_john_spartan]: with

[spinner]: i'm

[the_original_john_spartan]: drawn

[spinner]: like done

[the_original_john_spartan]: throw

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: away stephen

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: like you got your

[the_original_john_spartan]: love

[spinner]: answer

[cobra]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: it

[spinner]: right

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: there

[the_original_john_spartan]: who else has a complaint about the
movie then complaint

[spinner]: a

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: a question about some of the logic

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: science if you will

[cobra]: i have one

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: they when when when they're talking about
how the society like the society

[spinner]: yhtackachow

[cobra]: works in the future they

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: always talk about the city right so

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: created this

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: get to go

[cobra]: yeah utopian

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: cock

[cobra]: society

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: tail

[cobra]: where like

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: there's no violence and nobody knows anything
about violence

[the_original_john_spartan]: right

[cobra]: and blah blah blah blah blah

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: so

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: how is it like in the rest
of the world

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: and why hasn't like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: you know bandits

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: even

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: like even the bandits that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: they have

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: in the city like

[the_original_john_spartan]: go

[cobra]: they have guns and ship why

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: haven't

[the_original_john_spartan]: i got this

[cobra]: they

[the_original_john_spartan]: i got this

[cobra]: just

[the_original_john_spartan]: so

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: taken over

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah no it's easy so

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: you've seen it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: escape

[spinner]: ah

[the_original_john_spartan]: from new york correct

[cobra]: right

[the_original_john_spartan]: so

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: m the rest of the us

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: has basically escaped from new york

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i haven't

[cobra]: so

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: seen

[cobra]: it's inverted

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: they walled themselves in

[the_original_john_spartan]: correct

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: so

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: for people who haven't seen escape from
new york and chris

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: essentially the idea we escape new york
has also escaped

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: from l but we don't talk about
that one

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: um escape from new

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: york

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: basically is um

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: they decide they need a penal colony
and so they put

[cobra]: at

[the_original_john_spartan]: everybody

[cobra]: men are cumcity that's what it is

[the_original_john_spartan]: they basically

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: put everybody on an island and fence
them in and then guard the island so

[the_original_john_spartan]: they can't get out

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: uh

[cobra]: then inside is really no man's land

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[cobra]: and they hinted at that

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: right

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: simon phoenix

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: says like you know the police got

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: the army got it but the bus

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: just didn't get it

[the_original_john_spartan]: yep

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: so but like i have so many

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it

[cobra]: about like

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: how the rest of the world

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: works and now

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah m

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: how

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hm

[cobra]: did they

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: brain

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: wash

[spinner]: yes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: the people that are older

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: thank

[cobra]: the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[cobra]: pilot right

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: like zachary lamb the

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: guy that he

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: knows when he wakes up in the
future he was a helicopter pilot i'm sure

[cobra]: he had like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: some training because

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: he was a police officer and he

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: you know ll forget everything i know

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: the same thing with

[spinner]: ye

[cobra]: the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: police chief

[cobra]: the police chief yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he was out

[cobra]: they're

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to

[cobra]: the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: lunch

[cobra]: same

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and

[cobra]: age right

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: indoctrinated

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: in like

[the_original_john_spartan]: well okay

[cobra]: yeah i don't

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: know

[the_original_john_spartan]: so i can ask

[spinner]: they grew accustomed to the new world

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: i will answer these a couple o
ways one

[spinner]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: the first part i think

[spinner]: sorry

[the_original_john_spartan]: they allude to it

[spinner]: as

[the_original_john_spartan]: much like they talk about just synaptisynaptic

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: triggering or whatever

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: tweaking i guess it's the term they

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: they allude to the idea that like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: ship hit the fan in

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: the sand

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: andreas los

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: wasn't

[cobra]: uh

[the_original_john_spartan]: angeles

[cobra]: wrong run

[spinner]: g g

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: van andres

[cobra]: yes it's the same

[spinner]: ship did

[cobra]: thing

[spinner]: hit

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a

[spinner]: the

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: fan

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: um

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: rock bottom

[the_original_john_spartan]: and

[spinner]: here

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: we go

[the_original_john_spartan]: they

[spinner]: again

[the_original_john_spartan]: hit rock

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: bottom and so i think people were
open to cato chow

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m cook chill

[the_original_john_spartan]: suggestions because

[cobra]: no

[the_original_john_spartan]: society was

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i

[the_original_john_spartan]: it rock bottom in california

[spinner]: a

[the_original_john_spartan]: basically

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: based on how many cities amalgamated

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: southern california

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: uh

[the_original_john_spartan]: so i think that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: h

[the_original_john_spartan]: why and then my assumption is like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: the heltcofter copiseus

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: like i don't care about anything any
more and the captain was like promoted or

[the_original_john_spartan]: brought in

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: from something else and it

[spinner]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: wasn't a cough before

[spinner]: listen there's a difference between

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: dumb stuff and stuff that just wasn't

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: like was just left

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: out like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: what the rest of the world there
could be a perfectly good explanation it just

[spinner]: didn't have

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: a part in the movie

[cobra]: it's more

[spinner]: you know

[cobra]: like how

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: like how

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: does that society

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: sort of

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: survive

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: as insolent as it seems like it
is with nobody

[spinner]: maybe

[cobra]: knowing anything

[spinner]: all societies

[cobra]: about violence

[spinner]: are like that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[cobra]: but like the like friendlies crew

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[cobra]: like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: had enough people there that could just
go up and fucking

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: take over because nobody knows

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: how

[spinner]: but they're

[cobra]: to do anything

[spinner]: corectmanif i'm wrong but wasn't there like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: in place that would stop the people
from the seers it just was disengaged for

[spinner]: simon because he was working with him

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: what security

[cobra]: yeah what they

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: don't

[spinner]: don't

[cobra]: have

[spinner]: know

[cobra]: any violence

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: those papa and like what

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the thing so what was

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: done for

[cobra]: the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: me

[cobra]: pop up

[spinner]: top

[cobra]: stuff

[spinner]: up ship

[cobra]: the pop

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: up stuff is from friendly he was

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[cobra]: doing it

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: then

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like

[spinner]: that's right

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and in this so called i guess
like i guess like the top the surface

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: world has no security so they were

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to under the cover of night

[the_original_john_spartan]: my

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: garden and landscape their re con camera

[the_original_john_spartan]: a

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to do stuff

[the_original_john_spartan]: all right you're getting you're getting a

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: lost from the what was stupid

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: just

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: shut up and watch

[the_original_john_spartan]: we can

[spinner]: fucking sovestrstalone kick someone's

[the_original_john_spartan]: we can

[spinner]: head off

[the_original_john_spartan]: script

[spinner]: already

[the_original_john_spartan]: doctor this

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i'm

[the_original_john_spartan]: these

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: not

[cobra]: that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: saying

[cobra]: what

[the_original_john_spartan]: things

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it's

[cobra]: i did

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i'm just trying to understand

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it because

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: this

[the_original_john_spartan]: let's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: was

[the_original_john_spartan]: understand

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: this is the you how they pull
that off

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: looks like they're living on rat burgers
underneath the surface

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: how they get that tech

[cobra]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that look that text

[the_original_john_spartan]: they stole

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: was really

[the_original_john_spartan]: the

[spinner]: h

[the_original_john_spartan]: tech they had guns they steal the
things they need their criminals

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i don't know about criminals but okay

[spinner]: boom

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[spinner]: case closed

[cobra]: you're saying that people

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ye

[cobra]: that you know just looking

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: to have something

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: to eat their criminals

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: i see how you are met

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's

[the_original_john_spartan]: hm

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like i don't get that

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: it was cocto's belief

[spinner]: listen

[the_original_john_spartan]: not mine i'm just saying

[cobra]: yeah i know

[spinner]: i

[the_original_john_spartan]: how

[spinner]: i have no complaints there are no
dumb moments

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: interesting

[cobra]: oh there's

[spinner]: i yield

[cobra]: so many

[spinner]: my time

[cobra]: dumb

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: i'm

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: not a

[cobra]: many

[spinner]: fucking

[cobra]: fucking dumb

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yah

[spinner]: nerve

[cobra]: moments

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: i'm going

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: to talk

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: to you

[cobra]: are

[spinner]: like the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[spinner]: way

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: way

[cobra]: are look where you

[spinner]: now

[cobra]: are

[spinner]: i'm

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: gonna

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[cobra]: idiot

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: of course you're unhurt

[spinner]: i'm gonna i'm goin t talk to
you the way john spartan and you're stupid

[spinner]: your

[cobra]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[spinner]: questions

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: are stupid

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's not how

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he says it

[spinner]: fuck you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he says be fucked

[spinner]: fucked

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: oh you got a question about the
rest of the

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: world

[cobra]: answer is the

[spinner]: fuck

[cobra]: best

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: one

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: be well be fucked

[the_original_john_spartan]: so

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: so just so i can

[cobra]: anyway

[the_original_john_spartan]: understand

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: here you'd rather talk

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: about

[cobra]: a

[the_original_john_spartan]: their spy

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: glasses than how chaco

[spinner]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: bell i mean pizza hut

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that

[the_original_john_spartan]: on

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: was

[the_original_john_spartan]: the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: my

[the_original_john_spartan]: chain

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: other

[the_original_john_spartan]: wards

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: question

[spinner]: you know

[the_original_john_spartan]: you got

[spinner]: the franchise

[the_original_john_spartan]: one question

[spinner]: wars

[the_original_john_spartan]: and you blew it up

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i

[the_original_john_spartan]: and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: didn't blew nothing it's blow away

[spinner]: let's okay

[the_original_john_spartan]: spencer

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: have

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: on

[the_original_john_spartan]: eh

[spinner]: my

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[spinner]: real my real

[the_original_john_spartan]: thank

[spinner]: question

[the_original_john_spartan]: you

[spinner]: is how did

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: macdonald fumble

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: true

[spinner]: the ball and not

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's

[spinner]: win the franchise

[the_original_john_spartan]: great question

[spinner]: wars

[the_original_john_spartan]: first i'd like to address

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: the elephant in the room if you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: the international

[spinner]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: vert that's the movie pizza hut paid
to have

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: some of their signs show up in

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: the movie not very much and then
the worst over delving worse than tbss cover

[the_original_john_spartan]: up of

[cobra]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: a

[cobra]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: mother sucker to get to say pisa

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: falcon

[the_original_john_spartan]: falcon

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: to get everybody to say pizahudinsted

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: of taco bell the north american version
the original version

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: it is tako bell is very easy
to see that there are too bell symbols

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: like

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: not on the street sign but all

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: windows

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: you can clearly see taco bell everybody

[cobra]: yep

[the_original_john_spartan]: is dressed very

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: dare say mexican

[cobra]: lanky

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ah

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: inside

[cobra]: swanky

[spinner]: swanky

[cobra]: mexican

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: all of the food is like i
guess some of them were on triangles

[spinner]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: you're gonna argue that's pizza

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: but they're all on tortchipsbut

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: no there's no fucking way like it's

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: was like are they

[the_original_john_spartan]: m

[cobra]: going to replace the food and

[the_original_john_spartan]: it

[cobra]: no that's just like fantasy baritoes

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: so when you watch this were

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: you were you pizza hut gang or

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: you tako

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: talk

[spinner]: bell gang

[the_original_john_spartan]: bell

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i went

[cobra]: pizza

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: with

[cobra]: hut

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it i didn't know any of this
history so i was like

[spinner]: yo

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: fancy

[spinner]: i watched

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: food

[spinner]: pizza hut gang all

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: as dead

[spinner]: day

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: so i was like i guess this
is future pizza hot food

[cobra]: and like they over dubbed it themselves
but they like

[spinner]: o

[cobra]: phoned it in so hard

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh god there's no way to do
it right so they just

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i thought

[the_original_john_spartan]: didn't

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: something

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: was

[spinner]: he

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: wrong with when i was

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: watching i was like wait a

[spinner]: uh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: minute it's out of sake wait it's

[spinner]: uh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: instinct

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and like in one conversation

[spinner]: a man it's just in

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: what

[spinner]: timber like in sink

[the_original_john_spartan]: talk

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh it's

[the_original_john_spartan]: goes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: fine

[cobra]: it's

[the_original_john_spartan]: back

[cobra]: funny

[the_original_john_spartan]: all

[cobra]: in

[the_original_john_spartan]: right

[cobra]: in the scene in the car when

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: they're

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: talking

[spinner]: joy

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: in the

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: about

[spinner]: join

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: car

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: for tone

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[cobra]: when they're talking about it and in
the tackle bell version

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: he goes you know

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: i love so

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: mexican

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: food just mexican

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: food and then

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: in the pizahoodone he goes i love
me some fat stakapiza

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: like but

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: it's so phoned

[spinner]: at

[cobra]: in

[spinner]: that copetzayeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: he

[cobra]: yeah it's

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's to me

[cobra]: so phoned in

[the_original_john_spartan]: so ver salon like a fan a

[cobra]: i like the beat yeah yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: he's like why don't i get some

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: stacks of pepper

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: who

[spinner]: one that

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[spinner]: that will work

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: lets

[the_original_john_spartan]: h

[spinner]: right

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: on

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: h

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: we

[the_original_john_spartan]: yes

[spinner]: can

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: use that

[cobra]: it's so

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: funny and it's

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: amazing

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hm

[spinner]: but honestly the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: most unforgiving part is taco bell winning
the franchise ward that is the

[the_original_john_spartan]: well

[spinner]: worst

[the_original_john_spartan]: so

[spinner]: of the franchises

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: what

[the_original_john_spartan]: other than the fact that clearly paid
for it i think the path i always

[the_original_john_spartan]: believed for talking about the way i
think they did this is that

[spinner]: yeah let's let's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: break

[spinner]: play

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it

[the_original_john_spartan]: is

[spinner]: this

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: down

[the_original_john_spartan]: that

[spinner]: ode

[the_original_john_spartan]: there are so many burgers joints all
canobalize themselves

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: against each other

[spinner]: okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: and then tako bell was the unique

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: sweeping in

[the_original_john_spartan]: it was

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: the different one that came from from
outside to sweep up the ruins of all

[the_original_john_spartan]: the burgher places smashing into

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: each other and ruining

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: themselves

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: so i played a batman and waited

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: weight in the

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: in the crow's nest to

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: watch everyone take themselves out

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: got it

[spinner]: so woudthnkther were like

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: gangs like there was

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: like

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: the burger gangs and then

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: my

[spinner]: the the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: my

[spinner]: pizza gangs was

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yah

[spinner]: like pizza hut and and like pizanova

[cobra]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: h

[spinner]: they all like became one

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: and talk about was like lone and
standing and it

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: was like it maybe they fought dirty

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: and we're able to win

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m m

[spinner]: that way

[cobra]: the funniest

[spinner]: by

[cobra]: thing to me is

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[cobra]: that i think around the time when
the movie was about to be released right

[cobra]: after

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: paps just

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: bought both of them

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh wow

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: no i think what happened was i
think tacobell put that diary ingredient that's in

[spinner]: all their food

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: into their competitors food

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a

[spinner]: but that was actually a deal breaker

[the_original_john_spartan]: m

[spinner]: for other restaurants

[cobra]: there

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: so

[cobra]: you go

[the_original_john_spartan]: and

[cobra]: nobody

[the_original_john_spartan]: it was

[cobra]: goes to like pizza hood

[the_original_john_spartan]: it was

[cobra]: expecting

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: expected

[cobra]: a dira

[the_original_john_spartan]: right

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah exactly

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: you're goin to talk about you know
what you're ting

[the_original_john_spartan]: talk

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no

[spinner]: in

[the_original_john_spartan]: about

[spinner]: for

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: you

[the_original_john_spartan]: like

[spinner]: get dire from

[the_original_john_spartan]: hey

[cobra]: i was

[spinner]: from

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: beat

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: to

[cobra]: need

[spinner]: hut you

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: got

[cobra]: need

[spinner]: a problem

[cobra]: i need some

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: something to watch

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: my insides

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: i'm going to get

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: some tackle bill

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i'm just glad that pizza

[spinner]: yes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: pizza didn't win

[cobra]: thank

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you know

[the_original_john_spartan]: well

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's

[spinner]: my

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's

[spinner]: god

[the_original_john_spartan]: a

[cobra]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: canadian that's a canadian only company

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: well

[the_original_john_spartan]: and so

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: still

[the_original_john_spartan]: americans

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: aren't cursed with that nonsense

[cobra]: in in the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ah

[cobra]: u s i

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: fear

[spinner]: exactly

[cobra]: in canada if this was said in
canada i fear it would have been pitapiza

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: oh my god don't pizapizapizapiza

[cobra]: get the shadiest one to win

[the_original_john_spartan]: ok

[spinner]: is sociate guys we have a new

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: as

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but

[spinner]: a

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to you

[spinner]: galvizvizza

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: bag

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah moving on

[spinner]: i love that

[cobra]: you

[the_original_john_spartan]: moving

[spinner]: pizza

[cobra]: do

[the_original_john_spartan]: on

[cobra]: you like pizza do you like

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: no

[cobra]: oil

[the_original_john_spartan]: no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: no

[cobra]: i got to treat

[spinner]: do

[cobra]: for

[spinner]: you

[the_original_john_spartan]: moving

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: like

[the_original_john_spartan]: on

[spinner]: do you like fat stacks

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[spinner]: pizza

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a pizza

[the_original_john_spartan]: moving on

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: okay sorry

[the_original_john_spartan]: i'm re railing this from pizapizatok

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: i won't have that slander

[spinner]: h

[the_original_john_spartan]: on my podcastum

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ah

[cobra]: pizapizahutyeah

[spinner]: cause

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: sponsor

[the_original_john_spartan]: what do you think happens the day

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: my

[the_original_john_spartan]: the in this movie and the one
thing i want to ask

[cobra]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: first

[cobra]: that

[the_original_john_spartan]: is

[cobra]: is a good question

[the_original_john_spartan]: i am he killed number

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: of the m

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: guys

[spinner]: got government

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: what

[spinner]: sorry

[the_original_john_spartan]: what

[spinner]: i thought he killed number of the

[cobra]: just

[the_original_john_spartan]: yah

[cobra]: got the one it wasn't even him

[the_original_john_spartan]: he

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: killed

[spinner]: that's

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's fine

[spinner]: true

[the_original_john_spartan]: is not important he killed like a

[spinner]: uh

[the_original_john_spartan]: of the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: the

[spinner]: uh

[the_original_john_spartan]: posse that he originally the six

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: uh

[the_original_john_spartan]: people with jessie ventura

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: h

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: that he got you know oncriofrozen right

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: phoenix's

[the_original_john_spartan]: that simon

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: crew

[the_original_john_spartan]: felix yeah but only he didn't i
didn't see him kill everybody

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's my point i'm

[the_original_john_spartan]: right

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like what happened to them where's the

[the_original_john_spartan]: so like they have to chase them
down right like that's the next job

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: is like go get these other guys
that are still out of the crowd prison

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah that's got to be one part

[spinner]: that makes sense to me

[cobra]: probably

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: they got to hunt they got

[the_original_john_spartan]: after

[spinner]: to go

[the_original_john_spartan]: they

[spinner]: hunting

[the_original_john_spartan]: bang obviously

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: after they bang and then she immediately
regrets it and

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: hates

[the_original_john_spartan]: one

[spinner]: herself

[the_original_john_spartan]: per cent that is gonna

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: be a bad

[spinner]: she's

[the_original_john_spartan]: time

[spinner]: like she's like this is

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: awful

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: she's

[the_original_john_spartan]: as soon as he comes out he's
like what the fuck is this

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: fluids

[cobra]: m

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it's so hard

[spinner]: i don't even like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no

[spinner]: i don't like my hand like when
my hand touches another person's hand this is

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[spinner]: way

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: know

[spinner]: too much

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like we're gonna eat some boundaries

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: in fact get out

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: we

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: just

[spinner]: go back

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: just

[spinner]: to v

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: just

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: next

[spinner]: r

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah just next time just make me
another sweater and i'll come that way yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: um

[cobra]: the fun

[spinner]: we

[cobra]: did

[spinner]: say

[cobra]: he make you

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: didn't knit that sweater so fast

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: because he's

[cobra]: it's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a master

[cobra]: insane

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: now

[spinner]: it

[the_original_john_spartan]: synopsis

[spinner]: was it was

[the_original_john_spartan]: and

[spinner]: programmed

[the_original_john_spartan]: ship

[spinner]: synaptic whatever the funk

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: soon

[spinner]: you said

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: as he was soon as he

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: was coiling that that fucking nit that
it that yarn

[spinner]: you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and i was like oh that's that's
that's that's extension

[cobra]: no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: cord territory this boy

[cobra]: no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: is getting ready

[cobra]: that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to knit

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: that's wrong that's the opposite of what

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: want whatever i'm not goin t talk
about needing

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: here

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[cobra]: but it's like

[spinner]: please don't

[the_original_john_spartan]: he was pent

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: i know

[the_original_john_spartan]: up

[cobra]: i won't

[the_original_john_spartan]: he had some frustrations to work out
and he power

[cobra]: well

[the_original_john_spartan]: fucked

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: did

[the_original_john_spartan]: that sweater

[cobra]: yes that that's specific

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: was going to say

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: power netted

[cobra]: fuck

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: that sweater that's what he

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: power

[cobra]: did

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: knitted

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hurled

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's what i meant my bed

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: patty pointed the hirish

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: out of out

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: of that that swede

[cobra]: what do you think happens

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to

[cobra]: in that police department

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: the next

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: re

[cobra]: day

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: structure

[cobra]: like

[the_original_john_spartan]: captain is

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: fired

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes for

[the_original_john_spartan]: captains

[cobra]: well

[the_original_john_spartan]: out

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: job not well done

[spinner]: yeah do you think they make john

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: like just the chief of all

[the_original_john_spartan]: i

[spinner]: police

[the_original_john_spartan]: think spartan

[cobra]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: turns it down he don't want to
be stuck behind a desk

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: and so it's like um he puts
his puppet

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: benjamin pratt in no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: puts his old his old body the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: you could trust them

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: true

[cobra]: oh nice yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and then do you know what he

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: which might be a little let

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: me know if this is too much
of a fast forward but like either i'll

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: throw it out there before he goes
out on a mission no this makes sense

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: after all that he's rounded up all
the all the although near duels and escaped

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you know cro freeze

[spinner]: okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: people's he goes to

[spinner]: right

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: see his daughter but that feels more
like a

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: book mark at the end of that

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: a good idea

[cobra]: that's a good point

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: if it's confirmed

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: hold that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: see

[the_original_john_spartan]: hold that for the sequel chris

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a

[spinner]: you wait out

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: still

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: then

[spinner]: you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: if

[spinner]: wait

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it's

[spinner]: on

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the

[spinner]: that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: next day

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he confirms if she's alive that's it

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's fair yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ah

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's good

[cobra]: he goes through the mild abuse of
police power that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and

[cobra]: he

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: they're

[cobra]: didn't

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: just

[cobra]: want

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like

[cobra]: to

[spinner]: then he finds out then he finds
out his

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: daughter was simon phoenix all along

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no sir no sir

[spinner]: twist

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no no no no no that's

[the_original_john_spartan]: his daughter

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: was

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no

[the_original_john_spartan]: that weird lady who gave him the
rat bigger

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: oh no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: cikita

[cobra]: the one who speaks the one who
speaks spanish to him and he answers in

[cobra]: italian

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: that one

[spinner]: uh

[the_original_john_spartan]: what

[cobra]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and she understood

[spinner]: uh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and she

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: understood

[cobra]: yeah exactly

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: levels

[spinner]: see see

[cobra]: she

[the_original_john_spartan]: yes

[cobra]: goes she

[spinner]: senora

[cobra]: goes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: s

[cobra]: grass

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: lose

[cobra]: yes and he goes praygolike what

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: you're

[spinner]: go

[the_original_john_spartan]: like an a fat

[spinner]: and then she

[the_original_john_spartan]: stag

[spinner]: goes

[the_original_john_spartan]: of beza

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: gray

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you look at this you love it
you look at this parent chemistry because i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: compete your your puppy and she's

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like

[cobra]: you lose that

[spinner]: too

[cobra]: really

[spinner]: far

[cobra]: fast

[the_original_john_spartan]: yanks

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i

[cobra]: you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: don't

[spinner]: too

[cobra]: get

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: know

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: far

[cobra]: three sounds out and then

[spinner]: you've

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: been offended

[cobra]: versmsomeweird

[spinner]: your you're

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: canceled

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you know i'm not

[cobra]: direction

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: canceled

[the_original_john_spartan]: moving on

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i'm

[spinner]: um

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hinting

[cobra]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it

[spinner]: no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: was a knowing she's

[spinner]: i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like dad yeah

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: i think the day after there is
a vacuum due

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: to cock

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: chica

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: there you go it gets worse

[spinner]: being

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: every

[spinner]: killed

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: time and it's glorious

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: and there's there's

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[spinner]: two so

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: john barton tries to put like a

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: of thrones like you know council with

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: puts his pilot guy fan bullock

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: he puts denis leary

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: on there so he has the other

[the_original_john_spartan]: nice

[spinner]: side

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m m

[spinner]: you know and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: jack

[spinner]: and he

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: black

[spinner]: tries to

[cobra]: associate

[spinner]: work but

[cobra]: bob to

[the_original_john_spartan]: bobby bobby

[spinner]: but

[the_original_john_spartan]: get

[spinner]: there's

[the_original_john_spartan]: in there

[spinner]: a

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: bobby gets in there to yeah rob
snider is

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: really

[spinner]: there

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: why

[cobra]: and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: not jack

[cobra]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: black

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: he's in charge

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but okay

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: no robshires in charge of latrines and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: uh

[spinner]: such

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: h

[spinner]: and but there is another conglomerate that
is looking to take

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: m

[spinner]: over the system the last remaining peace
of the franchise wars co bell

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: do

[spinner]: with no

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: other corporations in their

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: um

[spinner]: way they seek ultimate power

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: um

[spinner]: you kiotackoba

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: is

[spinner]: that's

[the_original_john_spartan]: the chowan

[spinner]: it

[the_original_john_spartan]: church

[spinner]: yeah yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i missed

[cobra]: it's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that

[cobra]: a

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: guy

[cobra]: rotwyler

[spinner]: with like

[cobra]: now

[spinner]: a with a computer

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[spinner]: in his brain

[cobra]: it's a rat tyler now

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it's a what

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: was

[cobra]: rock

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that

[cobra]: tyler

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a

[the_original_john_spartan]: i will allow it to

[spinner]: listen

[the_original_john_spartan]: be a chawabawriting

[spinner]: that

[the_original_john_spartan]: right water but the still has to
be involved

[cobra]: nice nice

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: nice

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[spinner]: it's the same cola that coal was

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hey

[spinner]: frozen

[the_original_john_spartan]: nice

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: yep

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it was

[spinner]: brought back he

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: was a lifer

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it was

[spinner]: he did some dirt he did some

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: things

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: wawa was he was the pilot test
and it was it was the first successful

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: pilot test

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and they decided

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to and this was like this is

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: how successfully proved that he control the
rehabilitation program and so he's loaded up talk

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: about chawawa with like death like jaws
of death not life jaws of death attacks

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: sim it's a road house

[spinner]: m

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: right

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and so tako bell

[spinner]: they use like you're

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that

[spinner]: taking about you're saying they're synaptic

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: synaptic

[spinner]: what the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: who's and

[spinner]: luciano

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: what's it's

[spinner]: said

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: brugabrgara

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: rick mara

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: to to increase his

[the_original_john_spartan]: that

[spinner]: intelligence and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and speed

[spinner]: korti it's

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: two

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and

[spinner]: dials

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: jaws of death and

[the_original_john_spartan]: to the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: quips

[the_original_john_spartan]: point where

[spinner]: the two dials

[the_original_john_spartan]: he's just

[spinner]: it has

[the_original_john_spartan]: smarter than humans and he like he
has an electronic

[cobra]: so

[the_original_john_spartan]: voice like

[cobra]: so basically

[the_original_john_spartan]: bark

[cobra]: this

[the_original_john_spartan]: bark

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[cobra]: this the

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: coa

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[spinner]: kid old

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: tuck

[cobra]: basically

[spinner]: old man

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[cobra]: the dog

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: version of brain from pink in the

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: at

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: proof

[cobra]: this point

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: yes i mean which

[cobra]: he has

[spinner]: is just

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: another

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: version

[cobra]: human

[spinner]: of orson

[cobra]: suit

[spinner]: wealth

[cobra]: that he

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[cobra]: that pilot

[spinner]: yeah that i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like

[spinner]: can see

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: rang

[spinner]: that

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: from the

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: eternals

[the_original_john_spartan]: the

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: rot wyler pilots the red ylerbtit's

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: all coming

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: together

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: pilots

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: there's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he pirates

[spinner]: a robot

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: pilots the wyler that's inside by pet
powered up suit

[the_original_john_spartan]: re gonna move on

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: from this

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: appreciate my sucker

[the_original_john_spartan]: no great

[spinner]: that's

[the_original_john_spartan]: job

[spinner]: so

[the_original_john_spartan]: great job

[spinner]: perfect

[the_original_john_spartan]: chris great job you definitely didn't

[spinner]: so

[the_original_john_spartan]: go

[spinner]: perfect

[the_original_john_spartan]: one too far

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no i didn't

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: at all

[the_original_john_spartan]: moving on

[spinner]: we're going

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: to move on from there

[the_original_john_spartan]: who's our podcast

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: who would start a podcast

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: the podcast i want is i want
i want associate bob to take me on

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: the history of the chain wars i

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: to know what happened

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: really

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: yeah i do and the history of

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: the history of the history of san
angeles with associate bob

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: you know the best

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: thought cast as we call it in
the industry

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: would be

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m oh

[spinner]: um would definitely be sandy b you
know she would be like talking about the

[spinner]: history

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: and like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: how we got to where we are
and how we can evolved past you know

[spinner]: based on what she's seen she seems
very opinionated and she's you know a passion

[spinner]: i think that would come across well
on in a

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but

[spinner]: thought

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: if

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: cast

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you're so my clarifying my clarifying question
to your

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: idea spencer is is this

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: after like is this post movie sandy

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: or pre

[spinner]: yes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: movie because if it was pre she
would she'd be fan she'd be fangirling over

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the twentieth century

[the_original_john_spartan]: my

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: wouldn't she

[spinner]: yes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: i think in both cases

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: she would fan girl about the twentieth

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: still

[spinner]: century

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[spinner]: but

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: yes but like it would be in
a more realistic

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: uh

[spinner]: way but i think she's still fascinated

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: h

[spinner]: it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: so the original

[spinner]: but

[the_original_john_spartan]: podcast is

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: just her like geeking out

[spinner]: like

[the_original_john_spartan]: and then the new

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: the podcastyeah

[spinner]: misinterpreted

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: this

[spinner]: ing

[the_original_john_spartan]: the podcast

[spinner]: it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: week

[the_original_john_spartan]: afterwards is more like this is how
we can take the learnings

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: from the twenty first

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: century in the platte

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: t

[spinner]: today

[the_original_john_spartan]: today

[spinner]: with five

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[spinner]: teeth

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: with

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but this

[spinner]: today

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: is also this one also

[cobra]: i uh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: go

[the_original_john_spartan]: h

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he's cool

[cobra]: i was just going to say what
i wanted to see

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: are what

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: the podcast

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: i would want

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: to hear listen to it would be
john spartan seamstress slash gun slinger podcast called

[cobra]: john tartan

[the_original_john_spartan]: so

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: uh

[the_original_john_spartan]: is he is john tartan loves the
name by the way

[spinner]: that's terrible

[the_original_john_spartan]: is

[spinner]: i

[the_original_john_spartan]: john

[spinner]: hate you

[the_original_john_spartan]: tartan just

[cobra]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: making like gun

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no

[the_original_john_spartan]: holsters just nits gun

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: holsters

[cobra]: yeah gunhosters

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: and like umcosies

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: one

[cobra]: for helmets

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: two

[cobra]: and ship

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: one p two

[cobra]: and then he

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: is like comparing

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh yeah

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: way that being a seamstress as he
put it himself

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: and not a seamster by the way
he's a seamstress because

[the_original_john_spartan]: somehow

[cobra]: apparently when he's needing he has to
be a woman and he he compares being

[cobra]: you know a niter

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: a seamstress and being a violent cop

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: fucking kills everything in his way he's
trying to find

[spinner]: yep

[cobra]: like that medium and he's using like

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: to describe

[spinner]: he

[cobra]: both

[spinner]: has like people

[cobra]: things

[spinner]: call in and he like use the
metaphor of knitting

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: and killing to answer questions

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's the

[cobra]: exactly

[the_original_john_spartan]: same way

[cobra]: exactly

[spinner]: and

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's the same word

[spinner]: yeah and then

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: when they

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: call him he goes he goes

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: what seems to be your bugle

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh nice

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: well

[cobra]: mellow

[spinner]: my bottle is

[cobra]: mellow greetings what seems to be your

[spinner]: also

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: one of my favorite scenes by the
way my bogle

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: it's reaction

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ah

[spinner]: of that it's so

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: good

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: picks him up and throws in

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: throws him through the wind

[the_original_john_spartan]: um the only other podcast

[spinner]: a perfect

[the_original_john_spartan]: every is to hear about is benjamin
brat like he does definitely does

[spinner]: i'm bored just

[the_original_john_spartan]: that

[spinner]: hearing

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i have

[spinner]: about

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a counter

[spinner]: it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: go ahead

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to finish

[cobra]: fred

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it

[the_original_john_spartan]: no

[cobra]: garcias

[the_original_john_spartan]: no no spencer's

[spinner]: oh just

[the_original_john_spartan]: spencer's

[spinner]: fuck

[the_original_john_spartan]: board

[spinner]: your idea

[the_original_john_spartan]: were done with me moving

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i have

[the_original_john_spartan]: on

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: my my counter is

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: actually coming from the lens of

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the one warden william smithers

[the_original_john_spartan]: the sky who seems really nice but
it's secretly a giant fucking asshole

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he's and that's and that's exactly

[cobra]: that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the angle he takes because

[spinner]: right

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he's he's kind of he's seen both

[spinner]: ye

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: much like helicopter pilot i can't remember
his name

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: zachary lamb

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: zachary lad thank you warden

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: smithers is a twisted funk his podcast

[cobra]: she is

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: explores how do i say it dark
subject like dark subjects but he's trying to

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: put an educational bend on it and
trying to and trying to pass it off

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: as i'm educating or i'm sharing something
with the and meanwhile i'm revelling in it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: because i like to see people i
like to see people in captivity and to

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: justify

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a lot of those mean so he's
sadistic and he's using it as a platform

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to explore

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: did you know that this that and
the other used to this and that and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: we could learn something from them meanwhile

[spinner]: what a podcast

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: now

[spinner]: did you know that this that and
the other did

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: well

[spinner]: this

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i'm not

[spinner]: this

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: statistic

[spinner]: and that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i can't i don't know how to
get into that mind set

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: just

[cobra]: the name that's the name of the
podcast this this that and the

[the_original_john_spartan]: m

[cobra]: other

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it's

[cobra]: that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a

[cobra]: the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: good

[cobra]: name

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: of

[spinner]: it's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: cover

[cobra]: the podcast

[spinner]: got more teas than matt's saying today

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to today

[spinner]: today

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: spencer do you feel good about cutting
me off is that is that what you

[the_original_john_spartan]: wanted to go to

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: i mean it led to chris so
i think it was lose lose

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you know

[the_original_john_spartan]: wow

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: what buck you be fucked

[the_original_john_spartan]: hey chris

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: chris enhance your com

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you know what

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i feel so

[spinner]: enhance

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: much

[spinner]: your

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: more

[spinner]: comb

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: calm that i can

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: look you dead in the

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: eye beds or

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: tell you to be sucked

[spinner]: yeah oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: got

[spinner]: i

[the_original_john_spartan]: him

[spinner]: wish were in oscar

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: we

[spinner]: maren or

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that is

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i

[spinner]: that is what i raly like to

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: uh yeah

[spinner]: nifeldcobs

[the_original_john_spartan]: good job

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i do

[the_original_john_spartan]: everybody

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: allat

[the_original_john_spartan]: the calmness

[spinner]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: is everywhere

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: we did that oh we got to
do our first

[spinner]: no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ah

[the_original_john_spartan]: date that's the last one we have

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: to do and then we'll go into
first dates

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: chris

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: what what do you think

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: somebody choices we think you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: think

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: edgar friendly does in the first

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[cobra]: yes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: so

[spinner]: we

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i think he would get a kick
out of bringing bringing his

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: date to the surface and complaining not
complaining but just like

[spinner]: m

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: pointing out everything that's wrong

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: whether it quickly it quickly goes from

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: him anting human interaction and contact like
the lens of like some hope of romance

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to just like spiraling and just

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like because he's like he's like a
inadvertent he's he's become

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a or inadvertently and he's kind of
okay with it but he doesn't want to

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: be right so it's just like he
gets into that mode and so like even

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the presence of his date fades away
and he's thinking about all the world while

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: abilities

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that he has and then it's like

[spinner]: hm

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it's not it's not a date any
more he's just like

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: pointing out and just like spiraling and

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and he can't stop and he can't
re rail himself

[spinner]: a

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to the point like he looks

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: around and like dates gone long gone
been gone cloud of smoke while

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: kiote road

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: runner cloud

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: of smoke gone

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and he's like

[spinner]: and he's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: fuck

[spinner]: just

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it

[spinner]: like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i got work to

[the_original_john_spartan]: h

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: do

[spinner]: he just goes you know what

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: i'm going to do i'm going to
get myself a nineteen sixty seven kind of

[spinner]: like elder convertible

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: hot pink

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m m

[spinner]: with wales getting

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no

[spinner]: up got on all other cow interior
with big brown mabie sales

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hmm

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: you know you kno what that is

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i

[cobra]: at

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: don't

[cobra]: which point in

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: the

[the_original_john_spartan]: you are

[cobra]: in

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: what's

[the_original_john_spartan]: an

[cobra]: the

[the_original_john_spartan]: ass

[spinner]: that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a

[cobra]: night

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: good

[the_original_john_spartan]: hole

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: idea

[spinner]: dennis

[cobra]: does

[spinner]: lars

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: thank

[cobra]: which

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: it at which point in the night

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: from his song

[cobra]: at which point in the night does

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: edgar friendly put green jallow all over
his body and rock around

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: naked

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's after

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he's mine he's managed to he's

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: managed

[cobra]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to expel like all of the things

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: lie just

[cobra]: ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like the chaos that that that is
going on he needs like some kind of

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: mental respite end he's just

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like

[cobra]: i see

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: gonna find me some jello

[cobra]: but it's jallow time again

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you know it's like

[spinner]: it's that time of

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: her

[spinner]: day

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: fortunately i've kept it in this vasciline

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like

[spinner]: so graphic

[the_original_john_spartan]: i'm not sure i sapphic anymore but
i don't want to talk about it

[spinner]: you know

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's

[spinner]: exactly

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the jet

[spinner]: what's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's

[spinner]: happening

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's the green

[cobra]: i regret

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: jello

[cobra]: i regret asking the question i'm sorry

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: for

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: some strange

[the_original_john_spartan]: you should

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: reason

[spinner]: j

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: green yellow

[spinner]: e l

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: l o

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: o

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh oh oh

[cobra]: oh no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: trait

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i like to read free nakedly

[the_original_john_spartan]: moving on

[spinner]: like a jerk off to jello

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: now we're past that

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: now

[spinner]: like a free man

[the_original_john_spartan]: we're

[cobra]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: past

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: what

[the_original_john_spartan]: it

[spinner]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: luciano

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: bending

[cobra]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: let's see what does

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: lenin hucksley

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: do on a first date other than
that wasn't really a date that was just

[cobra]: that wasn't a date

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: casual

[cobra]: that

[the_original_john_spartan]: sex

[cobra]: was a v r

[the_original_john_spartan]: i

[cobra]: booty

[the_original_john_spartan]: guess

[cobra]: call that's

[the_original_john_spartan]: yah

[cobra]: what

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[cobra]: that was yeah what is he doing
what is she doing the first day

[spinner]: it seems like

[cobra]: she

[spinner]: she does

[cobra]: probably

[spinner]: be our booty gulls

[cobra]: like she probably this is a pretty
woman a very beautiful woman actually so

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: the she arrives and the date

[spinner]: settle down

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: is very

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: is very excited about it but then

[spinner]: what

[cobra]: she's

[spinner]: does that have to do

[cobra]: spent

[spinner]: with her being beautiful

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: shut up

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: i mean okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: she's she's very beautiful

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you derailed

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[spinner]: she's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: re

[spinner]: great

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: railed

[spinner]: hair

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and they derailed yourself

[spinner]: she's great hale

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like that

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i mean

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like that

[spinner]: she's got

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and

[the_original_john_spartan]: h

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i can't

[cobra]: wow

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: fault you for that so

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i i just pull vaulted over this
whole thing and

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: i'm

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: just going to continue talking

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: um

[spinner]: she's got beautiful eyes obviously

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and

[spinner]: she's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: we know

[spinner]: got

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: what you used

[cobra]: so

[the_original_john_spartan]: hm

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: as the pole

[spinner]: brown hair

[the_original_john_spartan]: hm

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that

[cobra]: yes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: dick

[spinner]: make you want to grab the jello
if ou know

[the_original_john_spartan]: you

[spinner]: what

[the_original_john_spartan]: know

[spinner]: i mean

[the_original_john_spartan]: what i think lucy yields

[spinner]: god

[the_original_john_spartan]: this time he's done enough

[cobra]: no

[the_original_john_spartan]: here

[cobra]: i don't let me finish what she
does is

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: throughout

[spinner]: made

[the_original_john_spartan]: m

[spinner]: your

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: point

[cobra]: date she just weirds the guy out

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[cobra]: talking about the twentieth century like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[cobra]: to the point where he

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[cobra]: pretends that he goes to the bathroom
and leaves

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: that's

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: all of our dates

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i'll be right back

[cobra]: because he's like you know what

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: there's

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: there's

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: certain amount of crazy i'm willing

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: to go through but this is too
much so he just walks

[spinner]: then the

[cobra]: away

[spinner]: guy leaves and he goes to the
waiter goes i'll take the jello to go

[the_original_john_spartan]: what one

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: right

[the_original_john_spartan]: green

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: away sir

[the_original_john_spartan]: yellow

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: one yellow flies the globe

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: one veridajolo

[the_original_john_spartan]: all

[cobra]: one

[the_original_john_spartan]: right

[cobra]: jello

[the_original_john_spartan]: all right

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: fair enough spencer

[spinner]: stop that

[the_original_john_spartan]: spencer what does

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: simon

[spinner]: it's so visceral

[the_original_john_spartan]: phoenix do on the first date

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: what

[cobra]: oh god

[spinner]: uh oh my god this isn't safe

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no

[spinner]: radio

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it's not

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you're gonna i don't kno what you're

[spinner]: so

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to do but you're gonna have to
figure out something p

[spinner]: i'm gonna

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: gable baby

[spinner]: i'm gonna i'm goin to leave out
all the rape

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: there

[spinner]: and murder

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you go

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: okay that probably would happen but

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: who knows

[cobra]: good call

[spinner]: maybe

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: not in the first date on the
first date he

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: polly he goes to their house he

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: up on one of those jumping sticks

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: pogostick

[the_original_john_spartan]: m

[spinner]: because you just a poco

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hm

[spinner]: stick he pulls

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: up to the date in a poco

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hm

[spinner]: stick because he's just fucking nuts

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hm

[spinner]: and he goes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: baby

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: want to go for a ride and
she's like okay that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: this

[spinner]: weird

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: is different

[cobra]: whimsical whimsical

[spinner]: but he's so but he's so physically

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: capable that he's able to bounce with
her on his back all the way to

[spinner]: the restaurant

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m m

[spinner]: and once there

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: restaurant

[spinner]: he

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[spinner]: he

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: takes it this is pretacobel

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: franchise

[cobra]: come

[spinner]: wars

[cobra]: on

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: look it's true

[spinner]: but

[the_original_john_spartan]: yea

[spinner]: but he

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[spinner]: still takes sort of

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: titacobell because he just likes

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[spinner]: that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: why they won

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: and ah and he orders he's like
i'll get one brito with cheese and one

[spinner]: brito without cheese

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: one

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yah

[spinner]: brito

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: h oh

[spinner]: with cheese and then and then he
says and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ah

[spinner]: i'll pay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: with my card and he and he's
holding a gun on the table and he

[spinner]: says do you accept tap as he
puts the gun to his head

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: uh

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: h h

[spinner]: and the the day at this point
is like whoa

[cobra]: funks going

[spinner]: why did this

[cobra]: on

[spinner]: guy order three brides and why did
you just say to

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[spinner]: a cheese and one without why do
you say

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[spinner]: like that

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: this guy is crazy

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: and yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: so he robs

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: the taco

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ah

[spinner]: bell and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: takes the brides to

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the

[spinner]: go

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: money

[spinner]: the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: money to go and then

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[spinner]: he gets in

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: their get away car which is a

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: go stick and they ride back home

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: he

[cobra]: home

[spinner]: drops her off and he's her

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: home

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: and he says thanks for a wonderful

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[spinner]: time

[cobra]: here's a barinoithcheese

[spinner]: and here's a brito

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but it's smashed

[spinner]: do you want it with or with
do you want it with or without cheese

[spinner]: i have

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: both and she takes which everyone the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: in case

[the_original_john_spartan]: a

[spinner]: would want and then for some reason
he kicks her own door in and says

[spinner]: here milady

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: but it breaks the door like inward

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ye

[spinner]: and says let me get that for
you and kicks the door

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: in he says just so you know
i can come back any time and then

[spinner]: leaves that's

[cobra]: i think i think he picks her
up and throws her through the wall to

[cobra]: the door

[spinner]: throw those

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: how

[spinner]: he's like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: much do

[spinner]: i'll

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[spinner]: be a gentleman

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: wait

[cobra]: bungle this bugle

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: this

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: god

[spinner]: even though no one heard the term

[the_original_john_spartan]: no

[spinner]: yet

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: he goes

[cobra]: exactly

[spinner]: boggle boggle you through this

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: door then

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: he picks her up kicks the door
and throws

[the_original_john_spartan]: yes

[spinner]: her in and says i'll be back
when i want

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: and leaves

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's

[the_original_john_spartan]: ye

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: really cool tell me how

[spinner]: i say that's pretty accurate

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: probably yes i think most definitely

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but tell me how the date is
supposed to eat any food after riding on

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: top of wesley snipe's shoulders on a
poco stick and then trying to eat like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i couldn't

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: eat

[spinner]: oh she's not going

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i

[spinner]: to

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: can't

[spinner]: eat it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: eat her

[spinner]: she

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: she's not goin t eat it she's
going to be sick with

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: fear

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but even if she was

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: deranged somehow

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i don't

[cobra]: i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: think

[cobra]: think

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: she'd be able to that would be
so upset

[the_original_john_spartan]: a

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: in the stomach

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: i think that that your description is
pretty accurate spencer the one thing missing is

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: that it was a motorized focus tic

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh snap

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: that that he invented

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: yeah he invented

[spinner]: does

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: that exist

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: did we just invent something

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: motorized

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: sure

[spinner]: a crazy idea

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: so wait

[spinner]: of

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a minute

[spinner]: motorized poco

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: listen

[spinner]: stick

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: listen let's let's let's not split hairs
simon phoenix

[spinner]: it's a rip

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: simon phoenix shows up on this date
with a jack hammer and that's ow i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: was able to get away from the
police let's call

[spinner]: that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a spade

[spinner]: when

[cobra]: yes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a spade

[spinner]: that's a most

[cobra]: yes yes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: some funks tried

[cobra]: yes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to skate ice kate

[cobra]: i'm

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: uphill

[cobra]: on board

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but he successfully

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: did that

[cobra]: yes okay

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: who's trying to send a message he

[cobra]: matt

[spinner]: to you know

[cobra]: how

[spinner]: jack

[cobra]: does

[spinner]: hammer

[cobra]: your boy alfredo garcia

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: what does he do on

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: date

[the_original_john_spartan]: sorry

[cobra]: on the first

[spinner]: who's

[cobra]: date

[the_original_john_spartan]: i'm

[spinner]: alfredo

[the_original_john_spartan]: sorry

[spinner]: garcia

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes yes yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: who

[cobra]: benjamin

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: go

[cobra]: brat

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: back to

[cobra]: benjamin brat

[spinner]: ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: redeem thyself

[the_original_john_spartan]: ben doesn't get any dates

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[cobra]: you use your time

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but

[the_original_john_spartan]: no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: then

[the_original_john_spartan]: one's calling out

[spinner]: you're

[the_original_john_spartan]: of day with

[spinner]: goddam

[the_original_john_spartan]: him

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: check it out

[spinner]: right

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i counter

[the_original_john_spartan]: m

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: because in that and in that society
everyone's condition so why wouldn't they be compatible

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: why wouldn't be he be able to
find someone

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: just as indoctrinated

[the_original_john_spartan]: because

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: as him

[spinner]: is quite handsome

[the_original_john_spartan]: he has to go

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: looking for somebody

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: how why

[spinner]: he's a

[the_original_john_spartan]: he has to find a woman like
he has to go and ask them

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: out right like in the society that
i laid out

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: he as a person

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: shows no effort

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: or want to go on a date
he just wants to listen to his fucking

[the_original_john_spartan]: jingles

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh ah well that may be true

[spinner]: rest

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a point

[spinner]: case rested

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i don't know

[the_original_john_spartan]: this

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: about

[the_original_john_spartan]: is

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that

[spinner]: listen we could sit here all day
arguing about what kind of dates benjamin brad's

[spinner]: character

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[spinner]: and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: challenged

[spinner]: demolition man

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: him

[spinner]: goes on

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i think it's possible

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: all

[spinner]: i think

[the_original_john_spartan]: i

[spinner]: so too

[the_original_john_spartan]: answered

[spinner]: he's quite

[the_original_john_spartan]: the question

[spinner]: handsome

[the_original_john_spartan]: and yielded my time because we have
much more important things to get to

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's fine

[spinner]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it's

[the_original_john_spartan]: is

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: fine

[the_original_john_spartan]: fine

[spinner]: i would also like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it's fine

[spinner]: a

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: moment at the end of this podcast
to list

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: honora mentions of things that this movie

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: o

[the_original_john_spartan]: well then you

[cobra]: okay

[the_original_john_spartan]: all better shut up so we can
get through the next two

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: sections and meet

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: reasonable amount

[spinner]: all

[the_original_john_spartan]: of

[spinner]: right

[the_original_john_spartan]: time

[spinner]: let's now

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: shut up

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you did that to yourself

[spinner]: i know

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i'm talking to myself when i say

[the_original_john_spartan]: let's

[spinner]: shut

[the_original_john_spartan]: see what

[spinner]: up

[the_original_john_spartan]: we can do here

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: first question

[the_original_john_spartan]: the studio was dead set

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: take

[the_original_john_spartan]: on making a sequel to this movie

[spinner]: oh god

[cobra]: it was why was that fucking pregnant

[the_original_john_spartan]: hey

[cobra]: pause

[the_original_john_spartan]: we don't

[cobra]: was

[the_original_john_spartan]: we don't

[cobra]: so

[the_original_john_spartan]: have

[cobra]: pregnant

[the_original_john_spartan]: time for you to ask about the

[cobra]: it bed

[the_original_john_spartan]: pause

[cobra]: the baby

[spinner]: lucian

[the_original_john_spartan]: we have to be fast

[spinner]: shut up liionol

[the_original_john_spartan]: we don't have time for you to
ask the frakpoht just happened

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it was so confusing

[cobra]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: what's the sequel about gentlemen oh

[spinner]: also i read they

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i

[spinner]: are making a legal

[the_original_john_spartan]: what

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: e

[spinner]: to

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[spinner]: this

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: serious

[the_original_john_spartan]: i don't

[cobra]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: care

[cobra]: no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[the_original_john_spartan]: focus i need i need

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: later lasar focus

[spinner]: all right

[the_original_john_spartan]: like

[spinner]: god

[the_original_john_spartan]: that

[spinner]: damn it

[the_original_john_spartan]: thing

[spinner]: you're right

[the_original_john_spartan]: that used to

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: get so thrown out for some reason
he could just

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: uh

[the_original_john_spartan]: melt all the ice but that's not

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: h

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh part

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: is the sequel

[spinner]: a janitalesar focus

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: i think it's about

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: rebuking that like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ah

[cobra]: society has to

[spinner]: kay

[cobra]: be

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: i hate your movie

[cobra]: like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[cobra]: i didn't even

[spinner]: ah that

[cobra]: say

[spinner]: sounds

[cobra]: anything

[spinner]: awful

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: it's a it's a comedy

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: all right i'm taking i'm jumping off
from from where chris

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: left off this is

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: a legacy sequel this is being

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: filmed now because i think they are

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: one

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: so you got old still one

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: h h

[spinner]: and his daughter's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: daughter

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: because his daughter now would be

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: like his

[cobra]: maybe

[spinner]: age right

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: maybe he's grand

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: no no no

[spinner]: that's

[the_original_john_spartan]: no no

[spinner]: if some

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: kay

[spinner]: people

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's

[spinner]: say

[the_original_john_spartan]: only

[spinner]: that

[the_original_john_spartan]: a daughter's daughter that's how you ever

[spinner]: it's his daughter's

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: daughter it's not

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's

[cobra]: some

[spinner]: it's

[the_original_john_spartan]: it

[spinner]: not

[cobra]: people

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's a grand

[cobra]: say

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: daughter

[cobra]: that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but that's what

[the_original_john_spartan]: no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: people say daughter's daughter it sounds

[the_original_john_spartan]: they don't

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: less old

[spinner]: yeahshut

[the_original_john_spartan]: they don't say that in san angelos
that's not a term that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: they acknowledge

[spinner]: yeah los angeles he says that's my
granddaughtr and they go what would be fucking

[spinner]: weird though your

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: daughter's daughter so his daughter's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: daughter read about his his escapades and
it's like history and she's like i want

[spinner]: to join the force but i want
to be a real cup like my mother's

[spinner]: father

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh yeah that

[cobra]: m

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: mother copulator

[spinner]: and so she goes into the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: force the

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: head of the department god damn it

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: department i'm right i'm trying to talk
fast the head of the department is andre

[spinner]: bullock

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i thought it was zachary lamb

[spinner]: no this is this

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: is now this is

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: never

[spinner]: like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: mind

[spinner]: twenty

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: then

[spinner]: years

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[spinner]: later

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: cool

[spinner]: after this

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh yeah

[spinner]: equal

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: because

[spinner]: she's dead

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah he passed okay

[spinner]: he's no he's a lifer now

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he's in

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: he's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: prison

[spinner]: frozen yeah no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: what

[spinner]: he's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: happened

[spinner]: frozen

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to the

[cobra]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: chief

[spinner]: uh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: what

[the_original_john_spartan]: we

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: happened

[the_original_john_spartan]: don't have

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to

[the_original_john_spartan]: time

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the

[spinner]: that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: julia

[the_original_john_spartan]: we don't have time to answer that

[spinner]: they don't have time for that we
don't ave time for that that's in the

[spinner]: sequel

[cobra]: h

[the_original_john_spartan]: yes

[spinner]: and then

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: so

[spinner]: basically

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: many questions

[spinner]: she

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: she goes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: she goes to her for advice and
then and then her and then she finds

[spinner]: out that andrebian and him had a

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: out and she's like oh no one
to talk to john barton in

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: twenty

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: years

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: he went off the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: grid

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: and then she's like okay we got
to get him back because

[the_original_john_spartan]: yes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: h

[spinner]: there's a new

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[spinner]: villain

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: and i'll leave it to you guys
to come up with

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he

[spinner]: a new villain i can't

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: let

[spinner]: do

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: me

[spinner]: all

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: know

[spinner]: of

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: when

[spinner]: it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it's okay to jump in

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's now jump

[spinner]: you

[the_original_john_spartan]: in

[spinner]: go ahead

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: associate

[spinner]: jump and go

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: bob has staged a co this

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: mother sucker was looking for power from

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: one

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[spinner]: i hated

[cobra]: okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: now fuck

[spinner]: next idea

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: go

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: fuck

[cobra]: no no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[cobra]: no wait

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: fuck

[spinner]: and i'm

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[spinner]: just

[cobra]: wait

[spinner]: joking

[cobra]: no no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no

[cobra]: let me ask let me yes and
this so

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: so associate bob is like the bad
guy like the mind behind it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: correct

[cobra]: but who is the dragon

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: see the lines

[cobra]: who is the dragon

[the_original_john_spartan]: tako bell

[cobra]: who

[the_original_john_spartan]: dog

[cobra]: is

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: who is

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: obviously uh

[cobra]: i

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yet

[cobra]: i'm sorry

[spinner]: huh

[cobra]: i

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: asked of course of course it is

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: never trust a skinny

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: tackle

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: shaft

[spinner]: stupid

[cobra]: bell

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: dog yeah

[spinner]: do

[cobra]: tak dog yeah okay

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: so so like bob is trying to
do like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: wow

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's

[cobra]: again

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: right yes right

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: okay

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: sure twice cut once son

[the_original_john_spartan]: m

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: so society i guess in this in
this scenario the society didn't change that much

[spinner]: it stayed like very

[cobra]: like yeah there's

[spinner]: placid

[cobra]: probably

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[cobra]: like some contention right some people want

[spinner]: o

[cobra]: be less like violent but like don't
they don't want it to be like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: it was with cocoa some people want
to stay true to what cot it built

[spinner]: ah so like the underground movement of
denis leary grew and now it's like a

[spinner]: full on like almost

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: civil war situation

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: is this

[spinner]: this is slowly becoming america

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: my

[cobra]: i'm musical

[spinner]: no i was just say this is
this is like like like p c versus

[spinner]: like right wing you know it's like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: ah well it was already that

[spinner]: it was already but now it's like

[cobra]: full

[spinner]: we're going

[cobra]: on

[spinner]: to make it

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: full on analogy of the current

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: state of the world so you got
the right wing well not right sorry dennis

[spinner]: lyres

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: crowd is

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: grown they're starting a civil war and
in order to win that war they go

[spinner]: back to the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: lifer program

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: and they bring out insert frozen

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: man we got to do the same
ship so it's got to be another frozen

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: another

[spinner]: man

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: frozen

[the_original_john_spartan]: sure

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: man so who would pair nicely with
an older so that like like let's

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: let's double check

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: who

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: is the main protagonist of the sequel

[spinner]: m

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it still

[the_original_john_spartan]: what

[cobra]: that's what i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: smarting

[cobra]: was

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: goin to ask is it's the it's
the daughter's daughter right

[spinner]: no yeah it's it's the daughter's daughter
is the

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's

[spinner]: main

[the_original_john_spartan]: right

[spinner]: character

[cobra]: is the

[spinner]: with

[cobra]: name of this

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: with

[cobra]: movie

[spinner]: still

[cobra]: demolition girl

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: first

[spinner]: not

[the_original_john_spartan]: of all

[spinner]: bad

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's gotta be demolition

[spinner]: i don't hate

[the_original_john_spartan]: woman

[spinner]: it

[the_original_john_spartan]: come on

[cobra]: no

[the_original_john_spartan]: man

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: you're

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: fucking

[cobra]: has to

[spinner]: she's

[cobra]: has

[spinner]: young

[cobra]: to

[spinner]: though

[cobra]: be

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: she's a young cop

[cobra]: as exist

[spinner]: what

[cobra]: as as

[the_original_john_spartan]: no

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: old movie

[the_original_john_spartan]: no no it's got to be it's

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: got to be watchable in twenty twenty

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no

[the_original_john_spartan]: two

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i got i

[cobra]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: got the word demolition cadet

[cobra]: hate it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: isn't that cadet

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: cadets are

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah but

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: lowering

[the_original_john_spartan]: it doesn't work

[cobra]: demolition woman is better

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay fine

[the_original_john_spartan]: m

[spinner]: demolition cob

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that sounds

[the_original_john_spartan]: hate it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: something

[spinner]: that sounds

[cobra]: demolition

[spinner]: like

[the_original_john_spartan]: who

[spinner]: a

[the_original_john_spartan]: is

[spinner]: b movie

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: straight

[cobra]: human

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: demolitinthe

[spinner]: sounds like a straight for

[cobra]: human

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: uh

[spinner]: t v

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[spinner]: straight to t

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: v

[the_original_john_spartan]: listen

[spinner]: movie

[the_original_john_spartan]: who

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: h

[the_original_john_spartan]: is who s playing demolition woman that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ben

[the_original_john_spartan]: only

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: pospering

[the_original_john_spartan]: question we need

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that

[the_original_john_spartan]: to answer from this point

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: out

[cobra]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: i got it

[spinner]: arnes

[the_original_john_spartan]: no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: who

[the_original_john_spartan]: she's too

[cobra]: no

[the_original_john_spartan]: she's too attractive

[spinner]: she's too okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i got one

[cobra]: wow

[the_original_john_spartan]: m

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: one that

[cobra]: wow

[spinner]: time to insult

[cobra]: mat

[spinner]: whatever actress matt was thinking of go

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[cobra]: jesus

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: no it's

[spinner]: someone not too attractive

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's

[spinner]: go

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yah

[spinner]: amy humor

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's

[spinner]: sorry sorry

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: holy shit

[spinner]: just

[cobra]: shots

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: i'm just

[cobra]: fucking

[spinner]: kidding

[cobra]: fired

[the_original_john_spartan]: you're the fate is over for luciano

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: sorry

[cobra]: my

[spinner]: i was

[cobra]: lord

[spinner]: joking

[the_original_john_spartan]: spencer is in control

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ay i mean

[spinner]: don't

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like

[cobra]: i was going

[spinner]: hate

[cobra]: to

[spinner]: me

[cobra]: say

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: she's not funny

[cobra]: hayle

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: so

[cobra]: stansfield

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: we don't have to wry about that

[the_original_john_spartan]: who

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: from hawkeye

[cobra]: haley stansfield

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh yeah yeah yeah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ha

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: got ya

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: that's a good casting

[the_original_john_spartan]: so

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: she's age enough

[the_original_john_spartan]: here's i'm

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: not against haileystimo

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: but what i'm looking for here is
someone who can pull because you got to

[the_original_john_spartan]: go as crazy as wesley snipes that's
the thing you

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: need someone who's going to go like

[cobra]: right

[the_original_john_spartan]: choose

[cobra]: right

[the_original_john_spartan]: scenery

[cobra]: right

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i got one

[the_original_john_spartan]: and that's

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: where i don't know if they can
do it crisahyeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: who

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i offer tatiana melani

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeh

[cobra]: nice she woke

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: orphan black

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: slash

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: she hawk all kinds

[cobra]: okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: of rad range she can tap into
and like

[cobra]: oh now

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: don't don't put her off just because
she's petite

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: she can be crazy

[cobra]: o no

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: no no no i was thinking of
someone else but it has to be in

[cobra]: twenty twenty two so that

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: doesn't work

[the_original_john_spartan]: the other

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: answer is florence pew

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[spinner]: that's a good casting

[cobra]: oh that's even better

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: i think

[spinner]: the other angle is if we want
to really

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: recreate the same vibe of the first
one is it if she was brought up

[spinner]: instead of being brought up in the
city she was brought up by

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: burning man

[spinner]: john spartan

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[cobra]: friendly

[spinner]: no by john

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: spartan on

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: on their desolate

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: area and he trained her to be
like him so he taught her all the

[spinner]: ideas that he has so when she
goes to the city she's like seeing the

[spinner]: city for the first time like he

[cobra]: okay

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: well you have those same you could
have the same note you know same and

[spinner]: that's why she's like crazy and like
willing to funk ship up and you know

[the_original_john_spartan]: maybe i guess we'll never know

[spinner]: characterise it

[cobra]: maybe

[spinner]: works

[the_original_john_spartan]: no

[cobra]: so

[the_original_john_spartan]: we're

[cobra]: it's

[the_original_john_spartan]: gonna

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: i'm gonna i'm remembrailing this we're off

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: this is it that's that's the end
it's it's a it's a

[spinner]: that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ye

[spinner]: the end who's the

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's

[spinner]: villain

[the_original_john_spartan]: you know what it is

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: associate

[the_original_john_spartan]: this is

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: bob but

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: anyway

[the_original_john_spartan]: it a demolition woman

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: it is a netflix series and we've
only sketched out the first

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: four episodes

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: the godamity's

[cobra]: i like it

[spinner]: right

[cobra]: i

[the_original_john_spartan]: and

[cobra]: like it i

[the_original_john_spartan]: who

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i can

[cobra]: like

[the_original_john_spartan]: knows

[cobra]: it

[the_original_john_spartan]: you'll

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: work

[the_original_john_spartan]: find an episode five or maybe six
who the

[spinner]: i

[the_original_john_spartan]: villain

[spinner]: just hope you

[the_original_john_spartan]: is

[spinner]: get picked up by bo

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: pay

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: us

[spinner]: instead

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and

[spinner]: of

[cobra]: i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: we'll

[cobra]: was

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: just

[spinner]: netflix

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: finish

[cobra]: going to

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it

[cobra]: ask if if

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: pay us

[cobra]: lina hucksley is the chief of police

[the_original_john_spartan]: we don't know

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i thought she was someone

[the_original_john_spartan]: we

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: identified

[the_original_john_spartan]: don't know

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: her but okay

[spinner]: i already

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: said

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's

[spinner]: that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: what i thought

[cobra]: okay okay

[the_original_john_spartan]: we

[cobra]: okay

[the_original_john_spartan]: don't know

[spinner]: thanks for listening

[the_original_john_spartan]: no thanks

[spinner]: whatever

[the_original_john_spartan]: for not listening

[spinner]: feelings

[the_original_john_spartan]: next question

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: do

[spinner]: i

[the_original_john_spartan]: we need to script or anything i
on't think so okay podcast

[spinner]: it's

[the_original_john_spartan]: over

[spinner]: perfect

[the_original_john_spartan]: thanks for coming on guys we had
a great time

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: no i said we want

[cobra]: we

[spinner]: to do

[cobra]: can't

[spinner]: honorable mentions of things

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: they predicted

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: i m just going to say just
about the script doctoring i don't think we

[cobra]: can't just because

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m oh

[cobra]: either we change the movie wholesale

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: or

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: we don't

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: script doctor

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i

[cobra]: just

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: would

[cobra]: leave

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: just

[cobra]: it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: take

[cobra]: alone

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: out some

[spinner]: if you're

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: of the racism

[the_original_john_spartan]: h

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: ah there's like

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: there's like some

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: tweaks for modern day but it's

[the_original_john_spartan]: yep

[spinner]: like the general thing would be the
same modern day for like less like questions

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: from the audience

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: mimicking

[spinner]: like the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: stupid stuff

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the two things that stand out are
like him mimicking what looks like

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a group of asian children on a
school trip and then every time in in

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the beginning like first half of the

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: every time time

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: phoenix was on scene

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it's like they played this nineties hip
hop instrumental and it

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: pinched

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: me to fuck off i'm like

[cobra]: it's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: fuck you

[cobra]: so bad i never i never noticed
that at first yeah exactly

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: your

[spinner]: yeah yeah that that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: na na fuck

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: but

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: they do

[spinner]: totally

[the_original_john_spartan]: that all the time it's not great

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: the only

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: other thing i would say

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: and i'm going to stop here because
i don't want to run this over

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: here but i don't

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: benjamin brat

[spinner]: okay

[the_original_john_spartan]: doesn't what is he doing in this
movie he needs

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: good

[the_original_john_spartan]: to go

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: question

[the_original_john_spartan]: away

[spinner]: i

[the_original_john_spartan]: he has nothing to do he

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: doesn't do anything

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: question third

[cobra]: either

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: wheel

[cobra]: him

[the_original_john_spartan]: m

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's what he

[cobra]: or

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: did

[cobra]: either him or robs neither can like
one of the two can go

[the_original_john_spartan]: well

[cobra]: away

[the_original_john_spartan]: rob snider

[spinner]: no rob shiner's goode's

[the_original_john_spartan]: rob snider exists

[spinner]: funny

[the_original_john_spartan]: and he does his purpose and he
never shows up again and

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: benin brat just keeps showing up and
i don't know why

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: my

[cobra]: fucking

[spinner]: the third wheel

[the_original_john_spartan]: moving on

[spinner]: also

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i hold on we would also make

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: it so you would see talon's frozen

[the_original_john_spartan]: one percent

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's

[spinner]: that is that's

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: the only script

[spinner]: we know

[the_original_john_spartan]: doctor

[spinner]: we know that

[the_original_john_spartan]: both

[spinner]: that's

[the_original_john_spartan]: times

[cobra]: so also

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: i would change one calvin to something
more credible than

[the_original_john_spartan]: you know what

[cobra]: but that's that's the science

[the_original_john_spartan]: we

[cobra]: nor me

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: who's

[the_original_john_spartan]: were

[cobra]: leave

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: chapin

[cobra]: it alone

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but

[the_original_john_spartan]: i thought

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: anyways

[the_original_john_spartan]: we were finishing up

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: not each adding one more thing

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah let's

[the_original_john_spartan]: anybody

[cobra]: go

[the_original_john_spartan]: else want to add

[cobra]: let's

[spinner]: you

[the_original_john_spartan]: one

[spinner]: were

[the_original_john_spartan]: more

[cobra]: go with

[the_original_john_spartan]: thing

[cobra]: the honorable

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: mansions

[spinner]: were

[the_original_john_spartan]: to

[spinner]: wrong

[the_original_john_spartan]: drag us wow

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: chris you have anything about okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no

[spinner]: of

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i'm good

[the_original_john_spartan]: this movie predicted a lot of

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: the future correct

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: the first thing

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: i think that it predicted

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: correctly which is very ominous rich people
thinking they know how society should run and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hm

[the_original_john_spartan]: then it turns out that rich as

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: wasn't as benefilent as you thought

[cobra]: yep

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: and what was actually problem

[cobra]: i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m m

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: but a lot of movies

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ah

[spinner]: have done that

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: prediction

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah but

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: demolition men did it first

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ye

[spinner]: right

[the_original_john_spartan]: probably

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: did they

[spinner]: that's true

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but i don't know

[the_original_john_spartan]: i don't know

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's fine i his way

[spinner]: i think that the weird like no
touching of the hands was like weirdly like

[spinner]: covidlike

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: germophobicyeah

[spinner]: i thought of ovid

[the_original_john_spartan]: yep

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah like wave

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: their hands

[cobra]: up

[spinner]: over

[cobra]: to

[spinner]: each

[cobra]: eleven

[spinner]: other

[cobra]: but yeah the whole you know no
fluid transfer no like all that stuff it's

[cobra]: uh yeah

[spinner]: predicted

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: my sex life

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah oh that's the most

[cobra]: don't

[the_original_john_spartan]: important

[cobra]: you have

[the_original_john_spartan]: part

[cobra]: two

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: children

[spinner]: i'm joking

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: are they your children

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: where did son

[spinner]: we used we used a froth and
liver as

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: as a donator

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you use john parton seed okay

[spinner]: hell

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: then how and then i guess like
in a way the

[spinner]: yes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: v r metaphors sex sex play was
oddly accurate

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh oh

[spinner]: i thought the corporatization of like the

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: was

[the_original_john_spartan]: yes

[spinner]: very accurate like you

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: know

[cobra]: has it has that part of it
like the whole take bell thing winnie

[the_original_john_spartan]: a

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: franchise wars that has a very ciberpunkfiel

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: to it

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: for

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: me

[the_original_john_spartan]: in present

[spinner]: and also like the way they like
they like love their commercials and like it's

[spinner]: all brands

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: and it's

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: like that was all that seems very

[the_original_john_spartan]: they did they didn't and it wasn't
a hundred percent accurate but rnoldworknaggers run to

[the_original_john_spartan]: politics like they had him as president

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: but

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: he did you know

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: go as

[spinner]: that's

[the_original_john_spartan]: far as

[spinner]: true

[the_original_john_spartan]: he could

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yep

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: yep

[cobra]: self driving cars if they can stop

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[cobra]: running over children that's also a prediction

[spinner]: yeah that's true that the self driving
cars that's true

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: like there is a lot more

[cobra]: also something else that is

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: not as i think not as clear

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: because it's not as blatant but they
have you know like zack zack lamb says

[cobra]: oh you know they

[the_original_john_spartan]: m

[cobra]: started

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: low jacking buddy right putting

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: in

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: a transmitter

[the_original_john_spartan]: tracking chip

[cobra]: where you can yeah yeah like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hm

[cobra]: we obviously don't have tracking chips now
but like

[the_original_john_spartan]: don't

[cobra]: we

[the_original_john_spartan]: we

[cobra]: have phones with

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: us we can can

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: do the same thing right basically

[spinner]: my

[cobra]: so i think

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: it's not as

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: evident but it's

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: like nowadays it's so easy to find

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: convenient but it's so easy to find
where someone

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: is right

[the_original_john_spartan]: um the other one is predicting you
that cops

[cobra]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: have no idea how to do their

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: very

[spinner]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: accurate

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: well

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: what should

[cobra]: but that

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: was

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i

[cobra]: already

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: do in

[cobra]: true

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: this situation

[cobra]: that was already true

[the_original_john_spartan]: you didn't know

[cobra]: in

[the_original_john_spartan]: that

[cobra]: ninety

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: three

[the_original_john_spartan]: now you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: didn't know the cops how to do
their jobs as massively

[cobra]: we didn't

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: know that but it was true

[the_original_john_spartan]: well

[cobra]: already is what

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: i'm saying

[the_original_john_spartan]: no yeah

[spinner]: it's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: become more true

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: i've

[cobra]: approach

[spinner]: said that the

[cobra]: the maniac and say in a very
firm voice

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: lay down and put your hands over
your head

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[cobra]: he's not reacting or else

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i say they predicted

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: that the many tunes there like many
tunes is what they listened to

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: which is like almost like tik tok

[cobra]: tik

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: tok

[spinner]: really

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: short

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: they had zoom

[cobra]: just as

[spinner]: obviously

[cobra]: annoying yes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[spinner]: they had

[the_original_john_spartan]: hey

[spinner]: zoom

[the_original_john_spartan]: hey spencer

[spinner]: which other

[the_original_john_spartan]: how's

[spinner]: movies have

[the_original_john_spartan]: the national

[spinner]: but

[the_original_john_spartan]: news dot com slash or sash culture
slash film slash

[spinner]: he

[the_original_john_spartan]: five weight

[spinner]: shot off you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: i'm on the national

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: news dot

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: com slash art slash cultured slash film
slash five

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: ways electra

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: loans to and fro the future

[the_original_john_spartan]: never saw that list before my life

[spinner]: i have no original thoughts

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: called out live

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah yeah yeah

[spinner]: i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: was hoisted on my own petard

[cobra]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah but you

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: know the the thing is though

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: obviously grio stasis we nailed that that's
definitely a thing that happens all the

[spinner]: obviously

[the_original_john_spartan]: time

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: what

[the_original_john_spartan]: what

[cobra]: what

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: often powers

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: that wasn't

[cobra]: what

[the_original_john_spartan]: wasn't

[cobra]: else

[the_original_john_spartan]: it

[spinner]: the io metric in plants

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: eyeball thing

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: as soon as they

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: showed

[cobra]: well

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: his eye

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i knew he was going to

[cobra]: by

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: get

[cobra]: like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: popped

[spinner]: d

[cobra]: by metric

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: security

[spinner]: they

[cobra]: yes for sure

[the_original_john_spartan]: and like

[spinner]: tablets

[the_original_john_spartan]: tablets

[spinner]: in the movie

[the_original_john_spartan]: and even the car like they did

[spinner]: come

[the_original_john_spartan]: it a

[spinner]: on

[the_original_john_spartan]: little weirdly in the car on the
since the four little screens but eventually

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hm

[the_original_john_spartan]: having like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: a video screen in the car

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: h

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: i also like that they it's kind
of cheesy but they did in a way

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: that works where you know when the
first murder death kill happens like they don't

[cobra]: scramble to go after

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: like they research

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: stuff on the computer first

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: like watching a youtube

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: video

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: to watch to get instructional

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: videos

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: how do you get on the internet

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: how do you stop a

[the_original_john_spartan]: m

[spinner]: crime

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: like she asked

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: l seven you're not coming

[the_original_john_spartan]: h

[cobra]: down with the virus

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: again are you if it's like an
actual disease

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: and the computer has a mask on

[the_original_john_spartan]: they sure are

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: that means bad

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh here's

[spinner]: done

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: another here's something i've been processing

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: this they totally predicted the police's inability
to respond

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: to life threatening scenarios

[cobra]: yes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: when people are in need for the
good of

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: humans all over dan

[cobra]: the only the

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: only

[spinner]: we say

[cobra]: problem

[spinner]: that

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i don't know

[cobra]: the only problem

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: is

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: if you did then

[cobra]: they

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you

[cobra]: predicted

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: did sorry

[cobra]: they predicted

[the_original_john_spartan]: she

[cobra]: in they missed

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[cobra]: which way they would be incapicapable

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: of dealing with

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: it because

[spinner]: they thought

[cobra]: in the

[spinner]: they'd

[cobra]: movie

[spinner]: be less lethal

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: exactly in the movie

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: they don't know what to do because
they don't know how to do violence now

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: that's all

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: they know how to do is like
i'm just

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: going to shoot this person

[the_original_john_spartan]: m

[cobra]: just maybe because they might be a
criminal so

[spinner]: you know the problem with cops is

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: they're not lethal enough

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: like

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: that was their prediction

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: let's put bees

[cobra]: ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: inside the guns

[spinner]: um

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: so when the guns

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: fire

[spinner]: ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: shoots bees

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's much much

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: more

[spinner]: when

[the_original_john_spartan]: effective

[spinner]: the dogs bark

[the_original_john_spartan]: yea

[spinner]: the dog barks they have bees in
their mouths and the best

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: we worked

[the_original_john_spartan]: the only the only the only other

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: i saw that we actually didn't call
up because it's so ubiquitous as the fucking

[the_original_john_spartan]: uses voice commands everything

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: and for

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: ninety

[spinner]: yep

[the_original_john_spartan]: three that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: alexa

[the_original_john_spartan]: something that was not not yea it
didn't exist hey

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: guys i have

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: a question for you so

[cobra]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: episode five of the demolition woman c

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: is who's the villain

[spinner]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: that shows up

[spinner]: thank you i was going to say
we got to figure out this villain i'm

[spinner]: so glad

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: we

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: want someone who captures the essence of
simon phoenix

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah that's what i was going to
say like i don't mind if the like

[cobra]: hidden villain

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[cobra]: calling

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: the shots is associate bob but we

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: to have someone to clash with the
daughter's daughter

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: new new new character played by benedict

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: cumber

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: batch

[the_original_john_spartan]: can

[cobra]: i think you should be a woman

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay fine

[spinner]: ah do we want simon phoenix to
have kids

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: god

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: wow

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: grew up

[cobra]: god no we

[the_original_john_spartan]: is

[cobra]: don't

[the_original_john_spartan]: this

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: is this like how bellsixis

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: unfortunately

[the_original_john_spartan]: strange

[spinner]: six

[the_original_john_spartan]: somehow has sex with waldemar and then
they have a kid but

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: no one knows

[spinner]: yes we're going to say in the
past before he was said to the future

[spinner]: he had kids

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[spinner]: and now they are of adult

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: age

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: a litter

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: they're a

[the_original_john_spartan]: a

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: squadron

[the_original_john_spartan]: litter

[spinner]: they were

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[spinner]: they were

[cobra]: kay

[spinner]: in what year was he frozen

[the_original_john_spartan]: ninety

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: so

[the_original_john_spartan]: six

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: they're all thirty something

[cobra]: ninety six

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: should

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: right

[spinner]: this

[cobra]: be

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: forty

[spinner]: how many years

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: wasn't

[spinner]: later

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it

[spinner]: this is

[cobra]: ah

[the_original_john_spartan]: it was

[spinner]: so

[the_original_john_spartan]: thirty

[spinner]: she's

[the_original_john_spartan]: six

[spinner]: forty

[the_original_john_spartan]: thirty six years later

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: so he has a forty year old
she's a thirty six year old son

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: named

[cobra]: he's a he's a son wait a

[spinner]: no yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: son

[spinner]: he has a

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: twins

[spinner]: son twins

[cobra]: oh i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: double

[cobra]: like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: trouble

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: that's a that's a nice little that's
a nice twist

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: wasn't

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: there

[cobra]: the

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: name of the

[spinner]: wesley

[cobra]: fifth

[spinner]: snipes

[cobra]: episode

[spinner]: movie where

[cobra]: double trouble

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[spinner]: wasn't there

[cobra]: is the name of the

[spinner]: wasn't

[cobra]: fifth

[spinner]: there

[cobra]: episode

[spinner]: wesley snipes movie where he was like

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[spinner]: a twin double

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i thought that

[spinner]: something

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: was michael

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah now

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: keeton

[spinner]: anyway

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's double impact and that's what

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: j c f d

[cobra]: pandempandemyah

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: m wesley's names

[the_original_john_spartan]: no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i don't

[cobra]: no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: think so

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's detis rodman

[cobra]: also van

[the_original_john_spartan]: and

[cobra]: dem

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's

[cobra]: played

[the_original_john_spartan]: a different

[cobra]: twins

[the_original_john_spartan]: one

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: h

[cobra]: and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: my

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: god

[cobra]: three

[spinner]: dennis

[cobra]: other movies

[spinner]: rodman

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you got him

[spinner]: i'm back flipping out of

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: well

[spinner]: here

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but technically

[cobra]: ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the platinum blonde hair i can see
how you got there so

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i'll forgive

[spinner]: i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it

[spinner]: just saw

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i just the cover

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay so we got twins we got
evil twins

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: um

[spinner]: like it

[the_original_john_spartan]: m

[cobra]: a man and a woman

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: sure

[the_original_john_spartan]: i

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: i like them both being like looking
exactly the same

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that's cool

[the_original_john_spartan]: so i want

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: to get god i'll yield my time
i need to look the actor

[spinner]: m

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: so the motivation

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: right since they're like both in their
thirties is that they can't get jobs

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: so they're they're pissed

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: with society

[cobra]: more predictions of the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ye

[cobra]: future

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: can't get

[cobra]: they

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: jobs

[cobra]: can

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: get a job

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yep

[cobra]: they can buy a house

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: and they can afford

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: avocat toast

[the_original_john_spartan]: perfect

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yo

[the_original_john_spartan]: i love that for them

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[the_original_john_spartan]: so

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: jonathan major's

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: is the mail twin

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: love it

[cobra]: who's

[spinner]: love

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: wait

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: kang bro

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the next villain for

[spinner]: he's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: creed

[spinner]: king

[cobra]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: three

[cobra]: shit

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yo

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: he can

[cobra]: i

[the_original_john_spartan]: play

[cobra]: didn't know his name

[the_original_john_spartan]: he can

[cobra]: was john

[the_original_john_spartan]: play

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: the major's yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: scene

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: chung crazy i believe in him so

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: correct

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: re

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: they are

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: they both crazy or they the like
i have the idea that they're

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: both

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: crazy

[the_original_john_spartan]: like

[spinner]: like

[the_original_john_spartan]: but

[spinner]: it's

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: not

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: what

[cobra]: they're

[spinner]: like

[the_original_john_spartan]: but

[cobra]: both crazy

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah but like i think

[spinner]: different kinds

[the_original_john_spartan]: different

[spinner]: of crazy

[the_original_john_spartan]: kinds are crazy and so you don't
know all the

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: way through the season if they're on
the same page or if they're

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: butting heads you have no idea

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: spoiler alert

[spinner]: and one kills

[the_original_john_spartan]: they're on the

[spinner]: the

[the_original_john_spartan]: same

[spinner]: other

[the_original_john_spartan]: page

[spinner]: or one murders the other because that
would be kind of crazy

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i could see

[cobra]: now

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: that

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: i like that we don't

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ah

[cobra]: know at first

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: he

[cobra]: if they're

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: if they're not like it's

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[cobra]: not

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: a three way fight and then we
find out that

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: it isn't

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: at the end

[spinner]: how about this they

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: both like one seems sane saner and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: one seems crazier but in the end
you find out that there both have like

[spinner]: ups and downs and the scenes where
one was saying

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: and the other was crazy were like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: them interchanging

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hm

[spinner]: that's it

[cobra]: who would play

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: got

[cobra]: who would

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it

[cobra]: play

[spinner]: that's all

[cobra]: the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i got

[spinner]: i have

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it i got

[cobra]: who would

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it

[cobra]: play the sister

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i

[cobra]: then

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: got it i got it i just
need a name

[spinner]: no it's jonathan major son dual role

[cobra]: as a woman

[spinner]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: i said there they look the same
they're both

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: dudes

[cobra]: can

[the_original_john_spartan]: no

[cobra]: look

[the_original_john_spartan]: one

[cobra]: similar

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no

[the_original_john_spartan]: once a female we already got to

[spinner]: okay fine

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: need a second i have is

[spinner]: and that my idea of them

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: both the idea doesn't

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: my

[spinner]: make

[the_original_john_spartan]: no

[spinner]: any

[the_original_john_spartan]: it

[spinner]: sense

[the_original_john_spartan]: doesn't that's why we're all confused

[spinner]: that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: why i already

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: ignored

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: it's okay i see where we're going
guys no bad ideas

[the_original_john_spartan]: no

[spinner]: no bad

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i

[the_original_john_spartan]: no

[spinner]: ideas

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: got

[the_original_john_spartan]: no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: this

[the_original_john_spartan]: yes

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i'm just

[the_original_john_spartan]: and

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: some bad ideas

[spinner]: yes and not

[the_original_john_spartan]: and

[spinner]: that

[the_original_john_spartan]: that

[spinner]: idea

[the_original_john_spartan]: was a bad idea

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: got it i know who

[cobra]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: plays his twin sister

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and

[the_original_john_spartan]: good christus

[cobra]: go

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: for it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: deny

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: gorra

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: of walking dead fame

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: koa from black panther and waconda

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: forever

[the_original_john_spartan]: yea i love it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: boom

[cobra]: that's where i was going

[spinner]: i like

[cobra]: to look

[spinner]: it i like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: she's

[spinner]: it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: got the she's

[the_original_john_spartan]: m

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: got she

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: acting chops physicality

[spinner]: right

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: boom

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: is she older than him

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i don't

[spinner]: though

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: know how old she is

[spinner]: she could just be the older sibling

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but

[spinner]: and

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: they're

[spinner]: she

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: twins

[spinner]: took

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: by minutes

[spinner]: she took

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: right

[spinner]: care of him maybe they're not maybe

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: maybe

[spinner]: not twins

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: not

[the_original_john_spartan]: fine

[spinner]: maybe she's just an older

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's

[spinner]: sibling

[the_original_john_spartan]: fine

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: no you don't have to

[spinner]: she brought

[the_original_john_spartan]: they're

[spinner]: him up

[the_original_john_spartan]: close

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: sure

[the_original_john_spartan]: enough then it's like no

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: one's gonna it's like all the demolition
man rules state at you on't have to

[the_original_john_spartan]: be exactly just have to get in
the jouneral

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: ball park

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: they

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[the_original_john_spartan]: look like they could be related close

[cobra]: that's the thing

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: so then their goal is to get
into the computer bay and and use the

[spinner]: snaps

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: fuckery

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: to make them

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: like super bad

[the_original_john_spartan]: and

[spinner]: ass

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's

[spinner]: and then

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's the cliff hanger season one they
do it

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: coo

[spinner]: well the

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: sister is like the computer one who
hacks the brain of the brother

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: and the brother slowly becomes more and
more less of what he was that way

[spinner]: he has like an arc

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: and she has guilt over that

[the_original_john_spartan]: and then the talk bell dog

[cobra]: and so

[the_original_john_spartan]: shows up

[spinner]: here

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: had

[spinner]: we

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: go

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: ruth

[cobra]: okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: sit to

[cobra]: so there's a there is a very
there is a very important question because john

[cobra]: parton and simon phenix are fun

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: amazing names

[spinner]: right

[cobra]: so these all of these characters

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: the daughter's daughter and the twins they
both they

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: all need

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[cobra]: great names what are their names

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: simon phenix junior

[spinner]: obviously

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: and simon

[spinner]: that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: phenix

[cobra]: really

[spinner]: that's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: junior

[spinner]: of course

[the_original_john_spartan]: and some

[spinner]: and simon

[the_original_john_spartan]: some

[spinner]: phoenix

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: he

[the_original_john_spartan]: penixyeah

[cobra]: mon yeah simon and okay i'm in

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: and simon phenix great

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: the girls

[cobra]: about the daughter's daughter

[spinner]: i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: joanna

[spinner]: irina spartan

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: rena

[spinner]: i don't know i just

[cobra]: i was

[spinner]: throwing

[cobra]: going to say

[spinner]: it through

[cobra]: jane's

[spinner]: a name out

[cobra]: parton

[spinner]: there

[cobra]: just because

[spinner]: that's too

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: we're really going off the off the

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: sandra

[spinner]: rails here

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: martin

[spinner]: with simon

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: sandra

[spinner]: phenix

[cobra]: la

[spinner]: against

[cobra]: nina

[spinner]: james fern

[cobra]: nina lenin's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: partner

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[spinner]: no

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: lenny

[spinner]: that's terrible

[cobra]: as a image

[the_original_john_spartan]: but

[spinner]: oh i'm

[the_original_john_spartan]: wait

[spinner]: sorry

[the_original_john_spartan]: wasn't isn't but this kid doesn't know
anything about lena

[cobra]: that

[the_original_john_spartan]: because

[spinner]: right

[cobra]: doesn't

[the_original_john_spartan]: she's

[cobra]: matter

[the_original_john_spartan]: the she's

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: the daughter

[cobra]: it's

[the_original_john_spartan]: of the daughter

[cobra]: of the daughter

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but this makes sense

[the_original_john_spartan]: i

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: we

[the_original_john_spartan]: would

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: can

[cobra]: okay

[the_original_john_spartan]: have

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: sit

[cobra]: so so her mom is linna okay
so her

[the_original_john_spartan]: no

[cobra]: mom

[the_original_john_spartan]: her

[cobra]: is

[the_original_john_spartan]: mom

[cobra]: linna

[the_original_john_spartan]: is

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: not linda

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no that's

[the_original_john_spartan]: but

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: it

[the_original_john_spartan]: she

[cobra]: no la nina

[the_original_john_spartan]: ye

[cobra]: lena's

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: parton

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: that's what i'm saying

[spinner]: no her name is demo

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: emo spartan

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i could

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: have worked with

[spinner]: named

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: la nina

[spinner]: named

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: after

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but

[cobra]: funk

[spinner]: her

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[cobra]: i fucking hate

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: named after

[the_original_john_spartan]: h

[spinner]: in honor of her

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: my

[spinner]: mother's father the demo man demo

[cobra]: hate

[spinner]: spartan

[cobra]: it

[the_original_john_spartan]: there's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: so

[the_original_john_spartan]: no bad ideas but that's

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: not a great one

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: all

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: right demmy demmy spurn

[cobra]: like de me

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: more

[spinner]: and then

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like

[spinner]: it's the demi listen man

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: illiteracy

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: survives

[spinner]: u

[cobra]: h

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's the real enemy

[cobra]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: here

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: reading it fundamental dude

[cobra]: it's the tag line

[the_original_john_spartan]: your

[cobra]: it's

[the_original_john_spartan]: literacy

[cobra]: the tag line demolition

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[cobra]: woman illiteracy survives

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh i'll tell you what them bucks
ll get you in trouble goes power

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: goddamn

[spinner]: got

[the_original_john_spartan]: it

[spinner]: fair

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[spinner]: well we

[cobra]: all

[spinner]: did

[cobra]: right

[the_original_john_spartan]: i

[spinner]: it

[the_original_john_spartan]: hate

[spinner]: guys

[the_original_john_spartan]: it yeah

[spinner]: demy

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: but did nothing but get me in
trouble until you what let

[the_original_john_spartan]: and you

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: me

[the_original_john_spartan]: know this is this is a great
spot to

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: maybe ask the audience help

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: us out

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: can you save us

[spinner]: last last

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh god

[spinner]: thing

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: first name demmy

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: middle name lycian

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: middle

[spinner]: last

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: middle

[spinner]: name

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: middle middle

[spinner]: middle

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: middle

[spinner]: middle

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: name

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: is butter

[spinner]: man

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: milk biscuits

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: no no second mill davis

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: man

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[spinner]: debby lichen badspurgn done and

[the_original_john_spartan]: h

[spinner]: locking in boys

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: putting

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: what

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's all the time we

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hello

[the_original_john_spartan]: have

[spinner]: i

[the_original_john_spartan]: for

[spinner]: think

[the_original_john_spartan]: today

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: who's this

[cobra]: thank god

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: who is this

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[spinner]: is this disney is this

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hello

[spinner]: disney you own demolition

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: man now i assume

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes we do where's the receipt though

[spinner]: all right

[cobra]: does

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: here's my

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: h

[spinner]: pitch

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: h

[spinner]: demmy

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: uh

[spinner]: first

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: you're

[spinner]: name

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: fired

[spinner]: demmy second a latian last

[cobra]: you're we didn't even hire you

[the_original_john_spartan]: sorry

[cobra]: but

[the_original_john_spartan]: okay

[cobra]: you're already fired

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: get

[the_original_john_spartan]: we can

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: off

[the_original_john_spartan]: work

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: my property you

[the_original_john_spartan]: spencer's

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: know my

[the_original_john_spartan]: like

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: property

[the_original_john_spartan]: spencer's

[spinner]: uh

[the_original_john_spartan]: like we can work with this demmy

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: you're fired

[cobra]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: lison

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: man

[spinner]: i should

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no no you're

[cobra]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like

[the_original_john_spartan]: spartan

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: i've called security you're firing

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: that's like that's like the title tai've

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: called security demyemlisn

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: your

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yes

[spinner]: fired man

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeh

[spinner]: i've

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: called security is

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: this i got you i got you

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[spinner]: got someting

[the_original_john_spartan]: uh

[spinner]: boy if you did

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: listen

[spinner]: it oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: ah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: my lawyers will be calling you

[spinner]: we can't have this but

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: okay

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's that's

[spinner]: the last

[the_original_john_spartan]: it's a little word but we can
fit it in

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: that's it well that'll be

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: that it's a little wordy

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: but we can make it work maybe
that's the tag line

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: okay i'm calling my

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: on

[spinner]: lawyers

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: the side of the v

[spinner]: okay

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: s box

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: okay

[spinner]: i got you we're business boys

[cobra]: please save us

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's all the time we have for

[cobra]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: thank you for joining us for taxes
which should have been

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: snipes sniper

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: snipe season

[the_original_john_spartan]: snipe season

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yo

[cobra]: snipe season

[the_original_john_spartan]: that's

[cobra]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: way to it along we would have
never been

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: able to come up with

[spinner]: yeah

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: could have been he tag line

[the_original_john_spartan]: still it's the tag line you know

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no

[the_original_john_spartan]: there

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: no

[the_original_john_spartan]: we

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: like

[the_original_john_spartan]: can

[cobra]: it

[the_original_john_spartan]: work

[cobra]: is

[the_original_john_spartan]: with that it's a little word but
we can fit it in

[spinner]: it's a little word we can

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: just

[spinner]: make

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: just

[spinner]: it work

[the_original_john_spartan]: make it work

[cobra]: ackion absorbing x ray enhanced

[the_original_john_spartan]: m ah

[cobra]: sniping season

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: snipe season

[cobra]: texas

[the_original_john_spartan]: i hate it

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: b

[spinner]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: thank you for listening to this if

[cobra]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: you have better suggestions or anything we
talked about it is you're wrong so

[spinner]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: you know inherently that your suggestions are
wrong but please fire them at us twitter

[the_original_john_spartan]: i guess it's still a thing this

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: week every week it's a new adventure
we're on there probably at your wrong

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[the_original_john_spartan]: cast we got a website w w
w dot you wondcast dot ca

[spinner]: m

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: hm m

[the_original_john_spartan]: and then we also have an email
address your

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[the_original_john_spartan]: on cast at email dot com oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yah don't

[cobra]: the the

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[cobra]: end of another series

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: matt's

[spinner]: sums

[cobra]: will

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: to

[spinner]: up

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: do

[cobra]: live

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: is that much lower

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: who

[cobra]: oh god

[the_original_john_spartan]: for now

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: i'm mad

[cobra]: yeah i guess i'm luciano

[spinner]: i'm emmy

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: liscan

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: you're fired

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: yeah

[spinner]: man spartan security is coming

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: i'll call my lawyers coming

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: oh

[spinner]: to theaters near you

[the_original_john_spartan]: yeah

[spinner]: rapping

[the_original_john_spartan]: oh

[spinner]: tag

[mendosaaaaaaaaaaa_____]: m

[spinner]: boys

Creators and Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
Recurring guest host extraordinaire
T.A.X.E.S. | Simon Says: You're Wrong About "Demolition Man"
Broadcast by