90. You're Wrong About How Wrong You Are About "Uncharted"
A convoluted title for a convoluted movie. But you're probably wrong about the games, too.
Video-game movies are usually hilariously bad, which also means they're a treasure trove of complaint fodder for curmudgeony nerds. Knowing this, and given that this month's loose theme is "shit that happened in 2022", Chris, Luciano and Matt (abandoned as they were by Spencer... again) decided it would be fun to watch (and bash on) Uncharted.
Only they weren't ready for just how much they would have to complain about this one. That's not to say that they don't usually complain a lot — I'm not insane — but with this one, even with how much they did complain, it still feels like they didn't complain enough. And that's... that's saying something.
Only they weren't ready for just how much they would have to complain about this one. That's not to say that they don't usually complain a lot — I'm not insane — but with this one, even with how much they did complain, it still feels like they didn't complain enough. And that's... that's saying something.