90. You're Wrong About How Wrong You Are About "Uncharted"

A convoluted title for a convoluted movie. But you're probably wrong about the games, too.

[onscreen_aversion]: hello welcome back to your wrong we
have decided to continue our call at a

[onscreen_aversion]: review of twenty twenty two we're doing
some best stuff and so we the three

[onscreen_aversion]: wise men missing

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: long time never time guest spencer

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: a luciano

[cobra]: yes i think

[onscreen_aversion]: and and chris

[_copernicumbledore]: it is i

[onscreen_aversion]: m have

[cobra]: jesus

[onscreen_aversion]: decided that we are going to

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: review the best of the worst of

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: g willickers

[onscreen_aversion]: and so watched

[cobra]: ah bruce agrees

[onscreen_aversion]: verse graze we have watched uncharted for
you so that you

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: cannot

[cobra]: don't have to

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: you're welcome

[cobra]: you're welcome

[_copernicumbledore]: m hm

[onscreen_aversion]: what to say about this movie well
hey let's get our ranking

[cobra]: i

[onscreen_aversion]: out of the way here i'm gonna
go first it's not traditional but i just

[onscreen_aversion]: want to be done talking this about
this as soon as possible so

[cobra]: wow setting

[onscreen_aversion]: uh

[cobra]: the tone

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah vendor trash i think

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: is the thing we go with here

[cobra]: wow really

[onscreen_aversion]: so here's the thing about this movie
that i don't like this story is convoluted

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: all of

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: the puzzles don't feel like they're cool
or interesting at all

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: no

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: one on the screen has chemistry with
anybody else except

[cobra]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: for for maybe joe braddock played tatgabriel
and her knife they have great chemistry

[_copernicumbledore]: oh yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: her little her little

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: blade thing

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: um

[_copernicumbledore]: ah caramba maybe

[onscreen_aversion]: this maybe the story plays

[cobra]: the scott the scottman and

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: and nathan drake

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: had a lot of chemistry between

[onscreen_aversion]: thank you

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: for

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: each

[onscreen_aversion]: pointing

[cobra]: other

[onscreen_aversion]: out that in twenty twenty two we
are still

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: making fun of accents because that's a
thing that's funny in a movie

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: to do

[cobra]: it's a white accent okay oh

[onscreen_aversion]: okay it's just but that is perfect
consolation of how lazy this movie is with

[cobra]: true

[onscreen_aversion]: its source material

[cobra]: true oh

[onscreen_aversion]: king mark plays his character

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: from the departed

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: he is

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: basically his departed guy for two hours
straight um

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: you know

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: they actually stayed semi true of the

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: source

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: material i guess it's the only saving
grace but they try to get all the

[onscreen_aversion]: source material from the four

[cobra]: like

[onscreen_aversion]: plus

[cobra]: five

[onscreen_aversion]: games

[cobra]: games

[onscreen_aversion]: into one movie

[_copernicumbledore]: and that

[onscreen_aversion]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: was

[onscreen_aversion]: think i

[_copernicumbledore]: passing

[onscreen_aversion]: will stop

[_copernicumbledore]: me off

[onscreen_aversion]: there i think that's enough of how

[cobra]: all

[onscreen_aversion]: this

[cobra]: right

[onscreen_aversion]: movie pisces me

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: off um

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: and

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: the stunts are

[onscreen_aversion]: dumb

[_copernicumbledore]: so there you go

[onscreen_aversion]: stupid so stupid

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: like i just don't know why

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: and

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: the last thing sorry because i'm already
in ran mode

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: everybody

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: is the same character of i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: super cock i can

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: handle us have been here before

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: joke and it's just like is no

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: actually scared by the fact that

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: you're falling out of a plane

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: tout a parashout it's fine so i'm
going to save my

[cobra]: never

[onscreen_aversion]: life

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: has never jumped out of a plane

[onscreen_aversion]: no

[cobra]: has time to quip while falling not

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[cobra]: knowing if he's going

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: to survive

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: exactly and also if you get hit
that hard by certain things

[cobra]: you

[onscreen_aversion]: all

[cobra]: die

[onscreen_aversion]: your bones break yes yeah okay

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: i yield my time yeah who

[_copernicumbledore]: at the

[onscreen_aversion]: who

[_copernicumbledore]: same

[onscreen_aversion]: wants

[_copernicumbledore]: time

[onscreen_aversion]: to go go next yeah

[cobra]: go forward chris

[_copernicumbledore]: okay cool i was at the same
time note no one no one's mad at

[_copernicumbledore]: your

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: analysis sir

[cobra]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: vendor trash is i get why you

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: awarded this movie vendor trash and at
first i thought it would be common which

[_copernicumbledore]: is the lowest second lowest of our
low but now that you've

[cobra]: yah oh

[_copernicumbledore]: i think i think i think actually

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i might give it no actually wow
i'm actually conflicted now i thought i came

[_copernicumbledore]: in with a

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: common but now i feel myself being
pulled to the not out of peer pressure

[_copernicumbledore]: i feel myself pulling to the excited
and i feel like i want to let

[_copernicumbledore]: the hate flow

[cobra]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: but i want to love some of
it too so i'm torn so i'll just

[_copernicumbledore]: choose i'll go with common in the
hopes that

[cobra]: a

[_copernicumbledore]: they learned from whatever this was for
whatever they might do but here's the thing

[_copernicumbledore]: i don't think they're going to be
able to make another one because this one

[_copernicumbledore]: was this one was like for tax
purposes it felt like

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: to be

[cobra]: expert

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: is the last just the last one
you slid in just you get a refund

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah they went everybody

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: wanted to make sure that they claimed
enough health benefits and

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: dental

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: while working on the set and making
of this movie this one was just for

[_copernicumbledore]: tax and benefit purposes

[onscreen_aversion]: yes

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: so common

[onscreen_aversion]: it feels like chris we need a
new ranking system whereby common becomes tax purposes

[_copernicumbledore]: not

[onscreen_aversion]: and then

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: vendor trash is essentially

[cobra]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: bo shelving yet because they don't want
to pay any residuals and

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: they just want to x break like

[cobra]: i think where

[onscreen_aversion]: back girl if

[cobra]: i

[onscreen_aversion]: you

[cobra]: think

[onscreen_aversion]: will

[cobra]: we're stumbling into a new radio system
here i'm in for this

[onscreen_aversion]: all

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm

[onscreen_aversion]: right

[_copernicumbledore]: liking it too like

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: like what do we do it's like
we had two

[cobra]: hm

[_copernicumbledore]: suit

[onscreen_aversion]: right

[_copernicumbledore]: cases we have

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: case number one which is normal covers
a nice range and in case number two

[_copernicumbledore]: when ship gets real and we need
to take the kid gloves

[cobra]: we need

[_copernicumbledore]: off

[cobra]: we need like when ship is too
shady we need to granualize the ship

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[cobra]: and we opened the second brief case

[_copernicumbledore]: the ship box

[cobra]: yea the

[_copernicumbledore]: the box

[cobra]: ship box

[_copernicumbledore]: of shit oh my god m yeah

[cobra]: um all right

[onscreen_aversion]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: like you got ship and their toys
good work every redy

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: yah

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: yea

[cobra]: you're done

[onscreen_aversion]: yah

[_copernicumbledore]: yes sir

[cobra]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: yield the

[cobra]: so

[_copernicumbledore]: rest of my time

[cobra]: when i started watching this movie and
i was

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: tallying you guys on on this cord

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: up until the halfway mark i was
like this is right

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: it was like it was it was

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: on an uncommon for me at that
point and then

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: just like the gray man which i
feel is the thing

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: that is happening with movies nowadays is
just fucking tanks from the

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: moment when they

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: find that stupid map

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: it's just

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: it's not even down here it's falling
the same fucking plane really

[onscreen_aversion]: the second

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: map right

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: the one that mark mark

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: had

[cobra]: the one in the salt

[onscreen_aversion]: oh no

[_copernicumbledore]: and the

[onscreen_aversion]: sorry

[_copernicumbledore]: salt

[onscreen_aversion]: the

[_copernicumbledore]: salt

[onscreen_aversion]: salt map sorry there's

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: like three maps in

[cobra]: so

[onscreen_aversion]: this movie so it's confusing

[cobra]: now and and some maps have two
sides it's yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: so

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: to me you

[_copernicumbledore]: it

[cobra]: said

[_copernicumbledore]: was

[cobra]: eve everything in this movie is convoluted
for me the one more description of this

[cobra]: movies contrived

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: it's good

[cobra]: every single

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: thing is so everything that happens and
this is contrived like the whole thing

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: especially after they got there on the
plane and all that ship and everybody betraying

[cobra]: everybody i'm gonna land i think i'm
on a common as well but i think

[cobra]: the reason for that is i never
actually played much of uncharted

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: i played and charted one way after
it was ever released and i really didn't

[cobra]: like it so

[onscreen_aversion]: um

[cobra]: i don't think i have as much

[onscreen_aversion]: m oh

[cobra]: for dis source material that you have
i know

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: spencer has

[onscreen_aversion]: my

[cobra]: pretty big love for this is i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: me

[cobra]: he

[_copernicumbledore]: too

[cobra]: fucking hated this movie

[onscreen_aversion]: we yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: it's better that we don't let him
come on this podcast

[cobra]: i

[onscreen_aversion]: just

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: know

[onscreen_aversion]: just enough hate already

[cobra]: it will be a matrix for situation

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: all over

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: again

[_copernicumbledore]: nelly yeah

[cobra]: but yeah it's it's

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: just it goes from being all right
this is convenient to like come on man

[cobra]: like

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: i'm supposed to believe this ship

[onscreen_aversion]: yes

[cobra]: it just flies off the handle completely

[onscreen_aversion]: yes you are

[cobra]: the only reason

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: it's not vendor trash really for me
is that i wasn't mad edit

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: i was like okay i

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: i had to experience this for myself
now i'm done never

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: going to watch it again

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: right

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: i feel

[cobra]: also

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[cobra]: one something that i er you guys
never didn't talk about and now i'll finish

[cobra]: here and then we can go to
the questions i don't believe with the exception

[cobra]: of antonio benders at santiago moncada

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: i don't believe in anybody in the
roles that they were playing

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: it's

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: completely broke my suspension

[_copernicumbledore]: yeh

[cobra]: of disbelief in every single way

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: so

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: mike mark faking remoting

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: in with his performance

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: wasn't even

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: phoning it in

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: he

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: was

[onscreen_aversion]: no

[cobra]: on

[_copernicumbledore]: at

[cobra]: zoom that was that's how

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[cobra]: bad

[_copernicumbledore]: was

[cobra]: it

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[cobra]: was

[_copernicumbledore]: was a

[onscreen_aversion]: yet

[_copernicumbledore]: team that was teams

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: then that was my of teams then

[onscreen_aversion]: he was on teams

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: and he didn't put his video

[cobra]: no

[onscreen_aversion]: on

[cobra]: camera

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: no camera

[onscreen_aversion]: that's right

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: ye

[cobra]: so yeah it's a common for me
but yeah yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: a

[onscreen_aversion]: all right

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: well let's just dive into the questions
because i'm sure we'll tease out the things

[onscreen_aversion]: they didn't love about this movie as
we rip through those questions and we're to

[cobra]: i

[onscreen_aversion]: start

[cobra]: suspect

[onscreen_aversion]: off

[cobra]: every single answer is going to end
up in a rent but let's go

[onscreen_aversion]: let's

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: go well listen we got we're goin
a positive

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: question to start

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: best character

[cobra]: by

[onscreen_aversion]: good luck

[cobra]: santiago

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: moncada

[onscreen_aversion]: okay

[cobra]: has to be

[onscreen_aversion]: that's antonio ben dares's

[cobra]: uh

[onscreen_aversion]: character

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: yeah a man with no blood

[onscreen_aversion]: that

[cobra]: in his

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: body

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: uh

[cobra]: get his fucking

[onscreen_aversion]: uh

[cobra]: gets his

[onscreen_aversion]: ah

[cobra]: fucking throat cut no blood

[_copernicumbledore]: man

[cobra]: like my wife was

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[cobra]: watching

[_copernicumbledore]: didn't understand

[cobra]: with me

[_copernicumbledore]: it

[cobra]: and she's

[_copernicumbledore]: you

[cobra]: like maybe the blood flowed inside and
he chose to death in his blood i'm

[cobra]: like you're being very charitable right now
he's like yeah i'm trying it's i liked

[cobra]: because he played it at the same
time he played it straight but

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: he also like you can tell he
was having fun being like the villain sort

[cobra]: of tie he doesn't

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: really get to play villains that much

[onscreen_aversion]: no

[cobra]: antonio

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: benders so

[_copernicumbledore]: no

[cobra]: i think he was having fun with
that he was

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: you know he was able to speak

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: his proper castilian spanish

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: and

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[cobra]: heave fucking hammed

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: it up to

[onscreen_aversion]: yep

[cobra]: like

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: i enjoyed he was probably the only
one i enjoyed every single time was on

[cobra]: the screen so

[_copernicumbledore]: would agree i i found it this
this this movie okay i'm trying to be

[_copernicumbledore]: tight like but okay wow

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm literally catching myself

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: real time from from rent mode okay
so favorite character

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: would be sully m m played by

[cobra]: mark

[_copernicumbledore]: mark

[cobra]: mark

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: because

[onscreen_aversion]: oh god

[_copernicumbledore]: and it's sort of it's a layer
it's okay it's a layered explanation it's short

[_copernicumbledore]: though he's cold he plays a cold
character and he's all about the gold and

[_copernicumbledore]: stuff and the treasure right but because
of plot he does what's required but then

[_copernicumbledore]: it comes off for me as warm
most of the time so like when they're

[_copernicumbledore]: trapped in the

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: underneath the clock

[cobra]: i see what you mean i

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: see what you mean

[_copernicumbledore]: he's resisting but then the plot pushes

[onscreen_aversion]: a

[_copernicumbledore]: him enough that i'm okay with it
so like when when chloe and and nat

[_copernicumbledore]: were trapped in the

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: water was sorry after just

[cobra]: a

[_copernicumbledore]: before they broke into the salt chamber
i like that

[cobra]: the salt

[_copernicumbledore]: yea

[cobra]: this is where we are

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: right now the

[onscreen_aversion]: we

[cobra]: salt

[onscreen_aversion]: are

[cobra]: chamber

[onscreen_aversion]: in the old chamber yes

[_copernicumbledore]: for real all day every day um
he's like i'm gonna funk you up i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: coming back for my p you're not
gonna do nothing ain't given you and then

[_copernicumbledore]: like camera

[cobra]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: cut

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: it cloys like this is why

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: i don't like work with him and
then it literally just shows him it doesn't

[_copernicumbledore]: show him the key he just drops
the key he talks a big game but

[_copernicumbledore]: he's trying to be a team player

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: and it's great when we consider about
the uncharted lower like they've really dialed back

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: the clock on this so that they
could try and really

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: play the long

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: game with this but i was okay
with it but at the same time i

[_copernicumbledore]: was like he's extra cold but he

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: brings me back every time so yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: i disagree with you

[_copernicumbledore]: my

[onscreen_aversion]: but that's okay

[cobra]: i do as well i don't like
him as silly at all

[onscreen_aversion]: so so the problem

[_copernicumbledore]: i get that too

[onscreen_aversion]: this is this is like a i
don't want to spend too much time on

[onscreen_aversion]: this one because it's not entertaining to
talk about it it's been rehashed

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: time and time again but when you

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: when you adapt materials ally video games
especially when when the video game has a

[onscreen_aversion]: strong narrative in the games themselves

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: the questions are always like what parts
do you keep

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: in what parts do you change to
better suit you know emotion

[cobra]: the media yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: media

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah that that the medium you're working
on to display it and give

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: better con and so like you know
i think i've read some stuff about the

[onscreen_aversion]: last of us being really really good
but they made some changes because ou know

[onscreen_aversion]: one of he things i saw was
like you know they toned down some of

[onscreen_aversion]: the violence because video games yu're

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: kind o just expect lance in your
kind of tone deft ut in a show

[onscreen_aversion]: the impact

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: i can half can really take you
with a character and go one specific way

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: before

[_copernicumbledore]: first

[onscreen_aversion]: and not let that character be sympathetic

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: but so

[cobra]: h

[onscreen_aversion]: i mentioned that here because like sell
just fucking with and like

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: gas lighting nathan

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: drake the entire time is

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[onscreen_aversion]: not what he's presented

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: as as

[_copernicumbledore]: in

[onscreen_aversion]: a character

[_copernicumbledore]: the game

[onscreen_aversion]: in the video games not

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: to

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: this extreme

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: right and so it's like that choice
just feels

[cobra]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: like

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: annoying or like you don't know the
source material and

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: whether it seems like they do and
they don't it's

[cobra]: just

[onscreen_aversion]: just a weird thing to do because
it didn't especially when nathan drake played the

[onscreen_aversion]: same character than they're both like

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: remember the rumors here ago that market
markwasuposed to pay nathan drake

[_copernicumbledore]: oh i don't remember

[cobra]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[cobra]: think

[_copernicumbledore]: but

[cobra]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: did yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: interesting

[onscreen_aversion]: well it just seems like he just
continued to play nathan drake in this movie

[onscreen_aversion]: and they just called him selling instead

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: nathan

[cobra]: that's true because

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: i like

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: i said i don't know the material
all that well but like isn't sally supposed

[cobra]: to be the straight man and and
nadan drake is the joke ster

[onscreen_aversion]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: pretty much

[cobra]: everybody

[onscreen_aversion]: generally

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[cobra]: is a joke tiring this ship

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah and

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: what's also okay

[cobra]: to me

[_copernicumbledore]: go head

[cobra]: the

[_copernicumbledore]: go ahead

[cobra]: problem with mark mark arcis

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: it's that i don't believe

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: in him as the syce wise sage
sort of like treasure hunter

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: just don't i just didn't believe any
of his like all of his erogance of

[cobra]: like yeah i knew this i knew
that he comes out of bravado without any

[cobra]: substance to me

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i would say and i guess

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: like the

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: s n to that while i i
like he's still my pick for favorite what's

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: odd about

[onscreen_aversion]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: so many of these

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: components is that it's

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: it's got it's been like the uncharted
title's been slapped onto this and the right

[_copernicumbledore]: amount of notes have been

[cobra]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: sprinkled on it but

[onscreen_aversion]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: it's still not an uncharted cake

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm eating you know what and so
like when i look at the two of

[_copernicumbledore]: them together draken and sully yes this
is a bit of a prequel but something

[_copernicumbledore]: is missing like when i zoom in

[cobra]: it's called chemistry it's called chemistry

[_copernicumbledore]: chemistry sure you can call it chemistry
but i also think the writing

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: played a part of a part of
that as well

[cobra]: for sure

[_copernicumbledore]: and just like the

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: bones of this but it's like like
when you look through the window you're like

[_copernicumbledore]: your your cakes or your your doughnuts
and stuff they look like they're supposed to

[_copernicumbledore]: but

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: when you bite to wait a minute
i didn't order a boston

[cobra]: it's

[_copernicumbledore]: cream

[cobra]: tyraphome

[onscreen_aversion]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[cobra]: it's tyrapomyeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[onscreen_aversion]: sawdust

[_copernicumbledore]: didn't i didn't ask for this they
say ho

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: d your mother for me right

[onscreen_aversion]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: so so like

[cobra]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: it it is what it is

[onscreen_aversion]: uh yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: and it ain't what it ain't you

[cobra]: h

[_copernicumbledore]: so okay

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: who's

[_copernicumbledore]: all

[cobra]: your favorite character man

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: i want to pick tonio veneris just

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: he has fun he's enjoying himself his

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: makes sense is his back story flimsy
yes but

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: at

[cobra]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: least

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: it flows call like you need the

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: guy in these things and this is
part of the over all story of the

[onscreen_aversion]: movie

[cobra]: ye

[onscreen_aversion]: the movie just as at a break
neck pace he doesn't have any time to

[onscreen_aversion]: explain anything so

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: just making

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: his story as flimsy as possible he
likes money and he is going to the

[onscreen_aversion]: family money is going to go away
so he wants this money to redeem their

[onscreen_aversion]: name um great great story and he
has fun and then his untimely demise

[cobra]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: was

[_copernicumbledore]: no

[onscreen_aversion]: not shocking just okay

[cobra]: it was surprising to me

[_copernicumbledore]: it was

[cobra]: i didn't

[_copernicumbledore]: a surprise

[cobra]: expect it

[_copernicumbledore]: and hilarious

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: like

[cobra]: it was

[onscreen_aversion]: that's what it was that's it was

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: he's like

[onscreen_aversion]: it's just like sure

[cobra]: bragging and like shut up

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: oh man

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: all

[_copernicumbledore]: man

[onscreen_aversion]: right let's move to our next question

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: actor would

[cobra]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: you replace

[cobra]: oh god can we flip this and
what would you can we say what which

[cobra]: one i would not replace

[onscreen_aversion]: no time to make some hard choices

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: suck guys can go for because i
have too many that i would replace

[onscreen_aversion]: i will go first and

[cobra]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: it's a toss up i'm gonna go

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: gonna go tom

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: holland

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: and

[cobra]: that was

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[cobra]: one of my main

[onscreen_aversion]: it's

[cobra]: picks

[onscreen_aversion]: not

[cobra]: too

[onscreen_aversion]: that i think tom hollands a bad
bad actor i think he's a good actor

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: but i literally called this

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: movie spider man and

[cobra]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: marking mark because

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: he not he feels like he's just
playing peter parker like

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: just confident peter parker which is i

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: guess it's a bit of a change
from peter parker but still on the whole

[onscreen_aversion]: movie frustrates me because he has this
level of confidence and bravado that doesn't match

[onscreen_aversion]: his age and experience with anything he's
doing and

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: think if you maybe this is why
i hesitated on tom hall because i think

[onscreen_aversion]: the part

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: is just the parts are ritten to
similarly and so there's not enough differentiation

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: but if you want someone who has
more confidence

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: i think you need to go to
some one who is

[_copernicumbledore]: thank

[onscreen_aversion]: older wiser and who's

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: been in the game not just his
brother talked about big game about one thing

[onscreen_aversion]: and he memorized it and i was
a pickpocket like i need more from him

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: and so i would age him

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: up

[cobra]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: and then and then his

[cobra]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: relationship with mark wallburk makes more sense
because he's been in the game he just

[onscreen_aversion]: has information marking mark needs and it's
not like he's learning from him he has

[onscreen_aversion]: this level of experience and expectation yeah

[cobra]: oh to me i don't know it
it doesn't sound like nathan drake at all

[cobra]: to me anyway

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: i just here's one of the ones
where i was like i just don't believe

[cobra]: this character at all which is bad
with the protagonist ah

[onscreen_aversion]: yep

[cobra]: um m you can go chris if
you want

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah i'm ready so i can i
can i can speed mine up because

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: like do we have to choose one
or can we should i save half of

[_copernicumbledore]: it for later

[onscreen_aversion]: i would mean half of it for

[_copernicumbledore]: well i am okay

[cobra]: the question is who would you replace

[_copernicumbledore]: no and

[cobra]: it's

[_copernicumbledore]: i would

[cobra]: a

[_copernicumbledore]: replace

[cobra]: very

[_copernicumbledore]: two

[cobra]: simple

[_copernicumbledore]: so

[cobra]: question

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm sorry because i got i

[cobra]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: went

[cobra]: would replace like five

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: but i was shot

[_copernicumbledore]: i've got

[cobra]: down

[_copernicumbledore]: to

[cobra]: so

[_copernicumbledore]: i've got

[onscreen_aversion]: pick

[_copernicumbledore]: i've got

[onscreen_aversion]: the

[_copernicumbledore]: two but

[onscreen_aversion]: one

[_copernicumbledore]: i'll do one yep

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah pick

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: the one you want to replace

[_copernicumbledore]: i'll

[onscreen_aversion]: the

[_copernicumbledore]: do that

[onscreen_aversion]: most where we're going to

[_copernicumbledore]: i want to i'm still torn i'll
save it for later so i'll replace sully

[_copernicumbledore]: with john

[cobra]: even though

[_copernicumbledore]: ham

[cobra]: he's their favorite

[_copernicumbledore]: yes yes yes yes yes with john

[cobra]: john hammer interesting

[_copernicumbledore]: yes we

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: need someone like

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: the it's

[cobra]: i like

[_copernicumbledore]: not

[cobra]: it

[_copernicumbledore]: chemistry

[cobra]: it's the

[_copernicumbledore]: it's

[cobra]: gravitas

[_copernicumbledore]: yes and we need and i respect
you know tom holland and and oh you

[_copernicumbledore]: know period but

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i feel like there was a missed
opportunity and so with john ham he's getting

[_copernicumbledore]: older he definitely though he like he
can do straight man and he can do

[_copernicumbledore]: he can do comedy i feel like
he's he's definitely got more range than the

[_copernicumbledore]: then mark

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: walburga i would believe

[cobra]: well you mean you mean they had
to move the whole ship to boston just

[cobra]: so he can use his sheedy accent
know what

[_copernicumbledore]: and like i just

[cobra]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: think that you know physically sully even
if sully is if they if they're choosing

[_copernicumbledore]: across the time line a younger sully
and a younger nathan drake fine but given

[_copernicumbledore]: that semi shirtless scene with mark walburgh
while they were in barcelona only to come

[_copernicumbledore]: up and give us that line about
sully like oh i can't i can't be

[_copernicumbledore]: running around i got a bad ankle
but the dude's buffets like you can be

[_copernicumbledore]: in shape but like you can't run
anymore to many s conflicting so i want

[_copernicumbledore]: someone

[cobra]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: who's either immobile i

[cobra]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: want i want my sully i want
my sully to just to walk around

[cobra]: wabble

[_copernicumbledore]: the streets to wabble

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: or

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: you know

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: just saunter through the streets of barcelona
and penny loafers or i want him to

[_copernicumbledore]: also

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: keep up and then head someone off
at the pass okay so john ham that's

[_copernicumbledore]: my choice

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: okay that seems fair

[cobra]: so i i would replace what's her
face that plays joe braddock

[_copernicumbledore]: really

[cobra]: or whatever

[onscreen_aversion]: tati

[cobra]: do not

[onscreen_aversion]: gabriel

[cobra]: believe gabriel yes i

[_copernicumbledore]: really

[cobra]: do not believe for a micro second
that she is this bad ass fighter

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: how so

[cobra]: that is i just did not from
the first moment when they show her talking

[cobra]: to to

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: santiago and and see go or stay
away from her blahblabla i'm like why she

[cobra]: looks like she's arm candy and that's
how they placed

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: her there and

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: was like this is bad

[onscreen_aversion]: ah

[cobra]: why did they do this and then
the whole all the interactions that there are

[cobra]: with her especially all the fight scenes

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: i don't know when she was fighting

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: mark mark on papa john

[_copernicumbledore]: papa

[cobra]: that was

[_copernicumbledore]: john

[cobra]: funny

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[cobra]: yeah she's landing blows and like he
wouldn't even have felt those blows because exactly

[cobra]: because he's so so but like the
way that he was and

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: she like the punch is i don't
know if it was the fight coreography or

[cobra]: what it was did not believe that
she had it in her to be that

[cobra]: like enforcer leader of this fucking mercenary
army ship

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: and whatever i just did not drive
with me at all

[_copernicumbledore]: testing

[cobra]: yeah that's what i don't know who
to replace her with what's the name of

[cobra]: the actress that plays you remember unbreakable
no no unbreakable sorry kingsman

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah i

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: was on the same path i'm looking
up her name right now because that's that's

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i see

[onscreen_aversion]: who

[_copernicumbledore]: her

[cobra]: sophia

[_copernicumbledore]: yep

[cobra]: something

[onscreen_aversion]: sophia

[_copernicumbledore]: yep

[onscreen_aversion]: butella

[_copernicumbledore]: yep

[cobra]: tell a yes that would have been
a much better pick in my opinion

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: someone a bit more athletic

[cobra]: she's a she has the athleticism and
she's a good actress too

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah the

[cobra]: good enough that she would tell it

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: at least

[onscreen_aversion]: i think and i don't want to
spend forever just sitting on this movie in

[onscreen_aversion]: a boring way so i'll do it

[cobra]: isn't that what we're doing

[onscreen_aversion]: well

[cobra]: here

[onscreen_aversion]: we got to do in the fun
we're supose o be entertaining

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: and not

[cobra]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: just like complaining

[cobra]: grumpy old bastards

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: we're trying to we're trying to this
up well i will say is her problem

[onscreen_aversion]: is

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: that the story is ridiculous and stupid
and she has no ability the act her

[onscreen_aversion]: way out of the corner they tracer

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: fair it is fair

[onscreen_aversion]: they make her

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: she's supposed to be like nathan not
nathan drake's selles old protegee she is the

[onscreen_aversion]: dumbest dumbest treasure hunter i have ever

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: based on what they gave her to
work with every step

[cobra]: also

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: she sucks up

[cobra]: well

[onscreen_aversion]: every

[cobra]: they

[onscreen_aversion]: step

[cobra]: all they're all terrible let's

[onscreen_aversion]: no

[cobra]: be honest

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: yes but she is singularly the worst

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: because

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: she never does anything

[cobra]: she

[onscreen_aversion]: right

[cobra]: sucks up at every single chance that

[onscreen_aversion]: yes

[cobra]: how and like unto when there's supposed
to be this like like mustache twirling villain

[cobra]: is she's like sucks up and he
goes okay

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: try again

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: so it's

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: just

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: it's it's i don't know i think
this is the problem with all of these

[onscreen_aversion]: characters i don't think any of them
are necesrily bad actors i can't tell because

[onscreen_aversion]: all of the characters they've

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: been

[cobra]: market

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: given to

[cobra]: markers

[onscreen_aversion]: work with that's

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: fair market market is a one note
actor and generally i like it stick but

[onscreen_aversion]: it really doesn't play well on this

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: movie

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: moving on we've

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: replaced all almost all the main people
in the movie so

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: that's a good sign nothing can

[cobra]: you didn't you never said

[_copernicumbledore]: i saw

[cobra]: who you

[_copernicumbledore]: it

[cobra]: would replace tom

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: holland with

[onscreen_aversion]: tom holliwith if we got to go
we got to age him up this is

[onscreen_aversion]: hard

[_copernicumbledore]: it's not i can help if you

[cobra]: i have

[onscreen_aversion]: yes

[cobra]: i have one

[onscreen_aversion]: all

[cobra]: that

[onscreen_aversion]: right

[cobra]: is impossible but i have one

[onscreen_aversion]: why

[_copernicumbledore]: go for

[onscreen_aversion]: is he

[_copernicumbledore]: it i have

[cobra]: it's a

[_copernicumbledore]: i have twelve

[cobra]: firefly era nathan felion

[onscreen_aversion]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah the internet was horny for that
forever a nice nice job

[_copernicumbledore]: true

[cobra]: i

[onscreen_aversion]: way

[cobra]: know

[onscreen_aversion]: to steal their

[cobra]: i know

[onscreen_aversion]: answer

[_copernicumbledore]: true

[cobra]: the

[_copernicumbledore]: true

[cobra]: internet

[_copernicumbledore]: true

[cobra]: was right

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: for once

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: true we have i already was when
i was torn before is because i already

[_copernicumbledore]: surfaced a previous list

[onscreen_aversion]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: there's twelve different candidates my kind

[cobra]: oh my

[_copernicumbledore]: of

[cobra]: god

[_copernicumbledore]: don't want i won't go i mean
i could go through a twelve but i

[_copernicumbledore]: won't

[cobra]: no don't

[_copernicumbledore]: i won't my personal

[cobra]: my

[_copernicumbledore]: pick would be somewhat of someone who
has the potential but isn't too famous scott

[_copernicumbledore]: eastwood so he at the time

[cobra]: the name the name rings a bell

[_copernicumbledore]: clint eastward son so this was actually
published twenty sixteen

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: and at the time he was thirty

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: so i think he'd

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: have enough age for us to to
accept that he's gone through

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: certain

[cobra]: god

[_copernicumbledore]: periods

[cobra]: he has

[_copernicumbledore]: of

[cobra]: he has the queen t is already

[onscreen_aversion]: yah

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: h oh

[cobra]: there i can see it

[_copernicumbledore]: t would be my my pick um
out of the twelve and your boy oscar

[_copernicumbledore]: isicisin twenty six

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: ten was also on this list but

[cobra]: no

[_copernicumbledore]: i specifically

[cobra]: sorry

[_copernicumbledore]: didn't

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: bring

[cobra]: no

[_copernicumbledore]: him

[cobra]: just now

[_copernicumbledore]: into this

[cobra]: yeah ah

[_copernicumbledore]: and then you know

[cobra]: love the guy but no

[_copernicumbledore]: and then yeah i'll leave it at
that but there are a lot of really

[_copernicumbledore]: good

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: candidates but i chose him because i
feel like he's been surfaced his name has

[_copernicumbledore]: been surfaced in a lot of different
properties but hasn't yet really he hasn't

[cobra]: taking

[_copernicumbledore]: he struck

[cobra]: on

[_copernicumbledore]: it big yeah so i think this

[cobra]: makes

[_copernicumbledore]: have

[cobra]: sense

[_copernicumbledore]: been pretty cool for him

[cobra]: you have you have your name man

[onscreen_aversion]: i'm trying to get the age right
and it probably is close compared to market

[onscreen_aversion]: mark but i'm gonna go to jensen
apples again

[_copernicumbledore]: nice

[onscreen_aversion]: i think

[_copernicumbledore]: get that

[onscreen_aversion]: he would

[cobra]: oh shit

[onscreen_aversion]: a bit older

[cobra]: that is

[onscreen_aversion]: can

[cobra]: a good

[onscreen_aversion]: still

[cobra]: pick

[onscreen_aversion]: pull it off got that that look

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: that swag so i think that's

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[onscreen_aversion]: where i would i would land

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: yeah oh man that's a good pick

[_copernicumbledore]: i would have been fun

[onscreen_aversion]: i don't i don't

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: i don't love him like luciana loves
oscrisex but i keep picking him for things

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: so maybe maybe there's something secret going

[cobra]: maybe

[onscreen_aversion]: there

[cobra]: you do

[onscreen_aversion]: maybe

[cobra]: that

[onscreen_aversion]: i

[cobra]: maybe

[onscreen_aversion]: do

[cobra]: you do

[onscreen_aversion]: i'm fine with it honestly

[_copernicumbledore]: we're manifesting

[onscreen_aversion]: we are that's good okay let's get

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: our fun questions

[_copernicumbledore]: it

[onscreen_aversion]: chris

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yes sir

[onscreen_aversion]: how yes who to pick for chris

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: how does

[onscreen_aversion]: victor selivandestress

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: that's a wonderful question victor sullivan an
international man of mystery if you will doesn't

[_copernicumbledore]: really

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: he doesn't he

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: doesn't have one just one place to
hang his chapeau if you will he has

[cobra]: he's

[_copernicumbledore]: a number

[cobra]: too

[_copernicumbledore]: of his too he

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: has

[onscreen_aversion]: nice

[_copernicumbledore]: a very very special

[onscreen_aversion]: so

[_copernicumbledore]: hidden away location place dwelling if you
will where

[onscreen_aversion]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: he keeps his stash

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: his master stash and what

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: does he do when he's there

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: you you ask pray tell it pool

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: in the in bali and

[onscreen_aversion]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: he likes to hop in his pool
of spoils if you will he likes to

[_copernicumbledore]: swim around because deep down

[cobra]: like screwge style

[_copernicumbledore]: let me finish my sentence sir

[cobra]: uh u

[_copernicumbledore]: yes that is exactly

[cobra]: h

[_copernicumbledore]: where i was going

[cobra]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: with it he loves

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: gold he loves all of his

[cobra]: i can see it

[_copernicumbledore]: and

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: he swims in it because that is
where he's at in his journey at this

[_copernicumbledore]: time

[onscreen_aversion]: so does

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: he have proper gold coins just like
screws been conducted

[_copernicumbledore]: no no they're mostly chocolate and then
like mixed in he can tell

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: which ones are like tony

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: wrapped chocolate and then which

[onscreen_aversion]: right

[_copernicumbledore]: ones are actual

[cobra]: tony has specifically canadian currency there

[onscreen_aversion]: he

[_copernicumbledore]: well you need to be able to
tell what is real from what is like

[_copernicumbledore]: the actual

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: treasure so you can

[onscreen_aversion]: so

[_copernicumbledore]: swim

[onscreen_aversion]: he's got

[_copernicumbledore]: and not

[onscreen_aversion]: treasure

[_copernicumbledore]: get

[cobra]: h

[onscreen_aversion]: treasure

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: to swim in and then you got
to neachocolates to

[_copernicumbledore]: chocolates like you got it takes a
lot of energy and carbs and calories

[onscreen_aversion]: to swim through

[_copernicumbledore]: to be

[onscreen_aversion]: metal

[_copernicumbledore]: able

[onscreen_aversion]: coins

[_copernicumbledore]: to swim

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: through metal coins

[onscreen_aversion]: it does

[_copernicumbledore]: so and

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: you need to be able to refuel

[onscreen_aversion]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: you are performing

[onscreen_aversion]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: ritual this sacred

[onscreen_aversion]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: ritual that only

[onscreen_aversion]: hm

[_copernicumbledore]: he performs in the solitude of his
bally bally hoard

[onscreen_aversion]: this does

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: explain why it's so tough

[_copernicumbledore]: you know

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: swing around those coins that's the greatest

[_copernicumbledore]: you

[onscreen_aversion]: workout

[_copernicumbledore]: just

[cobra]: not

[_copernicumbledore]: like

[cobra]: easy

[onscreen_aversion]: ever

[_copernicumbledore]: paddle doggy paddle

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: you know so yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: you guys seen the scene from

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: family guy when they show peter griffin
jumping into pool of coins and breaking every

[cobra]: bone in his body

[_copernicumbledore]: that makes a lot of sense

[onscreen_aversion]: that should have happened a number of
times in this movie but it didn't so

[cobra]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: i would

[_copernicumbledore]: true

[onscreen_aversion]: allow christmas answer

[_copernicumbledore]: thank you

[cobra]: no i'm okay with

[onscreen_aversion]: yea

[cobra]: it

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i yield the rest of my

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: time but

[onscreen_aversion]: no

[_copernicumbledore]: i enjoyed that question

[onscreen_aversion]: you did he did a great job

[cobra]: m s

[onscreen_aversion]: how do you think your favorite character
er santiago moncada

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: stresses

[cobra]: oh boy oh let's see this is
a man

[_copernicumbledore]: m h

[cobra]: with a waning

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: fortune but like the aristocratic upbringing bogie
bringing i should say

[onscreen_aversion]: the man had enough money to buy
a military grade airplane ship car nd a

[onscreen_aversion]: bunch of ship to

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: philippines multiple

[cobra]: get fucking gutted like a fish

[onscreen_aversion]: multiple moving planes um

[cobra]: fair fair

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: so he

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: has had some some cash to burden
is what you're saying

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: i in i think he has a
private island

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: and

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: bally

[cobra]: like

[_copernicumbledore]: ah m

[cobra]: sure

[onscreen_aversion]: okay

[cobra]: for the sake of argument

[onscreen_aversion]: it's fair enough

[cobra]: i was going to say it was

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: off like off the coast of spain

[onscreen_aversion]: olly

[cobra]: but yeah in bally just off the
cost of a he has a portal there

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: and this is a lawless place

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: where everything s

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: and so

[onscreen_aversion]: also like

[cobra]: there

[onscreen_aversion]: richard

[cobra]: is

[onscreen_aversion]: branson island

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: r g

[cobra]: but

[_copernicumbledore]: il

[cobra]: with probably like more cocaine

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: and

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: so like

[cobra]: fewer orgies

[_copernicumbledore]: we

[cobra]: i guess

[onscreen_aversion]: the island

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: that's nick cage visited in his movie

[_copernicumbledore]: the wicker man oh no wait no

[onscreen_aversion]: the wicker man no

[cobra]: the weaker man otevolemovie

[_copernicumbledore]: the bees the bees the bees

[cobra]: the island that nick

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: visited in his movie face off

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: wait what

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: alcatras no variable wit of massive talent

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: yeah yeah he's

[onscreen_aversion]: a

[cobra]: ravi basically

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah yeah okay

[cobra]: have

[onscreen_aversion]: hvyhavyyeah

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: okay okay

[cobra]: oh is this race it's okay with
spanish people i don't care yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: we're

[cobra]: i know

[_copernicumbledore]: trying

[cobra]: i think

[_copernicumbledore]: to remember

[cobra]: he

[_copernicumbledore]: the

[cobra]: has

[_copernicumbledore]: name

[cobra]: like this private allen when like all

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: the stress of dealing with his father
before he murdered him um and like wanting

[cobra]: to kind of cool

[onscreen_aversion]: well

[cobra]: off he goes to this island and
does loads of blow

[onscreen_aversion]: okay

[cobra]: um

[_copernicumbledore]: with

[cobra]: probably

[_copernicumbledore]: bears

[onscreen_aversion]: a yeah

[cobra]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: that's why he has no blood the

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: stole

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: it all

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: there you go

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: there you go it's so so fast
rushing that it doesn't flow out

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: and

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: probably some other like probably

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: hunt minors for money

[onscreen_aversion]: okay so let's just check

[_copernicumbledore]: ye

[cobra]: you

[onscreen_aversion]: here

[cobra]: just let

[onscreen_aversion]: minors

[cobra]: children run

[onscreen_aversion]: children

[cobra]: minors

[onscreen_aversion]: okay thank you i wasn't sure

[cobra]: ren

[onscreen_aversion]: if they

[cobra]: not

[onscreen_aversion]: were like

[cobra]: not not old

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: man

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[cobra]: with dirty hands no

[_copernicumbledore]: i think

[cobra]: like

[_copernicumbledore]: you

[onscreen_aversion]: maybe they were like

[_copernicumbledore]: you

[onscreen_aversion]: he's

[_copernicumbledore]: mistepped

[onscreen_aversion]: got all the seven dwarfs and he

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: like i'm gonna go hunt sleepy this
week gonna unt dark

[cobra]: i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: that's right

[cobra]: hunting sleeping

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: was not fun i just

[_copernicumbledore]: you know

[cobra]: tried it when he

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: was sleeping

[onscreen_aversion]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: you know

[onscreen_aversion]: no effort

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: bashful

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: was

[cobra]: he hunt

[_copernicumbledore]: no fun

[cobra]: like

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: you know hunts humans for first port

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: as this tradition

[cobra]: and that kind

[onscreen_aversion]: for

[cobra]: of

[onscreen_aversion]: rich

[cobra]: stuff

[onscreen_aversion]: people

[_copernicumbledore]: i still think

[cobra]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: the miners

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: the dwarfs would have done

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: run

[cobra]: as a different child it's a different

[_copernicumbledore]: okay okay

[onscreen_aversion]: they

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: are nature's

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: deadliest game

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[onscreen_aversion]: there's seven

[cobra]: there

[onscreen_aversion]: of

[cobra]: you

[onscreen_aversion]: them

[cobra]: go

[_copernicumbledore]: h it

[onscreen_aversion]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: ever replacing seven

[onscreen_aversion]: yep

[cobra]: when one dies another one is born

[onscreen_aversion]: ye

[_copernicumbledore]: cut

[onscreen_aversion]: got

[_copernicumbledore]: one

[onscreen_aversion]: the money

[_copernicumbledore]: head off

[onscreen_aversion]: to regenerate

[_copernicumbledore]: one takes his

[onscreen_aversion]: the

[_copernicumbledore]: place

[onscreen_aversion]: clones

[_copernicumbledore]: exactly

[cobra]: oh my god

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: he's clowning

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: dwarfs in this

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: fucking island

[onscreen_aversion]: that's why it needs five billion dollars
it's expensive

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: to

[cobra]: makes

[onscreen_aversion]: colonedorbs

[cobra]: sense makes

[_copernicumbledore]: he's got

[cobra]: it's expensive

[_copernicumbledore]: he's got price price habits met how
does nathan drake

[onscreen_aversion]: a

[_copernicumbledore]: distress

[onscreen_aversion]: great question nathan drake distressing is an
interesting question

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: m because he's both the highest of

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[onscreen_aversion]: high strong and the lowest of low
strong people at the same

[cobra]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: time i have

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: no idea what his motions

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: are on day to

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: day basis so

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: i think in order

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: to

[cobra]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: match that um m the high energy

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[onscreen_aversion]: and the low energy i think that

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: he

[cobra]: sky dives smoking pot

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: well let me that's one way you
can go

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: out if i

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: was thinking that

[cobra]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: he would do like molly or ecstasy

[cobra]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: and and golf

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah oh

[cobra]: can

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: you imagine like it's just like

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: hopping from foot to foot until it's

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: turn fucking

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[cobra]: wax aid the

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: the the grass gouging the grass before
hitting the actual bull

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah because you need you need the

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: stress activity to balance the high stress
activities he normally

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: doesn't his life

[cobra]: i see

[onscreen_aversion]: and so being able to take on
those low stress activities sucked out of his

[onscreen_aversion]: mind is like the perfect

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: reverser

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: to his life

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: i like that for him

[cobra]: i like molly golf i like this

[_copernicumbledore]: molly

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: of

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: of

[cobra]: nice

[onscreen_aversion]: wolf i hate that

[cobra]: golly

[onscreen_aversion]: name

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: but

[_copernicumbledore]: molly

[onscreen_aversion]: we'll

[_copernicumbledore]: of

[onscreen_aversion]: work on it we're going to work
on that name

[_copernicumbledore]: moth

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: it's golly

[_copernicumbledore]: golly

[cobra]: it's golly

[onscreen_aversion]: all

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: we did it moving on

[cobra]: m yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: what was the most

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: rewatchable scene

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: in this god forsaken hell hole of
a movie

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i think here i think this might
be one of the few opportunities we might

[_copernicumbledore]: all

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: be aligned because the planets

[cobra]: think so

[_copernicumbledore]: are i think so my guess is
that it's going to be it's going to

[_copernicumbledore]: be between something else and santiago's untimely

[cobra]: that's not the one for me but

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: it's a good scene

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: but it's not the one for me

[_copernicumbledore]: okay what do you you think

[onscreen_aversion]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: that's mine for

[cobra]: for

[_copernicumbledore]: me

[cobra]: me one of

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[cobra]: the most fun scenes

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: was watching um m nate

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: flounder trying to get

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: away from the

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: henchman on the auction house

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: he's just floundering the whole way

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: tripping and falling and all that stuff
i don't know why it tickled me but

[cobra]: it was maybe because i was naive
and unhurt person that had

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: not watched the whole movie yet

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: so so i was

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: able to enjoy that scene that the
scene like the fight in the rave was

[cobra]: also kind of okay

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah it was all right

[cobra]: but then it's like why did he
know how to do like flame with vodka

[cobra]: and fire all of us i don't

[onscreen_aversion]: a bartender

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: i'll give that's not the only thing
i will actually give him alcohol

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: and fire

[cobra]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: make flame throwers

[cobra]: stupid fucking lighter that never works

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah you'd think he would get it
refilled by now yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yea

[cobra]: i think i think i would pick
the first like the fight in the not

[cobra]: really the fight is just him trying
to get away from the goons

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: in the auction house

[onscreen_aversion]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: um all all great options um m
i think i'm going to go with the

[onscreen_aversion]: scene where um the voice actor shows

[_copernicumbledore]: now in north on the

[onscreen_aversion]: nolan

[_copernicumbledore]: beach

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: norse

[cobra]: no north

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: good that's good

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: was a cup

[cobra]: that

[_copernicumbledore]: of

[cobra]: was good

[_copernicumbledore]: cup of

[onscreen_aversion]: what

[_copernicumbledore]: hot cocoa during

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: this experience

[onscreen_aversion]: part

[cobra]: in the winter

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: there was this movie

[onscreen_aversion]: the winter

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: of discontent part of it

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: is

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: i do hate this movie a

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: lot and so i am thrashing some
of their big set pieces because i think

[onscreen_aversion]: they were dumb but part of it
also is they actually did a good job

[onscreen_aversion]: with some of the uncharted parts of
this like tying into the video games having

[onscreen_aversion]: now or shop was good there were

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: scenes that were

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: basically shots taken you know out of
the video game like when

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: he shows up and he finds the
magellan boats which is nother story was at

[onscreen_aversion]: a high level a story that you
played in the uncharted games but they stitched

[onscreen_aversion]: together

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: small scenes from the charted games and
story lines to make this story and so

[onscreen_aversion]: you know chart for finding the boats
in that lake underwater not underwater cave that

[onscreen_aversion]: clearly could be accessed

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: not gonna talk about that was

[_copernicumbledore]: tavern

[onscreen_aversion]: like a cool

[_copernicumbledore]: or whatever

[onscreen_aversion]: one for one representation of a scene
i saw when i played the video game

[onscreen_aversion]: so that was good and like

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: how he got his sort

[_copernicumbledore]: on

[onscreen_aversion]: of then drake outfit collected it wasn't

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: ham

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: fisted like fucking solo

[_copernicumbledore]: sure

[onscreen_aversion]: was

[cobra]: no it was it was like that
was like one of those who would go

[cobra]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: i got where they did this and
this was cool him putting

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: on

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: the holsters and everything

[onscreen_aversion]: it was just

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: like it just happened naturally was like
oh ship there they are and i like

[onscreen_aversion]: you know like when you're watching was
watching me like something missing from his outfit

[onscreen_aversion]: and i can't because it's suspenders i
couldn't remember then when he put the

[cobra]: suspenders

[onscreen_aversion]: guns on yeah yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: magellan

[cobra]: is like a nineteen fifties boxer

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: t shirt and suspenders

[_copernicumbledore]: yah

[onscreen_aversion]: um but when i got that stuff
then i was like oh she had okay

[onscreen_aversion]: it's altogether a good

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: job

[cobra]: yep

[onscreen_aversion]: so that's that's one of th reasons
why i'm picking old north showing up because

[onscreen_aversion]: like it was casual and the joke
was a good end joke and if you

[onscreen_aversion]: know you know if you didn't whatever

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: movies anyway don't worry about it

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: they did the same with the whole
mustache thing in the post scribe scene right

[_copernicumbledore]: i missed that i missed that

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: so you didn't miss anything don't worry

[_copernicumbledore]: saw

[onscreen_aversion]: well

[_copernicumbledore]: the

[onscreen_aversion]: you missed

[_copernicumbledore]: one post

[cobra]: that

[_copernicumbledore]: cre

[cobra]: what's that on your face the worry
kid put purity as well around the corner

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: you can grow into

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: it was it was like that's that's
the kind of banter i expected from

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: them the whole move that's never

[onscreen_aversion]: because

[cobra]: happened

[onscreen_aversion]: you didn't miss the

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: best part of the movie when when
he brought the cat with him on their

[onscreen_aversion]: mission

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: the cat was in a back fact

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: hell

[cobra]: that's true that

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: that scene is funny at least

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm sorry what

[cobra]: it's a post

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: credit scene

[_copernicumbledore]: okay thank god okay

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: for a second i thought that was
during the movement like i didn't see that

[_copernicumbledore]: ship at all okay

[cobra]: no no it's

[onscreen_aversion]: no

[cobra]: after

[onscreen_aversion]: you're

[cobra]: the creator

[onscreen_aversion]: okay

[cobra]: there

[onscreen_aversion]: you

[_copernicumbledore]: so

[onscreen_aversion]: didn't

[_copernicumbledore]: it sounds

[onscreen_aversion]: miss

[_copernicumbledore]: like

[onscreen_aversion]: anything

[_copernicumbledore]: there was like four so is that
two posted post credit because

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: saw the one with his brother

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: and then the other one i didn't
know there was another okay okay okay

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: the brother one is like dumb because
it's just

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: not necessary but what do we know

[_copernicumbledore]: i mean

[cobra]: well the post card scene is also

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: dumb because a

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: bunch of things happen in there there
you go why is this happening this way

[cobra]: but

[onscreen_aversion]: hm

[cobra]: anyway

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: anyway as we move on we let
it go we're releasing we're releasing our anger

[onscreen_aversion]: we're putting it up into the ethos
for everybody

[cobra]: um

[onscreen_aversion]: else

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: um guess the question i have here

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: what would i'm trying to let's go
with the irish guy the scotsman as you

[onscreen_aversion]: listen to steve watington bucking

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: english scottish name i've ever heard one

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[onscreen_aversion]: what would he

[_copernicumbledore]: huh

[onscreen_aversion]: do for a first date

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: ship

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: that's hard because he's like calling him
two dimensional is kind of a compliment

[onscreen_aversion]: it's

[cobra]: at

[onscreen_aversion]: one

[cobra]: this

[onscreen_aversion]: and

[cobra]: point

[onscreen_aversion]: a half dimensions

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: more than he possessed

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: well it's not fair he's a thug
and could fly

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: helicopter

[cobra]: oh yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: i'm giving you stuff to work with
i don't know

[_copernicumbledore]: so based on that i think

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: i think he

[cobra]: shouldn't

[_copernicumbledore]: would

[cobra]: i come to play out with the

[onscreen_aversion]: yah

[cobra]: boys

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: win because now you're about to get
a proper scottish welcome

[_copernicumbledore]: and then the date would be like

[cobra]: nice

[_copernicumbledore]: what

[onscreen_aversion]: but

[cobra]: nice

[onscreen_aversion]: but

[_copernicumbledore]: like

[onscreen_aversion]: at least this time she's just confused
about the words he's saying not by the

[onscreen_aversion]: accent she doesn't understand what a proper

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: correct

[onscreen_aversion]: scottish welcome

[_copernicumbledore]: like

[onscreen_aversion]: is

[_copernicumbledore]: what kind like

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: is that a drink or are you
going to like are you going to sexually

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: attempt

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: to assault me and any like no

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: no no anyways i

[onscreen_aversion]: you

[_copernicumbledore]: think

[onscreen_aversion]: got

[_copernicumbledore]: he

[onscreen_aversion]: russian

[_copernicumbledore]: would

[cobra]: he became russian

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: i don't know what i sound like
words sounds anyways

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i think he would he based on
on the data that you've provided i think

[_copernicumbledore]: he might well actually know taking them
on like a flight of some sort would

[_copernicumbledore]: probably be like his ace card he
would try to play if he's really into

[_copernicumbledore]: some but i don't think that i'm
going to just like try and yes and

[_copernicumbledore]: the whole question i think he would

[cobra]: that's all you have to work

[_copernicumbledore]: it's all

[cobra]: with

[_copernicumbledore]: it's fine and that's okay so i
assume he's goin to wipe right on a

[_copernicumbledore]: bunch of people show up at the
bar they're going to have a few drinks

[_copernicumbledore]: and then he's gonna try and he's
going to go straight to whatever if he's

[_copernicumbledore]: into the person maybe like like what
his intentions are if he's only like docked

[_copernicumbledore]: in

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: or like corded or docked in one
particular airport short pad of time sounds like

[_copernicumbledore]: it might be a one night a
thing but then what would happen if he

[_copernicumbledore]: was actually into the person

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: then like would he give them

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: his card

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: would he give them his linked in
to stay

[onscreen_aversion]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: in

[cobra]: so

[_copernicumbledore]: touch

[cobra]: i i want to yes and this
too because i think what he would do

[cobra]: is i think he knows that some
people in his case i'm assuming he's straight

[cobra]: to some women find like a different
accent cute so he would go on a

[cobra]: bunch of first dates trying to just
get by using his accent and see what

[cobra]: happens

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: like together with what you said he
would like you would just

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: like exaggerate even more his accent and
then if the woman went oh you're a

[cobra]: foreigner

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: i like your accent he's like i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: this sweet lass is in my bed
now i don't know

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[cobra]: where i went

[onscreen_aversion]: and

[cobra]: with that

[onscreen_aversion]: then

[cobra]: either

[onscreen_aversion]: he takes him

[cobra]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: to

[_copernicumbledore]: h yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: a scottish

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: theme bar it's not like it's got
to be cotland theme

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: like it's not just a bar that
is cottish in tones it's like overtly

[cobra]: no no

[onscreen_aversion]: scottish

[cobra]: like aggressively

[onscreen_aversion]: aggressive

[cobra]: offensively

[onscreen_aversion]: of

[cobra]: scottish

[onscreen_aversion]: exactly offensively scottish and

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: then

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: he's like he orders like haggis and
all the like he goes fucking full scotsman

[cobra]: oh my

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: god

[onscreen_aversion]: to

[cobra]: right

[onscreen_aversion]: show how cool

[_copernicumbledore]: how

[onscreen_aversion]: and cultured he is as a scottish

[cobra]: what what is the name of this

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: that is a quaziracist tourist trap

[onscreen_aversion]: um great question

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: what old historical

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: oh what's this it's the william wallace

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: ye

[cobra]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: i get that i got

[onscreen_aversion]: yep

[_copernicumbledore]: that okay okay okay

[onscreen_aversion]: as

[_copernicumbledore]: dig

[onscreen_aversion]: his move

[_copernicumbledore]: it okay it would be a draw

[cobra]: how

[_copernicumbledore]: it would

[cobra]: do you say

[_copernicumbledore]: it would

[cobra]: it

[_copernicumbledore]: be a weirdly i love this question
because it's such a hard equation

[cobra]: what

[_copernicumbledore]: like

[cobra]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: trying to picture this guy like we've
done it so far it's like

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: wow how would this happen how would
he make

[cobra]: we

[_copernicumbledore]: this

[cobra]: william's

[_copernicumbledore]: work

[onscreen_aversion]: a

[cobra]: watering hole

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: that's the name of the war

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah it's great well it's it's a
challenge your chris is to take something we

[onscreen_aversion]: know nothing about and

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: set

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: him up for dating success or failure
as i be i don't know

[_copernicumbledore]: i do love this question though so

[onscreen_aversion]: just

[_copernicumbledore]: that's

[onscreen_aversion]: let's

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: pick some one out here again we
can do one more we haven't we've been

[onscreen_aversion]: dancing around cloy fraser and i think
we need to talk about her

[cobra]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: so

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: you know cloy fraser played by sophia

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: all

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: how would be her

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: first eight move

[_copernicumbledore]: to do i feel like

[cobra]: also not

[_copernicumbledore]: go

[cobra]: very three day mansion no no no
is just thinking

[_copernicumbledore]: i think i think it would be
two birds one stone i feel like most

[_copernicumbledore]: of not that she's not that she's
incapable of

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: like

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: genuine human emotion like looking for seeking
intimacy and so on but

[cobra]: people

[_copernicumbledore]: i feel like most of her like
her dates would also be marks and she'd

[_copernicumbledore]: be like

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: two birds one stone like this person
is my target

[cobra]: ye

[_copernicumbledore]: and i need something from them but
i'm going to have some fun with it

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm going to quote unquote let my
hair down and and experience this like

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: live this experience for a and then

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i've extracted what i

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: need i'm going to disappear under the
cover of night

[cobra]: yeah she calls this move the nathan

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: no it's a it's the silly where

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: no

[onscreen_aversion]: learned it

[cobra]: no

[onscreen_aversion]: from

[cobra]: she she did that with with nathan
as well

[onscreen_aversion]: but that's she learned from sally that's
what she said

[cobra]: okay the sellien okay

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: makes sense

[_copernicumbledore]: at

[cobra]: yah

[_copernicumbledore]: least like hats

[cobra]: i agree i think she would

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: she would try to get some monetary
gain from

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: from the date as

[_copernicumbledore]: and

[cobra]: well

[_copernicumbledore]: i don't mean like a

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: thief like like it's

[onscreen_aversion]: well

[_copernicumbledore]: part

[cobra]: no no

[_copernicumbledore]: of a

[cobra]: no

[_copernicumbledore]: gig

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i think

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: she i think like that that sort
of that might be

[onscreen_aversion]: ye

[_copernicumbledore]: a little bit of her code because
it seems like she has some degree of

[_copernicumbledore]: like a spectrum of sorry of a
conscience as we've seen through

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: the movie

[onscreen_aversion]: so she wouldn't

[_copernicumbledore]: i would say

[onscreen_aversion]: intentionally

[_copernicumbledore]: so

[onscreen_aversion]: go out to get a free meal
out of it it would just always happen

[onscreen_aversion]: is that what you're saying

[cobra]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: she's working she's working

[cobra]: h

[_copernicumbledore]: and if they and if they have
a bite to eat

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: they got a bite to eat

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: but like she's she's on the job
she's on the clock

[cobra]: yeah i think at the very least
she would get a meal out of it

[cobra]: that's the least like that would be
if that's all she got from the date

[cobra]: in terms of like

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: monetary gain she would consider it like

[_copernicumbledore]: and if not

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: monetary i think it might even be
take it as

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: a

[cobra]: an item or something right

[_copernicumbledore]: sure but

[cobra]: if she needed to infiltrate a place
she would go on a date with like

[cobra]: the security guy and steal his bag
or something

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[cobra]: so that you could get into

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: the

[_copernicumbledore]: yes i

[cobra]: shoot cat woman this ship

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: basically

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: what i'm trying to say is i
wouldn't put it i think she would she

[_copernicumbledore]: would be able to pull off a
graceful long can

[cobra]: oh yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: you know

[onscreen_aversion]: so she get here for like five

[_copernicumbledore]: i once

[cobra]: year

[onscreen_aversion]: get married

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: have two kids and then

[_copernicumbledore]: but they

[onscreen_aversion]: finally

[_copernicumbledore]: weren't her kids she never gave birth

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: paid for an actor she paid for

[_copernicumbledore]: consuelo

[onscreen_aversion]: how she

[_copernicumbledore]: consuelo

[cobra]: wow that is a long can

[onscreen_aversion]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: ah and then

[onscreen_aversion]: kay

[_copernicumbledore]: like

[onscreen_aversion]: fair enough

[cobra]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: the person is like wow you you

[cobra]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: lost that that baby weight

[cobra]: baby

[_copernicumbledore]: like like nothing

[cobra]: wait

[_copernicumbledore]: and she's like

[cobra]: like

[_copernicumbledore]: you know you know

[onscreen_aversion]: good jeans

[cobra]: good gens

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: as she puts on her mom jesus
he's gonna go get the store and get

[_copernicumbledore]: some milk you wite anything

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: in the door slants

[onscreen_aversion]: gone forever

[cobra]: i see what you did there by
the way with the gens

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: job

[onscreen_aversion]: we knew that all right good job
everybody we've tarnished more characters i'm proud of

[onscreen_aversion]: us for

[cobra]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: that moving onwards

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: we should talk about

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: i don't know what

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: kind o

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: what

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: kind of podcast do you think would
come out of these shows this movie who

[onscreen_aversion]: who's dropping some hot pods after this

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: they're all too self satisfied

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: you have to

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: be bitter and angry like we are
to have a podcast

[onscreen_aversion]: that's fair

[_copernicumbledore]: do you

[onscreen_aversion]: i think

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[onscreen_aversion]: that

[_copernicumbledore]: think

[cobra]: maybe moncada would have one

[_copernicumbledore]: possibly

[onscreen_aversion]: well sure

[cobra]: complaining about his dad

[onscreen_aversion]: sure but like and like he would
just he would do nothing he would just

[onscreen_aversion]: show basically he would talk like it
wouldn't be about him

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: he would be the star of it
and it would be his servants who like

[onscreen_aversion]: sec record him and now that he's
dead they have those like secret recordings of

[onscreen_aversion]: him throughout life they release

[cobra]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: sort of is like a basically

[cobra]: like a weird reality

[onscreen_aversion]: well

[cobra]: show

[onscreen_aversion]: think of murder a murder podcast right

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: oh i see

[onscreen_aversion]: they

[cobra]: a

[onscreen_aversion]: can

[cobra]: true crime

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: podcast

[onscreen_aversion]: and they like they can basically

[cobra]: yah

[onscreen_aversion]: can easilly tie him to killing

[cobra]: h

[onscreen_aversion]: his dad because he likes on the
record saying chitty things about his dad all

[onscreen_aversion]: the time around

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: the house because he's a piece of
ship son

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: i think

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: they could definitely

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: put that together

[cobra]: the boncadafiles

[_copernicumbledore]: hm m

[cobra]: that's what they would call

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: it

[_copernicumbledore]: m i got one

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i think just sorry i had it
here i think that a sister brnadebt from

[_copernicumbledore]: the orphanage she's she's

[cobra]: nice

[_copernicumbledore]: seen some ship and you know it
hard to be in you know and that

[_copernicumbledore]: in that position of authority when you've
got so many young minds delinquent and otherwise

[_copernicumbledore]: across that spectrum

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: um you know to under your charge
and so i think her podcast would be

[_copernicumbledore]: a bit of a release to not
only or topics about education and the forming

[_copernicumbledore]: and shaping of young minds but at
the same time i think she would bring

[_copernicumbledore]: on some different guests and other guests
specifically might be other sisters from from

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: the

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: orphanage so that they could all use
it as a venting mechanism and they wouldn't

[_copernicumbledore]: publish a single episode because the lord
is watching

[cobra]: yeah be a

[onscreen_aversion]: ah

[cobra]: patron only podcast now all the proceeds
of the patron go

[_copernicumbledore]: go

[cobra]: to

[_copernicumbledore]: back

[cobra]: the church

[_copernicumbledore]: here you go to the church or

[onscreen_aversion]: now to

[_copernicumbledore]: help

[onscreen_aversion]: the orphanage to the church to cover

[cobra]: no

[onscreen_aversion]: all

[cobra]: the church

[onscreen_aversion]: the kids they

[cobra]: yes of course

[onscreen_aversion]: fiddled great great job o everybody

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: i think you mean diddle diddle

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: diglydigly

[onscreen_aversion]: whatever

[cobra]: they're

[_copernicumbledore]: filly

[cobra]: not

[_copernicumbledore]: d

[cobra]: violins

[onscreen_aversion]: um

[cobra]: sir

[_copernicumbledore]: i d

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: all right i like that for them

[cobra]: i like dad yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: sister

[onscreen_aversion]: what do

[_copernicumbledore]: burnadebt

[onscreen_aversion]: you so let me ask you this
question obviously this movie takes place over days

[onscreen_aversion]: weeks i can't tell time

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: is a flat circle

[cobra]: i'm going to say a few weeks

[onscreen_aversion]: traveling is instantaneous and it's not that
they're the only movie has ever done this

[onscreen_aversion]: but i just love have movies don't
bother to show you travel any more

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: it's

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: great because

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: well this this movie doesn't even

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: show silly climbing the

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: fucking

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: chains

[_copernicumbledore]: and how

[cobra]: it shows him

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: on the beginning of the change and
then he was

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: there was like the

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: fuckyeah

[_copernicumbledore]: and how the hell did

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: he get down into that into the
salt chamber i'm like you used the cheat

[_copernicumbledore]: code how the funk did you

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: do that and further more how did

[cobra]: no

[_copernicumbledore]: get

[cobra]: clip

[_copernicumbledore]: the fuck

[cobra]: he

[_copernicumbledore]: out

[cobra]: no clipped

[_copernicumbledore]: you

[cobra]: he

[_copernicumbledore]: know

[cobra]: no clipped

[onscreen_aversion]: i got

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: definitely

[onscreen_aversion]: god mode

[cobra]: he just went

[onscreen_aversion]: on

[cobra]: down yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: so but like what do we think

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: ye

[onscreen_aversion]: the end of it without the cut
scenes at the end what do you think

[onscreen_aversion]: happened like the day or two after
this like so they've

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: gone they try to get this

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: treasure none of it happened the ships
you know well

[cobra]: h

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: guess

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: they're both done

[onscreen_aversion]: they're both like one ship blow up

[_copernicumbledore]: i don't remember

[cobra]: on

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: one like

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: exploded against the rocks

[onscreen_aversion]: right

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: and the other one

[_copernicumbledore]: sunk

[cobra]: sunk

[onscreen_aversion]: sunk

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: right

[onscreen_aversion]: the ship

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: physics on wood that's hundreds of years

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: just

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: i love how

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: inconsequential and flexible it is sometimes the
little break

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: on contact other times pick a two
anoryear old ship up and fly over the

[onscreen_aversion]: helicopter perfect consistency

[cobra]: yea

[onscreen_aversion]: nothing happens

[cobra]: sometimes

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: sometimes two hundred and fifty year old
cannon with a single like with just just

[cobra]: as old and as wet powder

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: works and fires at the exact proper
time to hit a fucking

[onscreen_aversion]: it's

[cobra]: helicopter

[onscreen_aversion]: true hunpercen

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: accurate

[_copernicumbledore]: lot armor

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: i also

[cobra]: oh yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: enjoyed that five billion dollars with the

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: es

[onscreen_aversion]: as they've quoted it as is not
heavy enough to break through the wooden

[cobra]: well

[onscreen_aversion]: ship

[cobra]: i think i think

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: they were counting and this is me
being charitable

[onscreen_aversion]: hm

[cobra]: i think they were counting what they

[onscreen_aversion]: m

[cobra]: could get for the boats themselves

[_copernicumbledore]: i think

[cobra]: because

[_copernicumbledore]: so too

[cobra]: it's magellan boats

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: right so

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: it's it's like oh it's a historical

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: but they wouldn't have

[cobra]: like

[onscreen_aversion]: known

[cobra]: some

[onscreen_aversion]: they're

[cobra]: collector

[onscreen_aversion]: going to find

[cobra]: with

[onscreen_aversion]: the

[cobra]: it

[onscreen_aversion]: boats they were finding the gold they
didn't know the boat was actually there

[cobra]: and

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: they did mention at least three billion
right at least

[onscreen_aversion]: i

[cobra]: once

[onscreen_aversion]: heard five

[cobra]: so

[onscreen_aversion]: playing

[_copernicumbledore]: i heard

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: five at one point two um

[cobra]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: so

[cobra]: yeah that's a lot of that's a
lot of gold

[onscreen_aversion]: okay so let me do a

[_copernicumbledore]: but

[onscreen_aversion]: little quick quick math here this vamp
while i do this quick math

[_copernicumbledore]: i think that

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: in the early in the early stages
when when sully

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: was trying to sell

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: nathan on this adventure

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: he was like

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: today's

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: like

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: almost near quote i've almost

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: got the quoting is like today's

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: currency inflation

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: five billion so he was just estimating

[onscreen_aversion]: chris okay by the estimation of five
billion that is eighty two let's just rounded

[onscreen_aversion]: up eighty three thousand

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: kilograms of gold

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: did you did your did your google
complete for you because i started typing how

[cobra]: much would five and then billion

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: dolls of dollars worth of gold be

[onscreen_aversion]: oh no

[cobra]: bbwaitlike

[onscreen_aversion]: i just

[cobra]: mine just comp and for me

[onscreen_aversion]: i just looked up the price of
gold and did the math because i'm a

[onscreen_aversion]: weird person

[_copernicumbledore]: so ho

[cobra]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: o o give me the give me
the kilogram waihtagain so what is that in

[_copernicumbledore]: pounds or tons

[onscreen_aversion]: pounds what you your canadian what have
to convert

[cobra]: why are you american

[onscreen_aversion]: for you

[_copernicumbledore]: no no

[cobra]: what's

[_copernicumbledore]: no no

[cobra]: wrong

[_copernicumbledore]: no no

[cobra]: with

[_copernicumbledore]: no

[cobra]: you

[_copernicumbledore]: no no no no no not currency
i meant weight like if you said kilograms

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah kilograms is the international scientific measurement
unit that everybody but the united states uses

[onscreen_aversion]: to measure weights so i'm

[_copernicumbledore]: you don't

[onscreen_aversion]: asking

[_copernicumbledore]: need to

[onscreen_aversion]: you

[_copernicumbledore]: get

[onscreen_aversion]: why

[_copernicumbledore]: angry

[onscreen_aversion]: you need

[_copernicumbledore]: at

[onscreen_aversion]: hounds

[_copernicumbledore]: me

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: forget it as how i i better
understand objects in space

[onscreen_aversion]: multiply eighty three thousand by two point
two okay a

[_copernicumbledore]: we do this like listeners this is
this is what you come to us for

[_copernicumbledore]: i want to know

[cobra]: it's weird

[onscreen_aversion]: slow

[_copernicumbledore]: it

[onscreen_aversion]: maths

[_copernicumbledore]: just did it

[onscreen_aversion]: it's like

[cobra]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: a hunder ninety pounds under ninety thousand

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: yeah i found one place that's saying

[_copernicumbledore]: oh my

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: a billion dollars

[onscreen_aversion]: a

[cobra]: worth of gold would be twenty tons
which means five

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: billion would be a hundred tons

[_copernicumbledore]: i put eighty

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: three thousand kilograms

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: to like to convert to tons that's
ninety one point five tons and to

[cobra]: there

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: you go so that that makes sense

[_copernicumbledore]: for me tons go and i go
back quite quite a ways because

[onscreen_aversion]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: of marvel trading

[cobra]: yah

[_copernicumbledore]: cards

[onscreen_aversion]: h

[_copernicumbledore]: specifically because of martivell trading

[cobra]: h

[_copernicumbledore]: trading cards like

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: like

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: spider man kin ex amount tons the
hulk that's why anyway thank

[onscreen_aversion]: we're

[_copernicumbledore]: you for

[onscreen_aversion]: learning

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[onscreen_aversion]: way too much about you for listeners

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: let me give you something that actually
makes a little sense to everybody

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: the

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: the weight of an armored car is
twenty five thousand pounds

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: or eleven and a half thousand kilograms

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: quick mass tells us with some rounding
let's call it it's about eight armored cars

[onscreen_aversion]: giver take gold

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: on two

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[onscreen_aversion]: boats to say four

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[onscreen_aversion]: armor cars per boat i'm just saying
that that might be too much a wait

[cobra]: i

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: have i have related question

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: hm

[cobra]: how how did they get the nets

[onscreen_aversion]: hm

[cobra]: the boat

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: that's a good fucking question

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: you saw them digging

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah so when they go they pulled

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: off

[cobra]: what they did was they had like
eleven billion people there so they lifted the

[cobra]: boat and slid it under come on

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: i was like what the how are
they raising this

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: boat

[_copernicumbledore]: they made it seem like it happened
in like i don't know a good

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: thirty minutes

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: to an hour

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: that's

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: not possible that like

[onscreen_aversion]: none of that's possible

[cobra]: no

[onscreen_aversion]: i mean

[_copernicumbledore]: you

[onscreen_aversion]: if

[_copernicumbledore]: know

[onscreen_aversion]: we want

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: to play what's you know let's okay
let's do this i

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: was asking what happened

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: the next day when we

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: got

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: side

[_copernicumbledore]: sir

[onscreen_aversion]: tracked let me ask the more important
question because who gives this ship what happened

[onscreen_aversion]: the next day

[_copernicumbledore]: he

[onscreen_aversion]: what was

[cobra]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: the dumbest thing that happened in this

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: oh man

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: now

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[cobra]: you're talking

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: i got one so straight off nathan
drake jumping from cargo box to

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: cargo box while the while the plane

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: was in flight you can't like i'm
i'm no physics

[cobra]: don't you know his spider man man
his spider man

[_copernicumbledore]: not in this

[onscreen_aversion]: man

[_copernicumbledore]: movie man

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: like i am no mathematician i am
not a physicist

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: but i don't see how how a
human could generate

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: enough energy to jump from so super
mario from one

[onscreen_aversion]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: mushroom to the next

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: and then get back on to the
plane he like

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: if there was if there was a
rope i would get it

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: furthermore

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: like how

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: how ere chloe and nathan able to
have any sort of conversation

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: free falling

[cobra]: yep

[_copernicumbledore]: but anyway

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: those for me stuck out

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: the most

[cobra]: how

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: i'll tack another one to the same

[_copernicumbledore]: r

[cobra]: they opened that paris shoot very very
late on that fall

[_copernicumbledore]: i got

[cobra]: it

[onscreen_aversion]: hm

[cobra]: would

[_copernicumbledore]: that feeling

[cobra]: not have

[_copernicumbledore]: to

[cobra]: broken

[_copernicumbledore]: you

[cobra]: their fall

[onscreen_aversion]: no

[cobra]: enough

[onscreen_aversion]: also water is rock

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: at that speed

[cobra]: exactly exactly

[_copernicumbledore]: and with them

[cobra]: you would have they would have exploded

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yep and with them like

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: clutching on to on

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: to the object as it hit they
should have been like severely injured if not

[_copernicumbledore]: killed

[onscreen_aversion]: so

[cobra]: exactly

[onscreen_aversion]: just because we're

[_copernicumbledore]: my

[onscreen_aversion]: doing this

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: and we're going to be

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: asses about cargo plane flies that roughly

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: nine hundred kilometers per hour or five

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: hundred sixteen

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: mile per hour so to chris's point
nathan drake had to generate enough force that

[onscreen_aversion]: he would move faster then

[cobra]: well

[onscreen_aversion]: five

[cobra]: he

[onscreen_aversion]: hundred

[cobra]: was

[onscreen_aversion]: sixty

[cobra]: moving

[onscreen_aversion]: miles

[cobra]: with

[onscreen_aversion]: per

[cobra]: the

[onscreen_aversion]: hour

[cobra]: moment he was moving with the momentum
of the plane

[onscreen_aversion]: okay

[cobra]: but still

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: the moment he jumped up

[onscreen_aversion]: right

[_copernicumbledore]: yep

[onscreen_aversion]: and let's

[cobra]: up

[onscreen_aversion]: go

[cobra]: not forward

[_copernicumbledore]: so

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: like no it's not even the speed
it's the

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: wind the wind would sucking rippin has

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: it's ridiculous

[onscreen_aversion]: potentially listen

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: we're not we're not scientists or mathematicians
or physicists

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[onscreen_aversion]: so we're

[_copernicumbledore]: now we

[onscreen_aversion]: we're

[_copernicumbledore]: are

[onscreen_aversion]: gonna move on for that

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: why were the puzzle so like

[_copernicumbledore]: s

[cobra]: dumb

[onscreen_aversion]: it

[cobra]: dumb

[onscreen_aversion]: they just

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: never seemed satisfying when they solve one

[_copernicumbledore]: yea

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: like okay

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: and i know part of it this
is not fair for them but part of

[onscreen_aversion]: it's like we've seen a lot of
these you know if you've watched diana

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: jones if you've watched all the dan
brown aslant demons things

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: like the church

[_copernicumbledore]: national

[cobra]: national

[_copernicumbledore]: treasure

[cobra]: treasure

[onscreen_aversion]: national

[cobra]: had better

[onscreen_aversion]: treasure

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[cobra]: puzzles

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah it's

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: always

[_copernicumbledore]: did

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: a church and that's

[cobra]: my

[onscreen_aversion]: fun and like you know honestly the

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: thing with the church find clever good

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: job of everybody but then

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: the whole like heaven and health thing
and like going to

[cobra]: that was the only part i actually
liked that they had to trust like it's

[cobra]: convoluted again like you said it's convoluted

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: because like okay so i have to
trust like what's happening there were eighteen people

[cobra]: they only need

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: two

[onscreen_aversion]: right

[cobra]: the funk

[onscreen_aversion]: so well this is my point right
like them solving that

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: puzzle them figuring

[cobra]: right

[onscreen_aversion]: out the heaven and hell thing in
the key and honestly putting the key together

[onscreen_aversion]: was the

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: most loclester thing i've ever saw i
didn't even like really click together he just

[onscreen_aversion]: held it but it's fine that whole
thing just even feel good when they were

[onscreen_aversion]: done like it wasn't

[_copernicumbledore]: true

[onscreen_aversion]: like nice puzzle

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: cool that

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: was really core if you found a
map on to the next step but she

[onscreen_aversion]: was like why didn't we go through

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: all of that

[_copernicumbledore]: i have the answer

[onscreen_aversion]: like

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i believe i have the answer

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah okay

[_copernicumbledore]: the reason why there was no payoff
is because from geographically and

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: like base like sorry the geography and
the scenes the way they stitch together like

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: for example when nathan and chloe are
in what's

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: supposedly like the basement or oma the
catachomes and then they end up into the

[_copernicumbledore]: until like

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: a sewerage sich piping system and then
back into a club that was that that

[_copernicumbledore]: would

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: something i could have stomached but sully

[cobra]: they had to do it better

[_copernicumbledore]: they

[cobra]: right

[_copernicumbledore]: needed to do it better but

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: sully's was weird it's like he full
on left the church i felt like

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: he should have he maybe if he
ended up on the roof tops for example

[onscreen_aversion]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: could have been something thing but it

[cobra]: but

[_copernicumbledore]: a

[cobra]: then

[_copernicumbledore]: weird

[cobra]: he wouldn't have ended up at papa

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: i looked away for like

[cobra]: needed the pro replacement

[onscreen_aversion]: looked away for like

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: a minute

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: cause i was talking to my wife
and when i came back i had literally

[cobra]: ye

[onscreen_aversion]: no idea what the fuck was doing

[_copernicumbledore]: see

[onscreen_aversion]: no

[_copernicumbledore]: that's

[onscreen_aversion]: fucking

[_copernicumbledore]: my point

[onscreen_aversion]: clue

[_copernicumbledore]: and then like

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: he's walking the streets and joe braddock
is like oh there he is easy follow

[cobra]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: so

[onscreen_aversion]: thank you chris

[_copernicumbledore]: ye

[onscreen_aversion]: this is a good point

[cobra]: ye

[_copernicumbledore]: too easy

[onscreen_aversion]: joe brack and her gang of idiot
tugs they follow them no problem everywhere

[_copernicumbledore]: yep

[onscreen_aversion]: all

[_copernicumbledore]: yep

[onscreen_aversion]: the time not an issue always

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: the dumb luck

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: like

[_copernicumbledore]: yep

[onscreen_aversion]: i thought

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: i thought that they were going to
go way far away from where the boat

[onscreen_aversion]: was when they didn't have the extra
piece clue right with solving of the riddle

[onscreen_aversion]: and honestly i was epectiitwas kind

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: of like

[_copernicumbledore]: ye

[onscreen_aversion]: luster for them to like

[cobra]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: i've got all these postcards as a
cypher no he just put it like hidden

[onscreen_aversion]: writing on one post card like at
least make all the postcard

[_copernicumbledore]: we

[onscreen_aversion]: matter

[cobra]: that was the that was the least
i was like oh this

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: is going a be fucking cool

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: it's going to be something with the

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: pictures and then he's going a have
to match the pictures

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: to the writing it's gonna be and
it's just like the stupid fire thing i'm

[cobra]: like come

[onscreen_aversion]: ah

[cobra]: on you did this already

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: and so but like the thing was
like why was it like why did the

[onscreen_aversion]: last piece of the puzzle just move
like they didn't need

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: that last piece of the puzzle they
could just looked around and found that fucking

[onscreen_aversion]: those chips right like they were so

[cobra]: well i mean

[onscreen_aversion]: that the

[cobra]: yeah that's

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: what i was going to say like
they were like in the wrong place like

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: braddock

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: and her thugs and and just they

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: just see nathan passing by like

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah that was

[cobra]: two meters

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[cobra]: from

[_copernicumbledore]: was

[cobra]: them

[_copernicumbledore]: eft

[cobra]: that was so stupid yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: it's very it's very

[cobra]: to

[_copernicumbledore]: upsetting

[cobra]: me

[_copernicumbledore]: as far as no

[cobra]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: payoff

[cobra]: have

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: a very very very petty

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: one

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: related to the puzzles that you were
talking about matt where like the they're using

[cobra]: those crosses kind of like keys right

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: and when they get to to when

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: sally can talk to them to the

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: and it goes like oh it doesn't
fit like that's the only place he tries

[cobra]: to use the

[onscreen_aversion]: yes

[cobra]: front

[onscreen_aversion]: no

[cobra]: of

[onscreen_aversion]: i

[cobra]: the

[onscreen_aversion]: saw

[cobra]: cross

[onscreen_aversion]: that and i was like

[cobra]: i was like what the fuck dude

[onscreen_aversion]: ah

[cobra]: try it the other

[onscreen_aversion]: i

[cobra]: way you did it in every other

[onscreen_aversion]: i thought she was just like hey
idiot turn it around

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: right

[cobra]: that's what i thought too

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: that's the only one it doesn't fit
like come on like put it there with

[cobra]: the right

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: side like you always do it make
it not turn

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: right

[_copernicumbledore]: let us let us see your struggle

[cobra]: i was so mad at that yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i think that was like i kind
of wish i could

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: have been a fly

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: on the wall

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: during the writing of this movie

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: because once again

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: it's like you know i've given this
movie a common rating but in a lot

[_copernicumbledore]: of ways it's exactly

[cobra]: it's moving to vendor trash

[_copernicumbledore]: that and specifically

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: it's exactly what happened to greenland to
the green lantern movie you have so much

[_copernicumbledore]: source

[onscreen_aversion]: hm

[_copernicumbledore]: material that whether you

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: adapt it or you work with

[cobra]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: the right people to

[cobra]: right right

[_copernicumbledore]: do a proper homage you don't need
to be completely accurate but there's something

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: that's really you know what this movie
is too dumb period

[cobra]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: howe per cent

[cobra]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: too dumb

[cobra]: it it makes you dumb by watching

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: like i lost i q watching this
movie for sure like

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: to me i'll tell you and i

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: it's also kind of pedantic probably is
but maybe because i had to endure the

[cobra]: rest of the movie before it

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: but the fact that nathan drake goes
like passes in front like waves to

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: the thugs as he's going to the
right place yeah i really like

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: the fact that he like god wise
and sent chloe to the wrong place

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[cobra]: so that's

[_copernicumbledore]: i appreciated

[cobra]: fine but then

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[cobra]: he goes into he goes into that
sort of like nook or like

[_copernicumbledore]: cavern

[cobra]: alcove

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah okay

[cobra]: cavern and then he's like you know
what i'm going

[_copernicumbledore]: um

[cobra]: to do i'm just going a jump

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[cobra]: here

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[cobra]: swim under because i'm sure it's

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: not going to be like miles

[_copernicumbledore]: ye

[cobra]: and miles of things

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: underwater

[_copernicumbledore]: exactly

[cobra]: before i get up

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: there and then he's like looks out
and it wasn't

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: it was just a small junk

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: and then there's two fucking boats just

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: how the fuck did those boats get

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: and how

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: convenient it is that without even knowing
that the boats were going to be there

[cobra]: they had the helicopter s already rigged
to bring the boats up

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: and conveniently there was a hole in
the top of the place that nobody knows

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: nobody knew where it was

[onscreen_aversion]: you've

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: gone you've

[cobra]: nobody

[onscreen_aversion]: gone

[cobra]: knew

[onscreen_aversion]: too

[cobra]: where

[onscreen_aversion]: far

[cobra]: those

[onscreen_aversion]: lucian

[cobra]: boats were

[onscreen_aversion]: you've gone away

[_copernicumbledore]: you're

[onscreen_aversion]: too far because

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: because

[_copernicumbledore]: giving

[onscreen_aversion]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: them

[onscreen_aversion]: agree

[_copernicumbledore]: too much credit

[onscreen_aversion]: i agree with you that it's dumb

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: that he swims under but like

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: as a story writer you're just like
what it's fine like you're like it's the

[onscreen_aversion]: thing

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: the thing where you lose

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: is like i agree ith you that
it's done that he just swims

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: and finds it but okay he finds
it the helicopters can lift it out that

[onscreen_aversion]: is purely

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: a plot device to have their big

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: chase scene and

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: and so

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: it works on the logic of like
well we want to pull this out but

[onscreen_aversion]: i think the bigger

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: plot point that chris pulled up or
the story point is the simple one of

[onscreen_aversion]: how did you put the nets under
the boat there's

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: no way

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: you could have done that

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: in the time

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[cobra]: it's what

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: i said

[onscreen_aversion]: i'm sorry

[cobra]: but yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: well i'm

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: givin it to chris

[_copernicumbledore]: kay

[onscreen_aversion]: because i don't like you um

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: fair

[onscreen_aversion]: but like

[cobra]: harsh

[onscreen_aversion]: fair

[cobra]: but

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: fair

[onscreen_aversion]: and so you like i understand all
your complaints but they're all wrapped

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: up into one thing complaint of they
were focused on this big ending

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: that made

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: zero sense less

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: than zero

[cobra]: no but

[onscreen_aversion]: sense

[cobra]: but here's i don't disagree with that
but i was mad before even knowing because

[cobra]: remember i'm not i don't know about

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[cobra]: so i believe i remember seeing something

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: on trailers or whatever about because it

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: on the

[_copernicumbledore]: they

[cobra]: game

[_copernicumbledore]: spoiled

[cobra]: too right

[_copernicumbledore]: it they spoiled yeah they spoiled that
in them

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: in the trailer too

[cobra]: but i was like even before i
knew that that was going to happen i

[cobra]: was mad i was like okay he

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: know how much it was going to
have to swim

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: the boats were there

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: and nobody knows how they got there

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: or how how they

[cobra]: and

[_copernicumbledore]: got them

[cobra]: then

[_copernicumbledore]: out to

[cobra]: and then because this was like the
combination right

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: nobody like

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: like you had met all this puzzles
were stupid and they were all like

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[cobra]: go

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: here to find another map to find
another map there to find another map there

[cobra]: to use the stupid crosses to make
up compass that thing was

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: like

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: how did he how did he

[_copernicumbledore]: no

[cobra]: you know i almost massaged

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: you and

[onscreen_aversion]: yes

[cobra]: he did that because that to me

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: had the feeling of the stupid dagger
from riselfskywalker

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: it was the

[onscreen_aversion]: you

[cobra]: same

[onscreen_aversion]: have to

[cobra]: feeling

[onscreen_aversion]: stand

[cobra]: i

[onscreen_aversion]: in

[cobra]: got

[onscreen_aversion]: the right spot on the side of
the water in order to let the dagger

[onscreen_aversion]: tell you if it's in the desart
if you had been standing

[cobra]: that

[onscreen_aversion]: five feet to the left you wouldn't
fucking know where anything

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: is

[cobra]: it's the same thing if he

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: turned the thin

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: o

[cobra]: round with the other side

[_copernicumbledore]: not

[cobra]: he would have landed in sucking our

[onscreen_aversion]: a hundred percent

[cobra]: or whatever

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: i don't know

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: but like nobody knew what that thing
was but it was he found it that's

[cobra]: fine because he did the math okay
and then he went under the bolts were

[cobra]: there dry dry land somehow

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: and it was conveniently open to the

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: and the joe whatever her

[onscreen_aversion]: brad

[cobra]: face

[_copernicumbledore]: radack

[cobra]: is shocked

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: the wall

[_copernicumbledore]: true

[cobra]: because she knew she could do that
too to get in and they all brought

[cobra]: ignifequipment to lift the

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: boat i was so mad at that

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: okay so you've repeated everything you complained
of before i said

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: why it happened and you

[cobra]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: said it again so you're really mad
i get it

[cobra]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: i'm not mad that they brought

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: helicopters to be able to lift things
because he don't now at they're geting into

[onscreen_aversion]: and it looks like they bought everything
like they said they had pitman on

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: the ground that is fine that is
not a complaint

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: it's not fine for me

[onscreen_aversion]: but it's just like

[cobra]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: it's

[cobra]: i told you it was

[onscreen_aversion]: but

[cobra]: pedantic

[onscreen_aversion]: the thing is like it it is
it in the realm of believeability would they

[onscreen_aversion]: have bought a lot of equipment because
the don't know wether they got to carry

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: as i told you eight armored cars
worth of gold so they would have brought

[onscreen_aversion]: things they

[cobra]: so

[onscreen_aversion]: could carry a heavy amount of gold

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: agreed

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: agreed to hand per cent

[_copernicumbledore]: ship tank or thing

[cobra]: what about the boats why did they

[onscreen_aversion]: because it's

[cobra]: nat

[onscreen_aversion]: the pictures

[cobra]: nat

[onscreen_aversion]: that's i don't know what the nets
are well thats because you could just

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: put the but that's actually makes sense
you could if you

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: at

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: the

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: gold you just put the gold in
the nets and carry

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: the nets of gold away that would
ave been

[_copernicumbledore]: especially

[onscreen_aversion]: perfectly logical

[_copernicumbledore]: especially if

[cobra]: because they knew that the place that

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: knew where it was would have axes

[onscreen_aversion]: well

[cobra]: the

[onscreen_aversion]: i don't

[cobra]: top

[onscreen_aversion]: think

[_copernicumbledore]: no

[onscreen_aversion]: they thought they could

[_copernicumbledore]: no

[onscreen_aversion]: fly

[_copernicumbledore]: no

[onscreen_aversion]: in the top

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: sorry chris

[_copernicumbledore]: correct

[onscreen_aversion]: go ahead you got this

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah what i was going to say
is the nets alone makes sense because

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: when they

[cobra]: fair that's

[_copernicumbledore]: when

[cobra]: fair

[_copernicumbledore]: they find like i don't think they
were planning for a boat i think that

[_copernicumbledore]: planning for like a deep sea excavation

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: of like it's probably sunk will need
nets to lift like we'll collect the gold

[_copernicumbledore]: into something if it's not intact

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: enough and is it that way but
the boats

[cobra]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: that was a stretch what i upset
about is that the movie got smart got

[_copernicumbledore]: smart and then got dumb again just
that the like

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: when like

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: nathan and chloe are like like catching
their breath like they're

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: they're taking like a like they got
air b and b and first of all

[_copernicumbledore]: it got it got smart on two
accounts one no sex scene good

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: great like they're working

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: to get

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: leave

[onscreen_aversion]: huge

[_copernicumbledore]: it alone great thank

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: you and then nathan does all

[cobra]: true

[_copernicumbledore]: the

[onscreen_aversion]: ye

[_copernicumbledore]: does all does a lot of the
discovery and research and puts it together fine

[_copernicumbledore]: and then leads her in the wrong
like he gives her a test and she

[_copernicumbledore]: fails thank you

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: he learns she follows for the

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: trap and he goes on his merry
way fine

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: and then they still managed to suck
it up like one of the one of

[_copernicumbledore]: the one of the smartest scenes that
showed a bit of growth that they just

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: threw away

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: after

[cobra]: yeah the very end is very unsatisfying

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: they go through all that trouble to
find it and it just sucks up they

[cobra]: get away

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: with like three pieces of things like
it's kind of unsatisfying

[_copernicumbledore]: what

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[onscreen_aversion]: that's

[_copernicumbledore]: will say to that i'll say real
quick to answer the question in terms of

[_copernicumbledore]: because it also dovetails into what happens
the next day that i had to answer

[_copernicumbledore]: for when you asked it based

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: on the like the like six or
seven p is that nathan grabbed that's

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: pretty much enough to find the next
adventure the next

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: hm

[_copernicumbledore]: excursion

[cobra]: for

[_copernicumbledore]: to

[cobra]: sure

[_copernicumbledore]: get them

[cobra]: for

[_copernicumbledore]: started

[cobra]: sure

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: that's all i'll say to that so
sorry go

[onscreen_aversion]: no

[_copernicumbledore]: ahead

[onscreen_aversion]: that's good and thank you for coming
back to that question

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: i asked i

[cobra]: yah

[onscreen_aversion]: appreciate you acknowledging the questions i ask
on the show someone has to we're going

[onscreen_aversion]: to move on from how all the
stupidest things i think

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: the the key stupid thing the entire
movie is the

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: compass things because it's just so so

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: and it

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: makes no sense and wasn't even necessary
i don't know why they had it's fun

[onscreen_aversion]: and how did you get a pscordintat
of that they were like round that even

[onscreen_aversion]: point to an actual point that is
pointed in a general area and it was

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: not important moving on past it

[cobra]: uh

[onscreen_aversion]: we got a script doctor the shit
out of this thing um

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: h oh man

[onscreen_aversion]: we haven't left ourselves much time so
do our best

[_copernicumbledore]: high level or what do you think

[onscreen_aversion]: high level because we do you know
let's skip a sequel um

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: m just skip talking

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[onscreen_aversion]: about

[_copernicumbledore]: makes

[cobra]: because

[onscreen_aversion]: the

[_copernicumbledore]: sense

[onscreen_aversion]: sequel

[cobra]: it's coming

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: probably

[_copernicumbledore]: that makes sense

[onscreen_aversion]: because i think it's more important to
get this movie right

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: the sequel

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: is just you know them on another
shady adventure so let's fix this movie so

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: that

[cobra]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: that the sequel of our our good
movie we made in the future so how

[onscreen_aversion]: what what like how are we fixing
this thing

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: based

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: on all right so we're not going
to i don't think i think we can

[_copernicumbledore]: we can leave the

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: somewhat lukewarm sam and and and nathan

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: opening intact i think that's okay in

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: orphanage we could leave that

[onscreen_aversion]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: i think

[onscreen_aversion]: but instead of it being the cold
opening warm opening

[_copernicumbledore]: sure

[onscreen_aversion]: let's just make it flash back truth

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: chop it up in the smaller scenes

[cobra]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: do some flash backs

[cobra]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: show why he has this knowledge instead
of a whole

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[onscreen_aversion]: big scene

[_copernicumbledore]: m yeah

[cobra]: and i think so that that kind
of dove tails into or nother of tales

[cobra]: but like that links into something i
wanted to do

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: which is something you mentioned mat which
i make nae be more

[onscreen_aversion]: right

[cobra]: savy and in the game already

[onscreen_aversion]: show show me yeah

[cobra]: show

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: me right and then as it shows
why he knows how to do and why

[cobra]: why he knows what to do y
and z

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: he learns from his brother

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: the arfanage

[onscreen_aversion]: great

[_copernicumbledore]: that makes sense

[cobra]: right in the flash backs

[onscreen_aversion]: because

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: in in the movie they do the
standard and even lowers like this is the

[onscreen_aversion]: theme from like ocean's

[_copernicumbledore]: ye

[onscreen_aversion]: twelve or whatever but

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: it's like he's just a

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: pick pocket right and and king sellydisk

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: verse gonna make

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: him more but it's just like now
he's like hey translate this book for me

[onscreen_aversion]: hey do all these things for him
and it just has no no connection right

[onscreen_aversion]: so you're right

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: like okay

[cobra]: yea

[onscreen_aversion]: he's a pick book but also he's
been secretly breaking into shite museums and fucking

[onscreen_aversion]: new england to like s paintings or
something right or like he's been ding

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: his own research

[cobra]: don't don't show

[_copernicumbledore]: a

[cobra]: only the failure

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: which is what

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: they do show them

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[cobra]: getting like doing stuff right

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: ah and

[_copernicumbledore]: go

[cobra]: all all of that fuel by that
that story that sam tells

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: is like oh we're you know descendents

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: of francis drake and that kind of
stuff i thought that that was nice i

[cobra]: don't know if it's in

[onscreen_aversion]: it

[cobra]: the

[onscreen_aversion]: is

[cobra]: game

[onscreen_aversion]: they still left from entred for

[cobra]: it's

[onscreen_aversion]: ah

[cobra]: damn it

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[cobra]: i'm trying to give this movie some

[onscreen_aversion]: well

[cobra]: credit

[onscreen_aversion]: i mean

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: it works in uncharted four because on
charter four is all about

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: his brother missing and he comes back
in the game like running

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: to him he just in the game
for a a large portion of it unlike

[onscreen_aversion]: in

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: this movie where he's

[cobra]: nice

[onscreen_aversion]: just dead so like they basically use

[cobra]: a tool

[onscreen_aversion]: of

[cobra]: he's a tool

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah they use most of the uncharted
for story in this movie

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: except they removed like his brother having
come back in that emotional way that harris

[onscreen_aversion]: and so sally

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: does all the work that his brother
does in the game the game your always

[onscreen_aversion]: with the brother and the bother is
helping you do stuff and the brother needs

[onscreen_aversion]: your nathan drake abilities

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: to find the treasure um

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: and and and sorry yeah soy in
the movie place the same character

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: from the video

[cobra]: got

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah okay

[_copernicumbledore]: i got something

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: so i agree with

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: i like what i'm hearing so what
do you think of opening like let's say

[_copernicumbledore]: let's just like like the first arc

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: like the first if we if we
think of like like chapter one two three

[_copernicumbledore]: of the movie

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: chapter

[onscreen_aversion]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: one

[onscreen_aversion]: good

[_copernicumbledore]: we open with m sully recruiting then
but it's a flash back and we jump

[_copernicumbledore]: into the high scene a lot sooner

[onscreen_aversion]: or like that so so they haven't
established relationship

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: when

[_copernicumbledore]: and

[onscreen_aversion]: we're going to the magellan boat stuff

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: right

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: where where sally can kind of like
okay this this this kid is trust worthy

[cobra]: enough for me to bring him in
my lifetime scheme

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: not just bring him in my lifetime

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: from the first yeah i like

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: that

[_copernicumbledore]: and we still use and i really
like the idea of like for each

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: kind of task nathan has to do
we get

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: we get we get the explanation

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: based off a flash back

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: just like he does

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: it so and

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: then we that kind of gets allows
us to chop the shirtless tom holland thinking

[_copernicumbledore]: and studying stuff

[onscreen_aversion]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: we don't need that

[cobra]: and and doing

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: pull ups and in the bunk

[_copernicumbledore]: muscle

[cobra]: bed

[_copernicumbledore]: ups

[cobra]: or whatever

[_copernicumbledore]: muscle ups

[onscreen_aversion]: ackalfanacis

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: number scene at the movie

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: galapadakis

[onscreen_aversion]: um

[_copernicumbledore]: fron

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i thought i'll take

[cobra]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: it galpin

[onscreen_aversion]: um it's fair now it's good because
i think they would those two would do

[cobra]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: a lot better if they had an
existent connection versus this antagonistic connection because why

[onscreen_aversion]: he come on this trip right so
now it's like

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: hey you ve always talked about this
this your brother's big score thing

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: i have you know i found this
map right i have a lead on you

[onscreen_aversion]: want to do it

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: um and then

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: it's because the whole idea

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: that like sally let his brother die
is just like why what like i done

[onscreen_aversion]: want emotional stakes in this movie but
like our conflict between the protagonist like the

[onscreen_aversion]: conflict her running away with their map
need also conflict between nathan and silly like

[onscreen_aversion]: there's just there's too much going on

[_copernicumbledore]: h

[onscreen_aversion]: the story line right you're trying

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: carry too much

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: m yeah

[cobra]: and while we're at it we need
to take away like we can't have all

[cobra]: of them being cock

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: like sassy i'm super arrogant chipped

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[cobra]: it doesn't work

[_copernicumbledore]: i think to that point i think
nathan should

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: have some talent and he and and
we get the flash backs and stuff but

[_copernicumbledore]: sully to that point sully sales he
taking him under his wing nathan independent and

[_copernicumbledore]: has his own like his own

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: personality and so on but it's like

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: an apprentice ship a protegee so i

[onscreen_aversion]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: feel like

[onscreen_aversion]: yeh

[cobra]: right

[_copernicumbledore]: nathan should

[cobra]: right

[_copernicumbledore]: be like are you sure and then
so he's like trust me stick to the

[_copernicumbledore]: plan something like that like a captain
in a number one

[onscreen_aversion]: and that that ties you back to
the video game sally in a much more

[onscreen_aversion]: meaningful way

[_copernicumbledore]: because salis a lot

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: smarter in the game

[cobra]: and that

[_copernicumbledore]: too sorry go ahead

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah oh

[cobra]: and then you can let you know
if solis supposed to be the cock sarcastic

[cobra]: guide let him beat that let and
let like nathan be a little bit more

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: idealistic i guess or like wide eyed

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: it's

[cobra]: if we're making him

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: younger

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: so yeah well in the game selliis

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: cocky

[cobra]: the straight

[onscreen_aversion]: but

[cobra]: man right

[onscreen_aversion]: well yes and no he's cocke

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: and but he's cocky because

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: he's seasoned right like

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: he has the experience

[cobra]: right

[onscreen_aversion]: to be cockie

[cobra]: his

[onscreen_aversion]: and

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: so nathan

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: drake isn't as coke as he plays
in this movie he has some you know

[onscreen_aversion]: quips and stuff but

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: you know it's you learned the experience
from sally you become that

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: because you get that experience from sly
so if he's young

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: he would have a lot less of
that he'd have it in certain situations but

[onscreen_aversion]: he would probably freak

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: out with the

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: plane

[cobra]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: situation right or like be like nervous
or an talk about it after like that

[onscreen_aversion]: was fucked up like not as

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: like

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah that's cool

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: that's what i normally do

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[onscreen_aversion]: on a saturday

[cobra]: i like be realistic

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: you mean

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[onscreen_aversion]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i have a

[cobra]: and

[_copernicumbledore]: go ahead

[cobra]: and then let let chloe be more
of a straight shooter

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: this in the dynamic

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: right she's always serious it's always business
with her

[_copernicumbledore]: hm hm

[cobra]: not like

[_copernicumbledore]: may

[cobra]: the whole banter ship

[onscreen_aversion]: well

[cobra]: it doesn't

[onscreen_aversion]: well

[cobra]: work i guess

[_copernicumbledore]: i like

[cobra]: because they don't have chemistry

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: they

[_copernicumbledore]: if we

[onscreen_aversion]: have decent

[_copernicumbledore]: actually

[onscreen_aversion]: chemistry

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: and

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: in the t there's like a bit
of a triangle

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: that goes on across the series and
stuff and between cloy and then another another

[_copernicumbledore]: character that that shows up eventually but
anyways i hear you on that luciano i

[_copernicumbledore]: have i have a blocker that i
need your help with guys

[onscreen_aversion]: yep

[_copernicumbledore]: when we're script

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: doctoring and that's cool

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: but i'm struggling i'm struggling based on
who we cast who we keep who is

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: nathan drake

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: in this if it's tom holland that
works for like the protege kind of thing

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: but

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: like if we for example go with
a different slightly older nathan drake someone who's

[_copernicumbledore]: not as boyish

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: right then

[onscreen_aversion]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm

[cobra]: well

[_copernicumbledore]: not sure how to slit them

[cobra]: this

[_copernicumbledore]: in

[cobra]: is script

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: doctor not script rewriting

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: entirely

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[cobra]: right

[_copernicumbledore]: know but

[onscreen_aversion]: the way i see chris is where
we're filming the movie we have our actors

[onscreen_aversion]: cast and as

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: we

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: film it we realize certain things aren't

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: and so we try

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: to slightly adjust them by rewriting large
loss of the acts

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: and i

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: only

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: put that to us because i think
the having the constraint of you have to

[onscreen_aversion]: do with the actors

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: that are

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: picked keeps us from this not being
an entire episode on its own

[_copernicumbledore]: got

[onscreen_aversion]: let's

[_copernicumbledore]: it

[onscreen_aversion]: you know wrap it up

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: in

[cobra]: that's

[onscreen_aversion]: ten

[cobra]: fair

[onscreen_aversion]: fifteen minutes versus

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: an hour because now you're recasting everybody

[_copernicumbledore]: got

[onscreen_aversion]: then

[_copernicumbledore]: it

[onscreen_aversion]: you know if you're recasting

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: everybody then you can probably open up
the script and just write an entirely new

[onscreen_aversion]: one which

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: probably needed to happen

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: but we don't have time to cover

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: okay so we

[cobra]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: stick

[cobra]: think

[_copernicumbledore]: to it

[cobra]: on that note i think we have
to we would have to in the middle

[cobra]: in the second act where they're going
around solving that puzzle we we have to

[cobra]: improve just the pay off not not

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: i like that it's to get to
the map but that it's too comfy there's

[cobra]: too much built up to now we're
going to use these crosses to do this

[cobra]: puzzle and the puzzles are not interesting

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: and the pay off

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: is kind of low so i think
we have to speed that part up and

[cobra]: make the puzzles more engaging

[_copernicumbledore]: speed it up i don't i don't
disagree with like

[cobra]: cut some parts

[_copernicumbledore]: i thought okay

[cobra]: because it's it's too

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: much those puzzles are too stupid and
it takes too long for a very

[onscreen_aversion]: like

[cobra]: shifty

[onscreen_aversion]: you don't

[_copernicumbledore]: so

[cobra]: pay

[onscreen_aversion]: need

[cobra]: off at least

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[cobra]: in my

[onscreen_aversion]: the

[cobra]: opinion

[onscreen_aversion]: thugs

[_copernicumbledore]: huh

[onscreen_aversion]: show up at the club you don't

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: need um sally to fight braddock in
papa john's

[_copernicumbledore]: pa john's placement product placement like this
movie had to get funded somehow

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: but

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i love that it was papa as
it was such

[cobra]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: a break in fucking yeah

[cobra]: yeah it was funny

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[cobra]: like

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: it's

[onscreen_aversion]: right

[cobra]: so completely unexpected it just walks into
a papa john's is like fucking what's going

[cobra]: on

[_copernicumbledore]: the only thing that was

[cobra]: but

[_copernicumbledore]: missing going

[cobra]: i think

[_copernicumbledore]: sorry it's cool

[cobra]: just to kind of complete the start

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: is i liked the first thing that
they did where they turned clockwise instead of

[cobra]: counter

[_copernicumbledore]: sure

[cobra]: clockwise and like shot stuff

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: i like i would have liked for
it there to have been more

[_copernicumbledore]: traps

[cobra]: traps that way

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: there were

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: a couple where like oh you go
the wrong way there's like some

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: arrows

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: and the drowning the drowning

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: thing was actually

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: cool the idea

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: of it the whole you have to
trust your

[onscreen_aversion]: sophia

[cobra]: fellow

[onscreen_aversion]: should

[cobra]: man

[onscreen_aversion]: have saved

[cobra]: thing

[onscreen_aversion]: nathan drake not the other way around

[_copernicumbledore]: true true true

[onscreen_aversion]: they

[_copernicumbledore]: true

[onscreen_aversion]: needed to give asiancy

[cobra]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: to the female character s not just
make them side pieces to the men doing

[onscreen_aversion]: whatever they want like

[_copernicumbledore]: true to

[onscreen_aversion]: i guess they gave a little asian

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: c to brad

[cobra]: i

[onscreen_aversion]: because

[cobra]: like

[onscreen_aversion]: she

[cobra]: that

[onscreen_aversion]: murdered

[cobra]: change

[onscreen_aversion]: antonio

[_copernicumbledore]: sam

[onscreen_aversion]: banderas but that was

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: just

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[onscreen_aversion]: like

[_copernicumbledore]: too and the father

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah well she did that because antonio
told her to do it

[_copernicumbledore]: m hm

[cobra]: and and it would have made much
more sense because she is used to doing

[cobra]: this ship with sally and nate is
the the sort

[onscreen_aversion]: yes

[cobra]: of rooke

[onscreen_aversion]: exactly

[cobra]: guy right would have made more sense
for her to her wits about

[onscreen_aversion]: this

[cobra]: her

[onscreen_aversion]: is

[cobra]: in

[onscreen_aversion]: the

[cobra]: that

[onscreen_aversion]: problem

[cobra]: situation

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: with his characters

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: that he becomes an expert instantaneously without
earning it

[_copernicumbledore]: m m

[cobra]: on

[onscreen_aversion]: he

[cobra]: everything

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: is

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: the ray of this starward story

[cobra]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: yea

[cobra]: no more parallels

[onscreen_aversion]: and the diad is

[cobra]: is

[_copernicumbledore]: is

[onscreen_aversion]: him and

[cobra]: the

[onscreen_aversion]: sally

[cobra]: two of them

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: even sadly sure sure

[onscreen_aversion]: i digress

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[cobra]: i like that

[onscreen_aversion]: so

[cobra]: idea

[onscreen_aversion]: act

[cobra]: i like

[onscreen_aversion]: an

[cobra]: that idea

[onscreen_aversion]: act who

[cobra]: of flipping that

[onscreen_aversion]: generally needs to end with conflict or
like not conflict but like it's like

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: another star wars reference

[_copernicumbledore]: no

[onscreen_aversion]: but like you know the empire strikes
back right so

[cobra]: the

[onscreen_aversion]: so

[cobra]: empire

[onscreen_aversion]: how do

[cobra]: strikes

[onscreen_aversion]: they

[cobra]: back

[onscreen_aversion]: so

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: i think it still ends on on
sophia is that sophia or is that the

[onscreen_aversion]: actress's name chloe

[_copernicumbledore]: chloe

[cobra]: that's the actress's

[onscreen_aversion]: okay

[cobra]: name it's glory

[onscreen_aversion]: chloe

[_copernicumbledore]: a

[onscreen_aversion]: takes the map to antonio pendesa's character
because i think being betrayed by her is

[onscreen_aversion]: a good down

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: note

[cobra]: yeah but i

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: will change two things one i would

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: not have her point the gun and
blah blah blah blah blah i would have

[cobra]: her knock him out without him seeing
it still in the map running away and

[cobra]: it wasn't that she was already hired
by antonio bandaras she goes there

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: because she knows she's going to need
money for

[onscreen_aversion]: yea

[cobra]: the trip and everything and she doesn't
have it so she's like this idiot that

[cobra]: you hired is incompetent hire me fire
her or something like

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: that and then he takes it like
she's like i like your gumption or something

[cobra]: like that he would do

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: right

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: something

[_copernicumbledore]: so she's

[cobra]: like that instead of it being

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: so like

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: it's so again it's so

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: contrived that you would have already been
working for him and already wanted to be

[cobra]: trained she's like oh because this movie
was like oh she's a nice person but

[cobra]: she's also a dick like you have
to pick a lane in that case for

[cobra]: me

[_copernicumbledore]: humans are

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: can be more complicated than that and
i think they fail like we're trying to

[_copernicumbledore]: fix it now but they failed at
explaining to

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: us as to why she has this

[cobra]: why

[_copernicumbledore]: her motive like not

[cobra]: exactly

[_copernicumbledore]: a strong of motivation so it's like
how do we fix that because like the

[_copernicumbledore]: because

[cobra]: it just exists right it has no

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: reason

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: and santiago

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: hired

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: both and actually liked that for santa
s like i hired

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: her at the same time as i
hired you

[onscreen_aversion]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: because i like to diversify my my
portfolio sacco

[onscreen_aversion]: that is fine but as my wife

[cobra]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: out to me

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: if he is smart enough to know
is dad's going to get away the money

[onscreen_aversion]: and he's smart enough to hire multiple
people he's got to be smart enough to

[onscreen_aversion]: not get killed like a little bitch

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: by braddock

[_copernicumbledore]: i agree

[cobra]: i agree

[_copernicumbledore]: he should have had like someone

[cobra]: i

[_copernicumbledore]: should

[cobra]: agree

[_copernicumbledore]: have like i would i would respect
the story more if like he had his

[_copernicumbledore]: loyalists and they got taken out by
braddock's crew

[onscreen_aversion]: sure

[_copernicumbledore]: but that didn't happen and maybe that's

[cobra]: like

[_copernicumbledore]: we do

[cobra]: he was expecting he was expecting the
betrayal but couldn't

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: like he tried to fight it but
in the end he didn't

[_copernicumbledore]: you

[cobra]: is

[_copernicumbledore]: overpowered

[cobra]: that what you're saying

[_copernicumbledore]: i guess

[cobra]: like he fought he

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: fought it but then he got over

[onscreen_aversion]: sure

[cobra]: yeah like she won

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: in

[onscreen_aversion]: at

[cobra]: the

[onscreen_aversion]: least

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: end i

[onscreen_aversion]: let

[cobra]: like

[onscreen_aversion]: him

[cobra]: that

[onscreen_aversion]: know it's gonna

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: let him play it out that he's
not an idiot because like and then this

[onscreen_aversion]: is to go back to chris as

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: thing there's no motive for bradduck to
do that like at no point does like

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: i mean they try to ply it
office like she keeps failing and he like

[onscreen_aversion]: gets mad at her and

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: treats her like a bad employee but

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: it's just like ye but she is
bad she is very

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: bad at her job

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: so he's just telling her

[cobra]: and and she's not even

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: loyal

[onscreen_aversion]: she he's just telling

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: her she's bad at her job and

[_copernicumbledore]: ye

[onscreen_aversion]: he's a villain so like yeah he's
being a dickaboutit but it's just like that's

[onscreen_aversion]: the motivation is

[_copernicumbledore]: a

[onscreen_aversion]: lacking there like if she she did
everything she could

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: and something really dumb happened then

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[onscreen_aversion]: you know

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: it would be

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[onscreen_aversion]: something

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: that she

[_copernicumbledore]: see

[onscreen_aversion]: could be mad about but she just

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: was bad at her job and let
people escape and like

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: no

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i i agree but here's the here's
the challenge the additional challenge santiogo was i

[_copernicumbledore]: don't think santiago was a dick of
a boss to her i think he like

[_copernicumbledore]: giving her chance after chance after chance

[onscreen_aversion]: exactly

[_copernicumbledore]: like like it made like the motive
want of course

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: no motive and to unjustified like

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: give braddock enough of a motive enough
agency to your point to like how swallow

[_copernicumbledore]: this pill like she just she just
plucks him off the board as if he

[_copernicumbledore]: was nothing like a feather and

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: it made no sense because

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: he was kind of good to her
he was

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: just diversifying he was just hedging his

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[onscreen_aversion]: you can't get

[cobra]: and smart

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: enough

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: right that he hired two people to
do the

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: same job

[_copernicumbledore]: so where does that leave us now
okay so we're we're thinking about chapter two

[_copernicumbledore]: and we have chapter three left

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: right then lois steals the thing

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: goes back to santiago um i feel
like there's so like the map has been

[_copernicumbledore]: stolen

[onscreen_aversion]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: what the

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: like there's still the keys i feel
like the keys and the map should have

[_copernicumbledore]: been stolen

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: somehow and then like it becomes chase
scene like sellin and and and nathan have

[_copernicumbledore]: to really

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: use all of their their their abilities
to get back on track get stuff back

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: and try to see if they can
pull out a what do

[onscreen_aversion]: so

[_copernicumbledore]: you think

[onscreen_aversion]: so i think there

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: is a third

[_copernicumbledore]: may

[onscreen_aversion]: clue i think the third clue of
the missing clue that his brother told them

[onscreen_aversion]: i think that's a good

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: it works

[_copernicumbledore]: post card

[onscreen_aversion]: its it's maybe the postcards but it's
like it is

[_copernicumbledore]: sure

[onscreen_aversion]: a good um it's a good trope
that you used often but you know the

[onscreen_aversion]: national treasure used at i think in
every movie they made but like it works

[onscreen_aversion]: because it's like it's the person being
an actual expert

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: versus versus just being

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: shampine and

[cobra]: lucky

[onscreen_aversion]: just having a loss of money shnbine
antonia mandara

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: tell me the'r

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: diferent characters

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: they're

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: not

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah i like it's like rewarding expert
the experts

[onscreen_aversion]: right

[cobra]: of the

[onscreen_aversion]: so

[cobra]: person like you found this because you're

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: at

[onscreen_aversion]: and

[cobra]: it

[onscreen_aversion]: so to lucian's point all the post
guards create the puzzle or the answer to

[onscreen_aversion]: the puzzle because

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: he carries around like let's call him
eighteen twenty puzzles

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: or twenty postcards

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: he puts

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: all those post cards

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: together and somehow they point to the
missin peace and so that's

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: how they get back

[_copernicumbledore]: that they're

[onscreen_aversion]: on track

[_copernicumbledore]: able

[onscreen_aversion]: because they know those guys

[_copernicumbledore]: there you go

[onscreen_aversion]: are going to the wrong spot but
the missing piece and i think in this

[onscreen_aversion]: case because you want to set up
the conflict the missing piece has to be

[onscreen_aversion]: like a code or key or something
else you need to

[_copernicumbledore]: kay

[onscreen_aversion]: do when you get to the place

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: you

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: unlock a

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: treasure

[cobra]: right

[onscreen_aversion]: so that

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: means they're both in the same spot

[cobra]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: instead of like it's a different location
on the g p s but it just

[onscreen_aversion]: happens to be like

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: you know with the fucking stone throwing
distance of braddock and our gang

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah and that way

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: they're they're

[cobra]: i like

[_copernicumbledore]: they're

[cobra]: that

[_copernicumbledore]: both they're all on the same collision
course and neither can progress without the other

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah that works

[_copernicumbledore]: m okay

[onscreen_aversion]: and then

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: we

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[onscreen_aversion]: cut

[_copernicumbledore]: did not

[onscreen_aversion]: the weird

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: compass bullshit

[cobra]: ah m

[onscreen_aversion]: with the keys

[cobra]: please

[onscreen_aversion]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: maybe the compass

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: is

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: sorry not the compass maybe the keys
are like because they look like solid gold

[_copernicumbledore]: so maybe they're still

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: they once again still need to be
used together but not in the fashion that

[_copernicumbledore]: that was described

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: maybe

[onscreen_aversion]: sure

[_copernicumbledore]: they just need to fucking go into
and unlock some

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: ship

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: they could have scaled up i think
this would have

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: been interesting opportunity to scale up the
last puzzle like

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: like the last puzzle again with location
this this this idea

[onscreen_aversion]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: of like trust

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: your fellow man i think would have
been a really interesting theme to bring back

[_copernicumbledore]: like nathan and sully like this is
their first mission maybe like if this is

[_copernicumbledore]: early days maybe but if t were
on this this this this island or this

[_copernicumbledore]: like like the philippines or whatever maybe
one person has to go to like top

[_copernicumbledore]: of a mountain and the other person
has to go to

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: somewhere on the beach or whatever to
respectable distances away from each other and they're

[_copernicumbledore]: like actually using and co ordinating with
their ear pieces to like really give us

[_copernicumbledore]: that like

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: race against time

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: we have to coordinate and we each
have to like they

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: have

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: to talk to each other they got
to work to work with each other in

[_copernicumbledore]: the other in the two separate locations
that's kind of my thought there

[onscreen_aversion]: yes

[cobra]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: if

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: only

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: if the solution to the puzzle isn't

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: one that requires you to have walkytoxis
to talk to each other because

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: there is no way in a

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: billion

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: years that these guys would have set
up this and puzzles

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: two hundred years ago and like it's

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: walk talk as they'll figure it out

[cobra]: yeah yeah it has to be

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: it has to be even like because

[_copernicumbledore]: ah

[cobra]: they can talk to each other because

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: so far away they absolutely have to
trust each other like in a way that

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: let's say if

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: one person turns the thing and the

[onscreen_aversion]: sure

[cobra]: other one

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: doesn't like when one of them gets
gets hurt

[_copernicumbledore]: they

[cobra]: or

[_copernicumbledore]: could

[cobra]: whatever

[onscreen_aversion]: the

[_copernicumbledore]: do

[onscreen_aversion]: sun

[cobra]: again

[onscreen_aversion]: sun aid high noon

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: or it's midnight or it's like

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: something that anybody can see visually

[_copernicumbledore]: that's right

[onscreen_aversion]: then they have to

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: do and if they don't do it
both at the same

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: time then maybe it's like they die
or like there's something ominous

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: we

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: can

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: get that clue

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: we can they can they can infer
that based on all the post card

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: question clue so like before they like
they have their game playing like so wait

[_copernicumbledore]: a minute sounds like this is going
to be a midnight thing well well we

[_copernicumbledore]: just just got to go and see
trust like just just have a little

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: faith nathan kind of thing maybe it's
like that or maybe the roles have reversed

[_copernicumbledore]: a little bit because

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: nathan is good at puzzles

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: and it's like the

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: i think this is it m

[cobra]: another detail that could

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: be

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: there is the reason why sam sends
all of those post cards with the the

[cobra]: tip isn't because he figured out some
like ludicrously impossible puzzle is cause before he

[cobra]: gave the stupid

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: i

[cobra]: journal journal to sally

[onscreen_aversion]: ah

[cobra]: he took the last pages

[onscreen_aversion]: all right indiana

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[onscreen_aversion]: jones

[cobra]: pages that tell how to open yeah
it works

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah but we can create something different

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: we don't have to just steal from
every other movie

[cobra]: not that one works

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: but sure like

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: i'm just saying like it has to
be something that makes sands

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: those people would know like if they
wanted to go pick up their treasure they

[cobra]: needed

[onscreen_aversion]: if we're

[cobra]: to

[onscreen_aversion]: stealing

[cobra]: know

[onscreen_aversion]: from movies

[cobra]: how to do it

[onscreen_aversion]: let's steal from

[cobra]: uh

[onscreen_aversion]: from iron man three where like his
dad sets up like

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: all the all the pieces

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: to make the new element but he

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: actually sin this is it right and
we don't have to go into the whole

[onscreen_aversion]: jarvis has been ike you can't make
this tony makes in like ten minutes ecause

[onscreen_aversion]: that's stupid but like

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: his brother

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: gives him he's collected all the puzzle
pieces but nathan

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: saw what's the puzzle

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: get

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: it

[cobra]: because because sam didn't have

[onscreen_aversion]: right

[cobra]: a piece of it

[_copernicumbledore]: not even

[cobra]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: open to that but i also think
this is kind of what's interesting

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: about a partnership and and what's what's
special about sam and nathan and sully and

[_copernicumbledore]: nathan

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: is

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: that each person like each whether sam
and sully are interchangeable

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: whatever but nathan his gift is puzzles
or like um i guess you could say

[_copernicumbledore]: synthesis right

[cobra]: gotta

[_copernicumbledore]: so

[cobra]: gotta

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: you

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: need you need you need that partnership

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: in order to

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: progress and

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: if it's different slightly with sully

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: sully is like older and more seasoned
cool but the co relation between amon nathan

[_copernicumbledore]: and sully and nathan is that nathan

[cobra]: right

[_copernicumbledore]: processes his interest his history and figuring
things out in that sense

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: it's like they

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: need the nate factor

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: to solve the puzzle and neither of

[_copernicumbledore]: similar

[cobra]: have it

[_copernicumbledore]: to national

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: treasure and nick cages character like he's
been on this

[cobra]: cause he knows so much

[_copernicumbledore]: correct

[cobra]: about it yeah yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: that could be

[cobra]: okay

[_copernicumbledore]: his talent slash gift which is so
that's okay so e're

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: in it now i'm liking where this
is going guys so where we're in act

[_copernicumbledore]: three we're

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: getting pretty close on this i like

[onscreen_aversion]: yes

[_copernicumbledore]: it

[onscreen_aversion]: i think really then you just have
to have

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: the final conflict

[_copernicumbledore]: a

[onscreen_aversion]: between braddock goons

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: um

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: and i think you have you have
um claudia claudia is that i i just

[onscreen_aversion]: make

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[onscreen_aversion]: up names for this person

[_copernicumbledore]: chloe

[onscreen_aversion]: clo

[cobra]: cloe

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah i am making up names cloe

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: she is basically

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: let's say brad kills anton we never
decided on that but let's just say she

[onscreen_aversion]: does after like justifiable conflict she

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: captures cloe

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: and chloe s a prison and so
they go and

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: they save her as part of the
final conflict um you know maybe she comes

[onscreen_aversion]: and they use her as bait to

[_copernicumbledore]: my

[onscreen_aversion]: the treasure

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: standard wrote answer and then they have
to go and get the treasure

[cobra]: ye

[onscreen_aversion]: back or do something and that's where
the final conflict comes from

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: and as long as we're not lifting
boats out of places i'm pretty pretty satisfied

[cobra]: uh

[onscreen_aversion]: by the conflict

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: you know

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: okay go ahead go he

[cobra]: i was gonna say i don't mind
necessarily that the boats exist i just just

[cobra]: has to be in a way that
makes sense and the fight can be on

[cobra]: the

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[cobra]: boat somehow

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[cobra]: but just not

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: with them flying around

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[cobra]: helicopter

[_copernicumbledore]: that's also

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: where i was going

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: i think the whole i think the
final showdown should take place in that cavern

[_copernicumbledore]: grotto whatever you want to and call

[cobra]: like gone style

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[cobra]: right

[_copernicumbledore]: which would play off of that vibe
a little bit and i think it would

[_copernicumbledore]: give

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: a lot more grandeur

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: to that discovery and everything taking place
there like they should have just faking copied

[_copernicumbledore]: the same gone set piece and that
would have like like there's only like c

[_copernicumbledore]: g i is great

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: but there's you can't really there's something
to be said about like that that physical

[_copernicumbledore]: and i

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: think if they if they pulled that

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: off like what i'm really trying

[onscreen_aversion]: ye

[_copernicumbledore]: to say is

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: leave the extraction of the

[onscreen_aversion]: yah

[_copernicumbledore]: gold and the ships for like if
the bad guys win let them take care

[_copernicumbledore]: of that

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: at the end of the movie or

[onscreen_aversion]: after the

[_copernicumbledore]: our

[onscreen_aversion]: credits

[_copernicumbledore]: post right let the whole thing unfold
fucking right in that set piece and give

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: us that time to see how everything
plays out the only sort of tweak that

[_copernicumbledore]: i would actually offer to you guys
is that chloe let herself get caught because

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: maybe this gives her more if as
to what she really is looking to do

[_copernicumbledore]: with herself she wants to get to
the treasure maybe she's still sided with sally

[_copernicumbledore]: and nathan anyway i don't know thoughts

[onscreen_aversion]: i'm here for it you know i
think that that that you could you could

[onscreen_aversion]: add that extra layer

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: and i think that's kind of i
think it's one of the story lines in

[onscreen_aversion]: the video game

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: so i might tie back to the
video game better she's getting

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: letting yourself

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: get couped she's working

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: with them instead of the three way
antagonistic relationship that just is a waste of

[onscreen_aversion]: everyone's time in

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: the movie um

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: so i think that

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: would work and you know i think
i think the boats make

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: sense but i think you have to
have water involved moving a rushing water i'm

[onscreen_aversion]: not saying they got to be on
the ocean but like

[_copernicumbledore]: waterfall

[onscreen_aversion]: the boats

[_copernicumbledore]: or

[onscreen_aversion]: are

[_copernicumbledore]: something

[onscreen_aversion]: on the edge of something and they
can fall

[_copernicumbledore]: o

[onscreen_aversion]: off or people can fall off so
it's like there's a because he you have

[onscreen_aversion]: the final

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: fight

[cobra]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: you just want to you viualywant to
tie up all the loosen o the bad

[onscreen_aversion]: guys right you want get rid of
them and so

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: with the way at

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: stage you know basil you have to
ask you're asking nathan drake and sully

[_copernicumbledore]: so

[onscreen_aversion]: to just shoot everybody in the face
and i think

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: it's better if like like what

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: they

[cobra]: oh

[onscreen_aversion]: have the boats in the air and
he they can knock people off and they

[onscreen_aversion]: take a lot and they die they
just disappear right they want to show any

[onscreen_aversion]: blood they want to show any gore
clearly so the boats are on the

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: ledge of water maybe one of

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: the boats starts to fall and falls
into the water that how they lose one

[onscreen_aversion]: but giving

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: more danger to to rescuing the gold
off the ships

[_copernicumbledore]: i love that

[onscreen_aversion]: in the

[_copernicumbledore]: because

[onscreen_aversion]: cave they find

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: i love that because i just i

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: just been doodling and point blank i
can already see like these two these two

[_copernicumbledore]: boats

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: on like some sort of waterfall held
together with like two hundred year old like

[_copernicumbledore]: like ingenuity pillars and

[onscreen_aversion]: yah

[_copernicumbledore]: ropes and all that ship and it's
still a trap it's also a trap

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: so that would be pretty cool

[cobra]: i was gonna i was gonna say
it could be part of what happens when

[cobra]: you opened the place with

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: the

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: last puzzle

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: like it causes like it was there
was some sort of like something holding that

[cobra]: waterfall

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: like or something like

[onscreen_aversion]: sea

[cobra]: that

[onscreen_aversion]: water

[cobra]: and then

[onscreen_aversion]: starts

[cobra]: it

[onscreen_aversion]: rushing

[cobra]: opens

[onscreen_aversion]: in

[cobra]: and

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: exactly and now now you have you're

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: on a timer to get the fucking

[_copernicumbledore]: that's

[cobra]: goat

[_copernicumbledore]: right

[cobra]: out right and then it's all of
the conflict solid ones it's

[onscreen_aversion]: wow

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: the timer of the

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: water it's everybody getting together the same
place beating their ship out of each other

[_copernicumbledore]: that's

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: awesome

[onscreen_aversion]: m

[cobra]: m

[_copernicumbledore]: go us

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: are we what

[cobra]: yeah i

[_copernicumbledore]: are

[cobra]: like

[_copernicumbledore]: we

[cobra]: that

[_copernicumbledore]: are we missing anything because we've got
the pressure of time we've got life and

[_copernicumbledore]: death we've got a gun fight or
or because like that's swat that swash buckling

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: and

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: hoist the main anchor stuff was just

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: like you you could you could

[cobra]: all of that was awful

[_copernicumbledore]: if push comes you can probably

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: sandwich one someone throws a sword because
like they're out of something for a

[onscreen_aversion]: sure

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: minute like

[onscreen_aversion]: it works if you're not flying through
the air and helicopters i think

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: it would come off better if it's
just being on actual boats and having to

[onscreen_aversion]: deal with the stuff that's around you
and then it's it's justifiable

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: that and like you know like that
the oldness of the boats come is the

[onscreen_aversion]: factor and comes into play in a
way that's meaningful not hey we just lifted

[onscreen_aversion]: eight sucking armored vehicles of gold in
these sucking ricketold two hunder year old boats

[onscreen_aversion]: and they are holding up

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: and until you hit

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[onscreen_aversion]: the someone kicks you into the ledge
and then you

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: somehow fall off like just

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: give me plausible reality

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: okay

[onscreen_aversion]: here in the scenarios

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: yes

[cobra]: yeah they should still lose most of
the treasure

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: right

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah sure i mean that's fine then
then they're not rich and you can set

[onscreen_aversion]: up another movie i'm fine with that

[cobra]: so

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[cobra]: yeah on that note i think what
would have been good is you know those

[cobra]: franchises where the actual like the main
villain you can ever kill him because it's

[cobra]: like a cock roach

[_copernicumbledore]: santiago is like

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: like the not santiago

[onscreen_aversion]: just he comes back

[cobra]: i mean

[_copernicumbledore]: a

[cobra]: if santieggles

[onscreen_aversion]: he just gets a bandage around his

[cobra]: i

[onscreen_aversion]: neck

[cobra]: like talking was

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: you

[cobra]: both time see stick on

[_copernicumbledore]: think

[cobra]: the eagle

[_copernicumbledore]: god demi

[cobra]: like that kind of ship

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: hm

[cobra]: that's mexican

[_copernicumbledore]: listen

[cobra]: races but

[_copernicumbledore]: i

[onscreen_aversion]: what

[_copernicumbledore]: don't i used what i had

[onscreen_aversion]: uh

[_copernicumbledore]: i apologize

[cobra]: since mao no i could if if

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: santiago

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: survived him i meant braddock in the
last fight like they get rid of all

[cobra]: the goons but she's like

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: runs away when she says she's going
to lose

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: so she can come back to bother

[onscreen_aversion]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm

[onscreen_aversion]: uh

[cobra]: in the

[_copernicumbledore]: fine

[cobra]: second

[_copernicumbledore]: with

[cobra]: move

[_copernicumbledore]: that let her grow sure

[onscreen_aversion]: um m

[cobra]: stead of

[_copernicumbledore]: no

[cobra]: being

[onscreen_aversion]: m

[cobra]: like hit with a sack of gold

[onscreen_aversion]: i was

[_copernicumbledore]: like

[cobra]: in

[onscreen_aversion]: fine

[_copernicumbledore]: why

[cobra]: the

[onscreen_aversion]: if

[_copernicumbledore]: does

[onscreen_aversion]: he

[cobra]: face

[_copernicumbledore]: he catch it

[cobra]: that

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: i was gonna say she jumped

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: to catch it it's so dumb

[onscreen_aversion]: i found that if you give her
more more

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: reasons to do things then she's

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: fine as a villain to have come
back again

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: especially if she's actually good at like
treasure hunting instead

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: of as awful as she appears to

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: uh

[onscreen_aversion]: all right

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: good

[cobra]: i think

[onscreen_aversion]: job

[cobra]: we

[onscreen_aversion]: everybody

[cobra]: did i think this is it's a

[onscreen_aversion]: listen

[cobra]: better

[_copernicumbledore]: i'm

[cobra]: movie

[_copernicumbledore]: proud of is

[cobra]: not that

[onscreen_aversion]: i'm going

[cobra]: it was

[onscreen_aversion]: to use

[cobra]: hard

[onscreen_aversion]: this to do actual sego

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: if you agree with us if you

[_copernicumbledore]: my

[onscreen_aversion]: disagree with us if you think there
are better things to fix in this movie

[onscreen_aversion]: if you think this movie is the
greatest movie of all time you're wrong one

[onscreen_aversion]: per

[_copernicumbledore]: you're

[onscreen_aversion]: cent

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: wrong

[onscreen_aversion]: and you

[_copernicumbledore]: period

[onscreen_aversion]: you should just stop

[cobra]: it's just the wrongest

[onscreen_aversion]: just

[_copernicumbledore]: real

[onscreen_aversion]: stop

[cobra]: you've

[onscreen_aversion]: watching

[cobra]: ever

[onscreen_aversion]: movies

[cobra]: been eh

[onscreen_aversion]: talking general

[_copernicumbledore]: evaluate your life choices

[onscreen_aversion]: many of them

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: like all new visual entertainment

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: is

[onscreen_aversion]: no

[cobra]: not

[onscreen_aversion]: maybe

[cobra]: for

[onscreen_aversion]: you

[cobra]: you

[onscreen_aversion]: should

[cobra]: if

[onscreen_aversion]: stick

[cobra]: you

[onscreen_aversion]: to

[cobra]: think

[onscreen_aversion]: audio

[cobra]: this movie

[onscreen_aversion]: books

[cobra]: is good

[onscreen_aversion]: from now on be

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: that as it may

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: please let us know hit us up
we're back to

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: twitter i guess i don't know it's
like it's still

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: there lan's an idiot

[cobra]: ah

[onscreen_aversion]: people are still using it

[_copernicumbledore]: yah

[onscreen_aversion]: so you can hiss up on twitter
at your wrong cast

[_copernicumbledore]: as

[onscreen_aversion]: we

[cobra]: a

[onscreen_aversion]: do have

[cobra]: yep

[onscreen_aversion]: the

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: website w w

[_copernicumbledore]: believe

[onscreen_aversion]: w

[_copernicumbledore]: they do

[onscreen_aversion]: dot

[_copernicumbledore]: really

[onscreen_aversion]: ron cast dot c a

[_copernicumbledore]: twenty three

[onscreen_aversion]: we got an email address that's how

[_copernicumbledore]: m

[onscreen_aversion]: twenty three we are your wrong cast
at email dot com

[_copernicumbledore]: that's right

[onscreen_aversion]: um

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: those are the three primaries

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: let us know let us know

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: if spencer would you think spencer would
have tought of this movie

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: that

[cobra]: spencer who would have either i absolutely
loved it and just ate up

[_copernicumbledore]: oh

[cobra]: the whole in charted thing or he
would be like a matrix for thing where

[cobra]: he was like within an inch of

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[cobra]: his life away one of the other

[onscreen_aversion]: he would have hated i'm sure

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: i adored the

[cobra]: ah

[_copernicumbledore]: game series and so i totally

[onscreen_aversion]: oh

[_copernicumbledore]: feel let down by what

[onscreen_aversion]: fun

[_copernicumbledore]: they've served up

[onscreen_aversion]: really fun game is highly recommended to
the first one that may have on aged

[onscreen_aversion]: twelve but if you can get your
hands on like four or like there's a

[onscreen_aversion]: there's a collection

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: they rely on p c since you

[_copernicumbledore]: true

[onscreen_aversion]: play station check that out definitely definitely
worth it

[cobra]: yeah i was definitely play for i
think it's on my wish

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[cobra]: list anyway so

[onscreen_aversion]: it's old

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: so you should be able to find
it pretty easily for now

[_copernicumbledore]: now

[onscreen_aversion]: i am

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: matt

[cobra]: i am the man called luciano

[_copernicumbledore]: am not spencer and apparently uncharted two
began production this year and the sequel is

[_copernicumbledore]: apparently supposed to hit in twenty twenty
five so we'll see if they

[cobra]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: take any ideas from what we've offered
up and learned there m lesson yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[onscreen_aversion]: yeah

[_copernicumbledore]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

Creators and Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
90. You're Wrong About How Wrong You Are About "Uncharted"
Broadcast by