T.A.X.E.S. | You're Probably Right About "The Contractor"
Because you almost certainly haven't watched it, and that's *exactly* how things should remain.
For the third installment in the T.A.X.E.S. series, the nerds decided to pick a less-known Wesley Snipes movie to discuss, and the one they went with was The Contractor!
Now, at this point, you might be asking yourself "isn't The Contractor a Chris Pine movie released earlier this year?". And you'd be right, it is. But that's not the movie I'm talking about. Nope, I'm talking about 2007's The Contractor, starring Lena Headey and Charles Dance (and Wesley Snipes, obviously). That's right, Cersei and Tywin Lannister are up in this bitch!
But don't get your hopes up, because not even they couldn't save this dreck. There's a reason — a very good reason — why you never heard of this atrocity of a movie before. Also, you probably noticed this episode is just shy of 2h long... when have you ever seen these crusty old farts talk for that long about a good movie?
Now, at this point, you might be asking yourself "isn't The Contractor a Chris Pine movie released earlier this year?". And you'd be right, it is. But that's not the movie I'm talking about. Nope, I'm talking about 2007's The Contractor, starring Lena Headey and Charles Dance (and Wesley Snipes, obviously). That's right, Cersei and Tywin Lannister are up in this bitch!
But don't get your hopes up, because not even they couldn't save this dreck. There's a reason — a very good reason — why you never heard of this atrocity of a movie before. Also, you probably noticed this episode is just shy of 2h long... when have you ever seen these crusty old farts talk for that long about a good movie?