T.A.X.E.S. | You're Probably Right About "The Contractor"
[pay_cheque_collector]: hello welcome to your wrong it is
your fearless leader matt
[spinner]: so enthusiastic
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: yea
[pay_cheque_collector]: just the enthusiasm now but
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: no no no no bout no bounds
[cobra]: wow
[pay_cheque_collector]: over
[limpin_priest]: yes
[pay_cheque_collector]: here
[cobra]: no
[limpin_priest]: yes
[cobra]: holds barred
[limpin_priest]: no no no
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: no bounce a nother one too
[pay_cheque_collector]: i am a professional
[cobra]: no no
[pay_cheque_collector]: podcasti'm
[cobra]: bound
[pay_cheque_collector]: a professional podcaster
[cobra]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: i
[spinner]: bob
[cobra]: so are
[spinner]: up
[cobra]: all of us
[pay_cheque_collector]: have
[spinner]: podcaster
[cobra]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: caster
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: pod
[limpin_priest]: thought caster
[pay_cheque_collector]: cast thought caster that's that's that's it
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: thought caster
[cobra]: i like
[spinner]: uh
[cobra]: it
[spinner]: patten
[cobra]: i thought
[spinner]: pending
[cobra]: caster
[limpin_priest]: ah it goes
[pay_cheque_collector]: let me
[spinner]: ye
[pay_cheque_collector]: cast
[cobra]: we
[pay_cheque_collector]: these thoughts into your ear holes
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: with me as always
[cobra]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: who has called himself the limping priest
[limpin_priest]: what's up
[spinner]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: uh yeah
[limpin_priest]: pimping
[pay_cheque_collector]: that's a
[limpin_priest]: pimping
[pay_cheque_collector]: thing
[limpin_priest]: and trying not to get that limping
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: see he's professional too
[cobra]: i'm
[spinner]: ah
[cobra]: i'm uncomfortable
[spinner]: yes
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: well that's great that's the second member
the cast or third i guess you count
[pay_cheque_collector]: me
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: and with us we
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: have a long time guest spencer back
[spinner]: long
[pay_cheque_collector]: again
[spinner]: time long first time long time hey
[limpin_priest]: do
[spinner]: guys
[cobra]: every fucking
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[cobra]: time you say this
[limpin_priest]: don't
[spinner]: so
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[limpin_priest]: do
[spinner]: happy
[cobra]: getting better catch phrase
[limpin_priest]: no not
[spinner]: so
[limpin_priest]: even
[spinner]: excited
[limpin_priest]: that
[cobra]: fuck
[spinner]: so excited to be a part of
the show
[limpin_priest]: it's a it's a memory condition something
happened to his
[spinner]: no
[limpin_priest]: sarah
[spinner]: it's
[limpin_priest]: bellum
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: just this
[limpin_priest]: so
[spinner]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: is
[spinner]: just
[pay_cheque_collector]: momento
[spinner]: can't
[limpin_priest]: it's fifty first dates for him every
[pay_cheque_collector]: is
[spinner]: i
[limpin_priest]: time
[pay_cheque_collector]: he
[spinner]: just
[pay_cheque_collector]: tattoo
[spinner]: can't believe i'm
[pay_cheque_collector]: is
[spinner]: talking
[pay_cheque_collector]: he tattooing
[spinner]: to you guys
[cobra]: fifty
[pay_cheque_collector]: his arms
[cobra]: first episodes
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: fifty
[spinner]: i'm pinch
[cobra]: first guest appearances
[spinner]: i'm pinching
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: he
[spinner]: myself talking to you guys for the
first time
[pay_cheque_collector]: you
[limpin_priest]: no
[cobra]: we
[pay_cheque_collector]: really
[cobra]: don't
[limpin_priest]: self
[cobra]: we
[limpin_priest]: harm
[cobra]: don't need to
[spinner]: sorrel
[cobra]: know that
[limpin_priest]: we don't condone
[cobra]: we don't
[pay_cheque_collector]: first
[cobra]: need
[limpin_priest]: self
[cobra]: to know
[limpin_priest]: harm
[cobra]: that
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: you're
[cobra]: now
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: guys you're just as awful in person
[limpin_priest]: wow
[cobra]: probably
[pay_cheque_collector]: thank thank you
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: that's
[spinner]: he
[cobra]: probably
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: true
[spinner]: happy
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[spinner]: to be here
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: get that back to the positive note
speaking of positive notes were on a hike
[pay_cheque_collector]: of pose here for a somber note
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: i guess by the time you're hearing
[limpin_priest]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: this it will be the last week
last week
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: famed voice actor kevin conroy passed away
he holds a near and dear place in
[pay_cheque_collector]: all of our hearts
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: as the preeminent voice of a batman
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: he was the
[cobra]: if
[pay_cheque_collector]: voice
[cobra]: there
[pay_cheque_collector]: of batman
[cobra]: ever
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: was someone
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: who was bad man that's kevin conroy
[pay_cheque_collector]: more
[limpin_priest]: we
[pay_cheque_collector]: than bale more than any other other
people that portrayed
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: him in the films he
[limpin_priest]: yes
[pay_cheque_collector]: has his voice was iconic
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: for that role
[limpin_priest]: s
[pay_cheque_collector]: and where sat go he past way
due to complications not complication but can't related
[pay_cheque_collector]: they didn't specify what it was but
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: cancer related
[cobra]: fuck
[limpin_priest]: okay
[cobra]: it
[pay_cheque_collector]: cancers
[cobra]: sucks
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: is killing super
[limpin_priest]: of ship
[pay_cheque_collector]: heroes now i'm not a fan of
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: if i'm honest
[spinner]: yeah it's it's
[pay_cheque_collector]: hm
[spinner]: a real bummer that one hit me
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[spinner]: pretty hard
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: i have a lot of friends not
all my friends grew up watching the animated
[spinner]: batman so i don't rally have a
lot o people to talk to about it
[spinner]: in my circle so i was weird
i was like sitting with it but it
[spinner]: wasn't like i could go to some
one be like kevin conroy died a lot
[spinner]: o people don't know
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: who he is but it was like
two things that stood out to me when
[spinner]: thinking about him it's like one like
he's like the voice of my childhood like
[spinner]: you know he like was there when
i was growing up as a kid
[limpin_priest]: hm
[spinner]: and i was part of my entire
growing up as my favorite show
[limpin_priest]: h
[spinner]: and also
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: i found this for a lot of
people when i read comics batman comics i
[spinner]: hear his voice
[limpin_priest]: hell yes
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: you know
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: like that's how you
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: know he's bad man
[cobra]: definitely
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: and it
[cobra]: that's
[spinner]: will
[cobra]: exactly
[spinner]: never
[cobra]: what i meant
[spinner]: he will never be
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: replaced and all right
[cobra]: and he did for me i so
i watched
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: m a lot less of the animated
series than what i did watch was in
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: was dubbed
[limpin_priest]: hm
[cobra]: back home
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: but he did do the voice in
some of the arum games and i played
[cobra]: those a lot
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: so it's like even though it comes
from a different place
[spinner]: exactly
[cobra]: it's the same with me every time
i read something if there's something
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: in bad man's voice that's his vice
in my head no question about it
[limpin_priest]: i'm
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: so thankful
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: um that that we got to have
such a
[spinner]: i
[limpin_priest]: top tier actor to help breathe life
into one of our favorite super heroes end
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: arcomnite is my favorite batman game period
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: as soon as you start off
[spinner]: for
[limpin_priest]: and like
[spinner]: sure
[limpin_priest]: there's just before the bat mobile gets
really like he calls for it like the
[limpin_priest]: cop is like what do you do
and he's like evening the it gives me
[limpin_priest]: chills and i love it
[cobra]: yeah yeah
[limpin_priest]: and i love him for that right
and then like little some of you may
[limpin_priest]: be aware but he actually played bruce
wayne in
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: one of the c w shows there
was major cross over
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: in bat
[spinner]: ah
[limpin_priest]: woman and he was an
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: older bruce wayne wearing an x o
skeleton from all of that battle damage so
[spinner]: he
[limpin_priest]: he played animated
[spinner]: i
[limpin_priest]: bruce wain vat man and i r
l like flesh and blood
[cobra]: nice
[limpin_priest]: bruce wain so he's
[cobra]: lie of action
[limpin_priest]: he's got both halves of it so
there like completely
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: mind blowing and fantastic that he gets
to have that like it's almost like getting
[limpin_priest]: an e got you know what i
mean like he's got both halves and so
[limpin_priest]: it's heartbreaking to lose someone who
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: cares that much about one of our
[cobra]: we're
[limpin_priest]: one of
[cobra]: young
[limpin_priest]: our heroes
[cobra]: to
[limpin_priest]: exactly sixty six
[cobra]: something
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: like that
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: sixty six yeah one of the interesting
pieces of his legacy will
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: be now and i guess
[limpin_priest]: ah
[pay_cheque_collector]: you know looking back on it now
he did it for a very specific reason
[pay_cheque_collector]: what was the cancer and all but
he wrote a comic
[limpin_priest]: yes
[pay_cheque_collector]: and was released this year during
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: d c's pride event
[limpin_priest]: hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: and i basically talked about him becoming
batman and finding batman and helped that journey
[pay_cheque_collector]: helping him realized who what his
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: identity was some in the l g
b t q plus world um and i
[pay_cheque_collector]: guess the good news is that you
can read that for free right now d
[pay_cheque_collector]: c is made
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: free
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: so everybody
[spinner]: i'm going
[pay_cheque_collector]: can
[spinner]: to
[pay_cheque_collector]: read
[spinner]: read
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: that
[pay_cheque_collector]: it by jumping to the d c
universe application
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[cobra]: that's
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: nice
[pay_cheque_collector]: i'll probably check it out as well
then they would be
[limpin_priest]: hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: interesting read
[spinner]: the the last thing i want to
say about
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: kemicgonro is his his contribution to the
character like a lot of people played bat
[spinner]: man but i think he developed batman
into what we know as i think he
[spinner]: was the first person say that bat
man bruce wayne was the mask and the
[spinner]: batman was the real person and like
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: he like that's become such a huge
part of the character but i think that
[spinner]: he made that sort of realization earlier
in recording
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: the bad man animated series and then
i feel like a lot of what he
[spinner]: put in became part of the law
[limpin_priest]: hm
[spinner]: not
[limpin_priest]: my
[spinner]: just playing it but also really helping
it become
[cobra]: definitely
[spinner]: deep deeper so yeah that that
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: one really really yeah
[limpin_priest]: ye
[spinner]: really bumped me really
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: really
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: him and like if patrick stewart dies
when he dies i'm sure you will are
[spinner]: like the ones that i'm like
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: a
[spinner]: hit me hardest because that i've grown
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: up with them you know as
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: like influences
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: on just as a person you know
teaching morals and stuff though bummer
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: est in power king
[spinner]: yeah legend
[pay_cheque_collector]: um one one voice piece of work
that kevin conroy did but i think you
[pay_cheque_collector]: should all check out outside of that
man i think it's really pivotal
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: was his turn as merman masters of
the universe revelation
[limpin_priest]: yes i watched that that was awesome
[pay_cheque_collector]: um highly recommended
[cobra]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: and on that stellar
[cobra]: nice
[pay_cheque_collector]: note let's jump into our regular schedule
podcast we are in deep into the season
[pay_cheque_collector]: of taxes
[limpin_priest]: m sure
[pay_cheque_collector]: and just in case you were one
what taxes stand for
[limpin_priest]: hit
[pay_cheque_collector]: it
[limpin_priest]: him
[pay_cheque_collector]: is tacon absorbing
[limpin_priest]: hm m
[pay_cheque_collector]: x ray enhanced snipes
[limpin_priest]: m m
[cobra]: cool
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: our friend wesley snipes
[spinner]: p p p
[limpin_priest]: our friend
[pay_cheque_collector]: stared
[cobra]: our friend but
[pay_cheque_collector]: acted
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: our old chum
[pay_cheque_collector]: our guy
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: was
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: name start erected he was involved in
a movie called the contractor
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: and before we go too far into
this i want to be clear here
[spinner]: her
[pay_cheque_collector]: this is a movie that was released
in two thousand and seven
[limpin_priest]: yep
[pay_cheque_collector]: not in there was a contractor that
came out in twenty twenty two and that
[pay_cheque_collector]: stars chris pine that came
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: out in april i don't know if
that would be as good or not all
[pay_cheque_collector]: i can tell you is we did
not watch that version
[limpin_priest]: nope
[pay_cheque_collector]: on verse
[spinner]: it's
[pay_cheque_collector]: we
[spinner]: probably
[pay_cheque_collector]: did watch
[spinner]: better than this
[pay_cheque_collector]: spoiler alert is definitely better than this
[spinner]: uh
[cobra]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: this movie is a two thousand and
[spinner]: a
[pay_cheque_collector]: action thing
[spinner]: and
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: a boy doesn't
[cobra]: thing
[spinner]: show its age
[pay_cheque_collector]: joseph's
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: age starting west the snipes eliza bennett
ahead lay charles stant ralph around
[limpin_priest]: hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: don't worry about that too much it's
not really important let's get into it i'm
[pay_cheque_collector]: gonna go first because i need to
get it off my chest
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: in our ranks of
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: legend a
[limpin_priest]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: truggling down to vendor trash this is
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: vender trash is made of this could
not be a worse movie the story makes
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: no sense the tograpy makes no sense
the characters
[spinner]: oh yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: make no sense the only person i
respecting this movie is charles dance for dying
[pay_cheque_collector]: thirty minutes into it because he just
got paid and got out
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: get the fuck
[cobra]: this
[spinner]: out
[cobra]: is
[spinner]: of
[cobra]: the
[spinner]: there
[cobra]: equivalent
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: it's the equivalent of
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: what happened to laura
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: dorn
[limpin_priest]: yes
[cobra]: on
[limpin_priest]: i was going to say that was
[cobra]: cold pursuit
[limpin_priest]: yes
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: he
[pay_cheque_collector]: exactly
[limpin_priest]: burned it
[cobra]: give me the money i'm out
[spinner]: i think he had to pay some
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[spinner]: he's like
[pay_cheque_collector]: i assume that's
[limpin_priest]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: what it is
[spinner]: in and out
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: um yeah so i don't have much
more to say but we'll get into my
[pay_cheque_collector]: feelings as we talk about this god
first dakin hell hole of a movie who
[pay_cheque_collector]: wants to the ranking next spencer why
not you get into
[spinner]: i'll
[pay_cheque_collector]: it
[spinner]: go i gotta say that was the
weirdest game of thrones episode i've ever
[limpin_priest]: he
[spinner]: seen
[cobra]: no incestuous sex whatsoever
[limpin_priest]: i've never seen more black
[spinner]: like
[limpin_priest]: people
[spinner]: a modern take with like the land
asters were cops
[limpin_priest]: h
[spinner]: it was it was
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: weird
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: john
[limpin_priest]: hm
[spinner]: snow as
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[spinner]: wesley snithsianyways
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: is that
[spinner]: that
[limpin_priest]: black face
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: it was it was very offensive
[cobra]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: oh oh
[spinner]: um
[cobra]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: i have so many things
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: to say about this movie will save
it for as the podcast goes but yeah
[spinner]: i wouldn't say this movies complete vender
trash i would say
[pay_cheque_collector]: whoa
[spinner]: it is whatever slightly above endertrash is
like common
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: but like the lowest uncommon sorry uncommon
like the lowest
[cobra]: no it's common
[pay_cheque_collector]: no
[spinner]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: it's
[cobra]: it's
[spinner]: it's
[pay_cheque_collector]: common
[spinner]: common
[cobra]: common
[spinner]: why
[pay_cheque_collector]: it's
[spinner]: you
[pay_cheque_collector]: common
[spinner]: try
[pay_cheque_collector]: i'm just
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: i'm just arguing that you're putting
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: it as common
[spinner]: no i'd say it's like the bottom
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: of common bender trash is something that
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: is truly awful when i was watching
this i at least was like okay it's
[spinner]: like a totally buy the numbers
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: no
[spinner]: shifty movie but i would say
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: whatever the bottom rung of common lower
[pay_cheque_collector]: we don't really have a which is
common we don't really have
[spinner]: i'm
[pay_cheque_collector]: like
[spinner]: going
[pay_cheque_collector]: a
[spinner]: to call it vendor
[pay_cheque_collector]: hell
[spinner]: common
[limpin_priest]: common
[pay_cheque_collector]: all right
[limpin_priest]: vendor
[spinner]: it's
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[spinner]: a common vendor
[limpin_priest]: we sell
[spinner]: it was
[limpin_priest]: toper
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[limpin_priest]: ware it's off brand
[spinner]: it was pretty bad but
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: it was like i've seen worse movies
[limpin_priest]: m oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay okay
[spinner]: put it on
[pay_cheque_collector]: you're
[spinner]: the box
[pay_cheque_collector]: wrong you're wrong
[spinner]: i've
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: seen
[pay_cheque_collector]: obviously
[spinner]: worse movies
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: goes right at the top of
[pay_cheque_collector]: this
[spinner]: the
[pay_cheque_collector]: is
[spinner]: headline
[pay_cheque_collector]: trash
[cobra]: yeah not the contractor not the worst
[pay_cheque_collector]: i'm gonna i'm gonna jump to lucian
becase i know he'll back me up luciano
[pay_cheque_collector]: please
[cobra]: unfortunately i will not back you up
[pay_cheque_collector]: fuck you
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: for those reasons
[spinner]: that
[limpin_priest]: for those reasons
[cobra]: no no so so to
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: me
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: it started off all right but like
i don't know if i only noticed
[limpin_priest]: women
[cobra]: it at the end or if it
became worse at the end but every everything
[cobra]: towards the last twenty minutes of the
movie just became progressively shadier progressively more nonsensical
[cobra]: and the fucking
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: camera
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: working sinemotography
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: of
[spinner]: my
[cobra]: this
[spinner]: god
[cobra]: is
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: just true every single thing had zooms
[spinner]: it was hilarious
[cobra]: and like
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[cobra]: and like
[spinner]: flash
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: cuts
[cobra]: like
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[cobra]: flash cuts and like sounds
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: of car camera shutters
[spinner]: and
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: like
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: freeze
[cobra]: what the
[spinner]: frames
[cobra]: fun was
[spinner]: and like random
[cobra]: so
[spinner]: freeze
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: frames
[cobra]: was very yeah and like
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: zooming
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: and zoom out and
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: and
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: losing focus
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[cobra]: and gaining like what the so
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: i
[cobra]: i think i found out why the
synemotography this is so bad because the synemetography
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: was made by an individual quote and
i sit you not
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: when they go vonshutsodorf
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: i am not kidding
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: what
[cobra]: suddenly
[pay_cheque_collector]: who
[cobra]: everything makes sense that
[pay_cheque_collector]: who is this person
[cobra]: the due
[limpin_priest]: when to
[cobra]: this
[limpin_priest]: go
[cobra]: when digovonshutondorf
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: when to go do
[cobra]: so
[spinner]: we need
[cobra]: now
[spinner]: do we need a snap
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: zoom a flash
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: cut
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: and a freeze frame all in this
shot of him walking out of a building
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: yes yes and be
[spinner]: ah
[cobra]: be glad i didn't put some
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: lens flared there so
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: to me this started
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: like by the middle of the movie
it was like ah this is a common
[cobra]: but it became so to use our
[spinner]: course
[cobra]: our
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: rating to like the utmost extent
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: this is not a common that dropped
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: off a mob this is a common
you bought at the vendor
[limpin_priest]: uh
[cobra]: because you needed it
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: and now
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: you have too much of it and
you have to sell it back so it's
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: almost vender
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: trash but not quite
[spinner]: i
[cobra]: it
[spinner]: think
[cobra]: was
[spinner]: we're on
[cobra]: it
[spinner]: the
[cobra]: was
[spinner]: same
[cobra]: entertaining
[spinner]: page
[cobra]: like it was like three quarters of
it was
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: entertaining
[pay_cheque_collector]: no
[cobra]: and then just
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: nose dived
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: i disagree chris
[limpin_priest]: this was hard to get through and
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[limpin_priest]: i had and i had like
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: i did a double feature like the
week before i watched rising sun and contractor
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: back to back it was it was
very stressful
[cobra]: that was a bad day that was
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: bad day
[limpin_priest]: i did it for the cast i
bleed you're wrong right
[spinner]: because
[limpin_priest]: so
[spinner]: you're
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[spinner]: a professional thought caster
[limpin_priest]: i'm a
[pay_cheque_collector]: you
[limpin_priest]: professional
[pay_cheque_collector]: you are
[limpin_priest]: thought
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: caster
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: and not the kind that like works
his ass now
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: the thing with the contractor is that
[spinner]: no
[limpin_priest]: for
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: me it was vendor trash it was
very confusing to
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[limpin_priest]: experience
[pay_cheque_collector]: this man gets it
[spinner]: was it confusing
[limpin_priest]: i listen listen i said it was
confusing to experience see
[spinner]: that i understand
[limpin_priest]: i felt like
[cobra]: ah
[limpin_priest]: i was watching a movie right but
then going through it beat by beat chapter
[limpin_priest]: by chap it stacks up like made
for t v movie
[spinner]: yes
[limpin_priest]: that went to theaters
[pay_cheque_collector]: it didn't go to theaters
[limpin_priest]: it
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: feels like it but it fails at
that do
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: yo know what i'm saying
[pay_cheque_collector]: what
[cobra]: i see what you mean
[limpin_priest]: so it
[cobra]: like
[limpin_priest]: misses
[cobra]: it
[limpin_priest]: the mark and i'm like i feel
like i should be getting
[cobra]: it thinks
[limpin_priest]: more
[spinner]: a
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: out of this you know what i
[cobra]: it thinks
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: too highly of
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: itself is what you're saying
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: no i feel like i feel like
i've been robbed of my time
[cobra]: okay
[limpin_priest]: i feel like
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: i should be getting like like look
at the cast alone
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: i'm like oh my god as soon
as i saw lina hetty and charles dance
[limpin_priest]: i was like ship this is going
to be great like even
[pay_cheque_collector]: ye
[limpin_priest]: when we were deciding like the roster
for our our our ark for westley i
[limpin_priest]: like this movie is about to be
a banger
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: we've got so many other fuggers in
this no no
[cobra]: op
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: it was pre pre game
[cobra]: i'll
[spinner]: of thrones
[cobra]: tell
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: success for lena hadley
[cobra]: i'll tell you i'll tell you what
though the person that the actress
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: the actor that that really stole every
since she was in was eliza bennett the
[cobra]: girl emily
[limpin_priest]: kid
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: she was
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: like
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: she
[spinner]: a
[cobra]: was like
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: she stole everything she was including the
ones with wesley snipes
[limpin_priest]: ah
[cobra]: and with lena harry and just
[limpin_priest]: you know who stole the show
[cobra]: i
[limpin_priest]: for me finish
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: de fensemon
[cobra]: no i was just going to say
i wasn't expecting i was expecting
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: her to just be like an annoying
kid in
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: the movie
[limpin_priest]: huh
[cobra]: but actually she
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[cobra]: is sort of like the heart
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: of the movie which is
[pay_cheque_collector]: hey
[cobra]: bad because
[pay_cheque_collector]: hey
[cobra]: this is a
[spinner]: a
[cobra]: diseased movie so
[pay_cheque_collector]: hey luciano
[cobra]: anyway
[pay_cheque_collector]: we got a category for
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: this if you wanted to fall along
with the format of the podcast
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: okay is that how we do things
[pay_cheque_collector]: generally
[limpin_priest]: is
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: that
[pay_cheque_collector]: i can
[limpin_priest]: holy
[pay_cheque_collector]: hear spencer
[limpin_priest]: do things
[pay_cheque_collector]: we need
[limpin_priest]: structure
[pay_cheque_collector]: to pause
[cobra]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: spencer can't record
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: you have a heart drive issue oh
abe maybe
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: just
[limpin_priest]: my god
[pay_cheque_collector]: maybe
[limpin_priest]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: yourself a hard reset
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: re
[limpin_priest]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: start everything
[limpin_priest]: if we get any money somehow
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: some day we need to get spencer
a new machine
[pay_cheque_collector]: bet's combing
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: computer for job
[limpin_priest]: you can expense it
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[limpin_priest]: we
[pay_cheque_collector]: m oh
[limpin_priest]: need we need it we need to
we need to start filing some some tax
[limpin_priest]: claims
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: so
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[limpin_priest]: wait
[pay_cheque_collector]: and then and then restart your whole
computer as well just to make sure it's
[pay_cheque_collector]: clear and
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: clean yeah start the entire computer
[cobra]: i started the whole computer
[limpin_priest]: turn it off
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: it will clear cash it will clear
your ram and i'll clean up anything that's
[pay_cheque_collector]: like things will get cleaned off and
computer properly if there for a long time
[pay_cheque_collector]: so it'll just clean everything up
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: you can restart
[cobra]: just
[pay_cheque_collector]: the
[cobra]: started
[pay_cheque_collector]: computer
[cobra]: is fine
[pay_cheque_collector]: but restart the computer not just like
the browser
[limpin_priest]: a moment
[cobra]: if you want man you can cut
that part when i was talking about the
[cobra]: actress
[pay_cheque_collector]: i believe it and it's a
[cobra]: okay yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: it's a beautiful syce hey spencer are
you restarting or what gets un out of
[pay_cheque_collector]: here you're still here okay
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: it worked
[pay_cheque_collector]: um it's a perfect segu
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: honestly into
[cobra]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: even when spencer
[cobra]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: comes back it's an easy segu just
to go into into the actual first question
[cobra]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[cobra]: completely forgot
[pay_cheque_collector]: that's fine
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: like i was like because i wanted
so much to like
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: pay her a compliment because i the
first moment she shows up in this movie
[cobra]: was like a funk
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: talk about it in the in the
[pay_cheque_collector]: i
[cobra]: the recording
[pay_cheque_collector]: didn't care for i didn't notice her
acting because i didn't understand why she was
[pay_cheque_collector]: in the movie in the first place
[limpin_priest]: it was very odd for me
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: but
[pay_cheque_collector]: it's like literally we'll talk about it
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: problem
[cobra]: let's
[pay_cheque_collector]: my biggest
[cobra]: hold
[pay_cheque_collector]: probe
[cobra]: it
[pay_cheque_collector]: with this thing is literally none of
the story makes any sense
[cobra]: yeah the
[pay_cheque_collector]: and
[cobra]: start
[pay_cheque_collector]: we i'll dick into it
[cobra]: we'll talk about it
[pay_cheque_collector]: i don't want to i want to
rage on it but we're so
[limpin_priest]: yah
[pay_cheque_collector]: close to recording that i shouldn't before
[limpin_priest]: h
[pay_cheque_collector]: we talk
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: record
[limpin_priest]: h a so i'm on i am
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: d b and i had the contract
i have the contractors um like page up
[limpin_priest]: and there's
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: it plays its trailer first but like
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: music players it continues to play
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: other trailers i'm seeing something garbage movies
i never knew existed and
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: half of me is like maybe we
should and so many of the and two
[limpin_priest]: of them have danny trio in it
and i'm like
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[limpin_priest]: oh man
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: why daddy why don't tarnish your
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: brand with this with this nonsense
[pay_cheque_collector]: or do
[limpin_priest]: built
[pay_cheque_collector]: you want to watch bud possession
[limpin_priest]: i saw the flash of that and
i was like now and then there was
[limpin_priest]: another trailer called the msomniac and for
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[limpin_priest]: an out of the corner of my
eye thought
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: i saw a knock off chris farley
in it but it wasn't it was meant
[limpin_priest]: to be like a thriller like my
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[limpin_priest]: and now it's on to some kind
[cobra]: not
[limpin_priest]: movie called the gun fighter something
[cobra]: this
[pay_cheque_collector]: uh
[cobra]: is a movie that was
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: shot and down by the river
[limpin_priest]: i wish it had because this thing
looks bad oh the other one that daddy
[limpin_priest]: traasinis called
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: cow
[pay_cheque_collector]: force of execution
[limpin_priest]: no cowboy dreams
[pay_cheque_collector]: i think we should watch force of
execution be
[limpin_priest]: what
[pay_cheque_collector]: it
[limpin_priest]: is
[pay_cheque_collector]: stars
[limpin_priest]: that
[pay_cheque_collector]: it's a dandy tree it stars let's
see her ving rams when he's still alive
[limpin_priest]: oh and stephen segalisin
[cobra]: wow
[limpin_priest]: i saw that that trailer
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[limpin_priest]: flashed up to
[pay_cheque_collector]: ye
[limpin_priest]: that looks like such a turn we
might enjoy
[pay_cheque_collector]: right
[limpin_priest]: that oh
[cobra]: looks like that's a third
[pay_cheque_collector]: then and then i'm in the same
thing you're in chris
[limpin_priest]: h yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: how did we miss bad asses on
the bayou
[limpin_priest]: what is that i
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: don't know if
[pay_cheque_collector]: it's a
[limpin_priest]: i'm just going to write it down
[pay_cheque_collector]: it's a rated our
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: action comedy with danny dreodannic lover john
[limpin_priest]: at is it called
[pay_cheque_collector]: bad asses on the bayou
[limpin_priest]: bad
[pay_cheque_collector]: i mean it's
[limpin_priest]: days
[pay_cheque_collector]: got
[spinner]: this
[limpin_priest]: on
[spinner]: is
[limpin_priest]: the bar
[pay_cheque_collector]: it's got try hok lover john
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: amos and then lani love
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: i don't know who is
[spinner]: yo what up
[pay_cheque_collector]: hey welcome back
[cobra]: it
[limpin_priest]: oh forced entry okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: looking okay looking good
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: um
[limpin_priest]: you're sharper
[cobra]: so far
[pay_cheque_collector]: m right so i'm going to sagua
off of whatever sueing off of before
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: uh
[pay_cheque_collector]: and we'll get right into
[limpin_priest]: h
[pay_cheque_collector]: the first
[limpin_priest]: a
[pay_cheque_collector]: question
[limpin_priest]: like a glove
[spinner]: yes
[pay_cheque_collector]: all right
[limpin_priest]: ward
[pay_cheque_collector]: i'll just give it a couple of
[cobra]: right
[pay_cheque_collector]: seconds
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: here
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes we actually do have a categoa
for that
[spinner]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: so why don't we just seaway into
that and you can finish your thoughts on
[pay_cheque_collector]: it it
[cobra]: all
[pay_cheque_collector]: is
[cobra]: right beat that way
[pay_cheque_collector]: the infamous question of best character um
luciana wanted you to tell us who you
[pay_cheque_collector]: thought was the best character
[cobra]: my favorite character was inspector
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: bullet no i'm kidding i actually really
liked i really liked the
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: as i was saying i was so
sure the moment she appeared
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: when he gets to that stupid safe
house that like okay we'll talk about it
[cobra]: later because that safe
[pay_cheque_collector]: hm
[cobra]: house is not safe in any
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: way
[pay_cheque_collector]: we
[cobra]: shape or form but like when he
gets to that
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: random apartment
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: where the guy apparently lived
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: hm
[cobra]: like
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: without you know
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: and she jumps in and she comes
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: about her cat and all that i'm
like funk this is going to be the
[cobra]: kid who's going to
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: play his like
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[spinner]: conscience
[cobra]: morality
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: or
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: conscience or whatever it is like
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: he's like oh if i
[spinner]: like
[cobra]: see your
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: cat i'll send it over to no
okay i don't have a cat i'm like
[cobra]: okay
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: i
[cobra]: and then
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: you
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: tell it she's a little too good
at being like a liar
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: and
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: all that stuff like it's kind of
[spinner]: she
[cobra]: non
[spinner]: knows
[cobra]: believe
[spinner]: when you're
[cobra]: able but
[spinner]: lying because
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: she's
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: a liar
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah liars can tell
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: when other people are lying
[spinner]: say
[cobra]: listen
[spinner]: it again
[cobra]: she can't
[spinner]: movie
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: she can't
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: uh
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: she
[spinner]: h
[cobra]: can't
[spinner]: uh
[cobra]: you know
[spinner]: h
[cobra]: help the script but i actually
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: enjoyed the character guess just because she
surprised me by not being completely
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: annoying and i like like i said
i like eliza bennet
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: acted on
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: it so
[spinner]: she quickly
[cobra]: that
[spinner]: became his accomplice he just like
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: did not mind
[cobra]: she was
[spinner]: bringing
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: her
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: into this like national crime
[pay_cheque_collector]: it's
[cobra]: and
[pay_cheque_collector]: fine
[cobra]: she's
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: like no i'm going to go in
there and see if there's a cup but
[cobra]: why because you eat it obviously there's
going to be a cop there no she
[cobra]: becomes better than him at this ship
like if it wasn't for
[spinner]: he's
[cobra]: her she'd be dead
[spinner]: he's terrible
[cobra]: he's been
[pay_cheque_collector]: he's the worst at this but
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: we'll get into
[spinner]: he's
[pay_cheque_collector]: that
[cobra]: he's
[pay_cheque_collector]: category
[cobra]: the
[spinner]: the
[cobra]: worst
[pay_cheque_collector]: later
[spinner]: worst
[pay_cheque_collector]: that's
[spinner]: of
[pay_cheque_collector]: another
[spinner]: this
[pay_cheque_collector]: category
[cobra]: okay so emily for me
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[spinner]: can't wait
[pay_cheque_collector]: i'll go next
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: um it's d c s andrew windsor
half because
[cobra]: because
[pay_cheque_collector]: he
[cobra]: he
[pay_cheque_collector]: dies
[cobra]: died so early
[limpin_priest]: uh
[pay_cheque_collector]: it is a lot of that but
also his character made sense he operated like
[pay_cheque_collector]: a smart person he was brought in
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: my
[pay_cheque_collector]: it was an international thing he is
the director i guess of the copse
[limpin_priest]: hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: the local police
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: scotland
[cobra]: superintendent
[spinner]: yard
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah i guess scotland yard they're very
like they kind of don't say anything but
[pay_cheque_collector]: say stuff like that like they talk
about scotland at a low but they don't
[pay_cheque_collector]: say like why just regular cops from
scotland yard would be handling i don't know
[pay_cheque_collector]: but that's neither here nor thar but
at least he makes logical leaps and like
[pay_cheque_collector]: when he's talking to the the weird
british guy
[limpin_priest]: yep
[pay_cheque_collector]: and like collins and i don't know
how any of that works
[limpin_priest]: hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: you can't really hand wave
[cobra]: that's
[pay_cheque_collector]: that whole thing to be
[cobra]: that scene
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: was so dumb
[limpin_priest]: it's
[cobra]: is
[limpin_priest]: like
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: i like
[cobra]: this
[limpin_priest]: a
[cobra]: is
[spinner]: that
[cobra]: not
[spinner]: scene
[cobra]: like
[pay_cheque_collector]: fuck
[cobra]: what the
[pay_cheque_collector]: you
[cobra]: fuck
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: is going on to say i fuck
[pay_cheque_collector]: uh
[spinner]: it
[limpin_priest]: i
[spinner]: was
[limpin_priest]: agree though with luciano because it's like
he was the only one really thinking and
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: like like acknowledge like playing the game
but at the same time his like his
[limpin_priest]: energy was like his bullshit i'll do
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: yes i'll do i'll play along but
fuck and i'll do whatever i want
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: i'm not handing him over i'm going
to get to the bottom of this because
[limpin_priest]: he was in my hood
[cobra]: charles
[pay_cheque_collector]: at
[limpin_priest]: this
[cobra]: dance has
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: such
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: like a fucking presence that like
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: he was like
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: the lowest rung person in that in
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: that table
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: and yet like he was the only
[limpin_priest]: yah
[cobra]: one i was intimidated by
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: the other gonna
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: fuck you guys
[spinner]: yeah when he when
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[spinner]: he
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: died i was like i was like
oh for this movie like there goes all
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: your
[pay_cheque_collector]: too
[cobra]: exactly
[spinner]: grave
[pay_cheque_collector]: soon
[spinner]: toss
[pay_cheque_collector]: movie
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: it's like gone
[pay_cheque_collector]: i
[spinner]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: had
[spinner]: was
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: to
[spinner]: like
[pay_cheque_collector]: check
[limpin_priest]: too
[pay_cheque_collector]: it was
[limpin_priest]: soon
[pay_cheque_collector]: like half hour in twenty five minutes
in the hour
[limpin_priest]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: and a
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: half hour and forty
[limpin_priest]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: minute right time
[cobra]: it was forty
[spinner]: it's like
[cobra]: minutes
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: in
[spinner]: it's
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: it's one of those movies
[cobra]: i looked
[spinner]: where
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[cobra]: i looked
[spinner]: they
[cobra]: because
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[spinner]: blow
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: their budget
[cobra]: i was
[spinner]: on
[cobra]: watching and my
[spinner]: one
[cobra]: wife
[spinner]: actor
[cobra]: was watching like kind of alone with
me and i was like the fun they
[cobra]: get charles
[limpin_priest]: yah
[cobra]: dens to do this and they kill
him forty minutes in
[limpin_priest]: laura durned
[cobra]: that
[spinner]: that
[cobra]: can
[spinner]: was
[cobra]: be good
[spinner]: that was how they got charles danes
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[spinner]: to be
[pay_cheque_collector]: that's
[spinner]: in this
[pay_cheque_collector]: exactly
[limpin_priest]: eh
[pay_cheque_collector]: how they got charles
[spinner]: you
[pay_cheque_collector]: dance
[spinner]: and you answered
[cobra]: i see
[spinner]: your own question
[pay_cheque_collector]: it couldn't afford
[cobra]: you
[pay_cheque_collector]: his full pay check
[cobra]: i'll give you two days
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: of shooting
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: hm
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: thank you sir charles
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah so charles dan is my answer
for for the best character
[spinner]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: who's
[spinner]: just ant
[pay_cheque_collector]: next
[spinner]: to i just want to
[pay_cheque_collector]: yep
[spinner]: add charles dance i just picture lena
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: and charles dance like meeting
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: on seat of game thrones being like
oh oh yeah we worked together
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: on that terrible
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: contractor
[limpin_priest]: hm
[spinner]: movie and just laughing
[cobra]: he probably went contractor
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: yeah you mean
[cobra]: the cash
[spinner]: what
[cobra]: grab okay
[limpin_priest]: yes i had a wonderful holiday
[spinner]: he's like you know
[limpin_priest]: after that
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: the wesley
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: slaves snipes vehicle
[limpin_priest]: hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh of course yes
[spinner]: hm oh
[cobra]: ah
[limpin_priest]: mistake i made x amount of time
ago um
[pay_cheque_collector]: please
[limpin_priest]: listen i'm not
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: going to beat around the bush charles
dance was my favorite part of this movie
[limpin_priest]: and then they took him away from
me and so i have no other answer
[limpin_priest]: i am both
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: saddened and i was like i said
this was a confusing experience to go through
[limpin_priest]: and like to it just don't i
think i think the only other character liked
[limpin_priest]: in this movie was the was the
subway when when wesley naves killed everybody
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: else that was my favorite character second
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: favorite i yield my time
[spinner]: the subway set
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: a
[limpin_priest]: god
[pay_cheque_collector]: spencer
[spinner]: my edacter was the confused grandma
[limpin_priest]: oh no poor thing
[pay_cheque_collector]: yep
[spinner]: she was she was the
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: also
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: pretty good actress she
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: had one scene where she acted and
it was actually like
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: the most the
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: best acting of the whole movie i
thought when
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: she
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[spinner]: was like talking to her
[pay_cheque_collector]: a
[spinner]: to her parents to the little girl
she was like i missed some two you
[spinner]: know and i was like
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: i was like oh man that's actually
[pay_cheque_collector]: yah
[cobra]: that
[spinner]: petty good
[cobra]: scene was the
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: best acted scene in
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: this whole movie
[limpin_priest]: ah
[spinner]: by far the best actual
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: seen in the whole movie wesley snipes
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: i don't think wesley snipes talked for
the first thirty five minutes of the movie
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[limpin_priest]: not really
[spinner]: he just
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: he just
[cobra]: he
[spinner]: said
[cobra]: just
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: looked confused
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[spinner]: and he
[cobra]: the
[spinner]: was just
[cobra]: whole
[spinner]: like
[cobra]: time
[limpin_priest]: he accepted
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: same
[limpin_priest]: the
[spinner]: ship
[limpin_priest]: contract
[spinner]: same ship and then he went and
[cobra]: when
[spinner]: it
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: and he's like ship's going to go
down two
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: minutes
[cobra]: when i
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: saw him like and i'll let you
seguateinthe second mad but like when i saw
[cobra]: him you know wait until the guy
was inside and then waited to shoot him
[cobra]: from the window was like okay this
guy knows what the fuck is doing that's
[cobra]: the only
[spinner]: boy
[cobra]: good decision
[spinner]: were you
[cobra]: he makes
[spinner]: wrong
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: exactly
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: ah
[spinner]: he makes all terrible decisions from then
on out
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: but also his first line of dialogue
like is what he talks about his horse
[spinner]: on the ranch
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[limpin_priest]: beauty
[spinner]: i think that was his first actual
acting scene so i can't i can't really
[spinner]: count him as a character
[limpin_priest]: mean
[spinner]: confusing grandma
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[cobra]: it's
[limpin_priest]: james
[cobra]: it's
[spinner]: this movie
[limpin_priest]: james
[spinner]: should be called confusing grandma
[limpin_priest]: ah
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: grandma grand grandma
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: interrupted
[pay_cheque_collector]: fair enough
[cobra]: oh no
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: oh no
[pay_cheque_collector]: we're going to move on from this
i was doing a little digging because i
[pay_cheque_collector]: wanted to see how many times charles
dance and lean head lay have worked together
[pay_cheque_collector]: so they worked together
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: in film nineteen ninety three british film
called century
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: i couldn't fathom how old she may
have been at
[spinner]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: that point and then
[spinner]: yeah it's
[pay_cheque_collector]: the
[spinner]: probably
[pay_cheque_collector]: contractor
[spinner]: like ten
[pay_cheque_collector]: and then yeah
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: ten okay and then obviously
[cobra]: she is
[pay_cheque_collector]: in
[spinner]: i'm
[pay_cheque_collector]: game of thrones
[cobra]: why year was it
[pay_cheque_collector]: nineteen ninety three
[spinner]: does he always play
[cobra]: so she was
[spinner]: his daughter
[cobra]: she was exactly twenty
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh that's not bad
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: he doesn't play her daughter generally
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: she plays his daughter i think is
[spinner]: now
[pay_cheque_collector]: how it works
[spinner]: is
[limpin_priest]: you
[spinner]: that
[limpin_priest]: know
[spinner]: what
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: happened
[cobra]: was going to say
[limpin_priest]: that's that's
[cobra]: wait
[limpin_priest]: generally
[cobra]: what
[pay_cheque_collector]: that's
[spinner]: well
[pay_cheque_collector]: generally
[spinner]: i didn't
[pay_cheque_collector]: how it happens
[spinner]: i didn't get this movie
[limpin_priest]: generally
[spinner]: at all
[limpin_priest]: how it goes
[cobra]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: but in real life i got sucked
on this rabbit hole so if you guys
[pay_cheque_collector]: were talking about important
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: stuff i missed it all apparently
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: there was a lot of commotion around
twenty four ten twenty sixteen people thought lena
[pay_cheque_collector]: had an carle stands were dating secretly
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: didn't dig too far
[cobra]: just
[pay_cheque_collector]: into it
[cobra]: get her name right it's not badly
it's heat
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah i don't know why i'm saying
[spinner]: is
[cobra]: yeh
[spinner]: there no l in there
[cobra]: because
[limpin_priest]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: hit
[cobra]: spencer said it the first
[spinner]: are
[cobra]: time
[spinner]: we
[cobra]: when
[spinner]: just
[cobra]: you just
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[cobra]: went
[spinner]: are we
[cobra]: with
[spinner]: just
[cobra]: it
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: thinking of the terrible canadian rock band
[limpin_priest]: i am
[pay_cheque_collector]: i think
[limpin_priest]: not
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[limpin_priest]: thinking about them i rebuke
[pay_cheque_collector]: i don't
[cobra]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: want
[cobra]: my
[pay_cheque_collector]: to think
[cobra]: god
[pay_cheque_collector]: about
[cobra]: what
[pay_cheque_collector]: them
[limpin_priest]: i
[cobra]: a
[limpin_priest]: rebuke
[cobra]: deep cut
[limpin_priest]: i rebuke headley
[spinner]: didn't
[pay_cheque_collector]: that's
[spinner]: that guy
[pay_cheque_collector]: my bed
[spinner]: have a sexual assault charge i
[limpin_priest]: yes
[spinner]: don't know
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[limpin_priest]: and
[spinner]: alleged
[limpin_priest]: i hated them back then
[pay_cheque_collector]: hey
[limpin_priest]: too
[pay_cheque_collector]: let's let's stay on target here
[limpin_priest]: that's how
[pay_cheque_collector]: lina
[spinner]: is that
[pay_cheque_collector]: hit
[spinner]: not the
[pay_cheque_collector]: and
[spinner]: target
[pay_cheque_collector]: charles dance
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: h
[pay_cheque_collector]: dating
[cobra]: there were data
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: or whatever
[pay_cheque_collector]: allegedly in twenty
[cobra]: isn't he
[pay_cheque_collector]: fourteen
[cobra]: like
[pay_cheque_collector]: twenty sixteen
[cobra]: seventy
[pay_cheque_collector]: who cares
[cobra]: five years
[spinner]: i
[cobra]: older than her or something
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: whatever
[spinner]: but he's
[pay_cheque_collector]: if
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: they
[spinner]: fucking
[pay_cheque_collector]: have fun
[spinner]: charles dance
[pay_cheque_collector]: if they have fun let them
[cobra]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: smash
[cobra]: fair counterpoint
[pay_cheque_collector]: all right
[spinner]: imagine charles
[cobra]: he
[spinner]: dance just
[cobra]: is
[spinner]: coming up to you and like i'm
[cobra]: he's
[spinner]: take
[cobra]: almost
[spinner]: you out
[cobra]: thirty
[spinner]: for a
[cobra]: years
[spinner]: dinner
[cobra]: her senior a
[spinner]: i'm going to take you out for
dinner were on ave a very good time
[limpin_priest]: yeh
[spinner]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: yes sir
[cobra]: you don't say no right
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: yeah you can't say none of that
[limpin_priest]: very well
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: um anyways we're gonna move on from
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: whatever that was and move on to
our next question
[spinner]: that
[pay_cheque_collector]: what actor would you replace
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: brown
[pay_cheque_collector]: anybody who
[cobra]: ralph brown
[pay_cheque_collector]: ralph
[limpin_priest]: j
[spinner]: ralph
[pay_cheque_collector]: brown
[limpin_priest]: collins
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: how
[cobra]: jeremy
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: collins
[pay_cheque_collector]: how could
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: you ship on the illustrious pirot pilot
from star wars episode one
[cobra]: maybe he could
[spinner]: what
[cobra]: keep on playing
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: the pilot
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: because he sulked
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: in this movie like
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: i not just him but all of
the people all of the suit clad
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[cobra]: inner monitor
[pay_cheque_collector]: um
[cobra]: wearing supposed
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: ci a agents i did not believe
[pay_cheque_collector]: purcell
[cobra]: for a second any of them sale
[pay_cheque_collector]: um
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: and king
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[cobra]: and
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: winchell
[cobra]: whatever
[pay_cheque_collector]: was winchell one of them
[limpin_priest]: cramston
[cobra]: maybe
[spinner]: ah
[limpin_priest]: well you're talking about the c i
[cobra]: no crmsonocramston
[limpin_priest]: he's on the other side
[cobra]: i like cramston i like because
[spinner]: like
[cobra]: he's scottish
[limpin_priest]: we'll see
[cobra]: but
[pay_cheque_collector]: yah oh
[cobra]: but i don't believe
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: any of them were any sort of
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: agent they all look like they're like
retiring accountants first of all second of all
[cobra]: i do not
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: this
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: ralph
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: brown guy the calling
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: he did not xude any sort of
menace he did not exude
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: any sort of command he looked like
[pay_cheque_collector]: a
[cobra]: assistant
[pay_cheque_collector]: it
[cobra]: that was doing something that
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: was way beyond his ken
[spinner]: yeah i was gonna say
[cobra]: completely
[spinner]: give
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: given too much power and just like
[limpin_priest]: yes
[spinner]: accidentally
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: got himself in a situation
[pay_cheque_collector]: but like
[spinner]: right
[cobra]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[cobra]: i hated him
[pay_cheque_collector]: i need to unpack this guy for
a bit because i was confused i like
[pay_cheque_collector]: who he was
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: in the world of the story because
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: on the one hand he was what
his name's case handler
[limpin_priest]: hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: and
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: then
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: on the other hand he seemed like
[spinner]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: he was like at the level of
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: yes
[pay_cheque_collector]: a director of the c i a
or higher
[limpin_priest]: i
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: like the impression
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: if
[cobra]: mean
[pay_cheque_collector]: but
[cobra]: he was being summoned to testify
[spinner]: oh what
[cobra]: before a committee or whatever right
[pay_cheque_collector]: right so like why would he be
just a case handler for like an operative
[spinner]: he wanted
[pay_cheque_collector]: was he
[spinner]: him
[pay_cheque_collector]: his former case
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: handler like
[spinner]: he wanted him to do the mission
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: yeah but we're talking about his rank
which was kind of blurry
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: to me
[cobra]: probably because when he was the and
i'm trying to throw a bone to
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: this fucking movie here but probably
[pay_cheque_collector]: why
[cobra]: because back
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: then he wasn't
[spinner]: ah
[cobra]: as far high up as he is
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: now my my understanding
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: was that he went back because
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[cobra]: technically wesley
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[cobra]: snipes character whose last
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: name is do which is sucking stupid
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: but his last like dio was retired
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: already
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: right
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: he bungled that
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: assassination
[limpin_priest]: h
[cobra]: whatever
[spinner]: he
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: he was doing in the flash back
really badly like so badly he bungled
[pay_cheque_collector]: well
[cobra]: that up
[pay_cheque_collector]: listen
[cobra]: and then
[pay_cheque_collector]: let's
[cobra]: he like
[pay_cheque_collector]: let's just dive into that now because
[cobra]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: i'm not mad at wesley snipes i
don't want to replace west
[cobra]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: snipes
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: but i'm going to use this opportunity
to talk about bad characters
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: james style might be the worst
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: contract
[cobra]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: learn he history of
[limpin_priest]: um
[pay_cheque_collector]: time and space
[spinner]: i was going
[cobra]: yes
[spinner]: to say this
[cobra]: yes
[spinner]: movie would make a lot more sense
if at the end o the review was
[spinner]: we hired you because you were the
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[spinner]: worst
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: yes
[spinner]: and we wanted
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: you to fail
[cobra]: or like
[limpin_priest]: he's
[cobra]: we
[limpin_priest]: still he
[cobra]: we
[limpin_priest]: still
[cobra]: thought
[limpin_priest]: survived
[spinner]: uh
[cobra]: we thought
[limpin_priest]: failed
[cobra]: you
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: were
[limpin_priest]: at failing
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: h
[cobra]: the
[limpin_priest]: again
[cobra]: we thought you were the retired
[spinner]: h
[cobra]: like
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: black ops hit men
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: like
[cobra]: from the
[spinner]: they
[cobra]: c
[spinner]: were like
[cobra]: a turns
[spinner]: you
[cobra]: out you were his brother
[spinner]: no i like it just
[limpin_priest]: hm
[spinner]: being like you screwed up every hit
you and after and we needed
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: to fall guy
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: so we just sent you
[limpin_priest]: m m
[cobra]: fall guy i
[spinner]: and
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: and we
[cobra]: leave that for the
[spinner]: we
[cobra]: script
[spinner]: expected
[cobra]: doctoring
[spinner]: you to fail
[cobra]: because
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: that we might have to go that
[spinner]: because that makes
[cobra]: we might have to rewrite this whole
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: movie
[spinner]: that makes way more sense in terms
of his character
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: motivations and actions because he is the
worst contract
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: killer slash fugitive
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: but when
[cobra]: now
[limpin_priest]: you
[cobra]: man
[limpin_priest]: say
[cobra]: but
[limpin_priest]: that
[cobra]: didn't you see how he walked despondently
from the explosion that he triggered inside a
[cobra]: tunnel that affected him in no way
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: or form
[spinner]: all right
[pay_cheque_collector]: first
[limpin_priest]: ah
[pay_cheque_collector]: of all he was injured from the
car crash
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: second of all
[limpin_priest]: sure
[pay_cheque_collector]: chris you had a point to make
[limpin_priest]: listen
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: if you want to make james dyle
the fall guy
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: in this in this
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: story you no longer have
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: a place for westley snipes you have
by by alchemy movie magic you
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: yah
[limpin_priest]: altered this movie into a vehicle for
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: atkinson
[pay_cheque_collector]: that's
[spinner]: tell about johnny english
[limpin_priest]: and
[pay_cheque_collector]: also
[limpin_priest]: for those
[cobra]: is this
[limpin_priest]: reasons
[cobra]: a johnny english is this a johnny
english movie
[limpin_priest]: no
[cobra]: now
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: no no no no no no it's
darin it's darin spain
[spinner]: i hate
[cobra]: ah
[spinner]: it
[cobra]: that
[pay_cheque_collector]: sorry
[cobra]: was terrible
[spinner]: i hate
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[spinner]: it more
[limpin_priest]: don't
[spinner]: than
[limpin_priest]: worry
[spinner]: dyle
[limpin_priest]: about it
[cobra]: you're
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: you're
[pay_cheque_collector]: now
[cobra]: bad and you should feel bad
[limpin_priest]: i don't feel anything after watching
[pay_cheque_collector]: we're goin
[limpin_priest]: this
[pay_cheque_collector]: to move
[spinner]: i
[limpin_priest]: op
[pay_cheque_collector]: off for that i'm gonna move back
[spinner]: as
[pay_cheque_collector]: just
[spinner]: far away
[pay_cheque_collector]: talking about
[spinner]: off
[pay_cheque_collector]: how
[spinner]: of
[pay_cheque_collector]: bad
[spinner]: that
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: as possible
[pay_cheque_collector]: james
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: dyle was
[cobra]: so what i understand go ahead guy
[limpin_priest]: it's a good
[pay_cheque_collector]: thank
[limpin_priest]: name
[pay_cheque_collector]: you so let's just dig into
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: james all for a second if you
didn't watch this movie
[limpin_priest]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: congratulations you made the right decision
[spinner]: uh
[pay_cheque_collector]: in life however
[cobra]: learn
[limpin_priest]: safe
[cobra]: from
[limpin_priest]: space
[cobra]: our mistakes
[limpin_priest]: we're
[pay_cheque_collector]: in order
[limpin_priest]: here
[pay_cheque_collector]: to
[limpin_priest]: for
[pay_cheque_collector]: give
[limpin_priest]: you
[pay_cheque_collector]: you context
[spinner]: h
[pay_cheque_collector]: i'm just going to give you some
[spinner]: ah
[pay_cheque_collector]: dust things of how bad james style
is at his job
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[spinner]: this is going
[pay_cheque_collector]: james
[spinner]: to be
[pay_cheque_collector]: style
[spinner]: great
[limpin_priest]: kick
[pay_cheque_collector]: the flash back he was supposed to
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: a terrorist he ran into his house
the man sleeping um on a cot in
[pay_cheque_collector]: the ground
[spinner]: yah
[pay_cheque_collector]: he i guess
[cobra]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: what's trying to capture him alive i'm
[limpin_priest]: uh
[pay_cheque_collector]: sure let's give him that and he
he sees his daughter
[limpin_priest]: h
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: this guy wakes up slices his
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: leg with a knife doesn't kill him
because why wouldn't he and then and then
[pay_cheque_collector]: the guy gets away because
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: his achilles is torn up
[limpin_priest]: ah
[pay_cheque_collector]: um so that's his first mistake
[limpin_priest]: like four mistakes in that one mission
[spinner]: i know in the opening
[pay_cheque_collector]: right
[spinner]: scene
[cobra]: that
[pay_cheque_collector]: the in
[cobra]: one
[pay_cheque_collector]: the opening
[cobra]: scene
[pay_cheque_collector]: scene that one saying
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: he is to his defense he's a
c i a operative dressed
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: as a military soldier it's not important
it's just confusing
[cobra]: no it doesn't make any sense
[pay_cheque_collector]: flash back okay fast forward to this
mission he goes
[limpin_priest]: hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: over to kill this guy
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: and he's going to do it the
guys being taken into the court house we
[pay_cheque_collector]: find that out that he's at the
court house at the very end of him
[pay_cheque_collector]: trying to
[spinner]: a
[pay_cheque_collector]: kill him before that you have no
idea what he's looking at where he is
[pay_cheque_collector]: whatsoever
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: not his fault movies fault
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: he decides he's going to shoo him
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: a bell tower that turns up
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: to part of a church also don't
explain that he just shows up in a
[pay_cheque_collector]: pre self fit and you have to
infer that
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: he's now in church
[limpin_priest]: well he
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: scouted that when he was in the
[spinner]: yeah they
[cobra]: he did
[spinner]: did
[cobra]: started
[limpin_priest]: he
[spinner]: show
[limpin_priest]: scouted
[spinner]: him scouting
[cobra]: when he
[limpin_priest]: it
[cobra]: was
[spinner]: it
[cobra]: being driven
[spinner]: with his golf range
[pay_cheque_collector]: he
[limpin_priest]: did
[pay_cheque_collector]: all
[spinner]: finder
[limpin_priest]: oh my god
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[limpin_priest]: but
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[limpin_priest]: budget equipments
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: i was like what is that
[spinner]: like
[limpin_priest]: is that
[pay_cheque_collector]: he
[limpin_priest]: a
[pay_cheque_collector]: golf
[cobra]: yeah what
[pay_cheque_collector]: golf range
[spinner]: a
[pay_cheque_collector]: found
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: the
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: the sniper attire tower as spencer
[cobra]: fuck
[spinner]: yea
[pay_cheque_collector]: put it
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: it does look like a go
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: it
[cobra]: free
[spinner]: is
[cobra]: trance
[spinner]: it literally is one i know
[pay_cheque_collector]: percent is i've seen them spencer is
[limpin_priest]: wow
[pay_cheque_collector]: and then
[spinner]: think it's a bush
[pay_cheque_collector]: he doesn't
[spinner]: nell
[pay_cheque_collector]: get out he has no idea it's
a it's a church he just shows up
[pay_cheque_collector]: he doesn't get out and look
[cobra]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: to see
[cobra]: and
[pay_cheque_collector]: if
[cobra]: he doesn't know if he's going to
be able
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[cobra]: to get in how do you get
[pay_cheque_collector]: no
[cobra]: up to
[pay_cheque_collector]: idea
[cobra]: the bell tower i was thinking
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: oh he's going to time the shot
[spinner]: me
[cobra]: the
[spinner]: too
[cobra]: bell
[spinner]: i
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: thought that would be cool
[cobra]: you know
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: i gave this movie
[cobra]: i thought
[spinner]: a
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: credit
[pay_cheque_collector]: me too
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: no so so then we flash there's
so many
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: things i'm skipping over here we flashed
[limpin_priest]: ye
[pay_cheque_collector]: to actually got the space he's doing
the cool i'm putting my sniper rifle together
[pay_cheque_collector]: thing always a good time scene in
a in a actual movie he sets up
[pay_cheque_collector]: and the guy shows up and his
partners on the ground being like oh yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: he's here you know he's got to
back him up or whatever so we got
[pay_cheque_collector]: a small window
[cobra]: is
[pay_cheque_collector]: to shoot him but for some reason
his head is covered and he
[limpin_priest]: hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: does not shoot him because his head
is covered
[limpin_priest]: hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: no real explanation given i thought it
was like oh it's not him he's
[cobra]: wasn't
[pay_cheque_collector]: smart
[cobra]: sure who it was
[pay_cheque_collector]: right
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: that's what
[pay_cheque_collector]: and
[cobra]: i thought
[pay_cheque_collector]: and
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: then it turns around that no no
who knows
[spinner]: he shoots in
[pay_cheque_collector]: and
[spinner]: the
[pay_cheque_collector]: then
[spinner]: back of it
[pay_cheque_collector]: he sees him
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: this is this
[limpin_priest]: it's
[pay_cheque_collector]: like
[limpin_priest]: the same
[pay_cheque_collector]: the
[limpin_priest]: thing
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: right
[cobra]: he noticed the hair he's like oh
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: cannot be someone
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: else with the same hair
[limpin_priest]: he looks
[pay_cheque_collector]: never
[limpin_priest]: good
[pay_cheque_collector]: sees
[cobra]: so now
[pay_cheque_collector]: man
[cobra]: i can
[pay_cheque_collector]: face
[cobra]: take a shot
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: he's
[spinner]: never
[limpin_priest]: kept in ali is kept in good
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: no
[limpin_priest]: shape
[cobra]: he's
[limpin_priest]: that
[cobra]: seen
[limpin_priest]: that
[cobra]: the man's
[limpin_priest]: man
[cobra]: face
[limpin_priest]: is just
[spinner]: he never
[limpin_priest]: as
[cobra]: when
[limpin_priest]: i
[cobra]: he
[limpin_priest]: remember
[cobra]: was about
[limpin_priest]: it
[cobra]: to shoot him
[spinner]: he never saw his face
[cobra]: and he was like wherever he was
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: in
[spinner]: no but i'm saying now to confirm
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: that it was him
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: he never confirmed
[cobra]: yeah no
[spinner]: it
[pay_cheque_collector]: if
[spinner]: was
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: him
[cobra]: not at all
[pay_cheque_collector]: spencer is right if he was not
shooting him because he wasn't sure it was
[pay_cheque_collector]: him covered in the blanket not
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: seen his face in the
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: all too convenient for in the courthouse
that just lets
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: anybody
[cobra]: why did
[pay_cheque_collector]: snape
[cobra]: they
[pay_cheque_collector]: anybody
[cobra]: stop there why did they stop there
like you know what i'm going to stop
[cobra]: with this guy that we have like
three platoons of policeman protecting
[pay_cheque_collector]: yep
[cobra]: right in front
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: of the window that's
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[cobra]: why i'm going stop
[spinner]: were
[pay_cheque_collector]: shoot
[spinner]: frosted
[pay_cheque_collector]: some shoot
[limpin_priest]: hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: some
[cobra]: kills him
[limpin_priest]: yea
[pay_cheque_collector]: kills him
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: dead and he tries to get oh
terry winchell i know terry is his buddy
[pay_cheque_collector]: terry is
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: his like his handler there so and
he tells
[cobra]: the
[pay_cheque_collector]: terry
[cobra]: guy
[pay_cheque_collector]: to get the
[cobra]: that
[pay_cheque_collector]: car
[cobra]: the guy that immediately freaks out
[pay_cheque_collector]: hm
[cobra]: the second things go wrong
[pay_cheque_collector]: correct
[cobra]: that guy okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah and so they
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: then try to escape in their car
terry gets shot by
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: the greatest single rapid like not even
now shot from a coup ever
[spinner]: yeah yeah i
[pay_cheque_collector]: instant
[spinner]: was
[cobra]: whatever
[pay_cheque_collector]: instantly dead
[cobra]: whatever
[limpin_priest]: yep
[cobra]: the opposite of
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: a storm trooper is that's what that
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: shot
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: was
[pay_cheque_collector]: pop son blows his head off and
they crash into the subway and so the
[pay_cheque_collector]: car goes end over and somehow westley
snipe survives he apparent he has a bomb
[pay_cheque_collector]: attached to his
[spinner]: brief case
[pay_cheque_collector]: his brief case
[cobra]: case
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: he gets out of the cab he's
fucked up he sets off the bomb to
[cobra]: you can tell his
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[cobra]: dad fucked up because he walks out
[pay_cheque_collector]: yah
[cobra]: okay he starts limping when he gets
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: to the safe house
[spinner]: was a
[pay_cheque_collector]: whatever
[spinner]: drennalin
[pay_cheque_collector]: he is a drentlanyeah that's this
[cobra]: uh
[pay_cheque_collector]: of
[limpin_priest]: yah
[pay_cheque_collector]: all the things we're gonna
[spinner]: listen
[pay_cheque_collector]: complain about this movie this
[cobra]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: we
[cobra]: now
[pay_cheque_collector]: don't
[limpin_priest]: h
[cobra]: i'm
[pay_cheque_collector]: have
[cobra]: going
[pay_cheque_collector]: time
[cobra]: to complain
[pay_cheque_collector]: here
[cobra]: about everything
[spinner]: no there's
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: too much we don't have nough time
[pay_cheque_collector]: we do a time so he then
[cobra]: that's fair
[pay_cheque_collector]: blows up this case blowing up the
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: to allow him to escape
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: on the subway
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: um like explosive did nothing to destroy
any evidence whatsoever but that's okay he then
[pay_cheque_collector]: goes to a safe house which is
most definitely not safe
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: immediately gets
[cobra]: it's
[pay_cheque_collector]: found
[cobra]: just a house
[pay_cheque_collector]: just a house just
[limpin_priest]: by
[pay_cheque_collector]: a flat
[limpin_priest]: a kid
[spinner]: with
[limpin_priest]: found
[spinner]: other
[limpin_priest]: by
[spinner]: people
[limpin_priest]: a kid
[spinner]: living
[pay_cheque_collector]: found
[spinner]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: by a kid
[cobra]: that's some random you can just walk
[pay_cheque_collector]: he then gets a kid to do
a bunch of favors for him immediately trust
[pay_cheque_collector]: this kid because you have to that's
[spinner]: but
[pay_cheque_collector]: fun
[spinner]: also
[pay_cheque_collector]: whatever
[spinner]: the kid like when she sees him
he doesn't try to come up with any
[spinner]: excuse for what's going on she's like
what happened
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: he's just like
[cobra]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: none
[spinner]: i'm like say you you fell but
[cobra]: stuff
[spinner]: don't need go to a hospital becaseyou're
[cobra]: stuff
[spinner]: cor you know say
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: may come up with some excuse instead
[pay_cheque_collector]: anything
[spinner]: he just like
[pay_cheque_collector]: no no
[cobra]: also
[spinner]: like
[pay_cheque_collector]: no
[spinner]: deer
[pay_cheque_collector]: plan
[cobra]: he
[spinner]: in
[cobra]: doesn't
[spinner]: a headlight
[cobra]: really get her to do anything for
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: she just does it even
[limpin_priest]: h
[cobra]: when he didn't want any help she's
[pay_cheque_collector]: that's true
[cobra]: dude
[pay_cheque_collector]: actually
[cobra]: you're fucked
[spinner]: ah
[cobra]: let me
[spinner]: that
[cobra]: help
[spinner]: relationship
[cobra]: you
[spinner]: was not
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: earned
[pay_cheque_collector]: she she does us out um not
at all so then he gets better and
[pay_cheque_collector]: then he's got to escape the country
so he goes
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: to the airport to try to fly
[cobra]: like a
[pay_cheque_collector]: not
[cobra]: fucking idiot
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay so it's not a bad plan
[spinner]: he
[pay_cheque_collector]: in the
[spinner]: had
[pay_cheque_collector]: sense
[spinner]: a second
[pay_cheque_collector]: that
[spinner]: passport
[pay_cheque_collector]: he needs to out of the country
he just you know these are out of
[pay_cheque_collector]: order right
[limpin_priest]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: no no he
[cobra]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: no no
[cobra]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: i'm right
[limpin_priest]: he's at
[pay_cheque_collector]: he
[limpin_priest]: the
[pay_cheque_collector]: got the passport later
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: he went to the airport he
[cobra]: because
[pay_cheque_collector]: goes
[cobra]: he had so when he when he
was given the mission he was given two
[cobra]: passports
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: one to get in one to
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: get
[limpin_priest]: yep
[cobra]: out
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: they make
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: a point out of saying that right
[pay_cheque_collector]: cool
[cobra]: so he's using his secondary passport to
[pay_cheque_collector]: really
[cobra]: but
[pay_cheque_collector]: really
[cobra]: like
[pay_cheque_collector]: not important to the story right now
[cobra]: it is because
[pay_cheque_collector]: i
[cobra]: like he should have known
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: everything was like his whole cover was
[spinner]: he didn't
[pay_cheque_collector]: right
[spinner]: know
[cobra]: they
[spinner]: by
[cobra]: make
[pay_cheque_collector]: but
[spinner]: that
[cobra]: so
[spinner]: point
[pay_cheque_collector]: the
[cobra]: much of a big deal about moscow
rules moscow rules
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: like
[pay_cheque_collector]: but the passport
[cobra]: obviously he was not going to be
able to do it
[pay_cheque_collector]: my argument here is the passport whether
he had forty passports the passport was never
[pay_cheque_collector]: an issue
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: the issue was
[cobra]: fair
[pay_cheque_collector]: that
[cobra]: enough
[pay_cheque_collector]: everybody knew what he looked like
[cobra]: exactly
[pay_cheque_collector]: and
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: so when
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: he went to the air for people
round to him
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: also can someone explain to me why
he asked for john murphy
[limpin_priest]: yes because he
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: was trying to confirm if someone was
following him following him
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: he aught because his name was john
murphy in the
[limpin_priest]: the
[cobra]: passport
[limpin_priest]: passport the escape passport
[cobra]: and
[pay_cheque_collector]: kay
[cobra]: so
[pay_cheque_collector]: thank
[cobra]: he
[pay_cheque_collector]: you
[cobra]: was trying to get
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: to see if like people
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[cobra]: were ambushing him or whatever
[limpin_priest]: beating
[spinner]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: and
[limpin_priest]: the
[pay_cheque_collector]: like
[limpin_priest]: grass to stir the snakes
[spinner]: is this
[limpin_priest]: if you
[pay_cheque_collector]: nice
[spinner]: movie
[limpin_priest]: will
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[spinner]: too
[pay_cheque_collector]: that's
[spinner]: smart
[pay_cheque_collector]: a very
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: for
[pay_cheque_collector]: important
[spinner]: us
[cobra]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: saying on this
[cobra]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: show
[cobra]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: no no it's fine per
[spinner]: so
[pay_cheque_collector]: sale like a more on like a
dumb account pops up immediately
[spinner]: do
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: out himself
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: and he knows these people right and
they know he know
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[cobra]: him
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: he's like oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: and
[cobra]: you know what's gonna it's going to
be very good for me as as an
[cobra]: agent i'm just going to pop up
the moment i hear this guy's name
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: that's going to be
[spinner]: no
[cobra]: good for
[spinner]: nobody
[cobra]: me
[spinner]: in this movie can have a proper
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: what's it called when you trap somebody
a proper let's all when you pop like
[spinner]: you surprise somebody
[cobra]: ambush
[spinner]: a proper
[pay_cheque_collector]: a
[spinner]: ambush nobody a proper
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: ambush in this movie every ambush
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: is done terribly
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: there's a few
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh the worst terrible so i'll speak
this up because i'm wasting time in talking
[pay_cheque_collector]: about dumbness is anyway so the only
other point i want to talk about this
[pay_cheque_collector]: airport is you see the only other
black person in this entire movie show up
[pay_cheque_collector]: in this
[limpin_priest]: yep
[pay_cheque_collector]: scene
[cobra]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: um for whatever reason westley snipe needs
to steal the pilot's outfit off of someone
[pay_cheque_collector]: to make an escape from the airport
to cover his tracks
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: and so the only other black person
in the movie goes into the washroom and
[pay_cheque_collector]: he coming from billion miles away he
[cobra]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: takes that person's pilots out
[spinner]: genius
[pay_cheque_collector]: and and leaves
[limpin_priest]: let's make him black
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah because
[limpin_priest]: ah
[cobra]: you know you wouldn't
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: have been believable if you stole
[spinner]: uh
[cobra]: the pilots outfit from someone who wasn't
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: because reasons
[spinner]: how would you think of that
[pay_cheque_collector]: also that guy looked way too tall
[limpin_priest]: true
[cobra]: true true
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: true
[pay_cheque_collector]: and and i'll use that to highlight
the point of this movie i don't know
[pay_cheque_collector]: what it was about this movie but
everybody there's the close ups
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: where wescsypewas looking at people and
[limpin_priest]: h
[pay_cheque_collector]: people looking at wesley snipes
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: it seemed like they were just looking
at him like why is there a black
[pay_cheque_collector]: man in
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: in my life in london talking
[spinner]: and
[cobra]: my
[spinner]: there's
[pay_cheque_collector]: to me
[spinner]: a lot
[cobra]: life
[spinner]: of black people in london
[limpin_priest]: in my life there are
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[limpin_priest]: but this
[cobra]: yea
[limpin_priest]: movie
[pay_cheque_collector]: not according to
[cobra]: and
[pay_cheque_collector]: this
[cobra]: there
[pay_cheque_collector]: movie
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: were
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: a lot of extras there were a
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[cobra]: lot of extras who were black but
like everywhere he went people were like oh
[cobra]: there is a black dude and a
brown hoodie
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: that can be
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: good that that's
[pay_cheque_collector]: no
[cobra]: their face
[limpin_priest]: it
[cobra]: that's
[limpin_priest]: was
[cobra]: what
[limpin_priest]: extremely
[cobra]: their faces
[limpin_priest]: othering
[spinner]: right
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: can i make
[limpin_priest]: that's
[spinner]: a point
[limpin_priest]: why
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: i was like it's confusing
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: to go through this
[spinner]: i want to make a point just
to jump on this stupid how stupid he
[spinner]: is one he wore the same outfit
[pay_cheque_collector]: a
[spinner]: even when they saw him once they
saw him in his
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: brown hoodie
[pay_cheque_collector]: correct
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: and jacket and he
[cobra]: he
[spinner]: wore
[cobra]: capped
[spinner]: it again
[cobra]: on it a
[spinner]: while trying to be under cover or
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: one horrible
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: to the funniest seein the entire movie
when he goes to the passport guy and
[spinner]: the guy says you could be whoever
you want to be or be all you
[spinner]: can be and he hands him a
box of all
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: these costumes
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: and he puts on
[pay_cheque_collector]: he
[spinner]: a
[pay_cheque_collector]: puts
[spinner]: tiny
[pay_cheque_collector]: on
[cobra]: uh
[pay_cheque_collector]: her nose
[spinner]: got
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: underneath
[cobra]: uh
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: his mustache
[limpin_priest]: h
[cobra]: and
[spinner]: he
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: looks
[cobra]: a
[spinner]: exactly
[cobra]: little
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: bit of like
[limpin_priest]: yes
[cobra]: i lump a lump on the nose
and a little bit of
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: go
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: t and that's
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: look
[cobra]: it
[spinner]: exactly like
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: he could have changed his hair
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: color he
[limpin_priest]: ah
[spinner]: could have changed anything
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: couldn't put on glasses
[limpin_priest]: he could have done a skit he
could have done a cisco
[cobra]: he could have fucking
[limpin_priest]: and he didn't
[cobra]: caved
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: his dumb mustache that
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: could have
[limpin_priest]: hm
[cobra]: done any
[spinner]: i was
[cobra]: of those
[spinner]: like
[cobra]: things
[spinner]: i was actually
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: laughing at that scene i'm like that's
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: disguise
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: that
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah so
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: and that's a great segu into like
the fact that he just goes in there
[pay_cheque_collector]: and blindly trust this guy like at
all times so like the only the only
[limpin_priest]: my
[pay_cheque_collector]: reason i don't
[spinner]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: know why like i know why she's
here and it helps that she's there but
[pay_cheque_collector]: like the girl has to tell him
that there might be cops waiting for him
[spinner]: he's
[cobra]: he
[spinner]: like
[cobra]: saves
[pay_cheque_collector]: he
[spinner]: what
[cobra]: his ass
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: he was gonna walk into
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: a fucking ambush by the police
[spinner]: again
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: again
[spinner]: the third
[cobra]: again
[spinner]: that's the second ambush where
[cobra]: also
[spinner]: they fail even though they
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: see
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: him
[cobra]: have
[spinner]: walking
[cobra]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: a
[cobra]: have a question
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: i have a question
[spinner]: yah
[cobra]: i have never been to london
[spinner]: h
[cobra]: but if one of you have can
[pay_cheque_collector]: yep
[cobra]: you tell me why when when they
shoot one of the lights it becomes like
[cobra]: a
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: blinking light
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: instead of just going
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: off
[pay_cheque_collector]: i haven't been shot at in london
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: oh you have
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[spinner]: to try it
[pay_cheque_collector]: but all the lights worked when i
was there and
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: there was no issues
[cobra]: i see
[limpin_priest]: m yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: with them
[cobra]: there's
[pay_cheque_collector]: um
[cobra]: no reason for that to be
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: the
[spinner]: this
[cobra]: case
[pay_cheque_collector]: no
[spinner]: movie is an
[pay_cheque_collector]: there's not
[spinner]: epileptic seizure for any man
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: anyways i have yielded all your time
to talk about who you were
[spinner]: that's
[pay_cheque_collector]: replacing
[spinner]: fine
[pay_cheque_collector]: that category because
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: like them explaining how dum westlysnipes is
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: so many times
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: in this movie
[cobra]: yeah so what
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: you're saying is the actor
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: you will replace his westlisnipes character
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[limpin_priest]: it's the only way
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: this
[cobra]: okay
[limpin_priest]: works
[cobra]: no i can't
[limpin_priest]: roan
[cobra]: i can't
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: argue
[limpin_priest]: atkinson
[cobra]: with that
[spinner]: hm
[limpin_priest]: it's the only way it
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: can work
[cobra]: ah
[pay_cheque_collector]: because because wesley is better than this
he deserves
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: better
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: and he's not given much
[limpin_priest]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: let's move
[cobra]: is he
[pay_cheque_collector]: on
[cobra]: though
[spinner]: is he a
[cobra]: is
[pay_cheque_collector]: is
[cobra]: he better than that
[pay_cheque_collector]: this yes no one deserves this
[spinner]: unexpendable
[pay_cheque_collector]: unless it's a
[spinner]: would argue
[cobra]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: it's a
[cobra]: fair enough
[pay_cheque_collector]: comedy part you have to be someone
who is knowingly
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: being an idiot about their job and
the problem
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: with this
[limpin_priest]: hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: is weslesnipes is supposed
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: to be the best and he's the
[spinner]: yeah this
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: movie could work if the kid was
[limpin_priest]: he's
[spinner]: like
[limpin_priest]: built
[spinner]: smart
[limpin_priest]: up enough
[pay_cheque_collector]: moving
[cobra]: all right
[limpin_priest]: credit
[pay_cheque_collector]: on
[spinner]: and the
[limpin_priest]: all
[spinner]: kid
[limpin_priest]: right
[spinner]: convinces him like what he's trying to
do is dumb she's like that's your costume
[spinner]: that's not
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: going to work like and she's reason
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: he gets away with anything
[pay_cheque_collector]: hey hey spencer
[spinner]: sorry script
[pay_cheque_collector]: spencer
[cobra]: wait
[spinner]: yeah we'll get
[cobra]: we're
[spinner]: there
[cobra]: going
[pay_cheque_collector]: don't
[cobra]: to get
[pay_cheque_collector]: don't
[cobra]: to the
[pay_cheque_collector]: lose
[cobra]: sequel
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: don't lose ato this here's
[spinner]: sorry
[pay_cheque_collector]: a category for
[spinner]: sorry
[pay_cheque_collector]: that
[cobra]: yes
[spinner]: sorry
[pay_cheque_collector]: let's move
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: on to
[spinner]: it's
[pay_cheque_collector]: another
[spinner]: the last
[pay_cheque_collector]: category
[spinner]: person i want to be yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: right
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: chris
[cobra]: wow fuck you very much
[pay_cheque_collector]: chris
[limpin_priest]: yep
[pay_cheque_collector]: can you tell me how linda hate
de tresses
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: the
[pay_cheque_collector]: i mean sorry
[limpin_priest]: character
[pay_cheque_collector]: detective inspector
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: and net ballard
[limpin_priest]: right i think she i think she
and i'm
[spinner]: i'm
[limpin_priest]: going to dig
[cobra]: as
[limpin_priest]: like
[cobra]: on a date with her dead
[limpin_priest]: what yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: i said what i said
[limpin_priest]: what
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: she got necrophelia
[pay_cheque_collector]: that's not right
[cobra]: she goes in to date with their
dad yeah
[limpin_priest]: oh i thouhtyou said she goes on
the date with the dead or something about
[limpin_priest]: the dead and i was like what
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: anyways
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: sure pica dead
[limpin_priest]: i was gonna
[cobra]: is fine
[limpin_priest]: i was going to go in a
different direction
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: i was going to say that in
an effort to sharpen her mind and detective
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: skills and to not prove herself but
continuously make her dad proud she's got like
[limpin_priest]: she takes on cold
[spinner]: yah
[limpin_priest]: unofficially takes on cold cases and studies
them to see if she can crack them
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: and she wants to she wants to
be on the level of her like she
[spinner]: my
[limpin_priest]: respects and revers her dad right so
what better way than to surpass
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: him so she she doesn't her character
doesn't strike me as someone with much of
[limpin_priest]: a personal life um and if she
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: good for her but that's what i
think she does to distress she
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: one would
[limpin_priest]: buries
[pay_cheque_collector]: argue
[limpin_priest]: herself
[pay_cheque_collector]: she has
[limpin_priest]: in her
[pay_cheque_collector]: sorry
[limpin_priest]: work
[pay_cheque_collector]: chris one would argue she has
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: enough personal
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: life to get a different last name
than her dad yeah
[limpin_priest]: wait what
[spinner]: what's what
[pay_cheque_collector]: her dad
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: is andrew windsor and she is annette
[cobra]: she
[limpin_priest]: well
[pay_cheque_collector]: ballard
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: old have been a story
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: back there but okay
[spinner]: but there she's she's
[limpin_priest]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: she's his daughter through marriage as then
she married him
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah that's not how that works uh
[cobra]: it
[limpin_priest]: h
[cobra]: is in west eros
[pay_cheque_collector]: uh
[spinner]: everyone
[limpin_priest]: h
[spinner]: is like
[limpin_priest]: uh
[spinner]: what
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: uh
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: moving
[cobra]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: on
[cobra]: think she should i think she should
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[cobra]: go to a class that teaches her
how to hold a gun
[spinner]: sorry
[pay_cheque_collector]: i think we're
[cobra]: s that
[pay_cheque_collector]: moving
[cobra]: scene
[pay_cheque_collector]: on
[cobra]: when
[spinner]: sorry
[cobra]: when he's running away
[spinner]: luciano did matt ask you that
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: question
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: awkward
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: no i didn't i didn't
[limpin_priest]: uh
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: i'm not asking a question just saying
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: but
[limpin_priest]: h
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: you know go ahead matt
[pay_cheque_collector]: thank you
[spinner]: the
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: this podcast is nothing
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: about saying
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: ship it's very organized
[spinner]: this
[pay_cheque_collector]: we
[spinner]: is
[pay_cheque_collector]: have
[spinner]: a
[pay_cheque_collector]: very specific
[cobra]: oh yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: questions we
[cobra]: always
[pay_cheque_collector]: answer
[spinner]: is a professional
[cobra]: it always is
[spinner]: thought cast goddamn it
[limpin_priest]: listen
[pay_cheque_collector]: we can't
[limpin_priest]: you go
[pay_cheque_collector]: thought
[limpin_priest]: to the when you go to the
thought gun range when
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: you when you when you look upon
the range you see all four of us
[limpin_priest]: wearing regular
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: and
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: regular buy the book
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: you know guards padding we wear we
wear i protective gear
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[limpin_priest]: we buy the book by the numbers
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: do everything on the up and up
[pay_cheque_collector]: the yellow shaded one so we
[limpin_priest]: thank
[pay_cheque_collector]: can see everything
[limpin_priest]: you
[pay_cheque_collector]: perfectly
[spinner]: so you can see the
[limpin_priest]: exactly
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: thoughts coming
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: then luciano is here it's just like
waving a gun around
[limpin_priest]: you know
[pay_cheque_collector]: safety off
[cobra]: like like lina eating this
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: movie
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: yes exactly
[limpin_priest]: yes
[spinner]: it's my second amendment
[pay_cheque_collector]: goes power
[spinner]: second amendment
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: rights
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: you
[limpin_priest]: give you a sip of that whiskey
goes power
[spinner]: coming from my thoughts
[pay_cheque_collector]: moving on
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: moving on spencer
[spinner]: yes
[pay_cheque_collector]: how does
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: jeremy collins distress
[spinner]: um quick reminder
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: which character jeremy collins i believe that's
the villain
[pay_cheque_collector]: he is the bad
[cobra]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: us
[limpin_priest]: wait did you
[cobra]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: he's the lead
[spinner]: okay
[limpin_priest]: you saw this
[spinner]: i saw
[pay_cheque_collector]: he's the
[spinner]: it
[pay_cheque_collector]: us
[spinner]: i watched
[pay_cheque_collector]: like
[spinner]: it today
[pay_cheque_collector]: he's the handler
[limpin_priest]: okay
[spinner]: okay
[limpin_priest]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: ya
[spinner]: he was very
[limpin_priest]: okay
[spinner]: forgettable
[pay_cheque_collector]: wow
[spinner]: that man
[cobra]: m
[spinner]: to de stress uh i believe he
takes two tons and a half a bottle
[spinner]: of peptobismal
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[spinner]: settle down and watch
[pay_cheque_collector]: m yeah
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: family feud
[pay_cheque_collector]: i believe that
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: but only the one
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: hm
[spinner]: like the older one with the white
[pay_cheque_collector]: richard dawson
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: were like
[spinner]: where
[pay_cheque_collector]: touches
[spinner]: he kisses
[pay_cheque_collector]: and kisses
[spinner]: he kisses
[pay_cheque_collector]: women
[spinner]: the
[pay_cheque_collector]: in
[spinner]: women
[pay_cheque_collector]: appropriate ly
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: ye
[cobra]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: he's a
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: he's a
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: fan of that he believes
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: in that back in the days
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: before things got
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: all peace why i can't imagine
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: kiss a woman on the mouth to
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: say hello ghost power
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: oh god
[limpin_priest]: uh uh
[spinner]: no that's that's
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[spinner]: that's what he
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: does to relax and the
[pay_cheque_collector]: great
[spinner]: yeah he has a good
[pay_cheque_collector]: um
[spinner]: time
[pay_cheque_collector]: m now that's good lucian
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: how does missus day
[spinner]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: stress
[spinner]: for
[pay_cheque_collector]: it's
[spinner]: the
[pay_cheque_collector]: the grandma
[spinner]: for the okay thank you
[cobra]: thank you
[spinner]: she's my top
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: character i should know this
[cobra]: i think i mean she goes to
her book club i guess
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: or maybe maybe she has some sort
of like a secret life
[spinner]: a sex club
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[cobra]: because yeah because like so
[limpin_priest]: okay
[cobra]: hear me out hear
[limpin_priest]: okay
[cobra]: me out emily says oh she's really
confused all the time what if that's just
[spinner]: the drugs
[cobra]: the effect of a analysdtrip or something
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: instead of her being just addled
[spinner]: tent
[cobra]: it's like she goes
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: on like all
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: night benders
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: of like mushrooms and
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[cobra]: l s d and hard sex
[spinner]: she's like she's feeling
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: confused
[cobra]: and then
[spinner]: all the time
[pay_cheque_collector]: heart sex
[spinner]: yeah hard sex
[cobra]: sure
[pay_cheque_collector]: soft
[cobra]: sure
[pay_cheque_collector]: drugs and heart sex that's
[spinner]: that's
[pay_cheque_collector]: her
[spinner]: that's
[pay_cheque_collector]: m o
[cobra]: soft drugs
[spinner]: that sounds like
[limpin_priest]: hard
[spinner]: a sick
[limpin_priest]: core
[cobra]: soft drugs and heard sex that's the
name of the club she
[spinner]: that
[cobra]: goes
[spinner]: sounds
[cobra]: to
[spinner]: like a sick book soft drugs and
hard sex the keith richards story
[cobra]: yeah she wrote
[limpin_priest]: it
[cobra]: that
[limpin_priest]: sounds
[cobra]: that's
[limpin_priest]: it sounds like
[cobra]: th
[limpin_priest]: difficult
[cobra]: that's
[limpin_priest]: sex
[cobra]: the title
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: not
[cobra]: of her
[limpin_priest]: like
[cobra]: memoirs
[limpin_priest]: hard
[cobra]: soft
[limpin_priest]: wow
[cobra]: drugs
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: and hard sex
[spinner]: she gets confused
[cobra]: memoir
[spinner]: sometimes
[cobra]: by miss day oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: she's pictured her
[limpin_priest]: you're
[spinner]: like walking
[limpin_priest]: siatica
[spinner]: it walking
[limpin_priest]: ever
[spinner]: like
[limpin_priest]: just
[spinner]: walking on her grandma the floor is
[pay_cheque_collector]: h
[spinner]: i can feel the
[pay_cheque_collector]: h
[spinner]: grandma
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: is confused
[pay_cheque_collector]: uh
[spinner]: again
[cobra]: i can taste the
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: words
[spinner]: i could taste
[pay_cheque_collector]: h
[spinner]: the words
[pay_cheque_collector]: a
[spinner]: from the books
[limpin_priest]: m darry
[spinner]: m hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: does your mouth ever feel like
[spinner]: mouth
[limpin_priest]: it tastes like plastic
[pay_cheque_collector]: kay ah
[limpin_priest]: plastic like what kind of plastic grandy
the kind of plastic that you find in
[limpin_priest]: like contes
[spinner]: what this is
[limpin_priest]: heart
[spinner]: the
[limpin_priest]: sick
[spinner]: there's
[cobra]: what
[spinner]: the hard
[cobra]: the
[spinner]: sex
[cobra]: fuck
[spinner]: part there's no condom
[limpin_priest]: there you
[spinner]: and
[limpin_priest]: go
[pay_cheque_collector]: i
[spinner]: hard
[pay_cheque_collector]: see
[spinner]: sex
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: i see i see what
[limpin_priest]: listen
[cobra]: there's
[pay_cheque_collector]: i see
[cobra]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: what
[cobra]: consums and heard
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: sex
[limpin_priest]: the outer leg can contract s t
is as well
[cobra]: contraception
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: stay safe
[cobra]: is
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: done by punching women in the stomach
[spinner]: oh my
[cobra]: that's
[spinner]: god
[limpin_priest]: what
[cobra]: what they do
[spinner]: jesus
[pay_cheque_collector]: holy
[spinner]: cars
[pay_cheque_collector]: shit we need to move on immediately
[spinner]: the patriarchy
[pay_cheque_collector]: you're the patriarch
[limpin_priest]: take control
[pay_cheque_collector]: is alive and well
[limpin_priest]: take control
[spinner]: uh
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: that had
[pay_cheque_collector]: fuck me
[limpin_priest]: what
[pay_cheque_collector]: i
[limpin_priest]: happened
[pay_cheque_collector]: was trying i was
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: trying trying
[cobra]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: to lay
[cobra]: yield
[pay_cheque_collector]: off
[cobra]: my time
[limpin_priest]: this
[pay_cheque_collector]: the
[limpin_priest]: is
[pay_cheque_collector]: year of the patrioarchy
[limpin_priest]: this
[spinner]: hmm
[limpin_priest]: is
[pay_cheque_collector]: but
[limpin_priest]: this is
[pay_cheque_collector]: no
[limpin_priest]: burnt melbotoast time right now
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: shit yeah
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: we we we need to move
[cobra]: i mean you
[pay_cheque_collector]: on
[cobra]: asked the question
[pay_cheque_collector]: i
[cobra]: i'm
[pay_cheque_collector]: did
[cobra]: just telling
[pay_cheque_collector]: know
[cobra]: the truth here
[pay_cheque_collector]: no one asked how you do contraception
[spinner]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: one ever
[cobra]: it's not
[spinner]: asked
[cobra]: me
[spinner]: that
[cobra]: it's missus day that does that
[spinner]: h m
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[limpin_priest]: h
[pay_cheque_collector]: i don't want o ask more questions
[limpin_priest]: h
[pay_cheque_collector]: in
[cobra]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: moving on
[spinner]: smart smart
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: oh god
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay what what was the most watchful
scene in this movie
[limpin_priest]: m m
[cobra]: credit
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: hey
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: you like this movie you can answer
like that
[spinner]: um
[cobra]: no i didn't like this one i
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: just disliked it less than you did
[pay_cheque_collector]: you liked it more
[spinner]: hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: than
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: i did i got to use the
credit you have o pick a better one
[spinner]: i like the scene where wesley's name
has one karat fight with a guy actually
[spinner]: pretty
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: well done
[pay_cheque_collector]: that
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: is
[cobra]: in close
[pay_cheque_collector]: actually
[cobra]: quarters
[limpin_priest]: in the scaffolding
[cobra]: that you can't even see
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: that's the only
[cobra]: and
[pay_cheque_collector]: thing i
[cobra]: he
[pay_cheque_collector]: like
[cobra]: crumples
[pay_cheque_collector]: to
[cobra]: i like i like when he crumples
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: he
[cobra]: when he kills
[spinner]: crumpled
[cobra]: the guy guy just
[spinner]: down
[cobra]: crumples
[spinner]: i was like that was actually
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: good
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: there should have been more of this
in this movie it doesn't really cost more
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: just have him fight more people
[limpin_priest]: i don't know if he had if
[cobra]: m
[limpin_priest]: wesley's got the
[cobra]: m
[limpin_priest]: same stamina
[spinner]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: thought
[limpin_priest]: that
[spinner]: he looked
[limpin_priest]: he needs
[spinner]: pretty good
[limpin_priest]: in two thousand seven like he was
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: like he was
[cobra]: he did
[limpin_priest]: saving
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: it up the entire shoot
[spinner]: the entire movie yeah
[cobra]: for
[limpin_priest]: ma
[cobra]: that one
[spinner]: is one scene
[cobra]: for
[pay_cheque_collector]: one
[cobra]: that
[pay_cheque_collector]: scene
[cobra]: one
[limpin_priest]: i
[cobra]: scene
[limpin_priest]: got one good i got
[cobra]: a
[limpin_priest]: one scene in me you paid
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: like i'm not getting paid as much
we all know this so let's just like
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: make this one a good one and
[spinner]: yah
[limpin_priest]: let's all go home
[spinner]: you
[limpin_priest]: let's
[spinner]: get
[limpin_priest]: leave it for let's leave it
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: for life you know let's shoot the
fight scene first and then
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: we'll take it from there and see
what happens
[spinner]: well see what you can get out
of me
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: i'll do that and i'll ride a
train made of wood and that's all that's
[spinner]: all you got that's all i've given
[limpin_priest]: from what do you call ah like
[spinner]: a
[limpin_priest]: from like a like mind
[pay_cheque_collector]: the
[limpin_priest]: and
[spinner]: mind
[limpin_priest]: stuff
[pay_cheque_collector]: the
[limpin_priest]: like
[spinner]: crdetroly
[pay_cheque_collector]: trolley
[limpin_priest]: that
[pay_cheque_collector]: the push
[limpin_priest]: charlie
[pay_cheque_collector]: cart
[spinner]: maybe maybe if i feel up to
it i'll use skees to hang from the
[spinner]: ceiling but that's
[limpin_priest]: you
[pay_cheque_collector]: uh
[limpin_priest]: know
[spinner]: it
[limpin_priest]: what
[spinner]: but that's it
[limpin_priest]: i'll use
[pay_cheque_collector]: h
[limpin_priest]: the s i'll
[spinner]: ah
[limpin_priest]: confuse the audience i'll use the skies
to hang and
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: i also use them to attack in
the same position
[spinner]: he just punched the guy from
[limpin_priest]: just like
[spinner]: so dumb
[limpin_priest]: and then the guy is like oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: my weakness keys
[spinner]: s
[pay_cheque_collector]: have
[spinner]: that was that
[pay_cheque_collector]: i
[spinner]: scene
[pay_cheque_collector]: agree
[cobra]: i'm
[pay_cheque_collector]: with spencer
[cobra]: trying to
[pay_cheque_collector]: that's that's it
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: i don't
[cobra]: because i was trying to think of
another scene there
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: isn't
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: one
[spinner]: he
[limpin_priest]: well i can i can help with
that it's the last fucking
[pay_cheque_collector]: ye
[limpin_priest]: hallmark scene
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[limpin_priest]: when he flies over the girl
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[limpin_priest]: and her grandmother to the ranch to
let the horse go and i'm like this
[limpin_priest]: is the most
[spinner]: i think i looked
[limpin_priest]: unnecessary
[spinner]: i think i was not watching at
that point
[limpin_priest]: well
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: yeah this is the most small sea
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: i've ever seen and i and i
wish i could get my money
[spinner]: did
[limpin_priest]: back
[spinner]: the girl
[limpin_priest]: but
[spinner]: come
[limpin_priest]: it's been
[spinner]: to the
[limpin_priest]: taken
[spinner]: ranch
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: he
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: sent
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: two tickets
[spinner]: i literally
[limpin_priest]: for her
[spinner]: stopped
[pay_cheque_collector]: hey chris
[spinner]: watching
[limpin_priest]: airplanes
[pay_cheque_collector]: chris
[limpin_priest]: tickets
[pay_cheque_collector]: i got to ask here
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: is this the most watchblescene because
[spinner]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: all you're doing is shining all over
[limpin_priest]: listen
[pay_cheque_collector]: it
[limpin_priest]: listen listen
[spinner]: did
[limpin_priest]: listen
[spinner]: you understand
[limpin_priest]: it's
[spinner]: the question sir
[limpin_priest]: wait for it because
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[limpin_priest]: it marked the end
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: of this
[spinner]: this
[limpin_priest]: entire thing
[spinner]: this joke
[pay_cheque_collector]: there
[spinner]: can
[pay_cheque_collector]: it
[spinner]: only
[pay_cheque_collector]: is
[spinner]: be used
[cobra]: okay
[spinner]: so many times
[cobra]: all right
[limpin_priest]: you know
[cobra]: it's
[pay_cheque_collector]: he thought
[cobra]: just like you
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: go ahead ahead i was going to
say that's the scene that
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[cobra]: that invokes the feeling of relief that
[limpin_priest]: it's
[cobra]: you felt
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: over
[cobra]: when you
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: stopped watching the movie yeah
[spinner]: it's
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: like
[cobra]: okay
[spinner]: photo
[limpin_priest]: like
[spinner]: and mortar
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: it's over
[limpin_priest]: uh
[spinner]: it's done
[limpin_priest]: h o god
[pay_cheque_collector]: speaking of
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: things that are over and done this
section this question is over and done moving
[pay_cheque_collector]: on
[limpin_priest]: done
[cobra]: he
[spinner]: professional
[pay_cheque_collector]: professional moving on
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: yes
[pay_cheque_collector]: this is
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: a new category for this movie maybe
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: for this movie only
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: exciting
[pay_cheque_collector]: out
[cobra]: this out
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[cobra]: to be good
[pay_cheque_collector]: what was the dumbest thing you saw
in this movie
[spinner]: oh man we already went over a
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: of that
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: no
[cobra]: fuck
[limpin_priest]: we got we got there's at least
[spinner]: there's
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[spinner]: more
[limpin_priest]: i guess i'll go first so
[cobra]: there's way more than
[limpin_priest]: well
[cobra]: two
[pay_cheque_collector]: you
[limpin_priest]: there's
[pay_cheque_collector]: get
[limpin_priest]: more there's more
[pay_cheque_collector]: your pick you get
[limpin_priest]: one
[pay_cheque_collector]: to pick one
[limpin_priest]: cool i
[pay_cheque_collector]: each
[limpin_priest]: got one it's
[pay_cheque_collector]: we only
[limpin_priest]: when
[pay_cheque_collector]: got so much time
[limpin_priest]: yeah the dumbest scene for me was
leading up to like the final gun fight
[limpin_priest]: when collins and his crew are in
that like weird hotel
[pay_cheque_collector]: yep
[limpin_priest]: room and like like what worst of
all are they all sleeping in the same
[limpin_priest]: room second of
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: all
[spinner]: they can
[cobra]: course
[pay_cheque_collector]: they
[limpin_priest]: there
[pay_cheque_collector]: can't
[limpin_priest]: all
[pay_cheque_collector]: afford
[cobra]: together
[limpin_priest]: it
[cobra]: is
[limpin_priest]: was
[cobra]: sleeping
[limpin_priest]: weird
[cobra]: with each other
[limpin_priest]: it must
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: have smelled really musty but anyway they're
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: getting their there
[spinner]: hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[limpin_priest]: they're
[spinner]: the
[limpin_priest]: all
[spinner]: c
[limpin_priest]: getting
[spinner]: i a
[limpin_priest]: their
[spinner]: is not made of money chris
[pay_cheque_collector]: uh
[limpin_priest]: their
[spinner]: we have
[limpin_priest]: flack
[spinner]: a budget
[limpin_priest]: jackets yeah they're
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: all
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: putting on their flag jackets and then
his number two his flat jacket went like
[limpin_priest]: rode up way too fucking high on
[spinner]: uh
[limpin_priest]: neck and i'm like is he wearing
it backwards
[spinner]: h
[limpin_priest]: in this movie
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: and apparently wasn't but the worst part
the part collins refuses to put on a
[limpin_priest]: bullet proof fast and i'm like you're
gonna not only you're going to die but
[limpin_priest]: you're goin to die quickly you're gonna
die unceremoniously so that's
[cobra]: that
[limpin_priest]: my choice
[cobra]: that served no purpose whatsoever
[limpin_priest]: he's like i'm a bad
[cobra]: he didn't
[limpin_priest]: ass
[cobra]: make me
[limpin_priest]: no
[cobra]: think
[limpin_priest]: you're just
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: going to die
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: he's a bad at now you're
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: an idiot
[limpin_priest]: yep
[cobra]: is what you are
[spinner]: that
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: and
[spinner]: was
[limpin_priest]: there's
[spinner]: dumb
[limpin_priest]: more
[spinner]: but
[limpin_priest]: but
[spinner]: there
[limpin_priest]: that's my
[spinner]: is
[limpin_priest]: one that's
[spinner]: that
[limpin_priest]: my
[spinner]: is
[limpin_priest]: one
[spinner]: not even close to the dumbest
[limpin_priest]: hit it
[pay_cheque_collector]: he gets one spencer
[limpin_priest]: that's my one
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: you're you're one dumb thing
[spinner]: will this explain i don't know if
i explained they want to catch him after
[spinner]: the failed mission
[limpin_priest]: yep
[spinner]: he goes to the safe house wasn't
the safe house issued to him by them
[spinner]: wouldn't they look
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: well
[spinner]: for him at the safe house
[cobra]: it wasn't really a safe house it
was just that guy's house
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: we
[cobra]: so
[limpin_priest]: are
[pay_cheque_collector]: that
[limpin_priest]: we
[pay_cheque_collector]: is
[limpin_priest]: certain
[pay_cheque_collector]: fair
[limpin_priest]: it was his palace
[cobra]: and and he had been
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: recording
[spinner]: h
[cobra]: he had been recording
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: his
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: orders remember
[spinner]: so he
[limpin_priest]: yes
[spinner]: used his
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[spinner]: personal
[cobra]: so
[spinner]: house as
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: the
[cobra]: is
[spinner]: safe
[cobra]: probably
[spinner]: house
[cobra]: yeah it was probably like the guy
didn't really trust them
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: so
[spinner]: so used house
[cobra]: it wasn't issued by them but
[pay_cheque_collector]: there is
[cobra]: but it
[pay_cheque_collector]: there
[cobra]: wasn't a safe house
[pay_cheque_collector]: there is some plausible diability that the
house let's go let's pretend to say if
[pay_cheque_collector]: i was for a second terry gives
him that place and so
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: the what i
[spinner]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: got out of it is that jeremy
collins says terry is your man on the
[pay_cheque_collector]: ground he'll set you up so i
think normally they wouldn't have any knowledge of
[pay_cheque_collector]: that stuff just because of plausible on
my ability that's my guests but i'm giving
[pay_cheque_collector]: this movie credit doesn't
[spinner]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: deserve
[spinner]: that bothered me i don't think that
was the dumbest scene i just wanted to
[spinner]: ask that the dumb scene
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: was when he put on that got
i think that was hilarious
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: and he didn't wear it he literally
goes to a
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: costume shop for professional
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: costumes and
[pay_cheque_collector]: correct
[spinner]: and he's a wanted man and he
leaves in the same clothes without a costume
[cobra]: yeah he
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: puts on the costume
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: he takes
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: a picture and he walks the funk
[spinner]: and
[cobra]: out
[spinner]: he leaves while
[pay_cheque_collector]: ye
[spinner]: he's the most wanted man
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: he leaves
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: without a costume
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: just to follow up to this he
doesn't take the caution with him so how
[pay_cheque_collector]: would his passport work
[cobra]: passport
[pay_cheque_collector]: because he wouldn't
[cobra]: work yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: look like the guy in the passport
photo because he doesn't have his wearing the
[pay_cheque_collector]: costume
[spinner]: i assume he picked up the costume
[cobra]: what
[spinner]: when he picked up the passport
[pay_cheque_collector]: why would ye to pick up the
[spinner]: why he
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: drank it with him that's what i'm
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: saying
[cobra]: why didn't he only choose a fucking
got tea and a little bit of a
[cobra]: of a bump on the
[spinner]: i don't
[cobra]: nose
[spinner]: noticed
[cobra]: as the costume
[spinner]: i didn't even notice the nose part
did he raise his nose
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: i
[cobra]: that
[limpin_priest]: saw the nose it was
[pay_cheque_collector]: he put
[limpin_priest]: like
[pay_cheque_collector]: like
[limpin_priest]: a fake
[cobra]: he put
[limpin_priest]: nose
[cobra]: like
[pay_cheque_collector]: a
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: cap
[cobra]: that was like a little
[limpin_priest]: it wasn't little
[cobra]: like you made it
[limpin_priest]: he
[cobra]: like
[limpin_priest]: ended
[cobra]: wider
[limpin_priest]: up
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: with a shnaze
[cobra]: his nose
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: he added another
[cobra]: no yeh
[limpin_priest]: snazeyeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah he got a big chinas
[spinner]: i was distracted trying
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: to see if he actually put a
got on
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: like i was like is that
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: a fact
[pay_cheque_collector]: that's
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: fair
[spinner]: i can't even tell
[limpin_priest]: they like they should have slowed that
scene down so we could have appreciated his
[limpin_priest]: his like a modicum
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: of effort he was trying
[spinner]: he's a
[limpin_priest]: to
[spinner]: master
[limpin_priest]: allude
[spinner]: of disguise
[limpin_priest]: not not
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: not thanks to that in
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[limpin_priest]: the photography and i
[cobra]: master
[limpin_priest]: say that
[cobra]: of the sky
[limpin_priest]: ship in
[cobra]: s
[limpin_priest]: photography
[cobra]: maybe
[spinner]: am i not turtle
[pay_cheque_collector]: you didn't
[spinner]: enough for
[pay_cheque_collector]: you
[spinner]: the
[pay_cheque_collector]: know that
[spinner]: turtle club
[limpin_priest]: turtle turtle
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: trdltortle
[limpin_priest]: let's watch master
[pay_cheque_collector]: thanks
[limpin_priest]: of disguise instead anyways
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: um i would like to pick my
dumbest thing is i guess it's a screen
[pay_cheque_collector]: saver
[limpin_priest]: oh my
[pay_cheque_collector]: the
[limpin_priest]: god
[pay_cheque_collector]: weird
[spinner]: it's time to
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: sleep
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: now
[limpin_priest]: my
[pay_cheque_collector]: rabbit
[limpin_priest]: god
[pay_cheque_collector]: it's time to go to bed and
as on the sleep now i understand obviously
[pay_cheque_collector]: i knew
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: they did it because they could have
the call back later on when when she
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: had to laugh top
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: i just
[spinner]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: don't know why any girl and man
would have that on their
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: laptop none
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: of that made any
[cobra]: makes
[pay_cheque_collector]: sense
[cobra]: no sense
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: t was creepy
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: i thought it was a bomb
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: it
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: makes him seem like a petto
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: and
[pay_cheque_collector]: telson
[spinner]: and
[pay_cheque_collector]: per
[cobra]: especially
[pay_cheque_collector]: cent
[spinner]: and he gives her that computer
[cobra]: especially being friends with the
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: girl yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: he gives her a computer he's
[cobra]: and
[pay_cheque_collector]: sucking
[cobra]: she goes
[pay_cheque_collector]: grooming her
[cobra]: here
[pay_cheque_collector]: for sure
[spinner]: ah
[cobra]: yeah he was kind
[limpin_priest]: h
[cobra]: to me now that printed in a
whole different light
[spinner]: you know what this is all making
too much
[cobra]: shift
[spinner]: sense
[cobra]: exactly
[spinner]: that's why
[limpin_priest]: we
[spinner]: that's
[limpin_priest]: gotta
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: script
[spinner]: that's why that screen saver
[limpin_priest]: we got
[spinner]: is
[limpin_priest]: t
[spinner]: like
[limpin_priest]: script
[spinner]: that
[limpin_priest]: dock this out out of out of
criminal territory
[cobra]: so for me
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: if you're done mat the dumbest
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: scene
[pay_cheque_collector]: yep
[cobra]: is that
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: i was talking about it earlier where
he goes to pick up the passport
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: and
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: he's just
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: going to
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: fuck
[spinner]: what
[cobra]: and walk
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: in to this place
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: where there's
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: announcements on t v saying there's a
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: there's a reward
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: for his capture and he paid the
guy what like he gave him like
[limpin_priest]: stack
[cobra]: half now half when the job is
done that was
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: probably
[spinner]: it
[cobra]: like five hundred bucks
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: in there
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: and they
[limpin_priest]: hm
[cobra]: were offering twenty thousand so
[spinner]: m ah
[cobra]: he
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: goes he's like okay
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: i'm gonna go pick up this pass
book i'm not going a case that joint
[cobra]: i'm not even going to try to
i'm just
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: going to put this girls that's
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: father
[spinner]: the
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: coat
[spinner]: which
[cobra]: on
[spinner]: i've
[cobra]: top
[spinner]: been
[cobra]: of
[spinner]: wearing
[cobra]: my stupid
[spinner]: the entire
[cobra]: hoodie
[spinner]: time
[cobra]: and just
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: gonna
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: walk
[limpin_priest]: he didn't
[cobra]: he
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: acts like
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: when he puts the hood of the
hood on is like i'm in cognito
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: now
[limpin_priest]: hm
[cobra]: nobody can
[spinner]: incognito
[cobra]: see who m
[spinner]: mode activated
[cobra]: and
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: yeah and if it
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: wasn't for the girl
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: to go i'm going to go in
there and i'm going to
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: case this joint
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: for
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: you because you're too fucking and competent
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: for this
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: if it wasn't for that girl he
would be
[spinner]: m yeah
[cobra]: completely fucked so
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: that to me
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: probably
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: tied
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: with him going to the airport but
if i have to pick
[spinner]: a
[cobra]: one scene it's him going to pick
up the passport just as if he's like
[cobra]: i'm just going to
[spinner]: a
[cobra]: walk in to staples
[spinner]: i'm sure it's
[cobra]: and
[spinner]: fine
[cobra]: pick up some pictures like
[spinner]: he's
[cobra]: what
[spinner]: like i'm sure it's fine
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: why would
[limpin_priest]: ah
[spinner]: he turn
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: me in it's fine
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: he looks trustworthy
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: it's
[limpin_priest]: i gave him
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: moneys
[spinner]: he had a good face
[cobra]: i gave
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: him like
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: some bills
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: and i'm going to give him some
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: more there's no way he would betray
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: me
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: because he's not a crypto
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: way he's making fake passports
[limpin_priest]: you
[spinner]: ah
[limpin_priest]: know
[cobra]: i'm sure you're
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: gonna be okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: listen
[cobra]: like it's
[limpin_priest]: no honor among steve's
[pay_cheque_collector]: r whitney terry
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: um had
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: just
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: the best set up he had a
safe house that
[spinner]: a
[pay_cheque_collector]: everybody knew his face at which is
always helpful
[spinner]: yep
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: and then he had a really
[cobra]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: trustworthy
[cobra]: but
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: he changed
[pay_cheque_collector]: friend
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: his name
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay yeah that's how things work how
you get different name is way hard to
[pay_cheque_collector]: track you down than people seeing your
face everywhere
[limpin_priest]: he
[spinner]: but
[limpin_priest]: was a terrible
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: number he was a terrible assist
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: like mission assistant because he used his
own fucking
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: pad
[cobra]: yes
[limpin_priest]: instead of an
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[limpin_priest]: actual you know
[cobra]: just
[limpin_priest]: removed
[cobra]: due
[spinner]: on
[cobra]: the moment
[limpin_priest]: safe house
[spinner]: okay
[cobra]: the moment
[spinner]: ye
[cobra]: was this knives didn't
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: take the shot he was like this
is fuckdthis
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: is funk this is funk like that's
all he said
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: you only get
[cobra]: then
[pay_cheque_collector]: one
[cobra]: he died
[pay_cheque_collector]: you only get one
[limpin_priest]: i was
[pay_cheque_collector]: you
[limpin_priest]: gonna
[pay_cheque_collector]: don't get
[limpin_priest]: you're
[pay_cheque_collector]: to talk
[limpin_priest]: right
[pay_cheque_collector]: about
[cobra]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: terry
[cobra]: no i picked it i picked
[pay_cheque_collector]: all
[cobra]: it i picked it
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: it's the it's picking
[pay_cheque_collector]: the flat
[cobra]: up the
[limpin_priest]: there's
[cobra]: passport
[limpin_priest]: more there's more
[pay_cheque_collector]: we got to move on we got
a we're on a tight time budget here
[pay_cheque_collector]: thought casting
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: is
[cobra]: are
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes thought casting is hard
[limpin_priest]: expensive
[pay_cheque_collector]: next question
[cobra]: tape is expensive
[pay_cheque_collector]: tape is expensive thout casting is hard
[spinner]: thank
[pay_cheque_collector]: next question i think we're into the
two big question territory at this point this
[pay_cheque_collector]: is a lot there's a lot to
[spinner]: i'm
[pay_cheque_collector]: done
[spinner]: ready i'm ready
[pay_cheque_collector]: um m how do we want to
do this you guys
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: want to you want to fix the
[cobra]: equal first
[pay_cheque_collector]: or a sequel
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: sequel
[cobra]: sickle
[pay_cheque_collector]: for us
[cobra]: first
[pay_cheque_collector]: sequel
[cobra]: sickle
[spinner]: sequel
[pay_cheque_collector]: first
[cobra]: first
[spinner]: first
[limpin_priest]: really
[pay_cheque_collector]: all right the studio is dead set
making a sequel what
[spinner]: that
[pay_cheque_collector]: is
[spinner]: alone
[pay_cheque_collector]: it
[spinner]: is hilarious
[pay_cheque_collector]: about
[spinner]: uh
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: i want to say the girl grows
up to be an m i six operative
[cobra]: because she's way better
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: than wesley
[limpin_priest]: uh
[cobra]: snipes already
[limpin_priest]: uh uh
[spinner]: very capable
[limpin_priest]: uh yah
[cobra]: so
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: she goes she grows up to like
no interact with him a lot more during
[cobra]: the years and then the sequel is
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: about her and him mentoring her
[pay_cheque_collector]: no no no no
[cobra]: and
[pay_cheque_collector]: no
[spinner]: on how
[cobra]: ship
[pay_cheque_collector]: no
[spinner]: to be stupid
[pay_cheque_collector]: no no no no no no
[cobra]: how
[pay_cheque_collector]: no
[cobra]: not to do things exactly
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay i'm back in
[limpin_priest]: thanks james
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: yeah i fucked up
[cobra]: that's
[limpin_priest]: that
[cobra]: what i
[limpin_priest]: time
[cobra]: was going to say
[limpin_priest]: just
[cobra]: like
[limpin_priest]: don't do
[cobra]: she
[limpin_priest]: this
[cobra]: she kind of in doges him because
he's like he goes senile very quickly
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: and
[spinner]: morse
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: now
[cobra]: everything
[limpin_priest]: um
[cobra]: yea everything he tells her she's like
okay jackson or
[limpin_priest]: james
[cobra]: james okay james
[spinner]: okay james
[limpin_priest]: ah
[spinner]: let's
[cobra]: okay
[spinner]: let's
[cobra]: james
[spinner]: get you
[cobra]: and
[spinner]: to
[cobra]: then
[spinner]: bed
[cobra]: she does whatever heat
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: yeah whatever he tells her she does
does the opposite
[limpin_priest]: moscow rules
[cobra]: and
[spinner]: ah
[cobra]: he has
[limpin_priest]: okay i'll
[cobra]: such
[limpin_priest]: get you some
[cobra]: great
[limpin_priest]: milk
[cobra]: instincts
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: about not what not
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: to do that she becomes like one
of the best operatives just by doing exactly
[cobra]: the opposite of what he does
[limpin_priest]: mhm
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: yes this is a comedy
[limpin_priest]: again
[cobra]: obviously
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: you see and
[cobra]: again
[limpin_priest]: but
[cobra]: another comedy
[limpin_priest]: but then like the movie the movie
gives us a flash back catch up like
[limpin_priest]: over the year she's doing everything that
you said
[spinner]: a
[limpin_priest]: and everything it plays out but then
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: m one day and on like c
n n some weird expose you know turns
[limpin_priest]: up
[spinner]: ye
[limpin_priest]: and lo and behold a terris group
has found james's
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: ranch and broadcasted
[cobra]: kidnapped him
[limpin_priest]: kidnapped it actually want to go further
they killed him like they blew up his
[limpin_priest]: ranch and they scorched all of land
and stuff like that
[cobra]: no what happened to beauty
[limpin_priest]: beauty was gone beauty they let beauty
but like like
[cobra]: i
[limpin_priest]: that's
[cobra]: know
[limpin_priest]: fine
[cobra]: i know
[limpin_priest]: let's keep that
[cobra]: i
[limpin_priest]: exactly
[spinner]: that
[limpin_priest]: well having to beauty because they got
another it was probably so dumb they probably
[limpin_priest]: got another another horse i named beauty
to make up for anyway she's like killed
[limpin_priest]: my master now i will use everything
i've learned
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: her simp
[cobra]: not
[limpin_priest]: exactly
[cobra]: from him i
[spinner]: well
[cobra]: will learn i will learn everything you
didn't teach me to
[pay_cheque_collector]: um
[cobra]: murder you
[pay_cheque_collector]: chris
[spinner]: so i
[pay_cheque_collector]: i
[spinner]: like
[pay_cheque_collector]: like this but i think i think
it's kept on the downlow i don't think
[pay_cheque_collector]: it's it's broadcast world wide i think
it's just one of those it's like
[spinner]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: contract killer to contract killer like on
the on the downloaw that like
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: you know they make a public thing
about it for like people on the know
[pay_cheque_collector]: but otherwise
[spinner]: it
[pay_cheque_collector]: it's just
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: like around dude then ran and wrench
did because
[limpin_priest]: okay
[cobra]: ah
[pay_cheque_collector]: ranching
[spinner]: is the opening
[pay_cheque_collector]: dangerous
[cobra]: and she finds
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: out like
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: she finds
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: out when she goes visit him at
one point
[limpin_priest]: it blows
[cobra]: and like
[limpin_priest]: up
[cobra]: he's just yeah
[limpin_priest]: and she's
[spinner]: or
[limpin_priest]: like no
[spinner]: are we just making this like a
like the opening scene like she's visiting she's
[spinner]: with him and then they get like
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: and she gets taken over he gets
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: in front of her and it's like
a revenge flick
[pay_cheque_collector]: i don't think she he gets killed
in front of her i think she's goin
[pay_cheque_collector]: visit and the ranch blows up she
gets there
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: and wesley snipes is down in the
movie but it's a series of flash backs
[pay_cheque_collector]: of her hanging up with him and
bonding with him and learning the not secrets
[pay_cheque_collector]: of the trade so he's
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: still
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: involved in them but it's only through
flash backs
[spinner]: i like
[limpin_priest]: and
[spinner]: that
[limpin_priest]: then he doesn't have to do any
[spinner]: and then he
[limpin_priest]: like
[spinner]: turns out
[limpin_priest]: acting
[spinner]: not to be dead in the end
[pay_cheque_collector]: i like that yeah
[spinner]: and he turns out
[limpin_priest]: you
[spinner]: to
[limpin_priest]: know
[spinner]: be the
[limpin_priest]: who
[spinner]: bad
[limpin_priest]: blew
[spinner]: guy
[limpin_priest]: up oh no
[spinner]: and he
[limpin_priest]: okay
[spinner]: says you are my contract all along
the day
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: i met you i was pretending
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: to be the worst i'm actually the
best i get so close
[limpin_priest]: being the
[spinner]: you
[limpin_priest]: worst but the best at the same
[spinner]: i get so
[pay_cheque_collector]: um
[spinner]: close you call
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: me
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[spinner]: daddy
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: before i kill you
[limpin_priest]: a
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: then she kills him
[spinner]: but he's
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: like oh no
[pay_cheque_collector]: uh
[spinner]: i got you closed
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: h
[cobra]: maybe i am bad
[pay_cheque_collector]: uh
[spinner]: the people who hired
[limpin_priest]: i got you
[spinner]: me are long dead
[limpin_priest]: got you
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah uh
[limpin_priest]: got too close to you you got
you to
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: h
[limpin_priest]: be
[pay_cheque_collector]: that feels like that feels like spencer
i feel like you just made the plot
[pay_cheque_collector]: to
[limpin_priest]: it's not sexual
[pay_cheque_collector]: soft
[limpin_priest]: it's just
[pay_cheque_collector]: soft rugs and hard sex
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: it's not i wasn't thinking about
[spinner]: no
[limpin_priest]: it sexually
[spinner]: it's not sexual
[limpin_priest]: you just said i got it to
your mind
[cobra]: but
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: i
[cobra]: it
[limpin_priest]: broke
[cobra]: is now
[limpin_priest]: your bond and made you come you're
[spinner]: yeaht'that's his
[limpin_priest]: even though your daddy is dead and
[spinner]: that's
[limpin_priest]: just
[spinner]: his
[limpin_priest]: a
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: wood
[spinner]: o
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: that's his mo is an assassin
[cobra]: i mean
[limpin_priest]: psychological
[cobra]: i
[limpin_priest]: warfare
[cobra]: made you
[spinner]: he gets he gets close so
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: close
[cobra]: it was
[spinner]: they
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: call him daddy before he s you
[cobra]: i became
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: your daddy and then i made you
call me daddy
[limpin_priest]: oh no
[spinner]: no no now you've ruined it
[limpin_priest]: oh no
[pay_cheque_collector]: i
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: now
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: you've
[cobra]: i've
[spinner]: ruined
[cobra]: ruined
[limpin_priest]: i
[spinner]: it
[cobra]: it right
[spinner]: too
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: far
[pay_cheque_collector]: i hate this movie
[spinner]: that
[pay_cheque_collector]: i
[spinner]: would
[pay_cheque_collector]: hate
[spinner]: actually
[pay_cheque_collector]: it
[spinner]: be the
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[spinner]: greatest
[pay_cheque_collector]: much
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: twist because it would actually like make
you re think
[cobra]: yes
[spinner]: the original like wait was it all
along him just trying to get close to
[spinner]: this random this
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: girl
[cobra]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: see
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: it's one of those we like it
fixes the previous
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: movie
[spinner]: exactly it's like i was pretending
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: to be bad
[pay_cheque_collector]: how does it fix the movie
[limpin_priest]: that's
[pay_cheque_collector]: he could
[limpin_priest]: my
[pay_cheque_collector]: have
[limpin_priest]: question
[pay_cheque_collector]: killed her like a hundred times
[limpin_priest]: true
[spinner]: because he doesn't kill them till they
call him daddy
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: for real
[limpin_priest]: that's so messed up
[pay_cheque_collector]: but what's this phase never called him
daddy were on have to
[limpin_priest]: collins
[pay_cheque_collector]: were to put that seat now all
of them
[limpin_priest]: ye
[pay_cheque_collector]: every person he's killed
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: on veto
[cobra]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: insert
[cobra]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: a scene
[cobra]: so
[pay_cheque_collector]: in
[cobra]: so
[pay_cheque_collector]: the sequel
[cobra]: here's
[limpin_priest]: this
[pay_cheque_collector]: where
[cobra]: what
[limpin_priest]: movie
[pay_cheque_collector]: they
[cobra]: happened
[pay_cheque_collector]: call
[cobra]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: him
[cobra]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: daddy
[cobra]: wait wait
[limpin_priest]: or you're all
[cobra]: here's
[limpin_priest]: failing
[cobra]: what happens
[limpin_priest]: you're all failing
[cobra]: no
[limpin_priest]: this is
[cobra]: here's
[limpin_priest]: a comedy
[cobra]: what happens
[spinner]: no no that's
[limpin_priest]: through
[spinner]: the movie
[limpin_priest]: and
[cobra]: he
[limpin_priest]: through
[cobra]: didn't want to shoot no he didn't
shoot the
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: guy on that initial flash back because
the guy hadn't called him daddy yet
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: matt i like your idea
[cobra]: he kills him because
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: he called him daddy as he was
[spinner]: no
[cobra]: away
[spinner]: no the whole movie
[cobra]: like you never catch me daddy and
then he runs
[spinner]: no
[cobra]: away
[spinner]: no the whole movie
[cobra]: yah
[limpin_priest]: shot on daddy
[spinner]: him
[cobra]: h
[spinner]: going through every character he killed
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: the first
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: one and like befriending them
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: and then like hey
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: i'm bill and be like oh hey
[limpin_priest]: yes
[spinner]: and then he's like slowly gains
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: their trust and then then he's like
i could be
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: father figure to you and then at
the end he's like i love you like
[spinner]: i love
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[spinner]: my
[limpin_priest]: ye
[spinner]: own daddy and then
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: chose him killing him
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: in the movie
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: and every
[cobra]: and
[spinner]: character
[cobra]: in the middle of the movie
[spinner]: every
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: character
[cobra]: in the
[spinner]: as
[cobra]: middle of
[spinner]: a
[cobra]: the
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: movie
[spinner]: flash
[cobra]: he gets tired he gets tired of
trying to get there
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: like trust so he just
[limpin_priest]: ah
[cobra]: introduces himself as daddy
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: so they will hey daddy okay i
can kill him now
[spinner]: i like the idea of him slowly
[limpin_priest]: uh
[spinner]: becoming like
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: family to every person he killed in
the first movie and the whole movies
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: just flash vaccines
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: okay
[cobra]: now i hate it
[limpin_priest]: flash back scenes
[cobra]: now
[limpin_priest]: okay
[cobra]: i hate
[pay_cheque_collector]: h
[cobra]: it
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: that
[spinner]: turn
[limpin_priest]: daddy bit was funny and also perplexing
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: but also intriguing
[cobra]: what's the name of the sequel
[spinner]: that's
[cobra]: the
[spinner]: his
[cobra]: daddy
[spinner]: ma
[limpin_priest]: kay
[cobra]: contractor
[spinner]: called me daddy
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: daddy's
[limpin_priest]: yah
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[spinner]: home three oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: that dad o
[limpin_priest]: don't call him daddy but but you're
going to call him
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: daddy yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: all right let's
[cobra]: i hate
[spinner]: let's
[cobra]: the thanks
[spinner]: do it
[limpin_priest]: this is wrong
[spinner]: ah
[pay_cheque_collector]: are you sure
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: no i think it's probably fine
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: i don't know does i just a
couple of questions to this does lena hetty
[limpin_priest]: ye
[pay_cheque_collector]: show up in this way
[limpin_priest]: i think that makes
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: sense
[cobra]: she calls him daddy
[spinner]: so you're
[cobra]: too
[spinner]: going to say deslinaheade
[limpin_priest]: uh
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: call him daddy
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: no you kill her right
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: but why not
[cobra]: he marries her
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: how
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: why who cares she marries
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: him because
[pay_cheque_collector]: she's
[cobra]: she
[pay_cheque_collector]: married
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: to our work
[cobra]: okay hear me o hear me out
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: i
[cobra]: she
[pay_cheque_collector]: hate it
[cobra]: reminds
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: he reminds
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: her of her dad
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: how
[cobra]: for
[limpin_priest]: that
[cobra]: some
[limpin_priest]: lessens
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: reason
[limpin_priest]: her character in my opinion
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: i'm sorry
[spinner]: you ruin
[cobra]: her
[spinner]: the
[cobra]: character
[spinner]: integrity
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: is
[spinner]: of the
[cobra]: so
[spinner]: contractor
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: great and an
[limpin_priest]: unless
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: integral
[limpin_priest]: it's her
[cobra]: to
[limpin_priest]: character
[cobra]: the plot
[limpin_priest]: not his i want to
[cobra]: no
[limpin_priest]: respect her
[spinner]: you've ruined
[pay_cheque_collector]: and lessons
[cobra]: why
[pay_cheque_collector]: his character
[cobra]: her character
[pay_cheque_collector]: to
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: sucks
[pay_cheque_collector]: his character is about
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: the business and befriending young women that's
[spinner]: that's
[limpin_priest]: this is wrong
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: it
[limpin_priest]: you know
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: what this is
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: turning into this is turning into a
pimp named slick back daddy
[cobra]: well in this case is a pimp
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: called dial
[limpin_priest]: a pimp called dyle
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: gold dial
[limpin_priest]: pip
[cobra]: that's
[limpin_priest]: pip wait wait wait wait a pimp
called soap
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: because when you
[cobra]: no
[limpin_priest]: when
[cobra]: no
[limpin_priest]: you learn
[cobra]: no
[limpin_priest]: his
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: real
[cobra]: shit
[limpin_priest]: name
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: daddy
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: no
[limpin_priest]: dyle
[cobra]: i was going to say
[limpin_priest]: he kills you
[cobra]: i was going to
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: say the
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: the the sequel should have dial in
the name like
[pay_cheque_collector]: dil
[cobra]: dial daddy
[limpin_priest]: dil
[pay_cheque_collector]: moscow
[limpin_priest]: d
[pay_cheque_collector]: for daddy
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: uh
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah something
[spinner]: no
[cobra]: like that
[spinner]: dil d
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[spinner]: fardet
[cobra]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: uh
[cobra]: i fucking hate the cycle is great
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: this
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: is is is this is this is
[spinner]: i
[limpin_priest]: out there even for
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: me
[pay_cheque_collector]: moving on
[limpin_priest]: well
[pay_cheque_collector]: we've that wish the sequel now the
hard work begins
[cobra]: oh god
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: i don't know if he'll do it
you know i have a question a palitlenser
[pay_cheque_collector]: if we will
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: real quick paletlensar
[cobra]: okay
[limpin_priest]: thank
[pay_cheque_collector]: what
[limpin_priest]: you
[pay_cheque_collector]: you think happens the day after the
[limpin_priest]: ye
[pay_cheque_collector]: like i understand that we saw
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: we saw what's your face and the
grandma fly
[limpin_priest]: yes
[pay_cheque_collector]: fly to the ranch
[limpin_priest]: yes
[pay_cheque_collector]: so let's just
[cobra]: before that
[pay_cheque_collector]: let's
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: just tackle once he gets on the
train or escapes
[limpin_priest]: yes
[pay_cheque_collector]: how does you know ballard today go
et cetera et cetera
[cobra]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[spinner]: ell i imagine that the
[limpin_priest]: she's
[spinner]: first thing
[limpin_priest]: go head
[spinner]: would be the grandma going
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: how did you meet this
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: r dyle
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: and why did he
[limpin_priest]: how
[spinner]: give
[limpin_priest]: did
[spinner]: you
[limpin_priest]: you
[spinner]: plain tickets to his ranch
[limpin_priest]: how did you meet this black man
[spinner]: exactly
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: how
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: i mean
[cobra]: yeah it
[spinner]: i was
[cobra]: would
[spinner]: avoiding
[cobra]: that would
[spinner]: that
[cobra]: be
[spinner]: but yeah that's
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: probably by the first question
[limpin_priest]: i got you i can do that
[pay_cheque_collector]: please
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: i can
[spinner]: you
[limpin_priest]: do
[spinner]: can
[limpin_priest]: that
[spinner]: do it
[limpin_priest]: so
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: so she asked him that question and
she said and then he says why did
[spinner]: why
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: did this stranger give you tickets to
his to his private ranch in ohio where
[spinner]: i don't know
[limpin_priest]: it sounds cult straight
[spinner]: i know
[limpin_priest]: up and
[spinner]: and
[limpin_priest]: down
[spinner]: then she's like and then she
[pay_cheque_collector]: right
[spinner]: says
[cobra]: it does it
[spinner]: show
[cobra]: does
[spinner]: me where on the doll
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: he
[limpin_priest]: show
[spinner]: you know
[limpin_priest]: me on the horse
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: showed me on the source where
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: the man
[limpin_priest]: so
[spinner]: touched you
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: he lived he stayed in my room
for a few days
[limpin_priest]: oh my god
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: okay
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: god
[pay_cheque_collector]: first of all first of all spencer
all these questions are way too intelligent for
[pay_cheque_collector]: the
[spinner]: sorry
[pay_cheque_collector]: grandma we were showing on screen
[spinner]: sorry the grandma says
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: where where's
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: my
[cobra]: but
[spinner]: l s d i
[pay_cheque_collector]: ye
[spinner]: got the
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: hard sex club
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: to
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: get
[cobra]: was going
[spinner]: to
[cobra]: to say if she was on like
[pay_cheque_collector]: better
[cobra]: the waning out period
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: of soft drugs and hard sacks that
[limpin_priest]: uh
[cobra]: maybe
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: she has the war
[spinner]: are you seeing
[cobra]: to ask
[spinner]: that
[cobra]: those questions
[spinner]: black man like my drugs kicking back
am i having an acid flash back to
[spinner]: nineteen
[limpin_priest]: i
[spinner]: seventy
[limpin_priest]: saw
[spinner]: three
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: oh my goodness
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: deary
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: think i think i
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: know that black man
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: ye
[limpin_priest]: m johnson
[pay_cheque_collector]: listen
[spinner]: john
[pay_cheque_collector]: well
[spinner]: from woodstock
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeh
[cobra]: that's that's what she calls soap like
[pay_cheque_collector]: wow
[cobra]: remember a man
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: named soap
[pay_cheque_collector]: inappropriate um
[limpin_priest]: clean
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[limpin_priest]: me
[pay_cheque_collector]: listen
[limpin_priest]: wash
[pay_cheque_collector]: we're
[limpin_priest]: me down
[pay_cheque_collector]: not talking about the
[spinner]: watch me down to
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: you say grandma nothing nothing
[cobra]: rub me down soap lush me off
[limpin_priest]: darry bring maloufawash me down
[spinner]: excuse me man just just your daughter
come to my ranch
[limpin_priest]: well
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: i'm
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: sorry mam this is a wendy's
[spinner]: what
[limpin_priest]: is your
[cobra]: m
[limpin_priest]: bath tub
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: good
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: for two
[pay_cheque_collector]: spencer i just want to understand
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: here
[cobra]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: miss day is going to show up
to the ranch
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: ex ting
[pay_cheque_collector]: and
[limpin_priest]: expecting
[pay_cheque_collector]: hand him hand him a bar so
product placement dyle
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: so
[pay_cheque_collector]: and say watch me down to
[spinner]: what
[cobra]: yeah yeah
[spinner]: wash me
[cobra]: she's gonna she's
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: goin to hand him a bar of
soap and gold
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah yeah
[cobra]: this year
[spinner]: well
[cobra]: oh god
[spinner]: not again
[limpin_priest]: this is
[spinner]: grandma
[limpin_priest]: quality
[pay_cheque_collector]: uh
[cobra]: oh not again
[limpin_priest]: you
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[limpin_priest]: got your
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[limpin_priest]: orse and i'm going to get in
[pay_cheque_collector]: i believe it
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: just to wrap up the other
[spinner]: hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: story lines really quickly
[limpin_priest]: oh m
[pay_cheque_collector]: crampston asks ballard out it his way
to it appropriate because your dad just died
[pay_cheque_collector]: that's
[limpin_priest]: who
[pay_cheque_collector]: the
[spinner]: he
[pay_cheque_collector]: end
[spinner]: definitely
[pay_cheque_collector]: of his career
[spinner]: he definitely tries
[limpin_priest]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: at
[spinner]: to
[limpin_priest]: hated
[pay_cheque_collector]: the
[spinner]: take
[pay_cheque_collector]: police
[spinner]: a
[limpin_priest]: him
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: he definitely
[cobra]: god
[spinner]: tries to take advantage
[cobra]: why do you
[spinner]: of
[cobra]: hate
[pay_cheque_collector]: ye
[spinner]: her morning
[limpin_priest]: i
[cobra]: him
[limpin_priest]: hate him
[spinner]: hundred percent
[cobra]: why
[limpin_priest]: terrible actor and like and here
[cobra]: okay
[limpin_priest]: listen
[spinner]: and
[limpin_priest]: like he was he was my he
was my other bullet in the chamber for
[limpin_priest]: dumbest scenes when they were what they
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: that collins
[spinner]: h
[limpin_priest]: was was
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: killing people or like guilty
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: the way
[spinner]: he
[limpin_priest]: crampton like reacted sounded like he
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: wanted someone to
[spinner]: y
[limpin_priest]: give him sex he was like fuck
[cobra]: do in
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: sex
[pay_cheque_collector]: um
[limpin_priest]: he's like
[spinner]: fuck
[limpin_priest]: but that's hat
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: me
[limpin_priest]: he's like fuck me
[pay_cheque_collector]: fuck me
[cobra]: ye
[limpin_priest]: fuck
[spinner]: daddy
[limpin_priest]: me
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: oh no
[limpin_priest]: fuck me soap daddy fuck
[spinner]: got
[limpin_priest]: me soap
[spinner]: blown
[limpin_priest]: daddy
[spinner]: his head out
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: just he just
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: appears out of nowhere pulls his face
[limpin_priest]: but he was in the precinct right
it's just look
[spinner]: there's
[limpin_priest]: at his
[spinner]: no getting away
[limpin_priest]: fuck me
[spinner]: then
[limpin_priest]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: terrible
[pay_cheque_collector]: he says he's like
[limpin_priest]: broke
[pay_cheque_collector]: he's like
[limpin_priest]: me out of the sea and i
was like what
[spinner]: i
[limpin_priest]: just you
[spinner]: yeah yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: chris
[limpin_priest]: i wasn't
[pay_cheque_collector]: you are right
[limpin_priest]: even thinking
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: he
[limpin_priest]: about
[pay_cheque_collector]: basically
[limpin_priest]: that
[pay_cheque_collector]: says fuck men that he kind of
just like
[spinner]: i
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: sin cussus but he kind o just
looks around to see if anybody
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: s
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: like
[spinner]: everyone's
[pay_cheque_collector]: interested
[spinner]: like
[cobra]: yea
[pay_cheque_collector]: and then
[cobra]: and he
[pay_cheque_collector]: no
[cobra]: takers
[pay_cheque_collector]: it is he's
[cobra]: like
[pay_cheque_collector]: like
[cobra]: he says
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: fuck
[pay_cheque_collector]: it leaves
[cobra]: me and he takes not funk
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[cobra]: okay
[limpin_priest]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: you're right though matt he definitely like
tries to kiss lina
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: hetty after
[pay_cheque_collector]: he just tries to kiss
[spinner]: like
[pay_cheque_collector]: her
[spinner]: well
[pay_cheque_collector]: like
[spinner]: consoling
[pay_cheque_collector]: after
[spinner]: her
[pay_cheque_collector]: it's all over
[spinner]: well
[limpin_priest]: yea
[spinner]: consoling
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeathe'reat
[spinner]: her he's like
[pay_cheque_collector]: the bar
[spinner]: she's crying
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: he's like it's okay and he mistakes
that is like intimate
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: because he's never touched
[limpin_priest]: hm
[spinner]: a woman
[limpin_priest]: or
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: grass
[cobra]: hot
[pay_cheque_collector]: u
[spinner]: and then he
[cobra]: or grass
[spinner]: and then
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: he's like
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: he's
[pay_cheque_collector]: h oh
[spinner]: like it's okay it's okay
[limpin_priest]: okay
[spinner]: your dad was a great man now
fuck me
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: uh
[spinner]: at
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: daddy
[cobra]: know like he's consoling
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: her
[spinner]: no come
[cobra]: and she's like she's
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: like thankful that she's consoling him that
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: he's controlling her and she kind of
like says yeah thank you and
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: then he kind of leans
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: on her and she mildly leans
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: her head on his
[spinner]: it's
[cobra]: shoulder
[spinner]: good
[cobra]: and that's like all the q he
[spinner]: she's like it's good to have a
friend like you at least at this time
[spinner]: and he's like
[cobra]: he's like yeah
[spinner]: he's like yeah
[cobra]: ghost kiss er yeah yeah
[spinner]: i got him
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: bo
[pay_cheque_collector]: i thought he would just lean
[cobra]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: like when their
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: head her head's on his shoulder he
just leans over and is like fuck
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: me
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: daddy
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: no
[cobra]: m
[spinner]: no that's wesley snipes
[cobra]: wash
[spinner]: music
[cobra]: me down
[limpin_priest]: right
[cobra]: soap
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: to dan
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: at that
[cobra]: this like if this this whole
[limpin_priest]: please
[cobra]: daddy thing makes the sequel seem like
a horror movie
[limpin_priest]: ah
[cobra]: where
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: daddy he just appears
[spinner]: jesus
[cobra]: and kills
[spinner]: christ
[cobra]: you
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: well
[limpin_priest]: he's
[spinner]: that's daddy dyle
[pay_cheque_collector]: let's
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: fix this
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: daddy shows up
[cobra]: danny
[pay_cheque_collector]: and in
[cobra]: tyle
[pay_cheque_collector]: the original we need script of to
this grip because it is fucking awful
[spinner]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: um
[limpin_priest]: okay
[spinner]: for real
[pay_cheque_collector]: so many things to
[cobra]: where
[pay_cheque_collector]: start
[cobra]: do we
[pay_cheque_collector]: with
[cobra]: start
[pay_cheque_collector]: that we're
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: going to do this for real we're
on we're going
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: to try to make this a serious
action flick
[spinner]: no no we're gonna make it
[pay_cheque_collector]: we're gonna make it
[spinner]: we're gonna ake it a comedy
[limpin_priest]: serious
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay that's
[limpin_priest]: action
[pay_cheque_collector]: fair
[limpin_priest]: comedy
[pay_cheque_collector]: a serious a serious action company wesley
snipes can do this
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: i want to keep them
[spinner]: ell then it's not going to work
[pay_cheque_collector]: he
[spinner]: as a
[cobra]: we
[spinner]: comedy
[cobra]: trust
[limpin_priest]: you say
[cobra]: him
[limpin_priest]: you say that like you're trying to
convince yourself
[spinner]: yeahyeahyo
[limpin_priest]: into
[pay_cheque_collector]: i am
[limpin_priest]: believing a wesley
[pay_cheque_collector]: i am
[limpin_priest]: snipes can do that
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[cobra]: dulidis
[pay_cheque_collector]: i think
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: stick with
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: it
[pay_cheque_collector]: i think part of it is
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: his character immediately
[spinner]: so true
[pay_cheque_collector]: is miscast because his character is not
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: cast but like
[limpin_priest]: i calculated
[pay_cheque_collector]: misrepresented
[limpin_priest]: there you go you go
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: because he comes in as this
[spinner]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: like
[spinner]: hard
[pay_cheque_collector]: hard
[spinner]: like
[pay_cheque_collector]: like boiler room
[limpin_priest]: ah
[pay_cheque_collector]: style like i'm a cold killer
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: assassin like when the guy calls talks
to him at his ranch about the rules
[pay_cheque_collector]: she says
[spinner]: fuck
[pay_cheque_collector]: like fucking two words
[spinner]: yeah and when they
[pay_cheque_collector]: right and he's
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: just
[spinner]: and when they go do you need
anything he goes just a buck naked chick
[spinner]: with six toes who likes chocolate
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: and a
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: bear
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: and a barrel
[cobra]: with
[limpin_priest]: of
[cobra]: a thing
[limpin_priest]: dial
[cobra]: for chocolate
[limpin_priest]: soap
[spinner]: remember
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: that
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: line as from
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: the movie
[cobra]: i fucking for
[limpin_priest]: yeah that was weird
[cobra]: i forgot
[spinner]: to a child
[cobra]: that scene
[spinner]: she's
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: i
[spinner]: like
[pay_cheque_collector]: am
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: i forgot that
[pay_cheque_collector]: no
[spinner]: she's like you need anything just a
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: naked lady with six does with
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[spinner]: a thing with chocolate she's like what
[limpin_priest]: i could
[spinner]: the
[limpin_priest]: be that
[spinner]: fun
[limpin_priest]: for you
[spinner]: yeah is that your
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: grandma
[cobra]: she gloss glosses over
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: grandma do
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[cobra]: you have a thing for chocolate
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: what's that
[spinner]: i
[cobra]: there
[spinner]: can
[pay_cheque_collector]: what's that
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: soap
[limpin_priest]: rub down
[spinner]: watch
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: down soap
[limpin_priest]: wash
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: the
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay so so if we let him
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: have a bit more levity like he's
[limpin_priest]: yes
[pay_cheque_collector]: cracking jokes he's a wise cracking joke
[limpin_priest]: true
[pay_cheque_collector]: kind of guy at that point
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: it gives him some
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: wiggle room to have things go poorly
and him
[spinner]: like
[pay_cheque_collector]: not like you take the bumbling or
like you make it more bumbling or bad
[pay_cheque_collector]: luck
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: not
[spinner]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: like
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: he's
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: a fucking more on at his job
[spinner]: you make him
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: incompetent but he seems so cool that
people think he's good
[limpin_priest]: i have
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: a fixed for this
[pay_cheque_collector]: kay
[limpin_priest]: you can
[cobra]: like
[limpin_priest]: have okay
[cobra]: like
[limpin_priest]: hm
[cobra]: inspector luzo kind
[spinner]: ye
[cobra]: of thing
[limpin_priest]: that's not
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: that could be but here's my suggestion
bad luck fine his improvisation is monumental
[pay_cheque_collector]: jackie chan styles
[cobra]: h h
[limpin_priest]: so when he gets lemons okay then
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: ske ske
[spinner]: yes
[limpin_priest]: attack like embrace that ship like then
you can you can fit other things like
[limpin_priest]: when he's trying to um elude the
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: and the friging world disguises and blending
[cobra]: right
[limpin_priest]: into the
[cobra]: right
[limpin_priest]: class to the crowd
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: like embracing
[pay_cheque_collector]: a
[limpin_priest]: like embracing like interacting
[spinner]: a
[limpin_priest]: with people
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: and like
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: disappearing
[cobra]: like
[limpin_priest]: and stuff
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: like he was good because he was
a good like
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: field operative like
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: he thought on his feet and he
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: made the best
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: of the situation even if the plan
went a right
[spinner]: ye
[cobra]: i like that
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: so like
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: his planning
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: skills are kind of ship but
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[cobra]: then he knows how
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: to think on his feet and get
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: from from problems okay that would
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[cobra]: make it better
[pay_cheque_collector]: so then you have to
[cobra]: ah
[pay_cheque_collector]: i don't think you need to have
the back story of that guy getting away
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: like
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: all that can go just be like
this is a guy's a terrorist just he's
[pay_cheque_collector]: never wanted that b most wanted to
list whatever you can make up some reason
[pay_cheque_collector]: to go kill him it's fine he
dusn't need like this we
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: need you to come back for one
more killing daddy i mean o
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: ship
[spinner]: oh no
[limpin_priest]: how did you know that code name
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: oh god
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: that makes sense
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: it gives us more room to esto
better establish him then i guess like he'll
[limpin_priest]: just go and kill
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: this this this criminal this terris from
the bar from the bell tower
[cobra]: without any of that bumbling stupid
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: chit like you know
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: when when the guy shows
[limpin_priest]: okay
[cobra]: up with his head covered and the
other guy starts freaking out he goes dude
[cobra]: chill
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: i want to want to make sure
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: i'm killing the
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: right person i'm not like i'm
[spinner]: ah
[cobra]: not going to just start murdering random
[spinner]: right
[cobra]: people
[limpin_priest]: i need to be sure
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: yep
[limpin_priest]: and like even
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: and like if like a trained killer
or whatever is patient
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: so why like this
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: this this assistant guy is like freaking
out and whatever i was like why is
[limpin_priest]: no one on the ground noticing this
weird guy talking to himself
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: like maybe
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: he's on the phone
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: but he was talking to himself and
being all
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: i was
[limpin_priest]: take
[spinner]: thinking
[limpin_priest]: the
[spinner]: that
[limpin_priest]: shot
[spinner]: too
[limpin_priest]: like
[spinner]: he's like
[limpin_priest]: weird
[spinner]: he
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: was like doing the thing
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[spinner]: that like you're like yeah like talking
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: his
[limpin_priest]: that
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: ear and like holding
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: it's like mouth to clearly talking piece
a terrible
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: spy
[limpin_priest]: they could have shot him they could
have shot the guy after the hearing or
[limpin_priest]: whatever like there's another window as opposed
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: causing a scene dale should have been
soap dale
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: should
[cobra]: actually
[limpin_priest]: have been more patient oh
[cobra]: actually
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: going to
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: the
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: whole improvisation thing maybe he doesn't get
a clear
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: shot
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: at
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: like the plan is to get him
before he goes into the
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: hearing
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: thing right and we see his improvisation
a skills the first time where he goes
[cobra]: and like
[spinner]: ah
[cobra]: he's like okay i'm not going
[spinner]: yes
[cobra]: to be able to do this there's
too much security
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: like because they're expecting something but when
it's coming out
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: he finds somehow he finds the route
they're going to take or something
[spinner]: sets off
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: the
[cobra]: that
[spinner]: fire
[limpin_priest]: right
[spinner]: alarm
[cobra]: and then he kills
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: him
[spinner]: forces them to me outside
[cobra]: completely or something like just just he
just like improvises in a way that makes
[cobra]: the plan work
[pay_cheque_collector]: so i like this but what i
would do is i would make
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: terry could be a freak out artist
but he freaks out it's
[cobra]: on
[pay_cheque_collector]: his
[cobra]: purpose
[pay_cheque_collector]: first yeah it's his first mission or
second mission he's new he freaks out and
[pay_cheque_collector]: he sucks up the mission on purpose
and so that is what makes everything go
[pay_cheque_collector]: hey wire for dial is not because
his like
[spinner]: ye
[pay_cheque_collector]: his number two funked it up for
him not that he just had a bad
[pay_cheque_collector]: plan because it really just feels like
this movie he just
[spinner]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: had a dumb plan he shot
[limpin_priest]: you
[pay_cheque_collector]: a guy and had
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: no the exit strategy was stupid if
they like because everything went according to plan
[pay_cheque_collector]: by all
[spinner]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: by all
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: like they shot him
[cobra]: it delays a little
[pay_cheque_collector]: the
[cobra]: bit
[pay_cheque_collector]: car
[cobra]: but that's
[pay_cheque_collector]: was a bit
[cobra]: it
[pay_cheque_collector]: slow but like
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: it mostly happened and was just a
bad plan
[cobra]: the plan was shipped
[spinner]: what if he
[cobra]: basically
[spinner]: sent the guy in knowing it was
his first mission like to be the distraction
[spinner]: but the guy didn't know he's get
[cobra]: yeah i
[spinner]: and
[cobra]: was
[spinner]: do
[cobra]: thinking
[spinner]: this
[cobra]: when you said that
[spinner]: and then it becomes a distraction
[cobra]: when matt
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[cobra]: when you said it was his first
mission i thought like okay dio was like
[cobra]: okay this guy is going to fuck
up let me use his funk up to
[cobra]: for something useful
[limpin_priest]: kill them both or
[cobra]: i
[limpin_priest]: like
[cobra]: like
[limpin_priest]: use
[cobra]: that
[limpin_priest]: his body
[cobra]: spencer
[limpin_priest]: still like when
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: he
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[limpin_priest]: blows up
[pay_cheque_collector]: the
[limpin_priest]: the car
[pay_cheque_collector]: only thing we need though is we
need a reason why the cops chase him
[pay_cheque_collector]: then
[limpin_priest]: t was
[pay_cheque_collector]: because
[limpin_priest]: confusing
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes he killed the guy but really
don't want like him being caught so easily
[pay_cheque_collector]: is kind of like we need a
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: reason why i got caught not just
that he was bad at his job
[spinner]: could be
[pay_cheque_collector]: because like they just have they just
have pictures of him these pictures
[spinner]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: like how bad are you at the
[spinner]: it could
[pay_cheque_collector]: right
[spinner]: be that the people that hired him
like wanted him to fail or get caught
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[limpin_priest]: they
[spinner]: for
[limpin_priest]: leaked
[spinner]: it
[limpin_priest]: it
[spinner]: so they like like like if he's
like the sould'thvebee
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: this many cops there that fast something
is going
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: on you know
[limpin_priest]: so someone
[pay_cheque_collector]: perfect
[cobra]: right
[limpin_priest]: leaked
[cobra]: right
[limpin_priest]: it
[cobra]: oh so like the
[limpin_priest]: collins
[cobra]: call in the call in
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: dude like he puts in like a
anonymous tip o someone's
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[cobra]: going to attempt
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: on the guys like okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: and that explains why it goes bad
and then you have his picture and stuff
[pay_cheque_collector]: like that because like someone's sabbathtae i'm
not just
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: he's incompetent
[spinner]: now
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: in rewriting this
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[spinner]: do
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: we want to maybe steer away from
having eighty per cent of the movie
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: be about a grown fifty year old
man with
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: a ten year old girl
[pay_cheque_collector]: yea
[spinner]: in her
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: bedroom
[limpin_priest]: yes
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: ah
[cobra]: we also
[limpin_priest]: yep
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: might want to add some other
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: characters who are people
[limpin_priest]: yah
[cobra]: of color rather than just him
[limpin_priest]: the pilot
[spinner]: hm
[limpin_priest]: should have a back story
[spinner]: uh
[limpin_priest]: i think
[cobra]: i was thinking like
[spinner]: h
[cobra]: you know there's no reason why
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[cobra]: cremston couldn't have
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: been
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: a black dude for example
[limpin_priest]: or
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: anyone
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: you know like
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: not
[pay_cheque_collector]: you
[limpin_priest]: just
[pay_cheque_collector]: know
[limpin_priest]: saying
[pay_cheque_collector]: i
[limpin_priest]: more
[pay_cheque_collector]: can't
[limpin_priest]: black people but like people of color
[spinner]: i wanted i want
[pay_cheque_collector]: were
[spinner]: the
[pay_cheque_collector]: casting
[spinner]: scottish guy to be a scottish asian
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: what if we got
[cobra]: i was
[pay_cheque_collector]: the
[spinner]: ah
[cobra]: going to say scott scottish indian
[pay_cheque_collector]: what if we got the maybe it's
not the she's pobablytoo young but the scottish
[pay_cheque_collector]: asian woman from harry potter
[limpin_priest]: she might
[pay_cheque_collector]: chang
[limpin_priest]: oh that was two thousand seven
[pay_cheque_collector]: i feel like you might be too
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: you
[cobra]: it's
[limpin_priest]: know
[spinner]: she could play the little
[cobra]: way
[spinner]: girl
[cobra]: too young
[limpin_priest]: exactly that's what i was going a
say like
[cobra]: okay
[limpin_priest]: if there's
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: going to be
[cobra]: okay
[limpin_priest]: if there's going to be like an
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: wholesome
[spinner]: hm m
[limpin_priest]: child like teen ager or whatever
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: let it be her but keep some
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: distance with that involvement but maybe maybe
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: helps him in a way maybe just
like leaves like i
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: don't know maybe she leaves like
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: food for him at the door in
i don't know
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: something small
[spinner]: here's a crazy notion
[limpin_priest]: but i don't
[spinner]: maybe we should have a reason for
her to trust him from
[pay_cheque_collector]: my
[spinner]: the beginning like not
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: have a character just randomly trust a
stranger and do everything for him with
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: no reason
[limpin_priest]: have something
[cobra]: yeah go for it
[limpin_priest]: soap daddy goes to the safe house
after the machine
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: is bungled right
[spinner]: you can't say
[limpin_priest]: and
[spinner]: that
[limpin_priest]: he's
[spinner]: word oh chris behind you
[pay_cheque_collector]: chris look bit you
[limpin_priest]: sop sop sop
[spinner]: m oh
[limpin_priest]: so he goes back
[cobra]: yah
[limpin_priest]: to the safe house right
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: but someone's
[cobra]: h
[limpin_priest]: following him one of collins's people on
the ground right
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: to like like another
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah oh
[limpin_priest]: like he's got extra eyes on
[pay_cheque_collector]: h
[limpin_priest]: the
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: mission because he wants to mess things
up so he
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: follows soap daddy soap that he goes
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: to the safe house
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: and extra agent like like tailing him
[pay_cheque_collector]: ay
[limpin_priest]: is ready to
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: kill him but the little teen age
girl somehow is either
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[limpin_priest]: in the way and the agent guy
doesn't care but soap daddy is hip to
[limpin_priest]: it sees
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: the opportunity like sees what's going to
play down saves the girl and still hills
[limpin_priest]: the guy but the girl
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: understood like wait a minute this is
messed up just what
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: just what
[cobra]: okay
[limpin_priest]: just getting wrapped up
[spinner]: and
[limpin_priest]: into
[spinner]: he kills
[cobra]: i like
[spinner]: the
[cobra]: this
[spinner]: grandma
[cobra]: because then we can take
[spinner]: the grandma
[cobra]: no no that makes
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: sense
[limpin_priest]: yes yes yes like
[cobra]: that
[limpin_priest]: the
[cobra]: makes
[limpin_priest]: asian
[cobra]: sense
[limpin_priest]: kills the
[cobra]: that
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: grandmother
[cobra]: makes
[spinner]: the
[cobra]: sense
[spinner]: agent
[limpin_priest]: okay
[spinner]: kills the grandma
[limpin_priest]: okay
[spinner]: an the the
[limpin_priest]: got
[spinner]: grandma
[limpin_priest]: you
[spinner]: is like they knock on the do
and she's
[cobra]: ye
[spinner]: like is that
[limpin_priest]: no
[cobra]: and
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: my drugs you got for me
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: mask
[spinner]: is
[limpin_priest]: lyn
[spinner]: that my mesglinan
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: of l s d
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: maslin
[cobra]: is this so daddy oh no
[spinner]: h
[cobra]: but like
[spinner]: h
[limpin_priest]: what a grown
[cobra]: the what i
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: like about this is that we can
[limpin_priest]: and
[cobra]: make the safe house be an actual
safe house so it wasn't because the girl
[cobra]: was friends with the fucking
[limpin_priest]: peto
[cobra]: number two guy it was
[limpin_priest]: hm
[cobra]: just a coincidence like she lived close
close by
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: and the guy that was tailing dial
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: just like didn't care and he saves
[limpin_priest]: yep
[cobra]: after
[pay_cheque_collector]: perfect
[cobra]: the guy kills the grandma so
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: now there's a connection there and he
has to protect her too
[limpin_priest]: yep
[cobra]: you can just like leave her
[pay_cheque_collector]: right
[cobra]: okay
[limpin_priest]: he's
[cobra]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: and
[limpin_priest]: chosen
[cobra]: like
[pay_cheque_collector]: then she
[cobra]: it
[pay_cheque_collector]: can
[limpin_priest]: to
[pay_cheque_collector]: she can show up being smart and
now they ave like the
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: relationship is there out of like a
bond of trust
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: and it builds right she
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[cobra]: she doesn't really necessarily super trust him
at the beginning and he thinks she's going
[cobra]: to be a liability but then
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: they each prove the other
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: wrong
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: right that's how they like kind of
forges the
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: relationship as they go not immediately
[pay_cheque_collector]: perfect
[cobra]: she's like i trust you already and
i don't care that
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: you look like you
[spinner]: we're
[cobra]: got shot
[limpin_priest]: as he
[spinner]: so
[cobra]: or
[limpin_priest]: knows
[spinner]: we're
[cobra]: the
[spinner]: just
[cobra]: police
[spinner]: making
[cobra]: is after
[spinner]: lee on
[cobra]: you
[spinner]: the professional but worse right
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: we
[pay_cheque_collector]: kind
[limpin_priest]: well
[pay_cheque_collector]: of yeah
[cobra]: a little
[spinner]: that's
[cobra]: bit
[spinner]: kind o what the movie is
[cobra]: a little bit yeah it's an amaze
[spinner]: image
[cobra]: to lean the profession
[limpin_priest]: because
[spinner]: worse
[limpin_priest]: like
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[limpin_priest]: he has to take response he
[pay_cheque_collector]: had
[limpin_priest]: slowly
[pay_cheque_collector]: percent
[limpin_priest]: learned realizes that hes goin to have
to take some form of responsibility for her
[limpin_priest]: but he doesn't know in what way
it will form yet eh
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: ye
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay i like
[cobra]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: this so far we gotta we got
to address
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: the elephant in the room
[limpin_priest]: which is
[pay_cheque_collector]: and the elephant is all the fucking
it's not even big but it's just a
[pay_cheque_collector]: weird connection of like the u s
have jurisdiction in
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: the u k for some reason
[limpin_priest]: we need
[pay_cheque_collector]: that
[limpin_priest]: to
[pay_cheque_collector]: makes no
[limpin_priest]: kill that
[spinner]: the department
[pay_cheque_collector]: no sense
[spinner]: of homeland
[limpin_priest]: my
[spinner]: security
[pay_cheque_collector]: like
[spinner]: we have jrsdiionhere sir this is this
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: london
[cobra]: how about
[pay_cheque_collector]: we're an ally
[cobra]: how about they get
[spinner]: in the united
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: kingdom
[cobra]: how about they get the interpol involved
[limpin_priest]: okay
[cobra]: the c
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: i a gets the interpole involved
[limpin_priest]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah because inter
[cobra]: that
[pay_cheque_collector]: pole
[cobra]: will
[pay_cheque_collector]: is
[cobra]: make
[pay_cheque_collector]: like
[cobra]: more sense
[pay_cheque_collector]: inter pole just
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: funk around crew right
[limpin_priest]: really
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: not they're
[pay_cheque_collector]: well
[limpin_priest]: not
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: they're like
[cobra]: that's their
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: that's their that's their tag line
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: inter pole the fun
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: around
[pay_cheque_collector]: because
[cobra]: group
[pay_cheque_collector]: inter
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: pole
[spinner]: get
[pay_cheque_collector]: is
[spinner]: fucked
[pay_cheque_collector]: like
[spinner]: man
[pay_cheque_collector]: it's like a private
[spinner]: get fucked mate
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: we're in to bawl
[pay_cheque_collector]: interpose
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: like a private police force
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: in a way right
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: they don't they don't they don't they're
not from a specific country
[limpin_priest]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[limpin_priest]: but i mean
[pay_cheque_collector]: they
[limpin_priest]: go
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: have
[limpin_priest]: on
[pay_cheque_collector]: so they have jurisdiction to just
[limpin_priest]: ye
[pay_cheque_collector]: jump around in europe essentially
[limpin_priest]: yes i understood but were like fun
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: around like they can go and do
fun around anywhere
[spinner]: and
[limpin_priest]: okay
[spinner]: they pull
[limpin_priest]: i thought
[spinner]: up and
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: you
[spinner]: go
[limpin_priest]: meant like
[spinner]: hoy
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: like
[limpin_priest]: they
[cobra]: because
[limpin_priest]: don't take
[spinner]: hoy
[limpin_priest]: things
[cobra]: because
[limpin_priest]: seriously
[spinner]: fuck
[cobra]: collins
[spinner]: you
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: as a c i
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: a agent coming in and saying oh
we have custody
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: is like no you're fucking don't funk
[spinner]: i have the
[cobra]: right
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: i
[cobra]: they
[spinner]: have the
[cobra]: don't
[spinner]: head
[cobra]: have
[spinner]: of interpoll on the line actually he'd
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: like to speak to you
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: get fucked mike you
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: heard it from him
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: uh
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: we got this case damidy's right
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: i'm sorry
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: sir
[cobra]: you lay your hands off
[spinner]: yah
[cobra]: soap daddy or no what is that
[spinner]: you
[limpin_priest]: you're
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[spinner]: you lay your head you put one
[limpin_priest]: the
[spinner]: on
[limpin_priest]: tom
[spinner]: soap daddy and you now i said
his name
[pay_cheque_collector]: hey
[spinner]: you know
[pay_cheque_collector]: question
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: one
[cobra]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: interval from australia
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: get
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: way
[cobra]: that's
[spinner]: get
[cobra]: a
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: good
[spinner]: fucked
[cobra]: question
[spinner]: con
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: ah
[spinner]: that answer your question
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[cobra]: is
[limpin_priest]: h
[cobra]: that better
[spinner]: is that is that bad
[pay_cheque_collector]: i
[limpin_priest]: h
[spinner]: mike
[limpin_priest]: i r
[cobra]: is that better
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: for you
[limpin_priest]: what a bye bye
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: bye bye what bye bye
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: i've got
[limpin_priest]: so
[spinner]: j f k
[limpin_priest]: okay
[spinner]: on the line
[pay_cheque_collector]: moving on
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: oh you
[cobra]: my name is bruce and fuck
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: you
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: wow
[pay_cheque_collector]: moving on
[limpin_priest]: okay
[spinner]: right
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay so we've cleaned that up we're
just going to ive the inter pool
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: we're gonna we're gonna pull it out
of british hands
[limpin_priest]: but
[pay_cheque_collector]: so it's now
[limpin_priest]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: inter pole that has the terrace right
[limpin_priest]: so if we do that though then
there's no more there's not much of charles
[limpin_priest]: dance or lina hit
[pay_cheque_collector]: no it's fun they're just they're just
part of interpool
[limpin_priest]: okay never mind i'm good now
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah just switch
[cobra]: okay so
[spinner]: i
[cobra]: i like that like
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: charles maybe charles dances from the interpol
and like lena
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: hate is just like
[spinner]: but
[cobra]: they can
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: still be father and daughter
[pay_cheque_collector]: sure
[cobra]: though
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: that would be weird but he like
he's like no i have
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: jurisdiction here and he goes after and
then we get more charles dance in the
[cobra]: movie
[limpin_priest]: i
[spinner]: i
[limpin_priest]: want
[cobra]: too
[limpin_priest]: that
[cobra]: because he doesn't have to die
[pay_cheque_collector]: and then lena hetty gets pulled in
she's not involved in
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: it until her dad gets shot
[limpin_priest]: hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: and then she gets pulled into is
[limpin_priest]: yes yes
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: and
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: yes
[cobra]: i like
[limpin_priest]: yes
[cobra]: that so she kind of goes
[spinner]: i'd
[cobra]: a
[spinner]: like
[cobra]: little
[spinner]: to
[cobra]: bit of
[spinner]: take
[cobra]: rogue
[spinner]: this
[limpin_priest]: yes
[spinner]: this this
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: this movie i like to set up
but it's very buy the numbers we need
[spinner]: we need to
[limpin_priest]: how
[spinner]: i don't know just like buy the
numbers action
[cobra]: twist
[spinner]: movie you know i would like to
take a take a turn somewhere so it's
[spinner]: not as predictable like
[limpin_priest]: suggestion
[spinner]: maybe the girl the little girl's dad
was his target and he's actually not good
[spinner]: guy oh
[limpin_priest]: when did this become
[cobra]: that's
[limpin_priest]: thor
[cobra]: still
[limpin_priest]: love and thunder
[cobra]: that still buy the numbers
[spinner]: what
[cobra]: though
[spinner]: if
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: like him having
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: to bond
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: with like the
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[cobra]: child of his target
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: is not that unusual
[spinner]: but hear me out
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[spinner]: he needed to bomb with her to
the point where she
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: m
[spinner]: called him daddy before he would kill
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: gavetsismo
[limpin_priest]: i actually
[pay_cheque_collector]: h
[limpin_priest]: think we've we've done we're doing a
[pay_cheque_collector]: h
[limpin_priest]: solid job at railing like re
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: railing this on to
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: an action
[spinner]: it's a it's a
[limpin_priest]: more
[spinner]: much
[limpin_priest]: so than comedy
[spinner]: it's a much tighter action
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[limpin_priest]: you
[spinner]: movie
[limpin_priest]: know
[spinner]: for sure but
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: i do think it's
[cobra]: it's
[spinner]: a bit
[cobra]: it's
[spinner]: by
[cobra]: more
[spinner]: the
[cobra]: of
[spinner]: numbers i
[cobra]: an
[spinner]: think
[cobra]: action
[spinner]: it needs to take
[cobra]: movie
[spinner]: take a turn
[pay_cheque_collector]: i get what you're saying spencer i
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: i think this movie needs to leave
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: because you're it's like an international you
gotta go kill us international
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: terris we just spend
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: the whole time and maybe london other
than mentioning elvin and castle like six
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: times you never know you're in london
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: other than the british people running around
is very weird he london but
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: you don't really take advantage of it
but i think the reason why i would
[pay_cheque_collector]: leave
[spinner]: huge
[pay_cheque_collector]: the country is i think you come
here he kills a terrorist there's still another
[pay_cheque_collector]: person on the lost here's multiple people
and so he needs to
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: he realizes that the real terrorist is
somebody different and maybe that's when it's
[spinner]: the
[pay_cheque_collector]: like
[spinner]: real terrorists
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: are the
[pay_cheque_collector]: real
[cobra]: maybe
[spinner]: friends
[pay_cheque_collector]: terrorist
[spinner]: you
[cobra]: it
[spinner]: made
[cobra]: doesn't
[spinner]: along
[cobra]: have to
[spinner]: the
[cobra]: even
[spinner]: way
[cobra]: be that maybe maybe he was
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: maybe who was supposed to like you
said to more than
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: one person and he gets
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: one in the first part of the
of the mission and
[spinner]: ah
[limpin_priest]: ah
[cobra]: the other one runs away
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: and then this is
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[cobra]: sort of like a
[limpin_priest]: chase
[cobra]: three way pursuit
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: it's him after the guy and an
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: after him and then you can do
what you
[spinner]: or
[cobra]: wanted which is get out
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: of get out of england
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: right
[pay_cheque_collector]: but
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: the other one thing
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: i was going to suggest is
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: he like starts
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: investigating why things
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: went wrong
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: like why why
[cobra]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: he gets busted
[cobra]: m
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: and it turns out that the new
jeremy collins played by a much more cable
[pay_cheque_collector]: actor
[spinner]: hm
[cobra]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: is he is actually run on the
[spinner]: gonna say the same
[pay_cheque_collector]: he
[spinner]: thing
[pay_cheque_collector]: set that terras guy up
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: so he told a terras guy what
[spinner]: and
[pay_cheque_collector]: to
[spinner]: then
[pay_cheque_collector]: do
[spinner]: he wanted no
[pay_cheque_collector]: he's
[spinner]: loose ends
[pay_cheque_collector]: been a double agent
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: and sale's trying to type loose ends
by having dial killed
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: the terrorist and then and then
[spinner]: at
[pay_cheque_collector]: you
[cobra]: the
[pay_cheque_collector]: know
[cobra]: other terra skill
[spinner]: no
[cobra]: dial
[spinner]: and then
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: have dial brought in
[cobra]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: just a
[spinner]: and
[pay_cheque_collector]: just
[spinner]: killed
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah dyle like shot by the
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: cops
[spinner]: that
[pay_cheque_collector]: while
[spinner]: would
[pay_cheque_collector]: he's
[spinner]: be
[pay_cheque_collector]: doing his job because the cops shot
[spinner]: a
[pay_cheque_collector]: everybody
[spinner]: nice neat bow
[pay_cheque_collector]: non stop in london
[cobra]: yeah i know i see what you
mean yeah yeah
[spinner]: and then
[cobra]: and that's how he finds actually the
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: is because
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: one of like the guy that he
actually does kill didn't know anything about this
[cobra]: but the other terrorist is actually
[spinner]: he's got to work
[cobra]: on
[spinner]: he's got
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: to
[cobra]: collins's
[spinner]: work his way up
[cobra]: pay
[spinner]: to figure
[cobra]: roll
[spinner]: out what's happening by hunting the other
terraces in
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: this group
[cobra]: and i'm going to say this
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: can we move this entirely out of
england just to make it easier
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: for them to go from country to
country like move to friends
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: and have
[pay_cheque_collector]: it's two thousand seven
[cobra]: going
[pay_cheque_collector]: they're
[cobra]: to
[pay_cheque_collector]: still part of the the it's fine
[cobra]: no but it's
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: just the ease of doing
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: that because you know there's there's
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: water between
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: now england
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[cobra]: and europe proper
[pay_cheque_collector]: didn't you watch the gray men where
like they just said were in like hey
[pay_cheque_collector]: we're
[spinner]: yeah oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: in beyrout now hey we're in fucking
[cobra]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: warstaheylike they didn't explain
[cobra]: i thought we
[pay_cheque_collector]: travel
[cobra]: were trying to make this movie better
not worse
[pay_cheque_collector]: not to explain travel just show places
[spinner]: he's hunting
[pay_cheque_collector]: it's fine and no
[spinner]: the
[pay_cheque_collector]: one cares
[spinner]: terrorists all
[cobra]: okay
[spinner]: over europe so he's going from place
[pay_cheque_collector]: sure
[spinner]: place
[pay_cheque_collector]: and
[cobra]: like
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[cobra]: he okay so maybe
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: maybe dyle has a bunch
[pay_cheque_collector]: may
[cobra]: of like
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: safe houses
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: and stashes
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: and ship like that
[spinner]: like
[pay_cheque_collector]: but
[spinner]: fake mustaches
[cobra]: that he
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: can actually disguise himself
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: as other than a black man
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: with a brown ho so he is
able to actually
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: leave london
[spinner]: you're elling
[cobra]: and go
[spinner]: you
[cobra]: to
[spinner]: tllthm to go white
[cobra]: europe
[spinner]: face
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: ye
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: sure
[pay_cheque_collector]: hunrepercent
[spinner]: white chicks
[limpin_priest]: i'm
[spinner]: three
[limpin_priest]: here
[pay_cheque_collector]: and this
[limpin_priest]: for it
[pay_cheque_collector]: it
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: so this moves
[cobra]: and his white face version is played
by chris evans i'm kidding
[pay_cheque_collector]: no
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: um this moves are emily dave replacement
into a
[spinner]: right
[pay_cheque_collector]: bit older like a more of a
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: sixteen eighteen year
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: old teen ager she ends
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: yea
[pay_cheque_collector]: up becoming like a hacker for him
and like
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: a tech wi that helps some track
[cobra]: we're back to the under professional now
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: sure
[spinner]: because that's a good movie
[pay_cheque_collector]: we
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: need to make
[cobra]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: this good
[limpin_priest]: ye
[pay_cheque_collector]: just make leave on the professional
[cobra]: oh here here we go
[pay_cheque_collector]: but she's
[cobra]: maybe
[pay_cheque_collector]: older
[cobra]: the maybe the
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: she's older
[cobra]: yeah maybe maybe the guy
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: who replaces
[limpin_priest]: collins
[cobra]: the stupid idiot who plays collins is
gen reno
[limpin_priest]: maybe
[spinner]: now john
[limpin_priest]: but
[spinner]: rene
[limpin_priest]: i have another
[spinner]: should replace
[limpin_priest]: i've been
[spinner]: wesley
[limpin_priest]: i've
[spinner]: snipes
[limpin_priest]: been digging
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes yeah
[spinner]: nataly portman
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: could replace the
[cobra]: and
[spinner]: girl
[cobra]: then at
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: port but
[spinner]: hear me
[cobra]: okay
[spinner]: out now garry oldman could replace
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah um
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: every
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: one
[spinner]: garlan replace
[cobra]: that's
[spinner]: everyone
[cobra]: who he replaces
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: i have my
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: i've been digging for a replacement for
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[spinner]: go
[pay_cheque_collector]: chris what do you got
[limpin_priest]: bruce greenwood
[cobra]: s that
[pay_cheque_collector]: like
[limpin_priest]: he's
[pay_cheque_collector]: he
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: was
[cobra]: at
[limpin_priest]: go ahead
[pay_cheque_collector]: the captain and the first captain in
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: he was
[limpin_priest]: pike
[pay_cheque_collector]: pike in the star trick movies
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: right
[cobra]: nice
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: nice
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: i think he wouldn't be
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: because he just
[spinner]: we could afford him
[limpin_priest]: a bit more charming than
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: feels like someone who would like do
a lot of that could just
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: you can pull off conniving but wait
a minute you
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: wait a minute i thought you were
we were on the same side
[spinner]: and
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: charles
[limpin_priest]: like no
[spinner]: dance
[limpin_priest]: bro
[spinner]: is actually bad
[limpin_priest]: yeah huh
[spinner]: let me give him a bigger
[limpin_priest]: uh
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[spinner]: role
[cobra]: i was toying with the idea of
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: collins with charles
[spinner]: what if
[cobra]: dense
[spinner]: charles dance
[limpin_priest]: but why
[spinner]: is just
[limpin_priest]: does charles dance
[spinner]: his connection in inter boll
[limpin_priest]: but why does turn
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[limpin_priest]: like it feels
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: too easy to replace
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: put dance
[cobra]: and yeah
[limpin_priest]: into
[cobra]: and
[limpin_priest]: the
[cobra]: too
[limpin_priest]: villain
[cobra]: many
[limpin_priest]: role
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[cobra]: people are corrupt in this this is
[spinner]: no
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: lina
[cobra]: red notice
[spinner]: lina
[limpin_priest]: i
[cobra]: now
[limpin_priest]: feel
[spinner]: head hetty is going to find out
that her dad is corrupt
[cobra]: is dirty
[spinner]: after
[limpin_priest]: no
[spinner]: he
[limpin_priest]: i
[spinner]: dies
[limpin_priest]: want to
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: flip it i want to flip
[spinner]: lina
[limpin_priest]: it
[spinner]: is dirty
[limpin_priest]: i want him
[spinner]: well
[limpin_priest]: yes
[spinner]: that's kind of
[limpin_priest]: i
[spinner]: cool
[limpin_priest]: want i want
[spinner]: his daughter's
[limpin_priest]: charles dance
[spinner]: dirty
[limpin_priest]: to be the stalwart
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: you know paragon
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: of
[spinner]: justice
[limpin_priest]: of justice thank you and just before
he dies he finds out that his daughters
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: on the take
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[spinner]: i like
[limpin_priest]: or crooked
[spinner]: that his
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: daughter shoots
[pay_cheque_collector]: why
[spinner]: him
[cobra]: so she's she's the one leaking stuff
back to collins
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: then
[pay_cheque_collector]: why yeah there's something missing there because
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: i don't understand why
[limpin_priest]: i got something
[pay_cheque_collector]: why she's banging collins
[limpin_priest]: because banging
[spinner]: we didn't say they were
[limpin_priest]: okay
[spinner]: banging
[limpin_priest]: because
[cobra]: she doesn't have to be banging
[spinner]: but they are
[limpin_priest]: maybe
[cobra]: him dude what the fuck is wrong
[pay_cheque_collector]: metaphorically
[cobra]: you
[pay_cheque_collector]: banging not
[spinner]: hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: literally
[cobra]: that doesn't help
[limpin_priest]: past
[pay_cheque_collector]: daddy
[limpin_priest]: the soap
[spinner]: an
[limpin_priest]: daddy
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: okay so here's
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: wash
[limpin_priest]: here's
[spinner]: my
[limpin_priest]: my suggestion
[spinner]: daddy
[limpin_priest]: what
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: dad um
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: charles charles i dont want
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: to say i want to i want
to stick to his character name
[spinner]: just say
[pay_cheque_collector]: andrew windsor
[limpin_priest]: so windsor windsor
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[spinner]: yes
[limpin_priest]: stellar
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: and fantastic lead detective or like captain
terrible father
[spinner]: she could never live up to its
[limpin_priest]: that or maybe he
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: just didn't give her enough he didn't
give her enough love
[cobra]: okay
[limpin_priest]: you know
[cobra]: so now we're just making a tie
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: win and circe again
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[cobra]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: but
[cobra]: carry on
[spinner]: but
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[limpin_priest]: but he's not a
[pay_cheque_collector]: i
[spinner]: this
[limpin_priest]: villain
[pay_cheque_collector]: like
[spinner]: is
[pay_cheque_collector]: this
[spinner]: before a game of
[limpin_priest]: he
[spinner]: thrones
[limpin_priest]: doesn't
[pay_cheque_collector]: i like
[limpin_priest]: like he's just like focused on the
work and he's just like
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: you know phone it in dad you
don't have to
[pay_cheque_collector]: this
[limpin_priest]: be a
[pay_cheque_collector]: is
[limpin_priest]: villain
[pay_cheque_collector]: this is
[limpin_priest]: dad
[pay_cheque_collector]: why she has a different last name
because she never loved her original father because
[pay_cheque_collector]: he always phoned it in
[limpin_priest]: you
[spinner]: and
[limpin_priest]: go
[spinner]: she thought through corruption she could jump
up the ladder and impress
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: him
[pay_cheque_collector]: and
[limpin_priest]: maybe
[pay_cheque_collector]: jeremy collins real name was jeremy ballard
[spinner]: oh my
[pay_cheque_collector]: boom
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: god wait who's that
[cobra]: okay
[limpin_priest]: that's my question
[cobra]: that might
[limpin_priest]: too
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[cobra]: be
[limpin_priest]: that's my
[cobra]: that
[limpin_priest]: question
[cobra]: might be
[limpin_priest]: too
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: who
[cobra]: that
[limpin_priest]: they
[cobra]: might
[limpin_priest]: got
[cobra]: be
[limpin_priest]: married
[cobra]: a little bit too many
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: twists
[pay_cheque_collector]: no no no that's jerry collins is
her dad jerry collins is like the usciageand
[spinner]: what
[pay_cheque_collector]: who's like sets
[spinner]: her
[pay_cheque_collector]: up
[spinner]: dad's charles
[pay_cheque_collector]: james
[spinner]: dance
[pay_cheque_collector]: dyle no
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: charles dance is her biological father but
he's never around and she actually gets raised
[pay_cheque_collector]: by jeremy collins
[limpin_priest]: how
[spinner]: from the u s
[pay_cheque_collector]: do i mean how
[limpin_priest]: how
[cobra]: was adopted
[pay_cheque_collector]: he's not us because the whole u
s connection
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: to
[spinner]: right
[pay_cheque_collector]: this is stupid
[spinner]: so now
[limpin_priest]: okay
[spinner]: it's interval
[pay_cheque_collector]: uh
[limpin_priest]: but how does she end up in
[cobra]: okay but
[limpin_priest]: how
[pay_cheque_collector]: h
[cobra]: wait
[limpin_priest]: did he end
[cobra]: she
[limpin_priest]: up
[cobra]: was
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: in
[cobra]: adopted
[limpin_priest]: it
[cobra]: is that what happens or is like
[limpin_priest]: or over the
[pay_cheque_collector]: she's
[cobra]: how
[limpin_priest]: years
[pay_cheque_collector]: just
[cobra]: did he get
[limpin_priest]: he was there so he
[pay_cheque_collector]: she was
[limpin_priest]: ended
[pay_cheque_collector]: she
[limpin_priest]: up
[pay_cheque_collector]: was just there living with her mom
like you know like her mom can have
[pay_cheque_collector]: other
[cobra]: ah
[pay_cheque_collector]: guys
[cobra]: so like she changed her last name
is like fuck you dad
[limpin_priest]: so
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: then here it is a strange
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: a strange charles
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: dance dad that
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: does that fit
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah so
[limpin_priest]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: they're trying to
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: build their relationship back together that's why
is like oh i'm like picture i'm so
[pay_cheque_collector]: proud of you or making the police
[limpin_priest]: yes
[pay_cheque_collector]: i love you and instead
[limpin_priest]: yes
[pay_cheque_collector]: of looking at it fondly she's just
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: my
[pay_cheque_collector]: fuck
[cobra]: you
[pay_cheque_collector]: you
[cobra]: dad
[limpin_priest]: got it
[spinner]: you
[limpin_priest]: got it
[spinner]: fuck you
[cobra]: is
[spinner]: daddy
[cobra]: that why she cut her hair
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: the
[spinner]: no
[cobra]: way
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: she
[spinner]: daddy
[cobra]: did
[spinner]: dyle
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: no
[cobra]: oh no o
[limpin_priest]: brought to you by a dial
[pay_cheque_collector]: h
[limpin_priest]: sope
[cobra]: in that whole
[pay_cheque_collector]: h
[cobra]: twist is there any explanation
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: for why her character has a mullet
[pay_cheque_collector]: no
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: it's because it's
[limpin_priest]: party
[pay_cheque_collector]: because
[cobra]: i know
[limpin_priest]: in
[pay_cheque_collector]: her
[limpin_priest]: the back
[cobra]: it's just
[limpin_priest]: business in the
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: front goes power
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: king ghost
[pay_cheque_collector]: it's because
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: her adoptive daddy couldn't grow hair so
she did
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: it for him
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: burn
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: oh god
[limpin_priest]: you know i
[pay_cheque_collector]: all
[limpin_priest]: could
[pay_cheque_collector]: right
[cobra]: wait
[limpin_priest]: i
[cobra]: did
[limpin_priest]: could
[cobra]: you
[limpin_priest]: see
[cobra]: say did
[limpin_priest]: going
[cobra]: you say
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: daddy
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh my
[spinner]: daddy
[pay_cheque_collector]: god
[spinner]: dyle
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: know
[pay_cheque_collector]: um
[limpin_priest]: take a shot every time you say
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: goes power
[cobra]: h
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[cobra]: uh
[pay_cheque_collector]: let's wrap
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: this up where
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: we're running
[cobra]: h
[pay_cheque_collector]: over time we've got we've
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: got many tangents for this new movie
so let's let's let's of chris if you
[pay_cheque_collector]: could stitch it all together into
[limpin_priest]: yea
[pay_cheque_collector]: a a cohesive mess please
[limpin_priest]: from the
[pay_cheque_collector]: get
[limpin_priest]: beginning
[pay_cheque_collector]: us there
[cobra]: as ave met
[limpin_priest]: from the beginning
[pay_cheque_collector]: from from what we've all talked about
[limpin_priest]: got
[pay_cheque_collector]: the beginning
[limpin_priest]: it all right
[pay_cheque_collector]: just high level
[limpin_priest]: okay so dale is a competent fantastic
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: know c i a officer or know
whatever agent um he's incredible
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: at improvisation so when ship hits the
fan he's
[pay_cheque_collector]: kay
[limpin_priest]: good at seeing the angles and
[pay_cheque_collector]: right
[limpin_priest]: even though he touches down for this
mission his
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: number to what was always a bumbling
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: someone planted him there there was
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: and someone was also leaking information to
turn the mission on its head to suck
[limpin_priest]: them all up he still gets out
he's on the run he goes to the
[limpin_priest]: safe house he
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: saves the teen age girl but the
grandma gets killed
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: um
[pay_cheque_collector]: yep
[spinner]: no
[limpin_priest]: that's like the that's like the
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: first act and then
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: drugs
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: we we we we pivot
[pay_cheque_collector]: my
[limpin_priest]: over to bruce greenwood collins for example
and he's the dad of of like the
[limpin_priest]: adopted data of for d c i
[cobra]: m
[limpin_priest]: ballard correct
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: right
[pay_cheque_collector]: di
[spinner]: but we
[pay_cheque_collector]: ballard
[spinner]: should make
[pay_cheque_collector]: yep
[spinner]: charles
[cobra]: d i
[spinner]: dance
[cobra]: d
[spinner]: the
[cobra]: i
[spinner]: red hairing so he'll be like i
have a contact in interpol and then i
[spinner]: like cuts to the charles dance talking
[limpin_priest]: right
[spinner]: so we think it's him at the
end that it's
[pay_cheque_collector]: right
[spinner]: actually
[cobra]: we
[spinner]: her
[cobra]: think it's him but it's not okay
i like that
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: i like
[limpin_priest]: right
[cobra]: that yeah
[limpin_priest]: and then i don't think we addressed
much of we didn't really address the we
[limpin_priest]: didn't get to the ending we didn't
really solve for that so like
[pay_cheque_collector]: so so so phil in the gap
here basically
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: when he gets back to the safe
house he starts investigating with
[limpin_priest]: yes there
[pay_cheque_collector]: with
[limpin_priest]: it is
[pay_cheque_collector]: the replacement why things went wrong and
then he finds out that he was set
[pay_cheque_collector]: up
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: and there's another terrorist
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: who's trying to kill him
[limpin_priest]: hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: and so he goes after that terrorist
trying to get more answers that
[limpin_priest]: until
[pay_cheque_collector]: gives us the second terrorist
[limpin_priest]: antonio bandaris
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: now
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: you've come
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[spinner]: after
[cobra]: i like
[spinner]: me
[cobra]: it
[spinner]: again
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: daddy did blow
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: and this means
[cobra]: and he
[pay_cheque_collector]: that
[cobra]: goes like no no no no no
[spinner]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: no
[spinner]: no no
[cobra]: no
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: no no no no
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: no no
[spinner]: that
[limpin_priest]: uh
[spinner]: i back again
[pay_cheque_collector]: just just as stream
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: lines doesn't mean
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: crampton purcell and all those guys don't
know them exist now
[limpin_priest]: we
[pay_cheque_collector]: we
[limpin_priest]: don't
[pay_cheque_collector]: don't
[cobra]: none
[pay_cheque_collector]: talk
[limpin_priest]: need
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: to
[cobra]: of them
[pay_cheque_collector]: them
[cobra]: exist
[limpin_priest]: them
[pay_cheque_collector]: they don't say anything they
[limpin_priest]: it
[pay_cheque_collector]: don't
[limpin_priest]: gives
[pay_cheque_collector]: exist
[limpin_priest]: more it gives
[cobra]: their names are dumb
[limpin_priest]: yes
[cobra]: they are dumb and i
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: hallo
[cobra]: wish they never
[limpin_priest]: it gives
[cobra]: existed
[limpin_priest]: us
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: more time especially with like
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: like
[limpin_priest]: d c
[pay_cheque_collector]: we got
[limpin_priest]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: next
[limpin_priest]: ballard
[pay_cheque_collector]: year a half hour of time
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: to feel so
[spinner]: so
[pay_cheque_collector]: we're okay
[spinner]: so
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: we think that lina done lena was
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: lina dunham lean hetty is the it's
like the good cop chasing him to find
[spinner]: out the truth i think that's her
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[spinner]: to find out what's really going on
but really
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: she's
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: looking for him
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: to give information back to bruce greenwood
[limpin_priest]: collins
[spinner]: collins
[pay_cheque_collector]: ballad
[spinner]: allard
[limpin_priest]: collins ballard
[spinner]: bucking
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: okay that's cool
[limpin_priest]: alius on top of alias
[spinner]: i like this and she's like not
giving information to her dad and you think
[spinner]: that's because
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: she knows her dad's dirty
[limpin_priest]: m yeah
[spinner]: really it's the reverse
[limpin_priest]: i thought we twisted are we are
we aligned that the dad's not dirty he
[limpin_priest]: was
[spinner]: ah
[limpin_priest]: just
[spinner]: he's
[pay_cheque_collector]: yes
[spinner]: a pinnacle
[limpin_priest]: not present
[spinner]: of justice
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: but we don't
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: know
[cobra]: i know
[spinner]: that
[cobra]: what spencer is saying
[limpin_priest]: got
[cobra]: is
[limpin_priest]: it thank you just make
[cobra]: when we like the in the movie
we make it seem like it is but
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: it's
[limpin_priest]: got
[cobra]: not
[limpin_priest]: it thank you okay i
[pay_cheque_collector]: and
[limpin_priest]: think
[pay_cheque_collector]: then so we need we need ending
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: right so the ending is um snipes
sketches up so it's like we get to
[pay_cheque_collector]: the mexican stand off where like snipe
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: up to the terrorist antonio and
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: eras so as
[spinner]: no no
[pay_cheque_collector]: ballard catches
[spinner]: we should get
[pay_cheque_collector]: up
[spinner]: we should do the same thing he
gets he kills the therapist gets the evidence
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: and calls lina
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: give it to her like the same
way it happened in this movie
[limpin_priest]: ye
[spinner]: he's like he thinks she's the one
to be trusted
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: so he sets up a meeting with
her not knowing that she's actually bad give
[spinner]: her the evidence
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: she tries does she
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: try to kill
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: him then
[spinner]: that's
[cobra]: or
[spinner]: when that's
[limpin_priest]: maybe
[spinner]: the reveal
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[spinner]: right
[pay_cheque_collector]: so here's the only problem i have
with this is we have too many loose
[pay_cheque_collector]: sentence if we have
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: lena hetty who's bad and jeremy collins
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: bruce green with ballard who is bad
there's too many bad people
[spinner]: oh no
[pay_cheque_collector]: to
[spinner]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: go
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: we
[pay_cheque_collector]: through
[spinner]: can go through
[pay_cheque_collector]: we need
[spinner]: them
[pay_cheque_collector]: them all to show up at
[cobra]: it's
[pay_cheque_collector]: the same
[cobra]: too
[pay_cheque_collector]: time
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: it's two or three but like
[limpin_priest]: yes
[cobra]: i see what spencer is saying is
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: because what can happen is when he
goes and gives her
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: the evidence
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: and she's like thank you now i
can kill you or whatever
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: that's one and charles dance
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: appears after
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[cobra]: having discovered that she's thirty
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: but
[cobra]: and
[pay_cheque_collector]: what
[cobra]: now
[pay_cheque_collector]: about the
[cobra]: it's
[pay_cheque_collector]: other guy
[cobra]: now it's a three
[limpin_priest]: he gets away
[cobra]: it's kind of a three
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: way
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: i think we should
[cobra]: stand
[limpin_priest]: i think
[cobra]: off
[limpin_priest]: colin
[cobra]: between
[spinner]: ah
[limpin_priest]: should
[cobra]: them
[limpin_priest]: get away
[spinner]: yah
[limpin_priest]: um
[pay_cheque_collector]: completely
[cobra]: collins
[limpin_priest]: m you should get away because we
still even
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[limpin_priest]: though we've we've already
[spinner]: sequel bat
[limpin_priest]: we've already fleshed out
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: exactly even though we flashed it out
[cobra]: i was gonna
[limpin_priest]: we can
[cobra]: but i was going
[limpin_priest]: bridget
[cobra]: to say that like
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: ballard
[spinner]: they're both ballard
[cobra]: like
[spinner]: now
[cobra]: lina hite escapes no
[spinner]: keep
[cobra]: no she
[spinner]: up
[limpin_priest]: the
[cobra]: escapes
[limpin_priest]: double ballard
[cobra]: not not collins
[pay_cheque_collector]: but how
[cobra]: not
[pay_cheque_collector]: do
[cobra]: collins
[pay_cheque_collector]: we kill collins like you have to
have all
[limpin_priest]: so
[pay_cheque_collector]: of them show up at the same
time or
[limpin_priest]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: like you can't have like you don't
want to drip feed
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: the
[spinner]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: the
[spinner]: here
[pay_cheque_collector]: pieces
[spinner]: we go i got
[cobra]: you
[pay_cheque_collector]: you
[spinner]: it
[cobra]: want
[pay_cheque_collector]: need
[cobra]: to
[pay_cheque_collector]: to
[cobra]: have
[pay_cheque_collector]: finish
[spinner]: i got
[cobra]: you want
[pay_cheque_collector]: it
[spinner]: it
[cobra]: to have one like
[limpin_priest]: and i got something
[cobra]: one
[limpin_priest]: too
[cobra]: less
[limpin_priest]: so
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[spinner]: hear
[cobra]: show
[spinner]: me out
[cobra]: down is that
[spinner]: we're
[cobra]: what
[spinner]: doing
[cobra]: you want
[spinner]: we're doing
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: the departed ending big show down here
very one shows up so he calls in
[spinner]: lina to set up a to give
him the evidence to give her the evidence
[spinner]: but her dad is on the line
with like a team listening you know they're
[spinner]: all like
[pay_cheque_collector]: yep
[spinner]: got him so they
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: set up a meeting with her and
the dad all
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: go to meet him and then on
the meeting he's like i have this evidence
[spinner]: that could do this and then
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: surprisingly the dad is like actually interested
in this evidence and that's when lina kills
[spinner]: her dad the reveal that she's actually
the bad guy
[limpin_priest]: thank you
[spinner]: right
[limpin_priest]: thank you that's what
[pay_cheque_collector]: charles
[limpin_priest]: i was
[pay_cheque_collector]: dance
[limpin_priest]: going
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: for
[spinner]: kills
[limpin_priest]: only the
[pay_cheque_collector]: charles
[limpin_priest]: dad
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: dan
[spinner]: kills
[pay_cheque_collector]: tad
[spinner]: charles
[limpin_priest]: yes
[spinner]: dance
[limpin_priest]: he should die
[pay_cheque_collector]: dancy
[limpin_priest]: and
[spinner]: that
[pay_cheque_collector]: daddy
[limpin_priest]: and
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[limpin_priest]: ballards get
[spinner]: and
[limpin_priest]: away
[spinner]: then and then she called allard or
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: maybe ballard senior bruce greenwood
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: is there either
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: he's
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: there or she calls him and she's
like i got it
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: and then
[limpin_priest]: hm
[spinner]: it's like what
[pay_cheque_collector]: h
[spinner]: and then
[limpin_priest]: h
[spinner]: uh wesley snipes
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: survives
[cobra]: i still
[spinner]: and kills
[cobra]: think
[spinner]: her
[cobra]: we can do that
[spinner]: yah
[cobra]: but i still think we can kill
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: collins
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: in that scene and then she runs
away for the sequel
[limpin_priest]: like in
[spinner]: i
[limpin_priest]: the
[spinner]: do
[limpin_priest]: kitchen
[spinner]: think
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: she's a more
[limpin_priest]: which was
[spinner]: intriguing
[limpin_priest]: a fucked up
[spinner]: bad
[limpin_priest]: fight
[spinner]: guy
[limpin_priest]: that's fine
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: like
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: maybe
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: if not both of them getting away
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: then maybe one should
[spinner]: one
[limpin_priest]: die
[spinner]: should
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: definitely
[limpin_priest]: sure
[spinner]: die
[limpin_priest]: it could be
[cobra]: we
[limpin_priest]: it should
[cobra]: and
[limpin_priest]: be
[cobra]: we
[limpin_priest]: collins
[cobra]: should only
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: really find out that she's bad like
at the
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: very
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: last moment when she runs away
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: like
[limpin_priest]: okay
[spinner]: like
[cobra]: up
[spinner]: a wild
[cobra]: until that
[spinner]: thing's
[cobra]: point
[spinner]: ending
[cobra]: in the
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: show down we really don't know we
don't know like when
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: she gets there and there's like the
shoot out and whatever we still
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[cobra]: don't see
[pay_cheque_collector]: i've got
[cobra]: all
[pay_cheque_collector]: this
[cobra]: of the pieces
[pay_cheque_collector]: i've got
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[cobra]: a
[pay_cheque_collector]: so charles dance
[spinner]: my
[pay_cheque_collector]: is working independently
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: beaus here all working independently rachel dances
inter pole uh ballard senior is
[spinner]: let's
[pay_cheque_collector]: whatever
[spinner]: just not make them related
[pay_cheque_collector]: whatever nationality
[spinner]: whatever okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: no whatever ballad
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: senior it's
[spinner]: uh
[pay_cheque_collector]: fine like it doesn't have o be
our dad maybe it's just like she she
[pay_cheque_collector]: works and we're like
[spinner]: she
[pay_cheque_collector]: she
[spinner]: looks
[pay_cheque_collector]: was
[spinner]: up
[pay_cheque_collector]: trained
[spinner]: to
[pay_cheque_collector]: by
[spinner]: him
[pay_cheque_collector]: him or something
[limpin_priest]: there
[pay_cheque_collector]: like something
[limpin_priest]: you go there you go
[pay_cheque_collector]: right
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: so so she
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: as a scotland yard he charles dance
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: inter pool
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: her mentor
[limpin_priest]: yah
[pay_cheque_collector]: is like what he doesn't have to
let's just say he's like want to label
[pay_cheque_collector]: him but he's like not
[spinner]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: us i think the us being involved
in this is just kind of confusing
[spinner]: she's
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: at this
[spinner]: matt
[pay_cheque_collector]: point
[spinner]: damon and he's jack
[pay_cheque_collector]: he's
[spinner]: nicholson all of the departed
[pay_cheque_collector]: whatever
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: sure he is
[cobra]: they're
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: also
[cobra]: all drug dealers
[pay_cheque_collector]: he's just high up in the british
he's like high
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: up in like m i six or
[cobra]: am i six okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: so that's why they have
[cobra]: so
[pay_cheque_collector]: that connection
[cobra]: then
[pay_cheque_collector]: anyways
[cobra]: it would be better
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[cobra]: if it
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: wasn't bruce greenwood but okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: fine he can effect an accent so
what we're going to do here is
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: she's going to be like make a
plan to meet up with westleason charles danson
[pay_cheque_collector]: is working this all on his own
he realizes that they're
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: meeting up at a point
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: my six daddy shows up because he
wants to make sure
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: everything goes down and the
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: piece we need here is that charles
stand needs to figure it out that this
[pay_cheque_collector]: has all been orchestrated
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: by m i six he figures
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: it out on
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: its own through some other information trail
[spinner]: oh yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: so he's showing up a dial shows
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: he gives lina headley
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: information and then snipes
[cobra]: uh
[pay_cheque_collector]: kills
[cobra]: uh
[pay_cheque_collector]: and is a work of art here
snipes ends up trying to kill
[cobra]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: jeremy
[cobra]: he
[pay_cheque_collector]: collins
[cobra]: just called her lina
[spinner]: it's
[cobra]: hetley
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: fine it's
[cobra]: again
[spinner]: fine
[pay_cheque_collector]: sorry
[spinner]: who
[pay_cheque_collector]: lena
[spinner]: just snipes
[pay_cheque_collector]: hetty
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: kill
[limpin_priest]: ah keep going
[pay_cheque_collector]: so basically
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: snipes ends up killing
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: jeremmccollins
[limpin_priest]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: right because because he's
[limpin_priest]: ah
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: worked
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: with him in the past and he
figured out from
[limpin_priest]: yah
[pay_cheque_collector]: the assassin that
[spinner]: it
[pay_cheque_collector]: collins
[spinner]: was dirty
[pay_cheque_collector]: is dirty
[spinner]: m
[limpin_priest]: hm
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: ah
[pay_cheque_collector]: and that doesn't work no one what
i want to do what i want to
[pay_cheque_collector]: have at the end happen i'll tel
you guy and you can help me what
[pay_cheque_collector]: i want to have happen at the
ending is that
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: dance gets the information and he realizes
that he needs to give it to he
[pay_cheque_collector]: gets the information and he goes to
talk to lina hetty to say hey we
[pay_cheque_collector]: got the information everything is fine
[spinner]: look
[pay_cheque_collector]: and she's like yes it is and
she shoots him and she takes the information
[spinner]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: and she takes off
[cobra]: right
[pay_cheque_collector]: wesley type sees this but can't do
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: about it and that leads
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: into
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: our
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: sequel but i just
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: don't
[cobra]: so
[pay_cheque_collector]: i
[spinner]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: just
[cobra]: that
[pay_cheque_collector]: know
[cobra]: that's
[pay_cheque_collector]: how to
[spinner]: here's
[pay_cheque_collector]: kill
[cobra]: what i had
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: jeremy collins
[cobra]: that's what i had in mind so
like they all that's what i was saying
[cobra]: so what happens is that
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: before that last showdown we see all
four sides
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: we see wesley snipes we see ballard
we see charles dance and we see m
[cobra]: six daddy right and they all like
they don't none of them look like they're
[cobra]: working together and so they arrive and
then there's a big show down nobody
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: knows who's shooting at whom
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: because there's like more than one side
to this
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: and when
[limpin_priest]: okay
[cobra]: you know charles dans gets the information
that he needs to get and he goes
[cobra]: to he's like okay i have
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: to finish this here i'm going to
talk to my daughter i'm going to
[spinner]: ye
[cobra]: give her the information so she can
leave and he's trying to protect
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: her because he it's dangerous so he
goes i'm going to give it to her
[cobra]: and i can tell her this is
more important than to shoot out just take
[cobra]: this information
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: out of here
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: when he
[spinner]: yah
[cobra]: does that that's when
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: he kills but we only see
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: this at the end meanwhile collins and
[limpin_priest]: ah
[cobra]: are fighting
[limpin_priest]: m
[cobra]: and you know it's kind of a
close thing but then weslesnipes killed him and
[cobra]: then right after we
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: see that scene where she shoots charles
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: and then this nipe sees
[spinner]: my
[cobra]: this just as he arrives and she
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: like she's hopping she
[spinner]: m
[cobra]: shot
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: she she just shot him hops on
the bieand leaves something like
[limpin_priest]: a
[cobra]: that
[limpin_priest]: non motorized bike
[spinner]: just
[limpin_priest]: dining
[spinner]: a bicycle
[cobra]: sure
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[cobra]: with with yeah with a little
[pay_cheque_collector]: a saga
[cobra]: with a little like
[limpin_priest]: ah
[cobra]: like
[pay_cheque_collector]: she
[limpin_priest]: a
[pay_cheque_collector]: puts
[limpin_priest]: basket
[pay_cheque_collector]: on a little segu
[spinner]: some ways
[pay_cheque_collector]: helmet and she
[spinner]: put
[pay_cheque_collector]: seats way
[cobra]: no one of those one of those
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: like motorized like just the wheel way
[spinner]: the
[cobra]: they
[spinner]: unicychalwheel
[cobra]: use like
[limpin_priest]: oh the one
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: wheel
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: okay
[cobra]: yeah
[spinner]: i think i got it hold on
let me give
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: one last try okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[spinner]: i got this
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: so they all we all we all
know what happens he says i have the
[spinner]: evidence he calls
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: lina they all go all three of
them all working for separate organizations like you
[spinner]: said they don't know which one to
trust they all kind of are like not
[spinner]: on the same side
[pay_cheque_collector]: there's there's four
[spinner]: i know there's
[pay_cheque_collector]: spencer
[spinner]: four so wesley times because he's so
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[spinner]: at improvising seize this and start talking
to turn them on each other
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: creates this tension
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: and that's the distraction that he uses
to get the jump and make a get
[spinner]: away and then end up killing what's
his name the collins
[limpin_priest]: collins
[pay_cheque_collector]: jeremy
[cobra]: valence
[pay_cheque_collector]: collins
[spinner]: but that's like his because have to
have him do something so he's
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: he basically says oh charles dance has
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: been bad from the beginning he's going
to back stab you collins you can't trust
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[spinner]: your dad leda you know
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[spinner]: basically making them all second gest each
other and
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: then in that moment he makes a
a move to get a gun and shoot
[spinner]: collins and escape right
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: and then at the end
[pay_cheque_collector]: no
[spinner]: so
[cobra]: that's fine
[spinner]: he managed to kill collins
[pay_cheque_collector]: m
[spinner]: and and he shows the evidence to
lida and her dad and she's like i
[spinner]: just needed to get the jump this
is the evidence you need that collins is
[spinner]: bad and then it seems like a
happy ending they're like okay we'll bring this
[spinner]: to the proper authorities
[pay_cheque_collector]: ah
[spinner]: and then it's like you think that's
the ending of the movie and then wesley
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: snipes
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: i can't wait to go home to
my ranch to you show you my horses
[spinner]: and then as he's going to
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: the airport all
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: of these cops inger pol come
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: you you're under arrest for whatever his
original charge was the assassination
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: of this guy and the killing of
collins and he's
[limpin_priest]: hm
[spinner]: like what that evidence was to clear
my name
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: and then it shows what happened to
lena lida and her dad where they're going
[spinner]: to bring the evidence
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: and he's like this is going to
be a big
[cobra]: oh
[limpin_priest]: m
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: in
[spinner]: this
[cobra]: a
[spinner]: is
[cobra]: flash
[spinner]: going to
[cobra]: back
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh
[spinner]: break the case wide open it's goin
to show everyone really happened and led is
[spinner]: like stops the car she's
[pay_cheque_collector]: h
[spinner]: like sorry dad shoots m takes the
thing and then that's how you know and
[spinner]: it ends with him going to jail
and her escaping
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[spinner]: sending up the sequel because he'll ave
to escape
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: i think those are
[cobra]: i don't like
[pay_cheque_collector]: these
[cobra]: that he goes to jail that's the
only part i don't like
[pay_cheque_collector]: i think at this point
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: let the listeners decide what should happen
from here there's a couple of loose
[cobra]: all right
[pay_cheque_collector]: seens maybe we need to tie it
up maybe you want to have lenaheadllina
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: hetty
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: shoot her dad
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: immediately and then like somehow have collins
this gun or something or like get a
[pay_cheque_collector]: gun from wesley snipe
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: now you figure it out
[spinner]: ah
[pay_cheque_collector]: you let us know there's a twitter
if you want to hit us there
[limpin_priest]: or don't
[pay_cheque_collector]: twitter
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: use twitter
[pay_cheque_collector]: don't i don't
[spinner]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: know we better figure out a for
[spinner]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: because that's
[cobra]: there's
[pay_cheque_collector]: that's
[cobra]: there's
[pay_cheque_collector]: the one thing we
[cobra]: at the
[pay_cheque_collector]: use
[cobra]: moment of this
[spinner]: ah
[cobra]: recording
[pay_cheque_collector]: the
[cobra]: there
[pay_cheque_collector]: twitter
[cobra]: is twitter
[limpin_priest]: true
[pay_cheque_collector]: so if twitter exists hit us up
on twitter at your wrong cast less more
[pay_cheque_collector]: reliable in twitter is
[spinner]: ah
[pay_cheque_collector]: our website your
[limpin_priest]: hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: wrong cast dot
[spinner]: what
[pay_cheque_collector]: c a
[limpin_priest]: hm
[pay_cheque_collector]: w w w
[limpin_priest]: bluff
[pay_cheque_collector]: at the beginning
[cobra]: you have done it right what's wrong
[spinner]: and
[cobra]: you
[spinner]: for eight for eight
[pay_cheque_collector]: why
[limpin_priest]: ye
[pay_cheque_collector]: would
[spinner]: dollars
[pay_cheque_collector]: i start
[spinner]: we could
[pay_cheque_collector]: now
[spinner]: be verified on twitter
[pay_cheque_collector]: m we
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: could
[limpin_priest]: no
[pay_cheque_collector]: be verified or not who knows if
we say anything mean about elan we might
[pay_cheque_collector]: get the leader from twitter
[spinner]: you
[pay_cheque_collector]: so
[spinner]: love
[pay_cheque_collector]: it's hard
[spinner]: bitch
[pay_cheque_collector]: to say
[limpin_priest]: we
[pay_cheque_collector]: we
[limpin_priest]: have
[pay_cheque_collector]: also
[limpin_priest]: to
[pay_cheque_collector]: have a web
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: we
[pay_cheque_collector]: we
[limpin_priest]: tie
[pay_cheque_collector]: have a
[limpin_priest]: it with parity go on
[pay_cheque_collector]: we do parade it's fine we have
an email address your wrong
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: cast at email dot
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: com that might be the most reliable
at this point who
[limpin_priest]: addis
[pay_cheque_collector]: knows but hit
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: at us and
[cobra]: open
[pay_cheque_collector]: hit us
[cobra]: those
[pay_cheque_collector]: up and let us know what you
think how we could fix this how we
[pay_cheque_collector]: could bring to to
[limpin_priest]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: to a satisfying conclusion
[spinner]: i
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: or not whatever but for now i'm
[spinner]: i am that man was like cemincadrit
[limpin_priest]: oh
[spinner]: rip
[limpin_priest]: m i kind of plus one
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: us one
[limpin_priest]: oh
[cobra]: damn this solo
[spinner]: what did anybody hear that
[limpin_priest]: look it cracked up
[pay_cheque_collector]: it didn't come
[spinner]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: through so that's
[limpin_priest]: oh
[pay_cheque_collector]: very awkward
[cobra]: fine it it wasn't a grand anyway
[limpin_priest]: brought to you by soap
[spinner]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: dial and withers
[spinner]: watch me daddy
[cobra]: yeah i was going
[spinner]: hm
[cobra]: to make
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[cobra]: you can cut it mat
[limpin_priest]: ye
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: i was going to make a joke
and then he goes like i'm batman
[spinner]: oh
[cobra]: all right being like funk that
[spinner]: sorry
[cobra]: fucked my entire
[pay_cheque_collector]: hey
[cobra]: joke
[pay_cheque_collector]: i
[limpin_priest]: a
[pay_cheque_collector]: got a really cool idea we're going
to do this again let's all now be
[pay_cheque_collector]: weird
[cobra]: all right
[pay_cheque_collector]: about it and let's just make it
[spinner]: i want
[pay_cheque_collector]: sound
[cobra]: all right
[spinner]: to do
[pay_cheque_collector]: good
[spinner]: that what i did though
[pay_cheque_collector]: just do
[spinner]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: it again
[cobra]: that's fine that's
[pay_cheque_collector]: but
[cobra]: fine
[pay_cheque_collector]: we're going
[cobra]: i
[pay_cheque_collector]: to
[cobra]: just
[pay_cheque_collector]: let luciatle
[cobra]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: not suck his up
[cobra]: yeah yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: for now i'm met
[spinner]: yeah
[cobra]: i'm luciano
[limpin_priest]: i'm chris
[spinner]: one more time one more
[pay_cheque_collector]: chris
[spinner]: time
[pay_cheque_collector]: chris wants to go after
[spinner]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: you spencer
[limpin_priest]: i don't i don't have to
[cobra]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: i was
[spinner]: i
[limpin_priest]: confused
[spinner]: thought
[limpin_priest]: i thought
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: we were
[spinner]: no
[limpin_priest]: doing
[spinner]: i
[limpin_priest]: the
[spinner]: was
[limpin_priest]: same
[spinner]: going
[pay_cheque_collector]: okay
[spinner]: to go
[limpin_priest]: order
[spinner]: last because
[limpin_priest]: you can do
[pay_cheque_collector]: let
[limpin_priest]: that
[pay_cheque_collector]: me
[limpin_priest]: or
[spinner]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: yeah
[limpin_priest]: yeah
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh my god
[spinner]: m
[pay_cheque_collector]: jesus
[limpin_priest]: listen
[pay_cheque_collector]: christ
[limpin_priest]: i just
[spinner]: oh
[limpin_priest]: i was
[cobra]: it's
[limpin_priest]: repeating the same order
[spinner]: okay
[cobra]: professional
[limpin_priest]: i didn't know
[cobra]: podcasters
[limpin_priest]: okay
[pay_cheque_collector]: oh for
[limpin_priest]: yes
[pay_cheque_collector]: now i'm mad
[cobra]: luciano
[limpin_priest]: i'm soap daddy
[spinner]: and i am
[cobra]: oh
[spinner]: that man all right p kevin conroy
[limpin_priest]: plus where
[cobra]: all right p
[limpin_priest]: as one